T-- # Facts and Fallacies * |OB PEEKING of all kta<J# executed pr^wnptly, and at reasonable prices; at this office. " ' !V e w Advertisements this Vf eek. Coini»if . .'•-.- .. ' -• •House Dress Visiting ltoy~-L.S.-Rice. ><j/A<? Kodak tell the Winter Sioyy—Charlei jl. ^mith : * . . - . . Trains Leave Brushton GOING EAST 364 3J6..'-.23O Ko,342 a. m. it :33 a. m. 5:23 p. tn. Jilk Tram leaving Brnshtoef 9:09 a. in.! will cany passengers between Moira ana Malone daily; oa Sundays ^between all (stations. --- : . - aoma Nb. 241 •;•' -No. 257 " •' '{ F o . 385 ' 9:00 a. m. 5:23 p . m . 10:54p . m. Milk Train leaving Brushtoo at 3:30 p. m. will carry passengers between all stations daily; Trains Nos. 2&0 arid 957 between Ckiav nbusco and Ogdensburg only. TrainsonN. Y.fi O, Leave Moira ; GOIN3 NORTH S;36a.m, : •... ' 4:04 p, in. . *; = OOINQ SOUTH l0.-09a.in. 7:02 p. m. Mr*. A. 'W-i Sheals visited relatives ID! Brasher Falls tbe last of the week |s. W. Kim ball made a business, trip tot Syracuse last W€«k«- : •;.'•.- |Mon«iay next ia-Candlenias Daj'—the U'aly many base their weftther predic- tions onforthe foiU>vnng six weeks, [Lelajid Brady left t&e first of- the week for Syracuse toenter the tjniver- aity theife." •- ' " '. _•'--'- |The -W, €.-IVT7 wiiljaaeet with Mrs. James Fisher next Tuesday afternoon at' 2:B0 o'clock, February 3rd. 'Mrs George Harris and Mrs.. Edith Scott went'-to Tupper Lake Friday to visit friends for a few .days. . • : IE. B.Bana, secretary of rbePatroDs' County court convenes in Malone liext week, Mrs. George Conger went'to Cojfu- wall last.weeM to visit friends., : The Brighton CJuh has moved into new quarters in the Ivetebam block over the McMano clothing store. S, W". ICtiijball received a carload of 14 heavy hordes Monday, which are for sale at the hotel barn;. Mr. ami Xfrs. .]<>P Ortoa ftf. Ottawa have been visiting Mr •Ortotrs parent*. Mr, and Mrs. M. H, Ottou. Tk« Misses Grace and Ethel French of the Maione schools were over Butt- day guests at Brook-side Cottage. . - Howard^ the little eight year old. son of Mr. and Mrs,. Watson Austin, broke ins leg Monday. Twin daughters, Wfrisuini/ %ix arid and seven pound* respectively, were born to Mr and. Mm George Maiming? Wednesday'morning,'January 28th. Mr, and Mrs. Merrill Baldwin and daughter left for Corrland. Saturday tol visit Mr. Baldwin's; sister. During | tbeir absence Hermon Orton has charge] of the Rutland R. R• statiou, j An aged and. respected citizen of .the town of Bangor, passed away at his home on the Gallop road in that town Saturday morning, ai*e*l H8 years. While he had been in failiog health for some time, pneumonia was the im- mediate cause of his death. The funeral was held at the home Monday afteruooti, Bee. S"ott of North Brtigor officiating. Mr. Bombard was one of the early settlers of that part of Ban-gor where he luade. his home for so many years aud wns a su^et-ssful farmer He leaves aa asred wify, three sons and three daughters, " ANK ACCOUNTS Poring Over Record pliy and Gaffjiey of Mur- WBEMS" 10 SET II So Far *• New York Oittfict Attorney Hat Gone, He Admit* That No Evi- dence Ag»inat Tanihnan)' Leader Ha» Come Out—May Prosecute Gaffney. District Attorney Whit Belief Association, left for Syra- cuse Monday moraiug on business eon-? with bis office. ' • - Lambert. .•"• .. s . - Pleasures- .'•. The objects of. pleasure-'are. two In number. First, to kill tiine, aiid, sec* oad, toJceeiJ us froin ^toinir something else whiqh would maUe.u* mvve mis- erable. Tlie pleasures of the Ameri- can people, roughly speaking.:are like- wise twofolii--aauiel'y» making money hod speBtlmgr ir. , Sume people, d-evive all. their pieasare\ from- and others all chefr pteastire from' spendtog it. Others fccnabiue the two. Beiiig ai2 iaveuEire people, the Auier- !can» -have 'efeated mttay w.ays of. Mr§. Ju)ia Weir of Boston arrived.'ID Brushton last week to visit v her sister,; Airs.-I?arrie$-Pofliipa, who has been quite seriously ill. ".-.." - " .. j-The. Ladies Aid of St. Peter'schurch_ mil' hold a cooked food sale at the JJjawfcins- Pharmacy ttes week Saturday, the Slst, Saie begins at iO o'clock,; . [If tbe bear conies oat" ©f hidden - 3i4xt Monday as usual, anij, sees 3 "the* b%h cost of living, h& will riot be slow - inj-gettiug back. : ••'-'. ' . - - •."". '. ,'• . The' Woman'sMissionary Society of tbe Christian church meet*, with-'.Mrs.--. F'rtiife Whitman'• Thursday afternoon, January 29th... ; ' ' ; , " '..*:•"... ..- Mr*. T, ,T. Lao try of Hbganshurg was an overSnmlaj'^tiest of herdaugh* *te|r, Mrs. Warren (J. Brad ay. She was -callled.home; Monday by the illaess of h'^r.brother, Rev, Eath^r Browu. ipeo'pie who leave horsesstanding: on t- .•• i. * - --.- •' ' - . oi] doors iu ;fold vfeatliec smuud; $ee' thja.t" they.;are" well- blanfteted;. it is not ' ojjily hmnane but it: may save trdtible with the .S /P.O. A. officer. V . •" i Br'ushto.o ' Hiijh School basfeet ball team plays* the Hve from the Brasher and Stockholm High School at the Ma- Temple this Thursday eveniog e-iUetl.'at S;15. ; , • ":.'••'. ;; JFrom now on there will he services ev>ry Sunday al'fernomi ID-'St..- Peter's ehurrb at three o'clook; wuless the weather is such that it is impossible ft>r Rav. Barrett to drive from Malone Sunday School at two d*cloek. : It has been truthfully said that rain ot" shine cold or hot, hard tunes or ••spendipf taonejl Being 1 too bas^ mab- Mg it to speiad any time on the drudg- of-. mailing tiieir country they p i large .purMoij-uf'It m .support-- ing'-the ..poiitteiaiisi. Tfiis, indeed,. Is. one of their cMef .pleas-ares. And theii* sripefb seme 'of. liiiiBo'r ' enables .t-liem to*'.enjoy. ; -iitt'ensel,v tiae accounts of- what all' the .politicians are domg, which eBterpririing papers publish from «liiy to. day,. The AoieFieans ham other pleasures, but eocipftvetl wJtli this one they air© mostly trivial.—Life. Uniforms Thj> Wore. .. .In is. meDtiaiieci.tis.tf following t-bc sin ft" .of the -fi'bn tier ivp,lmet<v on guard' ak>ng the Aiyhjtu" side oi tb*o btu'tlet* had uc<*ei>i>N"l nn luvlrati-tm "t^ fhe i'mess. at th-e.KuflsJaiv \m.A, Tiit-x tu'rirect ia uue coii'i'si-', aiu- 5 "-- 1 *^^. 1 - urtiii the fiUl-. dress Vramlt'tirnf ruihrn.v..liuitVrms, .Tb;» sr 'ilW tUiuekrilfiit: cfiihtr of [its •.-titnie p 'Ticket. Calf^ctop. 1 dimit'tf.' a '.Silbrticern.jwas eulueut ••tyitii. tlk\less esaltM label of ' of eaartesy fo'tbeii 1 - yii js-hins .suppre^std ibflr m^J'ilnn'Ut; iy celving nevertheless :.tlu» that a portion of the subsidy the governtneiVr of luclia to Hi* 1 of Afghanistan was taken otjt jn. Hie hvsib..»r- uniforms of Britisili pnbllo COBQ- paiiies. The fact-w's that the atrieer.. through his ageiit in lufiia, lisd aequif- ed a large parcel of tlisearded clothing at oneof the animal sales of con- denineiS stores in northern India;" -tiroes,; niea*les or no measles, the piwaeher, the tloctor, RBU the priuter are always expected -to make.their visits . orii t i m e , . • p • . ; • . ; ' > . . . . Tbe Dicikluson Center basketball ti've tUifeiJted the second team of the Brush- to n High Sehjol at Dickinson Center last Thursday by a score of 24 to IS. A iffsirn. game was played io Brusbtow Tuesday uigbjt and resulted in a victory ior Broshton/score X9 to 12, ; This is tbe seaaoo of the year when the defective due gets m its deadly work.. The cold weather makes hotter fires necessary,- with the result that if the pip«f becobj.e overheated the fire quickly spreads and there, is heavy loss. Extra .predAUtipua miiat be taken to guard agaiQ»t anything of the sort. A blazing house on a bitter cold niorniwg doesn't make a stroug appeal to anyone. A Potsdam writer says: Congressman E A. Merritt,Jr * will remain for some tune resting quietly at Dansville sana- torium accord in* to a statement by Dr. J, S. Maekay his physiciau, . Thit does not mean that he has suffered any. re- lapse or does bot continue to improve, the doctor took pains to explain, but he ,is doing so weil'iu his present surround- ings that it d<»e* uot seem advtsabl^ to allow him to leave/ however much}, lie' '.may'desire"to do ao. Dr. Maekay stated that when be last saw Mr. >territt,. the congressman- was bright and cheerful and expressed a wish to tak«» up his ksitslative' work. He has been allowed t<> keep iu tb ; uch With the most im- portant details of it recently. Lambert. The Greek, Version, ; A yoniig Greek iiierebant of Wash- ington, who has beek taking lessons in English fmni a. private tutor, has so far advanced'thai-his. teacher recently introdueed Him to tbe beautiesT-and; peri>lexities-^of_;Shakespeare. He was instructed-':to' i l eail a' passage 'setera! times until he had\ the ideas' firmly .fixed in his mind and t%n f closing th€. book,, to -put-.these ideas into his own English, •'•foi-lwving as closely as his 'memory'.permitted the author's test, " He aad, read, over a solllutiuy: of:Qth~ several times and was pepmduc- ihg the Moor's somber thoughts with pretty fair approximation to the poet's words^ but when be reached the last line,'."Farewell,- Othello's ooctination's p h'e "StoppM short, utterly, .a-t'-ia d loss, "The; orisrteU phmsing had quite '••^scaped biivi.- However, ho had graisp- ed the idea, feu* after n few >ecoQds : af fi'owiiittg perplesiry .liis brotv"| vleafed. g Xew". f o r k ' jo'p "1 Wm'i niPii tt'lJ. ruo," stse ,s;:tU1. ' • "But you believe I tell youtbe irntt; vvbe-n i' say thst you arevtbe ruc^r !u»<tutifnl gil'l' I iiavi*-.evec seen. ih>v,'\ y e n ? " .'•'', : . .'• " : ' - ••'••. '•••••• ' ••.'"W'hy'sho-rild Ii' Ton have ^mhaUls said the same thitijj; to jnaByj.another ' j BOTTOM nan of New. York..Is poring ov<?r t-ti^.bank accounts of Charles '.IT. .\lurphy, 'Tammany lead- er, aud .rascDes E; Gaffne:y rijfht Band man to the Tammaoy chisfta!&, in the Inquiry into political graft. 'District-Attorney Whitman has.start-'- <*d a BMiJQber uf subpoena servers-out over ttie state to try to g«t posses- sion of tlie, bank books Jt>£ politicians who have teen raenfeloned In tbe three eornoretf luve^tlgation wliich has been under way for the last few weekg. ;A .number of grttud juries are tnvesti- gofing the eonnty ends pf tbe sltua-. linn In various -.quarters. '.New •.-.indict-• •;s are expected by t i e end of the week. Assistant DLstrlet Attorney Embree weu: to Albany to obtain infoi-mation regfudbig the award of <pntraets : and othtv* state 'contract bukiness. This will be Hired »ir> with Infcprmtttloo. in 'hand regurdiag the bpnk accounts -uf -Marphy, Gaffney andi other politi- eian« gnd Is expected to value to I>fetii«t Attara in his tffaft iitqiiiry. Mr. Waitpian will ask X saehusetts, Pennsyivanta Rhode I'slatfci to- furh tiuu regarding 'any aoeo or t-aft'ney or other polit ed nmy have In those York has a. reciprocal T vians s-tates. -New agree- meiit with the states tiaraed. This agreement doek not exi Jersey, and for this reasmi Whitman believes he is blofked in uiatiou g accoun are kept iu th«*»t state I ciaas. Mr. -WhltrHan I s * already !n posses: sion.of. the iwiiit aecouo:s. <jf. 'politicians who- hrtve h.e^n naiu.ed la the sraf't'testimony so fa^' uddueed. be of great y Whitman nks In Mas- Maine and sh t with New jetting infor- ms he thinks puiiti- Aid to Oar idea is that there o least t h i w fhiJtiren. la that if otie of them ; g-enitts! the 1 other tvr*v e him. -rC-alveston News. "They, say that Marsis itaWe, but trill l>e soon." "f-snsb; I'd- like 'to h •Think-- wf being: jynttug* t •lies of an- entire planet!"- Hope is the dreani of th -Plato. '••• ••'•• WAN1FS Want, Lost;, Found, To R. and other like notices i»s erted this bead for one-lia word each week, with, order. Minimum Ghftrge 1 tt% For Bale I) B Y tV 6 O/D~A <i wood and 4 io&t wood lot _ of Eraest ©rate, BrushtoB FOB SALE^Sevei-al Liberal terms of pajmeuti BrUshton, : Ni T. FAEM FOB SAiDE—Fic(e52acrefarjxi; H tailes from M&lone villa, good bandy barns, rich 1 watered, money makins p tion. Win, St. Mary* Majobe, FOB'SALE—Seven youbg dairy co one Japt freshi at a barssiQ. Fraakor B. L. Whitman, Diekinscn Center, N f ¥ . " . - ' . . . ••• • ; --" .3tf WAITED—100 lartos fo of ehoice Franklin Conn dairy farms for sale, soon. No expense tralesa sell yonr farm. A. B. Conner. DBY WOOD for sale Phelps, MEN'S BUITS cfeaned from 50 cents up. Lea^ piothmg Store, Mrs; Brushton. FOB SALE—A sewing all attachments. Good cojnditjon quire at this office. WOOD FOB SALE—A 8 miles north of Brashton, John P. Hill, Brushton. FOB SALE—Aithis ofijioe at 5 cents a bundle, old newspapers *No;- saiti-tinit it,". ', . -'.-.-..•., ••'*But wili : yoir- tk-iiik- -that In; .a' year : "Why ^iionki JrUTepviKt «>n iu«.*.' - "If you TeJfu***.. ni'o- J shall -to"'•think you are -neantit'ii!. I hin.si 1 si 1 i'.M\'i h:\vo. . / ; 1 'fihO'ildrt-'t:'.wi^Jr"i yon tiiai1ring ; me it'.i \\:vr* itot have WEAR '••.!&'?• ^'htto he.at ry family, »o id lte».tme ft not now hatS- It> -settle-."It! e-.-'flrst. famif Tvapsris City man f cent ft Cash-- -'• Cents. ritifcj? of stove ale. Enquire ,-Bti. 4fef hoice A. B* ; , ivel soil, well , fine loca ,;N.-X..' 5 3' our catalogue, y potato anpl be issued sold. Let us Merchant Itf and pressed at M ' Balph iiachine with En- \ HilFs farm Cut to suit. ocm Regal Boston Wochusett Shirts Arrow Collars W.B. This line of Merchandise is carried by leading stores in the largest cities. A "full line of th& above can be foiincf *:"aty\':'-;:y: ' ' '" ; ": •••'.;•' Tbe Store of Quality t Tan, 2*1tti~r~John Nile* sf>erit Thnrsday and Frieiay in Santa Clar». ; , . Orr Siaiih'of Brasher WJW« a caller in town Monday; -. ' '.-';"."• ••'; • ; - : . ;:/- iiks Hetty Jackeon of Owla Head, who has been spending, the last two months &% the home of Mr> a n d Mrs. Frstnk 1 Yadaw, has returned to bef home; Mr, and Mrs. George Sweet were called to Brtpgor Satjirdiy to attend the funeral of Afrs: ••Sweet"Vsister, SJfs. &riear Green. GJayton Bockhill of Brash ton spent ft couple of days here last weel: wifh rela- tives. , .'. ;/•".' - • " •"'• ../• '• .. .'-.•••" Ernest Sweet of/DicMnson is ependinu a fewdays in town '.yigitang.-relatives, and friends. - ' ."'.-"'.,'• "• " .... --. Ella MuJler, who has been *h6 guest of Mrg. LeonardMles for a week, returned to her home in Bangor Saturday, Lambert. Cooks Jan. SS—Qnite% nnmber of people £t« tended the pnrty: at Bpj'al MaddpnaljFs last Friday evening. . : ' Harold Larkin of Brrishton: is yisitingr his grandfather, B.C. GBbbs ' People here are liaviog hard 1 <»olds. •; Mrs Henry Morej*: and Mrs. Ada Moore attended ohwrch here Sunday. . p. ii. Gibhs was t|te guest of bis dan^b- ter, Mrs. Myrtle Moore of .Bombay,. Safe tfrdav. . . '-••' ' Tommy Bnsseli is very ill. .. The road;s were drifted so that the toail could notget through last Wednes- day.':. -'•••;'"'• ,.--•. .- .' ••/• ; - • ' ' . • . Charles Perry of Ft. Covingtoh was in [own this morning'. . . Mrs. Allen Hun tins ari^dfttighter Edna were the j^nests of Mr. and Sirs.. Watson HftoMns last Snnday. : Mr ftiid Mrs. Fred Stiles" expecf to re- two to'their home in Montana soon;'. Sawyer basy drawing up his wood. Outfiiter r -€i ;• The' offe-riug at Qt&nge Hall oa Thttcs-- tfaynight,,Fein 5th wijt 1>e on© of the liiaBy Empire Amuseaient Go.'s ftttrac* tf.nns, .' M G.irl' of the Streets," anil' ; -.this clratoa. comes 'with, tlie 'jUicfhf-st;.,of reoo nienclfttioQis of press aiid 'piiblid. The •story is iiumatn, the sitnationsfaany, y characters real, and the. company ."com d of firstfPlass artists. Iho di i$ kept in con; every wht 1 this season, a tant faug'litev a ad applause, :e t h is" eo tn papy Ii as play t?cl return date has been asked.i for,-Now hd Lambe* . Mortli .. Jan, 36v-"Tfe snows and it blows and it is cold stormy weatner.'' We have been haTipor quifcea spell if weatbe? and people are t'ortnaatG that have jjleaty' .ofSw^otl and oostL . * The Jffttnre by Um,. Walker in ILe Union cbureh fast Friday ; evening ..TOIS well attepded in spite of the sfcbrmy acd windy ni^bt. Sue was a yerx intieresting speaker aptLthdae that stayed awpy missed a;g'reattreat. .^ . :•'-•.] . Mrft. Oscar.Green, •wfio'wa4;stayin-sf.af her fatlMJr ? s boine, Mi'.'/LaClate, jjasseri away'laat TlVui'sday niorniu^, Shejhsd beeoill fQir'niauy weeks witfe, tuberenlo-; sis. She leaves a husband', one '.little. dau£hter\ a lather and liic^tiieT, and tbree, sisters to mourn .her less. . The '. -W.- .O.' r ..T.. p.; meets"- this.- wee! Thursda3 ? .affeernoon at the hoRie of MM' Martha Washburn. . ; / .. Vetenoary Steenson of Milone was ID : last Friday on busiaess, .. MeKenzie & Ratwood are having a out sale ! 'this week. sure to see "{3jf} of the Btreets" Thursday night,; Feb. 0th at Bmf?hton (Ira t\ge; Hall. Popular prices always, ;. . . . * . e aclvertisiag: of all kinds.^ 'srbrid over were wiped-oat- fcr amontli- 1 utterly '.obliterated. -Tes, it would rain business, Bait it wdnki:••-&> naore-r-it would make this old world positively •I .At the ra^etin^ of'the/ritiBsens held in t i e granjse hail lasf Friday'-.fevenni-g to make arrangements ta keep the walks clear from snow, soipe tiiiiity of ilie.vilr lajrers were presettt. The nYe£ Unix organ- ised with . Howard S. Potter, .an4'£h%.'-M. W. Wright seoretoy. Mr. .Howard S. Potter was. elected 'Op-minis* sioner of the Street Olettoiug Depart- mept and to have fail charge of the. work for the ensuing? year. It was also voted that Jaines Manaidg be templbyed to scrape the walk?i at 40 cents an hour*. A meeting will be held; annually at the'.'.call' of the cQBainissione.r/at which a report of the year's work shall be given. . ' ' •: ..: '. • • ' . ' ' i ' - i i ' i -"' : ' ••"'"" ' :' • '•• -// Mileage Exchange Office .- Mileages boughtv' sold and exdianged, ; W.BiBRrs,; Ticket Agerif : ; fltonse Dress . - w h y ? - - / , . - - / . - L - ; ; •;..•: : . - ; : > Because ,-adye^tisiii^.'-is. news, and we mast keep pace frfth'.tbe nftws or grow s f a l - e . ; • ; / ' . - ' •• . ' ] . . . ' . . '-.-;• \:' : •"'•. " / .' •/_. Newspaper adyertising^tt^ best, on h s displayed news, paid for' with a BARGAINS IN Dry€oi)ds f Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Crockery and Glassware, Firr Coats, Etc. Every Day a Bargain Day With ."• ' A, Clark 71 The SAFE boys* magazine Twelve months of brain food y Allt-oyfcWBll t>oj8 not•% child's papor. Clean r* a wtistjp, full <I \ K wires, 3S to 12paswft fjffvj month .Maah iiu.ririjogtftoTi^oftravei.a'i-t-i-.- tans atlifiics. h utory. Bchool iiic, VTUtt-n l.v worn popnl<trbo'i inthotn. Iue*nT"tive «i*f-: 4 i'I artu'lcn f i n e .-IT . iea on font bail ana <~.>':«-T 8r«.irtei D e p a r ' m e n i s of 51<?<-hrs.ti:.->;. iiltwtr ; <*i'--'. Photograrhj, Vcpul <r b.it'n-o, H>-w .t-o M^kc Thinsi. bt.imp C iiecti-n«, t>u>."fe>-.-r!«. Pets. Oar- d g . lurentii uts a a d JSatiiTAJ V.oaiVrs, American Boy $1.00 Facts and Fallacies ,50 Both for One \ear 7? g £0 SUFFRAGE intion to grant on tbe verge of are, a speech.ph Xo't a senator taken ur.». i. said be Read by •V' 'i if VICTORY UKELY. Senate Members Don't Object^to Tak- ing It Jjp For a Vot«. The tonsb*tut tonal ainenduient reso- suft'rage to womenwas disposition in the the subject by S st, y Hi "e-targe.; of tbe measure, . its eottjijui? to a Vote. to. It9"'hetnv ger, the intended to tote for it. . Taggart For United States Semite. ; - TJiat/ T.ttomas Taggart, indjanaV m'eniber,- of tlis t>em<>eratic nationa; epmrnittee, the Uuited. Stat t&vB: F. state t ; 6iivt«ntio. Id be a cahdWute tm BS sejirtte. against i^emv before the Democratic- ;wtten H .met iu:.!-?; on . March 19 WHS the aBuAiuneement niade in Closing out ail stock on hand to make room for spring Call and look this over. NORTH BANGOR WORKS G NORTH BAN'GdR,- NV Y." 2*4 ING- ftusliton Grange Hall Just 5th, 1914 L llian iWortimer's Great Play The latest pews in newspaper adver- tising^ a special sale oi* furs, a big reduc- tion iu suite, a saving in\ groceries, f«r- Situreat apnual sale ptiees or five bars- of soap for the price of three—all this latest "news is . as.': important to every hdusewife and; the. nusband wh«> pays the billsas the last word from Mexico or an account of the aewiest municipai or society seaiidal, ../" '."-y.-y\ " .\ Advertising U positively and absolufely i l e w s , ' j . . ; ; - .... . • • . . . - . " . •'•;.'- -., • / . ' -.'• _.-" .-• Buccessful advertisers makB their ads as newsy as poissiblc. Read the ads in this paper as news, Keep np'.with ; -th"em..] •Truth -is. stranger than fietion, So is n e w s . .. ',. ''.'"••':- > / . : " - - - - '•..' :'. ;.•'•..! With AHSpecial Scenery, Elegant Costumes and Novel Effects, A CHmaxt to Every Act. / A Laugh in Every Line. Up-to-DaJte Vaudeville Between the Acts. = 25, 35, and50 Cents a great surprise for yon n exhibition.of,-: V- U :f - •• v^* . v ' ,<'t : ' ••<-'•.^• J .*:- ••;?*,: it,-.wiien it oouies riykt down t'o is as itnj>oriant to yon as one of i Parisiau eostiunje styles. this show!uu demonstrates that mien. may. be attractively at- tiled at their ladme wort- ^M-fc'?}•:•<• :*)fe;\ rf%v-.•••••;-: •- -^;,.:'-.v* : >/ w " " " •>, •' ''•'- n tin -'Electric" House 0ress-.>T\ i;;V 'ou wiil be preseotable at the door ' \" oi' to a visitor witliput apologies; ouiuay ran "to the store" and .* ' t.-. tliat. you are properly attired. | toa't yon think; that soeh a show j>; : \ is | » o r t h w M l e ? '''-.•'..'•:" '':•• t : "*' : '- knd the prices ?• Hardly to be P- eousidered—: -.••'""'• : L, s. RICE;, $1.50 $198^ BRU3HTON, N. Winter has chatrrt?s of scene np less than spring or summer. Kodak insures^ best results in all seasons. The Let us tell you how easy it is for Kbdakery here. to Kodak. Everything ifh, Brushton^ N. Y. )• " • ; . /

ocm ANK ACCOUNTS - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn93063604/1914-01-29/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · T--# Facts and Fallacies * |OB PEEKING of all kta

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Page 1: ocm ANK ACCOUNTS - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn93063604/1914-01-29/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · T--# Facts and Fallacies * |OB PEEKING of all kta


# Facts and Fallacies *

|OB PEEKING of all kta<J# executed

pr^wnptly, and at reasonable prices; at

th is office. " • '

!V e w Advertisements this Vf eek.Coini»if . . ' • - . - .. ' -•

•House Dress Visiting ltoy~-L.S.-Rice.><j/A<? Kodak tell the Winter Sioyy—Charlei jl.

^mith : • * . . - • • . .

Trains Leave BrushtonGOING EAST •

364 3J6..'-.23O Ko,342a. m. i t :33 a. m. 5:23 p . tn.

J i lk Tram leaving Brnshtoef 9:09 a.in.! will c a n y passengers between Moiraana Malone daily; oa Sundays betweenall (stations. --- :

. • - aomaNb. 241 • ; • ' -No. 257 • " •''{ F o . 385 '

9:00 a. m. 5:23 p . m . 10:54 p . m.Milk Train leaving Brushtoo at 3:30

p. m. will carry passengers between allstations daily;

Trains Nos. 2&0 arid 957 between Ckiavnbusco and Ogdensburg only.

TrainsonN. Y.fi O, Leave Moira; GOIN3 NORTH

S;36a.m, : •... ' 4:04 p, in.. *; = OOINQ SOUTH

l0.-09a.in. 7:02 p. m.

Mr*. A. 'W-i Sheals visited relativesID! Brasher Falls tbe last of the week

|s. W. Kim ball made a business, triptot Syracuse last W€«k«- : •;.'•.-

|Mon«iay next ia-Candlenias Daj'—theU'aly many base their weftther predic-tions on for the foiU>vnng six weeks,

[Lelajid Brady left t&e first of- theweek for Syracuse to enter the tjniver-a i t y t h e i f e . " •- ' " '. _ • ' - - ' - •

|The -W, €.-IVT7 wiiljaaeet with Mrs.James Fisher next Tuesday afternoonat' 2:B0 o'clock, February 3rd.

'Mrs George Harris and Mrs.. EdithScott went'-to Tupper Lake Friday tovisit friends for a few .days. . • :

IE. B.Bana, secretary of rbePatroDs'

County court convenes in Maloneliext week,

Mrs. George Conger went'to Cojfu-wall last.weeM to visit friends., :

The Brighton CJuh has moved intonew quarters in the Ivetebam blockover the McMano clothing store.

S, W". ICtiijball received a carload of14 heavy hordes Monday, which are forsale at the hotel barn;.

Mr. ami Xfrs. .]<>P Ortoa ftf. Ottawahave been visiting Mr •Ortotrs parent*.Mr, and Mrs. M. H, Ottou.

Tk« Misses Grace and Ethel Frenchof the Maione schools were over Butt-day guests at Brook-side Cottage.

. - Howard^ the little eight year old. sonof Mr. and Mrs,. Watson Austin, brokeins leg Monday.

Twin daughters, Wfrisuini/ %ix aridand seven pound* respectively, wereborn to Mr and. Mm George Maiming?Wednesday'morning,'January 28th.

Mr, and Mrs. Merrill Baldwin anddaughter left for Corrland. Saturday tolvisit Mr. Baldwin's; sister. During |tbeir absence Hermon Orton has charge]of the Rutland R. R• statiou, j

An aged and. respected citizen of .thetown of Bangor, passed away at hishome on the Gallop road in that townSaturday morning, ai*e*l H8 years.While he had been in failiog healthfor some time, pneumonia was the im-mediate cause of his death. Thefuneral was held at the home Mondayafteruooti, Bee. S"ott of North Brtigorofficiating. Mr. Bombard was one ofthe early settlers of that part of Ban-gorwhere he luade. his home for so manyyears aud wns a su^et-ssful farmer Heleaves aa asred wify, three sons andthree daughters, "

ANK ACCOUNTSPoring Over Record

pliy and Gaffjieyof Mur-


So Far *• New York Oittfict AttorneyHat Gone, He Admit* That No Evi-dence Ag»inat Tanihnan)' Leader Ha»Come Out—May Prosecute Gaffney.

District Attorney Whit

Belief Association, left for Syra-cuse Monday moraiug on business eon-?

with bis office. ' • - •


.•"• .. s. - P leasu res -

.'•. The objects of. pleasure-'are. two Innumber. First, to kill tiine, aiid, sec*oad, toJceeiJ us froin ^toinir somethingelse whiqh would maUe.u* mvve mis-erable. Tlie pleasures of the Ameri-can people, roughly speaking.:are like-wise twofolii--aauiel'y» making moneyhod speBtlmgr ir. , Sume people, d-eviveall. their pieasare\ from-and others all chefr pteastire from'spendtog it. Others fccnabiue the two.

Beiiig ai2 iaveuEire people, the Auier-!can» -have 'efeated mttay w.ays of.

Mr§. Ju)ia Weir of Boston arrived.'IDBrushton last week to visitvher sister,;Airs.-I?arrie$-Pofliipa, who has beenquite seriously ill. ".-.." - " ..

j-The. Ladies Aid of St. Peter'schurch_mil ' hold a cooked food sale at theJJjawfcins- Pharmacy ttes week Saturday,the Slst, Saie begins at iO o'clock,;

. [If tbe bear conies oat" ©f hidden- 3i4xt Monday as usual, anij, sees3 "the*

b%h cost of living, h& will riot be slow- inj-gettiug back. : ••'-'. ' . - - •."". '. ,'• .

The' Woman'sMissionary Society oftbe Christian church meet*, with-'.Mrs.--.F'rtiife Whitman'• Thursday afternoon,January 29th...; ' ' ; , " '..*:•"... ..-

Mr*. T, ,T. Lao try of Hbganshurgwas an overSnmlaj'^tiest of herdaugh*

*te|r, Mrs. Warren (J. Brad ay. She was-callled.home; Monday by the illaess ofh'^r.brother, Rev, Eath^r Browu.

ipeo'pie who leave horsesstanding: on t-. • • i . * • • • • - • - - . - • ' ' • - .

oi] doors iu ;fold vfeatliec smuud; $ee'thja.t" they.;are" well- blanfteted;. it is not

' ojjily hmnane but it: may save trdtible

with the .S /P .O . A. officer. V • .

•" i Br'ushto.o ' Hiijh School basfeet ballteam plays* the Hve from the Brasherand Stockholm High School at the Ma-

Temple this Thursday evenioge - i U e t l . ' a t S ; 1 5 . ; , • ":.'••'. ; ;

JFrom now on there will he servicesev>ry Sunday al'fernomi ID-'St..- Peter'sehurrb at three o'clook; wuless theweather is such that it is impossible ft>rRav. Barrett to drive from MaloneSunday School at two d*cloek. :

It has been truthfully said that rainot" shine cold or hot, hard tunes o r

••spendipf taonejl Being1 too bas^ mab-Mg it to speiad any time on the drudg-

of-. mailing tiieir country theyp i large .purMoij-uf'It m .support--

ing'-the ..poiitteiaiisi. Tfiis, indeed,. Is.one of their cMef .pleas-ares. And theii*sripefb seme 'of. liiiiBo'r ' enables .t-liemto*'.enjoy. ;-iitt'ensel,v • tiae accounts of-what all ' the .politicians are domg,which eBterpririing papers publish •from «liiy to. day,.

The AoieFieans ham other pleasures,but eocipftvetl wJtli this one they air©mostly trivial.—Life.

Uniforms Thj> Wore... .Inis. meDtiaiieci.tis.tf following


sin ft" .of the -fi'bn tier ivp,lmet<von guard' ak>ng the Aiyhjtu" side oi tb*obtu'tlet* had uc<*ei>i>N"l nn luvlrati-tm "tfhe i'mess. at th-e.KuflsJaiv \m.A, Tiit-xtu'rirect ia uue coii'i'si-', aiu-5"--1* .1- urtiii

• the fiUl-. dress Vramlt'tirnfruihrn.v..liuitVrms, .Tb;»

sr 'ilW tUiuekrilfiit:cfiihtr of [its •.-titniep 'Ticket. Calf^ctop.1

• dimit'tf.' a '.Silbrticern.jwas eulueut ••tyitii.tlk\less esaltM label of 'of eaartesy fo'tbeii1- yiijs-hins .suppre^std ibflr m^J'ilnn'Ut; iycelving nevertheless :.tlu»that a portion of the subsidythe governtneiVr of luclia to Hi*1

of Afghanistan was taken otjt jn. Hie


uniforms of Britisili pnbllo COBQ-paiiies. The fact-w's that the atrieer..through his ageiit in lufiia, lisd aequif-ed a large parcel of tlisearded clothingat one of the animal sales of con-denineiS stores in northern India;"

-tiroes,; niea*les or no measles, thepiwaeher, the tloctor, RBU the priuterare always expected -to make.their visits

. orii t i m e , . • p • . ; • . • • ; ' • • > . . • . .

Tbe Dicikluson Center basketball ti'vetUifeiJted the second team of the Brush-to n High Sehjol at Dickinson Centerlast Thursday by a score of 24 to IS. Aiffsirn. game was played io BrusbtowTuesday uigbjt and resulted in a victoryior Broshton/score X9 to 12, ;

This is tbe seaaoo of the year whenthe defective due gets m its deadlywork.. The cold weather makes hotterfires necessary,- with the result that ifthe pip«f becobj.e overheated the firequickly spreads and there, is heavy loss.Extra .predAUtipua miiat be taken toguard agaiQ»t anything of the sort. Ablazing house on a bitter cold niorniwgdoesn't make a stroug appeal to anyone.

A Potsdam writer says: CongressmanE A. Merritt,Jr * will remain for sometune resting quietly at Dansville sana-torium accord in* to a statement by Dr.J, S. Maekay his physiciau, . Thit doesnot mean that he has suffered any. re-lapse or does bot continue to improve,the doctor took pains to explain, but he,is doing so weil'iu his present surround-ings that it d<»e* uot seem advtsabl^ toallow him to leave/ however much}, lie'

'.may'desire"to do ao. Dr. Maekay statedthat when be last saw Mr. >territt,. thecongressman- was bright and cheerfuland expressed a wish to tak«» up hisksitslative' work. He has been allowedt<> keep iu tb;uch With the most im-portant details of it recently.


The Greek, Version,; A yoniig Greek iiierebant of Wash-ington, who has beek taking lessons inEnglish fmni a. private tutor, has sofar advanced'thai-his. teacher recentlyintrodueed Him to tbe beautiesT-and;peri>lexities-^of_;Shakespeare. He wasinstructed-':to' ileail a' passage 'setera!times • until he had\ the ideas' firmly

.fixed in his mind and t%nf closing th€.book,, to -put-.these ideas into his ownEnglish, •'•foi-lwving as closely as his

'memory'.permitted the author's test, "He aad, read, over a solllutiuy: of:Qth~

several times and was pepmduc-ihg the Moor's somber thoughts withpretty fair approximation to the poet'swords^ but when be reached the lastline,'."Farewell,- Othello's ooctination's

ph'e "StoppM short, utterly, .a-t'-iadloss, "The; orisrteU phmsing • had quite

'•• scaped biivi.- However, ho had graisp-ed the idea, feu* after n few >ecoQds:af

• fi'owiiittg perplesiry .liis brotv"| vleafed.

gXew". fork'jo'p

• "1 Wm'iniPii tt'lJ. ruo," stse ,s;:tU1. ' •

"But you believe I tell you tbe irntt;vvbe-n i' say thst you arevtbe ruc^r!u»<tutifnl gil'l' I iiavi*-.evec seen. ih>v,'\y e n ? " .'•'', :. .'• " : ' - • • ' • • . ' • • • • • • '

••.'"W'hy'sho-rild Ii' Ton have ^mhaUlssaid the same thitijj; to jnaByj.another

' j


nan of New.York..Is poring ov<?r t-ti^.bank accountsof Charles '.IT. .\lurphy, 'Tammany lead-er, aud .rascDes E; Gaffne:y rijfht Bandman to the Tammaoy chisfta!&, in theInquiry into political graft.

'District-Attorney Whitman has.start-'-<*d a BMiJQber uf subpoena servers-outover ttie state to try to g«t posses-sion of tlie, bank books Jt>£ politicianswho have teen raenfeloned In tbe threeeornoretf luve^tlgation wliich has beenunder way for the last few weekg.;A .number of grttud juries are tnvesti-gofing the eonnty ends pf tbe sltua-.linn In various -.quarters. '.New •.-.indict-•

•;s are expected by t i e end of theweek.

Assistant DLstrlet Attorney Embreeweu: to Albany to obtain infoi-mationregfudbig the award of <pntraets: andothtv* state 'contract bukiness. Thiswill be Hired »ir> with Infcprmtttloo.in 'hand regurdiag the bpnk accounts-uf -Marphy, Gaffney andi other politi-eian« gnd Is expected tovalue to I>fetii«t Attarain his tffaft iitqiiiry.

Mr. Waitpian will ask Xsaehusetts, PennsyivantaRhode I'slatfci to- furhtiuu regarding 'any aoeoor t-aft'ney or other polited nmy have In thoseYork has a. reciprocal T

vianss-tates. -New

agree-meiit with the states tiaraed. Thisagreement doek not exiJersey, and for this reasmi Whitmanbelieves he is blofked inuiatiou g accounare kept iu th«*»t state Iciaas.

Mr. -WhltrHan Is* already !n posses:sion.of. the iwiiit aecouo:s. <jf.'politicians • who- hrtve h.e^n naiu.ed lathe sraf't'testimony so fa ' uddueed.

be of greaty Whitman

nks In Mas-Maine and


t with New

jetting infor-ms he thinks


Aid toOar idea is that there o

least t h i w fhiJtiren. lathat if otie of them ;g-enitts! the1 other tvr*v ehim. -rC-alveston News.

"They, say that MarsisitaWe, but trill l>e soon."

"f-snsb; I'd- like 'to h•Think-- wf being: jynttug* t•lies of an- entire planet!"-

Hope is the dreani of th-Plato. '••• ••'••

WAN1FSWant, Lost;, Found, To R.

and other like notices i»s ertedthis bead for one-lia

word each week,with, order.

Minimum Ghftrge 1

tt% For Bale

I) B Y tV 6 O/D~A <iwood and 4 io&t wood lot _of Eraest ©rate, BrushtoB

FOB SALE^Sevei-alLiberal terms of pajmeutiBrUshton, :Ni T.

FAEM FOB SAiDE—Fic(e52acrefarjxi;H tailes from M&lone villa,good bandy barns, rich 1watered, money makins ption. Win, St. Mary* Majobe,

FOB'SALE—Seven youbg dairy coone Japt freshi at a barssiQ. FraakorB. L. Whitman, Diekinscn Center, Nf¥ . " . - • ' . . . ••• • ; --" . 3 t f

WAITED—100 lartos foof ehoice Franklin Conndairy farms for sale,soon. No expense tralesasell yonr farm. A. B. Conner.

DBY WOOD for salePhelps,

MEN'S BUITS cfeanedfrom 50 cents up. L e a ^piothmg Store, Mrs;Brushton.

FOB SALE—A sewingall attachments. Good cojnditjonquire at this office.

WOOD FOB SALE—A8 miles north of Brashton,John P. Hill, Brushton.

FOB SALE—Aithis ofijioe at 5 centsa bundle, old newspapers

*No;- saiti-tinit

it,". ', . - ' . - . - . . • . ,••'*But wili :yoir- tk-iiik- -that In; .a' year

: "Why ^iionki JrUTepviKt «>n iu«.*.'- " I f you TeJfu***.. ni'o- J shall-to"'•think you are -neantit'ii!. I

hin.si1si 1 i'.M\'i h:\vo.. / ; 1 'fihO'ildrt-'t:'.wi^Jr"i

yon tiiai1ring; me it'.i \\:vr* itothave


' • • . ! & ' ? •

^'htto he .atry family, »oid lte».tme ft

not now hatS-

It> -settle-."It!e-.-'flrst. famifTvapsris City


f c en t ftCash-- -'•


ritifcj? of stoveale. Enquire, - B t i . 4fef

hoiceA. B*

; ,ivel soil, well

, fine loca,;N.-X..' 5 3'

our catalogue,y potato anpl

be issuedsold. Let us


and pressedat M '


iiachine withEn-

\ HilFs farmCut to suit.





Arrow Collars


This line of Merchandiseis carried by leadingstores in the largestcities. A "full line ofth& above can be foiincf

* : " a t y \ ' : ' - ; : y : ' ' '";": •••'.;•'

Tbe Storeof Quality

tTan, 2*1tti~r~John Nile* sf>erit Thnrsdayand Frieiay in Santa Clar». ; , .

Orr Siaiih'of Brasher WJW« a caller int o w n M o n d a y ; -. ' ' . - ' ; " ."• ••'; • ; - : . ;:/-

i i k s Hetty Jackeon of Owla Head, whohas been spending, the last two months&% the home of Mr> and Mrs. Frstnk1

Yadaw, has returned to bef home;Mr, and Mrs. George Sweet were called

to Brtpgor Satj irdiy to attend t h e funeralof Afrs: ••Sweet"Vsister, SJfs. &riear Green.

GJayton Bockhill of Brash ton spent ftcouple of days here last weel: wifh rela-tives. , .'. ;/•".' • - • " •"''• ../• '• • .. • .'-.•••"

Ernest Sweet of/DicMnson is ependinua few days in town '.yigitang.-relatives, andfriends. - ' ."'.-"'., '• "• " . . . . - - .

Ella MuJler, who has been *h6 guest ofMrg. LeonardMles for a week, returnedto her home in Bangor Saturday,


CooksJan. SS—Qnite% nnmber of people £t«

tended the pnrty: at Bpj'al MaddpnaljFslast Friday evening. . : '

Harold Larkin of Brrishton: is yisitingrhis grandfather, B.C. GBbbs '

People here are liaviog hard1 <»olds.•; Mrs Henry Morej*: and Mrs. Ada Moore

attended ohwrch here Sunday. .p. ii. Gibhs was t|te guest of bis dan^b-

ter, Mrs. Myrtle Moore of .Bombay,. Safetfrdav. . . '-••' '• Tommy Bnsseli is very ill. ..

The road;s were drifted so that thetoail could not get through last Wednes-day.':. -'•••;'"'• ,.--•. .- .' ••/•;- • ' • ' . • .

Charles Perry of Ft. Covingtoh was in[own this morning'. . .

Mrs. Allen Hun tins ari^dfttighter Ednawere the j^nests of Mr. and Sirs.. WatsonHftoMns last Snnday. :

Mr ftiid Mrs. Fred Stiles" expecf to re-two to'their home in Montana soon;'.

Sawyer i» basy drawing up hiswood. •



;• The' offe-riug at Qt&nge Hall oa Thttcs--tfaynight,,Fein 5th wijt 1>e on© of theliiaBy Empire Amuseaient Go.'s ftttrac*tf.nns, .'MG.irl' of the Streets," anil';-.thisclratoa. comes 'with, tlie 'jUicfhf-st;.,of reoonienclfttioQis of press aiid 'piiblid. The•story is iiumatn, the sitnationsfaany,ycharacters real, and the. company ."com

d of firstfPlass artists. Iho dii$ kept in con;

every wht1

this season, a

tant faug'litev a ad applause,:e t h is" eo tn papy Ii as play t?clreturn date has been asked.i

for,-Now hd

Lambe* .

Mortli.. Jan, 36v-"Tfe snows and it blows and it

is cold stormy weatner.'' We have beenhaTipor quifcea spell if weatbe? and peopleare t'ortnaatG that have jjleaty' .ofSw^otland oostL . *

The Jffttnre by Um,. Walker in ILeUnion cbureh fast Friday ;evening ..TOISwell attepded in spite of the sfcbrmy acdwindy ni^bt. Sue was a yerx intierestingspeaker aptLthdae that stayed awpymissed a;g'reattreat. .^ . :•'-•.]. Mrft. Oscar.Green, •wfio'wa4;stayin-sf.afher fatlMJr?s boine, Mi'.'/LaClate, jjasseriaway'laat TlVui'sday niorniu^, Shejhsdbeeoill fQir'niauy weeks witfe, tuberenlo-;sis. She leaves a husband', one '.little.dau£hter\ a lather and liic tiieT, andtbree, sisters to mourn .her less.. The '. -W.- .O.'r..T.. p . ; meets"- this.- wee!Thursda3?.affeernoon at the hoRie of M M 'Martha Washburn. . ; / ..

Vetenoary Steenson of Milone was ID: last Friday on busiaess, ..

MeKenzie & Ratwood are having aout sale!'this week.

sure to see "{3jf} of theBtreets" Thursday night,; Feb. 0th atBmf?hton (Ira t\ge; Hall. Popular pricesalways,

;. . . . * .e aclvertisiag: of all k inds .^

'srbrid over were wiped-oat- fcr amontli-1

utterly '.obliterated. -Tes, it would rainbusiness, Bait it wdnki:••-&> naore-r-itwould make this old world positively


.At the ra^etin^ of'the/ritiBsens held intie granjse hail lasf Friday'-.fevenni-g tomake arrangements ta keep the walksclear from snow, soipe tiiiiity of ilie.vilrlajrers were presettt. The nYe£Unix organ-ised with . Howard S. Potter,.an4'£h%.'-M. W. Wright seoretoy. Mr..Howard S. Potter was. elected 'Op-minis*sioner of the Street Olettoiug Depart-mept and to have fail charge of the. workfor the ensuing? year. It was also votedthat Jaines Manaidg be templbyed toscrape the walk?i at 40 cents an hour*. Ameeting will be held; annually at the'.'.call'of the cQBainissione.r/at which a report ofthe year's work shall be given.. • ' • ' • : . . : '. • • ' . ' ' i ' • - i i ' i - " '

:' • • " ' " " ' • : ' • '••

-// Mileage Exchange Off ice .-

Mileages boughtv' sold and exdianged,; W.BiBRrs,; Ticket Agerif :;

fltonse Dress

. - w h y ? - - / , . - - / . - • L - ;; • ; . . • : : • • • . - ; : > • • • •

Because ,-adye tisiii .'-is. news, • and wemast keep pace frfth'.tbe nftws or grows f a l - e . ; • ; / ' . - ' •• • . ' • ] . . . ' . . ' - . - ; • \:'

: •"'•. " / . ' •/_.

Newspaper adyertising^tt^ best, onh s displayed news, paid for' with a


Dry€oi)dsf Boots and Shoes,

Clothing, Hats and Caps,

Crockery and Glassware,

Firr Coats, Etc.

Every Day a Bargain DayW i t h ."• '

A, Clark71

The SAFE boys* magazineTwelve months of

brain food yAllt-oyfcWBll t>oj8 not•% child's papor. Clean r*a wtistjp, full < I \ K wires, 3S to 12 paswft fjffvjmonth .Maah iiu.ririjogtftoTi^oftravei.a'i-t-i-.-tans a t l i f i i c s . h utory. Bchool ii ic, VTUtt-n l.vworn popnl<trbo'i inthotn. Iue*nT"tive «i*f-:4i'Iartu'lcn f i n e .-IT . iea on font bail ana <~.>':«-T8r«.irtei Depar'menis of 51<?<-hrs.ti:.->;. iiltwtr;<*i'--'.Photograrhj, Vcpul <r b.it'n-o, H>-w .t-o M^kcThins i . bt.imp C iiecti-n«, t>u>."fe>-.-r!«. Pets. Oar-d g . lurentii uts aad JSatiiTAJ V.oaiVrs,

American Boy $1.00Facts and Fallacies ,50

Both forOne \ear

7? g• £0


intion to granton tbe verge ofare, a speech.ph

Xo't a senatortaken ur.». •

i. said be

Read by

•V' 'iif

VICTORY UKELY.Senate Members Don't Object^to Tak-

ing It Jjp For a Vot«.The tonsb*tut tonal ainenduient reso-

suft'rage to women wasdisposition in thethe subject by S

st, yHi "e-targe.; of tbe measure,. its eottjijui? to a Vote.

to. It9"'hetnv

ger, theintended to tote for it.

. Taggart For United States Semite.; - TJiat/ T.ttomas Taggart, indjanaVm'eniber,- of tlis t>em<>eratic nationa;epmrnittee,the Uuited. Statt&vB: F.state t;6iivt«ntio.

Id be a cahdWute tmBS sejirtte. against i emv• before the Democratic-• ;wtten H .met iu:.!-?;on . March 19 WHS the

aBuAiuneement niade in

Closing out ail stockon hand to makeroom for spring

Call and look thisover.


NORTH BAN'GdR,- NV Y."2 * 4

ING-ftusliton Grange Hall


5th, 1914L llian iWortimer's Great Play

The latest pews in newspaper adver-tising^ a special sale oi* furs, a big reduc-tion iu suite, a saving in\ groceries, f«r-Situreat apnual sale ptiees or five bars-of soap for the price of three—all thislatest "news is . as.': important to everyhdusewife and; the. nusband wh«> paysthe billsas the last word from Mexico oran account of the aewiest municipai orsociety seaiidal, ../" '."-y.-y\ • " .\

Advertising U positively and absolufelyi l e w s , ' • • j . . ; ; - .... . • • . . . - . " . • ' • ; . ' - -., • / . ' - . ' • _.-" . - •

Buccessful advertisers makB their adsas newsy as poissiblc. Read the ads inthis paper as news, Keep np'.with;-th"em..]•Truth -is. stranger than fietion, So is

n e w s . .. ',. ''.'"••':- • > / . :" - - - - '• . . ':' . • ;.•'•..!

With AH Special Scenery, Elegant Costumesand Novel Effects,

A CHmaxt to Every Act./ A Laugh in Every Line.

Up-to-DaJte Vaudeville Between the Acts.= 25, 35, and 50 Cents

a great surprise for yonn exhibition.of,-:

V- U :f - ••v^* . v '

,<'t:'• • < - ' • . ^ • J . * : - • • ; ? * , :

it,-.wiien it oouies riykt down t'ois as itnj>oriant to yon as one ofi Parisiau eostiunje styles.

this show!uu demonstrates thatmien. may. be attractively at-

tiled at their ladme wor t -

^M-fc'?}•:•<• : * ) f e ; \rf%v-.•••••;-: •- -^;,.:'-.v*:>/


• " " " • > , • ' ' ' • ' -

n tin -'Electric" House 0ress-.>T\ i;;V'ou wiil be preseotable at the door ' \"

oi' to a visitor witliput apologies;

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