NEWSLETTER - IADMFRdoc.iadmfr.org/Portals/0/docs/newsletter/Newsletter_March_2007.pdf · IADMFR Newsletter vol. 32, number 2, March 2007 Contents Editorial 1 Invitation for 16th ICDMFR

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Volume 32, number 2 March 2007

IADMFR Newsletter vol. 32, number 2, March 2007 Contents Editorial 1 Invitation for 16th ICDMFR 2 From the Secretary-General 6 Report from Asia 8 Report from Japan 11 Report from Europe 13 Greetings from North America 15 Editor’s Report 18 Dental DICOM activity 2006 19 contact:: Paul F. van der Stelt, DDS, PhD President Elect and Newsletter Editor dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Academic Center for Dentistry Amsterdam Louwesweg 1 1066 EA Amsterdam tel.: +31-20-5188 262 fax: +31-20-5188480 e-mail: [email protected] web: www.radiology.acta.nl

Editorial It seems two months ago, instead of almost two years when I assumed the position of President-elect of the IADMFR. In the mean-time our colleagues in Beijing under the leadership of Prof. Xu-chen Ma have been very active in setting up everything for the 16th ICDMFR in June. It will be a very fascinating congress, both from the scientific viewpoint as socially. New developments turn up in OMFR currently, and I am sure we will hear many interesting presentations about these developments. Similarly, China has changed tremendously over the last few years and is still changing. It is a exciting opportunity to have the opportunity to witness of these changes during the 16th ICDMFR. This is the last Newsletter that is published under my editorship. It was a pleasure to create these Newsletters and see the activities that are happening world-wide in the field of DMFR. Every issue has given a wide overview of various aspects of DMFR. And indeed, the field is very broad: ranging from basic technology to clinical aspects. The reports of the numerous regional meetings that are held in many places in the world, in addition to the bi-annual ICDMFR meetings, give clear evidence of the importance of collaboration and exchange of information also in our discipline. We in Amsterdam are eager to take over the baton from Prof. Ma and his team. Preparations for the 2009 meeting have started already. We will be happy to give you a first glimpse during the Beijing meeting of what you can expect in 2009. But first things first: I hope to meet many of you in a few months at the 16th ICDMFR in Beijing. Paul F. van der Stelt, DDS, PhD Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology President-Elect IADMFR Also on behalf of Erwin W.E.R. Berkhout, DDS, PhD Gerard C.H. Sanderink, DDS, PhD Luc L.M.H. Habets, DDS, PhD Kostas Syriopoulos, DDS, PhD Mrs. Yvonne Emmer

Invitation for 16th ICDMFR Dear colleagues: This is the last opportunity for me to call you before the 16th International Congress of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology which will be held in Beijing, China, on June 26-30, 2007. There will be a pre-congress course on June 25, 2007. The board member meeting of IADMFR will be held on June 24, 2007. The local organizers are working hard and make efforts to make a joyful and one of the most successful congress in the history of ICDMFR. The colleagues from all over the world are warmly welcome to attend the Beijing Congress. I am grateful to those distinguished maxillofacial radiologists for accepting my invitation to attend the Congress as invited speakers. My thanks are also due to those friends who help us a lot with their efforts in preparing the 16th ICDMFR. The information on the congress has been available at the website http://www.iadmfrcn.org or For further information about the program, abstracts, posters or any other scientific arrangements, please contact Dr. Zuyan ZHANG at [email protected]. For information about registration, hotel reservation, social events, visa application, payment and cancellation, please contact the Program Director, Ms. Lynn ZHANG, at [email protected] or [email protected]. Dr. Gang Li ([email protected]) will help those who might have problem with contacting us. See you in Beijing. Sincerely yours, Xu-chen MA President, IADMFR President of Organizing Committee of the 16th ICDMFR E-mail: [email protected]

The Congress V

March 15, 200April 1, 2007 May 24, 2007 May 24, 2007 June 1, 2007 June 1, 2007 June 1, 2007 June 1, 2007

Beijing Friendsh1954, it covers elegance with tamenities, includbusiness centerfacilities of intern

Important deadlines for the Congress.

7 Abstract submission Early registration Payment by bank transfer Post tours reservation and payment Pre-registration Hotel reservation and payment Payment by credit cards

Pre-reservation for social events and local tours


ip Hotel is the largest garden- style hotel in Asia. Built in an area of 335,000 square meters. Its style is of classic raditional Chinese architecture. It offers a full range of ing a large variety of services, such as restaurants, rooms, , halls for meetings and symposiums and recreational ational standards.

Invited speakers (in alphabetical order) Prof. Sharon L. Brooks Prof. Soon-Chul Choi Prof. Allan G. Farman Prof. Lars Hollender Dr. Kim, Jae-Duk Prof. Robert P Langlais Dr. Shumei Murakami. Prof. Curly Nortje Prof. Tomohiro Okano Prof. Arne Petersson Prof. Axel Ruprecht , Dr. Gerard C.H. Sanderink Prof. Paul F. van der Stelt Prof. Stuart C.White Dr. Jie Yang Dr. Qiang Yu Dr. Zu-yan Zhang Call for abstracts for 16th ICDMFR The scientific committee of the 16th ICDMFR invites the submission of abstracts to be considered for oral and poster presentations. Only electronic abstracts will be accepted. All material should be presented in the English language. You can email your abstract in PC format, MS Word 6.0 or above to the Secretariat, [email protected] or [email protected] . An online submission facility will be available soon. When online submission facility is available, the preferred option is to submit the abstract via the website. Closing date for receipt of abstracts is on March 15, 2007. The deadline is absolute and no delay in submission will be accepted. The abstract should not exceed 250 words and should be constructed with the following headings: Aims, Methods, Results and Conclusions. These headings should appear in the text of the abstract. The content of the presentation should be pertinent to oral and maxillofacial radiology. The contents include:

• Imaging technology

• Imaging diagnosis • Digital systems/computers in radiology • Radiation biology/protection/radiotherapy • Radiation physics • Interventional radiology • Education • Others

Abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific committee and either selected for oral or poster presentation or rejected. All presenters are required to register for the Congress. Presenting authors should register no later than May 31, 2007. If the author’s registration is not confirmed by May 31, 2007, the organizing committee will be forced to withdraw the abstract from the official program. All the information below need to be provided when submitting the abstract.

• Last name • First name • Academic/organization affiliation • Correspondence address • Telephone number • Fax number • Email address • Mode of presentation: oral or poster

Research Award The 4th IADMFR maxillofacial imaging research award will be granted in the 16th ICDMFR, subject to suitable applications being received. The prizes of 7500 USD and 2500 USD respectively will be granted for the two best research papers submitted. The application must be a member of the IADMFR and a postgraduate student or junior faculty in a recognized maxillofacial radiology program within 5 years of graduation. Further details and information on additional deadlines can be obtained from the IADMFR website.

From the Secretary-General Dear Members, Next you will find the agenda for the coming General Assembly. The reports and other materials belonging to the agenda will be available on the Website of the IADMFR (www.iadmfr.org) in May 2007. AGENDA FOR THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE IADMFR Date: June 29, 2007, 14.45-16.30 hours Venue: Beijing Friendship Hotel, Beijing, China 1 Welcome and Opening of the Meeting Prof. Xu-chen Ma,

President IADMFR 2 Absentees and alternates: Dr. Sanderink,

Secretary General 3 Minutes of the General Assembly, June

1, 2005, Cape Town, South Africa

Dr. Gerard Sanderink

4 Report of the Secretary General Dr. Gerard Sanderink 5 Report of the Treasurer/Finance

committee Dr. Luc Habets Treasurer

6 Past President's Report (see also Newsletter Volume 32, Number 1, November 2006)

Prof. Curly Nortjé Past-President

7 President's Report Prof. Xu-chen Ma 8 Report of the President Elect Prof. Paul van der Stelt 9 Report of the Newsletter Editor Prof. Paul van der Stelt 10 Editor's Report Prof. Sharon Brooks 11 Publisher's Report Prof. Sharon

Brooks/Publishers Representative

12 Committee Reports 13 IADMFR Research Award 2007 Prof. Sharon Brooks 14 Report of the Nominating Committee

(Congress 2011, Board Members, Secretary General, committees)

Prof. Curly Nortjé (Chair)

15 Other items as submitted 16 Closure From the Secretary General (cont’d)

Nominations for the Board of Directors 2007-2009 As of the meeting in 2005, all regional Directors will be elected directly to their positions. The deadline for the Call for Nominations for the Board of Directors has passed. All present Regional Directors applied for another period and no other nominees were proposed. For the region Asia we had three Regional Directors during the period 2005-2007. However, this region has only two positions for Directors available according to the Constitutions. As a result a ballot for election was required but professor Tomohiro Okano withdrew his candidacy in favor of professor Makoto Tsuchimochi (Japan). No nominations were received from the region Central America. The outcome was as follows for the regions with One Regional Director: Africa: Mohamed E. Parker (South Africa) Middle East: Silvana Friedlander- Barenboim (Israel) Central America: No nominations Australasia: Malcolm Coombs For the regions with Two Regional Directors: Asia: Jae-Duk Kim (Korea)

Makoto Tsuchimochi (Japan) Europe: Reinhilde Jacobs (Belgium)

Tore A. Larheim (Norway) North America: William C. Scarfe (USA)

Jie Yang (USA) South America: Claudio Costa (Brazil)

Andres Briner (Chile) The Regional Directors will consult the membership in each country within their region requesting the members in that country to appoint or elect a National Representative for that country. It is the national representative’s task to promote IADMFR and seek to increase the membership of IADMFR in their own country.

Report from Asia By: Makoto TSUCHIMOCHI The 6th Asian Congress of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, ACOMFR, was held from December 8 to 10, 2006 in Bangalore, India. Dr. K.S. Nagesh hosted the meeting as the congress chairman. The 18th National Convention of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology was held in conjunction with the conference. The congress venue was the J.N.TATA Auditorium, National Science Seminar Complex, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. Over 250 people were registered for the both meetings. Thirty-eight presenters were from outside India. Twelve special lectures, 89 oral presentations, and 77 poster presentations were included in the both meetings. The special lectures were as follows. 1) Cone – beam volumetric imaging: Its physical properties and clinical flexibility. Kazuyuki Araki, Showa University, Tokyo, 2) Oral Radiology in China: A review for the past half century. Xu-Chen-Ma, Peking University, Beijing, 3) Usefulness of dynamic MRI in differentiating benign and malignant salivary gland tumors. Tohru Kurabayashi, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, 4) Imaging of the Temporomandibular Joint. Uday Patil, Manipal Hospital, Bangalore, 5) Diagnostic performance in the interpretation of maxillary sinus abnormalities according to imaging modalities, observers and monitors. Soon Chul Choi. Seoul National University of Seoul, Seoul, 6) Dental radiology in Bangladesh, Radiological interpretation of rare autoimmune disease which develop oral lesions before any systemic symptoms appear. Mahfujul Haq Khan, Ibrahim Medical College, Dhaka, 7) Videofluroscopic swallow study based rehabilitation strategies for patients with swallowing disorders (Dysphagia). Akitoshi Katsumata, Asahi University School of Dentistry, Gifu, 8) MRI in maxillofacial imaging: Basic principles and applications. Balakrishna Shetty, St. John’s Hospital Bangalore, Bangalore, 9) Current concepts: Oncologic dentistry protecting the quality of life for cancer therapy patients. Zafrulla Khan, J. G. Brown Cancer Center, Louisville, 10) Small high resolution gamma camera for sentinel node biopsy. Makoto Tsuchimochi, Nippon Dental University Niigata, 11) Effectiveness of high dimensional CT imaging of obstructive sleep apnea and temporomandibular disorder patients. Kaoru Kobayashi, Tsurumi University of Dental Medicine, Yokohama,

12) Doses from conebeam volumetric Imaging for Implant Planning. Tomohiro Okano, Showa University, Tokyo. The General Assembly of the 6th ACOMFR convened on December 9, 2006 at the J. N. Tata Auditorium, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. The president, Dr. K. S. Nagesh, was in the chair for the general assembly. Minutes Members of Executive Committee President (Chairperson): K. S. Nagesh (R.V.Dental College, Bangalore) President Elect: Tomohiro Okano (Showa University, Tokyo) Immediate Past President: Anonknart Bhakdinaronk (Naresuan University) Directors: Soon Chul Choi (Seoul National University)

Apirum Janhom (Chiang Mai University) Mahfujul Haq Khan (BIRDEM, WHO Collaborating Center, Dhaka Thomas Ka-Lun Li (The University of Hong Kong) Li-Min Lin (Kaohsiung Medical University)

Left to right: President of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine & Radiology, A.B.Surveyor, President Elect, Tomohiro Okano (Showa University, Tokyo), President, K. S. Nagesh (R.V.Dental College, Bangalore), and Director, Xu-chen Ma (Peking University).

Xu-chen Ma (Peking University) C. V. Mohan (Dental Care and Research Center,Bangalore) Suhardjo Sitam (University of Padjadjaran, Bandung)

Lu’ong van Tomy (Ho Chi Minh City University) Makoto Tsuchimochi (The Nippon Dental University School of

Life Dentistry at Niigata) Agenda: 1) It was decided unanimously to create a category of Honorary Members. Honorary Members are: Takehito Sasaki, Tae Won Park, Xu-Chen Ma, Li-Min Lin, Anonknart Bhakdinaronk 2) The Tentative Office of the ACOMFR was established at the 5th General Assembly 2004. The office will be continuously located at the following place. Dr. Makoto Tsuchimochi (Nippon Dental University, School of Life Dentistry at Niigata), director, will be in charge of running the office as the chairperson of the Tentative Office of the ACOMFR. The main task of the office is to facilitate communication. 3) Year and hosting the society at the 7th ACOMFR; President Elect, Tomohiro Okano (Showa University, Tokyo), the Japanese Society for Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, will host the 7th ACOMFR at Nara, Japan, on November 20-22, 2008. 4) Year and hosting of the society at the 8th ACOMFR; The 8th ACOMFR to be held in Seoul 2010 (Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology). Makoto TSUCHIMOCHI, DDS, PhD. Chairperson, Tentative Office of the ACOMFR Professor and Chairman, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology The Nippon Dental University School of Life Dentistry at Niigata, Japan

Report from Japan By: Tomohiro Okano The Japanese Society for Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology (JSOMR) has 1,188 members, making it the largest society of radiology in dental science worldwide. The Society is supported mostly by the annual fees of members, a grant from the Japanese Association for Dental Science, and donations from several companies. We sincerely appreciate all this support. The accrediting system for oral and maxillofacial radiologists (the board of the Society) has been in effect from January 1995. As of March 31, 2006, a total of 213 specialists and 68 guidance specialists were certified and 31 authorized institutions approved. The Society publishes two journals, Shikahoushasen (Dental Radiology), a quarterly in Japanese, and Oral Radiology, a twice yearly official English-language journal. Oral Radiology (http://www.springeronline.com) features research papers, review articles, and case reports from both the clinical and experimental fields. Because membership in the Society is not a prerequisite for submitting articles, contributions are welcome from researchers and clinicians worldwide. Research in the society covers not only the field of diagnostic imaging sciences, but also all fields related to radiology, including radiation physics, radiation biology, radiation protection, radiation oncology, and medical informatics. The current topics are particularly concerned with new technology and clinical research in imaging modalities, such as digital imaging, US, CT, MRI, and nuclear medicine for oral and maxillofacial diseases, including recent progress in multislice CT and cone-beam volumetric imaging. The 46th Annual Congress of JSOMR was held at Niigata on May 12-14, 2005, under the auspices of Professor Makoto Tsuchimochi, of the Nippon Dental University (NDU) at Niigata, and the 47th Congress at Tokyo on May 12-14, 2006, under Professor Takashi Yosue, also of NDU. The main theme at Niigata was “Platform,” which encouraged communication with related specialties. Professor No-Hee Park, the dean of Dental School at UCLA, was invited as a guest speaker to present a lecture entitled “The Future of Dental Education.” Professor Yoshinori Arai, Matsumoto Dental College, was invited to be a lecturer of the “Hanamura Memorial Lecture” and talked on the development of limited cone-beam CT with technology license organization. In 2006, Professor Sharon Brooks was invited to the

Congress to discuss the subject of publishing research papers. Professor Kenji Yuasa, Fukuoka Dental College, was also named a lecturer of the “Hanamura Memorial Lecture”, and his subject was the diagnostic imaging of cervical lymph node metastasis from oral cancer. The 10th Conference of Diagnostic Imaging, chaired by Professor Takashi Sasano, of Tohoku University, was held at Sendai though 16-17 September 2005. The 6th Asian Congress of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology (ACOMFR 2006) will be held in Bangalore, India, in December 2006. Several Japanese professors are invited as guest speakers. The 7th ACOMFR (ACOMFR 2008) will be held in the ancient city of Nara, Japan, November 20 through 22, 2008. (See http://www.shinkokaido.jp/, and http://www.hgeo.h.kyoto-u.ac.jp/soramitsu/). The details will soon appear on our Web page (http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/jsomr/). We invite you to register for ACOMFR 2008, which will be an unforgettable learning experience, and please enjoy fantastic Nara in a fascinating season. Tomohiro Okano, DDS, PhD Professor and Chair, Dept. of Radiology, Showa University School of Dentistry, Tokyo Executive Director of the JSOMR President of the 7th ACOMFR (ACOMFR 2008)

Regional report from Europe By Reinhilde Jacobs en Tore A. Larheim 2006 has been recorded as European milestone, for many different reasons. In several countries it has been just the warmest year ever, and that was not only registered by temperature measures but also really felt by the many fruitful initiatives in our field. A very important decision was made by the Norwegian Health Authorites in August 2006, accepting maxillofacial radiology as a fully recognized speciality within dentistry, as one of seven specialities in Norway. Many years of hard work finally became successful. The specialisation committee of the European Academy of DMFR is continuing to strive for a European recognition. Guidelines are available via the EADMR website (www.EADMFR.org) and have been composed under the chairmanship of Dr. Flygare, who has become president-elect of the EADMFR. Thus, Dr. Rout is taken over any further action in this. The 10th European Congress of EADMFR in Leuven, Belgium, May 31- June 3 was a great success, both scientifically and socially, under the leadership of Prof Jacobs. Reinhilde: again, well done and thank you! Tore. The congress was reported in the previous newsletter. The organizers of the next European congress have definitely something to live up to when preparing for Budapest, Hungary in 2008. The value of participating in medical congresses was clearly experienced from the 17th International Congress of Head and Neck Radiology that took place in Budapest, Hungary, September 28-30, 2006. Dr. Pataki from the dental society was part of the local organizing committee and others from the dental society were invited as speakers, either in the precongress course on CBCT; Prof. Gröndahl (CBCT Implantology with specific reference to a small volume unit), Prof. Farman (Trends in maxillofacial CBCT) and Dr. Schiff (The use of CBCT in the head and neck imaging arena) or in the congress; Prof. Larheim (Jaw tumors and tumor mimics). In Sweden, the traditional medical radiology week, the so called Röntgenveckan, September 18 - 23, also had contributions from the dental

society, focusing on CBCT: Prof. Gröndahl (Accuitomo), Dr. Näström (NewTom) and Dr. Nelvig (i-CAT). 2007 has started with a lot of noise, weather like never noticed before, but this time we do hope that it does not coincide with turbulent scientific activities. Though some new and well-oriented research breeze could not harm us….. In January 2007, two new members were welcomed in the European Community: Romania and Bulgaria. We hope that this may help to create new opportunities for the dental scientists in these countries and will enable DMFR specialists to become players on an international level. One event that will cause a blowing wind over entire DMFR-Europe is the 32nd International Dental Show in Köln, March 20-24, 2007. This huge two-yearly exhibition will undoubtedly be the kick off for many different CBCT producers to become competing players worldwide. We can recommend attending this event but be prepared, it is incredibly large. For all details see http://www.ids-clogne.de/wEnglisch/ids/index.htm Contact with medical radiology milieus will continue in 2007. The 20th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Head and Neck Radiology will take place in Oslo, Norway, September 6-8, 2007. For the first time the congress is organized in Norway and Larheim is representing the dental society in the scientific committee. You are all welcome to Oslo with a program that should be of interest, including subjects such as temporomandibular joint disorders and diseases, oral and oropharyngeal diseases, tumors and tumor mimics in mandible and maxilla. Please see www.eshnr2007.org . To Prof Ma, Dr Zhang and all other members of the organising committee in Beijing, we wish you a superb and most successful congress in June 2007. It can surely serve as a good exercise for the 2008 Olympics. We hope to see you all there. From Europe, Oslo and Leuven, we wish you all a brilliant and scientifically inspiring 2007. Tore A Larheim & Reinhilde Jacobs Regional Directors, Europe Greetings from North America: By: Bill Scarf and Jie Jang

This report is submitted as a review of the important professional activities and developments related to dento-maxillofacial radiology (DMFR) in North America since our last Report. The Executive committee of the American Academy of Oral and maxillofacial Radiology (AAOMR) consists of the Dr. James Geist (President), Dr. Kenneth Abramovitch (Immediate past President), Dr. Laurie Carter (President-elect), Dr. Michael K. Shrout (Executive Director) and Drs. Christos Angelopoulos, Madhu K. Nair, Charles F. Hildebolt and Don Tyndall (Councilors). Dr. Scarfe continues to serve as treasurer and Dr. Allan G. Farman as Editor of the Oral Radiology Section of Oral Surgery Oral Pathology Oral Medicine Oral Radiology and Endodontics (OOOOE), the official publication of the AAOMR. As a fledgling recognized specialty of the American Dental Association (ADA), the AAOMR continues to increase its participation in professional activities associated with specialty recognition at the national level with peer organizations and increase its profile by increasing the awareness of the Academy, and Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology in general, among our professional colleagues as well as the community. The Academy has been active over the past year in designing a new website. Through the efforts of the Electronic Publications Committee, chaired by Dr. Hui Liang, and the Councilor for Communications (Dr. Madhu Nair), a website design company was contracted and, with extensive input from the EPC and members of the Executive Council, a new design has been created. It is the hope of the Academy that this site will provide our members with attractive and easy access to the workings of the AAOMR. Look for the new website early in 2007. Another initiative the academy pursued this year was obtaining access to the Electronic version of OOOOE for a limited time as a benefit for our Student Members. Thanks to the perseverance of Dr. Allan Farman, Elsevier, the Publisher of OOOOE, has agreed to our proposal. Conscious effort has also been directed towards involvement of the AAOMR at the ADA level. Representations of the Academy and the interests of OMFR have been made at numerous ADA professional forums including the Dental Specialties Group (DSG), the Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA), as well as the American Association of Dental Educators (AADE). In addition Dr. Farman continues to co-Chair DICOM Working Group 22 (WG 22) and Dr. Jie Yang, North American Director is the AAOMR representative to the ADA Standards Committee on Dental Informatics (SCDI).

Much internal discussion has focused on CBCT imaging services provided by non- specialist radiologists in the United States. Since the first FDA 501(k) approval of a CBCT unit for maxillofacial application in March, 2001 the availability and use of this technology by the dental profession has increased dramatically. The statutes pertaining to the installation and use of machines capable of ionizing radiation as well as the qualifications of individual users is a state not federal licensing issue. In many states there is no specific wording limiting dental practitioners from owning and/or operating computed tomographic equipment. There may, however, be rules designed to establish radiation safety requirements and limit the establishment of new and existing radiation facilities. In these situations a Certificate of Need (CON) must first be obtained at the state level prior to offering services using CBCT. This situation is complicated by the fact that numerous machines are now available capable of limited area only, regional and/or extended field of view scans. The role of the AAOMR as a professional organization is to establish and promulgate national standards for appropriate use of this imaging modality and formulate minimal educational standards. In fulfillment of this role the Academy is currently in the process of developing a position paper on the appropriate use of CBCT. It is believed that this document will serve as guidance for legislating and certification authorities towards ensuring the highest quality of radiological care for patients. At the national level, mainly due to the efforts of Dr. Larry Wolfgang, Chair of the Radiology Practice Committee as his representation at the ADA, the Academy has effected changes in the ADA Code on Dental Procedures and Nomenclature (the Code) to reflect cone beam CT imaging (http://www.ada.org/prof/resources/topics/cdt/index.asp). The Code is a nationally accepted, HIPAA compliant, standard code set used to identify procedures performed by dental practitioners. The new version of the Code is effective January 1. 2007 through December 31, 2008, and includes three new CDT-7 codes for Cone Beam CT are as follows: 1) DO360 Cone Beam CT- Craniofacial data capture includes axial, coronal and sagittal data, 2) DO362 Cone Beam- two-dimensional image reconstruction using existing data, includes multiple images and, 3) DO363 Cone Beam- three-dimensional image reconstruction using existing data, includes multiple images. In 2007, the AAOMR plans to address the issue of raising the profile of OMR in the US by developing promotional CDs that will be targeted toward our dental colleagues and dental students who might be considering a career in radiology. It is also hoped to increase the level of corporate

sponsorship of our undergraduate and graduate student awards, and to take action to bolster our membership. A very successful 57th Annual Session of the Academy was held in Kansas City, Missouri, in November 2007 thanks to the efforts of Drs. Christos Angelopoulos and Jerry Katz. The continuing education speaker was Dr. Pedrag Sukovic, who presented an interesting talk on the principles of image capture and formation in cone-beam CT. Dr. Robert Brandjord, immediate past president of the ADA, also spoke on the actions the ADA has taken regarding its strategic plan and the relationship between the ADA and the specialties, especially OMR. For the first time, the AAOMR sponsored a full-day continuing education program that was open to dentists from the community. The program, “Advanced Oral and Maxillofacial Imaging for Improved Patient Treatments,” was presented in conjunction with the University of Missouri Kansas City School of Dentistry. There was a large enrollment of non-OMR dentists, and their comments on the program were quite positive. The 58th Annual Session of AAOMR will be held at The Knickerbocker Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, November 28 - December 2, 2007. Registration details and information about the AAOMR in general can be obtained by accessing http://www.aaomr.org in August 2007 Sincerely, Bill Scarf Jie Jang IADMFR North American Directors

Editor’s Report, January 2007 By: Sharon Brooks In the last edition of the newsletter I described the new features that will soon be part of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology, namely an increase in the number of issues per year from 6 to 8, a new cover design to reflect the “new” DMFR, and a change in manuscript submission and review processes to the web-based Editorial Manager. Unfortunately, things have moved a little slower than we would have liked, due to a number of time constraints in both the editor’s office (an increase both in teaching responsibilities at her university and in the number of manuscripts submitted) and in the publisher’s office (changes in personnel plus much extra effort required for implementing all the new features). For that reason there has been a delay in the issuance of the first DMFR issue for 2007, as well as a delay in the start of Editorial Manager. We fully expect that we will be operational by the time you read this newsletter and apologize for the situation. We think that you will appreciate the new look of the journal, as well as the convenience of the web-based submission and review process and the decreased time from submission to publication. Unfortunately, some may be unhappy that we are becoming more selective of articles to publish and have increased the rejection rate accordingly. I thank you for the opportunity to serve as your Editor for Dentomaxillofacial Radiology. Sharon L. Brooks

Dental DICOM activity 2006 (DICOM WG 22 Report) By: Allan Farman In view of the plethora of activity in various associated groups, the IADMFR Standards Committee reports these activities rather than trying to reinvent a second wheel. In 2006 DICOM WG 22 (Dentistry) held meetings in February, April, June and October. DICOM WG 22 works in conjunction with ADA (American Dental Association) SCDI (Standards Committee on Dental Informatics) WG 12.1 to develop ADA Technical Reports, and conduct interoperability trials and educational demonstrations in addition to its formal DICOM activities of proposing work items, and developing supplements and correction items. Attendance and participation in WG 22 meetings, particularly by vendors, continues to be high. There has been especial interest in the recent completion of DICOM Supplement 113 (E-mail Transport) and Supplement 116 (3D X-ray). Refinements related to 3D X-ray will be a major focus in coming meetings. Xavier Carayol (Kodak Dental Imaging) is leading the WG 22 effort with respect to 3D X-ray. Supplement 123 (Structured Display) has been prepared and presented as a first reading to DICOM WG 6. John Goyette (Schick Technologies) is leading this particular effort. A Correction Item to better delineate DICOM VL for dentistry (VL Dental Context Annex Correction Package) has been completed by S. Brent Dove (UTHSCSA). There is still concern among some in WG 22 that this might be best taken forward as a supplement rather than a correction package. The annual “connectathon” to validate DICOM application and interoperability of systems for Dentistry continued at the ADA Annual Congress 2006 (Las Vegas) with a CD for the first time including DICOM VL images in addition to grayscale radiographs. Again, David Clunie acted as the impartial judge of DICOM conformance. For the 2007 (San Francisco) congress of the American Dental Association, network storage and retrieval will be added. From 2007 it is hoped to place the demonstration materials on an ADA website for download by those interested rather than continuing to use removable media, which has the advantages of permitting ready updates to reflect changes in DICOM and additions to conformant products. A Technical Report on applications of DICOM in large dental practices and for hospital-based dentistry is still in process led by the Veterans

Administration. This is an activity of the ADA Standards Committee on Dental Informatics WG 12.1 that is beyond the scope of DICOM WG 22. An additional ADA Technical Reports are to describe use of DICOM Supplement 113 (Email Transport) within the frameworks of image transfer alternatives, security and HIPAA. For 2007, WG 12.1 is working closely with the ADA Annual Sessions Director to help provide an imaginative program to demonstrate live the acquisition of CBVCT images and the use of 3D X-ray DICOM data sets. It is proposed to explain CBVCT in Session 1 – and acquire needed images using 3 representative systems (one with the patient supine, one sitting and one standing). The proposal is to end the session with DICOM image data sets being transferred for special services – construction of surgical stents, anatomic models, etc. Session 2 (two days later) will see a move from acquisition to the next phase – the use of image-constructed adjuncts in dental surgical, orthodontic and prosthodontic care. Session 3 will be small round tables for group discussions and personal interactions about the technologies used. Tables will address 3D X-ray and also other DICOM relevant materials (plain Dx/Px/Io radiographs and visible light) in Session 3. Throughout, DICOM is to be a linking theme rather than the primary topic. Clinical care and top clinicians in various fields will be the carrots to attract attendance with DICOM importance absorbed for the most part subliminally. With the emphasis on 3D X-ray it is anticipated that new vendors and users will be attracted to participation in DICOM WG 22. These new constituencies are critical to the future directions of the WG. The next meeting of DICOM WG 22 is scheduled to be held in Chicago, February 20-21, 2007. The second 2007 WG 22 meeting will be held in conjunction with the ADA Standards Committee on Dental Informatics, Atlanta, March 13-14, 2007. Submitted by Allan G. Farman, ADA DICOM Standards Committee Voting Representative/Co-Chair DICOM WG 22 /CoChair ADA SCDI WG 12.1/ Chair IADMFR Standards and technology Committee. (editorial note: slightly abridged; full report will be on the IADMFR website)

AGENDA June 26-30, 2007 16th Int. Congress ofDento-Maxillo-Facial Radiology Beijing, China Prof. Xu-Chen Ma, president Email: [email protected] For local arrangement and general information please contact: Dr. Zuyan Zhang e-mail : [email protected] web: www.iadmfrcn.org September 6-8, 2007 ESHNR, European Society of Head and Neck Radiology 20th Annual Meeting and Refresher Course Oslo 6 - 8 September 2007, Bristol Hotel http://www.eshnr2007.org November 27 - December 1, 2007 58th Annual Session, American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology The Knickerbocker Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, USA Dr. Michael K. Shrout DMD e-mail: [email protected] web: http://www.aaomr.org/ April 2-5, 2008 37th Annual Meeting & Exhibition of the AADR Dallas, TX Info: IADR: 1619 Duke St., Alexandria, VA 22314-0066, USA phone: 703-548-0066 fax: 703-548-1883 e-mail: [email protected] web: www.iadr.org

July 2-5, 2008 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR 32nd Annual Meeting of the CADR Toronto, Canada info: IADR: 1619 Duke St., Alexandria, VA 22314-0066, USA e-mail: [email protected] web: www.iadr.org June 25-28, 2008 11th Congres of the EADMFR Budapest, Hungary Info: prof. Levente Pataky I e-mail: [email protected] web: www.eadmfr.org October 26 - November 1, 2008 59th Annual Session, American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology The Omni William Penn Hotel, Pittsburgh, PA Dr. Michael K. Shrout DMD e-mail: [email protected] web: http://www.aaomr.org/ April 1-4, 2009 87th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR 38th Annual Meeting & Exhibition of the AADR Miami, FL e-mail: [email protected] web: www.iadr.org June 28-July 1, 2009 17th Int. Congress of the IADMFR, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Prof. Paul F. van der Stelt, President-elect e-mail: [email protected] phone: +31 20 5188 261 fax +31 20 5188 480

16th International Congress of Dento Maxillofacial Radiology 26 – 30 June, 2007 Beijing, China www.iadmfrcn.org

Important deadlines for the 16th International Congress of DentoMaxilloFacial Radiology: March 15, 2007 Abstract submission April 1, 2007 Early registration May 24, 2007 Payment by bank transfer May 24, 2007 Post tours reservation and payment June 1, 2007 Pre-registration June 1, 2007 Hotel reservation and payment June 1, 2007 Payment by credit cards June 1, 2007 Pre-reservation for social events and local tours.

17th International Congress of Dento Maxillofacial Radiology 28 June – 01 July, 2009 Amsterdam, the Netherlands