The Freelance Movement Offer Optimization Action Guide

Of f e r Op t i m i z a t i o n A c t i o n G u i d e

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The Freelance Movement

Offer Optimization Action Guide




Many freelancers are challenged in finding and getting clients…

Heck, I even created a whole 30-day blueprint about it to help them.

Thing is, selling is simple.

It’s simply putting the right OFFER in front of the right MARKET.

And if you do it well enough…

Sometimes you’d get clients without barely lifting a finger.

"Weeeh!? Di nga?"




Have an Optimized Profile.

Just ask Chris.

© 2019 | The Freelance Movement 



See what I mean?

She’s even getting booked calls while she sleeps…

But, before you get excited about how it’s done…

There’s one KEY INGREDIENT you need to make this work.

An Irresistible Offer.

You have to put together a short pitch — something that answers the question: "What do you do?"

Because contrary to this popular advice…

"Aral ka ng skill na mataas ang bayad para mataasan mo ung rate mo per hour"

The skill or service that you have has little to do with how much you can charge.

I once posted a website creation job in a FB group and I was quoted prices ranging from P4,000 to 8,000.

Now compare that to the prices Tribe members have been charging — with $1,000 being the lowest.

If skill is what dictates your fees, then why is there such a huge discrepancy?

© 2019 | The Freelance Movement 



You see…

It’s not much about the skill…

It’s how you POSITION it in a way that attracts clients to you like metal to a magnet.

Take resume writers for example...

Ask them what they do and they’d usually respond with…

"I write resumes"

Nothing bad about it.

Would you get clients if that’s all your service is about?


But compare that to this response…

"I help <insert specific market> professionals land their next job"

Which sounds more enticing?

And which one, if put in front of unemployed or disgruntled professionals who'd like to change companies, would get the most attention?

I bet you already know the answer.

Because while the first example talked about what they do… (Which is what most freelancers do)

The second example however barely even mentioned "resume writing" and instead talked about the results their services can give.

© 2019 | The Freelance Movement 



And that's the thing...

Premium clients don't buy what you do. They buy the results you can give them.

Read that again and let it sink in.

But wait...

That's not all there is to it.

See, if you put the same enticing OFFER and place it in front of say entrepreneurs or folks who are not actively looking for a job...

Do you think anyone would be interested?

I highly doubt it.

Which brings me back to what I mentioned earlier.

Selling is all about putting the right OFFER in front of the right MARKET.

You can't sell cat food to dog owners and vice versa regardless of how awesome you think your product is.

Which is why we're gonna help you craft your own Irresistible Offer that matches your ideal market.

So, how do you go about creating a simple offer pitch?

Ask yourself…

❏ What problem does my service solve?

❏ Does it give them what they really want?

Think about it as you go through this process.

© 2019 | The Freelance Movement 



Action Steps:

STEP 1: Use any of the 2 templates below to craft your offer.

Version 1

I help [insert market] [insert how you help them solve their problem] OR [insert what they want] [insert your solution].

Example: I help info product owners re-launch their courses and increase their previous launch revenue using my 11-part launch sequence.

Version 2

I help [insert market] [insert how you help them solve their problem] OR [insert what they want] [insert your solution] without [insert the thing they hate the most].

Example: I help clients add another 20-30% in their monthly revenue WITHOUT spending a dime on ads.

STEP 2: Download this worksheet to write your offer clarity on a page.

NOTE: Click here for sample offer statements shared by our previous students.

STEP 3: Now that you’re clear with your offer, it’s time to optimize your social media profiles (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc) including your freelancing platform accounts (UpWork, FreeUp, OLJ, etc) if you have any.

NOTE: At least an optimized FB, LinkedIn and one freelancing platform will do for the duration of the 30-day challenge

© 2019 | The Freelance Movement 



STEP 4: When completing this task, follow the guidelines below:

❏ As someone who went to Upwork to look for a freelancer to hire, this could be as easy as changing your title. For example, you can change “Web Designer” to “Lead Generating Web Design for Realtors.” Which profile do you think you'll check if you're a realtor?

❏ For FB, simply change your banner/cover photo, your profile pic to something that shows your face, and change your intro to your 'offer' (your answer on lesson 3). Better if you include a Call to Action on your bio.

© 2019 | The Freelance Movement 



❏ For LinkedIn, that could be the 'title' and the 'summary' in the background like this one.

NOTE: Click here for other optimized profiles of our previous students.

© 2019 | The Freelance Movement 




If you put the right OFFER in front of the RIGHT Market, then selling becomes easy.

So whether you want to update your profile or not is up to you.

But it sure is gonna make your job easier once you start connecting with people.

What platform you use doesn’t matter.

What matters is, the moment people see your profile, they know exactly…

WHAT you do…

WHO you serve…

And the PROBLEM/RESULTS you can help them with.

Remember, you cannot create demand.

Most people make this mistake of trying to make people see how awesome their service is and I see this every time.

For example…

People selling chatbots services when most prospects don’t even know what it is.

A mediocre freelancer would try to sell how awesome chatbot is and how it’s the next best thing since sliced bread.

A slightly better freelancer will try to wow the prospects with case studies, portfolio, and testimonials from people who used it.

The best freelancers, however, know for a fact, that some prospects don’t want a chatbot and most are not even aware of how it works.

So instead of generating demand for something people don't even know they want which is impossible… They tap on the existing WANT every business owner has — which is MORE LEADS and SALES.

Only then do they position the chatbot as a tool to give their prospects what they want.

© 2019 | The Freelance Movement 




Question: I’m still confused about how I can craft my offer. What can I do?

Answer: Watch this video where I dig deeper on crafting an offer.

Question: What’s the perfect offer?

Answer: A good offer is one that can make your market say in their head: “I would love to know more” or “I’m interested!” How? By showing how your service will give them… WHAT THEY ALREADY WANT.

Question: I’m not sure how to come up with my offer. I’m still undecided with my market/skill.

Answer: If that’s the case, watching this video can help.

Question: I still have a job. Okay lang po ba ioptimize iyong profile ko?

Answer: Our previous student has the best answer for this:

© 2019 | The Freelance Movement 



Question: Kahit Upwork or OLJ, pwede po ba to? Kasing effective din ba sya compared sa LinkedIn or FB?

Answer: Again, our previous student has the best answer for this:

Success Stories

Wins posted left and right. The culprit? You got it. Profile Optimization.

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Jessy went from Proposal to Hired in 3 days. The secret? See the image below.

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Rom got a client interested using the Offer Template

Ysil got 3 prospects interested by posting her offer in a group

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Nica Elle shared how clarity in her offer made her “Top of Mind”


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Gisela shared how presenting a Clear Offer helped her close a client even if she has no experience

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© 2019 | The Freelance Movement