rw v THE BOURBON PARIS KENTUCKY FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 181001 NEws l r J l Lir a r i II 8 > TEE trial of Jim Ebsvord cli rged wi li the murder of Gov Goebel was contiued until the January term of the Franklin Circuit Court Wednesday The conti usance was granted by Judge Cautrell on the ground that the Com- monwealths Attorney had failed to no- tify the defendant ten days before the openi g of the present term of court The conspiracy cases of the Common wealth against W S Taylor Charles Finley Berry Howard fugitive from justice and against Green and Wharton Golden and William Culton were called and were continued until the January term Notice To Tlie Public Buck Freeman the uptodate barber can always be found and in his barber shop on Main street ready to wait on you Call and try his bath rooms Everything at his shop is strictly firstclass tf Question Answered Yes August Flower the lar of any medicine in the civilized Your mothers and grandmothers- never thought of using anything Indigestion or Biliousness Doctors were scarce and they seldom heard of Appendicitis Nervous Prostration or Heart etc They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation undigested food regu late the action of the liver stimulate the nervous and organic action of the system and that is all they took when feeling dull with headaches and other aches You only need a few doses of Greens August Flower in liquid form to make you satisfied that there noth ing serious the matter with you Get Greens Prize The Burlingtons California Ex cursions Conducted Every Wednesday night from St Louis and Chicago the Burlingtons Personally Conducted Tourist Sleeper Excursions leave for California In ad dition to the protection of special con ductors the crowning feature is the route through Scenic Colorado and Salt Lake City These Excursions tore in the Burlingtons passenger service Very Cheap to California and Keturn Much less than half rates are made September 19th to 27th in clusive Final return limit November 15th Homeseekers Excursions to the West and Northwest IricludinglNebraskajKansas Colorado Utah Montana California Washington Oregon and the Dakotas September and 17th are the selected dates for these great Autumn Excursions The Burl ington has the best trains to Kansas City St Joseph Omaha Denver St Paul and Minneapolis- Do us the favor to write for Burling descriptive matter outline your trip and let us advise you the least cost Any ticket agent can sell via the Burl ington it is the greatest railroad within the Louisiana Purchase it is the main traveled line to the West and North west Of its 8160 miles of railroad 5000 miles are main lines W M SHAW A 406 Vine St Cincinnati Ohio L W WAKELEY St Louis Mo HOWARD ELLIOTT General Manager- St Mo Any advertised dealer is authorized t guarantee Banner Salve for tetter eczem piles scalds burns ulcers an any open or old sore Clarke Kenney- I HAVE one of the best established trades in the city from the simple fact that I run the best town Hot and cold baths always CARL CRAWFORD 1 stillhas gestsale AlmanacW TBrooks area fiX I 3d D P Genl Passr u r t r c 4 t 1 Q i r ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ CH DRy and D G Steamers- to 22 C f i ROUTE C H D to Toledo then on beautiful steamer Mackinac out of the mouth of the Maumee River along the pictur- esque shore o Erie and the Detroit River to the most beauti ful river on earth stopping at over night W es tern flake Detroit one of 9 ¬ tJ j rt4 I and Return TUESDAY Good 10 days Attractive Side Trips Buunst 2nD i i i Leave Detroit 930 am through Lake St U S Canal St Clair Flats to Port Hu ron then through the great sea Huron touching at va of to beautiful Island in- terests ¬ ¬ The Most Delightful Trip in all the World Special train loaves Cincinnati 845 am For additional Information apply to any C H D By or connecting agent leaf let or DG EDWARDS Traffic Mgr Cincinnati c pa l O I do Mr a a F e d t F y G- y HIS SIXTH AERIAL SHIP What SantosDumont Says of His New Machine FUTURE OF STEERABLE BALLOONS Daring Brazilian Believes They Will Take the Place of Trains Says His New Propeller Will Make About One Hundred and Sixty Revolutions n Minute M SantosDumont the daring bal loonist v has been working day and night to complete his new flying ma chine his sixth in which he hopes to circle the Eiffel tower Like Lipton the question of expense never bothers him He seeks the prize no matter what it may cost Everything is now ready for my next ascent said M SantosDumont- to the Chicago Americans Paris cor respondent After weeks of prodig- ious labor since the wreck of my last balloon I have created another and today Aug 31 for the first time I have taken things a bit leisurely This balloon which I call SantosDumont VI seams to be satisfactory- It is only by experiment that we have been able to advance gradually until the conquest of the air is within our grasp When the SantosDumont- I was built we were groping The SantosDumont VI sees us within sight of the promised land One be- comes an aeronaut just as a man be- comes a sailor except that the former calling is much more exciting and an aeronaut is never weighed down by a spirit of melancholy such as often marks the seaman There are many fine points to be considered in making a balloon Ev erything should be tight and well made The motor should be strong The rudder of a good balloon must he exactly poised The question of hy drogen is of prime importance We manufacture it in our laboratory by pouring water and sulphuric acid over steel filings It is then dried by gass- ing through chloride of calcium saw dust and lime We remove the heavy dangerous carbonic acid by a device containing caustic soda This leaves the hydrogen very light with a lifting power of more than 1000 grams per cubic meter there are automatic valves which on the one hand must not be too sensitive yet must be suffi ciently so If not sensitive enough the pressure upon the balloon becomes dangerous The propeller of the new airship makes about 160 revolutions a minute This enables me to make headway against the wind although I will select the best weather conditions possible for my next trial I expect little so far as ascensional capacity ls concerned The steering is a great ques tion I hope to make the trip from St Cloud around the Eiffel tower in twenty minutes It is no more a new sensation for satiated appetite that this young South American millionaire is seeking His daring flights are not for the purpose of creating temporary fame on the boulevard He Is studying this seriously to solve the great prob lem of aerial navigation and has star- tling views of the future revolutions which may result from the present experiments- I look upon the SantosDumont VL as the nucleus of a navy of airships- he said Within a few years the steerable balloons will take the place of trains We shall sail over the Alps instead of tunneling through them We shall cross the Atlantic without wetting our ship We shall make a tour of the world in a time short enough to frighten even Fltzmorris the Chicago boy who went around the world in sixty days The steerable balloon will be a frightful Instrument- of war Its hovering presence would demoralize an army The soldiers go to war the king stays at home but a balloon might be sent to dismantle his castle A steerable balloon would have brought the empress of China promptly- to her senses It can be used for car rying all sorts of messages and can throw bombs from midair Into ships and forts With wireless telegraphy- we can send messages back and forth to earth Then work- ing Its ar diffi- culty ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ KinG Alfreds Camp The approaching millenary of Alfred the Great lends special Interest to the estate of Winklebury in Hampshire now In the market says the London Chronicle It contains the well known circular camp of that name said to have formed a stronghold of Alfred Excavations just made by Reginald Smith of the British museum have brought to light fragments of ancient British pottery An examination was also made in the autumn of last year and on both occasions bones of extinct animals have been discovered showing traces of fire probably sacrificial The camp is believed to have existed before the Roman Invasion It was occupied- as late as the seventeenth century by the parliamentary forces when besieg ing Basing House London Wants a Sanitary College- A movement is on foot for the estab lishment of a sanitary college the idea being the erection of a large building in which to carry on the work of edu cation in sanitary science now being conducted at the Parkes museum says- a London correspondent This last named institution was founded in 1876 In memory of the late Edmund Parkes the first professor of hygiene In England It is really a pub lic demonstration school and has been the means of preparing a large number- of men for useful public health work j ble Alex- ander S e YA t Ar1 3 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ >> Mr John Tippis O says Foleys Honey and Tar cured my little girl of a severe cough and inflamed ton- sils Clarke Kenney To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure EW Groves signature- is on each box 25c j25lyf L N Special Rates Summer excursion rates via L 3f R H to point snamed belowand return Lexington and return CO cents for round trip Sept 10 11 12 13 14 Re turn limit Sept 16 Account the fair Buffalo N Y and return 1460 via Big Four aud Pennnsylvania Lines via ErieE R and C H D Ry 1360 Final limit on all tickets 20 days from date of sale Every one should take ad vantage of these rates to visit the great Exposition Indianapolis Ind and return atrbne fare 560 Sept 13 14 15 Good re- turning until dept 23 Account Grand Lodge O O San Francisco Cal and return at the very low rate of 56 50 for the round trip Tickets on sale Sept 18 to 26 Final limit returning Nov 15 Stop overs at points West of Denver Col going or returning Account of Episco pal Church Convention Cincinnati 0 and return at one fare 235 for round trip Sept 14 and 15 heturn limit Sept 28 Also 1 fare 315 for round trip Sept 16 to 28 in clusive Return limit Sept 30 Ac count Cincinnati Fall Festival Cincinnati 0 and return at one fare Sept 9 10 11 Good returning until Sept 20 Norfolk Va and return at one fare for round trip September 7 and 8 limit ed to September 15 B Ewing Ky and return September 11 to 14 inclusive at one fare for round trip limited to September 16 Account Ew ng Fair train leaves Paris daily at 830 Returning leaves at 530 pm Home seekers excursions to Califor nia at rate of 7055 via Louisville 7340 via Cincinnati on sale August 6 and 20 also September 3 and 17 Return limit 21 days from date of sale Stop overs going at points West or Denver Cleveland 0 and return at the low rate of 745 for round trip on September 812 inclusive Return limit September 15 with provision for exten tion to October 8 Account G A R Encampment Natural Bridge excursion at 150 round trip on following dates July 14 and 28 August 11 and 25 September 8 and 22 October 6 and 20 For further particulars regarding any of above rates call on or address CARR Agent- or HOUSTON RION TA Paris Ky Free New Cure For Eczema And Skin Eruptions Remicks Eczema Cure and Remicks Pepsin Blood Tonic have never yet failed to cure FREE TRIAL Write today the samples are free HAVANA MEDICAL Co 1124 Locust St St Louis Mo For sale by W T Brooks The piles that annoy you so will be quickly and permanently cured if you use DeWitts Witch Salve Be ware of worthless T Brooks Does It Pay To Buy Cheap- A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right but you want something that will relieve and cure the more severe and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles What shall you do Go to a warmer and more regular climate Yes if possible if not possi ble for you then in either case take the ONLY remedy that has been all civilized countries with severe throat and lung troubles Boschees German Syrup It heals and stimulates the tissues to the germ disease but allays inflammation causes easy expectoration gives a good nights rest and cures the patient Try ONE bottle Recommended many years all druggists in the world Get Greens Prize T Brooks FOR a good clean shave and an date hair cut call at Tom Crawfords new barber shop located in the old post office stand No long waits tf Colton l American 1 a m P B counterfeitsW introduced- in notonly AlmanacW color- ed Pan If very o ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ A bad complexion generally results from inactive liver and bowels In all cases DeWitts Little Early Risers pro duce gratifying T Brooks Science has found that rheumatism is caused by uric acid in the blood This poison should be excreted by the kidneys Foleys Kidney Cute always makes them wellClarke and Kenney A few months ago food which I ate for breaktast would not remain on my stomach for half an hour I used one bottle of your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and can now eat my breakfast and other meals with a relish and my food is thoroughly digested Nothing equals Kodol Dyspepsia for stomach S Pitts Arlington Tex Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you T Brooks- I am indebted to One Minute Cough Cure for my present good health and my life I was treated in vain by doctors for lung trouble following lagrippe I took One Minute Cough Cure and re covered my health Mr E H Wise Madison T Brooks- I wish to state to you and the read ers of these few lines that your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is without question the best and only cure for dyspepsia that I have ever come in contact with 1 have used many other preparations John Beam Weet Pa No preparation equals Kodol Dyspepsia Cure as it cantains all the diges tants It will digest all kinds of food and can not help but do you good W T Brooks resultsW en c troublesH eatW GaW ¬ ¬ ¬ μ OSTEOPATHIST Dr J T Drake Graduate A T Still School Kirksville Mo Member A A A O West Side Court- House Square Paris Ky KE L STEVENS OENTIST Office in Agricultural Bank Building Take Elevator Office Hours Phone 342 june4lyr McMJIXAN DENTIST Office No Broadway PARIS KENTUCKY B WEBB ATTORNEYATLAW attention given to Collection v office on Broadway PARIS KENTUCKY PORTER SMITH AGENTS RELIABLE FIRE INSURANCE- AT LOW RATES 6BROAt WAY r PARIS KY HIIJP N FOLEY DENTIST Office in Paton Building opposite Hotel Fordham Can be found at office at night OLIN J WILLIAMS in Simms Building PARIS KENTUCKY Those famous little pills DeWitts Little Early Risers compel your liver and bowels to do their duty thus giving you pure rich blood to recuperate your body Are easy to take Never gripe W T Brooks Thos W Carter of Ashboro N C had kidney trouble and Foley Kidney Cure effected a perfect cure and he says there is no remedy that will compare with Kenney DeWits Witch Hazel Salve should be promptly applied to cuts burns and scalds It soothes and quickly heals the injured part There are worthless counterfeits be sure to get DeWitts W T Brooks Kodol Dyspepsia Digests what you eat PROFESSIONAL C RDS S 11 to 5 pm J CHARLES Special T NONUNiON ATTORNEYATLAW- Office D itClarke D I Cure ID 8to12am > SCHOOL COMMENCES Soon and the little ones have to foe shod Re- member we are selling Shoes at Onethird The price of our com- petitors We have theme from 49 cents a pair up to better grades In Hosiery We can not be beat as carry a full assort- ment all the time Prices from 5 to 25 cents per We have On our Remnant some remnants that can be made into school dresses A Full Line of Boys and Misses Underwear to select from to keep the little ones warm this winter G L HEYMAN AL GREENBAUM Manager Paris Kentucky W T j T r I I rQ r C i j k I t I We 1 paIr I Coun- ter I j I I r ri I i l t 1 1 c w i f- r R i d ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ° < BIG RUSH EXPECTED When Twin Bros Advertise Slash Prices everybody rushes at the op- portunity Another chance for you to get goods almost for a song READ trEE FOLLOWING 2joo yards of Challie worth 5 cents a yard now 2 cents 1000 yards of Lawn worth S1 cents a yard now 4j4 eents 1000 yards of Percale worth 10 cents a yard now 5 cents 2000 yards of Sea Island Cotton now 5 cents Big Bargains in Dress Goods Callico and Cotton also in Ladies Mens and Childrens Shoes and Oxfords 300 Mens 50cent Dress Shuts now 25 cents 400 Mens i Dress Shirts now 50 cents All our i 75 and 50 cts iVLens and Boys Straw Hats 25C Mens Blue Cottonade Pants now 38 cents Soys Iinen Pants now 15 cents t d Mens S and 750 Suits now 450 Mens 6 and 5 Suits now 3 100 Bicycle Pants worth 2 now go at 6 cents Also Low Prices Bargains in Pants Hats Etc Mens Tan and Douglas Shoes worth 3 and 350 now 2 Mens Tan Shoes worth 250 and 2 now i 25 Mens Tan Shoes worth 175 and 150 now i Also Special Low Prices in Boys Shoes Also Special Prices in Underwear Big Stock of Trunks Valises Telescopes Etc RUSH IN AND GET THESE BI r BARGAINS REMEMBER THE PLACE TWIN BROS T Hr 701703 MAIN STREET PARIS KENTUCKY rJ fe Hair E any lad jnjanent i XJESD- eturnin nth PEEEl 2t 1000 yards of Dimity worth cents a yard now ets Mens O Io SuIts now 750 0 r I t- t c IT J r f t r F t t1- 2 3 s I24 634 r IS n- and r k e j r M 1y Massa 1n4 t 4 pNo ti s ill be- S 1 fJ t- Ai ¬ > > > <

NEws 181001 II r - Pagenyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7ht727bm8r/data/0377.pdfIsland in-terests ¬ ¬ The Most Delightful Trip in all the World Special train loaves Cincinnati 845 am For additional

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Page 1: NEws 181001 II r - Pagenyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7ht727bm8r/data/0377.pdfIsland in-terests ¬ ¬ The Most Delightful Trip in all the World Special train loaves Cincinnati 845 am For additional

rw v


l Lir




II 8


TEE trial of Jim Ebsvord cli rgedwi li the murder of Gov Goebel wascontiued until the January term of theFranklin Circuit Court Wednesday

The conti usance was granted by JudgeCautrell on the ground that the Com-

monwealths Attorney had failed to no-

tify the defendant ten days before theopeni g of the present term of court

The conspiracy cases of the Common

wealth against W S Taylor CharlesFinley Berry Howard fugitive fromjustice and against Green and WhartonGolden and William Culton were called

and were continued until the Januaryterm

Notice To Tlie Public

Buck Freeman the uptodate barbercan always be found and inhis barber shop on Main street ready towait on you Call and try his bathrooms Everything at his shop isstrictly firstclass tf

Question AnsweredYes August Flower the lar

of any medicine in the civilizedYour mothers and grandmothers-

never thought of using anythingIndigestion or Biliousness Doctorswere scarce and they seldom heard ofAppendicitis Nervous Prostration orHeart etc They used AugustFlower to clean out the system and stopfermentation undigested food regulate the action of the liver stimulatethe nervous and organic action of thesystem and that is all they took whenfeeling dull with headaches and otheraches You only need a few doses ofGreens August Flower in liquid formto make you satisfied that there nothing serious the matter with you GetGreens Prize

The Burlingtons California Excursions Conducted

Every Wednesday night from StLouis and Chicago the BurlingtonsPersonally Conducted Tourist Sleeper

Excursions leave for California In addition to the protection of special conductors the crowning feature is theroute through Scenic Colorado and SaltLake City These Excursionstore in the Burlingtons passengerservice

Very Cheap to California andKeturn Much less than half ratesare made September 19th to 27th inclusive Final return limit November15thHomeseekers Excursions to the

West and NorthwestIricludinglNebraskajKansas Colorado

Utah Montana California WashingtonOregon and the Dakotas Septemberand 17th are the selected dates for thesegreat Autumn Excursions The Burlington has the best trains to KansasCity St Joseph Omaha Denver StPaul and Minneapolis-

Do us the favor to write for Burlingdescriptive matter outline your trip

and let us advise you the least costAny ticket agent can sell via the Burlington it is the greatest railroad withinthe Louisiana Purchase it is the maintraveled line to the West and Northwest Of its 8160 miles of railroad5000 miles are main lines


A 406 Vine StCincinnati Ohio



General Manager-St Mo

Any advertised dealer is authorized tguarantee Banner Salve for tetter eczempiles scalds burns ulcers anany open or old sore Clarke Kenney-

I HAVE one of the best establishedtrades in the city from the simple factthat I run the best townHot and cold baths always




AlmanacW TBrooks

area fiX




Genl Passr























CH DRyand

D G Steamers-





ROUTEC H D toToledo then onbeautiful steamerMackinac out ofthe mouth of theMaumee Riveralong the pictur-esqueshore oErie and theDetroit River to

the most beautiful river onearth stopping at

over night

W es ternflake

Detroit one of







and Return


Good 10 days

Attractive Side Trips

Buunst 2nD




Leave Detroit 930am through LakeSt U SCanal St ClairFlats to Port Huron then throughthe greatsea Hurontouching at va

ofto beautiful






The Most Delightful Tripin all the World

Special train loaves Cincinnati 845 amFor additional Information apply to any CH D By or connecting agent leaflet or

DG EDWARDS Traffic Mgr Cincinnati


pa l O






ed t

F y G-



What SantosDumont Says ofHis New Machine


Daring Brazilian Believes They WillTake the Place of Trains Says HisNew Propeller Will Make About OneHundred and Sixty Revolutions nMinuteM SantosDumont the daring bal

loonist v has been working day andnight to complete his new flying machine his sixth in which he hopes tocircle the Eiffel tower Like Liptonthe question of expense never bothershim He seeks the prize no matterwhat it may cost

Everything is now ready for mynext ascent said M SantosDumont-to the Chicago Americans Paris correspondent After weeks of prodig-ious labor since the wreck of my lastballoon I have created another andtoday Aug 31 for the first time Ihave taken things a bit leisurely Thisballoon which I call SantosDumontVI seams to be satisfactory-

It is only by experiment that wehave been able to advance graduallyuntil the conquest of the air is withinour grasp When the SantosDumont-I was built we were groping TheSantosDumont VI sees us withinsight of the promised land One be-comes an aeronaut just as a man be-comes a sailor except that the formercalling is much more exciting and anaeronaut is never weighed down by aspirit of melancholy such as oftenmarks the seaman

There are many fine points to beconsidered in making a balloon Everything should be tight and wellmade The motor should be strongThe rudder of a good balloon must heexactly poised The question of hydrogen is of prime importance Wemanufacture it in our laboratory bypouring water and sulphuric acid oversteel filings It is then dried by gass-ing through chloride of calcium sawdust and lime We remove the heavydangerous carbonic acid by a devicecontaining caustic soda This leavesthe hydrogen very light with a liftingpower of more than 1000 grams percubic meter there are automaticvalves which on the one hand mustnot be too sensitive yet must be sufficiently so If not sensitive enough thepressure upon the balloon becomesdangerous

The propeller of the new airshipmakes about 160 revolutions a minuteThis enables me to make headwayagainst the wind although I will selectthe best weather conditions possiblefor my next trial I expect little

so far as ascensional capacity lsconcerned The steering is a great question I hope to make the trip fromSt Cloud around the Eiffel tower intwenty minutes

It is no more a new sensation forsatiated appetite that this young SouthAmerican millionaire is seeking Hisdaring flights are not for the purposeof creating temporary fame on theboulevard He Is studying this

seriously to solve the great problem of aerial navigation and has star-tling views of the future revolutionswhich may result from the presentexperiments-

I look upon the SantosDumont VLas the nucleus of a navy of airships-he said Within a few years thesteerable balloons will take the placeof trains We shall sail over the Alpsinstead of tunneling through themWe shall cross the Atlantic withoutwetting our ship We shall make atour of the world in a time shortenough to frighten even Fltzmorristhe Chicago boy who went aroundthe world in sixty days The steerableballoon will be a frightful Instrument-of war Its hovering presence woulddemoralize an army The soldiers goto war the king stays at home buta balloon might be sent to dismantlehis castle

A steerable balloon would havebrought the empress of China promptly-to her senses It can be used for carrying all sorts of messages and canthrow bombs from midair Into shipsand forts With wireless telegraphy-we can send messages back and forthto earth



Its ar















KinG Alfreds CampThe approaching millenary of Alfred

the Great lends special Interest to theestate of Winklebury in Hampshirenow In the market says the LondonChronicle It contains the well knowncircular camp of that name said tohave formed a stronghold of AlfredExcavations just made by ReginaldSmith of the British museum havebrought to light fragments of ancientBritish pottery An examination wasalso made in the autumn of last yearand on both occasions bones of extinctanimals have been discovered showingtraces of fire probably sacrificial Thecamp is believed to have existed beforethe Roman Invasion It was occupied-as late as the seventeenth century bythe parliamentary forces when besieging Basing House

London Wants a Sanitary College-A movement is on foot for the estab

lishment of a sanitary college the ideabeing the erection of a large buildingin which to carry on the work of education in sanitary science now beingconducted at the Parkes museum says-a London correspondent This lastnamed institution was founded in 1876In memory of the late Edmund

Parkes the first professor ofhygiene In England It is really a public demonstration school and has beenthe means of preparing a large number-of men for useful public health work j




e YA t Ar1 3





> >

Mr John Tippis O saysFoleys Honey and Tar cured my little

girl of a severe cough and inflamed ton-sils Clarke Kenney

To Cure a Cold In One DayTake Laxative Bromo Quinine TabletsAll druggists refund the money if itfails to cure E W Groves signature-is on each box 25c j25lyf

L N Special Rates

Summer excursion rates via L 3fR H to point snamed belowand return

Lexington and return CO cents forround trip Sept 10 11 12 13 14 Return limit Sept 16 Account the

fairBuffalo N Y and return 1460 via

Big Four aud Pennnsylvania Lines viaErieE R and C H D Ry 1360Final limit on all tickets 20 days fromdate of sale Every one should take advantage of these rates to visit the great


Indianapolis Ind and return atrbnefare 560 Sept 13 14 15 Good re-

turning until dept 23 Account GrandLodge O O

San Francisco Cal and return at thevery low rate of 56 50 for the roundtrip Tickets on sale Sept 18 to 26Final limit returning Nov 15 Stopovers at points West of Denver Colgoing or returning Account of Episcopal Church Convention

Cincinnati 0 and return at one fare235 for round trip Sept 14 and 15

heturn limit Sept 28 Also 1 fare315 for round trip Sept 16 to 28 in

clusive Return limit Sept 30 Account Cincinnati Fall Festival

Cincinnati 0 and return at one fareSept 9 10 11 Good returning untilSept 20

Norfolk Va and return at one farefor round trip September 7 and 8 limited to September 15

B Ewing Ky and return September 11to 14 inclusive at one fare for round triplimited to September 16 Account Ewng Fair train leaves Paris dailyat 830 Returning leavesat 530 p m

Home seekers excursions to California at rate of 7055 via Louisville

7340 via Cincinnati on sale August 6and 20 also September 3 and 17 Returnlimit 21 days from date of sale Stopovers going at points West or Denver

Cleveland 0 and return at thelow rate of 745 for round trip onSeptember 812 inclusive Return limitSeptember 15 with provision for extention to October 8 Account G A REncampmentNatural Bridge excursion at 150

round trip on following dates July 14and 28 August 11 and 25 September 8and 22 October 6 and 20

For further particulars regarding anyof above rates call on or address


Paris Ky

Free New Cure For EczemaAnd Skin Eruptions Remicks EczemaCure and Remicks Pepsin Blood Tonichave never yet failed to cure

FREE TRIAL Write today thesamples are free

HAVANA MEDICAL Co1124 Locust St St Louis Mo

For sale by W T Brooks

The piles that annoy you so will bequickly and permanently cured if youuse DeWitts Witch Salve Beware of worthless TBrooks

Does It Pay To Buy Cheap-

A cheap remedy for coughs and coldsis all right but you want somethingthat will relieve and cure the moresevere and dangerous results of throatand lung troubles What shall you doGo to a warmer and more regularclimate Yes if possible if not possible for you then in either case take theONLY remedy that has been

all civilized countries with severethroat and lung troubles BoscheesGerman Syrup It heals andstimulates the tissues to thegerm disease but allays inflammationcauses easy expectoration gives agood nights rest and cures the patientTry ONE bottle Recommended manyyears all druggists in the world GetGreens Prize T Brooks

FOR a good clean shave and andate hair cut call at Tom Crawfordsnew barber shop located in the old postoffice stand No long waits tf





a m






















A bad complexion generally resultsfrom inactive liver and bowels In allcases DeWitts Little Early Risers produce gratifying T Brooks

Science has found that rheumatism iscaused by uric acid in the blood Thispoison should be excreted by the kidneysFoleys Kidney Cute always makes themwellClarke and Kenney

A few months ago food which I atefor breaktast would not remain on mystomach for half an hour I used onebottle of your Kodol Dyspepsia Cureand can now eat my breakfast and othermeals with a relish and my food isthoroughly digested Nothing equalsKodol Dyspepsia for stomach

S Pitts Arlington TexKodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you

T Brooks-

I am indebted to One Minute CoughCure for my present good health and mylife I was treated in vain by doctorsfor lung trouble following lagrippe Itook One Minute Cough Cure and recovered my health Mr E H WiseMadison T Brooks-

I wish to state to you and the readers of these few lines that your KodolDyspepsia Cure is without question thebest and only cure for dyspepsia that Ihave ever come in contact with 1have used many other preparationsJohn Beam Weet Pa Nopreparation equals Kodol DyspepsiaCure as it cantains all the digestants It will digest all kinds of foodand can not help but do you good WT Brooks










Dr J T DrakeGraduate

A T Still SchoolKirksville Mo

Member A A A O

West Side Court-House Square

Paris Ky



Office in Agricultural Bank BuildingTake Elevator

Office HoursPhone 342 june4lyr


Office No BroadwayPARIS KENTUCKY


attention given to Collectionv

office on Broadway







Office in Paton Building oppositeHotel Fordham

Can be found at office at night


in Simms BuildingPARIS KENTUCKY

Those famous little pills DeWittsLittle Early Risers compel your liverand bowels to do their duty thus givingyou pure rich blood to recuperate yourbody Are easy to take Never gripe

W T Brooks

Thos W Carter of Ashboro N Chad kidney trouble and Foley KidneyCure effected a perfect cure and he saysthere is no remedy that will comparewith Kenney

DeWits Witch Hazel Salve should bepromptly applied to cuts burns andscalds It soothes and quickly heals theinjured part There are worthlesscounterfeits be sure to get DeWittsW T Brooks

Kodol DyspepsiaDigests what you eat



11 to 5 p m















Soon and the little oneshave to foe shod Re-member we are selling

Shoes atOnethird

The price of our com-petitors We have themefrom 49 cents a pair upto better grades

In HosieryWe can not be beat as

carry a full assort-ment all the timePrices from 5 to 25 centsper

We haveOn our Remnant

some remnants thatcan be made into schooldresses

A FullLine ofBoys and MissesUnderwear to selectfrom to keep the littleones warm this winter


Paris Kentucky

W T j T r






j k


I We


I Coun-ter



I r

ri I i l
















BIG RUSH EXPECTEDWhen Twin Bros Advertise Slash

Prices everybody rushes at the op-portunity Another chance for you toget goods almost for a song

READ trEE FOLLOWING2joo yards of Challie worth 5 cents a yard now 2 cents1000 yards of Lawn worth S1 cents a yard now 4j4 eents

1000 yards of Percale worth 10 cents a yard now 5 cents2000 yards of Sea Island Cotton now 5 centsBig Bargains in Dress Goods Callico and Cotton also in

Ladies Mens and Childrens Shoes and Oxfords300 Mens 50cent Dress Shuts now 25 cents400 Mens i Dress Shirts now 50 centsAll our i 75 and 50 cts iVLens and Boys Straw Hats 25CMens Blue Cottonade Pants now 38 centsSoys Iinen Pants now 15 cents

t d

Mens S and 750 Suits now 450Mens 6 and 5 Suits now 3

100 Bicycle Pants worth 2 now go at 6 centsAlso Low Prices Bargains in Pants Hats EtcMens Tan and Douglas Shoes worth 3 and 350 now


Mens Tan Shoes worth 250 and 2 now i 25Mens Tan Shoes worth 175 and 150 now iAlso Special Low Prices in Boys ShoesAlso Special Prices in UnderwearBig Stock of Trunks Valises Telescopes Etc





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