Nur2731 3rd Semester Final Review

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Nur2731 3rd Semester Final Review

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FINAL REVIEWby LELIA DURAN-MORA1Isotonic fluid- stays where I put it Close to ECF

Cells dont shrink or swell



D5W infuses as isotonic but disperses into a hypotonic solutionUsed primarily to correct hypernatremia

Isotonic fluids2Hypotonic fluids- moves OUT of the vessel

Used to replace cellular fluid

Overuse can lead to intravascular depletion, hypotension, cellular edema, cell damage


Hypotonic fluids3Hypertonic-Enters the vesselShifts from the intracellular to the extracellular

Causes cells to shrink

If administered too quickly or in large volumes can cause circulatory overload & dehydration

Administer slowly & cautiously

3% NS

Hypertonic fluids4Hypovolemia-abnormal fluid loss-water & electrolyte loss proportionalVomitingDiarrheaGI suctioningSweatingDecrease PO intakeFluid ShiftsAcitesBurnsDIAdrenal insufficiencyOsmotic diuresisHemorrhageComa

Fluid Volume Deficit-Hypovolemia5Fluid Volume Deficit Signs & Symptomsrapid weight loss

decreased skin turgor


concentrated urine

postural hypotension

rapid weak pulse

decreased temperature, cool clammy skin due to vasoconstriction



muscle weakness


6Provide oral fluids Oral care, non-irritating fluids

IV solutions-isotonic fluids

I&O, weight, VS, CVP, LOC,

Assess breath sounds

Monitor urine output 30ml/hr

Assess skin turgor & color

Assess urine concentration

Identify at risk patients

Assess nausea, diarrhea, or other cause & treatAntiemeticAntidiarrheal

Provide skin care/repositionManagement of Fluid Volume Deficit7Hypervolemia

Fluid overload or diminished homeostatic mechanismsheart failurerenal failurecirrhosis of liverexcessive dietary sodium or sodium-containing IV solutions

Diagnostic FindingsDecreased BUN & HCT (dilution)CXR- pulmonary congestionFluid Volume Excess-Hypervolemia8Signs & SymptomsEdema


Adventitious breath sounds

Elevated HR & BP

Increased pulse pressure

Increased CVP

Increased weight

Increased UOP

SOBFluid Volume Excess - Nursing Management I&O and daily weight

Assess lung sounds, edema

monitor responses to medications- diuretics

Promote adherence to fluid restrictions

patient teaching related to sodium and fluid restrictionsMonitor, avoid sources of excessive sodium, including medications

Promote rest

Semi-Fowlers position for orthopnea

Skin care, positioning/turning

10Sodium: hyponatremia, hypernatremia

Potassium: hypokalemia, hyperkalemia

Calcium: hypocalcemia, hypercalcemia

Magnesium: hypomagnesemia, hypermagnesemia

Phosphorus: hypophosphatemia, hyperphosphatemia

Chloride: hypochloremia, hyperchloremia

Electrolyte Imbalances11Hyponatremia Serum sodium less than 135 mEq/L

Causes: adrenal insufficiencywater intoxicationSIADHlosses by vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, diuretics

Signs & Symptoms: poor skin turgordry mucosaheadachedecreased salivationdecreased BPNauseaabdominal crampingSigns & Symptoms (Cont)Neurological changesCerebral edemaSeizures, muscle twitchingConfusion

Medical management: water restriction sodium replacement

Nursing management:assessment and preventiondietary sodium and fluid intake identify and monitor at-risk patientseffects of medications (diuretics, lithium)

12HypernatremiaSerum sodium greater than 145mEq/L

Causes:Excess water lossExcess sodium administrationDiabetes InsipidusHeat stroke

Signs & Symptoms: ThirstElevated temp, HR, & BPDry, swollen tongueSticky mucosaConfusion/restlessness/irritabilitySeizure activityNote: thirst may be impaired in elderly or the ill

Medical management: hypotonic electrolyte solution or D5W

Nursing management: assessment and preventionassess for OTC sources of sodiumoffer and encourage fluids to meet patient needsprovide sufficient water with tube feedings

13HypokalemiaBelow-normal serum potassium (