wl Rr Fi a r i f S V S k = rjr j- i I e J f OCALA EVENING STAR TUESDAY AUGUST 1 V HOT q t Y Z J i l < f 1 S U I k > L AN G Leading Vehicle Dealers ofCentral Florida 1 AB taHMMt stock 1 IdUMe Waftis Iiffies Cart- sadCirrIagcscsrricdataMIaes j i laness SaMks Lip ItksftlJSui an ikm- lUsHuee cKrICd by a flrtt Ciij kW btiffct a qUaD IWes frta lihe < factories aai always ii stock at tile very Mwen pncci- We b I t en save ywi MMty tt ytir pirciases be they laife trwaft- Aftito tor mf ltH ka4if aid best wakes ol- wafltw M bIk- sKNIGHT 1 LANG NirSIk Square OCALA fLORiD v 4c 0 4U0 14 4 4HQ4I 4 + 4- ROLLNiS t COLLEGE FLORIDAS OLDEST COLLEGE COLLEGE ACADEMY AND SCHOOLS OF MUSIC EXPRESSION I i FINE ART DOMESTIC AND BUSINESS NDUSTRIAL ARTS AND I Carnegie Hall and third mens dormitory now completed electric f light team and furnace heat large faculty perfect health condi- tions ¬ 1 t fine gymnasium athletic fields boating tennis courts golf links a- I baseball football and basketbal teams champions of Florida In 1909 X- N I earlfatuarterot a million doliars endowment expenses moderate available Christian but undenominational stands for r- ClIQt1EtCU1TlJrE l Z- t CONDUCT I if I For Catalogue Address the President L Wm F 6lackman Ph I D Winter Park Fla 2 r It t t I ItIt t t t K+ t D Xx SCRAP METAL AND JUNK I will buy all kinds of Junk Iron Steel Brass Copper Zinc prl Tin Lead Rubber Bagging barrels Leather Etc old Engines Boilers Balls Etc whether as secondhand or acrap and pay the highest price In cash for same Write or call on me and let me know what you have and wnere It is located t 35 J IJBCBIBK CITRA FLORIDA k F I QUARTS OF STRAIGHT F 12 N C CORN WHISKEY 550 Art Oie little liviigstca Pure Rye Bottled In Bond QU Straight N O Qts Straight N 1 4 tZ 00 75 t C Corn Whisky J C Corn Whisky tIjjel- l these Quits Are lull 32 Ounce Quarts Not 16 Ounce Ptab Cltss ani Corkscrew Free With Every Order I L EXPRESS PREPAID IN PLAIN BOXES V if r This Straight North Carolina Corn I Whisky not to be a blendnot a WI GUARANTEE compound not n imitation but Just pure corn whisky of full strength k Order today from the largest distillery in Florida I c1 DELANEY CO Warehtvse Nt 5 Jacksonville Ha v KV Wiite For Price L- istNoaEia 2 I k = t K The Kind You B Always Bought and which has been 1 im we for over 30 years has home the signature of and ha been made under his per- sonal ¬ r n supervision sinco its infancy 4 Allot no one to deceive yon in this r All Counterfeits Imitations and Jnstasgood are but EzperiflMata that trifle with and endanger tho health ftI- mfeats and Childrea Experience against Experiment V What is CASTOR utsdB is a harmless ssnbstitato for Castor Oil Pare gcrIc Drops antI Soothing Syrups It Pleasant It eeatalu neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic bsmce Ito age is 5narantce It destroys Worms I aM aibiy Feverishness It cures Diarrhoea Iud Wind P CeUclf relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation a4 Ftetvlency It assimilates the Food regulates the j 8toMacli and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleep Th Childrens Panacea The Mothers Fnend fr S GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bean the Signature of- t 4 TIIeKIud You Have Always Bought i > 1 lAin Use For Ovr 30 Years s uswv vv m czT icwocTV 4- e b v 4y- f t- t f < I I ± THE SOUTH AND THE CEUS President Tafts Policy ill Apportion- ing ¬ the Officers in this Immense I Work Beverly Mass August 10 Beverly was hot Sunday but the president spent a lazy day and did not seem to mind the more than 90 in the shade Mr Mr Taft is going to dispose of the matter of census supervisors throughout the entire United States this week Secretary of Commerce and Labor Xagel and Director of the Cen- sus ¬ Durand are coming to Beverly the latter part of the week with a list of names and by the time they leave the president hopes to announce his posi ¬ tionThe president has fixed upon the policy he will follow with reference to census appointments in the South In the states which are solidly democratic- the president will divide the appoint- ments ¬ equally among the democrats and republicans He will insist that the appointees shall not be active partisans however however but capable men From the socabled solid South the president has picked out North Caro- lina ¬ Tennessee Kentucky and Mis- souri ¬ asdebatable states and will treat them on the same footing as Northern states giving all of the census jobs to republicans He will insist however that in these states the same stand ¬ ard of efficiency and character of men shall obtain The states in which the division between democrats and repub- licans ¬ will be made are Virginia South Carolina Florida Georgia Louisiana Mississippi Ar ¬ kansas Louisiana Texas- As to Virginia the president is rep ¬ resented as believing that the bitter ¬ ness of the recent primary fight In that state between Harry St George Tuck- er ¬ and Judge Mann for the democratic gubernatorial nomination will give re- publicans ¬ an opportunity to make a showing at the polls next November Anything he can legitimately do to help the party In the state it is said he will gladly do Several adminis- tration ¬ officers and possibly a cabinet officer or two will make speeches dur ing the Virginia campaign REVOLTS AT COLD STEEL Your only hope said three doctors- to Mrs M E Fisher Detroit Mich suffering from severe rectal trouble lies In on operation then I used Dr Kings New Life Pills she writes till wholly cured They prevent ap ¬ pendicitis cure constipation heada- che ¬ 25c at all druggists- CLERKCARRIER EXAMINATION- The United States Civil Service Commission announces that on Sep ¬ tember 1 1909 at Ocala Fla an ex- amination ¬ will be held for the positions- of clerk and carrier in the post office service Clerks In offices of first and sepond class and carriers In the city delivery service are divided into six grades as follows First grade salary 600 second grade salary 5800 third grade salary 900 fourth grades salary 1 000 fifth grade Isalary 1100 sixth grade salary 1200 Clerks and car- riers ¬ at firstclass offices will be pro ¬ moted successively to the fifth grade and clerks and carriers at second class offices will be promoted successively- to the fourth grade Any clerk is eli- gible ¬ for transfer to the service of a carrier and any carrier is eligible for transfer to the service of a clerk Age limit all positions 18 to 45 years The age limits are waived however in cases of persons honor ¬ ably discharged from the military or naval service by reason of disability resulting from wounds or sickness in ¬ curred In the line of duty Male applicants for the post office service must be at least 5 feet 4 in ¬ ches In height in bare feet and 125 pounds in weight without overcoat and hat otherwise their applications will be canceled Female applicants are not required to be of any specific height or weight Applicants for the post office ser ¬ vice are required to be physically sound and in good health For application blank instructions- to applicants and further information application should be made to the lo- cal ¬ secretary at the Ocala post office or the undersigned No application- will be accepted unless properly exe- cuted ¬ and filed with the undersigned- prior to the hour of closing business- on August 25 1909 GEO S DONNELJ Sec 5th Civil Service Dist Atlanta Ga BABY MORPHINE FIENDS- are made by all soothing syrups and baby medicines that contain opium and narcotics McGees Baby Elixir contains no Injurious or narcotic drugs of any kind A sure and safe cure for disordered stomachs bowels and fretfulnesssplendid for teething infants Sold by all druggists LOST HIS LUCK Sommer Followed His Successful Flight by Smashing His Aero plan- eChalonesurIarne Frange Aug 8 Rogers Sommer the aviator who Saturday flew two hours twenty min- utes ¬ and fifty seconds In his aeroplane breaking the worlds record held by Wilbur Wright essayed another flight yesterday He stopped his engine too abruptly however and the machine struck the ground with such violence that it was smashed Sommer was uninjured- No I matter how long you have suf ¬ fered Foleyg Kidney Remedy will help you Mrs S L Bow n of Wayne W Va writes I was a sufferer from kidney disease so that at times I could not get out of bed I and when I did I could not stand straight I took Foleys Kidney Rem- edy ¬ One dollar bottle and part of the second cured me entirely It will cure you Sold by all dealers FOR LACK OF A FIVE Chicago Aug 10John C DIehl aged 41 son of George H Diehl re ¬ tired manager of the HamburgAmer ¬ ican Steamship Line was found dead- in a clay hole on the outskirts of the city yesterday Indications are that he committed suicide DIehl tried to borrow 5 from a friend until his usual allowance came from his father DeWitCs Little Early Risers the pleasant safe sure easy little liver pills A salve you may always depend upon in any case where you need a salve Is DeWItts Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve especially good for piles Sold by all druggists Three cents will fan you for ten hours Get one of those sInch Wes tlnghous ans from H W Tucker CRUSHED blUER THE CARS terrible Death of W C Morgan a Sawmill Man of Lakeland i Tampa Tribune 9th Lakeland Aug SWC Morgan a well kngwn sawmill man of this place was run over by train No 85 at Seff ner last night and was Instantly kill- ed ¬ 9 Morgan visited Tampa yesterday- and while there it is said drank quite freely and when ready to re ¬ turn home at 9 oclock last night was very much intoxicated A friend com ¬ ing from Lakeland on the same train No 82 bought Morgan a ticket to Lakeland and helped him on the train- at the Tampa depot When the train was out a few miles from Tamijai Morgan It appears Became boister- ous ¬ and when Seffner was reached he was put off He was so badly intoxicated that after stumbling along the track a few yards he lay down or fell down and while lying on the track asleep or in a stupor No 85 due a few minutes later struck him and he was ground- to pieces under the wheels His body was strewn along the track for some distance Remains In a Box When found the scattered remains were gathered up and placed Ina box arriving at Lakeland at 6 oclock this afterribon The mangled fragments presented a gruesome sight which was viewed by a number of morbid persons nt Cowderys undertaking es ¬ tablishment- Mr Morgan was aged about 50 years and was an industrious man thought well of by those who knew him Ills chief failing being that which was the cause of his sudden and ter- rible ¬ death He has resided in Lake ¬ land several years and had operated a sawmill In partnership with V V Van Huss He leaves a wife and six children most of the latter being quite young and the loss of the hus ¬ band and father falls very heavily upon the family who are left with very little besides a modest home Charitably inclined people of Laker land are planning tonight to render the family assistance In their great trouble Take Kodol at the times when you feel what you have eaten is not digest- ing ¬ Kodol digests what you eat so you can eat sufficiently of any good wholesome food if you will just let Kodol digest it Sold by all druggists- FAN BARGAINS- An tightinch Westinghouse electric fan that Is positively guaranteed to burn only three cents worth of elec- tricity ¬ in ten hours steady running See them at once H W Tucker the electrical supply man Party wishes to buy a six or seven room house east of railroad in Ocala cash transaction Apply to Star office NOTICE FOR BIDS TO REMODEL- THE CITY MARKET- Is hereby given that on the 17th day of August A D 1909 at the regular meeting of the city council of the city of Ocala Florida bids for the remod- eling ¬ of the city market of the said city according to plans and sppcifica tlons now on file in the city clerks office of said city vlll be considered- by the said council said council re ¬ serving the right to accept or reject any of said bids said bids to be in writing and filed with the city clerk on or before the said 17th day of August- A D 1909 J M Meffert President of the City Council Attest H C SIstrunk City Clerk of the City of Ocala NOTICE TO UILDING CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received at the office of R E Yonge for the construc- tion ¬ of the Masonic Lodge Opera House building pf the MarionDunn Lodge No 19 F A M to be erected at Ocala Fla until noon August 19th next Each bid for the construction of the building must be accompanied with a certified check for 500 made payable to R E Yonge chairman building com- mittee ¬ as a guarantee that if awarded- the contract the successful bidder will promptly enter into contract and fur- nish ¬ his bond as required by specifica ¬ tions The right Js reserved to reject any and all bids Drawings and speci- fications ¬ may be seen at the office of R E Yonge South Main street Ocala Florida Contractors wishing to bid may ob- tain ¬ drawings and specifications from- R E Yonge by depositing with him a certified check for 25 as a guarantee that they will present a bona fide bid on the work and as a guarantee of the safe and prompt return of the draw- ings ¬ and specifications to the office of R E Yonge Ocala Florida without cost to the committee Building Committee MarionDunn Lodge No i9 F A M Ocala Florida RE Yonge Chairman THE COMMERCIALPRE- SSING CLUB- J C BARDIN Proprietor Next Door to the Western Union Telegraph Office Work Called for and Delivered Prompt- iy All Work Guaranteed White Trade C- nIyFOLErS HONEY AND T AR The original LAXATIVE cough rcnidy For coughs colas throat and lung troubles No opiates Nonalcoholic Good for everybody Sold erry where Tho genuine FOLEYS HONEY and TAR is ia YlIow package Refuse substitutei Prepared only b- yFy A Company Chlcactv FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS j z w V C sfe5 i z fzv r 3 z- f r > t J i ji4 w Sf fJ 0 Treating T h W iAs KI2 lk > vr c ij e r I1 > i fl a Many times women call on their family physiaant i J ti i enngsthq 1 1Z J I imagine one from dyspepsia another from heart disease p 1 < vh V liver or disease another from 1 J j if r i kidney nervous prbstratiori another wtI 1 l > Jt f pain ttiereand in this way they present aliketo them I J and their easy going or overbusy doctor separate diasefoiwbk hs them to such prescribes anil potions- realiythevareaflothysymptms > t caused by some weakness or deranTO 4b organs muune The physician ignorant he < I calls of s keeps up his treatment until Klls niadci O > jk rge are 1 t The suffenng patient gets no better by reason of the treat f 4 ment probably worse A medicine if proper likepr PiercesFz vonte > 1I i Prescription thread to 1l cause would Ye cn renwye < the liasc ttbp dl all those distressing symptoms andjnstituting comfort insted of roois1p r misery It has been well said thata half cured 1 < j r- r Dr Pierces Favorite Ptcscriptiomit m sckntlfk cYc1a we4ay I vsd ky t c an experienced and skillful physic mm il Adapted to Woajr Nci syItrLW- It 1 is m tfe of gatfyy American medldmml rootsYt7t1ioattllefIieti fj1J v r and is perfectly harmless hi its effects In may coalition of t1te csy3tii As a powerful tonic Fa- vorite ¬ ine Prescription f is unequaled > PrescnptJonlDlparts strength to and is invaluable allaying dIU r i the system and to the organs dis- tinctly ¬ nervous ex excitability irritability neryoS- exhaustion r r OJ > L t feminine in particular For over nervousr prostration neuralgia Y worked wornout rundown debilitated hysteria spasms St Vituss u1Cea d t teachers milliners dressmakers seam other distressing nervous symptoms come n stresses shopgirls housekeepers nurs ¬ monly attendantupon lict1on and or- ganic ing mothers and women y of the distinctly feminine Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription is the prans It induces refreshing sleep and < s greatest earthly boon being unequaled relieves mental anxiety and despondency as an appetizing cordial and restorative Dr Pierces mVlgorat tonic the stomach Iiv rand bowels One to As a soothing and strengthening nerv three a dose Easy to t keas cindy ji EVERY WOMAN ought to possess Dr Pierces great book the Peoples nSenseMedic Adviser a magnificent thousandpage illustrated volume It teaches mothershowito carefor their V children and themselves It is the best doctor to have m the house in case of emer nqOve half v a million copies were sold at 150 each hut one free copy In papercovers will be sent on receipt of 21 onecent stamps to pay the cost of mailing aaIy or send 31 stamps for a handsome clothbound COP Address the pubhhWjj Dispensary Medical Association 663Maui SLI3LrffaIQ NY 7 J- Jt i4 4 CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR I Nearly all the members of the South Lake Weir Intermediate society are- away I on vocations Friendly messages reached our of- fice ¬ yesterday from General Secretary I Shaw and Dr Clark qhe former said that the Florida greeting for St Paul International convention was received and read with many others from the- reat scattered Worlds Union Mr A Schaab introduction superin- tendent ¬ for New York state union has answered our letter referring to the going to his state of Miss Winnie Mix of Tampa Although there was no society near her the state and dis ¬ trict officers were to look her up and make her feel at home We sent two Introductory letters to Tennessee union and almost by re ¬ turn mall came messages from both the president Mr Dean and secretary Mr Wheatly of Memphis promising- to have our Florida workers Introduc- ed ¬ to those of Tennessee Mr Dean missed the St Paul convention but President Wheatly was there and in all their union had ten delegates who traveled one thousand miles to reach the convention city The district secretaries of the Flor- Ida union have started a circle of let ters by which they hope to get better acquainted and mutually cheer and sympathize with each others cares and problems The state secretary also press and introduction and sunshine suprinten dent for Christian Endeavorers In this state during the first quarter of this Endeavor yearApril till July wrote about 390 letter Hand writ ten cards were sent to the number of 125 and 294 packages of literature or printed letters were distributed- The Iniquity of War Is the strong subject for next Sundays Endeavor meetings The C E World says Christian Endeavorers can promote peace by learning more about other nations and the foreigners In our own country and by frowning upon every indication of national bluster and in ¬ justice This Isa delightful combi ¬ nation of mission and Christian cit ¬ izenship study that should appeal to the eager minds as well ashearts of our young people We have just received our cordial greetings from Miss Kittle L Melson state secretary of the Young Womans Christian Temperance Union also from Rev C L Collins superinten- dent ¬ of the AntiSaloon League State President Winnard reached New York safely A card has come written in Boston Endeavor head- quarters but Dr Clark and Mr Shaw are both out The Christian church society in Jacksonville has reduced Its member ¬ ship more than a third by a reorgani- zation ¬ In which every one was asked- to sign the consttiution and begin all- over again in being loyal to the In deavor creed for Christ and the church It was found that many were willing to attend and help out whd did not feel like taking the vows which they should as active members This plan of reorganization is some ¬ thing greatly needed many places- Do not forget that the HHlsborough and Manatee convention is down for Oct 24th26th at Bradentown Orlan- do ¬ expects to entertain Orange and Osceola district probably from Nov 5th7th Interlachen for northeast- ern ¬ district the first Sunday In De ¬ cember and Lake and Sumter dis ¬ trict will meet In some week between Orlando and Interlachen dates Pray plan and push Is a well known ex- pression ¬ but its meaning never gets worn out and is good for these fall conventions of 1909 Grace A Townsend Interlachen Fla Aug 5th 1909 ACTIVE AT 87 This Could be unusual news 1C men and women would keep themselves- free from rheumatism and all aches and pains as well as keeping their muscles and Joints limbered with Ballards Snow Liniment Sold by all druggists NOTICE- Of Final Settlement and Discharge Notice is hereby given that on the 19th day of January A D 1910 the undersigned as administratrix de bonis non or the estate or Mary Conyers deceased will present my final account and vouchers to the Honorable Joseph- Bell judge of probate In and for Ma ¬ non county Florida at his office in Ocala and will make my final settle- ment ¬ and will apply for final discharge as administratrix Joanna Lewis As Administratrix de bonis non ov the estate of Mary Conyers de ¬ ceased t Dated Citra Fla July 16th 1909 c t + + ++ t 4 + + ++ + 4444 t ROWES LITTLE BONANZA- S t E ROWE PROPRIETOR OCAlA FiOlIiA 1 g ALL KINDS OF 1 I x Fresh Meats Groceries Chickens Eggs Etc Produce Both i 1 I Bought and Sold Fresh and Salt Water Fish ThevMost Com- plete ¬ f Place of its Kind in the Country Remodeled and Right f i UpToDate First Class Restaurant in Connection First Ctacs t y t Meals and Reasonable Board to YVokly Customers 6 < f i Scrap Iron and petals Also Green Hides Bought < android < it Y Telephone No Ill F PO J l 111 and 112 North Maiiriii St- reetSEA13 v v + > o ao > + x r I O A RUI AIR LINE i f SHORTEST LINE FASTEST TRAINS- Year Round Limited Nos 84 and 81 Florida Fast Mail Nos CMi and 43 r 66 S4 p 81 > 43 1039 am 900 pmlLV Tampa tj G30 arni 600 pm 1115 amlO00 Turkey Creek Lv 5311 sin 508 pm 1130 am 1020 pmLV Plant City Lv 515 sin 458 pin 1220 amll18 pmLv Dade City Lv 515am 458pm 148 pm 110 amLv Wildwood Lv 23Snm23G pm 245 pm 210 amLv Ocala Lv 1t15 am 137 440pm 430am Lv Waldo Lvll40pmlp37am- 600I > m 615 amLv Baldwln eo pIn am 640 pm 700 pmAr Jacksonville Lv 930 pm 930am 750 pm 905 amLv Jacksonville kr 500 pm 715am 1140 pml245 pmAr Savannah Ax 110 pm 25 am 420am 4liOpmAr Columbia Arl025 atnil40 pm 1156 am1225 amlAr Ralelgh Ar 345 am51opm j I 540 pm 750amAr Portsmouth Ar900pm 225am 50a pm 530 amAr Richmond 0 Ar 10Opm t 835 pm 850 amiAr Washington Lv 720pm 905am 952 pmlO02 amlAr Baltimore Lv605pm 6OGam 1151 pm 1223 pmlAT Philadelphia Lv 355 pm 335am 3i3 am 245 NewYork Lv 125pmj2jO am J Passengers may remain sleeper until 7 a m SARASOTA BRANCH 410 pm 730 am Lv Tampa ArG30pznlo15 am 510 pm 820 am Lv Turkey Creek A 535 pm 920 am 740 pm 1040 am Ar Palmetto Lv250 pm 649 am 755 pml 1055 am Ar Manatee Ly235pm 635 Jim 800 pm 1100 am Ar Bradentown Lv 231 pm 631 am 835 pmj 1145 am Ar Sarasota Lv200 pm 600 am QUICKEST SERVICE TO AND FROM NEW YORK These arrivals and departures as well as time and connections with V other companies are given as Information and are not guaranteed Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Tampa and New York- on trains Nos 84 and 81 Dining Car Service Parlor Cafe Cars between Tampa and Jacksonville on trains NOB Cfi and 43 Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Jacksonville and New York and Dining Car Service on trains Nos 66 and 43 For full Information and sleeper reservations call on any agent Sea board or write to S C BOYLSTON Asst Gen Pass Agent Jackson f vllle Fla or call on H C RAYSOR C T A Ocala Fla A SLJOICKERSON Traveling Passenger Agent Tampa Fla 7 ATLANTIC COAST tiNE ROUTE OF TIrE CELEBRATED Florida and West Indian Limited and I New York and Florida Express to the East f < iI lt 1- tr l 7 0 r 4- TotheWest f 1 C 5 Dixie Flyer Montgomery Roiife II Central Route II South Atlantic Itoute t- t 7 Pullman Bufet Sleeping Cars to New York Louisville Gin innati Chi St Louis Atlanta and Intermediate Points PULLMAN DIN ING CAK SERVICE- For tickets reservation or Information f call on nearest Coast Line Agt ji 9 J Q KIRKLAND DP A Tampa Florida e C WHITE G P A Wilmington NC W1 CRAEGp- TMMthI1eKErkDTAR b MT3Ey4J V 0 ps tk ejk d b yJaIaa Pm i- V I r 4 1 r e- J 4 V 7 f 1 V Z t Z r- J b

Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1909-08-10 [p ].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03241/00291.pdf · a wl r Rr i f Fi k S V S = rjr j- I i e Jf OCALA EVENING STAR TUESDAY

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Page 1: Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1909-08-10 [p ].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03241/00291.pdf · a wl r Rr i f Fi k S V S = rjr j- I i e Jf OCALA EVENING STAR TUESDAY

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S V Sk = rjr j-iI


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Z J i l < f 1



Leading Vehicle DealersofCentral Florida


AB taHMMt stock 1 IdUMe Waftis Iiffies Cart-sadCirrIagcscsrricdataMIaes j

i laness SaMks Lip ItksftlJSui an ikm-lUsHueecKrICd by a flrtt Ciij kW btiffct a qUaD

IWes frta lihe < factories aai always ii stock at tile veryMwen pncci-

Web I

t en save ywi MMty tt ytir pirciases be they

laife trwaft-Aftito tor mf ltH ka4if aid best wakes ol-

wafltw M bIk-sKNIGHT1 LANG

NirSIk Square OCALA fLORiD


4c 04U0 14 4 4HQ4I 4 + 4-




Carnegie Hall and third mens dormitory now completed electric flight team and furnace heat large faculty perfect health condi-tions

¬ 1t fine gymnasium athletic fields boating tennis courts golf links a-

I baseball football and basketbal teams champions of Florida In 1909 X-

NI earlfatuarterot a million doliars endowment expenses moderateavailable Christian but undenominational stands for





CONDUCT Iif I For Catalogue Address the President

L Wm F 6lackman PhI

D Winter Park Fla2r It t tIItItt t t K+ t D Xx

SCRAP METAL AND JUNKI will buy all kinds of Junk Iron Steel Brass Copper Zinc prl

Tin Lead Rubber Bagging barrels Leather Etc old EnginesBoilers Balls Etc whether as secondhand or acrap and pay thehighest price In cash for same Write or call on me and let me knowwhat you have and wnere It is located


k F



Art Oie little liviigstca Pure Rye Bottled In Bond

QU Straight N O Qts Straight N 14 tZ 00 75t C Corn Whisky J C Corn Whisky tIjjel-

lthese Quits Are lull 32 Ounce Quarts Not 16 Ounce

Ptab Cltss ani Corkscrew Free With Every OrderI




This Straight North Carolina CornI Whisky not to be a blendnot aWI GUARANTEE compound not n imitation but Justpure corn whisky of full strength

kOrder today from the largest distillery in Florida


c1 DELANEY COWarehtvse Nt 5 Jacksonville Ha

vKV Wiite For Price L-



Ik =



The Kind You B Always Bought and which has been1 im we for over 30 years has home the signature of

and ha been made under his per-sonal

¬r n supervision sinco its infancy

4Allot no one to deceive yon in this

r All Counterfeits Imitations and Jnstasgood are butEzperiflMata that trifle with and endanger tho health ftI-mfeats and Childrea Experience against Experiment


What is CASTORutsdB is a harmless ssnbstitato for Castor Oil Pare

gcrIc Drops antI Soothing Syrups It Pleasant Iteeatalu neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic

bsmce Ito age is 5narantce It destroys WormsI aM aibiy Feverishness It cures Diarrhoea Iud Wind

P CeUclf relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipationa4 Ftetvlency It assimilates the Food regulates the

j 8toMacli and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleepTh Childrens Panacea The Mothers Fnend


Bean the Signature of-


4 TIIeKIud You Have Always Bought

i >1 lAin Use For Ovr 30 Years

s uswv vv m czT icwocTV4-


v 4y-









President Tafts Policy ill Apportion-



the Officers in this ImmenseI


Beverly Mass August 10 Beverlywas hot Sunday but the presidentspent a lazy day and did not seem tomind the more than 90 in the shade

Mr Mr Taft is going to dispose ofthe matter of census supervisorsthroughout the entire United Statesthis week Secretary of Commerce andLabor Xagel and Director of the Cen-


Durand are coming to Beverly thelatter part of the week with a list ofnames and by the time they leave thepresident hopes to announce his posi ¬

tionThe president has fixed upon thepolicy he will follow with reference tocensus appointments in the South Inthe states which are solidly democratic-the president will divide the appoint-ments


equally among the democratsand republicans He will insist thatthe appointees shall not be activepartisans however however butcapable men

From the socabled solid South thepresident has picked out North Caro-lina


Tennessee Kentucky and Mis-


asdebatable states and will treatthem on the same footing as Northernstates giving all of the census jobs torepublicans He will insist howeverthat in these states the same stand ¬

ard of efficiency and character of menshall obtain The states in which thedivision between democrats and repub-licans


will be made areVirginia South Carolina Florida

Georgia Louisiana Mississippi Ar ¬

kansas Louisiana Texas-As to Virginia the president is rep¬

resented as believing that the bitter ¬

ness of the recent primary fight In thatstate between Harry St George Tuck-er


and Judge Mann for the democraticgubernatorial nomination will give re-


an opportunity to make ashowing at the polls next NovemberAnything he can legitimately do tohelp the party In the state it is saidhe will gladly do Several adminis-tration


officers and possibly a cabinetofficer or two will make speeches during the Virginia campaign

REVOLTS AT COLD STEELYour only hope said three doctors-

to Mrs M E Fisher Detroit Michsuffering from severe rectal troublelies In on operation then I used DrKings New Life Pills she writestill wholly cured They prevent ap ¬

pendicitis cure constipation heada-che


25c at all druggists-


The United States Civil ServiceCommission announces that on Sep ¬

tember 1 1909 at Ocala Fla an ex-


will be held for the positions-of clerk and carrier in the post officeservice

Clerks In offices of first and sepondclass and carriers In the city deliveryservice are divided into six grades asfollows First grade salary 600second grade salary 5800 third gradesalary 900 fourth grades salary 1

000 fifth grade Isalary 1100 sixthgrade salary 1200 Clerks and car-


at firstclass offices will be pro ¬

moted successively to the fifth gradeand clerks and carriers at second classoffices will be promoted successively-to the fourth grade Any clerk is eli-


for transfer to the service of acarrier and any carrier is eligible fortransfer to the service of a clerk

Age limit all positions 18 to 45years The age limits are waivedhowever in cases of persons honor¬

ably discharged from the military ornaval service by reason of disabilityresulting from wounds or sickness in ¬

curred In the line of dutyMale applicants for the post office

service must be at least 5 feet 4 in ¬

ches In height in bare feet and 125pounds in weight without overcoatand hat otherwise their applicationswill be canceled Female applicantsare not required to be of any specificheight or weight

Applicants for the post office ser ¬

vice are required to be physicallysound and in good health

For application blank instructions-to applicants and further informationapplication should be made to the lo-


secretary at the Ocala post officeor the undersigned No application-will be accepted unless properly exe-


and filed with the undersigned-prior to the hour of closing business-on August 25 1909

GEO S DONNELJSec 5th Civil Service Dist

Atlanta Ga

BABY MORPHINE FIENDS-are made by all soothing syrups andbaby medicines that contain opiumand narcotics McGees Baby Elixircontains no Injurious or narcoticdrugs of any kind A sure and safecure for disordered stomachs bowelsand fretfulnesssplendid for teethinginfants Sold by all druggists


Sommer Followed His SuccessfulFlight by Smashing His Aero

plan-eChalonesurIarne Frange Aug 8

Rogers Sommer the aviator whoSaturday flew two hours twenty min-utes


and fifty seconds In his aeroplanebreaking the worlds record held byWilbur Wright essayed another flightyesterday He stopped his engine tooabruptly however and the machinestruck the ground with such violencethat it was smashed Sommer wasuninjured-


matter how long you have suf ¬

fered Foleyg Kidney Remedy willhelp you Mrs S L Bow n ofWayne W Va writes I was asufferer from kidney disease so thatat times I could not get out of bed

I and when I did I could not standstraight I took Foleys Kidney Rem-edy


One dollar bottle and part of thesecond cured me entirely It willcure you Sold by all dealers

FOR LACK OF A FIVEChicago Aug 10John C DIehl

aged 41 son of George H Diehl re ¬

tired manager of the HamburgAmer¬

ican Steamship Line was found dead-in a clay hole on the outskirts of thecity yesterday Indications are thathe committed suicide DIehl tried toborrow 5 from a friend until hisusual allowance came from his father

DeWitCs Little Early Risers thepleasant safe sure easy little liverpills A salve you may always dependupon in any case where you need asalve Is DeWItts Carbolized WitchHazel Salve especially good for pilesSold by all druggists

Three cents will fan you for tenhours Get one of those sInch Westlnghous ans from H W Tucker


terrible Death of W C Morgan aSawmill Man of Lakeland


Tampa Tribune 9th

Lakeland Aug SWC Morgan awell kngwn sawmill man of this placewas run over by train No 85 at Seffner last night and was Instantly kill-ed


9Morgan visited Tampa yesterday-and while there it is said drankquite freely and when ready to re¬turn home at 9 oclock last night wasvery much intoxicated A friend com¬ing from Lakeland on the same trainNo 82 bought Morgan a ticket to

Lakeland and helped him on the train-at the Tampa depot When the trainwas out a few miles from TamijaiMorgan It appears Became boister-ous


and when Seffner was reached hewas put off

He was so badly intoxicated thatafter stumbling along the track a fewyards he lay down or fell down andwhile lying on the track asleep or ina stupor No 85 due a few minuteslater struck him and he was ground-to pieces under the wheels His bodywas strewn along the track for somedistance

Remains In a Box

When found the scattered remainswere gathered up and placed Ina boxarriving at Lakeland at 6 oclock thisafterribon The mangled fragmentspresented a gruesome sight whichwas viewed by a number of morbidpersons nt Cowderys undertaking es ¬

tablishment-Mr Morgan was aged about 50

years and was an industrious manthought well of by those who knewhim Ills chief failing being that whichwas the cause of his sudden and ter-rible


death He has resided in Lake ¬

land several years and had operateda sawmill In partnership with V VVan Huss He leaves a wife and sixchildren most of the latter beingquite young and the loss of the hus¬

band and father falls very heavilyupon the family who are left withvery little besides a modest homeCharitably inclined people of Lakerland are planning tonight to renderthe family assistance In their greattrouble

Take Kodol at the times when youfeel what you have eaten is not digest-ing


Kodol digests what you eat soyou can eat sufficiently of any goodwholesome food if you will just letKodol digest it Sold by all druggists-


An tightinch Westinghouse electricfan that Is positively guaranteed toburn only three cents worth of elec-tricity


in ten hours steady runningSee them at once H W Tucker theelectrical supply man

Party wishes to buy a six or sevenroom house east of railroad in Ocalacash transaction Apply to Star office


Is hereby given that on the 17th dayof August A D 1909 at the regularmeeting of the city council of the cityof Ocala Florida bids for the remod-eling


of the city market of the saidcity according to plans and sppcificatlons now on file in the city clerksoffice of said city vlll be considered-by the said council said council re¬

serving the right to accept or rejectany of said bids said bids to be inwriting and filed with the city clerk onor before the said 17th day of August-A D 1909 J M Meffert

President of the City CouncilAttest H C SIstrunk

City Clerk of the City of Ocala


Sealed bids will be received at theoffice of R E Yonge for the construc-tion


of the Masonic Lodge Opera Housebuilding pf the MarionDunn Lodge No19 F A M to be erected at OcalaFla until noon August 19th next

Each bid for the construction of thebuilding must be accompanied with acertified check for 500 made payable toR E Yonge chairman building com-mittee


as a guarantee that if awarded-the contract the successful bidder willpromptly enter into contract and fur-nish


his bond as required by specifica ¬

tions The right Js reserved to rejectany and all bids Drawings and speci-fications


may be seen at the office ofR E Yonge South Main street OcalaFlorida

Contractors wishing to bid may ob-


drawings and specifications from-R E Yonge by depositing with him acertified check for 25 as a guaranteethat they will present a bona fide bidon the work and as a guarantee of thesafe and prompt return of the draw-ings


and specifications to the office ofR E Yonge Ocala Florida withoutcost to the committeeBuilding Committee MarionDunn

Lodge No i9 F A M OcalaFlorida R E Yonge Chairman




J C BARDIN Proprietor

Next Door to the Western UnionTelegraph Office

Work Called for and Delivered Prompt-iy All Work Guaranteed White

Trade C-



The original

LAXATIVE cough rcnidyFor coughs colas throat and lungtroubles No opiates NonalcoholicGood for everybody Sold errywhere

Tho genuineFOLEYS HONEY and TAR is iaYlIow package Refuse substitutei

Prepared only b-yFy A Company ChlcactvFOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS

j z w

V C sfe5 i z fzv r3 z-f

r > tJ i ji4 w SffJ 0

Treating Th W iAs KI2 lk>vr c ije r I1 > i fl

a Many times women call on their family physiaant i J ti ienngsthq 1 1Z J Iimagine one from dyspepsia another from heart disease p1 <

vh V

liver or disease another from1 J j if r ikidney nervous prbstratiori another wtI 1 l> Jt fpain ttiereand in this way they present aliketo them I Jand their easy going or overbusy doctor separate diasefoiwbkhs them to such prescribes anil potions-

realiythevareaflothysymptms> tcaused by some weakness or deranTO 4b

organs muune The physician ignorant he< I

calls of s keeps up his treatment until Klls niadciO > jk rge are 1 tThe suffenng patient gets no better by reason of the treat f


ment probably worse A medicine ifproper likepr PiercesFzvonte > 1I iPrescription thread to 1l cause would Ye cn renwye < the liasc ttbpdl all those distressing symptoms andjnstituting comfort insted of roois1p rmisery It has been well said thata half cured 1< j r-r

Dr Pierces Favorite Ptcscriptiomit m sckntlfk cYc1a we4ayI

vsd kyt


an experienced and skillful physic mm il Adapted to Woajr Nci syItrLW-It


is m tfe of gatfyy American medldmml rootsYt7t1ioattllefIieti fj1J v


and is perfectly harmless hi its effects In may coalition of t1te csy3tii

As a powerful tonic Fa-vorite

¬ ine Prescription f is unequaled >

PrescnptJonlDlparts strength to and is invaluable allaying dIU r ithe system and to the organs dis-tinctly

¬ nervous exexcitability irritability neryoS-exhaustion

r rOJ

>L t

feminine in particular For over nervousr prostration neuralgia Yworked wornout rundown debilitated hysteria spasms St Vituss u1Cea d tteachers milliners dressmakers seam other distressing nervous symptoms comenstresses shopgirls housekeepers nurs¬ monly attendantupon lict1on and or-ganicing mothers and women y of the distinctly feminineDr Pierces Favorite Prescription is the prans It induces refreshing sleep and



greatest earthly boon being unequaled relieves mental anxiety and despondencyas an appetizing cordial and restorative Dr Pierces mVlgorattonic the stomach Iiv rand bowels One toAs a soothing and strengthening nerv three a dose Easy to t keas cindy ji

EVERY WOMAN ought to possess Dr Pierces great book the Peoples nSenseMedicAdviser a magnificent thousandpage illustrated volume It teaches mothershowito carefor their

Vchildren and themselves It is the best doctor to have m the house in case of emer nqOve half


a million copies were sold at 150 each hut one free copy In papercovers will be sent on receipt of21 onecent stamps to pay the cost of mailing aaIy or send 31 stamps for a handsome clothboundCOP Address the pubhhWjj Dispensary Medical Association 663Maui SLI3LrffaIQ NY 7 J-

Jt i4 4


Nearly all the members of the SouthLake Weir Intermediate society are-away


on vocationsFriendly messages reached our of-


yesterday from General SecretaryI Shaw and Dr Clark qhe former saidthat the Florida greeting for St PaulInternational convention was receivedand read with many others from the-

reat scattered Worlds UnionMr A Schaab introduction superin-


for New York state unionhas answered our letter referring tothe going to his state of Miss WinnieMix of Tampa Although there wasno society near her the state and dis ¬

trict officers were to look her up andmake her feel at home

We sent two Introductory letters toTennessee union and almost by re¬

turn mall came messages from boththe president Mr Dean and secretaryMr Wheatly of Memphis promising-to have our Florida workers Introduc-ed


to those of Tennessee Mr Deanmissed the St Paul convention butPresident Wheatly was there and inall their union had ten delegates whotraveled one thousand miles to reachthe convention city

The district secretaries of the Flor-Ida union have started a circle of letters by which they hope to get betteracquainted and mutually cheer andsympathize with each others caresand problems

The state secretary also press andintroduction and sunshine suprintendent for Christian Endeavorers Inthis state during the first quarter ofthis Endeavor yearApril till Julywrote about 390 letter Hand written cards were sent to the number of125 and 294 packages of literature orprinted letters were distributed-

The Iniquity of War Is the strongsubject for next Sundays Endeavormeetings The C E World saysChristian Endeavorers can promote

peace by learning more about othernations and the foreigners In our owncountry and by frowning upon everyindication of national bluster and in ¬

justice This Isa delightful combi ¬

nation of mission and Christian cit¬

izenship study that should appeal tothe eager minds as well ashearts ofour young people

We have just received our cordialgreetings from Miss Kittle L Melsonstate secretary of the Young WomansChristian Temperance Union alsofrom Rev C L Collins superinten-dent


of the AntiSaloon LeagueState President Winnard reached

New York safely A card has comewritten in Boston Endeavor head-quarters but Dr Clark and MrShaw are both out

The Christian church society inJacksonville has reduced Its member¬

ship more than a third by a reorgani-zation


In which every one was asked-to sign the consttiution and begin all-

over again in being loyal to the Indeavor creed for Christ and thechurch It was found that manywere willing to attend and help outwhd did not feel like taking the vowswhich they should as active membersThis plan of reorganization is some ¬

thing greatly needed many places-Do not forget that the HHlsborough

and Manatee convention is down forOct 24th26th at Bradentown Orlan-do


expects to entertain Orange andOsceola district probably from Nov5th7th Interlachen for northeast-ern


district the first Sunday In De¬

cember and Lake and Sumter dis ¬

trict will meet In some week betweenOrlando and Interlachen dates Prayplan and push Is a well known ex-


but its meaning never getsworn out and is good for these fallconventions of 1909

Grace A TownsendInterlachen Fla Aug 5th 1909


This Could be unusual news 1C menand women would keep themselves-free from rheumatism and all achesand pains as well as keeping theirmuscles and Joints limbered withBallards Snow Liniment Sold byall druggists


Of Final Settlement and Discharge

Notice is hereby given that on the19th day of January A D 1910 theundersigned as administratrix de bonisnon or the estate or Mary Conyersdeceased will present my final accountand vouchers to the Honorable Joseph-Bell judge of probate In and for Ma ¬

non county Florida at his office inOcala and will make my final settle-ment


and will apply for final dischargeas administratrix Joanna Lewis

As Administratrix de bonis non ovthe estate of Mary Conyers de ¬

ceased tDated Citra Fla July 16th 1909



g ALL KINDS OF 1I xFresh Meats Groceries Chickens Eggs Etc Produce Both

i 1I Bought and Sold Fresh and Salt Water Fish ThevMost Com-



f Place of its Kind in the Country Remodeled and Rightf iUpToDate First Class Restaurant in Connection First Ctacst yt Meals and Reasonable Board to YVokly Customers6 < f

i Scrap Iron and petals Also Green Hides Bought<

android <


Telephone No IllF

PO Jl 111 and 112 North Maiiriii St-



v +> o ao > + xr


O A RUIAIR LINE ifSHORTEST LINE FASTEST TRAINS-Year Round Limited Nos 84 and 81 Florida Fast Mail Nos CMi and 43r

66 S4 p 81 > 431039 am 900 pmlLV Tampa tj G30 arni 600 pm1115 amlO00 Turkey Creek Lv 5311 sin 508 pm1130 am 1020 pmLV Plant City Lv 515 sin 458 pin1220 amll18 pmLv Dade City Lv 515am 458pm148 pm 110 amLv Wildwood Lv 23Snm23G pm245 pm 210 amLv Ocala Lv 1t15 am 137440pm 430am Lv Waldo Lvll40pmlp37am-600I>m 615 amLv Baldwln eo pIn am640 pm 700 pmAr Jacksonville Lv 930 pm 930am750 pm 905 amLv Jacksonville kr 500 pm 715am1140 pml245 pmAr Savannah Ax 110 pm 25 am420am 4liOpmAr Columbia Arl025 atnil40 pm

1156 am1225 amlAr Ralelgh Ar 345 am51opm j I

540 pm 750amAr Portsmouth Ar900pm 225am50a pm 530 amAr Richmond 0 Ar 10Opm t835 pm 850 amiAr Washington Lv 720pm 905am952 pmlO02 amlAr Baltimore Lv605pm 6OGam1151 pm 1223 pmlAT Philadelphia Lv 355 pm 335am3i3 am 245 NewYork Lv 125pmj2jO amJ

Passengers may remain sleeper until 7 a mSARASOTA BRANCH

410 pm 730 am Lv Tampa ArG30pznlo15 am510 pm 820 am Lv Turkey Creek A 535 pm 920 am740 pm 1040 am Ar Palmetto Lv250 pm 649 am755 pml 1055 am Ar Manatee Ly235pm 635 Jim800 pm 1100 am Ar Bradentown Lv 231 pm 631 am835 pmj 1145 am Ar Sarasota Lv200 pm 600 am

QUICKEST SERVICE TO AND FROM NEW YORKThese arrivals and departures as well as time and connections with


other companies are given as Information and are not guaranteedPullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Tampa and New York-

on trains Nos 84 and 81 Dining Car ServiceParlor Cafe Cars between Tampa and Jacksonville on trains NOB Cfi

and 43 Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Jacksonville andNew York and Dining Car Service on trains Nos 66 and 43For full Information and sleeper reservations call on any agent Seaboard or write to S C BOYLSTON Asst Gen Pass Agent Jackson fvllle Fla or call on H C RAYSOR C T A Ocala Fla

A SLJOICKERSON Traveling Passenger Agent Tampa Fla 7


Florida and West Indian Limitedand I New York and Florida Express

to the East f<


lt 1-

tr l


0 r4-

TotheWest f 1 C

5 Dixie Flyer Montgomery RoiifeII Central Route II

South Atlantic Itoutet-

t 7Pullman Bufet Sleeping Cars to New York Louisville Gin innati Chi

St Louis Atlanta and Intermediate PointsPULLMAN DIN ING CAK SERVICE-

For tickets reservation or Informationf call on nearest Coast Line Agt ji9

J Q KIRKLAND DP A Tampa Floridae C WHITE G P A Wilmington NC W1 CRAEGp-




0 ps tk ejk d b yJaIaa Pm i-



r 41 re-


4 V



1 V

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