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NLP Training & Certification.The Performance Institute of NLP.International NLP training courses, seminars & events.NLP experience since 1987. Society of NLP trainingseminars since 1999.Invest a little more on the inside, than the outside, of your head. Get Skills!

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International NLPTrainingSociety of NLPTMUpdate:Saturday, February 09, 2013"Batangas,A7,Philippines,NeedsNeuro-Linguistic Programmers,Communication Skills Specialists And Skilled Hypnotists."YouHave ToDeal With People.Who Do You Want ToImproveYour Results With?A boss, employee, co-worker, customer, supplier, prospect,acquaintance, friend, lover, relative, even yourself?If your answer isYES toanyof the above, thenthis page has valuable information for you.The fact that you have arrived at this page and are reading this right now, can only mean one thing; you are interested inhow you can have a better understanding of people and the skills to easily influence them.UP FRONT WARNING:Reading This PageWill Make You Want To BuyOur Training.WE ARE NOT sayingyou will buy our training, but that you will want to. The last thing we are going to do today, is sell you our training. It's our job to help you make good decisions, we don'tmakeyou do anything.We make surethis page has all the information you need, to feel sure before making a good decision.NLP Training and CertificationA map, aMindAlteringPerspective, makes navigating easy!Get your "MAP ofMinds"to easily navigate people's thinking!Open your mind to how people think.TMThis 8 day NLP Trainingincludes hypnosis training(optional hypnotherapy certification), plusbusiness, persuasion, seduction, therapy, sports and personal NLP application techniques.NLP Practitioner(no experience necessary)NLP Master Practitioner(previous NLP Practitioner Certification required)People say this NLP trainingisthe best,becauseit's quite different. Even those certified elsewhere, take this training to get what they missed... how todoNLP.Get ahead of the!

"I highly recommend Steve Boyley.""He is continually updating his training with the most up-to-date skills I have developed and isone of the few centers licensed internationallythrough The Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming."Dr. Richard Bandler. Creator of NLP & DHE .

Master of NLP Mind TrainingSteve Boyley,JAFS.NLPT. MCHt., is internationally recognized for his NLP training skills.While there are many "local" NLP trainers, there are only a few NLP trainers that have earned a reputation worthy of "worldwide" attention.Steve is best known for the quality of his training, he gets results! He trains and certifies NLP Practitioners, NLP Master Practitioners, Hypnotherapists and Communications Skills Specialists.The difference between Steve Boyley and many other NLP trainers,is that Steve has huge depth of experience using NLP outside of an "NLP training business".He used NLP everyday, selling, recruiting, training, managing, leading, creating and socializing,for 13 years before startingto teach people how to do NLP.He is not just a trainer or teacher who added NLP to their product list, Steve used NLP to create success in every industry he entered and then built his own successful businesses.When Steve Boyley teaches, it's not an intellectual exercise, it's real life!Today, the depth of Steve Boyley's knowledge and experience using NLP extends beyond two decades, spans the globe and encompasses a diverse range of industries.He now has 13 years experience training Neuro Linguistic Programmers, Communication Skills Specialists and Hypnotherapists.Steve Boyley getsmore reviews than any other trainerof Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). In addition to being an approved provider of NLP Training, he is also an approved provider of hypnosis training.Public NLP Training Seminars draw an international audience, corporate events are customized to suit.Steve is also sought after for hisSales,Management, andLeadershiptraining.He has personally trained hundreds of people worldwide, everyone, from front line staff to the highest paid executives. Learnmore about Steve.

"in touch withwhat NLPreally isand knowsmoreabout the skills than most""Steve Boyley has been training now forquitesome time.What I like about him is that he's in touch withwhat NLPreally isand knowsmoreabout the skills than most.He knows thedifferencebetween the skills and the techniques.Steve has also been in other businesses and quite successfully. So he's not a therapist wanting to be a business person.He's quite savvy.Steve is also world traveled and has also done some NLP training in Dubai, UAE, Bahrain and Amsterdam."John La Valle. MBA.President of The Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

Quickly Master Powerful NLP Skills'How people communicate' has been thoroughly mapped during the last thirty years.Neuro-Linguistic Programmers say "The map is not the territory". More importantly,when you wantusefulknowledge about the territory, the map provides information youneed.Mapping Peoples ThinkingNeuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) provides a MAP of the way people acquire their experience of reality, how people process perceptions, and how people communicate conclusions to themselves and others. In other words,NLP provides a MAP of subjective experience. NLP also provides ways that you canuse that mapto influence yourself and others. Top communicators in many fields are currently using this MAP to understand and influence people and so can you! Mind Altering PerspectiveEasily Navigating MindsUsing the NLP map helps you gainafunctionalknowledge of peoples thinking, their subjective experience.This powerful knowledge is based on the overall operating presupposition thatall behavior has a structureand that structure can be modeled, learned, taught, and changed. It enables Neuro-Linguistic Programmers to organize information and perceptions in ways thatallow them to achieve results that were once inconceivable to them.Understand How The Brain Works And The Language That Drives ItFor more than 2 decades Steve Boyley has applied his NLP knowledge and skills in his personal life, in building successful businesses, in helping people already successful in their endeavors to become even more successful and in helping people overcome personal limitations. In his NLP training seminars, in addition to teaching you the principles of NLP and the skills to use them,Steve provides a wide variety of strategies as examples of how you can apply NLP knowledge and skills.Strategies for; personal transformation, self actualization, business success, loving relationships, powerful persuasion, effective negotiation, hypnotic induction, public speaking, learning quickly, overcoming limiting beliefs and phobias, selling, spelling, seducing, creativity, rapidly gaining new behaviors, easy improvisation for interesting conversation, and many more.Open Your Mind To How People ThinkDiscover creative new ways to enhance effectiveness inall areas of your lifefor more enjoyment and pleasure.An awakening of your mind and all your senses, accelerating your skills for achieving your goals.Jumpstart your influence and personal power, take the full NLP Practitioner or NLP Master Practitioner training and certification by world renowned trainer Steve Boyley.Steve givespersonalattention to each student,thismajorfeature ensures that you get results!

In Steve Boyley's NLP TrainingYou'll Easily Learn.122 Proven NLP Communication Strategies30 Hypnotic Induction Methods34 NLP SkillsThe fact that youuseas well as learn about these skills and strategies during the training, makes it very easy to remember how to apply NLPeverywhereyou need to.

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43 types of NLP information you canhear people revealas they speak.You'll use this information totailor a precision responsethat takes them in any new direction you want.Voice tones that tell you someone's state of mind.5 types of words indicate sensory thinking modes.2 patterns that indicate overlapping thinking modes.Language that reveals their categories of thinking.How they transform their experiences into language.Metaphors people create to carry their message..Ambiguous language that conveys multiple messages.7 types of presuppositions they use to make you believe them.5 ways they use to communicate indirectly.3 ways they generalize limits on their thinking.5 ways they distort information about their reality.4 ways they delete information from experiences.How they use the words but, if, you, try & why.Patterns they use to change perceptions.Patterns they use to change beliefs.Communication that causes rapid mood changes.Patterns that reveal how they are motivated.Words that reveal details about the qualities of their thoughts.Thinking patterns they use to accomplish what they do.

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11 categories of NLP information you canactually seeas people communicate with you.Physical cues such as facial expressions are often 100% of someone's message, you'll usethis important information togo beyond words.4 physical cues that tell you someone's state of mind.Body language that speaks louder than words.Cues that show you their sensory thinking modes.Behavior that shows how to gain rapport with them.How they access various states of mind.Experiences that cause rapid changes in their mood.Behaviors that reveal the qualities of their thoughts.Patterns of thinking that are revealed by their behavior.

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56 amazing NLP strategies you can useto influence anybody.Have the ultimate advantage in every personal and professional interaction.8 principles for effective communication.5 types of words that enrich your language.2 speech patterns that improve communication.Using your voice to make a powerful connection.Using your voice to convey more than words.Patterns that get people following your lead.Language that causes rapid mood changes.Create stories that have powerful impact.Use ambiguous language for fun and question it for clarity.7 types of presuppositions that cause people to believe you.5 ways of communicating indirectly.3 ways to change generalized limits on thinking.5 ways to get clarification on distorted information.4 ways of gathering missing information.Communicate goals in a way that gets them done.Entrancing with hypnotic patterns and your voice.Change someone's frame of mind within moments.Speak on any subject using multiple categories of information.Get through to both their conscious and unconscious minds.Quickly change limiting perceptions.Use patterns that change beliefs.Leverage peoples motivation patterns.Language that controls the qualities of thoughts.Utilize thought patterns and/or install new ones.Use flexible communication skills to connect with more people.

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12 powerful NLP behaviors that enable you toperform well inanysituation.You'll use these abilities to do what you must do, when you must do it.Behavioral integration of NLP presuppositions.Instantly adjust your mood.Put yourself in the right frame of mind.Create well-formed goals you will achieve.Make changes easily.Plan for successful outcomes.Eliminate mental overload.Develop a connection with others.Adjust the qualities of your thoughts to fine tune your behavior.Use thinking patterns to generate behaviors.Apply behavioral flexibility to achieve what you want.Shift consciousness to alter experience.

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30 Hypnotic Induction Methods. Access yourfull mind power.Know how to hypnotize yourself and others, anywhere, anytime!Utilize and recognize hypnotic structure and trance states.2 hypnosis categories. inviting and commanding.3 hypnosis strategies for each of the 2 categories. overt, covert and subliminal5 hypnosis methods for each of the 3 hypnosis strategies. visual, auditory, touch, taste and smell.Many techniques for each of the 5 hypnosis methods.

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18 categories of NLPskills deemed essentialby the creators of NLP and the 'Society of NLP'.You will actually learn more than these 18 categories of essential skills, you will also begin to learnNLP Master Practitionerskills. NLP Practitioners are trainedwiththe NLP Master Practitioners.Behavioral integration of NLP presuppositions.Beliefs useful to Neuro-Linguistic Programmers for accomplishing desired results.Calibrating through Sensory ExperienceThe process of learning to read another person's unconscious, nonverbal responses in an ongoing interaction by pairing observable behavioral cues with a specific internal response.Elicitation of Well-Formed Goals, Direction and Present State.In NLP, a particular outcome is well-formed when it is: (1) stated in positives, (2) initiated and maintained by the individual, (3) ecological - maintains the quality of all rapport systems, and (4) testable in experience - sensory based.Representational Systems (Sensory Predicates and Accessing Cues)The five senses: seeing, hearing, touching (feeling), smelling and tasting. Recognizing and utilizing another person's representations. Subtle behaviors that will both help to trigger and indicate which representational system a person is using to think with. Typical types of accessing cues include eye movements, voice tone, tempo, body posture, gestures, and breathing patterns.Overlapping and Translating Representational SystemsConnecting the meaning of one representation to the same meaning in another representation. This process helps people gain a greater understanding by accessing meaning in more than one representation system.Accessing and Building ResourcesThe ability to find and use states of mind like motivation, tenacity, compassion, love, confidence, creativity etc. Being able to call upon resources like these enables you to be in the appropriate state of mind to accomplish your outcome.Rapport Skills.Creating the presence of trust, harmony, and cooperation with the people your are communicating with. In some situations it is just as important to know how to break rapport as it is to know how to create rapport.Verbal & Nonverbal Leading & PacingA method used by communicators to quickly establish rapport by matching certain aspects of their behavior to those of the person with whom they are communicating - matching or mirroring of behavior and then leading it.Eliciting, Installing & Utilizing all sensory AnchorsThe process of associating an internal response with some external trigger (similar to classical conditioning) so that the response may be quickly, and sometimes covertly, re-accessed.Omni Directional ChunkingOrganizing or breaking down some experience into bigger or smaller pieces. Chunking up involves moving to a larger, more abstract level of information. Chunking down involves moving to a more specific and concrete level of information. Chunking laterally involves finding other examples at the same level of information.Meta Model (Analysis Model)A model developed by John Grinder and Richard Bandler that identifies categories of language patterns that can be problematic or ambiguous. Used to assist in gathering and processing incoming information.Content & Context ReframingThe framework surrounding a particular event will often determine how a particular experience or event is interpreted.Milton Model (Induction Model)The hypnotic language patterns of Milton Erickson. Used to assist in installing information and facilitating change. (You will learn more hypnosis than the American Board of Hypnotherapy requires to be a Certified Hypnotherapist)Creating & Utilizing MetaphorsStories, parables and analogies that contain information.Strategy Detection, Elicitation, Utilization and InstallationThe process of facilitating the acquisition of a new strategy (a set of explicit mental and behavioral steps used to achieve a specific outcome) or behavior. A new strategy may be installed through any of the NLP skills or techniques and/or combination of them.Sub-modalities (including Time lines, Belief Change, Swish Patterns, etc.)The special sensory qualities perceived by each of the five senses. For example, visual sub-modalities include color, shape, movement, brightness, depth, etc., auditory sub-modalities include volume, pitch, tempo, etc., and kinesthetic sub-modalities include pressure, temperature, texture, location, etc.Ability To Shift ConsciousnessChanging the total ongoing mental and physical conditions from which a person is acting.Demonstration of Flexibility of Behavior and AttitudeThe ability to vary one's own behavior in order to elicit or secure a response from another person.

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HowYouCan ApplyThese NLP Skills.Once you have the enhanced awareness Steve's NLP Training creates, it'salwaysturned on. You begin using it in everything you do!Goal setting & achieving.Making decisions, Solving problems, Managing.Personal power strategies.Leading, Negotiating, Persuading, Motivating, Instructing, Marketing, Presenting & SellingPersonal influence skills.Harmonizing teams, Resolving conflicts, Modeling performance, Facilitating creativity, Changing limiting beliefs & Removing inhibiting fearsKnow your mind's operating system.Upgrade your processing of thoughts. Configure your understanding of realities.Boost your interfacing options.Enhance your memory capacity. Activate your perception skills. Improve your connecting speed.Optimize your outputting capabilities.Recognize your responding abilities. Start your empowering energy. Accelerate your succeeding talents.Find your supporting resources.Access your communicating power. Create your decision making criteria. Implement your organizing principles. Alleviate your inhibiting fears.Select your influencing solutions.Learn your achieving strategies. Utilize your entrancing possibilities. Time your progressing future.Delight your adventuring spirit.Choose your awaiting destiny.

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NLP Training NLPThe best way to teach NLP is by using NLP,creating a Neuro-Linguistic Program for Neuro-Linguistic Programming, developing new neural pathways of recognition, understanding and the skills to use that information.This means that each NLP Training Seminar is very similar to the others and also different from the others. This is due to the differences in what each group of people needs for all to achieve the outcome.Carefully Designed To Address All Styles Of LearningAnd to Engage Participants FullySteve uses some lectures and discussions with lots of demonstrations and powerful individual or group exercises. These exercises provide opportunities forpersonal participationin real situations.During these exercises you discover that you can do what you are learning. This process makes the trainingfun filled, fast-paced, challenging and empowering.NLP For All ApplicationsMany NLP courses focus on strategies foreithertherapy, business or 'personal' applications.Steve Boyley's NLP training focuses on the NLP modelsandthe skills to use themin any situation. A wide variety of strategies (therapy, businessand'personal') are used as examples of the many flexible ways you can use the NLP models and skills.You use your valuable training time learning and applying NLP rather than memorizing all the NLP terms,that can be done later at your leisure.Knowing how tousethe NLP models and skills, enables you toapply existing published strategies as well as elicit and create your own.

Fun Time Optimizes LearningNLP facilitates the exploration of almost any strategy for accomplishing something.NLP training in 8 consecutive days, includes hypnosis, business, therapy and "personal" NLP application techniques.If learning NLP was about learningallthe different strategies that have been (and continue to be) elicited or created for accomplishing things, then the training time would get longer and longer.By using NLP to accelerate how quickly you can learn NLP, the NLP training program has been neatly fitted into 8 days.Some trainers offer shorter trainings, but as you have seen from the course content, that will only be enough to focus on some of it and tease you about the rest. The time it takes to learn, is the knowledge divided by the speed of leaning. Steve Boyley has refined NLP training to 8 days of accelerated learning.NLP Training is8 consecutive days, 10 AM to 10 PMplus"After hours" practice and discussion.Breaks, are also active practice opportunities. An informal celebration is held after 8 PM on the last day.This training format optimizes learning speed with ease.Starting at 10 AM provides a couple of hours each morning for delegates to get things done. Entrepreneurs can monitor their business, some delegates prefer to exercise and many use the time to review and define their goals. You also have plenty of time to integrate and practice your skills informally during breaks, meals and socializing after 10 PM.Each day you will have new awareness and skills to play withoutsideof the seminar room. Officially, you are learning NLP 12 hours each day. Unofficially, you are learning, integrating and practicing NLP almost 24 hours a day. Evenwhile you sleepdeeply and restfully each night.The Seminar Room Helps Create Fantastic Experience!The seminar rooms we select have plenty of room for delegates to enjoy the information presented and practice their NLP skills.A perfect setting to learn NLP with lounge style seating and Steve's words flowing like silk over polished marble.Steve uses a projection system to display "additional" information and provides music during exercises and breaks to keep the beat flowing as your knowledge is growing. Then, after class, the socializing begins, providing opportunities to practice in unstructured exercises!The bar is often the setting for after class activities.

NLP Practitioners LearnWithNLP Master PractitionersSome NLP Trainers do not teachMaster Practitioner skillstoPractitioners.Steve Boyleydoesn't holdanythingback!He believes the point of NLP Master Practitioner training is for delegates tomastertheir NLP skills, rather than learning some of them for the first time. That's whySteve Boyley teachesallof the NLP skills to NLP Practitioners.During NLP Practitioner trainingyou ask yourself questions like "Am I doing this right? How would this have changed my past? How will this change my future?".The first time you get NLP Training, youbeginusing and applying NLP in your life.During NLP Master Practitioner trainingyour focus will be quite different from your first NLP Training. Having had experience using NLP every day, you will ask yourself different questions.The second time you attend NLP Training, youmasteryour use of NLP.NLP Master Practitioners have a different focus: Observing the NLP being used to teach NLP from day 1. Using multiple NLP skills simultaneously during exercises. Improving the speed, elegance and precision of NLP skills. Applying "the finer points" that go beyond the basics. Practicing strategy acquisition and installation. Exploring Sleight of Mouth advanced belief change language patterns.

YouGet MoreThan NLP SkillsYouAlsoReceive These Items.Licensed Practitioner (or Master Practitioner) of NLPnumbered certificatesigned by:

Steve Boyley(Licensed Trainer of NLP),John LaValle(President of The Society of NLP) andDr. Richard Bandler(Creator of NLP & DHE).Richard Bandler andThe Society of NLPlicenses NLP Practitioners to represent for 2 years that they have been certified, and to use the Society of NLP license marks (logos) in that connection.NLP certificates can be renewed at no cost(a processing fee may apply in future).NLP Practitioner (or Master Practitioner) manual.

The official NLP Training manual endorsed by Dr. Richard Bandler andThe Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming.It contains summaries of information covered in the training and over 30 additional exercises and patterns. Only students of approved trainers, like Steve Boyley, are issued these manuals.OPTIONAL: Registered and Certified Hypnotherapist certificates plus wallet card from The American Board of Hypnotherapy.

You are going to receive hypnosis training in your NLP Trainingand since you will have exceeded ABH training requirements, you are eligible for their certificates. If you intend to provide hypnotherapy sessions, then these 2 certificates are useful. This option is an extra $250. ABH certificates are valid for 1 year. Annual renewal is USD $115.

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Don't Just Take Our Word For It!Here's What People Are Saying About Steve Boyley's NLP Training

"In less than four monthsafter taking Steve Boyley's NLP coursemy SALES have DOUBLED.""At first, the company that I work for was reluctant to invest their money in the seminar and hotel.But after landing the biggest account in the company historythe only complaint I hear is 'Slow downwe cant keep up with the sales!'In Steve's Class you will havehands on exercisethat allows you to participate and apply the skills that you have learned about NLP. Instead of being a spectator watching from the sidelinesyou will be part of a team that learns and practices together.Unlike other courses that I have attended,Steve does not waste your time trying to up sell you with additional productin the back of the room.LEAVE YOUR CREDIT CARD AT HOMEbecauseyou get all the material in classin order to achieve your goals.Drop what you are doing andsign up for Steve Boyley's Classtoday.It willchange your life foreverand you will not regret it. Steve brings real life experience to the class room to make learning NLPeasy and FUN.Patrick DuCharm,Salesman. Dekalb, IL, USA.

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"Steve Boyley's 8 Day NLP training is an excellent investment of your, time, money, and effort.""Having been a practitioner of NLP for more than 15 years I have attended many NLP Trainings,it is clear to me that Steve Boyley is in a class of his own.It doesn't matter whether you are a seasoned practitioner or a complete novice,Steve presents in his unique style,a style which allows everyone in the room to get even the deeper complexities of NLP.He made the training fun and challenges each and every participant tostep out of and beyond their reality and into a realm of possibility.This creates a level playing field for all participants and a greater sense of what is possible in all things.Iunequivocallyrecommend that "you" take Steve's training."Dr. Dv Baron. PhDProfessional Speaker & Trainer. Vancouver, BC, Canada.

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"There are few products, services, and experiences these days that you find where thevalue well exceeds the cost.""Id been interested in the training for probably 15 years, ever since I first read Unlimited Power. And year after year, I would reread Unlimited Power. I also added other titles to my annual read/reread ritual.Everything about NLP made sense to me and sounded great, but no matter what, I was unable to really integrate the skillsto the point where I could use them consistently and really make them second nature.Your training certainly changed that!You not only brought clarity to areas such as eye-accessing, rapport, calibration, congruency, meta programs, meta model, Milton model, anchoring and so many others; butyou enabled me to fully understand and execute them consistently. I am beginning tocatch myselfwatching peoples eyes, listening to the words they use, questioning their generalizations, deletions and distortions (and having fun with them doing so).Already I am no longer simply reacting to what people are saying; I am taking my time to really listen and understand them.All in all, I wanted to say thatI thoroughly enjoyed the training,your style, your city, and I have to give you top marks also on the value. There are few products, services, and experiences these days that you find where thevalue well exceeds the cost.Your training is one of them."Dawson Barber.Sales Trainer and Entrepreneur.Vancouver, Canada.

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"Your ways of teaching are outrageous and stimulating.""I had a wonderful time at the training, learning so much stuff, making new friends...I had lots of fun learning from you.Your ways of teaching are outrageous and stimulating. I truly liked your down-to-earth application of NLP.I loved every bit of the training.I felt a real shift in my perception of myself and others.Since the training I have more energy and motivation to achieve my goals.I'll sure come back for the master NLP training. Thank you, Thank you!"Seloua Nour.Hypnotherapist, Kelowna, BC, Canada.

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"This past 8 days will stay with me the rest of my life.""Learning NLP gave me more power than I ever thought possible.Your training style was a complete surprise andmore fun than a really great vacation.My head is still vibrating from laughing and from learning so much in so little time. And I got so attached to everyone; I now need NLP to treat the separation anxiety:-)Thanks again Steve that was the experience of a lifetime."Adline Saunders.Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

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"This training experience was themost beneficialI have been to""My business partner and I recently completed Steve Boyley's NLP Master Practitioner Certification Training, andthe more we review all that we learned, the more we aretotally impressedwith all that we received.Ialwaysenjoy it when an experience surpasses my always optimistic expectations.This training experience was themost beneficialI have been to, and even better than thatit was the most fun!Many people will come to train with Steve because of the tremendous value in price, but I know that everyone in my class realizedthereal valuewas the all the knowledge and practical experiencethey obtained from their eight days with Steve.I came to this training already experienced with NLP, and already certified in Hypnosis, but over the training periodI was able to increase my understandings and proficiencysubstantiallyin these areas. I gainednewinsights, cleared up misconceptions, and in generalexpanded the depth of my knowledge and abilities."Craig S. Eubanks.Entrepreneur.San Francisco, California, USA.

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"I am jealous of the NLP Practitioner delegates from your training.""While training with Richard was a great experience, I am jealous of the Practitioner delegates from your training.They got a much richer Practitioner training experience than I got in London,were exposed to a lot more material and received better guidance in how to use NLP in the real world.Steve, you are agreattrainer. You have theskillsof Richard Bandler and theenergyandreal-world focusthat are necessary to make training a real pleasure.I'm very glad that I chose to be a delegate at your trainingand recommend to anyone interested in NLP training, that theystop waiting and start planningtheir trip for training with younow!"Jeff Richards. CHtHypnosis Trainer. Columbus, OH, USA

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"Steve has an infectious, upbeat, positive attitude that permeates the air.""He brings it with him wherever he goes!I really appreciated that, considering the amount of info and time that we spent together in the training.Steve also possesses one of the CRAZIEST personalities that you will ever meet... on this planet!!! He laughs constantly. He is very sharp and very funny.There were at least a dozen times that I was in tears from laughter.HE IS MY KIND OF GUY."Dar Dixon.Professional Actor. Los Angeles, California, USA.

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"Steve Boyley, is exceptional.""He unquestionably has a mastery of the material, and he emphasizes PRACTICE.There is A LOT of opportunity to practice what we are learning, and Steve is always near to participate and to lend help when needed.Steve teaches the terminology and so forth, but we are encouraged to USE NLP, not know all the jargon.Steve is also one of the FUNNIEST PEOPLE I HAVE EVER MET! He has a unique personality, and during the entire training you'll find yourself laughing uncontrollably.What is for sure is thatyou will know more than enough to change yourself and to help others change themselves. All in all, this seminar was unforgettable, and I look forward to returning for my Master Practitioner training."Andr E. Harding.Student, New York, NY, USA.

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"Steve uses NLP to teach NLP in a masterful way.""He has the uncanny ability to teach a group and its individuals simultaneously. I, like other fortunate students of Steve's trainings, am a walking testimonial to his outstanding level of excellence and skill.You can read every book written on NLP and still not get what you learn in 8 days with Steve Boyley.You will also perform incredibly well, once you complete his seminar. Findyourdream and build it by signing up now for Steve's course!"George Gold.Special Forces Consultant, Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico.

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"I am amazed how much of the course I have retained""Have to say that the course exceeded my expectationswhen I took it in Feb, butI'm even happier now I as the results keep on comingand I am amazed how much of the course I have retained and managed to use.Suffice to say Steve, I put it all down to the unique mix you manage to achieve at your training courses i.e. your passion for NLP, that unique Boyleying training style, thepersonal attention you give each and every studenton the course, the small group size, the relaxed and fun learning environment and theincredible mix of people that are drawn to the course."Paul Thomas.Manchester, Lancashire, UK.

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"..full of valuable knowledge mixed with fun.""Having seenmanyNLP trainers before, I found Steve to be a dynamic and capable trainer.He teaches from his heart and wants to make sure that his students are getting the best knowledge he has.His seminars are full of valuable knowledge mixed with fun. I came all the way from Bahrain to attended the Master practitioner training with Steve and I amgladI did so.It was worth every penny I spent on this seminar."Dr. Sorror Qarooni.Bahrain.

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"Steve keeps you interested, awake and on yer toes""After reviewing 2 dozen sites across Europe, North America and Australia, which were all too verbose and inconcise,I returned to your site again and again to re-read all the valuable information that I would learn and to check the schedule and pricing.Steves language is to the point and conveys exactly the information, expectation and promise to develop NLP skills in the inductee in a tone, full of fun, mischief and cheek that elicits attention and compliance, giving one a sense of understanding and fascination so thatthe hours fly by each day as the new knowledge seeps in deep.Steve keeps you interested, awake and on yer toes all the time with a lecture here and there with plenty of anecdotes to keep you amused and interested, they demonstrate the lesson being instructed."Christopher NicholsMelbourne, Victoria, Australia.

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"Steve is an excellent NLP Trainer!""I've learned NLP from4 different "NLP gurus", read a lot of books on NLP, received my Prac Certification from an institution in other country and of course earned Master Prac certification with Steve.After earning my Prac Certification, and through some years of NLP readings,I focused a lot on NLP methodology. Maybe it was only my own taking of NLP, using my own MAP.I knew that there was something missingand that I didnt know what I supposed to know in order to complete my learning.Within the 8 days,Steve showed me a different approach to NLPand Hypnotherapy learning.He exposed to me a lot of 'linguistic' and communication parts of NLP that were not on my MAP before, and which are exciting and thought provoking.My MAP on NLPand lifewas broadened and enriched.Awesome!I recommend him to anybody who wants to be exposed more on NLP way of communicating. Steve 'walks the talk'!NowI'm able to use more effectively what I learn previouslyin Prac certification and other Hypnotherapy classes.In my training classes and therapy room,I use a lot of things I learned from those 8 days. Steve is an excellent NLP Trainer!"Hingdranata Nikolay.NLP Trainer. Jakarta Utara, Indonesia.

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NLP is for People LikeYouYou have thisdesireto learn the skills tofind out what kinds of communicationwillinfluencesomebody, the thingsworthknowing.People with this desire travel from all over the world,includingBatangas,A7,Philippines, to Steve Boyley's NLP training courses, tobecomeNeuro-Linguistic Programmers.Delegates come tothisNLP Training from many places, even the opposite side of the planet! They wantmaximum benefitfor their money. They want an NLP Trainer with a fantastic reputation forexcellent NLP Training. They wantreasonable pricesfor the training.People DoMake TimeFor NLP TrainingDecidingis like when your goal is in front of you and a voice in your mind says,"This is the opportunity to go ahead!Go for it! excite your mind and senses. Here's the opportunity to decide that this isabsolutelythe perfect thing for you to do. Decide that it's time for you to plan some changes, to do what it takes toget your NLP Practitioner or Master Practitioner training.This is an opportunity to check for synchronicity between your schedule, your budget and your desire toaccelerate your abilities!You may have been thinking about how great it would be to have NLP training,now these events may well create the conditions whereyou can!By now, you're probably close to deciding.Feel confident andsureof your decision, thentake action.....Register as a delegate for one of the world class NLP Training opportunities coming up. Use the online registration toassure your participationin the 8 day NLP Training and Certification you choose.Space is limited, register as soon as you feel sure you are ready.

The Cost of NLP TrainingCan You AffordNot To?Steve Boyley believes that NLP should be learned as early in life as possible. You learn how to tap into the power of your mind and the minds of others.NLP training NOW... means that you can benefit from NLP for a larger number of years.What price do you pay for NOT knowing NLP?Thevalueof NLP Training is not in the total price you paid anyway!Therealvalueof NLPis in theknowledge and skillsyou learn.8 day NLP Practitioner or Master Practitioner training, approved by Richard Bandler (Creator of NLP & DHE) and The Society of NLP,usuallycosts $3,500plustravel and hotel expenses!You'd have to payeven more than thatto attend one of the corporate seminars presented by Steve Boyley in Amsterdam, Kuala Lumpur, Bahrain and Dubai.Making NLP AffordableSoonerYou know how sometimes you hear something over and over and finally one day you do something about it?Thats what happened to Steve Boyley, hearing people say they waitedyearswhile they yearned for NLP training.They reflect on howdifferenttheir lives could have beenif they had learned NLPsooner.NLP is about change, soSteve Boyley changed the costof his NLP Trainings so that peoplecanlearn NLP sooner.He slashed the price!Can that be done?It can if your NLP Training happens in a beautiful part of the world where overhead cost is low,international access iseasy, the hotels are reasonably priced and everything you want is easy to get. By holding the NLP Training in carefully selected locations, Steve Boyley keeps his costs low and can pass on thatsavingto you!Why The Big Discount?How we can slash the price to make NLPmore affordable:1. You take an exciting trip here.Savesus the cost of flying our team there with our seminar gear and paying extra baggage charges.2. You enjoy our low cost venue.Savesus the crazy costs of venues near you. Many require us to hire their contractors to hang our posters and plug in equipment. Most charge huge fees for coffee service and you don't want to know the cost for internet.3. You relax in one of our economical hotels.Savesus high priced rooms for our team and we avoid being required to purchase a block of rooms to rent the venue.4. People, like you, come from all over. You tell your friends and make new ones.Savesushugelocal advertising cost of reaching people in a specific area. Training providers often spend up to 50% of what you pay, just on advertising!During the last 10 years we have increased our price in response to rising costs, until delegates were paying over $3000 for our events last year.this year, we revisited the math and negotiated some better deals for the first half of 2013.We have beenwanting to do this for a long timeand now we can!This has enabled us to offer alimited number of ticketsat an amazing low cost.$3500 per person.$1795 per person.Only a few tickets left!Here's a budget estimate for the next event.$ 1795 =8 day NLP Training with Hypnosis.$ 500 =9 nights at Blue Stream Innacross the street from seminar room.$ 360 =9 days meals and "beverages"estimated at $40/day **$ 70 =ground transportto & from air-port

=$ 2725 (US= $ 2725) (Euro= 2125) (UK= 1717) *

Return Flights estimate ***All prices are subject to change without notice.

UK 819 fromLondon (UK)EU 897 fromFrankfurtUS $1800 fromDubaiCA $ 238 fromVancouverCA $ 308 fromCalgaryCA $ 695 fromToronto

US $ 750 fromNew YorkUS $ 500 fromLos Angeles

Now if you think that's a really good deal.

Wait! Lets Sweeten The DealEven More...BONUS #1EXCLUSIVE Communication Skills Specialist (or Master) numbered certificate

Issued by The Performance Institute of NLP and endorsed by Steve Boyley, this certificate opens corporate doors for you.Ithelps people know what you can assist them withand gets them to immediately begin thinking of situations to hire you for.Everyone is communicating with at least themselves and most likely with a lot of other people as well, gaining their cooperation to help achieve goals.BONUS #2Exclusive CD. More than Hypnosis.

Use NLP and hypnosis to improve your hypnotic voice. Information so powerful, Steve will only let his certified NLP Practitioners have it.Guaranteed to trance you through the floor.1. Get ready to learn fast. 2. Crank it to the Boyleying point. 3. At any rate its how you speak. 4. Subtle ways to make your point. 5. The hypnosis experience now.BONUS #3Exclusive CD. More than Negotiating.

Use NLP and mild trance to improve your ability to negotiate successfully with anyone. What has taken years to discover, is contained on one CD. Steve will only let his certified NLP Practitioners have it.This is the negotiator attitude that gets results.1. Deal with anyone! 2. Do what you must. 3. Positive power from problems. 4. Negotiate like pros.BONUS #4The Mind Revolution booklet.

Presents the essence of NLP and ideas like Mind Mapping and logical categories. It also contains more summaries, patterns and exercises. A great way to introduce NLP to other peopleBONUS #5Follow up reviews sent to your email for 5 years!

We want to be sure you remember and use your NLP skills, so our review program schedule is designed foroptimum memory retentionusing the review strategies of top achievers.

Total Value of ALL Bonuses=Pricele$$!

Click Here For Your Ticket To NLP Training

Why NLP Training in Canada?It's said that a great location is thesecretto many types of successful businesses.It's location that facilitates what Steve has done... make this valuable NLP trainingeasier for you to afford now.NLP Training events in Canada will be held at our venue in the small and beautiful vacation town of Vernon, BC, Canada.People worldwide, can easily get to Vernon.

Okanagan Lake, from Vernon on it's north end, is 100 miles long and 800 feet deep. The cost ofgetting to Vernon plus 9 nights hotel in Vernon,is oftenless cost than just hotel in most large cities. Vernonis a vacation destination in Western Canada. The "Napa Valley" of Canada,this beautiful location iseasy to get toand hotels arevery low cost(for now) for both students and trainer. The city is aparadise in beautiful British Columbia, surrounded by orchards, vineyards and a vast wildernessof forests, rivers, lakes, streams and mountains.An international rendezvous pointfor NLP students (and vacationers) worldwide. There are more hotels, restaurants, banks, pubs, nightclubs, bars, burlesque club, gyms, liquor store, grocery store and shopping,all within 10 minutes walkof our venueEst.9 nightshotel cost:Nov & Feb:$450 to $1100.Jul & Sep:$600 to $1300

Ready To Get Your"MAP Of Minds"?We see all kinds of examples where people with superior communication skills live the life they want, while those who do not understand people are frustrated in their attempts to reach their goals.Regardless of academic education level, those with superior communication skills have a powerful advantage over their peers.Master The Most Important Factor In Your Life - PEOPLE.None of us are taught how to truly understand thinking and behavior, yetwe have to deal with it every day!We have to motivate ourselves and acquire the thinking strategies that will enable us to achieve our goals. We also have to deal with others thinking and manage all sorts of relationships.Most aspects of our personal and professional lives depend on our ability to communicate effectively.If you are ready to make a difference in your life and those around you, and you have had enough of the excuses why you can't, thenDO something about it.

GetYourNLP TrainingNLP Training is 8 days, Saturday to Saturday, 10 AM - 10 PM plus optional "After hours" practice.In order to preserve the quality of NLP Certification Training being offered to the public;NLP Practitioners certified through 'The Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming' agree not to offer NLP Practitioner Training before becoming a 'Licensed Trainer of NLP', like Steve Boyley.There areonly a few tickets left. Register today,Saturday, February 09, 2013,or as soon as you feel sure you are ready.Each event has a fixed seating capacity.Limited # of tickets available at$1795.Seminar room in Vernon isnot wheelchair accessible.

Yes!I Want To GetMy"MAP Of Minds"And Advanced Communication SkillsBy Becoming A Neuro-Linguistic Programmer Certified By The Society Of NLPTM.

I understand that my order will be processed on a totally secure server,and once my order is processed, I will immediately receive a confirmation of my registration in my email.

I understand that I will learn all 122 Proven NLP Communication Strategies, 30 Hypnotic Induction Methods and 34 NLP Skillsduring 8 days of NLP Training in Vernon, BC, Canada.

I understand that I will receive the additional bonuses,Communication Skills Specialist certificate, Hypnosis and Negotiation CD's and Mind Revolution booklet, when I attend the event.

I understand that Steve has already deducted a large amount for the cost of transport, hotel, food and beverages,and that I am responsible for booking my own hotel and transport and paying those costs.

NLP in Vernon, BCEvent # 666C 43FFebruary 16 - 23, 2013Sold OutPractitioner & MasterPlease PickA Future Event

NLP in Vernon, BCEvent # 6720C 68FMay 4 - 11, 20133 seats left @$1795Practitioner & MasterClick HereTo Place Your$100 Deposit Now

NLP in Vernon, BCEvent # 6827C 80FJuly 20 - 27, 201319 seats left @ $2500Practitioner & MasterClick HereTo Place Your$100 Deposit Now

NLP in Vernon, BCEvent # 6922C 72FSeptember 21 - 28, 201325 seats left @ $2500Practitioner & MasterClick HereTo Place Your$100 Deposit Now

NLP in Vernon, BCEvent # 706C 43FNovember 9 - 16, 201325 seats left @ $2500Practitioner & MasterClick HereTo Place Your$100 Deposit Now

Want to register over the phone?( Visa, MasterCard, Email-Transfer, Bank Draft orMake Payments)US & Canada Toll Free: 1-888-NLP-MIND(657-6463)International:1-250-545-6448

We hold4 or 5 eventsevery year. Dates published when scheduled.Travel FromBatangas,A7,Philippines,To Vernon, BC, Canada.Hotel InformationP.S.Remember, this price isonly available for a limited # of tickets.P.P.S. We can't guarantee future event tickets will be at this price.Here's whatDavid Miller who paid over $3000forthis exact same traininghas to say.

"Most people wonder, as I did, if you will getvaluefor your money, will you be able toapplythe principles and techniques, and will the instructor be entertaining foryou.""I assure you that all desired outcomes are in fact as you wish them to be andwill go beyond reasonable expectations.I feel thatI am uniquely qualified to evaluate this program.I run a consulting firm whereI am constantly evaluating other consultants abilitiesand 17 years ago I took a similar program on NLP and received my certification.Steve Boyley's program wasmasterfully designedand true to the original and evolutionary content and structure by Richard Bandler.The content wasthorough,and presented withclarity and precision.Each exercise was carefully explained, ample time was given to experiment with the concepts and there was always a helping hand when needed. Steve kept the class moving at a steady pace, weaving between course content, personal stories to exemplify the necessary information, and examples of real life applications of the principles being explored.He made the most complex concept simple and easy to understand and apply.Whether you are abusiness professional, asales pro, atherapisttreating clients for particular issues orsomeone who simply is interested in continued personal development;you will find the NLP training by Steve Boyley invaluable now!"David Miller.CEO, Kelowna, BC,

Click Here To Register For Your NLP Training

Want more? Readover 70 reviewsof Steve Boyley's NLP

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ATTENTION:This NLP Training contains different perspectives, explicit language and fresh ideas that could lead to expanded perceptions, enthusiastic living and release of limiting beliefs. Delegates require a sense of curiosity and adventure, as well as a desire to learn and use communication thatwillinfluence somebody.

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