PAW PRINTS | November 2012 Volume XXIV Number XI 1 O ne of the latest cases of severe trauma handled by the MaxFund is a little dog named Moses, an unneutered male 3 ½ year old Chihuahua mix brought to us on August 29, 2012. The owner could not afford the orthopedic surgery recommended by all the clinics he checked with. At the MaxFund we found that Moses did indeed have a fractured femur (the thigh bone), but that wasn’t his biggest problem. He also had a completely paralyzed tail, a flaccid anus with little sense of feeling, a horribly swollen and bruised scrotum (testicle sack), and a smashed sacrum. The sacrum is the caboose at the end of the long train of bones that make up the spine. It normally protects the nerves that go to the bladder, rectum, tail, and part of the hind leg. A tail is something that Moses could do without, but what about bladder and bowel function? Could he go at all? Would he be incontinent? Would he even know when he was going? Fortunately Moses gained control of both functions during a five day medical treatment and evaluation period. Another good thing that occurred during this period was that Moses bonded with vet tech, Becki, who took personal care of him, and stopped acting scared and shy. Obviously, after being crushed so badly we had to make sure that there were no hidden internal injuries that might compromise Moses’ life during surgery, or after. He passed those tests too. So, on September 3, 2012, Moses had his tail amputated and his femur surgically repaired at the MaxFund clinic by our orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Dixon. Moses now looks like a miniature Aussie/Shepherd cross and has complete control of his bodily functions. He really loves his twice daily physical therapy sessions over at the clinic. Some of you have seen this phenomenon in your own pets, but Moses actually smiles when he feels happy. Going from the first picture you see to that little confident smile is another reason why the MaxFund is so special, restoring both body and soul. Thank you for your generous donations that make all this possible! Moses By Heidi Hahn Pawnote: If you wondered why we men- tioned that Moses had not been neutered, we did so because the great majority of male dogs that come to the MaxFund after being hit by a car haven’t been neutered. Just another reason for neutering.

Newsletter Dec 2009 - MaxFund...of newsletter for each month’sdeadline. We especially enjoy lettersand photos from animals adopted from our shelter. MaxFund Animal Adoption Center

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Page 1: Newsletter Dec 2009 - MaxFund...of newsletter for each month’sdeadline. We especially enjoy lettersand photos from animals adopted from our shelter. MaxFund Animal Adoption Center

PAW PRINTS | November 2012

Volume XXIV Number XI


One of the latest cases of severe trauma handled by theMaxFund is a little dog named Moses, an unneutered male 3½ year old Chihuahua mix brought to us on August 29, 2012.

The owner could not afford the orthopedic surgery recommended byall the clinics he checked with.

At the MaxFund we found that Moses did indeed have a fracturedfemur (the thigh bone), but that wasn’t his biggest problem. He alsohad a completely paralyzed tail, a flaccid anus with little sense of feeling,a horribly swollen and bruised scrotum (testicle sack), and a smashedsacrum. The sacrum is the caboose at the end of the long train ofbones that make up the spine. It normally protects the nerves that goto the bladder, rectum, tail, and part of the hind leg.

A tail is something that Moses could do without, but what about bladderand bowel function? Could he go at all? Would he be incontinent?Would he even know when he was going? Fortunately Moses gainedcontrol of both functions during a five day medical treatment andevaluation period. Another good thing that occurred during this periodwas that Moses bonded with vet tech, Becki, who took personal careof him, and stopped acting scared and shy.

Obviously, after being crushed so badly we had to make sure that therewere no hidden internal injuries that might compromise Moses’ lifeduring surgery, or after. He passed those tests too. So, on September 3,2012, Moses had his tail amputated and his femur surgically repairedat the MaxFund clinic by our orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Dixon.

Moses now looks like a miniature Aussie/Shepherd cross and hascomplete control of his bodily functions. He really loves his twicedaily physical therapy sessions over at the clinic. Some of you haveseen this phenomenon in your own pets, but Moses actually smileswhen he feels happy. Going from the first picture you see to that littleconfident smile is another reason why the MaxFund is so special,restoring both body and soul.

Thank you for your generous donations that make all this possible!

MosesBy Heidi Hahn

Pawnote: If you wondered why we men-tioned that Moses had not been neutered,we did so because the great majority ofmale dogs that come to the MaxFund afterbeing hit by a car haven’t been neutered.Just another reason for neutering.

Page 2: Newsletter Dec 2009 - MaxFund...of newsletter for each month’sdeadline. We especially enjoy lettersand photos from animals adopted from our shelter. MaxFund Animal Adoption Center

Volunteer of the Month...

SHELLEY BERSHOFShelley is an amazing volunteer who has been atMaxFund for almost six years. She works with thecats and because her schedule is more flexible, shecan often be seen at the shelter multiple times aweek—almost every week for years and years. Sheworks especially with the baby kittens who needextra socializing and love, so they stand a chanceof getting adopted sooner rather than later. Shealso works with some of the older and injuredanimals. She brushes them, plays with them, givesthem beds when they need one, pets them andtalks to them in a very loving manner.

Shelley not only interacts with the animals so theyknow they are loved, she also helps with writingtheir bios. She spends time getting to know thenew cats so she can give them the best bio possible.She also helps with follow-up calls to adopters.Recently, she helped some adopted cats integratesmoothly into their new home, so they did notget returned to the shelter. Shelley gave theadopter suggestions and coached her on how tointegrate. The adopter knew a volunteer wasthere to answer questions, which helped theadopter tremendously. Thanks to Shelley, thecats are still in a home together.

Shelley also serves as a volunteer mentor and isalways happy to help new volunteers get acquaintedwith the shelter. Even though it has been a longtime since she was a new volunteer, she doeswhat she can to make new volunteers feel welcome and adjusted.

Thank you, Shelley, for all you have done.MaxFund would not be the same without you!

PAW PRINTS | November 20122

FROM THE WORLD OF GUSI am around 2 years old. Dad says that I am a case of“arrested development.” He says things like that because heknows that I don’t have the slightest idea what he is talkingabout. If he has a smile in his voice, and in his manner, Iwill wag my tail in agreement. But I really don’t understand.

I think that it goes beyond being “silly” or “goofy”.Everyone uses those words about me, and they alwaysseem to act as if it is either fun, or funny, or both. Butother times, when I push my way in, or even push one ofthe other four-leggers out of the way so that I get morethan my share of food or love, or whatever, they getannoyed with me. I guess that IS acting like a puppy. Theworld revolves around me, you know.

My big sister, Gypsy, 3 years older than I, would never actlike that, especially if she thought that someone was watching.Come to think of it, I am always the first one out when wego out, and the first one in when we come in.

But the other day I surprised myself. A big delivery truckbacked up to our attached garage. The two-leggers didn’teven hear it out there. The other dogs paid no attention.Who knows what the cats were thinking, as usual theywere off into their own world.

I didn’t know what to do. Usually we dogs act as a pack. Weall bark at someone ringing the doorbell or howl back at thecoyotes or try to frighten the deer away. But this time Iknew that something was wrong, and no one else seemedto care. I did something on my own, not even copyinganother dog’s behavior. I made a low bark-growl combina-tion sound, and walked in a semi-circle in front of Momand Dad with an anxious expression on my face. Then Irepeated that unique sound and retraced my semi-circleignoring smiling phrases like, “What’s the matter, Gus?” Iignored attempts to pet and calm me down, until they gotup and looked out the door. I didn’t know whether to attackor retreat, but somebody had to do something.

Dad thinks that I might finally be getting some impulsestoward adult behavior. Do you think so? Nah!

Page 3: Newsletter Dec 2009 - MaxFund...of newsletter for each month’sdeadline. We especially enjoy lettersand photos from animals adopted from our shelter. MaxFund Animal Adoption Center

Visit us on the web at:www.maxfund.org

Editor & LayoutCarolyn Venard

Contributing WritersBill Suro, VMDJulie CorsiAngel IresonHeidi HahnKim Murdock

Distribution3,953 Unaudited Circulation

Published monthly by MaxFundAnimal Adoption Center, a true no-killshelter to provide medical care forinjured dogs and cats with no knownowners, and to find new homes forthese animals once they are recovered.The MaxFund is committed to the

following goals:–Develop and implement educa-

tional programs pertaining to animalcare, with emphasis on the importance ofspay/neutering.–Disseminate information on

spay/neuter facilities and conduct

spay/neuter clinics for low-income families.–Be a spokesperson for the animals

on issues of animal welfare.–Cooperate with other animal

facilities/shelters in the accomplishmentof the above goals.Contributions for this newsletter are

welcome. Please check the back pageof newsletter for each month’s deadline.We especially enjoy letters and photosfrom animals adopted from our shelter.

MaxFund Animal Adoption Center720 West 10th AvenueDenver, Colorado 80204Phone (720) 266-6081Fax (720) 266-6774

Wellness Clinic (303) 595-0532

PAW PRINTS | November 20123

Hello Everyone,

I am back, no matter what Snoopy says. I wait until I have something to say instead of just blah, blah,blah. Mom and Big D are back home and boy are things changing. I was calmly sitting in the west windowwell enjoying a nice quiet morning when all of a sudden there were a lot of people in the front yard. Nextthing I know I am called inside and my window is shut, so I went up stairs to the living room window tosee what was going on. Well, I see a 2 legger climbing up the tree at the corner of the house and he seemsto be chasing something that was making a lot of noise and cutting branches off the tree. Before I knowit, the tree is no more. Then he starts on my big shade tree in the front of the house. Now this tree isquite large but up he goes again, chasing this very noisy thing. It keeps cutting branches and morebranches and I am getting very worried. What if this thing keeps going and I have no tree for shade or towatch squirrels run and play and do weird stuff that is just plain silly.

Well, I am sad to say my squirrel watching shade tree is gone. Now they are putting some of the smallerbranches into some big, red machine and this one literally chews the branches and spits the pieces into atruck. I am sure glad to be inside so I don’t get eaten. Next they started on a tree in the back yard. I amconcerned that thing is going to take all my trees and chase away all the squirrels. There are 4 nests inthis tree so I am happy to report that they did not let that thing cut down this tree, just some of thebranches. They seemed to be careful not to bother the nests so the squirrels will not have to hurry andrebuild before winter.

Well, that’s all for now. Mom says there will be more changes in the next few weeks. Not sure what thatmeans but we shall see.

The Cat Reporter, Gizmo

A CAT’S UNIVERSEby Snoopy & Gizmo

Page 4: Newsletter Dec 2009 - MaxFund...of newsletter for each month’sdeadline. We especially enjoy lettersand photos from animals adopted from our shelter. MaxFund Animal Adoption Center

HARRYHarry can be a little shy. Very

playful. Loves running in the yard.Good with kids.

BONESBones is a Basset Hound mix. Heis housetrained. Easy-going, mellow and affectionate dog.

AYESHAAyesha is a beautiful young girlwith a sleek gray coat. She has aplayful and charming personality.

AMBERAmber is friendly, easygoing andloves walks. Loves being brushed.

Very gentle on a leash.

ALLEYAlley loves to be petted and lovesgetting attention. She finds people

to be very enjoyable.

COVINGTONCovington is a sweet and mellowcuddler. He’s a talkative guy who

loves attention.

RUDIRudi is a really special guy. He isa sweetheart. Easygoing and


CLARICEClarice has a beautiful heart andis a friendly cat. She likes people

but is a little shy.

Adopt a LifelongCompanion

and a Friend Forever

PHOENIXPhoenix is a little terrier mix.He is quite the talented escapeartist. Needs to be secured.

PAW PRINTS | November 20124

Page 5: Newsletter Dec 2009 - MaxFund...of newsletter for each month’sdeadline. We especially enjoy lettersand photos from animals adopted from our shelter. MaxFund Animal Adoption Center


Nicole is a fabulous foster parent forMaxFund’s kittens and mommas. She hasbeen fostering for MaxFund since March

2011, and since that time, she has fostered 29 cats(four queens and many kittens). Some of the kittenshad a momma, and some were abandoned bytheir moms. At Nicole’s house, they have found asafe and loving place to get nurtured and healthy.

All of the moms she has fostered (Livvy, Chi Chi,Portia and Adara) are all very special to her. Tobe there for the birth and help them raise theirbabies creates a unique bond unlike any other. Of course, she adores and loves the kittens butshe has a very special bond with the moms.

Although all of the kittens and moms hold a specialplace for Nicole, a few stand out in particular.Livvy was Nicole’s first foster. According toNicole, she “made all her mistakes with Livvy, yetLivvy loved her anyway.” Nicole still gets to seeLivvy, because her parents feel in love with Livvyand adopted her. Another stand-out is Chi Chi.Anyone who has visited the cat shelter has seenChi Chi, because Chi Chi has become the sheltermascot. Chi Chi was willing to take on other cats’babies and nurse them, so the shelter “hired” ChiChi to help with abandoned babies. Nicole gotthe pleasure of fostering Chi Chi with her babieswhen Chi Chi first came to MaxFund.

Although Nicole has fostered 29 cats, she hasonly adopted one. Two of the kittens passedaway. Otherwise, all of her fosters have beenadopted (except Chi Chi who is not currentlyavailable for adoption).


She started fostering because she loved volunteering atthe shelter and working with the cats. But her schedulejust wouldn’t allow her enough flexibility to come in asmuch as she wanted. Nicole is a full-time law student,so her schedule is very full. She figured if she couldn’tget to the shelter as much as she wanted, she wouldjust bring it home with her!

Now she sees what a huge difference it makes. Themoms have a safe place to raise their kittens, and the kittens have a chance to be well socialized and

“trained.” Her hope is that if she can get themsocialized enough, their chances of being returnedwill be a lot less. Watching the kittens be born andgrow brings her a lot of joy. She can’t imagine nothaving it as a part of her life!

Thank you, Nicole, for all you have done for thesekittens! They have a chance at a successful andloving life because of you!

You, too, can experience the joys of fostering.MaxFund is always in desperate need of fosterhomes, especially cat foster homes. Please contactthe shelter today to find out how you can foster.

PAW PRINTS | November 20125


Page 6: Newsletter Dec 2009 - MaxFund...of newsletter for each month’sdeadline. We especially enjoy lettersand photos from animals adopted from our shelter. MaxFund Animal Adoption Center

Hi Dear Friends,

I hope you remember me. I’m apart Siamese kitty, except for mywhite feet. You called meChocolate when I was there andtook such great care of me. I wasso afraid when I was alone on thestreet, and so hungry. I don’t knowwhy my people left me. I was terrifiedand lonely and cold. Then a verynice person brought me to you.You checked my health, gave megood food, and a warm place to sleep.

In 2006, two very nice people cameand took me to their home. Theycall me Boots or Bootsie, becauseof my white feet I guess. I’m sohappy now. My people love me andI love them. They pet me (but onlyif it’s my idea). They rub my tummy, which makes me purr a lot. And they rub my ears. Then I purr even louder.They give me toys and they play with me with some kind of red light that shines on the floor. It looks like a bug and I chase it all over the place. But I can never catch it. Very strange.

One of my people left this year, andmy male person was very sad for along time. So I get in his lap moreoften now and try to comfort him.He seems to love me even more now.I want to let you know I have a verygood home. I’m not afraid, or cold,or hungry any more, and so verycontented. Thank you for taking mein and taking good care of me whileI was with you.

With love, Bootsie

Dear MaxFund,

Thank you to all the wonderful people who work and volunteer forMaxFund. You are heroes to our 4-legged friends!

I love the wonderful newslettersand great stories of the animals youhave saved.

Keep up the amazing work!

Ellen Quinn


PAW PRINTS | November 20126

Page 7: Newsletter Dec 2009 - MaxFund...of newsletter for each month’sdeadline. We especially enjoy lettersand photos from animals adopted from our shelter. MaxFund Animal Adoption Center

PAW PRINTS | November 20127

Colorado Gives Day 201224 Hours to Give Where You Live

Support the MaxFund on Colorado GivesDay! On Tuesday, December 4, 2012,Coloradans will come together again to raisemillions of dollars for nonprofits like ours.Last year, a remarkable $12.8 million was distributed to Colorado nonprofits.

Presented by Community First Foundationand FirstBank, Colorado Gives Day asks youto give to your favorite charities through thewebsite GivingFirst.org, an online givingresource featuring every nonprofit participatingin Colorado Gives Day. On this website we shareour goals, accomplishments and much more.

100 percent of your donation will come to us.When you give online any time on December4, the value of your donation will be increasedby the FirstBank Incentive Fund.

Donate online at www.givingfirst.org/maxfundor at www.maxfund.org any time during the24 hour period of December 4 to “give whereyou live!”

Page 8: Newsletter Dec 2009 - MaxFund...of newsletter for each month’sdeadline. We especially enjoy lettersand photos from animals adopted from our shelter. MaxFund Animal Adoption Center

PAW PRINTS | November 20128

THANKSGIVING SAFETY TIPShttp://www.aspca.org/pet-care/pet-care-tips/thanksgiving-safety-tips.aspx

Tis the season for friends, family and holidayfeasts—but also for possible distress for ouranimal companions. Pets won’t be so thankful

if they munch on undercooked turkey or a pet-unfriendly floral arrangement, or if they stumbleupon an unattended alcoholic drink. Check out the following tips from ASPCA expertsfor a fulfilling Thanksgiving that your pets canenjoy, too.

Talkin’ TurkeyIf you decide to feed your pet a little nibble ofturkey, make sure it’s boneless and well-cooked.Don’t offer her raw or undercooked turkey, whichmay contain salmonella bacteria.

Sage AdviceSage can make your Thanksgiving stuffing tastedelish, but it and many other herbs contain essen-tial oils and resins that can cause gastrointestinalupset and central nervous system depression topets if eaten in large quantities. Cats are especiallysensitive to the effects of certain essential oils.

No Bread DoughDon’t spoil your pet’s holiday by giving him rawbread dough. According to ASPCA experts, whenraw bread dough is ingested, an animal’s body heatcauses the dough to rise in his stomach. As itexpands, the pet may experience vomiting, severeabdominal pain and bloating, which could becomea life-threatening emergency, requiring surgery.

Don’t Let Them Eat CakeIf you’re baking up Thanksgiving cakes, be sureyour pets keep their noses out of the batter, especiallyif it includes raw eggs—they could contain salmonellabacteria that may lead to food poisoning.

Too Much of a Good ThingA few small boneless pieces of cooked turkey, ataste of mashed potato or even a lick of pumpkinpie shouldn’t pose a problem. However, don’t allowyour pets to overindulge, as they could wind upwith a case of stomach upset, diarrhea or evenworse—an inflammatory condition of the pancreasknown as pancreatitis. In fact, it’s best keep pets ontheir regular diets during the holidays.

A Feast Fit for a KongWhile the humans are chowing down, give yourcat and dog their own little feast. Offer themNylabones or made-for-pet chew bones. Or stufftheir usual dinner—perhaps with a few added tid-bits of turkey, vegetables (try sweet potato or greenbeans) and dribbles of gravy—inside a Kong toy.They’ll be happily occupied for awhile, workinghard to extract their dinner from the toy.

Page 9: Newsletter Dec 2009 - MaxFund...of newsletter for each month’sdeadline. We especially enjoy lettersand photos from animals adopted from our shelter. MaxFund Animal Adoption Center

PAW PRINTS | November 20129


When it comes to figuring out why your nor-mally fastidious feline starts doing its busi-ness in your Boston fern or on your Berber

carpeting, it’s essential to think inside and outside thebox - the litter box, that is. There are many reasons acat may develop an aversion to its facilities, but spite isnot among them. They are trying to tell you some-thing. You just need to determine what that is. Catsdon’t stop using their box for no reason. It’s instinctivebehavior for them from the time they’re 4 weeks old.It’s up to you to find out what’s wrong. What’s “wrong”could be physical and it should be your first considera-tion if something is amiss at the box. While a medicalcondition may not be the most common reason forbad litter box behavior, its potentially dangerous natureputs it at the top of our list.

Medical Problem – If your cat starts displaying poorlitter box habits, you should take it immediately toyour vet and have it checked for a urinary tract prob-lem. It may be associating the box with the pain it feelswhen it eliminates. While lower urinary tract problemsare more common, diabetes or renal failure can causeexcess urination, resulting in a particularly wet box acat may wish to avoid.

Poor Location – After ruling out health issues, askyourself the following questions: Is the box in a high-traffic area where your cat might be disturbed duringits potty break? Is the box easy to access or does kittyhave to hunt for it? Here are a few simple rules withregard to box placement: Make sure the box isn’twedged in a corner where the cat feels trapped. Avoidplaying “musical litter boxes” (moving it too much).And don’t make it hard to find or unpleasant to use.Also make sure another cat is not “lying in wait” toambush the cat when it is finished with its business.The experts add that when selecting a private, accessi-ble, quiet place for your cat’s box.

Unclean Box – The reason for box avoidance could beright under your nose - and kitty’s. Not only is a cat’ssense of smell hundreds of times sharper than ours,their noses are also 20 times closer to a smell’s source,so they should be the final judge of what’s cleanenough. Cats would like the litter box cleaned everytime they use it. They don’t want to go where they’vebeen before. They want the waste gone and buried. Abox should be cleaned at least once daily. If a cat smellsfoulness, he’ll just keep digging to find clean litter.

Litter Choice – If you’ve recently switched litterbrands, your cat may be displaying its displeasure.Changing litters because a new one was on sale or thestore around the corner was out of stock may not seemlike a big deal to you, but it could be to your cat. Somecats prefer unscented clumping litter - one that doesthe job without any perfumes or additives to offend acat’s sensitive nose. Some cats don’t like liners becausethey snag their claws on it. Some cats have extra-sensi-tive feet and can develop “litter aversion syndrome”from the discomfort of stepping on certain hardercompounds. You need to try litters until you find oneyour cat likes, and then stay with it.

Box Size – The litter box itself may be the culprit. Sizehere does matter. A small cat or kitten will need a boxor pan shallow enough to climb into easily. Expectyour box to grow with your cat. The small pan that isperfect for your kitten won’t do the job if he grows upto be a 20-pound adult. Cats need enough “prime realestate” in order to be happy with their boxes. A litterbox is not a “one-size-fits-all” scenario.

Privacy Issues – Privacy is an issue for some cats. Thiscould be a problem if the box is located in a high-trafficarea. Cats are “evolutionarily programmed” to followan elimination ritual to cover their scent to protectthem from predators. This ritual calls for peace and quiet.

Litter Box Count – Multi-cat households may nothave enough litter boxes available to satisfy each cat’sneed. In an ideal world, there would be one box foreach cat. The problem is compounded if some cats areparticularly territorial or aggressive about usage. Thereare even cats that simply will not defecate and urinatein the same box, requiring two boxes for just one cat.More cats in the household can introduce more litterbox problems. Some cats are able to share one box,whereas others are not.

Accidents happen. Cats are human after all! There aretimes when accidents happen. Review the above rea-sons and try to determine what might be happening.Finding and treating the cause is crucial. First takeyour cat to the vet to rule out possible urinary tractinfection or worms, which is often the reason for achange in litter box etiquette - it is your cats way of let-ting you know something is not right. Should an acci-dent occur, you will want to both clean the spot andstop the cycle of repeat accidents.

Page 10: Newsletter Dec 2009 - MaxFund...of newsletter for each month’sdeadline. We especially enjoy lettersand photos from animals adopted from our shelter. MaxFund Animal Adoption Center

DONATIONSThanks to the following people and businesseswhose generous contributions help all the animals.

American ExpressBabbs, Michael & KristinBaker, JettaBirkenstock USA, LP – Anne Brussok

Borowski, JanetBoy Scouts of America – Troop #171Campbell, AlexCarle, JonCarter, BarbaraCcarreira, Jeff & AmyChapman, LauraClaar, Lynn & SuzanneClassic TravelCoors Distributing CompanyCorle, GailDrennen, ElizabethDriscoll, AlanaDuncan, LanetteEvans, PaulaEverding, Fred & JosephineEwing, AnnFluth, MonicaFurnas, KathiGammell, BarryGillespie, Shirley & EugeneGoldhaber, Martin & SandraGowans, Robert & Karen LouiseGrant, LauraGreene, J. & N.Gwinn, Michael & PatriciaHale Pet Door – Craig Bears & DebMoensHammer, Michael & FrancineHammersmith Management, Inc.Hardwick, Dr. SallyHeaton, DavidHewett, PeterHoffman, PatriciaHoffman, William, Judith, & MichaelHoffner, BradHoldorf, SharonHutchens, Jon & PatriciaIBM INGIvey, GeorgeJacobs, KathleenJones, JoanKammerer, Annika & KerstiKearns, John & LouiseKellogg, George & YvonneKern, Betty & HaroldKirshner, NaomiKiser, Rona

Kohen, JaneneKohl, MaryKreft, LaRene & HerculesLambert, StephenLampman, Don & PaulaLightfoot, RobertLloyd, LeslieLong, LindaLongwell, PatriciaLowe, RogerLuedke, JoanMarsh, SusanMaslanik, AnneMcDermott, Dana & ShawnMeyer M SaltzmanMilgard Manufacturing, Inc.Miller, JamesMoore, Michael & DonnisMotykowski, BrianMullineaux, KeithMowery, KellyMurray, KellyNath, FlorineNazario, MaryNewell, Katherine & GaryO’Donnell, PenelopeOja, MaureenPatterson, Mary J.PetcoPringle, JohnQuinn, EllenRamelow, Jo AnnRenquist, MariaReyes, ClaudiaRoach, SarahRodgers, RosemaryRoesch, Elma & EdmondRubinowitz, Martin & MarshaRussell, FaeSalter, MarieSanders, SandySchuck, DougShelton, John & DonnaSipos, James & SuzanSlavena, William & Jo AnneSmith, ArdySmith, ShawnaSorrentino, Robert & HelenSpita, Walter & JoyceStevens, ShirleyStorz, MicheleTaylor, BarbaraThe Cherry Cricket, LLCThe Serenity ShoppeThe Well Animal Institute - Chuck & Dons

Thompson, Robert & Shelley GuiouThompson

Tom’s Home Cookin’, Inc.Van Dusseldorp, EmilyVickery, Sangmin KimVictoriana Antique & Fine JewelryWaite, AnnWilliams, LeeWilson, JanisWiscamb, Gary & MerrieZaragoza, Robert

AUTO DONORSAlbu, HopeBabyak, NicoleBaldwin, DanaBaron, KatharineBaum, KarenBuckner, SandraCurran, NancyDaughterty, KatherineElger, SandraFieldman, LisaPace, AngelaHand, JaynaHannum, MarciaHartman, MaryHull, NaomiIhrke, JenniferJacobsen, EllenJanisch, GloriaJohnston, KarenKearns, JohnKinsey, JenniferKohl, MaryLentsch-Richter, Josh & MargyLutz, CatherineMalaby, CarolynMarie, LeahMartinson, SherylMcDonald, Todd S.McNabnay, KiraMurphy, Jr., Paul JMurano-Sweetman, AnitaPearson, SharronPelphrey, DarrinQuinton, LoisRossitto, Jane F.Rotgers, AllanRyan, ScottSaalwaechter, JoanSchleimer, JaneSerkes, NanetteSims, JeffSmith, JaniceSuro, AnneTrehern, Lanita G.Vancil, RozanneVitale, TerriWall, William

PAW PRINTS | November 201210

Page 11: Newsletter Dec 2009 - MaxFund...of newsletter for each month’sdeadline. We especially enjoy lettersand photos from animals adopted from our shelter. MaxFund Animal Adoption Center

MEMBERSHIPSAmedeo, RobertArnold, ElizabethBrownell, AidanBurnett, HelenCain, SharonClark, KaraClark, SethCollar, LauraCracchiolo, CariFine’, Mira J.Flaska, JankaFredricey, Don & MichelleHall, Shirley LeaHartman, Nancy & GeorgeHermson, AustinHewett, Peter Hill, Steve & MarleneIce, Nolamae S.Kolb, J. GrahamLehto, HollyLimbrecht, VernonLindroes, JenniferMarko, JillNowka, Dennis & JanePietrzak, MaryRogers, AnnShonk, Pamela & Edwin Nichols

Spooner, KristenSprouse, TonySteers, StuartSumner, BrandonUmbreit, LynnVidger, Teresa

PET PALSAlbu, HopeAndrews, NancyArnold, ElizabethBeck, AnneBishop, Marcia HewittCohron, SteveCompomizzo, JeansDaugherty, KateDeines, JessicaEmerich, MonicaEverding, Fred &Josephine Foraker, Peggy & Danny Stacy

Gilmore, JoanHand, JesseHildenbrand, MaggieHoule, StephenJack, CarrieJacobsen, EllenKafadar, Shirene

Lentsch-Richter, Margy & Josh

Long, LindaLouvado, MichelleMcCarthy, MaggieMcLerran, Russ, Monica & Lynn

Meyers, Larry & MaryAnn Moralez, AngeliqueMostow, SusanMurano-Sweetman, AnitaPace, AngelaPerington, Al & JeanRichins, DebRioux, TrishSaly, JoySammons, Susanna, JimLykins & Della & KonaSewald, Susan & MarkShifers, RonSlomczewski, Laura & John

Smith, JaniceStanwood, GrantWilliamson, Cindy

PAW PRINTS | November 201211

Albu, HopeBabyak, NicoleBaldwin, DanaBaron, KatharineBaum, KarenBuckner, SandraCurran, NancyDaughterty, KatherineElger, SandraFieldman, LisaPace, AngelaHand, JaynaHannum, MarciaHartman, MaryHull, NaomiIhrke, JenniferJacobsen, EllenJanisch, GloriaJohnston, KarenKearns, JohnKinsey, JenniferKohl, MaryLentsch-Richter, Josh & Margy

Lutz, Catherine

Malaby, CarolynMarie, LeahMartinson, SherylMcDonald, Todd S.McNabnay, KiraMurphy, Jr., Paul JMurano-Sweetman, Anita

Pearson, SharronPelphrey, DarrinQuinton, LoisRossitto, Jane F.Rotgers, AllanRyan, ScottSaalwaechter, JoanSchleimer, JaneSerkes, NanetteSims, JeffSmith, JaniceSuro, AnneTrehern, Lanita G.Vancil, RozanneVitale, TerriWall, William

MONTHLY DONATIONSThank you to the following people who generously send in a donation every month.WE COUNT ON YOU!

MaxFund does notrent or sell its mailing list.

Page 12: Newsletter Dec 2009 - MaxFund...of newsletter for each month’sdeadline. We especially enjoy lettersand photos from animals adopted from our shelter. MaxFund Animal Adoption Center

PAW PRINTS | November 201212

MemorialsSilent Paws

In memory of Bo – Joseph DavisIn memory of Donna Paolantonia & Bill Vallina’abeloved cat, Minuit, who brought love and laughter to all

– Nancy Schroeder GrantIn memory of Schroeder, my golden Retriever/Australian

Shepherd mix, my shadow, constant companion, best friend, confidante, and beloved family member. I miss his greeting me at the door, bringing me toys, taking walks, and sleeping on the deck. I love you, Schroeder! – Nancy Schroeder Grant

In memory of my granddaughter’s best little kitty friend, “Sailor”. May she rest in peace – Janice Eckhardt

To honor the memory of Babette, the unique relationship she had with Rick (and Diane), and the life altering grace of adopting! May the love you shared transformthe pain of loss to joyful memories until you meet again on the Rainbow Bridge. – Regina DiFranco

In memory of Annie – Holly CorwinIn memory of Sadie – Ruth GreggIn memory of Barb & Kathy’s beloved, Max – Chris BealIn memory of Jean Groteluschen’s beloved, Shilo

– Chris BealIn memory of Nancy Nelson’s beloved, Snickers

– Chris BealIn memory of John & Ilga Tyler’s beloved, Samson, a very

adored and special spirit – Betchen WolfIn memory of Teddy, adopted from MaxFund in January

of 2000 when he was 2 years old. We loved him for 12-1/2 years – Richard & Donna Rexroat

In memory of Nancy Schroeder Grant’s beloved dog, Schroeder – Margaret Crawford

In memory of Molly – Jason PageIn memory of Chloe – Melissa SaurbornIn memory of Gaylene & Don Patterson’s , Destiny

– Rosemary BrownIn memory of Millie – Travis DouthitIn memory of Lucy, a reddish-haired teacup Poodle

owned by Patrick & Mary Mernah – Linnea & Lee HillIn honor of the memory of Murphy and in celebration of

the life of Russell, beloved friends of the Scher family – Patricia A. Farr

In loving memory of Stonewall Jackson (Stoney) who was the beloved companion of Tom Stephens and Todd Enders as well as the beloved nuisance to Elektra Eunice. Your playful spirit will be missed sweet Stoney! – Tania Hattig

Silent Memories

In memory of my beloved daughter, Susan Unger – Joseph Davis

In memory of Mark Jursnick – Bill & Michelle Hall & FamilyDonna ConlanThe May Family

In memory of Bonnie Davis – H.B. BrownyardIn memory of Steve Dalton –

Patricia FredericoLorraine & Monty FreelCathy Rindt

In memory of Ella Iacino – Peggy E. ReedIn memory of Suzanne Lee Silver – Marcia EdmondIn memory of Jay Kurtz –

Sarah KurtzBridget Fisher

In memory of Elizabeth “Eli” McGuire – The Cherry Cricket and Coors Distributing Company

In memory of Dolores Furman - the kindest person who left the world a better place for people and animals – Megan & Daryl Williams

In memory of Robert Hammond – Susan BlewIn memory of Joseph M. Gates – Lori Gates

Honorable Mentions

Happy Birthday, Ian Thompson – Dean Schmeling & Jane EstesKatie & Scott Smith

In honor of Jake – Catherine CampbellIn honor of John Lawrence Tylee’s birthday

– Joan L. JonesIn the name of Jessica Wilhelm & Seth Lamos

– AnonymousIn honor of Joudan Goldstein’s birthday – M. B. & Edna

Zale FoundationIn honor of Deb Richins – Carol GoldbergIn honor of Teressa Gonzales’s birthday – Louise EnglishIn honor of Dave Black and Kristina Brokody’s wedding

– Alexander BrokodyOn behalf of Molly Bump – Michelle OlsonFor Barb Kemper – Timothy Towey

Page 13: Newsletter Dec 2009 - MaxFund...of newsletter for each month’sdeadline. We especially enjoy lettersand photos from animals adopted from our shelter. MaxFund Animal Adoption Center

DONATIONS • MEMORIALS • SPECIAL GIFTSIf you would like to make a contribution to The MaxFund Animal Adoption Center to recognize an outstanding achievement or service, to com-memorate an occasion, in memory of an individual or pet, or to sponsor a Pet Pal, please complete the following and mail it to The MaxFund, 720West 10th Ave., Denver, CO 80204 or call 720-266-6081 for more information.

This gift is[ ] In Memory of (Animal Friend) __________________________(Human Friend)______________________[ ] In Honor of (Animal Friend) ____________________________(Human Friend)______________________[ ] For the special occasion of _______________________________[ ] To sponsor a pet pal ($15 a month). Cat_____Dog_____Either_____Enclosed is_____for_____months.[ ] Enclosed is my monthly Pledge. Amount__________[ ] Please contact me to volunteer.[ ] MaxFund is in my will.This donation was made by: Please send an acknowledgement of this gift to:Name: ___________________________________ Name: ______________________________________Street: ___________________________________ Street:_______________________________________City:_____________________________________ City: ________________________________________State:____________________Zip: _____________ State:_______________________Zip: _____________Phone: ___________________________________ Email:_______________________________________Email: ___________________________________

OUR WISH LISTPurina One Dry Cat Food (Salmon

& Tuna)Purina One Kitten Food Dry and CannedFriskies Canned Food • Iams for Dogs

(Chicken & Rice or Lamb & Rice)Large Milk Bones• Cat Litter

KMR Milk Replacement for nursingKittens and PuppiesWindex • Stamps

Long Choke Chains • Sturdy LeashesAll sizes dog harnesses

Toys for Dogs and Cats • Cat/dog trapsPackages of Raw Hot Dogs

(dogs are given medication with them)Bleach • Paper Towels • Toilet Paper Facial

Tissues • Dish Soap • FansWhiskas Cat Milk • Large Blankets

(no comforters, please)Acreage for a Sanctuary—Our DreamGift Cards for Petco and PetsMartVist the MaxFund Wish List under“Find a Gift” on Amazon.com!



PAW PRINTS | November 201213


This thoughtful book is the Native American story of what happensto our pets when they die. It was written by the Director of theCompanion Golden Retriever Rescue Program in West Jordan,Utah. This story makes a perfect gift for anyone who has lost a pet.You can order your copy from the MaxFund for a $10.00 donation foreach book ordered. Pawnote: This book can be sent as a memorial.

Please sent me_____copy(s) of The Legend of Rainbow Bridge.Enclose a $10.00 donation for each book ordered, plus S/H chargeof $1.00 for the first book, .50 for each additional book. Pleasemake checks payable to The MaxFund.I am enclosing a check for_____________.

Name: _______________________________________________Street: _______________________________________________City:____________________________State:_____Zip: ________Phone #: (_______)_____________________________________Mail to: The MaxFund, 1025 Galapago, Denver, CO 80204

Page 14: Newsletter Dec 2009 - MaxFund...of newsletter for each month’sdeadline. We especially enjoy lettersand photos from animals adopted from our shelter. MaxFund Animal Adoption Center

PAW PRINTS | November 201214

MaxFund appreciates our dog run and cat colony sponsors!Support from the following sponsors helps to cover the cost of food, vaccinationsand medical care for the animals at MaxFund. Our sponsors appreciate your business!____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Robert Gratiot CRCG (Canine Rehabilitation Alex B. Campbell, Vice PresidentDog Portraits And Conditioning Group) Enduring Resources, LLC

www.robgratiot.com 303-762-SWIM 303-350-5107(click on “Good Dogs”) www.dog-swim.com [email protected]

Proud Sponsor of Dazzle Proud Sponsor of Granby Proud Sponsor of Delilah

small earth vintage Lawrence P. Hartlaub Prestique Exteriorsvintage clothing for the Attorney at Law Roofing, rain gutters, siding, modern person 720-488-2771 windows, ext. painting

www.smallearthvintage.com [email protected] 303-937-ROOFwww.prestiqueexteriors.com

Proud Sponsor ofStitch Proud Sponsor of Faye Proud Sponsor of PetchouliCheck us out at:



Would you like to do more to help the animals at MaxFund?Become a dog run or cat colony sponsor today!

As a MaxFund sponsor you’ll receive a 5x7 ad space on a dog run or cat room wall andyou’ll be featured on this page of the Paw Prints Newsletter! Your monthly donation will helpto provide the necessities for the deserving and appreciative cats and dogs at MaxFund. For

more information call Pam at 719 210-3338 or email [email protected].

Page 15: Newsletter Dec 2009 - MaxFund...of newsletter for each month’sdeadline. We especially enjoy lettersand photos from animals adopted from our shelter. MaxFund Animal Adoption Center

MAXFUND SERVICE DIRECTORYSponsors appearing below either pay $30.00 permonth or they contribute a significant amount ofin-kind donations. If you would like to be listed onthis directory, please contact the MaxFund officesat (720) 266-6081.

ACCOUNTING SERVICESRobert D. Colwell, CPA5728 S. Gallup St.Littleton, CO 80120 (303) 347-9402

APARTMENT HUNTINGKatie ReardonMyApartmentMap, LLCPO Box 1102Rye, NH 03870-1102Phone: (603)-319-1712http://www.myapartmentmap.com/pet_friendly/ MyApartmentMap is a housing search website,we have pet friendly listings all over the USA.

DOG TRAINING & SERVICESTeaching in an Effective and Loving WayGroup Classes: Beginning throughSpecialized. Behavior Counseling. Boardingwith Training, Reiki, Yoga (with your dog),Intuitive Readings—10% off any service fordogs adopted through MaxFund.The Misha May Foundation,mutts in safe homes always Executive Director–Lorraine May [email protected].

Canine RehabilitationCanine Rehabilitation & Conditioning Group(CRCG) is 100% dedicated to enhancing and/or improving a dog’s life and physical abilitiesthrough exercise, recreation, and rehabilitation.Englewood | Broomfield | LongmontOne number - 303-762-SWIM (7946)www.dog-swim.com | [email protected]

LOCKSMITHSierra Locksmith—Louis Chavez, Owner7347 W. Kentucky Dr. “B”Lakewood, CO 80226 (720) 435-7518Commercial, Residential and Vehicles

MORTGAGEMichaela PhillipsAmerica’s Mortgage1942 Broadway St. Ste 314Boulder, CO 80302(303) [email protected] the MaxFund and Michaela willdonate $250 upon closing.

PET GROOMINGUncle Dan’s Pet GroomingDan Goracke & Kerry Malloy1440 Carr St., Lakewood, CO 80214(303) 205-1586 Tues-Sat 7am to 5pm

Waggin’ Tails “The Gentle Touch”Grooming • 21 Years Experience4223 S. Broadway, Englewood, CO 80110(303) 781-9961

PET AND HOME CARECIJI’S Natural Pet Supplies2260 Kearney St.Denver, CO 80207 (303) 322-8000Bonnie Simpson, Owner/Mgr.

Paws Up Pet SupplyPromotional offer: When you enter “MAXFUND” inthe coupon area of the checkout you will receive 10%off your entire order and we will donate 10% or yourorder total to MaxFund as well. Your #1 Source ForAnything Pets! http://www.pawsuppetsupply.com877-604-PUPS(7877)

K-Canine WellnessRehab, massage, acupressure, reiki, nutritionand behavior (303) [email protected]

REAL ESTATEPaulette Goemmer, Broker AssociateKeller Williams Real Estate(720) 313-2176Mention the MaxFund andPaulette will donate $250 upon the success ofany Real Estate contract.

Greg Christian, Broker AssociateColdwell Banker Residential Brokerage(303) 972-8900 $250 Contribution toMaxFund on any closed contract.

RESTAURANTTom’s Home Cookin’Tom Unterwagner and Steve Jankousky800 E. 26th Ave. (26th Ave. at Clarkson St.)Denver, CO 80205 (303) 388-8035

Emerald Isle—Famous for Mexican Food andSunsets on our Deck Overlooking the Cherry CreekReservoir 4385 S. Parker Rd., Aurora, CO(303) 690-3722

The CelticTavern1801 Blake St, Denver, CO 80202Ph: 303-308-1795 • Fax: 303-308-1576

Pizza Republica5375 Landmark Pl., Greenwood Village, CO 80111(720) 489-2030

ROOFINGPrestique ExteriorsQuality roofing, rain gutters, windows, sidingand exterior painting. Donation made toMaxFund in your name for every job completed.(303)937-ROOF (7663). MaxFund supporters for over 20 years.Check us out at:www.verifyyourroofer.com/prestique.

SHEDSColorado Custom ShedsNathan BrayCell: (650) 208-3885 • Landline: (303) [email protected]

THERAPEUTIC MASSAGEChristina M. Bara, NCMT(303) 750-5458Massage Heals More Than the Body...

VETERINARY SERVICESMaxFund Wellness Center1000 Inca St., Denver, CODr. Bill Suro, Dr. David O’Brien,Dr. Brett Lynn(303) 595-0532Low Cost Veterinary Services—Open to the public

Douglas County Animal Hospital531 Jerry, Castle Rock (303) 688-2480Dr. Roberts, Dr. Eppard, Dr. Gervais & Associates

Aspen Commons Animal Hospital1842 S. Parker Rd., Denver, CO 80231Dr. Bob James (303) 368-4171

ANIMAL CARECutting-Edge Energy Therapy InstitutePet Communication • Trauma Release TherapyPat Pattison, CMT CHT PEC(303) 722-0272 E-mail: [email protected]

www.milehiclassified.com They give 40% ofeach ad placed on their webpage to theMaxFund. Place your ad on-line. $29.99 for 30 days. Add photo for $1.00.

PAW PRINTS | November 201215

Page 16: Newsletter Dec 2009 - MaxFund...of newsletter for each month’sdeadline. We especially enjoy lettersand photos from animals adopted from our shelter. MaxFund Animal Adoption Center

I would like to become a member of MaxFund and help give injured animals with no known owners asecond leash on life. I understand that by becoming a member, I will receive a monthly newsletter.(Membership is renewable annually and is tax deductible.)

$15 $25 $50 $100 $1,000Senior Individual Family V.I.P. Lifetime/Corporate

Date:_______________________ ___NEW ___RENEWAL

Name: __________________________________________


City:_____________________________________________State:____________Zip: __________

Home Phone Number______________________________

Work Phone Number (Optional) _____________________

Email Address ___________________________________

MAIL TO: MaxFund Animal Adoption Center • 720 W. 10th Avenue • Denver, Colorado 80204 • Phone (720) 266-6081


MAXFUND, INC.MaxFund Animal Adoption Center720 W. 10th AvenueDenver, Colorado 80204


PAIDDenver, CO

Inside This Issue!Moses page 1Foster of the Month page 5Reasons Why Kitty...... page 9Memorials page 12


8th Consecutive Year We’ve Earned The Public Trustwww.charitynavigator.org

“Only 2% of the charities we rate have received at least 7 consecutive 4-star evaluations, indicating that MaxFund consistently executes its mission in a fiscally responsible way, and outperforms most other charities in America.”