New Publications Offered by the AMS To subscribe to email notification of new AMS publications, please go to www.ams.org/bookstore-email. Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Monoidal Categories and the Gerstenhaber Bracket in Hochschild Cohomology Reiner Hermann, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway Contents: Introduction; Prerequisites; Extension categories; The Retakh isomorphism; Hochschild cohomology; A bracket for monoidal categories; Application I: The kernel of the Gerstenhaber bracket; Application II: The Ext-algebra of the identity functor; Appendix A. Basics; Bibliography. Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 243, Number 1151 August 2016, 146 pages, Softcover, ISBN: 978-1-4704-1995-0, 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 16E40; 14F35, 16T05, 18D10, 18E10, 18G15, Individual member US$51.60, List US$86, Institutional member US$68.80, Order code MEMO/243/1151 Descent Construction for GSpin Groups Joseph Hundley, State University of New York at Buffalo, New York, and Eitan Sayag, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel Contents: Introduction; Part 1. General matters: Some notions related to Langlands functoriality; Notation; The Spin groups GSpin m and their quasisplit forms; “Unipotent periods”; Part 2. Odd case: Notation and statement; Unramified correspondence; Eisenstein series I: Construction and main statements; Descent construction; Appendix I: Local results on Jacquet functors; Appendix II: Identities of unipotent periods; Part 3. Even case: Formulation of the main result in the even case; Notation; Unramified correspondence; Eisenstein series; Descent construction; Appendix III: Preparations for the proof of Theorem 15.0.12; Appendix IV: Proof of Theorem 15.0.12; Appendix V: Auxiliary results used to prove Theorem 15.0.12; Appendix VI: Local results on Jacquet functors; Appendix VII: Identities of unipotent periods; Bibliography. Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 243, Number 1148 August 2016, 125 pages, Softcover, ISBN: 978-1-4704-1667-6, 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 11F70, 11F55, Individual member US$50.40, List US$84, Institutional member US$67.20, Order code MEMO/243/1148 Real Non-Abelian Mixed Hodge Structures for Quasi-Projective Varieties: Formality and Splitting J. P. Pridham, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom Contents: Introduction; Splittings for MHS on real homotopy types; Non-abelian structures; Structures on cohomology; Relative Malcev homotopy types; Structures on relative Malcev homotopy types; MHS on relative Malcev homotopy types of compact Kähler manifolds; MTS on relative Malcev homotopy types of compact Kähler manifolds; Variations of mixed Hodge and mixed twistor structures; Monodromy at the Archimedean place; Simplicial and singular varieties; Algebraic MHS/MTS for quasi-projective varieties I; Algebraic MHS/MTS for quasi-projective varieties II—non-trivial monodromy; Canonical splittings; SL 2 splittings of non-abelian MTS/MHS and strictification; Bibliography. Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 243, Number 1150 August 2016, 178 pages, Softcover, ISBN: 978-1-4704-1981-3, 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 14C30; 14F35, 32S35, 55P62, Individual member US$55.80, List US$93, Institutional member US$74.40, Order code MEMO/243/1150 838 Notices of the AMS Volume 63, Number 7

New Publications Offered by the AMS€¦ · Contents: Introduction; Prerequisites; Extension categories; The Retakh isomorphism; Hochschild cohomology; A bracket for monoidal categories;

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Page 1: New Publications Offered by the AMS€¦ · Contents: Introduction; Prerequisites; Extension categories; The Retakh isomorphism; Hochschild cohomology; A bracket for monoidal categories;

New PublicationsOffered by the AMSTo subscribe to email notification of new AMS publications,please go to www.ams.org/bookstore-email.

Algebra and Algebraic Geometry

Monoidal Categoriesand the GerstenhaberBracket in HochschildCohomology

Reiner Hermann, NorwegianUniversity of Science andTechnology, Trondheim, Norway

Contents: Introduction; Prerequisites;Extension categories; The Retakh

isomorphism; Hochschild cohomology; A bracket for monoidalcategories; Application I: The kernel of the Gerstenhaber bracket;Application II: The Ext-algebra of the identity functor; Appendix A.Basics; Bibliography.

Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 243,Number 1151

August 2016, 146 pages, Softcover, ISBN: 978-1-4704-1995-0,

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 16E40; 14F35, 16T05,

18D10, 18E10, 18G15, Individual member US$51.60, List US$86,

Institutional member US$68.80, Order code MEMO/243/1151

Descent Constructionfor GSpin Groups

Joseph Hundley, State Universityof New York at Buffalo, New York,and Eitan Sayag, Hebrew Universityof Jerusalem, Israel

Contents: Introduction; Part 1. Generalmatters: Some notions related to Langlandsfunctoriality; Notation; The Spin groupsGSpinm and their quasisplit forms;

“Unipotent periods”; Part 2. Odd case: Notation and statement;Unramified correspondence; Eisenstein series I: Construction andmain statements; Descent construction; Appendix I: Local results onJacquet functors; Appendix II: Identities of unipotent periods; Part 3.Even case: Formulation of the main result in the even case; Notation;

Unramified correspondence; Eisenstein series; Descent construction;Appendix III: Preparations for the proof of Theorem 15.0.12;Appendix IV: Proof of Theorem 15.0.12; Appendix V: Auxiliary resultsused to prove Theorem 15.0.12; Appendix VI: Local results on Jacquetfunctors; Appendix VII: Identities of unipotent periods; Bibliography.

Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 243,Number 1148

August 2016, 125 pages, Softcover, ISBN: 978-1-4704-1667-6,2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 11F70, 11F55, Individual

member US$50.40, List US$84, Institutional member US$67.20,Order code MEMO/243/1148

Real Non-Abelian MixedHodge Structuresfor Quasi-ProjectiveVarieties: Formality andSplitting

J. P. Pridham, University ofEdinburgh, United Kingdom

Contents: Introduction; Splittings for MHSon real homotopy types; Non-abelian structures; Structures oncohomology; Relative Malcev homotopy types; Structures on relativeMalcev homotopy types; MHS on relative Malcev homotopy typesof compact Kähler manifolds; MTS on relative Malcev homotopytypes of compact Kähler manifolds; Variations of mixed Hodgeand mixed twistor structures; Monodromy at the Archimedeanplace; Simplicial and singular varieties; Algebraic MHS/MTS forquasi-projective varieties I; Algebraic MHS/MTS for quasi-projectivevarieties II—non-trivial monodromy; Canonical splittings; SL2

splittings of non-abelian MTS/MHS and strictification; Bibliography.

Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 243,Number 1150

August 2016, 178 pages, Softcover, ISBN: 978-1-4704-1981-3, 2010Mathematics Subject Classification: 14C30; 14F35, 32S35, 55P62,Individual member US$55.80, List US$93, Institutional memberUS$74.40, Order code MEMO/243/1150

838 Notices of the AMS Volume 63, Number 7

Page 2: New Publications Offered by the AMS€¦ · Contents: Introduction; Prerequisites; Extension categories; The Retakh isomorphism; Hochschild cohomology; A bracket for monoidal categories;

New Publications Offered by the AMS

Differential Equations

Layer Potentialsand Boundary-ValueProblems for SecondOrder Elliptic Operatorswith Data in BesovSpaces

Ariel Barton, Universityof Arkansas, Fayetteville, andSvitlana Mayboroda, Universityof Minnesota, Minneapolis

Contents: Introduction; Definitions; The Main theorems;Interpolation, function spaces and elliptic equations; Boundedness ofintegral operators; Trace theorems; Results for Lebesgue and Sobolevspaces: Historic account and some extensions; The Green’s formularepresentation for a solution; Invertibility of layer potentials andwell-posedness of boundary-value problems; Besov spaces andweighted Sobolev spaces; Bibliography.

Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 243,Number 1149

August 2016, 110 pages, Softcover, ISBN: 978-1-4704-1989-9, 2010

Mathematics Subject Classification: 35J25; 31B20, 35C15, 46E35,

Individual member US$49.80, List US$83, Institutional member

US$66.40, Order code MEMO/243/1149

Recent Advancesin Partial DifferentialEquations andApplications

Vicentiu D. Radulescu, KingAbdulaziz University, Jeddah,Saudi Arabia, Adélia Sequeira,Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal,and Vsevolod A. Solonnikov,Steklov Mathematical Institute,St. Petersburg, Russia, Editors

This volume contains the proceedings of the International Conferenceon Recent Advances in PDEs and Applications, in honor of HugoBeirão da Veiga’s 70th birthday, held from February 17–21, 2014, inLevico Terme, Italy.

The conference brought together leading experts and researchers innonlinear partial differential equations to promote research andto stimulate interactions among the participants. The workshopprogram testified to the wide-ranging influence of Hugo Beirão daVeiga on the field of partial differential equations, in particular thoserelated to fluid dynamics.

In his own work, da Veiga has been a seminal influence inmany important areas: Navier-Stokes equations, Stokes systems,non-Newtonian fluids, Euler equations, regularity of solutions,

perturbation theory, vorticity phenomena, and nonlinear potentialtheory, as well as various degenerate or singular models inmathematical physics. This same breadth is reflected in themathematical papers included in this volume.

This item will also be of interest to those working in applications.

Contents: A. Sequeira, J.-P. Dias, A. Valli, P. Secchi, L. Berselli, andF. Crispo, Tributes to Hugo Beirão da Veiga; H. A. Baba, C. Amrouche,and M. Escobedo, Analyticity of the semi-group generated bythe Stokes operator with Navier-type boundary conditions onLp-spaces; P. Antonelli and P. Marcati, Some results on systemsfor quantum fluids; C. Bardos and T. T. Nguyen, Remarks on theinviscid limit for the compressible flows; V. Benci and L. L. Baglini,A generalization of Gauss’ divergence theorem; L. C. Berselli andS. Spirito, Weak solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations constructedby semi-discretization are suitable; D. Breit, Existence theory forgeneralized Newtonian fluids; G. Buttazzo and B. Velichkov, Thespectral drop problem; D. Chae, On the vanishing theorems for thediscretely self-similar solutions to the Hall equations; F. Crispo andP. Maremonti, A high regularity result of solutions to a modifiedp-Navier-Stokes system; R. Farwig, C. Simader, H. Sohr, andW. Varnhorn, General properties of the Helmholtz decomposition inspaces of Lq-type; E. Feireisl and Y. Sun, Conditional regularity ofvery weak solutions to the Navier-Stokes-Fourier system; F. Flandoli,Possible effect of noise on stretching mechanism; G. P. Galdi and C. R.Grisanti, On the plane steady-state flow of a shear-thinning liquid pastan obstacle in the singular case; V. Georgiev and A. R. Giammetta,Sectorial Hamiltonians without zero resonance in one dimension;Z. Grujic, Vortex stretching and anisotropic diffusion in the 3DNavier-Stokes equations; P. Kaplický, On Lq estimates for planarflows up to boundary; B. Ducomet and S. Necasová, Non equilibriumdiffusion limit in a barotropic radiative flow; R. Rautmann,Decomposition of the homogeneous space W1,2 with respect to theDirichlet form 〈∇u,∇v〉 and applications; S. Rionero, Convectionin ternary porous layers with depth-dependent permeability andviscosity; F. Miranda and J. F. Rodrigues, On a variational inequalityfor incompressible non-Newtonian thick flows; E. Molitor andM. Ružicka, On inhomogeneous p-Navier–Stokes systems; Y. Shibata,On the global well-posedness of some free boundary problem for acompressible barotropic viscous fluid flow; V. A. Solonnikov, On afree boundary problem of magnetohydrodynamics for a viscousincompressible fluid not subjected to capillary forces; A. F. Vasseur,Relative entropy and contraction for extremal shocks of conservationlaws up to a shift.

Contemporary Mathematics, Volume 666

July 2016, approximately 401 pages, Softcover, ISBN: 978-1-4704-1521-1, LC 2015036428, 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification:35-06, 76-06; 35A01, 35B40, 35J60, 35K55, 35L70, 65N06, 76D05,AMS members US$86.40, List US$108, Order code CONM/666

August 2016 Notices of the AMS 839

Page 3: New Publications Offered by the AMS€¦ · Contents: Introduction; Prerequisites; Extension categories; The Retakh isomorphism; Hochschild cohomology; A bracket for monoidal categories;

New Publications Offered by the AMS

Discrete Mathematics andCombinatorics

Selected Works ofRichard P. Stanley

Patricia Hersh, North CarolinaState University, Raleigh, NC,Thomas Lam, University ofMichigan, Ann Arbor, MI, PavloPylyavskyy, University ofMichigan, Ann Arbor, MI, andVictor Reiner, University ofMinnesota, Minneapolis, MN,Editors

Richard Stanley’s work in combinatorics revolutionized and reshapedthe subject. Many of his hallmark ideas and techniques imported fromother areas of mathematics have become mainstays in the frameworkof modern combinatorics. In addition to collecting several of Stanley’smost influential papers, this volume also includes his own shortreminiscences on his early years, and on his celebrated proof of TheUpper Bound Theorem.

Contents: The early years; How the upper bound conjecturewas proved; Theory and application of plane partitions: Part1; Theory and application of plane partitions. Part 2; Modularelements of geometric lattices; Supersolvable lattices; Linearhomogeneous diophantine equations and magic labelings ofgraphs; Acyclic orientations of graphs; Combinatorial reciprocitytheorems; The upper bound conjecture and Cohen-Macaulay rings;Combinatorial reciprocity theorems; Binomial posets, Möbiusinversion, and permutation enumeration; Eulerian partitions of aunit hypercube, voir note ci-après; Hilbert functions of gradedalgebras; The number of faces of a simplicial convex polytope;Differential posets; Weyl groups, the hard Lefschetz theorem,and the Sperner property; Two combinatorial applications of theAleksandrov-Fenchel inequalities; Linear diophantine equations andlocal cohomology; Some aspects of groups acting on finite posets;with A. Björner and A. Garsia, An introduction to Cohen-Macaulaypartially ordered sets; An introduction to combinatorial commutativealgebra; On the number of reduced decompositions of elements ofCoxeter groups; A baker’s dozen of conjectures concerning planepartitions; Unimodality and Lie superalgebras; Two poset polytopes;GeneralizedH-vectors, intersection cohomology of toric varieties,and related results; Differentiably finite power series; Log-concaveand unimodal sequences in algebra, combinatorics, and geometry;Some combinatorial properties of Jack symmetric functions;Subdivisions and localh-vectors; with S. Billey and W. Jokusch, Somecombinatorial properties of Schubert polynomials; with S. Fomin,Schubert polynomials and the nilCoxeter algebra; Flag f -vectors andthe cd-index; A symmetric function generalization of the chromaticpolynomial of a graph; Irreducible symmetric group characters ofrectangular shape; Increasing and decreasing subsequences and theirvariants; Promotion and evacuation; A conjectured combinatorialinterpretation of the normalized irreducible character values of thesymmetric group.

Collected Works, Volume 25

August 2016, approximately 783 pages, Hardcover, ISBN: 978-1-4704-1682-9, LC 2016006716, 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification:05A15, 05B35, 05Exx, 06A07, 06A11, 13F55, 52B05, 52B20, 52B22,52C35, AMS members US$128, List US$160, Order code CWORKS/25

The MathematicalLegacy of RichardP. Stanley

Patricia Hersh, North CarolinaState University, Raleigh, NC,Thomas Lam, University ofMichigan, Ann Arbor, MI, PavloPylyavskyy, University ofMinnesota, Minneapolis, MN,and Victor Reiner, Universityof Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN,Editors

Richard Stanley’s work in combinatorics revolutionized and reshapedthe subject. His lectures, papers, and books inspired a generation ofresearchers. In this volume these researchers explain how Stanley’svision and insights influenced and guided their own perspectives onthe subject. As a valuable bonus, this book contains a collection ofStanley’s short comments on each of his papers.

This book may serve as an introduction to several different threadsof ongoing research in combinatorics as well as giving historicalperspective.

Contents: R. P. Stanley, Publications; C. A. Athanasiadis, A surveyof subdivisions and local h-vectors; M. Beck, Stanley’s majorcontributions to Ehrhart theory; L. J. Billera, “Even more intriguing,if rather less plausible...” Face numbers of convex polytopes; S. C.Billey and P. R. W. McNamara, The contributions of Stanley to thefabric of symmetric and quasisymmetric functions; A. Björner,“Let ∆ be a Cohen-Macaulay complex . . .”; F. Brenti, Stanley’s workon unimodality; P. Diaconis, Five stories for Richard; A. Garsia,J. Haglund, G. Xin, and M. Zabrocki, Some new applicationsof the Stanley-Macdonald Pieri rules; I. M. Gessel, A historicalsurvey of P -partitions; I. P. Goulden and D. M. Jackson, Transitivefactorizations of permutations and geometry; T. Hibi, Stanley’sinfluence on monomial ideals; M. Hochster, Cohen-Macaulayvarieties, geometric complexes, and combinatorics; C. Krattenthaler,Plane partitions in the work of Richard Stanley and his school;C. Lenart, Combinatorial representation theory of Lie algebras.Richard Stanley’s work and the way it was continued; J. Propp,Lessons I learned from Richard Stanley; A, Schilling, Richard Stanleythrough a crystal lens and from a random angle; J. Shareshian andM. L. Wachs, From poset topology to q-Eulerian polynomials toStanley’s chromatic symmetric functions; P. Sniady, Stanley characterpolynomials; S. Sundaram, Some problems arising from partitionposet homology.

August 2016, approximately 352 pages, Hardcover, ISBN: 978-1-4704-2724-5, LC 2016004438, 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification:05A15, 05B35, 05Exx, 06A07, 06A11, 13F55, 52B05, 52B20, 52B22,52C35, AMS members US$47.20, List US$59, Order code MBK/100

840 Notices of the AMS Volume 63, Number 7

Page 4: New Publications Offered by the AMS€¦ · Contents: Introduction; Prerequisites; Extension categories; The Retakh isomorphism; Hochschild cohomology; A bracket for monoidal categories;

New AMS-Distributed Publications

Probability and Statistics

Probability on Algebraicand GeometricStructures

Gregory Budzban, Southern IllinoisUniversity, Carbondale, IL, HarryRandolph Hughes, SouthernIllinois University, Carbondale, IL,and Henri Schurz, Southern IllinoisUniversity, Carbondale, IL, Editors

This volume contains the proceedings of the International ResearchConference “Probability on Algebraic and Geometric Structures”, heldfrom June 5–7, 2014, at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL,celebrating the careers of Philip Feinsilver, Salah-Eldin A. Mohammed,and Arunava Mukherjea.

These proceedings include survey papers and new research on avariety of topics such as probability measures and the behavior ofstochastic processes on groups, semigroups, and Clifford algebras;algebraic methods for analyzing Markov chains and products ofrandom matrices; stochastic integrals and stochastic ordinary, partial,and functional differential equations.

Contents: A. Anckar and G, Högnäs, The fine structure of thestationary distribution for a simple Markov process; D. Bell,Superdegenerate hypoelliptic differential operators; G. Budzban andA. Mukherjea, Some remarks on the convolution equation µ ∗ β = µand product semigroups; S. Chakraborty, Limit distributions ofproducts of i.i.d. random 2x2 stochastic matrices: An open problem;A. Cosso, C. Di Girolami, and F. Russo, Calculus via regularizationsin Banach spaces and Kolmogorov-type path-dependent equations;P. Feinsilver, Matrices with zero row sums, tree theorems and Markovchain on trees; P. Graczyk and P. Sawyer, Convolution of orbitalmeasures on symmetric spaces: A survey; G. Högnäs and B. Jung,Exit times for some autoregressive processes with non-Gaussiannoise distributions; I. Kemajou-Brown, Brief history of optimalcontrol theory and some recent developments; J. Kocik, Krawtchoukmatrices, Feynman path integral and the split quaternions;R. Léandre, The Itô-Stratonovich formula for an operator of orderfour; C. R. E. Raja and R. Schott, Random walks on motion groups;H. Schurz and A. Talafha, Existence, uniqueness, and energy ofmodified stochastic sine-Gordon equation with multiplicative noiseon one-dimensional domain; L. Siriwardena and H. R. Hughes,Squared Bessel process with delay; G. S. Staples, Kravchuk matricesand induced operators on Clifford algebras.

Contemporary Mathematics, Volume 668

July 2016, 221 pages, Softcover, ISBN: 978-1-4704-1945-5, LC2015039277, 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 05C50, 15A66,49N90, 54C40, 60B15, 60G50, 60H07, 60H15, 60H30, 60J05, AMS

members US$86.40, List US$108, Order code CONM/668

New AMS-DistributedPublications


Handbook ofTeichmüller Theory:Volume VI

Athanase Papadopoulos,Université de Strasbourg, France,Editor

This volume is the sixth in a series dedicatedto Teichmüller theory in a broad sense,including various moduli and deformation

spaces, and the study of mapping class groups.

It is divided into five parts:

• Part A: The metric and the analytic theory• Part B: The group theory• Part C: Representation theory and generalized structures• Part D: The Grothendieck–Teichmüller theory• Part E: Sources

The topics surveyed include Grothendieck’s construction of theanalytic structure of Teichmüller space, identities on the geodesiclength spectrum of hyperbolic surfaces (including Mirzakhani’sapplication to the computation of Weil-Petersson volumes), modulispaces of configurations spaces, the Teichmüller tower with theaction of the Galois group on dessins d’enfants, and several otheractions related to surfaces. The last part contains three papers byTeichmüller’s famous paper Extremale quasikonforme Abbildungenund quadratische Differentiale.

The handbook is addressed to researchers and to graduate students.

This item will also be of interest to those working in geometry andtopology.

A publication of the European Mathematical Society. Distributedwithin the Americas by the American Mathematical Society.

IRMA Lectures in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Volume27

May 2016, 652 pages, Hardcover, ISBN: 978-3-03719-161-3, 2010Mathematics Subject Classification: 30-00, 32-00, 57-00, 32G13, 32G15,30F60; 11F06, 11F75, 14D20, 11G32, AMS members US$86.40, ListUS$108, Order code EMSILMTP/27

August 2016 Notices of the AMS 841

Page 5: New Publications Offered by the AMS€¦ · Contents: Introduction; Prerequisites; Extension categories; The Retakh isomorphism; Hochschild cohomology; A bracket for monoidal categories;

New AMS-Distributed Publications

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Geometry and Topology

Higher-DimensionalGeneralized Manifolds:Surgery andConstructions

Alberto Cavicchioli, Universitàdegli Studi di Modena e ReggioEmilia, Italy, Friedrich Hegenbarth,Univerità degli Studi di Milano, Italy,and Dušan Repovš, University ofLjubljana, Slovenia

Generalized manifolds are a most fascinating subject to study. Theywere introduced in the 1930s, when topologists tried to detecttopological manifolds among more general spaces. (This is now calledthe manifold recognition problem.) As such, generalized manifoldshave served to enhance our understanding of the nature of genuinemanifolds. However, it soon became more important to study thecategory of generalized manifolds itself.

A breakthrough was made in the 1990s, when several topologistsdiscovered a systematic way of constructing higher-dimensionalgeneralized manifolds, based on advanced surgery techniques. Infact, the development of controlled surgery theory and the study ofgeneralized manifolds developed in parallel. In this process, earlierstudies of geometric surgery turned out to be very helpful.

Generalized manifolds will continue to be an attractive subject tostudy, for there remain several unsolved fundamental problems.Moreover, they hold promise for new research, e.g. for findingappropriate structures on these spaces which could bring tolight geometric (or even analytic) aspects of higher-dimensionalgeneralized manifolds.

This is the first book to systematically collect the most importantmaterial on higher-dimensional generalized manifolds and controlledsurgery. It is self-contained and its extensive list of references reflectsthe historic development. The book is based on the authors’ graduatecourses and seminars, as well as their talks given at various meetings,and is suitable for advanced graduate students and researchers inalgebraic and geometric topology.

This item will also be of interest to those working in algebra andalgebraic geometry.

A publication of the European Mathematical Society (EMS). Distributedwithin the Americas by the American Mathematical Society.

EMS Series of Lectures in Mathematics, Volume 23

May 2016, 154 pages, Softcover, ISBN: 978-3-03719-156-9, 2010Mathematics Subject Classification: 57P05, 57P10, 57P99, 57R65,57R67; 18F15, 19J25, 57N15, 57N60, 57N65, AMS members

US$30.40, List US$38, Order code EMSSERLEC/23

842 Notices of the AMS Volume 63, Number 7