Welcome 2 nd graders! Developing Community In my classroom, I want each child to feel like they belong and are a part of our 2 nd grade family. Each month the desk arrangements will change so that each student has an opportunity to be in a group with everyone in the class throughout the year. There is an absolute zero tolerance for bullying in my classroom. All my students will be expected to treat each other with kindness and to accept their peers’ differences. If bullying occurs it will immediately be reported to you, as well as the principal. However, I believe that everyone will get along great this year and we will have no problems! Letter of Introduction Dear 2 nd grade parents, My name is Kim Shamet and I am very thrilled to be your teacher this year! I am a recent graduate from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and this is my first year teaching. I cannot wait to teach you all of the great things I have planned for this year, as well as learn from all of you! I have a very good feeling and this year is going to be one to remember! I’m looking forward to meeting all of you and getting to know you! Sincerely, Kim Shamet

Newsletter (t2)

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Welcome 2nd graders!

Developing CommunityIn my classroom, I want each child to feel like they belong and are a part of our 2nd grade family. Each month the desk arrangements will change so that each student has an opportunity to be in a group with everyone in the class throughout the year. There is an absolute zero tolerance for bullying in my classroom. All my students will be expected to treat each other with kindness and to accept their peers’ differences. If bullying occurs it will immediately be reported to you, as well as the principal. However, I believe that everyone will get along great this year and we will have no problems!

Letter of IntroductionDear 2nd grade parents,

My name is Kim Shamet and I am very thrilled to be your teacher this year! I am a recent graduate from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and this is my first year teaching. I cannot wait to teach you all of the great things I have planned for this year, as well as learn from all of you! I have a very good feeling and this year is going to be one to remember! I’m looking forward to meeting all of you and getting to know you!


Kim Shamet

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Classroom Procedures

Student Expectations Students are expected to come to class prepared every day. This means that they should have all necessary supplies neatly in their desks and ready for any activity that may occur. This is so that there can be smooth transitions throughout the day and everyone can have their best foot forward.

Classroom Rules- Always be listening and ready for


- Use the GOLDEN RULE: Treat others the way in which you wish to be treated.

- Always come to class prepared.

- Raise your hand and wait to be called on.

- Participate in classroom discussions.

- Treat your own property, as well as the property of others, with respect.

- Have fun!

Homework Policy


In my class, homework is used as a continuing practice tool, as well as a way for me to assess how well your students are grasping the concepts. Because of this, homework is expected to be completed on time every night. If a student comes in with unfinished homework then they will be required to stay in from recess until it is completed. They will also get a strike for that day. If missing homework starts becoming a habit then a note will be sent home and a conference with you and your student may be necessary. Signing your students’ assignment book each night might also result. In order to avoid all this and keep your student on track, I ask you to please make sure your students finish their homework each night and turn it in the next day.

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Embracing Diversity

Management Strategy

Rewards and Consequences

Marble Jar

When the whole class has positive behavior they will transfer a marble into the marble jar. Positive behavior can be anything from getting a good report from a substitute or specials teacher, or if everyone turns in their homework on time. Once all the marbles are in the jar the students will receive the reward that they requested prior to that period. Rewards can be things, such as extra recess, movie party, or pizza for lunch! This puts the responsibility of being good on each and every student in the class because in order to get a marble all the students must be behaving.

Caught Being Good When there are students who are being exceptionally good, such as sitting quietly when the rest of the class is talking, I will give them a Caught Being Good coupon. They can also retrieve these coupons for every A.R. point they receive each week. These coupons allow students to be rewarded for their individual accomplishments so that they do not always have to rely on the whole class to behave.

Each month the 2S store will open and the children will be able to use their coupons as “money” and buy things in the store. Items students can buy range from candy or pencils to lunch with Miss Shamet or a homework pass. All the items range in “prices” so everyone will be able to get something or they can save up for bigger items. Any donations you would like to make to the 2S store would be greatly appreciated!

1, 2, 3 Strikes You’re Out…When a student misbehaves, these are the following steps that will be taken:

1st – Verbal warning.

2nd – Add a strike to their baseball mitt.

3rd – Add a second strike to their baseball mitt (this results in a missed recess).

4th – Add a third strike to their baseball mitt (an “eviction” card will be sent home with the student explaining why the student got 3 strikes and it must be signed and brought back the next day).

If a student gets 3 strikes on a regular basis then a conference with you may be necessary, as well as even a meeting with the principal.

*Everyone starts fresh with no strikes at the beginning of every day! So if your student gets 3 strikes one day remind them that tomorrow is a new day!

Our classroom environment is based on the idea that everyone’s differences are what make our class special. Throughout the year I will try my best to honor all of my students’ heritages and religions. By reading books from different cultures and learning about these cultures, our students will be able to accept other cultures and hopefully can help our society accept them as well. I want every student no matter what their race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or learning ability to feel comfortable and safe in my classroom.

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More Information…

Student Absences

Absence FolderWhen students are absent, all the papers that they missed from that day will be placed in the absent folder. So if you are unable to pick up their work for them, they can just go to the folder when they get back to school and all of their papers will be waiting for them.

If you know in advance that your child will be missing school please send a note to school with them so that I can get their work together that they will miss. However, if it is an unexpected absence I ask you to please try and pick up their missed work some time during the day. It is so important for students to not fall behind, plus we do not want to overload them with work when they return!

Job Chart

Every week students will be rotated through our class’s job chart. Jobs give students a sense of purpose in the classroom and it helps them learn responsibility!

• Line Leader• Caboose/ Light Director• Mailperson• Messenger • Paper passer • Table group leader

Friday Letters

Each Friday I will send home a newsletter with the students. This letter will go through all the things your students learned that week, as well as any important information that you need to know for the upcoming week. This is a way for you to stay in the loop of what your children are learning, especially for those parents whose students like to say they learned “nothing” in school that day.

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Feel free to contact me!

Let’s get ready for a GREAT year!

I am here to help you and your student with whatever you need! So please do not hesitate to email me or give me a call. I want to know if something is going on with your child that may affect their school day so that I can help them get through it.

Email: [email protected]

School Number: 555-9999

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