!? 1 V 1 \ 1 SPuAitx, Oja ashmvyi. U> HAitK) 4. UUKbA DECOKaTI IGwXr^OvT^22,I9TL Union Thanksgiving Service. A union Thanksgiving service will lte held tomorrow morning at 10:3C o’clock at the Methodist church with the sermon by Rev. M. Willett of tho Congregational church. The District Court. The November term of the dis- trict court adjourned on Thursday of last week, various criminal and other matters being speedily dis- posed of. Practically everything done was reported in our last issue. Become Knights of Columbus. A. M. Sherry and Mike Bresnahan rode the Kn'ghts of Columbus goat at Waukon Sunday, being assistei In mounting by experts T. F. Connor, Phil. Carolan, Dr. T. C. Hutchinson, B. J. McKay, M. P. Moran and Emil Rosenthal. Brilliant Journalism. When you want to learn the news get a Decorsah Journal. That’s what the Public Opinion coes —every Tuesday afternoon about 3:30. Decorah Journal. Sure, we always do that. Fact of the matter is we don’t do a thing all week but loaf around until after that measly little rag is out, and then we all hustle like blazes and copy all the news we can find that isn’t boiler plate or copied from the Public Opinion of a week before, and that makes up the big monster ed'tions of Public Opinion that are so eagerly read by about 15,000 people every week. In fact thct must be the reason why we are add- ing so many new subscribers rigM along these days: that must he why PubPc Opinion baa made such a notable success in Deborah, growing from nothing, without a single sub- scriber, to the largest and wi ’est read Engli h paper in northeastern lowa in a very short time. Thanks, Brother Journal, thank you. The Poultry Show. The first poultry shflw of the Win- neshiek County Poultry Association, held at the Marsh building last week, was fully described in these columns last week. The show continued throughout the whole week, and •everybody was delighted who saw it. During the evening enterta nments the prizes were won as follows: The White Leghorns by Mrs. Emmett Gillette; The Black Minorcas by Herman Tavener; The Bantams by R. H. Tracy, and the White Wyan- dottes by Mrs. Frank Linzenmeyer. The show was a success in every way except that there was practically no attendance from the country. She Married a Turk. That Crcsco g'rl, Bessie L. Perry, 16 years old, who has been m'ssing and created such consternation, be- came enamored of a Turk street la- borer there and eloped to Chicago with him and married him. so that’s all there is to it. It was rumored that she had been enticed away and made a white clave, but tMs was not the case. She has returned homo with her father, who went to Chi- cago after her. Show all Next Week. The E. G. Douglas shows are an- nounced for all next week at Stey- er’e opera house, with magic and illusions, vaudev’lle, farces, come’- ies, singing, dancing, acrobatic stunts, etc. Prices are low and per- formance is s-dd to be good. See. the adv. in this issue. The Bonds of Matrimony. Mr. Robert O. Vickery and Miss Installs New Machine. D. H. Hill has just installed a fine ¦ew bottle washing machine in hii Verna Lyons surprised their many friends last Wednesday, when they quietly went to Wa”kon an! were bottling works, which, together with the many other modern appliances be has, makes his bottling works the most modern and -best equ.ppe~ tn this section. 1 united in maur’ae'e, Rev. Van Nice of the Presbyterian church perform- ing the ceremony. They returned Fri- day from their honeymoon trip, since which time they have been re- ceiving the congratulations of their friends at the St. Cloud hotel. T'ue bride is a charming young ladv. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lyons, and a lady who has won many friends and admirers since her re- moval to Decorah a few mont h s aeo. The groom is a modest, gentlemanly young man who is popular with everyone who knows him. We join t h efr friends in hearty congratula- tions. Death at Locust. The many friends of Edgar Ruff- ridge, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Ruffridge of Locust, and a very pop- ular young man, will be grieved to learn of his death on Sunday from typhoid pneumonia, at the age of twenty-three years. Tho funeral services are being held today. He was a fine young man, and the be- reaved ones have the s'ncere sym- pathy of all in their affliction. Lecture on Alaska. Fayette Has Real Countess. Under the auspices of the Norske Selskab Martin Hokenstad w ll de- liver a lecture upon Alaska at Marsh’s hall, Thursday evening. Dec 7th. Admission 50 cents. He will show many relics and give an inter- esting description of this northern- most portion of our nation. Fayette, la., Nov. 28.—1 n the per- son of Miss Alice Miner McDonald, Fayette has a real counters in whose veins flows the blood of Robert Em- mett and of Ethan Allen. She Is now registered as a countess by birth and ’eiral heir to the duke of Llnster, the old Irish family. She is to become an army nurse, is one of the ym>ne- est members of the Irish political study club and is probably the best informed person on Irhh polit'es in the state of lowa. She is a friend of Miss Clara Barton, who calls her "My little Irish girl.” Miss McDon- ald is the great grand niece of Rob- ert Emmett, the great Irish hero, and a great granddaughter of the nineteenth Scotch and eighth Irish earl of Abbylex. who was killed *n tbo battle of New Ross in 1798. Miss McDonald has her father’s records as fbr back as 1176. She also 1b a daughter of the American revolu- tion and gets her records from Ethan Allen and Elisha Miner. Ethan Alien is the gentleman who informed the British commander he must eurrend-. er in the name of the "Groat Jeho- vah and continental congress.” ~ne is also a daughter of the war of 1812, so easily stands first in anc ! - ent and honorable lineage in Fayette fcouniy, if not in the state of lowa. McCall’s Magazine and McCall Patterns For Women H«ve More Friend# than any other magazine or patterns. Mel all’s is the tollable Fashion Guide monthly in one million one hundred thousand homes. Besides show lug all the latest designs of McCall Patterns, »-ach issue is brimful of sparkling sjioit stories and helpful information for women. Snare Money and K«<v irt Stylo bv subscribing lor McCall’s Magazine at win.':. Costs only 50 cents a year, including any ong of the celebrated McCall Patterns free. McCall Pattern* Lead till otiiers’Jn style, fit, siinpiin’y, economy ' and aiunitth'l sold. More dealers sell McCall Patterns thin any other two nultesco(.)hioed.. Npne^iiih fr l 1 “4 *3f l ' I '!#* buy lrom your dealer, or by n.ati Irorn McCALL’S MAGAZINE 236-246 W. 37th SL, New Yorji City N. ;u.<Udif:« Copy, Prtui'.ani Oat** oft* Pattern < aU*|»a fraa. Death in Sprhi'rficld Township. Candy Store to Reopen. I'ool Player Not Liable for Lons. Sustaining a point made by Frank E. Withrow, attorney for the de- fense, Judge ..igbee in circuit court today dismissed the case of E. G. Gardner aga’nst Charles Gribbling. Gribbling had played a number of games of pool in Gardner's saloon under an arrangement commonly existing by which the loser was re- quired to pay. Gribbling, however, ignored his b*.», and suit was brought against him and his wages were garnisheed with the Listman Mill company. The court held that the arrangement by which the loser should pay is gambling and that gambling debts could not be collect- ed. Gardner was also required to pay the costs.—La Crosse Leader- Press. Mrs. Maria Estrem, a well known tody of Spring**eld township, passSd away on Saturday. She was born fn Valdris, Norway, in ISSO, and name to America when quite young, being united in marriage to Henry E. Estrem in December, 1870. To •his union nine children were born, of whom eight are living. The fun- eral services were held on Monday from the Springfield church, Rev. Hellestvedt officiating. The candy store of the Decorah Candy Co., in the Relf building, which clo-el a week or so ago, f s to be reopened by the Costakos brothers of Minneapolis, who are now busy remodeling and restocking the store, and they hope to be open tfy Saturday of this week. They say that, they will conduct a first class, up-to-date store in every way, with good fresh goods, and will raaJte candy every day. This is one of the best locations in the city, and a good 6tore ought to do well in this building. The Rocky Road to Georgia. “Some of those southern roadbeds are pretty rough,” the commercial traveler remarked. “I remember on one occasion ordering some fried e'-es for breakfast in the dining car. After I'd waited quite a while the co'ored waiter returned and said: “Sorry ’bout dcm fried a’gs. boas. De cook eaye de road’s so rough dat ebery time he tries to try aigs dey scrambles.”-—Boston .Transcript. $12.50 The preacher can tie a knot as well as a sailor. buys at our store the best plush lined fur collar overcoat in lowa. BEAJt’S: ' Jut mL %j? Am Jflp 5 I j ]hL jfe„ MMdBOB;f& ifc x cMßfc \, * •?; •*. jjfrfof ~i!-r (j\ p—yjf \~>/i £ «4 * r,] &? a # 1 fflrfy '.’. ! rO 1 7~^ > ' ,?^lT^^T— x°<-lf^TvTWli#l r DECORAH’S LEADING GIFT STORE The call of Christmas is sounding and our jewelry store presents the most fascinating display it has ever shown for the holiday season. The pleasure of gift giving is heightened by being able tochoose from lines so beautiful and varied, and at prices which will please you as much as the goods. : : : Rich Designs in Jewelry Handsome Bags For Gifts j> That Watch Our Jewelry Department is overflowing with beautiful Beautiful holiday showing of nil the season's hand- new things in Rings. Bracelets, Lockets, sornest bags in leather, velvet, mesh, bended and suede. /A. * A Neoklacn,etc. Wbeo you see tbo display We have a varied d; Bplay, showing .11 the favored etylee IKmctiM 1 Vi 1.1 1 J an( * sizes; our line has no equal in the city. ifSWaJfcV/ . that awaits you here, tho selection of a T W 1 _ A gift in the jewelry line will bo soiled. Our Line of Beaded Bags Are Beauties So mauy beautiful things, and priced within the reach " 1 ¦ ¦ ¦—¦¦¦¦" . . * f A watch 18 a “oat popular gift, and will last a life-time. |\ I A A/f IVJ PV Whether for the boy, the girl, the man or the woman, wo are I iVi ? A \J 1 particular to select only such makes and grades as will give a jj is e » j.» mjr* . t* 1 f* cr . perfect service for the use designated. We have lhe best trades And don t forget the Missing Link Cuff Our stock of diamonds this year is very of every make, but the best wntch of the better mnke, we recom- Button will be found at our store. kficomplete. Don’t buy a diamond until mend the HOWARD. They embody all the perfect features Ask to see it. Something new u B ‘‘° °m* stock of choice sparkling gems. which make tkue watch gcodnefs. Terms right. “it’s the watch fob you to buy” Beautiful Hand Painted China and Soarklinsr Cut Glass. before have we shown such a beautiful line o •11 . , - . , . . ¦ liege goods. You must see them and we know \oi will appreciate their beanty and the prices we have set on the different art cles, which cannot he duplicated in Ihecity. A call and inspection will den.onslrate our U ad* rship. 5 OUR ENTIRE STORE IS ABLAZE WITH BEAUTIFUL GIFTS AND THE ADVANTAGE OF CHOOSING “Bf 5F "®P V l^ YOUR GIFTS EARLY WHILE ASSORTMENTS |A £lk 1 | WUT THAT CANT BE URGED TOO STRONGLY E s * s A;'A 81 W A eK9L ?????????????????? ?????«++++«??????????????? «H CLOSING OUT SALE!) Many customers have taken advantage of the low prices being £ mide daring the past week to secure their wants for the home J and table at this, t OUR CLOSING OUT SALE. Nothing K appeals to every member of a household more than nice Din- c ner Ware and Table Glass Ware, especially so at this time of jf theyearwhe.iThanksgivingand Christmas time is at hand. New is J the time to buy that set or those gifts you will surely want at j WHOLESALE PRICES. Get them NOW while we have ( them. We cannot get them for you after they are gone. Come % in. Select your gilts. Have them set aside lor you, as many 3 have done these past few days. Don’t Wait; Now Is the Time at ) Hutchinson’s j ** V * «t I"

Oja CLOSING OUT SALE!) · 2019. 12. 26. · young man who is popular with everyone who knows him. We join thefr friends in hearty congratula-tions. Death at Locust. The many friends

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Page 1: Oja CLOSING OUT SALE!) · 2019. 12. 26. · young man who is popular with everyone who knows him. We join thefr friends in hearty congratula-tions. Death at Locust. The many friends

!? 1V 1 \ 1

SPuAitx, Ojaashmvyi.

U> HAitK) 4. UUKbA


Union Thanksgiving Service.A union Thanksgiving service will

lte held tomorrow morning at 10:3Co’clock at the Methodist churchwith the sermon by Rev. M. Willettof tho Congregational church.

The District Court.The November term of the dis-

trict court adjourned on Thursdayof last week, various criminal andother matters being speedily dis-posed of. Practically everythingdone was reported in our last issue.

Become Knights of Columbus.A. M. Sherry and Mike Bresnahan

rode the Kn'ghts of Columbus goatat Waukon Sunday, being assisteiIn mounting by experts T. F. Connor,Phil. Carolan, Dr. T. C. Hutchinson,B. J. McKay, M. P. Moran and EmilRosenthal.

Brilliant Journalism.When you want to learn the news

get a Decorsah Journal. That’s whatthe Public Opinion coes —everyTuesday afternoon about 3:30.Decorah Journal.

Sure, we always do that. Fact ofthe matter is we don’t do a thing allweek but loaf around until afterthat measly little rag is out, andthen we all hustle like blazes andcopy all the news we can find thatisn’t boiler plate or copied from thePublic Opinion of a week before,

and that makes up the big monstered'tions of Public Opinion that areso eagerly read by about 15,000people every week. In fact thctmust be the reason why we are add-ing so many new subscribers rigM

along these days: that must he whyPubPc Opinion baa made such anotable success in Deborah, growingfrom nothing, without a single sub-scriber, to the largest and wi ’estread Engli h paper in northeastern

lowa in a very short time. Thanks,Brother Journal, thank you.

The Poultry Show.The first poultry shflw of the Win-

neshiek County Poultry Association,held at the Marsh building last week,

was fully described in these columnslast week. The show continuedthroughout the whole week, and

•everybody was delighted who saw it.During the evening enterta nmentsthe prizes were won as follows: TheWhite Leghorns by Mrs. EmmettGillette; The Black Minorcas byHerman Tavener; The Bantams byR. H. Tracy, and the White Wyan-dottes by Mrs. Frank Linzenmeyer.The show was a success in every wayexcept that there was practically noattendance from the country.

She Married a Turk.That Crcsco g'rl, Bessie L. Perry,

16 years old, who has been m'ssingand created such consternation, be-came enamored of a Turk street la-borer there and eloped to Chicago

with him and married him. so that’sall there is to it. It was rumoredthat she had been enticed away andmade a white clave, but tMs wasnot the case. She has returned homowith her father, who went to Chi-cago after her.

Show all Next Week.The E. G. Douglas shows are an-

nounced for all next week at Stey-er’e opera house, with magic andillusions, vaudev’lle, farces, come’-ies, singing, dancing, acrobaticstunts, etc. Prices are low and per-formance is s-dd to be good. See.the adv. in this issue.

The Bonds of Matrimony.Mr. Robert O. Vickery and MissInstalls New Machine.

D. H. Hill has just installed a fine¦ew bottle washing machine in hii

Verna Lyons surprised their manyfriends last Wednesday, when theyquietly went to Wa”kon an! werebottling works, which, together with

the many other modern appliancesbe has, makes his bottling worksthe most modern and -best equ.ppe~tn this section.

1 united in maur’ae'e, Rev. Van Niceof the Presbyterian church perform-ing the ceremony. They returned Fri-day from their honeymoon trip,since which time they have been re-ceiving the congratulations of theirfriends at the St. Cloud hotel. T'uebride is a charming young ladv.daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R.Lyons, and a lady who has won manyfriends and admirers since her re-moval to Decorah a few mont h s aeo.The groom is a modest, gentlemanlyyoung man who is popular witheveryone who knows him. We jointhefr friends in hearty congratula-tions.

Death at Locust.The many friends of Edgar Ruff-

ridge, son of Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeRuffridge of Locust, and a very pop-ular young man, will be grieved to

learn of his death on Sunday from

typhoid pneumonia, at the age oftwenty-three years. Tho funeralservices are being held today. Hewas a fine young man, and the be-reaved ones have the s'ncere sym-

pathy of all in their affliction.

Lecture on Alaska. Fayette Has Real Countess.Under the auspices of the Norske

Selskab Martin Hokenstad w ll de-liver a lecture upon Alaska at

Marsh’s hall, Thursday evening. Dec7th. Admission 50 cents. He willshow many relics and give an inter-esting description of this northern-most portion of our nation.

Fayette, la., Nov. 28.—1 n the per-son of Miss Alice Miner McDonald,Fayette has a real counters in whoseveins flows the blood of Robert Em-mett and of Ethan Allen. She Is nowregistered as a countess by birth and’eiral heir to the duke of Llnster, theold Irish family. She is to becomean army nurse, is one of the ym>ne-est members of the Irish politicalstudy club and is probably the bestinformed person on Irhh polit'es inthe state of lowa. She is a friendof Miss Clara Barton, who calls her"My little Irish girl.” Miss McDon-ald is the great grand niece of Rob-ert Emmett, the great Irish hero,and a great granddaughter of thenineteenth Scotch and eighth Irishearl of Abbylex. who was killed *ntbo battle of New Ross in 1798. MissMcDonald has her father’s records asfbr back as 1176. She also 1b adaughter of the American revolu-tion and gets her records from EthanAllen and Elisha Miner. Ethan Alienis the gentleman who informed theBritish commander he must eurrend-.

er in the name of the "Groat Jeho-vah and continental congress.” ~neis also a daughter of the war of1812, so easily stands first in anc !-

ent and honorable lineage in Fayettefcouniy, if not in the state of lowa.

McCall’s Magazineand McCall Patterns

For WomenH«ve More Friend# than any othermagazine or patterns. Mel all’s is thetollable Fashion Guide monthly inone million one hundred thousandhomes. Besides show lug all the latestdesigns of McCall Patterns, »-ach issueis brimful of sparkling sjioit storiesand helpful information for women.

Snare Money and K«<v irt Stylo bv subscribinglor McCall’s Magazine at win.':. Costs only 50cents a year, including any ong of the celebratedMcCall Patterns free.McCall Pattern* Lead till otiiers’Jn style, fit,siinpiin’y, economy ' and aiunitth'l sold. Moredealers sell McCall Patterns thin any other twonultesco(.)hioed.. Npne^iiihfr l 1 “4 *3fl'I '!#* buylrom your dealer, or by n.ati Irorn

McCALL’S MAGAZINE236-246 W. 37th SL, New Yorji CityN. ;u.<Udif:« Copy, Prtui'.ani Oat**oft* Pattern < aU*|»a fraa.

Death in Sprhi'rficld Township. Candy Store to Reopen.I'ool Player Not Liable for Lons.Sustaining a point made by Frank

E. Withrow, attorney for the de-fense, Judge ..igbee in circuit courttoday dismissed the case of E. G.Gardner aga’nst Charles Gribbling.Gribbling had played a number ofgames of pool in Gardner's saloonunder an arrangement commonlyexisting by which the loser was re-quired to pay. Gribbling, however,ignored his b*.», and suit wasbrought against him and his wageswere garnisheed with the ListmanMill company. The court held thatthe arrangement by which the losershould pay is gambling and thatgambling debts could not be collect-ed. Gardner was also required topay the costs.—La Crosse Leader-Press.

Mrs. Maria Estrem, a well knowntody of Spring**eld township, passSdaway on Saturday. She was bornfn Valdris, Norway, in ISSO, andname to America when quite young,being united in marriage to HenryE. Estrem in December, 1870. To•his union nine children were born,of whom eight are living. The fun-eral services were held on Mondayfrom the Springfield church, Rev.Hellestvedt officiating.

The candy store of the DecorahCandy Co., in the Relf building,which clo-el a week or so ago, f sto be reopened by the Costakosbrothers of Minneapolis, who arenow busy remodeling and restockingthe store, and they hope to be opentfy Saturday of this week. They saythat, they will conduct a first class,up-to-date store in every way, withgood fresh goods, and will raaJtecandy every day. This is one of thebest locations in the city, and agood 6tore ought to do well in thisbuilding.

The Rocky Road to Georgia.“Some of those southern roadbeds

are pretty rough,” the commercialtraveler remarked. “I remember onone occasion ordering some friede'-es for breakfast in the dining car.After I'd waited quite a while theco'ored waiter returned and said:“Sorry ’bout dcm fried a’gs. boas.De cook eaye de road’s so rough datebery time he tries to try aigs deyscrambles.”-—Boston .Transcript.


The preacher can tie a knot aswell as a sailor.

buys at our store the best plushlined fur collar overcoat in lowa.

BEAJt’S: '

Jut mL %j? Am Jflp 5 I j ]hL jfe„MMdBOB;f& ifc x cMßfc\, * •?; •*. jjfrfof~i!-r(j\ p—yjf \~>/i £ «4 * r,] &? a # 1

fflrfy'.’.!rO 17~^>' ,?^lT^^T— x°<-lf^TvTWli#lr

DECORAH’S LEADING GIFT STOREThe call of Christmas is sounding and our jewelry store presents the most fascinating display it has evershown for the holiday season. The pleasure of gift giving is heightened by being able tochoose from linesso beautiful and varied, and at prices which will please you as much as the goods. : : :

• •

Rich Designs in Jewelry Handsome Bags For Gifts j> That WatchOur Jewelry Department is overflowing with beautiful Beautiful holiday showing of nil the season's hand-

new things in Rings. Bracelets, Lockets, sornest bags in leather, velvet, mesh, bended and suede. /A. *A

Neoklacn,etc. Wbeo you see tbo displayWe have a varied d; Bplay, showing .11 the favored etylee IKmctiM 1 Vi


1 J an( * sizes; our line has no equal in the city. ifSWaJfcV/ .that awaits you here, tho selection of a T W 1 _

• A

gift in the jewelry line will bo soiled.Our Line of Beaded Bags Are Beauties

So mauy beautiful things, and priced within the reach " 1 ¦ ¦ ¦—¦¦¦¦". .

* f A watch 18 a “oat popular gift, and will last a life-time.|\ I A A/f IVJ PV Whether for the boy, the girl, the man or the woman, wo are

— IiVi? A\J 1 particular to select only such makes and grades as will givea j j is e »

j.» mjr* •. t* 1 f* cr . perfect service for the use designated. We have lhe best tradesAnd don t forget the Missing Link Cuff Our stock of diamonds this year is very of every make, but the best wntch of the better mnke, we recom-

Button will be found at our store. kficomplete. Don’t buy a diamond until mend the HOWARD. They embody all the perfect featuresAsk to see it. Something new y° u B ‘‘° °m* stock of choice sparkling gems. which make tkue watch gcodnefs.

Terms right. “it’sthe watch fob you to buy”

Beautiful Hand Painted China and Soarklinsr Cut Glass. before have we shown such a beautiful line o•11 . , - . , . .

¦ • liege goods. You must see them and we know \oiwill appreciate their beanty and the prices we have set on the different art cles, which cannot he duplicated in Ihecity. A call and inspection will den.onslrate our U ad* rship.5



E s*s A;'A81 W A eK9L??????????????????

?????«++++«??????????????? «H

CLOSING OUT SALE!)Many customers have taken advantage of the low prices being £mide daring the past week to secure their wants for the home Jand table at this, t OUR CLOSING OUT SALE. Nothing Kappeals to every member of a household more than nice Din- cner Ware and Table Glass Ware, especially so at this time of jftheyearwhe.iThanksgivingand Christmas time is at hand. New is Jthe time to buy that set or those gifts you will surely want at j

WHOLESALE PRICES. Get them NOW while we have (them. We cannot get them for you after they are gone. Come %

in. Select your gilts. Have them set aside lor you, as many 3have done these past few days.

Don’t Wait; Now Is the Time at )

Hutchinson’s j

