ASB Grant Program Workshop

New ASB Grant Program - AlbertaDepartment/deptdocs.nsf/ba3468a2a8681f... · ASB Grant as % of Eligible Expenses ... • Share the air – don’t dominate ... • Past AESA program

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ASB Grant Program Workshop

Murray Greer, Branch Head Agriculture Grant Programs Branch

Opening Remarks


Morning – 9:30 - noon - Scope, timelines, process - Financial Analysis - Small group discussion - Reporting - Small group discussion - Key highlights

Lunch – 12:00 – 12:50

Afternoon – 12:50 – 3:00 p.m. - Environmental Funding Stream - Small group discussions –

Environmental Issues & resources/strategies

- Small group discussion – Allocation methods

- Key highlights - Next steps

Scope & Process

Purpose & Scope

• Purpose • Scope:

– 2005-2010 Financial Analysis Review – 2011-2013 ASB Grant Processes

• Reporting Requirements • Allocation of the Environmental Funding



• Consultation Opportunities – Workshops – Surveys/Consultation Documents – Through ASB Task Team Members – Regional Meetings

• ASB Program Review Task Team – Review information from workshops and

consultation process – Assist with development of recommendations

ASB Program Review Task Team

• ASB Provincial Committee – Patrick Gordeyko, Lloyd Giebelhaus, Garry Lentz,

Jim Duncan, Don Dumont, Soren Odegard • AAAF

– Norm Boulet, Geoff Thompson, Shayne Steffen, Elden Kozak, Jason Storch

• ARD – Dale Chrapko and Maureen Vadnais

• Facilitator – Maureen Bolen, BoAlta Consulting Ltd.





Compile Information

Draft ideas & send to



Receive feedback

from ASBs by

October 12


Regional Meetings

Review feedback & Develop Final



Present new program at ASB

Provincial Conference

February on

Training for new program

Maureen Vadnais ASB Program Manager

Financial Overview

$14,000 $73,800

















1945 1955 1971 1973 1983 1986 1999 2005 2011 2012

ASB Grant Program Funding History






ASB Total Expenditures Eligible ASB Expenditures ARD Portion (No Caps) ARD Portion (Caps in Place)

ASB Grant Program Average


63% of Total ASB Expenditures = Eligible

45% of Eligible ASB Expenditures Reimbursed

ASB Grant = 28% of Total ASB Expenditures









2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Total Eligible Expenses 2006-2010

Eligible Expenses increased 9%

(average) per year.


44% 42%

36% 34%




















2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

ASB Grant as % of Eligible Expenses

Eligible ASB Expenditures % of Total Eligible Expenses

2006-2010 Breakdown of Eligible Expenses

Advisory RabiesVSI BeaverExtension OfficeProfessional Development VehicleProgram Salary

Salary Program




$1,760,000.00 $3,346,714.54










ARD Municipalities ARD Municipalities ARD Municipalities

Legislative FundingStream

Legislative FundingStream

EnvironmentalFunding Stream

EnvironmentalFunding Stream

Combined FundingStreams

Combined FundingStreams

2011 ASB Grant vs. Municipal ASB Expenses

Small Group Discussions

Discussion Process

• Today – beginning of the discussion – other opportunities for input as outlined by Maureen Vadnais

• Small groups at your table • ARD Facilitators to help discussion to stay

focused and capture ideas • Several municipalities represented at each table

to get a variety of input • Not a decision making workshop – consult and

gather ideas

Discussion Norms

• Cell phones turned off – there is time at breaks to answer calls

• Be open and listen to others • Share the air – don’t dominate • Respect all points of view • Listen to understand and explore suggestions

rather than criticize and defend ones position. • No decisions will be made today. We are

gathering ideas and suggestions.


Why Report?

Accountability for $ Received Satisfy Treasury Board Audits

Provide information for program improvements

Increase ARD’s understanding of current

issues & programs delivered by ASBs

Build business case to justify future funding


Present Reporting Requirements

• By December 31 – Estimated Statement of Expenses – Updated Strategic Plan

• By May 31 – Report on Strategic Plan – Statement of Income and Expenditures

• Other – Minutes from ASB Meetings – Field Visits

Environmental Stewardship Division

Environmental Stream

• Past AESA program was merit based system with both ASBs and Agricultural Organizations competing for funding

• During the merger of the ASB and AESA grants, ASBs were asked about their opinion regarding the allocation process for the environmental funding

• ARD reviewed the information and the decision was to continue allocating the funding based on a merit system

Environmental Stream

2011/13 Grant Outcome: Enhanced awareness, understanding and implementation of agricultural practices and the importance of responsible stewardship of land, air, water and biodiversity Focused on education and extension

activities that facilitated the adoption of environmentally responsible practices for crop and livestock production.

Environmental Stream

Goal of the 2011/13 Merit-Based Grant

Allocation Process:

To allocate available funding to those municipalities with the highest ranked proposals.

Environmental Stream

Ranking was based on the following criteria: • Addresses identified environmental needs • Well-defined objectives • A clear 3-year implementation plan • Clear measures • Strategic collaboration • Organizational capacity ASBs

Environmental Stream

Decision Making • Funding recommendation was made by an

unbiased third-party committee • Final Decision made by the Minister

Environmental Stream

2011/2013 ASB Grant Cycle • 40 applications • 6 were not awarded funding • 34 approved applications representing 57

ASBs • 7 ASBs did not apply for funding

Environmental Stream

To Determine The Next ASB Funding Cycle (beginning 2014) Allocation Process.

• Merit Based

• Equal Access

• Combination Equal Access and Merit

• Other

Next Steps

Next Steps

• Maureen Bolen to compile all the information from the workshops by mid September and prepare initial feedback themes and suggestions

• ASB Program Review Task Team to review suggestions and decide what further information is required from ASBs

• Maureen Bolen sends ASBs the consultation information and ASBs send it back to her by October 12th