Object Detection and Dense Captioning You Only Look Once: Unified, Real-Time Object Detection. Joseph Redmon, Santosh Divvala, Ross Girshick, Ali Farhadi, CVPR 2016 DenseCap: Fully Convolutional Localization Networks for Dense Captioning. Justin Johnson, Andrej Karpathy, Li Fei-Fei, CVPR 2016 Dana Berman and Guy Leibovitz

Object Detection and Dense Captioning - TAUweb.eng.tau.ac.il/deep_learn/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/...Model. To address the localization and description task jointly we To address

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Object Detection andDense Captioning

You Only Look Once: Unified, Real-Time ObjectDetection. Joseph Redmon, Santosh Divvala,

Ross Girshick, Ali Farhadi, CVPR 2016

DenseCap: Fully Convolutional LocalizationNetworks for Dense Captioning. Justin Johnson,

Andrej Karpathy, Li Fei-Fei, CVPR 2016

Dana Berman and Guy Leibovitz

January 2, 2017

Faster R-CNN

I Region ProposalNetwork (RPN)

• Anchor boxes(xa, ya,wa, ha)

• Predict:k × (tx , ty , tw , th)

x = xa + txwa

w = wa exp(tw)

I ROI pooling → classifierand bbox regression

Faster R-CNN - Limitations

I Training:

• NIPS 2015:alternatingoptimization

• arXiv 2016:end-to-end(approximately)

I Not real-time:0.2sec/image


YOLO - Overview

I You only look once

I Trainable end-to-end

YOLO - MethodInput image

YOLO - MethodImage is split into a gridWe split the image into a grid

YOLO - MethodEach cell predicts boxes and confidences: P(object)Each cell predicts boxes and confidences: P(Object)

YOLO - MethodEach cell predicts boxes and confidences: P(object)Each cell predicts boxes and confidences: P(Object)

YOLO - MethodEach cell predicts boxes and confidences: P(object)Each cell predicts boxes and confidences: P(Object)

YOLO - MethodEach cell also predicts a class probabilityEach cell also predicts a class probability.

YOLO - MethodClass probability is conditional: P(class|object)Each cell also predicts a class probability.


Bicycle Car

Dining Table

YOLO - MethodCombining the box and class predictionsThen we combine the box and class predictions.

YOLO - MethodNon-Maximal Suppression and threshold detectionsFinally we do NMS and threshold detections

YOLO - MethodThe output size is fixed.Each cell predicts:

I B bounding boxes. For each bounding box:I 4 coordinates (x , y ,w , h)I 1 confidence value P(object)

I N class probabilities P(class|object)

YOLO - MethodEach cell predicts:

- For each bounding box:- 4 coordinates (x, y, w, h)- 1 confidence value

- Some number of class probabilities

For Pascal VOC:

- 7x7 grid- 2 bounding boxes / cell- 20 classes

7 x 7 x (2 x 5 + 20) = 7 x 7 x 30 tensor = 1470 outputs

This parameterization fixes the output size

For Pascal VOC:

I 7× 7 grid

I B = 2 bounding boxes / cell

I N = 20 classes

7× 7× (2× 5 + 20) = 7× 7× 30 tensor

YOLO - MethodNeural Network

YOLO - MethodInspired by Inception from GoogLeNet

YOLO - MethodInception module (CVPR 2015):

YOLO - MethodOne neural network is trained to be the wholedetection pipeline

YOLO - MethodTraining:

I Pre-training conv. layers on ImageNet,using low-res input (1 week)

I For detection: add layers, increase imageresolution

I Normalize bounding box coordinates to [0, 1]

I Data augmentation: random scale, translation,exposure and saturation

I Loss function: L2

YOLO - MethodLoss function:

YOLO - FrameworkDarknet - Open source neural networks in Chttp://pjreddie.com/darknet/

YOLO - ResultsExample of results on natural images:

YOLO works across a variety of natural images

YOLO - ResultsIt also generalizes well to new domains (such as art):

It also generalizes well to new domains (like art)

YOLO - ResultsQuantitative detection and localization results:

YOLO - ResultsLimitations:

I Small objects

I Unusual aspect ratios

I Multiple objects per grid cell

Beyond YOLO

SSD: Single Shot MultiBox Detector

I ECCV 2016

I More accurate than Faster R-CNN


YOLO9000: Better, Faster, Stronger

I arXiv, 25 Dec 2016

I 9000 object classes

Lessons from SSD and YOLO9000

I Multi-scale feature mapsI Predict anchor box offsets

I NormalizedI h ∼ ha exp(t)I Aspect ratios

I Data augmentation (scale, brightness, etc.)

Dense Captioning

Background: Detection and CaptioningComputer Vision Tasks

Background: Visual Genome DatasetVisual Genome Dataset

108,077 images 5,408,689 regions + captions

Krishna et al, "Visual Genome", 2016

A boy wearing


A red tricycle

A red flying frisbeeTwo men playing frisbee

Wooden privacy fence

The ground is made of stone

The legsof a man

An athletic shoe on a foot


Questions?Justin Johnson*, Andrej Karpathy*, Li Fei-Fei

Stanford University

DenseCap: Fully Convolutional Localization Networks for Dense Captioning

Abstract Fully Convolutional Localization and Captioning Architecture Region Search by Text Query

Dense Captioning Results

Quantitative Evaluation

Task. We introduce the dense captioning task, which requires a computer vision system to both localize and describe salient regions in images in natural language. The dense captioning task generalizes object detection when the descriptions consist of a single word, and Image Captioning when one predicted region covers the full image. Model. To address the localization and description task jointly we propose a Fully Convolutional Localization Network (FCLN) architecture that processes an image with a single, efficient forward pass, requires no external regions proposals, and can be trained end-to-end with a single round of optimization. The architecture is composed of a Convolutional Network, a novel dense localization layer, and Recurrent Neural Network language model that generates the label sequences. Experiments. We evaluate our network on the Visual Genome dataset, which comprises 94,000 images and 4,100,000 region-grounded captions. We observe both speed and accuracy improvements over baselines based on current state of the art approaches in both generation and retrieval settings.

Dense Captioning task

Model Description (broken down)




A cat riding a skateboard




Dense CaptioningOrange spotted cat

Skateboard with red wheels

Cat riding a skateboard

Brown hardwood flooring

label densityWhole Image Image Regions

label complexity




Image: 3 x W x H Conv features:

C x W’ x H’

Region features:B x C x X x Y Region Codes:

B x D

LSTMStriped gray cat

Cats watching TV

Localization Layer


Region Proposals:4k x W’ x H’

Region scores:k x W’ x H’Conv features:

C x W’ x H’Bilinear Sampler Region features:

B x 512 x 7 x 7

Sampling Grid:B x X x Y x 2

Sampling Grid Generator

Best Proposals:B x 4

Recognition Network

Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks, Ren et al., NIPS 2015Spatial Transformer Networks, Jaderberg et al., NIPS 2015

white tennis shoes head of a giraffe red and white sign hands holding a phone

front wheelof a bus

A man and a woman sitting at a table with a cake. A train is traveling down the tracks near a forest.A large jetliner flying through a blue sky. A teddy bear with

a red bow on it.

Our Model:

Full Image RNN:

Image Retrieval by Bag of Text Queries

Better performance (5.39 vs. 4.26 mAP) 13X faster. Runs @ 4-20fps

Open Source Code ReleaseFind the code on Github!https://github.com/jcjohnson/densecap

- A pretrained model- Code to run the model on new images, on either CPU or GPU- Code to run a live demo with a webcam- Evaluation code for dense captioning- Instructions for training the model

Stop by poster #2!

Spatial Transformer Networks

(a) (b)

Figure 3: Two examples of applying the parameterised sampling grid to an image U producing the output V .(a) The sampling grid is the regular grid G = TI(G), where I is the identity transformation parameters. (b)The sampling grid is the result of warping the regular grid with an affine transformation T✓(G).For clarity of exposition, assume for the moment that T✓ is a 2D affine transformation A✓. We willdiscuss other transformations below. In this affine case, the pointwise transformation is




◆= T✓(Gi) = A✓





1A =

✓11 ✓12 ✓13

✓21 ✓22 ✓23





1A (1)

where (xti, y

ti) are the target coordinates of the regular grid in the output feature map, (xs

i , ysi ) are

the source coordinates in the input feature map that define the sample points, and A✓ is the affinetransformation matrix. We use height and width normalised coordinates, such that �1 xt

i, yti 1

when within the spatial bounds of the output, and �1 xsi , y

si 1 when within the spatial bounds

of the input (and similarly for the y coordinates). The source/target transformation and sampling isequivalent to the standard texture mapping and coordinates used in graphics [8].

The transform defined in (10) allows cropping, translation, rotation, scale, and skew to be appliedto the input feature map, and requires only 6 parameters (the 6 elements of A✓) to be produced bythe localisation network. It allows cropping because if the transformation is a contraction (i.e. thedeterminant of the left 2⇥ 2 sub-matrix has magnitude less than unity) then the mapped regular gridwill lie in a parallelogram of area less than the range of xs

i , ysi . The effect of this transformation on

the grid compared to the identity transform is shown in Fig. 3.

The class of transformations T✓ may be more constrained, such as that used for attention

A✓ =

s 0 tx0 s ty


allowing cropping, translation, and isotropic scaling by varying s, tx, and ty . The transformationT✓ can also be more general, such as a plane projective transformation with 8 parameters, piece-wise affine, or a thin plate spline. Indeed, the transformation can have any parameterised form,provided that it is differentiable with respect to the parameters – this crucially allows gradients to bebackpropagated through from the sample points T✓(Gi) to the localisation network output ✓. If thetransformation is parameterised in a structured, low-dimensional way, this reduces the complexityof the task assigned to the localisation network. For instance, a generic class of structured and dif-ferentiable transformations, which is a superset of attention, affine, projective, and thin plate splinetransformations, is T✓ = M✓B, where B is a target grid representation (e.g. in (10), B is the regu-lar grid G in homogeneous coordinates), and M✓ is a matrix parameterised by ✓. In this case it ispossible to not only learn how to predict ✓ for a sample, but also to learn B for the task at hand.

3.3 Differentiable Image Sampling

To perform a spatial transformation of the input feature map, a sampler must take the set of samplingpoints T✓(G), along with the input feature map U and produce the sampled output feature map V .

Each (xsi , y

si ) coordinate in T✓(G) defines the spatial location in the input where a sampling kernel

is applied to get the value at a particular pixel in the output V . This can be written as

V ci =





U cnmk(xs

i � m;�x)k(ysi � n;�y) 8i 2 [1 . . . H 0W 0] 8c 2 [1 . . . C] (3)


Spatial Transformer Networks


] ]



Localisation net


Spatial Transformer

Grid !generator


Figure 2: The architecture of a spatial transformer module. The input feature map U is passed to a localisationnetwork which regresses the transformation parameters ✓. The regular spatial grid G over V is transformed tothe sampling grid T✓(G), which is applied to U as described in Sect. 3.3, producing the warped output featuremap V . The combination of the localisation network and sampling mechanism defines a spatial transformer.

need for a differentiable attention mechanism, while [14] use a differentiable attention mechansimby utilising Gaussian kernels in a generative model. The work by Girshick et al. [11] uses a regionproposal algorithm as a form of attention, and [7] show that it is possible to regress salient regionswith a CNN. The framework we present in this paper can be seen as a generalisation of differentiableattention to any spatial transformation.

3 Spatial TransformersIn this section we describe the formulation of a spatial transformer. This is a differentiable modulewhich applies a spatial transformation to a feature map during a single forward pass, where thetransformation is conditioned on the particular input, producing a single output feature map. Formulti-channel inputs, the same warping is applied to each channel. For simplicity, in this section weconsider single transforms and single outputs per transformer, however we can generalise to multipletransformations, as shown in experiments.

The spatial transformer mechanism is split into three parts, shown in Fig. 2. In order of computation,first a localisation network (Sect. 3.1) takes the input feature map, and through a number of hiddenlayers outputs the parameters of the spatial transformation that should be applied to the feature map– this gives a transformation conditional on the input. Then, the predicted transformation parametersare used to create a sampling grid, which is a set of points where the input map should be sampled toproduce the transformed output. This is done by the grid generator, described in Sect. 3.2. Finally,the feature map and the sampling grid are taken as inputs to the sampler, producing the output mapsampled from the input at the grid points (Sect. 3.3).

The combination of these three components forms a spatial transformer and will now be describedin more detail in the following sections.

3.1 Localisation Network

The localisation network takes the input feature map U 2 RH⇥W⇥C with width W , height H andC channels and outputs ✓, the parameters of the transformation T✓ to be applied to the feature map:✓ = floc(U). The size of ✓ can vary depending on the transformation type that is parameterised,e.g. for an affine transformation ✓ is 6-dimensional as in (10).

The localisation network function floc() can take any form, such as a fully-connected network ora convolutional network, but should include a final regression layer to produce the transformationparameters ✓.

3.2 Parameterised Sampling Grid

To perform a warping of the input feature map, each output pixel is computed by applying a samplingkernel centered at a particular location in the input feature map (this is described fully in the nextsection). By pixel we refer to an element of a generic feature map, not necessarily an image. Ingeneral, the output pixels are defined to lie on a regular grid G = {Gi} of pixels Gi = (xt

i, yti),

forming an output feature map V 2 RH0⇥W 0⇥C , where H 0 and W 0 are the height and width of thegrid, and C is the number of channels, which is the same in the input and output.


(a) (b)

Figure 3: Two examples of applying the parameterised sampling grid to an image U producing the output V .(a) The sampling grid is the regular grid G = TI(G), where I is the identity transformation parameters. (b)The sampling grid is the result of warping the regular grid with an affine transformation T✓(G).For clarity of exposition, assume for the moment that T✓ is a 2D affine transformation A✓. We willdiscuss other transformations below. In this affine case, the pointwise transformation is




◆= T✓(Gi) = A✓





1A =

✓11 ✓12 ✓13

✓21 ✓22 ✓23





1A (1)

where (xti, y

ti) are the target coordinates of the regular grid in the output feature map, (xs

i , ysi ) are

the source coordinates in the input feature map that define the sample points, and A✓ is the affinetransformation matrix. We use height and width normalised coordinates, such that �1 xt

i, yti 1

when within the spatial bounds of the output, and �1 xsi , y

si 1 when within the spatial bounds

of the input (and similarly for the y coordinates). The source/target transformation and sampling isequivalent to the standard texture mapping and coordinates used in graphics [8].

The transform defined in (10) allows cropping, translation, rotation, scale, and skew to be appliedto the input feature map, and requires only 6 parameters (the 6 elements of A✓) to be produced bythe localisation network. It allows cropping because if the transformation is a contraction (i.e. thedeterminant of the left 2⇥ 2 sub-matrix has magnitude less than unity) then the mapped regular gridwill lie in a parallelogram of area less than the range of xs

i , ysi . The effect of this transformation on

the grid compared to the identity transform is shown in Fig. 3.

The class of transformations T✓ may be more constrained, such as that used for attention

A✓ =

s 0 tx0 s ty


allowing cropping, translation, and isotropic scaling by varying s, tx, and ty . The transformationT✓ can also be more general, such as a plane projective transformation with 8 parameters, piece-wise affine, or a thin plate spline. Indeed, the transformation can have any parameterised form,provided that it is differentiable with respect to the parameters – this crucially allows gradients to bebackpropagated through from the sample points T✓(Gi) to the localisation network output ✓. If thetransformation is parameterised in a structured, low-dimensional way, this reduces the complexityof the task assigned to the localisation network. For instance, a generic class of structured and dif-ferentiable transformations, which is a superset of attention, affine, projective, and thin plate splinetransformations, is T✓ = M✓B, where B is a target grid representation (e.g. in (10), B is the regu-lar grid G in homogeneous coordinates), and M✓ is a matrix parameterised by ✓. In this case it ispossible to not only learn how to predict ✓ for a sample, but also to learn B for the task at hand.

3.3 Differentiable Image Sampling

To perform a spatial transformation of the input feature map, a sampler must take the set of samplingpoints T✓(G), along with the input feature map U and produce the sampled output feature map V .

Each (xsi , y

si ) coordinate in T✓(G) defines the spatial location in the input where a sampling kernel

is applied to get the value at a particular pixel in the output V . This can be written as

V ci =





U cnmk(xs

i � m;�x)k(ysi � n;�y) 8i 2 [1 . . . H 0W 0] 8c 2 [1 . . . C] (3)


V ci =





Ucnmk(x si −m)k(y si − n)

∇ Spatial Transformer Networks

where �x and �y are the parameters of a generic sampling kernel k() which defines the imageinterpolation (e.g. bilinear), U c

nm is the value at location (n, m) in channel c of the input, and V ci

is the output value for pixel i at location (xti, y

ti) in channel c. Note that the sampling is done

identically for each channel of the input, so every channel is transformed in an identical way (thispreserves spatial consistency between channels).

In theory, any sampling kernel can be used, as long as (sub-)gradients can be defined with respect toxs

i and ysi . For example, using the integer sampling kernel reduces (3) to

V ci =





U cnm�(bxs

i + 0.5c � m)�(bysi + 0.5c � n) (4)

where bx + 0.5c rounds x to the nearest integer and �() is the Kronecker delta function. Thissampling kernel equates to just copying the value at the nearest pixel to (xs

i , ysi ) to the output location

(xti, y

ti). Alternatively, a bilinear sampling kernel can be used, giving

V ci =





U cnm max(0, 1 � |xs

i � m|) max(0, 1 � |ysi � n|) (5)

To allow backpropagation of the loss through this sampling mechanism we can define the gradientswith respect to U and G. For bilinear sampling (5) the partial derivatives are

@V ci

@U cnm





max(0, 1 � |xsi � m|) max(0, 1 � |ys

i � n|) (6)

@V ci






U cnm max(0, 1 � |ys

i � n|)


0 if |m � xsi | � 1

1 if m � xsi

�1 if m < xsi


and similarly to (7) for @V ci



This gives us a (sub-)differentiable sampling mechanism, allowing loss gradients to flow back notonly to the input feature map (6), but also to the sampling grid coordinates (7), and therefore backto the transformation parameters ✓ and localisation network since @xs


@✓ and @xsi

@✓ can be easily derivedfrom (10) for example. Due to discontinuities in the sampling fuctions, sub-gradients must be used.This sampling mechanism can be implemented very efficiently on GPU, by ignoring the sum overall input locations and instead just looking at the kernel support region for each output pixel.

3.4 Spatial Transformer Networks

The combination of the localisation network, grid generator, and sampler form a spatial transformer(Fig. 2). This is a self-contained module which can be dropped into a CNN architecture at any point,and in any number, giving rise to spatial transformer networks. This module is computationally veryfast and does not impair the training speed, causing very little time overhead when used naively, andeven speedups in attentive models due to subsequent downsampling that can be applied to the outputof the transformer.

Placing spatial transformers within a CNN allows the network to learn how to actively transformthe feature maps to help minimise the overall cost function of the network during training. Theknowledge of how to transform each training sample is compressed and cached in the weights ofthe localisation network (and also the weights of the layers previous to a spatial transformer) duringtraining. For some tasks, it may also be useful to feed the output of the localisation network, ✓,forward to the rest of the network, as it explicitly encodes the transformation, and hence the pose, ofa region or object.

It is also possible to use spatial transformers to downsample or oversample a feature map, as one candefine the output dimensions H 0 and W 0 to be different to the input dimensions H and W . However,with sampling kernels with a fixed, small spatial support (such as the bilinear kernel), downsamplingwith a spatial transformer can cause aliasing effects.


where �x and �y are the parameters of a generic sampling kernel k() which defines the imageinterpolation (e.g. bilinear), U c

nm is the value at location (n, m) in channel c of the input, and V ci

is the output value for pixel i at location (xti, y

ti) in channel c. Note that the sampling is done

identically for each channel of the input, so every channel is transformed in an identical way (thispreserves spatial consistency between channels).

In theory, any sampling kernel can be used, as long as (sub-)gradients can be defined with respect toxs

i and ysi . For example, using the integer sampling kernel reduces (3) to

V ci =





U cnm�(bxs

i + 0.5c � m)�(bysi + 0.5c � n) (4)

where bx + 0.5c rounds x to the nearest integer and �() is the Kronecker delta function. Thissampling kernel equates to just copying the value at the nearest pixel to (xs

i , ysi ) to the output location

(xti, y

ti). Alternatively, a bilinear sampling kernel can be used, giving

V ci =





U cnm max(0, 1 � |xs

i � m|) max(0, 1 � |ysi � n|) (5)

To allow backpropagation of the loss through this sampling mechanism we can define the gradientswith respect to U and G. For bilinear sampling (5) the partial derivatives are

@V ci

@U cnm






max(0, 1 � |xsi � m|) max(0, 1 � |ys

i � n|) (6)

@V ci







U cnm max(0, 1 � |ys

i � n|)


0 if |m � xsi | � 1

1 if m � xsi

�1 if m < xsi


and similarly to (7) for @V ci



This gives us a (sub-)differentiable sampling mechanism, allowing loss gradients to flow back notonly to the input feature map (6), but also to the sampling grid coordinates (7), and therefore backto the transformation parameters ✓ and localisation network since @xs


@✓ and @xsi

@✓ can be easily derivedfrom (10) for example. Due to discontinuities in the sampling fuctions, sub-gradients must be used.This sampling mechanism can be implemented very efficiently on GPU, by ignoring the sum overall input locations and instead just looking at the kernel support region for each output pixel.

3.4 Spatial Transformer Networks

The combination of the localisation network, grid generator, and sampler form a spatial transformer(Fig. 2). This is a self-contained module which can be dropped into a CNN architecture at any point,and in any number, giving rise to spatial transformer networks. This module is computationally veryfast and does not impair the training speed, causing very little time overhead when used naively, andeven speedups in attentive models due to subsequent downsampling that can be applied to the outputof the transformer.

Placing spatial transformers within a CNN allows the network to learn how to actively transformthe feature maps to help minimise the overall cost function of the network during training. Theknowledge of how to transform each training sample is compressed and cached in the weights ofthe localisation network (and also the weights of the layers previous to a spatial transformer) duringtraining. For some tasks, it may also be useful to feed the output of the localisation network, ✓,forward to the rest of the network, as it explicitly encodes the transformation, and hence the pose, ofa region or object.

It is also possible to use spatial transformers to downsample or oversample a feature map, as one candefine the output dimensions H 0 and W 0 to be different to the input dimensions H and W . However,with sampling kernels with a fixed, small spatial support (such as the bilinear kernel), downsamplingwith a spatial transformer can cause aliasing effects.


Losses Dense Captioning Architecture

Convolutional Network

Recurrent Network

Localization Layer

Recognition Network

Joint training: Minimize five losses

1. Box regression (position) 2. Box classification (confidence)3. Box regression (position) 4. Box classification (confidence)5. Captioning

Captioning RNNDense Captioning: Prior Work

Region Proposals


Convolutional Network

START man throwing disc

man throwing disc END

START red frisbee

red frisbee END

START gray stone ground

gray stone ground END

Recurrent NetworkKarpathy and Fei-Fei, CVPR 2015



black computer monitorman wearing a blue shirt

sitting on a chair

people are in the background

computer monitor on a desk

silver handle on the wall

man with black hair

black bag on the floor

red and brown chair

wall is white

Additional Application - Finding RegionsGiven Description


Finding regions given descriptions“head of a giraffe”





Additional Application - Finding RegionsGiven Description


“front wheel of a bus”Finding regions given descriptions