NOV. 23 & 24, 2019 SEMINAR SCHEDULE 88 Seminars! All workshops take place on the lower level and are Free & One-Hour unless otherwise noted. Workshops with fees can be paid for in the seminar room as you walk in. Donations, where indicated, are appreciated but not mandatory for admittance. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23 11 a.m. Sat. A. The Astrology of 2020 - Impact on the U.S. & its Citizens - Diane Marie Goetz, Astrologer. https:// www.facebook.com/pg/mymysticastrologer There are several planetary configurations occurring in 2020 that will affect the U.S. Learn how they can affect you personally too. Diane uses her unique combination of Astrology and Mediumship for private chart readings, parties and other public events. Her other interests include exploring haunted locations, nature walks and cycling. She maintains a full time position as a Human Resources Specialist at a local government agency. B. Gallery Demonstration of Mediumship - Rev. Marjorie Rivera Kain & Susan Averre. www.revmarjorierivera.com, http://www.mediumatlarge.com In a very safe, friendly, and upbeat environment, two evidential mediums will connect to your loved ones in the afterlife by introducing facts and other significant information. Messages will be brought through for as many as possible during this session. Hear from your loved ones on the other side. Rev. Marjorie Rivera is a professional Psychic Medium who leads message circles, lectures and teaches. She is a published writer, a magazine columnist and radio talk show co-host. She holds her ministerial and metaphysician’s degree through Fellowships of the Spirit in Lily Dale NY. Susan Averre is a medium, healer and teacher who hosted a popular radio show on Blogtalkradio.com, The Medium At Large. She is also a Medical Intuitive and a Spirit Portrait Artist who brings spirit through visually. C. Megalithic Stone Sites: Connecting with the Energy Field of the Lemurian Civilization - Patricia Morris Cardona, MS, APRN, BC, & Daniel J. Cardona, MD, The Cosmic Mysteries School. www.cosmicmysteries.com Patricia Cardona, MS, APRN, BC, and Daniel Cardona, M.D. will reveal the multiple Megalithic Stone sites around the world that were made during the Lemurian Civilization and show pictures of sites from Peru, Mexico, Scotland, Russia. Montana (USA) and elsewhere! Learn specific movement and standing meditations which will ground you into Mother Earth and allow you to experience the higher Lemurian Energies from these sites. This will enhance attendees’ own personal healing and make them conduits for universal energy for Earth's Healing. Patricia and Daniel are co-founders of the charitable foundation, The Cosmic Mysteries School. They have been teaching ancient Shamanic Wisdom Teachings for spiritual, mental and physical transformation and healing since 1996, when the school was started, under the request and direction of Solar Mayan Elder Hunbatz Men. Besides being a board-certified child, adolescent and adult psychiatrist, Daniel J. Cardona, M.D. has been a student and practitioner of the martial and energy arts for more than 25 years. Patricia Morris Cardona is a board-certified advanced nurse practitioner and has performed energy healings in-person and remotely for more than 36 years.

NOV. 23 & 24, 2019 SEMINAR SCHEDULE - victoryoflight.comC.B. Bjork is a psychic medium, author, paranormal investigator, tarot and akashic records reader and teacher of psychic development

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Page 1: NOV. 23 & 24, 2019 SEMINAR SCHEDULE - victoryoflight.comC.B. Bjork is a psychic medium, author, paranormal investigator, tarot and akashic records reader and teacher of psychic development


88 Seminars! All workshops take place on the lower level and are Free & One-Hour unless otherwise noted. Workshops with fees can be paid for in the seminar room as you walk in. Donations, where indicated, are appreciated but not mandatory for admittance.


11 a.m. Sat.

A. The Astrology of 2020 - Impact on the U.S. & its Citizens - Diane Marie Goetz, Astrologer. https://www.facebook.com/pg/mymysticastrologer

There are several planetary configurations occurring in 2020 that will affect the U.S. Learn how they can affect you personally too.

Diane uses her unique combination of Astrology and Mediumship for private chart readings, parties and other public events. Her other interests include exploring haunted locations, nature walks and cycling. She maintains a full time position as a Human Resources Specialist at a local government agency.

B. Gallery Demonstration of Mediumship - Rev. Marjorie Rivera Kain & Susan Averre. www.revmarjorierivera.com, http://www.mediumatlarge.com

In a very safe, friendly, and upbeat environment, two evidential mediums will connect to your loved ones in the afterlife by introducing facts and other significant information. Messages will be brought through for as many as possible during this session. Hear from your loved ones on the other side.

Rev. Marjorie Rivera is a professional Psychic Medium who leads message circles, lectures and teaches. She is a published writer, a magazine columnist and radio talk show co-host. She holds her ministerial and metaphysician’s degree through Fellowships of the Spirit in Lily Dale NY.

Susan Averre is a medium, healer and teacher who hosted a popular radio show on Blogtalkradio.com, The Medium At Large. She is also a Medical Intuitive and a Spirit Portrait Artist who brings spirit through visually.

C. Megalithic Stone Sites: Connecting with the Energy Field of the Lemurian Civilization - Patricia Morris Cardona, MS, APRN, BC, & Daniel J. Cardona, MD, The Cosmic Mysteries School. www.cosmicmysteries.com

Patricia Cardona, MS, APRN, BC, and Daniel Cardona, M.D. will reveal the multiple Megalithic Stone sites around the world that were made during the Lemurian Civilization and show pictures of sites from Peru, Mexico, Scotland, Russia. Montana (USA) and elsewhere! Learn specific movement and standing meditations which will ground you into Mother Earth and allow you to experience the higher Lemurian Energies from these sites. This will enhance attendees’ own personal healing and make them conduits for universal energy for Earth's Healing.

Patricia and Daniel are co-founders of the charitable foundation, The Cosmic Mysteries School. They have been teaching ancient Shamanic Wisdom Teachings for spiritual, mental and physical transformation and healing since 1996, when the school was started, under the request and direction of Solar Mayan Elder Hunbatz Men.

Besides being a board-certified child, adolescent and adult psychiatrist, Daniel J. Cardona, M.D. has been a student and practitioner of the martial and energy arts for more than 25 years. Patricia Morris Cardona is a board-certified advanced nurse practitioner and has performed energy healings in-person and remotely for more than 36 years.

Page 2: NOV. 23 & 24, 2019 SEMINAR SCHEDULE - victoryoflight.comC.B. Bjork is a psychic medium, author, paranormal investigator, tarot and akashic records reader and teacher of psychic development

Daniel and Patricia help others learn to use energy movement, energy medicine, and sexual alchemy for healing and rejuvenating the body, mind and spirit. Patricia and Daniel have received the linage as Mayan Fire Priestess and Fire Priest. They have been trained by Mayan Elder Hunbatz Men, Miguel Vergara Angel, Mayan Fire Priestess, Ann Marie Vergara, and Peruvian Incan Elder Williru Hyuata and other Elders. D. Five Keys to Boosting Your Psychic Abilities – C.B. Bjork. www.cbbjork.com

C.B. Bjork is a psychic medium, author, paranormal investigator, tarot and akashic records reader and teacher of psychic development.

E. Clearing Blocks to Abundance, Love & Healing - Leslie Fonteyne. http://lesliefonteyne.com

Leslie Fonteyne is an Intuitive and Clairvoyant Transformation catalyst, healer, teacher and coach. She works with clients who want to clear the energetic blocks that prevent the fullest expression of outrageous abundance, soul essence truth and life purpose. In her energy work, she includes the presence and wisdom of Ascended Masters, the Archangels, and light beings to remove astral debris, cords, implants, entities and other interferences in a client’s energy bodies. The result is explosive inner change. You can also hear her on her radio show Sheer Alchemy! on transformationtalkradio.com. F. Spiritual Alchemy: Activating the Light Body - Jeremy E. McDonald. www.jeremymcdonald.net

Alchemy is the process of transmuting matter (flesh) into gold (golden state of mind/Light body). This process is completed through the constant spiritual practice of self-discipline, inner reflection, healing and the transmutation of dis-ease within our body, mind and soul. When this is completed we go through stages of awareness that raise our vibration. Effects include:• Heightened Psychic Ability• Health• Improved happiness• Greater connection to source• More patience• Increased longevity In this lecture Jeremy will cover the symbols in ancient texts that talk about how we can transmute ourselves into our light bodies and create a better life for ourselves. In addition, he will teach you exercises that will help you in your daily practice.

Jeremy is a Reiki Master, EFT Practitioner, Theta healing practitioner, and Life Coach. He has served as a Keynote Speaker at Expos, Colleges, Professional Conferences, and even peoples’ living rooms. Jeremy was the host of an online radio show called Soul Talk which aired on BlogtalkRadio, V109FM, GSH Radio.

G. Tibetan Buddhist Healing Ceremony - Tibetan Monks, GSL Monastery. www.gslmonastery.org (Suggested donation $10.)

Gaden Samdrupling Buddhist Monastery, founded in 1999, is a community center for Buddhist study, practice, and culture. It is a tiny corner of Tibet transplanted to the West Side of Cincinnati. Historically, a Tibetan town monastery served as a hub of spiritual and communal activity. Community members drew religious and spiritual inspiration from the monastery and provided material support for the monks, who focused their efforts on helping all sentient beings.

GSL Monastery continues this tradition by offering classes, meditation practice and special events for those in the community who wish to learn about or study Tibetan Buddhism as a philosophy for life, a spiritual path or a religious practice. Their teachers offer instruction handed down from Shakyamuni Buddha (“The Buddha”) and passed from teacher to student in an unbroken lineage for over 2,500 years.

Page 3: NOV. 23 & 24, 2019 SEMINAR SCHEDULE - victoryoflight.comC.B. Bjork is a psychic medium, author, paranormal investigator, tarot and akashic records reader and teacher of psychic development

Noon Sat.

A. Messages from Spirit! 2 Hours of Live Readings with Lisa Williams! ($65, includes same day admission to the Victory of Light Expo!) Tickets: https://victoryoflight.thundertix.com/events/124135 or at the door if not sold out.

Lisa Williams, of upstate New York, connects people with their deceased loved ones, communicating their messages to the living for healing and closure.

Born in England in 1973, Williams was discovered by Merv Griffin in 2004 and introduced to the world through two seasons of her own hit television show, Lisa Williams: Life Among the Dead, along with Voices from the Other Side and Lisa Williams Live. Now the shows and “Lisa Williams Live'” play all over the world on cable television and the internet. Lisa has appeared on Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Anderson Cooper, Oprah, The Ricki Lake Show, Good Morning America, The Today Show, Larry King Live and Jimmy Kimmel Live.

B. Past Life Regression - Cindy Riggs. Experience a past lifetime! www.CindyRiggs.com

Do you believe you have lived before? Cindy Riggs is a certified hypnotherapist who has regressed clients for 15 years, in addition to performing past life readings and clearings, which can uncover details immediately helpful to this lifetime. Cindy will briefly discuss reincarnation, share some fascinating experiences she has had and witnessed, and will guide the audience through a past life regression – an opportunity to experience yourself in another lifetime! Cindy Riggs has been communicating with the spirit world for 20 years and is also a trance channel of high-level consciousness such as spirit guides, Archangels, Ascended Masters, gods/goddesses, extraterrestrials, collectives, and The Oneness (All That Is). Cindy is the author of the channeled books "Vishnu Speaks: Messages Of Enlightenment From The Ancient Deity" and “Buddha Speaks: Messages From An Ascended Master.” In her private practice, she performs psychic/spiritual guidance, defragmenting, group channelings, hypnosis and past-life regression, energy bodywork, ghost busting, and personal & psychic development teaching and coaching. She is certified in Remote Viewing, and is a Reiki Master Teacher and Licensed Minister.

C. The Akashic Records: What They Are & Why It Matters - Jason Antalek. www.akashaman.com

The Akashic Records are an energetic highway of information that holds the history, present and possible futures for each soul ever in existence. All the thoughts, decisions, choices and consequences of our current incarnation are constantly written into our personal Akashic Records. This knowledge is more accessible to us during this time than at any other period in modern human evolution. As we experience a planetary consciousness shift, it can be beneficial to tune into this wealth of wisdom in order to better understand ourselves. The Akashic Records can be used to clear blocks and damaging cycles and behaviors

Jason combines the wisdom of the Akashic Records and the healing energy of Angelic Reiki. He provides Soul-Level understanding supported by Angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters. Jason opens individuals up to their Divine gifts and uncovers the restrictions that are separating them from their abundance.

D. Spirit Plants: Folklore & Magic of Sacred Plants - Lynn Zukowski. www.BlueLakeBotanicals.com

There are certain plants that have especially strong and unique spirits, which affect us on an energetic level. We will talk about the compelling stories and magic of plants such as mugwort, wormwood, rue, yarrow, rose, St. John's Wort and hawthorn.

Page 4: NOV. 23 & 24, 2019 SEMINAR SCHEDULE - victoryoflight.comC.B. Bjork is a psychic medium, author, paranormal investigator, tarot and akashic records reader and teacher of psychic development

Lynn Abbey Zukowski is an herbalist making small batch handcrafted herbal products using homegrown, wild crafted and organic herbs. She believes that our physical and spiritual health depends on our respect for the earth.

E. Ask Your Inner Compass - Joanne Franchina. www.YourInnerCompass.com

Experience the power of your wise inner self with two illuminating processes: in one, you will receive an answer to a specific question; in another, you will receive insights about an important area of your life.

Joanne Franchina is a life coach, medium, instructor, writer and the founder of Inner Compass, an intuitive life coaching practice. An ordained minister and certified medium with Fellowships of the Spirit in Lily Dale, New York, Joanne has led workshops and seminars on meditation, mediumship development, creative manifestation and other metaphysical disciplines. Joanne helps people to create fabulous lives for themselves by using their inner wisdom in everyday situations.

F. Crystals & The Emerald Tablet - Sandy H Wilcox. The Emerald Tablet, written by Thoth around 36,000 B.C., describes the process of “direct knowledge” of reality. www.oursacredconnections.com

“As Above, So Below.” We have spoken those words many times not realizing the real impact they have on our lives. From the Emerald Tablet, written by Thoth some 36000 years ago, this teaching describes the process of “direct knowledge” of reality. The seven steps of transformation are the basis of magical invocation and the doctrine of sympathetic magic in which the powers from the Above are drawn down to earth and fixed in talismans – Crystals – to manifest the powers Below.

Explore with Sandy the Emerald Tablet, the magic that you can learn to create in your life and the seven Crystal Talismans that help anchor that magic, the alchemy that is dedicated to transforming the “lead” of self into the “gold” of the Spirit.

G. CBD Oil - Regina Bauscher. www.HoneySweetieAcres.com

Steve and Regina Bauscher’s mission is to bring natural, healthy, sustainable skin care products to those who need them. They believe in goat milk products and the therapeutic use of essential oils.

H. Energy Work for Self-Healing - Marilyn Lottman, CHEP. A 50 slide lecture. [email protected]

Learn what energy work is and how it can be used to heal one's own life. Learn self-care for healers and about the importance of growth, grounding, and forgiveness.

Marilyn Lottman is a Certified Health Energy Practitioner, Reiki Practitioner, Aromatherapist, Certified Family Nurse Practitioner and has been studying energy healing modalities for over thirty years. She is well versed in the clearing of clients' struggles, traumas, and/or depression/anxiety issues and she is an expert in energy work.

Marilyn is a contributing member of the ACEP (Association of Comprehensive Energy Psychology) Development Committee and soon to be Chair, she is a faculty member of Xavier University College of Nursing, and she is an Independent Energy Practitioner with her own practice.

1 p.m. Sat.

A. 2019 World’s Largest Ghost Hunt: Evidence Revealed! – Maria Schmidt. http://LargestGhostHunt.com,https://HauntedJourneys.com, http://nationalghosthuntingday.com. (1.5 Hours, Free.)

Page 5: NOV. 23 & 24, 2019 SEMINAR SCHEDULE - victoryoflight.comC.B. Bjork is a psychic medium, author, paranormal investigator, tarot and akashic records reader and teacher of psychic development

Maria is founder of The World’s Largest Ghost Hunt, celebrated every year on National Ghost Hunting Day September 28. Now in its fourth year, this event organizes hundreds of paranormal investigators who collectively ghost hunt historical properties around the world.

The event provides historic preservation funding for all participating locations, public awareness of the paranormal investigator while dismissing associated taboos associated with communicating with spirit, and experience of the power of collective consciousness and the effect on the Supernatural World.

Evidence collected includes videography, photography and audio recordings which will be premiered at Victory of Light!

B. Current Astrology Forecast & Your Sun Sign – Pam Gallagher, Midwest School of Astrology, Author of Becoming Your Sun Sign. www.midwestschoolofastrology.com Join us as we discuss the energy of the times using astrology. Are you your sun sign? Understand how we grow into our sun signs.

Pam is author of the newly published book, Becoming Your Sun Sign. Pam has studied, counseled and taught astrology for over 40 years. She is Director of the Midwest School of Astrology in Cincinnati, a three year program offered in a classroom and online. She speaks on a broad spectrum of astrological topics both nationally and internationally.

C. Crystal & Tibetan Bowls Meditation Concert - Ron Esposito. www.ronesposito.com

Ron will present a singing bowls meditation featuring nine crystal singing bowls and four Tibetan brass bowls with remarks about breath, present moment awareness and sound as a transformational tool.

Ron’s music has been played on the nationally syndicated program “Echoes” (NPR), and the video for “Open Heart” which received a 2010 “Bronze Telly Award” for “Best On-line Video”. He has played the singing bowls for the past three years as part of “World Sound Healing Day” founded by Jonathan Goldman. Compositions from Ron’s recordings have been featured in the network and cable television shows “Hawaii 5-0” (CBS), “Nashville” (ABC), “Touch” (Fox), “Common Law” (USA) and “Ray Donovan” (Showtime).

D. Shadow Work for Personal Transformation - Shaheen Miro. www.shaheenmiroinsights.com

Learn what your “shadow” is, and how to work with it for personal transformation, healing and empowerment.

Shaheen is a Psychic Reader, Intuitive Coach and Energy Alchemist helping people find clarity and reclaim their personal power. Shaheen connects with people all over the world through Intuitive Guidance Sessions, workshops and events. He is the author of, The Lunar Nomad Oracle: 43 Cards to Unlock Your Creativity and Awaken Your Intuition and Tarot for Troubled Times.

E. Indigo Children - Indigo Star Nation - Irina Grundler. www.pathtoawakening.net

This session will explore the following questions:

• Who the Indigos are; • Where they come from and why they are here now; • How to recognize an Indigo; • What you should know if you have an Indigo in your family; • How to help Indigos to adjust to our society; • The difference between Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow souls; • The content of the lecture includes Irina's personal experiences with her Indigo clients and Indigo son.

Page 6: NOV. 23 & 24, 2019 SEMINAR SCHEDULE - victoryoflight.comC.B. Bjork is a psychic medium, author, paranormal investigator, tarot and akashic records reader and teacher of psychic development

Irina's conscious journey toward spiritual awakening started about 25 years ago through traditional spiritual and healing modalities such as Reiki and Sahaja Yoga. She experienced a huge shift when she was attuned to new energy frequencies of Electromagnetic Field Balancing Technique® and Reconnective Healing. She found herself expanding her practice, giving lectures and presentations, and, at the same time, fine-tuning her own vibrations to help more and more people.

F. Connecting to Your Guidance – Lyra. www.subtleenergyskills.com

Lyra excels at bringing forth spiritual information and has been doing so since the age of 14. She sees herself as a receiver, tuning into different channels in order to get information using her clairaudient, clairvoyant and clairsentient abilities.

Lyra was licensed in massage therapy in 1987. Her bodywork practice now centers on teaching others how to manage their personal energies, chakra balancing, generating protective shields and creating high energetic environments. She handcrafts a full line of energetic gemstones jewelry (pendants, bracelets, necklaces, earrings, anklets) to help balance individuals' personal energies.

G. Using Energy to Feel Better - Laura Gentner. www.LgInAmazement.com

Learn to use high vibrational energy to shift your energy and feel better! Learn why energy work inspires positive changes on all levels (emotional, mental, physical and spiritual) of your life. Then get ready for some hands-on practice as you run energy to clear yourself, clear a space and own your boundaries!

As a Spiritual Guide and Energy Practitioner, Laura tunes into your energy and feels what is going on with you physically and energetically. She looks for blocks, resistance and anything that is getting in the way of you moving forward in life. Laura's readings are a combination of messages from Spirit, energy work, healing and teaching. She focuses on what you can do in the present moment to feel better and live life more fully!

2 p.m. Sat.

A. Journeying Between the Worlds: Native American Teachings & Practices - Eagle Skyfire. http://eagleskyfire.com (2 Hours, $20.)

Eagle Skyfire shares ancient Native American shamanic teachings in a way that is easily understood. She will use excerpts from her new book Journeying Between the Worlds: Walking with the Sacred Spirits through Native American Teachings and Practices, published by Llewellyn Worldwide, a powerful guide to Native American spiritual concepts. In this interactive workshop she will touch on fundamental principles such as proper shamanic journeying, the medicine wheel, power animals, and deepening your connection with your personal guardian spirit.

Eagle Skyfire is a Native American shaman and tradition keeper who was trained from a young age since she was recognized as having strong spiritual and shamanic abilities. Over the years she studied with several Native American nations and was given permission by her medicine teachers to share their wisdom. Her experiences allow her to speak to the universal heart of the Good Red Road.

B. The Secret Power of You - Terrie Christine, Author, TV personality. www.TerrieChristine.com. (One hour, $20 Donation.) Learn to reprogram your mind and get the Universe to work with you in a group energy clearing session. Terrie Christine has been featured on: The Real Housewives of Potomac, Hay House Radio, Beyond The Ordinary, Straight Talk for the Soul, Quantum Conversations, My Seven Chakras, Path 11, The Transformation

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Show and many other shows.

C. Bringing Spirit to Life: A Demonstration of Mediumship & Spirit Portraiture - Janette Kaye & Chad Seibert. An Incredible presentation of spirit messages with drawings of loved ones. www.cincinnatimedium.com, www.janettekaye.net

Chad has been developing his evidential style of mediumship for almost 15 years. He has been featured in the media and has traveled widely to develop his abilities, including attending the Arthur Findlay College in England and training with several top tutors. Chad is a certified medium with the USCL Church in Cincinnati, has taught at Lily Dale (New York) and has been a guest instructor for Inner Compass and Four Winds Academy. He is passionate about the work of mediumship and continues to pursue advanced training to unfold his abilities to be an instrument of peace for both sides of life.

Janette Kaye is a Psychic Medium and Spirit Artist, focused on helping people discover a greater awareness and sense of wholeness in their lives. She has worked as an Occupational Therapist for many years and holds a Master’s degree in Transpersonal Studies from Atlantic University. Although she was raised in the Catholic tradition, Janette is interested in all spiritual paths, though the path of the mystic is most dear to her. She recognizes an underlying truth within mysticism that binds humans together in their search for the divine. Trained as an Evidential Medium, her professional work as an Intuitive Medium began in 2006, and she provides services in Spirit Portraiture, Intuitive Life Readings and Facilitative Remote Healing.

D. Extraterrestrial Contact, Earth's Future & You - Jeff Becker. www.pathstocontact.org

Jeff is a computer programmer who in 2008 decided to see for himself if the extraterrestrial presence was real. The experiences leading up to that decision, and those that followed, were life changing. After attending CSETI Ambassador to the Universe training in the fall of 2008 with Dr. Steven Greer, the ET’s “followed him home.” He organized a local contact group and has been having regular contact ever since. His book Paths to Contact: True Stories from the Contact Underground, is about people like him, ordinary people having extraordinary experiences.

Extraterrestrial contact has a long and colorful history. Currently, individuals and small groups around the world are making ET contact on a regular basis. What are we learning from this? Where does it lead? How will it affect you? Jeff Becker will discuss the answers to these questions and more.

E. Wielding the Power of the Universe - Kerri Kannan, author of Uncovering the Divine Within. http://divinewithin.com

Kerri Kannan has a gift that allows her to ask the the universe to facilitate change on behalf of anyone who listens to her and the Universe Delivers! People have reported financial windfalls, healed relationships, soul mate connections, business success and more... the best part is, it requires no particular effort on behalf of the listener. You just sit back, say yes and watch as you experience INSTANT energy shifts and shortly after, life miraculously aligns to be in harmony with your desires.

F. The Secret Language of Angels - Tina Michelle. www.tinamichelle.com

Tina Michelle has worked with Angels since her first near-death experience at five years old, and wants to share the language they taught her to communicate with them. You, too, can learn to speak to Angels.

Author, psychic, medium and spiritual teacher, Tina Michelle has toured internationally and presented various workshops of her work. She has appeared on numerous television and radio stations and at conferences. Her greatest joy, however, is to share what she has learned on her lifelong spiritual journey with others.

Page 8: NOV. 23 & 24, 2019 SEMINAR SCHEDULE - victoryoflight.comC.B. Bjork is a psychic medium, author, paranormal investigator, tarot and akashic records reader and teacher of psychic development

G. Drumming In The Ancestors & Loved Ones - Building a Memory Altar - Barbara Ilari. www.integrativeshamanism.com

Remember your ancestors in this special ceremony. Feel free to bring altar items - flowers, plants, crystals, and bells, rattles, or drums to participate in ceremony. We will have a few on hand.

3 p.m. Sat.

A. Flowing through Grief: The Transformation of Life (with Messages!) - Lisa Williams. (3 Hours, $90 – includes same day admission to Victory of Light Expo!) Tickets: https://victoryoflight.thundertix.com/events/124135 or at the door if not sold out.

Are you struggling to move on after a significant loss in your life? Whether it’s the loss of a loved one, a beloved pet, or the ending of a romance or job, moving on can be hard!

Grieving any significant loss has an immense impact on all aspects of our lives and can block us from truly LIVING life.

Join renowned psychic medium, bestselling author, and spiritual teacher Lisa Williams for this unique workshop and discover:

• How to understand the human process of grieving from a spiritual level

• How to connect at the energetic level of what has been lost

• How to find strength from grief and

• How to start to create a life after loss

This workshop is for everyone at all levels of experience. It will include transformative exercises, Lisa delivering messages from your loved ones, and a releasing ceremony to honor your loss… all to support you stepping into the powerful new YOU!

B. Shapeshifters - John Kachuba, author of the brand new book, Shapeshifters: A History. www.JohnKachuba.com

There is something about a shapeshifter - a person who can transform into an animal - that captures our imagination. Werewolves, vampires, demons, and other weird creatures appeal to our animal nature, our “dark side,” our desire to break free of the bonds of society and proper behavior. Real or imaginary, shapeshifters lurk deep in our psyches and remain formidable cultural icons.Rituals in early cultures worldwide seemingly allowed shamans, sorcerers, witches, and wizards to transform at will into animals and back again. Today, there are millions of people who believe that shapeshifters walk among us and may even be world leaders. Featuring a fantastic and ghoulish array of examples from history, literature, film, TV, and computer games, shapeshifters are brought vividly to life in John Kachuba’s presentation as he explores our secret desire to become something other than human.

John is an award-winning writer, editor, and paranormal researcher with twelve books to his credit, including five about ghosts and ghosthunting. His latest book is Shapeshifters: A History. In his work, John has investigated over 100 haunted locations in the U.S. and abroad. John is a frequent speaker at conferences, libraries and universities, and on radio and TV. He also teaches Creative Writing at Ohio University and is on the faculty of the Gotham Writers Workshop.

C. Channeled Message from the Orion Council - Matt Peffly.

Page 9: NOV. 23 & 24, 2019 SEMINAR SCHEDULE - victoryoflight.comC.B. Bjork is a psychic medium, author, paranormal investigator, tarot and akashic records reader and teacher of psychic development

D. Free Psychic Readings for Members of the Audience - Diana Rankin. www.dianarankin.com Diana is gifted with the ability to speak directly with spirits in the other worlds - worlds of loved ones who have passed into death, ancestors whose wisdom still guides our lives, and spirit guides who guide us in the ways of the Divine Mystery always for our highest purpose in life.

Diana has an MA from Antioch University in Human Spirituality and a BA in Humanities. Her study of sacred expressions of ancient cultures has led her to sacred places around the world. She regularly conducts workshops for greater human potential.

E. Finding & Keeping the Love You Deserve - Rev. Jackie Barton. www.intuitivejackie.com

This seminar is about approaching love relationships from a spiritual and physical perspective. We will look at identifying blocks, overcoming them, discussing Soul Mates and Twin Flames, and manifesting the love you deserve. Jackie has studied metaphysics for 19 years, and has several certifications. She has been a professional psychic medium for 10 years, and includes astrology and numerology in her readings. She worked as a reader for Starsouls, at Universal Studios in Orlando, and the Cassadaga Hotel in the Spiritualist Camp near Deland, FL. She is a minister with the Universal Life Church. She has a B.S. in Marketing, and an MBA in Finance.

F. Zen & Genetic Testing: Understanding the Why - Jeff Hogrefe, R.Ph., AFAARM. www.happyhormonecottage.com

There is a lot of genetic information available to us. Knowing how to navigate and determine which genetic information is valuable in determining health risks such as diabetes and cardiovascular health, as well as overall health, is critical. The goal of this presentation is to understand which genetic components are actionable and to learn the strategies, such as diet, lifestyle and nutritional supplements needed to overcome them.

Jeff Hogrefe, R.Ph., AFAARM graduated in 1987 from Ohio Northern University with a Bachelor of Science degree in pharmacy, and received specialized compounding training at the Professional Compounding Center of America (PCCA) in Houston, Texas in 2004. At PCCA he was trained in both sterile and non-sterile compounding and he regularly attends continuing education seminars. In addition, Jeff has specialized training in asthma, diabetes care and complementary IV therapies. For the past several years, Jeff has been studying with A4M for his degree in Functional Medicine. In the fall of 2013, Jeff received his Advanced Fellowship in Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Regenerative Medicine. He continues his affiliation with A4M (Academy of Anti-aging and Regenerative Medicine) by serving as a Diplomat. In the winter of 2018, Jeff became certified in nutragenomic testing. He is currently in a 2 year program with cancer scientist, Dr Mark Rosenberg, dealing with innovative and Integrative screening and treatment of cancers. Jeff has a passion for helping men and women prevent disease and live a higher quality of life. Finally, Jeff became certified in genetics and genetic testing in 2018 through Biologix and in early 2019 with DNA Life. Jeff purchased the Piqua Compounding Pharmacy (now part of the IHC & Pharmacy in Centerville since July 2018) in 2006. The pharmacy is best known for specializing in HBT (Hormone Balancing Therapy) for both men and women and has thousands of success stories. Over the past three years, Jeff has invested over $300,000 in renovations to the lab including new automation software and bar code scanning to improve both accuracy and efficiency. In 2012, the pharmacy was the first compounding lab in the world to utilize the Resodyn acoustic mixer in the preparation of compounds. This mixer improves the accuracy 30-50 times over traditional compounding methods as well as significantly speeding up the compounding process. Our state of the art compounding facility and staff rivals any compounding pharmacy in the country and we are proud to be mentioned in many of Suzanne Somer’s books as the compounding pharmacy of choice in Ohio. To find out more about the IHC and Pharmacy, click here. Jeff began his BioMale Center (now known as IHC for Men) in the spring of 2015 to help men feel their best and ultimately to prevent disease. Jeff focuses on reducing cardiac risk through lifestyle changes, proper supplementation and reducing inflammation. Testosterone is recommended, as needed, after reviewing innovative lab panels. Clients are seen at our Mason office located at 6860 Tylersville Road, suite 10 or at our

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Integrative Hormone Center located at 8101 Miller Farm Lane, building B, Centerville, Ohio. Men interested in pursuing treatment can connect with our IHC for Men at 937-888-8378 or visit www.IHCforMen.com. G. Chinese Pulse Diagnosis - Dr. Peter Sheng. Using pulse pattern diagnosis to guide herbal therapy. www.petersheng.com

The pulse is measured in both Western medicine and Chinese medicine, but there are key differences. In Western medicine, we typically measure the heart rate, which is taken with blood pressure as part of a standard physical exam. In Chinese medicine, pulse diagnosis is a significantly more developed art form, a tool that practitioners use to assess the health of all the major organ systems of the body. In a sense, pulse diagnosis is like the “MRI” of traditional medical systems. Before modern imaging techniques, healthcare practitioners needed ways of evaluating what was happening inside the bodies of their patients. Although technology has developed significantly over time, pulse diagnosis remains a very helpful tool in assessment and diagnosis.

4 p.m. Sat.

A. Soulful Breathwork - Lynn Tisza. Learn how your breath can be a vehicle for healing and transformation. www.soulfulpower.com (2 Hours, $20.)

Soulful Breathwork is a deep healing technique. By using your own breath as the vehicle for going within, we have the opportunity to release energy, thoughts, and patterns that no longer serve us. This gives way to our own divine inspiration and endless creative source within. Come for a brief exploration of where your breath can take you, and a breathwork experience.

Facilitator, Lynn Tisza has been studying Soulful Breathwork for 11 years with author Christian de la Huerta, and continues to work with him in the U.S. Lynn practices this work regularly and continues to recognize the power and grace within. B. Animal & Spirit Guides: Who Are They & Why Are They Here? - Rev. Liz Madsen CNHP, RMT. www.revlizmadsencnhprmt.vpweb.com

Rev. Liz Madsen, CNHP, RMT, is a Certified Natural Health Professional, Natural Health and Energy Consultant, Reiki Master-Teacher, Animal Communicator / Pet Psychic and Paranormal Spirit Reader. She does Animal Communication, Cards, Runes, Spirit Readings, Guide and Power Animal Readings and Pet Oracle Card Readings. Liz also does Natural Health and Energy Work using Reiki, Quantum Touch, Qigong, and Jin Shin Jyutsu. She teaches Reiki, clears Chakras, and uses Gemstones for healing. Liz has been on Positive Perspectives Radio, Paranormal Radio and has lectured all over Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan. C. Learn How to Play the Native American Flute - Douglas Blue Feather. Flutes provided. www.douglasbluefeather.com

Learn the basic techniques to play the Native American flute.

Douglas Blue Feather, whose ancestry includes American Indian, Iberian and European, is an internationally known recording artist and performer of music featuring the Native American flute. Recognized as one of the most prolific and accomplished flutists of today, he has released 17 CD’s which have been heard on radio stations and TV music channels worldwide including Pandora, Soundscapes, and NativeRadio.com.

As a multi-national award winner, the highlights of Doug's career include winning three Indian Summer Music Awards including "Best Native American Flute" and "Best Instrumental,” four Native American Music Awards

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including “Flutist of the Year” and “Best New Age CD,” and the Coalition Of Visionary Resources Music Award for “Best New Age CD.”

Douglas has received over 50 various music award nominations and was also featured on the Grammy nominated CD, Faces of the Sun, by Peter Kater. Douglas has been a voting member of the Grammy's since 2007.

D. Connect To Your Inner Truth - Free To Be Me - Cheryl Bartenberger & Susan Renee Gibson. [email protected], www.yourplaceforpeace.com We live in a chaotic world, and yet it is only a reflection our inner chaos. Where does that come from? From being contrary to our authentic self, pleasing others, conforming to how our parents, teachers, communities, and religion expected us to be. Peace comes from recognizing and unraveling those ways of being that are not congruent with our authentic selves.

Join us for a group healing experience where you connect deeply to the core of who you are, to find more peace and purpose, and quell the inner chaos.

Cheryl Bartenberger and Susan Renee Gibson are Certified Brennan Healers with a combined 30 years of experience helping their clients connect deeply with themselves to create greater peace, healing, and purpose in their lives.

E. Posture & Pain - How It Affects Your Body - Chantell Havens & Destiny Hurrigan. www.healingtouchmassagelmt.com This is an interactive class where we look at different ailments & dysfunctions of the body & learn self care techniques for managing your pain at home!!! Speakers Chantell Havens & Destiny Hurrigan are Licensed Medical Massage Therapists here to help stop pain from interfering with your life!

Chantell Brooks is the owner and a therapist at Healing Touch Massage Lmt. In practice since 2008, she studied at Miami-Jacob’s Career College in Springboro, Ohio. After graduating in 2008, she joined the team at Crossing Chiropractic for two years before opening her own center.

F. Sharing Your Psychic Experiences & Finding Their Meaning For You – Tom Polson. www.HearingVoicesUSA.org

Hearing Voices? You’re not alone. Learn about these paranormal experiences and what might be causing them. There are many ways to understand the experience of hearing voices and other unusual or extreme experiences.

The Hearing Voices Network (HVN) promotes an alternative approach which does not start from the assumption that people who have these experiences have a chronic illness. HVN is a partnership between individuals who hear voices or have other extreme or unusual experiences, professionals and allies in the community, all of whom are working together to change the assumptions made about these phenomenon and create support, learning and healing opportunities for people across the country. 5 p.m. Sat.

A. Experience Reiki Healing! - Patricia Garry & Reiki Masters. www.patriciagarry.com

Reiki is a spiritual healing art of Japanese origin. The word Reiki comes from the Japanese word (Rei) which means “Universal Life” and (Ki) which means “Energy.” Reiki is not affiliated with any particular religion or

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religious practice. It is not massage nor is it based on belief or suggestion. It is a subtle and effective form of energy work using spiritually guided life force energy.

Join Patricia Garry and other Reiki Masters and experience Reiki Healing for free!

B. Healing with Words & Water - Beckie J Neff. A life changing presentation for anyone looking for healing beyond medicine. www.divineexpressionsart.com

Learn about the power of our words & water and why they are crucial to us for good health and healing. Words and Water are intertwined within our souls but too often not connected in our minds for a healing mindset. Beckie will share how we can heal from within, starting one word at a time and one drop of water at a time to build a foundation of health. Open your mind to an everlasting positive change that will continue to evolve deeper over time. This is a life changing presentation for anyone looking for healing beyond medicine.

After being diagnosed with a fatal rare disease almost four years ago, Beckie’s already alternative healing lifestyle kicked into deeper research. During some very dark times of her treatment for remission, she received clairvoyant messages that helped guide her to healing information. She will share all the books that were crucial to finding healing answers and how they all linked back to Words, Water and Healing.

C. Communicate with your Guides, Dragons & Angels – Adrianna Rochelle. www.mysticconnections.com

Adrianna is an experienced, accurate third generation psychic. She is a certified Sacred Triad Therapy Practitioner, PMP, Intuitive Medium, Life Coach, Author and Reiki Practitioner. Adrianna travels throughout the Midwest attending expos and shows. She is a radio personality heard on the Second Saturday of the month (Adrianna's Mystic Connections 10am EDT) on Body Mind Spirit Radio. www.bodymindspiritradio.com.

D. Accessing 5th Dimensional Consciousness - Shari Lynn. www.cosmichealingdiscs.com

Rev. Shari Lynn has been a Spiritual Teacher, Futurist, Ordained Christian Spiritualist Minister for over 20 years. She is also a SoPHIa Gnostic, Andromedan, 3rd Deacon Aquarius, Healer, Certified Shamanic Shapeshifter, *Activator of Higher Dimensions*, Clairvoyant, Clairsentient, Metaphysician and Peace Loving Crystal Maven.

E. The LIIFT Secret to Quickly Healing Troubled Family Groups & Increasing Success for Businesses – Brian Eastman. www.liift.info

LIIFT brings quick healing for abuse, grief, trauma, a troubled childhood, self-sabotaging life scripts and dysfunctional families and relationships. The best way to understand how LIIFT quickly heals lives is to personally experience a LIIFT healing in this session. LIIFT founder Brian Eastman will introduce LIIFT's basic precepts. Then he and other LIIFT practitioners will use those principles to generate LIIFT Healings for each participant. Attendees will experience their own healings and support others as they heal.


11 a.m. Sun.

A. Tibetan Buddhist Healing Ceremony - Tibetan Monks of the GSL Monastery. www.gslmonastery.org (Suggested donation $10.)

Gaden Samdrupling Buddhist Monastery, founded in 1999, is a community center for Buddhist study, practice, and culture. It is a tiny corner of Tibet transplanted to the West Side of Cincinnati. Historically, a Tibetan town

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monastery served as a hub of spiritual and communal activity. Community members drew religious and spiritual inspiration from the monastery and provided material support for the monks, who focused their efforts on helping all sentient beings.

GSL Monastery continues this tradition by offering classes, meditation practice and special events for those in the community who wish to learn about or study Tibetan Buddhism as a philosophy for life, a spiritual path or a religious practice. Their teachers offer instruction handed down from Shakyamuni Buddha (“The Buddha”) and passed from teacher to student in an unbroken lineage for over 2,500 years.

B. Suffering is Optional! Find the Root Cause of Your Symptoms – Debby Solomon. www.nurturedbymothernature.com

A thought-provoking, interactive workshop. You will be challenged to re-think what you know about how your body functions. You will leave feeling inspired and empowered about the choices you will make in the days ahead. You will no longer be content to simply survive each day, instead you’ll want to truly thrive! We’ll also briefly introduce how iridology can be used to validate the condition of any area of the body. Iridology is the study of the iris (colored part of the eye.)

Debby Solomon is an aromatherapist, iridologist, herbalist and spiritual minister.

C. The Great Invocation - Mark Long, Share International. www.Share-International.org

Experience the spiritual energies that flow when a potent service mantram - the Great Invocation - is sounded aloud to begin a group meditation.

Mark Long is a volunteer with Share International, a lifelong student of the Ageless Wisdom teachings, and someone who practices Transmission Meditation.

D. Lightbody Ascension & Dragons - Sarah Schweitzer. www.starlightconnection.com

Sarah has been a long-standing member of the Universal Holistic Healers Association and a licensed minister with New Awareness Ministries International. She develops and teaches a variety of Psychic Development, Spiritual Self-Empowerment Classes, Chakra and Energetic Healing Workshops and teaches those classes at local Adult Community Education programs, private venues, and for group functions.

Sarah is the author of Your Guardian Angels, Soul Identification and other Goodies, The Chakra Energy System, and The Aura. She has a Masters in Adult Education and Curriculum Design and Instructional Development, a Doctorate in Metaphysics, and a Doctorate in Spiritual Psychology & Counseling.

E. Discover How the German BEMER Device Improves Health & Happiness - Frank Gillespie and Brian Eastman. www.emfsprotect.com, www.liift.info

Brian Eastman and Frank Gillespie will take you on a journey from when the German government realized it needed to find a different approach to medical healing, to BEMER’s use in Europe for 17 years, to BEMER‘s recent easy availability in the USA. They will introduce you to the science which BEMER uses to enable our bodies to function better and be healthier without having to rely on the limited options of traditional medicine.

Frank Gillespie and Brian Eastman have both established careers as experts in Alt-Med options for better health on both Physical and Emotional levels. They originally met because each became convinced that the German BEMER device offers a superb opportunity for people to gain a healthier life. They both offer free BEMER sessions to attendees of shows such as Victory of Light. They have provided free BEMER experiences to over 1,200 people who discovered they can feel after a BEMER experience.

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Noon Sun.

A. Messages from Spirit! 2 Hours of Live Readings with Lisa Williams! ($65, includes same day admission to the Victory of Light Expo!) Tickets: https://victoryoflight.thundertix.com/events/124135 or at the door if not sold out.

Lisa Williams, of upstate New York, connects people with their deceased loved ones, communicating their messages to the living for healing and closure.

Born in England in 1973, Williams was discovered by Merv Griffin in 2004 and introduced to the world through two seasons of her own hit television show, Lisa Williams: Life Among the Dead, along with Voices from the Other Side and Lisa Williams Live. Now the shows and “Lisa Williams Live'” play all over the world on cable television and the internet. Lisa has appeared on Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Anderson Cooper, Oprah, The Ricki Lake Show, Good Morning America, The Today Show, Larry King Live and Jimmy Kimmel Live.

B. How a Past Life Trauma Affects Your Present Life - Consuelo Cassotti. www.balancevolution.com

Consuelo will explore the link between your present life and previous lifetimes..

Consuelo is the author of the book, Hearing a Different Voice: Spiritual Intervention for Autistic Spectrum Disorder, ADHD/ADD and Learning Disabilities” (2013) and Kriya Masters: Ascended Masters (2014). C. The Magic & Mystery of the Bog - Thomas Freese, author of Tree Spirits and Wood Wisdom. www.ThomasLFreese.com Learn about ancient bog wood and the history and lore of bogs. Little understood and feared in many ways, bogs are places of spirits and danger. What are the stories that come from the bog? Who are the bog people and what are the spiritual uses of bog wood? Come hear the stories and feel the energies of 5,000 year old bog oak.

Bog wood comes from trees which grew at the time Stonehenge was being built. Bog wood carries powerful ancient energies and is useful for protection and healing.

Hundreds of bog bodies have been found in northern Europe and television specials have discussed how they died and why they were left in the bogs.

Bog peat has been used for cures, for healing our bodies. Precious gold and silver offerings have been left, and discovered in modern times - why were these left in the bogs? European royalty demanded objects crafted of bog wood including a Russian king whose throne was made of it.

From folktales of the Will o’ the Wisp, nature spirits lurking in boggy water and the legend of the Fifolet, bogs have lured us with spiritual mystery.

D. Self-Care for the Soul - Joanne Franchina. www.YourInnerCompass.com

Experience a powerful group process to discover what your spirit craves most, and come away with practical steps that you can take to nurture your soul along the path to fulfillment.

Joanne Franchina is a life coach, medium, instructor, writer and the founder of Inner Compass, an intuitive life coaching practice. An ordained minister and certified medium with Fellowships of the Spirit in Lily Dale, New York, Joanne has led workshops and seminars on meditation, mediumship development, creative manifestation and other metaphysical disciplines. She has written for regional and national publications, been a

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featured guest on radio, and lectured at expos and events throughout the country. Joanne helps people to create fabulous lives for themselves by using their inner wisdom in everyday situations.

E. Messages from Loved Ones: Experience a Spiritualist Church Service - Rev. Michael Schlotterbeck & USCL (United Spiritualists of the Christ Light) Church. www.USCL.org

USCL church is one of the very few Spiritualist churches in the Cincinnati area. Ever wonder what makes a Spiritualist service different? Come experience a typical service led by Rev. Michael Schlotterbeck. As we say, 'Come worship and be touched by Spirit'".

F. Soul Connections with Your Animals - Linda Roberts. www.thewhispersoflove.com

Linda experienced a spiritual awakening after the passing of her mother several years ago. She started meditating, and tapped into her spiritual self. This began her journey of self-discovery, leading her to find her own power and the ability to help others find theirs as well.

Linda is passionate about helping others – human and animal – to heal their past, present, and to live healthy, enjoyable lives. She brings forth a knowledge, an ancient wisdom, to help others to step into their power. Linda is a compassionate teacher, who is guided by intuition to focus on the highest potential of each student.

G. Electromagnetic Field Balancing Session - Irina Grundler. www.pathtoawakening.net

Come to experience a group energy balancing session! Phase XIII of EMF Balancing Technique® is a combination of all 12 phases of this evolutionary work.

Some of the benefits of the session include:

• Releasing stresses, anxiety, blockages and restrictions • Enhancing intuitive abilities • Balancing wisdom and emotions • Strengthening electromagnetic system and preparing it to hold greater energetic charges • Creating new energy patterns for supporting your evolution • Empowering you to better manage and consciously focus your energy in everyday life

Irina's conscious journey toward spiritual awakening started about 25 years ago through traditional spiritual and healing modalities such as Reiki and Sahaja Yoga. She experienced a huge shift when she was attuned to new energy frequencies of Electromagnetic Field Balancing Technique® and Reconnective Healing. She found herself expanding her practice, giving lectures and presentations, and, at the same time, fine-tuning her own vibrations to help more and more people.

H. Crystals in the 5th Dimension – Jean Tindle. www.spiritdancercrystals.com

Jean Tindle is a teacher, healer and ceremonialist who has studied shamanic healing for over 18 years with teachers and healers in South America and the U.S. She has also spent many months in the jungles of Peru studying with medicine men of the Capanahua and Shipibo tribes and in Chile with the feminine tradition of the Mapuche. Through this study came a deep understanding of the healing properties of crystals and minerals, as well as an appreciation of their beauty.

Jean teaches apprenticeships on Peruvian healing traditions, as well as workshops on crystal and sound healing.

1 p.m. Sun.

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A. Shapeshifters - John Kachuba, author of the brand new book, Shapeshifters: A History. www.JohnKachuba.com

There is something about a shapeshifter - a person who can transform into an animal - that captures our imagination. Werewolves, vampires, demons, and other weird creatures appeal to our animal nature, our “dark side,” our desire to break free of the bonds of society and proper behavior. Real or imaginary, shapeshifters lurk deep in our psyches and remain formidable cultural icons.Rituals in early cultures worldwide seemingly allowed shamans, sorcerers, witches, and wizards to transform at will into animals and back again. Today, there are millions of people who believe that shapeshifters walk among us and may even be world leaders. Featuring a fantastic and ghoulish array of examples from history, literature, film, TV, and computer games, shapeshifters are brought vividly to life in John Kachuba’s presentation as he explores our secret desire to become something other than human.

John is an award-winning writer, editor, and paranormal researcher with twelve books to his credit, including five about ghosts and ghosthunting. His latest book is Shapeshifters: A History. In his work, John has investigated over 100 haunted locations in the U.S. and abroad. John is a frequent speaker at conferences, libraries and universities, and on radio and TV. He also teaches Creative Writing at Ohio University and is on the faculty of the Gotham Writers Workshop.

B. Journey of the Soul - Eagle Skyfire. http://eagleskyfire.com

Contemplating what happens to the soul through time is a question asked through the centuries. Eagle Skyfire shares with you Native American teachings about the journey of the soul, reincarnation, and karma. She will talk about how global karma impacts individual karma. Discover what major lesson your soul is here to learn through a meditation led by Skyfire.

Eagle’s brand new book, Journeying Between the Worlds: Walking with the Sacred Spirits through Native American Teachings and Practices, published by Llewellyn Worldwide, shares Native American shamanic teachings in a way that is easily understood. This book is filled with practices that will open the door to dynamic, ever evolving relationships with the Great Spirit, your sacred Self, and your Ancestors. Written for beginner and intermediate shamanic practitioners, Journeying Between the Worlds shows you how to use shamanism to make sacred connections with the natural world, divine beings, and your own soul.

C. Wielding the Power of the Universe - Kerri Kannan, author of Uncovering the Divine Within. http://divinewithin.com

Kerri Kannan has a gift that allows her to ask the the universe to facilitate change on behalf of anyone who listens to her and the Universe Delivers! People have reported financial windfalls, healed relationships, soul mate connections, business success and more... the best part is, it requires no particular effort on behalf of the listener. You just sit back, say yes and watch as you experience INSTANT energy shifts and shortly after, life miraculously aligns to be in harmony with your desires.

D. 2020 Astrology: Jupiter & Saturn Conjunct In Aquarius - Jenni Webb. www.jenniwebbastrology.com

Approximately every 20 years, Jupiter and Saturn conjoin. Learn about the Grand Conjunction of these two social planets and what their union in Aquarius means for us individually and on a societal level.

Jenni Webb is a professional astrologer with over 10 years experience in astrological research and chart readings for clients. Beginning, intermediate and advanced training with Noel Tyl Counseling Techniques were completed with Larry Martin, professional astrologer. Jenni is a current student of Evolutionary Astrology with Steven Forrest. Readings are client focused for the purpose of healing, transformation and evolution of the soul.

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E. Flower Essences: Are You Ready to Soar Into the Expanded Reality Of Your Soul? - Aimee Zimmerman. www.laviedelarose.comYou are a being of Light and through the light of your Soul, you have the opportunity to resolve all challenges and manifest all you desire! Join Aimee Zimmerman for this interactive workshop to increase your ability to more fully access and express the light of your Soul using the unique consciousness of energetically evolved flowers.

Aimee has an extensive background in administration and sales in health management. In 2009, Aimee began studying a variety of alternative healing and wellness modalities. In 2015, she began training with Dr. Nataleah Rose Schotte, Founder and President of La Vie de la Rose, as a practitioner of the Accelerated Spiritual Growth® Curriculum. She has since joined the La Vie de la Rose team sharing her compassionate nature, intuitive insight, and multi-disciplinary skills to provide education and support to women across the United States.

F. Uniting In The Light: The Alchemy of Spiritual Transformation – Sheikha Maryam Kabeer. www.uniteinthelight.org

Sheikha Maryam was born into a liberal Jewish family in Hollywood, CA. She was an actress at the age of five and was acting in a Theatre Company when she was twelve years old, when she was given a painted scroll of an ancient wanderer, upon which were inscribed the words: “Seek and The Truth Shall Make You Free.” This message galvanized her soul and determined the course of her life. In search of the liberating truth, she was led to live in India and Nepal, and in monasteries in Europe, and then guided to embrace Islam at the hands of an ancient Sufi Master a few minutes away from the tomb of the Prophet Abraham.

She has described the deep journey of transformation in a book entitled: “Journey Through Ten Thousand Veils, the Alchemy of Transformation on the Sufi Path.” This book is a significant and revealing spiritual and social commentary dispelling many myths and stereotypes, such as the proposition, often fostered by the media, that women are inevitably oppressed in Islam. On the contrary, it is by entering into the heart of Islam that the author was liberated, elevated, empowered, and guided to realize the true purpose of her existence.

G. Ancestral Lineage Cleansing for Personal Growth - Mary Bannon. www.divineheartconnections.com

Mary is a Usui Reiki Master teacher, Kundalini Reiki Master Teacher, Integrated Energy Therapy Master Teacher, Oneness Blessing Facilitator and uses Shamanism, Quantum Energy Technique and Crystal/Stone Therapy. She has learned how to incorporate higher vibrating energies into the human body, animals, plants, and the land. Mary has also created her own healing modality called Divine Heart Connections wherein she helps you to move through and heal past lives, your personal lineage, and many health issues.

2 p.m. Sun.

A. Ask A Psychic - Victor Paruta. Mini-readings for the audience from the founder of Victory of Light. www.victorparuta.com

Victor Paruta is one of Cincinnati's most trusted psychic mediums. He is Founder and Executive Director of Victory of Light, one of the Midwest's largest Body, Mind and Spirit Expos, now in its 27th year. Victor was voted Cincinnati’s Best Psychic by Cincinnati Magazine for his “mysteriously accurate and compelling readings.” He was featured on ABC's "The View" as an expert on ghosts and hauntings, and in many newspapers, magazines and on radio and television, including two episodes of "Beyond Belief" with George Noory on Gaia TV.

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Victor’s psychic abilities include clairvoyance, mediumship (communicating with those in spirit), psychometry (reading objects), reading photos, places and pets. He can also see past lives, spirit guides, angels and spirit attachments.

B. Working with the Elementals: Faeries, Salamanders, Undines and Gnomes - Francine Haydon, Robin Stapp & Monica Vance. www.FrancineHaydon.com, www.enchantedmomentsshop.com

Francine is an intuitive Tarot and Palm reader and Energy Practitioner. Additionally, she offers sessions and teaches classes in Reiki (Master/Teacher), Kolaimni (Teacher/Practitioner), Free Soul, Hypnotherapy, Crystal Surgery (FourWinds Academy), Crystal Energy (Master of Crystology - Melody method) healing, Medicine Wheel Rejuvenation and Reiki, Chakra Alignment, Intuitive Development, Tarot, Tools for Divination, Oils and Essences, Herbs, Meditation and Manifestation, Past Live Regression and Ghost Hunting. She does most of this work in her home in Union Township and at Enchanted Moments, 127 Main Street, Milford, Ohio 45150.

C. The Rising of the Divine Feminine - Christine Alexandria. http://AngelChatter.com/

All yearn for balance, whether they realize it or not. The Divine Feminine is rising and will continue to do so in order to bring balance to a very chaotic world. Christine Alexandria shares wisdom via the energy of Love from Mary Magdalene, The Angelics and more.

Christine Alexandria is a highly sought after angel intuitive and award winning author. Her exclusive products are designed to help inspire and empower you to live the life you desire.

D. How To Have A Better Relationship With Your Pets – Kathryn Barajas Bjork. www.cbbjork.com

An animal communicator’s perspective on creating synergy within the human and pet dynamic.

E. I Am That - Living in the Heart - Chuck Reynolds. The fast track to Awakening. [email protected]

F. Heal The Present With The Past - Learning From Your Former Self - Hailey A. Hinson. http://www.sacredlotusheart.com/

Change the stress and pain you have by learning from your former self. The wisdom from your old self can shed light on: what caused stress to happen, why you still have it occurring, how to change it. Join us in a free group session on moving forward with finding this knowledge while experiencing a guided meditation to change this issue.

Hailey started meditating as a small child to find a center within a large farming family. She continued to meditate through rough and at times extreme health conditions in her life. Hailey had always had a connection to the other realms and dimensions. After passing and returning several times it was told to her to continue her work of many lifetimes, to be a helping healer/teacher for all.

Helping others along with their transition to awakened wholeness is her passion. She believes everyone has the abilities to do so, and simply needs the guidance to open it up once more. She does so by using a unique blend of healing modalities from many regions, cultures, and channeled from Source. Hailey is a Mystic, Reiki Master Teacher, Meditation facilitator, Animal Communicator, Yoga and Tai Chi/QiGong instructor.

G. Essential Oils for the Holiday Season - Ryan Dietz, Natural Options Aromatherapy. Free 5 ml holiday blend to the first 50 people. www.naturaloptions.us

Naturally formed, plant based essential oils really are Nature’s Pharmaceuticals. Depending on the plant they can provide pain relief, are anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal, relieve stress, aid sleep, improve arthritis, heal wounds, stop scarring, increase energy, remove cramps, help relieve psoriasis and eczema, help PMS

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and menopause including hot flashes, and even improve grades. How do they work and how do you use them? Come find out at this fun, hands on seminar.

H. Live an Abundant Life From the Inside Out – Michele Sammons. www.michelesammons.com

You are a beautiful, magnificent facet of The-All-That-Is. Just like a single musical note in a symphony, you are valuable and significant. You belong here. Without you, the symphony would not be complete.

About Michelle:

• BA, International Relations • Certified Martha Beck Life Coach • Certified Soul Collage Facilitator • Certified Intuitive Arts Studio Practitioner • Meditation Teacher • Plus many decades of personal studies through books, mentors, world travels, and the “school of life”

3 p.m. Sun.

A. Live-Channeled Workshop: The Lord Speaks On How To Hear The Voice Of God & Receive Your Gifts – Wendy Cleveland. www.hearTheLordSpeaks.blogspot.com (2 Hours, $10 Donation)

Wendy started receiving these messages from the Lord in October of 2011. "Our Lord is Good, He is Gracious, so very Loving and Kind, and while I still struggle in my achieving a 'perfect heart' in this life, I am trying to Be as He wishes for me to Be, and to live this life in the full expression of He in His Son as I learn more of how to Love All in His Supreme Love in His Heart, according to the Love of His Ways." - Wendy of the Way.

B. Clearing Negative Energy: A Demonstration of Smudging & Other Clearing Techniques - Angie Clark. www.angieclarkhealer.com

Angie has a vast amount of training and experience in multiple modalities. She completed the certified natural health professionals program of Warsaw IN. She has earned certifications in Iridology, N.E.A.T, Emotional Release, Light Touch, Reflexology, Bach Flower, Jin Shin Jytsu, and Kinesiology. Her Family Herbalist certification was achieved thru Dr. Christopher's School of Natural Healing, and is currently working toward Master Herbalist.

Angie is a master level Reiki practitioner. She has also achieved Master level Kundalini Reiki and Imara Reiki, along with numerous training sessions in related energy work. Angie has taken the principals of her many certifications and blended them into her own unique style of intuitive healing.

C. Discover & Communicate with Your Animal Spirit Guide – Nada Maibach. www.nadachannel.com

Nada Maibach is an ordained minister with the Church of Radiant Lights. She offers spiritual guidance through channeling Ascended Masters. Nada has channeled throughout the United States and Canada to groups and individuals. Her channeling journey began with Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus) and Mother Mary and has expanded considerably throughout the years to include the "Designated Dolphin" from Atlantis named Quixno, Thoth, Ramdala, St. Germain, Isis, Quan Yin, Ashtar, Sananda and many others.

D. Mediumship in Paranormal Investigations - Scotty Rorek. http://www.spookyscotty.com

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Scotty will share his experience as a medium who does paranormal investigations and show you how to use your own sensory gifts.

Scotty Rorek is a psychic medium whose mission is to bring spiritual understanding to people searching for answers. He works toward that mission through education, mediumship, and mentoring.To educate people, Mr. Rorek created Ztalkradio.com, an internet radio station that focuses on paranormal and psychic programming. In addition to that, Mr. Rorek provides insightful lectures at paranormal and psychic conventions.As a medium, Mr. Rorek provides messages to many people for their comfort, assurance, and guidance, both as individual and group readings. His mediumship has also been featured in the Booth Brothers' documentary "Children of the Grave 2". Because of Mr. Rorek's experience with his psychic perceptions, he often guides and mentors others who are trying to understand and use their own psychic abilities. His care and concern for others is central to his mission.

E. Anat - War Goddess of the Hebrew – Elisheva Nesher. Who was Anat? How can we use her energy in these days of "me too"? www.primitivehebrews.org

F. The 3 Things You Need to Know Before Using CBD Oil – Celeste, Maria. www.center4creativehealing.com

Maria Celeste will explain the human endocannabinoid system that interacts with the use of Cannabinoids (CBD) derived from the family of hemp plants. It is truly a sacred plant. Quality CBD is an effective form of alternative natural treatment to many ailments and illnesses of various types.

Maria Celeste holds a Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Psychology and Philosophy, Cum Laude, and a Masters in Business in Finance and Accounting from Boston College. Maria has deepened and widened her inherited talents from her family’s vast lineage of spiritually gifted psychics and healers through living and traveling extensively throughout the world, studying different world religions and dedicating herself to the integration of religion and deep spirituality for World Unity and Peace. Maria teaches, coaches, and channels around the globe.

G. Ways to Raise Your Frequency & Maintain A Higher Level - Carol Gailey, Certified Master Sound Therapist and Teacher. www.good4ureleasing.net

Learn about physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and relational ways to create positive shifts toward your spiritual evolution.

Carol has more than 25 years of working with techniques for releasing trauma and balancing energy and has studied tuning fork practices for 8 years. Her Health Coach training lasted for a full year. She gives “tune-ups” with tuning forks which provide a better ability to manage stress, reduce pain, balance one’s energy field, and improve the overall quality of life. Because various frequencies of sound change a person’s resonance there is an immediate shift in how one feels following a tuning fork session.

4 p.m. Sun.

A. Working With Your Spirit Guides - Rose Vanden Eynden. www.vandeneynden.biz

Rev. Rose Vanden Eynden is a Spiritualist minister, clairvoyant medium, instructor, and author of metaphysical nonfiction and fiction. She founded both the United Spiritualists of the Christ Light Church and her practice,

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Light Journey Enterprises, in Cincinnati. Her nonfiction work focusing on mediumship and spirit communication, published by Llewellyn Worldwide, has been translated into seven languages. She has studied, practiced, and taught metaphysics for over 25 years.

B. On The Other Hand, Your Days Are Numbered! – Palmistry & Numerology - Heidi E. Kent & Marsha G. Cook. www.kentcookinstitute.com

Heidi is currently the Co-Director of The Kent-Cook Institute at The Nook, accredited School of Metaphysics, Mysticism and Spiritual Healing in Cornelius, North Carolina. She is a Master Palmist, Certified Psychic Medium, and a Spiritual Counselor. Heidi studied widely with many Master Teachers and studied at Historic Camp Chesterfield. She has a degree in Philosophy and History from the University of Miami and a Master of Arts Degree from John F. Kennedy University in Orinda, California. Through the years, Heidi has taught and been certified as a Life Coach, Relationship Coach and Certified Psychic Medium from Camp Chesterfield, Indiana. As a metaphysical teacher and advisor, she creates miracles in people's lives through life and relationship coaching, as well as past life therapy. Rev. Marsha is currently the Co-Director of The Kent-Cook Institute at The Nook. She is a Master Palmist, Certified Psychic Medium, and a Spiritual Counselor. She is a Metaphysical Specialist, Spiritual Counselor and Author. Rev. Marsha is a graduate of the Clayton College of Natural Health, having earned both a Bachelor of Science in Holistic Nutrition and a Master of Science in Natural Health as well as The Alliance of Divine Love Healing Ministry, with a Doctor of Divinity in Metaphysics and Spirituality. She has been a Certified Fitness Specialist and Instructor since 1984 as well as a Certified Personal Trainer and Martial Artist.

C. A Guided Meditation & Exploration of the 3rd & 7th Chakras - Tara Alexandria. www.taraalexandria.com

After a guided meditation, we'll explore how to stand in your personal power and heal the blocks that make you feel stuck. Intuition, willpower, self-belief & connection to your Higher Self will take center stage!

Tara Alexandria is a psychic medium, healer, and teacher. She's all about finding clarity and healing yourself so you can live your dream life and make the world a better place.

D. Hearing Voices & Other Extreme Psychic Phenomena: The Meaning for Us – Tom Polson. www.HearingVoicesUSA.org

A talk describing the "source and nature of our innate being of multidimensional reality hidden and hiding in our own mind's interpretation of our own natural identity of Self." And a meditation to your own being of multidimensional reality to see what they report.

Hearing Voices? You’re not alone. Learn about these paranormal experiences and what might be causing them. There are many ways to understand the experience of hearing voices and other unusual or extreme experiences.

The Hearing Voices Network (HVN) promotes an alternative approach which does not start from the assumption that people who have these experiences have a chronic illness. HVN is a partnership between individuals who hear voices or have other extreme or unusual experiences, professionals and allies in the community, all of whom are working together to change the assumptions made about these phenomenon and create support, learning and healing opportunities for people across the country. 5 p.m. Sun.

A. The Ability Rainbow - Sherrie L Milot & Dimitri Kaplanis. Colors in the energy field reveal one’s talents and gifts. [email protected]

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Everyone has special intuitive gifts from birth - a strong intuition, psychic abilities, connections to the Fairie and Angel realms. Peoples’ abilities appear in the ability colors around them. The ability colors are sometimes mistaken as a person’s aura colors. They are not the same. This seminar will show how to tell the differences. Sherrie will read volunteers from the audience to help them better understand who they are as well as their gifts.

Dimitri Kaplanis is a Spiritual Advisor and Psychic Medium, Instructor of Spiritual and Paranormal Studies, and a Psychic Artist.

B. The Galactic Federation & Me: Stepping Into the Intergalactic Community – Kimiya Kaluba. www.Kimiyathemedium.com

Kimiya is a psychic medium, energy healer and tarot reader specializing in evidential mediumship, Star People Communication and Body Talk.