O2LAIBORNE fi*TARDIAN. VOL.1.E HOME712 LA., ENESDA.Y, AUGUST , AN. "I VOL. A. HOM:._ LA.. WEDNSDAY, Terms of SubIcripti0n: ( One year in :td antellrl........ .. . , ahre . .. " ..... t Terns of Advertlslng: O ne u1' ."r ., l rt in l, ii. It IS i s ,it, ,or ! a..r frst in "rtiu n . -I (Ni; 'ir i ,ttid i intl uu .. r- tiou, :tu .','i.t,. i'P .f e ilnia l a n d h e inrw a , a n 4.l , " t ,of n line,. or .X l in j tuogth, 1I , i r tllillI : !or tix mO uthlt . iti: for ti r.I, i' . it .- l tut t intei ' M a d |%s c r a n . .nv t o f ;' '.t lt r " * t. -1t will tl . illun rt"tt at I , 'r'u rat,-, 1 -, a 1.1t, I., Legal adverti,,, , n o.I n il 1. .d t.t . ,.t at legal ratei,. n herle ti, i li 1...: nthl - ,..u at . wei.il rat.e• ia uutl.ihh ! 1 l a,, . 1 li t't dil t t l l i O . .• . t t ,u'. t . 1 : i t p I"inerial aiet s of r. l- l hi ll I. it s.. An nlit a :g l' it: el Ft igi'ut uti"ti ',Jtl-..i *. I gratis. Job-wa ik e,\ecintll in t! ti'. r t '.t I . anid at rieaanU:lt atl . ri, , . Augult a, 1 ;7. TO CORRESPONDENTS. in in, .t.tr ip t %,.i !i r" .. .. ,":i ih ~l bl to .t..ot It, tititz n t:ziu• '..f tlr * .. , , I " Iuh th Int• 1 . .1 iil, Ii , ti , 0 }'•tlo. t o i -. i. . a tr # l I ' I unt "'is I tIn : ;- :i :i ,Lu ,' * l ... ":t. ,c i, , 1, i t, jitii , muh ,. ti . i•. a i'l l•tl ,. I IIOI . h,' .r . ith ,-.. "a.. t . k. . I. . - t ,. , 1l fl. hU't CoL .1. W. it Igttu-r r S t eF ll l l a ,' l ibe l, a , t-.,:,- 1 it t 1 .,. adi , his hslo oate th e e.t r t" soA in iace, eyf.i., ,',b . tlihot, hir 0 . i l .l M In hliti':#. -. r -" t.. . :t.' ,.," - ',.hs I '.".,, - aOLD IOmtN tiretI)h l EL.lI, g n" CtiL. i. kW.; i-(: ItIinT. Ng ot an otld Iilt ; Iot nlirii. thatill forty-live at the dlute of this storl: simply lOld John llnItadll" ine hlauI thler hadl been a youlll Johln :;iat" die, his son; blorted in i l-re, crilt son in face, eyes bloodhlbot, hiir ll:. and unlkempt, irean atll iwaLs 'fat- grant with whisky; ili attire mn•lto ner or Wintaer week tlr Sillsol:ay.hi .r gray or bitternuf lrt homespun. SIl las my hero in the period of his terndear. ills grandeur consistedl in this,t that, having beon hlora "olowdown" white of South Carolina, he had shown a certain degree of illtielli gencori •h ustry, A.n elnterpitris; hm gnined mloney both in dcintll anli evil fashions, had depveloptle a chatl acter which if not nice was at least -vigorous, iandl had heroine, if not a genltleman, at least somnethling I.r better than a vagrant or a pallper. lie ha;l made his fortune of ten or fifteen thosaunddollars by nocturnall and illegal dickering with pilftlin.g negroes: then by more open buti scarcely more praiseworthy dealings crloss the whisky-starined colinter ol i. o crossroads tgrocery; bnt he hadl made it, he had kept it, he hiad it. Now, even in the patrici.uan Sltllh Carolina of the olden time moneytl was reputable; if it was not "good blood' it waJrtiacity rg a•e• its as thi very next noblest species of circulr- tion: and thus.Iohnl IHlddle was coll- sidered not iso low. as ll Ihaul been. In short, he had lifted his faalilyr a fr towarod owcill rwstctabit3b lru?~ s the most gitcl ant d fortunapite ( rack er stock usually could climlb in one generation. One step in hisr gradnal rise had Shlcin the conversion of his grocnry into a tavern, with accormmodations for man and beast. For fnan there were two belrooms.smaill, carpetless, rudely flrrnished, and as breezy aiw hencoops; a dining-room witl a nar row pine table, which profered fried bacon and eggs. fried chicken, fried corn bread, and sweet pIotattos; a lrroom tlowtfug with white, crutde, d whisky, suitable for booziltng farm n es ad crak : a private relo, et containing a nlnrrel of old, mild amber whisky ftin gentry. T For sh orasnstttarti warsnamhackle U showinee through caontslts y rentno great store of coruLhusk fotier, awn imllrfectly sheltering fl•i m thaw ri t some seant pihes ofmaize nbbhius. The tavern consisted of a low, un- painted, andl eeen unlmrked log shanty, the origeinl grocery; and of a bromal-fronted, shallow, two-storv, yellow clapboard wihg,.the tiooderne addition. Puddlaes in wet weather, Iowdery dult in dry weather, entg eapsa, of ncleannes always, made the approach unpleasant. There was no alga; no such estentation was necessary; the /lace was widely no- torious as Raddlds. Twice a wee_ til up mail, and twice a week the down email, between (ohtmble in8 Oveenvillei, rppod here to chalge hore, , ltj brkig , p e ta•rvli, one br the ablsbt. rr lee4 a dse r asr syagge , groes, and soilo loaus with ueigh- I lori*ig ftunters. 'The richest man ill u thie"settlenient," and one of thie rich- e'st for fIle mliles around, he was not ai o)nly lieginning to H" held rl'slecta - ble, but also to ac'uirr a certain le Ia sure of selft'.rspvct. iotwith.tanuding his low origi.i, his regullatr ~'eckly I -pjrees, his stinll a nlhg kUnoled'lg of i t'rading, and his total ignlorutane of writing. A ruich. unschlioled. in. c telnplerat', bnlekwfnlnish placle w-l4 Solmerville; such a:' place n• yo 1I miighlt exp'ect to findll in a thinly- settled region ilicht fifty years Ie- '.re had not Iw1en S•tttled at all: a' pIlace which had not yet artc'liire'd t extravagantly fil enoti.un Ito what t constitutel s motrality 11111 gentility: just tthe bllacer ifr :t prt,,ptrutt 'racker to tr Vy to grow i _nto "a g'e - tenlhil of the ohl 'chol." ltllt I day lo r nallll )nt itl l'ut lilro A .v enture ho r fl1 tl n l1i11 +1 , + lit ' ta erl ,hi . b 4ltod.• tl,_ ip e'r t h•ist" w ith whisk , . his great cus!lins of t chta'k, glotwing likt. tt a tair tf suit ets. I t1',e, i ' six htlt s a lli' pers.pirationi r hlling dwn l i: h:. lto.ad, r,,! t. ar,.he.lt l t his irul , gray hair tuowzled tot.lr l : :ll p iltsot I , i s ll h thi 'v, id" I ar' wooi len b r ull , 'ri tl l i!1 (ile handl. I itld a Sttint ctativa l in :a e, ilt e ,r. . h:thlling his -a, and %ilerittly gist 4lin its tlltalle oten i tt 1. It, , dett r', eiImr'tti• l , jh li ke : sttit m il eire, lh ltl r ill e0 iat t. tl *ti I tltt. l I I'.atlsl t ptliiti ls. whi 0 . sitting ir n t ilia lfn it nlg llr bea i lt'h "'shll 'b" thet a :ilis.1, lt'I h ii h I in :I t iii t.ch. inrl." M1 1.eelli grin, t hn w l . tihal ,t lit p i'iatlioll 1nill litw. t 't:: . ill t [ii. i hsll' licker." t le'. on a beindsrilitli 't l !" \hi. l i ptred ai r t ,ret Ioltte l, sOtlllo a, tcllna ' haired urchii to ai solnio. w'ilt,.,lI, t grizzhe it n.:ro, alto was laling eiout Ig i at the hl.t b ll talo nl i 'in1.a i. i "*Ala\ it histo twi e\ 'l ut wi h,+' 1 '1 o'11 a bt nde t r. lon't lle!"tct :tinttl Il'ra, t I;ahthtld re eived atunwruillo.h 1 . ,i a tgiilg wiftkh of al b ,le lred tl ,' i o~tialle or hisldexter ~ ity inIt ai ting. ilit gitsl fatl l r t'a iei i.i'll I'tli. ' val. P'erbeiviuig :t cigar stup oulil the arytndlll, sBich had last w•'t nottl of the bar-rootr , Stra•wlheau d ph'icked it upti with hia nkedl toes.an lii ati ted to Irasfettr it slyly to Iis poketS, with the intenltion of tilloking it at some $convenienlt oppeorltunity. Butts upon hiit, le stakedil, with iIa hlmiblei lrinl, "Kern't I tia this" alin oil T ta iing all fIavorable nol, tldeparted I ton a joyt till canter. Suclth i\asthe iscene at itadd le' whten its late reachedl it. Thetre, v as a rumbl e of wheel s tit tlhe woenl bridge over the Sainlth, anld all Ipres- ent aelailiernl , STha ,tg.'..t St t it lunig yellow i aogo, ithi leather t r- tins arol rittling dto•rs, rolld up to the tavern behilnd two gunt, iuiur.spa lhel, hotes. 'Tlit d rivetr. inarly .i i lia ll .t , t h t isu htalo d hip, pod lllmlor nietl and been whipped stltener Uthan anyi otherariitii kanow to Somerville, "l•all ied to the igrLnd and mihle straight flor tihe Ir room. )ld Sul the fi tngerstained drorpr'h ti stae abt frtmit d o,,s1-r otuiohstaly to the only pa•e icger. lie as a tall, will -dressedlt , thandsile youth of uineteen or twenty., a (thon John iladdle at onlce iecognized ias' it "ligh tone gentlelail." Mornin', Strangier,"he said, Uitak- iug igalch rude reverence as :1 horn S'raler owed to Ia scion of pitnd ter- domr. "lce va room, st trai ert k"Yes, think " iotn as %enll itake i room." awr the nier t iyoust ,er, aftelr a i ent ofnol iio f 1ittit. ': think I had btter stay over night with oil."re llest room, in tIle hoie, at rigerr, declareid old Johni. e "1 f lelys keep it for your sty le. Yere, 4l), take the tlein 's trunk lup torNo.• . . ll', Saoilte' teverything is ast rtigl that. Al', Sol, call Iuhe to see of evwery- thui g is rltraigkt thl--tor, by--! you won't know." l followed by the guest,l the liego tani sutttthd au.' ttIes tos rno Lte. ht h he ardly re ca~ ld the top naeknding, hurrif up by the imtpa. little timidity and Imore aw kward- ntess in her manuner as she entered No. 1. She was not afraid of being left alone with this youn; gentle- linu, ,byt Ashle wasslightlly anxioui•,;a to what he might think of her :p!. palranc,, au tl.h filt ill at ease lht+e ,tiflru of his "stiore clo'es." ato i' grlander th,: honiespun. \\'hilt' she straighteued the coarsea brotn i counterpanelli :and propped a ickety table against the whllitewashed wall, and hltked to see if the floor hald Iten swept .ince the exodlus of the last lodlger, she lantu'ed two or three tinmes at I tilhe stranuger, and thoight- tIhit lihe was "mi g h ty ,ihansni." Sl he al. A line. tall, slender shape;li,,; a Ihl k, Ii lnili,,. slpiritetl, and yet graeien.. I't'; aihmnluiint iou .black lur,cu i h in- •it er his co:.t (,,lar-ont tihe Speol'o, it Iirst "cl:t '"hi"l-toiut." Sou• th irln t n I ,. f• ei Rtooil t. th, i ,l•,.i i . m . -ng l i .. .41 " lii t thit hlie h:ul niit 3t e d he rr c(t'ti't iliu liv hei.ilth. Turnilnlg friN )v wort:, t) leavev the roilLi. rhe a'i:, puzzled. ratiher st'irtlehl. to lind ih',t h," had ",loswd thlie door aiil was avl ianling tia',lii her, .t little sparkhle of inquiry anti ;i;,itl• lis t i.Ilmi,,eed iii lie" tes, 1ii64 lie took h allth her halidliS in i.; t ishe v. as not scaredl. trot" ..- is tlhere t II much thrill iu h-r teint ':s slhe thoughta, 'Is lie ghoing to .i• sist u ' r Yes. hel w,.s going to kiis her: herl ,:i. hen,.dhin grJCI icioisly I'o;. lhtI \v.-, i; .,: hp whe ,4as patting his co!itily fie Iv.,.e to her ri.tic one. I.nt'e halil often ieeli kissed'; fitr .leii i 'urs weit e past,,rtlly free' in .',: ,er *ill t. il tl fl irfI it g.ia: -s i\ re .ll.ir.lt ilii ain the yo1iulg pople', not to limention thait shit had hlad ,l hiti ori' tw i. She Li r "t ul 1lhetk touihetl her shll-tllhhr.+ •tt in the ,at:,, . it., ile ilit t., int other t 'heck tht,• the tiounchef his ,_lip t. . . I'YlOi 4~~ul, gool little leauty!" he iiiirnIiauredi, in li tone which t as full of -ratitde, aill . t soi f tIiattery. SThtlt're : is still a smile i her li s itiihen Sihe stole ,a look at hil: hiut iher eves li14 su:l'enliv takir lsu e,.x tlirv iii 1 l rit 414 telti , r silt'. prise. IOf all the ime-or boys, ratI er--n ho had hitherto been thus ihiold witlr hnr, notonto had uttered such st .eet worlls. They were ipriceless; )heyv seemed not only to pay his dellt, but to mnake her pro- fi i'oinly Ilis dellttbr: and when shte " ed atin tl she lmealt that hlie should kiss her lips if he wished. lie dill Sso, iili HiAd ip'red other enltraiciln n orls in her hw itcihed ear: thien, with hi n•i id on her watist., lie led her to tlhlloor ut and olleiii'd it ilor her. SlI. I.i Lee known what a prnc'es 1,.is, she1 wouhl have felt that sihe i I\;s oine, id4141 thatt she hadtl found tile Sitrue prilnce. Ilowshelt n rly longed for liic*er. wen) it unhli he her k0utt duty to iitie'tiliutlic tlhe tale and oeP thilat this i,vi'al guest 'tas siital;ly tild. .ot irt shell sat t thi hinad of the hotar-t.-- she had no higher part t:o piny than that of ulllpper waiter; sihe oiverlooked and w4alwl41 the 'lniggers." It waan pleasure to lier' to show the yo.iting ge.ntleman to hisu lchair, and she wats not paiiinflly nwnre that it was 1t hlulbl4le tideas- nre. Tlhere was a Yttlh Ilitter in her heart, andt s:he' coolil not at tir+t raise her eves to his: but wfhenl she lhil pri-esuln to glaliue at him slite founld ihat he was looking at iiher with an air of interest. Then a hap- py sparkle shot f'romn tiudlir her tlnllhes. nllll the least flicker ofa smile Idane'.i labout t one corner of her Ili(outlh. Shti rel uetnilheretd the two kisses, andii she was lno more ashlamerld of thea tlhil lihe. Sire was only ;i little mor. sliv. a little iore *ii a gitalaont," in she would hlave phrasedl it. Of coursel, sLe served hlin willh the best hit of "',lhiilcken" that wasi frited that dayti li::1ille's. ilad I1 islh- ed that there hald be)tn lllr him lihop- ping-ljohi, ur rolice other excepltional idelicaecy- Meanwhilh Old John pliiild the guest as to hisi bnsilesa anll plrson ality: "Never met up , itlh yon i. fore, sltralnger; what lnoughlt y'our name bef" "I am fromn Oakland D)istrict, and I am the son ot Col. Maytiehlt," said thie youth, with a riiinlg aecent, aseif .it wre a grand thing to be of Oak- laund D)istrict, andl a still grandeler thing to be a Mayfeld. John Itaddle looked all the respect that he could thrountb hii bloodshot I optics, not deabting that he had be. fore him the heir of lsome great low- Sland planter. - S"After Ian', or niggera" hbe contln. u ned, pakting ou. of the depths of s his d petlg spirit. S"So," aswered the lordly guest, Internally eornfll of the qery, bet atOolsmble w-+Ik I Imve been I ruslret.ed he explained, with a sibagh. Old Johln had heard of college. Trie parson wait a college mau,; land 5 Sqlnirn Homers inI ('ol. Thornton. at ith had a vagxue idea that it was high-toned to go to college. lint p -r"I"ticated" was beyondl hls" tether, at ael he rep(eated the word inleir. i. ingly. st "1 am1 sent ulp lhere as a punitsh hA anent," said Maytield, "ltor playieng jkle'.s on the tntors." nx "t.ih, beer raisin' the dhevil!" gut. nj thw 'd .1ohin Itaddle. his heart warm.- n iln ;at olnce toward tile youtglster. ti'f course, Mlaylfiel related the n e.luise of his lui.iadlveture in full; tl Iti'- what rusteatedl .st(ld•ent is nlot at I firt•st prouid of lhis p•e'e:elillo, We e have not space for the story, but rte xil tdn all re1 tie' Hftt.ie'r}M grntduate putblite a 0h14 it wa5 s ti- atri- hhmoreluis tt as -~ch thinigu ui ,illy arte, in prcuc'c I f 1 hiih luad he alleged the t'ut i thai l Old :e I. ia i xhulelc.d t eierti, ,.l . 3 I.r Iitcis.o \ ili re a eieg bull f tile' it five trutlt'." e' dec:arero-iu his de.- li.tlht. "ine ,iur: gl:ad I met lp , ith if ye. ('ncce, l.t's.. blow a cloud. Liwe. I alhii•.y. .St i:al,:le. ' , v e i onlt s e , -lr ru .a. 'i!ll ai.ie yer lailti grow. b WVl., whar .e- i,;i:e te•"r stay! Not a1 yere•. N'ot Hitil (PIe .1 l o i l':uhl',h.! l.,r I'eSs e! we,'d ra,,e the devil :t every day." a ** :1:1n to hoard i ith a clerlyt-an, a W1v. Mr Ate•ttar," said Mayficid. iOhi-Parson Seymour-l're:h'v. teriatc 'larson-. \';iI, I reckon he's ir aidlliin' I'. art at book larnin; folks tell so. lie ain't ore of nlyv sort; ftct ri i ier•r"ot s never he. I do n 't be.i c liee ei religion: durned oef I do. li ot't kinow much 'botllt it, but xhat t I do lhow doi'te It ehve. A. halt I cill of dollars an" a 3 aid tull of t"g- k gers ai' a jug full of whisky, that's iny' r igion. WIhat d'ye say to that. " ''lhteu's whaIt Imake a gentleman- p them anI hi•lchine'. ' The' an't heal. d thy. tlieun hpios. l'iar.sol Seytnout's 1 "Li44l-, tean, s•rimped4, yaller-faeed P In:i. I Ie's so narnous he ean'lt stay ti still a ninute. ne(lcasiest ereatur I ti ever ty. He'll set in all the chairs t in tihe room hile you're tellin' him 4 ai story. I'd as lief talk to a basket of grasshoppers. And pious! whew! i utie'll have tlmoritin' prai era three tinies.n day. Wxal, when ye get yer ntmbition up for r. iluhid13, come round icli ' ea e Oleo John. Ilh'll take I a turn with ye; he'll show yo 'bouL t the districk. Mtranger. ketch ano. thiter olt o' that whisky. NotLinu' t like whisky, is thart how d'ye raise f highitone gentlemnen without it" n I Iere. fr tl thiaS or foir4th timtle, h 0l! Jlohn lighted his cigar from that si of his li.steier. lie always had a cigar int his uoutlh, but . sehlom stnoked xtuch of it. for. lihe had a htabit of '"talki n lg oil teuatitt. Aftler t chewing onie e.' of t he hlxury-to a pulop. and relighting the other until s1 it wohld no lon•ger talle flire satisfic- torily , hIe threw it, away halfc.. I sitned, iind .cotllnueeqt'-cd the same asteitl leroiss upnon another.- i rlhosel, wre the days. he it einem. Sred ld,t.he 1 Il\ana:s sold ift three d Ifor a dime. ly the war, ehi4 s.unk. tig alutd talking dlil not altogether t trevelit hti fromll clhew ilng. k Meatnwhilue he drlank copeiously. c lie had not take-i his "bemier" out when the young mant arrived, and fi his inflamed stomaech now insisted a tha:tt lie sithould go oni with it. I)runk n ie. could not get. For years lie had it hoen alcove the highest Iide of whini 1;y: ftor 'ears Ito hlial not been seen to stagger. Ihth at last hf fell iI Isli'e in his arm chair, snoring. o with open nmoth iLand halt-shut eyes, t aIll otjeet of envy tolh 0 el$t. May. r field was also overcome, and took i a Slong nap nlpon ai wooden settee, r while Luce sat near and watched i Itiml with admiration. When thei I youth awoke, late iur the afternoon, f lhe sent a egrd to the Rteverend SeI ytour, wit I his letter of intro- duci ttiotI anld ai note stating that lie wouhld present hiimself in the morn- e lir. .4!o al shalll tote ye rotin' thar," b said lolin 1:addle, wheni his guest l was atboet to depart. "I've got a tceh. I •oi't eha:rgc ye. i ( ime cior the ride. Jest you east yer eye a ct little gray xis ye go alontg, that's c al. Ilt eir ye git her head out fer a hetindc, she's the ereetur far ye. t EL .e lichr a gal along," leehuckled, a i"n' want ter go slow through a piece of woods, an' do a little lip- E earviee without bein' jolted, she can trot all day in a bar'l. An' of ye - want to git clar of any other man's a dust, she can haul ye right out of it a in no'tlee, I don't keer whose dua a it is. Jest take a look at her. Some I day you'll want ter hire, or we moight want ter trade." No one who knows the natue of yonnt rabId to e tet&, U wth h-gh _ -s Iariw1 T5 who had made astone whisky to niggers; the daughter of another had been lower than alggga representative of a caste wzl caste looked upon aspuret ma or contemptible! Surl8 bea not bound to be as "1 such pottery as with the fae po.' lain of chivalry. So he let her•i hitm. "I wish I was as patty s ayes bl she often said, gazing straight t his (irecian face. At other times it was, "I 1- awake three hours las' nigh', in' 'bout you." Or again, "I git to sleep till nigh moralna 8pmn what you wa p t@ . -'What yeo wal a t4 - ,"Wtmt your intentiona are" Lucse, although she knew that 1t:s was a great social gulf betwsmhS g. . ... ..... er - ,•.• be-tw" r-s imaginingag futur~ofmarrnl . eli otmetitnes ho led that her-fbi pIoperty would fill up the rs aibyss; and ilhe.toMl Masv. l ,i it more than once, givingl sIM piteousa imnisi ttel e 1118b6n n f acres and ni rs, and the vale• thereof in ddIlara i lrb lmk-- she nngnifciT the "'"dolamtuu . t- a little. Above the leafy bank whikh fronted these two adventmigIL- dren, as they sat in thei- reveie- beside the ;Salulta, there wa a Itl cleared plateau on thieh thee (s.- gregationaliats of .SoumervA l lhs built their tablrnsacle and laid eat their burial-ground. In thateas. tery one breezy March aftermos/ Parson Seymour performed the las eartfldy rites over the remals eo Marrthu -oruern "ti o t meated sal pious consort" of G To" otar,, one of the pillars of his little eah*. On his way from the hbse• ia mourning to the grave the moiuale bad been astonished sad a remark of toe bereaved hb , which saow ow litwtle ey soul one m acquir se mdl the constant dropplings of the a n tuary. Mr. Fortoner, a short pd stumpy old man, being a little lam with rhouutntism and kaving as adult rehiltile present to leas had taken his pastor's arm Ia the more comfoxstabty to lead the solemn procession. "Yes, Parson, I'm left ml "h alone," be sighed in answer to a•s other worldly suggestion. "fl al . powerful loppin' oft for ma. I dT feel the loss of Miss Fort*W i ly. $n Anathou, IL much obliged to ye of yoead g somebody that yo thinr .llap.he fill her place. Not nowjlarenes We orter he thitnkin' of other thlegs now. t 4 fitteu time, PatJea - tItt e n ti ."e As the clergyman Idpali " the concluded service, he -m . sadly upon this request,;•aparaldl even imlis large esperiea•o Iu u and narrow typs-of o bf- Then _o he flected hatpjtl .. neither was he fte from mawienb thoughts on funeral , ing to mind bow, wlils blte uroat was opened in prayer beeleo grave, his eyes had dwelt Wlth the neggWit-T* -ae l - Church, anbd bielad ngo-gewio white paint wherewitb to eaysn weatherastained !eprosy. Urisrinl over such aijtability of deelama feeling, he lt.aneed of the saegi. nity of solitudae. Isate l, of walking home by th aeow blinhg highway, he turneds p " descended a lonely path mbaeiis of pthoe U Imagine hu no thsraerkgga i looa mi.sw the black itrega across a 8lygi a river, witon . ing an exchange of 1 kisses between his ta wada4 that wild Iace Riddle. good mah git an lbysteats to scream aloud over a at the moment seemed .s one of sin than oft . "1 4a became abt aed Ar ftea SW did not sant-then slle IHt had b dinicsea In *tda r linT reseeeade4 ly the shadows eteV of boill w hs tH tothe .- wa ter, etir la Ser i asthlakaahr tHial "I reckoned you mought want wl soulethiu'," she said, with a slight wi stammee aud, a very deep blash. do With ia promlptness which showed ha precocious experience in flirtatious, rej and with a all air of enign confidence ca which was wonderftlly wiuuning, he or steppedl up to her and took both no her hands. so "So I did want something," he lai said, laying his smooth young cheek hi ngainas4t rs. "I wanted to see you, my de:'r little pet." sh it was the antique story of ill hi, thread-bare 'European drama of the as pelsant and the noble. This con- in' nmonpllace, half wild, trufy-dw-down gi aalvnitnre would not be ' ,orth re- f dating did It not brlilng face to facee thoiti- It o ininwenorial types of hu- "I Snaitit , the patrician and the plebe- Lt ian. In. our time it seems an aut- WI achrontisni* ni it in all exotic, a monlltrosity ;. and in hence the interest of our narrative, so if it has any. This girl, who had. I Ibetn mnade lowly by the breath of at slavery, wa:s so happy at receiving it a ftew words of endearment from this pi boy, who had beta unuado grand ~y at slavery, that she could not splxk. thi "'D(I you know what a pet is ! le sli I naked with a smile, holding her ot a at arm's length. "Y'iv, I her a pt." fr "What is it I" di "A pig; a taune pig. She followed bn me half a mile t'other day." cI lie could not help laughing at her gi rnsticity, and yet he thought it very bi clu:rmiting. th '"I am luckier than you," he said. te ,.1 have a much nicer pet than a Pi pig. Such a niae pet that I want to en SLuce did not turn away her cheek pi and ftrther thian would make things or perfectly convenlient to this won- O Sdro•s lover; anllld the fr;lankne, the m whole-hearttdness, with which shle b I presently puit up her lips to his was, a to a thnnoughtl eye, nothing less w than pitiful. Patrician as hie was, c atil by birthright a despiser ot tow. tl Sdow\n people, he was stricken with to respect for her confiding simplicity, at ! and ireated her with the chivalry of w youth. at r- ";ood-blye, lay dear child,* he h said, loosing her hauts; "I shall see it you often while I am here, and 1 ac shall never forget you." Then they walked on tiptoe' to teen door atut prtrtl, both uulnstis- o1 i fled with the interview. Oh, this I unalpeasable hunger of young trearts Ior toe,; ai ilnr Tove, andu still more for love. m I. rilf P'arsonI eymour soon discovered of that hi lpupllil was a perMon of praise- it( worthy - regular habits. Mltia flehli i stludied hard every morning, recited adminirably intthe. hour before dinner, tl and took ia walk every afternoon. st The parson admired hard studeuls et and persons of regular habits, mid ad consequenltly he reported favorably Ti Sof the ytuth t-the college Faculty. no Meantime lnct Iltaddle ras at. tl tintingl to a mnuch more thorough in klnowledge of the rusticated one's w character without making any Ne- il IrN: thereof except to that one oa. I fidante whom every tore-torn folmale l I must have. Every afternoon she w met hint in a pine grove near her w lihotte, anud thence stole with him o0 down the secluded course of the fe ialudn to a grove of oaks, curtained ni I inifrotm tie world by a c!ose edging o( of underwood. There, seated on hi the bauk of the whispering little di river, with no spectator but a Swoodled and uninhabited slope rising from the opposite shore, they la 1 panse.d the time which Mr. Mayrleld was suppoe•i to devote to walking it for his health. Was it altogether k I spent in talking, laughing, and ti throwing pebbles into the swift a water Ah ! those were the days t4 of holding hands and waists-days A' which, as every ancient maiden lady a knows, have llloit lis departed; b t days which the literature of our d a time caninot treat of withothesita. e .In justice to Lace it mast be jl a stated that she did notprefer this a clandiestine sort of conrtship r "Why don't you come to me me thar at the houeo 1" she repeatedly ,asked. a "And si I do," lie once answerled erasivel. "uI saw you there yester- Sday. .. e - "Oh! you jest aspoke to me-Jest u a though I was anbody else. You tamought Iset p with me thar. P ar t sad mar wouldn't keer; an' they'd e let us her tL big frat room. "ltl ee •i le time," h kidl. "Don't ~ up a Lwee at me" i But thi b lemi was not I4 d wm is e m meant to 4 b Mdield was thus far * the wikkedmsems odl ito

O2LAIBORNE fi*TARDIAN. AN. VOL. A. - Library of Congress€¦ · rr lee4 a dse r asr syagge , groes, and soilo loaus with ueigh- I lori*ig ftunters. 'The richest man ill u thie"settlenient,"

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Page 1: O2LAIBORNE fi*TARDIAN. AN. VOL. A. - Library of Congress€¦ · rr lee4 a dse r asr syagge , groes, and soilo loaus with ueigh- I lori*ig ftunters. 'The richest man ill u thie"settlenient,"


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adi , his hslo oate th e e.t r t"soA in iace, eyf.i., ,' ,b . tlihot, hir 0 . i

l .l MIn hliti':#. -. r -" t.. . :t.' ,.," - ',.hs I '.".,, -

aOLD IOmtN tiretI)h l EL.lI,

g n" CtiL. i. kW.; i-(: ItIinT.

Ng ot an otld Iilt ; Iot nlirii. thatillforty-live at the dlute of this storl:simply lOld John llnItadll" ine hlauIthler hadl been a youlll Johln :;iat"die, his son; blorted in i l-re, criltson in face, eyes bloodhlbot, hiir ll:.and unlkempt, irean atll iwaLs 'fat-grant with whisky; ili attire mn•lto

ner or Wintaer week tlr Sillsol:ay.hi .rgray or bitternuf lrt homespun. SIl

las my hero in the period of histerndear.

ills grandeur consistedl in this,tthat, having beon hlora "olowdown"white of South Carolina, he hadshown a certain degree of illtielligencori •h ustry, A.n elnterpitris; hmgnined mloney both in dcintll anlievil fashions, had depveloptle a chatlacter which if not nice was at least-vigorous, iandl had heroine, if not agenltleman, at least somnethling I.rbetter than a vagrant or a pallper.

lie ha;l made his fortune of ten orfifteen thosaunddollars by nocturnalland illegal dickering with pilftlin.gnegroes: then by more open butiscarcely more praiseworthy dealings

crloss the whisky-starined colinter oli. o crossroads tgrocery; bnt he hadlmade it, he had kept it, he hiad it.

Now, even in the patrici.uan SltllhCarolina of the olden time moneytlwas reputable; if it was not "goodblood' it waJrtiacity rg a•e• its as thivery next noblest species of circulr-tion: and thus.Iohnl IHlddle was coll-sidered not iso low. as ll Ihaul been.In short, he had lifted his faalilyr afr towarod owcill rwstctabit3b lru?~ sthe most gitcl ant d fortunapite ( racker stock usually could climlb in onegeneration.

One step in hisr gradnal rise hadShlcin the conversion of his grocnryinto a tavern, with accormmodationsfor man and beast. For fnan therewere two belrooms.smaill, carpetless,rudely flrrnished, and as breezy aiwhencoops; a dining-room witl a narrow pine table, which profered friedbacon and eggs. fried chicken, friedcorn bread, and sweet pIotattos; a

lrroom tlowtfug with white, crutde,d whisky, suitable for booziltng

farm n es ad crak : a private relo,et containing a nlnrrel of old, mildamber whisky ftin gentry. T For

sh orasnstttarti warsnamhackle Ushowinee through caontslts y rentnogreat store of coruLhusk fotier, awnimllrfectly sheltering fl•i m thaw ri tsome seant pihes ofmaize nbbhius.

The tavern consisted of a low, un-painted, andl eeen unlmrked logshanty, the origeinl grocery; and ofa bromal-fronted, shallow, two-storv,yellow clapboard wihg,.the tiooderneaddition. Puddlaes in wet weather,Iowdery dult in dry weather, entgeapsa, of ncleannes always, made

the approach unpleasant. There wasno alga; no such estentation wasnecessary; the /lace was widely no-torious as Raddlds. Twice a wee_til up mail, and twice a week thedown email, between (ohtmble in8Oveenvillei, rppod here to chalgehore, , ltj brkig , p e

ta•rvli, one br the ablsbt.

rr lee4 a dse r asr syagge ,

groes, and soilo loaus with ueigh- Ilori*ig ftunters. 'The richest man ill uthie"settlenient," and one of thie rich-e'st for fIle mliles around, he was not aio)nly lieginning to H" held rl'slecta -ble, but also to ac'uirr a certain le Iasure of selft'.rspvct. iotwith.tanudinghis low origi.i, his regullatr ~'eckly I-pjrees, his stinll a nlhg kUnoled'lg ofi t'rading, and his total ignlorutane of

writing. A ruich. unschlioled. in. ctelnplerat', bnlekwfnlnish placle w-l4Solmerville; such a:' place n• yo 1Imiighlt exp'ect to findll in a thinly-settled region ilicht fifty years Ie-'.re had not Iw1en S•tttled at all: a'pIlace which had not yet artc'liire'd textravagantly fil enoti.un Ito what tconstitutel s motrality 11111 gentility:just tthe bllacer ifr :t prt,,ptrutt'racker to tr Vy to grow i _nto "a g'e -

tenlhil of the ohl 'chol."ltllt I day lo r nallll )nt itl l'ut lilro

A .v enture ho r fl1 tl n l1i11 +1 , + lit '

ta erl ,hi . b 4ltod.• tl,_ ip e'r t h•ist"w ith whisk , . his great cus!lins of tchta'k, glotwing likt. tt a tair tf suit ets. I

t1',e, i ' six htlt s a lli' pers.pirationir hlling dwn l i: h:. lto.ad, r,,! t. ar,.he.lt l this irul , gray hair tuowzled tot.lr l ::ll p iltsot I

, i s ll h thi 'v, id" I

ar' wooi len b r ull , 'ri tl l i!1 (ile handl. Iitld a Sttint ctativa l in :a e, ilt e ,r. .h:thlling his -a, and %ilerittly gist

4lin its tlltalle oteni tt 1. It, ,dett r', eiImr'tti• l , jh li ke : sttit m il

eire, lh ltl r ill e0 iat t. tl *ti I tltt. l II'.atlsl t ptliiti ls. whi 0 . sitting ir n t

ilia lfn it nlg llr bea i lt'h "'shll 'b" thet

a :ilis.1, lt'I h ii h I in :I t iii t.ch.

inrl." M1 1.eelli grin, t hn w l . tihal ,tlit p i'iatlioll 1nill litw. t 't:: .ill t[ii. i hsll' licker."

t le'. on a beindsrilitli 't l !" \hi. l i

ptred ai r t ,ret Ioltte l, sOtlllo a, tcllna 'haired urchii to ai solnio. w'ilt,.,lI, tgrizzhe it n.:ro, alto was lalingeiout Ig i at the hl.t b ll talo nl i 'in1.a i. i"*Ala\ it histo twi e\ 'l ut wi h,+' 1

'1 o'11 a bt nde t r. lon't lle!"tct :tinttlIl'ra, t I;ahthtld re eived atunwruillo.h 1. ,i a tgiilg wiftkh of al b ,le lred tl ,' i

o~tialle or hisldexter~ ity inIt ai ting.ilit gitsl fatl l r t'a iei i.i'll I'tli. ' val.

P'erbeiviuig :t cigar stup oulil thearytndlll, sBich had last w•'t nottlof the bar-rootr , Stra•wlheau d ph'ickedit upti with hia nkedl toes.an lii atited to Irasfettr it slyly to Iis poketS,with the intenltion of tilloking it atsome $convenienlt oppeorltunity. Butts

upon hiit, le stakedil, with iIa hlmibleilrinl, "Kern't I tia this" alin oil T

ta iing all fIavorable nol, tldeparted Iton a joyt till canter.

Suclth i\asthe iscene at itadd le'whten its late reachedl it. Thetre, v asa rumbl e of wheel s tit tlhe woenlbridge over the Sainlth, anld all Ipres-ent aelailiernl , STha ,tg.'..t St t itlunig yellow i aogo, ithi leather t r-tins arol rittling dto•rs, rolld upto the tavern behilnd two gunt,iuiur.spa lhel, hotes. 'Tlit d rivetr.inarly .i i lia ll .t , t h t isu htalo d hip,

pod lllmlor nietl and been whippedstltener Uthan anyi otherariitii kanow

to Somerville, "l•all ied to the igrLndand mihle straight flor tihe Ir room.)ld Sul the fi tngerstained

drorpr'h ti stae abt frtmit d o,,s1-r

otuiohstaly to the only pa•e icger. lieas a tall, will -dressedlt , thandsile

youth of uineteen or twenty., a (thonJohn iladdle at onlce iecognized ias'it "ligh tone gentlelail."

Mornin', Strangier,"he said, Uitak-iug igalch rude reverence as :1 horn

S'raler owed to Ia scion of pitnd ter-domr. "lce va room, st trai ert

k"Yes, think " iotn as %enll itakei room." awr the nier t iyoust ,er,aftelr a i ent ofnol iio f 1ittit. ':think I had btter stay over nightwith oil."re

llest room, in tIle hoie, at rigerr,declareid old Johni. e "1 f lelys keepit for your sty le. Yere, 4l), take the

tlein 's trunk lup torNo.• . .ll',Saoilte' teverything is ast rtigl that.Al', Sol, call Iuhe to see of evwery-thuig is rltraigkt thl--tor, by--!you won't know."

l followed by the guest,l the liego

tani sutttthd au.' ttIes tos rno Lte.

ht h he ardly re ca~ ld the top

naeknding, hurrif up by the imtpa.

little timidity and Imore aw kward-ntess in her manuner as she enteredNo. 1. She was not afraid of beingleft alone with this youn; gentle-linu, ,byt Ashle wasslightlly anxioui•,;ato what he might think of her :p!.palranc,, au tl.h filt ill at ease lht+e,tiflru of his "stiore clo'es." ato i'

grlander th,: honiespun.\\'hilt' she straighteued the

coarsea brotn i counterpanelli :andpropped a ickety table against thewhllitewashed wall, and hltked tosee if the floor hald Iten swept.ince the exodlus of the last lodlger,she lantu'ed two or three tinmes at Itilhe stranuger, and thoight- tIhit lihewas "mi

g hty ,ihansni." Sl he al.

A line. tall, slender shape;li,,; a Ihl k,

Ii lnili,,. slpiritetl, and yet graeien..I't'; aihmnluiint iou .black lur,cu ih in- •it er his co:.t (,,lar-ont tihe

Speol'o, it Iirst "cl:t '"hi"l-toiut."Sou• th irln t n I ,. f• ei Rtooil t. th,

i ,l•,.i i . m . -ng l i .. .41 " lii t

thit hlie h:ul niit 3t e d he rr c(t'ti't iliuliv hei.ilth.

Turnilnlg friN )v wort:, t) leavevthe roilLi. rhe a'i:, puzzled. ratiherst'irtlehl. to lind ih',t h," had ",loswdthlie door aiil was avl ianling tia',liiher, .t little sparkhle of inquiry anti;i;,itl• lis t i.Ilmi,,eed iii lie" tes,1ii64 lie took hallth her halidliS ini.; t ishe v. as not scaredl. trot"

..- is tlhere t II much thrill iu h-rteint ' :s slhe thoughta, 'Is lie ghoingto .i• sist

u ' rYes. hel w,.s going to kiis her: herl

,:i. hen,.dhin grJCI icioisly I'o;. lhtI\v.-, i; .,: hp whe ,4as patting hisco!itily fie Iv.,.e to her ri.tic one.I.nt'e halil often ieeli kissed'; fitr

.leiii'urs weit e past,,rtlly free' in

.',: ,er *ill t. il tl fl irfI it g.ia: -s i\ re.ll.ir.lt ilii ain the yo1iulg pople',not to limention thait shit had hlad ,lhiti ori' tw i. She Li r "t ul

1lhetk touihetl

her shll-tllhhr.+ •tt in

the ,at:,, . it., ile ilit t., intother t 'heck tht,• the tiounchef his,_lip t. . .

I'YlOi 4~~ul, gool little leauty!"he iiiirnIiauredi, in li tone which t asfull of -ratitde, aill . t soi f tIiattery.

SThtlt're : is still a smile i her li sitiihen Sihe stole ,a look at hil: hiutiher eves li14 su:l'enliv takir lsu e,.x

tlirv iii 1 l rit 414 telti , r silt'.

prise. IOf all the ime-or boys,ratI er--n ho had hitherto been thusihiold witlr hnr, notonto had utteredsuch st .eet worlls. They wereipriceless; )heyv seemed not only topay his dellt, but to mnake her pro-fi i'oinly Ilis dellttbr: and when shte

" ed atin tl she lmealt that hlie shouldkiss her lips if he wished. lie dillSso, iili HiAd ip'red other enltraicilnn orls in her hw itcihed ear: thien,with hi n•i id on her watist., lie ledher to tlhlloor ut and olleiii'd it ilor her.SlI. I.i Lee known what a prnc'es1,.is, she1 wouhl have felt that sihe

i I\;s oine, id4141 thatt she hadtl found tileSitrue prilnce.

Ilowshelt n rly longed for liic*er.wen) it unhli he her k0utt duty to

iitie'tiliutlic tlhe tale and oeP thilatthis i,vi'al guest 'tas siital;ly tild..ot irt shell sat t thi hinad of thehotar-t.-- she had no higher partt:o piny than that of ulllpper waiter;sihe oiverlooked and w4alwl41 the'lniggers." It waan pleasure to lier'to show the yo.iting ge.ntleman to hisu

lchair, and she wats not paiiinfllynwnre that it was 1t hlulbl4le tideas-nre. Tlhere was a Yttlh Ilitter inher heart, andt s:he' coolil not at tir+traise her eves to his: but wfhenl shelhil pri-esuln to glaliue at him slitefounld ihat he was looking at iiherwith an air of interest. Then a hap-py sparkle shot f'romn tiudlir her

tlnllhes. nllll the least flicker ofa smileIdane'.i labout t one corner of herIli(outlh. Shti rel uetnilheretd the twokisses, andii she was lno more ashlamerldof thea tlhil lihe. Sire was only ;ilittle mor. sliv. a little iore *ii agitalaont," in she would hlave phrasedlit. Of coursel, sLe served hlin willhthe best hit of "',lhiilcken" that wasifrited that dayti li::1ille's. ilad I1 islh-ed that there hald be)tn lllr him lihop-ping-ljohi, ur rolice other excepltionalidelicaecy-

Meanwhilh Old John pliiild theguest as to hisi bnsilesa anll plrsonality: "Never met up , itlh yon i.fore, sltralnger; what lnoughlt y'ourname bef"

"I am fromn Oakland D)istrict, andI am the son ot Col. Maytiehlt," saidthie youth, with a riiinlg aecent, aseif.it wre a grand thing to be of Oak-laund D)istrict, andl a still grandelerthing to be a Mayfeld.

John Itaddle looked all the respectthat he could thrountb hii bloodshotI optics, not deabting that he had be.fore him the heir of lsome great low-Sland planter. -

S"After Ian', or niggera" hbe contln.u ned, pakting ou. of the depths of

s his d petlg spirit.S"So," aswered the lordly guest,

Internally eornfll of the qery, betatOolsmble w-+Ik I Imve been

I ruslret.ed he explained, with asibagh.

Old Johln had heard of college.Trie parson wait a college mau,; land 5Sqlnirn Homers inI ('ol. Thornton. atith had a vagxue idea that it was

high-toned to go to college. lint p-r"I"ticated" was beyondl hls" tether, atael he rep(eated the word inleir. i.ingly. st

"1 am1 sent ulp lhere as a punitsh hAanent," said Maytield, "ltor playiengjkle'.s on the tntors." nx

"t.ih, beer raisin' the dhevil!" gut. njthw 'd .1ohin Itaddle. his heart warm.- niln ;at olnce toward tile youtglster.

ti'f course, Mlaylfiel related the ne.luise of his lui.iadlveture in full; tlIti'- what rusteatedl .st(ld•ent is nlot at Ifirt•st prouid of lhis p•e'e:elillo, We ehave not space for the story, but rte xiltdn all re1 tie' Hftt.ie'r}M grntduate putblite a0h14 it wa5 s ti- atri- hhmoreluis ttas -~ch thinigu ui ,illy arte, in prcuc'c I

f 1 hiih luad he alleged the t'ut ithai l Old :e I. ia i xhulelc.d t eierti, ,.l . 3

I.r Iitcis.o \ ili re a eieg bull f tile' itfive trutlt'." e' dec:arero-iu his de.-li.tlht. "ine ,iur: gl:ad I met lp , ith ifye. ('ncce, l.t's.. blow a cloud. Liwe. I

alhii•.y. .St i:al,:le. ' , v e i onlt s e, -lr ru .a. 'i!ll ai.ie yer lailti grow. b

WVl., whar .e- i,;i:e te•"r stay! Not a1yere•. N'ot Hitil (PIe .1 l o i l':uhl',h.!l.,r I'eSs e! we,'d ra,,e the devil :tevery day." a

** :1:1n to hoard i ith a clerlyt-an,a W1v. Mr Ate•ttar," said Mayficid.

iOhi-Parson Seymour-l're:h'v.teriatc 'larson-. \';iI, I reckon he's ir

aidlliin' I'. art at book larnin; folkstell so. lie ain't ore of nlyv sort; ftct rii ier•r"ot s never he. I don 't be.i cliee ei religion: durned oef I do.li ot't kinow much 'botllt it, but xhat tI do lhow doi'te It ehve. A. halt Icill of dollars an" a 3 aid tull of t"g- kgers ai' a jug full of whisky, that'siny' r igion. WIhat d'ye say to that. "''lhteu's whaIt Imake a gentleman- pthem anI hi•lchine'. ' The' an't heal. dthy. tlieun hpios. l'iar.sol Seytnout's 1"Li44l-, tean, s•rimped4, yaller-faeed PIn:i. I Ie's so narnous he ean'lt stay tistill a ninute. ne(lcasiest ereatur I tiever ty. He'll set in all the chairs tin tihe room hile you're tellin' him 4ai story. I'd as lief talk to a basketof grasshoppers. And pious! whew! i

utie'll have tlmoritin' prai era threetinies.n day. Wxal, when ye get yerntmbition up for r. iluhid13, come

round icli ' ea e Oleo John. Ilh'll take Ia turn with ye; he'll show yo 'bouL tthe districk. Mtranger. ketch ano.thiter olt o' that whisky. NotLinu' tlike whisky, is thart how d'ye raise fhighitone gentlemnen without it" n

I Iere. fr tl thiaS or foir4th timtle, h0l! Jlohn lighted his cigar from that siof his li.steier. lie always had acigar int his uoutlh, but . sehlomstnoked xtuch of it. for. lihe had ahtabit of '"talki

nlg oil teuatitt. Aftler tchewing onie e.' of t he hlxury-to apulop. and relighting the other until s1it wohld no lon•ger talle flire satisfic-torily ,

hIe threw it, away halfc.. Isitned, iind .cotllnueeqt'-cd the same

asteitl leroiss upnon another.- irlhosel, wre the days. he it einem.Sred ld,t.he 1 Il\ana:s sold ift three dIfor a dime. ly the war, ehi4 s.unk.tig alutd talking dlil not altogether ttrevelit hti fromll clhew ilng. k

Meatnwhilue he drlank copeiously. clie had not take-i his "bemier" outwhen the young mant arrived, and fihis inflamed stomaech now insisted atha:tt lie sithould go oni with it. I)runk nie. could not get. For years lie had ithoen alcove the highest Iide of whini1;y: ftor 'ears Ito hlial not been seento stagger. Ihth at last hf fell iIIsli'e in his arm chair, snoring. owith open nmoth iLand halt-shut eyes, taIll otjeet of envy tolh 0 el$t. May. rfield was also overcome, and took i a

Slong nap nlpon ai wooden settee, rwhile Luce sat near and watched iItiml with admiration. When thei Iyouth awoke, late iur the afternoon, flhe sent a egrd to the RteverendSeI ytour, wit I his letter of intro-duci ttiotI anld ai note stating that liewouhld present hiimself in the morn- elir.

.4!o al shalll tote ye rotin' thar," bsaid lolin 1:addle, wheni his guest lwas atboet to depart. "I've got a

tceh. I •oi't eha:rgc ye. i ( imecior the ride. Jest you east yer eye act little gray xis ye go alontg, that's cal. Ilt eir ye git her head out fera hetindc, she's the ereetur far ye. tEL .e lichr a gal along," leehuckled, a

i"n' want ter go slow through apiece of woods, an' do a little lip- Eearviee without bein' jolted, she can

trot all day in a bar'l. An' of ye -want to git clar of any other man's adust, she can haul ye right out of it ain no'tlee, I don't keer whose dua ait is. Jest take a look at her. Some Iday you'll want ter hire, or wemoight want ter trade."

No one who knows the natue of

yonnt rabId to e

tet&, U wth h-gh _ -sIariw1 T5

who had made astonewhisky to niggers; thedaughter of anotherhad been lower than algggarepresentative of a caste wzlcaste looked upon aspuret maor contemptible! Surl8 beanot bound to be as "1llsuch pottery as with the fae po.'lain of chivalry. So he let her•ihitm.

"I wish I was as patty s ayes blshe often said, gazing straight this (irecian face.

At other times it was, "I 1-awake three hours las' nigh',in' 'bout you." Or again, "Igit to sleep till nigh moralna8pmn what you wa p t@ .

-'What yeo wal a t4 -,"Wtmt your intentiona are"Lucse, although she knew that 1t:swas a great social gulf betwsmhS g.

. ... .....er - ,•.• be-tw" r-s

imaginingag futur~ofmarrnl . eliotmetitnes ho led that her-fbi

pIoperty would fill up the rsaibyss; and ilhe.toMl Masv. l ,iit more than once, givingl sIMpiteousa imnisi ttel e 1118b6n n facres and ni rs, and the vale•thereof in ddIlara i lrb lmk--she nngnifciT the "'"dolamtuu . t-a little.

Above the leafy bank whikhfronted these two adventmigIL-dren, as they sat in thei- reveie-beside the ;Salulta, there wa a Itlcleared plateau on thieh thee (s.-gregationaliats of .SoumervA l lhsbuilt their tablrnsacle and laid eattheir burial-ground. In thateas.tery one breezy March aftermos/Parson Seymour performed the laseartfldy rites over the remals eoMarrthu -oruern "ti o t meated salpious consort" of G To" otar,,one of the pillars of his little eah*.On his way from the hbse• iamourning to the grave the moiualebad been astonished sada remark of toe bereaved hb ,which saow ow litwtle • eysoul one m acquir se mdlthe constant dropplings of the a ntuary. Mr. Fortoner, a short pdstumpy old man, being a little lamwith rhouutntism and kaving asadult rehiltile present to leashad taken his pastor's arm Iathe more comfoxstabty to lead thesolemn procession.

"Yes, Parson, I'm left ml "h*alone," be sighed in answer to a•sother worldly suggestion. "fl al .powerful loppin' oft for ma. I dTfeel the loss of Miss Fort*W ily. $n Anathou, ILmuch obliged to ye of yoead gsomebody that yo thinr .llap.he.fill her place. Not nowjlarenes Weorter he thitnkin' of other thlegsnow. t 4 fitteu time, PatJea -tItte

n ti ."e

As the clergyman Idpali "the concluded service, he -m .sadly upon this request,;•aparaldleven imlis large esperiea•o Iu uand narrow typs-of o bf-Then _o he flected hatpjtl ..neither was he fte from mawienbthoughts on funeral ,ing to mind bow, wlils blte uroatwas opened in prayer beeleograve, his eyes had dwelt Wlth

the neggWit-T* -ae l -Church, anbd bielad ngo-gewiowhite paint wherewitb to eaysnweatherastained !eprosy. Urisrinlover such aijtability of deelamafeeling, he lt.aneed of the saegi.nity of solitudae. Isate l,of walking home by th aeowblinhg highway, he turneds p "descended a lonely path

mbaeiis of pthoe UImagine hu no thsraerkgga ilooa mi.sw the black itrega

across a 8lygi a river, witon .ing an exchange of 1kisses between his ta wada4that wild Iace Riddle.good mah git an lbysteatsto scream aloud over aat the moment seemed .sone of sin than oft ."1 4abecame abt aed Ar ftea SWdid not sant-then slle IHt •had b dinicsea In *tda rlinT reseeeade4 ly theshadows eteV

of boill w hs tHtothe .-wa ter, etir la Ser iasthlakaahr


"I reckoned you mought want wlsoulethiu'," she said, with a slight wistammee aud, a very deep blash. do

With ia promlptness which showed haprecocious experience in flirtatious, rejand with a all air of enign confidence cawhich was wonderftlly wiuuning, he orsteppedl up to her and took both noher hands. so

"So I did want something," he laisaid, laying his smooth young cheek hingainas4t rs. "I wanted to see you,my de:'r little pet." sh

it was the antique story of ill hi,

thread-bare 'European drama of the aspelsant and the noble. This con- in'nmonpllace, half wild, trufy-dw-down giaalvnitnre would not be ' ,orth re- fdating did It not brlilng face to faceethoiti- It o ininwenorial types of hu- "ISnaitit , the patrician and the plebe- Ltian. In. our time it seems an aut- WIachrontisni* niit in all exotic, a monlltrosity ;. and inhence the interest of our narrative, soif it has any. This girl, who had. IIbetn mnade lowly by the breath of atslavery, wa:s so happy at receiving ita ftew words of endearment from this piboy, who had beta unuado grand ~y atslavery, that she could not splxk. thi

"'D(I you know what a pet is ! le sliI naked with a smile, holding her ot aat arm's length.

"Y'iv, I her a pt." fr"What is it I" di"A pig; a taune pig. She followed bn

me half a mile t'other day." cIlie could not help laughing at her gi

rnsticity, and yet he thought it very biclu:rmiting. th

'"I am luckier than you," he said. te,.1 have a much nicer pet than a Pipig. Such a niae pet that I want to en

SLuce did not turn away her cheek piand ftrther thian would make things orperfectly convenlient to this won- O

Sdro•s lover; anllld the fr;lankne, the mwhole-hearttdness, with which shle b

I presently puit up her lips to his was, a

to a thnnoughtl eye, nothing less wthan pitiful. Patrician as hie was, catil by birthright a despiser ot tow. tl

Sdow\n people, he was stricken with torespect for her confiding simplicity, at

! and ireated her with the chivalry of wyouth. atr- ";ood-blye, lay dear child,* he hsaid, loosing her hauts; "I shall see ityou often while I am here, and 1 acshall never forget you."

Then they walked on tiptoe' toteen door atut prtrtl, both uulnstis- o1i fled with the interview. Oh, this Iunalpeasable hunger of youngtrearts Ior toe,; ai ilnr Tove, andustill more for love. m

I. rilfP'arsonI eymour soon discovered of

that hi lpupllil was a perMon of praise- it(worthy -regular habits. Mltia flehli istludied hard every morning, recitedadminirably intthe. hour before dinner, tland took ia walk every afternoon. stThe parson admired hard studeuls etand persons of regular habits, mid adconsequenltly he reported favorably TiSof the ytuth t-the college Faculty. no

Meantime lnct Iltaddle ras at. tltintingl to a mnuch more thorough inklnowledge of the rusticated one's wcharacter without making any Ne- ilIrN: thereof except to that one oa.I fidante whom every tore-torn folmale lI must have. Every afternoon she w

met hint in a pine grove near her wlihotte, anud thence stole with him o0

down the secluded course of the feialudn to a grove of oaks, curtained niI inifrotm tie world by a c!ose edging o(

of underwood. There, seated on hithe bauk of the whispering little diriver, with no spectator but aSwoodled and uninhabited sloperising from the opposite shore, they la1 panse.d the time which Mr. Mayrleld

was suppoe•i to devote to walking itfor his health. Was it altogether kI spent in talking, laughing, and ti

throwing pebbles into the swifta water Ah ! those were the days t4

of holding hands and waists-days A'which, as every ancient maiden lady aknows, have llloit lis departed; bt days which the literature of our d

a time caninot treat of withothesita.

e .In justice to Lace it mast be jla stated that she did notprefer thisa clandiestine sort of conrtship

r "Why don't you come to me me

thar at the houeo 1" she repeatedly,asked.a "And si I do," lie once answerled

erasivel. "uI saw you there yester-Sday. ..e - "Oh! you jest aspoke to me-Jest

u a though I was anbody else. Youtamought Iset p with me thar. P art sad mar wouldn't keer; an' they'de let us her tL big frat room.

"ltl ee •i le time," h kidl."Don't ~ up a Lwee at me"i But thi b lemi was notI4 d wm is e m meant to 4

b Mdield was thus far* the wikkedmsems odl
