NVS ECHO POLL QUESTION Q. Would you like to join the Defence Forces of India? YES : 33.27% NO : 67.73% Theme of the Year - Nothing is ImpossibleAUGUST-2019 WORLD NEWS Aug 5 th Kashmir and Ladakh were de- clared as union territories. (Abolition of article 370) Aug 6 th Former External affairs Minis- ter Shrimati Sushma Swaraj passed away. Aug 9 th PM Modi visits Bhutan on in- vitation by Dr. Tshering to discuss issues of bilateral importance. Aug 15 th - India celebrated its 73 rd inde- pendence day. Aug 22 nd Russia launched its first un- manned rocket carrying a humanoid robot to assist astronauts in the International Space Station. Android launched its new version: - An- droid 10. Aug 24 th 45 th G7 summit was held in Biarritz, France. Shri Arun Jaitley, the former finance minister passed away. Aug 25 th - Ben Stokes hit an unbeaten 135 and won the third test single handedly. PV Sindhu bagged the historic gold for India at the BWF Word championship. Aug 27 th Aishwarya Pissay becomes the first Indian ever to win the motorsport world title. Sumit Nagal won the first set against Federer in the US open in Tennis. WHATS ON CAMPUS Aug 7 th -9 th -Career counselling by ICS was held for classes IX and XI. Aug 8 th - The second pre-mid term test ended in school. Aug 9 th , 13 th ,14 th -Asset exam was held for classes 6 th to 9 th . Aug 15 th -73 rd Independence Day was celebrated by shramdaan. Madhu maam and Jyoti maam gave inspiring speeches. Mahanadi house won the pat- riotic poem competition. Aug 20 th First drone made in the Young Engineers Garage takes off to a flying start. Aug 21 st Inaugural match of boysfootball Interhouse was played between Krishna and Narmada. Krishna won. Aug 22 nd -Australian National Chemis- try Quiz was held for classes 8 th to 12 th . Students participated in the CMUN held in Mumbai. Aug 23 rd - Elocution of the primary took place and Godavari came first. Aug 24 th - Students participated in the DMUN held at Tender Care Home. Aug 29 th - Final match of boysfoot- ball Interhouse was played between Krishna and Mahanadi. Aug 30 th - Report cards of pre-mid term given. FROM THE EDITORS DESK Here we are presenting you the second NVS echo of the academic year 2019-20. This issue will en- lighten you about our courageous Indian Army. All events have gone pretty well so far, right from the Monsoon Festival to Independ- ence day. Shramdaan left the school spick and span with many classes bagging the prizes. With the football Interhouse and quite a few DSOs starting theres a spirit of sportsmanship in the air. Nothing is Impossible’, the theme of the year is not only being followed by Nath Vallians but our soldiers on the border have been following it since the beginning. This issue appreciates the effort of our brave young men out there, on the border who have made events like Kargil Vijay Divas, Independence day possible. We salute our soldiers. Our team wishes Nath Vallians the best for upcoming events. We hope that the spirit of patriotism #DeshBhakti arises as you go through this issue. HAPPY READING! Newsletter Club

NVS ECHO - Nath Valley School

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Page 1: NVS ECHO - Nath Valley School



Q. Would you like to join the Defence Forces of


YES : 33.27%

NO : 67.73%

Theme of the Year - ‘Nothing is Impossible’ AUGUST-2019


Aug 5th – Kashmir and Ladakh were de-

clared as union territories. (Abolition of

article 370)

Aug 6th – Former External affairs Minis-

ter Shrimati Sushma Swaraj passed away.

Aug 9th– PM Modi visits Bhutan on in-

vitation by Dr. Tshering to discuss issues

of bilateral importance.

Aug 15th- India celebrated its 73rd inde-

pendence day.

Aug 22nd – Russia launched its first un-

manned rocket carrying a humanoid robot

to assist astronauts in the International

Space Station.

Android launched its new version: - An-

droid 10.

Aug 24th – 45th G7 summit was held in Biarritz, France. Shri Arun Jaitley, the former finance minister passed away. Aug 25th- Ben Stokes hit an unbeaten 135

and won the third test single handedly.

PV Sindhu bagged the historic gold for

India at the BWF Word championship.

Aug 27th – Aishwarya Pissay becomes the first Indian ever to win the motorsport

world title.

Sumit Nagal won the first set against Federer in the US open in Tennis.


Aug 7th-9th -Career counselling by ICS

was held for classes IX and XI.

Aug 8th - The second pre-mid term test

ended in school.

Aug 9th, 13th,14th -Asset exam was

held for classes 6th to 9th.

Aug 15th -73rd Independence Day was

celebrated by shramdaan. Madhu

ma’am and Jyoti ma’am gave inspiring

speeches. Mahanadi house won the pat-

riotic poem competition.

Aug 20th – First drone made in the

Young Engineers Garage takes off to a

flying start.

Aug 21st– Inaugural match of boys’

football Interhouse was played between

Krishna and Narmada. Krishna won.

Aug 22nd -Australian National Chemis-

try Quiz was held for classes 8th to 12th.

Students participated in the CMUN

held in Mumbai.

Aug 23rd -Elocution of the primary

took place and Godavari came first.

Aug 24th - Students participated in the

DMUN held at Tender Care Home.

Aug 29th - Final match of boys’ foot-

ball Interhouse was played between

Krishna and Mahanadi.

Aug 30th - Report cards of pre-mid

term given.



Here we are presenting you the

second NVS echo of the academic

year 2019-20. This issue will en-

lighten you about our courageous

Indian Army. All events have gone

pretty well so far, right from the

Monsoon Festival to Independ-

ence day. Shramdaan left the

school spick and span with many

classes bagging the prizes.

With the football Interhouse and

quite a few DSO’s starting there’s

a spirit of sportsmanship in the air.

‘Nothing is Impossible’, the theme

of the year is not only being

followed by Nath Vallians but our

soldiers on the border have been

following it since the beginning.

This issue appreciates the effort of

our brave young men out there, on

the border who have made events

like Kargil Vijay Divas,

Independence day possible. We

salute our soldiers.

Our team wishes Nath Vallians the

best for upcoming events. We hope

that the spirit of patriotism

#DeshBhakti arises as you go

through this issue.


Newsletter Club

Page 2: NVS ECHO - Nath Valley School

Triumph over the Impossible

The historic Kargil war was fought in 1999 between India and Pakistan in the Kargil district of Jammu and Kashmir. India launched ‘Operation Vijay’ to clear the Kargil sector, of infiltrations by the Pakistani soldiers and Kashmiri militants on the Indian side of LOC. War took place even though both countries had signed the Shimla agreement (no armed conflict

shall take place along the said boundary). Pakistani soldiers and the militants had captured the humongous Tiger hill situat-ed in the Drass-Kargil area of J&K. Their forces were easily able to view the headquarters of the 56 Brigade. Any step taken by the Indian side was seen from the top of the hill. Recapturing the hill seemed impossible to everyone. However, surren-

dering never resided in the boiling blood of our Jawans. That was when Param Veer Chakra awardee, Captain Vikram Batra thought of a strategy; a tactic to carry out a surprise attack on the militants. Indian artillery started shelling Tiger Hill to force the enemy to keep their head down, while 18 Grenadiers, 2 Naga, and 8 Sikh of the Indian Army got ready to attack

Tiger Hill. Meanwhile an Indian contingent of 21 brawny soldiers climbed a steep, 1000-metre-high cliff and staged a sud-den attack on the militants. The Alpha, Charlie, and Ghatak companies of the Grenadiers attacked from the rear. Yes, it was a victory for India. But remember, when you celebrate Kargil Vijay Diwas henceforth, do thank the 500 soldiers who were

martyred. Without their sacrifices Kashmir wouldn’t be a part of India.

– Anurag Shelke XB


The Indian Navy today is an integral part of the Defence services of India. However, its very consequential contributions in the pre-Independence era whom we owe our freedom to lie forgotten.

Most Indians will not have heard of the 1946 Naval Rebellion. A greatly unknown event that shook the foundations of the British India to the core. It involved 2,000 In-dian naval personnel, the loss of some 300 civilians’ lives, and seiz-ing of ar-mouries on British ships. Young men with fire in their hearts and vision in their eyes took it upon themselves to oust the mighty British Empire.

The saga began on Navy Day, De-cember 1, 1945, when a group of ratings belonging to HMIS Talwar, a shore establish-ment in Bombay, decided challenge the British naval forces in India. They were inspired by the charged political atmos-phere and the hu-miliating mass demobilisation of Indian naval personnel after World War II, despite the heroism and sac-rifice they had displayed while fighting alongside British and Al-lied forces. The disdainful treatment by British of-ficers, atrocious living conditions and poor quality of food fostered a feeling of anger and resentment in them. Slogans such as ‘Quit India’, ‘Away with the British rats’, ‘Jai Hind’, ‘Kill the British’ were raised. The rebellion put Bombay in unrest and the British rule in peril. So intense was the anger against the British, and so rapid and widespread was the rebellion, that it took months before peace and sanity could return to the city.

The strike was a spontaneous uprising without an appointed leader. Driven by the idea of freedom they had merely reacted as a group denied even the basic human rights. Yet, what they did collectively was an act of supreme courage and sacrifice. The strike was a historic event in the life of the nation. For the first time, the blood of the men in the services and the people flowed together for a common cause.

This Independence Day, let us celebrate these young unsung heroes of the Navy who had the nerve to rebel, who dauntless-ly stood up for the idea of dignity and freedom, who became an eternal part of Indian history for their grit and valour. De-spite the fact that even Indian leaders were divided on the rebellion, The Navy must be credited for the momentous rebellion that throttled the stronghold of the British on India.

– Shreeya Bhattad XI Commerce

Page 3: NVS ECHO - Nath Valley School

Abrogation of Article 370


• ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT- The situation in Kashmir will get way better now. It is a win-win situation for both,

Indians and Kashmiris because Indians can now buy land in Kashmir and make investments in the same. This will

cause an upsurge in the land prices in Kashmir and the locals will benefit while leasing or selling this land. Compa-

nies will make different investments in Kashmir.

Education opportunities will increase when Indian students get scholarships in Kashmiri schools and universities.

People can get government jobs.

• MORE JOBS = LESS TERRORISM- This economic development will lead to more creation of jobs which will re-

sult in the reduction of crime and terrorism.

• BENEFITS UNDER INDIAN LAWS- People of Kashmir can now come under Indian laws and can take benefit of

laws such as the Right to Education, Right to Information, etc.

• GOOD FOR KASHMIRI PANDITS- the Kashmiri pandits that had to run and settle in places away from Kashmir

can now finally go back and settle in Kashmir.

• PSYCHOLOGICAL IMPACT- This will cause a psychological im-

pact on the people of Kashmir. The fact that Kashmir and India now

have ONE constitution and ONE flag will result in Kashmiris feel-

ing more integrated with India.



not asked before making this decision, thousands of troops were

sent to Kashmir, Internet and landlines were switched off, Kashmiri

politicians were under house arrest, people were locked inside their

houses and behind the backs of the entire population of Kashmir,

this decision was made.

• FASCIST AND UNDEMOCRATIC- It is an illegal occupation and can be compared to fascism. Army troops were

sent in and without asking anyone the decision was imposed unto Kashmir.

Dissolving the State Assembly of Kashmir, imposing Presidential rule, not holding new elections for the state

assembly and then taking this major step was nothing less than a dictatorship. Nobody is listening to the people of

Kashmir or the democratically elected politicians of Kashmir.

• UNCONSTITUTIONAL- The government found a loophole in the system and simply exploited it. The clause in the

constitution stated that Article 370 can be abolished on the dual consent of the President and the State Assembly. Be-

cause a state Assembly didn't exist in Kashmir, the government turned this to their favour and abolished article 370

because they knew that with an existing state assembly, they would never have been able to do so.

– Kunal Thorat X B


1. India controls the highest battlefield in the world, the Siachen glacier, at 5000 metres above Mean Sea Level (MSL).

2. Indian soldiers are considered among the very best in high alti-tude and mountain warfare.

3. India covertly tested its nuclear arsenal in the early 1970s and late 1990s without the CIA even knowing what was happening.

4. Unlike other government organizations and institutions in India, there are no provisions for reservations based on caste or religion.

5. The Indian army has a horsed cavalry regiment. It is among one of the last 3 such regiments in the world. The Indian Air Force has an out-station base in Tajikistan and is seeking another in Af-ghanistan.

6. The Indo Pakistan War of 1971 came to end with the surrender of about 93,000 combatants and officials of the Pakistani Army.

– Parth Navandar XA

Page 4: NVS ECHO - Nath Valley School


He went where others did not want to go, and did what others

failed to do.

He has seen the face of terror, felt the stinging cold of fear.

He is the epitome of fortitude, to whom we should express

our gratitude.

He has to make the toughest choice, between his heart’s and

mind’s voice.

He suffers a night full of tears, with complicated doubts and

family fears.

For him, his country is his only religion and winning the

battle, his only vision.

– Megha Magadum XD


Send us your captions at [email protected]

Previous issue’s captions..

1. It is not the teams with the

best players that wins , but the

players with the best teams.

Shravani Rajurkar IXB

2. Rohit Sharma 45’ing India’s

batting line-up like...

- Hrishikesh Ashtaputre XC

3. Time everything perfectly , like this shot.

- Anushka Kondkar IXB

D n a l r e z t i W S

U A S A l i v n a p E

R G A D n u s l a A C

A D M A r u s s i A U

G D C k s e c t i O N

S c u H m a r c o s D

M d e c e m b E r E E

G a n d h i n A g A R

D u r a L i h T e m A

M v a r i n g A t E B

T a n h i r a S n i A

F l s v u k c f o g D

1. What is the commando unit of the Indian air force called ?

2. Headquarters of south western air

command is located in ______.

3. Indian army’s Counter insurgency

school is situated in ______.

4. India’s first indigenously devel-

oped nuclear submarine is ______.

5. College of defence management is

located in______.

6. From which country did India

purchase the Pilatus pc-7 ?

7. Where is the Indian national de-

fence university being set up ?

8. In which month is the navy day

celebrated in India ?

9. Special force unit of Indian navy

10. India’s top supplier of arms and ammunition

-Avasyu Pangarkar IXA


PC- Harsh Surana and Sarvesh Bardapurkar , X B

Few words about the Indian Soldiers By Primary.

1. Warriors are not born , they are made by the Indian army.

- Ashita Trivedi IVC

2. Our flag doesn’t fly because of the wind, it flies with the last breath of each soldier who died protecting it.

- Jitisha IVC

3.For them, death is lighter than a feather and duty is heavier than a mountain.

- Anushka Malani VC

4. You are the Shaan and Abhimaan of our country !

Page 5: NVS ECHO - Nath Valley School