w, .f.»rti . 0»d it** tri» > u u.j ImI n>i .1 «.I who Waat*«* .>«. Amen." tl« .> »bort, ».'out man, w.th gray *at iy l «¦ ' Uwe, tigb foreb<,ed, ».,,1 wa- fleen ibaw o and ¦j**'! ?liffM . t. a (*' rent, V.a k fH* »n^iri :o. . * taso of »bttvgincf, and II i ibtl II] DM l"MB ' " ?Je**- Tb* aWti.ra'e mm w«v» »tili living; tru« altern > m, «vrd ih re are . .me slight bupea th** Wl 1 ''"'.''v' Me wa* act jf. been identified. [Newark A .v FimoRiAL Co-vr.aTio.e.-A C invent.. of *M Ka-Mti fr.t-ri.it, of He« Jereavy » "fMf"'"' »l B'.jr^ wk« M Tb .radar tne j-j. 10*. AJJf-»> l*f^.^J_ thl ' ., auattee bay., g the mtitrt caerae " 1 1 " " K t*v labcra. , Th« K.« |.rwT Thrillen Confrrer-e wi hold .:- Tbe N*w-.l*r«*y « nn Cfeui le Jeana k.r. ^troru/A'-^.^:.--- ja er .o<k» o. l«.iiu»r Amthicai Ve.oei. Fired WTO nv * "British Vnvi*in..Captain Howe« ot tha MROOaat M >bJe, arrived left night from Mobile, reports on tbe Xith nit., wben twenty-five miles aouth of Key Weit, mw avteaaubip to windward bearing down tot us. Hove to, to »peak ber, and wben within rifle ihot dia- aaaee ibe commenced tiring ritle* at us, tne bails from which passed between the men on deal and lodged in the bulwarks. Wethen hauled down the jibe, when they tired two more shots. They lien lent a boat on hoard of tbe Mob le and overhau'ed tbe vessel * pa¬ pers, and declared tiie,r .ntention to seize tbe vessel, ebe not having a foreign register on board, but after¬ wards left withoal doing so. They pave no reason for acting as they did, nor did they deny plain y seeing tbe Aui'-r can ensign set cn oar ve*«el. Tne steamer was tbe Blltiah war steamer S'yi. ftlAKRIED. JARROrt-UNDHMANN -On «.i,4»j. May 9 by the R>v. tl»« J. Jsaei Mr. Vaaai a Jarboe to M;ta Mary PaOewiaani kl) ef Ilm 115 lot KWOOB» VOOSMAN-On Saturday. May t, by th» Rev. E L T»yt.,r, C»ltin B. Lcckwooi to Ali.»H. Wocdiria: th 11 I.f - kiju UOIEM-PROPST-On Hatirdev, Miy 8. by th- R-v. C M 4v asaMIe, »t -I. r»i-.;» m "f 01« krieVt lather, B .b in, N. J Mr L. K Uiitütu Miel Can -int f., eidtat daughter of Join. Ü. Pitbtt, tiq. ©Rt OTT.CLARK .In thi« ettT, on TL.mday, April 29 »t tae K<. rtfa iv.lur Preat.ytetlari Ct. .'. h. bf tC« ReV Dr. r*ttwT, Cte« c Or.ott, Maatesas, 10 Hi-irn f jnaapaal rtaagaaei oi A. Claik, taq ef tbi« city. III KD. ARTHUR.At lawfseMeae* al bi. ( d n.d »«:>r«i pare:.-«. tu Fatekeaue, I> n* Ialand, <m Sunday. May 0. aflei a .u* loa hurrribs llkita* Jaoob K. Arthur, jr agrd 21 n.ju'.Lt a^d BI d«jt. A1SDEBSON. In U'iliiamtburah, on Bonday aeaelfai. May 9. < t porunioi ia. Mary Rtlaa, yoni t> *: uh'-d of Jobu ar.d L^iia An alerai u. «|t,d 13 uioiith». Bt RKOWS lu thla rlty. oti S .nlay, May 9, Ciiaat'ttii Mo.-.-i II, a »l.'.i r of Kaaa and Euaa Burrowa. Ihe fiieida </f th»- faodiy a/e reapei tf-lly invi'ed to attend h*-r fnntral tbia iflenoea at i o'eVw k. trow ber late re«i>n<- Elf bty firet »nett, lire doora weat Sa Third aveL...-. BEAUfLANU-tt hUdie.n, tiatft« Ceaatf, N. J., on Sunday, May 9, Van Bibalkwy. k lieaupland. Bt'ENHAM- At Ne BB A'. a'. El-eenth atreef, on Monday. May , 10 Mary Halen, yotiurett dautbter »t Ulbert L. ar.ii EluahatB Bnichau., a|ted year, 0 roontha and !>. daya. CONNER.At tea, ^^ Monroe atreet, ou MaadOj, May IS Ka'e. dau<bter«f Matthew aud Catherine Conner, a^eo 1 year, IS nioi.tba sod 14 day*. CONRO Y -At Ha IBS Matt MSSUt,'«¦ Morday May in. ofron- auinptii'u, i'. leu, wile of Thoioaa Cunioy. a native of K le.oni- bou, litlaiid. IDWAROS. At An:werp. Beltiuni, ou T.ieailay, April 6, Cap. Johu Edwarda, late of thip e/ederlck ().-bn«rd, a«ed till yeara. Bulini.il> aad atiquai ulautee are r. -pe. tluJy leveled to ktterad hia funeral thla alternooo at 3 o'chxk, fmu hie late reiidence, No Al- urnet Brooklyn. himiiod. At hia laeHaOB*, Brooklyn, Lora lalamt. on Turaday aVaaSBa May ll, Wilhrliuiua .Mynderae iiiuirod, a*ed 5<i year*. BANLON.At No. 2t>0 Eaet Nineteenth Itieat, on M.mday, May 10, There.a dan|btei ol Krhi and Mary liackiu. afed 6 uiontha. JONES.At Brooklyn, on Turwday morninr. May 11, of con- auu jtioL. Wi.iiani b. Jcnea, aaed fJtl years aud rj uontha, The t luerai will take place thia day (V\edn«aday), from hia late reaidei ce No. '.0 Naaaau etreet, Brook'yu, at 1 aVeleeh p. ru. MAC Y.On Turaday m miur, May 11, Er»o,-ii (}. Mai-y, in the 65tb y»ar of hia aae. Bia ri lativea arid frter.da and tl.' ae ef h a t .. iu-Iaw, Joaeph A. Bek'd_.i-y.are reapaetfaUS iu>iwd t.j afeud the fui.eral a-rve on Wedueadar at 5 o'r.c-< k p. m. ¦ , fr >n bia la e reaijen.... Ni. Mt Weat Twenty fifth atrett. Hit remaine will he -.uk-r, ti CiKLWo.ii l Ibmeday. Nar t -ktt, b'jftaio aud Ciucinca'i paper* p'< aae c py. McATRFE-ln Brooklyn, on Monday, May 10, John McAtree, a*, j M yaara and 11 ¦netha Mi B INLY.A: No. SJS Kiiat avenue, on 8_aJay rJ|ht. tVUliam Mi Bicly, in tbe 3eth y»ar of kM ifr. PABUI-At Harlem, on Monday. May 10. Abby Ann, wife of Chri-'opner Pahor, a»;ed 43 ye*ra, I m'nith an I!» iny". PALMER.In thM my, aa Monday, May lo. J«-,i, N. Paiiuer, late of S'.aiufora, Cono a(ed 40 y-ara and 9 maritna. cu..n-id l'an.« air.. ', on Mi Lday. .May I». Clara Alphonaine Jaixue l.ier. wife ol W».:er (tain, a*, d li j. ara and lo luontna. Robertson-A- Re 100BeatTweat***veathatreet I da). May 9, of erj«ipelaa. Mra Ann Bobeitl n. aaedMyetm 3 mom. ai d 4 ¦..> > SMITH.At the Haicpdi-n Ifmae, Sprin*field, Ma«»., on Tb day evening. M«i B t»en. Petei Saen Beaith, ..-.e ol p.. pbia, Pent., aged hSyea.-a. WMiriVO-Oa T.eaday, Mayll.Arva Be WTR aaofhtei of W'j.. II. aid Mary L VVhi'.uig, aged 0 yeara, .... dayr. U* r rrmalea wi 1 be taken to Hudaon fcr interment. TELI OiT-thi Monday tnoruing, M«j 10, iu the 4»tb j her age, Loui'a, wife of WtUasB fal Tkt it .«..«. < «La f.-iebd« "t Lha faaally are reap* ttf illj bit ... '. att< n to . e-a. fn.m n S3 Jay atreet, Brooklya, s. .VeOi.ea- eay at;en..^.t, in» |Stk in.:., ». 4 '. * COMMERCIA I, MA TTERS. tan lea «I the Mloclt l.oee i'i.rt. d sta'-a h I MM ».BBS tiaa. totale Ii«, '90... ».} 90O11 «10.BI 33,(00 Miaat.uri S.ete 6a..b3 f-'i 19(4*' do.841 so 000 03.1.30 aa] 24«*J do.S4) RlSaOhe*BtatS*Oa, '6n....iei 3.0t( ( uy la, 't>7.10U 4,om Itr .1 klyu City fi« ... Mi 5. rxto «4 y. C' 1 href RR. 80 1,14X1 N. Y. ( eu'raJ BI«. "M tl 5.000 F.lie R lat M'g Itda.100 2,11" Hiie K Con UJ». 71 i\\ ftore Hod Rir. R la: M'< 101 I 10' Boat Kiv. R. id Ml*. 1.000 d>. 931 6, ((* liar.. 111 I(R. la- Ml* . 2tM« llk.iem Kit. la. Mt* T3 K.OOO U ( r.awe h Mow. l.exdOrai't R.oida... 311 5,010 tu. Cen. KK Bewala it. UN d>.^...bd Is SOBa kof Arorri a.U»i II hau» f CeaMBeeoe....tSBi IS Si aa a, Leath. r Baaah...l0A( BS C n u.oowealth Hauk 89 100 Ni. ala Tiao.it C<. 3 3 Del. h Hud. Canal Co.. I0M SO io.e°.Cd. 1-*fce tt Pei net lat m Canal ('¦ .IS EJ Pacili.- Mail S:-ain Co 7| SOMille- k S1iaa.RK .b30 3<U MB do. ..* M ritv. CeL k Oka. a. R. Mtj saoaaa l.OOoOjio tta'eaa .»<....HU 3 0t*i4)l..o Sute 6*. ISMS... 107, tT.taij at.iaa.un t*t«t« ela_ sij I eao l.l. Or K. IL B It S.'OO d..ar la.OC. N. V C. ¦ n K . ho 3iON. Y.Ontra! «.il.7a.|OJl 5.St<> Mieb C KB S 4- t t lat Mr.. Ba,r 9 f>j Bda 96J kSeeo U C «V Mil. Laud Otaot Bt.nda. 31 j 10 Bt. NteSotaa l ank. 9| M M-nhaii . Bi R. , .Vip^inc Mai] v. ,. l'-'N V KU. ., *' d<>. nn tew E'ie a. K . 3 S<» do.,"V.M b* «0.iÄ aa] Kxrhiirage....MAY II. MB n< w Y.irk Cen. RR.tl'l MB do.atw M do. 100 do.b»' rSa do.b.o too do. hm BtM Railri«d.»CJ -~vi do.ai kM do. MB d».MO Ml do.aJO .Sal J. .,10 vie Hud. Riv R R.30 7.S Harlem Railroad. Ml " itt-tdr. * Railroad ...al n«i do.boo iaa d'.mo loo do.aGO *«» d 1.60 f'Mic. 8.4.N. lul. R.biio do.a3 do.bin MS d.... MB dj.»30 M do. Mt do.a to aa do.\&n WM S a. N la pr.-t.hio SO III Central R. 11 ...MM 40 do. iii Chi. k R Island it R a liai d >.bl> 45 do.c VI do. uu do. 100 *'i 30 tii is IH a Sil «ali : ' . ri <va. i 00 Ca !'. 11 1. S ale 7. 1 «(. La C t Htw u ti. 2 14«' . 4 V k la. 7.. I fB Mea a at < « aa .... :"«' Mi aa a II. 11 teas m a 11 .' v a* 4.i<* \\ ,"rrt- »0 4'ny 4 ia> ( Bi I II 3.4»ec. <ivia I .... 9 SBS a Ce sa* a Mflw 7. 2<»ai t . I 11:. UK 3'an I" Central R kt 7. e»«i atlaklk M I H 'a* 3B"C ^. I'll <io La a.aap M II .dam River R. R. it**) d<. ."0 do.hi' asi h*> do.bin 3o| IBS Readiug R R. 471 dj.«10 471 M d >. t^" 47i M k-B ata. lad. B I SJ n*» do.»3t» m M do .»is ¦ H. tt M IK K pi St W Panama R. R.IS SO d>.h!\ |0*J (Vida) t t hi,eg' B- Bait *<i '."Chick K la. R K. 78* IM d..7*i M do..»", 78 '" d> .'.pg 7*. MC B. AQ iury R. R 7 , All tlO\. I ¦ f. k Brta r r ... M m v. Md Herlees tut » ft Ha ... K. a ... PUuia li. .a. 1" An.er Ci liue Bajk.: I" a a ..... . "I a^'C rum .i,«n^ Hauk!.' M Aftiaaee' H. ,«. B *Y«U*. fa-a k 8 IJ .i-e.1 «¦... . K,-..M. . .' ¦!. f »,. . a. C ^('.4a-i Ma at. loa i; '," J" h e. « ff ire |e«. f, I"Trei.tv-. e \v, ia. Ti BSI «r. May ll.y. y. Swoeh InaaaetSeaa w. re apaa a haaaSaal aaasa te-tltr, au 1 ir> ra>rwi4,ny wi h tae weather, wh.eb unjoabtej y bee a deprweetng mijanc. Nearly ah of toe lead f ."Awea arwe baasy at the Piret Battled, at a da artirii j«l i' ent Toe bear* put ntC caoat^a - oa aWatara' epfkaae asort fraotf aad aaeeaadasj iaetteawjf la-tu ehe.rt 11. and at toe *»iu- t.me in drt*. if tf. eaaS »f<(k M a ah| re.t. Q. H bfjusj w»-« t:.e in*« actite BMOBg tie a^ainiMUo *!i»..*. tV BBS> ehaee* lo doubt m efy .0 *-.ort w. N-w Y. rh C'tn'rmi tell off t j aasl wa* baaMiea. Ehe tree mtA aat.'t*.. aci ptweaad bm fre.|r .)..i*,,«, Ha*epfO tbas far r. U*y are a'-oj tbe *a ne a-ia>t jettr. Micoidan ei'u-u-ru was baaSBkared ttowa oa swliesa' opfiona until the raajalap roeh taaohed 85j at Mbiea poiut :i waesiigu ly ti-m«r. Uo'ieoa Bivet was etVedy at I a»w#5PJ, w tl owl pi?-., B ,.r a rit/. Jtt.tJ l'ltld de.itevl i f" tu.: M nivdtrh'.r *ait*. At tte Ke-ord Ba$j4 fki majkei end "poo Okd whole a firm, r si,*, t, end fcrE-ie, II Jsoq R ver. M eh.gan goal barn nr.*! Panama *H a frn»* bigber, T* * etoie ii»1, feeing r»pored Ut BOBaWelBsl fv: »4w . * pr«m'neet fee'aie o! tbe merket. Ice MflMli o lief de rojtiiiues ? : u'y with M improv ng tendency ia yriere. Tl* aggregate aale* to-day wet*: $-«33,600, of wr. I- $123,008 wa> n M -eouri »".4, from - I It i* leldom tbr a days business at mm B'*0 k Ei> I at |i BfOHBtS ptit'a to dereid of otere«*. the move- Bsateare iargu-.d and ama 1 ia aitbef direetiJI, al- I ¦ bears for tea moment seemed to have the ¦».»<-. share of cotrsg*. In fart, toe bml side ha* bag t<. b,e cippoit a*, all, tXOOpt tba*. turn abed by the dha. po» nor ol owteta ui r*. eh to boil on to their ri7e«'. Baseta t*wa*d<Fwf)y far a Iigbar m ai k e t. Inder alltve . lreumrtanoat. tbe ttate of ti.e money market.the facilitiea efiered f >r ape-ulat.ve movement« on a large > a>, and the natural BetpoeftioO to operate for a riee, when tbe -upply af money i- free.th* »Inggiainee- ;s something ol a tiddle. T ere woe no change of ie> portaaca after t be adj .moment of tbe Hoard, although most of the quctati ma were firmer. The closing bide were for New-York Cen'rai. Wi; Reading. 47J; Erie, '.¦IJ; Hudfon River, 30J Michigan Southern, 25j; Kork leland. 78C Combe-rand. I6|; Galena B9|1 Panama, 1004; Mies n.-i 6a, 81; Tj.edo, 43L The anvomt of tranea-.iions in Exchange for the Arabia ha* beer, to fair eitei t, although but few bll> bave been kId at the ext>me rates a-ked.l'f.'j all'1 for Sterl r g. Tbe bulk of *Le business has been a* I09| n 1' *' Oaai, b'ran-e are 5.150)5,12), ar.d firm. Freights ire firm» r. T Liverpool, 2,000 bhls. Ph nt* at 2a. 6d, 30,000 baab. Qiaia a: *pl. in bulk, and M mbags 30,000 bush, fuf the i&'.ter pa", of f«' we*k a' 8|d, l''.<*< 0 bnal. 15 da)- heuce at Bd 900 ba^e ( of.or. at 3*16*1.; 50 bxe, Bavaoa af 27a. 6M. To L "ti¬ de n, 3,000 bblf. Rosia »t,d Turpentine at 3b. 61. *> ^ lb. To Glasgow, 17o tea. Bee', löcks. Od and 125 baa. Baeoa on priva»» tamai 6,008 bush Granat fid.; 700 kbit. Fi nra- 2s, ><l. Wa aotJea the follow eg obaiters: A or,g fron Alaebiaa to Ctsafueajoeand hack to N'ew-Voik a' 12c. f -r Sugar Bad $2 50 for Molaffet. A biik from Wiltnieg on to Martiaiqrja at ||0 for l.'jmber uHer deck, and on deck A brg of 340 tum oat t. Havana for (1,350, A bug of 222 tuns out to 8t, Kitt« for §700, p"rt charges paid, and back from Turks bland with Salt at Be. A brig and a fcho'-ntr to Hallowe'.l and Ilangor wi'h Fl >ur a. 15c, and Com a' 3c. A n-booner of I 100 bbla. I ^t. I><- Bingo and ha^k at |l bbl. To Ctliforc a, 900 turn j»er J. Godfrey at'S. |a for Light, and 30c. for Heavy Goods. The business of the Sub-Treasury wae: Receipts, li'öti.!';!' .V.'; 145,000 from Customs. Payment*. |£0,b02 37, Haiance, $3,097,335 62, No deposita on account of the new jsue o1" Treasury NoteH wa. mad. to-day. as tbe oflic;al not.jesof the acccptam e of tie hide had rot been received by the euce«eful bidders. K. Draper e daily auction sale of bouds and stocks will take place to-morrow 'Wedneeday at o'clock, at the klerchante' Exchange. Albeit II. Nicolay s regular daily auction sale of stocks and bonds will take place to-morrow (Wednes¬ day), at 12 o'clock, at the M*rchexta' Exchange. The business of Apr of the tisiva' year onding 11 Ith April, on tbe Chicago, Burlington and tJaincy Kailroad hae been as follows: BABBUtSI ma SMIL. Freiaht. Fae>eLger>. Mail. A Min. Tota1. 1857.a-.n,8t'i Vi atj.n*^ »1.182 87 ail5,R3J 62 53. 30,447 21 Ji.tV. y7 1.596 83 Itf.läf» < I Dekreue.B:o,41o i9 $11,09811 $186 04 09) Karainaa for fiscal y«sr er.diu» April JO, 1857.at!.640. =>^w | taraLi-t ft.r BBtal yeat tudijjg April J", i85o. |jJB|,I l> BS Decree.e I f eerainr. BJ11« BH SB Opiratiur >i|»Lte* lor jeer eudiuf April 3». 1857.. $155,315 67 Opera:.i « BfesssS f.r jea.- ending April 1&58.. (04,71. . P- reaee of cperatii.a eijonaea.,. $170 Increaae cf aet eei-aing. f r year ending April S>. '48.. ? IIJBVI JU Toe road of this Company is 138 miles long, m- menciig 30 miles west of Chicago, at its junction with the Galena Road, and extending to Goiesburg, where it contecte with the (Jn;n"y and Chicago Railroad for (Juincy, and with the IVona and Oquawfca Railroad for Uuriiigton and O.-nawka. The earuirgsof tba UfebJgBB C'en-ral Railroad for April were: is.'.s. I SI7. Panerfer».$f||.*7J 79 $!5l,2b9 .') tfreigM. Itlttf 8] ri9 ?<'i7. M.§' i llai.eouf. 5 aj| 77 7.Si>> 80 T.--«i.Öltl.aiO j7 2W 7j D< CISBSS.$"5.289 JU The rece:pte of 'he Stonir.gtou Railroad for tie four ¦.aWB* eBdiog Anil OB, lBft, were.WG*.W< 1.' fanit tirne la 185V. 57.J68 BI Dicr.aie.$1 ),!>'-¦ .'>/ During tiie same time, the decrease io expinser- a- been about $15,000. The North Pennsylvania Baibroad increased i:< April root lpt1 on r 1857 $5,902, ai d $47,899 up to the let of May over la>t jcar. We annex a comparative statement of the Exfjorta, t xclu-ive of specie, from New-York to foreign ports for tne week and since Jan. 1 : is«,ii. 1S37. ts.^s. T. tal frr tbe \V.*k.$1,408,496 $|.4e«,7|5 $7J ... Treriouaij Keporttd...3,|oi,.i6 21,?4->.:it2 2",>U 771 BinceJan.l.$2t,.M".74.' $25.iUI,3i7 $.1,*'2,I7<i The BbipBMBi of gtdd by the Arabia promise to be half a million by the R< th- -hiids and J. A J S uart \ Co. Tne latter ship $100,000 in Sovereigns. Tne bui-i-f hs of the Clearing-Hoosa t t-day was $17,328 000, Tha Metropolitan Certificates are reduced to $112,000. The Mt tropoiitan Fire Inenrance Company ha^ de- i la ed a 6 ¥ cent dividend, psjable 20 h intl Tne Mtchaticr F ie lnfuiar.ee Company of lircMklyii has dctlared a dividend of 7 4* cent, pay- able os denaad. Two aaotioa aajaa of dry goods, ia< claditg tailotirg gooils. were had t.'-day. T.iey were well attended, and the ptioaa obtained were (juite tq i\l to previoni sales. Tne annual meeting of t.ie Canton Cl Bipaaj wi he held at Ual'jmore, June 3, M-ss.s. W. A .1 O'Brioa, No. 28 Wall strtret, oiler for sale firstIDOtrtgBge boads a-f tiie Second Avenue Rai'ros.1 Conipany. Tne-e bones bear 7 C cent iotereat and Bra a ieii o! J 160,00$ on a road winch has cost a million of d. l!«rs. roe Company have nuii-eue.l *t.«--k enough pay them cf) ahea tbe proper titae anriTes to sail it. lie M wankte a'.1 MiaatSBippI Company, we hear, have d«apBSB< of about $200,00] of tlieir third m..r.- gs>;e u l* in settlement of liabilit'es. Mr. Coraiag, l'rosk BI I ol the New-York (Vntial Road, was in toira ti 'ny ofl 1 is way to Washington. Tne fol.oaing cir¬ cular has bcrtl leSUed Ml tegatd*.! the t cw ele.'tioo of Dmeti re af tf e I^t Uftwea Boadi ALSiav. M»y t. nsn. A,n«ally to the oiienUr aast t* yea By aa en lb* lsib April .....ii.. ».. W mi aa t" y> a t*io*v. prep.r d BosOldl « tl e an »i-ioi ait A't-t the Leaia a'l.r, ol Wi c >.i (.!».. Its to a a.Make el ihsaWettaiysw Btsäsal eVtsssasla, la n.a«- iaaya**ry *f tbs Asa, las Bay *f eisetins »a. s. ed t«. n- tne :«»t Mi ii.lay ii. Mai. lt-5t. »h.ii it »a.niid ba»e he. ti ta» a.t . .ii. a*a) n May Tbe A. I r. quo., the Pi xj to lv exe. ot-o IBaB twraty dejf Bel put* illna tBB alsetlua. Aa'n- alectioa Is le- Bi id or. ib> Jbtn Mo n.at the UaTM la al tt f r aim a ..« t. n. ¦ I». fiee ti e . ... i. ii and rr' iru tbrir Pn.ai . Kcai will ssaVe i.« ta> al«n tb PlVX] after IB* ''co st Mar, aiid laVB*etBtel] IBertflf.St »ead it to OVtlOaBl Wate u. N 4.n Br a an, Aihanr. As iBeitocteS by tb* aaertBBf ef ta* aleawBsieSara, k*M !. | .'. ci-» n. the Mth i.l are et-a\l| »..re f.-i Ib.- pre.e.it Ka-t rn I>i 11- ia, «eaateaae will carry »attbeil siaatraita and aiTraia** ¦ j'» t.r .. o pi. o «ta* RoaS La Croaaei sod wi »¦. s'eaeel to . * e rlaii ». lue io ar.l rro .1 . «. nuoiU r of 1:.. u J e, ia New-Tata aaa etaar passee who anil soraisUj aaJts ».u .. la . .'alt.itejtBeaa, N of ta* Wsatsta Mrseturs will br mtsd I. r 11 .. 111. * «¦.; 1 . ,1 >,, vo s cp 11 Sack pnai ei. .\ a'.- k a.. I full taiu .1.. k .1. , 1.. v :r a SB t... ;vtn .laT I Ma.T3 la--.. BOSSSlSSs t at the Pr. »» will alorui fottst BBS . nt'-r « >l 11.. ail let tb. n atoo.! in y ;.r Lan e, ai d p u WBil 1 } .j a;e ¦ 1. . , ± i, , .., V. ij re»f»-.-lfjllj J BViLU KM ii' W ILL! A at \VaTSX>.V. JUUN PPMBCRT i.l Apaawslad as ast aa Psaay aar Otsak . ¦seaM r. Urs, n»tia-rs. No. ..' O/afl *«..», <> tr QmJtmtwj, Laad Wairaots aod gjeest I * v «ea BJ foflOBTS: lBtw*BaÄr!2: '"".'." ?»..ms ...iwfarsasa,,! |,. A. f ' ' . « » f \ I aVa et- * |* FBI J.» a : New-JsTaesl .. % : .-ea^d A ,. ..i.»u. ...!,«., BaBtBW* Bsstte. .. iw. r. "'''. 11 Psaii Co-Mr, Baia. .. V? ' ,r',:".- . -.ttm$ Maryleod Caaii, ' " 1'....*;.». . l>te. lavilSBS, ky a Bt J i* * M . S a- 1 .1... a v « r % .'.. t* 1 A-. 1*mi fm itf N V Btst*. Aiacr'ec ,a- (>.-. S u r lUad Laar *.aa..T,. Paytag. OalBas.i 1 - _ - . at Ac.i.- 5 ill tat s r. fc,J,»l ra.,-. .v rjKfli teethe.! T'n'"' Onfb ISWhkdV., ... I*- 'Or. Bavtircrr*.^. L.1 On fc ' i.. '. t Bk .' r note* K#- RLTBtk . . H-*it>Jt. IV.'.aia...:..:«.'..'.* «: ..* " kpa»i«ri T> tiara. .1 fiö ul 1" ¦» V..- lit* Prase PWeea. 97 |o,d Am. Ha* .t»t 1 Owe.. I i n IkJJl I j" Oeio.ali (loan. I ofj ,Sp»:-..r. U -arV» . .j* I'ruai.au TL*.er.. M dr7, !f.fai 1811*11 * ."LD- - -.. B-.yir.* ' ' 8< t.raifT.a.44 U <M U (Spaa. .>. bmncaSH J "- Tan tj trän'».} H tj M Patriot O .-b.<x>ua 14 6 *- Ter. T-a.. ff,...« ? . tci *". t, «' f läe Oaflaet tteeae. ai 5* :B»-* ' iif.iiH >. I The total »tTioant if good* .n fc.*1 ¦ thiacity on tha lat May wa* $13,911,6ae*, Bf aiaet $^ Wat* t me leal jtar, ai.d f 1,881 813aa Tat withdrawal* in Apr J wer- «-» 899 194a . >. *'|i,215,'iW wartl.cuatrj. it' reton. fr m the Hark < f Kin ted for t'?e w-ik ntiiagtaa 28tb tf April privee tr.e "oilow eg reeu.-'s when c'.mpared with the previous week: Pi Wir D- paai'a.£¦ **. IM. Iore*«e.I» W Other It.[-oa t.. 1S6T7.c44.Decrease. 340,=? Heat.3,I7|,|7I.lacreaat.. «*>5 (iii tht "'1,. r a.'ie if *ne e00O3BBS «« »en n.et ? S», ri-.-a AM M !. 1-. -raaa*.Xli.t'28 Otter K> c r,t .a. I5.t">5.43".H-'-eae-. Not.a .t.»u.|...j»v? .... ll.s.'.tii.Inraaatl. 1*3.0*0 TLe annumcf aoteeia c.r mVion ia jC- .^I3.tri.%. beeg a r!<rreare r f JLMOt.i.'O. ami ÜM at M k ol bul¬ lion in both iipailniala li £18,674,730, ibwaiaf at increase of A!'-"'-when ocmptred w ?h toe prece- ij.i i ratora. The following iabie wJi iLow the ßui tdaiions m Carttola during tre week endojg M*y 1: -For Motet-,-far Aueuaal- Aj. Loweat ll.t-r.et:. (....::.* Lowest. tUabeat, doting. eat. M....an *i to .... 97 97» 97» Nuiff, 97; .... rr- *7; ri T tea 77....97? 971 97» .... «'J oil »7» tTeaVSi....af| 97, an .... m 9;, .»! Tliur.'.9....97i 91| 971 .... 97a «i7j 9"} Fti. to....97, 9lj 97; .... 9'i 97| %>\ Tu 7'.",. f Fri'lny aajar Coatrary tt generaiexpe itatioa, the Töark ofE< .. land «r*<-**in<d t .-oay fr in 1 wer rat tbe> r<**o of -lie- court to 2| pareaat. It ia Ptaantfatai, neverthel«-"*, that ibeir oa employed raaarva of n«»e» ia jtill atea«lily ir.cren.inp. Beaoetbair heai'am n ir, not mee'iog t.ie mai ktt rate U appaiaatly a d.par^ur-i from - .und pre- r'ittt. Poatibly, bowarar,tbapaadiagarraagoaiaata with regaid t . the jC-\<«^»,W|0 to be aeooer or Uter ¦appliaa to tha Ooreramaat, ia Bjoaaet'oa with tue fl-f-e! argf (t tha Ki'taeiju-r 1. -t. > '\ .. z dm on the Btb "f If ay, nay have bad aotoa bearitiL' upon the .e':on. Tbi eloaiag qaotatioaa of Iba Frvceh Three per Ceata tt ti < ParteBottraethiaaTeaiatj were69t. »De. for u or.ey. and tilri. .Vie. for tiie a-.'ooot, Hbowinir. ;n the former o'.t-e a deeime of j *' rent. It i.u- b tea >tn- aoaaeed from I'ari- to day tnat on the present ocj*- *ioa the ('n dit MobUier will par aodirioead." T'e followit g iataiaalitf atateoMfrtl hie b^en re- ceivtd froni a earefa] coirespondent, showing the re- su'te tf 151 Of the rU«per.-ioriH ( n.j'uÜLg five lir^e baaka) wbith occurred during tbe ccinmer.-ia! otMia, with a to'ii! of liab:i -ies to be atet of II,4*27,569, and oa which tbe defi. ieney now appear* to be about 19 per cent, (rat of 09 London inna 18 ant-ear to ha. e paid, or to be hlii ut to pny, la fall, whiis of the pro- vin i*l fou-es the number that have tltaiaod t til towolaaitai is only 9 out ol 69. KcacLT (i a fvMMaar or raa Sr*TrM»AT at Arranu tib- mifed bj I4(i iter.-a 'He tirma at d hva ba'-ka, woicb MS petdad pajn.ei.t auriLd tbaperiod of the -' inner ... '-a from the romroaneeiueLt of November, I8Ö7. :> th- end of Pi bruaiy, 1E:8. CaVAiaia. To seealdetWIoa -lalma.MB,*- qW To rapi-.al (paid at] of n\e oanaa. 4 1 11 I" Tn tlaMrtlii rIMmabli. ^. I ti To llalilititacocfidaredaood.X 10,41] M > Total.Ain,u;3C3 attl,4S7,Ma aatara, By available assets.i '1 «?T2 ttg By talat. e arr.ed down. 7,7M,tM Total.iit: ttrjaj To taJ*x..e i»t. ienry, £7.704,''«vi, m\f. 52 London firo.-. d»ti ierryon con- aideration laiu.a. a'7S0 79i On HaSnltle.. 1. >»7 .67 .1» Country firm». 3 107 ft I Bank». 3,7Ai Ti tal. ¦. iU339 70.1 LeM a :i(!' ». or in f..U 16 Lotdon nrroa.XI0 9I 1)5 9 Country do. |7|- L#tt**J IwMl.löl. 67,79t,M)j < »n nn averH^c it seems tna- ihe failorea were (at about JL'ii7o.(KH» each, an ., lapp Bg the credit.ir< ?i each firm, apart fr( in thoaa Which paid ia fall, to be thirty, tbe number i f boaaaa it wavetiieaood w >\x\ 1 be and theeveiBsro nltlaiafe loaaof eai h would be Xi.'.oio. Nearly one-tom, of tne. sospeeded botuea in London have paid in full, Bad Bboal oaa fOTeoth in the ptoviaoaa. Tic I.ohiL n Timtt makes the arnexed remark" ipropoa of the New-York I«egialatare mahinjf 8tocb aakt legal: " The far* meatioaed in tbe last adv.. i fr on Amer¬ ica, of the Lasgislatata < f thu S'.ne of Ifew-Yorh hav- rj: pat-etd a lull legaHzini; al! time liHrk".n I iB ftoehf, e ill eaaae attention to be directed to the dJaerodH ible ^tate r.f the law on tbe name subject n this -id.'. A lor^e pn p 11n n e f the operatioae in Stock Ei ba are eatertd fate fot " the aoeaaat." A capitalist, for iiotatce, tbiekirg well < r ill of the pitaspectl of the n.e.rV-11, may buy cr it 1! jfjl'N'.inHi CamKM, anaaaiag ta ooaclnde tha tfoUMttftioa on tie re\; fetthaaj-day. ttiese day a being appoint'* 1 by the CoaiBittta of tttO St< i k t.xi'har.'kte at iatervafal of ah hi a mon'h. He lia> thim tiae to niak a any p'at* he may deem d-« ri- ble in the interval, or, if be shoali change hi* vi-tw, be oaa eloet the barga.o It the enrreat price ot any *ub**qnent day. paying or receiving the diaTOfeWi o. Tue tyatetn i* thiat Bgoly tdvaatageoaa, aod e.i con. eeaieat I* it found thai a majority ol th< dealreya hy t e iioet eminent fltatfitl tet*ti i-nrnt*Dt» ;tre »hu* c tidutrtt t'. Hut It ia rev. rtheles* eot:rei> illegnl and any perron wfomnv bav* entered into a ethapaet to tike or dalirer attxka at a future date can repadiate hi* bsigain wi'h»'Ui be.ng liable toaay other eoati qaeace than that of being branded at a cheat by those to whom lo* c'tfiuit may beootna haowa. "In tie dayawhea iirnorau e prevai.sd on all the true ptiaciplea of busitota. and wlien aaaitaaaata agatt *t t ot oi rraeury, bat tlraootoTery other ¦etbo'l t y wbioh *l rewd ]ie-rnr* ooatrired to roaka the n ... Ol tbtir moreyorfOodt, wer? ..»n-iilere,l awaatial, ti.:* interpretation ol the law waa ne;d to p-e«ett a \eiy lice t.b-tacle to gauiblit'j. liu*. I ke a I <iici (ia> tnialprtvieioiir.it ol course wa« If failed ia ita oba jaet. and baa aeeer had aay ether effect than that ..f tinhlii g a few i f thoaa rogue* wh >, a attreately d a- tut bterrala, have aurk to tliat loveat festh in wbicii what are rai'td debta ef honoi sr- r-" o.iin' -.|, to dbsaTow aay eoetracl 11 at m»y n»v« resoled 11 K f«, and to leave ibeir br. ker lo b-ar the OOataa querce*. It will be reen, al*". tht: the teedeaoy of tt c s}»tem u ttet be to impair the fei Leg of retpeet for l»i;al ii!.*L'<*, »nd tnis, moreover, a nop.- . ,| w, »t »i*e ilea icg* are ai. in 11 uret- n n w *Jj mrraty e.ni wiio el mild, tbtrefore, lie ttiasala'ed byerery t ble meant to a tvue of tbe ino»t fcrapal u. rr'-^ei la¬ bility. 11 e j -a, ipavl t'*t raetioass it the St... k K\.-'i*-.ge trat.rnctiot*, te it retTaembtriad, abieb ire etr- *-d tiai'y ti r tie lead'ng cepttaliate, Baerebaa ¦ aad pahiic e-tat li-f m-i t* of the cooii'ry.are coidu t -.l oU id batter awttaathat w«aM be tbe eaai t they were aa* teted m i »in« ng out'aa*. H ipp: y. t* i' ti. ¦¦ n . teif'eu by to bti re*t,lt*. a* far a- tha afeiorn! cetti t- tioB < f g«*< «1 bitb eoDC*rne.i. |. )¦. ,1. ;t ha« kd I > tbe < t»ab. -Iilnet't I I 0 v- lun e-y r . *>.. ,r . unj t(. f Xerci.e at icrlU(*n--e ».* po »rrful h* aay t'i»- r oi 4 ariaa from tietvel * ringecr paaab mof thai Mrt*. Battbere| oaehtithe cjaatryoi *. aiag «.!... »n atfsaiak as atato of affaire ia b^c oa that a * u:t-r. a y . »v ilia.il is-a .1. It will be *.! t'.-r*»" bt bUoaj the stemple . i Xt w-Y irk, *-' that all e intr^e t< fat «e . untie*. <>! nba evtr k.nc. rtay be br> n< it hnooetatth ni iier the v.-^ular BCtM n e f tl e la e.-11 ti;« .aad." M'.Sattirbwait-'*C: < u'ar eaysi: Axenaa *t ^*k«: ' atsee ear aatetaea t^tke Mtate. ta»M t :a*La.n»B aay. sod there Bee base rathsf eaon .... l Urvaaa *'Tte ua.k-- i : Ax. a >. ..:.:... la Lo .: .. i.ai...» .a. y New Terk c nt;»: aei .- .-r <| die 1 , «...-» n:re. T«- aht.ea a*e kla SafkaM n .' 1 M ..i^.a >«.:!»! B 1 a »:e Irat a* fetaaet r* . il. . ". :M ¦/.,. bate bare de* h re re*her I¦eely, a: fr ai 7U to 7/. »:,t % fr, 'rat trartio'a in Krf ahar. a nate taket tr .1 I! ;t . ia Central B o da Lav- b.eti t.n.re mq .1 far, aaaatlil r i *? C> it C 1 .tn.- ti.« h j llHi oaa CeJ a. au.-ra hare b--n irt haatv. at 1 -e di..i a' t:a- f* ftaiiw rlriitrtf*!*.* 1 bata .. t »:.o a wi i.. v»«»M.»T ttaTtraiTiea. lOt. tvt a-.**» i.^.-'n I' e'L.tuba, l&St. ..11*4 at l*W|Ut W'aot la r.B la,<towaL,laai..kH a I'V Cai.a^a '%. ttilBei lit* ir 11 ar»r» at,1 ai 1ir» Marylai^i St r .u« tl I 11 *'««.. m. t:.r .. »_H <.' .' I aaitaaiep so*no aaa aaaaa*. B. rid', le-iVti*. "77.. W 4 r t C. H IP ¦«. .-e <¦' .' D in c k MfL 7a la. tf ar It «. jd .M* n J : u- :. '1 ( Lkti Vt 4 I ilL Cei tral 7«. "74.... C2 a* »1 :. Ccatra .»,"73 ... 4 111 Cer:'ral 7a,'Ki_ 7j *\ l. l-Cra >.v><_ ;i,r i^j,. 1 *. a N :¦. . -1. :s ., .,' MhrfCeat fa, .Of,... It t m aefch.Ci . tl... *i 4 s7 Ml Cei t ke. 8J... «7 # *a V k. Ca* :. «a«r. a... AS I ad M Bva'a 7«. .... «\. » ^4 N V. Co :. Is, tl.... I] a) ii ra Ithi cm... 4^ ff v IN V Out.Camvartf. . S f-i 1 % 1.75. 50 d lie r.- " 4.... >l r K n. .tarn. tt f* Ü*- N T. OaSJf. aharea... a. k 41 e. 7«. .. .1 *> IP.:.: *. . *7 ^ ej u It ad Ca... B*...lltMBBM iPesa. tan *ata ", .. M *> at At 1. xed is a (Oirp4lii»K'i of tbe ag^rtgitii of t ie 'nlac.lpLia oaik* Britfe *ha' of M weeL: Mi) 4 Mar ¦au». .a./.-i' ..*." ' . i>- * : m ._. TTflTtJ * 1MB ,. n an Bank*. 1,710,711 15le\eT7 ir^, ... i^'^e; ttarBaeki. ^dl' .triS 2734 «1 I--.. )t|«ie .,1». 15."».17 3 is if kW He ... i;i a aKtkjfiea. .,jj?.t:7 i'k ti .1 'tetj5 Tbe att.vemei.ts of '.he Philadelphia beaks m\mm Jen oery II, IKM*. have been aa follows: iu» Lou ¦. .**.*¦ Ju. u.ii.yuvt >-t I. If!" « «(¦".> Mtb. t.»..851 <«* 4 .HJ!« Ap ».....Xl.eV.7 153 »,«f».5»T >i«j J. .V.U Ul ».***» 7 2 ¦. ii.iti* ^ 4 7 n»*2s TL Co- ..ad 1 au.eja .». u : I iT* TJI itc m tsv».«ii : eti » - A ".al BjMaawa 11 «V> SO li ¦*> ISI ii.»»» va 114.2 <1S 15 W»7IJ 15« S«i i J ccrtaaii/ be pay- M 'suaii BaLke, r. la said, irg »pe. le by June 1. 7"»' 8t. llouu RrputhcAH of Thursday re nark« > . payments fal.xg due iu bark on the 4.h were n . t very »ati»far»or.ly. Thebttk* are di-ount- lag to tba extest of tbeir means am a r.-<a-11 l ¦ , i*y . f tteiat'r < :T- red to :.. r. Eiv unite on I :. .apply, and aa w*>*7 I Ith an« n- I - muci ia den.and at 'ne rates heretofore qu>t*d. Hark're ar- u ngatfbtal j P ent pretn. lot g A4 ..m Miaaoaji paper, oa bcth thi- Ka-t tni Boa . fjajuide btrnreeer, e aiiiifiiiil tiBi aa Haw-Ortaaaa uity b* boajgbtoa batter »ercr». Tiere is very litt I. I t.atk ai ta urrex y ia tba irark't, save Mi- I paper, ae: I backtaaa) "W j co n -1 n,wbl bUbliaeiasasal .apply.' CoaditiOB af t'.e Hanks of Maeaa.husett«, May 3, 1858, oorrpilcd from tba returns to the Secretary of State: Capital. f - N .t. bi.a -f es- Net ¦:: lattai. n .,: mi ataatae, Ac.»'li .' I>.p>ii!a. 2S..<2.T2.<peei-. il»7x»ij*5 I'r'.fSte ou Lead. 6 t9 ee">|K-e tatst«. IR-hSü kwkri.aiec,r.3,J5i| T ul.tiaLtu J>* Tte ratio of tarculaton to specie is $1 05. In reia*ior. to money mature, Ac, The BjiIo'i Pj*C ea)s: '.The g/wal appearan-e and tendency of th* mci y market ate um hanged. The hank spec.; con¬ tinues to inuresse slowly bat regulany. anl iirreii every probabiii'v tbat the holding anil epeed.iy ex- c*. q $10,01 o,ia o. it ij now nearly atavasttftew aad a/iu.r. For the miir. n', t'e supply of steer-YorB incrif. thetvgk *mp e, lasms t > nav* ^maaut'. diflata* leteti, but money is iprfe as ambulant as ever, won 4 OCclieiag Cemnn't. I. .rga Stttna were vainly offered st i- per c*tt keet wee*.. We uio.er.tani tba* Iba Weett n Bailwatd * !erp rat on refae*s to sell a iy asora of Its six p-r e-ct 0 >nds at par. It ba* BBoaej ia abunoai fe, and tbe Bhaac* is rl.at the ratxtaiatler of tba isfue »1 i DUMB! a pren.ium during the \n mer. In rje. i..l eases, -inecf the hanks luve offered :o letd beb w b y cent, and tbe aasabat of taa l»ititB tims tha-d n< to ti e I.^al rate, .¦» large ira frlaai r agetiatiOBS, is nnaU and da.ly groalag satallar, "'lie stock tr.a'k't has haaatiaVaTBnly fi-ui siaiae Oa/latt, w'*n BO very inark.-d ciar jee. The a .und railway t'. n'r* are evii.n ly gr 'Bi"^ iu tavor, ar,d their gtnera! ouree is upwtird, with ht'le BtUtaataOBfl Craai an oooaeieasal aaoaas of eappiy or dasaaatd, T.ik:rg tie u-ren' prie^ of Doaay, and tba Bbai tf its '.ein,' \ir<j etieap for ¦eaiba and naorths to "lie, all tae "A No, I railroad share* are yet low. sptak ng gaaaraQy, the conditio j of the ..,m- pa.'.ief- is DBexceptioaable, I. »«o a* tu finance aud bttsi* Beta, while th'-ir p c-p tcte are exceedingly g'Mhj. All of t-e DQIBaHlfuaa ua\t ta lowered tner ex;.-^. tiitures, tla* tbtir net . itru.L^- ire ab»ut the BBBM iniing tie first tisif cl lr-»7, in t io laoa of a lartfe redi.ct.oo of receip's. And this cat lag ih an cf expaases will largely lacraaaa the pr ti ¦ when baafaaaai does come, for it will ne a >ng ti.tie ere the e\jn-..dituree fully return t4 th -e ¦treat bafoto the panic. Kxpenditure* wii! uo" ri*e o fast as recerpta. Pteaaeialij sreakmg. th* oondi- tion m tbe Western, Woroeator, Main*, Prorideaoe, Fitchhurg, and O d Colony r^als coald r-carcily b- trovei'. 1 ' o We-tern nas its cuioensa sinktuc-fun 1 ht 1'. ha. k, and is refu.it g money f ir Its BBOOtM tri 'k Bt 6 P »Bt ob a lorg term of years. Th- Maiaa aud Piovedasca bar« tba r Jala divideads on hanla<id lent cn j.rin.e s-eunty. Tne Pitebbarg and Old C >l»ny ¦we Botbieg, ana have large surp!n*es, and tha L >w- II, with its coaaenratlars BUeaasteeaaat aadpowetfu ftiaadBj never stood ba t^r than at preaoat. Moreover, aUoftbeaa *-e cks a*e very eearea, ia reality. They can Oily be pit k. d up in email 1- t-\ lor tie m tat part, and a lew hundrtd shares of either uld not be oh taired wi'.b'Cit Vgeiy advancing <{u tati i s. Up >n the whole, therefore, It stein» probabls thstttiey will er .dually, but c"te;de:ably, for a long lime to com»-.'' » m Fas ii'jiairiyfua rAafsa, IIOV Taatarday, at I9o'ol ck, the ^el..^..,ary of t le Tr^a- arj opened 'he bids for taking $5,000,000 in Treasa-y N< BM it exenarge for gold, iu BOOOrdaaee with the not e isiBad f. 1 in the Department ot the lOtb ult. lie propoaala discloaaa a very larga otTaring. Tho ddii gl an Bate 0 tbe en mamas sum of I.'I.I H 00; 1 ( orb ( b ? 1,505,1 ihi waa < ffrred st ratea of internal eiow .', 4* oeat, $15,371,000 at tie rate of 5 f cent, ad $4,165,000 at ratrs exceedini; tbat pe'extage. Tbe low**! rate of miereet proposed for waa3'. a ery nnall au unt was p' ']» sad for at as high a rate as o cett Tl a fol'. wing is a li.-t of the bidden, tbe amount «f. fend, end the premium demanded: BsasVvs Aaj't 0-re<t Premhiin. ITahwd Btates Ttnat CesBaaay, W. Y.»270,006 5 rk Kau». Volk. Peaa. *^ rk Bank, Tork, Peaa. N <tk Bai k. Y,ik. P.nn. ».»». 41 Katm. !.- aad Mecbaxira' Baak, PM'e. »>i,iaw e at 11.. i.' ei ¦.- M. <¦. a loa' IIa.«, Pbttfl. SOü.OHO (.aw si. Allieti r A C* Phila. 1.0 1 .1 ' ih.n Lai a.i>. 1 o [aaa. M S a 1 ilmiibla llank. t em1 ester Ti. rana. kl.Ctoo 1 : i;« . LeneaaterC P.na. tSOM H.aC a Laalbr p. \Viul >tr.e-.. N. V. R.«U A Lstkt*B \\ a.l l*l«et. N. V. '». Tli. BBS J Abbott. e, i>»> tla ;e t Ka: .-. . 5k i«.' MaiskasaV Baak, B-«'ou. Ka,o»l fcterrksata' Baak Bssaea. vn.mu M.riiiaita liai.k. KoatoL. lOOiflBS I!, OB*. N. Y. .v b. i... an Iff. Y. Clarke, ll.ud* 1 Co N. Y. i aiki t- < 4 o N. V. ... DaiasOi N Y. tu:aw btui Bank, Bait. Eotaw Bavu »- Bar k Ka t. E tte* .Shi Baak, Ball. Sflaprsoy 8*viBS> Vans PbUa. 2*i»(»»> un,oi*i .».i oai pa. m-i I'a'.tt.l |S,OM H .*». ia,aaa sajoso .... .,. 2i>' uoa Bsa,aaa On Vi tan K. m la Bowes N V 1;. ten u n u., n. y i' ..¦ tt t! u.. N ^ CbaBBkal Bal k N. v.... < be laical BaLk. N Y.... BoatkwatkBeak. Pbfia. l.aiouo N-» Havta BaLk. i t. ia,aaa NV « llav i. e,i a Q. 10 na. Bew Havel Bs, n, < t. aa,aaj Cmo te At-.. Pr.i'a. 5t».iai> A. f j Puna. W.Oflo t rooiss a Co, tkfla. n>>.o"o Co » A C P: i.a. 50«nu I. Aakant fcloa. (#,'!. it A»t'.'»t % 8>rt. bajaa K Ai: rat A I . M,BOS li Aahui.t » Be*. fiO.BBS Ks ut: Babk, N. Tf. .r«iu Ha i a! BaLk. N. V. 1 e i»h> F il'oa Betib N v. laa.tas .. Ii Bai t N V I Ik K: a il. .- i. Ik Bank, B. .-..i,. f a Baak, Bosfa t. Set Beak. B etw. .tri Uai a. Baewtarkar, \ t.... I; K. Bo a a, |*Bi a.!i (; a... Mattkew M -.a J. S V v. V » N Mattkew Morssa k 0a N. V ( btial BtSl Bai a N Y. I :.:.- i.'al Bm k N V . I tin. i. a Bai k. N V. h.ik f Ccb o.- . B. Y .... Bai k sf lt.* Kew.hi-. N Y.... !i.t.k . f tl . R r N. V.... Bu k M tt.. K.| .?n N Y.... < "a.k Do*> k Ca ,B Y. |i«i.n 0«»rs» k Shin.; B - wu. N Y. aVea \\ t Be*u>r, Waskl atoa.2.'-*.taa» v*.. % R .r, I set \ r. IVaebi $t*m.. ... Rci-lI. ... A t> Uuhi.C'i iCs.H Y. ... IL s - fr.nrtt t tV N V. I aSB* It .'. ¦' . Lea« tab ta "i a> H tl at I Tri «fl Fa Cl Kanseia' P Riss* a c* K ... k l kiSfakC f ... A C 1. |(l A I Raxfi a c- Van VI T.C,,;.,. BwetBy Ri' 11 lasan BS.I v naa Bi jo.iieo 5 ..aaa .MM j.a.i* laj.eaa .. .' ii ii taa.sss Tl.'ClO ».IO..I hm ¦' i .".' ."»I 1 II «Hl ¦".. 'iti siat _ ra.'ai N V. j**,, tv . «fest N V.. v. liaia lor- it. ». w. y ¦. i a Cl .....il. K.r i. A C. ». u. 11. T- tttt ?. t N Y. r- P.i w. V I Beak i a .tt< r.. . It .».:..-.. Wsskixroi .... U -. '.-.i *.». ¦ » r tA/aekissS*f. . VVaa: tiIgl¦ :. asb : «io. k»ad k I> each... Br a N V Haava a C* N V . gl aaa . ".' an . Ju.tM . 21,a o . jal.o o . ¦» .¦». . .j ran, sea . .<ao.it . ti taa . I Laks ..... ).'.'. Mat . "«al»,al N V . N Y. an»«i N V . * ...... 'i -\ .. .. n |p .. in., as Trevi tr a Cajsar*. aasesii 1 -. v. t k >' .«rt'e . %a. .«a> Tt. t 4r a Co #av. 2... ,.» Dresel k Cm thi a. > ut Dei ..' k Cay Pli . *' i * o n., 1.1 a c«,, pu s. +-I aaa Dvea k Oa FhOs. 5' .a«. ;> r». a Co.. h. a. w*,*aa l<.Lk I* Itk aSBel i». P-'.a.i> .. Pa; k S ti. An.- riea Hlli. p. ...-*» »<at k N r.b Aaarrl a I'l IIa.. .. I i ...» V A U V V. j -. SSO V « r»e. » a kiaa* : N V. 15.-rat B H n*|t, P V. iw.eeo B. n rwkt, N V. |an, .»\ f. tV, C er» A Co Potlat.ipSi»_. 1<V». ft W Calk AC P a. »ll'Cilo Y U i alkl PetaaWSkyAis.... »«> t*. 1 93 C atk * i .. p. ., j «.. . 2". «0 1. XV i a a A i o.. PI IsVtiia a. 20.'«a> r w c «. Cm I aMjaVla. »aa. va .ate Bait. B et r. I" ».. .t. Rai t BaSBW. ISW «ki .a-~ Bank B*ekaB.... B*AaM '. 11. B I Ü l-btlad. ifh*. I 1 8 c ... I ¦: .'. .ha.*.>..> nt B Bo-'d *h.a.'elroja. p. ear) Kim A Co BaifOLor^. 30'» o I K*9 at i.a.::- r*. a>,<aw turn 0 hi ... <¦. , *a> !-Kit AC. b.-c. . » .., i ity Baak. Pa. ijiw. k Csaatry Baak, fa.. i4>«o ..it. rii .. .»J »ju 41 5 6 5 H 4i 5 4i 5 5i 5 N a 51 5 4f .a 4i J! 4f 5 ii <1 5 41 5 5 5 4f 4| el 5 a 51 Tbc '.- ::<.».< c a extract from llano cV Km f CucaUr: Fr«« o .1 adatra of th* .'4 in««, tbe S'.«ck m«'k>4 ha b»ea mtreanri) *jU Tie «au.» o.aeli.'f y .»» . m »»rt. Uf)m ¦ »ti f tr»d». Tt. aale ataoti« .. v*«»Jtet* tea .»- k 14 . ¦ » 1 ol f fre 0/ rr.». ny N t»« »: .».-. ra < ni n jj tu 3 tj» e»nt. ta» .tirr't'.r bt »ie. raun. t> >' "..'».. -«tv .t *.' 1 ". 11. L. u ( »a> an:»a ». 4; t . V > #> ?»st. Intratn:. nt Ito.ki ba»» g»i.rr»J y ..npr »rj. Mtnat bat« b»»l a Ittta m->r» !lt-I> they, .r at'-w .>»... p»- k . p»rt,.«!i»» uti'ie« tave hai-u u»il-rt».l »oj a m »t u ih> »aa e-.eai rr . t .»» t t Iii» «Vpr>a«>vu MataMtelh* red .««-I ipt« "0 nt.«a' "I Iba ..«,¦. TV, »». »rt>: ». f" ni abr aal w- Ii p-r .-..«, . ; v . . , pr*vi,a* quotatioea: 6 ..» !H « n-te »<J»ariee<) wi'b » .i»> t-r drmar. i for Mi«a vi rt TitL«»»»», »ugl .». .i rate, »'ii N r-o t «r......, ». . «Jra »1 .?'¦"1 0.'' a a r-af-f «rlo-o i-j at.ae>> .ri V.- gtsfabateadtei 1 i \ Mbas rl.I. Ttbmombj :) fat , 4 ». ,.t aV. i»a t««'i» .¦. . » "i ¦ N i'h < «e>li' t I f,Tu. higher: Hbf l»*S w<ta.'i. I ..»« at 101 N-» >r Ii.-, .tv.v . irj, all; L\u>d3*>»4. l»»5, l«2i «ie.jt.lt*. I itt t td L'ueatl B"B<fa.B irr.ea» m~lera'e »1 lim rat-». 1 a r ..' ir «¦ u'..«.... .i«»tl> H f> .-»nr ktf« k»-3 ««rr . <7» keil I f> »eti* »JtarK» 4Jao K aatfa *>. ».- t .. eo««**iO it. £1 Leu. Gy kT* tMui.'.ip.l) #> '-nt. Tb»r- -»»» ».»o r..i, .ar. t '».?» f. y I «- -1 . H i4a U tl, lut.-r- tr. iL. h.d d. sl 1 l'tilad. «** .*. 3 f 'ül. «1»«: tt - .*>- «arkrla. f«atriLLT lUroerao roaTtia M T Tmiacat. TiriD.v May II att A«lff s_TI » n trkr'!. wft*i< »«a»ar;»i aau:.- ..ir ot 1 (air- mI»» . I To bbl.. mt #6 1 tt both ain 1«. 1 1 il TuN q.i-t. u en. >. .»aadid ao* a*fre- pr ¦«,.»: . I 6i< kalra. ki« roaa et »ssirtc»Tt. t. t'placrJa flor U Mobl«. PI 0 «n«Tra. Ordlcar».K» BM l"! MJ^Üti.h», Wj II UI MäattuxiPeM.Ut »3» 1J. *** Piir.. . - ( et rf K-B;- h tt»tdr ; aah ao' 4 IMJ h»/» W.v.ib; 1», ect »l»<i.latioi od pri»at»t»rn.>:»U»r. 99 ro»r« J»va at :S.-. ar¬ ise taa» tm.** a M ». av. raar l-'Ji>-a lau tTi'PPFR-Tr» ai»rk»' 9t mV. *iti» ia lall tot tB*a ".t. Riwtlntl I tat! ..«..»;- fal » M V. r ü-ai-re at >! »i-d B. t- J>c .6 ru.a. Ir«..: ka il» ti»» at V4tM«., . 1. Ir t'.J !-L<»-bn.| 'l-ir ha»« kawa »...» ol 3,3«* BVa at i LoÜm\ AND MKAtr-Tb» BaVlhet f r \V.-.-»rc CataJ Fl ut . ... |. jBl» M ailata kt «aaler le ee r»»a». bo* Ohio 1 xtraa »i a»lad»b»ti»traaatk> »ajoatiatueat. ih- j i.ln. na*BM va.'vr aaawl aatoaBfcaj taa Ma ¦aerial Ike «r»tta»r Th» ... 1 .... 11 ;¦» »:t Bra aad ic avady rrq i»«t, tue nltiai« bbla a- #4tla>> 13fr P«,ii.tn..u to I -^i »:at-; tl "'11 ll 'iifirri'n do tbi «tili .raar«-a»: B4'*B4 Iii for H,tu t- ..,,,» »nd Mkola»! Hfl Ka o .t nf .-..oditi m at 1 ......... .. ._.1.. aa /tiai ¦.. f.» .. atf)4 33; 1»a bbl« .a-r» Ohio »' »4 I ¦ #4 50 f r thip- ii.it Caa.aaUaB Klo,, ia «aitaout o.a ti nai:r. .irarrriu» Ia . 11 ' 1 oJealj tb» a^pp y Mil «.:.¦. of IM bbla at «4 .i/J B ' 4i fol. a'.r» branda *ouib»>ri. IT-t .r iat-.- t .'tf»t»<i. aril n 1 " oiaudaar» k »rrand l imiiial and »»ry d lfi BatwaMei th» a«l.« ar» i.l'ii iea at #4 4'>i»#4 'i tm miri or to gad hiaida Ba'-iMr». tud *)4 *<*»>«i J-* f'i the batter a.«u-a. Rar plowla aaor» pt»atjan«ia »taadr. aal-a .>f 4 " j1)'.* »t M *B3 M>. Coro M»ai aeekeeaad. tb« luq iiiy ia fair the aal«« »... I" kbit Jriir j at l>3 l'iu A 1 »od «.ui'bt,'... Brauiy»u.e " BlJU^Orf C^ii ar» lall al t>i for Beak. »"d *J &H f ar hanl- aaaa*Oatajta M«.k»r.i»r- faiac a >a t-> r9.-.- aaiaa k Ura wooiü ta»» to y:«IJ a alt«bt »ti v«.i t, treai aad aefiael rat»a Pi. t Ja-al Barrlaa ar» n or» a. ti»» at »hgb'ljt w.r r»v-.. .»!..« of MB Mav HalUaB at 9t Bfl b.^u.1. SuuuktJ H.r.ugar» q et, and ptrksra x.01. wba' uotun.»'. rygaMtl_The oaVrio|a o4r Wheat an liberal, and th- .mr*..- 1 r»:. 1 r beiMtkecle** tr»r» l»ai keaattavai aupjr'tit; tkefh t'hat aadhaataj MeBpeatrd] f'o:u Bufala uiatil to- lorrj* tar.k impar'» oior» 1 oDtiJn ». <'bra-krd ia p«rt by th» Ii btighta; Iba taia« an. il.ueo barah. Caacag Bfwief,pMta Me. a»reoanaaoe, 4,aaokatfc Mdwa -k-efutat ß 3.'»».'h i'b. air Watte Canadian at t) I 03 1 buab [Heae white Knataetl ai ? Mal '»». heaiat. B.a tb-m at »1 .'/#l"4. il-'f «i U 1. '. da at « 144»*)I 15 4.3 . bum. Red I adta'ia at »Ts.. 4 *«. bnak U!.-.t-d... ata '5 37<ibu.h VVhite MieUgae at gin and*aabaak R»-t do a' B)iaa Ra» 1. br--. r »,,i \-, tmi-r*~ ¦aratl aal.S I""1 bnah at »57«?.'>-. Barl. ia edhaat in .1 rat |e 1 the aakta ai* ttt bnak |jo« Btale M Ua., ae« l,Ma) beaa. 4 tt ag'd on piieafa terui». Ua'.a a'e bterai nis* ef J>-ra»y at ki ti 4fi State at II a 411 *04 \\ eat. rn «' t>t- I aa i> 4'iiier, ar d Ia fair d«aaaa«fer the Itaat an* l J ar»,),.. the t ipp'y ia ¦ rtate 1 aale*ot .t'*" baah. m 7 t«7ä Bat oriiuary ta akaaea W b °.r Booth- ra. inctudii'* 4 '«*n bu.n. «aaotted a'. th» latter rat» 1 j ctv- for Yehot» d..., Ii eiedkag UBu b.i»ii. at tri» iatw pri aj; .n »;i l< u of .at b at WVTte. »od 7va7i.- f 11 aa* und. HIIlK* »re iL bi'-k tvmwmi mt 'De eta a- «. .'-a.lv rat»*; aale* of t.i ki OiiLiH-.i. 21 j tt a»rr««». a' LftB Patt* Cähafttj Vi th »t *t> .: »»' B ärtana Aytt«, «. Bf/t., »p 'i ¦aataai "5 '»"dry Kl (irai. e IT. %t °.4>' 7 in utb», 5 Ktl do at eq ual to iL, 6 it 01 tha, btef a di*t'uut "ff f.ii a-U. ben do, litt», «at *1 mir. h*. Bf al arie.tion. "and y Weatmi. 73 th »v-raa-., at I7J ¦.. I tu, oj. .in* '.»d hi'lea, anu M gr^»o «alted Rio (Iraude Oa*J 43 ¦ a,|^;'.'lllc e 101.n«h*. HAIR.ea»a..f e kOV|> Buano* Ayiea Hirt« w«'r rt» > 1 et: teru a we d'd tu t kMfB. HOPS »-. af*U q .let «. 0/7c for law«, t qua'i'y. iia 1 .Ihe feniaüii ia lair aoil the Mpfl» unelrret» holder» ar. tirm lilea . i 7<a' hal»« at 4.5e'n.-. t* iui tb lilMJkT Botkland q net, ktt*A aahaa f c .mmon at Mf and tPt 1. r I* 11 p Lt a HUR ia »tili ». *u» p,i. ,a a-e wi-h it alt. ra'i n. LATUB.Baieawere u.ade of three cargoea at f)l 'f> |> M. wir., b au lu-pn \eui-nt I.I Mil KB-Kalt, rt Bprae* aud Piue T.inber itlla at 012, »13 bv tb* rar«.'. M(.1,assk>.s*'.» w.-.e maili ..t 1»' kk la Moa ..v aJ «. He, MAVAL STuRI.S.Spiri'« Turpentlu» bu yaut ;ud-r tb- .1 l. a», iep0ft|B| «alr» iil Li». p- at 41 I tlegab .' th* DcJeaatj a r tkt e»athaf bad the a#. et 10 rawtrict trna* < Ii. I3n bb ». 11 ihr wtarf at 4Dj-., »«ab. Crude It a li'M-r in >r» anfawreatl arer ratee: aahM 01 511 ib a in t r»« different lit*. »t *>j fti I' .'Vi' tb CeeMaOe Boain Ii«* . itf-'ei a firther de llle. ia>. ..f l.i'Obb a. lo ar i»e h.viu* b au B*Je«eat l >w *>i 47j tin rn. fehtared ny »-«..i. ih» ..w ..id ¦attaan padra are la ¦atduarewaiaMt akth »aiea .ai *ataM*Na bbl« at d p .1 ium No X a. rf e.j >: tt t> lri. t+4 W W\ lt* ? 2 15 4? .f"B). lad IBB de, at 9*1 ¦* 11*4 Pal- tVbtta Ii la n..||ri a ppl». ai p'H ea ru!-Ii at-, b'i'th.- mnjrj fW ff** Bke Barel ia Ii" t-'il. In l'«r ta» '-ar^ ut aa!.« .,| »a. hbla. Wilm'Og- tai »t ti -4 la 1 Maria »er«. Tbe Mhtarl » .. mi Bautitl y reaMfftf p»r Arabia ert 1. t 010 tb» 11realer ot ae al aar p io. p». bre*er»i " t4pirita Pur- Ie*jtr«J0 detdlaa«to«B*, katfjrtvl « rdaand ateafc a**f n .-i-r*. r.tiaLttl*.* . »I». ted ,b »rr« ¦> r. 4 ''. MB»Bei Baut* fraele. *' 1 b*te*ekaeeaaleatueed te IPtBfSf* T-» .».».* r. die »d ».. 2, «>» t.ble, fat a r 1. b k kAer» »»:>¦ lall} »r» il»tuai.dli>< 5 '.. bu'. ae far tba*pale» ha*atwhe. paid *aa»pl '»r aaaaHaata feiereaiil b-- ir* a».;»ia at 49j.. for p.r.-i. ia "1- «ie>«.-ul t. a'ri» loen.winp i- c'Ii 11 ru. 14.* «r.ne freeffet pke BoaarhwB t< rtm bat areeaeaeat »apeel tm ii aatäl lea t> *m »ipph-« ttreta thi« .on fe' .re tl o ¦' 11 J ,i.-. S'iine .* . * bat-' te-. o ui« a* 4.'. for J»ae«a|.e»ry, eettrra epf«*a ahaiMketa » ¦ Mlf]beya*i a'thtaprii». 1 ..-ii trin.-. 11 iioi.»a i.-1..- t»d, a il«< ale with- ot*t aar aatra af paeBBtt t far the laat iwaa areeka Theadvai bright* rbacka iblpeuaatf fioaa Bjaf b.n «od ttata are u bay. »ra 1 1 rsportat u*er (3Mi Bi.ck, dJfBbMa R «iu.: Gnu Btee la in amail abreb. »1 d f r l..t* f.i in rar 1 b ir/rr* t>a*e S»»n i^l-. ..a :. pay Ol 15 IM fb Bell«eTaa. C«r« »¦« art a' a ..i inn. are \.-ry cull, and fr. 11. th» ad an. - 111 tlvAght* her- ia but little ditpoaiii. n 1 U :h» part of »j...rteri '. Ii ,> -1 p' «' « d.. Um Tm j. b aa« l* n.i^'iy eaato« I to Ike C edtae .tai »h;p- prl*. Pala Wbkt* ia unv 11 a^re freely, ball ni -titln um I aairei« and all ofastta quality la raalily takea a*. #i« t' 2BP M; wtlh heel iet> lata, howreeer, I w r pafagea vitl rote, Th» med0 nt irai'ea ur tu rtducrd iv i, bu' * n' n kt tu * d 1-- ii ai it M a ..nbr ,:., ine. Ta-: tbe de a;.d im *"y malBaal ka .a f. r h. n.e BBIiaBBipfbni.eXtDfVrTt .0 far h.»in< »h wo bit li ll* Map lith n to uBerota. The aloe* ia ab-.iit |e,nW hbl». aud .htpflBf qoa It!**, la.-*. bll«.,«re frr.ly offered at «225. wia- out attra. In 1 the Mtrata n of b .jer» " ftllaT liii»** 4 M tl Bhaftod r. que.t e»en at 'he |taaW4laO*l| aakp* it 3 lau .all. na fr. m r tat-ra' harnt* »'. MMV. Cl » IVbah ia iu u.. rate :i q B*M at .t»».:T rat-a, kOdaBof >i 16 .. ka tttw-lalfwi«. ata hrrtBK d.d aot ieara la Credo Boa ej t' tbii f fi.'tber ha» trarap tvd. lo i'ber k'u.ll tllei» bu' li'il* d> 1. ft aad ptrk . . »'e a.;, |,,uit riaer ti«' hange. In Tall .w |H| w t. aa. . ef «ff» 16 BaWora »1 Ite, bbiB. *w4 *>.¦ ru bwat» Plant kteatkrat tot atlietll ptime »t i-|. i».fl PBOVIBIOHB- Th» Porkarark-t i* *»» ar,d Irretolar, tbe .. c»i it ttiv. deaaa* d light and f.- arrit.la fdr. tt» »al-a ar» laakkla «t + 17 ? |MfM M-.a gl) i' !.. t la M .., e hart II - !'. M *. an 1 ? 4 I a « 4 'O laf Prio e. B-»f witl-i al v.rl.ti r- af n. n.»ot; I le iirmal. «r« f-ir: laleail T-*t khl» »' «S«*k 4n|o- Oiirtrj P'i u* *< 4) 11 «1. Se t..t tt.. >«.-. * .' «..Ii (ui Kept k».l w -11. M.n. a d *>. ti'ct-W 40 nr ex'ra <¦... p.,.. ktaafl i. it c *i»» at a\»tt t.i. Ba»< 11 rno.e «etiv- iwi >f |r>i 1,1» I., ra Bibbed Mi.'d..*«t f\c I5I r»« Sri r R b-aei tf. » and 1*.. r* Cir» So abed taoag R. n-l».a »g ISA«, *i Uva. wr'tii \mr e.t. for tie- tauf- .11 kaaaafba*. a 4 ft bit*. Caeioarla**! M a* to-. Rooit Be*eaareeaaefni 1 Mm ptoaty i aaie» a.r Itj bMt at'{» Ca'Me*'a.r> fell b t prtetf ar- wi'h oa) rhtn*». the ¦at»» BT* tha bMf *t« '..«. a'iHa7- Bt* dh..ul *er«. and fjeuf.. r Haag l.» it . bean 1 the aapjiy it liberal ao*l the da utd n . ia'e .a.. . f Hf 1/6'a ai d ... at inj f r fafkrtal, »] h>9| I fat threaao, aa« 11 # j tor Pair to Pmue and aeaab baa *: ; an« k*ga Bt i**r. H . t. 1 ia in *..«l ao-^p y ai.1 ia h> avy aaJ-a Ohio al lid Are, and State at ItWliai, Coeea» MaOgaMat* lOe Iraate ai C Ijc. BlfKI* 0 .». «.1-. ,.t M t.«. »1 e.ir..'|./«t Hi M i.Ah» «.» . .«Oy .a.r|..i nai kaWi t ut.a a' .. BfcKDawThi from' tut Ctooor to of a reiaal etawaaaer a t\9 T.rueiLy lead ia a ifabjal .'- f t>.t#; beeh. Bo .go klaa.e. d ia jutifl «. AI u di 5j tf buab. oi jt> » Ifh Ins.Cu'a a Oaaat are mi re a - ite a .J prVea «-e ti tn .tail ISobMa have üeeu U.ale a' IMlie , « K Hear .'.>¦ mm aaD ai o boevp TkTAI.Tha t '1 aato ihtaaaaealaa vao fai-ly * teodol u t- aitbatandiig tae 11. eu.ei -y id to wvetOer, vr ... i-atah.eie 11 1 a».: :l...«-|» ..1 id T-»« a'.d C"l.»l.i-r.u» tlia .) ia v ..f I .1» lh**M tl at aaM *L-weu « . MabMol BBggfaji N-a ly ( reel BWat* .'i>P f bu'. th- .! L(» w- nudeairable BI t * * a . .'. 1- '..-.. »11 » iiMraao. buj»:a ah >wiug ¦.., liap - tirion ti< patrbaai t a»tiy g.«»l« ,n'e»« at iotniu* BBMI b il boler aBkeeah ai at bo aHawa, Went aawilUi| ni «avitiee thtlr a Belly betae* the wkbagiBOal I "»Back« 11K.Bl kr i. ia l»tur. Babe*ad *»¦. '* a ¥*> a »S« B*i"-a aej 0 ..«.'.. . aaO. eh ai. g at tbe laltea rale P|«». a ale q »I. hot >a d- bobMa 1 we »>aw ojosa* ftta aa f)l 7s./ a " »«h and 6 T* LI Ot*'.lb» feaaaaal »trvly and the auppl* fair ai>*a BlB,t4>ea» rihaM at 1'r ra*h. lOBOCCtJ - a*J*8t bad ar »'ea.iy prtaBOi a*l»« of *J hbd*. Mateville «. ll»l>. |t'Jtal-a Hatani «r IJaJt,-., u .«... -.. j'r,: .- *(i ::-,-. j, ,-,i». K;.>ri.t« t'.aite. Wli'-KV- I i. u.«t».t t...- a^ppj.»«- aalea of bbl* at M>aW| j -. a M HaLKBONl attt* 1 ka reqajee* aad Ira at the kaaproTe- .1' ¦:» ranker aabaa af atee r OeaetaAt oa the text a «1 lit? IT.iaah. P --e>- Alhitny « agile larlirl. Wft A: a.av M«T PJ 11*4 Tha aaaait of traaeeaxtartri rer the N»w T^rk Qeittal Rai;. ad V the «.»» . nai 1 Mat 1''.-. wi tkott there haw er'iml r..10 tbe Waal 3 ..? Ball t. ., .. ;i g Coeai 1 4*3 Bhree, i Tl 11 fa; 11. e* a .: . |J..Ifc P. Ii T f . atttaferth tW. »»*k .tereeeleaeT a_:*a >B » Bu.k> k- at n a 1 Wimm*tm #»..-» jpr.rt 'b» p rat >d* ..k'a ane a.,|pry. Ka.'-il ..y»-. « .t ti ,n booa Coaai'y Jm%wmt take . 0 r -., 1 r Iwtlea BaTbdrod tf leak 0 po .n-t. ne» wn.bt Pieael »'¦.. bead ei. .., raat»..l PibaaO at* j.- iir-.. J ar d a «:». »1 < .: pm i_ ii 11 fee aetd at 9h3l*}* \* Ta. iv» mMM I .-it ... «*» i. H at r-.. «-t l .- tnla we-k ta» '; I i ty *> |*eao, bbmItebr*kriak. l^btMatefa ümttm\i 1 H*vt» .vtarketav. R'f*>rt,,i 'a T'^c' n. Moan r. May !"..Tli» ial-aof Ott,.a t.»day w.ie 1.0 Obeee. ' - eteag»« a»bT0| .eoetaja t tut bade* CaniBxtrroa m>< M..The aaloaodtSaerroai % lay w»-e 1 too al»a ».'l. Bte'BBfB tt rat»* *t« takiH, M»y |ii.-Our Cutto» u aiket .a itn banard wr.a llu Bed rrat.aa.-ti >t «. *l..iMa i.a.. M.a J ri -Th» ('of a '. at a.i :i t »r tt <' »win.ni i »a.'i, May II I'HIiT q tel. R»d 91««. 1«; *'k»l< ? i5<r«ijS (i |t lu. t«..' -a.ra of |0 h^ihel«. .in >h» »»Ii. a.a, reuiio»tl j»aoviM..»» diU. 3 ¦««».'.. »I lira mir** Fanten «j* fc*t>r StorbawrT Cl i*awi*M. - ii.»imi. to., 11. < p. w.. Fl 'i I ... kW drm«>4 *-'».aa. . it 931 ,*i 1 'x»ai ¦ Ui . v . > .... w ei .J"9 .. .. ;not .>, «. Tints «r 4*1 .»(.*p » ,, , . tba 4)«M he-h I III «4« Rt*.r «v (In. «,, Fanohti-V f,«t 9. N.« . .. 1. .-. i«r 4..i-.1 ..my,.' ii«.« «.!>«, Fl»";..* ' 14) in». f*«f jj| tu-h. YVUit, IM« b'jah t\n>, *''i'b.«b flm.»y 24, > b««i, at.. ? - , Krrrepl* af Prexlwre- M«T IL r.i. |«aV«a«1 /A* Baa mmm-~*/*t ktu. F .«.-.», 4«. W . IN 4 A b..l .''..< p«f. Pi-.wi, n. 4 In«,' M 4 L«r< XI do A-hea. 4 J Ba. tl tt»f, 1 ? .1 «¦. Po'««W *' i««t M«it I 246 so. Wa*ai. I 14* Hid... I SM nd.* Bar' .-2 iL I., t'k.r. 1». aWak BAte» / -..» .: bbki Fr«r. » »kt». Aak-« t'4> io. "Aui,k). 25 »<. h.h IV...,-, I i ?v en i igt. JleTewarwie mf Oiena iirnmrri. TO DEPART Baeame*. I"'» Bate. .N«» !*«**....le*. rpno!.May* i* ui.N.w » .,« m, .. *Jey Th BSVahie. N-w Y ,k A.«4 M. r* Heaimoi.ii.New y..,i ...H«mt-ur|. May R) Bo-.pe. B.w.» 1 ...(... M«. i4> m*t ' M>. V\. .! New I ,, i,..v Mat *> P."ie.Bewtet».. I .».*«. aa FuiWe. N.w j rk llaere M.t IB gu 1 j. N.w V ti Raa ;.«. 1 Nmi-x. Lev ¦ rmam 9 Aftit-e. New »..r*-Lieeroi. i.i. .* f Am.ni-.H.«u*..I "eipwl.1.. al An*.N.w \ k.. l.ieerpw.1.MB S T<i A K HIV I 4'ti BV'tmi-re.Liverpool.N. w York;.AarflfR | m.Heeee.N.w York. He, 4 l'n». «l<r. arrived Im iMeiiir /'f.M. /row / ¦«i«i>j- A IteaVta a Mr. Bea> . d ..<!). Mra Su.«»A «1.4 »1 Mr lvi.pt. «4y as* aatiabler MfiRjV. Mr md M.a 4*ewthr* J <6n liLoaaav es* I I'nr-t. «öl ..!. Mr I ... I e't II. A riefcaa, nee. Latham B h .». . I 1 11m ¦ 1 «|i-»eeem, C. WaeiUiw, T Br wo. Mr U.i'r.eti. t.~«#r H .hI aaK *«*», Mr. H. tiie.il. Ji.ln. I'jer two Uivn Dr.r. AVl. Pientie«««, .«.!» Mr Ov<dje«'. letly t. d . l. Mi B k»..*n Bio* Mew*. Mi Heirf*, Mr. R..fiu*.o. Mi.. <i teat ami ... ... hr*l it < i»r..« k-- ..t M r M I. » J K Sejirk, t W. 1 « u lUI'i '.¦ w >».. e ..H*. '...''.¦)** K. tiit. U 0 Btaael «. J My, M . R.44 et»I *. t.eot, B]r. ffi-b. Mr Kl-.b »ndl.ty, M*"-' Dia n aoerrn«ii V . rr: ,t 1.4.. t-,t.et .. d little* Iii«. J.-4iil. J H I^w4», t. ..- R. . < H Bill -T Jofcu J Krll. Mr. BlweAm gim*m t iwikem, Mi .¦».».. Mt Hi ... * ¦.>. Hpveamltr ft.met I i1aab«Oi >' '"¦ IW Bt.wa>t 11 In. ' T M "flamej .». x e.^,, Iaa*yaae*e»a )*mm ¦¦¦Bwfil *». ti i«*.i. i''»!,.«",, 1.. \\ W «vi. »eaf eaii .'«ejee F_ M_' u tgmm. ii .»./ */u- ...irt.i.. ¦' 1 '.«tveae j Uyi in. J B ib Mi , BT. H P- . .. tJmmrt PlwetVl all .' NBBeaO l w I . »»J I 0 * R.teru, t jrt K. I n. lit e»i>- >/e'7Jr#f f.'rite. from I *rt4>m~ U-.,'a- I Bei I».i\. B»- u.. f OeetaaM >. |«l . »t» M..t K QooAwitt, PnUrd. J.-t.L U.»ini»r BI bvly, Hew Toik. k . iti'4» ubum . faja Ott B ib.Rleei.... I «< Bete.. .* <" Mena.R'eee.. S f'm Nie« w«T«a .ten o»v 6*L,!y H.. k... iiM i*"» i4*4L. I:«am H-.I Oue.f ty MARINE JOURNAL. --e>- fORT Ot NRW YORK . Mi« BX -w4>-1. tlvarrei. iMBBiBkir" tr"* H "*'J c****" ne.ke f> well PoVtJaaai II B. < II me. Ii k l>. Lo.-jJt PKo, Ftet.^f ILltlB-ore, H B. Cromwe Ib <*... Bbipe- \ «uella. Bmiib Li».r(.. «A'lllieme B. Oti n OJevo |i..... BoetoB J. A'Alre A C li aei.t Buer. s«a kriI. Welle a Kro«ini»i, k i/ekm, R«L»tt. Ao^iei, a. a. Bat*.Mi..»!r« im. M«r»ir- « u .ii MillnilB« »J4U Brti^-S tke. I), writ t lA/llminrtne M.eh. w r.'»ut m Cm.j 0«H.to, BmBB. «tkbaw-BA. C 8 P»in..ii.eB. Ce/ Bi /eckeonville, l M*»bew BeAm«, LraeAer. <l»r ..t ».ft Krl^j Str»n|fr (Ri.). MV Beseem «VaSveanBa kv B J. w. Wbeelrf K>.' Oratbl tHleeeena I' 4 M «traj Beboooer»- Beraeai, Maaee Ci'? P.4m Jtnir. Rarterll Oaj u ht. HeftoB), BBavaaeBb n « Mun«? r >t.*a»t, w«t 1«. li f t H J W«. B" ?mjp.r-. Braiebaer. ( eiawajiav 11 J. DeWolf: Myrever, Btaet/n Pviimloftnn, MoOeaejy,Btal A4'., Whltt'er heeby Ti ..t a m«.t-r 4 Utiakan Cr..weu, Brittii B.W lewt.fcO f. Sheerer, ilbeerer, WilmlBabBl, R P Ba Ul . Barae-Laurel. Adame. Baltiirt.ir.. W Kall J. Arrieralt Br i. J i'ikii.t UleTfBll Maf i, niiiee. m4 pan t., E, bäaarR eteera.htp Auil'te, Wi«eihnll. BatAi oah 6> äVaBIB, "idee. m4 paee. tu S.n I. Mit. hi.l 4t B»n. Satordaj et 7. y m. B u kiel N. B. Itoui Tjtv-t. Bemrd «t»*e.»hV *.<¦*< . °- »Wkj | Ib] »¦ i n. I W ld ii. Ii r- I»« . « ' .if 1 ¦ < al. OBJ ¦t.aaaaBiBktetoofOaoniB *t . B*, wBA ateaiu.u./ Na^.Jle.at 12 tt... wi h ati«mahip Al«*>aina B'taualip Pl.4uiu«t, Puwa.l, BalUiii. rr "tO BBBBBj oiiae. to H. B. ( r. man i a Ca , M.t|tar.t ¥\*i a Wa. t laej Wi^at Apuin ii .1... eiü >*... t. F. F M>r#en. April W, tat UM, i. ii 41 aaaaed teiaJiiiaM Büem m W ktlk kW. ..MUaa t| I' t,aa..d bar» W <(<. hei.-, l-.'u.rt K M j I .at 19 M, km 4il .»4. paeaad ei..p W r adW.,BaB leJ iM.ha.it 4', liinait il tl ip Settuab, IruiM K. tfeui- tin... aaw tkip Wa Keii". U Ittd F.. V' j, V a. l.rr.'iTjiri. «VI.'-, r Ni >. Ir a- < da?.. Bait* to Wp.T. Fleet I m May I ¦ 4 Ii »\ tin d t heaei aale wBte .! HaUrn-a 'fii. B. f. Wi|h a i.. a%) .*tll fr. u .V M. X. aad L ... ..a»i. ii. S. k .'...il, ..- e ^aataede» ta* lie Wl. o.Heed .> irtj a ti.avy te-.. ' " ' '.. ".*» 4ee»«Bt* U , - .,, ¦ I «] ». a r .i i l«l ¦ hi Craw tat pan «4 lb. timpi a. lib, it .in fifbiimi watet t Abeeeom,m« taa matt bt aaa ta* a emabea aeba u Kikt.nM Nlcbeiej I taanperl N...kel*. Remedi « May I. taaat tt d n.< i.iatt tr> R. p. Bw V k Ob, Burk .1 aba V». A' eram |i f 0 * FWAWW f*r*eo«t V> out Mtaaj he., fi U'a ak. Cat v. r A whaae. Batiei ta eootfWBf ant. l.na J..-^t h l'.ik. kef N.w i .a Bug Lai kali if B.w. L I!.own. ?«.»oil.t Maceb SB. aad Pitt J.ft «i. T- r'jlai, iprl.M wbet* t'P.bi KJ-atet f- vi.1..i . tut. . '.If .-. Be le R f B,i.-« ti 8 B»Ky 1b< paatmaea jBe.k M.-Aituou, Hi.itouro H B. 1 aaye, piaai.i'oi'. 1 Beelata a 1km Buk Laurel Hi f Wiadaev), Maio,;««l. Mmim-.II'* A evtl It, we**, Ae '.. I. S tAhi't.y A C BltjB. Di -ie.it CklpejiM t-fi wa.i Ap-U II balaet BlJ. I J*». Apt, ... lat. 2.1 .Ii. t ¦:. .,«a- '. ,ta r a i«. RUU. f. ii laleeaa w *-r iia.ai a. ab**! ut kl»a*i .up(.i .1 .11 o, May t Ut maj B *4 rfi. tr.,a^ bar* Ma la M. I ... 4. r "4e»aa- ib, t ka F.. I), uu.o aad ba. np-ih am ¦! 1»., w.atiiei i*t'iiof tat f.t.l|e I I Joeeab Paik (ef Beeleal PaitvfBfdraai tatll Tt. aaaw?M Walak Cmvet 0 < oeae Maty t,lot, MB 74 a, .puke .hit B. p..n foi t. in B*w4Mwaaai l"i.. tf Ban ><a. «* tke t, pn.aei. ot « I .. ,! «/t aeBJ . i.k LBt j w.ra pUuted wbito, »:.'!«. tb* aattork>teed *B main-ail ai d t ,.eeeil Ri 1 j P. Eliten«! I I i.|-i 1 .a- t. TmoMde 4 tba At .'. ...k«i «Lti BMtaaaeeU 11 I' Bic kam h Co, May? ¦9 I afe Hi ir j taw balk Sa t lie f> ,.1 N T . biifa V.|»« M ^ 4 1. 1. .a* Naal -*-e- I'el a I f. r N.w feta. Bria Je*bh I t. aii.a P R 16 dart tufai ao4 «0 laeat * ti br. it bot a Oa e'br.8 B W.li,.Wri,.f MTB* liejBBB, MX »r-wr. aljeia* M n 2 . .».- .11 bb '..»«-* 1. n.tt'.r fek' Moktle, Hewwa, Bf . .. if | , Uytla k VaaBjat. I ka II- waid. Lawi.t.. N. » -i N < I" dt/«, aaeal atmet to D«vi. A Hoii.,.. B hi Rat. 1 Roe. V it nr 1 7 dtyt thtp -iinber t-, R f Buck a r.> Mr. M' ». . »tt. Nein», V«,-, Manie. iie-.r»et*wn U. I.,4 day. KeBf 4 bar' Ife M1t1.1v« (Br ), M..r..- Baia..« |0 day. fr.ll to E 'at T bf frareh Ki n a I B> 1- - Mir I. a- bt Rrtadm 04tabel, Waalwaal ¦ I >' I «*ye aawl ret* I M B . t». Il Beat Ilm r ieaava, A.Jn h, Baliuner* 3 day*. eoeJt' Va Bn.t t A b hi.: ibr DaavHla 4 ht-tt.r Ri Bflaaakl 1 daya niAee. to* II Pierat v, Mr. Kate iKri Ma nie 4. uar. Uetowe t. B. L, it Aeje, p> 'a'i »a » S hr. T?f t.-. Str. it. Ma-tiiaa 5 ley . 1 -j-tf r '¦> Orrrm W. .n bm t ¦em Au.tLi» Powt-n kVMama rtlaibiib fBi. 0 T. frf Sti.*. I t r lea Breem I k*f rl W «.< « . -.r«B4 Aanl tl BBfBI t '. ¦aster. Ma) 4 la' 14. Ism 7 >4I tpoB* kilt J, tit .-Law (i I Ma. bias), hoot.d ka Iwfbamill»Ta leftmiaa B io'inuLt, Lt/aet VaBBadat .-.t.. w*odk* Dilti. ¦Lr. Ida Maria, Mu. L.r Vir«n.i. 4 .leye. r ru to A. C Haw Lt. bf. TarktewB, Woflam. Ci4y P-iit in .lay* ^otttrn, Ac, t* J. Hewfeet a <>. I Bt. « ii . AHt-0 it mealed Oratit Al. itudiia i data, noai B. A. CluitU'd. B i r. eti. N.w.ob. Ot ,r,tb,w3, D. C. 10 i.ta. fl.ui. he, M .. Btd.li. Babe I.'and City. foDklluf. Al-aaaidrie I day, .-««! to C. A. C ii.' l.<t. B. t as, Momtt, B u - i .... ... ttora* Bt< . b, L. B.. A Cm I o maaar,Jr.,CBaaaWi Twtk U" diyt. w.^dts n laBM I bf M tsiaBaab v as, I m r.d ,o day*. Bveur to Oaar a 4 I .- Mary Adtlaad*, Ball V rgiais I '*j. «.tn aaJ .>**» ?* AV f. Hat.-.. 1 Pi In re V . < « n w<*d ma.it r. kt. Cbai a aWnVaVasfl Ar.y - ir,i, u 4 da), ex 1 t* matirr. * I F at. V » Mat.ar W 1-r. N * 7 i p «a«ev t* H 0/| HO. J 4. 4>. Bibr. j-. r fajtiaaeri <r. a D . 4 day*. aO '. u atttr. ir W M. R. ttlt... b .'--.. '. , .a I IsBS weai w> mat'er. *. bt Fjr.ar .i*r,f M , :.- . , ¦, AC. ¦sseas Bsar. J B B*yi t. \ iMttdaw* «,.41 mi«*. Beb. K li Pe<ker, Pwkei \ .. .ill.,, m . 1 .. iu«* »r. !<. rr J B-edmota C an s rr V . « ia 4 Safe, w., t fahr. L. V.I - a W-efn «ta-n \ ralLM da». entlBJ B-hr hut/. B m Qi iiwtlfi P. 4 ii day. o*«i te> BSbWa Brbj B.i.«>r Pirtrr,\irsi a'.a.^a pi*, Il n.a.v k. t». J I' I. .Ratd. Nicbttia. Vi,||..ta 4 day*, woo* to I Bebt. Paleeti, .«. fan Iwran. SkrB.Bdilal say a Seal ki .. l H w Dasey VtrsJ ii brb.araadBs - i I tt ii .. 4 ia a . Hfl ¦tbl Mai» J.l. T-t". u, V .-aitu a Safe, w ^d to mat'.t. S Lr. Tum. B- dior. B par. V'.ai.m 6 4a.. w » A Ba anaerer. ' . t* . . . , fry*. B. br. ll.tiUt a A\re> Oloo. t'er br «p..dw.U B>.«. Oil** atol. r. tr F P br at K «r Q , ... s.i r y laaWth h H-.. r - i ., i >-»r Rma*t tbe r**»efL Bmhe B t ilbaB BMr 4i» .... A let \ ir«>. a I r .a.. t>r» tti aWa*BBI BeLr B. B'Btwi.-4. D *if, arv. .r h.k laaa'r* Kit «.r.t-a Ba.krt P yi.e . ti, Maa. witi Bi.'plkoB,-. h ... B i r . d.i. s. B.4ae. U ma^-e Bell P.r,..i.nB Ml:t,,. V.f.. < .. .., «aast» f.r-r O r. t'.-i... Ca.k \i.|4r.l«4*we*. W.eaa. Bebt I ...tl.H.we..UlaWbsebCbj ¦ J inBaiete. Btto. OfSmia aUarstdal mH at' Ftkl *>a i.- i fard Bb ..¦ R . bf Be' o. '.t-» S..a. , \ irf i. <,,',,, Bebr. I ^ MiBet ( . . \ ,. . ...^ BttBM Otawsfw, Bmtu. Bfe.b at 4 New L-i^oo .***.* a n h i wr .. BsSal BSI Phr*ii.!k4i4«. Bade*. U) N Hn«l» Mm.tl iure 'A a. . f- . ruSee. m laaa* Omt*. tA IND.funitt, 0 E rata darias tbe day. The f. amthtB Prrel* arr M Qiarai.tm. at ti a m.. a»d a' kef <.. k at Jnety ttt> at IXj latins lera SetMieal M 'M Qua* iimt ".eJeojepc* 4rf a (ssy ad Meat. pv< laaxs ea * mct.

New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1858-05-12 [p 8]....Mi 5.rxto «4 y. C' 1 href RR. 6» 80 1,14X1 N. Y. ( eu'raJ BI«. "M tl 5.000 F.lie R lat M'g Itda.100 2,11" Hiie K Con UJ»

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Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1858-05-12 [p 8]....Mi 5.rxto «4 y. C' 1 href RR. 6» 80 1,14X1 N. Y. ( eu'raJ BI«. "M tl 5.000 F.lie R lat M'g Itda.100 2,11" Hiie K Con UJ»

w, .f.»rti . 0»d it** tri» > u u.j ImI n>i .1 «.I whoWaat*«* .>«. Amen."

tl« i» .> »bort, ».'out man, w.th gray *at iy l «¦ '

Uwe, tigb foreb<,ed, ».,,1 wa- fleen ibaw o and ¦j**'!?liffM . t. a (*' rent, V.a k fH* »n^iri :o. .


taso of »bttvgincf, and II i ibtl II] DM l"MB ' "

?Je**-Tb* aWti.ra'e mm w«v» »tili living; tru« altern > m,

«vrd ih re are . .me slight bupea th** o« Wl 1 ''"'.''v'Me wa* act jf. been identified. [Newark A .v

FimoRiAL Co-vr.aTio.e.-A C invent.. of *MKa-Mti fr.t-ri.it, of He« Jereavy » "fMf"'"' »l B'.jr^wk« M Tb .radar tne j-j. 10*. AJJf-»> l*f^.^J_ thl


auattee bay., g the mtitrt I» caerae " 1 1 " " K

t*v labcra. ,

Th« K.« |.rwT Thrillen Confrrer-e wi hold .:-Tbe N*w-.l*r«*y « nn Cfeui le Jeana

k.r. ^troru/A'-^.^:.---ja er .o<k» o.

l«.iiu»r Amthicai Ve.oei. Fired WTO nv *

"British Vnvi*in..Captain Howe« ot tha MROOaat

M >bJe, arrived left night from Mobile, reports on tbe

Xith nit., wben twenty-five miles aouth of Key Weit,mw avteaaubip to windward bearing down tot us.

Hove to, to »peak ber, and wben within rifle ihot dia-

aaaee ibe commenced tiring ritle* at us, tne bails from

which passed between the men on deal and lodged in

the bulwarks. Wethen hauled down the jibe, when

they tired two more shots. They lien lent a boat on

hoard of tbe Mob le and overhau'ed tbe vessel * pa¬

pers, and declared tiie,r .ntention to seize tbe vessel,ebe not having a foreign register on board, but after¬wards left withoal doing so. They pave no reason for

acting as they did, nor did they deny plain y seeing tbeAui'-r can ensign set cn oar ve*«el. Tne steamer was

tbe Blltiah war steamer S'yi.

ftlAKRIED.JARROrt-UNDHMANN -On «.i,4»j. May 9 by the R>v.tl»« J. Jsaei Mr. Vaaai a Jarboe to M;ta Mary PaOewiaanikl) ef Ilm 115

lot KWOOB» VOOSMAN-On Saturday. May t, by th» Rev.E L T»yt.,r, C»ltin B. Lcckwooi to Ali.»H. Wocdiria: th11 I.f - kiju

UOIEM-PROPST-On Hatirdev, Miy 8. by th- R-v. C M4v asaMIe, »t -I. r»i-.;» m "f 01« krieVt lather, B .b in, N. JMr L. K Uiitütu Miel Can -int f., eidtat daughter of Join.Ü. Pitbtt, tiq.

©Rt OTT.CLARK.In thi« ettT, on TL.mday, April 29 »t tae

K<. rtfa iv.lur Preat.ytetlari Ct. .'. h. bf tC« ReV Dr. r*ttwT,Cte« c Or.ott, Maatesas, 10 Hi-irn f jnaapaal rtaagaaei oi

A. Claik, taq ef tbi« city.

III KD.ARTHUR.At lawfseMeae* al bi. ( d n.d »«:>r«i pare:.-«.

tu Fatekeaue, I> n* Ialand, <m Sunday. May 0. aflei a .u* loahurrribs llkita* Jaoob K. Arthur, jr agrd 21 n.ju'.Lt a^d BId«jt.

A1SDEBSON. In U'iliiamtburah, on Bonday aeaelfai. May 9. < t

porunioi ia. Mary Rtlaa, yoni t> *: uh'-d of Jobu ar.d L^iia Analerai u. «|t,d 13 uioiith».

Bt RKOWS lu thla rlty. oti S .nlay, May 9, Ciiaat'ttii Mo.-.-i II,a »l.'.i r of Kaaa and Euaa Burrowa.

Ihe fiieida </f th»- faodiy a/e reapei tf-lly invi'ed to attend h*-rfnntral tbia iflenoea at i o'eVw k. trow ber late re«i>n<-Elf bty firet »nett, lire doora weat Sa Third aveL...-.

BEAUfLANU-tt hUdie.n, tiatft« Ceaatf, N. J., on Sunday,May 9, Van Bibalkwy. k lieaupland.

Bt'ENHAM- At Ne BB A'. a'. El-eenth atreef, on Monday. May ,

10 Mary Halen, yotiurett dautbter »t Ulbert L. ar.ii EluahatBBnichau., a|ted year, 0 roontha and !>. daya.

CONNER.At tea, ^^ Monroe atreet, ou MaadOj, May IS Ka'e.dau<bter«f Matthew aud Catherine Conner, a^eo 1 year, ISnioi.tba sod 14 day*.

CONRO Y -At Ha IBS Matt MSSUt,'«¦ Morday May in. ofron-auinptii'u, i'. leu, wile of Thoioaa Cunioy. a native of K le.oni-

bou, litlaiid.IDWAROS. At An:werp. Beltiuni, ou T.ieailay, April 6, Cap.Johu Edwarda, late of thip e/ederlck ().-bn«rd, a«ed till yeara.

Bulini.il> aad atiquai ulautee are r. -pe. tluJy leveled to ktteradhia funeral thla alternooo at 3 o'chxk, fmu hie late reiidence,No Al- urnet Brooklyn.

himiiod. At hia laeHaOB*, Brooklyn, Lora lalamt. on TuradayaVaaSBa May ll, Wilhrliuiua .Mynderae iiiuirod, a*ed 5<i year*.

BANLON.At No. 2t>0 Eaet Nineteenth Itieat, on M.mday, May10, There.a dan|btei ol Krhi and Mary liackiu. afed 6 uiontha.

JONES.At Brooklyn, on Turwday morninr. May 11, of con-

auu jtioL. Wi.iiani b. Jcnea, aaed fJtl years aud rj uontha,The t luerai will take place thia day (V\edn«aday), from hia late

reaidei ce No. '.0 Naaaau etreet, Brook'yu, at 1 aVeleeh p. ru.

MAC Y.On Turaday m miur, May 11, Er»o,-ii (}. Mai-y, in the65tb y»ar of hia aae.

Bia ri lativea arid frter.da and tl.' ae ef h a t .. iu-Iaw, Joaeph A.

Bek'd_.i-y.are reapaetfaUS iu>iwd t.j afeud the fui.eral a-rve e«

on Wedueadar at 5 o'r.c-< k p. m. ¦ , fr >n bia la e reaijen....Ni. Mt Weat Twenty fifth atrett. Hit remaine will he -.uk-r,ti CiKLWo.ii l Ibmeday.

Nar t -ktt, b'jftaio aud Ciucinca'i paper* p'< aae c py.McATRFE-ln Brooklyn, on Monday, May 10, John McAtree,

a*, j M yaara and 11 ¦nethaMi B INLY.A: No. SJS Kiiat avenue, on 8_aJay rJ|ht. tVUliamMi Bicly, in tbe 3eth y»ar of kM ifr.

PABUI-At Harlem, on Monday. May 10. Abby Ann, wife ofChri-'opner Pahor, a»;ed 43 ye*ra, I m'nith an I!» iny".

PALMER.In thM my, aa Monday, May lo. J«-,i, N. Paiiuer,late of S'.aiufora, Cono a(ed 40 y-ara and 9 maritna.

cu..n-id l'an.« air.. ', on Mi Lday. .May I». Clara AlphonaineJaixue l.ier. wife ol W».:er (tain, a*, d li j. ara and lo luontna.

Robertson-A- Re 100BeatTweat***veathatreet Ida). May 9, of erj«ipelaa. Mra Ann Bobeitl n. aaedMyetm3 mom. ai d 4 ¦..> >

SMITH.At the Haicpdi-n Ifmae, Sprin*field, Ma«»., on Tbday evening. M«i B t»en. Petei Saen Beaith, ..-.e ol p..pbia, Pent., aged hSyea.-a.

WMiriVO-Oa T.eaday, Mayll.Arva Be WTR aaofhtei ofW'j.. II. aid Mary L VVhi'.uig, aged 0 yeara, ....

dayr.U* r rrmalea wi 1 be taken to Hudaon fcr interment.TELI OiT-thi Monday tnoruing, M«j 10, iu the 4»tb jher age, Loui'a, wife of WtUasB fal

Tkt it .«..«. < «La f.-iebd« "t Lha faaally are reap* ttf illj bit ... '.

att< n to . e-a. fn.m n S3 Jay atreet, Brooklya, s. .VeOi.ea-eay at;en..^.t, in» |Stk in.:., ». 4 '. *

COMMERCIA I, MA TTERS.tan lea «I the Mloclt

l.oee i'i.rt. d sta'-a h I MM».BBS tiaa. totale Ii«, '90... ».}90O11 «10.BI

33,(00 Miaat.uri S.ete 6a..b3 f-'i19(4*' do.841so 000 03.1.30 aa]24«*J do.S4)RlSaOhe*BtatS*Oa, '6n....iei3.0t( ( uy la, 't>7.10U4,om Itr .1 klyu City fi« ... Mi5. rxto «4 y. C' 1 href RR. 6» 801,14X1 N. Y. ( eu'raJ BI«. "M tl5.000 F.lie R lat M'g Itda.1002,11" Hiie K Con UJ». 71 i\\ftore Hod Rir. R la: M'< 101I 10' Boat Kiv. R. id Ml*.1.000 d>. 9316,((* liar.. 111 I(R. la- Ml* .

2tM« llk.iem Kit. la. Mt* T3K.OOO U ( r.awe h Mow.

l.exdOrai't R.oida... 3115,010 tu. Cen. KK Bewala it.UN d>.^...bd IsSOBa kof Arorri a.U»iII hau» f CeaMBeeoe....tSBiIS Si aa a, Leath. r Baaah...l0A(BS C n u.oowealth Hauk 89100 Ni. ala Tiao.it C<. 3

3 Del. h Hud. Canal Co.. I0MSO io.e°.Cd. 1-*fcett Pei net lat m Canal ('¦ .ISEJ Pacili.- Mail S:-ain Co 7|SOMille- k S1iaa.RK .b30 3<UMB do. ..*

M ritv. CeL k Oka. a. R. Mtjsaoaaa

l.OOoOjio tta'eaa .»<....HU3 0t*i4)l..o Sute 6*. ISMS... 107,

tT.taij at.iaa.un t*t«t« ela_ sijI eao l.l. Or K. IL B ItS.'OO d..ar

la.OC. N. V C. ¦ n K . ho3iON. Y.Ontra! «.il.7a.|OJl

5.St<> Mieb C KB S 4- t tlat Mr.. Ba,r 9 f>j Bda 96J

kSeeo U C «V Mil. LaudOtaot Bt.nda. 31 j10 Bt. NteSotaa l ank. 9|M M-nhaii . Bi R. ,

.Vip^inc Mai] v. ,.

l'-'N V KU. .,*' d<>. nntew E'ie a. K. 3S<» do.,"V.Mb* «0.iÄ aa]

Kxrhiirage....MAY II.MB n< w Y.irk Cen. RR.tl'lMB do.atwM do.100 do.b»'rSa do.b.otoo do.hm BtM Railri«d.»CJ-~vi do.aikM do.MB d».MOMl do.aJO.Sal J. .,10vie Hud. Riv R R.307.S Harlem Railroad.Ml " itt-tdr. * Railroad ...aln«i do.booiaa d'.moloo do.aGO*«» d1.60f'Mic. 8.4.N. lul. R.biio


MS d....MB dj.»30M do.Mt do.a toaa do.\&nWM S a. N la pr.-t.hioSO III Central R. 11 ...MM40 do.iii Chi. k R Island it R aliai d>.bl>45 do.cVI do.uu do.



30 tiiis IHa Sil

«ali: ' . ri <va.

i 00 Ca !'. 11 1. S ale 7.1 «(. La C t Htw u ti.2 14«' . 4 V k la. 7..I fB Mea a at < « aa ....

:"«' Mi aa a II. 11

teas m a 11 .' v a*4.i<* \\ ,"rrt- »0 4'ny4 ia> ( Bi I II3.4»ec. <ivia I a»....9 SBS a Ce sa* a Mflw 7.2<»ai t . I 11:. UK3'an I" Central R kt 7.

e»«i atlaklk M I H 'a*3B"C ^. I'll <io La

a.aapM II .dam River R. R.

it**) d<.."0 do.hi' asih*> do.bin 3o|IBS Readiug R R. 471

dj.«10 471Md>. t^" 47i

M k-B ata. lad. B I SJn*» do.»3t» mM do .»is¦ H. tt M IK K pi StW Panama R. R.ISSO d>.h!\ |0*J(Vida) t t hi,eg' B- Bait *<i'."Chick K la. R K. 78*IM d..7*iM do..»", 78'" d> .'.pg 7*.MC B. AQ iury R. R 7 ,

All tlO\.I ¦ f. k Brta r r ...

M m v. Md Herlees tut» ft Ha ... K. a ...

5» PUuia li. .a.1" An.er Ci liue Bajk.:I" P« a B« a ..... . "Ia^'C rum .i,«n^ Hauk!.'M Aftiaaee' H.,«.B *Y«U*. fa-a k8 IJ .i-e.1 «¦... . K,-..M.

. .' ¦!. f »,. . a. C^('.4a-i Ma at. loa i; ',"

J" h e. « ff ire |e«. f,

I"Trei.tv-. -¦ e \v, ia.

Ti BSI «r. May ll.y. y.Swoeh InaaaetSeaa w. re apaa a haaaSaal aaasa te-tltr,

au 1 ir> ra>rwi4,ny wi h tae weather, wh.eb unjoabtej ybee a deprweetng mijanc. Nearly ah of toe lead f."Awea arwe baasy at the Piret Battled, at adaartirii j«l i' ent Toe bear* put ntC caoat^a - oa

aWatara' epfkaae asort fraotf aad aaeeaadasj iaetteawjfla-tu ehe.rt 11. and at toe *»iu- t.me in drt*. if tf.

eaaS »f<(k M a ah| re.t. Q. H bfjusj w»-« t:.e

in*« actite BMOBg tie a^ainiMUo *!i»..*. tV BBS>

ehaee* lo doubt m efy .0 *-.ort w. N-w Y. rhC'tn'rmi tell off t j aasl wa* baaMiea. Ehe tree mtAaat.'t*.. aci ptweaad bm fre.|r .)..i*,,«,Ha*epfO tbas far r. U*y are a'-oj tbe *a ne a-ia>t

jettr. Micoidan ei'u-u-ru was baaSBkared ttowa oa

swliesa' opfiona until the raajalap roeh taaohed 85j at

Mbiea poiut :i waesiigu ly ti-m«r. Uo'ieoa Bivet was

etVedy at I a»w#5PJ, w tl owl pi?-., B ,.r a rit/.Jtt.tJ l'ltld de.itevl i f" tu.: M nivdtrh'.r *ait*. At

tte Ke-ord Ba$j4 fki majkei end "poo Okd whole a

firm, r si,*, t, end fcrE-ie, II Jsoq R ver. M eh.gangoalbarn nr.*! Panama *H a frn»* bigber, T* *

etoie ii»1, feeing r»pored Ut BOBaWelBsl fv: »4w . *

pr«m'neet fee'aie o! tbe merket. Ice MflMli o

lief de rojtiiiues ? : u'y with M improv ng tendencyia yriere. Tl* aggregate aale* to-day wet*: $-«33,600,of wr. I- $123,008 wa> n M -eouri »".4, from - I

It i* leldom tbr a days business at mm B'*0 k Ei>I at |i BfOHBtS ptit'a to dereid of otere«*. the move-

Bsateare iargu-.d and ama 1 ia aitbef direetiJI, al-I ¦ bears for tea moment seemed to have the

¦».»<-. share of cotrsg*. In fart, toe bml side ha* bagt<. b,e cippoit a*, all, tXOOpt tba*. turn abed by the dha.po» nor ol owteta ui r*. eh to boil on to their ri7e«'.

Baseta t*wa*d<Fwf)y far a Iigbar m ai k e t. Inder alltve. lreumrtanoat.tbe ttate of ti.e money market.thefacilitiea efiered f >r ape-ulat.ve movement« on a large> a>, and the natural BetpoeftioO to operate for a riee,when tbe -upply af money i- free.th* »Inggiainee- ;s

something ol a tiddle. T ere woe no change of ie>

portaaca after t be adj .moment of tbe Hoard, althoughmost of the quctati ma were firmer. The closing bidewere for New-York Cen'rai. Wi; Reading. 47J; Erie,'.¦IJ; Hudfon River, 30J Michigan Southern, 25j;Kork leland. 78C Combe-rand. I6|; Galena B9|1Panama, 1004; Mies n.-i 6a, 81; Tj.edo, 43LThe anvomt of tranea-.iions in Exchange for the

Arabia ha* beer, to fair eitei t, although but few bll>bave been kId at the ext>me rates a-ked.l'f.'j all'1

for Sterl r g. Tbe bulk of *Le business has been a*

I09| n 1' *' Oaai, b'ran-e are 5.150)5,12), ar.d firm.Freights ire firm» r. T Liverpool, 2,000 bhls. Ph nt*

at 2a. 6d, 30,000 baab. Qiaia a: *pl. in bulk, and Mmbags 30,000 bush, fuf the i&'.ter pa", of f«' we*ka' 8|d, l''.<*< 0 bnal. 15 da)- heuce at Bd 900 ba^e( of.or. at 3*16*1.; 50 bxe, Bavaoa af 27a. 6M. To L "ti¬

de n, 3,000 bblf. Rosia »t,d Turpentine at 3b. 61. *> ^lb. To Glasgow, 17o tea. Bee', löcks. Od and 125baa. Baeoa on priva»» tamai 6,008 bush Granat

fid.; 700 kbit. Fi nra- 2s, ><l. Wa aotJea the follow

eg obaiters: A or,g fron Alaebiaa to Ctsafueajoeandhack to N'ew-Voik a' 12c. f -r Sugar Bad $2 50 forMolaffet. A biik from Wiltnieg on to Martiaiqrja at

||0 for l.'jmber uHer deck, and on deck A brgof 340 tum oat t. Havana for (1,350, A bug of 222tuns out to 8t, Kitt« for §700, p"rt charges paid, andback from Turks bland with Salt at Be. A brig and a

fcho'-ntr to Hallowe'.l and Ilangor wi'h Fl >ur a. 15c,and Com a' 3c. A n-booner of I 100 bbla. I ^t. I><-

Bingo and ha^k at |l 4» bbl. To Ctliforc a, 900 turn

j»er J. Godfrey at'S. |a for Light, and 30c. for HeavyGoods.The business of the Sub-Treasury wae: Receipts,

li'öti.!';!' .V.'; 145,000 from Customs. Payment*.|£0,b02 37, Haiance, $3,097,335 62, No deposita on

account of the new jsue o1" Treasury NoteH wa. mad.

to-day. as tbe oflic;al not.jesof the acccptam e of tiehide had rot been received by the euce«eful bidders.

K. Draper e daily auction sale of bouds and stockswill take place to-morrow 'Wedneeday at o'clock,at the klerchante' Exchange.Albeit II. Nicolay s regular daily auction sale of

stocks and bonds will take place to-morrow (Wednes¬day), at 12 o'clock, at the M*rchexta' Exchange.The business of Apr of the tisiva' year onding 11 Ith

April, on tbe Chicago, Burlington and tJaincy Kailroadhae been as follows:

BABBUtSI ma SMIL.Freiaht. Fae>eLger>. Mail. A Min. Tota1.

1857.a-.n,8t'i Vi atj.n*^ »1.182 87 ail5,R3J 6253. 30,447 21 Ji.tV. y7 1.596 83 Itf.läf» < I

Dekreue.B:o,41o i9 $11,09811 $186 04 09)Karainaa for fiscal y«sr er.diu» April JO, 1857.at!.640. =>^w |taraLi-t ft.r BBtal yeat tudijjg April J", i85o. |jJB|,I l> BS

Decree.e I f eerainr. BJ11« BH SBOpiratiur >i|»Lte* lor jeer eudiuf April 3». 1857.. $155,315 67Opera:.i « BfesssS f.r jea.- ending April 1&58.. (04,71. .

P- reaee of cperatii.a eijonaea.,. $170Increaae cf aet eei-aing. f r year ending April S>. '48.. ? IIJBVI JU

Toe road of this Company is 138 miles long, m-

menciig 30 miles west of Chicago, at its junction withthe Galena Road, and extending to Goiesburg, whereit contecte with the (Jn;n"y and Chicago Railroad for

(Juincy, and with the IVona and Oquawfca Railroadfor Uuriiigton and O.-nawka.The earuirgsof tba UfebJgBB C'en-ral Railroad for

April were:is.'.s. I SI7.

Panerfer».$f||.*7J 79 $!5l,2b9 .')tfreigM. Itlttf 8] ri9 ?<'i7.M.§' i llai.eouf. 5 aj| 77 7.Si>> 80

T.--«i.Öltl.aiO j7 2W 7jD<CISBSS.$"5.289 JU

The rece:pte of 'he Stonir.gtou Railroad for tie four¦.aWB*eBdiog Anil OB, lBft, were.WG*.W< 1.'fanit tirne la 185V. 57.J68 BI

Dicr.aie.$1 ),!>'-¦ .'>/

During tiie same time, the decrease io expinser- a-

been about $15,000.The North Pennsylvania Baibroad increased i:< April

root lpt1 on r 1857 $5,902, ai d $47,899 up to the let of

May over la>t jcar.We annex a comparative statement of the Exfjorta,

t xclu-ive of specie, from New-York to foreign ports fortne week and since Jan. 1 :

is«,ii. 1S37. ts.^s.T. tal frr tbe \V.*k.$1,408,496 $|.4e«,7|5 $7J ...

Treriouaij Keporttd...3,|oi,.i6 21,?4->.:it2 2",>U 771

BinceJan.l.$2t,.M".74.' $25.iUI,3i7 $.1,*'2,I7<iThe BbipBMBi of gtdd by the Arabia promise to be

half a million by the R< th- -hiids and J. A J S uart \

Co. Tne latter ship $100,000 in Sovereigns. Tnebui-i-f hs of the Clearing-Hoosa t t-day was $17,328 000,Tha Metropolitan Certificates are reduced to $112,000.The Mt tropoiitan Fire Inenrance Company ha^ de-i la ed a 6 ¥ cent dividend, psjable 20 hintl Tne Mtchaticr F ie lnfuiar.ee Company of

lircMklyii has dctlared a dividend of 7 4* cent, pay-able os denaad. Two aaotioa aajaa of dry goods, ia<claditg tailotirg gooils. were had t.'-day. T.iey were

well attended, and the ptioaa obtained were (juite tq i\lto previoni sales. Tne annual meeting of t.ie CantonCl Bipaaj wi he held at Ual'jmore, June 3, M-ss.s.W. A .1 O'Brioa, No. 28 Wall strtret, oiler for sale

firstIDOtrtgBge boads a-f tiie Second Avenue Rai'ros.1Conipany. Tne-e bones bear 7 C cent iotereat andBra a ieii o! J 160,00$ on a road winch has cost a millionof d. l!«rs. roe Company have nuii-eue.l *t.«--k enough

pay them cf) ahea tbe proper titae anriTes to sail it.lie M wankte a'.1 MiaatSBippI Company, we hear,have d«apBSB< of about $200,00] of tlieir third m..r.-

gs>;e h« u l* in settlement of liabilit'es. Mr. Coraiag,l'rosk BI I ol the New-York (Vntial Road, was in toirati 'ny ofl 1 is way to Washington. Tne fol.oaing cir¬cular has bcrtl leSUed Ml tegatd*.! the t cw ele.'tioo ofDmeti re af tf e I^t Uftwea Boadi

ALSiav. M»y t. nsn.A,n«ally to the oiienUr aast t* yea By aa en lb* lsib April

.....ii.. ».. W mi aa t" y> a t*io*v. prep.r d BosOldl «

tl e an »i-ioi ait A't-t the Leaia a'l.r, ol Wi c >.i (.!»..Its to a a.Make el ihsaWettaiysw Btsäsal eVtsssasla, la n.a«-

iaaya**ry *f tbs Asa, las Bay *f eisetins »a. s. ed t«. n- tne:«»t Mi ii.lay ii. Mai. lt-5t. »h.ii it »a.niid ba»e he. ti ta» a.t"¦

. .ii. a*a) n May Tbe A. I r. quo., the Pi xj to lv exe. ot-o

IBaB twraty dejf Bel put* illna tBB alsetlua. Aa'n- alectioaIs le- Bi id or. ib> Jbtn Mo n.at the UaTM la al tt f r aim a..« i» t. n. ¦ I». fiee ti e . ... i. ii and rr' iru tbrir Pn.ai .

Kcai will ssaVe i.« ta> al«n tb PlVX] after IB* ''co st Mar, aiidlaVB*etBtel] IBertflf.St »ead it to OVtlOaBl Wate u. N 4.nBr a an, Aihanr.As iBeitocteS by tb* aaertBBf ef ta* aleawBsieSara, k*M !. | .'.

ci-» n. the Mth i.l are et-a\l| »..re f.-i Ib.- pre.e.it Ka-t rn I>i11- ia, «eaateaae will carry »attbeil siaatraita and aiTraia** ¦ j'»

t.r .. o pi. o «ta* RoaS La Croaaei sod wi »¦. s'eaeel to. * e rlaii ». lue io ar.l rro .1 . «. nuoiU r of 1:.. u J e, ia

New-Tata aaa etaar passee who anil soraisUj aaJts ».u .. la. .'alt.itejtBeaa, N of ta* Wsatsta Mrseturs will br mtsdI. r 11 ..

111. * «¦.; 1 . ,1 >,, vo s cp 11 Sack pnai ei. .\ a'.- k a.. I fulltaiu .1.. k a» .1. , 1.. v :r a SB t... ;vtn .laT I Ma.T3 la--..

BOSSSlSSs u« t at the Pr. »» will alorui fottst BBS . nt'-r« >l 11.. ail let tb. n atoo.! in y ;.r Lan e, ai d p u WBil 1 } .j

a;e ¦ 1. . , ± i, , .., V. ij re»f»-.-lfjlljJBViLU KM ii'W ILL!A at \VaTSX>.V.JUUN PPMBCRT i.l

Apaawslad as ast aa Psaay aar Otsak .

¦seaM r. Urs, n»tia-rs. No. ..' O/afl*«..», <> tr QmJtmtwj, Laad Wairaots aod gjeestI * v «ea BJ foflOBTS:lBtw*BaÄr!2: '"".'." ?»..ms ...iwfarsasa,,! |,.

A. f ' ' . « » f\ I aVa et-

* |* FBI J.» a :

New-JsTaesl .. % : .-ea^d A ,. ..i.»u. ...!,«.,

BaBtBW* Bsstte. .. iw. r. "'''. 11

Psaii Co-Mr, Baia. .. V? ' ,r',:".- . -.ttm$Maryleod Caaii,

' " 1'....*;.». .l>te. lavilSBS, ky a Bt J i* * M .

S a- 1 .1... a v « r % .'.. t* 1A-. 1*mi fm itf N V Btst*.Aiacr'ec ,a- (>.-. S u r lUad

Laar *.aa..T,.Paytag. OalBas.i 1 -

_ - .

at Ac.i.- 5 ill tat s r. fc,J,»l

ra.,-. .v rjKfliteethe.! T'n'"'

Onfb ISWhkdV., ... I*- 'Or. Bavtircrr*.^. L.1On fc ' i.. '. t Bk .' r note* K#-

RLTBtk . .

H-*it>Jt. IV.'.aia...:..:«.'..'.* «:..* "

kpa»i«ri T> tiara. .1 fiö ul 1" ¦» V..-lit* Prase PWeea. 97 |o,d Am. Ha*.t»t 1 Owe.. I i n IkJJl I j"Oeio.ali (loan. I ofj ,Sp»:-..r. U -arV». .j*I'ruai.au TL*.er.. M dr7, !f.fai 1811*11*

."LD- - -..

B-.yir.*' '

8< t.raifT.a.44 U <M U (Spaa. .>. bmncaSH J "-

Tan tj trän'».} H tj M Patriot O .-b.<x>ua 14 6 *-

Ter. T-a.. ff,...« ? . tci *". t, «' fläe Oaflaet tteeae. ai 5* :B»-* ' iif.iiH >. I

The total »tTioant if good* .n fc.*1 ¦ thiacity on

tha lat May wa* $13,911,6ae*, Bfaiaet $^ Wat*t me leal jtar, ai.d f 1,881 813aa Tatwithdrawal* in AprJ wer- «-» 899 194a . >. *'|i,215,'iWwartl.cuatrj.

it' reton. fr m the Hark < f Kin ted for t'?e w-ik

ntiiagtaa 28tb tf April privee tr.e "oilow eg reeu.-'s

when c'.mpared with the previous week:Pi Wir D- paai'a.£¦ **. IM. Iore*«e.I»WOther It.[-oa t.. 1S6T7.c44.Decrease. 340,=?

Heat.3,I7|,|7I.lacreaat..«*>5(iii tht "'1,. r a.'ie if *ne e00O3BBS

«« »en n.et ? S», ri-.-a AM M !. 1-. -raaa*.Xli.t'28Otter K> c r,t .a. I5.t">5.43".H-'-eae-.Not.a .t.»u.|...j»v? .... ll.s.'.tii.Inraaatl. 1*3.0*0TLe annumcf aoteeia c.r mVion ia jC- .^I3.tri.%.

beeg a r!<rreare r f JLMOt.i.'O. ami ÜM at M k ol bul¬lion in both iipailniala li £18,674,730, ibwaiaf at

increase of A!'-"'-when ocmptred w ?h toe prece-ij.i i ratora.The following iabie wJi iLow the ßui tdaiions m

Carttola during tre week endojg M*y 1:-ForMotet-,-far Aueuaal-

Aj. Loweat ll.t-r.et:. (....::.* Lowest. tUabeat, doting.eat. M....an *i to .... 97 97» 97»

Nuiff, 97; .... rr- *7; riT tea 77....97? 971 97» .... «'J oil »7»tTeaVSi....af| 97, an .... m 9;, .»!Tliur.'.9....97i 91| 971 .... 97a «i7j 9"}Fti. to....97, 9lj 97; .... 9'i 97| %>\Tu 7'.",. f Fri'lny aajarCoatrary tt generaiexpe itatioa, the Töark ofE< ..

land «r*<-**in<d t .-oay fr in 1 wer rat tbe> r<**o of -lie-court to 2| pareaat. It ia Ptaantfatai, neverthel«-"*,that ibeir oaemployed raaarva of n«»e» ia jtill atea«lilyir.cren.inp. Beaoetbair heai'am n ir, not mee'iog t.iemai ktt rate U appaiaatly a d.par^ur-i from - .und pre-r'ittt. Poatibly, bowarar,tbapaadiagarraagoaiaatawith regaid t . the jC-\<«^»,W|0 to be aeooer or Uter

¦appliaa to tha Ooreramaat, ia Bjoaaet'oa with tuefl-f-e! argf (t tha Ki'taeiju-r 1. -t. > '\ .. z dm on theBtb "f Ifay, nay have bad aotoa bearitiL' upon the

.e':on.Tbi eloaiag qaotatioaa of Iba Frvceh Three per

Ceata tt ti < ParteBottraethiaaTeaiatj were69t. »De.for u or.ey. and tilri. .Vie. for tiie a-.'ooot, Hbowinir. ;n

the former o'.t-e a deeime of j *' rent. It i.u- b tea >tn-

aoaaeed from I'ari- to day tnat on the present ocj*-*ioa the ('n dit MobUier will par aodirioead."T'e followit g iataiaalitf atateoMfrtl hie b^en re-

ceivtd froni a earefa] coirespondent, showing the re-

su'te tf 151 Of the rU«per.-ioriH ( n.j'uÜLg five lir^ebaaka) wbith occurred during tbe ccinmer.-ia! otMia,with a to'ii! of liab:i -ies to be atet of .£ II,4*27,569, andoa which tbe defi. ieney now appear* to be about 19per cent, (rat of 09 London inna 18 ant-ear to ha. e

paid, or to be hlii ut to pny, la fall, whiis of the pro-vin i*l fou-es the number that have tltaiaod t tiltowolaaitai is only 9 out ol 69.KcacLT (i a fvMMaar or raa Sr*TrM»AT at Arranu tib-

mifed bj I4(i iter.-a 'He tirma at d hva ba'-ka, woicb MS

petdad pajn.ei.t auriLd tbaperiod of the -' inner ... '-a

from the romroaneeiueLt of November, I8Ö7. :> th- end ofPi bruaiy, 1E:8.

CaVAiaia.To seealdetWIoa -lalma.MB,*- qWTo rapi-.al (paid at] of n\e oanaa. 4 1 11 I"Tn tlaMrtlii rIMmabli. ^. I tiTo llalilititacocfidaredaood.X 10,41] M >

Total.Ain,u;3C3 attl,4S7,Maaatara,

By available assets.i '1 «?T2 ttgBy talat. e arr.ed down. 7,7M,tM

Total.iit: ttrjajTo taJ*x..e i»t. ienry, £7.704,''«vi, m\f.

52 London firo.-. d»ti ierryon con-aideration laiu.a. a'7S0 79i

On HaSnltle.. 1. >»7 .67.1» Country firm». 3 107 ftIBank». 3,7Ai

Ti tal. ¦.iU339 70.1LeM a :i(!' ». or

in f..U 16 Lotdon nrroa.XI0 9I 1)59 Countrydo. |7|- L#tt**J

IwMl.löl. 67,79t,M)j< »n nn averH^c it seems tna- ihe failorea were (at

about JL'ii7o.(KH» each, an ., lapp '» Bg the credit.ir< ?ieach firm, apart fr( in thoaa Which paid ia fall, to bethirty, tbe number i f boaaaa it wavetiieaood w >\x\ 1 be

and theeveiBsro nltlaiafe loaaof eai h would beXi.'.oio. Nearly one-tom, of tne. sospeeded botuea in

London have paid in full, Bad Bboal oaa fOTeoth inthe ptoviaoaa.

Tic I.ohiL n Timtt makes the arnexed remark"

ipropoa of the New-York I«egialatare mahinjf 8tocbaakt legal:" The far* meatioaed in tbe last adv.. i fr on Amer¬

ica, of the Lasgislatata < f thu S'.ne of Ifew-Yorh hav-rj: pat-etd a lull legaHzini; al! time liHrk".n I iB ftoehf,e ill eaaae attention to be directed to the dJaerodH ible^tate r.f the law on tbe name subject n this -id.'. Alor^e pn p 11n n e f the operatioae in Stock Ei baare eatertd fate fot " the aoeaaat." A capitalist, foriiotatce, tbiekirg well < r ill of the pitaspectl of then.e.rV-11, may buy cr it 1! jfjl'N'.inHi CamKM, anaaaiagta ooaclnde tha tfoUMttftioa on tie re\; fetthaaj-day.ttiese day a being appoint'* 1 by the CoaiBittta of tttOSt< i k t.xi'har.'kte at iatervafal of ah hi a mon'h. Helia> thim tiae to niak a any p'at* he may deem d-« ri-

ble in the interval, or, if be shoali change hi* vi-tw,be oaa eloet the barga.o It the enrreat price ot any*ub**qnent day. paying or receiving the diaTOfeWi o.

Tue tyatetn i* thiat Bgoly tdvaatageoaa, aod e.i con.eeaieat I* it found thai a majority ol th< dealreya hyt e iioet eminent fltatfitl tet*ti i-nrnt*Dt» ;tre »hu*c tidutrtt t'. Hut It ia rev. rtheles* eot:rei> illegnl andany perron wfomnv bav* entered into a ethapaet totike or dalirer attxka at a future date can repadiatehi* bsigain wi'h»'Ui be.ng liable toaay other eoatiqaeace than that of being branded at a cheat by thoseto whom lo* c'tfiuit may beootna haowa."In tie dayawhea iirnorau e prevai.sd on all the

true ptiaciplea of busitota. and wlien aaaitaaaataagatt *t t ot oi rraeury, bat tlraootoTery other¦etbo'lt y wbioh *l rewd ]ie-rnr* ooatrired to roaka the n ...

Ol tbtir moreyorfOodt, wer? ..»n-iilere,l awaatial,ti.:* interpretation ol the law waa ne;d to p-e«ett a

\eiy lice t.b-tacle to gauiblit'j. liu*. I ke a I <iici (ia>tnialprtvieioiir.it ol course wa« If failed ia ita obajaet. and baa aeeer had aay ether effect than that ..ftinhlii g a few i f thoaa rogue* wh >, a attreately d a-

tut bterrala, have aurk to tliat loveat festh inwbicii what are rai'td debta ef honoi sr- r-" o.iin' -.|,to dbsaTow aay eoetracl 11 at m»y n»v« resoled 11

K f«, and to leave ibeir br. ker lo b-ar the OOataaquerce*. It will be reen, al*". tht: the teedeaoy oftt c s}»tem u ttet be to impair the fei Leg of retpeet forl»i;al ii!.*L'<*, »nd tnis, moreover, a nop.- . ,| w,»t »i*e ilea icg* are ai. in 11 uret- n n w *Jj mrraty e.niwiio el mild, tbtrefore, lie ttiasala'ed byerery tble meant to a tvue of tbe ino»t fcrapal u. rr'-^ei la¬bility.11 e j -a, ipavl t'*t raetioass it the St... k K\.-'i*-.ge

trat.rnctiot*, te it retTaembtriad, abieb ire etr- *-dtiai'y ti r tie lead'ng cepttaliate, Baerebaa ¦ aad pahiice-tat li-f m-i t* of the cooii'ry.are coidu t -.l oU id

batter awttaathat w«aM be tbe eaai t they were aa*teted m i »in« ng out'aa*. H ipp: y. t* i' ti. ¦¦ n .

teif'eu by to bti re*t,lt*. a* far a- tha afeiorn! cetti t-

tioB < f g«*< «1 bitb :« eoDC*rne.i. |. )¦. ,1. ;t ha« kd I >tbe < t»ab. -Iilnet't I I 0 v- lun e-y r . *>.. ,r . unjt(. f Xerci.e at icrlU(*n--e ».* po »rrful h* aay t'i»- r oi 4ariaa from tietvel * ringecr paaab mof thai Mrt*.Battbere| oaehtithe cjaatryoi *. aiag «.!... »n

atfsaiak as atato of affaire ia b^c oa that a * u:t-r. a y. »v ilia.il is-a .1. It will be *.! t'.-r*»" bt bUoajthe stemple . i Xt w-Y irk, *-' that all e intr^e t< fat «e

. untie*. <>! nba evtr k.nc. rtay be br> n< it hnooetatthni iier the v.-^ular BCtM n e f tl e la e.-11 ti;« .aad."M'.Sattirbwait-'*C: < u'ar eaysi: Axenaa *t ^*k«:' atsee ear aatetaea t^tke Mtate. ta»M .» t :a*La.n»B

aay. sod there Bee base rathsf eaon .... l Urvaaa*'Tte ua.k-- i : Ax. a >. ..:.:... la Lo .: .. i.ai...».a. y New Terk c nt;»: aei .- .-r <| die 1 , «...-»n:re. T«- aht.ea a*e kla SafkaM n .' 1 M ..i^.a>«.:!»! B 1 a »:e Irat a* fetaaet r* . il. . ". :M ¦/.,.

bate bare de*h re re*her I¦eely, a: fr ai 7U to 7/. »:,t % fr,'rat trartio'a in Krf ahar. a nate taket tr .1I! ;t . ia Central B o da Lav- b.eti t.n.re mq .1 far, aaaatlil r i*? C> it C 1 .tn.- ti.« h j d» llHi oaa CeJ a. au.-ra hare b--nirt haatv. at 1 -e di..i a' t:a- f*

ftaiiw rlriitrtf*!*.* 1 bata .. t »:.o a wii.. v»«»M.»T ttaTtraiTiea. lOt. tvt a-.**» i.^.-'n

I' e'L.tuba, l&St. ..11*4 at l*W|Ut W'aot lar.B la,<towaL,laai..kH a I'VCai.a^a '%. ttilBei lit* ir 11

ar»r» at,1 ai 1ir»

Marylai^i St r .u« tl I 11*'««.. m. t:.r .. »_H <.' .' Iaaitaaiep so*no aaa aaaaa*.B. rid', le-iVti*. "77.. W 4 r tC. H IP ¦«. .-e <¦' .'

D in c k MfL 7a la. tf ar It«. jd .M* n J : u- :.

'1 ( Lkti Vt 4 I

ilL Cei tral 7«. "74.... C2 a* »1:. Ccatra .»,"73 ... 4

111 Cer:'ral 7a,'Ki_ 7j a¦ *\l. l-Cra >.v><_ ;i,r i^j,.1 *. a N :¦. . -1. :s ., .,'MhrfCeat fa, .Of,... It t maefch.Ci . tl... *i 4 s7Ml Cei t ke. 8J... «7 # *aV k. Ca* :. «a«r. a... AS I adM Bva'a 7«. .... «\. » ^4N V. Co :. Is, tl.... I] a) ii

ra Ithi cm... 4^ ff v IN V Out.Camvartf.. S f-i 1 % 1.75. 50 d lie r.-

" 4.... >l r Kn. .tarn. tt f* Ü*- N T. OaSJf. aharea...a. k 41 e. 7«. a» .. .1 *> IP.:.: *.

. *7 ^ eju It ad Ca... B*...lltMBBM iPesa. tan *ata ", .. M *> at

At 1. xed is a (Oirp4lii»K'i of tbe ag^rtgitii of t ie

'nlac.lpLia oaik* Britfe *ha' of M weeL:Mi) 4 Mar

¦au». .a./.-i' ..*." ' . i>- * : m._. TTflTtJ * 1MB ,.n an Bank*. 1,710,711 15le\eT7 ir^, ... i^'^e;ttarBaeki. ^dl' .triS 2734 «1 I--.. )t|«ie.,1». 15."».17 3 is if kW He ... i;i a

aKtkjfiea. .,jj?.t:7 i'k ti .1 'tetj5

Tbe att.vemei.ts of '.he Philadelphia beaks m\mm Jen

oery II, IKM*. have been aa follows:

iu» Lou ¦. .**.*¦Ju. u.ii.yuvt>-t I. If!" « «(¦".>Mtb. t.»..851 <«* 4 .HJ!«Ap ».....Xl.eV.7 153 »,«f».5»T>i«j J. .V.U Ul ».***» 7 2

¦. ii.iti* ^ 4 7 n»*2s


Co- ..ad1 au.eja

.». u :I iT* TJIitc mtsv».«ii: eti » -

A ".alBjMaawa11 «V> SOli ¦*> ISIii.»»» va114.2 <1S15 W»7IJ15« S«i

iJ ccrtaaii/ be pay-M 'suaii BaLke, r. la said,irg »pe. le by June 1.

7"»' 8t. llouu RrputhcAH of Thursday re nark«> . payments fal.xg due iu bark on the 4.h

were n . t very »ati»far»or.ly. Thebttk* are di-ount-lag to tba extest of tbeir means am a r.-<a-11 l ¦

, i*y . f tteiat'r < :T- red to :.. r. Eiv unite on

I :. .apply, and aa w*>*7 I Ith an« n- I -

muci ia den.and at 'ne rates heretofore qu>t*d.Hark're ar- u ngatfbtal j P ent pretn. lot g A4..m Miaaoaji paper, oa bcth thi- Ka-t tni Boa .

fjajuide btrnreeer, e aiiiifiiiil tiBi aa Haw-Ortaaaauity b* boajgbtoa batter »ercr». Tiere is very litt I.

I t.atk ai ta urrex y ia tba irark't, save Mi- I

paper, ae: I backtaaa) "W jcon -1n,wbl bUbliaeiasasal.apply.'

CoaditiOB af t'.e Hanks of Maeaa.husett«, May 3,1858, oorrpilcd from tba returns to the Secretary ofState:Capital. f - N .t. bi.a -f es-

Net ¦:: lattai. n .,: mi ataatae, Ac.»'li .'

I>.p>ii!a. 2S..<2.T2.<peei-. il»7x»ij*5I'r'.fSte ou Lead. 6 t9 ee">|K-e tatst«. IR-hSü

kwkri.aiec,r.3,J5i| T ul.tiaLtu J>*

Tte ratio of tarculaton to specie is $1 05.In reia*ior. to money mature, Ac, The BjiIo'i Pj*C

ea)s:'.The g/wal appearan-e and tendency of th*

mci y market ate um hanged. The hank spec.; con¬

tinues to inuresse slowly bat regulany. anl iirreii

every probabiii'v tbat the holding anil epeed.iy ex-

c*. q $10,01 o,ia o. it ij now nearly atavasttftew aada/iu.r. For the miir. n', t'e supply of steer-YorBincrif. thetvgk *mp e, lasms t > nav* ^maaut'. diflata*leteti, but money is iprfe as ambulant as ever, won 4

OCclieiag Cemnn't. I. .rga Stttna were vainly offeredst i- per c*tt keet wee*.. We uio.er.tani tba* IbaWeett n Bailwatd * !erp rat on refae*s to sell a iy asoraof Its six p-r e-ct 0 >nds at par. It ba* BBoaej iaabunoai fe, and tbe Bhaac* is rl.at the ratxtaiatler oftba isfue »1 i DUMB! a pren.ium during the \nmer. In rje. i..l eases, -inecf the hanks luve offered:o letd beb w b y cent, and tbe aasabat oftaa l»ititBtims tha-d n< to ti e I.^al rate, .¦» large ira frlaair agetiatiOBS, is nnaU and da.ly groalag satallar,"'lie stock tr.a'k't has haaatiaVaTBnly fi-ui siaiae

Oa/latt, w'*n BO very inark.-d ciar jee. The a .undrailway t'. n'r* are evii.n ly gr 'Bi"^ iu tavor, ar,dtheir gtnera! ouree is upwtird, with ht'le BtUtaataOBflCraai an oooaeieasal aaoaas of eappiy or dasaaatd,T.ik:rg tie u-ren' prie^ of Doaay, and tba Bbaitf its '.ein,' \ir<j etieap for ¦eaiba and naorths to

"lie, all tae "A No, I railroad share* are yetlow. sptak ng gaaaraQy, the conditio j of the ..,m-

pa.'.ief- is DBexceptioaable, I. »«o a* tu finance aud bttsi*Beta, while th'-ir p c-p tcte are exceedingly g'Mhj. Allof t-e DQIBaHlfuaa ua\t ta lowered tner ex;.-^.tiitures, tla* tbtir net . itru.L^- ire ab»ut the BBBM

iniing tie first tisif cl lr-»7, in t io laoaof a lartfe redi.ct.oo of receip's. And this cat lagih an cf expaases will largely lacraaaa the pr ti ¦

when baafaaaai does come, for it will ne a

>ng ti.tie ere the e\jn-..dituree fully return t4 th -e

¦treat bafoto the panic. Kxpenditure* wii! uo" ri*eo fast as recerpta. Pteaaeialij sreakmg. th* oondi-

tion m tbe Western, Woroeator, Main*, Prorideaoe,Fitchhurg, and O d Colony r^als coald r-carcily b-

trovei'. 1 ' o We-tern nas its cuioensa sinktuc-fun 1ht 1'. ha. k, and is refu.it g money f ir Its BBOOtM tri 'kBt 6 P »Bt ob a lorg term of years. Th- Maiaa audPiovedasca bar« tba r Jala divideads on hanla<id lentcn j.rin.e s-eunty. Tne Pitebbarg and Old C >l»ny¦we Botbieg, ana have large surp!n*es, and tha L >w-

II, with its coaaenratlars BUeaasteeaaat aadpowetfuftiaadBj never stood ba t^r than at preaoat. Moreover,aUoftbeaa *-e cks a*e very eearea, ia reality. Theycan Oily be pit k. d up in email 1- t-\ lor tie m tat part,and a lew hundrtd shares of either 0» uld not be ohtaired wi'.b'Cit Vgeiy advancing <{u tati i s. Up >n

the whole, therefore, It stein» probabls thstttiey willer .dually, but c"te;de:ably, for a long lime to

com»-.''» m Fas ii'jiairiyfua rAafsa, IIOV

Taatarday, at I9o'ol ck, the ^el..^..,ary of t le Tr^a-

arj opened 'he bids for taking $5,000,000 in Treasa-yN< BM it exenarge for gold, iu BOOOrdaaee with thenot e isiBad f. 1 in the Department ot the lOtb ult.

lie propoaala discloaaa a very larga otTaring. Thoddii gl an Bate 0 tbe en mamas sum of I.'I.I H00; 1 ( orb ( b ? 1,505,1 ihi waa < ffrred st ratea of internaleiow .', 4* oeat, $15,371,000 at tie rate of 5 f cent,ad $4,165,000 at ratrs exceedini; tbat pe'extage.Tbe low**! rate of miereet proposed for waa3'. aery nnall au unt was p' ']» sad for at as high a rate

as o *» cettTl a fol'. wing is a li.-t of the bidden, tbe amount «f.

fend, end the premium demanded:BsasVvs Aaj't 0-re<t Premhiin.

ITahwd Btates Ttnat CesBaaay, W. Y.»270,006 5rk Kau». Volk. Peaa. *^rk Bank, Tork, Peaa. N<tk Bai k. Y,ik. P.nn. ».»».41

Katm. !.- aad Mecbaxira' Baak, PM'e. »>i,iawe at 11.. i.' ei ¦.- M. <¦. a loa' IIa.«, Pbttfl. SOü.OHO(.aw si. Allieti r A C* Phila. 1.01 .1 ' ih.n Lai a.i>. 1 o [aaa. M S a1 ilmiibla llank. t em1 ester Ti. rana. kl.Ctoo1 : i;« . LeneaaterC P.na. tSOMH.aC a Laalbr p. \Viul >tr.e-.. N. V.R.«U A Lstkt*B \\ a.l l*l«et. N. V. '».

Tli. BBS J Abbott. e, i>»>

tla ;e t Ka: .-. . 5k i«.'

MaiskasaV Baak, B-«'ou. Ka,o»lfcterrksata' Baak Bssaea. vn.muM.riiiaita liai.k. KoatoL. lOOiflBS

I!, OB*. N. Y..v b. i... an Iff. Y.

Clarke, ll.ud* 1 Co N. Y.i aiki I» t- < 4 o N. V.

... DaiasOi N Y.tu:aw btui Bank, Bait.Eotaw Bavu »- Bar k Kat.E tte* .Shi Baak, Ball.Sflaprsoy 8*viBS> Vans PbUa.

2*i»(»»>un,oi*i.».i oaipa. m-iI'a'.tt.l|S,OMH .*».

ia,aaasajoso.... .,.

2i>' uoaBsa,aaa

OnVi tan

K. m la Bowes N V1;. ten u n u., n. yi' ..¦ tt t! u.. N ^CbaBBkal Bal k N. v....< be laical BaLk. N Y....BoatkwatkBeak. Pbfia. l.aiouoN-» Havta BaLk. it. ia,aaaNV « llav i. e,i a Q. 10 na.

Bew Havel Bs, n, <t. aa,aajCmo te At-.. Pr.i'a. 5t».iai>

A. f j Puna. W.Oflot rooiss a Co, tkfla. n>>.o"oCo » A C P: i.a. 50«nuI. Aakant fcloa. (#,'!.it A»t'.'»t % 8>rt. bajaaK Ai: rat A I . M,BOSli Aahui.t »Be*. fiO.BBSKs ut: Babk, N. Tf. |» .r«iuHa i a! BaLk. N. V. 1 e i»h>

F il'oa Betib N v. laa.tas.. Ii Bai t N VI Ik K: a il. .- i.

Ik Bank, B. .-..i,.f a Baak, Bosfat.

Set Beak. B etw..tri Uai a. Baewtarkar, \ t....I; K. Bo a a, |*Bi a.!i (; a...

Mattkew M -.a J. S Vv. V » N

Mattkew Morssa k 0a N. V( btial BtSl Bai a N Y.I :.:.- i.'al Bm k N V.I tin. i. a Bai k. N V.h.ik f Ccb o.- . B. Y ....

Bai k sf lt.* Kew.hi-. N Y....!i.t.k . f tl . R r N. V....Bu k M tt.. K.| .?n N Y....< "a.k Do*> k Ca ,B Y. |i«i.n0«»rs» k Shin.; B - wu. NY. aVea\\ t Be*u>r, Waskl atoa.2.'-*.taa»v*.. % R .r, I set \ r. IVaebi $t*m.. ...

Rci-lI. ... A t> Uuhi.C'iiCs.H Y. ...

IL s - fr.nrtt t tV N V.I aSB* It .'. ¦' .Lea« tab k» ta"i a> Htl at ITri «flFaClKanseia' PRiss* a c*K ... k l

kiSfakCf ... A C1. |(l A I

Raxfi a c-Van VIT.C,,;.,.

BwetBy Ri'11 lasan

BS.Iv naaBi <«

jo.iieo5 ..aaa.MMj.a.i*

laj.eaa.. .' ii ii


».IO..Ihm ¦'

i .".' ."»I

1 II «Hl


'iti siat

_ ra.'aiN V. j**,,tv

. «fest N V..v. liaialor-


». w. y ¦. i a Cl.....il. K.r i. A C.». u. 11. T- tttt ?. t

N Y.r- P.i w. V IBeak i a .tt< r..

. It .».:..-..Wsskixroi ....

U -. '.-.i*.». ¦ » rtA/aekissS*f.

. VVaa: tiIgl¦ :.asb : «io.

k»ad k I> each...Br a N VHaava a C* N V

. gl aaa

.".' an

. Ju.tM

. 21,a o

. jal.o o

. ¦» .¦».


.j ran,sea. .<ao.it. ti taa. I Laks..... ).'.'. Mat

. "«al»,alN V .N Y. an»«i

N V . * ......

'i -\ .. .. n |p.. in., asTrevi tr a Cajsar*. aasesii1 -. v. t k >' .«rt'e . %a. .«a>

Tt. t 4r a Co #av. 2... ,.»

Dresel k Cm thi a. > utDei ..' k Cay Pli '« . *' i * o

n., 1.1 a c«,, pus. +-I aaaDvea k Oa FhOs. 5' .a«.

;> r». a Co.. h.a. w*,*aal<.Lk I* Itk aSBel i». P-'.a.i> ..

Pa; k S ti. An.- riea Hlli. p. ...-*»»<at k N r.b Aaarrl a I'l IIa.. ..I i ...» V A U V V. j -. SSOV « r»e. » a kiaa* : N V. 15.-ratB H n*|t, PV. iw.eeoB. n rwkt, N V. |an, .»\

f. tV, C er» A Co Potlat.ipSi»_. 1<V». .«ft W Calk AC P a. »ll'CiloY U i alkl PetaaWSkyAis.... »«> t*.

1 93 C atk * i .. p. ., j «... 2". «01. XV i a a A i o.. PI IsVtiia a. 20.'«a>r w c «. Cm I aMjaVla. »aa. va.ate Bait. B et r. I" »..

.t. Rai t BaSBW. ISW «ki.a-~ Bank B*ekaB.... B*AaM

'. 11. B I Ü l-btlad. ifh*.I 1 8 c ... I ¦: .'. .ha.*.>..>nt B Bo-'d *h.a.'elroja. p. ear)Kim A Co BaifOLor^. 30'» o

I K*9 at i.a.::- r*. a>,<awturn 0 C« hi ... <¦. , *a>

!-Kit AC. b.-c. . » ..,

i ity Baak.Pa. ijiw.k Csaatry Baak, fa.. i4>«o

..it. rii .. .»J »ju






Tbc '.- ::<.».< c a extract from llano cVKm f CucaUr:Fr«« o .1 adatra of th* .'4 in««, tbe S'.«ck m«'k>4 ha b»eamtreanri) *jU Tie «au.» o.aeli.'f y .»» . m »»rt. Uf)m

¦ »ti f tr»d». Tt. aale ataoti« .. v*«»Jtet* tea .»- k 14 .

¦ » 1 ol f fre 0/ rr.». ny N t»« »: .».-. ra < ni n

jj tu 3 tj» e»nt. ta» .tirr't'.r bt t« »ie. raun. t> >' "..'».. -«tv .t*.' 1 ". 11. L. u ( »a> an:»a ». 4; t . V1» > #>?»st.

Intratn:. nt Ito.ki ba»» g»i.rr»J y ..npr »rj. Mtnatbat« b»»l a Ittta m->r» !lt-I> they, .r at'-w .>»... p»- k. p»rt,.«!i»» .» uti'ie« tave hai-u u»il-rt».l »oj a m »t u

ih> »aa e-.eai rr . t a« .»» t t

Iii» «Vpr>a«>vu MataMtelh* red .««-I r» ipt« "0 nt.«a' "I Iba..«,¦. TV, »». »rt>: ». f" ni abr aal w- Ii p-r

.-..«, . ; v . . ,

pr*vi,a* quotatioea:6 ..» !H « a» n-te »<J»ariee<) wi'b » .i»> t-r drmar. i for Mi«a vi

rt TitL«»»»», »ugl .». 1» .i rate, »'ii N r-o t «r......, ».

. «Jra »1 .?'¦"1 0.'' a a r-af-f «rlo-o i-j at.ae>> .ri V.-

gtsfabateadtei 1 i \ Mbas rl.I. Ttbmombj :) fat, 4 ». ,.t aV. i»a t««'i» .¦. . » "i ¦ N i'h < «e>li' t

I f,Tu. higher: Hbf l»*S w<ta.'i. I ..»« at 101 N-»>r Ii.-, .tv.v . irj, all; L\u>d3*>»4. l»»5,l«2i «ie.jt.lt*.I itt t td L'ueatl B"B<fa.B irr.ea» m~lera'e »1 lim rat-». 1

a r ..' ir «¦ m» u'..«.... 1» .i«»tl> K» H f> .-»nr ktf« k»-3««rr . <7» keil I f> »eti* »JtarK» 4Jao K aatfa *>. ».- t ..

eo««**iO it. £1 Leu. Gy kT* tMui.'.ip.l) #> '-nt. Tb»r--»»» ».»o r..i, .ar. t '».?» f. y I «- -1 . H i4a U tl, lut.-r-tr. iL. h.d d. sl 1 l'tilad. «** .*. 3 f 'ül. «1»«: tt

- .*>-

«arkrla.f«atriLLT lUroerao roaTtia M T Tmiacat.TiriD.v May II att

A«lff s_TI » n trkr'!. wft*i< »«a»ar;»i aau:.- ..ir 1« ot 1(air- mI»» . I To bbl.. mt #6 1 tt both ain 1«.

1 1 il TuN i» q.i-t. u en. >. .»aadid ao* a*fre- pr ¦«,.»: .

I 6i< kalra.ki« roaa et »ssirtc»Tt. t.

t'placrJa flor U Mobl«. PI 0 «n«Tra.Ordlcar».K» BMl"!MJ^Üti.h», Wj IIUIMäattuxiPeM.Ut »3» 1J.***Piir.. . -

( et rf K-B;- h tt»tdr ; aah ao' 4 IMJ h»/» W.v.ib; 1», ect»l»<i.latioi od pri»at»t»rn.>:»U»r. 99 ro»r« J»va at :S.-. ar¬

ise taa» tm.** a M ». av. raar l-'Ji>-a lau

tTi'PPFR-Tr» ai»rk»' 9t mV. *iti» ia lall tot tB*a ".t.

Riwtlntl I tat! ..«..»;- fal » M V. r ü-ai-re

at >! »i-d B. t- J>c .6 ru.a. Ir«..: ka il» ti»» at V4tM«.,. 1. Ir t'.J !-L<»-bn.| 'l-ir ha»« kawa »...» ol 3,3«* BVa at

i LoÜm\ AND MKAtr-Tb» BaVlhet f r \V.-.-»rc CataJ Fl ut

. ... |. jBl» M ailata kt «aaler le ee r»»a». bo* Ohio1 xtraa »i a»lad»b»ti»traaatk> »ajoatiatueat. ih- j i.ln. a« na*BMva.'vr aaawl aatoaBfcaj taa Ma¦aerial Ike «r»tta»r Th»

... 1 .... 11 ;¦» »:t Bra aad ic avady rrq i»«t, tue

nltiai« bbla a- #4tla>> 13fr P«,ii.tn..u to I -^i »:at-;tl "'11 ll 'iifirri'n do tbi i« «tili .raar«-a»: B4'*B4 Iii forH,tu t- ..,,,» »nd Mkola»! Hfl Ka o .t nf .-..oditi m at

1......... .. ._.1.. aa /tiai ¦.. f.»

.. atf)4 33; 1»a bbl« .a-r» Ohio »' »4 I ¦ #4 50 f r thip-ii.it Caa.aaUaB Klo,, ia «aitaout o.a ti nai:r. .irarrriu» Ia

. 11 ' 1 oJealj tb» a^pp y i» Mil «.:.¦. of IM bbla at «4.i/J B ' 4i fol. a'.r» branda *ouib»>ri. IT-t .r iat-.- t .'tf»t»<i. ariln 1 " oiaudaar» k »rrand l imiiial and »»ry d lfi BatwaMei

th» a«l.« ar» i.l'ii iea at #4 4'>i»#4 'i tm miri or to gadhiaida Ba'-iMr». tud *)4 *<*»>«i J-* f'i the batter a.«u-a.

Rar plowla aaor» pt»atjan«ia »taadr. aal-a .>f 4 " j1)'.* »t M*B3 M>. Coro M»ai i« aeekeeaad. tb« luq iiiy ia fair the aal««»... I" kbit Jriir j at l>3 l'iu A 1 »od «.ui'bt,'... Brauiy»u.e" BlJU^Orf C^ii ar» lall al t>i for Beak. »"d *J &H f ar hanl-aaaa*Oatajta M«.k»r.i»r- faiac a >a t-> r9.-.- aaiaa k Urawooiü ta»» to y:«IJ a alt«bt »ti v«.i t, treai r» aad aefiael rat»a

Pi. t Ja-al Barrlaa ar» n or» a. ti»» at »hgb'ljt w.r r»v-.. .»!..« ofMB Mav HalUaB at 9t Bfl b.^u.1. SuuuktJ H.r.ugar» q et,and ptrksra x.01. wba' uotun.»'.rygaMtl_The oaVrio|a o4rWheat an liberal, and th- .mr*..- 1

r»:. 1 r beiMtkecle** tr»r» 1» l»ai keaattavai aupjr'tit;tkefh t'hat aadhaataj MeBpeatrd] f'o:u Bufala uiatil to- lorrj*

tar.k impar'» oior» 1 oDtiJn ». <'bra-krd ia p«rt by th» Iibtighta; Iba taia« an. il.ueo barah. Caacag Bfwief,pMta

Me. a»reoanaaoe, 4,aaokatfc Mdwa -k-efutat ß 3.'»».'h i'b.air Watte Canadian at t) I 03 1 n» buab [Heae white Knataetlai ? Mal '»». heaiat. B.a B» tb-m at »1 .'/#l"4. il-'f «i

U 1. '. da at « 144»*)I 15 4.3 . bum. Red I adta'ia at »Ts.. 4 *«.bnak U!.-.t-d... ata '5 37<ibu.h VVhite MieUgae at ginand*aabaak R»-t do a' B)iaa Ra» 1. br--. r »,,i \-, tmi-r*~

¦aratl aal.S I""1 bnah at »57«?.'>-. Barl. .» ia edhaat in .1

rat |e 1 the aakta ai* ttt bnak |jo« BtaleM Ua., ae« l,Ma) beaa.4 tt ag'd on piieafa terui». Ua'.a a'e bterai nis* ef J>-ra»y at kiti 4fi State at II a 411 *04 \\ eat. rn «' 0« t>t- I aa i> 4'iiier,ar d Ia fair d«aaaa«fer the Itaat an* l J ar»,),.. the t ipp'y ia ¦rtate 1 aale*ot .t'*" baah. m 7 t«7ä Bat oriiuary ta akaaeaW b °.r Booth- ra. inctudii'* 4 '«*n bu.n. «aaotted a'. th» latter rat»1 j ctv- for Yehot» d..., Ii eiedkag UBu b.i»ii. at tri» iatw pri aj;.n »;i l< u of .at b at WVTte. »od 7va7i.- f 11 aa* und.HIIlK* »re iL bi'-k tvmwmi mt 'De eta a- «. .'-a.lv rat»*; aale*

of t.i ki OiiLiH-.i. 21 j tt a»rr««». a' LftB Patt* CähafttjVi th »t *t> .: »»' B ärtana Aytt«, «. Bf/t., »p 'i ¦aataai "5 '»"dryKl (irai. e IT. %t °.4>' 7 in utb», 5 Ktl do at eq ual to iL, 6it 01 tha, btef a di*t'uut "ff f.ii a-U. ben do, litt», «at *1mir. h*. Bf al arie.tion. "and y Weatmi. 73 th »v-raa-., at I7J ¦..

I tu, oj. .in* '.»d hi'lea, anu M gr^»o «alted Rio (IraudeOa*J 43 ¦ a,|^;'.'lllc e 101.n«h*.HAIR.ea»a..f e kOV|> Buano* Ayiea Hirt« w«'r rt» > 1

et: teru a we d'd tu t kMfB.HOPS »-. af*U q .let «. 0/7c for law«, a» t qua'i'y.iia 1 .Ihe feniaüii ia lair aoil the Mpfl» unelrret» holder»

ar. tirm lilea . i 7<a' hal»« at 4.5e'n.-. t* iui tblilMJkT Botkland 1« q net, ktt*A aahaa f c .mmon at Mf and

tPt 1. r I* 11 pLt a HUR ia »tili ». *u» p,i. ,a a-e wi-h it alt. ra'i n.

LATUB.Baieawere u.ade of three cargoea at f)l 'f> |> M.wir., b au lu-pn \eui-nt

I.I Mil KB-Kalt, rt Bprae* aud Piue T.inber itlla at 012,»13 bv tb* rar«.'.M(.1,assk>.s*'.» w.-.e maili ..t 1»' kk la Moa ..v aJ «. He,MAVAL STuRI.S.Spiri'« Turpentlu» i» bu yaut ;ud-r tb-

.1 l. a», iep0ft|B| «alr» iil Li». p- at 41 I tlegab .' th*DcJeaatj a r tkt e»athaf bad the a#. et 10 rawtrict trna* <

Ii. I3n bb ». 11 ihr wtarf at 4Dj-., »«ab. Crude It a li'M-r in >r»

anfawreatl arer ratee: aahM 01 511 ib a in t r»« different lit*.»t *>j fti I' .'Vi' tb CeeMaOe Boain Ii«* . itf-'ei a firther dellle. ia>. ..f l.i'Obb a. lo ar i»e h.viu* b au B*Je«eat l >w a»

*>i 47j a» tin rn. fehtared ny »-«..i. ih» ..w ..id ¦attaanpadra are la ¦atduarewaiaMt akth »aiea .ai *ataM*Na bbl« n«

at d p .1 ium No X a. rf e.j >: tt t> lri. t+4 >¦ W W\ lt*? 2 15 4? .f"B). lad IBB de, at 9*1 ¦* 11*4 Pal- tVbtta Ii lan..||ri a ppl». ai p'H ea ru!-Ii at-, b'i'th.- mnjrj fW ff** BkeBarel ia Ii" t-'il. In l'«r ta» '-ar^ ut aa!.« .,| »a. hbla. Wilm'Og-tai »t ti -4 la 1 Maria »er«.Tbe Mhtarl » .. mi Bautitl y reaMfftf p»r Arabia w» ert 1.

t 010 tb» 11realer ot ae al aar p io. p». bre*er»i " t4pirita Pur-Ie*jtr«J0 detdlaa«to«B*, katfjrtvl « rdaand ateafc a**f n .-i-r*.r.tiaLttl*.* . »I». ted ,b »rr« ¦> r. 4 ''. .¦ MB»Bei Baut* fraele. *' 1b*te*ekaeeaaleatueed te IPtBfSf* T-» .».».* I» r. die »d ».. 2, «>»t.ble, fat a r 1. b k kAer» »»:>¦ lall} »r» il»tuai.dli>< 5 '.. bu'. ae fartba*pale» ha*atwhe. paid *aa»pl '»r aaaaHaata feiereaiil b--ir* a».;»ia at 49j.. for p.r.-i. ia "1- «ie>«.-ul I» t. a'ri»loen.winp i- c'Ii 11 ru. 14.* «r.ne freeffet pke BoaarhwBt< rtm bat areeaeaeat »apeel tm ii aatäl lea t> *m »ipph-« ttretathi« .on c» fe' .re tl o ¦' 11 J ,i.-. S'iine .* . * bat-' te-. o ui« 1» a*

4.'. for J»ae«a|.e»ry, eettrra epf«*a ahaiMketa » ¦ Mlf]beya*ia'thtaprii». 1 ..-ii trin.-. 11 iioi.»a i.-1..- t»d, a il«< ale with-ot*t aar aatra afpaeBBtt t far the laat iwaa areeka Theadvaibright* rbacka iblpeuaatf fioaa Bjaf b.n i» «od ttata are u bay.»ra 1 1 rsportat u*er (3Mi Bi.ck, dJfBbMa R «iu.: GnuBtee la in amail abreb. »1 d f r l..t* f.i in rar 1 b ir/rr* t>a*e S»»n

i^l-. ..a :. pay Ol 15 #» IM fb Bell«eTaa. C«r« »¦« art a' a ..iinn. are \.-ry cull, and fr. 11. th» ad an. - 111 tlvAght* her- ia

but little ditpoaiii. n 1 U :h» part of »j...rteri '. Ii ,> -1 p' «' «d.. Um Tm j. b aa« l* n.i^'iy eaato« I to Ike C edtae .tai »h;p-prl*. Pala Wbkt* ia unv 11 a^re freely, ball ni -titln um Iaairei« and all ofastta quality la raalily takea a*. #i« t'2BP M; wtlh heel iet> lata, howreeer, I w r pafagea vitl rote, Th»med0 nt irai'ea ur tu rtducrd iv i, bu' * n' n kt tu * d 1--ii ai it M a ..nbr ,:., ine. Ta-: tbe de a;.d i« im *"y malBaal ka.a f. r h. n.e BBIiaBBipfbni.eXtDfVrTt .0 far h.»in< »h wo bit

li ll* Map lith n to uBerota. The aloe* ia ab-.iit |e,nW hbl». aud.htpflBf qoa It!**, la.-*. bll«.,«re frr.ly offered at «225. wia-out attra. In 1 the Mtrata n of b .jer»


ftllaT liii»** 4 M tl Bhaftod r. que.t e»en at 'he |taaW4laO*l|aakp* it 3 lau .all. na fr. m r tat-ra' harnt* »'. MMV. Cl »

IVbah ia iu u.. rate :i q B*M at .t»».:T rat-a, kOdaBof >i 16 ..

ka tttw-lalfwi«. ata hrrtBK .« d.d aot ieara la Credo Boa ejt' tbii f fi.'tber ha» trarap tvd. lo i'ber k'u.ll tllei» i« bu' li'il*d> 1. ft aad ptrk . . »'e a.;, |,,uit riaer ti«' hange. In Tall .w |H| w

t. aa. . ef «ff» 16 BaWora »1 Ite, bbiB. *w4 *>.¦ ru bwat»Plant kteatkrat tot atlietll ptime »t i-|. i».flPBOVIBIOHB- Th» Porkarark-t i* *»» ar,d Irretolar, tbe

.. c»i it ttiv. deaaa* d i» light and f.- arrit.la fdr. tt» »al-a ar»

laakkla «t + 17 ? |MfM M-.a gl) i' !.. t la M ..,e hart II - !'. u» M *. an 1 ? 4 I a « 4 'Olaf Prio e. B-»f i» witl-i al v.rl.ti r- af n. n.»ot; I le iirmal. «r«f-ir: laleail T-*t khl» »' «S«*k 4n|o- Oiirtrj P'i u* *< 4)11 «1. Se t..t tt.. >«.-. * .' «..Ii (ui Kept k».l w-11. M.n. a d *>. ti'ct-W 40 nr ex'ra <¦... p.,.. ktaafli. it c *i»» at a\»tt t.i. Ba»< 11 I» rno.e «etiv- iwi >f |r>i 1,1»I., ra Bibbed Mi.'d..*«t f\c I5I r»« Sri r R b-aei tf. » and

1*.. r* Cir» So abed taoag R. n-l».a »g ISA«, *i Uva. wr'tii \mre.t. for tie- tauf- .11 kaaaafba*. a 4 ft bit*. Caeioarla**! M a*to-. Rooit Be*eaareeaaefni 1 Mm ptoaty i aaie» a.r Itj bMt

at'{» Ca'Me*'a.r> fell b t prtetf ar- wi'h oa) rhtn*». the¦at»» BT* tha bMf *t« '..«. a'iHa7- Bt* dh..ul *er«. and fjeuf..

r Haag l.» it . bean 1 the aapjiy it liberal ao*l the da utdn . ia'e .a.. . f Hf 1/6'a ai d ... at inj f r fafkrtal, »] h>9| Ifat threaao, aa« 11 # j tor Pair to Pmue and aeaab baa *: ;an« k*ga Bt i**r. H . t. 1 ia in *..«l ao-^p y ai.1 ia h> avy aaJ-aOhio al lid Are, and State at ItWliai, Coeea» MaOgaMat* lOeIraate ai C <¦ Ijc.BlfKI* 0 .». «.1-. ,.t M t.«. »1 e.ir..'|./«t HiM i.Ah» «.» . .«Oy .a.r|..i nai kaWi t ut.a a' ..

BfcKDawThi from' tut Ctooor to of a reiaal etawaaaer a t\9T.rueiLy lead ia a ifabjal .'- f t>.t#; j» beeh. Bo .go

klaa.e. d ia jutifl «. AI u di 5j tf buab. oi jt> »Ifh Ins.Cu'a a Oaaat are mi re a - ite a .J prVea «-e ti tn

.tail ISobMa have üeeu U.ale a' IMlie , «K Hear .'.>¦mm aaD aio boevpTkTAI.Tha t '1 aato ihtaaaaealaa vao fai-ly * teodol u t-

aitbatandiig tae 11. eu.ei -y id to wvetOer, vr ... i-atah.eie11 1 a».: :l...«-|» ..1 id T-»« a'.d C"l.»l.i-r.u» tlia .) ia v ..fI .1» lh**M tl at aaM *L-weu « . MabMol BBggfaji N-a ly( reel BWat* .'i>P M« f bu'. th- <» .! L(» w- r» nudeairable

BI t * * a . .'. 1- '..-.. »11 » iiMraao. buj»:a ah >wiug ¦.., liap -

tirion ti< patrbaai t a»tiy g.«»l« ,n'e»« at iotniu* BBMI b ilboler r» aBkeeah ai at bo aHawa, Went aawilUi| ni «avitiee thtlra Belly betae* the wkbagiBOal I "»Back«11K.Bl k r i. ia l»tur. Babe*ad *»¦. '* a ¥*> a »S« B*i"-aaej 0 ..«.'.. . aaO. eh ai. g at tbe laltea rale P|«». a ale q »I. hot>a d- bobMa 1 we »>aw ojosa* ftta aa f)l 7s./ a " »«h and 6

T* LI Ot*'.lb» feaaaaal I» »trvly and the auppl* fair ai>*aBlB,t4>ea» rihaM at 1'r ra*h.lOBOCCtJ - a*J*8t bad ar »'ea.iy prtaBOi a*l»« of *J hbd*.

Mateville «. ll»l>. |t'Jtal-a Hatani «r IJaJt,-., u .«...-.. j'r,: .- *(i ::-,-. j, ,-,i». K;.>ri.t« t'.aite.Wli'-KV- I i. u.«t».t t...- a^ppj.»«- aalea of

S» bbl* at M>aW| j -. a

M HaLKBONl attt* 1 ka reqajee* aad Ira at the kaaproTe-.1' ¦:» ranker aabaa af atee r OeaetaAt oa the texta

«1 lit? IT.iaah. P


Alhitny « agile larlirl.Wft A: a.av M«T PJ 11*4

Tha aaaait of traaeeaxtartri rer the N»w T^rk Qeittal Rai;.ad V the «.»» . nai 1 Mat 1''.-. wi tkott there haw er'iml

r..10 tbe Waal 3 ..? Ball t. ., .. ;i g Coeai 1 4*3 Bhree,i Tl 11 fa; 11. e* a .: . |J..Ifc

P. Ii T f . atttaferth tW. »»*k .tereeeleaeT a_:*a>B » Bu.k> k- at n a 1Wimm*tm #»..-» jpr.rt 'b» p rat >d*..k'a ane a.,|pry. Ka.'-il ..y»-. « .t ti ,n booa Coaai'y

Jm%wmt take . 0 r -., 1 r Iwtlea BaTbdrod tf leak 0 po .n-t. ne»wn.bt Pieael »'¦.. bead ei. .., raat»..l PibaaO at* j.-iir-.. J ar d a «:». »1 < .:pm i_ ii 11 fee aetd at 9h3l*}* \* Ta. iv» mMMI .-it ... «*» i. H at r-.. «-t l .- tnla we-k ta»

'; I i ty *> |*eao, bbmItebr*kriak. l^btMatefa ümttm\i1 H*vt»

.vtarketav. R'f*>rt,,i 'a T'^c' n.Moan r. May !"..Tli» ial-aof Ott,.a t.»day w.ie 1.0 Obeee.

'- eteag»« a»bT0| .eoetaja t tut bade*CaniBxtrroa m>< M..The aaloaodtSaerroai % lay w»-e 1 tooal»a ».'l. Bte'BBfB tt rat»**t« takiH, M»y |ii.-Our Cutto» u aiket .a itn banard wr.a

llu Bed rrat.aa.-ti >t «.*l..iMa i.a.. M.a J ri -Th» ('of a '. at a.i :i

t »r tt <'»win.ni i »a.'i, May II I'HIiT q tel. R»d 91««. 1«;*'k»l< ? i5<r«ijS (i |t lu. t«..' -a.ra of |0 h^ihel«.

.in >h» »»Ii. a.a, reuiio»tl j»aoviM..»» diU.

3 ¦««».'.. »I lira mir** Fanten «j* fc*t>r StorbawrTCl i*awi*M. -

ii.»imi. to., 11. < p. w.. Fl 'i I ... I« kW drm«>4 *-'».aa.I» . it 931 ,*i 1 'x»ai ¦ Ui . v . > .... w ei .J"9.. .. ;not .>, «. Tints «r 4*1 .»(.*p » ,, ,

.tba 4)«M he-h I III «4« Rt*.r «v (In. «,,Fanohti-V f,«t 9. N.« . .. 1. .-. i«r

4..i-.1 ..my,.' ii«.« «.!>«, Fl»";..* ' 14) in». f*«f jj|tu-h. YVUit, IM« b'jah t\n>, *''i'b.«b flm.»y 24, > b««i,

at..? -


Krrrepl* af Prexlwre- M«T ILR» r.i. |«aV«a«1 /A* Baa mmm-~*/*t ktu. F .«.-.», r» 4«.

W . IN 4 A b..l .''..< p«f. Pi-.wi, n. <» 4 In«,'M 4 L«r< XI do A-hea. 4J Ba. tl tt»f, 1 ? .1 «¦. Po'««W*' i««t M«it I 246 so. Wa*ai. I 14* Hid... I SM nd.* U« Bar'.-2 iL I., t'k.r.f« 1». aWak BAte» / -..» .: bbki Fr«r. » »kt». Aak-«

t'4> io. "Aui,k). 25 »<. h.h IV...,-, I i ?v en i igt.

JleTewarwie mf Oiena iirnmrri.TO DEPART

Baeame*. I"'» Bate..N«» !*«**....le*. rpno!.May*

i* ui.N.w » .,« m, .. *Jey I»Th BSVahie. N-w Y ,k A.«4 M. r*Heaimoi.ii.New y..,i ...H«mt-ur|. May R)Bo-.pe. B.w.» 1 ...(... M«. i4>m*t ' M>. V\. .! New I ,, i,..v Mat *>

P."ie.Bewtet».. I .».*«. aaFuiWe. N.w j rk llaere M.t IBgu 1 j. N.w V ti Raa ;.«. 1

Nmi-x. Lev ¦ rmam 9Aftit-e.New »..r*-Lieeroi. i.i. .* fAm.ni-.H.«u*..I "eipwl.1.. al

An*.N.w \ k.. l.ieerpw.1.MB ST<i A K HIV I

4'ti BV'tmi-re.Liverpool.N. w York;.AarflfR| m.Heeee.N.w York. He, 4

l'n». «l<r. arrivedIm iMeiiir /'f.M. /row / ¦«i«i>j- A IteaVta a Mr. Bea>

. d ..<!). Mra Su.«»A «1.4 »1 Mr lvi.pt. «4y as*

aatiabler MfiRjV. Mr md M.a 4*ewthr* J <6n liLoaaav es*I I'nr-t. «öl ..!. Mr I ... I e't II. A riefcaa,

nee. Latham B h .». . I 1 11m ¦ 1 «|i-»eeem,C. WaeiUiw, T Br wo. Mr U.i'r.eti. t.~«#r H .hI aaK *«*»,Mr. H. tiie.il. Ji.ln. I'jer two Uivn Dr.r. AVl. Pientie«««,.«.!» Mr Ov<dje«'. letly t. d . l. Mi B k»..*n Bio* Mew*.Mi Heirf*, Mr. R..fiu*.o. Mi.. <i teat ami ... ... hr*l

it < i»r..« k-- ..t M r M I. » J K Sejirk,t W. 1 I» « u lUI'i '.¦ w >».. e .» ..H*. '...''.¦)**K. tiit. U 0 Btaael «. J My, M . R.44 et»I *. t.eot, B]r.ffi-b. Mr Kl-.b »ndl.ty, M*"-' Dia n aoerrn«ii V .

rr: ,t 1.4.. t-,t.et .. d little* Iii«. J.-4iil. J H I^w4», t.M¦ ..- R. . < H Bill -T Jofcu J Krll. Mr. BlweAm gim*mt iwikem, Mi L« .¦».».. Mt Hi ... * ¦.>. Hpveamltrft.met I i1aab«Oi >' '"¦IWBt.wa>t 11 In. ' T M "flamej .». x e.^,,Iaa*yaae*e»a )*mm ¦¦¦Bwfil *». ti i«*.i. i''»!,.«",,

1.. \\ W «vi. »eaf eaii .'«ejee F_ M_' u tgmm.ii .»./ */u- ...irt.i.. ¦' 1 '.«tveae

j Uyi in. J B ib Mi , BT. H P- . .. tJmmrtPlwetVl all .' NBBeaO l w I . »»J I 0 * R.teru,t jrt K. I n.

lit e»i>- >/e'7Jr#f f.'rite. from I *rt4>m~ U-.,'a- I BeiI».i\. B»- u.. f OeetaaM >. |«l . »t» M..t KQooAwitt, PnUrd. J.-t.L U.»ini»r BI bvly, Hew Toik.

k . iti'4» ubum . faja OttB ib.Rleei.... I «< Bete..

.* <" Mena.R'eee.. S f'mNie« w«T«a .ten o»v

6*L,!y H.. k... iiM i*"» i4*4L. I:«am H-.I Oue.f ty


fORT Ot NRW YORK. Mi« BX-w4>-1.

tlvarrei.iMBBiBkir" tr"* H "*'J c****"

ne.ke f> well PoVtJaaai II B. < II me. Ii k l>. Lo.-jJt PKo,Ftet.^f ILltlB-ore, H B. Cromwe Ib <*...

Bbipe- \ «uella. Bmiib Li».r(.. «A'lllieme B. Oti n OJevo|i..... BoetoB J. A'Alre A C li aei.t Buer. s«a

kriI. Welle a Kro«ini»i, k i/ekm, R«L»tt. Ao^iei, a. a.

Bat*.Mi..»!r« im. M«r»ir- « u .ii MillnilB« »J4UBrti^-S tke. I), writ t lA/llminrtne M.eh. w r.'»ut m Cm.j

0«H.to, BmBB. «tkbaw-BA. C 8 P»in..ii.eB. Ce/Bi /eckeonville, l M*»bew BeAm«, LraeAer. <l»r ..t ».ftKrl^j Str»n|fr (Ri.). MV Beseem «VaSveanBa kv B J. w.

Wbeelrf K>.' Oratbl tHleeeena I' 4 M «trajBeboooer»- Beraeai, Maaee Ci'? P.4m Jtnir. Rarterll Oaj

u ht. HeftoB), BBavaaeBb n « Mun«? r >t.*a»t, w«t1«. li f t H J W«. B" ?mjp.r-. Braiebaer. ( eiawajiav11 J. DeWolf: Myrever, Btaet/n Pviimloftnn, MoOeaejy,BtalA4'., Whltt'er heeby Ti ..t a m«.t-r 4 Utiakan Cr..weu,Brittii B.W lewt.fcO f. Sheerer, ilbeerer, WilmlBabBl,R P Ba Ul .

Barae-Laurel. Adame. Baltiirt.ir.. W Kall J.

ArrieraltBr i. J i'ikii.t UleTfBll Maf i, niiiee. m4

pan t., E, bäaarReteera.htp Auil'te, Wi«eihnll. BatAi oah 6> äVaBIB, "idee. m4

paee. tu S.n I. Mit. hi.l 4t B»n. Satordaj et 7. y m. Bu kiel N. B. Itoui Tjtv-t. Bemrd «t»*e.»hV *.<¦*< . °- »Wkj| Ib] »¦ i n. I W ld ii. Ii r- I»« . « ' .if 1 ¦ < al. OBJ¦t.aaaaBiBktetoofOaoniB *t . B*, wBA ateaiu.u./ Na^.Jle.at12 tt... wi h ati«mahip Al«*>ainaB'taualip Pl.4uiu«t, Puwa.l, BalUiii. rr "tO BBBBBj oiiae. to H.

B. ( r. man i a Ca, M.t|tar.t ¥\*i a Wa. t laej Wi^at

Apuin ii .1... eiü >*... t. F. F M>r#en. April W, tat UM,i. ii 41 aaaaed teiaJiiiaM Büem m W ktlk kW. ..MUaat| I' t,aa..d bar» W <(<. hei.-, l-.'u.rt K M j I .at 19 M, km4il .»4. paeaad ei..p W r .» adW.,BaB leJ iM.ha.it4', liinait il tl ip Settuab, IruiM K. tfeui- tin... aaw tkip WaKeii". U Ittd F..

V' j, V a. l.rr.'iTjiri. «VI.'-, r Ni >. Ir a- < I« da?.. Bait* toWp.T. Fleet I m May I ¦ 4 Ii »\ tin d t heaei aale wBte

.! HaUrn-a 'fii. B. f. Wi|h a i.. a%) .*tll fr. u .V M. X. aadL ... ..a»i. ii. S. k .'...il, ..- e ^aataede» ta*lie Wl. o.Heed .> irtj a ti.avy te-.. ' " ' '.. ".*» 4ee»«Bt*U , - .,, ¦ I «] ». a r .i i l«l ¦ hi Craw tat pan «4lb. timpi a. lib, it .in fifbiimi watet t Abeeeom,m« taa

matt bt aaa ta*a emabea aeba uKikt.nM Nlcbeiej I taanperl N...kel*. Remedi « May

I. taaat tt d n.< i.iatt tr> R. p. Bw V k Ob,Burk .1 aba V». A' eram |i f 0 * FWAWW f*r*eo«t V>

out Mtaaj he., fi U'a ak. Cat v. r A whaae. Batiei ta eootfWBfant. l.na J..-^t h l'.ik. kef N.w i .a

Bug Lai kali if B.w. L I!.own. ?«.»oil.t Maceb SB. aadPitt J.ft «i. T- r'jlai, iprl.M wbet* t'P.bi KJ-atet f-vi.1..i . tut. . '.If .-. Be le R f B,i.-« ti 8B»Ky 1b< paatmaea jBe.k M.-Aituou, Hi.itouro H B. 1 aaye,

piaai.i'oi'. 1 Beelata a 1kmBuk Laurel Hi f Wiadaev), Maio,;««l. Mmim-.II'* A evtl It,

we**, Ae '.. I. S tAhi't.y A CBltjB. Di -ie.it CklpejiM t-fi wa.i Ap-U II balaet BlJ.

I J*». Apt, ... lat. 2.1 .Ii. t ¦:. .,«a- '. ,ta r a i«. RUU.f. ii laleeaa w *-r iia.ai a. ab**! ut kl»a*i .up(.i .1 .11 o, May tUt maj B *4 rfi. tr.,a^ bar* Ma la M. I ... 4. r "4e»aa-ib, t ka F.. I), uu.o aad ba. np-ih am ¦! 1»., w.atiiei i*t'iiof tat

f.t.l|eI I Joeeab Paik (efBeeleal PaitvfBfdraai tatll Tt. aaaw?M

Walak Cmvet 0 < oeae Maty t,lot, MB 74 a, .puke .hitB. p..n foi t. in B*w4Mwaaai l"i.. tf Ban ><a. «* tket, pn.aei. ot « I .. ,! «/t aeBJ . i.k LBt j w.ra pUuted wbito,»:.'!«. tb* aattork>teed *B main-ail ai d t ,.eeeil

Ri 1 j P. Eliten«! I I i.|-i 1 .a- t. TmoMde 4 tbaAt .'. ...k«i «Lti BMtaaaeeU 11 I' Bic kam h Co, May?¦9 I afe Hi ir j taw balk Sa t lie f> ,.1 N T . biifa V.|»«

M ^ 4 1. 1. .a* Naal -*-e-

I'el a I f. r N.w feta.Bria Je*bh I t. aii.a P R 16 dart tufai ao4 «0

laeat * ti br. it bot a Oae'br.8 B W.li,.Wri,.f MTB* liejBBB,MX »r-wr. aljeia*

M n 2 . .».- .11 bb '..»«-* 1. n.tt'.rfek' Moktle, Hewwa, Bf . .. if | , Uytla k

VaaBjat.I ka II- waid. Lawi.t.. N. » -i N < I" dt/«, aaeal

atmet to D«vi. A Hoii.,..B hi Rat. 1 Roe. V it nr 1 7 dtyt thtp -iinber t-, R f Buck

a r.>Mr. M' ». . »tt. Nein», V«,-, Manie. iie-.r»et*wn U. I.,4 day.

KeBf 4 bar' Ife M1t1.1v« (Br ), M..r..- Baia..« |0 day. fr.ll toE 'at T bf frareh Ki n a I B> 1- - Mir I.

a- bt Rrtadm 04tabel, Waalwaal ¦ I >' I «*ye aawlret* I M B . t». Il

Beat Ilm r ieaava, A.Jn h, Baliuner* 3 day*. eoeJt' VaBn.t t A b hi.:

ibr DaavHla 4 ht-tt.r Ri Bflaaakl 1 daya niAee. to* IIPierat v,Mr. Kate iKri Ma nie 4. uar. Uetowe t. B. L, it Aeje,

p> 'a'i »a »

S hr. T?f t.-. Str. it. Ma-tiiaa 5 ley . 1 -j-tf r '¦> Orrrm W..n bm t¦em Au.tLi» Powt-n kVMama rtlaibiib fBi. 0 T. frf

Sti.*.I t r lea Breem I k*f rl W «.< « . -.r«B4 Aanl

tl BBfBI t '. ¦aster. Ma) 4 la' 14. Ism 7 >4I tpoB* kiltJ, tit .-Law (i I Ma. bias), hoot.d ka Iwfbamill»Ta

leftmiaa B io'inuLt, Lt/aet VaBBadat .-.t.. w*odk*Dilti.

¦Lr. Ida Maria, Mu. L.r Vir«n.i. 4 .leye. r ru to A. CHaw Lt.

bf. TarktewB, Woflam. Ci4y P-iit in .lay* ^otttrn, Ac, t*J. Hewfeet a <>.

I Bt. « ii . AHt-0 it mealed Oratit Al. itudiia i data, noai I»B. A. CluitU'd.B i r. eti. t» N.w.ob. Ot ,r,tb,w3, D. C. 10 i.ta. fl.ui. he,M .. Btd.li.Babe I.'and City. foDklluf. Al-aaaidrie I day, .-««! to C. A.

C ii.' l.<t.B. t as, Momtt, B u - i .... ... ttora*

Bt< . b, L. B.. A CmI o I» maaar,Jr.,CBaaaWi Twtk U" diyt. w.^dts

n laBMI bf M tsiaBaab v as, I m r.d ,o day*. Bveur to Oaar

a 4I .- Mary Adtlaad*, Ball V rgiais I '*j. «.tn aaJ .>**» ?* AV

f. Hat.-..1 Pi In re V . < « n w<*d t»

ma.it r.kt. Cbai a aWnVaVasfl Ar.y - ir,i, u 4 da), ex 1 t*

matirr.* I F at. V » Mat.ar W 1-r. N * 7 i p «a«ev t*H 0/| HO. J 4. 4>.Bibr. j-. r fajtiaaeri <r. a D . 4 day*.aO '. u atttr.

ir W M. R. ttlt... b .'--.. '. , .a I IsBS weai w>mat'er.

*. bt Fjr.ar .i*r,f M , :.- . , ¦, AC.¦sseas

Bsar. J B B*yi L« t. \ iMttdaw* «,.41 mi«*.Beb. K li Pe<ker, Pwkei \ .. .ill.,, m . 1 .. iu«* »r.!<. rr J B-edmota C an s rr V . « ia 4 Safe, w., tfahr. L. V.I - a W-efn «ta-n \ ralLM da». entlBJB-hr hut/. B m Qi iiwtlfi P. 4 ii day. o*«i te> BSbWaBrbj B.i.«>r Pirtrr,\irsi a'.a.^a pi*, Il n.a.vk. t». J I' I. .Ratd. Nicbttia. Vi,||..ta 4 day*, woo* to I

Bebt. Paleeti, .«. fan Iwran. SkrB.Bdilal saya Sealki .. l H w Dasey VtrsJ ii brb.araadBs

- iI tt ii .. 4 ia a . Hfl¦tbl Mai» J.l. T-t". u, V .-aitu a Safe, w ^d to mat'.t.S Lr. Tum. B- dior. B par. V'.ai.m 6 4a.. w » A Ba anaerer.

'.t* . . . , fry*.B. br. ll.tiUt a A\re> Oloo. t'er

br «p..dw.U B>.«. Oil** atol.r. tr F P br at K «r Q , ...s.i r y laaWth h H-.. r - i ., i>-»r Rma*t tbe r**»efL Bmhe B t ilbaBBMr 4i» .... A let \ ir«>. a I r .a.. t>r» tti aWa*BBIBeLr B. B'Btwi.-4. D *if, arv. .r h.k t» laaa'r*Kit «.r.t-a Ba.krt P yi.e . ti, Maa. witiBi.'plkoB,-. h ... B i r . d.i. s. B.4ae. U ma^-eBell P.r,..i.nB Ml:t,,. V.f.. < .. .., «aast»f.r-r O r. t'.-i... Ca.k \i.|4r.l«4*we*. W.eaa.Bebt I ...tl.H.we..UlaWbsebCbj ¦ J inBaiete.Btto. OfSmia aUarstdal mH at'Ftkl *>a i.- i fard Bb ..¦ R . bf Be' o.

'.t-» S..a. , \ irf i. <,,',,,Bebr. I ^ MiBet ( . . \ ,. . ...^BttBM Otawsfw, Bmtu. Bfe.b at 4 New L-i^oo .***.*

a n h i wr ..

BsSal BSI Phr*ii.!k4i4«. Bade*. U) N Hn«l»Mm.tl iure 'A a. . f- . ruSee. m laaa* Omt*.tA IND.funitt, 0 E rata darias tbe day.The f. amthtB Prrel* arr M Qiarai.tm. at ti a m.. a»d a' kef

<.. k at Jnety ttt> at IXj latins lera SetMieal M 'M Qua*iimt *» ".eJeojepc* 4rf a (ssy ad Meat. pv< laaxs ea * mct.