Newsline June 2013

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  • 7/28/2019 Newsline June 2013


    April - June 2013 Volume 7 Number 2

    PO Box 1854 GERALDTON WA 6531

    Ofce Hours - 0800 - 1630 Monday to Friday

    E-mail - [email protected]

    Website -

    8 Grosvenor Close



    Ph 08 9964 9497

    Fax 08 9964 9492

    Client Services

    Jenny Rolston Chief Executive Ofcer

    Erin Lyon Client Services Coordinator

    Linda Chalwell Client Services Ofcer

    Steve Williams Perth Coordinator/Trainer


    Kris Feddersen Director/Finance Manager

    Innocent Nyoni Finance Assistant

    Training & Resources

    Paul Davies Director/Training &

    Resources Manager/


    Geoff Feddersen Director/Auditor/Consultant

    David Baker VET Coordinator

    Stacey Ackley QA/VET TRM Coordinator

    Sarah Pike Manager Training Operations

    and Compliance

    Sue Backshall Scope and

    Compliance OfcerJosh Phillips Workshop Facilitation and

    Training Resource

    Development Ofcer

    Bill Belson TAE/Senior Consultant

    Guy Hooper TAE/Consultant

    Graem Watts Plant & Equipment Training/


    Brian Cloney Plant & Equipment Training/


    Peter Sorensen Projects / Safety/Consultant

    Head Ofce - Geraldton

    Perth Ofce

    Photographer: Bill Belson

    Western Grey Kangaroo


    TAE40110 Certicate IV in Training & Assessment course.

    Week 1: 8th - 12th July 2013

    Week 2: 15th - 19th July 2013

  • 7/28/2019 Newsline June 2013


    April - June 2013 Volume 7 Number 2

    From the CEO

    Welcome to the third issue of Newsline for 2013 June is upon us and we are already half way

    hrough the year! Have you checked out our new look website and our Facebook and LinkedIn

    pages? Thanks to the combined skills of Josh and Stacey, Progressive Training now has a

    social media presence and we look forward to engaging with our clients and sharing information

    and feedback.

    t was great to be a part of the Management Team meeting in April the members of this groupeally know where the rubber meets the road in terms of best practice within an RTO and I am

    ortunate to work with such a ne group of people. Discussion was lively in terms of ensuring

    hat the momentum in retaining a focus on continuous improvement is not lost. Since the

    meeting I know staff have been busy with improving policies and procedures, conducting

    Whats happening at Progressive Training?

    a gap audit and following up the moderation and validation schedule.

    Client contact remains strong and it is very pleasing to report that the partnerships recently formed between

    Progressive Training (WA) Pty Ltdand Australian Glass & Glazing Association (AGGA) and Improve Group

    Learning Solutions auger well for glass and glazing training in WA. The whole concept of training from within,

    he cornerstone upon which this business is built continues to gain strength every day, evidenced recently with the

    commencement of a resources industry traineeship lead by BHP Billiton and facilitated by Progressive Training (WA)

    Pty Ltd.

    As you will see in the pages to follow, we have also had a few staff changes, the completion of a public Safety

    Representatives Course, a busy schedule of workshops for our WDC Co-ordinator, a wedding and a holiday or two!

    Til next time

    Jenny Rolston

    Leaders dont create followers, they create more leaders Steve Jobs

    Recent Events

    11th April - Birthday - QA VET TRM Coordinator Stacey.

    17th April - Private Providers Induction Session and RAPT Education - attended by QA/VET TRM Coordinator and

    Client Services Coordinator.

    21st April 2013 - Wedding of Finance Assistant Innocent Nyoni and Siphetheni Nyoni

    25th April - ANZAC Day

    1st May 2013 - VELG Webinar - Understanding Direct Supervision - attended by Manager Training Operations and


    2nd May 2013 - Fair Work System - Information Session - attended by CEO

    3rd May 2013 - VELG Webinar - Get social in VET - LinkedIn and the National RTO Networks - attended by CEO.

    5th May - Birthday - Client Services Ofcer Linda

    7th May - Birthday - VET Coordinator David

    9th May - VELG Webinar - The new WHS qualications - learner, focused and up to date - attended by Perth

    Coordinator/Safety Ofcer

    13- 17 May 2013 - OHS Reps Course held at Progressive Training (WA) Pty Ltd

    20th May 2013 - 30 June - Geoff and Kris in LA

  • 7/28/2019 Newsline June 2013


    April - June 2013 Volume 7 Number 2

    Stafing UpdateThere has been a bit of movement at the staon, as they say, and we welcome a new face to the team as well as a couple of

    internal moves!

    Welcome to Sarah Pike who has taken on the role of Manager Training Operaons & Compliance. Sarah is not enrely new

    to Progressive as she has worked with us before on special projects, technical wring and internal auding. It is great to

    have her back in the fold. The main focus of Sarahs role is quality assurance and compliance in relaon to VET training and

    assessment and the obligaons of an RTO in terms of the NVR standards.

    Stacey Ackley has had a change to her posion and responsibilies and has recently been appointed as QA/VET TRM

    Coordinator. What does this mean I hear you ask? Staceys main focus areas include being the reference point for all Trainers,

    Assessors and Facilitators involved in the delivery and assessment of training as well as to ensure there are suitable resources

    available that meet the requirements of relevant training packages.

    David Baker remains an integral part of Progressives team and retains some of his VET co-ordinaon responsibilies but has

    made the decision to work on a part-me basis to enable a bit more exibility in his life. Dont think you will get away that

    easily, David, we have some interesng assignments in the pipeline for you!

    Sarah, Stacey and David work closely together as VET specialists across important areas such as mapping, training strategies,and quality control including validaon and moderaon processes. We welcome all three sta into their respecve roles and

    know that this team provides us with a strong balance of skill across the VET interface, an area of paramount importance to an


    Jenny Rolston - CEO

    Happy Retirement RonOur favourite garden gnome and handy andy hung up his boots recently to dive into another chapter of his life and enjoy

    rerement and a well-earned rest. We held a morning tea on Friday 17 May to farewell Ron Coles and wish him well. Sta

    presented Ron with a dinner voucher for Tides Restaurant and we hope he will enjoy a very pleasant evening at Tides with his

    wife very soon. Thank you Ron, for your eorts in keeping the grounds looking so neat and dy! It was great having you aspart of the team.

    Jenny Rolston - CEO

    Sarah Pike

    David Baker

    Stacey Ackley

  • 7/28/2019 Newsline June 2013


    April - June 2013 Volume 7 Number 2

    Erin Lyon Client Services Coordinator

    2013 Trainees/Apprentices report

    Geraldton Digital EnterprisesAer Jenny, Josh and Stacey visited the Geraldton Digital Enterprise centre earlier this year for an informaon session,

    Progressive Training became eligible for 4 hours of one-on-one advice on a digital enterprise topic of our choice. Aer some

    discussion, we decided that we wanted to learn a few ways to improve our business Facebook page, as well as the important

    topics to include in a Social Media Policy/Procedure. Carrie from the Geraldton Digital Hub and Digital Enterprise was kind

    enough to come and visit us at our business premises so that all present sta could listen to her suggesons and ask any

    quesons. Carrie was very knowledgeable and the session was both informave and interesng.

    At the end of the session, we decided it would be nice to have a group photo with Carrie to put in this Newsline. A p for

    anyone looking for a good photographer best to avoid Geo Feddersen! Besides the blurry photo below, Geo also managed

    to take a video instead of a photo. Maybe Carrie could do her next session on basic camera use hey Geo?

    Stacey Ackley - QA/VET TRM Coordinator

    BHP Traineeship commences

    As a result of a partnership with BHP Billion Iron

    Ore and Progressive Training (WA) Pty Ltdthat

    has been in the making for some me the rst

    group of trainees commenced their training on

    15 April 2013. A second group will commence

    in mid-June. The traineeship - Cercate III in

    Surface Extracon Operaons RII30112 will run

    over a 2 year period.

  • 7/28/2019 Newsline June 2013


    April - June 2013 Volume 7 Number 2

    VET Update - Changes ahead for VET Trainers and AssessorsProgressive Training has been a buzz of acvity this year; a hive of feverish bustling and goings-on ensuring the culture of

    quality and training requirements are being met in all areas.

    We are very fortunate here at Progressive Training to be able to work in an environment which nurtures and promotes good

    services and quality training from fantasc sta. To ensure we are on top of our game, we regularly aend professional

    development sessions that are relevant in enhancing the products and services we can provide to the public.

    Keeping informed of the latest development and publicaons from our governing bodies is essenal if we are to keep ahead in

    his ever changing environment.

    One of these changes that we would like to bring to your aenon is the ever looming date of the 1st of July, 2013. This is an

    mportant date as it is the deadline set by the Naonal Skills Standards Council (NSSC) requiring trainers and assessors, who

    want to remain qualied and connue to deliver Naonally Recognised Training, to upgrade their qualicaon to the new TAE.

    The following is what the NSSC will be requiring once the 1st of July, 2013 arrives:


    . Hold the TAE40110 Cercate IV in Training and Assessment from the TAE10 Training and Educaon Training Package

    as a minimum qualicaon, or be able to demonstrate equivalence of competencies; and

    i. Be able to demonstrate vocaonal competencies at least to the level being delivered and assessed; and

    ii. Be able to demonstrate how they are connuing to develop their VET knowledge and skills as well as maintaining their

    industry currency and trainer / assessor competence.


    . Work under the supervision of a trainer with the TAE40110 Cercate IV in Training and Assessment or of a personwho had demonstrated equivalence of competencies; and

    i. Hold the TAE10 Enterprise Trainer Skills Set or be able to demonstrate equivalence of competencies within two years of

    commencing to deliver training while under supervision; and

    ii. Be able to demonstrate vocaonal competencies at least to the level being delivered and assessed as well as

    maintaining their industry currency.


    . Hold the TAE10 Assessor Skill Set or be able to demonstrate equivalence of competencies; and

    i. Be able to demonstrate vocaonal competencies at least to the level being assessed; and

    ii. Be able to demonstrate how they are connuing to develop their VET knowledge and skills as well as maintaining their

    industry currency and assessor competence.

    Due to this, Progressive Training has been experiencing an inux of conversion requests from both the BSZ40198 and the

    TAA40104 to the current TAE40110 and expect requests to increase further as we near the 1st of July, 2013.

    f you need to upgrade your training qualicaon, we can certainly help. Give us a call and we will get the ball rolling for you!

    Stacey Ackley - QA/VET TRM Coordinator and Sarah Pike - Manager Training Operations and Compliance

    Steve delivered a Safety and Health Representaves Course held at our Head Oce in Geraldton from May 13th to May

    17th. Eight parcipants from a variety of working backgrounds including Mine and Port plant operators, Stevedores and

    Management, enjoyed the professional services delivered by all sta at Progressive Training. By successfully achieving their

    Cercate of Parcipaon they can now return to their respecve workplaces as fully edged Safety and Health

    Public Safety Reps course

    Steve Williams - Perth Coordinator/Safety Ofcer

    Representaves. A special thanks must go to Tim Kirby, Operaons Manager

    at Glass Co, who personally supervised the groups workplace inspecon at his

    facility. Thanks also to Erin for organising the resources for the course, Linda for

    the catering (very good food selecons!!) and very special thanks goes again to

    Erin for the home made cake for the groups wind up at the compleon of the


  • 7/28/2019 Newsline June 2013


    April - June 2013 Volume 7 Number 2

    Progressive Training is now on Social Media!

    After months of planning and redesigning, Progressive Training (WA) Pty Ltdhas re-entered the online world with

    ull-force. Our brand new interactive website is now live and looks fantastic. The website has both a desktop and a

    mobile friendly version. Since re-launching the site in April we have had a steady ow of visitors from all over the

    world. Here are a few statistics:

    On top of creating a new website, we decided it was time to enter the Social Media world. We now have Facebook,

    Twitter and LinkedIn pages, so that no matter what network youre on, we can connect with you online. Our

    Facebook page has been the most successful of the three with constant growth and interaction; at last count we had

    126 people liking our page and as you can see from the stats above, Facebook has been the number one source of

    rafc to our website.

  • 7/28/2019 Newsline June 2013


    April - June 2013 Volume 7 Number 2

    Josh Phillips, Workshop Facilitation and Training Resource Development Ofcer


    The website is constantly being reviewed and improved and with the latest update being the addion of our Inducon

    Powerpoint presentaon (all parcipants are required to view these prior to training) and easy access to our Student

    Handbook. These can be found on the Sta & Students \ Student Inducon page. If you have any ideas for what you would like

    to see on our website, feel free to let us know!

  • 7/28/2019 Newsline June 2013


    April - June 2013 Volume 7 Number 2

    Happy Birthday

    Currently Im on secondment to BHPBilliton Port Hedland for a thirteen week snt. The focus of the work is to replace one

    of their Electrical Crew Development Ocers while he works on a special project but also reviewing a number of training

    packages. Its been great going back into the workplace and seeing how equipment has changed since I worked in the industry.

    As far as procedures and safety requirements are concerned lile has changed. Many of the packages that I am reviewing and

    reformang relate to High Voltage and/or electrical procedures. Another project that we are working on at Port Hedland is

    developing contextualised training material in line with relevant naonal standards. The aim is that in the future an auspicing

    arrangement will be set up allowing site trainer/assessors to provide the training and assessment to their own teams.

    Currently there is a big push by BHP Billiton to provide inhouse training as much as possible.

    BHPBilliton Project Port Hedland

    Paul Davies - Director/Training & Resources Manager/Consultant

    Bill Belsons Photographic Adventures: Part II

    Bill Belson

    our resident

    photographer wenton a photographic

    trip to the Hopetoun,

    Bremer Bay and

    Esperance areas.

    Photographer: Bill Belson

    Photos Left to right:

    Showey Banksias, RoyalHakea, View from East Mt

    Barren FRNP, Sand Dunes


  • 7/28/2019 Newsline June 2013


    April - June 2013 Volume 7 Number 2

    Innos wedding

    The month of April has been the preeminent month for Inno. On April

    21st, Inno got married to the most beauful lady, (Siphetheni). The

    wedding took place in Bindura, a small town which is about 90 Km east

    of Harare (Zimbabwe). It was a beauful sunny day and yes, the sun did

    smile for them. There were at least 700 people who aended Innos

    wedding, what a substanal number. Inno arculates that this is the dayhe was made complete because the bride was ocially handed over to

    him on the red carpet. Inno is so grateful that Geo and Kris Feddersen

    sacriced their me and money to go to Africa and support his wedding.

    Trip to Victoria

    Clue - Man from ___________ (not a creek but a _________)

    Can you guess where Paul had lunch? Seems like ages ago that Lyn and I headed o to Victoria for abreak over Easter. The rst week was spent at Manseld known

    as the Gateway to the High Country. We stayed at a meshare

    on the banks of Eildon Weir. Our days were spent driving around

    the area but always managing some me in Manseld for a

    coee before heading back to our accommodaon. On one of

    the days we booked on a four wheel drive trip which took us up

    to Mt Buller then over to Mt Srling. This area was used as the

    backdrop for the movie The Man from Snowy River. You all

    should know the story There was movement at the staon, for

    the word had passed around That the colt from old Regret ...

    Another day we headed o to Eildon where Lyn was born just a

    few short years ago. While there, we asked one of the old ladies

    at the tourist centre if the hospital where Lyn was born was sll

    around. Great to know that things fall into place as the years go

    by. It turns out that the hospital is now the old peoples home.

    Enough said. We also headed o to Benalla where that young

    ascal Ned Kelly spent some me in the local jail. The second week of the break was spent back in the Latrobe Valley where Lyn

    and I lived before coming over to the West. It was great to catch up with family and friends. Looking forward to our next break

    n September - Italy here we come.

    Here at Progressive Trainingwe generally like to leave the ofce once we nish work, but for one lucky staff

    member who has needed to ask for help to start HIS car many times and been late to go home. He has also given

    three lovely people a work out while trying to push start his car. While trying to hold in the tears of laughter the

    photographer managed to take a beautiful shot of the event! Luckily for this staff member he has now recently got a

    motor bike! Many thanks to the mechanic Geoff and the three helpers trying to push start his car Erin, Sue and Inno

    and also his Dad who came to his rescue!

    Corner of Shame

  • 7/28/2019 Newsline June 2013


    April - June 2013 Volume 7 Number 2

    Geoff and Kris - Zimbabwe

    Geoff and Kris headed over to Africa early April to do some sight-seeing and to attend

    the wedding of Innocent and Siphetheni. First, they ew to Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe

    and had a very enjoyable time. They went to Botswana for a Safari that began on the

    Chobe River where they saw Elephants, Hippos, Crocodiles, Impala (deer) and plenty

    of bird life. After having lunch at the Chobe Safari Lodge, Geoff and Kris headed off

    on the Land Safari. On this trip they saw Giraffe, Impala, Water Buffalo, Baboons and

    some more Elephants. They stayed in Victoria Falls at the Kingdom Hotel where they

    were entertained by locals each night. It was very enjoyable and the food was good too!

    While in Victoria Falls, Geoff and Kris also went on a Sunset Cruise along the Zambezi

    River. They didnt see a lot of wildlife on the cruise besides some crocodiles and some

    Hippos but wow! What a beautiful sunset they had that night; nearly as good as the

    Geraldton sunsets!

    They did get to see the falls tho and they were fantastic! If anyone gets the chance to

    go there, it is denitely worth the long ight. There is about a 3km walk around the edge

    of the falls with regular lookouts along the way. It was like walking through a rainforest

    with the misty rain most of the way, however, there was one cleared, open area that

    gave a great view of the falls! It was here that it started pouring down. It was like beingcaught in a thunderstorm and Geoff and Kris got soaked too tough to wear a rain


    After their time at Victoria Falls, Geoff and Kris ew to Harare the day before the

    wedding. They met Innos bride-to-be and some of his family after they had spent the

    day shopping. Innos eldest brother picked them up around 9am on the day of the

    wedding and drove them to Bindura where the wedding was to take place. It was a

    lovely sunny day and both the bride and groom, along with the rest of the bridal party,

    looked wonderful! The Pastor delivered a great service in English for Geoff and Kris

    (well maybe not just for them) and they had an interpreter who spoke in Shona. They

    had a great time at the wedding and were made to feel very welcome by Innos familyand friends. Geoff and Kris wish Inno and Siphetheni a long and happy life together.

    Geoff trying to get into the rhythm of

    the holiday

    Kris on the Zambezi River Sunset Cruise.

    The beautiul sunset

    Some of the entertainment each

    night at the Kingdom Hotel in Victoria

    Falls - Locals playing the Thumb


    Elephants and Giraffes drinking at the

    Chobe River Our safe transportation for the Land Safari - halfway break!

    A Hippo in the Zambezi River

    Victoria Falls

  • 7/28/2019 Newsline June 2013


    April - June 2013 Volume 7 Number 2


    Exploring Microsoft Ofce 2010 Exploring Microsoft Excel 2010

    Exploring Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Exploring Microsoft Word 2010

    Improve Your Touch Typing Skills Introduction to Minute Taking


    Conict and Negotiation New Leadership Training

    Time Mastery


    Introduction to minute taking Explore the history of Minute Taking

    Discover the key skills of Minute Taking

    Discuss the best methods to use

    Improve your touch typingskills

    Learn to setup your workstation safely and effectively Learn to improve your touch typing skills using Mavis Beacon software

    Exploring Microsoft Word


    Create new documents

    Learn to format your document

    Insert & modify images and tables

    Use Headers and Footers effectively

    Adjust the layout and print your documents

    Exploring Microsoft Excel


    Create new workbooks

    Work with data, rows and columns

    Use formats, functions and charts effectively

    Adjust the layout and print your documents

    Progressive Training - Courses

    Please contact Josh Phillips to nd out more information

    regarding the above Training courses.

    Josh Phillips, Workshop Facilitation and Training Resource

    Development Ofcer

  • 7/28/2019 Newsline June 2013


    April - June 2013 Volume 7 Number 2

    Progressive Training - Courses

    Our Mission - To provide the knowledge, skills and attitudes

    that facilitates a culture of Training from Within

    Ticketed Courses

    RIIVEH201B Operate light vehicle RIIMPO310B Conduct grader operations

    RIIMPO205B Operate roller/compactor RIIMPO311A Conduct haul truck operations

    RIIMPO206B Conduct bulk water truck operations RIIMPO312A Conduct scraper operations

    RIIVEH306A Operate mine service vehicle (backhoe

    and Skid Steer)

    RIIHAN311A Conduct operations with integrated tool


    RIIMPO301C Conduct hydraulic excavator operations RIIMPO332A Conduct operations with skid steer loader

    RIIMPO304B Conduct wheel loader operations RIIHAN305A Operate a gantry or overhead crane

    RIIMPO308B Conduct tracked dozer operations RIIOHS204A Work safely at heights

    RIIMPO309A Conduct wheeled dozer operations RIIOHS202A Enter and work in conned spaces

    RIIMPO208A Operate support equipment

    Competency issued with a nationally recognised Statement of Attainment

    Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is available for all the above courses.

    Accredited Course

    TAE10 Training and Education Training Package

    TAE40110 Certicate IV in Training & Assessment

    BSB07 Business Services Training Package

    BSB10107 Certicate I in Business

    BSB20107 Certicate II in Business

    BSB30110 Certicate III in Business

    BSB30707 Certicate III in Occupational Health and Safety

    BSB41407 Certicate IV in Occupational Health and Safety

    BSB40807 Certicate IV in Frontline Management

    BSB51107 Diploma of Management

    BSB51607 Diploma of Quality Auditing

    RII09 Resource and Infrastructure Industry Training Package

    RII10109 Certicate I in Resource and Infrastructure Operations

    RII20209 Certicate II in Surface Extraction Operations

    RII20509 Certicate II in Resource Processing

    RII30112 Certicate III in Surface Extraction Operations

    RII30411 Certicate III in Resource Processing

    RII40109 Certicate IV in Surface Extraction Operations

    Current Accredited Units

    CPCCOHS1001A Work Safely in the Construction Industry

    PUASAR022A Participate in a rescue operationPUASAR032A Undertake vertical rescue

    MSAPMOHS217A Gas test atmospheres

    Linda Chalwell, Client Services Ofcer

    Various WorkSafe licences are

    available, please contact theofce for more information.

    Competency issued with

    a nationally recognised

    Statement of Attainment and

    ofcial WorkSafe ticket