Newspaper Market Océ Position and Solutions June 23, 2010 Monika Olbricht Director Marketing & Corporate Communications Océ Italia Presentation for WAN IFRA

Newspaper Market Océ Position and Solutions · 2015-10-22 · The Oce JetStream 2200 produces the individualized neswpapers during the night. 16 Prime Time for Digital Newspapers

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Page 1: Newspaper Market Océ Position and Solutions · 2015-10-22 · The Oce JetStream 2200 produces the individualized neswpapers during the night. 16 Prime Time for Digital Newspapers

Newspaper MarketOcé Position and Solutions

June 23, 2010Monika OlbrichtDirector Marketing & Corporate CommunicationsOcé Italia

Presentation forWAN IFRA

Page 2: Newspaper Market Océ Position and Solutions · 2015-10-22 · The Oce JetStream 2200 produces the individualized neswpapers during the night. 16 Prime Time for Digital Newspapers


Corporate Profile

Océ today:

22,000 people worldwide

Annual revenue 2009:€ 2.6 billion

Worldwide distribution in around100 countries

Direct sales and services in 30 countries

10 R&D-sites in 9 countries

(1,550 people)

Page 3: Newspaper Market Océ Position and Solutions · 2015-10-22 · The Oce JetStream 2200 produces the individualized neswpapers during the night. 16 Prime Time for Digital Newspapers


Document Printing

Office Systems

Printroom Systems

Océ Products

Production Printing

TransPromo & Direct MailSystems

Graphic Arts Systems

Wide FormatPrinting Systems

Imaging Supplies

Technical Document Systems

Display Graphics Systems

OcéBusiness Services

Page 4: Newspaper Market Océ Position and Solutions · 2015-10-22 · The Oce JetStream 2200 produces the individualized neswpapers during the night. 16 Prime Time for Digital Newspapers


Océ‘s Track Record in Digital Newspapers

Océ is market leader in the digital newspapermarket with more than 25 million copiesproduced since 2001.

Océ holds various intellectual property rights inEurope and the USA for the concept of ordering,accessing and printing individually assemblednewspapers by utilizing the web.

Océ has established the Digital NewspaperNetwork in 2001 between newspaper publishers,commercial printers and distribution.

Océ provides end-to-end solutions including

Hardware Software & Workflow Business Development

Page 5: Newspaper Market Océ Position and Solutions · 2015-10-22 · The Oce JetStream 2200 produces the individualized neswpapers during the night. 16 Prime Time for Digital Newspapers


Targeted at: All publishers, newspaper print providers, newspaper distributors

Smart Publishing - Océ Newspaper Business Models



Profitable productionof short run regionaland minority titles

Distribute & Printmodel in foreigncountries to save timeand transport costs


Additional editions torepurpose content andprovide an additionaladvertising platform


Highly targeted andsegmented newspapersto provide relevantcontent and attractadvertisers


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Targeted at: All publishers, newspaper print providers, newspaper distributors

Smart Publishing - Océ Newspaper Business Models


Micro-Zoning /Personalization

Distribute & PrintModel in foreigncountries to save timeand transport costs

Highly targeted andsegmented newspapersto provide relevantcontent and attractadvertisers

Additional editions torepurpose content andprovide an additionaladvertising platform




Profitable productionof short run regionaland minority titles

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Decentralized International Production

New York TimesGuardian/Observer

NikkeiBorsen DagbladBorsen ZietungSydney Morning

HeraldLA Times

International HeraldTribune

Daily TelegraphGlobe and Mail

Wall Street JournalEurope

Publisher 1

Publisher 2

Publisher 3

Publisher 4

Publisher 5

Océ DNNPrint Site 2Distributor


Print Site 4Distributor

Reader Print Site 3Distributor


Print Site 1Distributor

ReaderPrint Site 5Distributor


Océ Digital Newspaper Network (DNN)

* DNN Print Sites: Sydney, Singapore, London, NYC, L.A.


Facts 5 sites operational worldwide * 13 newspaper titles ~5.000 copies per day > 25 million copies since 2001

Benefits Day A availability of international

newspapers Reduced logistics cost Additional service to readers

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Targeted at: All publishers, newspaper print providers, newspaper distributors

Smart Publishing - Océ Newspaper Business Models


Micro-Zoning /Personalization

Distribute & PrintModel in foreigncountries to save timeand transport costs

Highly targeted andsegmented newspapersto provide relevantcontent and attractadvertisers

Additional editions torepurpose content andprovide an additionaladvertising platform




Profitable productionof short run regionaland minority titles

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Short-Run National Newspaper Production

Imcodavila Facts

Specialized newspaper printer in Spain Complement offset with digital production Produce short-run national and international titles digitally First Océ JetStream print site for newspaper production

Benefits Profitable production of short runs Additional revenue potential with books and transaction documents

“The concept of printing newspapers digitally is not new.We talked for a number of years with all major suppliersof digital presses. However we are completely sure, thatOcé with its JetStream family of inkjet presses has thebest technology with the highest speed and a print qualitythat meets readers’ expectation levels.”Luciano MonederoManaging Director Imcodávila

Page 10: Newspaper Market Océ Position and Solutions · 2015-10-22 · The Oce JetStream 2200 produces the individualized neswpapers during the night. 16 Prime Time for Digital Newspapers


Targeted at: All publishers, newspaper print providers, newspaper distributors

Smart Publishing - Océ Newspaper Business Models


Micro-Zoning /Personalization

Distribute & PrintModel in foreigncountries to save timeand transport costs

Highly targeted andsegmented newspapersto provide relevantcontent and attractadvertisers

Additional editions torepurpose content andprovide an additionaladvertising platform




Profitable productionof short run regionaland minority titles

Page 11: Newspaper Market Océ Position and Solutions · 2015-10-22 · The Oce JetStream 2200 produces the individualized neswpapers during the night. 16 Prime Time for Digital Newspapers


Special Editions

The Bulletin – The NewspaperPublisher’s Association PANPA Facts

The latest issue of the industry associationnewspaper, The Bulletin, has been printed anddistributed at the international press andproduction expo, IPEX, in Birmingham, UK asspecial edition

For the August 2010 edition of The Bulletin a16page supplement on the advantages ofpersonalized newspapers produced on OcéJetStream will be inserted into the standardjacket and personalized according to theregistered members.

Benefits Specific Target Group – additional revenue

stream Improved service for readers – reader retention,

new readers

“We were delighted forThe Bulletin to be used in

this way,” saidassociation CEO Mark

Hollands. “Theadvertising content andeditorial are relevant tothe type of delegate at


Page 12: Newspaper Market Océ Position and Solutions · 2015-10-22 · The Oce JetStream 2200 produces the individualized neswpapers during the night. 16 Prime Time for Digital Newspapers


Targeted at: All publishers, newspaper print providers, newspaper distributors

Smart Publishing - Océ Newspaper Business Models


Micro-Zoning /Personalization

Distribute & PrintModel in foreigncountries to save timeand transport costs

Highly targeted andsegmented newspapersto provide relevantcontent and attractadvertisers

Additional editions torepurpose content andprovide an additionaladvertising platform




Profitable productionof short run regionaland minority titles

Page 13: Newspaper Market Océ Position and Solutions · 2015-10-22 · The Oce JetStream 2200 produces the individualized neswpapers during the night. 16 Prime Time for Digital Newspapers


The Next Step: Individualisation of Newspapers

Reader / subscriber specific content selectionin a “personal newspaper“

Web-based Highly targeted - customised for one individual

areas of interest language event driven

Single or multi-publisher concepts

increases relevance for readers

improves reader loyalty

provides reduced spread loss to advertisers

Page 14: Newspaper Market Océ Position and Solutions · 2015-10-22 · The Oce JetStream 2200 produces the individualized neswpapers during the night. 16 Prime Time for Digital Newspapers


The First Individualized Newspaper

Facts InterTi GmbH offers “niiu”, the first

individualized newspaper worldwide Web-based reader profiles Targets primarily at young readers Content from

various national & internationalnewspapers

the Internet Printed on Océ JetStream 2200 Delivered in the morning hours in

Berlin (as first market) Since October 2009

Benefits All relevant information for readers Targeting for advertisers

„Even young people prefer to read on paper.With the concept of niiu, we bridge the gapbetween web and print. The Océ JetStream2200 provides the quality and productivity topioneer this exciting new market“

Wanja S. OberhofCo-Founder “niiu”

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Individualization of Newspapers in Practice

Our leading-edge software matchescontent from differnet sources with

target group-specific advertising

Every reader creates his own niiuprofile based on newspaper pages,

blogs and RSS Feeds

Readers recieve niiu everymorning - enjoying the benefits ofa printed medium combined with

personalized content.

Local logistic partners deliver niiu inthe morning hours to each reader‘s


The Oce JetStream 2200 producesthe individualized neswpapers

during the night.

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Prime Time for Digital Newspapers with Océ JetStream

Increasing match of evolving market demand with cost-effective, highlyproductive Océ JetStream presses delivering full color in high quality

Publishers‘business modelsstart to change

De-centralizedinternational production

Short-run nationalproduction

Special editions Micro-zoning and


Requirements to newbusiness models

High quality color tomatch offset

Production on realnewsprint paper

Efficient integratedworkflow

Increased throughputto handle thousandsof copies

Industry leading printquality & colorreproduction

Inkjet color price perpage at toner b/w level

More accessible marketsdue to increasedproductivity

From niche tomainstream

Océ JetStreamtechnology


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High Volume Inkjet Web-Fed PressesOcé JetStream family

Fastest DoD inkjet web-fed press worldwide Web speed 100, 130 and 150 m/min (field upgradeable) Paper width 21,4” and 30” Up to 2,880 36-p tabloid, 1,440 broadsheet newspapers / h Print quality 600 x 600 dpi Format up to 762 x 1372 mm Original newsprint >45 gsm 100% full color

Océ JetStream – High speed color

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Océ JetStream Family Evolution for Newspaper Printing

30‘‘ (762 mm)paper width

21.4‘‘ (543 mm)paper width

Q3 2010

Q3 2010




130600 x 600762 x 1372TwinOcé JetStream 2800

Broadsheet520 x 350mm

Tabloid350 x 260mm




150600 x 600762 x 1372TwinOcé JetStream 3300



150600 x 600543 x 1372TwinOcé JetStream 2200



100600 x 600543 x 1372TwinOcé JetStream 1500



75600 x 600543 x 1372Single engineduplex

Océ Jetstream 1000

Newspapers/hour/day(36 pages, 75%productivity*)



Max. sheetformat


* Assumptions: Offline finishing; daily production calculated with two 8-hour shifts

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