5 16 21 convention 2010 collegiate news sister spotlight winter 2010 volume C, N0.2

Quarterly Winter 2010

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Alpha Gamma Delta Quarterly Winter 2010

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convention 2010 collegiate news sister spotlight

winter 2010 volume C, N0.2

2 quarterly winter 2010




Jackie Brannon StuttsInternational President

Jackie Brannon StuttsInternational President


Welcome to the first electronic Quarterly! The Winter 2010 issue is the first of the next centennial of Quar-terly productions. This inau-gural issue still holds the same intrinsic value and will always serve as a medium to educate and inspire all Alpha Gamma Deltas. I believe our Founders would be proud that we have embraced the age of technology and remain on the cutting-edge, as was done in 1909 when the first Quarterly was produced! Just in case you need a little assistance with transitioning into the electronic age of the magazine, consult the User Guide created by the Commu-nications Team at International Headquarters. My sincere appreciation to Jill Lewman Harter, Elizabeth Hoover and Kailee Fouch for making this special issue spectacular!

International Convention is only four months away! There are some changes to the format of Convention to help with cost containments, making it as affordable as possible for many to attend. I hope you will seriously consider being with your sisters in Tampa, Florida, in June. Embracing technology, the Convention Registration

Packet was distributed elec-tronically with a promotional video that reminds us about the significance of the Purpose and our sisterhood. Don’t miss the deadline for the discounts! The Registration Form can be downloaded from here also. Electronic convenience for everyone attending is another positive attribute of the elec-tronic publication.

All collegiate chapters and many alumnae groups are uti-lizing technology to streamline their operations while allowing quicker communication and more cost efficient processes. The feature article of this issue gave me insight to many sisters’ contributions to the world of communication and made me truly proud to know that our motto Inspire the Woman. Impact the World. is being ex-emplified through these sisters. It is humbling to me that these sisters are able to leave such a huge impact on the world.

In past issues, I have given brief updates of the financial situation of the Fraternity during these economic times. We are weathering the storm of the world’s economic situation. As mentioned before,

numerous contingencies have been instituted and continue to push the Fraternity’s financial situation in a positive direction. I urge you to continue the mindset of giving back in order to provide members with a supportive and loving sisterhood. Please consider paying your $35 Alumnae Dues and giving to the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation as much as you are able to give. Giving is convenient, as online payments may be received by accessing the Fraternity’s website or the Foundation’s website or by mailing a check to International Headquarters. Your support is greatly appreciated!

The Fraternity’s steps of prog-ress made by engaging in tech-nology and social media are just the beginning. There are many more steps to be taken in this continually changing area. My hope is that Alpha Gamma Delta will always be on the forefront of emerging trends so she can remain relevant to her membership. Happy reading!

our Founders would be proud that we have embraced the

age of technology...


The INbox

Fraternity News

Collegiate News

Alumnae News

Pearls of Wisdom

Sister Spotlight


Chapter Grand

Q Corner


Director of Communications and Marketing Jill Lewman Harter

Graphic Design and Marketing Specialist Elizabeth Hoover Communications and Marketing CoordinatorKailee Fouch


The Quarterly is published four times

per year at 8701 Founders Rd., India-

napolis, IN 46268. Send all correspon-

dence to International Headquarters,

8701 Founders Rd., Indianapolis, IN

46268. When sending marriage or

death announcements, please send du-

plicate information to your collegiate

chapter or alumnae chapter/club so

accurate records may be kept.

The Quarterly welcomes editorial

submissions from freelance writers.

Issues focus on themes, so please con-

tact the Communications Department

for guidelines, deadlines and additional


The Quarterly Magazine Mission

The Alpha Gamma Delta Quarterly

Magazine endeavors to:

• Serve as a forum of communication

to inspire, educate and challenge

members on Fraternity, Greek and

women’s issues.

• Rekindle, sustain and excite member

loyalty and interest through celebrat-

ing and validating sisterhood and rec-

ognizing and acknowledging individual

and chapter/club accomplishments.

• Serve as a permanent record and

archive, documenting the Fraternity.

Member, Fraternity Communications Association












table of contents




Join us in Tampa in June 2010.

Meet Hanna Lockwood Dobberstine.

The undeniable influence of social media.

”Volunteering on a global scale at Zeta Zeta Chapter.

Reconstructing the Conversation

2 quarterly winter 2010

Dear Quarterly Staff,I saw the Fall Quarterly online. What a lovely piece you did on the diaper bank! Thank you for such a well-written and thoroughly explained piece; I'm really honored and touched to be in our international magazine. My husband said he actually got choked up reading it! Thank you, again! Marybeth Burnham LevineAlpha Mu-Pennsylvania State University

Dear Marybeth,Thank you for the kind words regarding the article our Communications and Marketing Coordinator, Kailee Fouch, wrote regarding your outstanding efforts for the Detroit Area Diaper Bank. We’re always thrilled to feature Alpha Gamma Delta sisters who are making a positive impact in their local communities! Also, thanks for the tweet: DADiaperBank @alphagammadelta I'm starting to receive e-mails from alumnae about the Quarterly article—offers to do diaper drives, etc. Thank you!! :)

Kind Regards,Jill Lewman HarterQuarterly Editor

the INbox


Submit your feedback on the Quarterly!

Thank you to all sisters who submit-

ted a letter to the editor for this issue.

Remember, the Quarterly is for YOU!

We want to hear what you think about

your magazine! Send your comments

on this issue of the Quarterly by March

5 by e-mail to quarterly@alpha-

gammadelta.org or by mail to Attn:

Quarterly Editor, 8701 Founders Road,

Indianapolis, IN 46268.

This fall, the Quarterly staff previewed the electronic Quarterly to many Alpha Gam volunteers, advisors, alumnae chapter/club officers and collegiate officers. After reading the electronic version, each sister was asked to complete a survey about their electronic Quarterly viewing experience. A few of their responses are listed below. Thanks to the sisters who participated in this survey! Please send comments regarding this issue to [email protected].

Overall, the new look is gorgeous. Good work on it.

I really enjoyed getting the electronic ver-sion and I think most ladies will adjust to it quickly and enjoy it as well.

I like the idea of having the Quarterly be-ing electronic to save paper and be more "green," but the downloaded PDF ver-sion of the Quarterly was easier to read and easier to navigate than the online version.

I think that it is a wonderful idea to move it to an electronic format; it's just not quite as user friendly.

I was very impressed with the ease of use. It would be easy for those who aren't computer savvy to navigate! I also thought the content and articles were out-standing! One of the best issues I've seen.

I am glad to see the Quarterly going electronic vs. hard copy. I do not always read it upon arrival and it sits around and often makes the trash before I get the chance to read it. This way it is saved to my computer file and I can read/print at my leisure. Thank you!

I was pleasantly surprised that it looked and felt just like the hard copy!

I think that I am not as likely to read the Quarterly online, nor am I very likely to print it out to read it either. I understand the economical and environmental benefits of this change, but I honestly prefer to have all issues of the Quarterly printed and mailed to me. I was impressed with the function-ing of the online version, but it still did not outweigh the hassles of reading a magazine online for me.

fraternity news updates

3 www.alphagammadelta.org

Revitalizing Philanthropy

International Convention is

almost here! The Fraternity's

Philanthropy Committee is

excited to introduce philan-

thropy resources for our col-

legiate chapters and alumnae

chapters/clubs at Conven-

tion. The committee is also

preparing for the 5-kilometer

Philanthropy Walk in Tampa.

We hope you'll join us!

For the sisters who are taking

the Walk to 2010 Challenge,

don't forget to report your

miles to Walkto2010@alpha


1 2 3 4Congratulations to the

following alumnae initiates: Psi Chapter10/29/2009 Lauren Bryant Epsilon Psi Chapter 11/14/2009 Emily Heuchteman Delta Tau Chapter11/7/2009 Martha Kroeze FaustKerensa Sheker Schupmann Kappa Delta Chapter12/5/2009 Amanda Ramo

Delta Xi Chapter 11/7/2009 Dena Cunningham Thornton

Theta Omicron Chapter12/4/2009Johanna Wolf Delta Kappa Chapter11/28/2009 Kelly Gibson Zeta Omega Chapter11/21/2009 Jenna-Lynn WilliamsJennifer O'Neale

Alumnae Initiates

Wear Your Badge With Pride

The 26 member organizations

of the National Panhellenic

Conference (NPC) will

celebrate International Badge

Day on Monday, March 1. Wear

your Alpha Gamma Delta

Badge with pride!

Fraternity Elections

Voting members of the

Fraternity are encouraged to

vote for International Council

officers for the 2010-2012

biennium. You should receive

your ballots in the mail.

Ballots must be returned by

March 19, 2010. If you have

questions regarding the elec-

tions process, e-mail Tricia

Barber, Elections Commit-

tee Chairman, at elecc@vst.


4 quarterly winter 2010

fraternity news

With the theme "Women Leading the Experience," the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) met October 8 to 11 for the 2009 Annual Conference in Tampa, Florida, to continue their efforts to grow the Greek fraternal experience for women. While NPC delegates met to collaborate in support of the 26 member groups, all international presidents, executive directors and editors also met for separate group meetings and working sessions throughout the conference week. Alpha Gamma Delta’s attendees included Jackie Brannon Stutts, International President; Rie Gerah Hoehner, International Vice President-Panhellenic Affairs and NPC Delegate; Stephannie Sack Bailey, Executive Director; Cinda Zehner O’Connor, Tricia Barber, Nancy Bailey Knickerbocker, Alternate Delegates; and Kristi Johnson Feder, NPC Foundation President.

On opening day of the conference, del-egates had the opportunity to hear recom-mendations from the NPC Long Range Planning Committee for the future of NPC. A monumental organizational change was proposed and passed by the Conference which changed the structure and length of service commitment for the NPC Executive Committee. The change in structure now

ExperienceWomen Leading the

includes only two positions that are filled by rotation, Chairman and Vice Chairman, for a total of four years of service. Previ-ously, service to the Executive Committee lasted six years, through three positions.

Other accomplishments at the Confer-ence included the expansion of online social networking tools to support College Panhellenics in the marketing of member-ship recruitment. Four new websites were launched, including a parent blog, all in an effort to educate readers on the realistic sorority experience. NPC is also currently working to establish guidelines to address ethical recruitment in relation to social networking as it relates specifically to recruitment week. In the area of extension, NPC is working on the development of best practices for College Panhellenics in the pre-extension process, the colonization pro-cess and also in the post extension period.

NPC’s Risk Management and Alcohol Culture Task Force presented research findings and proposed related legislation. Three resolutions were passed that support the risk management and alcohol policies of all NPC member groups. Those resolutions included the following:

- NPC will not create its own set of rules or policies pertaining to risk management.

- NPC will encourage and support each member groups' efforts to strive for behavior that is consistent with their fraternal ideals and principles.

- It is the responsibility of each NPC member group to educate and enforce their own risk management policies within their membership.

For more information on current happen-ings within the National Panhellenic Con-ference, visit any of these websites: npc-women.org, thesororitylife.com, sororityiq.com and mycollegelifestyle.com. The 2010 NPC Annual Conference will be held from October 22 to 23 in Grapevine,Texas.

By Elizabeth Hoover

5 www.alphagammadelta.org

Navigate Your Way to Tampa!

Register Now for International Convention

From June 23 to 26, 2010 in Tampa, Florida, Alpha Gams from

Nova Scotia to Hawaii will gather to celebrate sisterhood and

chart the course for the future of our Fraternity. It’s time to register for Alpha Gamma Delta International Convention!

As a result of the Fraternity’s continual emphasis on technol-

ogy and protecting our environment, Registration Packets will

not be mailed this year. Instead, you may have received an

e-mail with an informative video, workshop information and

registration materials. If you did not receive this e-mail, view it


E-mail Deanna Bogie Conaty at International Headquarters

with questions about registering for International Convention.

We hope you will join us as we navigate with Purpose at Convention 2010!

By Elizabeth Hoover

6 quarterly winter 2010

fraternity news

On November 21, 2009, Zeta Omega Chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta was installed at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) in Ontario, Canada, becoming the 182nd collegiate chapter on the chapter roll.

Alpha Gams from 10 different chapters in Canada and the United States were there to celebrate the initiation of 21 collegians and two alumnae initiates. Tau Chapter, who hosted their Initiation the night before, preformed a heartfelt and meaningful ceremony for the new initiates of Zeta Omega Chapter.

Mary Beth Dulcey Morabito, International Vice President-Alumnae, was the installing officer, and, along with New Chapter Development Specialist Therese Marz, presented the new Zeta Omega Chapter to all attendees and revealed the charter.

Laura Giamberardino, Chapter Advisor for Zeta Omega Chapter, delivered a toast to the new members at Feast of Roses, express-ing her appreciation and admiration for the hard work the colony members put into building their sisterhood.

Introducing Zeta Omega Chapter

“It was a very enriching experience to be able to see these 21 in-dividual women come together for one purpose, to actually grow into sisters. It’s been awesome to be able to see that kind of leader-ship from a group of women who didn’t know each other but they all have one common purpose,” Laura said.

Congratulations cards were sent in from alumnae groups and collegiate chapters from across Canada and the United States. The cards were on display for all of the new chapter members, who are keeping them for their first chapter scrapbook.

Laura said, “Being charter members, it takes a lot of hard work, dedication and commitment to be in something you don’t really understand. I hope the traditions that these women are setting to-day will still be around 15 or 20 years from now and that passion lives on with whoever they recruit in the future.”

Below: Members of the newly-installed Zeta Omega Chapter pose after their Initiation.

7 www.alphagammadelta.org 7 www.alphagammadelta.org

Alpha Gamma Delta officially joined the Greek community at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri, with the installation of Kappa Delta Chapter on December 5, 2009.

With the initiation of 22 collegians and one alumna initiate, Kappa Delta Chapter became the 183rd collegiate chapter in Alpha Gamma Delta history. For Kappa Delta Chapter President Katie Schulte, the weekend was full of lasting memories. “I will always look back on the moment when they handed me the charter,” Katie says. “It was a representation of what we had worked so hard for and achieved, yet it also represents what we have been trusted to uphold.”

Fourteen members from Epsilon Epsilon Chapter-William Jewell College assisted as members of the installation team. In addition to the women of Epsilon Epsilon Chapter, many alumnae members, Westminster College representatives, Fraternity volunteers and International Headquarters staff attended the installation banquet. The local chapter of Delta Tau Delta Fraternity also congratulated the women with cookies and red and buff roses.

Marie Ford Palmer, International Vice President-Membership, served as the installing officer. “As the International Vice President-Membership, I loved being able to add another chapter to our membership,” Marie says. “I had not been part of any Initiation service [at a local chapter] in many years. I had much time to re-flect on my personal membership and what it means to me. It was an opportunity to refocus and reenergize my commitment to our Fraternity. It was an experience I will not soon forget!”

The colonization process began at Westminster last spring with the recruitment of 15 colony members. In the months after returning to school in the fall, the Westminster colony members focused on developing sisterhood, hosted a “Trick or Treat for Spare Change” philanthropy event with Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity and built a better understanding of Alpha Gamma Delta’s history and ideals. Katie says, “It felt great to be welcomed into the Alpha Gamma Delta sisterhood officially but I think it gave all of us the realiza-tion that we still had a lot of work ahead of us…work that we will enjoy doing! One thing about our chapter so far is that if you give us a goal…we will reach for it!”

Alpha Gamma Delta's Newest ChapterKappa Delta

Above: The newly initiated members and Leadership Consultant Rula Andriessen pose with the Kappa Delta charter.

By Elizabeth Hoover

8 quarterly winter 2010

Key Instigators: The Beginning of It All

Some people believe it's a revolution; others say it’s just a fad. No matter what side of the argument you fall on, it’s undeniable that social media has made an impact on a global scale. Sites like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and LinkedIn have changed the way we connect and communicate, for better and for worse. Somewhere in cyberspace, communication has been democratized, allowing the average person to share ideas and opinions with the entire world. Even more incredibly, the world is listening, and it only takes a few clicks to join the conversation that could change everything.

It was in 2006 that social media platforms exploded on the scene, although many were officially launched in the early 2000s. As the idea for instant communication and connec-tion floated through the heads of web develop-ers everywhere, several unlikely candidates jumped on board to get their piece of the social media pie. Take Mark Zuckerberg, the creator of Facebook, for instance. In 2004, he was an undergraduate at Harvard University when he decided to create an online version of the student directories given to all students, often called Face Books. The purpose behind Face Books was to help students learn more about each other and put faces with names. But why flip through a book when you can do it online? And so Facebook was born. What began as a site designed just for Harvard students became a global phenomenon that now boasts over 350 million active users (www.facebook.com/press). Such is the case with Twitter as well, which was first created as a way for employees of the podcasting company, Odeo, to commu-nicate anytime and anywhere. No platform had

yet to embrace the idea of mobile media, thus the idea of using your cell phone to send up-dates to a website allowed the company to stay connected while constantly on the go, albeit, only 140 characters at a time. MySpace, LinkedIn and YouTube were among the leaders of the pack, and their success topped the charts before Facebook and Twitter were even on the brink of their future. MySpace became the most popular social networking site in June 2006, while YouTube snatched the title of the fastest growing website and LinkedIn ended the year with 8 million members. We may not have known it yet, but it was the beginning of a remarkable shift. A change so significant, some argue it’s the greatest transformation since the Industrial Revolution. That’s a big claim, considering that almost every aspect of human life was influenced by the transition to machine-based manufactur-ing. But give it some thought. The internet may be the steam engine that’s driving the social media movement, and we’ve yet to see how it all plays out.


undeniable influence

9 www.alphagammadelta.org

As we sit here in the middle of the road, it’s im-possible to foresee where social media will take us in the future. It’s almost equally as hard to remember a time before any of these platforms existed, let alone how we communicated before the internet itself. In the course of just four short years, we’ve transformed into an entire society that demands instantaneous informa-tion and connections.

Wendy Bright Faust, Delta Rho Chapter-Sonoma State University, is a high school ad-ministrator in charge of activities and uses social media on a daily

basis, both personally and professionally, to disseminate information to her students and to stay informed of world news. “In a society where we are reliant on imme-diate information and satisfaction, social media outlets have allowed us to give and get up to the minute updates about news, friends, jobs and more,” Wendy said. “In just the past few months, I’ve learned about the ‘Balloon Boy’ and Michael Jackson’s death on Facebook as I checked friends’ updates.” And we’re more willing than ever to share our own information. As Erik Qualman says in his book Socialnomics, which explores how social media has transformed our lives and business practices, “There are no secrets; we are living in a world of glass houses.” It’s hard to pinpoint what came first; did social media start our downward spiral into sharing the nitty gritty details of our everyday lives or were our ideas about privacy already degrad-ing? Either way, the success of social media is ultimately due to our need to disseminate information, whether that be personal or global news.

Social media jargon explained: From socialbrite.org

App – Popularized by the iPhone, an app is simply an application that performs a specific function on your computer or handheld device. Digg – Digg is a popular social news site that lets people discover and share content from anywhere on the web. Facebook - Facebook is the most popular social networking site in the world, with more than 200 million members. Feed - A web feed or RSS feed is a format that pro-vides users with frequently updated content. Hashtags (#) – A hashtag is a community-driven convention for adding additional context and meta-data to your tweets. Twitter users often use a hashtag like #followfriday to aggregate, organize and discover relevant posts. MySpace - An online social network similar to Facebook. RSS Feed - A RSS (Really Simple Syndication) — sometimes called web feeds — is a web standard for the delivery of content — blog entries, news sto-ries, headlines, images, video — enabling readers to stay current with favorite publications or producers without having to browse from site to site. Tweet - A post on Twitter, a real-time social mes-saging system. Twitter - Twitter is a popular social network, unveiled to the public in July 2006, that lets members post updates of no more than 140 characters. Webinar - Short for web-based seminar, a webinar is a presentation, lecture, workshop or seminar that is transmitted over the web. YouTube - YouTube is the world’s most popular video hosting site.

Want to know more social media lingo? Go to http://www.socialbrite.org/sharing-center/glossary/?d=1

10 quarterly winter 2010

college students these days without seem-ing too overwhelming. It’s a great way to promote your own chapter on campus and internationally with our headquarters as well,” she said. Though these social media tools are not a part of any officer’s job description, several Theta Tau Chapter members have taken the initiative to frequently update information on each of their sites. While the PR Coordinator handles their Facebook Fan Page, a sister who loves Twitter volunteered to regularly update their feed. Even though Formal Recruitment is still months away for Theta Tau Chapter, Amanda and her sisters are already making tactical plans to best promote their chapter on campus and with potential new members. “[As a potential new member], I would search all over Facebook and Twitter and see what I could find. We want to make sure we have all of our information up there for everyone to see and we are also presenting ourselves well,” Amanda said. With the immense ease and boundless benefits that these communication tools offer, many alumnae chapters and clubs are also adding social media tools to their list of responsibilities.

Lisa-Anne Samuels Moore, Theta Zeta Chapter-Randolph-Macon College, is the current president of the Old Do-minion Alumnae Club in Virginia.

When she took over as president, she pushed the club into the social media realm with a new website, a Facebook Fan Page, a Twitter ac-count and an online newsletter, all in the name of cutting the budget’s bottom line.

It shouldn’t be surprising then that Facebook’s most popular feature is status updates. Accord-ing to the book Socialnomics, over 100 billion (yes, billion!) status updates are sent through Facebook’s News Feed service every day. Tweets from Twitter are the equivalent of status updates, on just a simpler platform. Whatever the medium, it’s evident that we love to share what we ate for lunch, what products we hate and how long the lines are at the airport. User demographics are changing, too. These platforms began as tools for college students and large companies. Now, they have expanded to include people from all ages and walks of life, in addition to countless businesses and nonprofits. In fact, the largest growing segment on Facebook is women over the age of 55, and the popularity of Facebook Fan Pages has ex-ploded among global and local businesses alike. As of August 2009, Alpha Gamma Delta be-gan a quest to use social media networks to promote Fraternity news and the organization itself and is continually looking for more ways to streamline our processes into formats that can work online. International Headquarters created an informational guide to Facebook and Twitter privacy settings for the website to inform mem-bers on how to protect themselves. However, several collegiate and alumnae chapters beat International Headquarters to the punch, find-ing their own niche in the social media world as the technology exploded on the scene. Amanda Danley, former president of Theta Tau Chapter and senior at Belmont University, says using Facebook and Twitter is essential to communicate Alpha Gam news and events with her sisters, the university community, alumnae and even International Headquarters. “We decided to use [Facebook] because it’s honestly the best way to communicate with

@Belmont AlphaGam

undeniable influence

11 www.alphagammadelta.org

With nearly 2,000 members in the northern Virginia area, the small club cannot physically afford postage for an area-wide mailing, nor do they have the manpower to create phone trees. In these tough economic times, Lisa-Anne has faced the reality that many sisters must choose paying for food and medicine over local alumnae fees. “[Sisters] aren’t going to be able to afford that $25 to be a member which means that the budgets for communications are going to shrink even more, which makes social media even more important,” she said. “There are a lot of ways to do social media for free and use it to your advantage.” Through Evite.com, an online event planning tool, Yahoo! Groups e-mailing lists, Facebook and Twitter, Lisa-Anne has seen both member numbers and involvement grow exponentially. That doesn't mean, however, that social media is the ultimate solution to cultivate a close and efficient collegiate or alumnae chapter/club. It’s important to remember that while these tools may seem to appeal to the masses, not all Alpha Gams are jumping on board. There is certainly something to be said about the loss of face to face conversations. "Take the line, 'To cherish friendships with but a chosen few and study the perfecting of those friendships.' You can't do that just online, but online can help," Lisa-Anne said.

Alpha Gams Working with Social Media Alpha Gams across the world are logging on to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and the like each day and getting paid for it! Businesses have jumped on the opportunity to truly have a two-way conversation with their customers

and many Alpha Gams have found social media tasks added to their workload. Holly Hall, Epsilon Zeta Chapter-Arkansas State University, teaches public relations at her alma mater. With a career in the field span-ning 10 years, she has witnessed the progres-sion of change toward online marketing and interactive customer service. Now as a profes-sor, she understands the shift is here to stay and educating her students about social media is the best way to make them more marketable. “We are seeing more jobs that are popping up like ‘social media manager.’ There will be entire jobs where people do nothing but help formulate the social media brand of an organization,” she said. Some of those jobs have already existed for several years, before any of the popular social sites were even on the brink of existence. Lisa-Anne Samuels Moore worked at MTV in the mid 1990s, developing television shows for the network and later moved on to America Online (AOL) as a producer of online content. In both positions, she was essentially working with the technology that would eventually drive the sites we are familiar with today. She was even part of an online start up called Webgrrls International, an online and offline networking organization for professional women. "[We] are all now sitting here scratching our heads saying, 'Wow, we're historical!' We were some of the first women involved in online me-dia," Lisa-Anne said. Andrea DiCastro McGough, Upsilon Chapter-University of Oklahoma, has also been a part of the tremendous shift to online media and marketing. As the Executive Director of Production Development and Implementa-tion at Time, Inc., Andrea has had to adapt to the changing world of the print magazine. She

12 quarterly winter 2010

works in the lifestyle division, managing 11 different websites, eight of which are associated with a magazine, such as RealSimple.com and SouthernLiving.com. "We basically take the extension of the digi-tal side of the magazine online and take it beyond what the print side is. Now with the changing of everything in media, it is a whole separate extension of the brand," she said. Part of her job has been to open online com-munities within these sites to facilitate more two-way conversation. A print magazine is sig-nificantly limited in its ability to create interac-tion. Websites provide some means to extend the value of the magazine to the consumer, but online communities and tools like Facebook and Twitter enhance the experience, providing a valuable space for magazine readers and price-less feedback for the corporation. In The New Community Rules: Marketing on the Social Web, author Tamar Weinberg discusses the importance of monitoring company brands online, noting that companies cannot afford to ignore their consumers' social feedback. "Conversations about your products are hap-pening online regardless of whether or not you are participating in them. Marketers have the responsibility to be ahead of the curve and to pay attention to those conversations," he writes. "They should understand how individu-als perceive companies and products online, and they should engage in a fully transparent dialogue with openness and honesty." Sara Swiatlowski, Zeta Zeta Chapter-Worcester Polytechnic Institute, works for Monster.com and is working with social media tools to increase consumer awareness and produce more two-way interaction. She uses

Twitter to aid customers with navigating the site, uploading resumés and searching for jobs in addition to sharing news about the company. Not only is she saving the company count-less dollars by increasing her productivity and cutting response times, by including some of her personality in her tweets, she is providing Monster.com consumers with a peek behind the corporate walls. "If you look at businesses that are really us-ing [social media] and using it well, they are really able to get their identity out there. So-cial media, for businesses, is really all about transparency. People can get to know what you are behind the corporate veil," Sara said. Sara, along with many Monster.com marketers, researched several different large companies who were already using social media effec-tively (like Comcast and JetBlue) to decide how to best engage their key constituents and to represent their company. The fact that this important marketing information for multi-million dollar corporations is widely available is another great shift in the way we do business. We've entered the era of full disclosure. Com-panies are more interested than ever in building relationships with their consumers and social media tools have afforded them with that capability. And now, big business no longer rules over capitalism. Consumers have their voice back.

Making the Most of Your Voice There is no better proof of the power of social media than the 2008 presidential election. In 2004, Barack Obama was a little known senator from Illinois. In just four short years, he had paved the path to the White House.

@Monster Help

undeniable influence

13 www.alphagammadelta.org

His use of social media certainly played a major part in placing him in the Oval Office. From the very beginning, he embraced social media, understanding his need for funding and wide-spread appeal to a much younger audience. Upon winning the Democratic nomination, Obama was already in a favorable position in the social media realm, as he entered the presi-dential race against John McCain. Support for his campaign was only growing, contributing in record sums to finance his multimillion dollar campaign. According to Erik Qualman's book Socialnom-ics and Facebook Fan Page data from October 2008, "by the time Obama was elected, he had over 3.1 million fans," which does not include numbers from other Facebook Fan Pages. In sharp contrast, on the day of the election, John McCain had 614,000 fans. By engaging his constituents online, Obama was able to raise $660 million for his campaign. These constituents came out in droves on Election Day, creating the highest voter turnout since the election of 1908. There is obviously real power in social media, and this power could certainly be harnessed to benefit Alpha Gamma Delta, whether it be at the chapter and club level or at the international level. The same guidelines apply for our organization as any business; it's impor-

tant to be transparent and honest, in addition to marketing our brand to potential new members. In a time when Greek organizations are coming under heavy scrutiny, social media is one of our most important tools to raise awareness about the good that Alpha Gams around the world are doing; at the very basic level, we can share and nurture the insurmountable bond that Alpha Gam sisters have. Connecting is what social media all about. It provides one of the best means to cultivate new and old acquaintances. Our Founders knew how important it was for Alpha Gamma Delta sisters to stay connected, and that was one of the very simple reasons for creating the Quarterly. Now that we’ve entered the digital age, we’re taking the Quarterly with us, in the form of an online magazine, and staying abreast of the latest technology to aid in connecting as many Alpha Gams as possible. At the end of the day, can we truly say social media has revolutionized our world? Quite possibly. Holly said, "I do think if it's not the great revo-lution [since the industrial Revolution], its pretty close. Social media has transformed the way the world sees itself and the way we communicate with each other,"

With certainty, it is obvious that this isn't just a fad. Change is happening and it’s happening fast. The next decade will be about embracing these changes and understanding that the Fraternity must continue to adapt to the innovations of the future.

14 quarterly winter 2010

collegiate news

Epsilon -University of KentuckyEpsilon Chapter understands all too well the first line of the Alpha Gamma Delta Purpose and how closely it is incorporated into our everyday lives. Our chapter held our annual Scholarship Tea this fall in honor of the girls who had high grade point averages during the previous semesters. Many sisters received a red and buff rose for attaining 4.0s for the entire year. Epsilon Chapter prides itself in competitively ranking high in scholarship among the other 13 sororities on UK’s campus. Overall, we placed second for the entire year. Epsilon Chapter will continue to strive for high achievement in every aspect of life. - Katie Hettinger

Zeta Omicron - Kettering UniversityZeta Omicron Chapter has been working hard at understanding its own wisdom. All students are required to write a thesis to dem-onstrate their understanding of the material that has been covered over the years. Our women are working hard to develop strong thesis topics and prove our wisdom to our employers. Our current chapter grade point average is 3.275. Regular scholarship study sessions are held and have good attendance by both initiated and new members. Scholarship banquets are held annually to com-memorate academic achievement of members and to consciously improve faculty relations. - Tara Lijewski

Gamma Xi -Murray State UniversityGaining understanding and wisdom has always been a priority at Gamma Xi Chapter. The sisters at Murray State University work tremendously hard, not only working toward outstanding academ-ics, but also cooperation with each other. This past fall semester, our chapter was one of the top ranked sororities in scholastic achievement. However, we take this part of our Purpose to a whole new level. We are a very close chapter and work together in almost everything we do. The bonds between our sisters teach us an un-derstanding and wisdom far beyond what can be learned in the classroom! - Jenni Parrent

For the Winter 2010 Quarterly, collegiate

chapters were asked to share how their chapter

is living the first line of the Purpose: “To gain understanding that wisdom may be vouchsafed to me.”

Read more collegiate chapter reports on the

Fraternity website.

15 www.alphagammadelta.org

Mu -Brenau University Mu Chapter has expressed the first line of the Alpha Gamma Delta Purpose by bonding together and learning from each other. Through our sisterhood retreats at the Atlanta Zoo, Spaghetti Factory and Stone Mountain Park, Mu Chapter has experienced the wisdom brought from every sister. We help each other in times of trouble, grief, last minute projects and homework assignments. This year, we are number one with the highest sorority grade point average.- Julie Singleton

Zeta Tau -Seton Hall UniversityZeta Tau Chapter has been granted a significant amount of wis-dom this semester. Academics and Alpha Gamma Delta informa-tion are taken very seriously, as we have the second highest grade point average on campus. Over the past year our chapter has im-proved tremendously because of the wisdom our gracious advisors have offered to help us become a strong chapter. Now, we perform Ritual on a weekly basis, complete and send all reports in on time, sing songs during Initiation, hold a Feast of Roses and have Alpha Gamma Delta Badges. - Laura Maddaluna

Beta Xi -Purdue University At Beta Xi Chapter, we place value upon our academic achieve-ments. Throughout this year, we have enabled all of our members to perform well in their academic fields. We are currently ranked sixth in grades and our chapter’s grade point average remains above both the all-women and all-sorority averages at Purdue. We are always working to better this overall achievement and go beyond the Strive for Pi goal of 3.14. We continue to improve our scholarship through study hours and a study-reward system as well as helping one another. Students in similar majors often work together on homework and even tutor one another if needed. At Beta Xi Chapter we not only value learning, but we also work together to become the best students we can be.- Sarah Cometa

Alpha Beta -University of MichiganThe Alpha Gamma Delta Purpose has proven to be a driving force in the studies of the ladies at Alpha Beta Chapter. This winter, our chapter hosted Wednesday night study parties to bond over familiar classes. Snacks were provided as we wrote essays, worked on math problems and studied for exams. As finals came around the corner, our study sessions became more frequent and came complete with delicious munchies and energy drinks to keep us going. We are striving to be the best that we can be by gaining understanding and wisdom, while sharing the bonds of sisterhood. - Kristen Wehling

16 quarterly winter 2010

collegiate news

The women of Zeta Zeta Chapter-Worcester Polytechnic In-stitute aren’t just serving the community in which they are placed. They are taking the Purpose a step further and traveling abroad to impact places thousands of miles beyond Maryland.

At WPI, the educational focus is on science and technology, and part of the university’s mission is for students to apply their knowledge to real world situations in a manner that benefits the greater good of the world and its people. The Global Perspective Program, a graduation requirement for all students, aligns with that forward-thinking mission to provide students with an avenue for exploring and implementing their knowledge around the world.

With the Purpose instilled in their minds, it’s no surprise that so many Zeta Zeta Chapter sisters have chosen to spend eight weeks working and studying in locations such as Cape Town, South Af-rica and Bangkok, Thailand. Though several locations are provid-ed within the United States, Zeta Zeta Chapter sisters are pushing their experience to the max.

Amanda Keller, a junior at WPI, is traveling to Windhoek, Namib-ia this spring. With the combination of little rainfall and dry, desert conditions, water is a scarce luxury for the capital city in southern Africa. It’s Amanda’s hope that she will soon be able to provide a solution to that problem using the knowledge she’s learned from both WPI and Alpha Gamma Delta.

“I’ve had running water my entire life. People over there, they don’t have any of that in some parts,” Amanda said. “To know that not everyone is the same and to make a difference to people and help them out is just something that I truly believe is one of the most important parts of our Purpose.”

While Amanda has to wait until March to fulfill what she believes is part of every Alpha Gam’s duty to others, recent Zeta Zeta Chapter alumnae Lauren Alex and Augustina (Tina) Mills con-tinue to hear about the success of the communal laundry station they designed and constructed in Cape Town, South Africa. The structure, which earned them the coveted President’s Interactive Qualifying Project Award, is still in operation, providing an essen-tial resource that undoubtedly seemed impossible to area residents without the time, energy and money donated by Alpha Gams and other WPI students.

Many Alpha Gams are often paired together in these remote loca-tions, not only giving them the chance to further “contribute to the world’s work” but also to provide an unforgettable opportunity through which to forge even greater sisterly bonds.

"The time we spent in Cape Town, learning and teaching, working with the people of Monwabisi Park and racing the clock to build a laundry system was hands down the most exciting, scary and fulfilling experience of my life. To be able to share that with Tina was a real gift," said Lauren.

For those sisters remaining at WPI throughout the year, the chapter has invented several ways for everyone to stay in touch. Though some women have limited internet access, they still find a way to Skype (video chat) and login to Facebook to reconnect with everyone back home.

When technology fails, they still have one more option: Hugs in a Box. “Everyone who is on campus writes a little note to the sister who is away,” Amanda said. “It will just brighten up their day.”

Providing Solutions, Changing Communities

"The time we spent in Cape Town,

learning and teaching, working with

the people of Monwabisi Park and racing

the clock to build a laundry system was

hands down the most exciting, scary

and fulfilling experience of my life."

Left: Recent graduates Lauren Alex and Augustina (Tina) Mills, both from Zeta Zeta Chapter-Worcester Polytechnic Institute, help construct a communal laundry station they designed in Cape Town, South Africa.

17 www.alphagammadelta.org

alumnae news

Eight Minutes to SpaceWe may not have sent an Alpha Gam into space just yet, but Caroline Kostak, Beta Xi-Purdue University, is just a step behind actually being in that shuttle. With a coveted seat in the Mission Control Center at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, Caroline has a front row seat for and a hand in all of NASA’s space shuttle launches. As an Assembly and Checkout Officer (ACO), Caroline finds herself seated in the blue Mission Control room with every shuttle launch. When she’s not charged with launching a vehicle into space, she’s collaborating on the International Space Station with people from all over the world.

The International Space Station began in 1998 and has slowly been assembled in space piece by piece through several different missions. Caroline is currently the lead ACO on assembly mission ULF4, which is set to launch in May 2010. The shuttle will deliver a new docking station, built by the Russians. “My job specifically is to understand everything I can about that Russian piece of hardware and be the interface between the Russians and the U.S. flight control team,” Caroline said.

Working with the Russians, the United States’ former nemesis in the space industry, hasn’t been quite the challenge it has been in previous decades. As a younger generation takes the reins, informa-tion sharing and collaboration has opened the door for an expanded space program.

This mission is set to be the last, as assembly of the space station is completed. And with the space shuttle program tentatively end-ing in 2010, Caroline has her sights focused on the future: sending astronauts to the moon and Mars. While plans are not set in stone, NASA has outlined program Constellation which includes these trips. Despite how fast technology has grown in the last decade, NASA isn’t quite prepared for the technological challenges these missions will present.

“Right now, the Mission Control Center controls everything, but that only works if you have constant, quick communication. If we go to Mars, we are going to have to come up with some completely differ-ent way of communicating because there is a big delay in the time it takes for communication to get from Mars to Earth,” Caroline said.

But, when the opportunity presents itself, Caroline is ready to face the challenges head-on. She’s seen NASA overcome the disintegra-tion of the Columbia shuttle upon re-entry, one of the greatest space tragedies this decade, and knows that the community can work and grow together to face anything.

“The entire NASA community and family really pulled together and showed that we are a big family of friends and relatives. It was a really good demonstration of how close knit that kind of community can be,” Caroline said.

And if they ever ask her to launch into space, you bet she’ll be on board.

“I think I’m past my ability to become an astronaut at this point but if I could, that would be fun!”

Last November, Caroline worked in the shuttle Flight Control Room on the

STS-126 flight. With each launch, she still gets nervous but can let go of her “game face” after the eight minutes it

takes for the shuttle to get to space.

17 www.alphagammadelta.org

18 quarterly winter 2010

alumnae news

Hawaii Alumnae Chapter Aloha Alpha Gams! As usual, we’ve been very active in the community assisting the Juve-nile Diabetes Research Founda-tion (JDRF) and the American Diabetes Association (ADA) with their golf tournament. We have also helped out at the Contemporary Museum with its Art Spree in July and at various art showings and functions for the Honolulu Academy of Arts. But it’s definitely not all work and no play in Hawaii! We had a great turnout at our social events. Many women shared stories of their recent travels and others told of their plans for the future. It was definitely a time of bonding and sisterhood and we look forward to the coming year! -Angela Schoen

DuPage Area Alumnae Club The DuPage Area Alumnae Club enjoyed a lovely event in May by recognizing mem-bers with the Alumnae Auxil-iary Awards and 25 or 50 year members. Over the summer, we met for lunch at several local locations. Our Alpha Gam Al-

ways event kicked off the fall in September with a tailgate theme party. We assisted Beta Upsilon Chapter-Roosevelt University with recruitment in September as well. Our annual assistance at the Ron Santo Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund Walk for the Cure had us all in Alpha Gam letters and attire to show our support in the community. The October event supported the local Peoples Resource Cen-ter with paper product dona-tions and a speaker sharing their vision. "Girls Night In" had us cozy for a movie and chatting in November. Our philanthropy fund-raiser, Study Nut Bags, sold to three collegiate chapters’ parents, kicked off December with many sisters packing treats to take to University of Illinois, Purdue University and Illinois State University. We ended 2009 with our annual holiday gather-ing and gift exchange.-Sue Rumsfield Clary

Twin Cities Alumnae Chapter The Twin Cities Alumnae Chapter hosted a philanthropy wine tasting in November. The evening was a huge success,

DuPage Area Alumnae Club

Hawaii Alumnae Chapter

Twin Cities Alumnae Chapter

If your chapter or club submitted a report and is not featured, check

out the News and Events section

of the Fraternity website—more

chapters and clubs are featured online!

19 www.alphagammadelta.org

Orange County Alumnae Chapter

with sisters and guests com-ing together for a great cause, good company, food and wine. The event benefited Keystone Community Services, a local Twin Cities organization that provides services for seniors, youth, people with disabilities and more. During the holiday season, they host a program called Gifts of Hope. The Twin Cities Alumnae Chapter's philanthropy wine tasting raised over $200 that will go toward buying holiday gifts on a wish list for a family in need. The chapter plans to continue this event next year and is looking forward to watching it grow!-Andrea Bader

Houston Alumnae ClubThe Houston Alumnae Club has been busy having fun this holi-day season. Our Junior Circle enjoyed an evening painting at a local pottery place. Our sisters just completed our annual holi-day project. We fulfilled wish lists of senior citizen women who have fallen on hard times. We were excited about making all of their holiday wishes come true. At our December meeting, we held our annual ornament exchange. We loved seeing the fun squirrel ornaments that everyone brought. With our fall philanthropy project completed, we are gearing up for our spring caladium bulb fundraiser. Our fund-raisers always benefit the Alpha Gamma Delta Founda-tion. Our next celebration will be a gingerbread tea which we will enjoy visiting with alumnae, collegians and legacies.- Marcie Payne

Wichita Alumnae ClubThe Wichita Alumnae Club is small but mighty. We celebrated a Christmas brunch at a famous landmark at the Old Town Ho-tel in downtown Wichita. For

Wichita Alumnae Club

a philanthropy activity, we do-nated to the Dental Kit program with toothbrushes, toothpaste and dental floss. Wichita Alum-nae Club members celebrated two Kansas chapters celebrat-ing 50 years on their campuses: Epsilon Kappa Chapter at Pittsburg State University and Epsilon Mu Chapter at Fort Hays State University. Thirteen Epsilon Mu Chapter alumnae from the Wichita Alumnae Club were at the 50th anniversary celebration. We had matching red T-shirts, a special celebra-tion, tour of the house and a great reunion with many Epsilon Mu Chapter sisters. In the spring, we will support our annual sale of spring flowers to support the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation. - Lana Tittel Shults

Orange County Alumnae ChapterMembers of the Orange County Alumnae Chapter have been active in the community during the last few months. We sup-ported the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation through Delta Tau Chapter-Chapman University's inaugural gala and held our own fundraising dinner at Pat & Oscar's. Sisters walked as a team to raise funds for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and baked up sister-hood memories at a holiday cookie exchange with Delta Tau Chapter, where we honored our 25-year members. Of course we’ve been making memories all throughout the year through Junior Circle events and our informal get-togethers. We're looking forward to exciting events in 2010!- Leila Forsythe Alvarez

Houston Alumnae Club

20 quarterly winter 2010


Capitalize on Community Service

With the United States' unem-ployment rate hovering around 10 percent, there is a lot of competition fighting to get the few jobs that are available. Your resumé is your ticket in the door, but only if it stands out from the rest. Include the volunteer work you already do as an Alpha Gam to capture the interest of employers and score that job.

1. Resources are available if you aren’t already volunteering, such as www.volunteermatch.org or www.serve.org. You can also volunteer for Alpha Gamma Delta! Learn more at www.alphagammadelta.org/AboutAGD/JobVolunteerOpportunities.html.

2. Volunteer often. You don’t want to include just one hour at a local humane society on your resumé. It is important to show that you are dedicated to “contributing to the world’s work.”

3. Resumé design depends on how you would like to demonstrate your volunteer work. Include

pearls of wisdom

your volunteering experience in a section titled “Volunteer Work” or “Community Service.” If you feel your donated time contributed to your marketable skills as a future employee, integrate your service into the “Work Experience” section of your resumé.

4. Be thoughtful of the volunteer activities you list. Choose the experiences that meant the most to you or had the most impact on your professional skills. Once you land that first interview, you want to be able to have a great face-to-face conversation about your service to the community.

5. Don’t use “volunteer” as the job title under whatever section

you choose to highlight your community service. Rather, create a title that would explain your work. For example, if you helped plan a fund-raising event for an organization, use the title “Event Planner.”

6. Be sure to explain what work you did and what skills you learned and demonstrated. Also, it is important to include some of your achievements.

7. Ask supervisors of your volunteer work if they wouldn’t mind being references on your resumé. By including them along with those who can speak to your professional skills, employers will be able to get a good feeling for you as a well-rounded person.

21 www.alphagammadelta.org


sister spotlight

A simple phone call from International Headquarters in 1974 began Hanna Lockwood Dobberstine’s 35 years of service to the Fraternity. Now, in her 25th year as Chapter Advisor for her own collegiate chapter, Epsilon Epsilon Chapter-William Jewell College, Hanna has been given no choice but to continue in her role.

The collegians won’t let her go. And as they continue to inspire and amaze her, Hanna doesn’t see any reason to leave.

“I’m in awe of them every day because I would never be able to be a student now. There are so many demands on them. They inspire me every day,” Hanna said.

Hanna attends every meeting and abides by her philosophy that if you aren’t there, you aren’t fully aware of what is going on. She’s spent countless hours over the years with Epsilon Epsilon Chapter and the collegians honored her by naming a suite of rooms in their new sorority complex after her. If she wasn’t already sure she was making a difference, social media has confirmed it for her.

“You know you are doing something right when people you have advised have found you on Facebook and want to be your friend,” Hanna said. “They want to stay in contact and it’s always wonderful to see them.”

21 www.alphagammadelta.org

22 quarterly winter 2010


The Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation

2009-2010 Scholars

Lyndsey M. AndaryAlpha Beta-University

of MichiganPursuing: Master of

Public Administration at Eastern Michigan University

Amanda P. BeckGamma Upsilon-

University of Montevallo

Major: Psychology

Diane Marie Woltkamp Bruening

Epsilon Lambda-University of Central Missouri

Pursuing: Doctor of Education at Arizona State University

The Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation would like to congratulate this year’s scholarship recipients.

Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation General Scholarship AwardsThe following members are recipients of Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation General Scholarships. These

scholarships are available to both graduate and undergraduate members of Alpha Gamma Delta

through donations to the Foundation’s Annual Fund. Unrestricted gifts to the Foundation’s Annual

Fund provide grants to our Fraternity, assistance to sisters with emergency needs, scholarships to the

outstanding women such as those listed below and much more..

Kristen A. BuzbeeEpsilon Upsilon-Tarleton

State UniversityMajor: Human Resource


Krystal R. CaseyAlpha Beta-University of

MichiganPursuing: Juris Doctor

at University of Pittsburgh

Michelle S. DavenportBeta Delta-Indiana

UniversityPursuing: Master

of Drama Therapy at Kansas State University

Kaela N. DavisEpsilon Nu-University of

Central OklahomaMajor: Business

Emily DawesBeta Xi-Purdue

UniversityPursuing: Master of

International Relations at Al Akhawayn University

Courtney DeThomasZeta Theta-Lafayette

CollegePursuing: Doctor of

Psychology at Fairleigh Dickinson University

23 www.alphagammadelta.org

The Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation

2009-2010 ScholarsJordan A. EpplerUpsilon-University of

OklahomaMajor: International


Sarah FarmerGamma Xi-Murray State

UniversityMajor: Secondary


Kristen Groen FletcherEpsilon-University of

KentuckyPursuing: Doctor of

Medicine at University of Kentucky

Brittany R. GrahamZeta Alpha-Eastern

Michigan UniversityMajor: Geography &


Jessica A. HermesBeta Xi-Purdue

UniversityPursuing: Doctor of

Pharmacy at Purdue University

Megan L. HinesAlpha Eta-Dalhousie

UniversityMajor: Education

Mary E. HourihanDelta Theta-University

of IdahoMajor: Business Finance

Jessica L. JonesTheta Chi-Virginia

Polytechnic Institute & State University

Major: Sociology & Psychology

Aline H. KazanjianGamma Eta-High Point

UniversityMajor: Economics &


Michelle E. KenneyGamma Omicron-

Eastern Kentucky University

Pursuing: Master of Public Health at The University of Alabama at Birmingham

Tiffany M. KornZeta Epsilon-Michigan

Technological University

Major: Chemical Engineering

Christie M. LittleIota Centennial

ScholarshipIota-University of

WashingtonMajor: Business

Krysta S. Malcolm-Rexrode

Alpha Omicron-West Virginia Wesleyan College

Major: Communication & Christian Education

Christy L. McKenziePsi-University of

AlabamaMajor: Marketing

Lacey Phillips McRaeGamma Zeta-University

of MemphisPursuing: Doctor

of Pharmacy at University of Tennessee

Lauren M. MoserTheta Mu-University

of North Carolina at Wilmington

Major: Psychology

Laura S. NewtonEpsilon-University of

KentuckyMajor: Secondary


Lesli Proffitt Nordstrom

Epsilon-University of Kentucky

Pursuing: Master of International Affairs at Columbia University

24 quarterly winter 2010


Kim NorthupTheta Phi-University of

TampaPursuing: Doctor of

Leadership & Change at Antioch University

Catherine J. NoyesTheta Zeta-Randolph-

Macon CollegePursuing: Master

of Environmental Science and Policy at Duke University

Jennifer M. OlenikZeta Beta-Lehigh

UniversityPursuing: Doctor of

Medicine at University of Pennsylvania

Shannon L. O’NaleEpsilon Zeta-Arkansas

State UniversityMajor: Radio & TV

Broadcasting Communication

Amanda Ostgulen Painter

Epsilon Beta-University of Kansas

Pursuing: Master of Education at University of Kansas

April Atkinson PerryEpsilon Nu-University of

Central OklahomaPursuing: Doctor

of Education at University of Canterbury

Elizabeth A. PytlikTheta Phi-University of

TampaPursuing: Juris Doctor

at Roger Williams University

Katie L. RastTheta Pi-Lambuth

UniversityMajor: Accounting

Janet L. RobertsAlpha Eta-Dalhousie

UniversityPursuing: Master of

Psychology at York University

Mary Alice ShrevePsi-University of

AlabamaMajor: Food & Nutrition

Rebecca L. SiegelZeta Sigma-Northwood

UniversityMajor: Business


Julie G. SingletonMu-Brenau UniversityMajor: Nursing

Jennifer L. SlagaAlpha Iota-Baldwin-

Wallace CollegePursuing: Master of

Education at Baldwin-Wallace College

Joye Beth SpinksTheta Iota ScholarshipTheta Iota-Western

Kentucky UniversityMajor: Biology

Devin B. StigerZeta Gamma-Gannon

UniversityMajor: Physician


Tea E. ToplakDelta Pi-San Francisco

State UniversityMajor: Theatre Arts

Janelle A. UlrichAlpha Sigma-Indiana

University of Pennsylvania

Pursuing: Master of Speech-Language Pathology at Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Aimee J. VesitisTheta Pi-Lambuth

UniversityMajor: Sociology

25 www.alphagammadelta.org

Laura M. WelchTheta Phi-University of

TampaMajor: Marketing

Elizabeth S. WhiteGamma Iota-Mercer

UniversityPursuing: Juris Doctor

at Mercer University

Endowed Scholarship AwardsThe following women are recipients of scholarships provided through the Foundation’s endowment fund

program. Thanks to the generosity of our many loyal members, chapters, clubs, families and friends,

endowed funds provide educational support to our members for generations to come.

If you would like to know more about endowing a scholarship fund, please contact Julie Waitman Cretin,

Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation Executive Director, by phone at 317-879-9328

or by e-mail at [email protected].

Susan E. WhittPsi-University of

AlabamaPursuing: Doctor of

Dental Medicine at University of Alabama at Birmingham

Nicole M. WittEpsilon Beta-University

of KansasPursuing: Master

of Accounting at University of Kansas

Jenna L. WitteBeta Xi-Purdue

UniversityMajor: Biology


Jennifer AbneyBarbara Feurer Freise

Dallas Alumnae Scholarship

Epsilon Phi-Texas Woman’s University

Major: Nursing

Michelle M. AbruzzoBarbara Feurer Freise

Memorial ScholarshipSigma-University of

Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Major: Psychology

Alicia B. AdamsLucy Cushman Collins

ScholarshipGamma Beta-Florida

State UniversityMajor: Accounting

Rachel L. AndersonLaVerne Taylor Flanagan

ScholarshipGamma Delta-Auburn

UniversityMajor: Elementary


Jacqueline M. BakerBarbara Caldwell

Memorial ScholarshipZeta-Ohio UniversityPursuing: Master of

Public Health at University of Colorado, Denver

Chelsea M. BallDee Ann Elliott Woodall

ScholarshipUpsilon-University of

OklahomaMajor: Microbiology

26 quarterly winter 2010

Kristy Brugar-MooreSchalon/Chi ScholarshipAlpha Beta-University of

MichiganPursuing: Doctor of Education at

Michigan State University


Holly J. BateyRosalie Chuma Polche

Scholarship Omega-University of

AkronPursuing: Juris Doctor

at Case Western Reserve University

Jagriti BhattaraiWilliam Denning, Jr.

& Minerva Denning Roberts Scholarship

Member of Sigma Sigma Sigma-University of Central Missouri

Major: Psychology

Julia G. BlackSarah Geraldine &

Rufus Preston Payne Scholarship

Alpha Eta-Dalhousie University

Major: Journalism

Kristen L. CameronChicago Northwest

Suburban Alumnae Club Scholarship

Beta Tau-Ball State University

Pursuing: Juris Doctor at Indiana University

Kirby Y. CannonHillary Fitzhugh

ScholarshipUpsilon-University of

OklahomaMajor: Social Work

Alexa A. ChamberlinCindy Devereaux

Memorial ScholarshipBeta Eta-Southern

Illinois UniversityMajor: Early Childhood


Brianna DeGuzmanJess Agee Temple &

Helen Pasas Todd Memorial Scholarship

Delta Sigma-University of Hawaii at Manoa

Major: Family Resources

Emily A. DimetCalvin and Marian

Newell Memorial Scholarship

Zeta Sigma-Northwood University

Major: Economics, Management

Candice N. DollarBarbara Caldwell

Memorial ScholarshipZeta-Ohio UniversityMajor: Hearing, Speech

& Language Science

Janet M. DuszakDuPage Area Alumnae

Club ScholarshipBeta Omicron-Illinois

State UniversityMajor: English


Kate M. EssadAlpha Beta Past Grand

Council Members Scholarship

Alpha Beta-University of Michigan

Pursuing: Doctor of Medicine at American University of the Caribbean

Daphne A. EverhartElaine Barrick Bess

ScholarshipAlpha Lambda-Ohio

State UniversityPursuing: Master

of Education at University of Georgia

Deve A. FitzgeraldPatricia Houck Holvick

ScholarshipIota-University of

WashingtonMajor: Psychology &

Public Health

Megan C. JohnsonGamma Xi ScholarshipGamma Xi-Murray State

UniversityMajor: Communication


Lauren R. LammersBarbara Caldwell

Memorial ScholarshipZeta-Ohio UniversityPursuing: Master of

Science in Nursing at Xavier University

Nikki N. BusseySarah Geraldine &

Rufus Preston Payne Scholarship

Gamma Zeta-University of Memphis

Major: Broadcast Journalism

27 www.alphagammadelta.org

Carissa LangleyDelta Sigma Hawaii

ScholarshipDelta Sigma-University

of Hawaii at ManoaMajor: Business


Allison F. LogueSouthern California

Alumnae ScholarshipDelta Pi-San Francisco

State UniversityMajor: English


Katie F. MorganHarriett Fox Grant

ScholarshipRho-Iowa State

UniversityPursuing: Juris Doctor

at University of South Dakota

Elizabeth K. MrazBarbara Henderson

Miller ScholarshipXi-Illinois Wesleyan

UniversityPursuing: Doctor of

Physical Therapy at University of Minnesota

Megan OberdorferJean Lehl Koziara

ScholarshipDelta Rho-Sonoma

State UniversityPursuing: Master of

Social Work at Smith College

Megan Parker-Nocerino

Harriett Fox Grant Scholarship

Theta Rho-Barry University

Pursuing: Doctor of Education at Nova Southeastern University

Dana E. PiercePatricia Houck Holvick

ScholarshipIota-University of

WashingtonMajor: Architecture

Lily RiggsMargaret Uhl Burrows

ScholarshipTau-University of

TorontoPursuing: Doctor

of Psychology at University of Toronto

Jamie ShockleyCulp Memorial

ScholarshipUniversity of Central

MissouriMajor: Political Science

Jamie L. StillerJohn & Betty Yeoman

Briffett ScholarshipGamma Omicron-

Eastern Kentucky University

Pursuing: Master of Public Health at The University of Alabama at Birmingham

Allyn M. SuskoBarbara Henderson

Miller ScholarshipAlpha Omega-Duquesne

UniversityPursuing: Doctor of

Physical Therapy at Columbia University

Susie E. TaylorDiane Raffel Collins


Delta Omicron-University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Major: Economics

Jesslyn R. TenhouseG. Robert Grant


Epsilon Omega-Truman State University

Major: Communication

Kristin T. TimkenCindy Devereaux

Memorial ScholarshipBeta Eta-Southern Illinois

UniversityMajor: Dietetics

Christine M. VirostSir Harry Polche

ScholarshipTheta Pi-Lambuth

UniversityPursuing: Master of Fine

Arts at University of Memphis

Mary Katherine WaldronGamma Phi Memorial

ScholarshipGamma Phi-Georgia

Institute of TechnologyMajor: Chemical


Melissa H. WassermanHelen E. Heggie

ScholarshipBeta Delta-Indiana

UniversityMajor: Journalism

chapter grandchapter grand

Alpha –Syracuse UniversityBetty Packard Kinney '39Dorothy Beck Wilcox '37

Beta –University of WisconsinDorothy Thompson Larson '30

Delta – University of MinnesotaIsabel Young Batson '34Margaret Erickson Boeder '52Iantha Powrie LeVander '32Barbara Rubenzer McDonald '52Rona Robbins Mears '57Charlotte Lee Vizzier '43Elsabeth “Betty” Grey Wescott '34

Epsilon –University of KentuckyRuth Breitenstein Henritze '52Ann Straughn Millsap '45Elizabeth Farley Wall '28

Zeta – Ohio UniversityRuth Strohl Culbertson '32

Eta –DePauw UniversitySara Jo Rush Shuman '67Elizabeth Erdman Taylor '32 Theta –Goucher CollegeAnna Schall Hanhart '36

Iota – University of WashingtonRebecca Mounter Hitchcock '37Cleo Michas Maletis '45Marianne Myers '47Betty Wynn Onstad '30Evelyn Lamotte Read '36Barbara Grosse Smith '55Mary “Betty” Russell Wall '37

Kappa –Allegheny CollegeNancy Garson Davis '50

Mu –Brenau UniversityClyde Dixon Connell '20Belle Tucker Leaf '44Mary Harris Sutton '38

Nu –Boston UniversityEleanor Mendell Worsley '37

Omicron –University of California, BerkeleyBarbara Wright DuBois '40Herma Wertsch Ferber '31Frances Richardson Hanson '52

Pi –Coe CollegeLenore Stark Topinka '34

Rho –Iowa State UniversitySheryl Johnson Barta '56Rosemary Koeberle Doty '28Clara Moore Roberts '20

Sigma –University of IllinoisMuriel Nelson Gurr '36Dorothea Swanson Hill '31Evelyn Laurence Massengill '33

Upsilon –University of Oklahoma Patsy Creel Buck '57Judith Linehan Marion '66Angie Jester Sahm '86Mercedes Thorp '23

Phi –Oregon State UniversityKari Grimstad Brodie '42Ellen Hanson Ross '36Grace Gimre Schettler '43

Chi –Michigan State University Sylvia Harp Fetter '64Mary Abbott Savoldi '54Mary Johnson Vaneenenaam '50

Psi –University of AlabamaDiana Gillespie McBride '45Alice Daly McKay '44June McVay Veal '41

Omega –University of AkronJane D’Ambruoso '57Elizabeth Kirk Hertle '42

Alpha Alpha –University of Buffalo (The State

University of New York)Constance Kopler Bruno '59Mary Louise Carlson Lord '35 Alpha Beta –University of MichiganDorothy Congo Hoogesteger '44Lucille Saxman Quimby '46Betty Pence Sherrick '36Jeanne Shewman Stephen '50Barbara Kelso Vonk '46Alice Schleh Yarwood '30

Alpha Delta –Ohio Wesleyan UniversityVirginia Abell Cronkhite '38Katharine Marshall Rudy '35Mary Jean Brinton Swank '47

Alpha Epsilon –Westminster CollegeRuth Mercer Chamberlain '38

Alpha Eta –Dalhousie UniversityGretchen Hewat McCulloch '51Catherine MacKinnon Hart '46Charlotte Murphy Linton '35

Alpha Kappa –Bowling Green State UniversityCarolyn Albert '45Julie Goffe '2004

Alpha Lambda –Ohio State UniversityKrystie Russell '80

Alpha Pi –Wayne State UniversityNancy Hoison Carey '62

Alpha Xi – University of MarylandLynn Ribnitzki '53 Beta Alpha –Nebraska Wesleyan UniversityTerrill Starks Hendershot '88Karen Hein O’Brien '64Ruth Reynolds Vanells '38

Beta Beta –North Dakota State UniversityAnn Heiberg Houghton '31

Beta Delta –Indiana UniversityKaren Hansen Finney '68

Beta Kappa –University of IowaJoyce Evans Van Duyn '65

Gamma Alpha –University of GeorgiaAnne Schoonmaker Murphy '76Agnes Williams Shockley '42

Gamma Beta – Florida State UniversityJulia Harrison Davidson '36Joy Knipe Houston '44June Grant Moore '56Sally Williams Reed '55Mary Aileen Sayers Warford '44

Gamma Epsilon –University of North CarolinaPatricia McNutt Adams '48Emilie Alexander Groot '63Linda Cobb Isley '45

Gamma Zeta –University of MemphisNancy Redfearn Crosby '50Dorothy Jordan Early '61Martha Beatty Perry '47 Gamma Iota –Mercer UniversityKay Adams '65

Delta Beta –Washington State UniversityDoris Arnold Beaumont '34Madalene Cavanaugh Calkins '36Faye Latta Chapman '42Alice Mae Russell Ingram '29Kathryn Wilson Jones '38

Delta Delta –University of OregonMaryelma Rundlett Wren '32

Delta Epsilon –University of California, Los AngelesPeggy Foster Short '41June Sanborn Todd '41

Delta Zeta –University of British ColumbiaMarilyn Matchett Jackson '51Nancy Clarke Thordarson '57

Delta Eta –San Diego State UniversityLillian Geren Coleman '50Diane Gundry Gardner '56Suzanne Willis Johnson '50Donna Dickson Kindig '53Sharon Morris Read '53

Delta Iota –California State University, ChicoTerri Gonderman '84

Epsilon Alpha –University of MissouriSara Batton Arts '54Claudia Henley '71Virginia Kammerer Kunkel '52Jacqueline Sensenich Loyd '48

Epsilon Beta –University of KansasMary Adams Harriman '65

Epsilon Gamma –University of DenverEthel Swayze Bergren '41Dorothea Strong Sheridan '39Anna Mays Willman '43

Epsilon Delta –University of Texas at AustinLorraine Baird Irion '50Margaret Jackson James '42

Epsilon Zeta –Arkansas State UniversityCarolyn Crisp Cooke '60Susan Douglas Smith '73

Epsilon Eta –Texas Christian UniversityLinda Clowe Eyler '59

Epsilon Kappa –Pittsburg State UniversityCarol Boley Hubbs '65Reba Kirby Stromberg '61

Epsilon Lambda –Central Missouri State University Cherie Nugen Boland '71

Zeta Beta –Lehigh UniversityAndrea Stanus '2002

Zeta Delta –Towson UniversityDina Musallam '92

28 quarterly winter 2010

29 www.alphagammadelta.org

chapter grand

Alpha Gamma Delta will deeply miss the warm personal-ity and fraternal commitment of Past International President Ruth Breitenstein Henritze, Epsilon-University of Kentucky, who entered Chapter Grand on December 15, 2009. Ruth wore the Crescent of Epsilon Pi with Diamonds.

“Ruth firmly believed in our Purpose and that it was an excellent guide for living life,” said Suzanne Carmack Spicer, Past Interna-tional President, who served on International Council with Ruth and remained close friends with her for many years. “She loved sharing her feelings about Alpha Gamma Delta with others.”

Ruth’s hobbies included hiking, traveling, reading and theatre. She also owned an accounting firm for awhile. She and her family lived in nine states from the East Coast to the Rocky Mountains. An extremely independent woman, Ruth was never one to sit on the sidelines.

Ruth was a friend to many and made a commitment to nurtur-ing each one of her friendships. Her willingness to make positive changes in the Fraternity did not go unnoticed, as she utilized her

business degree to streamline operations and conduct business in a cost-effective way. Before being installed as International President, Ruth served as Chairman of New Chapter Development, Province President and International Vice President-Undergraduates. Dur-ing her tenure, the revised Constitution and Standing Rules were approved and discussions began about modifying the volunteer structure. Ruth also traveled extensively for the Fraternity, assisting with extension presentations and helping with colonization efforts.

In her final Viewpoint featured in the Summer 1997 Alpha Gamma Delta Quarterly, Ruth reflected over her successful and meaningful tenure as International President. She penned, “From my member-ship I have had opportunities to learn, to grow both emotionally and mentally, to become more than I ever dreamed I could or would, and opportunities to return in some measure the support, the love and the sisterhood that have been so generously showered on me throughout the years.”

Alpha Gamma Delta Fraternity will deeply miss Ruth’s outgoing personality and steadfast commitment to our Fraternity.

Ruth Breitenstein HenritzeEpsilon-University of Kentucky

Entered Chapter Grand: December 15, 2009

“From my membership I have had opportunities to learn, to grow both

emotionally and mentally, to become more than I ever dreamed I could or would, and opportunities to return in some measure the support, the love and the sisterhood

that have been so generously showered on me throughout the years.”

29 www.alphagammadelta.org

30 quarterly winter 2010

QComing Soon...



As Alpha Gams, we talk about the values

that are exemplified in the Purpose and how

each sister should strive to achieve these

values. How do you transform these values

into action in your everyday life? As a part

of the collegiate Response Ability program,

in the Spring 2010 Quarterly we will discuss

the concept of bystander behavior and how

group dynamics can prevent people from

taking action to stop treacherous or harmful

behaviors. This is not only a topic for

collegians, however; the bystander behavior

approach affects all members of society.

If you would like to share your thoughts or

experiences regarding bystander behavior,

e-mail [email protected].

As always, the Quarterly staff wants to

hear from you! Please send any stories,

information or ideas to quarterly@

alphagammadelta.org. Thank you

for sharing!

Spot a Squirrel!

Visiting a restaurant and see a squirrel

figurine? Take a photo! On vacation and

spot a squirrel stuffed animal? Take a

photo! Make sure the photograph is high

resolution and only contains Alpha Gam

sisters. More information is available online

at www.alphagammadelta.org/NewsAndE-


Pictured Left: International Headquarters

staff member Diana Hargenrader spots a

squirrel mailbox after the installation

ceremony at Westminster College.

The Q find


Coming Soon...

Our Directory

International HeadquartersExecutive Director, Stephannie Sack Bailey8701 Founders Road Indianapolis, IN 46268 317-872-2655 [email protected] Hours - 8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. EDT

Alpha Gamma Delta FoundationExecutive Director, Julie Waitman Cretin3905 Vincennes Road, Suite 105Indianapolis, IN 46268 [email protected] Hours - 8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. EDT

The Leadership Institute- Women with Purpose, Inc.Executive Director, Erin Strine3815 River Crossing Parkway, Suite 100Indianapolis, IN 46240 [email protected] Hours - 8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. EDT

International CouncilInternational PresidentJackie Brannon [email protected]

International Vice President-AlumnaeMary Beth Dulcey [email protected]

International Vice President-CollegiansSharon Dunkman [email protected]

International Vice President-MembershipMarie Ford [email protected]

International Vice President-ExtensionSheila Kelley [email protected]

International Vice President-FinanceAnne Loring [email protected]

International Vice President- Panhellenic AffairsRie Gerah [email protected]

Alpha Gamma Delta FoundationTrusteesPresidentBenita Wilson [email protected]

Vice PresidentDebbie Douglass [email protected]

SecretaryPeggy Kuebler [email protected]

TreasurerPatricia Tulley [email protected]

Jackie Brannon [email protected]

Gail Calkins [email protected] Deborah Schmidt [email protected]

Alpha Gam Word ScrambleUnscramble the words below using the clues from this issue of the

magazine! Click on the word list to complete the puzzle online. An-

swers are posted at www.alphagammadelta.org/NewsAndEvents/the-



1) swkiiotwasl ________________________ (Last name of the Alpha Gam voice behind @MonsterHelp.)

2) dahravr ________________________ (Facebook was invented at this university.)

3) onuetevrl ________________________ (Add __________ work to your resumé.)

4) csepa sanotti ________________________ (International ____ _____ began in 1998.)

5) tsienanocltol ________________________ (Program _________ will send astronauts to Mars and the moon.)

6) lmaie ________________________ (Convention registration packet was sent via _____.)

7) sip ________________________ (____ Chapter received the President’s Award.)

8) rat erpse ________________________ (Hawaii Alumnae Chapter helped out at the Contemporary Museum with its ____ _____. )

9) pakpa altde ________________________ (Alpha Gamma Delta’s 183rd chapter. )

10) ryapvci ________________________ (Use your _____ settings to protect your online presence. )

11) atp ________________________ (Orange County Alumnae Club held their annual fundraiser at ____ & Oscar’s.)

12) doeo ________________________ (Twitter began as a podcasting company called ____.)

13) sxate ________________________ (NPC Conference will be held in _____ next year.)

14) venes ________________________ (Number of Alpha Gams who attended the NPC Conference.)

15) mlaquan ________________________ (Last name of Socialnomics author. )

16) aipogernt ________________________ (Alumnae Dues help support the Fraternity’s _________ Fund.)

17) uytueob ________________________ (World’s most popular video hosting site.)

18) otanori ________________________ (Zeta Omega Chapter at University of __________ Institute of Technology.)

19) urmmes ________________________ (Winter and _______ Quarterly issues will be electronic.)

20) eurs ugeid ________________________ (Trouble with the electronic Quarterly? Check out the ______ _______.)

Thank you to the sisters who have already paid their $35 Alum-nae Dues this fiscal year. About 175 sisters have even given over the $35 amount. We appreciate you giving up a few coffee beans to support Alpha Gamma Delta!

Unfortunately, our dues payments are down this year. In fact, only THREE PERCENT of alumnae have paid their dues. We really need your Alumnae Dues support to sustain the Fraternity’s Operating Fund. Programs and resources supported by the Operating Fund include:

The Alpha Gamma Delta Quarterly (The magazine you’re reading right now!)

Recruitment and new chapter development

International Convention

Alumnae programs

Conferences and events

Website maintenance

for just a few




1. Online

2. By Mail Send a Check to: Alpha Gamma Delta Fraternity 8701 Founders Road Indianapolis, IN 46268