SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM ELECTRICITY OF VIETNAM POWER ENGINEERING CONSULTING COMPANY 2 E533 Vol. 40 220 kV Soc Trang substation ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN (EMP) Ho Chi Minh City, April 2007 Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized

New ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN (EMP) - World Bank · 2016. 7. 17. · investigation, design for the substation avoids areas with importatnt drainage system in the region, therefore

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    E533Vol. 40

    220 kV Soc Trang substation



    Ho Chi Minh City, April 2007


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    220 kV Soc Trang substation


    Department leader of Environment and Resettlement: Eng Huynh Le Trung

    Prepared by: Msc Chu Duy Tuyen

    Ho Chi Minh Citv 2007




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  • Table of contents

    1. PROJECT DETAILS ........................................ 1

    2. ENVIRONMENT IMPACT SCREENING .......................... 4

    3. RECORD OF PUBLIC CONSULTATION ............................................ 15

    4. NEGATIVE IMPACTS MITIGATION PLAN .................. 17

    5. MONITORING PLAN ...................................................... 21


    PLAN ................................................. 24


    PLAN ..................................................... 28

    10. CAPACITY STRENGTHENING .......................... 29

    11. IMPLEMENTATION ORGANIZATION ..................... 30

    12. MONITOR AND REPORT SYSTEM .......................3 )2





    * TOPOGRHAPY MAP OF Soc Trang 220kV substation

    * RECORD OF PUBLIC CONSULTATION- Record of consultation meeting- List of invitated participants- List of Project affected household taking part in the consultation

    meeting- Record of participant's opinion



  • Soc Trang 220 kVSubstation - Environment Management Plan -EMP



    l. Name of the project Soc Trang 220kV substation

    2. Name of the program 3680-VN3. New construction/restoration project l New construction4. Location of project

    - Commune, ward Ward 10- District, town Soc Trang Town- Province Soc Trang province

    j 5. Number of substation I Substation6. Rated capacity 2 x 40 MVA l7. Length of connection line Total length: Voltage:

    1461 m I l0kV8. Commencement and completion times Time: 12 months9. Constructing in rain season Yes10. Number of Project Affected Houses No

    (PAHs)11. Utilized area for the project Temporary utilization = Longtime utilization

    0 = 0,382 ha12. Total agricultural area for Temporary utilization = Longtime utilization

    project 0 = 0,3674 ha13. Forestry area for project Temporary utilization = Longtime utilization

    O = O14. Industrial area for project Temporary utilization = Longtime utilization

    0 = 015. Garden, dwelling areas for Temporary utilization = Longtime utilization

    project 0 1016. Other lands for project Temporary utilization = Longtime utilization

    0 = 0.0146 ha17. Total Cost for project 135.500.000.000,00 8,63 million USD

    VND __ _ _( Exchange rate I USD= 15.700 VND )


    Subjects of project:The construction of 220 kV Soc Trang substation is to meet the power load demand of SocTrang province which is forecasted to increase quickly on next years.Current situations:

    * At present Soc Trang province receives electric power via 110 kV Tra Noc- Soc Trangand 110 kV Soc Trang -Bac Lieu transmission lines, they are poor transmission capacityand massive loss.

    * Currently the load demands of Soc Trang Province are provided by 110/15 (22 kV) KV -2x40 MVA Soc Trang substation. In case of happening technical problems in Soc Trangsubstation, a large zone of Soc Trang town and nearby areas which are supplied by110kV substation would be failed of power.

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  • Soc Trang 220 kVSubstation - Environment Management Plan -EMP


    * I OkV transmission lines from Soc Trang to Dai Lai, Tran De, Vinh Chau, tMy Tu areconinected to two existing I lOkV transmission lines which are very long, so that it couldcause massive loss. Power supply quality is unreliable.

    * It is impossible to expand existing substation* In case of happening technical problems in one of two above I lOkV transmission lines,

    that cause over load of the remainder.* The existing capacities of the transmission lines do not meet future load increase.

    Brief description of substation location:

    * Substation: Expected 220 kV Soc Trang substation is located in a rice-field of group 3,ward 10, Soc Trang town of Soc Trang Province.

    * The substation is about 3km from Soc Trang town's center in the east direction.Bodering with National Road IA in the South.Bodering with shooting ground of Military zone 9 in the West.Bodering with rice-field in the North.

    The houses in construction area of the substation are scattered, local people earn their living byagriculture.Substation construction area:* Fence inside area of substation: 27.213 m2

    * Construction area: 13.878 m2

    * Housing unit density: 51%* 2x4 rock to be paved for the substation foundation area and chocking 1x2 rock with

    thickness of 0.1 m after completing construction: 12.352 m2

    * Required sand amount for leveling of substation foundation, outside road and resthouse: 93.313 m3

    * Required earth amount for construction of substation talus, outside road and rest house:2.190 m3

    * Excavated earth volume to be moved (vegetable blanket): 6.189 m3* Leveled ground high in comparison with natural level: 1,7 m (according to map 1:500)Substation access road: It is required to construct of a vehicle road with length of 175m fromNational IA road to the substation, substation gate and fence is 668 m, car road to rest house,gate and fence line of the rest house is 65.6m in length.I* Foundations of road, station access and rest house will be filled with sand into layers

    with thickness of 20 cm, and then showered and compacted well to obtain tocompression coefficient of 0.85 for substation foundation and 0.98 for road foundation.I* Talus of substation foundation, station access and rest house will be embanked withearth and enforced by M75 rock with its thickness of 250. Talus foundation aslo will beenforced by M75 rock with its thickness of 400. Foundation will be paved by M100concrete with its thickness of 100. Talus of substation foundation will be equiped withgraded filter and interval of 5m.

    * Embankement quantity of 95503 m 3is accounted for large quantity, excavation quantityof 6189 m3 is smaller than embankment one.

    Connection scale of 110 banch line to substation:

    Four (04) transmission lines connecting to 220/1 lOkV Soc Trang substation are included in theproject:

    - Soc Trang - Soc Trang I - 1 OkV transmission line- Soc Trang - Soc Trang 2 - l lOkV transmission line

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    - Soc Trang - Thanh Tri I I OkV transmission line

    -- Soc Trang - Vinh Chau I lOkV transmission line

    Voltage: 110 kVLength of connection line: 1461 m in which:

    Single circuit sections: 659 mDouble circuit sections: 802 m

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  • Soc Trang 220 kVSubstation - Environment Management Plan -EMPPECC2


    Potential CommentsImpacts impacts (comments on magnitude and impacts scale)

    I Yes I ...

    Construction phaseSubstation Construction The station is located in a rice-field with elevationimpacts to: from 0.71m -1.42 m.- vegetation There are some cultivated mango and cocornut trees- dwelling zone (four trees) on ricefield patch in the construction area

    X of the substation, they are scattered and adjacient tothe fence of expected operation house.The substation is far from dwelling zone, no house isaffected in the substation area.Impact occurs only to the paddy; therefore, impactson vegetation and dwelling zone are in signification.Since the substation area is a rice-field of flat low

    Soil source for substation terrain ( 0.71- 1.42 m ), so the substation foundationembankment, X has to be filled to elevation of 2.22m. Espcially, sometransportation of soil for places has to be embanked to elevation of 2.82m. Sosubstation construction that earth work is accounted for great amount.and impacts due to Volume of earthworks including embankment andcorrosion and washout excavation is 101.692 m3.from soil works The embanked earth volume is 95503 m3 (

    accounting for 94%).In Soc Trang Province, local authorities have alreadyassigned to five sand exploitation units on Hau riverin Ke Sach, Long Phu District and Cu Lao Dungisland to meet demand of local construction andleveling materials. Sand is exploited and gathered atspecified places in Soc Trang town in order to protectinvironment, and to be convinient for transportationand management.The expoited sand quantity is not only sufficient forlocal construction need of Soc Trang Province butalso for nearby districts.The filled earth volume is 95503 m3, It mainly issand to level ground to elevation of 2.22 m. Thatsand amount will be purchased from sandexploitation units allowed by local authorities.Sand for substation construction can be taken fromIgathering sand field at Ward 9 (Song Dinh) about3km from the substation, sand will be transported byboats along Kenh Thuy Loi (irregation canel) ortrucks depending on economic comparison ofcontractor.Earth will be filled into each layer with its thicknessof 20cm and then showered by water to obtain to

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    compress coefficients of 0, 85 for substationfoundation and 0, 98 for road foundation.Talus of substation foundation, road foundation andrest house will be embanked with earth and enforcedby M75 rock with its thickness of 250, Talusfoundation also is enforced by M75 rock with itsthickness is 400. Foundation is paved by M100concrete layer with its thickness of 100.Talus of substation foundation is installed with acontrary filter layer with distance of 5m/layer as soonas commencement until to completion.With above constructing measures and shortconstruction time, filling quantity is greater thanexcavation quantity, moreover, stages ofinvestigation, design for the substation avoids areaswith importatnt drainage system in the region,therefore the construction of Soc Trang 220kVsubstation does not impact to Sedimentation and Soilerosion due to earth works.

    Impact to surface water In substation area, water quality is good, does notquality. contaminate with salt and alum. Surveyed result and

    analyzed samples show that water quality is still goodin Soc Trang 220kV Substation site as below:

    - Sampling depth: 1.0 m- Temperature of sample: 26 °C- Sampling date: 04-2004- Cation:

    Na'+K' mg/l 4.60%me/1-me/1 1.2-0.20

    Cation Ca' mg/I 144.29%me/l-me/l 42.4-7.20

    Mg' mg/l 116.74%me/1-me/I 56.5-9.60

    Fe + +Fe + mg/l%me/1-me/1 -

    Clt mg/l 134.90%me/1-me/I 22.4-3.80

    Anion SoT+ mg/l 192.32%me/1-me/l 561.38

    HCO, I mg/l 54.1-9.20%me/1-me/l -

    co, -mg/I._ _ |%me/1-me/l

    pH level: 8.0Value of hardness: 16.80Value of ion (me/I): 17.00Value of mine realize ( mg/I): 1154.23CO2 free ( mg/I): 23.76One reason causing pollution of water in Cuu LongDelta is alum problems for land and water areassurrounding substation, if alum earth layers were

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    digged on and positioned on the surface which wouldbe eroded when caught rain, sunshine or under wateror pumping water from foundation hole when waterin hole is alum water that will cause water problemand land around. The alum, erosion and sediment willbe stronger in rainy and flood days.According to investigation drilling results to depth of12m at substation and agricultural production inregion especially in dry season, alum phenomenon isa little and within limit. In dry season, the rice onpaddy still can grow and develope well. Therefore, itis very difficult to affect to water quality.There are two types of acid sulphate soils -ASS:

    Acidify to adjacient land potential ASS and actual ASS. The potential ASS isand water soil containing a high content of pyrite (FeS2).

    Normally this ASS is difficulty for developingplanted trees especially the rice. The actual ASS ispotential ASS which is exposed to the sun and water,creating high acid. Due to high acidity (low pH)high content of Fe, Al, low nutrients, actual ASS isnot suitable for cultivation for planted trees. ASSmay cause acidification of ground and surface waters.If potential ASS layer exists in foundation layer inthe construction area of subtation. When earth isexcavated, this may carry acid materials polluting toadjacent river, canal and pond. Water source will beaffected causing the risk and death of aquaticproducts in nearby rivers and canals due to low pHconcentration.However, in the substaition, excavation quantity issmaller than embankment of sand to average heightof 2.2 mActually substation site is paddy, it shows thatpotential ASS in substation area site does not exist onground. For underground, according to drillingresults, ASS is not massive enough to cause efffect tocultivated trees on ground, in addition, analysisresults of water sample at depth of l.Om in thesubstation reveals that cations such as Fe2++ Fe3+ donot exist, pH =8,0 is considerably high. Besides earthworks for construction of the substation is mostly forlelveling substation ground area and constructionscale occupies 51% substation area. Tlhereforeacidification will not occur or if occur, it will be atsmall level in during construction timeDuring construction time, if ASS is found,countermeasures such as powdered lime should becarried out immediately and until it satisfiesrequirements before discharging it. The contractorshould provide sufficiently powdered lime quantity

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    as required. Alum contaminated water should bechecked its pH level by machine or -colourcomparision papper. Excavated alum soil also can begathered at disposal areas to prevent effects to canals,pounds and paddy. Those soils can be ultilized atfoundation pits.

    impact to river and Ihere are two canals of about 10 m in width and 1.5-drainage system 2m in depth about 50 far from the substation in the

    north and the south.A small canal connecting 2 above large canals whichis arranged in the middle of the rice field will befilled for construction of the substation. The closureof this small canal doesn't impact to water supply anddrainage of the remaining paddy (see topographymap of substation site - appendix).The remaining paddy is irrigated and drained byexisting remaining canals.Since the substation is as above desbribed (about50m from the remaining canels) and above spokenconstruction measures preventing erosion andwashout are applied, therefore impacts to river anddrainage system are minor and difficult to happen.

    Air pollution due to Operating machines, works of earth, mixing concreteemission of vehicle, and transporting materials cause air pollution mainlymachines and dusts during during construction time.construction time Air pollution mainly is dust from earth work, mixing

    concrete and harmful gas (SO2, NOx, CO...) frommachinery emission to air in construction area.However, these impacts are in significant becauseearth work is not much, embanked earth is taken for aogreat amount.Soil will be filled into layers with thickness of 20 cm,and then showered and compacted well to obtain tocompression coefficient of 0.85 for substationfoundation and 0.98 for road foundation.

    X Constructing time is 7 months (add time forinstalling: 11 months). Construction activities do nothappen simultanously; they are performed step bystep. Construction site is located on the paddy awayfrom residential area. Vehicles and machines arespecialied machine and checked and licensed to meetthe standard of air quality by competent authoritiesbefore for operating. During transportation, materials(sand, concrete...) must be covered carefully tominimize dust. Constructing at foundation pits andleveling earth do not cause a lot of dust because theexcavated earth is strong stick (sediment alluvial soil)Geological characteristics at substation site fromsurface to depth of 12m belongs to mixed river and

    .__ sea deposits, holoxen age (amQiv - alluvial soil -

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    deposit) divide 3 layers: Ist layer (amQiv), 2nd layer(ambQiv), 3rd layer (amQiv) as follow

    Layer I Layer 2 Layer 3Porosity % 59.8 70.1 45.1Void ratio Eo 1.490 2.346 0.831Consistancy B +0.63 +1.70Compres.coefticientO.079 0.533 0.021Cohension C 0.147 0.071 0.044The transportion, installation and erection ofequipment at substation also do not cause impact toair because the vehicles and machines employed arechecked and licensed to meet the standard for airquality and environment standard by competentauthorities before using.

    Noise due to operation of - Noise pollution during constructing can occur fromvehicle, machines during X materal transportation, construction and installationconstructing time equipments, activities of excavation and embankment

    by machine, mixing cement.Some measures should be applied to prevent noisepollution as: Vehicles and machines which are used,should be checked and licensed before operating andchecked regularly and periodically in terms of airemission quality, noise level and horm.- Construction site is away residential areas and onthe paddy but vehicles should run in the daytime andworking hours and avoid working in the night time.- Machines shouldn't concentrate at the same time;

    they should be continuous for each work.The construction time is considerably short (about 7months)Therefore impacts are in significant.

    Soil, air and water Soil, air and water pollution caused by leakage of oilpollution due to leakage of from vehicles and construction equipments is due tooil, grease from the unmanaged replacement of machines at wrongconstruction vehicle and places or is from leakeage of oil and grease duringmachines operation.

    However vehicles and machines are checked andlicensed and meet required standard beforeemploying, after that they should be checkedregularly.

    X Since periodical vehicle washing and and lubricatingare carried out at garages. Therefore oil leakagealmost hardly occurs.However, this type of pollution can occur if themanagement is not effective. For example, it isallowable to employ vehicles which are not licensedfrom the Registration Authority, not maintainedregularly or leak oil, replacement of oil and grease iscarried out at wrong places and with unsuitableequipment ... Vehicles and machines do not check

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    and lubricate regularly and periodically and repairdoes not executed timely. New and used oil andgrease are under loose management and at unsuitableplaces.

    Traffic disruption due to Before executing transportation activities,construction activities X transportation agencies have to discuss withnearby pubiic traffic road management units about related matters such as

    transportation time (eg. transportation shall belimitted or stopped during rush hours in order toarchieve transporation safety and environmentprotection), transporter should comply with regulatedloads in transporation and covers with cavaspreventing dust and drop during transporatationprocess.Sand transportation road is traffic roads from sandgathering fields of ward 9 (Dinh river) namely LyThuong Kiet street, 30/4 and section of National roadIA crossing ward 9 and 10. In general, this roadsection is in good condition and low traffice density.Residental area along the road is scattered and lesspopulated than the town center, it is very difficult tooccur traffic distruption due to sand transportation oftrucks.Because the substation will be built on the paddytherefore it is necessary to construct a temporary roador use exist road of local or canal for materialtransportation. The construction of those roads couldlead to several social and invironmental impacts.However in F/s documents, which is used to analyze,did not show any details of expected temporary road.Detailed assessment of this matter has not performed.But based on map of location of the Soc Trangsubstation, volume of materials, implement time andworks at substation show that the above impacts areinsignificant.Because according to construction method,construction shall be devided into phases clearly,minimizing temporary occupied land, equipment andvehicles which are employed are specialized one andchecked carefully and in compliance with regulationson transportation safety and transportation. Whenheavy materials are transported, it is required todiscuss and gain approval of relative offices andarrange notice boardsThe road accessing the substation is paved byconcrete. With 170m length Distance from thesubstation to Nation Road IA. transportation distanceof electric equipments and alloy steel are short aselectric equipments : 209 m , alloy steel: 300 mThlerefore, the traffic disruption is neglegable

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    Impact to public health Because the project is located away from residentaland safety in construction X area and in a scattered region, therefore canips willcamps be arranged at substation site ground, it does not

    affect to local people's houses. It is expected toarrange one material gathering field and store at areabetween foundation of standby transformer andcontrol building with total area of store and assessroad of 250 m2, local workers can be ultilized forsimple works, professional workers are estimated ofabout 65 people. According to standard (2m2 /people),housing area should be 100m2. Waste matters anddomestic sewage from camps will be collected bygeneral system of the town or treated at siteaccording to hygenie regulation. The number ofworkers (65 people) does not account for largequantity, construction activities are carried out inphases as mentioned in above part. Sanitzing worksof the camp should be signed with environmentalsanitary unit in ward 10 to collect waste matters.The health and safety for workers during constructingtime must be carried out in accordance withregulations. Construction units should have discusionwith relative local authorities about health and safetymeasures with before deployment.On construction site, workers should be devided intogroups according to their professional and livetogether as: iron team, concrete team, vehicle teamect. The leader of each team would manage anddirect the members in works and daily activities.

    The each group implements their works one afterI another. The technical workers, the duty person ofsafety and health must attend regularly atconstruction site, to direct workers and to ensuresafety, health and epidemic prevention (as if),therefore, public health and labor safety fromconstruction process is minor.

    Impacts to historical and X No relics of culture and history in area of the projectcultural monuments construction.

    In the course of construction, in case of discoveringvaluable relics of culture and history, the contractorwill inform immediately to relative officers andmutually give a proper solution.110kV Soc Trang substation which is located in ward10 of Soc Trang province is about 5km far from ChuaDoi temple of ward 4 so that there is almost no effecton that temple.

    Impacts to local peoples X The required land area for constructing project isdue to required land for 32.043 m2.constructing substation Construction area of the project is a paddy, houses of

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    local people does not affect since in course ofselecting substation location and routing thetransmission line, this location has been consideredand calculated both in ecomomic and suitabilityviewpoints in oder to avoid crossing local people'shouse and minimize land reclaimation. The selectedsubstation location is regarded suitable with currentand furture masterplan of local authorities.The land reclaimation of 32.043m2 for constructionof the substation just affect to six (06) households fortheir rice cultivated area. This household numberdoes not account for large quantity.The project affected households will be compensatedaccording to current regulations of state and localauthorities (such as Land Law, Decree No.197/2004/ND-CP of Government dated 03/12/2004on compensation, assistance and resettlement in caseof land reclaimation by state) and local people hadagreed with land reclaimation and compensationmethod (refer to Record of Public Consultation-Public consultation). Assistance alternatives for landacquisation are also executed for affected householdsin accordance with current regulations.Therefore, the impact to PAHs due to required land isnot much.

    Operation phaseImpacts due to It is very difficult to occur environmentalsuperinfection of superinfection of electromagnetic field higher thanElectromagnetic field allowable standard for following reasons:(EMF) higher than When the project is designed, PECC2 have alreadyallowable standard. considered the magnetic intensity for 220kV

    transmission line and substation and followed thedesign standard applied to magnetic field of highvoltage transmission line as regulated in VietnamPower sector Standard 11-TCN-21-84, 1l-TCN-19-84 and TCVN 2737-1995 ect.

    Allowable level of EMF intensity at industrialX frequency per working and walking time in

    electromagnetic affected area and allowable workingtime of one day and night depends on EMF tensity asfollows:


  • Soc Trang 220 kVSubstation - Environment Management Plan -EMPPECC2

    which EMP intensity at industrial tensity is >5kV/m.However, distance from conductor to ground surfaceshould be > 12 m, in that distance, rated EMFintensity is low ( about 2.5 kV/m ).According to above calculation, electromagnetic fieldwill not affect to people's health.In addition, the substation is located far from theresidental area. Therefore EPM may not cause healthimpact on human

    Interference with X There is not any interference with othercommunications lines communications, since substation location is not(Telephone, radio close to existing broastcasting and transmittingtelevision and other) stations, communication medium of local region.

    The design follows safety standards of interferencewith radio, television and other communicationmedium

    Effect to community's Effect to community's health and safety includinghealth and safety electrical shock is hardly to occur since dueincluding electrical shock attensions have been paid to safety measures andis hardly codes of electric power setor from design,

    construction and operation. In addition, area nearbyX the substation is scattered and the substation has a

    guard fence. Operators of the substation stricklyfollow safety regulations of high voltage transmissionline and are trained electrical safety operation.Safety and electric shock, fire and explosionprevention and protection aslo have been consideredand countermeasures have been introduced,prevention and protection works are checked andimplemented continuously and strictly.Howeve, public health and safety impacts includingrisk of electric shock can occur if these process andnorm of electric safety are violated.

    Impacts to water quality Because substation location has already existed adue to domestic sewage of system of collecting domestic waste underproject operators management of a municipal environmental company

    in Soc Trang town. Therefore the substationmanagement unit should sign a contract with thelocal environmental sanitary unit to collect the waste.In design of the substation, water supply and drainagesystems of substation operators aslso were desinged,

    X water and solid waste treatment system also wasconsidered. It is proposed to take domesic water fromwater supply system of the town in group 3, ward 10(if it is available) or use drilled water which ispumped to filter tank via PVCD34 pipe to controlbuilding, guard house and rest house. After testing, ifwater does not meet domestic water standard.filtering and treatment system is required to satisfyrequirements of domestic water. According to testing

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    results of water sample in the expected substation

    show that water quality in the substation- is quite

    good( pH=8 ).Domestic sewage will be collected to a septic tank or

    discharge to tank under to W.C and then connect to

    general water drainage of the substation.Rain water flows along the slope of substation to the

    collection pitch and then runs to general drainage

    system of the substation.Sewage water of the substation will be treated before

    draining to outside planned system of group 3.

    Therefore, it is very difficult to happen effect towater quality due to sewage and waste matters of the


    Air, water and soil During operation process, the substation will own

    pollutions due to oil emmergency oil tanks, and it will be treated before

    leakage (including PCBs) discharging to environment. Pressure transformer is

    an oil immersed transformer, oil leakage does nothappen in normal operation regime.However, in case of oil failure, oil will be collected

    to a seperation tank through cast or procelain pipe t'

    200. Storage capacity of immergency oil tank should

    X be adequate for containing oil volume of transformersinstalled at the substation. One pump will be equiped

    at the immergency oil tank and operates

    automatically when there is water in the tank, so that

    the tank lways is in ready condition, pollution risk of

    oil leakage is minorThe transformers do not use coolant with any fluid

    containing PCBs, there is not any impact from this

    substance.Noise pollution from Transformers which are used in the substation have

    substation activities X noise level within permitted noise limit. With

    substation, the noise mostly is from 50 HZ vibrationfrequency generating from pressure transformer.

    However noise from this level load often is below

    80dB, and this requirement have already noted intender document of equipment supply.The substation site is located far from dwelling area

    with a distance of about 200m, so that effect is

    insignificant.Explosive and fire Explosive and fire hazard can happen because of

    cautions X cooling oil leakage or failure of transformer.However, that risk is minor. Since the substation is

    operated according to specific regulations on

    explosion and fire safety of substation as:Safety method when operating transformerSafety measures when contacting with electricequipmentSafety measures in managing, operating, repairing

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    electric equipment. (including explosion and fireprevention).Besides substation also equipped and have measuresfor fire or explosion prevention in accordance with

    regulations on substation.

    Conflict between X Not happen because Substation site is isolated and

    commissioning far from existing local dwelling area.

    Staffs and local peoples The substation has fences and guard house to prevent

    strangers and no duty peoples entering substationduring 24/24The commisioning staffs and workers work

    according to regulations. They do not cause effects tolocal people or conflict with local people for

    characteristics of substation worksLocal authorities and people have already agreed to

    construct the substation.

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    | Method of 1 Date (s), Location (s) 1 The resultconsultation consultation(s) was (were) held

    - It is recommeded tol compensate

    Enclosed satisfactorily houses,Meeting date 2nd June, 2004 with architectural objects,

    meeting trees in corridorreport - It has reached an

    agreement inimplementing theproject in the localarea.-There is not anyopinion ofenvironment

    Meeting Location People's Number 12 people (as incommittee of of attached list)Soc Trang town Participator * 6 people were

    Who invited 1/- Dang Thi invited toPublic attending Kim Yen - paticipate

    Consultation Chief of * 6 projectI Economic affectedDepartment of householdSoc Trang town Including:2/- Nguyen 1/- Ly MyMinh Chien - 2/- Ly KenChaiman of 3/- Vo Van OanhPeople's 4/- Tran Thi Le Camcommittee of 5/- Tran Van BayWard 10 Nho3/- Consultant 6/- Bui Thi Dan

    (mainly afffectingInviting method Through agricultural land)I People's

    committees oftown and ward

    Attached publicconsultation consultationprograms I_ I_I

    General, the local authorities and people agreed to construct the substation, don't haveopinion about environment. They consider mainly the compensation matterAfter completed draft EMP, the informations of EMP would notify:

    At locations are as follows:

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  • Soc Trang 220 kV Substation - Environment Management Plan -EMP


    - People's committee's office of ward 10, Soc Trang town (Vietnamese version)- Development information center of WB at Building No 14, Ly thai To street, Ha Noi

    city (English version).- Office of WB at Washington (WB info shop).* The notice will be notified within one month.* Notification method: stickled draft EMP report at above mentioned locations.

    After receiving feedback information from those locations, if necessary, final repair and

    completion of EMP could be carried out and then published officially.

    AIprdl,200)7 Pape 16

  • Soc Iranlg 220 A V substation - environiment managemtyent plan -EAIP



    Phase Issue IVMitigating measure Cost i Responsibility

    CONSTRUCTION Site Clearance Minimize as vegetation clearance as possible Included in Contractor

    Utilize hanid clearing of vegetation. Avoid mechanical clearing or construction cost

    herbicide use to protect vegetationl

    Dispose at established clump site

    Sufficient compensation and disclosure for PAHs (land, and tree...)

    Sedimentation and To arrange the execution of excavation and embankment works in dry Including in Contractor

    soil Erosion season, and void to carry out those works in rainy season. construction cost.

    Showering and compacting should be performed in accordance with the

    design. Sand will be filled into layers with thickness of 20 cm, and thenshowered and compacted well to obtain to compression coefficient of 0.85

    for substation foundation and 0.98 lor road foundation. Talus of substation

    foundation, station access and rest house will be embanked with earth and

    enfoiced by M75 rock with its thickness of 250. Talus foundation aslo will

    be enforced by M75 rock with its thickness of 400. Foundation will be

    paved by M100 concrete with its thickness of 100. Talus of substation

    foundation will be equiped with graded lilter and interval of 5m in the

    course of construction and completion.

    To make use of excavated soil for levelling base, and avoid disposal of soil

    TIo reinforce banks surrounding construction area, to esblish drainage ditch,

    to cover excavated and embanked soil and rock in case of constructing in


    To control water flow and corrosion in order to protect soil and preventcorrossion, washout to canals and drainage system.It is required to consult and get the acceptance of local people for disposals

    outside the substationiIo prevent water pollutioll due to construction wastes, acide water from

    construction areas and domestic sewage to canel and river system.-To treat acide water at foundation pits withl powdered lime if necessary.

    AprI12007 Page 17

  • Soc Tranrg 220 kV substation - environment mt nlagemenit plan -EMP


    To install W.C at camps and constiuctioni places if required

    Air pollution to make a commitment of contractor ensuring that all machines have InIcluding in Contractorsuitable working licences in respect of gas emission and air pollution construction cost.sources according to current regulations for all the time that they areemployed at site.

    To insured that all trucks transporting dusty materials to/from thesite are covered.

    to shower water for dusty areas (construction site, roads etc.) duringhot, dry, windy conditions.

    Noise All construction activities sould be implemeted during daytime. If Inicluding in Contractorevening construction is required, notification in advanced and construction cost.approval by local affected groups is required

    Use all methods and machines with minimization of noise as currentregulations

    Noise level of all trucks transporting materials must be in acceptalelevel, hooter is used only when it is necessary

    Minimize to ue truck hooters and air-brakes in residential areas.

    Soil, air and water To check regularly all vehicles and machines to discover oil leakage Including in Contractorpollutions due to oil as if. construction cost.leakage In case of oil leakage, to isolate quickly and treat it at site and avoid

    spreading oil to surrounding areas.

    Replacement of lubricant oil should be taken at specified place withsufficient specialized equipment (replacing oil at garage ... )

    Ground occupation TIo design the substation so that requred ground accupation for constrLictioll Including in Southern Powerfor constructioll of activities is minimum. consulting cost and Projectcamp, rioad, l o recover temporarily occupied grouLnd as soon as possible. constlruCtionl cost Ntanagement Unit &substation l o arrange camp at right placcs and compliance with rcgulatioil in Contractor

    construction layout. Camp is arrranged within substation area.

    Impacts to local To arrange fence surroundinlg the substation to prevent entry of people and Including in Contractorpeople's safety and livestocks. To guard 24/24 construction cost.

    A4p11201)7 Page 18

  • - --- ~~~- ------- -

    Soc Tranig 220 k V substation - en vironmeent management plan -EkiP____PECC2


    health To store all inaterials (especially the hazardous materials) in lockedfacilities guarded if necessary. To collect and remove all remainingmaterials after project is completed.

    To check regularly campinig area to avoid diseases for workers andlocal people.

    To ensure avaibility of rescure vehicles, provide first aid timely.'I'o issue regulations, living principle in camp, to raise awareness of'workers in order to minimize possible conflicts between constructionworkers and local people.

    To coordinate and participate in social works and exchange with localauthorities and people to strengthen rclations and consolidation.

    Efi'ect to environment lRegarding to construction garbages, one specified dumping site for Including in Contractorquality due to construction garbages is required and garbages must be collected after construction cost.construction garbages completion of the construction.and camp waste Sewage water, domestic wastes of construction workers or other solidmatters. waste matters must be collected to general collection system of the region

    or treated according to safcty and hygiene. It is possible to sign a contractwithi environimental hygiene unit of Ward 10, Soc Trang town forcollection and treatment.

    Mitigation method In the course of construction, surlface water will be used for mixing Including in Constructionto water quality concrete and domestic water needs, in order to protect surface water source construction cost. Contractori to o and reduce impact to water quality, following measures should be/acidification/ other 'followed: - to make use of water, and do not allow to exploit waterwater utilization exceeding its recover at normal level.purposes ( - to control strictly on waste water and solid waste sources and haveirrigation, domiiestic suitable treatment measures as desigin and recommened alternative towater sLupply, water prevent those waste flowing into water source or penetrating toway ... ) undeiground water causing pollution.

    - When earth work is carried out, if potental ASS is found, in an attempt tocontaminate to existing ASS soil, washout should be managed closely ormitigationi methods such as powdered lime should be applied.- When small canel in the substation is filled, two canel ends should beembanked so that soil and wastes can not flow to two irregation caninelscausing water pollution and decreasing discharging capacity ot' those twocanals.- AlIhough the substation does not aff'ect to water supply system and water_

    Aprild2007 Ptige 19

  • + Soc Trang 220 kV substation - environmenit maniwgenent plan -EMP

    - PECC2

    way of the region, however, attension should be paid to this matter, if ithappens, countermeasures (such as ask for permission, provide warningsigns, do not dump materials nearby water supply and diainage canniels)should be taken immediately.

    OPERATION Effect to public healthi ITo arrange caution board at potential places of voltage hazard Including in annual Power Tlransmissionand safety including operation cost Compan 4electric shock. To check regularly to discover and repair of electric leakatge and omp 4

    violation of electric safety.

    To guide, warm and raise awareness of community to protect health and

    safety for workers and local people around substation site.

    To propose treatment measures and solve the problems occurring at

    vunerable areas

    FIire and explosion To check periodically to discover and solve timely explosion and Including in annual Power Transmission

    causions fire causions. operation cost E Company 4

    To follow strictly regulations on fire prevention and protectionTo check and maintain lire prevention and protection equipmentTo train and rehearse fire prevention and protection with assistance ofconcerned agencies.

    Air, water and soil To establish a suitable program of control and regular maintainance Including in Construction

    pollutions due to oil in order to discover the failure of transformer, oil leakage. To check construction cost and Contractor

    leakage or usage of cover, leakage from oil tank. annual operation cost &

    hazardous materials To introduce a suitable covering and drainage methods, to check regularly Power Transmission

    pump to prevent intrusion of water in immergency oil tank causing oil Company 4

    pollution of nearby area by oil overflow.

    To manage and preserve hazandous material in accordance with regulationissued by concerned agencies.

    Effect to environment Garbages and domestic sewage should be collected by a separte system of Including in Substation operation

    quality due discharge the substation for treatment and after that discharged to general treatment construction cost and management office

    of garbages and system in the region if available. annual operation cost &

    domestic sewage of Or to sign a contract with environmenital hygiene unit of the town to collect Power Transmission

    workers and treat garbages. Company 4To raise awareness of hygiene to the operators

    April2007 Palge 20

  • ;W Soc T'rang 220 k 1' substation - environment management plan -EAMP

    -___ PECC2



    Phase/ What parameter is to be Where hlow When

    Environmental Issue rnonitored? Is the parameter to be Are the parameter to be Is the parameter to be

    monitored? monitoredl type of monitored-frequiency of

    monitoring equipment measurement or

    continuous? _

    CONSTRUCTION PHASESite clearance Clearing technique At disposal site Observation

    One time/month for - Contractor

    Clearing volume entire construction - Construction

    Disposal of cut vegetation time suppervisor of

    Southern Power


    .Management unit

    Air Pollution Check validity of operation At construction site Check air pollution Before allowing As above

    license and expire day of level of vehicles , equipment to be used

    license of vehicles, Machines Machines and on site

    and equipments usinig for equipment in Carry out regularly in

    construction in respects of comparison with the course of

    safety standards on gas regulated standard construction

    emision ect. Check the compliance Observe vehicles

    Check air pollution level due of vehicles during during operating.

    to construction dust tranporting sand, rock (

    Check contractor's applied such as canvas covering

    measures for transportation of

    Measures are taken wheni sand ect, periodical

    there is a complaint of local watering) to prevent

    people dust

    AprMl2007 Paige 21

  • Soc Trang 220) k V sutbstatio,, - environment management plan -EMP



    Phase/ What parameter is to be Where How Wheii

    Environmental Issue monitored? Is the parameter to be Are the parameter to be Is the parameter to be

    monilored? monitored type of monitored-frequiency of

    monitoring eqiuipment measuirement orcontinuous?

    Noise Unacceptable noise level of At the place causing Noise meter measuring When it is possible As above

    local people the complaint dB(A)

    Contractor's applied measuresof noiseNoise measuring method(machine ect)Measures are taken whenthere is a complaint of local

    _people ---

    Wash , Sedimentation Check collected residual At construction area Observation As above

    and Soil Erosion materials after complement of substation One time/month for

    Check recommended water entire construction

    treatment and drainage time

    metlhodWash, erosion degreeContamination level ofsurface water and soilsurrouding the substation

    Influence from camps Conditions of hygiene and At construction area Observation One time/month for As above

    safety at camps of substation entire construction

    Equipment to deal with time

    emergency occurrences


    .Ap, i)2007 Page 22

  • Soc l 'rang 220 kV substation - environment management plan -EMP


    ResponsibilityPhase/ What parameter is to be Where Ilow When

    Environmental Issue monitored? Is the parameter to be Are the paranmeter to be Is the parameter to bemonitored? monitoredl type of monitored-frequ e ncy of

    monitoring equipmenit measurement orcontinuous?

    Voltage hazard Surface of equipment with Equipment and area Observation 6 months/time Substation

    potential electric leakage protential for Make a report file ol)eration unit and

    Frequency of electric shock electrical shocks Power transmission

    Equipment and compliance of Company 4

    electrical safety measures

    Explosive and fire risk Oil leakage signs on surface Transformer Observation 3 months / I time As above

    due to leakage of of transformer.inflammable substance Prevention and protection

    method in case of accident

    .-Apid?007 Page 23

  • + Soc Trang 220 k V substation - environment management plan -EMP



    Agency Responsibility Content andNo. Report form

    I Construction Contractor To carry out recommended mitigationmethods According toTo inform PMU of implementation of schedule 7mitigation methods

    2 Technical monitor of To assess the implementation ofPMNU mitigation methods and to monitor According to

    paramters recommended EMIP schedule 8To informn PMU

    3 SIMC To assess the implementation ofmitigation methods and to monitorparamters recommended EMP According to

    schedule 8ThLrc hien cac cu6c hop tham vanco.ng dong de nghi nhan cac y kienphan hoi va danh gia cua nguai danva dia phurcg ve EPM cua dir dn

    Monitoring frequency:* For Safegard Independent Monitoring Consultant (SIMC): it is required to carry outmonitoring of two times: the first time is for construction period (half of construction work)and an other for completion of work. PMU can negotiate and specify time for SIMC.Responsibilities of SIMC:SIMC is employed by PMU for monitoring the implementation of EMP and reporting this

    monitoring results to EVN and WB.For example: Activities of SIMC in course of construction are as follows:- to Investigate construction area at and site giving notice related to environment results asfollows:- Clearance of construction site on completion+ Application of mitigation methods or countermeasures for locally affected area.+ Actual restoration condition of vegetable cover in substation area as regulated+ Effects of construction activities (noise, dust, road downgrade ect)+ Actual condition of camp and hygiene condition of workers and local community+ inhabitted safety distance of the project to local people's house and potental dwelling areasect.+ the application of safety measures (warning sign, restricted areas, fence and separated areasect)Public consultation meetings of Projectect Affected Household is arm at:Confirming any environmental matter and recording any complant of PAHsAnswering (if necessary) environmental matters to local authorities when it is required.Assessing participant level of local authoritites in solving environmental mattters of theproject (effect due to dust, noise, road damage ect)

    3 Aprl2007 Page 24

  • + Soc Trang 220 kVsubstation - environment management plan -EMP

    Making reports of the meeting with the confirmation of local authorities, and opinion of

    environment effect caused by the project.

    A prtl2O07 Page 25

  • + Soc Trang 220 kVsubstation - environment management plan -EMP



    Name of project: 220 kV Soc Trang substation

    Monitoring site: Wad 10, Soc Trang town, Soc Trang Province

    Name of trantractor:

    Contractor's monitoring Unit:

    Report preparation Date:

    Utilized mitigatingNo Impacts measure notice

    1 Site clearance2 Air pollution3 Noise4 Wash, Sedimentation and Soil Erosion

    5 Influence from camps

    6 Soil, air or water pollutions due tovehichle, construction machine

    7 Traffic disruption due toconstructions

    8 Impact to public health and safety inconstruction camps

    9 Impacts to cultural properties (as if)10

    Monitor's Name:





    Page 26

  • + Soc Trang 220 kV substation - environment management plan -EMP

    -___ PECC2

    8. ENVIRONMENT OBSERVATION REPORT(For MPU and independent monitor)

    Name of project: 220 kVSoc Trang substation

    Project site: Wad 10 Soc Trang town Soc Trang province

    Report form:

    Monthly report (yes/no): Quarterly report to EVN (yes/no):

    Quarterly report to WB (yes/no): SIMC's report (yes/no):

    Report Date:

    I No Observed parameters Observatory's estimation / NoticeCommunity's opinion

    Construction phaseI Fell down vegetation volume, clearing

    technique2 Sedimentation and soil erosion l3 Noise level around construction area and

    vicinity of the project l4 Dusty and air elimination to pollution level.5 Implementation condition of safety measures l6 Collection, disposition waste after completion

    Operation phase II Safety Operation of substation l


    Observation site:

    AprlI2007 Page 27

  • Soc Trang 220 kV substation - environment mantagement plan -EMP


    No 1 Organization Unit price [ Volume Cost total1 Contractor's monitoring - Specified in


    2 PMU's engineering Man-month / I substation Included inmonitoring substation management cost

    of Projectmanagement unit

    3 SIMC 's monitoring Month / substation 1 substation 10.000.000 VNDduring construction time (10.000 000 VND/ (this cost also

    month) included in projectinvestment cost)

    TOTAL 10.000.000 VND= 640 USD

    * Change rate 1 usd = 15700 VND* SIMC's monitoring: 2 times: during construction time and after completion of construction

    ApriI2007 Page 28

  • + Soc Trang 220 kVsubstation - environment management plan -EhIP


    Equipment procurement for Soc Trang 220kV substation will not be mentioned. This section

    just considers to training staff

    Cadres Training

    Number Duration Start Venue of Institute or

    Tvp ofofo Organization CostType of fStudnts Training Date (for (Domesticng Provide

    TriiacStdnthrann to Providen

    student) Abroad) Training

    Environment 2 2 days 2007 year Ho Chi Southern 150USD

    management persons Minh city Power Project x 2

    ( EVN 's or Can Management persons x

    training) Tho city unit 2 days =600 USD

    At site 15 1 day Selected by For trained 300 USD

    (PMBU's persons Southern peoples of

    training) Power EnvironmentProject managementManagementunit

    Total 900 USD


    * EVN's training: Content of the training course is to guide methods for monitoring

    environment based on the EMP report and methods to report on monitored result

    according to quarter or regular report. The train course also guides methods to adjust

    action plan in the case that some proposed activities in the EMP could not be done.

    * Southern Power Project Management Unit: The training course is organized for staffs

    of local power agencies responsible for operating the project and representatives of local

    concerned agencies. Its content will be focused on:

    + Training on safety: normal training on safety issues in the operation and

    maintaining phase of the system.

    + Training on monitor methods and reports of environment management

    plan: The course will guide methods to monitor environment quality at sites

    and to fill up monitoring reports. The course will guide representatives of local

    authorities on roles and participations of the local authorities during the phase

    to implement the EMP

    April2007 Page 29

  • I\+ Soc Trang 220 k V substation - environment management plan -EMfP


    Role Responsibilty OrganizerProject owner Take the main responsible for managing entire EVN ( the

    project including environment department ofScience,Technology andEnvironment)

    Organize and To take responsible for co-ordinating and Southern Powermanage the managing the project implementation ( including Projectproject instruction and monitor on EMP implementation) Management UnitEnvironment Responsible and as a connector to communicate Environment cadrecadre environment issues and EMP of Southern Power

    ProjectManagement Unit

    organize and Take responsible for implementing the project Southern Powerimplement including following activities: ProjectProject - Make a plan and carry out environmental Management Unit

    mitigation measures in the construction phase.- Coordinate with other members in repect of

    environmental management- Implement internal monitor, and SMIC- Monitor and provide capital for observation

    activities.- Report environmental information to concerned

    agenciesProject operation The responsibility in phase of project operation Operation

    includes activities of environment management and management Unit -monitoring during operation of the project. Power

    TransmissionCompany 4

    Environment Take pesponsible for preparing reports of EMP Environment cadreconsultant of Southern Power

    Proj ectManagement Unit

    Monitor Responsible for monitoring contractors 's Transmission linecontractor's construction including implementation of EMP and substationengineering activities design department

    of PECC2 andSouthern PowerProj ectManagement Unit

    Construction Take responsible for construction of the project and ContractorContractor complying with main tasks of contractor as stated (Selected by

    in EMP, including: Southern Power- Apply mitigation measures during construction Project

    phaseEnsure labor safety for workers and locals Management Unitduring construction process. through bidding)

    Aprdl2007 Page 30

  • k+ Soc Trang 220 kVsubstation - environment management plan -EMP-___ PECC2

    - Carry out policies of Vietnam and the WorldBank on environment protection duringconstruction process

    Independent Take responsible for independently monitor EMP Selected by

    monitor agencv imolementation Southern Power(SIMC) | [ Project u

    l l | Management unit

    A4prd2X007 Page 31

  • Soc Trztig 220 kVsubstation - enlvirofilneflt nanuigenientpitimt -E-MP

    - PECC2



    REPORT Sender Receiver Frequency Sender Receiver Frequency Sender Receiver Frequency

    ENVIRONMENT Constructionl Southern 01 timeMANAGEMENT contractors P'ower P'roject beforeAT SITE Management constructionUnit


    CARRY OUT Technology Southern Monthly Southern EVN Half-yearly EVN World Bank Half-yearlyMONOTOR OF supervisioni Power Project Power ProjectCONSTRUCTION of PMU Management ManagementENVIRONMENTI' of PM Unit - Unit - -_-.

    SIMC Southern Two times: in SIMC World Bank 6 months

    Power Project the course ofManagement constructionUnit and after

    completion ofconstruction

    CARRY OUT Management Power Monthly Southern EVN Half-yearly EVN World Bank Annually

    MONO'I'OR OF unit Transmission PowerOPE'lRATION Company 4ENVIRONMENT Project


    Ap t12007 Page 32

  • T Tram bien ap 220KVSoc Trdng / K Hoach Quan Ly .lloi trt4r&ng-EMVlP



    IVo Item Implementation cost (USD)Nvo Item

    Construction phase Operation phase

    I Impact mitigation Implementation cost Cost is calculated in annual

    measures concludes in contracts operation expenditure of

    with construction the project


    2 Monitoring cost of Implementation cost is Implementation cost is

    technical monitor - calculated in the calculated in operation

    PMU investment cost of the expenditure of the project


    3 Monitoring cost of 640

    independentmonitoring agency


    4 Capacity strengthening 900

    | TOTAL COST AT 640 900


    TOTAL 1,540 USD


    Aprd2007Trang 33

  • Appendix




    * TOPOGRHAPY MAP OF Soc Trang 220kV substation


    * Record of consultation meeting* List of invitated participants* List of Project affected household taking part in the

    consultation meeting* Record of participant's opinion



  • Person's name in preparation of EMP report

    No Place in Experienced In charge of Experience Participated in Training courses

    Name execution ofEMP

    I Msc Chu Duy Tuyen Project manager Organize, carry out and 24 years Taken part in preparation of EIA

    participate in reports preparation and EMP for many power project

    (carried out by PECC 2) in the South including power

    - Prepare EIA for power source source and transmission line

    projects (hydro- thermal power projects in the South

    sources) and power networksystem projects.- prepare RAP for power sourceprojects (HPP).- prepare EMP for power network

    ._ project.



    ~TX.S2 Delc

    ThoaiScn f --

    \ \ lsi AngT1X. \rnh LnsLai Vung~

    -/ \ / ~ChAu Thitnh 9 v~

    Th6t NMt

    - Sn hSh v Tam EYnh'-p -,

    t,Tan Ht6pN Or°Wn J TP Cbn ThdG c

    uTanh6 b Chau$ThTnhn

    -d \A Thanh f / SichPhung HiOp

    G\ -r / Quao

    t - >;) ~~~~~Long 1 Ir |cH35-

    W TOiSOC Trang 220kV Substation T; Sc TraTBA 220 kv- S6c Trbng TwS Tr

    Vegetation type I Kieu rfing Legend I Chu givi

    * Evergreen foresit J Ring ihLtdng xanh Prolecled area f Khu bao ve

    - Coniferous foresi Ring 1a kim Provincial border f Ranh g1oi 1inh

    Deciduous fores 1 Fing rung Ia (khop) P - - Ovs1ncl border f Ra n h gi i huyen

    * Semi-decidcuo us foreslt f rng niia rung Soc Trang 220kV Substation

    U Limeslo ne foresi f1 Rng nui da 1 Trqm bi6n ap 220kV Soc Trang

    Bamboo J Ring ire nila

    * Planlalion foresti R ng tr- ng N

    Grassland and scrub f £>6i irong

    Agricultural land i £)1 nong nghi6p WB

    Waier bodies f MWl nuDdc

    Mangrove i Ring ngap mrn 1

  • T Di,n ltic Viet Nam.y ditng Di)n 2



    --------------------------------------- - - -



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    * Ngay ...2..thang 6 nam 2004

    * Xac nhancu~a diaphudng D D Cty Tiivan XUD Dien 2


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  • I i I I i ' I

  • /T ot y D in lurc Viet Nam| ;4°WAAy du.ng {E)ien 2


  • I

  • , Dien lrc Viet Nam Mau BI3(X Xfy dutng Dien 2



    H6m nav, ngyv 2... thAng -;. nAm ?no,Tai van ph6ng UBND ..............

    NUo,i dung: pho bie'n th6ng tin ve' du an, muc tieu cua cong tac dieu tra phuc vu lap bao cao Ke'hoach Tai dinh ciu ( RP ), danh gia tac d6ng cda m6i trtidng ( EIA ) va ghi nhan y kien.Du.r an .. .... .... .. .2.. ........... ... . ' .

    THANH PHAN:I- Dai dien chinh quyen dia phrong:c* 2 ........... ..... Chuc vu

    * vu3 ........................

    II- - E)an TV van

    *- 2.: >gh .~~~~~~~~...... 7*.. Cucv:...... ........ :i.-..... g=2Chc vu.....

    *. . S . .. . ; .......... ....... u Chuc vu:.

    U . ~. . .... ~. ~ C hii vu ..IH- Dai dien cac h6 dan dia phii'dng c6 lien quan den hoat d6ng xay duing di an:

    vu: 3 ..... f .A.............


    1. Pho bien noi dung ve dit an : muc tieu diu an, pham vi, dia diem, tac d6ng cua dir an.

    2,--Muc tieu cu'a c6ngn tac dieu tra kinh te'xa hoi phuc -viulap bao cao-DEnh gia tac d6ng- ~ M6i trdtng va Den ba tai dinh cu ( gidi thieu mau phieu, doi ticng cieu tra, phL.dng

    phap thurc hien, th6li gian thLfc hlien, v.v...)

    3. Ghi nhan y kien cua dai bieu (dinh kem theo bien bin ne'u c6).

    Dai dien Dal dien

    I UBND . ..X:c. -.......... C6ng ty Ttr van Xay dirng Dien 2,, /RU\NG P


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  • l1- B \\ "-,- I) \ CONG HO.A X.A HOI CHt- NGHI.A VIET \A

    Ti] >,c TrD TINH SOC TR-VNG___ ._a -il u l oao c o dTh C7r .ac cc,nc m-o lurcm- c c C

    - - - c-in T-am btn ac. -;h S6C

    - -


    N :i c .L i3)-iDND IiBND. __ _'11C)^M - L c v m.oi rUC'ng CLOC Quoc ho. NLuuc Co.C :do- ; , C.

    -. . - - u sid SC7"BBHDTDZ0 CP.' rh d.nh s-o' 5:/1999/\D-CP nge av S/7/1999.

  • I I I

  • IH Hrc-n_ yuyen du-ng da y -LOL E)2c Lieu S6c Trsno (doan trendia ban tinh S6c TrAng): huro6ng tUv4n dcrc di doc Qu&c lo A rc song soncv&i W&n 1 0KV B ac Lieu S6c Tranc hicn hu cach dii&ng d

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