Choose Any One. Marks : 2 1. From the given information identify the morale indicator :- a ) b ) c ) d ) Entrance interviews Overtime Exit interviews Increase in sales Choose all that Apply. Marks : 2 2. Select the relevant parts of the communication process :- a ) b ) c ) d ) Encoding Receiver Decoding Supervis or


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Page 1: DocumentOB

Choose Any One.

  Marks : 2 

1. From the given information identify the morale indicator :-   





Entrance interviewsOvertimeExit interviewsIncrease in sales

Choose all that Apply.

  Marks : 2 

2. Select the relevant parts of the communication process :-   







Choose all that Apply.

  Marks : 2 

3. What are the determinants of job satisfaction?   



Zero colleaguesEquitable rewardsSupportive colleaguesMentally challenging work

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True / False

  Marks : 2 

4. Feeling of insecurity usually makes a man under-productive.    


5. What are the categories of stress as stated by Dr.Pestonji?   





DistressEustressHypo stressCaused stress

6. With reference to the cave man, it is said that in case of any life threatening event, the adrenaline used to be secreted in the blood stream. This secretion resulted in creation of additional energy for the body to either face the situation or run away. What is the popular name of this mechanism?





FightFight or flightFlightFlight and flight

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Select Answer from the List

  Marks : 2 

7. Traditional win-lose situations can be solved using negotiations.    

Choose all that Apply.

  Marks : 2 

8. Which of the given theories represent the traditional approaches to understanding the complex personality?






Select Answer from the List

  Marks : 2 

9. According to Herzberg, there are two sets of factors at the work life, viz. the motivators and the factors.


10. Effective communication can be seen as the foundation of modern organizations.    


11. Organization with a strong culture has :-   

a)Strict rules and regulations

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Practices that include employee participationAutocratic organizational structureResistance to change

True / False

  Marks : 2 

12. Psychology is the science of human behaviour.    


True / False

  Marks : 2 

13. Fred Luthans is known as the father of "Scientific Management".    


Select Answer from the List

  Marks : 2 

14. The team whose members collaborate through use of various information technologies is known as team.


Choose Any One.

  Marks : 2 

15. John had thought of a very innovative idea to launch the new product of his company. However, John was an introvert. In the meeting, he just could not gather confidence to talk about his idea. What aspect of communication was missed by

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Choose all that Apply.

  Marks : 2 

16. What are the principles of job enlargement?   





Challenging the employees by increasing the expected productionChallenging the organization by increasing the expected salesAdding other tasks to the jobRotating the assignments

Choose all that Apply.

  Marks : 2 

17. According to the term hedonism the characteristics of human behavior are:-   





RationalIrrationalDeliberateComfort oriented

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Select Answer from the List

  Marks : 2 

18. The concept of organizational stress was first evolved in the classic work of .    

True / False

  Marks : 2 

19. Illumination Experiment is a part of Hawthorne experiments.    


Choose Any One.

  Marks : 2 

20. According to Freud's theory, what is considered to be the executive part of the personality only because it controls the gateway of action, selects the features of the environment to which it will respond and decides what instincts will be satisfied?





The idEgoSuperegoThe guilt

True / False

  Marks : 2 

Page 7: DocumentOB

21. The content theories are concerned with identifying the needs that people have and how needs are prioritized.


Choose Any One.

  Marks : 2 

22. Which organization model was in existence at the time of Industrial revolution?   






True / False

  Marks : 2 

23. Rest provides the opportunity to recover from fatigue.    


Choose all that Apply.

  Marks : 2 

24. Before a particular organizational change is shaped and implemented effectively, certain minimum number of steps need to be followed; viz.:-




Recognize the forces demanding changeDiagnose the problemRecognize the need for the changeTerminate the problem

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Description Attempted Question : 25 / 47

True / False

  Marks : 2 

25. According to Freud, the human mind is composed of three elements; viz. the unimportant, the important and the utmost important.


Match The Following

 Marks :   5


 1. Accommodating style          1.  WIN - LOSE approach

 2. Collaborating style          2.  WIN SOME - LOSE SOME approach

 3. Compromising style          3.  WIN - WIN approach

 4. Avoiding style          4.  WIN ALL - LOSE SOME approach

                     5.  LOSE - LOSE approach

                     6.  LOSE - WIN approach

Select Answer from the List

  Marks : 2 

27. The formation of specific goals, feedback on progress towards the goals and reinforcement of desired behavior all stimulate .


Choose all that Apply.

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  Marks : 2 

29. The major determinants of personality of an individual can be studied under few broad headings, viz. :-






Choose Any One.

  Marks : 2 

30. Organizational Behaviour studies the importance of :-   





Systems in organizationHuman elements in the organizationCulture of the organizationProcedures and processes of the organization

True / False

  Marks : 2 

31. The intensity of stimulus implies that the more intense the stimulus, the less is the likelihood that it will be perceived.


Choose Any One.

  Marks : 2 

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32. Ram and Bharat are a part of the cost cutting team. In one of the meeting, it was seen that Bharat was very dominating and confident about his strategies. Ram agreed to his strategies but was unhappy about the implementation plan of Bharat. However, in the interest of the group Ram did not argue any further. How will you classify the act of Ram with reference to relationship oriented roles?





EncouragementGate keepingHarmonizingCompromise

Choose all that Apply.

  Marks : 2 

33. In an organization the chairs in the reception area are kept facing one another. What is your perception about this organization?





It’s a friendly organization.The organization is rigid in nature.The atmosphere is more tense in this organization.It’s an unfriendly organization.

Select Answer from the List

  Marks : 2 

34. Manager's role changed from that of a leader to that of partner in a type of organization.


Choose Any One.

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  Marks : 2 

35. In Collegial organization model employee psychological result is :-   





Dependence on bossDependence on organizationParticipationSelf-discipline

Select Answer from the List

  Marks : 2 

36. Organizational conflicts created due to personality difficulties may lead to job .

Choose all that Apply.

  Marks : 2 

37. Organizational objectives can be achieved by :-   





Group workDivision of labourHierarchy of authorityIncentive plans

Select Answer from the List

  Marks : 2 

38. Cultural are words, gestures and pictures or other physical objects that carry a particular meaning with the culture.

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Choose all that Apply.

  Marks : 2 

39. Commanlities and differences suggest in certain respects, every person is like   





All other peopleSome other peopleNo other personNone of above

Choose Any One.

  Marks : 2 

40. Lata was in a meeting with her manager, Mr.Rai. Mr.Rai was very angry with Lata and was scolding her. Lata's body chemistry was changing. However, neither she could fight physically with Mr.Rai nor could she leave her job. Thus, her adrenaline was metabolized which was causing various balancing and self correcting mechanisms in her body. What do you expect to be the result of all these reactions of Lata?





Psychosomatic diseasesPhysiological diseasesPhysical diseasesCorporeal diseases

Choose Any One.

  Marks : 2 

41. The term LOC in the study of personality stands for:-

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Lack of controlLine of controlLocus of controlLoss of control

Select Answer from the List

  Marks : 2 

42. An employee whose skill set combines good training and high performance goals, implies that he has .


Choose all that Apply.

  Marks : 2 

43. Identify the steps involved in morale surveys :-   





Drafting of questionnairesInterviewing peopleAnalyzing collected dataReviewing past performance

Match The Following

 Marks :   5


Page 14: DocumentOB

 1. Interviews          1.  Expensive

 2. Questionnaires          2.  Potentially confound problems

 3. Observations          3.  Potential validity problems

 4. Secondary data          4.  Observer apathy

                     5.  Non-emphatic

                     6.  Observer bias

Match The Following

 Marks :   5


 1. Ego          1.  All port

 2. Traits          2.  Sheldon

 3. Physical structuring          3.  to sound through

 4. Ideal self          4.  Roger

 5. Per sonare          5.  Frend

Match The Following

 Marks :   5


 1. Ego          1.  All port

 2. Traits          2.  Sheldon

 3. Physical structuring          3.  to sound through

 4. Ideal self          4.  Roger

 5. Per sonare          5.  Frend

Choose all that Apply.

  Marks : 2 

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47. In which organization models, managers did not bother to create an atmosphere which was conducive to the development of the employees?






Select Answer from the List

  Marks : 2 

48. Allport emphasizes the of personality.

True / False

  Marks : 2 

49. An illusion may be taken as a form of perception that badly distorts reality.    


Choose Any One.

  Marks : 2 

50. Many of our prejudices operate at the :-   





Conscious levelUnconscious levelPre-conscious levelSub-conscious level

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Select Answer from the List

  Marks : 2 

51. The process by which a third party helps two or more other parties to resolve their conflicts is known as .


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   From the given information identify the morale indicator :-

  Correct Answer  

Exit interviews

  Your Answer   Exit interviews


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Select the relevant parts of the communication process :-

  Correct Answer  

Encoding , Receiver , Decoding

  Your Answer   Encoding , Receiver , Decoding

  Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The cost of tensions and worries created by wrong kind of

personalities are enormous in terms of.  Correct Answer  

Employee-employer relation. , Supervisor-subordinate relation. , Peers relations.


Page 17: DocumentOB

  Your Answer   Employee-employer relation. , Supervisor-subordinate relation. , Peers relations.  

 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The major determinants of personality of an individual can be

studied under few broad headings, viz. :-  Correct Answer  

Biological , Cultural , Situation

  Your Answer   Biological , Cultural , Situation

  Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   Organizational Behaviour studies the importance of :-

  Correct Answer  

Human elements in the organization

  Your Answer   Human elements in the organization

  True/False  Question   The intensity of stimulus implies that the more intense the

stimulus, the less is the likelihood that it will be perceived.  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   True

  Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   In an organization the chairs in the reception area are kept

facing one another. What is your perception about this organization?

  Correct Answer  

The organization is rigid in nature. , The atmosphere is more tense in this organization. , It’s an unfriendly organization.

  Your Answer   The organization is rigid in nature. , The atmosphere is more tense in this organization. , It’s an unfriendly organization.  

 Select The Blank  Question   Manager's role changed from that of a leader to that of partner

in a ________ type of organization.  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   Collegial

  Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   In Collegial organization model employee psychological result is

:-  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   Participation

  Select The Blank  Question   Organizational conflicts created due to personality difficulties

Page 18: DocumentOB

may lead to job ________.  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   Dissatisfaction

  Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Organizational objectives can be achieved by :-

  Correct Answer  

Hierarchy of authority , Group work , Division of labour

  Your Answer   Group work , Division of labour , Incentive plans

  Select The Blank  Question   Cultural ________ are words, gestures and pictures or other

physical objects that carry a particular meaning with the culture.  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   Values

  Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Commanlities and differences suggest in certain respects, every

person is like  Correct Answer  

All other people , Some other people , No other person

  Your Answer   All other people , Some other people , No other person

  Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   Lata was in a meeting with her manager, Mr.Rai. Mr.Rai was

very angry with Lata and was scolding her. Lata's body chemistry was changing. However, neither she could fight physically with Mr.Rai nor could she leave her job. Thus, her adrenaline was metabolized which was causing various balancing and self correcting mechanisms in her body. What do you expect to be the result of all these reactions of Lata?

  Correct Answer  

Psychosomatic diseases

  Your Answer   Corporeal diseases

  Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   The term LOC in the study of personality stands for:-

  Correct Answer  

Locus of control

  Your Answer   Locus of control

  Select The Blank  Question   An employee whose skill set combines good training and high

performance goals, implies that he has ________ .

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  Correct Answer  

High productivity

  Your Answer   High productivity


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Identify the steps involved in morale surveys :-

  Correct Answer  

Drafting of questionnaires , Interviewing people , Analyzing collected data

  Your Answer   Drafting of questionnaires , Interviewing people , Analyzing collected data  

 Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

Personality Behaviour Behaviour

Attitude Respond Respond

Value Judgment Judgment

Opinion Expression Expression


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   In which organization models, managers did not bother to create

an atmosphere which was conducive to the development of the employees?

  Correct Answer  

Autocratic , Custodial

  Your Answer   Supportive , Autocratic , Custodial


 Select The Blank  Question   Allport emphasizes the ________ of personality.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   Similitude


 True/False  Question   An illusion may be taken as a form of perception that badly

distorts reality.  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   Many of our prejudices operate at the :-

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  Correct Answer  

Sub-conscious level

  Your Answer   Pre-conscious level


 Select The Blank  Question   The process by which a third party helps two or more other

parties to resolve their conflicts is known as ________.  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   Confrontation


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   What are the determinants of job satisfaction?

  Correct Answer  

Equitable rewards , Supportive colleagues , Mentally challenging work

  Your Answer   Equitable rewards , Supportive colleagues , Mentally challenging work  

 True/False  Question   Feeling of insecurity usually makes a man under-productive.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   False


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   What are the categories of stress as stated by Dr.Pestonji?

  Correct Answer  

Distress , Eustress , Hypo stress

  Your Answer   Distress , Eustress , Hypo stress


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   With reference to the cave man, it is said that in case of any life

threatening event, the adrenaline used to be secreted in the blood stream. This secretion resulted in creation of additional energy for the body to either face the situation or run away. What is the popular name of this mechanism?

  Correct Answer  

Fight or flight

  Your Answer   Fight or flight


 Select The Blank  Question   Traditional win-lose situations can be solved using ________

negotiations.  Correct Answer  


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  Your Answer   Inter-organizational


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Which of the given theories represent the traditional approaches

to understanding the complex personality?  Correct Answer  

Intrapsychic , Physiognomy , Trait

  Your Answer   Intrapsychic , Trait


 Select The Blank  Question   According to Herzberg, there are two sets of factors at the work

life, viz. the motivators and the ________factors.  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   Hygiene


 True/False  Question   Effective communication can be seen as the foundation of

modern organizations.  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   Organization with a strong culture has :-

  Correct Answer  

Practices that include employee participation

  Your Answer   Autocratic organizational structure


 True/False  Question   Psychology is the science of human behaviour.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   True


 True/False  Question   Fred Luthans is known as the father of "Scientific Management".

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   False


 Select The Blank  Question   The team whose members collaborate through use of various

Page 22: DocumentOB

information technologies is known as ________ team.  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   Virtual


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   John had thought of a very innovative idea to launch the new

product of his company. However, John was an introvert. In the meeting, he just could not gather confidence to talk about his idea. What aspect of communication was missed by John?

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   Encoding


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   What are the principles of job enlargement?

  Correct Answer  

Challenging the employees by increasing the expected production , Adding other tasks to the job , Rotating the assignments

  Your Answer   Challenging the employees by increasing the expected production , Adding other tasks to the job , Rotating the assignments  

 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   According to the term hedonism the characteristics of human

behavior are:-  Correct Answer  

Rational , Deliberate , Comfort oriented

  Your Answer   Irrational , Deliberate , Comfort oriented


 Select The Blank  Question   The concept of organizational stress was first evolved in the

classic work of ________.  Correct Answer  

Kahn et al

  Your Answer   James Carter


 True/False  Question   Illumination Experiment is a part of Hawthorne experiments.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   According to Freud's theory, what is considered to be the

executive part of the personality only because it controls the

Page 23: DocumentOB

gateway of action, selects the features of the environment to which it will respond and decides what instincts will be satisfied?

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   Ego


 True/False  Question   The content theories are concerned with identifying the needs

that people have and how needs are prioritized.  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   Which organization model was in existence at the time of

Industrial revolution?  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   Autocratic


 True/False  Question   Rest provides the opportunity to recover from fatigue.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Before a particular organizational change is shaped and

implemented effectively, certain minimum number of steps need to be followed; viz.:-

  Correct Answer  

Recognize the forces demanding change , Diagnose the problem , Recognize the need for the change

  Your Answer   Recognize the forces demanding change , Diagnose the problem , Recognize the need for the change  

 True/False  Question   According to Freud, the human mind is composed of three

elements; viz. the unimportant, the important and the utmost important.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   False


 Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

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Avoiding style LOSE - LOSE approach LOSE - LOSE approach

Accommodating style LOSE - WIN approach LOSE - WIN approach

Collaborating style WIN - WIN approach WIN - WIN approach

Compromising style WIN SOME - LOSE SOME approach


Select Answer from the List

  Marks : 2 

3. Communication provides a means to release and for fulfillment of social needs.

Choose Any One.

  Marks : 2 

4. Who has given the following definition of Organizational Behaviour as, "understanding, predicting and controlling human behaviour at work"?





Keith DavisStephen RobinsEdward StrongFred Luthans

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Choose all that Apply.

  Marks : 2 

5. Identify the situations which reflect upward communication :-   





Performance reports of workers, to be reviewed by the supervisorSuggestion boxes kept in the worker's canteenEmployee attitude surveysIssue of bulletins to workers

Choose all that Apply.

  Marks : 2 

6. Personality is affected by which of the following factors?   





HeredityCultureNature of jobFamily

Choose all that Apply.

  Marks : 2 

7. The Intrapsychic theory suggests that the human mind is composed of :-   



Preconscious mindConscious mindUnconscious mind

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Subconscious mind

Choose all that Apply.

  Marks : 2 

8. Identify the factors which may influence how a person perceives another person.   





Characteristics of the person being perceivedCharacteristics of the perceiverThe situation or context beyond control of the perceiverThe situation or context within which the perception takes place

True / False

  Marks : 2 

9. Different styles of leadership can produce different, complex reactions from the same group.


Choose Any One.

  Marks : 2 

10. According to the equity theory, how do you define the point when equity occurs?   




Person's outcomes < Other's outcomesPerson's outcomes > Other's outcomesPerson's outcomes = Other's outcomesPerson's outcomes < Other's incomes

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Choose all that Apply.

  Marks : 2 

11. Scientific management movement sought to improve productivity by :-   





Rationalizing the workIntroduction of various wage plansIntroduction of incentive plansIntroduction of retirement plans

Choose Any One.

  Marks : 2 

12. Identify the factor which increases the individual's sensitivity to those stimuli which he considers relevant for his satisfaction.





External factorMotivational factorOrganizational factorSocial factor

Choose Any One.

  Marks : 2 

13. John had thought of a very innovative idea to launch the new product of his company. However, John was an introvert. In the meeting, he just could not gather confidence to talk about his idea. What aspect of communication was missed by John?

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Select Answer from the List

  Marks : 2 

14. The techniques such as interviews, questionnaires, etc. are used in the stage related to management of change.

Choose Any One.

  Marks : 2 

16. Human being is described as "basically a battlefield" in the context to :-   





Blake and Mutan theoryFreud's theory of personalityTVS Rao's theory of HRDAllport's theory of personality

Select Answer from the List

  Marks : 2 

17. When an autocratic leader chooses to give rewards to his employees, then his style becomes -autocratic style.

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True / False

  Marks : 2 

18. Stress affects different people but in the same manner.    


Choose all that Apply.

  Marks : 2 

19. The different types of fatigue are :-   






True / False

  Marks : 2 

20. Morale indicates a group phenomenon.    


Select Answer from the List

  Marks : 2 

21. According to Freud, the most important characteristic of is that it has the ability to distinguish between mental images and actual sources of tension release.

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Choose all that Apply.

  Marks : 2 

22. Which of the given theories represent the traditional approaches to understanding the complex personality?






Choose all that Apply.

  Marks : 2 

23. Which are the main personal stressors stated by Yoga?   





Change in job responsibilitiesState of helplessnessJealouslyTemptations

True / False

  Marks : 2 

24. At the norming stage, the team is involved in defining goals.    


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Select Answer from the List

  Marks : 2 

25. The phase is considered to be the most crucial phase in the management of change.    

Select Answer from the List

  Marks : 2 

26. The conflict arises from incompatibility between expected outcomes and one's capacity to achieve them.


Choose Any One.

  Marks : 2 

27. In Organizational Behaviour, 'caused behaviour' means :-   





People behave at work because they are being paid to behave in a particular way.By his own behaviour, a manager can affect how an employee behaves.Organizational environment do not affect behavior of an employee.People behave as they like to behave in an organization.

True / False

  Marks : 2 

28. In order to understand, predict and control human behavior, it is important to study his family background.


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Choose all that Apply.

  Marks : 2 

29. Commanlities and differences suggest in certain respects, every person is like   





All other peopleSome other peopleNo other personNone of above

Match The Following

 Marks :   5


 1. Paternalistic attitude          1.  Bureaucratic organization

 2. Participation          2.  Collegial organization

 3. Scientific and professional employees          3.  Custodial organization

 4. Theory X          4.  Monopolistic organization

                     5.  Supportive organization

                     6.  Autocratic organization

Choose Any One.

  Marks : 2 

32. Mr. Roy, manager of the quality assurance department, wishes to standardize the reporting procedure. He wishes to instruct the employees, weekly, as to their routine activities. What medium of communication should be used by Mr. Roy?




BulletinsSpeechesVideo conferencingFace-to-face conversation

Page 33: DocumentOB


Choose all that Apply.

  Marks : 2 

33. Identify which of the given theories pertain to the category of content theories :-   





Maslow's hierarchy theoryVroom's expectancy theoryAlderfer's ERG needs theoryFredrick Herzberg's two factor theory

Select Answer from the List

  Marks : 2 

34. The factor of implies that an individual may attend to moving objects in their field of vision that to static objects.

Choose Any One.

  Marks : 2 

35. One of the theorists has worked extensively on traits in various work settings employing a number of psychological measures. On the basis of factor analysis he developed factor concepts such as tender-mindedness, somatic anxiety, dominance, etc. Who is the person who has done all this?





Sigmund FreudSheldonCattellAllport

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Choose all that Apply.

  Marks : 2 

36. According to Frend the human mind is composed of   





Preconscious mindConscious mindUnconscious mindA & c of above

True / False

  Marks : 2 

37. Every success has its roots in stress.    


Choose Any One.

  Marks : 2 

38. From the following forces identify the external force for organizational change :-   





Change in the locationAmalgamationsRetirements and transfersChanges in labour laws

True / False

Page 35: DocumentOB

  Marks : 2 

40. The attitude expressed about diversity is called positive multiculturalism.    


Select Answer from the List

  Marks : 2 

41. Traditional win-lose situations can be solved using negotiations.    

Choose all that Apply.

  Marks : 2 

42. Identify the sub-processes of perception.   






Page 36: DocumentOB


 Select The Blank  Question   Frequent absenteeism of manager who talks about punctuality

to his subordinate is a way of ________ behaviour.  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   Custodial

  True/False  Question   Usually, the subordinates prefer the democratic leader.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   True

  True/False  Question   In order to understand, predict and control human behavior, it is

important to study his family background.  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   False

  Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Commanlities and differences suggest in certain respects, every

person is like  Correct Answer  

All other people , Some other people , No other person

  Your Answer   All other people , Some other people , No other person

  Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   Mr. Roy, manager of the quality assurance department, wishes

to standardize the reporting procedure. He wishes to instruct the employees, weekly, as to their routine activities. What medium of communication should be used by Mr. Roy?

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   Speeches

  Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Identify which of the given theories pertain to the category of

content theories :-  Correct Maslow's hierarchy theory , Alderfer's ERG needs theory ,


Page 37: DocumentOB

Answer   Fredrick Herzberg's two factor theory   Your Answer   Maslow's hierarchy theory , Alderfer's ERG needs theory ,

Fredrick Herzberg's two factor theory  

 Select The Blank  Question   The factor of ________ implies that an individual may attend to

moving objects in their field of vision that to static objects.  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   Motion

  Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   According to Frend the human mind is composed of

  Correct Answer  

Preconscious mind , Conscious mind , Unconscious mind

  Your Answer   Preconscious mind , Conscious mind , Unconscious mind

  True/False  Question   Every success has its roots in stress.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   True

  Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   From the following forces identify the external force for

organizational change :-  Correct Answer  

Changes in labour laws

  Your Answer   Change in the location

  Select The Blank  Question   Perception is a ________ process.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   Psychological

  True/False  Question   The attitude expressed about diversity is called positive

multiculturalism.  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   True

  Select The Blank  Question   Traditional win-lose situations can be solved using ________

Page 38: DocumentOB

negotiations.  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   Distributive

  Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Identify the sub-processes of perception.

  Correct Answer  

Stimulus , Registration , Interpretation

  Your Answer   Stimulus , Registration , Interpretation

  Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Major determinants of personality

  Correct Answer  

Biological , Situation

  Your Answer   Biological , Cultural , Situation

  Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The broad categories of stressors are :-

  Correct Answer  

Organizational stressors , Personal stressors , Life stressors

  Your Answer   Organizational stressors , Role stressors , Personal stressors

  True/False  Question   Career development of employees facilitates development of

whole person concept.  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   True

  Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   What are the categories of stress as stated by Dr.Pestonji?

  Correct Answer  

Distress , Eustress , Hypo stress

  Your Answer   Distress , Eustress , Hypo stress

  True/False  Question   The ego is reality-oriented part of thinking; it is largely practical

and works in an executive capacity.  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   True


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 Select The Blank  Question   The ________, in some respects, is the antithesis of id.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   The guilt

  Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Identify the process influence personality development.

  Correct Answer  

Socialization process , Identification process

  Your Answer   Work process , Socialization process , Identification process


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   Noise is regarded as a distracter, because it interferes

with/affects :-  Correct Answer  

Work efficiency

  Your Answer   Work efficiency


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   In Custodial organization model, managerial orientation is :-

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   Authority


 Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

Personality Behaviour Behaviour

Attitude Respond Respond

Value Judgment Judgment

Opinion Expression Expression


 Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

Harold Kelley Attribution theory Attribution theory

Herzberg Two factor theory of motivation

Two factor theory of motivation

Douglas McGregor Theory X and theory Y Theory X and theory Y

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J.Stacy Adams Equity theory Equity theory


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The cost of tensions and worries created by wrong kind of

personalities are enormous in terms of.  Correct Answer  

Employee-employer relation. , Supervisor-subordinate relation. , Peers relations.

  Your Answer   Employee-employer relation. , Supervisor-subordinate relation. , Peers relations.  

 Select The Blank  Question   Communication provides a means to release ________ and for

fulfillment of social needs.  Correct Answer  

Emotional expression

  Your Answer   Information


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   Who has given the following definition of Organizational

Behaviour as, "understanding, predicting and controlling human behaviour at work"?

  Correct Answer  

Fred Luthans

  Your Answer   Fred Luthans


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Identify the situations which reflect upward communication :-

  Correct Answer  

Performance reports of workers, to be reviewed by the supervisor , Suggestion boxes kept in the worker's canteen , Employee attitude surveys

  Your Answer   Performance reports of workers, to be reviewed by the supervisor , Suggestion boxes kept in the worker's canteen , Issue of bulletins to workers.  

 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Personality is affected by which of the following factors?

  Correct Answer  

Heredity , Culture , Family

  Your Answer   Heredity , Culture , Nature of job


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The Intrapsychic theory suggests that the human mind is

composed of :-  Correct Answer  

Preconscious mind , Conscious mind , Unconscious mind

  Your Answer   Preconscious mind , Conscious mind , Subconscious mind

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 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Identify the factors which may influence how a person perceives

another person.  Correct Answer  

Characteristics of the person being perceived , Characteristics of the perceiver , The situation or context within which the perception takes place.

  Your Answer   Characteristics of the perceiver , The situation or context beyond control of the perceiver , The situation or context within which the perception takes place.  

 True/False  Question   Different styles of leadership can produce different, complex

reactions from the same group.  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   According to the equity theory, how do you define the point

when equity occurs?  Correct Answer  

Person's outcomes = Other's outcomes

  Your Answer   Person's outcomes > Other's outcomes


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Scientific management movement sought to improve

productivity by :-  Correct Answer  

Rationalizing the work , Introduction of various wage plans , Introduction of incentive plans

  Your Answer   Rationalizing the work , Introduction of various wage plans , Introduction of incentive plans  

 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   Identify the factor which increases the individual's sensitivity to

those stimuli which he considers relevant for his satisfaction.  Correct Answer  

Motivational factor

  Your Answer   External factor


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   John had thought of a very innovative idea to launch the new

product of his company. However, John was an introvert. In the meeting, he just could not gather confidence to talk about his idea. What aspect of communication was missed by John?

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   Transference

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 Select The Blank  Question   The techniques such as interviews, questionnaires, etc. are

used in the ________ stage related to management of change.  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   Feedback


 Multiple Choice Single Answer  Question   Lata has been working as tool-room operator for the last two

years. Recently she has been promoted as the manager of the tool-room section. All the operators in her department were her ex-colleagues and with her co-operative style of leadership, it was supposed that it would be an easy task to supervise them. Lata was an efficient employee, but she was the last person in her department to know about the policy decisions of the top management. However, to her surprise the operators simply ignored her instructions. What do you think is the reason for this behavior of the operators of the tool-room section?

  Correct Answer  

The operators felt that Lata did not have any power

  Your Answer   The operators felt that Lata did not have leadership skills


 True/False  Question   Stress affects different people but in the same manner.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   True


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   The different types of fatigue are :-

  Correct Answer  

Mental , Physical , Psychological

  Your Answer   Mental , Social , Psychological


 Select The Blank  Question   According to Freud, the most important characteristic of

________ is that it has the ability to distinguish between mental images and actual sources of tension release.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   The id


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Which of the given theories represent the traditional approaches

to understanding the complex personality?

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  Correct Answer  

Intrapsychic , Physiognomy , Trait

  Your Answer   Intrapsychic , Physiognomy , Trait


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer  Question   Which are the main personal stressors stated by Yoga?

  Correct Answer  

State of helplessness , Jealously , Temptations

  Your Answer   Change in job responsibilities , State of helplessness , Temptations  

 True/False  Question   At the norming stage, the team is involved in defining goals.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   True


 Select The Blank  Question   The ________ phase is considered to be the most crucial phase

in the management of change.  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   Planning


 Select The Blank  Question   The ________ conflict arises from incompatibility between

expected outcomes and one's capacity to achieve them.  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer   Goal