NGÂN HÀNG CÔNG THƯƠNG VIỆT NAM Vietnam Bank for Industry ...s3.amazonaws.com/zanran_storage/ · NGÂN HÀNG CÔNG THƯƠNG VIỆT NAM Vietnam Bank for Industry and Trade

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NGÂN HÀNG CÔNG THƯƠNG VIỆT NAM Vietnam Bank for Industry and Trade






Corporate Profile

Financial Highlights 2003 – 2007

Message from Chairman of The Board of Directors

VietinBank Performance in 2007

Fund Mobilization

Loans to the Economy


Joint-ventures and Capital Contribution Activities


Banking Service Development

International Banking Activities

Social Activities

VietinBank and Equitization Process

Business Plan for 2008

VietinBank Brand Identity

Financial Statements

Independent Auditors’ Report

Consolidated Balance Sheet

Consolidated Income Statement

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

Interpretation on Financial Reports

Organization Chart

VietinBank Nationwide Network

Major Correspondent Banks













Improving the Values of Life

Improving the Values of Life



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Corporate Profile

Vietnam Bank for Industry and Trade – VietinBank (formerly Industrial and Commercial Bank of Vietnam – Incombank) was established in 1988, on its separation from the State Bank of Vietnam. VietinBank is one of the four largest commercial banks in Vietnam and is ranked as one of the 23 special state-owned corporations.

VietinBank’s Head Office



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Financial Highlights 2003 – 2007 (as of 31 December)

in million VND

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Total assets 94,979,062 98,601,171 115,765,970 135,442,520 166,112,971

Total loans and investments 83,539,096 90,186,620 103,405,483 125,088,497 153,860,348

Total loans 61,751,878 69,238,983 74,632,271 80,152,334 102,190,640

Total mobilized funds 89,680,881 92,530,427 108,605,615 126,625,018 151,459,336

Deposits from customers 70,079,035 72,258,562 84,387,013 99,684,234 116,364,837

Total equity 3,921,638 4,593,153 4,999,839 5,637,625 10,646,529

After-tax profit 233,666 276,521 423,093 602,800 1,149,442

Return on Average Assets (ROAA) 0.26% 0.29% 0.39% 0.48% 0.76%

Return on Average Equity (ROAE) 6.81% 6.50% 8.82% 11.33% 14.12%

Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) 6.08% 6.30% 6.07% 5.18% 11.62%

VietinBank’s extensive network includes 3 Main Transaction Centers (in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City), 138 branches, 185 transaction offices, 428 savings bureaus, 750 ATMs, a Human Resource Development and Training Center (in Hanoi) and an Information Technology Center (in Hanoi).

VietinBank subsidiaries are VietinBank Leasing Company, VietinBank Securities Limited Company, VietinBank Asia Insurance Company and VietinBank Real Estate and Financial Investment Company.

VietinBank is a co-founder and major shareholder of Indovina Bank and Vietnam National Financial Switching JSC (Banknet).

VietinBank manages correspondent banking relationships with over 850 banks worldwide and thus can send authenticated SWIFT messages to more than 19,000 banks and their branches globally.

VietinBank provides a wide range of banking and financial products and services including deposits and savings, local and international payments, loans, guarantees and counter-guarantees, trade finance, remittances, issuance and payment services for domestic and international cards, travelers’ checques,

foreign exchange, securities trading, insurance and financial leasing and etc.

VietinBank is the full member of:

• The Asian Bankers Association (ABA)

• The ASEAN Bankers Association

• Vietnam Bankers Association (VNBA)

• Society for Worldwide Inter-bank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT)

• Visa/ Master Services Association

• Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI)

• APEC Financial Institutions dealing with Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

• Vietnam Association of Small and Medium Enterprises



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Message from Chairman of The Board of Directors



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One year after WTO entry, Vietnam’s economy recorded substantial gains in most sectors in 2007, with GDP growth of 8.48% - the highest growth rate over the past 10 years. The confidence and expectations of both local and foreign investors in Vietnam’s economy increased, as shown by the strong growth in investment capital, while FDI of USD 20.3 billion was double the amount received in 2006; industrial output rose by 17.1%; export turnover rose by 22% reaching USD 48.4 billion; official foreign currency reserves increased significantly. A large number of major and high-tech projects were signed, creating opportunities for Vietnam to accelerate national industrialization and modernization. However, in addition to the above solid achievements, in 2007 Vietnam’s economy had to deal with a high inflation rate of 12.3%, a large trade deficit and an unstable real estate market.

The Banking industry was considered to have had a successful year in 2007, contributing strongly to GDP growth. With total loans and investments to the economy increasing by 38% compared to 2006, commercial banks continued to maintain their impressive business performance.

In 2007, under the strict anti-inflation monetary policy imposed by the State Bank of Vietnam and in the context of fierce competition in the banking sector, Vietnam Bank for Industry and Trade (VietinBank) continued its sustainable development momentum thanks to the direction given by the Board of Directors, and the ongoing efforts of the Board of Management and all employees. Total assets went up 24%, total capital increased by 19%, asset quality improved demonstrably, with year end NPLs of 1.02% (compared to 1.38% at the beginning of the year). The branch network was strengthened and the focus was in investments in modern banking technology. Furthermore, banking operations and banking services recorded good growth rates; risk provision increased by 47% and total income increased by 85%. VietinBank’s good performance contributed positively to the socio-economic development and industrialization of the country.

With the strategy of becoming a leading bank in the region, VietinBank must transform itself into an efficient universal bank and offer a full products suite to corporate, commercial and retail customers, supported by the latest technology. This will require substantial and ongoing investments in human resources (training programs, including developing management/leadership skills). However, this can only be achieved with sound financials and sustainable growth, sound principles to which VietinBank’s Management is firmly committed. In 2008, VietinBank’s management approved a business plan with the following targets: total capital to increase by 20%, total loans and investments to increase by 25%, NPLs below 2%, loan loss provision of VND 1,500 billion and fee income of VND 700 billion. The year 2008 will witness many important events among which the most significant will be the 20th anniversary of Vietnam Bank for Industry and Trade’s establishment, the official introduction of new brand identity “VietinBank” and the new logo. The new brand name has already been registered and protected at Vietnam’s National Office of Intellectual Property and will then be registered in 40 countries in the world. Furthermore, VietinBank will launch its IPO in the local market, list on the stock exchanges and offer shares to strategic foreign investors. VietinBank will make all the necessary preparations to become “VietinBank Financial Group” and actively promote its regional and international integration.

On this occasion, on behalf of the Board of Directors, Board of Management and VietinBank staffs, we would like to express our sincere thanks for the valued guidance and support of the Government, the State Bank of Vietnam and other relative bodies and authorities and to our distinguished customers, domestic and foreign partners who greatly contributed to the success of VietinBank in the year 2007. We hope that VietinBank will continue to receive your kind assistance and cooperation.

Dr. Pham Huy HungChairman

The Board of Directors



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Vietinbank’s Performance in 2007



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Thanks to the large network countrywide, diversified deposit products with multi benefits for depositors, the total mobilized funds increased year by year.

In 2007, deposit interest rate increased to a very high level due to competition by a many newly-established joint-stock commercial banks anxious to gain market share and meet liquidity needs. This situation had an overall negative effect on banking business. VietinBank has implemented many measures to maintain the stability of its deposit base and to increase mobilized funds, including actively adjusting interest rates and tenors, enhancing marketing activities, expanding funding channels, launching flexible funding products and improving customer service.

As of 31st December 2007, total mobilized funds were VND 151,459 billion, an increase of VND 24,835 billion, or 19.6% up on 2006 and accounted for a

VND 151,459 billion total mobilized funds









70.1 72

.3 84.4




Funding Mix developMent

Borrowings & Other liabilities

Capital & Reserves












The Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam at VietinBank’s 20th Anniversary



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10.5% market share of the whole banking system. Deposits in local currency were VND 127,947 billion, an increase of VND 26,067 billion, or 25.5% up on 2006 and accounted for 84.5% total mobilized funds. Deposits in foreign currency were VND 23,512 billion equivalent, a decrease of VND 1,233 billion, or 5%. Deposits from economic entities reached VND 55,083 billion, accounting for 36.4% of total mobilized funds and increased by 35.5% as compared to 2006, in which deposits from enterprises were VND 28,836 billion, accounting for 52.3% of total deposits from economic entities, 38.5% up on 2006. Deposits from businesses and enterprises increased due to the fact that state-owned enterprises gained a comparatively large surplus capital from equitization, which were not yet invested in business but deposited temporarily in banks. Deposits from state-owned enterprises were VND 43,802 billion, an increase of VND 8,883 billion (25.4%) as compared to 2006; deposits from private enterprises reached VND 8,486 billion, an increase of VND 4,081 billion (93%) compared to last year; deposits of foreign-invested enterprises were VND 2,795 billion, up by VND 1,476 billion compared to 2006. Term deposits from enterprises accounted for about 30%-35% over total mobilized funds.

Deposits from residents reached VND 55,060 billion, accounting for 36.4% of total mobilized funds, increasing by 4.3% compared to 2006. Stable, long term savings reached VND 51,388 billion, accounted for 33.9% of total mobilized funds and increased by 15.2% compared to last year. Debt issuance at VND 3,672 billion, accounted for 2.4% of total mobilized funds, was down 55% compared to 2006.

in VND billion2007 2006

Deposits from customers 116,365 99,683

(i) Deposits from economic entities: 55,083 40,643

Local currency 41,368 36,544

(ii) Deposits from residents 55,060 52,773

Savings 51,388 44,595

Local currency 39,515 32,172

Debt issuance 3,672 8,178

Local currency 85 4,715

(iii) Deposits from others 6,222 6,267



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t Through better liability management, tenor structures were changed, with the holding of lower cost funds increasing. Demand deposits increased by 20.5% compared to 2006, time deposits increased by 13.6%, however, medium and long-term mobilized capital (more than 1 year), which accounted for 25.5% of total mobilized funds, decreased by 0.7% compared to 2006. In 2007, VietinBank was successful in offering two issuances of long-term certificate of deposits and notes.

With a reasonable growth rate and capital structure, the diversified mobilization products of VietinBank proved to be suitable to depositors’ needs and meet the increasing demands of the market.


Loans to the economy as at 31st December 2007 were VND 102.19 billion, rose by VND 22,039 billion, representing an increase of 27.5% compared to 2006. To-date, VietinBank’s market share accounted for 10.5% of the banking industry. Loans in VND made up 82.5% or VND 84,308 billion of total loans, and increased by 26%. Loans in foreign currencies were the equivalent of VND 17,883 billion, increased by VND 4,658 billion or 35.2%. Medium and long-term loans accounted for 38.9% of total loans.

in VND billion2007 2006

Short-term loans 60,529 47,329

In VND 51,466 40,857

Medium-long term loans 39,707 31,388

In VND 30,998 24,776

Financial Leasing (VND) 613 625

Loans to international credit program 938 714

Other loans 404 96

102,191 80,152

in VND billion2007 2006

Demand deposits 29,354 24,342

Local currency 26,095 22,000

Time deposits (including debt issuance) 83,300 73,338

Local currency 65,758 56,282

VietinBank’s Corporate Customer - Vietnam Petroleum Group



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tLoans to corporates accounted for 37.9%, loans to SMEs accounted for 41.8% and loans to individuals and households accounted for 20.3%.

VietinBank offered syndicated loans, with 10% of total loans to 84 key projects of importance to national economy. In 2007, VietinBank acted as the arranger for two hydroelectricity projects: Song Tranh 2 project and Da Dang project with the amount of VND 1,860 billion (of which VND 850 billion was lent by VietinBank). VietinBank also signed the loan agreement committing the bank to lend VND 5,000 billion to Son La hydroelectricity project.

VietinBank focused on financing major projects in the fields of oil and gas, coal, real estate, steel and mining to diversify the medium and long term loan portfolio.

Being a state-owned bank that traditionally served large corporations and groups, VietinBank has signed cooperation agreements with eight partners including Vietnam Cement Industry Corporation, Binh Minh Import-Export Production and Trade Company, Vietnam Coal and Mineral Corporation, Vietnam Posts and Telecommunication Group, Vietnam Petroleum Group, Vietnam Steel Corporation, Vietnam Northern Food Corporation, Vietnam Petrolimex Corporation.

In 2007, VietinBank paid special attention to expanding its market share of retail and SME banking. Three new credit programs to small and medium enterprises were implemented, which are JIBIC – Phase 2, loans and guarantees to effective energy savings projects, and micro loans entrusted by the U.S. Save the Children. Total loans to SMEs from foreign organizations amounted to VND 1,000 billion. These types of loans not only provide financing but also non-financial services including training, consistency in project preparation, providing information, and audit services. These are good bases to attract more customers as well as create strong linkages for good customers with VietinBank.

Regarding individual customers, in 2007 VietinBank developed a wide range of products such as advances against proceeds from the sale of securities on official stock exchanges, house loans and car loans. VietinBank also signed agent contract with American International Assurance (AIA) to provide a credit-insurance combined product.



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t Credit quality has been improved and restructured to maintain effective and secure CAR (Capital Adequacy Ratio):

- Ratio of Non-performing loans (group 3,4 and 5): 1.02% (against plan of less than 3%)

- Ratio of loans with collateral: 72.67% (against plan of less than 75%)

- Ratio of medium-long term loans: 38.9% (against plan of less than 40%)

With the determination to enhance credit quality, VietinBank has applied tight credit policies to reduce loans categorized as group 2 and recover non-performing loans. VietinBank classifies the loans portfolio in accordance with the regulation of the State Bank of Vietnam. Due to enhanced risk management, robust internal controls and effective resolution of bad debts over the past several years, VietinBank’s financial stiuation improved substantially, with gained a healthy status, thereby creating resources for better business performance.

VND 12,841 billion Investments in the inter-bank market

INVESTMENTS As a leading financial institution, VietinBank has taken an active part in the government bonds market, supporting the liquidity of commercial banking system and maintaining stable solvency of VietinBank in particular and the banking industry in general. Internal procedure for investment activities was updated, supplemented and adjusted to be in conformity with the model of a modern commercial bank. The investment portfolio in the money market and capital market which amounted to VND 51,669 billion, increased by 15% as compared to 2006 and accounted for 31.1% of total assets with the following structure:

Vinasat I – a Project financed by VietinBank



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t • Investments in the inter-bank market totaled VND 12,841 billion, a substantial reduction compared to 2006, as VietinBank restructured its portfolio and shifted funds to investment in valuable papers to earn higher interest and benefit from a more stable income stream.

• Investment in securities were VND 38,144 billion, or a double the amount invested in 2006, mainly driven by increases in government bonds and bonds issued by other credit organizations.

VietinBank continued to support the payment needs of other commercial banks and at the same time fullly satisfied payment needs of the whole economy. By 31 December 2007, short-term investment in the inter-bank market amounted VND 12,841 billion, including VND 1,566 billion deposited with Vietnam Bank for Social Policy, in compliance with the regulations of the Government for the on-lending to customers under social policy programs aimed at hungder eradication and poverty alleviation initiated by the Government. VietinBank also actively participated in open market operations together with the State Bank of Vietnam, and contributed significantly to the implementation of national monetary policy targets.

Investment in securities saw a high growth rate in 2007, with investments being mainly in government bonds, treasury bills, and commercial bonds issued by reputable financial institutions. All securities held by VietinBank have high liquidity and are easily convertible to cash, or serve as borrowing collateral when nessesary. Investment securities was a key instrument in managing the Bank’s liquidity position. The strong growth rate of investments in securities reflected a shifting asset management strategy oriented to profitable asset portfolio diversification, increasing in risk free to low risk security investment, decreasing dependency on traditional credit activities, improving the efficent use of fund and supplementing secondary asset reserve for the liquidity purpose.

As of 31st December 2007, the outstanding balance reached VND 38,144 billion accounting for 73.8% of total investments. The securities portfolio has been diversified, details of which are as follow:

- Marketable securities valued at VND 32,353 billion, accounting for 84.8% of total investment in securities, increased by 2.7 times against 2006, and included government bonds, treasury bills, municipal bonds, VDB bonds, EVN bonds, bonds issued by other major corporation and enterprises in Vietnam.

Vietinbank Branch No.11 in Ho Chi Minh City



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t - Held-to-maturity securities valued at VND 5,052 billion, decreased by 2.4% against last year as debt securities issued by other financial institutions became due. These securities included treasury bills, government special bonds, educational bonds, municipal bonds, notes and certificates of deposits issued by other financial institutions, bonds of irrigation work, Petro Vietnam bonds and bonds issued by major corporations and enterprises in Vietnam.

VietinBank is a major commercial bank with substantial investments in money and capital markets and has maintained its role as market maker, contributed actively in terms of liquidity support for the market and enhanced the development of the bond market in Viet Nam. Investment in valuable papers is an important option for re-arranging the Bank’s asset mix, enhancing both liquidity management and portfolio diversification. Simultaneously, through investment in securities, and in particular government securities, VietinBank has contributed to the State’s plans for the development of socio-economic industries.


VietinBank joint-venture and capital contributions increased by VND 174 billion resulting in total capital contribution and share purchasing of VND 684 billion, an increase of 34.1% as compared to 2006. Due to credit institutions’ need to increase chartered capital to meet anticipated 2007 customer loan demands, VietinBank contributed to the capital increase of Indovina joint venture bank, Saigon Bank and Gia Dinh Joint-Stock Bank. On the other hand VietinBank decided to divest its holdings in the joint-venture Vietnam International Leasing Company (VILC). Additionally, VietinBank made strategic investments in equitized enterprises such as Ha Tien Cement Company, Phuoc Hoa Rubber Company and participated in the establishment of UDIC, Vietnam

VND 5,052 billion Held-to-maturity securities value

VietinBank’s Corporate Customer - Vietnam National Shipping Lines (Vinalines)



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VND 684 billion total capital contribution and share purchasing

Private Credit Information Company, Vietnam Health Care Financial Investment Joint-stock Company. VietinBank initiated planning on projects on financial consultancy, fund management, debt sales, real-estate, gold investment and trading, etc.


VietinBank Securities Company

VietinBank Securities Company is limited company, wholly owned by VietinBank with equity of VND 300 billion. The company’s main services are brokerage, trading, underwriting, portfolio management and securities investment consultancy. In 2007, the Company completed the necessary conditions for equitization. The Company also maintained good performance and high growth in its business activities.

In 2007, there were 10,117 new accounts opened, increasing the total number of investor accounts to 26,000, accounting for 8.5% of total investor accounts in the market. VietinBank Securities Company established more than 10 agencies in various provinces. Income from brokerage increased sharply as compared with 2006 and amounted to VND 39,849 billion and gained market share of 2.44% of total brokerage activities.

In 2007, the Company continued its focus on consultancy service for equitization of companies such as: Electricity Company No. 3, Tay Ninh Electricity Company, Hai Duong Electricity Company and etc., supported the public offering of the government’s stake of Pha Lai Thermal Power Company, Ninh Binh Thermal Power Company. The total value of consultancy contracts in 2007 amounted to VND 4.2 billion. Financial consultancy services for public offerings, private placements, corporate valuations and securities auctions were well received and appreciated by large corporates such as Vietnam Electricity Corporation, Vigracera Corporation and Vietnam Livestock Breeding Company.



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VND 18.3 billion Pre-tax profit

The Company successful met the financial targets set by the Board of Management. Income before tax was VND 98 billion, up 204.5% on 2007’s plan. ROAE was 23%.

Vietinbank Leasing Company

VietinBank Leasing Company was established as a Leasing Company with a separate legal status and independent accounting under Decision No. 53/1998/QĐ-NHNN5 issued by the Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam dated 26th January 1998. In 2007, VietinBank increased the company’s chartered capital from VND 105 billion to VND 300 billion. Total assets as at 31st December 2007 reached VND 839 billion, were up 20.5% in comparison with 2006.

Up to 31st December 2007, total working capital was VND 839 billion. This was 105% against plan and up 21% compared to the previous year. Total loans and investments of VND 841 billion, again was 105% against plan and an increase of 21% as compared with 2006. Due to strong internal controls, non-performing loans decreased and accounted for 4.9% of total loans and investments at year end 2007.

As at 31st December 2007, the leasing balance to non-state owned SMEs was VND 760 billion, and made up 90.3% of the total. Total finished financial leasing contracts were 220, 49 more than in 2006. Total value of liquidated leasing assets was over VND 328 billion, an increase of VND 61.8 billion over 2006.

Pre-tax profit which reached VND 18.3 billion, was up 43% year on year and equivalent to 102% against plan. Interest income from financial leasing accounted for 99% of total income. Year end 2007 provisions were VND 15.5 billion of which general provisions were VND 2.3 billion. VietinBank Leasing Company is required by law, contributed VND 5.1 billion to the state budget.

General Secretary Nong Duc Manh visits VietinBank



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Dr. Pham Huy Hung at the Vietnam Top Entrepreneurs Award Ceremony


1. Domestic Money Transfer

With the advantage of a nationwide network, domestic money transfers continued to maintain high growth. The payment volume doubled as compared to 2006, amounting to 4.8 million transactions totaling VND 2,117 trillion. Bilateral payments with other financial institutions were 1.1 million transactions with a volume of VND 234,000 billion, up 37% against 2006. Interbank e-payment created 1.2 million transactions totaling VND 1.1 million, an increase of 28.3% against 2006. By year-end of 2007, VietinBank signed an agreement with the State Treasury on the implementation of tax collection through VietinBank’s network and ATMs, which will increase the effectiveness of tax collection and generate funding for VietinBank.

2. Import-Export Payment

In a fiercely competitive environment, VietinBank maintained its number two position among Vietnamese commercial banks in terms of trade finance volume, accounting for 7.9% of the country’s import-export turnover. The total trade finance volume amounted to more than USD 7.1 billion, an increase of 35% against 2006. Overseas guarantee issuance increased by 149%, confirming VietinBank’s international reputation as a major trade bank. Cross-border payments with Chinese banks grew rapidly, increasing by 58% against 2006 and totaled RMB 700 million. VietinBank was the first bank to apply e-banking in cross-border payments. In 2007, VietinBank installed the technology and trained the personnel to establish Vietinbank Main Operation Center III with the aim of centralizing all trade finance transactions.



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3. Card Service and E-banking

Card issuance turnover continued to increase. By the end of the year, the total number of issued cards was 1.2 million ATMs cards and 5,000 credit cards. New functionalities and services were added to VietinBank cards like savings accounts from ATM, mobile phone payment VNPay, S-phone payment, electric bill payment to EVN, train ticket payment for Vietnam Railway Corporation (VNR) through Banknet system, VietinBank ATM can be used in other banks’ ATMs such as BIDV, Sacombank, Agribank, ACB, Dong A Bank and etc.

VietinBank’s website has seen substantial improvements. With more updated information available, there are more than 3,000 visitors to the web site daily and the website is considered as the 2nd most visited webpage among Vietnamese banks.

General Secretary Nong Duc Manh visits VietinBank








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iMpoRt - expoRt vAlue tHRougH vietinBAnK FRoM 2003 -2007



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4. Overseas Remittance and Traveler’s Cheque

During 2007, VietinBank overseas remittance gained considerable achievements. The overseas remittance payment network has been implemented in almost every transaction office, transaction point and saving bureaus. Overseas remittance transactions are processed centrally in VietinBank Head Office, customer’s accounts are credited as soon as Head Office receives and processes the transaction. Non-account holders can receive their money at any branch or transaction point that is most convenient. The volume of overseas remittances in 2007 reached USD750 million, a 67% increase over 2006, giving the Bank a 15% market share of the official overseas remittance market in Vietnam. The application of a new software solution for overseas remittance service has created potential for cooperation with wide range of foreign partners such as correspondent banks and remittance companies.

Traveler’s cheques payments in 2007 continued to deliver positive results and contributed to the diversification of the services provided to international tourists. In 2007, the volume of cheque collection reached USD 2.9 million, up 26% against 2006. VietinBank implemented three operations for cheque collection, blank cheque selling and travelers’ cheque encashing. The implementation of travelers’ cheque authorization online for branches that have high revenues from cheques collection and which will authorize cheque 100%, contributed to the lower risks in cheque payment. In 2007, VietinBank opened a new EUR cheque collection service for branches in the network, which contributed to service diversification and has the potential to be developed as a good fee income stream.



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INTERNATIONAL BANKING ACTIVITIES - The year 2007 is considered a milestone as

it marked the 15th anniversary of the start of international banking activities. In 2007, VietinBank continued to expand the correspondent banking network and now has more than 850 banks in 80 countries and terrritories. Cooperation with foreign banks has been developed across wide geographies, with very many long standing ‘in depth’ relationships.

- VietinBank continues to actively explore foreign markets to meet growing customers’ demands; evaluates the financial, reputation, domestic and international reach, service quality and competitive advantages of foreign banks both to better serve our Vietnamese customers and to facilitate international entities in their business with Vietnam.

- VietinBank has always been active with correspondent banks in information exchange on markets and customers, so that reliable sources of information on foreign customers and partners can help to avoid risks and protect the interests of both customers and banks.

- In the end of 2007, VietinBank considered it a special honor to be the sponsor of and thereby contributed to the success of the 37th Asean Banking Association Council Conference in Hanoi hosted by Vietinbank Banks Association (VNBA). Participating at this prestigious conference were 130 delegates from the ten Asean Banking Associations. VietinBank made great efforts to ensure the success of the conference aimed at enhancing cooperation and development of member banks of Asean nations. The success of the conference will be measured by the heightened position of ABA, the favorable impression made on visiting delegates by Vietnam – the country, the people, the banking sector, the VNBA and VietinBank.



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Strong growth, prestige and efficiency in VietinBank business performance have been affirmed by public polls; in 2007 VietinBank was awarded five honorable prizes: Top Ten Vietnam Brand, Vietnam Golden Star, ISO Golden Cup, Brand Golden Cup, and Business Star Prize.

On November 2007, VietinBank successfully held “Respecting ceremony for VietinBank typical women” receiving 120 typical women delegates in the banking system and was honored to welcome Vietnamese Deputy President, Mrs. Nguyen Thi Doan. Many sporting events and other activities were hosted with customers and institutions to promote friendship and build relationships.

Social Activities

VietinBank charitable activities have a very special meaning and include the continuing support to 160 Vietnamese Heroic mothers; constructing more than 1000 charity houses, in which 100 charity houses were built in 2007; supporting the construction and establishment of Quang Tri Ancient Wall bell-tower and the upgrade to Quang Tri Cemetery; building 33 kindergartens; present 600 wheel chairs and 600 scholarships in 20 Northern provinces, via Children Protection Fund to help the fees for cardiac operation, building and running a recovery center for children of difficult situations, and etc.

VietinBank actively contributes to the public development, fully implements social works and returns to the community gifts of human culture and real social meaning.

Music Festival to Celebrate VietinBank’s 20th Anniversary



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Under the direct leadership from the Government, VietinBank set up an “Equitization Board” to prepare for the implementation of equitization. The Board consists of senior leaders from VietinBank and representatives from the Ministry of Finance, State Bank of Vietnam, Ministry of Jurisdiction, Ministry of Planning and Investment and Investment Bureau. From the bidding process, VietinBank has selected one of the leading investment banks as financial consultant for the equitization process.

The preparation process was taken with prompt action in 2007 with guidance from the Government and the State Bank of Vietnam. Overall, as the roadmap for VietinBank equitization was built, nearly VND 4,000 billion was injected by the Government to VietinBank’s chartered capital. Through the bidding process, JP Morgan Securities (Asia) was selected as financial consultancy for the equitization. The Equitization Plan was prepared for the Government’s approval and the necessary steps were taken to equitized subsidiaries together with a plan to look for strategic partners to set up new subsidiaries in banking and finance under the form of joint-stock company or joint venture.

Vietinbank and Equitization Process









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goveRnMent owneRsHip liKelY tRend oveR tHe next 5 YeARs

SMS Banking Service Launching Ceremony Signing Ceremony of Financial Advisory Contract for Equitization between VietinBank and JP Morgan Securities Asia Pacific Limited



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In 2008, VietinBank set up major business targets for the year as follows:

1. Business targets for the year 2008

Total mobilized funds: from 15% to 20%Total loans and investments: from 15% to 20%.Non-performing loans (Group 3,4 and 5): under 5%/total loansMedium and long term loans: max. 40%/total loansSecured loans 75%/total loansLoans to state-owned enterprises: 32%/Total loansProvisioning in accordance with clause 7, Regulation 493/2005/QD-NHNN dated 22 April 2005 from State Bank of Vietnam After tax profit VND 800 billionNon-interest income: VND 450 billion

2. Orientation

Continuing to restructure overall banking operation and the processes of modernization, equitization, standardization of business procedures, management and human resources, ensuring the transparency and soundness of financial conditions;

Strong growth in terms of equity, loans and investments, fund mobilization and market share on the basis of prudence, efficiency and sustainability;

Enhancing the organizational structure, branch network, market and customers development; Ensuring financial prudence and safety in daily operations; Improving customer service, enhancing corporate culture, consolidating brand identity to benefit the whole network and VietinBank clients.

Business Plan for 2008

“The Asian Bankers” Magazine visits VietinBank



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Legal name Ngân Hàng Công Thương Việt Nam

English full name Vietnam Bank for Industry and Trade

Brandname VietinBank

Slogan Improving the Values of Life


Vietinbank Brand Identity

On 14 April 2008, Vietnam Bank for Industry and Trade officially launched its new brandname «VietinBank» to replace its former brandname Incombank.



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VietinBank Logo is a special design with the “VietinBank” letters and a symbol of a rising Earth embracing an ancient coin. The VietinBank Brand logotype expresses the harmonized union of Heaven and Earth, Yin and Yang (two complementary principles of Chinese philosophy) as a stable and perfect composition. The overall image of the symbol expresses a brightening new dawn with a rising sun and orbit movement, representing the motions and harmonized continuation of Heaven and Earth in the universe. Vietinbank also brings to mind implications relating to “Tin”, which means “trust” in Vietnamese, one of the most important factors in banking and finance business.

The brand positioning phrase “Improving the Values of Life” was developed to place emphasis on Efficiency, which is one of VietinBank goals, reflecting the bank’s dedication to support and assure customers of success as well as our efforts to build up a beautiful and meaningful life.

VietinBank’s New Brand Identity Lauching Ceremony



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Financial Statements



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INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORTon the consolidated financial statements of Vietnam Bank for Industry and Trade and its subsidiaries

as at and for the year ended 31 December 2007

To: The Board of Directors and Board of Management of Vietnam Bank for Industry and Trade

We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheet of Vietnam Bank for Industry and Trade and its subsidiaries (“the Bank”) as at 31 December 2007, the related consolidated income statement, consolidated statement of retained earnings, and consolidated statement of cash flows for the year then ended and the notes thereto (“the consolidated financial statements”), as set out on pages 2 to 68. These consolidated financial statements are the responsibility of the Bank’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on our audit.

Basis of Opinion We conducted our audit in accordance with the Vietnamese and International Standards on Auditing applicable in Vietnam. These standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance to determine whether the consolidated financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.


In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements give a true and fair view of the financial position of the Bank as at 31 December 2007 and of the results of its operations and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with the Vietnamese Accounting Standards and System for Credit Institutions and comply with other relevant financial and accounting regulations stipulated by the State Bank of Vietnam and the Ministry of Finance.

Michael Yu Lim Tran Thi Thanh Thuy Deputy General Director Auditor in-charge Registered Auditor Registered Auditor Certificate No. 0629/KTV Certificate No. 0815/KTV

Hanoi, Vietnam 14 April 2008

Independent Auditors’ Report



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tConsolidated Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2007

2007 VNDm

2006 restatedVNDm


Cash and cash equivalents 1,743,604 1,436,603

Balances with the State Bank of Vietnam 8,496,135 5,620,312

Placements with and loans to other banks 12,841,040 26,229,341

Current accounts with other banks 4,829,941 4,731,685

Term deposits with and loans to other banks 8,011,099 21,497,656

Provision for placements with and loans to other banks - -

Trading securities 739,381 867,393

Trading securities 742,456 870,374

Less: provision for impairment (3,075) (2,981)

Derivative financial instruments and other financial assets 258 -

Loans and advances to customers 100,482,233 80,142,030

Loans and advances to customers 102,190,640 80,152,334

Less provision for credit losses (1,708,407) (10,304)

Investment securities 37,404,891 17,329,218

Securities – available-for-sale 32,352,839 12,148,027

Securities – held-to-maturity 5,052,052 5,181,191

Provision for impairment of investment securities -

Long-term investments 684,138 510,211

Fixed assets 1,214,196 1,157,037

Property and equipment 996,671 958,888

Cost 2,238,996 1,958,849

Accumulated depreciation (1,242,325) (999,961)

Intangible assets and land use rights 217,525 198,149

Cost 309,642 265,305

Accumulated amortization (92,117) (67,156)

Other assets 2,507,095 2,150,375

TOTAL ASSETS 166,112,971 135,442,520



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t Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2007

2007 VNDm

2006 restatedVNDm


Borrowings from the Ministry of Finance and the State Bank of Vietnam

712,745 491,363

Deposits and borrowings from other banks 5,428,856 4,923,742

Current accounts from other banks 1,263,234 236,792

Term deposits and borrowings from other banks 4,165,622 4,686,950

Customer deposits and other amounts due to customers 112,692,813 91,505,860

Debts issued and other borrowed funds 28,952,892 21,525,679

Valuable papers issued by the Bank 3,672,024 8,178,374

Derivative financial instruments 6 -

Other liabilities 4,007,106 3,179,877

Accrued interest expenses 1,832,736 1,959,092

Other payables 2,013,942 1,220,785

Provision for contingent liabilities and commitments 160,428 -

TOTAL LIABILITIES 155,466,442 129,804,895


Capital 7,972,180 3,974,521

Chartered capital 7,608,643 3,616,043

Capital to purchase fixed assets 297,065 292,006

Other capital 66,472 66,472

Reserves 2,420,702 1,544,414

Foreign exchange translation reserve 61,585 61,139

Retained earnings 192,062 57,551

TOTAL OWNER’S EQUITY 10,646,529 5,637,625



VNDm2006 restated



Credit guarantees 75,402 46,717

Letters of credit commitments 13,995,644 8,897,617

Other guarantees 6,006,839 3,421,193

20,077,885 12,365,527



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2007 VNDm

2006 restatedVNDm


Interest and similar income 12,769,280 10,116,365

Interest and similar expenses (8,085,890) (6,571,160)


Fees and commission income 437,656 349,447

Fees and commission expenses (102,909) (76,763)

Net gain from fees and commission income 334,747 272,684

Net gain from dealing in foreign currencies 64,087 60,002

Net gain arising from trading securities 71,374 22,765

Net share of profit in associates and joint ventures and dividend income

88,247 64,638

Net other operating income 1,406,835 606,275

TOTAL OPERATING INCOME 6,648,680 4,571,569


Payroll and other staff costs (1,619,189) (1,118,567)

Depreciation and amortization charges (312,022) (302,987)

Other operating expenses (834,816) (719,768)

TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES (2,766,027) (2,141,322)

Net profit before provision for credit losses 3,882,653 2,430,247

Provision of credit losses (2,353,568) (1,600,256)

PROFIT BEFORE TAX 1,529,085 829,991

Current enterprise income tax (379,643) (227,191)

Deferred enterprise income tax - -

Enterprise income tax (379,643) (227,191)

NET PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 1,149,442 602,800

Consolidated Income Statement

for the year ended 31 December 2007



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t Consolidated Statement of Cash flows as at and for the year ended 31 December 2007

2007 VNDm

2006 restatedVNDm


Interest and similar income receipts 12,390,675 9,861,044

Interest and similar expense payments (8,212,246) (5,805,002)

Fees and commission income receipts 334,747 272,684

Net gain from dealing in foreign currencies 64,087 60,002

Net gain arising from trading securities 71,374 22,765

Other operating income 61,212 598,833

Recovery from bad debts previously written-off 1,345,623 -

Payment to employees and suppliers (2,454,005) (1,656,455)

Taxation paid in the year (262,441) (217,495)

Net cash flow from operating profit before changes in operating as-sets and working capital

3,339,026 3,136,376

Changes in operating assets: (34,191,639) (19,704,597)

Decrease/(increase) in placements with and loans to other banks 8,272,339 (8,451,808)

Increase in investment securities (19,987,437) (4,201,862)

Increase in derivative financial assets instruments (258) -

Increase in loans and advances to customers (22,038,306) (5,518,777)

Bad debts written-off (495,037) (1,772,878)

Increase in operating assets 57,060 240,728

Changes in operating liabilities: 25,376,689 17,953,697

Increase in borrowings from the MOF and the SBV (15,583,770) (1,963,649)

Increase in term deposits and borrowings from other banks 505,114 2,356,843

Increase in customer deposits and other amounts due to customers 36,992,105 7,118,848

Increase in debts issued and other borrowed funds 7,427,213 2,328,988

(Decrease)/increase in valuable papers issued by the Bank (4,506,350) 8,177,547

Increase in derivatives financial instruments and other financial liabilities

6 -

Increase in other liabilities 678,924 27,773

Reserves utilization in the year (136,553) (92,653)

Net cash flows (used in)/from operating activities (5,475,924) 1,385,476


Acquisition of fixed assets and construction in progress (409,276) (234,013)

Proceeds from disposal of premises and equipment 4,920 38,188

Additional equity investments in associate and joint ventures (120,660) (80,505)

Receipts from equity investment in other entities 21,757

Dividend income from other long-term investments 53,445 32,606

Net cash used in investing activities (449,814) (243,724)


Increase in chartered capital during the year 3,992,600 110,555

Net cash flows from financing activities 3,992,600 110,555

Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents (1,933,138) 1,252,307

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 14,951,633 13,699,326

Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 13,018,495 14,951,633



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tInterpretation on Financial Reports


2007 2006

I-Funding 166,113 135,363

1 – Mobilized funds 151,459 126,624

1.1 – Deposits from customers 116,365 99,683

1.2 – Loans from State Bank of Vietnam 391 373

1.3 – Loans and deposits from institutions 34,703 26,568

2 – Shareholders’ equity 10,647 5,607

3 – Accounts payables 4,007 3,132

II – Use of funds 166,113 135,363

1-Balances at State Bank of Vietnam 10,240 7,057

2-Total loans and investments 153,860 125,089

2.1 – Loans and advances to customers 102,191 80,152

2.2 – Investments 51,669 44,937

3 – Fixed Assets 1,214 1,118

4 – Other assets 2,507 2,099


Total assets increased to VND 166,113 billion, or by 22.7% year on year. However, and most, important asset quality improved substantially. VietinBank accounted for 10.5% of total banking assets in Vietnam, thus securing its position as one of largest banks of Vietnam in terms of total assets.

In 2007, the asset structure shifted to improve asset quality, reduce risk, increase profitability and enhance liquidity. Total loans and investments at VND 153,860 billion, increased by 23% and accounted for 92.6% of total assets.

Total loans and advances to customers which rose 27.5% to VND 102,190 billion, for 61.5% (59.5% in 2006) of total assets. In 2007, VietinBank restructured its loan portfolio, by exercising prudence in selecting customers and reducing the number of customers with weak financials. Thanks to prudence measures, NPL ratio was reduced.

VietinBank short term placements in the inter-bank market declined in 2007 and made up 7.7% of total assets. In the early months of 2007, there was a surplus of capital in the market. However, as VietinBank doubled its compulsory reserves and placed these funds as deposits with the State Bank, this reduced the amount of VND available to the market and to most commercial banks. This is shown by the 51% reduction in interbank placements as at 31st December 2007.

Investment in securities was 2.2 time higher than in 2006 and accounted for 22.5% of total assets. Investment in medium term and long-term valuable papers were favored as this helped restructure both the securities portfolio, and assets, to enhance liquidity, reduce risks and deliver earnings stability.

Reserves and balances with the State Bank of Vietnam were VND 10,240 billion, or up by VND 3,183 billion

Free IncomeInvestmentLendingOthers

ContRiBution to totAl inCoMe oF vietinBAnK




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or 45%, with the rise attributed to the tight monetary policy of the State Bank of Vietnam which increased compulsory reserves. Reserves and balances with the central bank were equal to 6.8% of total mobilized capital and 6.2% of total assets (including cash, compulsory reserves and current accounts).


VietinBank liabilities as of 31st December 2007 reached VND 155,466 billion, an increase of 19.8% over 2006. Total mobilized capital of VND 151,459 billion, rose by 19.6% and accounted for 97.4% of total liabilities.

Customers’ deposits totaled VND 116,365 billion, which accounted for the majority of liabilities (74.8%), increased by 16.7% compared to 2006.

Deposits and loans from financial institutions increased by 30.6% to VND 34,703 billion and accounted for 22.3% total liabilities. VietinBank, as a wholesale commercial bank, maintained its important role and ability as market maker in the interbank market. Borrowings from the State Bank of Vietnam included loans to overcome consequences of floods, loans to compensate frozen debts and borrowings for debt repayment and, finally, loans to implement the banking modernization project and payment system. These borrowings accounted for a small percentage (0.25%) of liabilities and care trending downward.

Payables accounted for 2.6% of liabilities.


Liquidity management to ensure a reasonable liquidity level is considered one of the most important tasks for VietinBank. In 2007, solvency indicators reached the target set by management. Loans to deposits ratio as of December 31, 2007 was 87.8%, from which can be seen that VietinBank main funding for loans to the economy are mainly customer deposits, considered a stable source of funding. Loans to total fund mobilization were kept stable at 67.5%.

The ratio of liquid assets to total assets reached 31.1% compared to 30.7% recorded in 2006. Liquid assets are mostly securities with high liquidity, or valuable papers which can readily sold such as treasury bills, State Bank bills, government bonds, inter-bank short term deposits, cash and deposits at the State Bank.


VietinBank equity recorded significant increases. As of 31st December 2007, shareholders’ equity reached VND10,647 billion, an increase of VND 5,009 billion as compared to 2006. To improve the Bank’s financial capabilities to expand business, to successfully implement the equitization program and to fully integrate in regional and international markets, in 2007 the Government injected VND 3,920 billion, thereby increasing VietinBank’s chartered capital by two fold to VND 7,609 billion. The capital increase had positive impacts on VietinBank’s operations, enhancing investment in banking infrastructure and modernization herby strengthening the balance sheet.

The capital adequacy ratio (CAR) improved significantly, from the 5.18% recorded in 2006 to 11.62% as of 31st December 2007, or 3.62% higher than the minimum requirement of 8%.

The increase in shareholders’ equity positively impacted VietinBank performance, being reflected by the year-on-year rise in ROA from 0.45% as of 31st December 2006 to 0.69% as of 31st December 2007; ROE also also rose, from 10.7% to 10.8% respectively.

Interpretation on Financial Reports








0.25 0.

29 0.39 0.



RetuRn on Avg Assets (RoA)



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tInterpretation on Financial Reports



Income before provision amounted to VND 3,882653 million and was up by 60% as compared to 2006. Loan loss provision of VND 2,353,568 million, increased by 47% compared to 2006. Net income was VND 1,149,442 million, an increase of 91% as compared to the VND 546,642 million reported in 2006. The main contribution to the growth in pre-tax profits was net interest income of VND 1,138,185 million, which recorded a 32% increase. A second important contributor was other operating income, which increased by 132% to VND 800,560 million compared to 2006. These could be broken down as:

- Net interest income of VND 4,683,390 million, accounted for 70% total net operating income, of which interest and similar income amounted VND 12,769,280 million, 73% of which was interest income from loans, 15% from securities investments (which was equivalent to VND 1,977,649 million). Interest expenses and







5.99 6.

51 8.82 11

.33 14


equivalent were VND 8,085,890 million, of which interest paid on deposits accounted for 82% and interest on borrowings accounted for 10% of total interest expense.

- Other operating income of VND 1,406,835 million accounted for 71% of total non-interest income, being mainly recovery of written-off NPLs which totaled VND 1,345,623 million.

- Commissions and fee income amounted to VND 334,747 million, and accounted for 17% of non-interest income.

The 2007 interest expenses increased by 23%. Deposit interest expenses rose by 19% and accounted for 82% total interest expenses. Debenture interest expenses were 7% while interest on borrowings was 10% of total interest expenses.

Together with the increase in total income and income before tax, operating expenses (included salaries, depreciation and other operating expenses) recorded a similar trend. The changes of other operating expenses and salaries were the major factors contributing to the change of total operating expenses. Of which, staff salaries were up 45% to VND 500,662 million compared to 2006; depreciation increased by 3% while other operating expenses grew by 16% compared to the previous year. These rises were totally in line with the business expansion reported by VietinBank in 2007.

In short, significant growth in income, expenses and profits could be seen in 2007. This is the result of ongoing efforts of the Bank to improve credit quality, reduce non-performing loans, diversify services and products and reinforce debt recovery from collateral of debts written-off.

RetuRn on Avg equitY (Roe)



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t Organization Chart

Credit Committee

Business Group Banking Service Group Risk Management Group

Corporate Banking Department Card Service Center Credit and Investment Risk

Management Department

SMEs Banking Department Credit and Investment Policy Department

Consumer Banking Department

Market & Operational Risk Management Department

Financial Institutions Department

NPLs Management Department

Board of Internal Controllers

Dealing Room

Investment Department

Cash Payment Department

Overseas Remittance Department

VND Remittance Department

VietinBank Main Operation Center

E-Banking Department

Corporate Service Department



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Board of Directors

General Director - CEO

Deputy General Directors & Chief Accountant

Supporting Group

General Director’s Office Financial AccountingManagement Department

IT Group

Supervisory Board

Planning and ALCO Supporting Department

Accounting PolicyDepartment

IT Center

Human Resources Department

Captital Construction and Purchasing Department

MIS DepartmentCash and Vault Management Department

Command Center & Helpdesk

Labour and Salary Management Department Emulation Department

Legal Department Back Office

VietinBank Human Resources Training & Development Center

Information Publicity Department

ISO Department Administraion Department

Call Center

The Board of Directors & Board of Management of VietinBank

Market & Operational Risk Management Department



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t Hội đồng quản trị The Board of Directors

Dr. PHẠM HUY HÙNGChủ tịch HĐQT Chairman

Dr. PHẠM XUÂN LẬPỦy viên HĐQT - Tổng giám đốcMember - Chief Executive Officer




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Dr. ĐỖ THỊ THỦYỦy viên HĐQTMember





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t Ban Điều hànhThe Board of Management

1. Dr. PHẠM XUÂN LẬP Tổng giám đốc Chief Executive Officer (General Director)

2. Dr. NGUYỄN VĂN THẠNH Phó Tổng giám đốc Deputy General Director

3. Mr. NGUYỄN VIẾT MẠNH Phó Tổng giám đốc Deputy General Director

4. Mr. VÕ TẤN THÀNH Phó Tổng giám đốcDeputy General Director







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5. Ms. NGUYỄN PHƯƠNG LY Phó Tổng giám đốcDeputy General Director

6. Mr. NGUYỄN VĂN DU Phó Tổng giám đốc Deputy General Director

7. Mr. PHẠM ANH TUẤN Phó Tổng giám đốcDeputy General Director

8. Ms. BÙI NHƯ Ý Phó Tổng giám đốc Deputy General Director

9. Mr. NGUYỄN VĂN CHUNG Kế toán trưởng Chief Accountant


5 6 7




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Vietinbank Nationwide Network



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t Head Office

Representative Office


108 Tran Hung Dao Street, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi, VietnamTel: 04.39421191/39421186 – SWIFT CODE: ICBV VN VX

79 Ham Nghi Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, VietnamTel: 08.38210502

36 Tran Quoc Toan Street, Hai Chau District, Da Nang City, VietnamTel: 0511.3843037

City/Province Branch Name Address Telephone SWIFT Code

HA NOI Main Transaction Office No. I

34 Hai Ba Trung St., Hanoi, Vietnam 04-39349590 ICBV VN VX 106

HO CHI MINH Main Transaction Office No. II

79 Ham Nghi, Dist. 1, Ho Chi Minh City 08-38290491 ICBV VN VX 900


VietinBank An Giang Branch

270 Ly Thai To Str.,Long Xuyen City, An Giang 076-3943904 ICBV VN VX 740

VietinBank Chau Doc Branch

68-70 Nguyen Huu Canh, Chau Doc Town, An Giang 076-3866497 ICBV VN VX 742


VietinBank Ba Ria - Vung Tau Branch

10 Trung Trac, Vung Tau City, Ba Ria-Vung Tau 064-3852570 ICBV VN VX 880

VietinBank Ba Ria Branch

14-16 Nguyen Huu Tho, Ba Ria Town, Ba Ria-Vung Tau 064-3716730 ICBV VN VX 890

BAC GIANG VietinBank Bac Giang Branch

45 Nguyen Van Cu Str., Bac Giang Town, Bac Giang 0240-3856427 ICBV VN VX 280

BAC LIEU VietinBank Bac Lieu Branch

1 Hai Ba Trung, Bac Lieu Town, Bac Lieu 0781-3822678 ICBV VN VX 862


VietinBank Bac Ninh Branch

31 Nguyen Dang Tao Str., Bac Ninh City, Bac Ninh 0241-3810939 ICBV VN VX 282

VietinBank Tien Son Branch

Tu Son Town, Tu Son Suburban District, Bac Ninh 0241-3760029 ICBV VN VX 284

VietinBank Tien Son Industrial Zone Branch

No.18 Central Road, Tien Son Industrial Zone, Bac Ninh 0241-3714188 ICBV VN VX 285

VietinBank Que Vo Branch

E6 Que Vo Industrial Zone, Van Duong, Que Vo, Bac Ninh 0241-3634899

BEN TRE VietinBank Ben Tre Branch

142A Nguyen Dinh Chieu, Ben Tre Town, Ben Tre 075-3824960 ICBV VN VX 780


VietinBank Binh Dinh Branch

257 Le Hong Phong, Quy Nhon City, Binh Dinh 056-3823591 ICBV VN VX 540

VietinBank Phu Tai Branch

Hung Vuong Str., Quy Nhon City, Binh Dinh 056-3641472 ICBV VN VX 542


VietinBank Binh Duong Branch

330 Binh Duong Avenue, Thu Dau Mot Town, Binh Duong 0650-3822263 ICBV VN VX 640

VietinBank Binh Duong Industrial Zone Branch

20 Doc Lap Str., Di An suburban district, Binh Duong 0650-3790309

BINH PHUOC VietinBank Binh Phuoc Branch

622 14th Avenue, Dong Xoai Town, Binh Phuoc 0651-3887399 ICBV VN VX 504



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BINH THUAN VietinBank Binh Thuan Branch

2 Nguyen Tat Thanh, Phan Thiet City, Binh Thuan 062-3828079 ICBV VN VX 600

CA MAU VietinBank Ca Mau Branch

94 Ly Thuong Kiet, Ca Mau City, Ca Mau 0780-3831102 ICBV VN VX 860


VietinBank Can Tho Branch

9 Phan Dinh Phung, Can Tho City 071-3813865 ICBV VN VX 820

VietinBank Tra Noc Industrial Zone Branch

Block 30A9, Tra Noc Idustrial Zone, Binh Thuy Dist., Can Tho 071-3841317 ICBV VN VX 824


VietinBank Da Nang Branch

172 Nguyen Van Linh, Thanh Khe, Da Nang 0511-3691345 ICBV VN VX 480

VietinBank Ngu Hanh Son Branch

49 Ngu Hanh Son, Ngu Hanh Son Dist., Da Nang City 0511-3836272 ICBV VN VX 486

VietinBank Lien Chieu Branch

381 Nguyen Luong Bang, Lien Chieu Dist. Da Nang City 0511-3841520 ICBV VN VX 488

DAC LAC VietinBank Dac Lac Branch

35 Nguyen Tat Thanh, Buon Ma Thuat City, Dac Lac 050-3954266 ICBV VN VX 502


VietinBank Dong Nai Branch

77D Hung Dao Vuong, Bien Hoa City 0613-3817034 ICBV VN VX 680

VietinBank Nhon Trach Branch

25B, Phu Hoi Commune, Nhon Trach, Dong Nai 0613-3521123 ICBV VN VX 681

VietinBank Bien Hoa Industrial Zone Branch

Quater No.10, An Binh Dist., Bien Hoa City, Da Nang 0613-3831202

VietinBank Long Thanh Branch

Phuoc Hai, Long Thanh Town, Dong Nai 0613-3545390 ICBV VN VX 683


VietinBank Dong Thap Branch

87 Nguyen Hue, Cao Lanh City, Dong Thap 067-38512095 ICBV VN VX 720

VietinBank Sa Dec Branch

209A Tran Hung Dao, Sa Dec Town, Dong Thap 067-3861647 ICBV VN VX 724

GIA LAI VietinBank Gia Lai Branch

1 Tran Hung Dao, Pleiku City, Gia Lai 059-3871045 ICBV VN VX 500

HA NAM VietinBank Ha Nam Branch

135 Nguyen Van Troi Str., Phu Ly Town, Ha Nam 0351-3854628 ICBV VN VX 384


VietinBank Hai Ba Trung Branch

285 Tran Khat Chan, Hai Ba Trung, Hanoi 04-39718251 ICBV VN VX 142

VietinBank Dong Da Branch

187 Nguyen Luong Bang, Dong Da, Hanoi 04-38515402 ICBV VN VX 126

VietinBank Hoan Kiem Branch

37 Hang Bo, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi 04-38254276 ICBV VN VX 122

VietinBank Cau Dien 72A Ho Tung Mau Str., Tu Liem, Ha Noi 04-37649176

VietinBank Cau Giay Branch

117A Hoang Quoc Viet, Cau Giay, Hanoi 04-37542059 ICBV VN VX 140

VietinBank Ba Dinh Branch

126 Doi Can, Ba Dinh, Hanoi 04-38452826 ICBV VN VX 124

VietinBank Thanh Xuan Branch

275 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi 04-38585603 ICBV VN VX 127

VietinBank Chuong Duong Branch

32/298 Ngoc Lam, Long Bien Dist., Hanoi 04-38722725 ICBV VN VX 128

VietinBank Yen Vien Branch

284 Ha Huy Tap, Yen Vien Town, Gia Lam, Hanoi 04-38783159 ICBV VN VX 131

Branches (continued)



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VietinBank Bac Hanoi Industrial Zone Branch

Group No.11, Nguyen Van Linh Str.,Sai Dong Ward, Long bien Dist., Hanoi 04-38758414 ICBV VN VX 129

VietinBank Hoang Mai Branch

No.2-4 Kim Dong Str., Giap Bat, Hoang Mai, Hanoi 04-36648701

VietinBank Dong Anh Branch

Dong Anh Town, Hanoi 04-38835141 ICBV VN VX 144


VietinBank Ha Tay Branch

269 Quang Trung, Ha Dong Town, Ha Tay 034-3829471 ICBV VN VX 320

VietinBank Quang Trung - Ha Tay Branch

104 Tran Phu, Van Mo Ward, Ha Dong Town, Ha Tay 034-3210916 ICBV VN VX 324

VietinBank Nguyen Trai - Ha Tay Branch

39 Tran Phu, Van Mo Ward, Ha Dong Town, Ha Tay 034-3522604 ICBV VN VX 326

VietinBank Song Nhue - Ha Tay Branch

10 Ngo Quyen Str., Ha Dong Town, Ha Tay 034-3550591 ICBV VN VX 322

VietinBank Lang Hoa Lac

No.3 Tan Binh Zone, Xuan Mai Town, Chuong My, Ha Tay 034-3720102

HA TINH VietinBank Ha Tinh Branch

160 Ha Huy Tap Str., Ha Tinh Town, Ha Tinh 039-3850406 ICBV VN VX 430


VietinBank Hai Duong Branch

No.1 Hong Quang Str., Hai Duong City, Hai Duong 0320-3852280 ICBV VN VX 340

VietinBank Nhi Chieu Branch

Group II, Phu Thu Town, Kim Mon, Hai Duong 0320-3821336 ICBV VN VX 344

VietinBank Hai Duong Industrial Zone Branch

Km 51+900 Avenue No.5, Hai Duong City, Hai Duong 0320-3222961 ICBV VN VX 346


VietinBank Hai Phong Branch

36 Dien Bien Phu, Ngo Quyen, Hai Phong 0313-3859913 ICBV VN VX 160

VietinBank To Hieu Branch

116 To Hieu, Le Chan, Hai Phong 0313-3610343 ICBV VN VX 161

VietinBank Do Son Branch

193 Ly Thanh Tong, Do Son, Hai Phong 0313-3861276 ICBV VN VX 162

VietinBank Hong Bang Branch

90 Tran Quang Khai, Hong Bang Dist., Hai Phong 0313-3746682 ICBV VN VX 166

VietinBank Le Chan Branch

189 Hai Ba Trung, Le Chan, Hai Phong 0313-3854211 ICBV VN VX 164

VietinBank Ngo Quyen Branch

5 Pham Minh Duc, Ngo Quyen, Hai Phong 0313-3551525 ICBV VN VX 168


VietinBank HCM City Branch No.1

93 Ham Nghi, Dist. 1, Ho Chi Minh City 08-38210089 ICBV VN VX 902

VietinBank HCM City Branch No. 2

222-224 Phan Dinh Phung, Phu Nhuan Dist. Ho chi Minh City 08-39952269 ICBV VN VX 904

VietinBank HCM City Branch No.3

461 Nguyen Dinh Chieu, Dist. 3, Ho Chi Minh City 08-38398371 ICBV VN VX 906

VietinBank HCM City Branch No.4

57-59 Ben Van Don, Dist. 4, Ho Chi Minh City 08-39400263 ICBV VN VX 908

VietinBank HCM City Branch No.5

218 Tran Hung Dao B, Dist. 5, Ho Chi Minh City 08-38552613 ICBV VN VX 920

VietinBank HCM City Branch No.6

78 Thap Muoi, Dist. 6, Ho Chi Minh City 08-38572934 ICBV VN VX 922

Branches (continued)



ual R




VietinBank Binh Tan Branch

Block No.9, C Str.,Tan Tao Industrial Zone, Binh Tan Dist., Ho Chi Minh City 08-37542193 ICBV VN VX 923

VietinBank HCM City Branch No.7

346-348 Bui Huu Nghia, Binh Thanh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City 08-38412329 ICBV VN VX 924

VietinBank HCM City Branch No. 8

196 H¬ung Phu, Dist. 8, Ho Chi Minh City 08-38596532 ICBV VN VX 926

VietinBank HCM City Branch No. 9

No.1 Nguyen Oanh, Go Vap Dist., Ho Chi Minh City 08-38946449 ICBV VN VX 928

VietinBank HCM City Branch No. 10

530 Le Hong Phong, Dist. 10, Ho Chi Minh City 08-38356058 ICBV VN VX 940

VietinBank HCM City Branch No. 11

1447-1449, 3/2 Road, Dist. 11, Ho Chi Minh City 08-39604240 ICBV VN VX 942

VietinBank HCM City Branch No. 12

366 Tr¬uong Chinh, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City 08-38121028 ICBV VN VX 944

VietinBank Tan Binh Branch

39 Ly Thuong Kiet, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City 08-39712927 ICBV VN VX 945

VietinBank HCM City Branch No. 14

35 Nguyen Van Ba, Thu Duc Dist., Ho Chi Minh City 08-38960799 ICBV VN VX 946

VietinBank Thu Duc Branch

No.1 Vo Van Ngan, Thu Duc Dist., Ho Chi Minh City 08-38966103 ICBV VN VX 947

VietinBank Cu Chi Branch

No. 35-37 Road No.8, Cu Chi Town, Ho Chi Minh City 08-37909896

HOA BINH VietinBank Hoa Binh Branch

186 Cu Chinh Lan Str, Phuong Lam Ward, Hoa Binh City, Hoa Binh


VietinBank Hung Yen Branch

No.1 Dien Bien, Hung Yen Town, Hung Yen 0321-3863741 ICBV VN VX 342

VietinBank My Hao Branch

Ban Yen Nhan Town, My Hao, Hung Yen 0321-3942285 ICBV VN VX 343

KHANH HOA VietinBank Khanh Hoa Branch

No.4 Hoang Hoa Tham, Nha Trang City, Khanh Hoa 058-3822981 ICBV VN VX 580

KIEN GIANG VietinBank Kien Giang Branch

63 Le Loi, Rach Gia Town, Kien Giang 077-3861974 ICBV VN VX 840

KON TUM VietinBank Kon Tum Branch

90 Tran Phu, Kon Tum Town, Kon Tum 060-3910209 ICBV VN VX 510

LAO CAI VietinBank Lao Cai Branch

7 Hoang Lien Str., Coc Leu Ward, Lao Cai City, Lao Cai 020-3824899


VietinBank Lam Dong Branch

1 Le Dai Hanh, Da Lat City, Lam Dong 063-3823856 ICBV VN VX 620

VietinBank Bao Loc Branch

No.3 28/3 Str., Bao Loc Town, Lam Dong 063-3864304 ICBV VN VX 622

VietinBank Di Linh Branch

616 Hung Vuong, Di Linh Town, Lam Dong 063-3870680 ICBV VN VX 624

LANG SON VietinBank Lang Son Branch

51 Le Loi Str., Lang Son City, Lang Son 025-3876689 ICBV VN VX 200


VietinBank Long An Branch

396 National Highway 1, Tan An Town, Long An 072-3829425 ICBV VN VX 700

VietinBank Ben Luc Branch

234 Vo Cong Ton Str., Ben Luc Town, Long An 072-3211868 ICBV VN VX 704

VietinBank Chau Thanh Branch

219 827A Str., Tam Vu Town, Chau Thanh, Long An 072-3877212 ICBV VN VX 702

Branches (continued)



ual R




VietinBank Nam Dinh Branch

119 Quang Trung, Nam Dinh City 0350-3867526 ICBV VN VX 380

VietinBank Nam Dinh City Branch

No.1, May To Str., Tran Hung Dao Ward, Nam Dinh City, Nam Dinh 0350-3849346 ICBV VN VX 382

NINH THUAN VietinBank Ninh Thuan Branch

468 Thong Nhat Str., Phan Rang-Thap Cham Town, Ninh Thuan 068-3920346 ICBV VN VX 610


VietinBank Nghe An Branch

7 Nguyen Sy Bach, Vinh City, Nghe An 0383-3342797 ICBV VN VX 440

VietinBank Cua Lo Branch

62 Binh Minh Str., Thu Thuy, Cua Lo Town, Nghe An 0383-3952868 ICBV VN VX 441

VietinBank Bac Nghe An Branch

Block No.2, Cau Giat Town, Quynh Luu, Nghe An 0383-3643286 ICBV VN VX 444

VietinBank Ben Thuy Branch

229 Le Duan, Vinh City, Nghe An 0383-3842548 ICBV VN VX 442


VietinBank Ninh Binh Branch

Tran Hung Dao, Ninh Binh Town, Ninh Binh 030-3872614 ICBV VN VX 400

VietinBank Tam Diep Branch

Group No.17, Trung Son Ward, Tam Diep Town, Ninh Binh. 030-3771317 ICBV VN VX 402


VietinBank Phu Tho Branch

1514 Hung Vuong Avenue, Viet Tri City, Phu Tho 0210-3846316 ICBV VN VX 240

VietinBank Den Hung Branch

Group 1, Van Phu, Viet Tri City, Phu Tho 0210-3970001 ICBV VN VX 248

VietinBank Phu Tho Town Branch

01 Phu An Str., Phu Tho Town, Phu Tho 0210-3846316 ICBV VN VX 244

VietinBank Nam Viet Tri Branch

No.806 Hung Vuong Avenue, Viet Tri City, Phu Tho 0210-3863527

PHU YEN VietinBank Phu Yen Branch

236 Hung Vuong, Tuy Hoa Town, Phu Yen 057-3828007 ICBV VN VX 560

QUANG BINH VietinBank Quang Binh Branch

215 Ly Thuong Kiet, Dong Hoi City, Quang Binh 052-3840582 ICBV VN VX 470


VietinBank Quang Nam Branch

22 Phan Boi Chau, Tam Ky Town, Quang Nam 0510-3852859 ICBV VN VX 482

VietinBank Hoi An Branch

4 Hoang Dieu, Hoi An Town, Quang Nam 0510-3911107 ICBV VN VX 484

QUANG NGAI VietinBank Quang Ngai Branch

97 Hung Vuong Avenue, Quang Ngai Town 055-3822599 ICBV VN VX 520


VietinBank Quang Ninh Branch

Kho than 1,2, Bê tông Str., Hong Gai Dist., HaLong City, Quang Ninh 033-3825713 ICBV VN VX 300

VietinBank Cam Pha Branch

378 Tran Phu, Cam Trung, Cam Pha, Quang Ninh 033-3862006 ICBV VN VX 302

VietinBank Uong Bi Branch

466 Quang Trung, Uong Bi, Quang Ninh 033-3854250 ICBV VN VX 304

VietinBank Bai Chay Branch

Ha Long Str., Bai Chay Ward, Ha Long City, Quang Ninh 033-3846560 ICBV VN VX 306

VietinBank Mong Cai Branch

01 Huu Nghi, Mong Cai Town, Quang Ninh 033-3881553 ICBV VN VX 308

QUANG TRI VietinBank Quang Tri Branch

64 Nguyen Trai, Dong Ha Town, Quang Tri 053-3550564 ICBV VN VX 450

SOC TRANG VietinBank Soc Trang Branch

67A Le Loi, Soc Trang Town, Soc Trang 079-3614655 ICBV VN VX 822

Branches (continued)



ual R




VietinBank Tay Ninh Branch

145, 30/4 Road, Tay Ninh Town 066-3822037 ICBV VN VX 660

VietinBank Trang Bang Industrial Zone Branch

Km 33 – 156A1 An Binh Hamlet, Trang Bang, Tay Ninh 066-3896386 ICBV VN VX 664

VietinBank Hoa Thanh Branch

145/12B, Hung Vuong Str., Hoa Thanh Town, Tay Ninh 066-3830006 ICBV VN VX 662


VietinBank Thai Binh Branch

190 Trung Trac, Thai Binh Town, Thai Binh 036-3835939 ICBV VN VX 360

VietinBank Diem Dien Branch

Block No.5, Diem Dien Town, Thai Thuy, Thai Binh 036-3711798 ICBV VN VX 362


VietinBank Thai Nguyen Branch

62 Hoang Van Thu, Thai Nguyen City, Thai Nguyen 0280-3852258 ICBV VN VX 220

VietinBank Song Cong Branch

No.1 Thang Loi Str., Song Cong Town, Thai Nguyen 0280-3862085 ICBV VN VX 222

VietinBank Luu Xa Branch

Trung Thanh Ward, Thai Nguyen City, Thai Nguyen 0280-3861949 ICBV VN VX 224


VietinBank Thanh Hoa Branch

17 Phan Chu Trinh, Thanh Hoa City, Thanh Hoa 037-3852318 ICBV VN VX 420

VietinBank Sam Son Branch

Tai Loc Str., Truong Son Ward, Sam Son Town, Thanh Hoa 037-3821540 ICBV VN VX 422

VietinBank Bim Son Branch

169 Tran Phu, Bim Som Town, Thanh Hoa 037-3824218 ICBV VN VX 424


VietinBank Thua Thien Hue Branch

2 Le Quy Don, Hue City, Hue 054-3825102 ICBV VN VX 460

VietinBank Phu Bai Industrial Zone Branch

Zone 1, Phu Bai Town, Huong Thuy, Thua Thien Hue 054-3863319 ICBV VN VX 462


VietinBank Tien Giang Branch

15B Nam Ky Khoi Nghia, My Tho City, Tien Giang 073-3873025 ICBV VN VX 760

VietinBank Tay Tien Giang Branch

560 National Highway 1A, Block No.5, Cai Lay Town, Tien Giang 073-3826807 ICBV VN VX 762

TRA VINH VietinBank Tra Vinh Branch

15A Dien Bien Phu, Tra Vinh Town 074-3863827 ICBV VN VX 980

VINH LONG VietinBank Vinh Long Branch

143B Le Thai To, Vinh Long Town 070-3824180 ICBV VN VX 800


VietinBank Vinh Phuc Branch

No.4 Ngo Quyen, Vinh Yen Town, Vinh Phuc 0211-3862760 ICBV VN VX 246

VietinBank Phuc Yen Branch

No.4 Trn Hung Dao Str., Phuc Yen Town, Vinh Phuc 0211-3868388 ICBV VN VX 260

VietinBank Binh Xuyen Branch

Zone No.1, Huong Canh Town, Binh Xuyen, Vinh Phuc 0211-3887737 ICBV VN VX 262

VietinBank Quang Minh Industrial Zone Branch

Km9 Thang Long Highway, Noi Bai, Me Linh, Vinh Phuc 0211-3882798 ICBV VN VX 264

Branches (continued)



ual R



VietinBank Leasing Company 16 Phan Dinh Phung Str., Hanoi Tel:+84.4.38233045

VietinBank Securities Company Ltd. 306 Ba Trieu Str., Hanoi Tel:+84.4.39741764

VietinBank Real Estate and Financial Investment Company

76 Nguyen Van Cu Str., Dist. 1, HCM City Tel:+84.8.38399049

Indovina Bank 36 Ton That Dam Str., Dist. 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: +84.8.38230130

VietinBank Insurance Company 141 Le Duan Str., Hanoi Tel: +84.4.39425650

VietinBank Training Center 133 Kim Ma Str., Hanoi Tel:+84.4.37332313

VietinBank IT Center 46A Tang Bat Ho Str., Hanoi Tel:+84.4.39712330

VietinBank Trade Union 27 Phu Dong Thien Vuong Str., Hanoi Tel:+84.4.39436642


Joint Ventures

Non-profit Making Units



ual R


tMajor Correspondent Banks


ANZ Banking Group Ltd.

Commonwealth Bank

National Australia Bank

Westpac Banking Corporation

St. George Bank Ltd


Bank Austria Creditanstalt


Erste Bank

Oberbank AG

Osterreichische Volksbanken AG

Raiffeisen Zentralbank Osterreich (RZB)

BAHRAIN Arab Banking Corporation


Belarus Bank


Dexia Bank Belgium

ING Belgium

Fortis Bank

KBC Bank

BRAZILBanco Itau

Banco Santander Banespa S.A

BULGARIARaiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) EAD

Unicredit Bulbank AD

CAMBODIACambodian Public Bank

Canadia Bank


Bank of Montreal

Caisse Centrale Desjardins

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce

National Bank of Canada

Royal Bank of Canada

The Bank of Nova Scotia

Toronto Dominion Bank



ual R




Agriculture Bank of China

Bank of China

China Construction Bank

China Development Bank

China Everbright Bank

China Merchants Bank Co. Ltd.

Guang Dong Development Bank

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

Ningbo Commercial Bank

CUBABanco Internacional de Comercio S.A.

Banco National de Cuba

CYPRUS Bank of Cyprus


Ceska Sporitelna AS

Ceskoslovenska Obchodni Banka AS

Komerci Banca AS

Raiffeisenbank AS

Unicredit Bank Czech Republic AS


Nordea Bank Denmark AS



Nordea Bank Finland Plc.

Pohjola Bank

Sampo Bank Plc.


BNP Parisbas

Credit Agricole


Credit Industriel et Commercial (CIC)

Credit Lyonnais


Societe Generale

Union de Banques Arabes et Francaises (UBAF)

Banques Federative du Credit Mutuel

Major Correspondent Banks (continued)



ual R


tMajor Correspondent Banks (continued)


Bayerische Hypo-und Vereinsbank AG

Bayerische Landesbank

Berenberg Bank

BHF Bank

Commerzbank AG

Deutsche Bank AG

Dresdner Bank AG

DZ Bank AG

HSH Nordbank AG

Hamburger Sparkasse AG

Landesbank Baden Wurttemberg

Landesbank Berlin AG

Nassauiche Sparkasse

West LB AG


Yapi Kredi Bank (Deutschland)

GREECE National Bank of Greece SA


Delta Asia Financial Group Ltd.

Hang Seng Bank


The Hongkong Chinese Bank Ltd.


Budapest Credit & Development Bank Nyrt

CIB Bank Zrt

OTP Bank Plc

Unicredit Bank Hungary Zrt


Canara Bank


State Bank of India

Union Bank of India



ual R




Bank Central Asia

Bank Mandiri

Bank Negara Indonesia

INDIA Lippo Bank

IRELANDBank of Ireland

Allied Irish Bank

ISRAEL Bank Hapoalim BM


Banca Agricola Mantovana SpA

Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena

Banca Nazionale del Lavoro

Banca Popolare di Bergamo SpA

Banca Popolare di Vicenza

Banca Toscana SpA

Banco Popolare

Cassa di Risparmio in Bologna

San Paolo SpA


Unicredit Banca di Roma SpA


Aozora Bank

Bank of Fukuoka

Hokuriku Bank

Mizuho Bank

Mizuho Corporate Bank

Norinchukin Bank

Resona Bank

Saitama Resona Bank

Shinkin Central Bank

Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation

The Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd.

Major Correspondent Banks (continued)



ual R


tMajor Correspondent Banks (continued)


Eximbank of Korea

Industrial Bank of Korea

Jeju Bank

Kookmin Bank

Korea Development Bank

Korea Exchange Bank

Pusan Bank

Shinhan Bank

Woori Bank


Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait Ksc

Commercial Bank of Kuwait

National Bank of Kuwait S.A.K

LAOS Banque pour le Commerce Exterieur Lao


CIMB Bank Berhad

Hongleong Bank

Malayan Banking Berhad

Public Bank Berhad

RHB Bank

MONGOLIATrade and Development Bank of Mongolia

Zoo Bank

MOROCCO Attijariwata Bank

MYANMAR Myanmar Foreign Trade Bank



Rabobank Netherland

F Van Lanschot Bankiers NV

NEW ZEALANDBank of New Zealand

The National Bank of New Zealand

NORWAYNordea Bank Norge ASA

DnB NOR Bank



ual R




PHILIPPINESBank of the Philippine Islands

Philippine National Bank



Bank Ochrony Srodowiska SA

Bank Polska kasa Opieki SA

Bank Handlowy Warszawie SA

ING Bank Slaski S.A


Banco BPI SA

Caixa Geral de Depositos SA

Banco Comercial Portugues

QATAR Qatar National Bank SAQ

ROMANIA Banca Comerciala Romana SA


Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs

Bank for Foreign Trade of Russia

International Bank for Economic Cooperation

International Moscow Bank

Savings Bank of the Russian Federation



DBS Bank


United Overseas Bank


Vseobecna Uverova Banka AS



First Rand Bank Ltd.

The Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd.

Major Correspondent Banks (continued)



ual R


tMajor Correspondent Banks (continued)


Bankinter SA

Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria

Banco Espanol de Credito

Banco Popular Espanol

Banco de Sabadell SA

Banco Santander Central Hispano

Caja de Ahorros Y Pensiones de Barcelona

SRI LANKA People’s Bank


Nordea Bank Sweden AB

Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB

Svenska Handelsbanken


Banque Cantonale de Geneva

Banque de Commerce et de Placements

Credit Suisse


Zurcher Kantonalbank



Bank of Communication

Bank of Shanghai

Bank of Taiwan

Bank Sinopac

Cathay United Bank

Chinatrust Commercial Bank

Chinfon Commercial Bank

Citic Ka Wah

Hua Nan Commercial Bank

First Commercial Bank

Grand Commercial Bank


Shanghai Commercial Bank

Taipei Fubon Bank

Winghang Bank



ual R




Bangkok Bank

Bank of Ayudhya

Bank Thai Public Ltd.

Export-Import Bank of Thailand

Krung Thai Bank


Siam Commercial Bank

Thai Military Bank Ltd.


Barclays Bank

HSBC Bank Plc

Lloyds TSB Bank

National Westmin ster Bank

Standard Chartered Bank


Arab Banking Corporation


National Bank of Dubai


Bank of America NA

Citi Bank NA


JP Morgan Chase Bank

The Bank of New York Mellon

US Bank

Union Bank of California NA

Wachovia Bank NA

Wells Fargo Bank

Major Correspondent Banks (continued)

HEAD OFFICE108 Tran Hung Dao Str., Hanoi, VietnamTel : 84.4.39421030Fax : 84.4.39421032Swift : ICBV VN VXWebsite : www.vietinbank.vn

FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS DEPARTMENT108 Tran Hung Dao Str., Hanoi, VietnamTel : 84.4.39421186, 39421191Fax : 84.4.39421143Email : [email protected]

MAIN TRANSACTION OFFICE No. 134 Hai Ba Trung Str., Hanoi, VietnamTel : 84.4.39349590Fax : 84.4.38257308Email : [email protected]

MAIN TRANSACTION OFFICE No. 279 Ham Nghi Str., Dist. 1Ho Chi Minh City, VietnamTel : 84.8.38290491Fax : 84.4.38295342

Corporate Information

VIETINBANK MAIN OPERATION CENTER108 Tran Hung Dao Str., Hanoi, VietnamTel : 84.4.39421108Fax : 84.4.39410925Email : [email protected]

REPRESENTATIVE OFFICES79 Ham Nghi Str., Dist. 1, Ho Chi Minh City, VietnamTel : 84.8.38210502

36 Tran Quoc Toan Str., Hai Chau Dist.Da Nang City, VietnamTel : 84.511.3843037

VietiBank Management Team


108 Trần Hưng Đạo, Hà Nội

Điện thoại : 04.3942 1030

Fax : 04.3942 1032

Website : www.vietinbank.vn