Newspapers in France Presentation and Regulations

Newspapers in France Presentation and Regulations

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Newspapers in France

Presentation and Regulations

The various types of newspapers

The periodics(monthly, weekk=ly,

daily…)on the current events

The specialized

The sales

Thirty-five million readers by day in France


In newsstands By subscribtion

History1631 : the first real daily newspaper appears in France. Its printing

was granted by royal privilege.

17th century : The newspapers are the object of lot ofcensorship.

Louis XIV imposes very strict censorship on all the printers. They must ask the King for permission to print

18th century : Appearence of newspapers with themes (medecine, education, economy…)

1881 : LAW ON THE FREEDOM OF THE MEDIA. The law stipulates that the pres is free of opinion. This principle will be strengthened during the French revolution.

19 th century : Appearance of rotary press which facillitate the printing and

democratize the newspapers.

• 20th century : The press is threatened by the other media

• 21th century : The boom of the internet deals a severe blow to the printed press, which is in decline

The regulation

• The law for the free expression and information are fondamental rights in France. The law is dedicated by the article 11 of 1789 Declaration of Human Rights.

• It is the 29 july 1881 law which defines the liberties and the responsability of the French newspapers.

• This law point rights but also limits which are called « violations of the press »

Violation of the press

• The newspapers are not allowed to :• Hurt the president of the republic• Publish false information• Achieve the citizen honor

These facts are punished, according to severity levels, of a fine or sentence of emprisonment for the newspaper responsible.

• The provocation and the inincitation to commit an illegal or violent act on :

• Member of an ethnic group, a nation, a race, or a religion.• Of the sexual orientation• Of the handicap

Are punished for five years of detention and a fine of 45000€