November 2014 The Bulletin this year is being generously underwritten by Margie and Larry Kirsch Brighten the holidays for the less fortunate in our community by donating a gift to our WK $QQXDO 0LW]YDK 0HQRUDK WK $QQXDO 0LW]YDK 0HQRUDK WK $QQXDO 0LW]YDK 0HQRUDK WK $QQXDO 0LW]YDK 0HQRUDK Sponsored by Sisterhood and the Reyut and Social Action Committees. Our annual Mitzvah Menorah will be displayed from November 28th - December 21st, in the Temple lobby. Please stop by and select a “candle” that represents an item in need. Items should be returned to Temple by noon on December 21st unwrapped, with the “candle” attached. The donation box is located in the Temple lobby for your convenience. %LVKRS 6FKDUIHQEHUJHU %LVKRS 6FKDUIHQEHUJHU %LVKRS 6FKDUIHQEHUJHU %LVKRS 6FKDUIHQEHUJHU Friday, November 14th 5:30 p.m. Service 6:15 p.m. Dinner 7 p.m. Program to welcome Bishop Scharfenberger followed by an Oneg Shabbat OPEN TO THE COMMUNITY This evening is being sponsored by the Martin I. Silverman Interreligious Fund and the Bernice & Howard Kahn Family Foundation 8QLRQ 7KDQNVJLYLQJ 6HUYLFH 8QLRQ 7KDQNVJLYLQJ 6HUYLFH 8QLRQ 7KDQNVJLYLQJ 6HUYLFH 8QLRQ 7KDQNVJLYLQJ 6HUYLFH Tuesday, November 25th 7:30 p.m. WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 262 State Street, Albany Please join us as we celebrate the 90 th birthday of Norman Paul, who served as our Executive Director for 32 years. Friday, November 21st Services at 5:30 p.m., Oneg to follow *UXEHU·V -RXUQH\ *UXEHU·V -RXUQH\ *UXEHU·V -RXUQH\ *UXEHU·V -RXUQH\ Saturday, November 1 at 6:30 p.m. (see enclosed flyer) 1LFN\V )DPLO\ 1LFN\V )DPLO\ 1LFN\V )DPLO\ 1LFN\V )DPLO\ Nicky's Family tells the nearly forgotten story of Nicholas Winton, an Englishman who organized the rescue of 669 Czech and Slovak children just before the outbreak of World War II. Sunday, November 9 at 1 p.m. (see enclosed flyer)

November 2014 for web - Congregation Beth Emeth€¦ · Ari Epstein and Karimeh (Rima) Shamieh Felice and Robert Freeman ... Volume LVIII, No. IV 3UHVLGHQW·V 3HUVSHFWLYH Don’t

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November 2014 The Bulletin this year is being generously underwritten by

Margie and Larry Kirsch

Brighten the holidays for the less fortunate in our community by donating a gift to our

Sponsored by Sisterhood and the Reyut and Social Action Committees.

Our annual Mitzvah Menorah will be displayed from November 28th - December 21st, in the Temple lobby. Please stop by and select a “candle”

that represents an item in need. Items should be returned to Temple by noon on December 21st unwrapped, with the “candle” attached.

The donation box is located in the Temple lobby for your convenience.

Friday, November 14th

5:30 p.m. Service 6:15 p.m. Dinner

7 p.m. Program to welcome Bishop Scharfenberger

followed by an Oneg Shabbat OPEN TO THE COMMUNITY

This evening is being sponsored by the

Martin I. Silverman Interreligious Fund and the Bernice & Howard Kahn Family Foundation

Tuesday, November 25th 7:30 p.m.


Please join us as we celebrate the 90th birthday of Norman Paul, who served as our Executive Director for 32 years.

Friday, November 21st Services at 5:30 p.m., Oneg to follow

Saturday, November 1 at 6:30 p.m. (see enclosed flyer)

Nicky's Family tells the nearly forgotten story of Nicholas Winton, an Englishman who organized the rescue of 669 Czech and Slovak children just before

the outbreak of World War II. Sunday, November 9 at 1 p.m.

(see enclosed flyer)

Change is inevitable and usually a good thing. In 1973 when I graduated from the Hebrew Union College we were still speaking of and to God with words like “Thee”, “Thou” and “Thine”. Gates of Prayer was beginning to supplant the Union Prayerbook, modernizing the language of prayer as well as adding a substantial amount of Hebrew to the liturgy. However, God remained clearly male.

In 1976, give or take a year, I got myself into BIG trouble. I was called into the office of the senior rabbi. He was a kindly gentleman so I was shocked when he said to me in anger, “HOW DARE YOU?” What had I done? Well…I allowed members of the youth group to CHANT the Torah blessings during a youth group service. Classical Reform Judaism was at that time in full flower, and it was made abundantly clear to me that chanting was something for the shul, not the temple.

We are taught that “reform” is a verb, ever changing and responding to the needs of the day. Interestingly enough, there was a time not too long ago when Reform Judaism seemed to possess its own brand of orthodoxy. Over the years, change in the music of our movement has been profound. The soundtrack of classical Reform Judaism was always classical music. Picture a typical Friday night in any major Reform temple. The organ was played exclusively and a professional choir of four or eight voices was typically present. Happily, in increasing numbers, cantors were reintegrated into the scene, once again sharing the bima with the rabbi. In case you weren’t there to experience it for yourself, just imagine Rosh Hashanah every Friday night. This repertoire was created by brilliant composers and, when executed properly, the music was often magnificent, uplifting and inspirational. On the other hand…it was most often not warm, welcoming and certainly not participatory. This clash of values caused a good deal of angst. Very talented song writers began to settle the issue creating beautiful melodies that could be appreciated without the learning curve so often necessary when dealing with classical music. Whether the style of music is classical or popular, the role and responsibility of the cantor remains the same: to ensure that the music under-scores and enhances the meaning of the text and that his or her vocal abilities are used to the same end. One change in our music, which I embrace whole-heartedly, is the growing importance of the Beth Emeth Chorale to the musical life of our temple. Singing with the professional choir on Rosh Hashanah, enhancing this year’s beautiful new healing service on Yom Kippur, performing with our religious school choir at Chanukah and often at First Friday services, their participation is always appreciated. The role of the Beth Emeth Chorale has continued to expand and I am very grateful to every member of our choir for their time, talent and dedication. I hope you will consider joining us and becoming part of this special musical family.

Harmoniously yours, Cantor Glenn Groper

We welcome to the Beth Emeth Family: Laura Alpert and Peter Perry

Ari Epstein and Karimeh (Rima) Shamieh Felice and Robert Freeman Victoria and Jed Goldberg

Elizabeth Greenberg and Matthew Klein and Nathaniel Greenberg

David Marinstein Melanie, Brion, Ezra and Willa Winston

We also welcome back to our Beth Emeth Family: Richard and Jan Medved

Sandra Patack Colette and Jack Shamoun

New Members

Beth Emeth wishes to congratulate the following on their Special November Birthdays:


Special Birthdays and Anniversaries

Sara Berg Anatoliy Berin Virginia Camerman Florence Cohn Bunny deBeer Evan Feinman Ron Greenberg

Amy Hoffman Leah Matin Norman Paul Carol Rosenthal Mollie Shulan Debbie Sokoler Suellen Stuart

Congratulations to...

Julie and Ken Lasky - 25 years Robyn and Ed Marinstein - 25 years

Laurie and Mike Pferr - 25 years Harriet and Fred Ackerman - 30 years

Susan and Daniel Chura - 40 years Beth and Andy Swartz - 40 years

Beth Emeth wishes to congratulate the following on their Special November Wedding Anniversaries:

Jill Goodman, our immediate Past President, for being nominated to serve on the URJ National Board, joining now a venerable group of Beth Emeth leaders who over the years have served on our Reform Movement's national governing body. Jill will be formally elected to the URJ National Board at their next meeting in San Antonio in December.

Harold Iselin on being honored by the March of Dimes for his accomplishments as an advocate on behalf of Mothers and Babies at the New York State Capitol this past decade.

Tillie Hausler Mother of Bette (Stephen) Stracher

Irving Hyman Father of Myles (Hope) Hyman

Beth Emeth extends sympathy to those in our congregation who have lost a loved one

In Memoriam

HopeClub Lunch - Thursday, November 20, 10 a.m. at HopeClub - 1 Penny Ln, Latham. The American Cancer Society HopeClub is a support community for anyone whose life has been touched by cancer. Volunteers will prepare and have lunch with those affected by cancer and their families.

On Dec. 1 and 7 there will be training offered by Federation on how to become a Chaplaincy Volunteer by bringing the Jewish Community to a nursing home or assisted living facility. Contact Rabbi Bev Magidson at 783-7800 for info.

In Our Community

Bulletin Deadline All articles for the December Bulletin

should be submitted by November 10th.

As I thought about this month’s column, I realized that much of what I wanted to share was in my Rosh Hashanah remarks, an abridged version of which follows. I hope you will take a few moments to share your reaction with me and other board members

L’shanah Tovah. This is my first opportu-nity since becoming president to greet many of you. It is nice to see so many people who I have come to know over the past 28 years since I moved to Albany. It is hard to believe that at one time I was a stranger in this congregation. Thank you for making me feel at home. My hope is that we, as a community, can do this for everyone who walks through our doors.

As I look back on my early years in Albany, I realize that I was fortunate to have family here who introduced me to people, invited me over for Shabbat dinners and included me in the Jewish holiday meals. Though it was hard to move to a new community, having a family made it easy for me to transition into my new life in Albany and at Beth Emeth. I did not have a chance to feel lost.

I am not sure what type of experience you have had. But I do know that, for some, finding a Jewish home at Beth Emeth has been easy and for others it has been hard. Unfortunately, we sometimes find out about those who have had a difficult time when it is too late. By that time, they have decided to leave. We missed our chance. But it forces us to ask: What can we do to help our congregants become more engaged and connected?

The first thing the board, clergy and staff have done is to make this our top priority. From speaking with you, we know that people engage in temple life for many different reasons: worship, education, social activities and life cycle events. We also know that the reason people stay and feel fulfilled is because of the relationships they make. But what we don’t know – and what we need to know – is to what degree your interactions with Beth Emeth are meaningful to you. Are we connecting with you in a way that deepens your commitment to Beth Emeth and encourages you to become more involved? Though we do not yet know the answers to these questions, we want to make sure that our members feel connected to Beth Emeth.

We want every interaction that you have with Beth Emeth to make you want to come back for more. Whether you are a B’nai Mitzvah student, an empty nester, a senior citizen, or a family new to Beth Emeth, we will seek to engage you on a deeper level. We are just beginning this process. Not only will we figure out how to learn from you, we will measure how we are doing.

My personal commitment and the board’s commitment is to make your experience as fulfilling as it can be – filled with a sense of community and support.

Lauren Iselin 475-0383, [email protected]


Congregation Beth Emeth Bulletin November 2014 - 5775

Published monthly except August Congregation Beth Emeth

100 Academy Road, Albany, New York 12208 Volume LVIII, No. IV

Don’t forget to join us for ROSH CHODESH on Saturday, November 22 at 11 a.m. in the Larner Library. We will celebrate, share, learn and discuss the month of Kislev. Please RSVP to [email protected]. Visit BethEmethAlbany.org for more

information. Hope you can join us and bring a friend!

Shabbat Lech L’cha (Genesis 12:1-17:27)

Friday Evening, October 31 at 5:30 p.m.

Saturday Morning, November 1 Torah Study in the Larner Library at 9:30 a.m. Bat Mitzvah of Regan Oberting at 10:45 a.m.

Shabbat Vayeira

First Friday / Shabbat Alive Celebrating November Birthdays

(Genesis 18:1-22:24) Friday Evening, November 7

Pot Luck Dinner at 5:45 p.m. Service at 6:30 p.m.

Saturday Morning, November 8 Torah Study in the Larner Library at 9:30 a.m.

Shabbat Chayei Sarah (Genesis 23:1-25:18)

Dinner and Conversation with Bishop Scharfenberger Friday Evening, November 14

Service at 5:30 p.m. Dinner at 6:15 p.m. Program at 7 p.m.

Saturday Morning, November 15 Torah Study in the Larner Library at 9:30 a.m.

Shabbat Shalom Yeladim at 11 a.m.

Shabbat Tol’dot (Genesis 25:19-28:9)

Friday Evening, November 21 Service at 5:30 p.m.

Saturday Morning, November 22 Torah Study in the Larner Library at 9:30 a.m.

Shabbat Vayeitzei

(Genesis 28:10-32:3) Friday Evening, November 28

Service at 5:30 p.m.

Saturday Morning, November 29 Torah Study in the Larner Library at 9:30 a.m.


Can’t come to Shabbat services? Go to www.BethEmethAlbany.org and click on the purple ‘Worship’ tab on the top. When you see the

screen you click an the arrow to begin watching. You can go to our on-line archive to see a service you missed !

To underwrite live-streaming for a week, a month, or more contact Kathy Golderman at 436-9761 x 225.

ARE YOU CELEBRATING A SIMCHA at SERVICES? Baby Naming Wedding Blessing Special Anniversary Bar/Bat Mitzvah Special Birthday Graduation

Consider sponsoring an Oneg Shabbat! (light refreshments immediately following services on

Friday night) Interested? Contact Kathy Golderman at 436-9761 x225 or [email protected]

Thank you JAN REISS-WEITZMAN for once again, generously providing for the lovely mums

at the front entrance.

Sisterhood’s Chapter One Book Club

Read All About It! A letter from a husband that is not meant to be read, a

twelve year old that is inordinately interested in death and passionate about poisons, the underworld of art and the story of Anne Morrow all will surely engage our book club attendees this fall and winter. We welcome new members at any time. Our next meeting will be held on November 20, 2014 in the Larner Library at 6:45 p.m. The book selection for this meeting will be The Husband’s Secret by Liane Moriarty. Visit the Beth Emeth Website / Sisterhood to view the list of books and dates of our future meetings. Contact Nancy Lozman at [email protected] with any questions.

As you read this message, the days are growing shorter and cooler, the leaves have begun to fall and our thoughts often turn to hibernation! Fear not...Congregation Beth Emeth Sisterhood has so many activities and programs to get you up and out that you’ll never feel trapped by cold.

This November, why not join our Knit & Nosh group Monday nights and perhaps work on a baby blanket for our Mary’s Corner Blanket Project? If you have some time on a Sunday morning and have never tried Mah Jongg, our classes begin November 9th and are great fun. Feeling physically ambitious, try Yoga with our own Rabbi Shpeen, Sunday, November 16th! Looking even farther ahead is our joint Brotherhood/Sisterhood Membership Brunch on December 7th, this year featuring a multimedia keynote presentation by Charlotte Bonelli, Director of the American Jewish Committee Archives and author of Exit Berlin.

This is just a small taste of the many activities and projects that Beth Emeth Sisterhood has to offer. We are looking forward to seeing all of our wonderful members and if you have not yet joined Sisterhood, we invite you to join us for any and all of our great activities and programs. Please refer to the Temple website for a complete listing of what we have to offer. With your membership, we are indeed one woman stronger!

With warmest regards, Lisa Finkle and Robyn Marinstein


Sisterhood members and their families and friends volunteer at the Soup Kitchen on the third Sunday of

each month from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Please join us! Contact Jane Sanders to choose a

date at 281-0991 or [email protected].

CBEYG is off to a great start this year. After our first few meetings, very successful Yom Kippur service, and awesome Apple Overnight, it's already easy to see that this year will be one of our best. We are looking forward to more great programs, including NFTY’s Fall Conclavette in November and our annual retreat to Camp Eisner in Decem-ber. We are still accepting new members, and any Jewish teen is welcome to come see how much fun we have every week!

Gabbi Schaffer, Executive Vice President

Thank you to the following people who contributed to this year's Rosh Hashanah reception: Nancy Allen, Isabel Armour-Garb, Merideth Bastiani, Margot Bernhardt, Patti Boochever, Elaine Burrick, Jennifer Colman, Dave Cooper, Joy Davidoff, Margie and Rob Dorkin, Karen Fein, Leslie Feinman, Lauren Finkle, Lisa Finkle, Roberta Fox, Pat Friedman, Cheryl Gelder-Kogan, Rose Golden, Jill Goodman, Karol Gordon, Marion Greenberg, Melissa Greenberg, Micki Groper, Susan Hager, Diane Harrison, Ellie Hess, Marcia Horelick, Hope Hyman, Lauren Iselin, Karen Kaufman-White, Jacqueline Kessler, Natasha Khaitov, Margie Kirsch, Sandra Kletter, Julie Koenig, Cecile Kowalski, Emma Kranich, Nancy Lerner, Lee Lieberman, Heather Linsk, Nancy Lozman, Lisa Mendel, Marc Nash, Myra Nathan, Caryl Newhof, Marlene Pressman, Amy Price, Ellen Reohr, Erica Razek and Dexter Doris, Alexandra Richer, Jessica Richer, Katherine Rosenblatt, Lisa Roth, Pat Ruben-stein, Ellen Safranko, Julie Safranko, Judith Saidel, Bobbi Salisch, Jane Sanders, Linda Schechter, Meryl Schwalb, Ellie Shpiz, Cookie Siegel, Nancy Simon, Doreen Smith, Robin Sobol, Harriet Spector, Jacki Stein, Katherine Sternbach, Jennifer Steuer, Valerie Strauss, Ilene Sykes, Sally Tillman, Sheri Townsend, Cynthia Urbach, Toby Wander, Sheryl Wel-ton, Melanie Schoen Winston, Kathryn Yezzi, Deborah Zamer, Sandi Zarch, and Barbara Zaron.

A special thank you to our coordinators Hope Hyman and Abby Nash.

Few Americans ever speak their mind to a policy maker in Congress. Yet, our teens can do just that through the L’Taken teen social justice seminar in Washington, D.C.

I’ll be leading a Beth Emeth delegation to the nation’s capitol for an extended weekend, February 27 to March 2, for learning, friendship, advocacy and more with more than 200 teens from Reform congregations across the United States. Participants will study the issues in a fun way, and prepare and deliver remarks on issues important to them, in the offices of our congressional representatives. We’ll also visit museums and other attractions and have a great time.

Last year’s L’Taken group said: The experience of learning to lobby and presenting issues

that I care about was important to me and I am glad I had the chance for this amazing experience.

Jessica Cronin

I asked for the protection of the rights of people with disabilities in developing countries. The Congressman’s staff member really listened to us and cared about what we had to say and promised to relay this information to the Congressman.

Emily Eagleton

To go and lobby in front of senators about a topic that I’m passionate about, notably stem cell research, is a once in a lifetime opportunity, which I knew that I couldn’t pass it up.

Mallory Epstein

I found connections from Judaism, no matter how old, to present-day issues that affect our lives. It takes the will of one person to start change, and I would say that that is a lesson that I will keep in my mind as I continue in life. L’Taken showed me that I can be the person that starts the change.

Katie Gonick L’Shalom,

Rabbi Dennis Ross

I had written in a prior article about the importance of counting our blessings. Well – this month I’m going to count all of the wonderful people who have helped us during our High Holy Days and Fall festivals. THANK YOU to my wonderful High Holy Day team – Julie Levin, Melissa Greenberg and Melissa Gold who give up going to services to run this incredible program. Then THANK YOU to our wonderful adult volunteers and teen aides who provide our children with meaningful and fun mornings. THANK YOU to Brotherhoood for building our Sukkah (and providing yummy bagels!). Finally, a HUGE THANK YOU to Salia Galitz, our “Sukkah Lady,” who for years has been providing our Sukkah with the most amazing decorations. She makes them all herself and then spent hours getting them ready so our next set of wonderful volunteers were able to put them up. We are truly blessed at Beth Emeth to have so many people wanting to help in whatever way they can. They make all of our lives that much better and truly help us start this year off in such a sweet way. TODAH RABAH!!

B’ Shalom Debbie Sokoler

Holiday Toolbox SHABBAT SHALOM YELADIM Saturday, November 15 at 11:00 a.m. Join Micki Groper for a celebration of

Torah through storytelling, music, crafts and of course, a nosh! November’s theme is Thanksgiving and Mitzvot and we will be making a Thanksgiving Centerpiece! Our program is free and open to the community. Please RSVP to Debbie Sokoler – [email protected]

MAZEL TOTS IS OPEN! Join teacher, Jen Steuer at our drop-in program located at

The Parenting Center. Come with your preschooler between 9:30 – Noon on Sundays; enjoy a bagel and a cup of coffee. The room is filled with age-appropriate toys and Jen will have a craft project ready to do! This month’s dates are: Nov. 2, 9, 16.

Please note that the Parenting Center Room is available for families to use during Saturday morning Services. Please, no children without an adult.

LUNCH & LEARN with Rabbi Ross (see enclosed flyer)

Wednesdays at Noon – you bring your lunch; coffee/tea and dessert is on us!

DELI & MOVIE NIGHT (see enclosed flyer) “Gruber’s Journey” Saturday, November 1~ 6:30 p.m.

FELTING FOR CHANUKAH (see enclosed flyer) Thursday, November 6 from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.

FIRST FRIDAY AT BETH EMETH (see enclosed flyer) Come celebrate November Birthdays ~ Friday, November 7 ~

Pot Luck Dinner at 5:45 p.m.; Services at 6:30 p.m.

LUNCH & FILM “NICKY’S FAMILY” + Speaker (see enclosed flyer)

Sunday, November 9 ~ Pizza at Noon; Film at 1:00 p.m. This program is recommended for students, grade 5 and

older + adults of all ages.


Friday, November 14 ~ Service at 5:30 p.m., Dinner at 6:15 p.m., Program at 7:00 p.m.


AMERICA & ISRAEL: THE WAY FORWARD Thursday, December 4, 2014 at 8:15 p.m. Join Dalia Rabin, the former Israeli Deputy Minister of

Defense and current chairperson of the Yitzhak Rabin Center, and Ambassador Dennis Ross, who played a leading role in shaping US involvement in the Middle East peace process, for an enlightening discussion on the future of Israel.

Please join us CBE at Capital Rep

December 6th The Secret Garden, with dinner at Yono’s

(see flyer for more details)


The Temple office mails acknowledgement letters to individuals who have made contributions of $100 or more. Notification cards are mailed to all recipients, and will appear in the Bulletin shortly thereafter.

Rabbi Shpeen’s Discretionary Fund in appreciation Stephany and Jonathan Bass Claudia and Joel Burtman Renee and Evan Feinman Beatrice Glucksman Stuart Lipsitz Rabbi Shpeen’s Discretionary Fund speedy and healthy recovery to Bonnie and Stuart Rosenberg Eric Yaffee Rabbi Shpeen’s Discretionary Fund in honor of Gloria and Alan Arnold birth of 1st great granddaughter, Emmy Marsh Carole and Stuart Cohen special birthday of Harris Sitrin Mim and Don Sommers 60th anniversary of Dona and Harvey Stulmaker Rona, Michael and Melissa Wilker special birthday of Marilyn Silverman Rabbi Shpeen’s Discretionary Fund in memory of Maria and Bob Kaplan Roslyn Kaplan Mim and Don Sommers Jenny Rachel Chuckrow Sandi Zarch Nancy Gertzberg Rabbi Shpeen’s Distinguished Artist Fund in appreciation Marilyn and Ron Silverman Rabbi Shpeen’s Distinguished Artist Fund in honor of Marilyn and Ron Silverman special birthday of Sylvia Kessler Cantor Groper’s Discretionary Fund in appreciation of Janis and Martin Engelstein the High Holy Days music and singing Ellen Herkowitz Judaica Art Fund in honor of June and Jack Barach marriage of Morgan Fluster and Ross Stanton June and Jack Barach graduation of Zachary Barach from SUNYA June and Jack Barach induction of Caryl Newhof into the Smith College Pioneers Hall of Fame June and Jack Barach 35th anniversary of Sherry and Marvin Freedman June and Jack Barach 60th anniversary of Barbara and Jason Baker Ellen Herkowitz Judaica Art Fund in memory of June and Jack Barach Linda Zuckerman Food Pantry/Soup Kitchen Fund contribution Bert Weinberg

Food Pantry/Soup Kitchen Fund in honor of Nancy and Frank Allen speedy recovery to Laura Kagan Nancy and Frank Allen birthday of Jim Wright Fran and Dave Dembling and Family speedy recovery of Joan Goldstein Carol and David Grand Caryl Newhof being inducted into the Smith College Pioneers Hall of Fame Renee and Evan Feinman speedy and healthy recovery to Eric Yaffee Renee and Evan Feinman speedy and healthy recovery to Steve Einhorn Renee and Evan Feinman good health to Steve Safranko Sherry and Marvin Freedman special birthday of Harris Sitrin Ida Kay birth of first granddaughter, Everly Reed Simon to Nancy and Barry Simon Pamela Leffler special birthday of Harris Sitrin Marlene and Howard Pressman full recovery to Laura Kagan Nancy and Eric Yaffee happy, healthy and sweet New Year to Anne and Michael Marmulstein Fund for Development in honor of Stephen Gonick Leslie Newman and Mark Rosen Fund for Jewish Education in appreciation of Laura Kagan Kathy Golderman, Steve Squires and Rabbi Scott Shpeen Fund for Jewish Education in honor of Laura and Richard Kagan special anniversary of Sherry and Marvin Freedman Fund for Jewish Education in memory of Bernard, Diane, Jennifer and Brian Kern Mollie Brightman Kern Gail Caplan Memorial Religious School Fund in memory of Lovey Schweid and Marlene Block Florence Selman General Fund in honor of Jane Loeb birth of granddaughter to Janet Axelrod Jill Goodman and Artie Malkin naming of Nathan Hager, grandson of Susan and Tom Hager Jill Goodman and Artie Malkin birth of Everly Reed Simon, granddaughter to Nancy and Barry Simon Jill Goodman and Artie Malkin birth of grandson to Cheryl Gelder Kogan and Barry Kogan Larner Library Fund in honor of Sara Lee and Barry Larner speedy recovery to Eric Yaffee Sara Lee and Barry Larner speedy recovery to Steve Einhorn Reyut/Caring Community in honor of Patricia Snyder continuing recovery to Dorry Kotzin Patricia Snyder good health to Joan Goldstein Patricia Snyder Caryl Newhof being inducted into the Smith College Pioneers Hall of Fame Patricia Snyder special birthday of Marilyn Silverman Patricia Snyder 30th anniversary of Lisa and Bruce Finkle Patricia Snyder 25th anniversary of Laura and Dan Dembling Patricia Snyder 10th anniversary of Moshe and Sara Bonder Sisterhood General Fund in honor of Elaine Burrick speedy recovery to Dorry Kotzin Elaine Burrick speedy recovery Joan Goldstein Fred and Toby Wander speedy recovery to Dorry Kotzin

Contributions to the SISTERHOOD LIMUD CONFIRMATION FUND may be made payable to CBE Sisterhood and sent to: Karen Glaser, 103 Middlesex Court, Slingerlands NY 12159.

A New Fund for Sisterhood… Donations may now be made to the Sisterhood General Fund. The funds donated will be used to enhance Sisterhood special projects and events.

Donations may also be made to the YES fund (Youth Education and Special Projects Fund of the Women of Reform Judaism).

Donations to both of these funds can be made via the website or mailed to: Nancy Lozman, 35 Axbridge Lane, Delmar, New York 12054


Sisterhood YES Fund in honor of CBE Sisterhood speedy recovery to Janice Keegan CBE Sisterhood speedy recovery to Joan Goldstein CBE Sisterhood special birthday of Elizabeth Godfried CBE Sisterhood special birthday of Leah Matin CBE Sisterhood special birthday of Florence Cohn Jan Rubenstein speedy recovery to Joan Goldstein Marilyn and Ron Silverman speedy recovery to Dorry Kotzin Beverly Vener Nancy and Barry Simon on the birth of their granddaughter Beverly Vener Karol and Mike Gordon on the marriage of Seth Tree of Life Fund in honor of Elaine, Robert, David and Evan Freedman birth of first granddaughter, Everly Reed, to Nancy and Barry Simon SAAJCC Board of Directors 50th wedding anniversary of Carol and David Grand

I am dedicating this column to honor and remember my daughter, Rose Pearl Davis. I am writing this exactly two weeks before the tenth anniversary of her death at the tender age of 1 1/2. She will be remem-bered at services on October 31st.

It was the phenomenal support that Beth and I received from the clergy and many members of the Congregation at her birth and throughout her brief life that cemented the strong commitment and love I have for our Congregation.

Social Action and Social Justice (Tikkun Olam) are of central importance to Reform Judaism. The recognition of the spiritual significance of such practice makes chairing the Social Action Committee and creating/recognizing the Social Action Network at our Congregation so meaningful and special to me.

My picture is at the top of the column. I invite you to talk with me anytime you see me at the temple. I am committed to getting to know as many members personally as I can. I want to find out what you care about, especially with regard to making this congregation, community and world a better place for all to live and for our members to worship and play together, participate in social action and advocacy projects together and to grow.

I hope that you took advantage of some of the programs and activities of your Social Action Network over the last couple of months. Remember to vote! Thanks for reading this.

Barry Z. Davis, 518-237-5553, [email protected]

I must admit that I originally had reservations about going on a family trip to Israel several years ago. I was concerned about going with a group tour (we had never done that before), whether my three sons who ranged in age from 11 to 17 would really enjoy and “benefit” from the trip, what the accommodations would be like (not that we are fussy, but still), the cost of the trip, and, of course, our safety. After much deliberation, my wife Sue and I decided it was an important trip to take for our family. And it was one of the best decisions that we ever made.

My family traveled to Israel in February 2009 with Rabbi Shpeen and several families and couples who were members of Congregation Beth Emeth. Our tour provided us with a fantastic itinerary that included stays and visits to Jerusalem, Masada, the Dead Sea, the Jordan Valley, Haifa, the Golan Heights and Tel Aviv. We had the most wonderful tour guide, Nir Ofer, who became a family member to us. His knowledge of historical and current events was incredible. Our accommodations were first class and the meals were delicious. The locations were wonderful to explore with the group and on our own when we had free time. Our “Family Bus” quickly became a meeting place for the adults to compare notes and the kids to hang out while we traveled down nar-row roads - our driver was amazing and kept a watchful eye over us.

As a family and with our group, we had the most amazing time exploring the old city in Jerusalem, including the Jewish Quar-ter, Cardo and David’s Tower. Our visit to the Western Wall and tour of the tunnel under the Wall was unforgettable. My kids par-ticularly enjoyed walking up and down Ben Yehuda Street and noshing on delicious blintzes at the King David Hotel. We had a fas-cinating visit to the Shrine of the Book to see the Dead Sea Scrolls. One of the highlights of our trip to Jerusalem was attending a Bar Mitzvah for Max Burman in the Old City and later that evening celebrating with his family.

Our boys will always remember hiking up Masada (I must admit my wife and I huffed and puffed while our kids ran ahead of us). We all read newspapers while laying on our backs floating in the Dead Sea. Our children enjoyed meeting and playing soccer with the children residing in Neve Michael, a residential school for children from all over Israel who are at risk. Our time spent at Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Museum, was incredibly moving and emotional.

We had a brief but memorable stop in Haifa on our way to a stay on a kibbutz (Hagoshrim) in the Golan Heights that was fun and our hosts were so friendly and the scenery was spectacular (and our shopping spree at the Naot sandal factory store was fun). On our way to Tel Aviv, we had a stunning walk along the waterfront in Caesarea. Our hotel accommodations in Tel Aviv included a five star stay in the David Intercontinental Hotel. We enjoyed the city tour, including our visit to Independence Hall and Old Jaffa.

Most importantly, our "family Blue bus" became a family. We laughed so hard that at times it felt that the bus would roll over. It became a ritual for the adults to sit toward the front of the bus and chat about the trip, while all the kids congregated in the back, either singing songs or telling stories.

In the end, the trip was a great investment in our children’s education, both from a religious and historical point of view. It was a special time that we will always cherish and remember. We continue to share memories of this great experience as a family and with friends we made on the trip.

David Wollner

Beth Emeth Trip to Israel

Experience the trip of a lifetime as Rabbi Shpeen takes you on an extraordinary tour

FEBRUARY 12-22, 2015.


Beth Emeth Shabbat in Florida with Rabbi Shpeen

Saturday, January 24, 11:00 am – Sarasota Hyatt Saturday, January 31, 11:00 am – Boca Renaissance

Invitations forthcoming. If there is anyone that you would like to have added to the list, please

notify Susan Libby at 436-9761 ext. 224 or [email protected]

no later than December 1st.


If you are interested in joining Beth Emeth’s Softball Team champions next season, please

contact Ken Lasky at [email protected].

Stulmaker Anniversary Blessing Hager Baby Blessing 2014-15 Board Consecration

Max, Exec. Chef at the Rescue Mission, with lettuce grown in Diane’s Garden

and harvested by our member volunteers.

From left: Our handy Sukkah Builders; Decorating the Sukkah; The Lurie/ Wander Families leading us in the Sukkah Service.

Post Rosh Hashanah Celebration outside. More photos on back cover.

CBE President, Lauren Iselin with Past President and

Father-In-Law, Alan Iselin.

Help out for an Hour at the Einhorn Center for Jewish Education. Contact: Shara Siegfeld - [email protected]

Enjoy Torah Study for an hour on Saturday mornings at 9:30 a.m. in the Larner Library.

Attend First Friday - Bring a friend or the whole family to a First Friday Pot Luck Dinner!


November is a month most notable for the holiday of Thanksgiving, a time when we show appreciation – for our loved ones, bountiful food, and our comforts. I recently had the opportunity to survey fifteen of our students; I asked each of them, ‘what are you thankful for?’ The answers I received were not the least bit surprising and would likely mirror the an-swers of a similar sampling of adults. Ten of the kids, two thirds of those asked, said that they were thankful for their families, two said their friends, one their dog, one said happiness, and the final one expressed appreciation for his electronic devices. All the kids I asked were surprised by my question and thought about it for a moment. Stopping to appre-ciate does not seem to be a regular activity for us, in our busy lives, which makes it especially important that there is an annual, nationally observed, day of Thanksgiving. However, is one day really enough?

In Judaism, there is a special section of daily prayers called Birkot Hashachar, morning blessings, in which we give thanks to God for a myriad of gifts that we often take for granted. Among the blessing of the Birkot Hashachar, we appreciate: that our soul has returned to us after sleep, that we have the ability to distinguish between night and day, that strength is given to the weary, that strength is granted to Israel, and more. Everyday, we show gratitude for the gifts of life, freedom, and our being.

Daily we appreciate the wonder of God and his gifts. Thanksgiving however, is different. On this, one day, we stop to value the greatness of family and friends, sharing time and wonderful foods together. We are fortunate to have this day set aside to appreciate these gifts in our lives. Happy Thanksgiving and may all your wishbone wishes come true!

Shara Siegfeld, Director of Education

As is our custom, all B’nai Mitzvah participate in

Candle Lighting and Kiddush at services on the Friday evening

prior to their B’nai Mitzvah.

Regan Ashley Oberting, daughter of

Monica and Gregory Oberting, will become a Bat Mitzvah

on November 1.

The opportunity to directly help with something you are passionate about does not always present itself. As treasurer of the Temple I have had a very eye opening experience. I am a direct witness to the overwhelming generosity of our members. In the past decade, and specifically the last few years, the contributions to our endow-ment have been greater than at any time in our long history.

This is no coincidence. This is a direct result of that generosity as our development committee works hard to ensure a sustainable future. Our demographics and those around the country are changing. It seemed clear that, amongst other efforts, it would strengthen our future if Congregation Beth Emeth could fund more of its operating expenses via endowments and underwriting gifts.

I wanted my family to help this effort. My parents, Eileen and Greg Lurie; my aunt and uncle, Toby and Fred Wander and Mel and I decided to set up an endowment to ensure the Sukkah and Sukkot celebration would have the funding it needed in perpetuity. This holiday was always one we enjoyed when I was growing up, as the fall in New York, though too short, is brilliant. The service for the Hebrew School and celebration in Salia's Sukkah is always a highlight for the kids.

It was especially gratifying to celebrate this as a multi- generational, multi-family gift. Opportunities to help your family feel good and help something you are passionate about and help the community are hard to find. Then again - sometimes they are right in front of you.

Mike Lurie, Treasurer

above: Salia Galitz enjoying the Sukkah with students below: 6th graders working Diane’s Garden


Kaddish will be recited for those beloved departed whose names are perpetuated in Permanent Memorials established by their families. We invite your inquires about this thoughtful way of remembrance.

When services are in the Chapel, yahrzeit plaques are located in the alcove to the right of the ark. When services are in the Sanctuary, yahrzeit plaques are placed on the rear brick walls.

Please note: If you wish to have a name included on our Shabbat Kaddish list or have a question about a Perpetual Kaddish name being recited, please call Joan Paley in the Temple office, 436-9761 x222. (Please do not leave a name for the Yahrzeit list on email or voice mail.) When phoning in a name, please do so by the Thursday of the week it is to be read.

Shabbat of November 14-15 Rita Hersh Abrams Mary Anker Aronowitz Bertram M. Aufsesser Moses Ferdinand Aufsesser Myrtle F. Berman Arnold Bloom Myron Bookstein Sidney Buchdahl Helen Levy Cohn Julius Cohn Jacob Doctor Natalie Blum Dorkin Martin Faust David Fisher Teresa Milstein Freedman Amy Goldstein Fuld Larry Glaser Kathryn Goldberg Hannah Blatner Goldsmith Dorothy Luria Goodman

Gustave M. Heart Henry Hirschfeld Lena R. Kessler Julius Laventall Ellison J. Lewis Max Lutsky Sophie Brownstein Pearl Barnett Pickar Robert C. Poskanzer Elsie M. Richter Louis M. Rosenberg Arthur Schwartz Fannie Bach Seiden Ellis Sheber Sadie K. N. Silverman Helen Aufsesser Stein Nona Stern Stein Sidney J. Stein Dr. Arthur C. Swartz Milton M. Tinkle

Shabbat of November 28-29

G. Garfield Barnet E. Martin Blumenthal Ethel Friedman Davidoff Dr. Marcus B. Einhorn Israel Fellman Franklin B. Fuld Harold Gabrilove David Glick Ruby Summer Gold Donald Goldslager Samuel Green Dollie Hoffman Ida Cohen Jasper David M. Kay Harry Kaye Mollie Brightman Kern Leah Koretz

Abraham Larner Daisy Levison Barry Jay Lippman David Muhlfelder Blanch Oppenheim Myers Jacob Olshin Shirley Dembo Raab Gary S. Rice Claire Rosenholtz Ruslander Henry W. Seiden Arnold Spaner Mayer Stern Rosa Mann Stern Mathew Vener Mina Waldman Lillian Weisburgh

Shabbat of November 21-22 Morris Abraham Murray Auerbach Shirley Basch Jeanne L. Berger Benjamin Victor Berinstein Albert Bernstein Louis W. Bookheim Blanche Brown Florence Fallek Fanny Freedman Bernard Friedman Sarah Fulder Hannah Gertzberg Joseph Getz Raymond Harris

Felix Hartheimer William H. Klugman Emma Kulerman Rose London Nathan Myers Bertram Nirenberg Margi I. Passman Dr. William Schreiber Judith Shpeen Susan Shpeen David Silberman Dr. Emanuel Simon Florence Olim Simon Lucille Mock Stein Theresa Katz Weil

Shabbat November 7-8 Mickey Zarch Bergman Celia Spector Berk Lillian Mann Blair Etta Hegleman Bolz Aaron Brilleman Sarah Gordon Buchman Tessie Prager Cohn M. Michel Dobris Mildred Efron Jane M. Elitzer Harold Feigenbaum Pauline Gabrilove Michael Greenberg Babette Handler David Herbst Rose O. Herkowitz Mildred Kahn Horowitz Dr. David L. Kaskel Joseph Katz Ruth Marion Katz

Julius Leefson Hilda Leff Sylvan Leff Charles Marcus Dr. Jack A. Morrison Grace Barnet Muhlfelder Sidney R. Nathan Settie Newman Joseph Nusbaum Mamye Newhof Peck Susan Halpern Pfeffer Leah Pais Sacks Samuel Schecter Esther S. Simon Newman Spector Cora K. Swartz Gerson Tabak Dr. Lothar Wirth Mary C. Wolk


Thank you to our additional Yom Kippur Appeal Donors listed below, as of press-time (October 10). You are still welcome to join the Yom Kippur Appeal. An updated donor list will appear in the next bulletin.

Howard and Phyllis Berk Arthur and Margot Bernhardt Sheila Hytken Bialkin and Blair Brodar Joseph and Susan Bierman Jay and Naomi Bloomfield Dwight and Nancy Boone Bernice Braimen Shirley W. Brand Lyle and Joan Brundage Mark and Marjorie Burgasser Richard Burstein Joel and Claudia Burtman Gerald and Marcia Chaifetz Erik and Cathy Cooley Joy Davidoff and Jim Finale Barry and Beth Davis Robert and Marjorie Dorkin Jan and Lois Dorman Eitan and Malka Evan Steven and Karen Fein Barry and Leslie Feinman Steven and Lucia Fischer Marilyn Frisch Tom Goetz Sherry Gold and Wendell Lorang

Ina Gonick Ed and Helene Gordon Ronald and Melissa Greenberg Marvin and Miriam Grode Ellen Gruben Tom and Susan Hager Selma Heflich Bill Heller Brett and Jacqueline Kessler Natasha Khaitov Jim and Zoe Knapik Dorry Kotzin Mark and Leslie Laven Stuart and Wendy Lefkowich Mark and Jill Leinung Anthony and Heather Linsk Steven and Vivian Lobel Jane Loeb Susan London Robert and Jane Melby Amanda Melino Ron and Nan Miller Fred and Beth Monaco Bill and Betty Nathan David and Wendy Palat

Geoffrey and Leslie Patack Robert Platner and Lauri Rosmarin-Plattner Jeffrey and Sharon Radden Jeanette Rosen Daniel and Amy Rosenberg Andrew and Julie Safranko Lawrence and Nanci Saltwell Jonathan and Meryl Schwalb Joseph and Susan Schwartz Lawrence Segel Jeffrey and Jayne Silver Harris Sitrin Richard and Deborah Sokoler Florence Speigel Sandra Storfer Harvey and Dona Stulmaker Andrew and Beth Swartz Dianne Symansky Arthur and Eleanor Taub Sally Tillman Fred and Toby Wander Renee Whitman




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Please Help Us Keep Our Records Current If you have a new phone number, cell number, email address, home address, etc. please let us know. If you change your locale during the winter, please let us know when you are leaving and returning so that we can mail Beth Emeth information to you. Please call or email Joan Paley at 436-9761 x222 or [email protected]

Contributions can be made to the fund in memory of or in honor of a person or event. Contributions can also be made to this fund even though a Perpetual Memorial has not been established. Please send all the information including the name of the donor, and the name of the deceased (with date of the Yahrzeit) or the name of the honoree with a check payable to Congregation Beth Emeth to Lynn Warheit, 213 Colonial Ave., Albany, NY 12208. She can be reached at [email protected].

Shabbat of September 19-20 in memory of Nancy and Dwight Boone Dr. Aaron L. Buchman

Shabbat of October 10-11 in memory of Donna and Lee Rosen David Avrach

Shabbat of October 17-18 in honor of Meredith and Paul Schoenblum Bat Mitzvah of their daughter Emily

Shabbat of October 17-18 in memory of Alice Firsty Charlotte Fisher Edith Green Pearl Green Edith Green Jacob Katz The Family of Herman L. Lapin Herman L. Lapin

Shabbat of October 24-25 in memory of Helene Gordon, Sandra Freeman and Mark Adler Robert M. Adler Harriet and Doug Spector and Family Nathan Brown Nancy and Dwight Boone May Forman Buchman Carolyn, Bruce, Emily and Evan Ginsburg Bernard Ginsburg Ileen and Daniel Duffy and Linda Lippman and Family Sadye Hendler Gisser Taube Rothenberg Mark Rothenberg Harvey Gold Georgiana Summer

Shabbat of October 31 – November 1 in honor of Monica and Gregory Oberting Bat Mitzvah of Regan and Becky and Paul Kasselman, grandparents

Shabbat of October 31 – November 1 in memory of Beth and Barry Davis Rose Pearl Davis Amy and Steve Manchester Penny Rosen Harvey Rosen Penny Rosen Micki and Cantor Glenn Groper Mildred Sass Weikers Celia Wellman Zachary Wellman

Shabbat of November 7- 8 in memory of Phyllis and Howard Berk Celia Spector Berk Joel Dobris M. Michel Dobris The Family of M. Michel Dobris M. Michel Dobris Gloria and Allan Herkowitz Rose O. Herkowitz Lila and Ken Altman Joseph Katz Irene Senter Charles Marcus Pat and Bob Friedman Dr. Jack Morrison Mary and Richard Nathan Sidney R. Nathan Betty and Bill Nathan and Family Sidney R. Nathan Estelle Halpern Susan Halpern Pfeffer Linda and Larry Schechter Samuel Schechter The Douglas Spector Family Newman Spector

Shabbat of November 14 -15 in memory of Joyce and Sanford Bookstein Myron Bookstein Eleanor Breinan Natalie Dorkin Karen and Mark Glaser Larry Glaser A. Richard Goodman Dorothy L. Goodman Sara Barr and Family Lena R. Kessler Drs. Laura and Richard Kagan Arthur Schwartz Susan and Ron Backer Nona Stein Ilene and Chip Stein Sidney J. Stein and Helen Stein Laney, Jeffrey and Ashley Lutzker Milton M. Tinkle

Sabbath of November 21 -22 in memory of Linda and Larry Schechter Albert Bernstein The Douglas Spector Family Blanche Hartman Brown Pat and Bob Friedman Bernard Friedman Nancy Hodes Emma Kulerman Merna and Lou Zinnershine and Family Rose London Betty and Bill Nathan and Family Lucille M. Stein Rabbi Scott L. Shpeen and Family Susan Shpeen, Judith Shpeen and Sara Shpeen

Sabbath of November 28 -29 in memory of Marla and Robert Blumenthal Martin Blumenthal The Davidoff Family Ethel Friedman Davidoff Harvey Gold Ruby Gold Paula Goldslager and family Donald Goldslager Donna, Andrew and Simone Goldslager Donald Goldslager Donald Hoffman Dollie Hoffman Ida Kay and Family David Kay Sara Lee and Barry Larner and Family Abraham Larner Linda and Howard Carr Abraham Larner Linda, Jodi and Sandra Lippman and Ileen and Daniel Duffy Barry Jay Lippman The Davidoff Family Shirley Dembo Raab The Ruslander Family Claire R. Ruslander Jan and Alan Rubenstein and Herb and Marilyn Weisburgh Lillian Weisburgh


100 Academy Road, Albany, NY 12208 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED Phone 518.436.9761 Fax 518.436.0476 The Einhorn Center for Jewish Education 518.432.1392 www.BethEmethAlbany.org General Inquiries: [email protected]

Rabbi Scott L. Shpeen [email protected]

Rabbi Dennis S. Ross [email protected]

Cantor Glenn Groper [email protected]

Kathy Golderman, Executive Director [email protected]

Shara L. Siegfeld, Director of Education [email protected]

Deborah Sokoler, Programming Director [email protected]

Debbie Schaffer, Bulletin Editor [email protected]

Lauren Iselin…..…..….….…………...President Lee Rosen...…...……..……..1st Vice President Andrew Safranko.…….…...2nd Vice President Michael Lurie ..………..…..……….….Treasurer Robyn Marinstein.…..……..………….Secretary Mark Swyer..……...…...Brotherhood President Robyn Marinstein……Co-Sisterhood President Lisa Finkle…………...Co-Sisterhood President Miranda Miller...………….....CBEYG President

Phone Calls for Clergy:

Please know that phone messages left outside of office hours are not forwarded to clergy until the next business day. To leave a message out-side of office hours: for Rabbi Shpeen use ext. 229; for Cantor Groper ext. 226; and for Rabbi Ross ext. 230.