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Ojt Report Benedict

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 I would like to acknowledge and extend my gratitude to the following people who have

helped me and to those who remained as my inspiration to pursue this practicum report.

 First and foremost our Almighty Father who gave me knowledge and strength every day.

Thank you so much Sister Rosalie Dia! ".#. to exposed me on what I must know

regarding the work which suits my course

To $iss Arlene Ramos thank you for the guidance and understanding that you have given

me to complete this practicum.

To $rs. Soccoro %aran&a! "I'(School Registrar for giving knowledge a)out the &o)

assigned to me and helping me to make the &o) properly and to all Registrar*s staff*s for 

understanding and teaching me to communicate with other people.

 And lastly! I would like to thank my parents and guardian for the prayers and guidance.

Benedict Napolitano


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A- History........................................................................................................

&- Meaning of School Logo...........................................................................

C- School Vision – Mission...........................................................................

D- History of Registrar’s Office.....................................................................

E- Registrar’s Office Objectives....................................................................

F- Main Tasks................................................................................................

G- Organizational hart an! "#$lanation of the hart.................................


A- Res$onsibilities as an O%T.............................................................

&- hronical "vents of &ork..............................................................





A- &aiver......................................................................................................&- Reco''en!ation Letter..........................................................................

C- Res('e....................................................................................................

D- )ractic(' *nfor'ation Sheet..................................................................

E- %ob +escri$tions.....................................................................................

F- +aily Ti'e Recor!.................................................................................

G- ertificate of o'$letion........................................................................

6- )erfor'ance "val(ation.........................................................................

I- )ict(res...................................................................................................

4- Other co'$any for's.............................................................................


On,the,job training foc(ses on the ac-(isition of skills ithin the ork environ'ent

generally (n!er nor'al orking con!itions. Thro(gh on,the,job training/ orkers ac-(ire both


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general skills that they can transfer fro' one job to another an! s$ecific skills that are (ni-(e to a

 $artic(lar job. On,the,job training ty$ically incl(!es verbal an! ritten instr(ction/

!e'onstration an! observation/ an! han!s,on $ractice an! i'itation. *n a!!ition/ the on,the,job

training $rocess involves one e'$loyee,(s(ally s($ervisor or an e#$erience! e'$loyee,$assing

knole!ge an! skills on to a novice e'$loyee.

On,the,job training is the ol!est for' of training. )rior to the a!vent of off,site training

classroo's/ the only $ractical ay of learning job as orking alongsi!e an e#$erience! orker 

in a $artic(lar tra!e or $rofession,as envince! by the $ractice of a$$renticeshi$ !(ring the

Mi!!le 0ges hen 'aster crafts'en $asse! on skills an! knole!ge to novices ith orke!

alongsi!e the'.

On,the1job training is still the $re!o'inant for' of job training in the 2nite! States/

 $artic(larly for no 'anagerial e'$loyees. 3('ero(s st(!ies in!icate that it is the 'ost effective

for' of job training. The largest share of on,the,job training is $rovi!e! by the $rivate sector/

thro(gh the 'ost i!ely st(!ie! training $rogra's are those s$onsore! by fe!eral legislation.

On,the,job,training $rogra's range fro' for'al training ith co'$any s($ervisors to

learning by atching. *n this sense/ the 'ost for'al ty$es of on,the,job training are !istinct fro'

classroo' training largely in that they take $lace ithin the fir'. *n the face of increasing

international co'$etition an! the 'ore i!es$rea! (se of co'$(ters in $ro!(ction $rocess the

i'$le'entation of 'ore for'al an! so$histicate! kin!s of on,the,job training has been a critical

iss(e for fir's in the 2nite! States.


6i%tor! o" Siena College, Queon Cit!

  Tr(e to its 'ission to 4$artici$ate in the evangelizing 'ission of the h(rch by


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)roclai'ing %es(s hrist an! b(il!ing the 5ing!o' of 6o!7 8ongregational Mission

State'ent9/ the ongregation of the +o'inican Sisters of St. atherine of Siena has zealo(sly

establishe! schools thro(gho(t the co(ntry an! abroa!. *n the 'i!,fifties/ the i!ea of setting ($

another school ithin the co'$o(n! of the Motherho(se locate! in the then r(gge! fiel!s of San

:rancisco !el Monte as conceive!. *t as in res$onse to the e!(cational nee!s of the groing

co''(nity in the area. 0t that ti'e/ the entire $lace looke! like a 6o!,forsaken co(ntry/ an! it

took the (nfaltering co(rage an! foresight of Rev. 3ativi!a! )ila$il O.)./ the S($erior 6eneral of 

the ongregation/ to start the constr(ction of the first b(il!ing along the +el Monte 0ven(e in


  0t the o$ening of the school year ;<=<,;<?1/ Siena ollege o$ene! its !oors to =11

st(!ents ho enrolle! in the gra!e school/ high school an! college !e$art'ents. The co(rses

offere! then in the college ere @achelor of Science in 0rts/ o''erce an! "!(cation/

Secretarial an! Ho'e 0rts. :ro' then on/ the Siena ollege co''(nity of a!'inistrators/

fac(lty/ $ersonnel/ st(!ents an! $arents gre not only in n('ber/ b(t also in is!o'/ grace an!

in the s$irit of service to the larger co''(nity. Soon eno(gh/ it gaine! $restige an! i!e

recognition as a re$(table atholic school.

  *n ;<AB/ res$on!ing to the nee!s an! !e'an!s of the ti'e for a kin! of service e!(cation

that o(l! a!!ress the $roble's of (ne'$loy'ent an! school !ro$o(ts/ Siena ollege $hase!

o(t the tra!itional fo(r year,co(rses an! retaine! only the Secretarial an! S$ecial Ho'e 0rts

co(rses. *n lie( of these/ ter'inal co(rses ere offere! an! the la!!er,ty$e c(rric(l(' as

a!o$te!. These co(rses ere @achelor of Science in @(siness 0!'inistration/ Secretarial

0!'inistration/ :oo! Service 0!'inistration/ %(nior Secretarial o(rse/ :oo! Technology/


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)ractical "ntre$rene(rshi$/ Hotel an! Resta(rant Manage'ent/ 6eneral lerical o(rse an!


  0t this ti'e/ too/ the gra!e school a!o$te! the innovative $rogra' calle! the

*n!ivi!(alize! 6ro($,6(i!e! "!(cation 8*66"9.

  *n ;<AC/ f(lly aare of its res$onsibility to be an agent of change/ Siena ollege

a!o$te! $olicies/ 'eas(res an! $roce!(res to i'$rove an! ($gra!e the -(ality of its service. To

ins(re i'$rove'ent/ the scho1ol (n!erent to self,s(rveysD one !(ring the school year ;<AC,

A= an! the other !(ring the school year ;<A?,AA. The o(ncil on "!(cation of the ongregation

con!(cte! these services. 0s a res(lt of these/ a strong interest on the $art of the a!'inistration

an! staff to a$$ly for accre!itation as aro(se!. The "!(cation o(ncil of the instit(tion

(nani'o(sly a$$rove! of the $lan.

  The school year ;<AA,A> 'arke! a 'ore thoro(gh an! rigi! o$erational self,s(rvey

2sing the )00S2 8)hili$$ine 0ccre!iting 0ssociation of Schools/ olleges an! 2niversities9

tools for eval(ation. The three !e$art'ents of Siena ollege (n!erent the )00S2

 $reli'inary s(rveys !(ring the school year ;<A>,A<. The folloing year/ the !rive for 

i'$rove'ent an! !evelo$'ent as carrie! on (nhesitatingly an! after a s(ccessf(l for'al

s(rvey by the )0SS2/ the gra!e school an! the high school !e$art'ents/ as ell as the college

 $rogra' of @achelor of Science in @(siness 0!'inistration ere grante! accre!itation for a

 $erio! of three years.

  *n ;<>1/ the ongregation/ thro(gh the 6eneral ha$ter/ a$$rove! the $rogra' of 

!evelo$'ent for all its schools. This $rogra' is the atholic Schools,Syste's +evelo$'ent

8S,S+9. 0 very (ni-(e an! highly syste'atize! $rogra'/ the S,S+ consists of !ifferent

 $hases of contin(ing !evelo$'ent for atholic schools ith e'$hasis on the for'ation of 


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 $ersonnel into other hrist thro(gh a ra!ical living of the 6os$el an! the i'$rove'ent of 

e!(cational services thro(gh hrist,like o$erations. Siena ollege entere! the $rogra'

i''e!iately after its for'ation by the ongregation. The )rogra'/ as a!o$te!/ ca'e to be

knon as O),SS+ 8Or!er of )reachers,Schools Syste's +evelo$'ent )rogra'9. The

congregational o(ncil of "!(cation facilitate! its i'$le'entation.

  *n October ;<>B/ the three !e$art'ents of Siena ollege (n!erent the first

ongregational "val(ation Visit 8"V9/ hich is $art of the S,S+ $rogra'. *t looke! on ho

the school’s instr(ctional $rogra' an! o$erations are in consonance ith the congregational

'ission an! charis'. *n :ebr(ary of the sa'e school year/ ;<>B,>E/ the college an! high school

!e$art'ents ha! their )0SS2 re,accre!itation visits/ s(ccessf(lly $asse! it an! ere given an

accre!ite! stat(s for five years. The three !e$art'ents ere visite! an! s(rveye! again !(ring

the school year ;<>>,>< an! ere again grante! accre!itation for years ;<<C,<= an! B111,B11;

s(ccessf(lly. @eing a 'e'ber of the )00S2 is recognition an! an acknole!ge'ent of the

school’s co''it'ent to -(ality e!(cation.

  Siena ollege t(rne! forty in ;<<<8;<=<,;<<<8. *ns$ire! by the richness of her history

an! challenge! by the call of the h(rch to res$on! to the five ai's of the 6reat %(bilee Fear 

B111/ she e'barke! on a year long R(by celebration ith the the'eD 4Toar!s 3e +irections.7

Ten instit(tional $rogra's an! $rojects ere conceive! in res$onse to the corres$on!ing %(bilee

Objectives/ the =Rs/D ret(rn of the lan!/ rest of the earth/ release of $risoners/ recall of !ebts an!

recovery of fe'inine $rinci$le/ hich have been contin(e! (ntil no.

  Siena ollege has co''itte! itself to the task of contin(ing/ ith consistent efforts/ the

ork of !evelo$'ent an! i'$rove'ent for -(ality hristian e!(cation that ill bring to fr(ition

its vision/ 'ission an! goals. The folloing ne $rogra's ere o$ene! in B11ED the aregiver 


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co(rse to enhance the !evelo$'ent of skille! h('an reso(rces in the health/ social an! other 

co''(nity !evelo$'ent services of skille! h('an reso(rces an! the S$ecial "!(cation )rogra'

to $rovi!e con!(cive learning environ'ent an! facilities for s$ecial chil!ren. *n B11C/ the 3ight

High School )rogra' as o$ene! to acco''o!ate the nee!s of $oor $(blic ele'entary school

gra!(ates. The school thro(gh its $rogra's has shon !ee$ co''it'ent to the for'ation an!

!evelo$'ent of a co''(nity of !isci$les ho are 4maka+diyos!maka(tao! maka()ayan at maka(

)uhay., 0s a )00S2 'e'ber since ;<>1/ Siena ollege/ G as grante! again five,year re,

accre!itation stat(s to the three !e$art'ents in 0F B11=,B11?.

*n B11</ Siena ollege/ G celebrate! its gol!en j(bilee ith the the'eD 4S'-' /01

 2eing 2lest32lessing others3$oving "n.,  &e c(l'inate! the celebration ith the the'eD

4)rel(!e to reating )ossibilities7 hich ill challenge an! g(i!e (s for the co'ing years.

  *n its stea!fast co''it'ent to kee$ on the 'ission of the h(rch an! the ongregation

as a $artner in the b(il!ing of 6o!’s king!o' on earth/ the school o$ene! ne @S" 'ajorsD

Math/ "nglish/ @iological Science/ )hysical Science an! S$ecial "!(cation in B1;1,B1;;.

  6(i!e! by the i!eals of St. +o'inic/ St. atherine of Siena an! Mother :rancisca !el

"s$irit( Santo/ the school ill alays be vigilant in $(rs(ing the goals of a tr(ly hristian/

+o'inican an! :ili$ino e!(cation.

T#e Meaning o" Sc#ool ogo


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• The High an! )ointe! 0rt,sy'bolic of the s($re'acy of :0*TH/ HO)"/ an! LOV" in

the Tri(ne 6o!.

• O(r -(est for 0ca!e'ic "#cellence an! o'$etency thro(gh -(ality atholic e!(cation.

• The R"ST re$resents the strong 23*TF fostere! in Siena ollege G as a fa'ily a! a

co''(nity/ an! o(r stea!fast s$irit of 3ationalis'.

• The @L05 an! &H*T" color sche'e at the center an! the ongregational LO6O on

the anno(nce that SG is a +OM*3*03 school of the +o'inican Sisters of St.

atherine of Siena/ ith the 'otto )assion for Tr(th – o'$assion for H('anity.

The inscri$tion of the na'e of the na'e of V(lnerable Mother :rancisca !el "s$irit(

Santo !e :(entes of the ongregation an! its first school – the @eaterio olegio.

• The stretche! la(rel leaves an! clo(!s re$resent Mother :rancisca’s holiness an! o(r 

a!vocacy for the *ntegrity of reation.


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• St. atherine of Siena/ o(r $atroness is sy'bolize! by the inverte! Re! Lily hich

re$resents her $(rity.

• The infinity Sy'bols on both si!e of the crest sy'bolize *nfinite Love I Loyalty to o(r 

 belove! al'a 'ater/ Siena ollege G.


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Siena CollegeQuezon City

Pa%%ion "or Trut# 8 Compa%%ion "or




the community of 

 Siena College, Quezon City,inspired by the Dominican

 Passion for Thruth and 

Compassion for Humanity,

envision ourselves to be a

community of disciples of esus

in pursuit of total human development 

and global transformation!


T" #CH$%&% TH$S &$S$"',

We form ourselves to become persons

 firmly rooted in the Word 

and responsive to the needs

of the church, country, family and environement,

through e(uitable access

to (uality Catholic education!

Revised: 2011



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6i%tor! o" t#e Regi%trar’% O""ice

&hen the school starte! its o$eration/ the Registrar’s Office as locate! at the secon!

floor of the 'ain b(il!ing.

*n the year ;<A1/ it as transferre! to the first floor of the 'ain b(il!ing to 'ake it 'ore

accessible to the clientele an! to 'eet the nee!s of the increasing $o$(lation.

*n ;<>1/ the Registrar’s Office starte! f(nctioning as a centralize! office for the

a!'inistration of st(!ent recor!s.

*n ;<<A/ the office starte! co'$(terization of its recor!s s(ch as "nroll'ent List an!

Transcri$t of Recor!s.

The office installe! its netorking syste' in the year B111. *n the year B11C/ a $hotoco$y

'achine as installe!Jac-(ire! in the office to facilitate the nee!s of the aca!e'ic !e$art'ents

an! offices.

*n B11=/ the Registrar’s Office as renovate! an! $rovi!e! ith co'$lete ne

e-(i$'ent/ f(rnit(res an! fi#t(res. :o(r co'$(ter 'achines ere installe! for the (se of the

clerks for enroll'ent an! assess'ent $(r$oses. 0ll recor!s of the three aca!e'ic !e$art'ent are

alrea!y co'$(terize!. "nco!ing area for entering the gra!es of the three aca!e'ic !e$art'ents

ith co'$(ter 'achines is $rovi!e!.

0 scanner as also installe!Jac-(ire! for easy access of the Transcri$t of Recor!s ith

 $ict(res 8L"T @oar! "#a' $(r$oses9.


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Regi%trar’% O""ice O*(ective%

;. To $rovi!e efficient an! !e$en!able recor!,kee$ing an! filing syste' of the folloingD

a. 0nn(al )erfor'ance Re$orts b. 0$$rove! (rric(l('s

c. alen!ar of 0ctivities!. ollege S$ecial Or!ers

e. +i$lo'asf. 6ra!ing Sheets

g. *nfor'ation on Teachers 8ollege )rofile9

h. *nventoriesi. Monthly )rogress Re$orts

 j. )er'anent Recor!s

k. )ro'otional Re$ortl. )rogra' @(!get )ro$osal

'. Recor!e! !ata for statistical (se

n. School alen!ar o. Strategic )lans

 $. St(!ent’s *n!ivi!(al Recor!s

-. St(!ents’ (rric(l('

r. S(''ary of co(rses offere! an! 6overn'ent Recognitions. S(''ary of enrol'ent by class an! $rogra's

B. To e#$e!ite iss(ance of recor!s 8ertifications/ :,;EA0/ Transcri$t of Recor!s/ Transfer 

re!ential/ ertification 0(thentication I Verification/ +i$lo'a/ etc.9 as re-(este!.

E. To assist !(ring enrol'ent $erio! in the ollege I @asic "!(cation +e$art'ents.

C. To $re$are an! s(b'it class lists in the ollege I @asic "!(cation +e$art'ents.=. To establish linkages as liaison officer beteen the school an! the +e$art'ent of 

"!(cation 8+e$,"!9/ o''ission on Higher "!(cation 8H"+9/ +ivision Office 8 +.

O.9/ Technical "!(cation ISkills +evelo$'ent 0(thority 8T"S+09/ )hili$$ine

Reg(lations o''ission 8)R9/ ivil Service o''ission 8S9/ :(n! 0ssistance for 

)rivate "!(cation 8:0)"9 an! other relate! agencies.

?. To ens(re the integrity of the recor!s file! an! services ren!ere! in the office.

Main Ta%)%

A- A'mi%%ion

The office assists the @asic "!(cation/ ollege +e$art'ent an! 6ra!(ate

)rogra's in the for'(lation of a!'ission $olicies an! $roce!(res for ne st(!ents.


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*t revies an! eval(ates a!'ission re-(ire'ents an! !oc('ents like birth J

 ba$tis'al certificates/ goo! 'oral certificates/ :,;EA 0/ :,;E> 8car!9/ Transcri$t of

Recor!s fro' other schools assess'ent by the 3e(ro,!evelo$'ental $ae!iatrician,S)"+/

certificates of in!igency 8@eaterio High School9 an! other $ertinent !oc('ents.

&- A'mini%tration o" Recor'% an' Report%

;. *ss(es recor!s re-(este!.B. "nco!es gra!es/ co'$(terizes/ files $hotoco$ies recor!s an! checks recor!s an!


E. )re$ares re$orts s(ch as calen!ar of activities/ office inventory/ $rogra' b(!get

 $ro$osals/ $rogress re$orts/ staff eval(ation for's/ strategic I o$erational $lans an!

year,en! $erfor'ance re$orts.C- E%ta*li%#ing lin)age% .it# t#e Department o" E'ucation :Dep9E';, Commi%%ion on

6ig#er E'ucation :C6ED;, Divi%ion O""ice, Tec#nical E'ucation 8 S)ill%

Development Aut#orit! :TESDA;, P#ilippine Regulation% Commi%%ion :PRC;, Civil

Service Commi%%ion :CSC;, Fun' A%%i%tance "or Private E'ucation :FAPE; an'

ot#er e'ucational relate' agencie%-

;. S(b'its re-(ire! re$orts/ statistical !ata/ enrol'ent lists/ can!i!ate for gra!(ations/

!ata $rofile/ $ro'otional re$orts to the +e$art'ent of "!(cation/ +ivision Office/

H"+/ T"S+0/ )R/ S/ :0)" an! other e!(cational relate! agencies.

B. S(b'its college enrol'ent list/ 0V lists can!i!ates for gra!(ation 8@S@0,)00S2

L"V"L B I @SHRM,)00S2 L"V"L ; e#e'$te! fro' S$ecial Or!er9 an! :or' <

to H"+ for $ro$er eval(ation of recor!s an! for s$ecial or!ers.E. S(b'its the list of High School can!i!ates for gra!(ation to +e$art'ent of


D- Communication

The Liaison Officer takes charge of folloing,($ i'$ortant !oc('ents in the +e$,

"!/ +.O/ H"+/ T"S+0/ )R/ S/ :0)" an! other e!(cational relate! agencies s(ch


;. 0nn(al Reg(lar Re$orts 8Scholarshi$s ST2:0) I S0:",H"+9


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B. ollege S$ecial 3('bers

E. :oreign St(!ent "nrol'ent List I *nfor'ation +ata

C. 6overn'ent recognition of $rogra's 'e'oran!(' of agree'ent 8MO09 to Schools=. Re$orts for :0)" 8Scholarshi$s for @"+ B "VS I "S 60ST)",for Teachers9

?. Statistical +ata

A. St(!ent’s re-(ests, ertification/ 0(thentication I Verification 0V 8ollege I


>. S(b'its Lists of @S",R" 6ra!(ates to )R for L"T @oar! "#a'ination<. S(b'its Lists of 6ra!(ates ith Honors to ivil Service o''ission for e#e'$tion

in "ligibility 8ivil Service9

;1. Other o''(nications

Organiational C#art


The Registrar is the hea! of the office. 2n!er hisJher !irect s($ervision are the clerks/ an!

st(!ent assistant. He J She coor!inates ith the hea!s of the 0ca!e'ic/ 0!'inistrative I St(!ent


Director o" A'mini%trative Service%



Service% Stu'ent Service%





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*t beca'e easy for (s to entertain the' beca(se of inter'ittent co'ing of enrolees. 0t the

en! of the !ay/ e nee! to co(nt all the registration for's to kno the enrol'ent stat(s. &e

enco!e the na'es of ne st(!ents/ their general average an! here school they ca'e fro' for 

sectioning $(r$oses.

Ma! =?, >?=

0t e#actly BD;= in the afternoon/ the syste' has sh(t !on beca(se of nationi!e black,

o(t. &e s(ffer fro' 'an(al $roce!(re. &e j(st list all those ho enrol an! rite te'$orary on

their registration for' so that it ill be easier for (s to $(ll it o(t an! enco!e it again once the

electricity co'e. 0t CDE1 in the afternoon/ the syste' co' back to nor'al/ e !on’t have a

choice b(t to finish again those $en!ing orks !(e to black,o(t.


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e%%on 5alue% I learne'

"ver since * starte! 'y on,the,job training/ 'ore co''only calle! 4internshi$/7 * have

learne! val(es that ill hel$ 'e b(il! a brighter f(t(re.

Sho a high regar! for those in charge of yo( an! to the e'$loyees. @e res$ectf(l an!

co(rteo(s to the $eo$le yo( serve.

+o yo(r ork the best that yo( can at all ti'es/ hether yo( are being atche! by

a(thority or not.

o'$ly ith the co'$any reg(lations to ens(re or!er an! har'ony. @e s(re to give tr(e/

acc(rate an! correct re$orts/ co'$(tations an! other !ata. @e loyal to the co'$any yo( serve by

safeg(ar!ing its re$(tation fro' !estr(ctive criticis' an! raising its goo! na'e thro(gh -(ality


)roject a sense of joy an! 'ission. )ractice self,control an! $rofessionalis' hen

!ealing ith co'$laints an! other !e'an!s.

&hile * as orking on all of those tasks/ * a' ha$$y that * as able to a$$ly the lessons

* have got fro' 'y school. The every!ay e#$eriences * ha! in this co'$any are really 'ost

treas(re!. The knole!ge * obtain here are beyon! co'$are than any other e#$eriences *

ac-(ire! fro' school an! s($$le'entary learning fro' books. &hat * ha! here ill alays be

ith 'e an! rest ass(re! * ill a$$ly hat *’ve in every circ('stance that * 'ay enco(nter after 



Page 19: Ojt Report Benedict

8/12/2019 Ojt Report Benedict

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/ojt-report-benedict 19/19

Pro*lem encountere'

&hen Sister Rosalie +iaz/ O.). as assigne! 'e at the School S($$lies Services/ Siena

ollege G(ezon ity here * co'$lete 'y O%T. My res$onsibilities as a trainee are to sell books

fro' n(rsery to high school. Here are the folloing $roble's that * enco(ntere! !(ring 'y O%TD

So'e c(sto'ers are co'$laining regar!ing the $rice of the books.

@ooks that they ant to b(y are not available !(e to !elaye! !eliveries.

Shortage of coins.