The O’Neal Quarterly WINTER/SPRING O’Neal launches its new website. O’Neal 2nd and 5th grade students finish their unit on the western movement and take the annual O’Neal Trail. New O’Neal Head of School John Elmore travels to China over spring break as a part of efforts with the Carolina China Council to build educational partnerships in Hunan Province. New Middle School Director and Science Teacher David Williamson, brings a group of students and par- ents to Costa Rica over spring break to learn more about the country’s environment and culture. O’Neal’s baseball infield was renovated over spring break with the help of funding from the O’Neal School Booster Club. Middle School Science Teacher David Williamson is hired as new Middle School director. Assistant Headmaster for Academic Affairs John Elmore, is announced O’Neal’s new head of school. O’Neal’s Elementary Battle of the Books team placed second in dis- trict competition at Davidson Day School with the winning team top- ping O’Neal by a mere 7 points. Odyssey of the Mind teams made up of 4th and 5th grade students placed 1st and 3rd in regional competition. The 1st place team went on to place 3rd in state competition at Wingate University on April 5th. Six gold, five silver and four bronze medals were amassed, resulting in a 2nd place overall standing by O’Neal’s Science Olympiad Team on March 1st at St. Andrews Uni- versity during regional competition. The team has qualified for state competition on April 25th and 26th at NC State University. O’Neal opens registration for camps called O’Neal Summer Fun. O’Neal varsity swimming brings home the gold for the girls’ team at state competition. The boys come in as 1st runner up. Seven O’Neal Upper School stu- dents placed in the Young People’s Fine Arts Festival, sponsored by the Arts Council of Moore County. Dr. Lian Xie is given the Governors Appreciation Award at O’Neal. The School is working with the Carolina China Council, which is lead by Dr. Xie. O’Neal launches its “Science Initia- tive” at the 43rd annual auction to upgrade the science laboratories and learning centers in all divisions. O’Neal’s 43rd annual auction was held at a new venue-Pinehurst Country Club and raised $145,000 for the School. Twelve O’Neal students were state winners for the NC Reading Associ- ation’s Young Authors competition. Mary Winston Dozier was crowned O’Neal’s Homecoming Queen.

O'Neal Quarterly Winter Spring 2014

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  • The ONeal Quarterly WINTER/SPRING ONeallaunchesitsnewwebsite.


















  • The goal of technology at ONeal isto make grassroots improvement inlearningby (a) enabling students to con-tinue the learning process outside theclassroomand(b)bymotivatingteacherstorethinkthescopeandstructureofas-signmentsandhomework.

    In-class time is valued as being dedi-catedtoteacherandpeerinteraction.Thegreatestimpactoftechnologyisseenasanenablerthatextendsthelearningpro-cessbeyondtheclassroom.Technology,throughtheuseofpowerfullaptops,canprovideportableaccess toclasscontentandprovidethehorsepowerforsoftwaretoolsthatallowsstudentstocreate,simu-late,analyzeandcontemplateupon thatcontentattheirownpaceandintheircom-fortzone.

    When students are uniformly equippedwith the right tools, teachers can raisetheir expectationson the availability andskillsoftheirstudents.Thisinturnallowsteacherstorethinkthescopeandstructureofassignmentstheyhavetraditionallyas-signed.

    Since the beginning of the school year,the IT department has been upgradingtheSchoolshardware, softwareandnet-working infrastructure.This includes the

    installation of large screenTVs, interac-tiveboards,andcomputersindivisionstocomplementtheclasscurriculumandspe-cificprogramssuchastheLexiaReadingProgramintheLowerSchool.


    TheONealInnovationCenter(ONICE)is locatedin theUpperSchoolandisforstudentsinalldivisionswhoareinterestedindoingtechnology-relatedprojectsandisopenuntil5pmeveryschoolday.

    A technology engineering club now ex-istsintheUpperSchoolandthemembersattended the Technology StudentsAsso-ciationStateConferenceinGreensboroinMarch.

    JaiwantcomestoONealhavingworkedinindependentschoolsfor3yearsandinhighereducationfor5years.Heispassionateabout teachingcomputerscienceandexperiencedinrunningITsystems.JaiwanthasabachelorsinComputerEngineeringfromMumbaiUniversityandamastersandPh.D.inComputerSciencefromTempleUniversity.

    Technology in Learning at ONealby Dr. Jaiwant Mulik

    Jaiwant Mulik Director of Information Technology

    Welcome to The ONeal Quar-terly. Until2002, thiswasthetitleoftheSchoolsmagazine,sowehavereclaimedthenameforthisnewpublicationwhichwillbeissuedthreetimes per year. Communication isessential, and we are making everyeffort to keep our families informedaboutallthatishappeningatONeal.Our website is updated to includemore content, news and calendaritems.Timelyinformationwillhigh-light for everyone in the communitythe accomplishments of our studentsandfacultyinalldivisions.


  • ONeals varsity girls swimming team won the state championship inFebruaryattheGreensboroAquaticCenter.Theteamwonoverrunner-up CaldwellAcademy 297-212, to claim theNorth Carolina IndependentSchoolsAthleticAssociation (NCISAA) 1-A/2-A title. The relay team ofHannahBurns,EllieHenry,HunterAtkinsonandFionaDuffysetastatere-cordforthe200-yardfreestyleandthe400-yardfreestylerelays.EllieHenryalsoclaimedanindividualwinforthe100-yardbackstroke.

    The boys team is the staterunner-up,theyplacedhighinalmost all of their heats. Car-losFieldpulledawaywithanindividualtitleinthe100-yardbutterfly.

    Thestatecompetitionconsist-ed of 32 boys teams and 27girlsteams.

    Varsity Girls Swimming Wins States

    Winter Sports Records



    Young Peoples Fine Arts


    1st and 2nd place winners

    Tori Landers

    Tori Landers

    Amanda Barnes McKenzie Cooper

    Upcoming Events4/25-27ONealPlayersPresentParfortheCorpse

    4/26 ParentsAssociationTagSale

    5/12 RobbinsScholarsEvening@PinehurstCountryClub

    5/20 FieldDay(Dismissat1:15pm)

    5/29 LastDayofSchool

    Jackie Souza

    VarsityGirls Swimming:10-0, 1st in CFIC, 1st in NCISAABoys Swimming:10-0, 1st in CFIC, 1st runner up NCISAABoys Basketball: 4-16, 1-9 (CFIC)

    Junior VarsityBoys Basketball: 2-17Girls Basketball: 2-12

    Middle SchoolBoys Basketball:11-1, Regular Season Champs, 2nd in SEMSACGirls Basketball: 1-9

  • The ONeal School Science Initiative introduced at theSchools43rdannualauctionhasraised$58,000.Plansareunderway for science labupgrades in theMiddleandUpperSchoolsaswellastheconstructionofagreenhouselocatedneartheLowerSchool to initiate theONealOutdoorExperientialClassroomProject.Muchappreciationgoestothesupportofitsdonors.PleasevisittheSchoolswebsiteorcontactDirectorofDevelopment,[email protected]..

    ONeals website has a new look! Please visit us at:


    Science Initiative

    P.O. Box 290Southern Pines, NC 28388

    In this issue, enjoy photos of wall displays around campus painted by Upper School Art Teacher, Beth Garrison.

    The ONeal Quarterly