М. Өтемісов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан Мемлекеттік Университеті «Бекітемін» Филология факультетінің деканы Шайекенов Ж.Ж. ”200_ ж. Ағылшын тілін оқытудың теориясы мен практикасы кафедрасы ПӘННІҢ ОҚУ-ӘДІСТЕМЕЛІК КЕШЕНІ 5В050500 –“Аймақтану” Мамандығы бойынша кредиттік оқу жүйесінде оқитын студенттерге арналған меңгерілетін аймақтың шет тілінің практикалық курсы Курс–III Семестр–V, VI Кредит саны–1/2 Дәріс- 0 сағат Практикалық сағат – 45 (15+30) сағат Оқытушының жетекшілігімен студенттің өзіндік жұмысы (СОӨЖ) - 30 (15+15)с. СӨЖ – 30 (15+15) Емтихан-V/VI семестрде Барлығы- 75 сағат

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М. Өтемісов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан Мемлекеттік Университеті

«Бекітемін»Филология факультетінің


Шайекенов Ж.Ж.“ ” 200_ ж.

Ағылшын тілін оқытудың теориясы мен практикасы кафедрасы


5В050500 –“Аймақтану”

Мамандығы бойынша кредиттік оқу жүйесінде оқитын студенттерге арналған

меңгерілетін аймақтың шет тілінің практикалық курсы

Курс–III Семестр–V, VI Кредит саны–1/2 Дәріс- 0 сағат Практикалық сағат – 45 (15+30) сағат Оқытушының жетекшілігімен студенттің өзіндік жұмысы (СОӨЖ) - 30 (15+15)с. СӨЖ – 30 (15+15) Емтихан-V/VI семестрде Барлығы- 75 сағат

Орал 2010

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Пәннің оқу-әдістемелік кешені “Меңгерілетін аймақтың шет тілінің практикалық курсы”, Алматы, 2003 ж. типтік оқу бағдарлама негізінде құрастырылған.

Құрастырушылар: Насимуллина Айгүл Бисембайқызы

«Шет тілін оқытудың теориясы мен практикасы» кафедрасының отырысында келісілді.

“ ” 200 ж. № хаттама. Кафедра меңгерушісі Абуханова.А.Г (қолы) (аты-жөні)

Келісілді: ОҮҰ және ОӘЖБ жетекшісі ________________ А.А.Какимова

Филология факультетінің оқу - әдістемеліккеңесінің төрағасы Әжіғалиев М.К (қолы) (аты-жөні)

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М. Өтемісов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан Мемлекеттік Университеті

«Бекітемін»Филология факультетінің


Шайекенов Ж.Ж.“ ” 200_ ж.

Шет тілін оқытудың теориясы мен практикасы кафедрасы

5В050500 - “Аймақтану”

мамандығы бойынша кредиттік оқу жүйесінде оқитын студенттерге арналған

меңгерілетін аймақтың шет тілінің практикалық курсы


Курс–III Семестр– V, VI Кредит саны–3 Дәріс-_0 сағат Практикалық сағат – 45 сағат Оқытушының жетекшілігімен студенттің өзіндік жұмысы (СОӨЖ)-30. СӨЖ 30 Емтихан-V/VI-ші семестрде(2/2 сағат) Барлығы- 75 сағат

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Орал 2010

Пәннің оқу-әдістемелік кешені “Меңгерілетін аймақтың шет тілінің практикалық курсы ”, Алматы, 2003 ж. типтік оқу бағдарлама негізінде


Құрастырушылар: Насимуллина Айгүл Бисембайқызы

«Шет тілін оқытудың теориясы мен практикасы» кафедрасының отырысында бекітілді.

“ ” 200 ж. № хаттама. Кафедра меңгерушісі Абуханова.А.Г (қолы) (аты-жөні)

Педагогикалық институттың оқу-әдістемелік кеңесінің отырысында бекітілді.“ ” 200 ж. № хаттама.

Келісілді: ОҮҰ және ОӘЖБ жетекшісі А.А.Какимова

Педагогикалық институттың оқу-әдістемеліккеңесінің төрағасы Әжіғалиев М.К (қолы) (аты-жөні)

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1 Типтік оқу бағдарламасыМамандану елі шет тілінің практикалық курсы.Мамандығы– «Аймақтану»Алматы, Қазақ Университеті,2003Ағылшын тілін оқытудың теориясы мен әдістемесі кафедрасы, №1 оқу ғимараты, 315 бөлме.. Корпус №1.Телефоны: 8 701 482 25 68.

Кредиттің бөліну кестесі.

1. Оқу жоспарынан көшірме: (кредит саны-3)2. Өту орны: тарих факультетінің №3 оқу ғимараты,сабақ кесте бойынша

Курс Семестр Кредит саны

Практикалық сабақтар

СОӨЖ СӨЖ Барлығы Бақылау түрі

3 5 1 15 15 15 45 Емтихан

3 6 2 30 15 15 60 Емтихан

2.Пән туралы мәлімет.

1.Пән атауы: Мамандану елінің шет тілінің практикалық курсы.

2.Курс мақсаты: Мақсаты – сөздік қорын кеңейту, өзбетінше оқу дағдыларын қалыптастыру, грамматикалық қабілеттерін тереңдету, ауызша және жазбаша сөйлеу қабілеттерін дамыту, диалог және монолог құруға үйрету.

3. Курс міндеті: “Ағылшын тілі” курсының негізгі міндеті – студенттер тілді толық меңгеру үшін жан-жақты және көп салалы дайындық жүргізу болып табылады. Төмендегі міндеттерді іске асырғанда ғана, көздеген мақсатқа жету мүмкін. Мына салаларды толық меңгеру–басты мақсат:

Фонетика Грамматика Сөздік қор (лексика) Өзбетінше оқу Диалог Монолог Тыңдау Сауатты жазу

Шет ел тілі курсын оқып аяқтаған студент мына нәрселерді білуі тиіс:Оқып жүрегн тілінің дыбыстарының айтылу ерекшелігін;Оқу деңгейіне сәйкес грамматикалық материалды;өз мамандығы мен деңгейіне сәйкес лексикалық минимумды;ағылшын тіліндегі мәтіндерді оқып білуі тиіс;өз деңгейіне сәйкес ағылшын тілінде әңгіме-дүкенге атсалыса алуы тиіс;мамандығына сәйкес әдебиеттердің мән-мазмұнын оқып-түсіне білуі тиіс.

Пререквизиттер: Аталмыш мамандық бойынша ағылшын тілін I, II курсын бітіріп, 85% студент сауатты сөйлеп, ойын қорытып шығарма жаза алады. Меңгерілетін аймақтың шет тілінің практикалық курсының бірінші бөлімін аяқтады.

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Постреквизиттер: «Халықаралық қатынастар» және «Аймақтану» мамандықтары бойынша III -курсты бітірген студент сауатты оқып-жаза алады, берілген тақырып бойынша баяндама-реферат жазып, ғылыми жұмыс жүргізе алады. Оқылатын пәні «Меңгерілетін аймақтың шет тілінің практикалық курсының» үшінші бөлімімен аяқтайды.

Студенттерге қойылатын талаптар мен курс этикасы:1) Күнделікті сабаққа келу;2) Сабаққа белсенді қатысу;3) Үй тапсырмасын уақтылы жасау;4) Тапсырмалар орындалмаған жағдайда, қорытынды баға кемиді;5) Сабақтан қалмау қажет, ауру себебіне байланысты қалса, анықтама-қағазын алып келу керек;6) Жіберілген сабақтарды, оқытушы белгілеген уақытта тапсыруы керек;7) Сабаққа кешікпеу керек;8) Сабақ кезінде әңгіме–дүкен құруға болмайды;9) Сабаққа іскери киіммен келу керек;10) Курстастары мен оқытушымен шыдамды, ашық – жарқын және мейірімді қатынаста болу керек;11) Ұялы телефонмен сабақ үстінде сөйлесуге рұқсат етілмейді, телефонды өшіріп қойған жөн.

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Lesson Reading and Translating Ind. (СРСП) work with instructor

Speaking Grammar

Lesson 1 Text:Geographical situation (Part 1)

Ex-s V, p.185; X-XII (a, b, c)pp.187-188(Arakin)

Retelling the text Revision of articles

Lesson 2 Text: Economical Groups (Part 2) Ex-s II-V, pp.177-178; VI-VIII, p.186; XV p.189

Making-up the dialogue

Revision of numeralsPreposition of Place

Lesson 3 Texts:Almaty,Astana Ex-s XIX (a, b)–XX, pp.190-192; XXII-XXIII p.193

Discussion of the text as polilogue(using postcards)

Revising: Possessive case of nouns.

Lesson 4 Texts: Western & Eastern Kazakhstan

Ex-s 101-103, pp.488-489 (В.Д. Аракин)

Making-up the dialogue(using the map)

The verb to have in the Present Simple

Lesson 5 Texts:Nothern & Southern Kazakhstan

Gr. Exercises 104-105, pp.489-490 (В.Д. Аракин)

Making-up the dialogue

Revision:Construction There is/are

Lesson 6 Text: Central Kazakhstan Conclusion

Lex. Ex-s: 8 p.170 ; 10 (a, b) pp. 171-172 (ABC)

Discussion (polilogue)

Modal verbs: can,may,must

Lesson 7 - Exercises 13-14, pp.172-173 (Голицынский).

- Control examinations from the text book (Голицынский)

Lesson 8,9 Topic: Culture & Art Text: Traditions & Customs

Gr. Ex-s: 4, 6, 8-10 pp.207-209 (Голицынский).


Modal verbs: need, ought to, to be able

Lesson 10 Text: Kazakh music Ex-s: 11 p.209 ; 15 p.210 ; 20 p.212 (ABC)

Retell picking out some more information

The Present Simple.Preposition of time

Lesson 11 Text:Kazakh literature Gr. Exercises 106-108 pp.491-492 (Arakin)

Writing summary General & Special Questions in Indirect Speech

Lesson 12 Text: Sports in Kazakhstan Gr. Ex-s: III-IV pp.196-197 ; VIII p.198(Arakin)

Discussion (polilogue)(using the posters)

The Present ProgressiveExercise to fix from Голицынский

Lesson 13 Text: The Royal Family(From text-book “Windows on the English-speaking World ”)Author: О.А.Письменная

Lex-gr. Ex-s: IX-XI p.205; XX p.208 (Arakin)

1.Answering the questions(7) according to the text2.Retelling it

The Present Perfect Tense(Exercises:Голицынский)

Lesson 14 Main traditional events & holidays of Great Britain

Gr. Exercises: 110-113 pp.494-495 (Arakin)

Making-up the dialogue

The Past Simple & Past Progressive tenses

Lesson 15 - Exercises: 114-119 pp.496-497(Arakin)

- Control Test (on computer)

3. Сабақтың мазмұны мен графигі.TERM – V

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Texts: MonarchyIn Britain(1) Relations with the Prime Minister and Government(2)(А.О.Павлоцкий)

Ex-s: 1-3 p.265 (ABC)Exercises: XXVII p.210 ; XXXII-XXXIII p.213 (Arakin)

1.Retelling all the subtexts2. Write Summary

The Future Indefinite and the Future Continuous Tenses (Exercises to fix material from Голицынский)

Lessons 3-4 Text: British Parliament(The House of Commons; The house of Lords)

Lex.Ex-s : 4-8 p.250-252(Голицынский).

Making-up the polilogue (The Debate)

Sequence of tenses. The Future-in-the-Past

Lessons 5-6 Text: Government(Local Government. Political Parties. General Election. The Cabinet)

ranslation Ex.9 p.252(Matushkina-Gerke)

Making-up the dialogue

The Past Perfect Tense(Exercises from Голицынский)

Lessons 7-8 Text: Britain Today(Economy,Finance,Defence,Overseas relations)

Ex-s: 12 p.264; 14 p.265; 20 p.257; (Matushkina-Gerke).

Discussion of the text in group

The Passive Voice(Exercise to fix)


Texts: The System of Government in Britain (1)The Presidents of USA(2)

Ex-s: 2-10 pp.225-228; 13-15 pp.228-229 (ABC)

1.Retelling2.Replying the given questions

The Passive Voice(Exercises:Голицынский)


Texts: The constitution& the first election for President. The first Cabinet

Ex-s: II-VI p.216-217 (Arakin)

1.Answering the questions2.Discussion Exercises

The Complex Object(Exercises:Murphy)


Texts: Political Parties & the 2nd president elections. The 20th century. New reforms. World War 1

Ex-s: XIII p.225; XV (a, b) p.226; XVI p.227

1. 1.Answering the questions2.Discussion Exercises

The Complex Object(Exercises:Murphy)

Lesson 15 Writing Vocabulary Quiz №3 Ex-s:XVII (1-2) p.227; XXIII (a) p.228-229

– –


Texts: Getting to know Canada (1)Canadian people & languages (2)

Ex-s:XXXIII (b) –XXIV p.229; XXVII p.231

Answering the questions at the end of the text

Some verb & word combinations followed by Gerund(Exercises:Голицынский)


Text: Canadian provinces Gr.Ex-s: 120-123 pp.497-499

Retelling 3 texts about Canada



Texts: Australia in the 20th centuryText2:Australian English

Gr.Ex-s: 124-126 pp.499-500; 130 p.501 (Arakin)

Making-up dialogues according to the texts about Australia


Lessons 22-23

Text: Six states & two territories (pp.412-416)Textbook: О.А.Письменная

Exercises: 127-129 (a, b) pp.500-501

1.Make-up a plan for your report2.retelling

Participle 1(Exercises: Murphy)


Texts: Some facts from New Zealand’s Modern History(1)Cities & provinces(2)

1.Find the cities in map of New Zealand & say a few words about them;2.Make-up a dialogue about New Zealand

The Present Perfect Continuous Tense(Exercises from Arakin(1) & Bonk (1))


Texts: 1.Demographic information2.Languages of New Zealand

1.Describe the linguistic situation in New Zealand 2.Write Summary about this country taking additional materials from Internet

Gram.exersices to revise theSubjunctive II(Exersices from ArakinII)


Texts: Welcome to India (1). Cities and towns (2). Cultural life and languages (3).

1. Study the map of India with the names of the states in it.

2. Picking out all information get ready to retell these texts.

Gram. Ex-s to revise the Subjunctive II (ex-s from Arakin II).

Lesson 30 Writing Lexical Quiz #4 – Control Work (on Computer)

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Ұсынылатын әдебиеттер тізімі.

1) Some facts about Kazakhstan. Составитель П.В. Косович. Астана, 2002.

2) Windows on the English – speaking world. (История, география, социальные аспекты, языковая ситуация)

Автор: О.А. Письменная, Москва, 2004.

3) British studies: 9-11 classes. (Книга по страноведению)

Автор: В.М. Павлоцкий, издательство «КАРО» С.-Петербург, 2002

4) Грамматика (Сборник упражнений) Ю.В. Голицынский, Москва, 2004

5) Ағылшын тілінің практикалық курсы. В.Д. Аракин, Москва, 2000 (3 бөлімі).


1. Повелительные и безличные предложение.2. Глагол to be в Present Indefinite Tense.3. Степени сравнения прилагательных.4. Личные и притяжательные местоимения.5. Притяжательный падеж имен существительных.6. Глагол to have в Present Indefinite Tense.7. Неопределенные артикли some, any, no.8. Предлоги места.9. Числительные от 1 до 100.10. Предложение с вводным there.11. Числительные свыше 100.12. Предлоги времени.13. Модальные глаголы can, many, must.14. Повествовательное предложение в косвенной речи с глаголом to say.15. Общий вопрос в косвенной речи.16. Степень сравнения наречий.17. Употребление определенного артикля с географическими названиями.18. The Present Continuous Tense.19. Special questions and Imperative Sentences in Indirect Speech.20. The Present Perfect Tense.21. The Past Indefinite tense.22. The Past Continuous Tense.23. The Future Indefinite Tense.24. The Future Continuous Tense.25. Sequence of Tenses.26. The Future in the Past.27. The Past Perfect Tense.28. The Passive Voice.29. The Complex Object.30. Some Verbs and Word Combinations Followed by a Gerund.

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СОӨЖ тапсырмалары:V –семестр

Мазмұны Сағаттар саныEx-s V, p.185; X-XII (a, b, c)pp.187-188(Arakin)

1 (1)

Ex-s II-V, pp.177-178; VI-VIII, p.186; XV p.189 1 (2)

Ex-s XIX (a, b)–XX, pp.190-192; XXII-XXIII p.193 1 (3)Ex-s 101-103, pp.488-489 (В.Д. Аракин) 1 (4)Gr. Exercises 104-105, pp.489-490 (В.Д. Аракин) 1 (5)Lex. Ex-s: 8 p.170 ; 10 (a, b) pp. 171-172 (ABC) 1 (6)Exercises 13-14, pp.172-173 (Голицынский). 1 (7)

Gr. Ex-s: 4, 6, 8-10 pp.207-209 (Голицынский). 1 (8)Ex-s: 11 p.209 ; 15 p.210 ; 20 p.212 (ABC) 1 (9)Gr. Exercises 106-108 pp.491-492 (Arakin) 1 (10)Gr. Ex-s: III-IV pp.196-197 ; VIII p.198(Arakin)

1 (11)

Lex-gr. Ex-s: IX-XI p.205; XX p.208 (Arakin) 1 (12)

Gr. Exercises: 110-113 pp.494-495 (Arakin) 1 (13)Exercises: 114-119 pp.496-497(Arakin) 1 (14)Exercises: 117-119 pp.496-497 (Arakin) 1 (15)

Барлығы: V-семестрге 15 сағат

СОӨЖ тапсырмалары:VI – семестр.

Мазмұны Сағаттар саныEx-s: 1-3 p.265 (ABC)Exercises: XXVII p.210 ; XXXII-XXXIII p.213 (Arakin)

1 (1)

Lex.Ex-s : 4-8 p.250-252(Голицынский). 1 (2)ranslation Ex.9 p.252(Matushkina-Gerke) 1 (3)Ex-s: 12 p.264; 14 p.265; 20 p.257; (Matushkina-Gerke). 1 (4)Ex-s: 2-10 pp.225-228; 13-15 pp.228-229 (ABC) 1 (5)Ex-s: II-VI p.216-217 (Arakin) 1 (6)Ex-s: XIII p.225; XV (a, b) p.226; XVI p.227 1 (7)Ex-s:XVII (1-2) p.227; XXIII (a) p.228-229 1 (8)Ex-s:XXXIII (b) –XXIV p.229; XXVII p.231 1 (9)Gr.Ex-s: 120-123 pp.497-499 1 (10)Gr.Ex-s: 124-126 pp.499-500; 130 p.501 (Arakin) 1 (11)

Exercises: 127-129 (a, b) pp.500-501 1 (12)

Lex. Ex-s: 4-5, 7, 9 pp.393-394 (Голицынский). 1 (13)

Translation Exercise 10 p.295; 14 p.397 (ABC) 1 (14)

Gr.Ex-s: 2-6 pp.244-245; ex. 8 p.245 (Matushkina-Gerke). 1 (15)

Gr.Ex-s: II-IV,VI pp.233-234 (В.Д. Аракин). 1 (16)

Ex-s: VII p.240; IX p.241; XIX-XC p.242 (В.Д. Аракин). 1 (17)

Ex-s: XVI (a), XVII, XIX-XX pp.242-244 (В.Д. Аракин). 1 (18)

Translation Ex. XXVII p.245; XXXIII p.245 (В.Д. Аракин). 1 (19)

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Gr.Ex-s: 131-134 pp.502-504 (В.Д. Аракин). 1 (20)

Gr.Ex-s: 135-138 pp.504-506 (В.Д. Аракин). 1 (21)

Gr.Ex-s: 139-141 pp.506-507 (В.Д. Аракин). 1 (22)

Lex. Ex-s: 9-10 pp.194-196; Ex.20 (Голицынский). 1 (23)

Gr.Ex-s: 3-6 pp.373-374 p.192 (Голицынский). 1 (24)

Gr.Ex-s: 7-9 pp.373-376 (Голицынский). 1 (25)

Gr.Ex-s: II-IV pp.250-251 (В.Д. Аракин). 1 (26)

Ex-s : XI (a, b)–XI,XIII pp.258-260 (В.Д. Аракин). 1 (27)

Translation Ex-s. XIV p.261; XVII (b) p.262 (В.Д. Аракин). 1 (28)

Lex.Ex-s. XVIII-XX p.263 ; XXV p.266 (В.Д. Аракин). 1 (29)

Gr.Ex-s: 4-6 pp.341-342 1 (30)

Барлығы: VI-семестрге 30 сағат

4. ПӘННІҢ ОҚУ–ӘДІСТЕМЕЛІК ӘДЕБИЕТТЕРМЕН ҚАМТЫЛУ КАРТАСЫКафедра: Ағылшын тілінің практикалық курсы. Тьютор: А.Б. Насимуллина

Кредит саны: 1+2=3

№ Әдебиет атауы



кітапханада кафедрада


қамтылу пайызы


Электронды түрі

1 2 3 4 5 6 71 Some facts about

Kazakhstan. Составитель П.В. Косович. Астана, 2002.

5 0 30

2 Windows on the English – speaking world. (История, география, социальные аспекты, языковая ситуация) Автор: О.А. Письменная, Москва, 2004.

0 0 35

3 British studies: 9-11 classes. (Книга по страноведению) Автор: В.М. Павлоцкий, издательство «КАРО» С.-Петербург, 2002

10 3 50

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4 Грамматика (Сборник упражнений) Ю.В. Голицынский, Москва, 2004

20 0 80%

5 Ағылшын тілінің практикалық курсы. В.Д. Аракин, Москва, 2000 (3 бөлімі).

30 5 65


AE BE Translation

Fall autumn осеньVacation holiday отпускvacation-er,vaca-tionist

holiday-maker отдыхающий,отпускник

Landslide landslip обвал, оползеньmovies (movie theatre)


кино (театр)

Movie film кинофильмorchestra seat stall кресло в партереstreet musician busker уличный музыкантstreet light lamppost фонарный столбDepot station вокзал, железная дорогаRestroom public convenience общественный туалетSidewalk pavement тротуарFreeway motorway автострада, автомагистральSubway tube, underground метроRailroad railway железная дорогаrailroad track railway line железнодорожный путьstreetcar, trolley tram трамвайparking lot car park автомобильная стоянкаCab taxi таксиTruck lorry, van, trailer грузовой автомобильflat-car truck открытая железнодорожная

платформаpassenger car carriage пассажирский вагонrailroad car, freight car,baggage car


товарный или багажный вагон

Trailer caravan жилой автоприцепSailboat sailing boat парусная шлюпкаgasoline (gas) petrol бензинflat tire, blow-out puncture прокол (шины)Hood bonnet капотTop hood откидной верх автомобиляFender wing, mudguard крыло (автомобиля)Bumper fender буфер, амортизаторlicense plate number plate номерная табличкаspark-plug sparking-plug свеча зажиганияKerosene paraffin керосинLumber timber лесоматериалы

AE BE Translation

Yard garden садApartment building block of flats многоквартирный домsmoke-stack chimney дымовая трубаfirst floor ground floor первый этажsecond floor first floor второй этажElevator lift лифтHallway vestibule; corridor коридор

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Apartment flat квартираliving-room drawing-room гостинаяBureau chest of drawers шифоньеркаcloset (for hanging clothes) wardrobe шкафDresser kitchen sideboard кухонный шкаф для посудыDavenport sofa, coach диванBug insect насекомоеAntenna aerial антеннаFaucet tap водопроводный кранDrapes curtains занавескиScotch tape sellotape «скотч» (склеивающая лента)Flashlight torch электрический фонарикmonkey wrench spanner гаечный ключwall plug multiple outlet

adapterштепсельная вилка,тройник

Garbage Rubbish мусорgarbage can Dustbin мусорный ящикCan Tin консервы, консервная банкаCanned foods tinned foods консервированные фруктыPitcher tin-opener открывалкаSkillet Jug графинcook-book frying pan сковородаChop cookery book поваренная книгаTenderloin Cutlet (отбивная) котлетаBacon filet, undercut филей, вырезкаbacon (mixture of fat and lean) Gammon окорокEndive streaky (bacon) бекон с прослойками жираChicory Chicory цикорий

AE BE Translation

Sucker endive салат эндивийSucker Lollipop леденецDessert sweets (course)

/puddings, cakes/десерт, сладкое (выпечка)

fruit (included into dessert) dessert (fruits, is served after ‘sweets’)

десерт (фрукты)

Candy Sweets конфетыCookie Biscuit домашнее печеньеCracker Biscuit сухое печенье, крекерGraham cracker Digestive крекеры из муки

цельного помолаCrackers Firecrackers фейерверкStore Shop магазинDrugstore chemist’s аптекаDruggist Chemist аптекарьcigar store tobacconist’s табачный магазинliquor store off-licence вино - водочный магазинshoe store boot shop магазин обуви dry goods store drapers’ shop магазин тканейbarber shop barber’s мужская парикмахерскаяbeauty parlor hairdresser’ женская парикмахерскаяNotions Haberdashery галантерейные товарыnotion counters haberdashery department галантереяnews-stand newspaper stall киоск печатиfire depart-ment fire-brigade пожарная командаCall Phone звонитьhang up ring off положить трубку, закончить

разговорPants Trousers штаныsuspend-ers Braces подтяжки(high) shoes Boots ботинкиBootblack Shoeblack чистильщик сапогVest Waistcoat жилеткаUndershirt Vest майка

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Bathrobe dressing gown халатRubbers Galoshes калошиGaloshes Overshoes ботикиTuxedo dinner jacket смокинг(wo-man’s)tailor-made suit

Costume женский костюм

AE BE Translation

Pocket Wallet плоская женская сумочка

Purse Handbag женская сумочкаShades Sunglasses солнцезащитные очки

5. Дәрістік кешен (дәріс тезистері, көрнекілік, таратылу материалдары) ПОӘК- те жүктеме бойынша бұл тармақ қарастырылмаған!

6. Практикалық сабақтың жоспарыThe plan of the lesson

LESSON 1. The Article. Text “ My family”

The Articles. Айқын артикль the

Дауысты әріптердің алдында артикль a\an (перед гласными)

Exercise 1. 1. She is … most remarkable woman I know. 2. He was … very good musician. 3. You are still such … baby. 4. She never forgets … favour. 5. The next day was perhaps … warmest that summer. 6. There was … letter for him on the table. 7. He tore open … end of the envelope and took out … letter. 8. Do you prefer .. tea or … coffee? 9. I don’t like … black coffee. 10. … expression on her face puzzled him. 11. This is … exercise book. 12. There is … lamp on the table. 13. He looked out of the window. … moon was large and yellow. 14. He was a man who had travelled a lot. He went to … Rome, … Milan, … Geneva on business. 15. That flower is … rose. 16. … tomato is … vegetable. 17. … English is … international language. 18. … of my friends advised me to take … taxi.

Text “General information” (reading, translating, retelling)

General informationThe Republic of Kazakhstan is an independent state, situated in the central part of Euroasia. Its territory is 2727 thousand square kilometres. Population is about 15 million people. 53,4%m of Kazakhs, 30%

of Russians, 3,7% of Ukranians, 2,5% of Uzbeks, 2,4% of Germans, 1,4% of Uighurs, 0,7% of Koreans, 5,9% of other nationalities live in Kazakhstan.

Kazakh is the official language; Russian is the language of international communication. The Republic of Kazakhstan is a secular, democratic and unitary state.The main trends of religions are Islam (sunnite) and Christianity (orthodox, catholic and protestant). There are

also supporters of the other world religions-Buddhism and Judaism.The capital is Astana.The Head of State is President.The highest legislative organ is Parliament consisting of the Senate and the Majilis.The executive power belongs to the Government. The currency is tenge.

LESSON 2. The verb “to be”, “to have”.

The verb “to be” . I am ... We are ...You are ... You are...He (She, It) is ... They are...

Exercise 2 . Fill in the gaps with am/am not, is /is not, are/are not to complete the story.Our family ... a big one, we ... four: my father, my mother, my elder brother and I. My father ... a tall broad-

shouldered man of 49. My mother ... a pleasant woman of 47. My parents ... economists and they ... fond of their profession. They ... always very busy and when they ... at home I... ready to do everything about the house. My elder brother ... an economist, he ... a doctor, so he ... as busy as my parents. In the evening when we ... at home we ... glad to see each other. Our personal hobbies ... the same. My mother ... fond of music, my elder brother ... a football-fan, my father and I ... interested in playing chess. But we ... all keen on making films. It ... our family hobby and useful for all of us.Text: “Geography and Nature”

Geography and nature

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The territory of Kazakhstan stretches 3000 km from west to east and 1000km from north to south. In the west and north Kazakhstan borders on Russian Federation, in the south – on Turkmenia, Uzbekistan, Kirgizya, in the east – on China. The total length of state borders is over 15000 km. It is the ninth biggest country in the world with the territory 2,7 million square km.

The relief of the country varies very much. If you look at Kazakhstan from the space, you will see high ice-covered mountains, hills and highlands. Vast plains and lowlands stretch like green lines. The country spreads from Western-Siberian plain in the north to the Tian Shan Mountains in the south and from the lower Volga in the west to the Altai in the east.

There is Precaspian lowland and the Mangistau peninsula in the west. The southern parts of the Urals and the Mugodzhar lie in the north-west. To the north-east of the Mugodzhar we can find the vast Turgai plateau, turning into the Turan Lowland with the Kyzylkum desert in the south.

The central part of the country is the Kazakh low hills (Saryarka), with not very big mountains. The southern chains of the Altai Mountains are in the east and southeast. The south is covered with the Betpakdala and Moiynkum deserts.

There are quite a lot of rivers and lakes in Kazakhstan. The main rivers are the Irtysh, the Ural, the Chu, and the Syrdarya. The main lakes are Balkash, partly Aral and the Caspian Sea. There are few rivers in the deserts, mostly they can be found in the north and in the mountainous regions. All in all there is a great number of rivers in Kazakhstan but only 228 of them are more than 100 km long. There are also very many lakes, but most of them are situated in the flood-lands and deltas of the rivers. Only 21 lakes have more than 100 square km. Beside mentioned above lakes there is Lake Zaisan, Tengiz, Kushmurun and others.

Climate. The country is situated far from the oceans. The climate is sharply continental and zonelike due to its vast territory. In the north winters are cold and long. As a result of arctic air frosts can reach 40-45ºC below zero. There is little snow but there can be severe snowstorms.

The average winter temperature in the north is about–20ºC. In the central parts winters are not so cold, but in the south they are mild and warm.

Summer is dry; in the south it is hot. In the mountains it is short. The summer temperature in the north is about +20ºC, in the central parts it is +30ºC. In the south it can reach +45ºC.

It usually rains in the steppes in summer and in the deserts in spring. There is a lot of precipitation in the mountains. It is very windy in all parts of Kazakhstan.

One can find great variety of vegetation in Kazakhstan. The country can be divided into 3 zones: steppes, semi-desert and desert. The steppes of the North Kazakhstan are characterized by feather grass. In the north there are birch and pine forests, especially on the sands near the Irtysh river and the Tobol river. The semi-deserts are characterized by different types of wormwood, the deserts – by grass, sub shrub and saxaul. The lakes are usually surrounded by reed. At the foothills bushes grow (dog-rose, honeysuckle, barberry). In the mountains of Zailisky Alatau we can find wild apple tree and hawthorn. In the centre there are coniferous forests.

Fauna. The wildlife of Kazakhstan is varied too. There are about 155 species of mammals. Most of them are rodents: gophers and hamsters in the steppes, sander lings in the deserts, water rats near the water. Field-vole, jerboa, hare can be found everywhere. There are a lot of hoofed animals: saiga, dzheiran in the deserts, maral, musk deer in the lowlands. In the mountains wild boar, roe can be met. There are predators in Kazakhstan: wolf, fox, and weasel. In the forests of Altai and Tian Shan brown bear, snow leopard, squirrel dwell.

There are 480 species of birds in Kazakhstan. Many of them are water-fowl: grey goose, wild duck. Lake Tengiz is famous for its flamingo; bittern and heron are in the reeds. Cormorant, pelican, crane are also here. Eagles search for their prey in the steppes, larks and little bustards fly.

There are 49 species of reptile and 11 species of amphibia. There are tortoises, lizards, and snakes in the plains.In different reservoirs there can be found 150 species of fish, including valuable marketable fish: beluga,

sturgeon, pike-perch. There are a lot of pike, perch, crucian in the lakes and rivers. The rivers in mountains have taimen and grayling.

Very many species of invertebrates are the steppe and desert dwellers. Among them are so hated by people and poisonous spiders – karakurt and phalanx, scorpions and other inhabitants of the steppes and deserts.

LESSON 3. Ex. On the theme “to have”.

I have ... We have ...He has... You have...She has.. They have...Exercise 2. Give the right variant of the verb “to have”.

1. I … a brother. 2. … you a family? 3. He … a very nice flat. 4. His parents … have a car. 5. My sister and I … english books. 6. She … not red pencil. 7. … you a telephone? 8. We … a lot of friends in Moscow.

Text: “Kazakhstan”Kazakhstan

The Republic of Kazakhstan is located at the center of the Eurasian continent. Kazakhstan borders on Russia, China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and the Caspian sea.

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The independent status of Kazakhstan was proclaimed by the national Parliament on December 16, 1991. The landscape of Kazakhstan is diverse. The northern forest – steppe becomes steppe, semi – desert and desert in the south. The climate of Kazakhstan, typically for land – locked regions, varies widely throughout the country.

National currency of Kazakhstan: tenge. Over the last century the population of Kazakhstan has enriching 16 mln. Today. More than 100 nationalities are represented in Kazakhstan. The main ethnic groups are Kazakhs (more than 50%) and Russians (over 30 %). Others include Ukrainians, Germans, Tetars, Uzbeks, Belorussian and Koreans.

The constitutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan guaranties equal rights and freedoms to all citizens. According to the constitution, the state language of Kazakhstan is Kazakh language. The capital of Kazakhstan is Astana.

The president is N.A. Nazarbaev. The total area of some 2,7 mln sq.km. The Republic is the largest state in the Central Asia. Kazakhstan is a country with a rich historical and cultural past. The educational system in Kazakhstan is conducted in two languages: Kazakh and Russian.

The highest representive body of the country is the Parliament. The Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan consists of two chambers: the Senate and the Majilis. The national output of uranium is 40%, cronium 97%, lead 70%, zink 50% and copper 30%.

Kazakhstan occupies the first place among the former Soviet republics in locating deposits of lead, zink, bismuth and the second place in deposits of copper, bauxites, oil, phophorites. The leading brunches of industry are mining industry, ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, oil refilling and petroleum, chemistry industries, building materials manufacture. The main exporting products are ores, fuel, oil and petroleum products. The oil companies agreements were signed by Kazakhstan in the field of the oil extracting branch of the economy in the nearest 40 years.

LESSON 4. The noun. Plural form of the nouns. Possessive case.The plural form of nouns

s (map – maps) -es ( box – boxes, library – libraries)

Исключение: man– men woman – women child – children

Exercise 4. Make these sentences singular.1. The cats caught the mice.2. The women told the children stories.3. We saw geese and foxes.4. The teachers gave some lessons in grammar.5. The birds were singing in the bushes.6. The oxen ate the grass.7. The leaves fell from the trees.8. The boys had watches.9. His feet were large.10. There were pictures on the walls of the rooms.11. The policemen found the thieves.12. Open the windows and shut the doors, please.13. We saw dictionaries on the shelves.14. These families needed new flats.15. Use your dictionaries.

Possessive case

( Pete’s pen , students’ books, the plan of our farm)

Exercise 5. Open the brackets, using the Possessive Case.

1. Have you seen (Henry) new bicycle? 2. Let's join in the (children) games.3. We heard the (men) shouts in the distance. 4. Mary sings in the (ladies) choir. 5. That building is (Jack and Mary) house. 6. What's (the Wilsons) number? 7. You can buy this mixture at the (chemist). 8. Henry is a ballet-dancer at the Bolshoi Theatre which is the (world) best ballet house. 9. The (ship) crew stood on deck. 10. She went to the (baker).11. (Moscow) theatres are the best in the world.12. My (sister) friend is coming to tea.13. The name of Mrs (Smith) dog is Micky.14. My elder brother (Peter) son is very ill.15. He's my (sister) (husband) father.16. Ellen is a (lady) servant.17. Hilary is going to the (dentist).18. The students have ten (minutes) break.19. That's (the Prince of Wales) helicopter.20. Did you see the cartoon in (yesterday) newspaper.

Text: “Astana”


On the ten’s of December 1997 the city of Akmola was declared the capital of the sovereign Republic of Kazakhstan.

Akmolinsk was founded in 1830 as a military fortress. In 1862 it become the city of Akmolinsk because of its ever growing importance as it was on the trading way from Tashkent to the Urals. During the October Socialist

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Revolution in 1917 Akmolionsk was a revolutionary center. The famous Kazakh writer and poet Saken Seifullin lived and worked here. For a long time akmolinsk was a small provintional town. Only in the period of virgin lands development Akmolinsk became known all over the world. The whole Soviet Union helped our Republic to build Akmolinsk was renamed into Tselinograd. From 1962 to 1965 Tselinograd was the administrative center of Tselinnyi Region which consisted of 5 northern provinces of Kazakhstan. The wheat grown in the fields of these provinces was highly valued on the London stock exchange. In the Soviet time Kazakhstan produced 1 milliard poods of high quality wheat due to the virgin lands development

At present many different branches of industry such as machine-building, food, consumer goods production and building materials industries are well developed and are further developing here. Wheat and cattle breeding are also well developed. There are 5 institutes in the city, among them the State Euro-Asian University named after N. Gumilev. There are two theaters – the Russian Drama Theater named after Stanislavsky and the Kazakh Music Theater.

Astana is a big center of automobile, rail –road and air transport communication. It connects The Central Kazakhstan with its southern and western regions, with Siberia, Urals and Volga and other regions. Astana is on the banks of the Ishim River and its population is about 500 thousand people.

In 1997 – 1998 the Government House, the Parliament House, the Palace of Congresses were reconstructed in Astana. The new President’s Residence and many new social buildings and dwellings were and are built here too. The government of Kazakhstan started removing to the new capital in 1997. Astana is 1200 km away from Almaty. Akmola was formally renamed as Astana in May 1998. on the 10th of June 1998 the International presentation of the new capital-Astana took place. Astana will become the center of business contacts, as it is situated in the center of the Asian Continent.

Nowadays Astana – is a big construction side and soon it will become one of the biggest and beautiful cities of the XXI century.

LESSON 5. Construction there is/are in Indefinite Active.

There + to be in Indefinite Active. There is a book on my table.

There are some books on the table.Exercise 6. Complete the sentences using the necessary form of there is/there are.

1. … a train to Manchester?2. … no water on the moon?3. How many boys and girls … in his family?4. There … no disco near the college.5. I’m afraid … no time to see Granny.6. … no snow on the hill in summer.7. … many children in the pool?8. … tourists in your town?

Text: “Almaty”Almaty

Almaty is the southern capital of Kazakhstan. It has a long history. It was called “Verny”. The town was founded in 1853. Almaty is situated at the foot of the Alatau mountains. For a long time its name was “Alma-ata”-“the father of Apples”. It is a city garden.

Almaty is the modern city of the Republic of Kazakhstan and one of the most important cities in the central Asia. It is located at the foot of Alatau mountains and the green areas within the city have afforded it a reputation as one of the most beautiful cities in the Commonwealth of Independent States.

The city occupies the territory of 16,2 thousand hectares. The population of Almaty is over 1,5 million. Today Almaty is a major cultural center of our Republic. It has many theatres, cinemas, parks, museums, shops and other places of culture. The most famous theatres are the Opera and Ballet Theatre named after Abai Kunanbayev, a Drama theatre named after the Kazakh writer Mukhtar Auezov and also Russian, Uigur and Korean theatres.

The well–known museums are the Central Republican museum, the Museum of Kazakh Folk Instruments, the State Art museum and others.

As Almaty is an educational centre there are many kinds of schools of general education, gymnasiums, colleges and other Higher Educational Establishments including the Academy of Sciences. Almaty is a business, finance and trade centre with many banks, trade houses, enterprises, foreign firms and Embassies of different countries.

LESSON 6. Numerals. Exercise 7. Do the sums. Follow the models.

MODEL 1:1 + 3 = 4 One plus (and) three is/equals four.6 + 4 = 10; 12 + 4 = 16; 20 + 10 = 30; 10 + 1 = 11; 22 + 3 = 25; 8 + 1 = 9; 44 + 2 = 46; 50 + 1 = 51; 99 + 1 = 100; 32 + 5 = 37;MODEL 2: 5 - 2 = 3 Five minus two is/equals three.10 - 2 = 8; 22 - 2 = 20; -95 - 3 = 92; 105 - 5 = 100; 6 - 1 = 5; 42 - 2 = 40; 66 - 2 = 64; 75 - 5 = 70;MODEL 3: 2 x 2 = 4 Two (times) multiplied by two is/equals four.5x5 = 25; 3 x 8 = 24; 3 x 12 = 36; 15 x 4 = 60;

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25 x 4 = 100; 12 x 12 = 144; 30 x 3 = 90; 80 x 3 = 240;MODEL 4: 4:2 = 2 Four divided by two is/equals two.18 : 3 = 6; 30 : 3 = 10; 100 : 4 = 25; 75 : 5 = 15; 15 : 3 = 5; 9 : 3 = 3; 10 : 2 = 5; 20 : 2 = 10.Text : “Economic groups”

Economic groups

Analyzing economic situation of different regions of the country is possible to divide it into 6 economic groups. Let’s look at them:

1 group includes the oblasts with developed industry, rich in natural mineral resources. There are local mining and manufacturing enterprises using its own raw materials. Also these regions develop light, food industries and machinery engineering. This group includes Eastern-Kazakh, Karaganda and Pavlodar oblats.

2 group consists of the regions rich in natural resources and vast agricultural lands. It includes Aktyubinsk, Zhambyl, Kostanai and Southern-Kazakh oblasts.

3 group is represented by Atyrau and Mangistau oblasts. They are rich in hydrocarbon mineral resources. Agriculture is not developed here; as for industry there predominate traditionally developed branches.

4 group includes Western-Kazakh and Northern-Kazakh oblasts. Here machinery engineering is mostly developed and there are considerable agricultural areas. All this determines the industrial and agrarian development of the oblasts.

5 group consists mostly of agrarian oblasts. They are Akmolinsk , Almaty and Kyzylorda oblasts. Industry is not so considerable here. Only machinery engineering, light and food industries are met there.

6 group includes 2 cities of republican submission Almaty and Astana. Economy, weakly involved in new spheres of activity, growing financial sector and high specific and technical potential are characteristic for them. Almaty is the centre of machinery engineering, light and food industry. Astana is an agricultural centre.LESSON 7. Control test .

LESSON 8. The adjective. Degrees of Comparison. high – higher – the highest interesting – more interesting – the most interesting early – earlier – the earliest easily – more easily – the most easily good- better – the best well – better – the best

Exercise 8. Give the comparatives & the superlatives.Cheap, fine, late, full, good, funny, hard, handsome, honest, interesting, lazy, light, old, nervous, sad, soft, far, violent, wet, silly, stupid, uncomfortable, useful, little, young, bad, fresh, important, many/much, pretty.

LESSON 9. Pronouns. Exercise 9. 1. There are … pictures in the book. 2. Are there … new students in your group? 3. There are … old houses in

our street. 4. Are there … English text-books on the desks? – Yes, there are … . 5. Are there … maps on the walls? – No, there aren’t … . 6. Are there … pens on the desk? – Yes, there are … . 7. Are there … sweets in your bag? – Yes, there are … .8. Have you got … English books at home? – Yes, I have … . 9. There are … beautiful pictures in the magazine. Look at them. 10. There is … ink in my pen: I can’t write.

Exercise 10. Put in this/that/these/those.1. Pass me ... box from the table.2. Who said ...?3. Do it ... way, not like ....4. Do you like ... music? — I don't.5. I didn't like ... stories he told us.6. He is ill, ... is why he's away.7. Do you remember ... people we met at the party?8. What's ... on the shelf?9. ... hotel is expensive but it's very nice. 10. Listen — ... will make you laugh.

Exercise 1 1 Complete the sentences with much/many/a lot of.1. Have you got ... work to do today? — Quite ....2. How ... sisters or brothers have you got?3. There isn't ... useful information in this article.4. I don't know ... people here. Do you?5. This town is too small. There aren't ... tourists here.6. Usually I don't have breakfast before my studies but I drink ... coffee.7. How ... money do you spend a month?8. Vegetarians eat ... vegetables and fruit.9. I've got ... problems at this moment.10. We visited ... interesting places during our stay in London.

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Dialogue “Seasons”.Kester, an African student, Kate, a student from India, and two Russian students, Ann and Pete, have a talk after classea in the park, not far from the hostel. It is a cold March day. They speak about seasons and weather in their countries.Kester: Ann, is it always so cold in your country at this time of the year?Ann: You see, Kester, climate is different not only in different parts of the world. In big countries it is different in different parts of the country. Our country is very large. In its central region it is usually rather cold in March, but in the south it is quite warm now.Pete: In Sochi all trees are green in April, and in Moscow sometimes we have snow at this time.Kester: And when does summer begin in tn\his part of your country?Pete: It begins in June. It is often rather hot in summer here. It is hot in your country, Kester?Kester: Oh, yes. The climate of my country is very hot. But Africa is big too, and when they have summer in the south of the country, in the north we have winter.Pete: What is the weather like in winter? Does it often snow?Kester: No, it does not snow in Africa, we have about +10° in winter.Ann: Oh, we sometimes have -25°, But it is not so often here. Usually there is much snow. I like Russian winter. Pete: I like winter too, but I don’t like autumn. It often rains in October, in November winds are sometimes very strong.Kate: In my country we also often have heavy rains in the east, the climate is moist there. But in the west it is rather dry.Ann: And where do you live?Kate: We live in the east. Only my elder brother with his family lives in the west of India.Kester: Ann, when do students of the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy work in the fields?Ann: We usually work in September on the farms near Moscow. Different crops grow on the farm. Autumn is the harvest time in our region. We help the farmers harvest crops and fruit. Pete: Kate, what season do they have now in that part of India where you live?Kate: Now they have spring. It is warm, it does not rain. My mother writes the weather is fine.Pete: Kester and Kate, are you not cold? It is so cold now! Let’s go to the hostel and have some hot tea.

LESSON 10. The Present Simple Tense

often, always, usually, sometimes, every day.I work here. We work here.He works here. You work here.She works here. They work here.

Does he work every day? Do you live in Moscow? He doesn’t work here. I don’t like coffee.

The Past Simple Tense.yesterday, last week, last month, last year, an hour ago, a year ago.

It rained yesterday. Five years ago our Institute had one building.

Regular and irregular verbs work – worked finish – finished go – went take – took

become – becameExercise 12. Make the sentences with the verb in the correct form.1. Children … a lot of questions.(ask) 2. I … classical music.(love) 3. You always … my birthday.(forget) 4. She never … to me.(listen) 5. They usually … coffee after their evening meal.(drink) 6. I … to work when the weather’s cold.(drive) 7. My parents usually … to our house on Sundays.(come) 8. They … two languages at school.(learn). 9. My father … television most evenings.(watch) 10. Lessons … at 8.30 every morning.(start) 11He … Arabic.(understand) 12. They … the dog for a walk every day.(take)

Exercise 13. Put the verb in the conversation into the Past Simple Tense. Where you (go) for your last summer holiday? We (go) to Egypt. Oh really? How interesting! You (enjoy) it? Oh yes, we (do). Paul (love) the river Nile & I (think) the piramids & all the historical sights (be) fascinating. How long you (stay)? For four weeks. We (be) there for the whole of October. How nice. So you (have) lots of time to travel round. Yes, we (do), well, quite a lot. But we only (see) a few places so I’d like to go again. You (learn) any Egyptian Arabic?

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I (do), but Paul (not/do). I (study) the language for a few weeks before we (go). I (find)a good Arabic language cassette in the local library and that (be) very helpful.

You (talk) to the local people? Not really, but I (know) how to order food & drink in the cafes & restraurants. Well, that’s good. Yes, it is, but I (want) to talk to people too so I’m still studying Arabic & I hope to go again next year. Well, best of luck.

LESSON 11. Present & Past Perfect Continuous Tenses. Exercise 5 . Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect or present perfect continuous.1. A pair of robins (build) a nest in the porch since last week. I (watch) them from my window since they began.2. They (pull) down most of the houses in this street, but they (not/touch) the old shop at the corner yet.3. It was lovely at 11 o'clock, but since then the sky (get) steadily darker and the wind (rise). I'm afraid the fine spell (come) to an end.4. — Customers (ring) up all morning complaining about getting incorrect bills.— I know, something (go) wrong with our computer. The mechanic (work) on it since 9:30 a. m. I hope he already (find) out what's wrong.5. Someone (use) my umbrella! It's all wet! And it was wet yesterday and the day before! — Well, it wasn't me. I (not/be) out of the house for a week!6. She just (sell) two of her own paintings. — She's lucky. I (paint) for 5 years and I (not/sell) a single picture yet.7. What you (do) with my typewriter? I can't find it anywhere. — Tom just (go) off with it. He says he'll bring it back when he (finish).8. Mrs Brown (live) next door for quite a long time now but she never (say) more than "Good morning" to me.9. I just (remember) that I (not/pay) the rent yet. I'm surprised that the landlord (not/ring) me up to remind me. — It's the first time you (be) late with the rent in 25 years. He probably thinks that you (pay) and he (lose) the cheque.10. I (look) through my old photograph album. It's full of photographs of people whose names I completely (forget). I wonder what (happen) to them all. Presentation “Environmental problems”.

LESSON 12. Future Perfect Continuous Tense.

Exercise 6. Use the correct past tense instead of the verbs in brackets.1. He (read) his evening paper as usual when a friend of his (call) him on the phone.2. He (read) before the fire for half an hour when the phone (ring).3. When we (come) to see them last night, they (play) chess since 6 o'clock.4. The boys (play) football and (not/hear) their mother calling them from the window.5. The boys (be tired) because they (play) football.6. She (put) aside the book she read for half an hour and (get up) from the sofa.7. He (walk) about the sitting room since afternoon murmuring to himself.8. Near the door he (see) the man he (notice) at the station.9. He (park) his car under a "No Parking" sign and (rush) into the shop. When he (come) out of the shop ten minutes later the car (be) no longer there. He (wonder) if someone (steal) it or if the police (drive) it away.

LESSON 13. Dialogue. Special text “Shells”Many kinds of animals without backbones have shells. Most of these animals live in water.

They build their shells out of lime from the water. An animal’s shell grows as the animal grows.The shells of some animals are all in one piece. The shells of others are made of two parts hingedtogether.Many of these one-piece shells come from snails. Snail shells are probably the shells people know best. There are water snails and land snails. All snail shells are twisted. Some of them are twisted in onedirection, some in the opposite direction. Becouse of the way they are twisted, snail shells are calle “right-handed” or “left-handed”. The left-handed whelk makes one of the left-handed shells. Probably the biggest of the one-piece shells is the shell of the queen conch. This shell has a beautiful pearly pink lining. When a person holds a queen conch shell to his ear, he hears a roar like the roar of the sea. Many people think that they are really hearing the sea, but of course they are not.Among the animals with two-piece shells are the oysters, mussels, scallops and clams. Tha animals withtwo-piece shells are often called bivalves. This name comes from the Latin and means “two doors”.Many people collect shells for hobby.Shells make a good protection for the animals that have them. They are also useful to humans. Manybuttons and beads are made of shells. Shells are broken up and used as food for some animals. Chicken, for instance, are fed oyster shells.Billions of shells have sunk to the bottom of the sea and have formed thick layers that have become solid limestone.Notes

1. whelk – рубец 2. conch – раковина 3. mussel – двустворчатая ракушка 4. scallop – гребешок1. clam – съедобный морской моллюск 6. bivalve – двустворчатая

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Questions1. What kind of shells do people know best?2. What are snail shells called because of the way they are twisted?3. What is the biggest of the one-piece shells?4. What do we call the animals with two-piece shells?5. Are shells useful to people?

LESSON 14. Presentation “Traditions and holidays”. The Intermediate Contol.

LESSON 15. Modal verbscan (could, to be able to), may (might), must, have to.

It may rain today. I can speak English. You should get this book.

Exercise 7. Translate into English.1. Я не могу перевести эту статью, так как у меня нет словаря.2. Ты умеешь кататься на коньках?3. Ты умеешь водить машину?4. Он не может идти быстро. Он устал.5. Вы можете взять выходной завтра.6. Не забудь взять зонт. Возможно, днем будет дождь.7. Вы могли бы ей тогда помочь.8. Она, должно быть, заболела. Иначе она бы уже пришла сюда.9. Я должен уехать завтра.10. Вы дожны приходить на занятия вовремя.11. Дети не должны играть соспичками.12. Нам пришлось переждать дождь на станции.13. Было уже очень поздно, и мне пришлось взять такси.14. Я должен ждать свою группу у деканата.15. Этой девушке суждено было стать его женой.16. Собрание должно состояться после занятий.17. Вам следует поверить ему.18. Тебе следует прочитать эту книгу в оригинале.19. Эта болезнь очень серьезная. Ей следует лечь в больницу.20. Вам следует быть осторожнее.

Modal verbs. Dialogue.need, should, ought to, to be to.

Exercise 8. Combine should/ought to with the appropriate form of the infinitive in brackets.1. I don't feel at all well. See me home, Gerald. I shouldn't (to come).2. She was awake at an hour when she should (to be) safely asleep.3. I'm afraid I should (to be) the last person to know about it.4. Never mind what I say, Robert! I'm always saying what I shouldn't (to say).5. Don't tire your eyes. Dr Albong says you shouldn't (to read) in bed at all.6. Didn't he say anything to you about it? You should (to ask) him.7. They have a wonderful language. It should (to know) widely.8. When a man is old enough to do wrong he should (to be) old enough to do right also.9. "We should never (to come) here," she burst out.10. You should go to the concert. Why should you (to miss) the music?

LESSON 16. Passive Voice . Студенты строят общежитие. Общежитие строится студентами. To be + Past Participle (II) The hostel is built near the Institute.The work was done by the student.

Exercise 9. Complete the following passive voice sentences in the tenses suggested.1. This picture (always admire). – Present2. The Tower of London (formerly use) as a prison. - Past3. This play (forget) in a few year’s time. – Future4. English (speak) all over the world. - Present5. The piano (play) far too loudly. - Past6. The matter (discuss) tomorrow. – Future7.

Exercise 10 . Put the following sentences into the passive voice with a personal subject.

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MODEL: They gave my little sister a ticket too. — My little sister was given a ticket too.1. People will show the visitors the new buildings.2. They promise us higher wages.3. Somebody will tell you what time the train leaves.4. Somebody recommended me to another doctor.5. Someone taught him French and gave him a dictionary.6. They will allow each boy a second plate of ice-cream.7. The authorities refused John a passport.8. They will ask us all several questions.9. When we first met, they had already offered me a new job at the bank.10. Someone will read you another chapter next time.

LESSON 17. Test control


№ Бағалау түрі Аралық салмақ1. Ағымдағы 202. Аралық 303. Үй жұмысы 104. Қорытынды (емтихан) 40

Барлығы 100

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«Пән бойынша білімді бағалау схемасы»

№ Критерии оценки Оценка вида Неделя

% за работу % всего

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

1 1.1. Активная работа во время аудиторных занятий (лекциях, семинарах, практических, лабораторных).

0.4 6 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

2 1.2 Уровень усвоения и своевременная отчетность по теории изучаемой дисциплины (по темам лекционных занятий).

0.4 6 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

3 1.3 Уровень выполнения и своевременная отчетность по выполнение практических заданий (по темам практических, семинарских, лабораторных занятий).

0.4 6 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

4 1.4 Уровень выполнения индивидуальных проверочных работ и заданий (самостоятельная работа студента).

0.4 6 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

2.Первый рубежный контроль (зачет, миниэкзамен, контрольная работа)

6 + +

5 Р1+Р2 30 + 30

6 Экзамен 40

итого 100


ШЕТЕЛ ТІЛІН ОҚЫТУДА БЕЙНЕФИЛЬМДІ ҚОЛДАНУСоңғы кезде шетел тілін оқытуда бейнефильмдерді қолдануға үлкен мән беріліп келеді. Ғылымның өсіп-

өркендеуі елеулі техникалық прогресске жол ашып отырған жағдайда оқу-тәрбие жұмысында жақсы табыстарға жету үшін ғылыми-техникалық жетістіктерді оқыту процесінде кеңінен пайдалану керек. Бейнефильмдер студенттердің көру, есту сезімдеріне бірдей әсер етеді. Бұл жөнінде Я.А.Коменский: «Алтын ереже-бала сезім арқылы қабылдай алатын нәрселердің барлығын сезім әсерлерін туғызып білдірген жөн: көруге болаын нәрсені көрсет,естуге болатын нәрсені құлақ қойып тыңдасын,иісін иіскеп білсін,дәмін татып көрсін,қолына ұстап нәрсенің қатты-жұмсақтығын байқасын т.б. Кейбір нәрсені түрлі сезім мүшелері бердей түсініп қабылдағаны жақсы,»-деген. Сондай-ақ, шетел тілі сабағында бейнефильмдер студенттердің сөйлеу іскерлігін дамыту үшін де қолданылады. Студенттердің белсенділігін арттырып, өз бетінше жұмыс істеу қабілетін, ойын, тілін дамытуда, оларды түрлі тақырыптарға сөйлетуге үйретуде бейнефильмдердің пайдасы зор.

Шетел тілін оқыту процесін жеделдету және жетілдіру үшін сабақта техникалық құралдарды, соның ішінде бейнефильмдерді пайдаланудың дидактика тұрғысынан да, экономика тұрғысынан да маңызы зор:

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1. Бейнефильмдер студенттердің фонетикалық, лексикалық, грамматикалық материалды жақсы меңгеруіне, оны интенсивті түрде бекітуге көмектеседі.

2. Бейнефильмдер оқытушыға оқу-тәрбие жұмысын өмір шындығына жанастыруға мүмкіндік береді.3. Сабақта бейнефильмдерді қолдану нәтижесінде студенттер өздері меңгерген фонетикалық, лексикалық,

грамматикалық материалдарды өз ойларын айтып жеткізу үшін қолдануға дағдыланадыю4. Бейнефильмдер тыңдап-түсінуде кездесетін қиындықтырды жеңуге, студенттердің бойында тыңдап-

түсіну іскерлігі мен дағдыларды қалыптастыруға жәрдемдеседі.5. Сабақта бейнефильмді қолдану оқу сапасын жоғарлатады, студенттердің шетел тілін үйренуге

қызығушылығын арттырады.Сабақта қолданатын бейнефильмдің түрлері: документальді, көркем фильм, комедия, тіл меңгеруге

арналған фильмдер, жарнамалық фильмдер, коммерциялық фильмдер. Сабақта бейнефильмді қолданғанда ескерілетін жағдайлар: бейнефильмдерді жоспарға сай іріктеу,

тақырыпқа сәйкес талдау, фильмнің ескеру, қысқа болуын қадағалау, сюжеттің студенттер үшін қызықты әрі берік логикасы болуы шарт, баяндалу тілінің жатықтығына көңіл бөлу.

Бейнефильмді сабақта пайдалану жолдары:1. Фильмді бірнеше кадрға бөліп көрсету керек.2. Сабақты ой ашардан бастау. Студенттерді фильмді көруге дайындау үшін тақырыпқа байланысты

әңгіме өткізуюo Фильмді көруге дайындық кезеңі:

a) таяныш, қажетті сөздермен таныстыру,b) болжау сұрақтар қою,c) хабарлама жасау.

o Фильмді көру барысында мына жағдайлар ескеріледі:a) негізгі идеяны анықтау,b) басты ақпаратты да, қосалқы ақпаратты да толық түсіну.

o Фильмді көріп болғаннан кейін төмендегі жұмыстар жүргізіледі:a) сұрақтар қою арқылы студенттердің түсініктерін тексеру,b) сюжетті талқылау,c) кейіпкерлерге мінездеме беру,d) рөлдік ойындар ұйымдастыру.

Фильмді көрсету әдістері:

Silent viewing: Студенттер фильмді дауысын шығармай, дыбыссыз көреді. Топтағы студенттер кейіпкерлердің не туралы айтқанын талқылайды. Оқытушы сюжетті дауысын шығарып қойып, қайта көрсетеді.Freeze frame: Студенттер үзіндіні көреді. Оқытушы қызықты немесе маңызды оқиғаның алдында үзіліс жасайды. Студенттер жалғасы қалай болатыны туралы болжауларын айтады.Picture less listening: Студенттер экранға теріс қарап отырады, фильмді көрмейді, тек қана дауысын (әңгімені, диалогты) есту арқылы, оқиғаның қай жерде болғанын, кімдер, не туралы екенін анықтайды.View or Speak: Студенттер екі топқа бөлінедію бірінші топ студенгттері экранға теріс қарап отырады. Екінші топ студенттерінің көңілін экранға бұрамыз. Теледидардың дауысы өшіріледі. Екінші топ студенттері теледидарға қарап отырып экраннан не көріп отырғандары туралы әріптесіне баяндайды. 2 минуттан кейін фильм тоқтатылады. Екінші топ студенттері естігендері туралы айтып береді. Бірінші және екінші топ студенттері орындарын алмастырып, осы тәсілмен жалғасын көреді. Содан кейін фильмді басынан қайта қойып, дауысын шығырып тыңдайды. Мұндай жаттығудың түрі грамматикалық материалды (Present progressive) бекітуге жақсы. Соңында бұрыс жерін түзетіп, оқиға туралы баяндайды.What’s wrong with the story? Студенттерді екі топқа бөлеміз.1-топ студенттеріне фильмді көру тапсырылады. 2-топ студенттеріне фильм туралы жазылған мәтіндер таратылып беріледі. Мәтінде оқиға туралы бірнеше дұрыс емес сөйлем (жалған хабар) жазылған. 1-топ студенттері фильмді көріп отырған кезде, 2-топ студенттері мәтінді өз беттерінше оқып отырады. Үзіліс жасалынады, екінші топ студенттері мәтіндерді әріптесіне оқиды, 1-топ студенттері қате сөйлемдерді түзейді. Фильмді студенттер қайта көреді. Ол туралы өз ойларын айтады.Dialogue Reconstruction. 1. Фильмнен диалогы бар кадрды бөліп алып, студенттерге дыбыссыз көрсетіп, жұптарымен сол көргендері туралы диалог құруға тапсырма беріледі. Дауысын шығарып диалог екі немесе үш рет көрсетіледі. Оқиға туралы хабардар болғаннан кейін, студенттер қажетті сөздерді қолдана отырып қайтадан диалог құрады.2. Студенттер диалогтың немесе әңгіменің басын көреді де, оны өздері әрі қарай жалғастырады.TV ads. Студенттер өздері жақсы білетін тележарнаманы талдап, сол туралы өз ойларын айтып, клип түсіруге дайындалады.

Олар тележарнама туралы сценарий жасайды, сол бойынша бейнекөрініс түсіреді. Сөйтіп бейнекамераның көмегімен әрбір студентті сөйлетуге болады. Міне, осылай өмір шындығына сай сөз ситуацияларын жасайтын клиптар түсіруге болады.

Студенттердің өздіктерінен істейтін жұмыс белсенділігін арттыру үшін бейнефильдерді көрсету арқылы шығарма, мазмұндама жаздыруды ұйымдастыруға да болады. Мұндағы мақсат студенттер көрген фильмдерінің мазмұнын сақтай отырып, жаңа сөздерді кірістіріп, оқиғадан алған әсерлерін, ойларын еркін білдіруге

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дағдыланады. Сондай-ақ, шығарма жазу студентті шығармашылыққа баулиды, тілін ұстартады, коммуникацияға жетелейді.

Әдебиеттер1. Cooper, Richard, Lavery, Mike and Rinvolucri, Mario. 1991. Video. Oxford: Oxford University Press.2. Hammer, Jeremy. 2001. The Practice of English Language Teaching. Essex: Pearson Education Limited.3. Коменский Я.А. Избранные педагогические сочинения. Великая дидактика, Москва, 1939, стр.207.

СОӨЖ жүргізу үшін әдістемелік нұсқау- наборы текстов домашних заданий, - материалы самоконтроля по каждой теме, - задания по выполнению текущих видов работ, рефератов и других домашних заданий с указанием трудоемкости и литературы


Жұмыс түрі Тапсырманың мақсаты, мазмұны

Ұсынылатын әдебиет

1. The educational system in Kazakhstan.

Подготовка к устному опросу 1;6

3. My working day Работа в группе 15. The educational system in

Great Britain.Подготовка к устному опросу 1-2

4 Free time Работа в группе 1-35 Theatre. Монолог 46 My family. Диалог 37 About myself Работа в группе 48 Темы 1-8 Подготовка к тестирование 1-39 My future profession Диалог 5

10 A student’s day Монолог 4-5

11 Our University Работа в группе 612 Seasons and weather Подготовка к устному опросу 5-613 At the Seaside Работа в группе 6-714 Shopping Диалог 715 Kazakhstan Написание реферата 6-7

8. Типтік есептеу, графикалық жұмыс, лабороториялық жұмыстар, курстық жобалардың орындалуы бойынша әдістемелік нұсқауларПОӘК- те жүктемеде көрсетілмеуіне байланысты бұл тармақ қарастырылмаған!

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9. (a) V-VI семестр бойынша студенттеррдің өздік жұмыстарын (СӨЖ) орындау және тапсыру графигі

№ Темы занятий Занятия на СРС Реком. литература

Виды контроля

Сроки сдачи

Макс. балл

1 About myself Подготовка к устному опросу.

1;6 текущий 2-нед. 3

2 My future profession. Работа в группе. 1 домашний 3-нед. 23 A student’s day. Подготовка к

устному опросу.1-2 текущий 3-нед. 2

4 Western Kazakhstan. Работа в группе. 1-3 домашний 4-нед. 15 Eastern Kazakhstan. Монолог. 4 текущий 5-нед. 26 Northern Kazakhstan. Диалог. 3 домашний 6-нед. 27 Southern Kazakhstan. Работа в группе. 4 текущий 7-нед. 28 Central Kazakhstan. Подготовка к

тестированию.1-3 1-ый

рубежный контроль.

7-нед. 15

9 Traditions and holidays. Диалог. 5 домашний 8-нед. 110 The Kazakh Music. Монолог. 4-5 текущий 9-нед. 111 The Kazakh Literature. Работа в группе. 6 текущий 10-нед. 312 Kazakhstan and Russia. Подготовка к

устному опросу.5-6 домашний 11-нед. 1

13 Kazakh dishes. Работа в группе. 6 текущий 12-нед. 214 Sports in Kazakhstan. Диалог. 1 домашний 13-нед. 115 Kazakhstan.

(additional materials)Написание реферата.

1 (защита работы)

14-нед. 2

16 Astana, Almaty(additional materials)

Подготовка к тестированию.

1 2-ой рубежный контроль

14-нед. 15

17 Темы №1-16 Написание реферата.

1-6 (защита работы) 15-


15-нед. 5

18 Revision. Подготовка к экзамену.

1-6 Итоговый контроль.

15-нед. 40


(б). III –ші курс бойынша өзіндік жұмыстарға ұсынылатын мәтіндер: (Шығармашылық жұмыстар – буклеттер, рефераттар)

About myselfLet me introduce myself. My name is Boris. I am seventeen. I was born in 1979 in Volgograd. Now live here with my parents. My father is an engineer. His name is Alexander. He is forty four. My mother is a doctor. Her name is Svetlana. I’ve got a brother. His name is Dmitry. He goes to school. He is pupil of the 9th form. He is also fond of fishing.

Fishing is our family hobby. All men in our family are fond up fishing both in summer and in winter.As for me I read a lot in my free time. I like to go to the country in summer. I swim in a river and play various

games with my country friends. My grandparents live in small village not far from Volgograd and every summer I go to see them.

Both my younger brother and I can play guitar. We play guitar very often especially in winter evenings. All my friends say we play guitar very well.

Western KazakhstanIts territory covers 736 thousand square km.. Its population is about 2 mln. people. 4 oblasts are situated on the

territory of Western Kazakhstan: Western Kazakh, Aktyubinsk, Atyrau and Mangystau are big centres of oil and chemical industry; there are deposits of phosphorites here. In the Western-Kazakh area agriculture is developed, mainly grain farming and pasturable sheep breeding. Quite recently the oblast has been give a powerful incentive in the development of industry. It is connected with the development of great Karachaganak gas condensate deposit. Heavy industry is developed in Aktyubinsk oblast –mining, chemical, machinery, oil. There is a chromium deposit in the oblast, which is exploited by the powerful company “Karachome”.

Cities and administrative centres of Western Kazakhstan have a very interesting historical past. The city of Uralsk used to be called Yaitzky town, it was founded in 1613. it saw ataman Stepan Razin’s Cossacs; in the XVIII century it was

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one of the centres of revolt under Yemelyan Pugachev, after which it was renamed into Uralsk. During the Civil War legendary V. I. Chapaev fought here. Now the city is the administrative centre of Western-Kazakh oblast. The centre of Aktyubinsk oblast was founded in the XIX century as a fortress Aktyube. Gaining the status of a city it began to be called Aktyubinsk. After Kazakhstan had got its independence, the city was renamed into Aktobe. The administrative centre of Atyrau oblast is the city of Atyrau. The former name of it was Guriev. The city was founded by the Russian merchants Gurievs. At first it was used as a fortification to protect sea-trading ways. Its streets remember ataman Razin;s Cossacs. The youngest city is Aktau, former Shevchenko. It appeared and grew due to the oil-extracting industry on the peninsula of Mangystau.

Northern KazakhstanThis region covers 440 thousand square km. About 2,6 mln people live here. It includes Northern-Kazakh,

Akmolinsk and Kostanai oblasts. The capital of Kazakhstan – Astana – is located in this area, with the population of more than 400 thousand people and the city has the status of republican submission.

The powerful stimulus in the growth of its economy and culture was the development of virgin lands in 1954. The region has vast arable lands, favourable to grow various agricultural crops. Tselinograd became the centre of this area, quickly growing town former known as Akmolinsk. Now it is Astana – the capital of Kazakhstan. These days the northern part of Kazakhstan is the main country’s supplier of grain, meat and milk. Besides mechanical engineering is developed here. During the World War II powerful plants were evacuated from the European part of the USSR. This made the Northern-Kazakh oblast and its administrative centre Petropavlovsk one of the developed economical regions of Kazakhstan.

In the future North Kazakhstan promises to become a great industrial region. So Akmolinsk oblast possesses vast deposits of gold, uranium, diamonds, iron-ore. “ Kazakhstan Aluminum” Company works in Kostanai oblast: iron-ore, dolomite, limestone are extracted in Rudny.

The cities of North Kazakhstan were founded in the XVIII-XIX centuries. Almost all of them used to be fortresses built by the Russians when the Russian Empire came to the borders of Kazakhstan. Petropavlovsk was called St. Peter’s fortress and began growing quickly after the High Decree on trade with steppe peoples was passed in 1759.

Kostanai got its status of a city in 1893. It was called Nickolaevsk for 2 years, and then it got back its old name. According to one of the legends there were two sisters named Kos and Tanai who were buried on the hill by the Tobol River.

Kokshetau is the centre of Akmolinsk oblast, former Cossack village. It got its name as the mountains were always surrounded by blue mist. In Kazakh Kokshetau means a blue mountain. This place is one of the picturesque places in Kazakhstan. The area is full of rivers, lakes with salt and fresh water. This allows building hills resorts and sanatoria here. Borovoe is one of the most famous resorts. An out standing Birzhan-sal-folk singer and poet (akyn) Birzhan Kozhankulov lived and worked here. Shokan Valikhanov, the first Kazakh scientist, geographer, writer, enlightener worked there, too.

Central KazakhstanCentral Kazakhstan is represented by Karaganda oblast. It is the biggest oblast, covers 428 thousand square

kilometers. The population is one mln 410 thousand people. The administrative centre is Karaganda city with the population 437 thousand people. Till recently it has been the second biggest city after Almaty. But due to migration it moved to the third place, giving place to the growing new capital Astana. Karaganda was founded on the place of the miner’s settlement and in 1932 became the centre.

There are big ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgical enterprises in Central Kazakhstan cities Temirtau and Balkhash. The oblast has great deposits of coal and manganese. There are some difficulties, which the oblast faces today. As in many coutries with changing economical situation the demand for coal has fallen down. As a result part of the enterprises in Temirtau and Karaganda stopped working. The Government allowed privatizing all big coal-mining enterprises. As a result of investments in industry many companies got back their power. Now the situation is stabilized. Among the investors are “Ispat-Karmet” and “Atasurud” companies.

Eastern KazakhstanThere are two powerful industrial oblasts in the east of the country-Pavlodar and Ust-Kamenogorsk. Their

territory is 408 thousand square kilometer. The population is two million 240 thousand people. Pavlodar oblast is the centre of manufacture industry (Pavlodar-Ekibastuz industrial centre). Part of the oblast enterprises after the reorganization entered the number of powerful industrial companies. For example, Pavlodar aluminium plant became a branch of “Aluminium of Kazakhstan” company. The administrative centre Pavlodar is a big port on the Irtish River. The neighbouring oblast – Eastern Kazakhstan also has some enterprises of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. One of the working today is the copper centre on the basis of Irtish copper plant “Ust-Kamenogorsk titanium-magnesium establishment”. The centre of the oblast is Ust-Kamenogorsk situated as Pavlodar on the Irtysh River and is a big river port.

Both cities were founded at the beginning of the XVIII century as Koryakovsk advanced post (Pavlodar) and Ust-Kamen fortress (Ust-Kamenogorsk). Agriculture is also developed in Pavlodar oblast, mostly green growing, cattle breeding and poultry keeping.

Southern KazakhstanThe south includes 4 oblasts: South-Kazakh, Kyzylorda, Zhambyl, Almaty. The total territory is 711 thousand

square km. The population is 5128 thousand people. The third of the republic population live here. This region is characterized by manufacturing industry and agriculture. Kyzylorda oblast develops food and light industries. Rice is grown here. Sheep breeding and fishing industry are concentrated in this area. Zhambyl oblast is the centre of chemical, light and food industries, building industry is well developed too. Karatau possesses mining-chemical plant.

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South-Kazakh oblast develops machinery engineering, manufacturing, light and food industries. The region is an agricultural one, too. Cotton growing and vegetable-growing are developed.

In Almaty oblast industry is represented by the enterprises of machinery engineering, light and food industries. Well-known companies are “Ak-Zhip” (spinning factory) and “Kargaly” (woolen factory).

There are deposits of mineral resources in the region. Kumkol is a big oil deposit in Kyzylorda oblast. Non-ferrous metals ores were found in Almaty oblast. Zhambyl oblast is rich in copper and phosphorite reserves. The south of Kazakhstan is mostly interesting for historians and archaeologists. There used to be trading ways here connecting Kazakhstan with the East. One of the oldest city in the south is Taraz, known from the V century. In the X-XII centuries it was the capital of Karakhanid State. After this the city changed its name not once. Till 1936 it was known as Aulie-Ata, then it was called Mirzoyan for 2 years, after it became Dzhambul. After getting the independence of Kazakhstan the city got its ancient name Taraz. Other well-known cities of the south are Shymkent and Turkestan. Shymkent was founded in the XII century. Sheikh Akhmet Yassavi lived in Turkestan. In the XIV century invincible emir Timur known in Europe as Tamerlan built a great mausoleum above Akhmet Yassavi grave. Nowadays Turkestan is consisted to be the second Moslem Mekka. In the XV-XVII centuries the city was the capital of Kazakh khanate. The founders of Kazakh state – khans, Tevvekel, Dzhangir, Esim, Tauke and Abylai are buried here.

The city of Kyzylorda also changed its name several times. It was founded in 1820 as a fortress of Kokand khanate, known then as Ak-Mechet. In 1853 the fortress was seized by the Russian troops under the general Perovsky command and thus renamed into the fort Perovsky, later –into the city of Perovsk. After the revolution in 1925 it was called Kyzyorda. From 1925 to 1929 Kyzylorda was the capital of Kazakhstan.

KazakhstanThe Republic of Kazakhstan is located at the center of the Eurasian continent. Kazakhstan borders on Russia, China,

Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and the Caspian sea. The independent status of Kazakhstan was proclaimed by the national Parliament on December 16, 1991. The

landscape of Kazakhstan is diverse. The northern forest – steppe becomes steppe, semi – desert and desert in the south. The climate of Kazakhstan, typically for land – locked regions, varies widely throughout the country.

National currency of Kazakhstan: tenge. Over the last century the population of Kazakhstan has enriching 16 mln. Today. More than 100 nationalities are represented in Kazakhstan. The main ethnic groups are Kazakhs (more than 50%) and Russians (over 30 %). Others include Ukrainians, Germans, Tetars, Uzbeks, Belorussian and Koreans.

The constitutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan guaranties equal rights and freedoms to all citizens. According to the constitution, the state language of Kazakhstan is Kazakh language. The capital of Kazakhstan is Astana.

The president is N.A. Nazarbaev. The total area of some 2,7 mln sq.km. The Republic is the largest state in the Central Asia. Kazakhstan is a country with a rich historical and cultural past. The educational system in Kazakhstan is conducted in two languages: Kazakh and Russian.

The highest representive body of the country is the Parliament. The Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan consists of two chambers: the Senate and the Majilis. The national output of uranium is 40%, cronium 97%, lead 70%, zink 50% and copper 30%.

Kazakhstan occupies the first place among the former Soviet republics in locating deposits of lead, zink, bismuth and the second place in deposits of copper, bauxites, oil, phophorites. The leading brunches of industry are mining industry, ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, oil refilling and petroleum, chemistry industries, building materials manufacture. The main exporting products are ores, fuel, oil and petroleum products. The oil companies agreements were signed by Kazakhstan in the field of the oil extracting branch of the economy in the nearest 40 years.

ASTANAOn the ten’s of December 1997 the city of Akmola was declared the capital of the sovereign Republic of

Kazakhstan.Akmolinsk was founded in 1830 as a military fortress. In 1862 it become the city of Akmolinsk because of its

ever growing importance as it was on the trading way from Tashkent to the Urals. During the October Socialist Revolution in 1917 Akmolionsk was a revolutionary center. The famous Kazakh writer and poet Saken Seifullin lived and worked here. For a long time akmolinsk was a small provintional town. Only in the period of virgin lands development Akmolinsk became known all over the world. The whole Soviet Union helped our Republic to build Akmolinsk was renamed into Tselinograd. From 1962 to 1965 Tselinograd was the administrative center of Tselinnyi Region which consisted of 5 northern provinces of Kazakhstan. The wheat grown in the fields of these provinces was highly valued on the London stock exchange. In the Soviet time Kazakhstan produced 1 milliard poods of high quality wheat due to the virgin lands development

At present many different branches of industry such as machine-building, food, consumer goods production and building materials industries are well developed and are further developing here. Wheat and cattle breeding are also well developed. There are 5 institutes in the city, among them the State Euro-Asian University named after N. Gumilev. There are two theaters – the Russian Drama Theater named after Stanislavsky and the Kazakh Music Theater.

Astana is a big center of automobile, rail –road and air transport communication. It connects The Central Kazakhstan with its southern and western regions, with Siberia, Urals and Volga and other regions. Astana is on the banks of the Ishim River and its population is about 500 thousand people.

In 1997 – 1998 the Government House, the Parliament House, the Palace of Congresses were reconstructed in Astana. The new President’s Residence and many new social buildings and dwellings were and are built here too. The government of Kazakhstan started removing to the new capital in 1997. Astana is 1200 km away from Almaty. Akmola was formally renamed as Astana in May 1998. on the 10th of June 1998 the International

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presentation of the new capital-Astana took place. Astana will become the center of business contacts, as it is situated in the center of the Asian Continent.

Nowadays Astana – is a big construction side and soon it will become one of the biggest and beautiful cities of the XXI century.

AlmatyAlmaty is the southern capital of Kazakhstan. It has a long history. It was called “Verny”. The town was founded

in 1853. Almaty is situated at the foot of the Alatau mountains. For a long time its name was “Alma-ata”-“the father of Apples”. It is a city garden.

Almaty is the modern city of the Republic of Kazakhstan and one of the most important cities in the central Asia. It is located at the foot of Alatau mountains and the green areas within the city have afforded it a reputation as one of the most beautiful cities in the Commonwealth of Independent States.

The city occupies the territory of 16,2 thousand hectares. The population of Almaty is over 1,5 million. Today Almaty is a major cultural center of our Republic. It has many theatres, cinemas, parks, museums, shops and other places of culture. The most famous theatres are the Opera and Ballet Theatre named after Abai Kunanbayev, a Drama theatre named after the Kazakh writer Mukhtar Auezov and also Russian, Uigur and Korean theatres.

The well–known museums are the Central Republican museum, the Museum of Kazakh Folk Instruments, the State Art museum and others.

As Almaty is an educational centre there are many kinds of schools of general education, gymnasiums, colleges and other Higher Educational Establishments including the Academy of Sciences. Almaty is a business, finance and trade centre with many banks, trade houses, enterprises, foreign firms and Embassies of different countries.

Sports in Kazakhstan People in the whole world like sports. Sports improves health, keeps a good form. Finally, it is an excellent

pastime. International matches and tournaments unite nations, they play an important role in establishing good relations between countries.

In Kazakhstan people always paid much attention to sports. Since 1991 the country has been participating in international sports contests as a sovereign state. For the development of the Olympic movement the National Olympic committee was founded in the Republic. At the XVII the first time. In the country there are many sportsmen of international class. Great attention is paid to the preparation of the reserve for national combined teams of the country. In Petropavlovsk, Shymkent, Kyzylorda, Stepnogorsk boarding schools for talented children have been founded. Different sports facilities are being built. In Astana there is the sports Palace, tennis courts, a stadium. In the Republic there is a system of preparing the sportsmen of higher class. There are 291 sports schools of sports mastership. About 140 thousand children, teenagers and young people study here. The sportsmen of Kazakhstan are among the strongest in Asia. They represent powerful competition for the sportsmen of China, Japan and South Korea. The combined team of Kazakhstan is quite successful at the Asian Games. The achievements of boxers are especially noticeable. Who doesn’t know the Olympic champions Vassiliy Zhirov, Bekzat Sattarkhanov and Yermakhan Ibragimov? There are also achievements in track and field sports, Greek and Roman wrestling, chess. Judging by the results of the Olympic Games in 2000 in Sydney the sports delegation of Kazakhstan took the 22 place among 199 paerticipating countries.

After acquiring sovereignty measures for revival And development of national kinds of sports were taken in the country. The results of these measures immediately influenced everything. Now more than 20 thousand people go in for national wrestling Kazakhstan kures. The ancient table game togyz kumalak became popular among the population. More than 2 thousand people are fascinated by the national horse game kokpar. There are fans of such kinds of sports as baiga, zhorga zharys, tenge alu, kyz kuu. Annually the official championships and republican tournaments of the most of national kinds of sports are held.

Kazakhstan and RussiaAt the end of the XVII century Russia continued its aggressive policy. Its borders came right up to the borders of

the Kazakh khanate. The construction of Russian towns, fortification, Cossack stanitsas and fortresses began at the Russian-Kazakh border. At that time such town as Guriev (Atyrau now) and Yaitsky town (Uralsk today) were built. Tauke khan sent ambassadors to Peter I more than once expressing hope for the strengthening of commercial relations. But Peter I appreciated the strategic significance of the Kazakh khanate in the foreign policy of Russia at once. He set a task of Kazakhstan joining to the Russian Empire. At the beginning of the XVIII century the expedition of colonel Bukhgolz was sent to Kazakhstan. It began to found fortresses in the north and east of Kazakhstan. Exactly at that time there were built Omsk, Semipalatinsk and Ust-Kamenogorsk fortresses. Another expedition examined the Caspian Sea coast and composed a map of Priaralie. However, the emperor’s death hampered to realize the project of the khanate joining to Russia. Meanwhile, the state of Kazakhs was very difficult. The next Dzhungar invasion burst out. Bukhara and Khiva kept armed neutrality from the south, China became more active from the east. In such situation Russia was the lesser part of Evils. After the victory at Anrakai Abulkhair khan, the leader of the Youngest zhuz, turned to the empress Anna Ioannovna with the request of citizenship and protection. In 1734 the entry of the Youngest zhuz under the Russian protectorate was completely registered. Protectorate is a form of colonial dependency when a dependent state keeps sovereignty in all spheres except foreign policy. Abulkhair bound to protect commercial caravans, to give military help, to pay yassak. In return, he asked to build a fortress for him, to secure a title of khan for him and his descendants and to guard from the incursions of Baskhirs, Kalmyks and Yaitsk Cossacks. Russia in its turn pledged to protect from exterior enemies. But this treaty began to be broken by the Russian side.

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After the Youngest zhuz had accepted protectorate , the rulers of the Middle and Oldest zhuzes also announced their desire of being “under protection”. The reason was their aspiration not to give Abulkhair any privileges in intrapolitical struggle. But if they took Russian citizenship, they would tie the khan and the latter would not be able to make use of Russian forces in case of civil strife. Kazakh khans and sultans did not attach importance to this diplomatic act. They expected that this would give them an opportunity to secure north borders and to get military help in the war against the Dzhungars. Besides, they were in need of peaceful and commercial relations with their northern neighbour.

Traditions and holidaysKazakh folk customs are discovered in the wedding ritual. The attitude of the bride’s parents to the bridegroom

was free from many customs dictated by islam. After the engagement and the first payment of kalym the bridegroom had a right to visit the bride “secretly”, usually at the brother’s place or at the house of the bride’s relatives. The second visit was open. When islam didn’t have great influence on the family life of Kazakh people the family ties were secured by the people’s common approving, singing chorus songs “zhar-zhar” performed at the wedding celebration. “Zhar-zhar” is a song-competition. It is usually sung by two groups of young people. The men’s group is headed by the bridegroom and the women’s one by the bride. The tradition demanded that the bride accompanied by her friends and singing a farewell song should visit yurta of aul and the neighboring ones.

In the bridegroom’s aul the bride was greeted by traditional singing, which was called “betashar” (opening of the bride’s face). Besides kalym the bridegroom’s relatives. The bride’s parents were not in debt either. During the engagement they had to give the pledge of the engagement’s validity and presents for proposing people. The bride’s trousseau cost very dear, sometimes exceeding the cost of the kalym.

Folk celebrations. Folk celebrations played a great role in the cultural life of Kazakh people and they were dedicated to the most important events in life–wedding, birth of a child, funeral. At the celebrations different games were arranged: horse races – baige, wrestling – kures, fighting of the horsemen who had to throw each other down from horses – saiys, or snatch the goat’s carcass one from another – kokpar. Valuable prizes were prepared for the participants of these games.

The New Year Day – Nauryz– was celebrated by the Kazakhs as a beginning of spring. During the celebration of Nauryz relatives made up at the festive table, exchanged presents and wished prosperity to each other. The main ritual dish of this ancient holiday is Nauryz Kozhe. It includes 7 compulsory elements, each standing for a vital beginning: water, meat, flour, millet (rice, wheat), milk, salt, butter. These components symbolize happiness, luck, youth, health, wealth, guick growth, the heaven’s patronage. In spring people try to get renewed physically and spiritually – give debts, throw away old things, brush clothes, housing, canals. They apologize to their close people for the past sins, make up with neighbours, invite guests, prepare presents for the relatives. Everybody should visit seven houses and accept seven guests.

Nowadays Nauryz is celebrated in the streets, avenues, stadiums. People watch oral competitions of akyns – poets, contests in national kinds of sports. Every such celebration is accompanied by such games as “kek beri” – a grey wolf, “kyz beri” – a wolf girl. The mass character is a feature of the sports game zharys – a horse competition. The more important kind of sports contests is altyn tabak – shooting into a golden disc. All these holidays and knowledge of customs and traditions make people closer to each other, teach them to respect national culture and native land.

MusicThe life of nomads was always accompanied by music. They were creative people and used every material in

making musical instruments. There was enough of such material in the steppe – reed, wood, leather. Also bones of animals, cattle’s, horns and hoofs, simple clay were used. Among the pop musical instruments which were especially popular dombra, kobyz, sybyzgy, dayylkaz, syrnai should be named. The music was divided into songs and instrumental one (kyuis). The kyuis usually accompanied the beginning of the meeting of the kins heads. The shepherds accompanied herds of sheep performing kyuis on sybyzgy (a kind of wind- instruments, like a flute). The warriors entered the battle to the sounds of dauylkaz (a beat-instrument).

The songs sounded in are campaigns, at weddings and parties of young people. Akyns (singing poets) performed songs to the accompaniment of a two-string dombra. There were often contests (aityses) at the family or kin events, celebrations. Different performers participated in them: akyn (poet), zhyrau or zhyrshy (epos or legend teller), anshy and olenshy (singer), kyushi (instrumentalist), yerkekshi (a fairy tail teller), ku and sykkakoi (humorist, imitator). The contests between the professional artsmen obliged them to improve the performing mastership systematically. They had to be in the centre of events in order to react to the importance themes in people’s life. People added honorable prefixes “sal” and “sere” to the names of the most popular authors. One of the famous kyuishes (the kyuis performer) of the XIX century was Kurmangazy Sagyrbayev (1818-1889). A famous composer, founder of the national instrumental music, he was characterized by his unique, bright, creative play on dombra. While working at the performing mastership he reached the highest levels in art. His kyuis reflect steppe sounds, smells and colours. His famous kyui “Sary Arka” performed at the international contest by the Kazakh Academic orchestra of folk instruments was awarded with a reward and glorified the name of Kurmangazy and all Kazakh people. Akhmet Zhubanov (1906-1968) continued Kurmangazy’s work. His best works are “Abay” symphony, “Kurmangazy” opera. He collected and carefully kept Kazakh folk melodies and songs. One of A. Zhubanov’s pupils in Nurgisah Tilendiyev (1925-1998). It is a bright name in the modern musical life of Kazakhstan. At the age of 14 Nurgisah became a conductor of an orchestra. Since that time he has made 400 orchestra preludes, plays, music for 20 films.

Among the famous singers of Kazakhstan the first and still shining name is Kulyash Baiseyitova (1912-1957). She was the country’s pride and fime, won common recognitions. She was called a nightingale of the Kazakh folk. She was awarded the state reward for playing the part of Sarah in opera “Birzhan Sarah” by M. Tulebayev.

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Another famous modern actress and singer whose name is connected with classical music is Bibigul Tulegenova. Her splendid mastership of voice, charm, ability to change immediately have been attracting spectators for many years. The inimitable won all the people’s recognition.

LiteratureThe modern Kazakh literature began to form in the beginning of the XX century. And it did not happen by

chance. During this period modern Kazakh language was being formed, new stylistic forms appeared. Kazakh writers began to master new genres.

One of the outstanding authors in the literature of the beginning of the XX century was Akhmet Baitursinov. He was busy with pedagogical and literary activity. His first work were the translation of Krylov’s fables; a collection of poems “kyryk mysal” published several times was very popular among Kazakh people. He wrote some articles about the Kazakh language. The name of Abai Kunanbayev (1845-1904) is signed with golden letters into the history of world literature. He is called “the greatest poet among the Kazakhs”. It is undoubtful that Abai is also an outstanding thinker. He shares his thoughts and sympathies in the prosaic telling “kara soz”.

The noticeable figure in the Kazakh literature was Mirzhakyp Dulatov (1885-1931). He is now as a poet and prosaic. Dulatov is the author of the first Kazakh novel “The Unhappy Zhamal” .

The 30s brought away many representatives of the Kazakh intelligensiya. Saken Seyfullin, Beyimbet Mailin were repressed; among these people was also Shakarym Kudaibergenov. The special role in the development of the Kazakh philosophical thought belongs to him. Shakarim was Abai’s nephew and was brought up by him. He travelled a lot, new eastern languages, mastered Russian perfectly. Shakarim wrote letters to Lev Tolstoy, translated Pushkin’s works into Kazakh. After Shakarim’s death not only his philosophical and historical works but also a great number of his poems, rhymes and prose were left. Among modern writers of Kazakhstan Mukhtar Auezov (1897-1961) has a special plays. His grandfather was Abai Kunbayev’s friend. Mukhtar Auezov himself graduated from the Leningrad university in 1929. his writing activity began with the play “Yenlik-Kebek” – a legend about tragic love. During his life he wrote more that 20 plays, novels and many short stories. His best work is considered to be the epic novel “Abai”. The novel had a great influence of the Kazakh literature and was translated into many languages of the world. M. Auezov was also a great translator. His translations of Tolstoy, Chehov, Shakespeare, London enriched the Kazakh literature.

GREAT BRITAINThe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of the Island of Ireland, the Island of Great Britain and a number of small islands especially to the west of Scotland. The country is usually called simply Great Britain.Great Britain is separated from the European Continent by the English Channel. The narrowest part of the Channel is called the Strait of Dover. From the west the country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and from the East by the stormy North Sea.The Island of Great Britain is divided into England, Scotland and Wales. Scotland and Wales are hilly and mountainious. Ben Newis being 1343 metres in height is the highest mountain in Great Britain. Rivers in Great Britain are not very long as compared with the longest rivers of the world. The Thames and the Severn are the principal rivers. The Thames is the most important river. It is rather wide and deep. It is very suitable for navigation.The climate in the UK is mild. Summer is usually cool and rainy. Winter is not cold. Snow is rare in winter. The country is famous for its fogs. The weather in Great Britain is very changeable.The population of Great Britain is over 58 million people. London, Birmingham and Glasgow are the biggest cities in the UK.Great Britain is an old naval and highly developed industrial power. It is rich in coal, iron ore, granite, building stone, markble, lead and industry, heavy and light engineering.

THE CLIMATE IN GREAT BRITAINAs a rule the climate of a country depends on its geographical position. Great Britain is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean and by the North Sea. So its climate is much milder than that in a continental country. It is usually rather warm in winter but cool in summer. The Gulf Stream, a warm oceanic current, influenses the climate in Great Britain most of all. Due to the Gulf Stream the climate differs in different parts of the UK. The Western part of the country is cooler and drier than the Eastern part. It is due to the nearness of the continent and to the fact that hills and mountains shut out the mild winds blowing from the Atlantic.It is never too cold or too hot in Great Britain. It doesn’t often snow in winter especially in the south of the UK. But it often rains all the years and there are few sunny days in winter.Great Britain is a very often in winter and autumn. Sometimes they are so dense that navigation and traffic are stopped. At the fog the air is hardly fit for breathing.

THE USAThe USA is a big country lying in North America between Canada and Mexico. The country extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the East to the Pacific Ocean in the West. The total area of the USA is more than 9 million square kilometers. The population is about 230 million people.The USA is the country of 50 states. All of them except the state Hawaii are located in North America. The state Hawaii is in the Pacific Ocean.

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The rivers in the USA are deep and long. Many of them are very suitable for navigation. Among the main rivers of the USA we can name the Mississippi and the Missouri, the Colorado and the St. Lawrence River.There are 5 so called “Great Lakes” in the north of the country. The lakes make a chain. All five lakes are linked by natural and artificial channels. The USA is one of the most developed industrial countries. It is very rich in minerals such as coal and iron are, oil and gas, copper and non ferrous metals.The USA produces a lot of machinery, automobiles, planes, TV-sets, tape-recorders, fridges and other consumer goods.The North-East of the USA is the most industrialized part of the country. New-York and Chicago, Detroit and Philadelphia and other big industrial cities are situated in that part of the USA.

Canada: culture and recreation Canada has become a cultural mosaic in which immigrant groups have been able to retain much of their ethnic culture. The culture of the English-speaking Canadian people is a blend of British and American influences; that of the French-speaking people blends French and American influences. In general, the way of life, family structure, cuisine, and dress are closer to those of the United States than to those of Britain or France. Canadians, enjoying ever-increasing amounts of leisure time, are able to participate in a wide array of sports and other recreational activities. Several of the sports played in Canada are derived from those of the indigenous peoples or the early settlers. Lacrosse, adopted as Canada’s national game at the time of Confederation, was played by Indians inn all parts of the country and adopted by later immigrants. By 1867 definite rules had been established, and the game had become organized. Ice hockey is also Canadian in tradition and leadership. Other team sports have been more strongly influenced by the recreational interests of the United States. The Canadian Football League (CFL) plays a football game only slightly different from that of the United States. Winter sports widely enjoyed by Canadians, as both participants and spectators; include curling, ice skating and downhill and cross-country skiing. From spring through fall, recreational activities include fishing, hunting, hiking, golf, and water sports. The national holiday of Canada, Canada Day (formerly, until 1982, Dominian Day), is observed on July 1. It commemorates the formation of the Dominion of Canada on July 1, 1867 (In 1864 a meeting was held in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, by representatives of Quebec, Ontario, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick, and after three years of negotiations federation was achieved. Subsequent to the passage of the British North America Act, other provinces joined the union). It is celebrated with parades, fireworks, display of the flag, and the singing of the national anthem, O Canada.

cuisine кухня (поваренное искусство)

array множество

lacrosse спорт. лакросс

curling керлинг (шотландская игра)

subsequent to после

1. What cultures influenced the formation of the culture of Canada and to what extent?2. What sports and recreational activities are popular with Canadians?3. What does the national day of Canada commemorate and how is it celebrated?

Tasmania (Australia) – the isle of beauty Writers and painters have called Tasmania “the Isle of Beauty”, Isle of Mountains, Apple Island, This Other England and so on. This variety of names describes a varied island which is no bigger than Ireland. Although Tasmania is a state of Australia, it offers its own special features which contrast with mainland Australia. For example, it is a mountainous island and there is an extraordinary variety of scenery-a lot of it is very green, like England. It is important to look at the Tasmanian aborigines. This ancient race of people has every reason to remember the arrival of the Europeans who destroyed a large part of their society. Tasmanians are down-to-earth, friendly and generous people. Generally, they are contented and there is less serious crime and fewer divorces than in a lot of other countries. Tasmania is certainly an island to be remembered. In fact, it is worth mentioning that Tasmania has been given one more important name-“Holiday Island”.

mainland материк, материковый

scenery пейзаж

generous щедрый, великодушный

contented довольный, удовлетворенный

divorce развод

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is worth mentioning стоит упоминания

1. What are the main characteristics of Tasmania as an island and the sixth state of Australia?India: geography and climate

India is the seventh largest and the second most populous nation of the world. On its northern frontiers, India is bounded by the Great Himalayas. Within India the Himalayas are divided into three longitudinal belts, called the Outer, Lesser, and Great Himalayas. Despite the tectonic instability, the Himalayas, with their sacred peaks, occupy a major place in the life and culture of India. The Great Indian Peninsula ends up in the Indian Ocean with Cape Comorin (Kanniyakumari) as its southernmost tip. On the east of the Peninsular India is the Bay of Bengal, wherein lie the Indian islands of Andaman and Nacobar; and on the west is the Arabian Sea with another group of Indian islands called the Lakshadweep. The mainland consists of four well-defined regions: the great mountain zone, the Indo-Gangetic Plain, the desert region, and the Southern Peninsula. The greater part of the Indo-Gangetic Plain is drained by the Ganges River. Its principal tributary, the Yamuna, or Jumna, flows past New Delhi, the capital of India, to join the Ganges near Allahabad. The Ganges is joined also by the Brahmaputra. The Indus and its tributaries drain the western and southwestern parts of the plain. The northern part of this area, now divided between India and Pakistan, is traditionally known as the Punjab, or Land of the Five Rivers, for the five major tributaries of the Indus – the Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Sutlej and Beas. Also on the India-Pakistan border and considered part of the plain the arid Thar is, or Great Indian, Desert. Four seasons are recognized by the Indian Meteorological department, they are: the cold weather (December-February), the hot weather (March-May), the rainy season (June-September), and the season of the south-west monsoon (seasonal, rain-bearing wind) (October-November). Often, for the sake of simplification, they speak about three seasons: cool, hot and wet.

tributary приток

retreating monsoon сезонный (периодический) муссон

1. Study the map of India and find in it the most important waterways.2. What is peculiar about the seasons in India?

10. Оқу, өндірістік және дипломдық сараманды өткізу жөнінде әдістемелік нұсқаулар. ПОӘК- те жүктеме бойынша бұл тармақ қарастырылмаған!

11. СТУДЕНТТЕРДІҢ БІЛІМІН БАҒАЛАУҒА АРНАЛҒАН БАҚЫЛАУ ТЕСТІЛЕРІ V – VІ семестр материалдары1. Choose the word or the word-combination closest in meaning: idea (мысль) a) thought +b) point of viewc) decisiond) opinion e) view2. Choose the word or the word-combination closest in meaning: supervisor a) tutor +b) reader c) lecturer d) teacher e) student 3. Choose the proper Russian equivalent to: snack a) основательная еда b) закуска +c) кашаd) омлет e) дичь 4. Choose the proper English equivalent to: выпускник a) undergraduate b) graduate + c) post-graduate d) full-time student e) part-time student 5. Сhoose the proper Russian equivalent to: various a) ценный b) подходящий c) предпочтительный d) определительный e) разнообразный +6. Choose the proper English equivalent to: ценить a) to appreciate +

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b) to differ c) to cost d) to supply e) to buy 7. Complete the sentence with the correct word.My mother always used to say I should keep my feet firmly on the --- . a) world b) earth c) ground +d) floor e) storey8. Complete the sentence with the correct word.He was very --- when the doctor said he didn’t need an operation after all. a) angryb) proud c) glad +d) depressede) horrified 9. Complete the sentence with the correct word.I like Mary for her friendly smile and her --- of humor. a) sense + b) manners c) way d) impression e) thought 10. Complete the sentence with the correct word.Turning back now is out of the --- .a) agenda b) matterc) question + d) possibility e) thing 11. Complete the sentence with the correct word.If you ever need a --- to cry on, you know where to find me. a) friend b) shoulder + c) person d) hand e) man12. Complete the sentence with the correct word.I can’t sleep at all at night. I have got --- . a) insomnia +b) appetite c) relation d) fear e) allergy 13. Choose the correct variant of translation: The student has to get up early in the morning. a) У студента есть время утром. b) Студенту приходится вставать рано утром. +c) Студент приходит рано утром. d) Студент может встать рано утром. e) Студент встаёт рано утром. 14. Choose the correct variant of Indirect Speech. He asks me: “Is there only one library in your town?” a) He tells me that there is only one library in my town. b) He asks me if there is only one library in your town. c) He asks me if there is only one library in my town. +d) He asks me that there is only one library in my town. e) He tells me if there is only one library in this town. 15. Choose the correct variant of Indirect Speech.She says: “I am hungry”. a) She says that I am hungry. b) She says that she is hungry. +c) She says that she was hungry. d) She says that I am hungry. e) She says that is she is hungry.

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16. Choose the correct variant of Indirect Speech.The girl says to them: “Don’t smoke here”. a) The girl tells to them not to smoke here. b) The girl tells them not to smoke here. +c) The girl tells them don’t smoke here. d) The girl tells to them do not to smoke here. e) The girl tells them didn’t smoke here. 17. Choose the correct variant of Indirect Speech.The brother says to her: “Do you learn English or French?”a) The brother wonders if she learns English or French. +b) The brother wonders if I learn English or French.c) The brother asks her to learn English or French. d) The brother asks her that she learns English or French. e) The brother says if she learnt English or French? 18. Choose the necessary degree of comparison. (Лучше) late than never. a) better +b) best c) worse d) gooder e) less 19. Choose the necessary degree of comparison.He plays tennis (хуже) than you do. a) goodb) bad c) worse +d) worst e) better 20. Choose the necessary degree of comparison.We have (меньше) flowers than they have. a) less +b) least c) fewer d) little e) more 21. Choose the necessary degree of comparison.He is (самый умный) student in the group. a) cleverest b) the cleverer c) clever d) the cleverest +e) the most clever 22. Choose the necessary degree of comparison.My daughter is (гораздо моложе) than you are. a) less younger b) much younger +c) youngest d) too younger e) so younger 23. Choose the necessary degree of comparison.Let’s listen to (последние) news. a) next b) the latest +c) the last d) the late e) the least24. Choose the necessary degree of comparison.They have (меньше) white paper than we have. a) less +b) least c) fewer d) fewest e) more 25. Choose the necessary degree of comparison.My dictation is good but yours is --- than mine. a) gooder

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b) goodest c) the best d) better +e) worse 26. Choose the necessary degree of comparison.I must see Charles this afternoon. I’ll call you just as soon as --- . a) he’ll arrive b) he arrives + c) he is arriving d) he would arrivee) he had arrived 27. Choose the correct modal verb.Did you go to the movies yesterday? Yes, but I --- some shopping first.a) must dob) must to doc) have done d) had to do +e) has to do28. Choose the correct modal verb. The boys want to go to the concert tonight. They would better --- their homework instead. a) to dob) doing c) did d) do +e) had done 29. Choose the correct modal verb.Do you still take the bus to work?Yes, unfortunately. If I --- afford it, I should buy a car.a) canb) willc) could +d) would e) to be able to 30. Choose the correct modal verb.If had enough time --- to Paris.a) I’ll gob) I should go +c) I went d) I am goinge) I was going 31. Choose the synonym of: disobedient a) angry b) naughty +c) obedient d) proud e) envious 32. Choose the synonym of: to recognize a) to understand b) to identify +c) to learn d) to find out e) to know33. Choose the synonym of: to decide a) to make up one’s mind +b) to make oneself at home c) to conclude d) to realize e) to think smth.over 34. Choose the antonym of: to light a candle a) to turn off b) to blow out +c) to put out d) to switch off

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e) to turn on 35. Choose the correct form of the verb. What would happen if you ______ to work tomorrow? a) didn’t go +b) hadn’t gone c) don’t go d) will not go e) wouldn’t go 36. Choose the correct form of the verb.If I ________ that you were ill last week, I should have gone to see you. a) knew b) had known + c) should know d) should have known e) didn’t know 37. Choose the correct form of the verb.I wish it ______ so much in England. a) hadn’t rained b) wouldn’t rain c) didn’t rain + d) have rained e) will rain 38. Choose the correct form of the verb.He wished he ______ to set the alarm clock yesterday. a) hadn’t forgotten +b) didn’t forget c) haven’t forgotten d) will have forgotten e) doesn’t forget 39. Choose the correct form of the verb.It is time he ______ here. a) were + b) has been c) had been d) will be e) is 40. Choose the correct form of the verb.You had better _____ it at once.a) did b) do +c) have done d) would doe) will do41. Choose the synonym of: to frya) to cook b) to boil c) to roast +d) to stewe) to bake 42. Choose the antonym of: a full-time student a) a graduate b) a part-time student + c) a junior student d) an undergraduate e) a senior student 43. Choose the correct translation. She couldn’t help telling her everything. a) Она не могла рассказать ей всё.b) Она не могла помочь рассказать ей всё. c) Она могла рассказать ей всё. d) Ей нельзя было удержаться от того, чтобы не рассказать ей всё. +e) Она не может рассказать ей всё.44. Choose the correct preposition. The meal is “washed down” _____ tea. a) by b) on

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c) with +d) in e) to 45. Choose the correct article. Officially ___ head of Great Britain is ________ Queen.a) a/the b) the/the +c) an/a d) -/thee) a/-46. Choose the proper variant:Great Britain is a ______ .

a) federation b) parliamentary republic c) sovereign state d) parliamentary monarchy +e) unitary state

47. Complete the sentence. _______ is a machine for cleaning carpets, floor, and upholstery. a) Cleaning room b) Clearance c) Vacuum cleaner + d) Washing machine e) Washing powder 48. Complete the sentence.What … you … at the moment? a) are / does b) are / do c) is / doing d) are / doing +e) am / doing 49. Choose the correct form of the Passive Voice. The exercises ---by him yesterday. a) do b) are done c) done d) is done e) were done +50. Choose the proper modal verb.Tomorrow I shall go out of town with my friends, we ______ meet at the railway station. a) can b) are to +c) have to d) need e) ought

51. Choose the correct variant: The man said: “Will it rain soon?” a) The man asked if it was rain soon. b) The man said it was raining soon. c) The man said it would rain soon. d) The man asked if it would rain soon. +e) The man asked if it will rain soon. 52. Choose the correct variant.If the weather is fine tomorrow, we ____ for a walk. a) will gob) should goc) shall go +d) shouldn’t go

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e) are going 53. Choose the correct form of the verb. I _____ him since Monday.a) hasn’t seeb) hasn’t seen c) didn’t see d) haven’t seen +e) haven’t see 54. Complete the sentence.I’ll call you just as soon as ______ .a) he will arrive b) he arrives +c) he is arrivingd) he had arrivede) he would arrive 55. Choose the proper Russian equivalent to: a smoker a) курильщик b) курить c) паровоз d) вагон для курящих +e) пароход 56. Choose the correct variant. They are planning a _____ of some Baltic resorts. a) travelb) tour +c) voyage d) tripe) hitch-hiking 57. Choose the correct variant. We wish our exams ____ over. a) were +b) arec) be d) is e) will be 58. Choose the proper articles. I’d like to have ____ hamburger for ____ breakfast. a) the / a b) - / the c) a / - +d) a / the e) - / - 59. Choose the proper preposition:The bank closed ____ 7 o’clock ____ the evening. a) at / in +b) in / at c) in / on d) at / on e) on / in 60. Choose the correct variant. The children were afraid of making any noise as their mother ______ . a) slept b) was sleeping +c) would be sleeping d) had slept e) were sleeping 61. Choose the proper modal verb.Nobody answers the phone. They ____ be out. a) should b) would c) can d) must +e) need 62. Choose the correct variant.If I had one million dollars, I _____ a yacht. a) should probably buy +b) will probably buy

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c) probably bought d) would have probably bought e) bought 63. Choose the proper variant. The doctor asked: “How do you feel?”a) The doctor asked how did I feel. b) The doctor asked how I felt. +c) The doctor asked how I had felt. d) The doctor told how I had felt. e) The doctor asked how did I felt 64. Complete the sentence. She didn’t know where her umbrella _____.a) is b) was +c) had been d) will be e) were 65. Choose the correct variant. He will translate the text if he _____ a dictionary. a) will have b) has +c) would have d) have e) had 66. Choose the proper Tense and Voice The day before yesterday we ____ to the restaurant to Tom Jenking.a) are invited b) invite c) were invited +d) was invited e) will be invited 67. Choose the proper Tense and Voice Look! The bridge (repair). a) is being repaired +b) has being repaired c) is been repaired d) was been repairede) are being repaired 68. Choose the proper Tense and Voice In Greece the Olympic Games (hold) once in four years. a) were held b) are being held c) are held +d) is held e) was held 69. Choose the right form of the verb. Вопрос обсуждался когда я вошёл.a) The question was discussed when I came in. b) The question is being discussed when I came in. c) The question was being discussed when I came in. +d) The question has been discussed when I came in. e) The question was been discussed. 70. Choose the right form of the verb.На его статью часто ссылаются. a) His article is often referred to. +b) His article was often referred to. c) His article has been often referred to. d) His article had been often referred to. e) His article will be often referred to. 71. Choose the right form of the verb.Этот дом был построен в 1995 г. a) The house is built in 1995. b) The house was built in 1995. +c) The house had been built in 1995. d) The house has been built in 1995.e) The house will be built in 1995.

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72. Choose the right form of the verb: У меня не было ключа, иначе бы я не ждала.a) I had no key otherwise I shouldn’t wait. b) I have no key otherwise I shouldn’t have waited.c) I had no key otherwise I shouldn’t have waited. d) I had had no key otherwise I shouldn’t have waited. + e) I had no key otherwise I should have waited.73. Choose the right form of the verb: Принять деньги тогда означало бы зависеть от них. a) To have taken the money would mean to depend on them.b) To have taken the money would have meant to depend on them. +c) To take the money will mean to depend on them. d) To take the money would mean to depend on them. e) To have taken the money will have meant to depend on them. 74. Choose the right form of the verb: Лучше сделайте это сейчас же. a) You had better do it at once. +b) You have better do it at once. c) You are better doing it at once. d) You will better do it at once. e) You would better do it at once. 75. Choose the right form of the verb: If you ______ in my way, I should not ask you to step aside. a) wouldn’t not b) had not been c) were not +d) are not e) should not 76. Choose the right form of the verb: If you ____ the lectures, you would not have made so many mistakes. a) have attendedb) attended c) had attended +d) would attended e) should attended 77. Choose the right form of the verb: If you knew him better, you ____ so. a) would not think +b) would have not thought c) will not think d) should not think e) shall not think 78. Choose the right form of the verb: If it were not so dark now, we _____ for a walk. a) should have gone b) we shall gone c) we shall have gone d) should go +e) shall go 79. Choose the right form of the verb: Conditional Sentences.If we had known him better, we ______ him to our party yesterday. a) should invited b) had invited c) should have invited +d) should had invited e) shall invite 80. Choose the right form of the verb.Если он ещё здесь я познакомлю тебя. a) If he was here I should introduce you. b) If he had been here I should introduce you. c) If he has been here I shall introduce you.d) If he is here I shall introduce you. +e) If he were here I shall introduce you. 81. Choose the right form of the verb.Если бы у меня было тогда время, я бы написала тебе письмо. a) If I had time then I should have written you a letter.b) If I have time I should have written you a letter. c) If I have time I shall write you a letter. d) If I had had time then I should have written you a letter. +

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e) If I have had time I should write you a letter. 82. Choose the proper Russian equivalent. Если бы она не была такой легкомысленной, она бы последовала его совету тогда. a) If she were not so light-minded, she would follow his advice then.b) If she hadn’t been so light-minded, she would have followed his advice then. +c) If she were not so light-minded, she would have followed his advice then. d) If she were not so light-minded, she would had followed his advice then. e) If she hadn’t been so light-minded, she would follow his advice then. 83. Choose the proper Russian equivalent. Если бы она захотела увидеться с тобой она могла бы прийти. a) If she wanted to see you she could come. +b) If she had wanted to see you she could come. c) If she wants to see you she could come. d) If she would want to see you she could come. e) If she has wanted to see you she could come. 84. Choose the proper Russian equivalent.Если бы я была на твоём месте, я бы сказала тоже самое. a) If I were you I shall say the same. b) If I were you I should have said the same. c) If I were you I say the same.d) If I were you I should say the same. +e) If I were you I should had said the same. 85. Choose the right English sentence corresponding to the Russian one: Жаль, что вы отказались тогда. a) I wish you didn’t refuse. b) I wish you refused.c) I wish you hadn’t refused. +d) I wished you shouldn’t refuse.e) I wish you haven’t refused. 86. Choose the right English sentence corresponding to the Russian one: Жаль, что вы его не знаете.a) I wish you had known him. b) I wish you knew him. +c) I wish you didn’t know him. d) I wish you hadn’t known him. e) I wish you know him. 87. Choose the right English sentence corresponding to the Russian one: Им хотелось, чтобы никто ничего не знал. a) They wished nobody knew nothing. b) They wished nobody knew anything. c) They wished nobody know anything. d) They will wish nobody will know it. e) They wished nobody had known about it. +88. Choose the right English sentence corresponding to the Russian one: Жаль, что вы написали письмо. a) I wish you write the letter. b) I wish you had written the letter. c) I wish you hadn’t written the letter. +d) I wish you would have written the letter. e) I wished you don’t write the letter. 89. Choose the right English sentence corresponding to the Russian one: Жаль, что я оставил его одного. a) I wish I left him alone.b) I wish I didn’t leave him alone. c) I wish I hadn’t left him alone. +d) I wish I should leave him alone. e) I wish I had left him alone. 90. Choose the right English sentence corresponding to the Russian one: Пора бы ей знать об этом. a) It’s time she knew all about it. +b) It’s high time she knows all about it. c) It’s time she would know all about it. d) It’s time she has known all about it. e) It’s time she had known all about it. 91. Choose the right English sentence corresponding to the Russian one: Modal verbs.Никто не может сделать это лучше.

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a) Nobody could do it better. b) Nobody can do it better. +c) Nobody might do it better. d) Nobody may do it better. e) Nobody must do it better. 92. Choose the right English sentence corresponding to the Russian one: Modal verbs.Ты мог бы подождать немного вчера. a) You could wait a little yesterday. b) You can wait a little yesterday. c) You might wait a little yesterday. d) You might have waited a little yesterday. +e) You must wait a little yesterday. 93. Choose the right English sentence corresponding to the Russian one: Modal verbs.Не смей делать этого. a) You can do it. b) You are not to do it. +c) You may not do it. d) You have not to do it. e) You needn’t to do it. 94. Choose the right English sentence corresponding to the Russian one: Modal verbs.Ей не пришлось мыть окно. Оно было чистое. a) She didn’t have to wash the window. It was clean. +b) She needn’t wash the window. It was clean. c) She may not wash the window. It was clean. d) She mustn’t wash the window. It was clean. e) She wasn’t to wash the window. It was clean. 95. Choose the right English sentence corresponding to the Russian one: Modal verbs.Вам не следовало делать этого. a) You are not to do it. b) You should not do it. c) You should not have done it. +d) You needn’t have done it.e) You wouldn’t do it. 96. Choose the right English sentence corresponding to the Russian one: Modal verbs.Он должно быть её знает. a) He must have known her. b) He must know her. +c) He can know her. d) He must be knowing her.e) He may know her. 97. Choose the right form of a verb. If I had one million dollars, I ____ a yacht. a) should probably buy +b) will probably buy c) probably bought d) shall probably buy e) would have bought 98. Choose the right form of a verb.What a pity my brother is away! If he were here he ____ us. a) will help b) would help +c) helps d) helped e) had helped 99. Choose the proper modal verb.Nobody answers the phone. They ____ be out. a) should b) would c) can d) must + e) need 100. Choose the proper modal verb.Yesterday’s rain spoilt my hat completely, I _____ buy a new one. a) must b) had to +

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c) may d) need e) can


Аудиоматериалдар каталогы

1. Т.Н. Игнатова «Английский язык для общения»(10 уроков)2. «Повседневный Английский в ситуации общения» (2кассеты) Графова3. «Английский в диалогах» (2 кассеты)4. Сборник песен на английском языке.5. Паркер.6. «Streamline English Departures».7. «Stress-time» (2 кассеты)8. «Say it with us.»9. «In the USA.» (2 кассеты)10. «In Britain» (3 кассеты)11. HEADWAY elementary (2 кассеты)12. New HEADWAY (2кассеты)13. Н.А. Лукьянова «Аудиокурс по грамматике»14. «CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH for SCHOOLS IN RUSSIA» (Starter)–2 кассеты.15. «CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH for SCHOOLS IN RUSSIA»(Level One)–3 кассеты.16. «CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH for SCHOOLS IN RUSSIA»(Level Two)–3 кассеты.17. Виза в АНГЛИЮ (1 кассета)18. Inside Out Pre-Intermediate (3 кассеты)19. Inside Out Intermediate (3 кассеты)20. Inside Out Upper-Intermediate (1 кассета)21. Business Basics (2 кассеты)22. TRUE COLORS An EFL Course for Real Communication23. К. Петренко, А. Чужакин «Мир перевода–4»24. ENGLISH FOR ME (3 кассеты)25. SEVEN OF NOTE. Brief Biographies of Famous American Authors.26. OLD FAVORITES FOR ALL AGES (songs for learners of American English)27. CUTTING EDGE pre-intermediate (3кассеты)28. CUTTING EDGE intermediate (3кассеты)29. CUTTING EDGE elementary (4кассеты)30. CUTTING EDGE upper-intermediate (3кассеты)31. CUTTING EDGE advanced (2кассеты)32. CUTTING EDGE starter (3кассеты)33. Английский в вашей будущей карьере. С.А. Шевелева, М.В. Скворцова (1 кассета)34. Вводно-коррективеый фонетический курс учебника АВС. (1 кассета)35. ENGLISH for International TOURISM intermediate (2кассеты)36. ENGLISH for International TOURISM pre-intermediate(1 кассета)37. English for International TOURISM workbook (1 кассета)38. English for International TOURISM course book (2 кассета)39. More Dialogues for Everyday Use. (1 кассета)40. How about…(1 кассета)41. RIGHT READING (1 кассета)

Бейнематериалдар каталогы1. «Самоучитель английского языка»2. «Путеводитель по Великобритании»3. «Путеводитель по Европе»4. «Английский язык для повседневного общения» (2 кассеты)5. «Английский язык для общения по телефону»6. «Английский язык для общения в офисе» (4 кассеты)7. «Английский язык для повседневного общения» (2 кассеты)8. «Family album»(3 части)9. «Follow me»10. «White House»11. «Reference Package for Teacher Education»12. «American Business English/ESL» (2 кассеты)13. «Context» (2 кассеты)14. Window in Britain15. «Six feet under season two»

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16. Funny thing about the future of Europe…La gracia del futuro de Europe…

Художественные фильмы:1. “The Mummy”2. “Sleepless in Seattle”3. “Chicken Run”, “Men in Black”4. Redford/Hoffman “ALL THE PRESIDENT MEN”5. “Legends of Fall”6. “A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM”7. “STAND and DELIVER”8. “HENRY V”9. “Майк Тайсон”10. “The Naked Gun”11. “METRO”12. “WEST SIDE STORY”13. “Gladiator”14. “Mission impossible”15. “HAMLET” (2 кассеты)

Компьютерлік материалдар каталогы (компакт- дискіде).

1. “Учите английский” (американский вариант)2. Политехнический словарь (англ. Немец.)3. “Английский для бизнесменов” (25 кадр)4. “Английский технический” (25 кадр)5. “Английский для газет и журналов” (25 кадр)6. “ Бриллиантовый английский”7. “Tell me more”8. Гиганты машинного перевода9. “English Course” (Лингафонный курс английского языка )10. “English Platinum 2000”11. “explore America”12. “Английский для11 класса”13. “Talk to me” (мультимедийный курс обуч. англ. языку)14. “MARKET LEADER” intermediate business English15. “MARKET LEADER” pre-intermediate business English16. “MARKET LEADER” upper-intermediate business English17. “MARKET LEADER” elementary intermediate business English18. “ TRUE COLORS” An EFL Course for Real Communication (5CD)19. advanced GOLD exam maxi miser Cd1 & Cd220. «Виза в АНГЛИЮ»21. «TOEFL»- (Обучающая программа)22. Альфа-Лекс. Англо-русский и русско-английский словарь23. Тренажер английского языка24. СЛОВАРИ и ПЕРЕВОДЧИКИ + разговорная лексика и сленг, словарь по бизнесу25. AUDIO курсы английский язык для делового общения mp326. английский язык экспресс – курс

13. Мамандандырылған кабинеттер мен аудиториялар тізімі

№ Кабинеттер мен дәрісханалар Мамандандырылған мақсаты

1. №315–бөлме Шет тілін оқытудың теориясы мен методикасы кафедрасы: көптеген көрнекі құралдар, таблица, постер және ағылшын тіліндегі газет-журналдар сақталынған.

2. №422–дәрісхана Лингофон кабинеті

3. №424–дәрісхана Компьютерлік дәрісхана

4. №425–дәрісхана Мультимедиялық кабинет (Бейнезал)