Oleh: Hasrizul Bin Hashim Ekonomi Malaysia pada hari ini kelihatan kukuh meskipun menghadapi ketidakstabilan harga minyak mentah serta ketidaktentuan global sejak belakangan ini. Ekonomi negara yang dilaporkan tumbuh 5.8% pada suku kedua tahun ini (Q2 2017) melebihi jangkaan yang sepatutnya dan melebihi pertumbuhan suku pertama (Q1) sebanyak 5.6%. Menurut Gabenor Bank Negara Malaysia, Datuk Seri Muhammad Ibrahim, faktor lain yang memacu pertumbuhan tersebut adalah permintaan dalam negeri selain disokong oleh pemulihan ekonomi global. Bagi suku kedua, Malaysia menyaksikan pertumbuhan eksport sebanyak 9.6% (berbanding suku pertama iaitu 9.8%), pertumbuhan import sebanyak 10.7% (suku pertama 12.9%), dan pertumbuhan permintaan dalam negeri sebanyak 5.7% (suku pertama 7.7%). Menerusi sidang akhbar bertarikh 18 Ogos yang lalu, Datuk Seri Muhammad Ibrahim menyatakan bahawa ringgit juga meningkat sebanyak 3.1%, sekaligus menjadikan Ringgit Malaysia sebagai mata wang berprestasi terbaik di Asia bagi suku kedua. Hal ini demikian kerana kebergantungan ringgit kepada pergerakan harga minyak telah berkurangan dari 49.9% pada 2009 kepada 14.6% pada 2016. Susulan keputusan ini, BNM menjangkakan KDNK negara akan tumbuh melebihi sasarannya sebanyak 4.3-4.8% bagi 2017, berbanding 4.2% pada 2016. Meskipun begitu, sasaran pertumbuhan KDNK baru hanya akan diumumkan oleh Kementerian Kewangan dalam pembentangan bajet Oktober ini. Untuk makluman, KDNK atau Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar bermaksud jumlah nilai pasaran keseluruhan barangan dan perkhidmatan terakhir yang dikeluarkan dalam sesebuah negara pada masa tertentu (sebagai contoh, setahun). Dalam erti kata lain, ia merangkumi perbelanjaan pengguna, perbelanjaan pelaburan, perbelanjaan kerajaan, dan nilai eksport dan ditolak dengan nilai import. Foto 1 : Kadar Pertumbuhan GDP Malaysia

Oleh: Hasrizul Bin Hashim - neowangsa.mydpa.orgneowangsa.mydpa.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/warkah-sept.pdf · Lagenda Raja Lanun Disediakan oleh : Fitri Affendi bin Mustafa Kuala

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Oleh: Hasrizul Bin Hashim

Ekonomi Malaysia pada hari ini kelihatan kukuh meskipun

menghadapi ketidakstabilan harga minyak mentah serta

ketidaktentuan global sejak belakangan ini. Ekonomi negara

yang dilaporkan tumbuh 5.8% pada suku kedua tahun ini (Q2

2017) melebihi jangkaan yang sepatutnya dan melebihi

pertumbuhan suku pertama (Q1) sebanyak 5.6%.

Menurut Gabenor Bank Negara Malaysia, Datuk Seri Muhammad Ibrahim, faktor lain yang memacu

pertumbuhan tersebut adalah permintaan dalam negeri selain disokong oleh pemulihan ekonomi global.

Bagi suku kedua, Malaysia menyaksikan pertumbuhan eksport sebanyak 9.6% (berbanding suku pertama

iaitu 9.8%), pertumbuhan import sebanyak 10.7% (suku pertama 12.9%), dan pertumbuhan permintaan

dalam negeri sebanyak 5.7% (suku pertama 7.7%).

Menerusi sidang akhbar bertarikh 18 Ogos yang lalu, Datuk Seri Muhammad Ibrahim menyatakan bahawa

ringgit juga meningkat sebanyak 3.1%, sekaligus menjadikan Ringgit Malaysia sebagai mata wang

berprestasi terbaik di Asia bagi suku kedua. Hal ini demikian kerana kebergantungan ringgit kepada

pergerakan harga minyak telah berkurangan dari 49.9% pada 2009 kepada 14.6% pada 2016.

Susulan keputusan ini, BNM menjangkakan KDNK

negara akan tumbuh melebihi sasarannya sebanyak

4.3-4.8% bagi 2017, berbanding 4.2% pada 2016.

Meskipun begitu, sasaran pertumbuhan KDNK baru

hanya akan diumumkan oleh Kementerian Kewangan

dalam pembentangan bajet Oktober ini. Untuk

makluman, KDNK atau Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar

bermaksud jumlah nilai pasaran keseluruhan

barangan dan perkhidmatan terakhir yang

dikeluarkan dalam sesebuah negara pada masa

tertentu (sebagai contoh, setahun). Dalam erti

kata lain, ia merangkumi perbelanjaan pengguna,

perbelanjaan pelaburan, perbelanjaan kerajaan,

dan nilai eksport dan ditolak dengan nilai import.

Foto 1 : Kadar


GDP Malaysia

Apa signifikan nilai KDNK ini?

Pertumbuhan nilai KDNK merupakan terjemahan dalam bentuk angka bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi bagi

sesebuah negara. Memetik ucapan Perdana Menteri Malaysia, YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib bin Tun Abdul

Razak ketika majlis makan malam bersempena dengan Sambutan Ulang Tahun ke-63 Persatuan Kontraktor

Binaan Malaysia (MBAM) pada 18 Ogos yang lalu, Fitch Rating yang dikeluarkan baru-baru ini telah

menarafkan Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara yang berada dalam kategori A- berdasarkan beberapa faktor

termasuklah pertumbuhan Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar (KDNK).

Semenjak Program Transformasi Ekonomi diperkenalkan pada tahun 2010, pendapatan kasar negara kita

telah meningkat kepada 51.8 % dengan kewujudan 2.26 juta peluang. Pelaburan terus oleh pemodal luar

(Foreign Direct Investment atau FDI) turut menyumbang kepada pertubuhan KDNK ini, dan dijangka akan

terus meningkat seiring dengan inisiatif The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) oleh China. Sesetengah pihak turut

merujuk BRI sebagai One Belt and One Road Initiative (OBOR), atau The Belt and Road (B&R).

BRI ialah strategi pembangunan yang dicadangkan oleh Presiden China,

Xi Jinping, yang memberikan tumpuan kepada hubungan dan kerjasama

antara negara-negara Eurasia. Pada Mei lepas, sembilan perjanjian

perniagaan telah ditandatangani antara syarikat Malaysia dengan China,

dengan anggaran cadangan pelaburan sebanyak RM31.3 bilion.

Menurut ketua Ekonomi IQI Global, Shan Saeed, hasil daripada Inisiatif

Satu Jalur dan Satu Jalan China (BRI) ini akan membuka peluang

pelaburan secara besar-besaran keapda China untuk terus memasuki

Malaysia. Hal ini akan memberikan impak kepada ekonomi Malaysia

untuk berada dalam aliran meningkat bagi tempoh tiga hingga lima tahun

akan datang selain menjadikan Malaysia sebagai koridor perdagangan

utama antara Asean dengan China.


Anon. (14 Ogos 2017). Ekonomi

Malaysia Diunjur Naik Antara Tiga

Hingga Lima Tahun.


/ekonomi-naik/ (13.9.17)

Anon. (18 Ogos 2017).



ekonomi-1.516491 (13.9.17)

Luqman Haris (18 Ogos 2017). Ekonomi

Malaysia tumbuh 5.8 peratus pada suku

kedua. http://www.astroawani.com/berita-




Foto 2: Laluan


hubungan BRI

negara China

Nota Tambahan :

Untuk makluman, KDNK atau Keluaran

Dalam Negara Kasar bermaksud

jumlah nilai pasaran keseluruhan

barangan dan perkhidmatan terakhir

yang dikeluarkan dalam sesebuah

negara pada masa tertentu (sebagai

contoh, setahun). Dalam erti kata lain,

KDNK merangkumi perbelanjaan

pengguna, perbelanjaan pelaburan,

perbelanjaan kerajaan, dan nilai

eksport dan ditolak dengan nilai


Majlis Deklamasi Lakon Lagenda Raja Lanun

Disediakan oleh : Fitri Affendi bin Mustafa

Kuala Lumpur, 8 September 2017 – Bertempat di Dewan

Serbaguna INTAN Bukit Kiara, telah berlangsung sebuah

majlis Deklamasi Lakon Lagenda Raja Lanun yang

dipersembahkan oleh Bahtera Production. Majlis bermula

pada pukul 8.00 malam dan berakhir pada pukul 10.30

malam. Turut hadir YBrs. Dr. Mohd Ghazali bin Abas,

Pengarah INTAN bersama tetamu – tetamu kehormat

yang lain.

Majlis ini dimeriahkan lagi dengan kehadiran peserta

Program Diploma Pascasiswazah Pengurusan Awam

(DPA) INTAN Bil. 1/2017 daripada Kumpulan 1,2 dan 3

seramai 240 orang. Pengesahan kehadiran para peserta

yang hadir pada malam tersebut dibuat dengan

mengimbas kad QR yang telah diberikan semasa

pendaftaran. Setelah kesemua tetamu jemputan hadir,

majlis dimulakan dengan nyanyian Lagu Negaraku dan

Lagu DPA.

Majlis diteruskan dengan kata-kata aluan dan pembukaan

majlis oleh pengarah program iaitu saudara Mohamad

Saiful Azri Bin Mohd Fouzi. Majlis yang dianjurkan

merupakan tugasan untuk Kumpulan 4 dan 5 bagi Modul

Pengurusan Majlis. Seramai 160 orang peserta telah

terlibat secara langsung dan tidak langsung dalam majlis

tersebut. Dekon Lagenda Raja Lanun mengisahkan

seorang mahasiswa yang kurang patriotik

terhadap Negara terjumpa sebuah buku yang

mengubah persepsinya supaya lebih

menghargai perpaduan yang dikecapi selama

ini. Buku yang dibacanya itu bertajuk Lagenda

Raja Lanun yang mengisahkan kisah mitos

seorang Laksamana Awang Raja Lanun iaitu

pahlawan dan pembesar yang disegani di

sebuah negeri Melayu. Laksamana Awang

Raja Lanun pada asalnya menjadi kesayangan


Sultan Iskandar

Shah dan dicintai

oleh Puteri

Cendera Dewi

namun telah

diusir keluar dari

negeri tersebut

akibat perbuatan

khianat dan sihir

yang dilakukan

oleh Bendahara

Tun Gangsa Gila

Kuasa dan


Foto 2 : Persembahan nyanyian daripada

Pendeta Sheikh Muhammad Saman

bersama anaknya, Seri.

Masut Kaki Hasut yang mencemburuinya.

Dalam pengembaraan Laksamana Awang Raja

Lanun mencari penawar sihir tersebut, beliau

telah bertemu dengan lanun-lanun dari pelbagai

negara dan bangsa yang turut menjadi mangsa

penganiyaan seperti Laksamana. Dengan

bantuan seorang pendeta yang dapat melihat

masa hadapan Bendahara Tun Gangsa Gila

Kuasa dan Temenggung Masut Kaki Hasut,

Laksamana Awang Raja Lanun telah sembu

kembali dan dipersiapkan dengan senjata-

senjata dari masa hadapan.

Laksamana Awang Raja Lanun dan para lanun

lain yang telah menjadi rakan seperjuangannya

telah kembali ke negeri asal Laksamana Awang

Raja Lanun untuk membalas dendam terhadap

kejahatan Bendahara Tun Gangsa Gila Kuasa

dan Temenggung Masut Kaki Hasut.

Foto 1 : Pengarah

Program bersama-

sama Pengarah

INTAN, Timbalan

Pengarah INTAN dan

Ketua Kluster.

Laksamana Awang Raja Lanun bersama – sama lanun

–lanun yang lain datang menyerang Bendahara Tun

Gangsa Gila Kuasa dan Temenggung Masut Kaki Hasut

di istana untuk membalas dendam. Persatuan lanun –

lanun juga disertai oleh pelaut-pelaut yang tidak

berpuas hati dengan Bendahara Tun Gangsa Gila

Kuasa dan Temenggung Masut Kaki Hasut yang

mengenakan cukai yang tinggi kepada penduduk

kampung sehingga membebankan dan menjejaskan

pendapatan mereka.

Bendahara Tun Gangsa Gila Kuasa dan Temenggung

Masut Kaki Hasut telah mengerahkan hulubalang –

hulubalangnya menyerang laksamana semula namun

tidak berjaya kerana Laksamana mempersiapkan

dengan alat perlindungan diri. Maka, berlakulah

pertempuran antara hulubalang – hulubalang

Bendahara Tun Gangsa Gila Kuasa dan Temenggung

Masut Kaki Hasut dengan Laksamana Awang Raja

Lanun bersama- sama lanun –lanun yang lain.

Akhirnya, Laksamana Awang Raja Lanun berjaya

menumpaskan Bendahara Tun Gangsa Gila Kuasa

dan Temenggung Masut Kaki Hasut dalam

pertempuran tersebut. Namun begitu, salah

seorang sahabat Laksamana Awang Raja Lanun

yang banyak membantu beliau menyembuhkan

sihirnya telah terbunuh dalam pertempuran

tersebut sehingga membuatkan Laksamana berasa

sangat sedih. Setelah itu, dekon bersambung

dengan adegan di mana mahasiswa yang sedang

membaca buku Lagenda Raja Lanun tadi tersedar

daripada perjalanan cerita.

Gelaran bagi watak – watak didalam deklamasi

lakon juga diperkenalkan. Antaranya, Kanhorji

Angria merupakan salah seorang ketua angkatan

Maratha Navy yang tersohor pada abad ke-18 di

India dan digelar sebagai hero rakyat kerana

keberanian beliau menentang tentera laut British

dan Laksamana Awang merupakan tokoh

pahlawan Melayu yang dikenali sebagai “Enrique”,

“Henry The Black”, “Henrich”, “Ariberto”, “Espinosa”

dan pelbagai lagi mengikut sebutan sesuatu


Semua tetamu jemputan dan peserta dijemput

untuk menikmati minum malam yang telah

disediakan sebelum majlis bersurai. Semua

peserta telah berkumpul semula di dewan untuk

mendengar maklumbalas dari Perunding Latihan

mengenai pengurusan majlis yang telah

berlangsung. Kemudian, semua peserta

bertungkus lumus mengemas dan membersihkan

dewan supaya dewan berada dalam keadaan asal

sebelum semua peserta bersurai.

Foto 4 :

Sebahagian peserta

kumpulan 4 & 5

Foto 5 :

Laksama Awang

Raja Lanun, Sayyida

Al-Hurra serta

Kanhoji Angria

Foto 3 :



Masut Kaki

Hasut dan Tun

Gangsa Gila




"It's late in July and it

is really cold outside in

New York. Where the

hell is GLOBAL

WARMING??? We need

some fast! It's now


Donald Trump, 2014

Prepared by: Quek Yew Aun

been granted his wish. Hurricane Irma which swept

through the Caribbean island states and parts south

eastern USA left catastrophic damage in its wake.

According to reports, the hurricane peaked as a

Category 5, with winds up to 295km/h and causing

up to 81 deaths in the region.

But wait a minute, what has hurricanes to do with climate change? This article aims to explain the basics of global

warming, climate change and its relationship to

extreme weather patterns such as hurricanes.

Climate change 101

Myth : Climate change and global warming are an

unnatural process caused by human beings.

Fact : Climate change and global warming are a

natural process

Looking at what has

happened in Florida

this month, the 45th

President of the United

States of America

(USA) might have just

Figure 1 : Irma’s path at local time

Yeah you heard me, the climate has been always

changing. In the 4.54 billion years of Earth’s existence,

it hasn’t always been the hospitable planet we see

today. Life on Earth had to endure acid seas,

scorching temperatures and at least 5 ice ages across

the millennia. So, why is it a big deal? Shouldn’t

scientists, politicians, public servants and whoever are

the heck is panicking just take a chill pill? No.

This is because the scale of climate change we see

today is unprecedented; accelerating the natural

background rate by approximately 170 times from

anthropological activities. Take global temperatures for

example (Figure 2). We have been observing a steady

rise in global surface temperatures since the Industrial

Revolution and it continues to break the records

almost every year. So far, 2017 is the second hottest

year on record, losing out only to 2016 which endured

an El Nino season.

Figure 2:

Global Mean Surface Temperature (January-June)

Figure 3:




Why is this happening?

Global greenhouse gases are largely to be blamed. As

your elementary textbook might draw to light,

greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (CO2), methane

and water vapour trap heat from escaping into space.

The Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii has been

measuring the percentage of carbon dioxide in the air

since the 1950s (Figure 3). They have found that CO2

content has breached the 400ppm mark in June 2016

and till today it shows no signs of slowing down. But,

how could it? The world is high on fossil fuels. In short,

more greenhouse gases mean more heat trapped on

Earth and with that comes global warming. Global

warming in turn contributes to climate change.

What else is changing?

In fact, global warming has led to sea level rise all over

the world from the melting polar ice caps. It was

predicted that low lying cities like New Orleans,

Mumbai and Ho Chi Minh City will be constantly

inundated while island states like Kiribati will cease to

exist in the next century2.While some places are

inundated, others have to put up with intense and

prolonged water scarcity due to climate change

induced drought events. Back home in Malaysia, we

are observing severe flooding during the monsoon

season and longer dry spells which have become the

annual norm.

Coming back to hurricanes, the frequency of them in

the past decade has been worrying. And like kaiju in

the movie Pacific Rim, they have been relentless

and increasing in category. This year alone, there

has been nine large storms and four hurricanes in

the Atlantic, two of which have been categorised as

major hurricanes.

Climate has changed, when will we?

In a recent public speaking session, one of our

fellow cadets suggested that we combat climate

change by simple actions like remembering to turn

off the tap as we brush our teeth or turning off the

light when we do not use it. I beg to differ. These

actions are simply not enough. Systemic problems

have to be replied with systemic solutions. Take our

energy mix it to be one. Malaysia and a host of other

developing countries rely heavily on fossil fuels that

pollute the atmosphere with greenhouse gases like

coal, petroleum and natural gas. A vehement denier

of climate change himself, today we find Donald

Trump trying to comfort millions of residents

displaced by Hurricane Irma. By the looks of it, he

will have to do more of that in his term as president.

But then, how long can the human race stave off the

ramifications of climate change? More importantly,

when will nations show collective leadership in

combating what I consider as the most challenging

issue of our generation? Only time will tell. Though

I’m afraid we might not have much of it left.


1. Humans causing climate to change 170 times faster than natural

forces. Retrieved September 15, 2017, from https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/feb/12/humans-causing-climate-to-change-170-times-faster-than-natural-forces

2. Global sea levels are rising fast, so where does that leave the cities most at risk? Retrieved September 15, 2017, from https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2016/oct/14/global-sea-levels-rising-fast-cities-most-at-risk-flooding-un-habitat

3. Energy Commission. (2015). Malaysia Energy Statistics Handbook 2015, 84.

“Ones best success comes after their

greatest disappointments” by Henry Ward

tells us that a great triumph appears after we

made mistakes. Everybody makes mistakes

in their lives and it is even uncountable

because we have failed thousand. The only

man who never makes mistake is the one who never

does anything but the man that never ever gives up

will find success in his life. He made mistakes and

failed but he never quits.Every person in this world

defines success differently. It is an achievement of an

action within a specified period of time or parameter. In

other words, it means completing an objective or

reaching an intended goal. Success also can be

expanded to encompass an

entire project or be restricted to a

single component of a project or

task. It can be achieved either

within the workplace or in an

individual’s personal life. Take

Bill Gates – the Microsoft founder

– for instance. He is the world’s

richest man who watched his first

company crumbled before it

comes to a victory. After Gates

Has entered the entrepreneurial scene with a

company called Traf-O-Data that aimed to process

and analyse the data from traffic tapes, he tried to sell

the idea alongside his business partner, Paul Allen

but the product barely even worked. In fact, it was a

complete disaster. However, the failure did not hold

Gates back from exploring new opportunities to

which he created his first Microsoft product and

forged a new path to success. Harland David

Sanders was another American businessman who

built his chicken empire known as Kentucky Fried

Chicken to national force. He is the founder of fast

food chicken restaurant chain Kentucky Fried

Chicken. He had passed through a hard time selling

his chicken at first

and even his famous

chicken recipe was

rejected for 1009

times before a

restaurant accepted

it. He never gave up

until he achieved the

success as what we

can see today.

Meanwhile, Walt Disney was an American motion

picture and television producer and showman who

was once fired from a newspaper company as per told

he lacked creativity. In order to persevere, Disney

formed his first animation company which called

Lugh-O-Gram Films. He raised $15,000 for the

company but eventually was forced to shut down due

to the closing of an important distributor partner.

However, Disney never gives up on his creative ideas

in animation and films until he becomes famous as a

pioneer of cartoon films and the creator of Disneyland.

Until now, he was still widely known as an innovative

animator who created the famous cartoon character,

Mickey Mouse.

As such, there is no shortcut to success in this world.

By hook or crook, we have to work for it and never

surrender or stop trying as it is the main recipe for

triumph in life. Every people does fails in this world

but only those who keeps moving without stopping

can reach the success, just like Thomas Edison says

“Many life’s failures are people who did not

realize how close they were to success

when they gave up”. Thus, it is a complete waste

if we stop in the middle of our journey to success just

because of the first and earlier failure that we faced.

One should not be afraid to fail as it leads us to

success and victory in the future.

Mistakes are just simply a form of practice and

even every great artist was once an amateur. We

can never be sure that it will work 100%, but we

can always 100% be sure that doing nothing at all

will certainly get us nowhere near success.

So, keep on trying again and again and be

persistent to reach our goals and dreams for the

road will certainly give valuable lessons in our life.

Mistakes also are rarely as worst as they seem,

but their presence allow us for an opportunity to

become stronger. We should never allow one dark

cloud closes the entire sky as long as there is

always the sun that will keep on shining no matter

circumstances. Remember the best gain that we

deserve in life and keep striving towards success.

Income inequality is the reflection of two main factors:

the size of the gap between the highest and lowest

salaries in a country and the extent to which the state

redistributes income through taxes and benefits.

Although it might be a sensitive subject to discuss,

income inequality is still an extremely important part of

Malaysia’s current economic situation and is a vital

area of concern if the country wants to keep growing

at its current pace.

What is income inequality?

Income inequality is based on income differences

between the people of Malaysia. How much does one

person make compared to the others?.

Why does it exist?

Inequality exists for a reason. If all of us would make

the same amount of money, people would be

incentivized to improve their productivity. This is the

basis of capitalism, if you are more productive you will

get more income.

Income inequality can be caused by something as

simple as two equally qualified colleagues doing

the same work, but one is working part-time and

another one is full-time.

Alternatively, doctors make more money than Uber

drivers, because they have made greater

investments in their education. If they would be

paid the same, people would be hesitant to become

doctors, because the time and money commitment

are disproportionate to the rewards.

Even though there is an economic argument for

inequality, it is not ideal from a social standpoint. If

we would let capitalism run its course without

government intervention, inequality can cause

severe economic, social and political problems. With

rising inequality, the majority will be discontent with

how little they have compared to the top 10%

because income is always concentrating on the

most productive part of the population.

How is income inequality measured?

A very common way to measure income inequality

is called the Gini Coefficient. With a scale of 0 to 1,

a Gini Coefficient of 0 means everyone in the

society has the same wealth, while 1 means one

person has everything and no one else has


Figure 1: GINI coefficient of Malaysia

Between 1970 and 2014, the Gini coefficient has

dropped considerably from 0.51 in 1970 to 0.401 in

2014. This means that over the last 40 years the

income inequality in Malaysia has improved, and

the total income more evenly spreads throughout

the population. Therefore, it conclude that the

income gap in Malaysia is getting smaller. Even

though the income gap is getting smaller, the

inequality might still be higher than it should be. To

demonstrate this situation, we can compare the

Gini coefficient across other countries in the region

in the region and see if the Malaysian income gap is

higher or lower than similar countries. Even though

the inequality in Malaysia is decreasing, but when we

are looking at the Gini coefficient, the inequality is still

far higher than other ASEAN countries. Only the

Philippines and Singapore have a higher Gini

Coefficient than the rest. Therefore, conclude

that, across the ASEAN region, the income inequality

in Malaysia is relatively high.

How can income inequality in Malaysia be


So even though the income gap in Malaysia is getting

smaller, the country still has one of the highest

income inequalities in the region. One of the biggest

influencers of income inequality is the Malaysian

government. The government should adjust its

policies to make the economic situation of the people

in the lower income brackets more favourable. There

are several methods the government can employ to

stimulate income equality across the country.

Figure 2: GINI coefficient across the

ASEAN region (2014)

How it works?

We have established that the income gap is getting

smaller but the gap is still relatively high compared to

other ASEAN countries. To stimulate the process,

there are several things that could change to stimulate

the reduction of the income gap:

1.Increase the level of education – When

Malaysians have a higher level of education and

skills, it will reduce the inequality in wages.

Only 5% of young adults from the bottom

income quintile have a bachelor’s degree,

compared to 40% from the top quintile.

Additionally, 84% of Malaysians with a

bachelor’s degree are in the middle and

upper-classes. This supports the argument

that higher education level leads to higher

income. However, not everyone has the

opportunity to receive higher education

level. Therefore, the government should

strive to make higher education as

accessible as possible without abandoning

the quality standards.

2.Increase government wealth

distribution efforts – The increase of

government spending in social expenditure

has been proven to reduce the income inequality and lessen the poverty. Specifically, in the last decade, the government has increased wealth distribution efforts which had a positive effect on the income equality in Malaysia.

3. Increase taxes for the top income brackets – The tax rate for the top income bracket in Malaysia is low at 25%, compared to other Asian countries such as South Korea (38%) and Thailand (35%). If it is to be increased from 25% and more in line with other countries, it would help to reduce the income inequality in Malaysia.

Program Flab-U-Less: Fitter, Healthier,

Happier telah bermula secara rasminya

pada 12 September yang lalu. Program

yang diselia oleh Exco Sukan ini melibatkan

kira-kira 37 orang peserta Program Diploma

Pascasiswazah (DPA) INTAN Bil.1/2017

yang mempunyai nilai BMI melebihi 28.

Mereka yang ‘bertuah’ ini telah disaring

menerusi satu sesi penilaian semula BMI

pada 7 September 2017. Sesi perasmian

telah disempurnakan oleh YBrs. Dr. Razali

bin Ab. Malik, Ketua Kluster Pembangunan

Profesional dan Etika (KPPE). Turut sama

memeriahkan majlis ini ialah En. Ahmad

Jefry bin Aziz, Timbalan Ketua Kluster,

Subkluster Pembangunan Modal Insan,

barisan Perunding Latihan Kanan (PLK),

dan Perunding Latihan (PL)

dan 37 orang peserta yang

terlibat secara langsung

sebagai peserta program Flab-


Antara intipati ucapan perasmian oleh

YBrs. Dr. Razali bin Ab. Malik ialah para

peserta perlulah mendisiplinkan diri untuk

menjaga kesihatan tubuh dan

mengekalkan yang idea berat badan

walaupun selepas program Flab-U-Less ini

tamat. Beliau turut menyasarkan para

peserta program untuk memperoleh nilai

Gambar 1: Gimik pelancaran program Flab-U-Less yang disempurnakan oleh Dr. Razali bin

Ab. Malik, Ketua Kluster Pembangunan Profesional dan Etika (KPPE)

BMI tidak lebih 25 selepas 3

bulan. Tambah beliau, agar para

peserta perlu sentiasa bersenam

dan menjaga pemakanan

masing-masing. Memetik kata-

kata beliau ketika berucap,

“Senaman itu penting, pelan

pemakanan itu penting, tetapi

(anda) tidak boleh mengamalkan

salah satu (sahaja). Oleh sebab

itulah kami menyuruh saudara-

saudari menaiki tangga sebagai

sebahagian daripada gaya hidup sihat”.

Beliau turut menekankan strategi

pemakanan “suku-suku-separuh” yang

diperkenalkan oleh Kementerian

Kesihatan perlulah dipraktikkan oleh para

peserta kerana strategi pemakanan

tersebut amat membantu kita untuk

mendapatkan pemakanan yang seimbang

dalam saiz hidangan yang betul. Selain

daripada majlis pelancaran yang

disempurnakan oleh D.r Razali, sesi

pertama program Flab-U-Less ini juga

telah menyaksikan para peserta

memulakan rutin senaman Flab-U-Less

mereka yang pertama. Rutin pertama ini

telah dikendalikan oleh saudara Muhamad Muhamad Najib bin

Mohamad Nor daripada

Exco Sukan. Senaman

yang pertama ini

melibatkan satu siri latihan

litar yang terdiri daripada enam stesyen senaman khusus iaitu;

Burpees, Lompat bintang, Bangkit tubi, Squat, Jumping squat,

dan Lunges. Setiap senaman (stesyen) perlu dilakukan selama 50

saat dan diikuti oleh 10 saat waktu rehat, sebelum peserta beralih

ke stesyen yang berikutnya. Peserta dikehendaki untuk

melengkapkan keenam-enam stesyen yang dikira sebagai satu

set. Jumlah set yang perlu dilakukan ialah sebanyak 3 set. Antara

kelebihan latihan litar ini ialah latihan ini mampu meningkatkan

tahap maksimum oksigen atau

Maximal Oxygen Consumption

(VO2 Max) berkali ganda lebih

cepat berbanding dengan

melakukan kardio dengan

intensiti biasa, seperti berjoging.

VO2 Max merupakan indikator

yang menunjukkan tubuh kita

mampu menggunakan oksigen

dengan baik. VO2 Max juga

mempunyai korelasi dengan

kecekapan jantung ketika menghantar darah beroksigen semasa aktiviti fizikal dilakukan. Justeru, peningkatan

tahap VO2 Max ini dapat disamaertikan dengan peningkatan tahap kecergasan (fitness) seseorang.

Sesi yang berakhir pada pukul 6.30 petang itu dimeriahkan lagi dengan pelibatan En. Hapiza (SKPMI)

bersama-sama peserta melakukan latihan litar yang dijalankan. Para peserta program Flab-U-Less

dijangkakan perlu mengikuti 4 sesi aktiviti fizikal dalam tempoh 3 bulan termasuk program Sukan Teras yang

diadakan pada setiap petang Rabu. Kemajuan mereka dari aspek BMI akan dinilai pada penghujung bulan

yang ketiga.


The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho is a suitable book for

young people especially those who are in their mid-20s.

This book is about a shepherd boy, named Santiago

who is from Spain. He has a dream and the courage to

chase it. He wants to travel with the aim of finding the

hidden treasure near to the pyramids in Egypt. He is

really determined to fulfil his dream. Santiago met both

bad and also good people throughout his journey. He

has been cheated, robbed and he met people who

taught him about the world and he can see different

sides of the world which are different from his.Although

he is facing difficulties, Santiago does not just silently

wait for the opportunity. In contrast, he looks for other

opportunities.In this book, we can also learn from the old

crystal merchant.

This man has his own crystal shop for years and his city

is a centre of attraction for traders. He thought that he

can survive and become richer after 30 years. However,

we cannot really the future. His place is no longer a city

of attraction. Since he has never done any other things

besides selling or making a crystal, he lacks of additional

skills. He also thinks that it is too late for him to change

and try new things. So, he just continues his life as it is.

As a lesson to young people, if we are not challenging

ourselves with new things, we might lack of confidence

and scared in trying out new things. We might stuck in

our comfort zone and afraid to go beyond our ability.

Be like this

goldfish. Don't

miss your

opportunity for

better life!!

We can learn from

Santiago is about

having a target in life.

We need to know our

target and in achieving

it, we need to have a

strategy or good

planning. Santiago did

a calculation and knew that he will need a year

before he can afford to buy sheep and he thinks

about how to earn money for that purpose.

Have a target to

achieve your dreams!

Santiago has managed to collect enough

money by applying his creative marketing

strategy in the crystal shop which gives

him a new spirit. He conquered the old

city, so he feels that he can conquer the

world and wants to continue his dream. I

love this sentence which came from the alchemist who Santiago met; “when we want

something, all universes can conspire to realise the

dreams!”. So, all I need to do is to believe that I can

achieve my dreams! At the end of his journey,

Santiago found that the treasure was the journey

itself, discoveries he made, and the wisdom he


For me, this book gives us the inspiration not to give

up. We need to chase our dreams regardless of what

is happening. We might end up regretting if we give

up and discontinue chasing our dreams. We can also

learn lots of new things by travelling to other places

as we can see how people at different places

behave, how they communicate, their ideas and how

people survive life’s challenges. Therefore, from all

of the above lessons, I really hope that all

readers can have a copy of this book. It is worth

it. Trust me!

Get out from your comfort zone to achieve more!!