Obra de Teatro en Ingles

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In school.1 Scene: (In the bathroom)

* Amy with a pregnancy test in hand *Amy says: No, this is impossible ... (Amy says in tears)My life, The school, the reaction of all, what I tell my mother?.A child is a blessing but not right now.What will I do? What will become of me?

Alejandra: Amy, Amy open the door, please open the door.Amy: No, I want to be alone!Alejandra: I am your friend, you can trust me.Amy: I have fear, not to do.Alejandra: what happened?Amy: I'm pregnantAlejandra: can not be ... How did it happen? Wait, I know it.Rather, When did?Amy: That does not matter now; the point is that Im...Alejandra: Do not say more, Remember where we are! What will you do now?Amy: I'll tell Bill

2 scene: (in the lounge)

Amy: I need talk with you.Bill: What happened?Amy: I'm ... pregnant.Bill: Whose? Mine is not.Amy: How can you say that? Its yours.Bill: I think not, but does something ... take this money and aborts.(Amy slaps him and throws the money in the face)Bill: You're stupid.Amy: and you a coward how can I do that?I thought you loved me...You are a stupid and pathetic guy, wait? guy? no, you are a chicken.Out of my life, I do not need you.Bill: Well, I gave you a solutionAmy: You call that solution? Out of my life.Get out of my life.

3 scene: (in the hallway)

Alejandra: What did he say?(Amy responds in tears): is a coward...Alejandra: Say no more ... I get it, but you know? I be with you, it will not be easy but you can trust me.* Ashley hear part of what Amy says and goes to the teacher to tell you that Amy is pregnant *

Ashley: Miss Rachel, Miss Rachel I have something to say.Miss Rachel: What is?Ashley: There's a pregnant girl in the class.Miss Rachel: How? Where did you hear, this is a very sensitive issue...Ashley: I know Miss, but this is true... Come with me.

* Ashley takes Miss Rachel with Amy and Alejandra *

Miss Rachel: Girls need to talk to you about something delicate.Alexandra and Amy: Tell us Miss.Miss Rachel: Privately, going to class.(Classroom)Ashley: Amy I heard when you said you were pregnant in the girls' bathroom.Amy and Alexandra: What?Miss Rachel: Alejandra and Ashely out one moment please I need to talk privately with Amy.* Alejandra and Ashley go *Miss Rachel: It's true what they said Ashley?Amy: Miss, remember she is a gossip.Miss: True or not?Amy: Yes, I'm pregnant ... but please do not tell anyone.Miss: Love this is a very sensitive issue, I'm sorry but I have to tell your mother.

4 scene

* The Teacher Rachel call the Amy's mom and she goes to school *

Bella: What happened?Miss Rachel: I need to talk to you about a sensitive topic.Bella: what?Miss Rachel: Amy... Amy is pregnant.Bella: You're kidding?My Rachel: No, this is true.You be grandmother because her daughter is pregnant.Bella: Where is she?My Rachel: Here, Amy c'mon.I'll leave you alone for that talk.

* The teacher leaves the room *

Bella: Amy, why you do this me?Amy: I'm sorry, forgive me mom, I'm stupid.Bella: I've given you everything.Education and get to know the great effort. Why you do same that I did? who is he?Amy: That does not matter right now.Bella: who told you not care? Who is he? Liable for the baby or not?Amy: It's a boy in my class called Bill.Bella: How dare you sleep with anyone and do not use protection.Amy: I thought he loved me.Bella: Do not be stupid. Not learn from what happened to me.From this moment you do not think my daughter, you're dead to me.* Amy's mother out of the room angry and professor enters and sees Amy crying *

5 scene

* Alejandra enters the room and sees Rachel with Professor Amy *

Alejandra: Amy your mother told you?Amy tearfully says my mother abandoned me and threw me into the street like a dogSad and shocked Alejandra says: you can stay with me call my home and tell my mother what happened to you* goes Alejandra amy gets the teacher which is comforting while Alejandra appears amyAfter a while alejandra arrives with bad news *

Alejandra: Professor, I dont have the courage to tell my friend that my mother told me that no, it is so important to me that I want to help but do not know how.

* The teacher Amy desire to Alejandra *

Miss Rachel: Amy know what you must be going through is hard, and I think the attitude of your mother don't is the better .. but we must try to understand it, she just wanted or wants the best for you.Unfortunately you do not get with Alejandra's house .but from elsewhere ... if you could stay with me, with clear rules.

Amy: Of course, if you miss, thank you very much thank not like it .. will fulfill any kind of rule.

Alejandra: and I will be helping her constantly.Miss: I need you more than you put in your classes, you get good grades and garments to be responsible .. what will live will not be easy

Alejandra: No but it will always be with her, the two will improve our notes ...

6 scene

Bill and Alice

Bill: Alice can come here please.

Alice: ok, tell me

Bill: Amy told me that was pregnant, but I do not want to answered, by that child because I have a life ahead and do not want that baby I go to damage my dreams. Also, I offered, money to abort, but she doesn't want. Your say the baby alive and also respond as Pope?

Alice: Abort No! You're crazy, that's a crime she may suffer many physical consequences, such as bleeding, constant pain and even infertility. And also psychological, as disorders, depression and much more.I advise you as a friend is that, thinks of things before acting, and the damage is done but, now have to answer for that baby, Ignorant!

Bill: What? Now you're telling me ignorant, i can not believe it! I called you to advise me and you insult me and treat me like a dog. Respect me, you are most ignorant than me and remember something important You are not a good counselor" and my girlfriend is a stupid girl because she did not receive me $ 1000.Alice: Bill, Im not here to insult me or treat me bad, because the woman is sensible and she needs to be treated like a flower. You are a jerk, bitter; an animal that does not has a brain.

Bill: I'm not a monster. Alice, forgive me for all that I told you, it was not my intention, I'm desperate with this situation.I am ignorant because you are advising me, forgive me, and follow me advising, please?

Alice: Well look Bill, I forgive you I know this, it is not your best time, but you have to understand that you have a responsibility to Amy and baby.

Bill: mmm, well if God is the master of life, why not taked away the baby's life, 'cause if the baby comes into the world is going to suffer and he is not to blame for the stupidity that Amy and I made, Why?

Alice: Because God is love and would be unable to do that and you are man and I guess with pants to answer for your son and do not kill yourself as you pretend.Well, you'd like that, drop your head or you're not a Baron!

Bill: that I'm a man and I would not want that happen to me to me.

Alice: Ok responds and shows everyone that you are responsible for your actions.

Bill: Hello friends, Alice thought everything you said; you are an angel, thanks for the advice.