m r . . ... . V I - i - i i J ' a , try v 3 T3Jf i, tJBMr- 'fL i.jry IW'-- M-,. a DEVOTED TO AHT, " SCIENCE, AGRICULTUEE, ! COMMENCE; NEWS, POLITICS, GENERAL INTELLIGENCE AND THE' INTERESTS OF '."NEBRASKA. VOL. il GIT BEOWNVILLE, NEMAHA COUNTY, T., THUESDAJ, DECEMBER- - 23, 1858. lJ. 9fl R. XI. :0 ey r(Vr:. - of iU:n sn i'.rr.f EcMuifs Bailing, " -- ;." 12 3,00 " " " tMtefarnieiatfl.SOper i .ADVERTISING: lht-.truil)- w insertion, $1,0 n Wb Ujir!owJ insertion, - IItr.niCarJiof ixlinci oriess,acyearf yaeCjlami jcar, Cjluiaa.iix fourlU eclA bV.fC Uumn, utli, .'.I. l three ni r. i t " - ' - ' . one - f rurth " hi'.f " " - three ra 44 foU'-t- .1 V. ir r I'1 xitl f,,r " in a 1 rapf) 50) i rjjUSINESS CARDS. TJ. C. JOHNSOIT, ! ATTORNEY AT i SOLlCiTOll IX .VNCLRY AND Heal relate Ajrcnt, ." dhown villi:, n. t. KEFEUENCES. ' IIon.Wm.Jcsui., .Montrose, Ta, . .iLJK.Uen'l.v, " " " Jt.lin Ca .Miller, Chicago, III. V.' in. K. McAllister, ChArlc i . I'owler, " It. W. Forna.',lirywnTiUe,S'.T. F. Ie, " 44 0 50 CO 5,0d C0.00 25,00 20.00 16,00 20.00 10.00 8,C0 20.00 13,00 10,00 fn ( O. LAW, .B. LIATHISU, Cabinet & Wagon-IIake- r Itiin Street. bet. Sixth and Seventli, IIUOlV.WiLil, X. T. Alllfin.iof ciuiiietwurk neatly executed. wains' plows, etc., promptly d.ne. JOHN McDONOUGH. House,' Sign, & Ornamental Painter, GLAZIER, fc. im cms villi:, x. t, rdr can he left at t'.ip Cit Sure. 2 OT.&B.B. THOMPSON Keal Estate cc General reletting Agents Accnts forlowa Ins. Co., Cskaloosa, ALL bullae' entrukte"! to our csre w ill niw-- t with V"U!t attention and warrantt-Icrre--- ti Tapers irepar-lo- r uing io pre-em- :t, Declaratory fctate-'uH-- bu uuce out, t'c, etc. . tSOrSre on Tirtt trtet, north of I. T. Wbyte & Co..3 BKFEKUENCES: S. V. llrimcsEl -- Governor Lt T. L- - Pri'.p d- ilissourl Aut;Q A do i'.o , i. 5. Ea, re &. Co., Glenwood, Iowa ' G. D'.ui,t7 Council BiUfl'i, Iowa . April S, v2n4!-l- y joqs. r. Kivvrr.. cuab. f. hollv KINNEY & HOLLY. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SCHR-ISIL- C1TV, X T. will pra'-iic- e in the Courts .r this Territory. aitd criminal huMnes. aiiende! to throushout - wte?B ivwa ud iliwuri. Will attend the tur Brvwuville. vJr,23-Cr- a . E. S. DUNDY, . ATT 0 JIN E AT LAW, : ARCIltlt, KICHAKDSON CO. X. T. .WILL pra tne in the nvcral Courts of the 2d Judicial Th.trio, ad yfi,i to alt matter connected with the Tr.fi.;n. wm. M- - as, ;Eq., of Nel City, .u asit mpin the cf iniportaut buiis. ycpt. 10, .:-n-- tt C: V7. WHEELER, Architect and Builder. MiSSTARY TURNER, r.ilLLlHER AIID DRESS MAKER, aia Street, one doer &bove Cp.rgons Bank. llliUWXVJLl.1-- : T. . qonntti and Tmnmingi always on hand. ' ' A. D. IIIRII, '"Attorney at Law, l.ab(l AfTrat and Xotarj" I'nlilic. Archer t Richardson Co., .V. T. .TTi'.lprarTiein the Coo lit of Nebraska, Assisted y HardiB'and Heunttt, Nebraska City. FEN HER FERGUS0JI, Attorney ' and .Counsellor BELLEVUE, NEBRASKA. JAMES W. GIBSON, Slacks mith fitted Strept. between Main NcLraka, B1XAYN VILLE, N. T. ' i:i. W, 3IOORE, General Steamboat Ajreht," ''oeh'jirdi.vo " $ coyiyntsioy mciichaxt, ' NEBRASKA CITY. 2Z.T. Vrii ,,,(, vu t-- t ,,uilu,ri iiti jirompt returns made. Hrun;isr,ultltilin pjvou tjrecelviuK, Storing and For--ar.- Lf afik.i;d. irf.?ht :v.A jrodu-- e. j., ., Cillceoat rie Lievee. .Jrci.n;f jr, ti,0 with tearncy note!. v . . . . K?er to t! e ilerchants uf Tselirm.ka 1'itv: .e.SSu-hae- l &;Lui tf Ufif.d, KmueyikCo" April 231 Larper h. Scaler St. Louis; Joseph iiclutyre Barcklay, Uiukiek Co " v2-ll- -Iy T. E. HAYCOOK. . Attorney u. u ijdY7 A S HEAL ESTATE AGEI Ilcunt Ycrnon, Kenslia Co., IJllCU.la!i'Ut,,'i'n''a'l1 to practice of lawandcol-.ur.r.at'V"- ,: ?? '. fawnoe. L,rr . ...... ....... 4V(4l . Aimi wruu , foristaui Uwlrra. Pr?-m-p- Uou carefully prepared. HEfEil 1 o ElWt.i'UtiMuouih.X. T. .! f. r'"'u''t- - i"fb!akaciiy.S T "" i.i''i.ari9. f Vr If 'n, J.IT:)..l:a Cijv, J,' :u.p.. iiC, Ik Wevue. 5T )0 0X3 12, 6.00 lirug Y Lesn rH.ka N. ar.J luca'--- l isai.keiR. Council liluif. Iowa rce .iii Co"jit, Fort Uesmoines. Iowa. t- v.ier 1- - .'. t I 1 T T 0 & D. I-- . ' 'c- - r ;"' 3: r.23!y iTr ii 1 UXlli. a ili ZJIL SOLICITORS CILJXCER Y. s.f.: tic- - of. aid North w, & Co., ' ill. Il lhh, . - Cr.:;- -. ' i Wo A. Uraa.'ora, lib, Esu., o. P. HEWZTT. J C AT T - i. W ill k n Cuurts Ke-rasi- a, St. Lctiis, Mo. Do ' - Do Nebraska City, N. T. 13 KiniiCT ii. Ilyllcy, Net raa City. Ocf-vc- Sweet Jv. Co., do J. SicTlinff !. jrtou ' do Jlfun-- J!onutt, Sroxruvlllo R. I'm n js uo" Erornvilte, N. T. Ni v. 13. I9'". . i'io:::i: -- . Bool: Bindery, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. Empire Block, Xo. 3. WILLIAI.I r. I1ITER, VouU inform the iuMic tliat he ha3 opened a first cl jis B.k Bindery, and is now prcparido lo all kinus of Boi k Binding old or new, tx.iir.d or n! upon the fcnortest pubtible nutic, aud the must reasouoble terms. Order received for all kinds cf Blank work. July I, lSiS-ly- . Aratclimakor & Goldsmith, A. GYS, ROCK PORT, MO. PEGS leave tu inform the public tbat Le "has located intbeaUve uauaed town aud offers for 6alc a choice sto-- of CLOCKS, WJTCIIES,. JEWELRY, and other articles usually keiit ia such establishments at prices which caunot be complaincJ of. J3cing an exper- ienced watchmaker he natters himself that in repairing watches, clocks and jewelry he can give perfect satiKia; tion. " a .IT. . . 19 6ru. LOUIS WALDTER, . . louse, Sis;n; and Ornamental Painter, ' GLAZIER, GHAIWEB, I A P ER II A SGER, BEOW2IVILLE, K. T. Takestbis method of informing the pnblic that hehas removed Lis paint shop from Nemaha City to this place He thinks himself qualified to undertake any work per- - aininp to hi linecf business, and. respectful .yiniie the public to give him call. Please leave orders at the "Acveruser" orace. Nov. 19, 1S57. E21-- tf w: P. LOAN, ATTOKITEY AT LAW. LOT AND LAND AGENT, Arclicr, Rlcliardson County, N. T. rSODUCE DEALERS, Forwardiim & Commis c MERCHANTS,. No. 78, North Levee, St. Louis, Mo. Orders Groceries and Manufactured Articles accu rately filled at lowest possible rates. Consignment for sale and respcctutiy souciiea. cmpiueuis of all kinds will be faithfully attended te. Beterrences : Messrs. OH Rea fc. Co St. Louis McCnib SiCo Gilbert, Miles fc. Stannard do non. W H Buftington, Auditor State of Missouri J Q Harmon, Esq. Cairo City, 111. liessrsMolony, llro's &.Co' New Orleans, Louisiana J D Jackson, Esq., do do Messrs Kinkle, Guild &. Co, Cincinnati, O. F HainniarCo do Braudell & Crawford Louisville, Ky. WiKKlruffii. Huntington, Mobile, Ala. n. BUiiaasr Ksq.r - - - - -- - BcaxUitowu, lil- - Mayl?, laS , 45-3- m . , . JAI.IES HOG AN. BLANK E00K MANUFACTURER, Southeast cr. 2nd and Locust St's. ST. LOUIS, MO. All kinds of Blank Books, made of the best paper, ruled to any pattern, and sewed iu the new improved patent nKxle. LIBRARIES, PERIODICALS, MUSIC. &c, hound in anv stvle. and at the shortest noticfi. Having been awarded the Premium at the last Me- chanic's Fair, he feels condident in insuring satisfaction to all who may give him a call. L0 for July.22d.lS5S. .. ....... iyv-3- 1 J. V. WESTLAKE. A. A. BUlTUft. WESTLAKE Si BUTTON, LiACIHuE SHOP &.T0UKDRY, liallrcad Car, IIIocU Puuip, Bolt Corner of lilain &Biddle St., ST. LOUIS, MO. Contractors outfits constantly cn hand, such as Rotary Pump Cars, Sideer End Cars. Wheelbarrows, Scrapers, Single and Horse Power Derricks, &c. Blacksmithing .f all kinds, Bridge and Truss Bolts of any length. Workmanship warranted of best quality. R. K. UAUDIXrt. C. C. KIM BOUGH E. F. TOOHEB HARQSUQj KIME0UGH & CO. MaMuutclurirtaud WlolemU Dealer in, J HATS, CAPS & STRAW GOODS, Ho 40 Main street, bet. OJivo and me, ST. LOUIS, MO. Particular attention paid to manufacturing our finest Mole lia's. WHEELER & WILSON'S INCOMPARABLE SEWING MACHINES j. w. McDonald & co., No. 79, Fourth street, St. Louis, Mo. Are taking the n!ai:e t all other machines to Families, Dress-xlaker- s. AND .JJl They are the Simi-lest- , SpeeJLest, Chcapes and most lurable Macbires eaasixiit. Agents Yi'anted In Every Town In tlQ West. MILLER & EOISAUEIN, Im;xirtersof French andGerman LGSXCia-QlASS-FLATE- S, Sliect, gI;y-L- 5 zZit, and rioor Glass, IS, Second St., St. Louis, lo. ilauuacturers cf Ornamental Looking-Gias- s 1'rames. Stained Glass in all its Various Branches, for Churches, Public and Private r ; . - Buildings. Ornamental Work for Steamboats. ' OUTER BEXSET. B. C AltniT. JA5IE3 P. ri?KE. AVGCSTCS KXIGHT. OLIVER BENNETT & CO., licnufacturerf and YriialesaleDealrfin. BOOTS AND SHOES, FOR3IELT,No. l(!l, CVKXBOP MaIK AXDLOCrST.) ST. LOUIS, MO. PRY iinnp.-Q- t? 01 n f JOHN H. MAUN 5 CO.; .: BR0V,'XV1LLE;X. T. DEALET.S IS "" : of which is abundant. their craft, happening; It 'f!'M We now most snowed un- - they. A.i--JiiIt!liI- - der. arrived here on" the' of in the creeks are' met with the" turbid waters of the J!issouri, Fine Ilnir and Tooth Brushes, . i5tTICL.ES, TT .October, Flattsracuth. Beaver-dam- s Tt" I , v. v TnllH fir firpGW storms elephant" in cut into float them to the: feeling,' which you say I tween LO.UCwGliO A w;. vlcH5 the Mountains. were extremely for- -' Proper place, sink a from these two portions can " Tj.... f; ' tunate getting to our. present tea to twelve; inches 'through, will beat true, 'tis pity that 'tis true iUlultiaul toil Physicians' Prescriptions anl Family Eccipo uu.v.u.i, vviuyouuucu. ... I . . . .V 1. C I t , i . . orders correctly answered. Every article dance of and other timber. ui tutu or we separate as to political in ranted pcnuine. and of the best quality. rf AGEJfTS for all leading Patent Medicine ofjhe day, HEW GROCERY PROVISION HOUSE, ey . . A J::.H.1I&BMN XT THE Old Stand of M. F. GLAEK, BROWN VILLE, N. T., found a full of Family ter ; Train and ilackrel Sugar, i - Cjfree.Candies,Xut3,WineCrackersanICheese( in IS aiSO and mes. Sardines, Cigars ana uy6tcrs ana i , Peaches. Prunes. Blackberries aud VTnortle- - I Here. berries, and all articles usually kept in a Grocery Storc..whichhe will sell cash or produce as cheap asthe chcapasu you give rue a share of your continued patronage. Brownuille, July 15th, 1S5S. ' v3n3 B. L. DODGE, ATTORNEY AT LAW SOLICITOR iXU CHANCERY, BSlOW.WiLLE, I.i:ilUASKA. Land Warrants bought and sold.' Pre-empti- on papers carefully and correctly prepared. OFFICE on Alain in Brown andBenneit's Bank- ing ' House. REFESEXCES ' ' ; Hon. Fenner Ferguson, Bellevue,-3.ebrask- " R. V. Furnas Brownville,- - " Brown " B - - Kinney &. llolley Nebraska City Hon. James Craig, - ' St. Joseph ilo. Nave, McCordfs. Co. " Clark &. July 8, lS53-v3n2-- Ty . , . . ATTOEITEY. AT. LA BKOWNVILLE, N. T. Till write deeds of every kind and contrasts every :.tse. with warranted lesal Oihce, in the Banking House of Lushbaugb & Carson. REFER TO Hon.-Joh- A. Bingham, Ohio. w K Carter, tieveiana, " RPSpaldiug, - "' " B F Lei ter, Canton, " SLahni, : . " Wm R Sapp. Mt. Vernn, SPChae, Columbus, . .. Thos. Manstield,. ' Jas. Crlg, St.'Joseph, Mo. ' . Brownville, Oct. 22d, 2nl7-l- y P.ANDALS, G0ULEY & CO PRODUCE BROKERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. St. at the rates tn eommision.-Septombe- r 23. lSr-S- . All kinds of produce bought or sold ; 41- - " " " " ' V J NEMAHA LAND AGENT, ly. I transformation the invest &.c.i showing aii in lectto where with the oldest in all reliable who very to JEFFEKSGX P. CASADT, 1 MARTIN "W. RIDES.) JAS. TEST, JAS. D. WHITE, V ConncilBluffs,Iowa. ) NebrastaCityNT) CASS ADY, TEST, RIDEN CO., (Successors Riden v ) LAND AGENTS. NEBRASKA CITY, N. made by wliich we will HAYING accurate copies of all the in portion of Nebraska, we aro prepared to off:r our services to the " s of Territory." In Declaratory Statements of Inten- tion to Pre-emp- t. Securing Iiocfltine: Warrants- - AND ENTERING LAND iiiantis an Kinas always on REFERENCES. Hon. A.Eradftrd. Nebraska Gi!y S. F. NuciolLs, Mt gjrs. k West, PeterA.Kelkr. Thomas June 23,1856. HARVEY. Draft'n. ft LiNkJ Joseph, City t uuiana. i., resigned his one live best in the with Civ. Eng., Snr. n mnn St. VTTCK INT wiih they claims Government, attend the Land One firm being for many earsconnecied with the States im- provements) we mate 5.c, any part the best can Town kinds &c.,) our 22'I, fron the Plains South or River, " October IS08.; drive' of praps,' yt new account O.Mnhpr hns fop'spvpral av every crossing, lne inrrinuity or wne they did no tlowinT "gale from" the South- - .singular industrious serious damage, giving them, and west snowino- - incesantlv - a curiosity 10 me uninmaiea. muir.euects a aucking. . j .i . I manner trp- - rnt. 1nvn. As tTio lltlVK I1UL 1)1 IllliSt: ..... . . - havhot "seen7the given lengths, exists and:then' of country. T ' . in Quarters, say,-'ti- s ; fore , we have . . the : a suffic- - I will this be for of and will not . , ,1 t-- - willows "UItt xuiuur r Louis, Ulissouri (aSU embraced Nebraska Er.gineerand superior water, oldest mountaineer. When cattle, having placed, is rather a drawback' after wiien a11 iiarjds repair terests, we remarkable time success and take of having then community so near our destination. morning the is faster than ever', yet in the valley, has only reached depth of fifteen inches. ' behind us, of which quite number, necessarily experi suffering men animals, they deprived of the she! be (3 weeDJOy. "27,". travelling Bacon, Teas, . Liquors Company Willi US, .delayed near Fancy for " Cadi, u ; Ford, - lowest to Townsbips Pre-emp-tioi- i3. (mechanical, Letter convenient falling tPPtar just .vAi:. tnncp . rnnttniiP opportunity compelled here this season ions. ihiR'sfnrm rpncli Nnrth M on to as for by at re Vilt) as an it aii war- - It lue the us to as as no as as to it 0f to to not sire nave .... uaii A' .v...' m of .rtt " 0U1U ior to as cf 10 go ;.i nf k- - thf fnr am to as no we to ever at the . our men will XT.-- : of hp. ud cf acc Congress, Territorial nnn Ipft ',, cooenn we' in' are yet us. This of having visited, suffering of. the near the' is of property or counties, party, ' cabin feast from , Address . . . Territory. fr AL'astera a The road ON well paid eouimission: . Until m W . it . .,.- - . months Register oonnection Lawgivers io ' ' t, . a I - ' ' General VATZ conuecteJ agencies n enabled prosecute against or business General cfrice-wit- dispatch satisfaction customers. a practical Survey- or Surveys engaged ar prepared Surveys er.gagcd Draftsman Territory, drawings perfect satisfaction . . . October . Fork Bear ; 16," ago t - ; 19ih. a Iada a miles .over to-da- y, .Sec., may four across Email- - streams, I and and animals. ' : - - We The that : We 13ih a snar. which a this and little enly Thr-- e quite suirnt - c The r (littoi fctior-i- 1 local K " . . i ' J. log only grass, and 8 abun- - ient amount logs brush rathe 1 r ... . wiy snouia street, Conrad. .: m upon a must live each other and thus far, and a load clay upon ever;" and This there must much both among and Wherocan supply roceriea Cod-Fish- , accuracy. milps nere, to to of " at viuu t0 er ua as as j J .r of destination.- - the' "'. 1 tains A. each v t f ; This from above their caly : that strife, that we--' would and quarrd.r, and taus, when and with mason, shall then en't. there J thev J J 1 . . - - , ' J ' . this na-ma- de ' -: ;. j A t : . . . iceiiugs, . . x I w . t 1. ll . r j " ' . i i . . , no ft . roads, and south. pcopIe and now. ; i : . . i ' ' - 1 T . 1 J . i ? f ' ' a e v" We hope yet reach 0Uben P1018 a maha and spring and summer, a ... I f a - - . st , - .When Snnnin wppL-- . - say', mail will remain . winter. Our Cattle winter very passes . . l . should year: nrnvis. ' " r I i, o Rhntild Plntfp. 1 again I T I injure , j , enworth Trains behind. t ' . anon, 'should succeed o I behind tnrougn. storm few. after, .scene Donon party hody Filling Sold, hereafter, CO., of.lsternsl Territory struck which their fnoTitv burned Departments ty.-fiv- e 'made sericua 'grass, 'tt.a bank, illullT, Slh, , ' "-"- " ' '" - their Platte, friend-:- end, after were, done Four 1 much extent ugumg iravei, have City, others, this, unable i There 1 lilUlls. hnnips i here - , . liiuHLS exhibit just rn.or.of the South' Platte? miners there, certain local panies State. prcper. They Union, land .The pray- - lied Four winter:: immensp. five hundred nioneers. - . amonjr men. curbed, asking tmrtv trains More reminds years the Siera Neva- - other miles about only nresent mgm, Platte lauu.i uecuiu.u ting this they gold there this, these every serve this "stock build great they extraneous ought, make city as will it important Land twelve Office, &.C., causes to as united But sand the. ; and of world, your of no- - secured these advanta- - fields. if without of Dark Ages, will tice favoring. of may in few outstripped four yean,. have this South Platte Kansas. close of in forty thousand, surely souls when that 'ou invite ; opinions of forseen alone would be to say four years mere, r . .' .1! l l. '. f .t r 1 '..1 . ' I " .1 . C l li . .t 1 1 V snowea dui tnose ior or me : point spring ancau vl we aaa tnousana ana lowa whom "All traces measure. Although, cue, whose home others. ' And when de- - one could discover houses a shallow waters, local jealousies a. ; year. So to- - lapidated hair,' and bones of deep interest all to her every sucker proud " that we will ready come into those been by "their fare, yet that have never every' Puke, of St. Louis, Union fully cs as companions. " houses proposition "to which and every shallow-pat- e well, they a with re-- shall see, what . Yours, shall ' ; vv hen snow suits, is entitled. ' Pardon if, there- - Now, Friend to being it had reached the depth .of fore, make hasty my into cf merchandise solicited, and promptly filled, forty feet, and which But free, free," top, when party had to ascend and the trees, where saw the stumps, forty feet in , person who experienced pangs starvation,' has no. idea of SURVEYOR &, PUI1LIC, J of the mind, which is.jlo lands, investigate titles, pay &c, Under influence de-cith- er or Kebraska ; buy, sell, and enter sometiieui, lands on. commission; buy lirium while Suffering. On relief sell and will always ou handcorrect ' townships, sub- - j this one they entry, and desired will furnish parties liv- -j .' , the found one man nreparinr a the tho settler county . cases be able full and information. Of MohS. Donon, 10th A. L.Coate, Brownvme or .. -- ; city, Nebraska 6m-42-- v2 give up human flesh and again V & bite. T. arrangements the now Squatter Iisnd k. Dolman Washington will with (having Town?, cus- tomers. 5n2lT we sort to food. is to below brute , a horse or an will with all attending horrors, side of. one of its own it will touch food the carcass not anticipate any suffering in consequence scarcity of provisions, our employers are aware or frequency of those storms moun this year, us Land Warrants and of ENTERED TIME, supplied. is certainly a great Particular attention to Buying Selling 0'versjgnt the War Department, re on Also. to niakine Collections 1 and forwarding remittancesto anypartof theUnion'. I taming the freight was a Miaii I ci Lumpkin, vl-n- 4 u Mo., Lavmg architectural, 'Trains are. grade before stations so advanced that trains ran the risk of "being frozen On Sandy and Green river, we the remains of three trains Mormons, about JOHN PARKER & CO., staationof wagon distinctly i'ua, v. j. markea, tne 01 iron lying on JOHN' A. PACKER, late the Lsnd Office, the ground. j. ocicc In of to on the the of Oct. 18th. an Business connded to ai.d es CT-- tt ' ;it c:- - peciaiiy ucui, caaici he hat laa'tehimseinuorout'iiirtcjuaintcd twenty degrees zero. br practice for rears. t ne refers to "of and e.-- s Antelope, sheep, otner game are de Ai.,rpatio scending to Valley among which ' sportsmen areliaving rare fum They E. &. the track of -- Grizley,' L. VAN WYCK. occasionally cross a Arent- - hut this formidable mountaineer, cl IJARVK1T, & General .Land Agents Oity. in City are to United to any hex and to the of their or the United on to of in of the having in the execute I!ap Piats, and cf aii to the 13 to VllIitJS,f-'l- i snow a numbering.eighty-thre- e snail and We at the and aSTnSSr.rUja- - rather and prefer room to The first sheep killed created quite a sensation. animal, not ger a common size freqent support a pair horn3 pounds. . descending a they light their horns: turn and start again with the receiving perceptible frcm the : four constructed raft a! seven- - "Weather moderate.1 Ft.'Laranaio, put fiva over rocks, and provisions, aboard,' tred as tho case be by most trying-t- o in thirty days, men landed, safe, in are now a road on accident occurred are gloriously reurJed into Will hpfn perfect animal, and v" in will We. the' lonacco, But shelter our is near but the is ence and provisions. and allayed together clothing-- , running daylight, delightful make-up- ?, divorce, swim is rancorous' feelings, Union, pres- - on precission or. very years an puy snnpr the die by the nosi-i- y of the ( those feelings a greater inhabitants, exclusive Icdi- - Now." this Tcrrifnrv. r.f .KaJrr, V. 1 J J" uay enough' certainly. reality, been the worst financially, nLX "tt.. aiciiui as wiicn nany cmmigra- - rifes6uth he'twPPn tion cmY r,, i. j -- " n,n t, ..... the but elephant, norlh r- - j- - goou again, r'nriPT "v the Valley, a 11 jealous making I storm I h a- - t. KID1Y O Snowiag rapidly. :I we .v. rir nf a through winter, place-- " .1 WAREKA. Annexation. . ' Plattsmouth, 1S5S.' by separating be our Ham been Coa.--t juiuwiiwuc, iaiiamuuiu, i a'igain tnousanas K Wxcmincr. m nn ri.l tui-i- i vjj. uj. uunicuiaic kj;, as much PlatTe, ing, found deni- - nearly thousand , a feelings nea'rly wide awake interests; promise'. Nebraska destruction enerjrjes point, have"rronft !ma not not. well suffering wt ": nothinfr Fuknas: doubt contribute largely granted. I think railroads, day Surveyor General's territory, a influenced thousand, perhaps many' thou-exlent,- by there Nebraska, near-is-a.li- mit their' influence a reap advantages history Advertiser Dec.oth I tory compare article, annexation a months inducement, with privations sufferings greatness, causes increased uncontrolable. Time .' .i lnteTestea. sixty recovered.' time addition about hundrod I is land a thousand condition, devoured I I Chicago; enough, building. thought from subject, fraught such mighty shall hoping continue surface. f "Furnas, Nebraska. falling, I arguments mitted -- 'rrreat' sisterhood became" encrusted text, remarks follow.'. States';" breathing I height. KOTARY in in of feachinfT ing in iu to at D. nv descending ox starvation, species season Bought short LAND rroncrtv season Thermometer below oToT-eslx-R- , creation, passed quantity Monday, charry, company. though than marino, weighing precipic upon greatest agility injury thereby? interests I hundred rrvmnlptplv iuc on between and.com- - organizing Spring golden which Offices, months, effort. having confess, seriously, have you article &c., there . really a good deal forth nearly, quite, highfalutin about it ? don't you,. think it guments that adduced favor of would just as well Unde Samuel measure? 1 a few longer. say, "The Platte river a natu- - aspire honor paying them line." it made selves? I do, and it opinion that ; is any a boundary great majority of fellow-citizen- s than Connecticut, which through will come to same conclusion. And Massachusetts 'and Connecticut; or what gain coming into Merimac' 'running through a corner on , of doing Massachusetts ; or mountains which selves what ' General Government divide eastern from western Virginia; ought right being State of Arkansas ; taxed largely finally, of Hudson State of New York; electing Representative Congress; Roanoke, North Carolina ; or and constables, justices peace; Illinois, Illinois; or Wabash &c., upon most approved principles? in Indiana; Colorado ia Texas, or I afraid would that Teneessee Tennessee ; ravins dear whistle. dee in South Carolina ; or Tombigby, west, or Tennessee, north of Alabama; or Mississippi, in Louisiana or Missouri Mis- souri ? - increased tr as or T1. cs ; as a3 for as as ; or in ; iAgain, 4vThe line, as between and really only imaginary paper passing from to ether cannot Tho reason would hold say, "Full half season, good annexing Kansas to Missouri, or Platte is utterly impassable." t0 Indian almost fault. present every State in Union just such Missouri, sometimes impassable, an imaginary line.' Such imaginary when ice running rcry strong, line divides United States from' in ordinary seasons it is so "utterly Western Possessions, just impassable," mail a3 good, a better reason eu regiuany, a weeic, Possessions should annexed to season, and, to .present snap, United reason may failures prevaiHn sometime or ether: less than been made in eastern I only objection at present mails, at present time there a they awful cold, couldn't rai-- e goeanaiunu nrwge across ii, Bat when slave trade carried away "fresh," rc.c?ened, philanthropists who' time, unless a fresh lherein ?3gea may discover a . . . . robu3t darkies, could itacd to practieabihty of bridging climate, then there no tellin- - Platte, there as a matter course, annexation mi-- ht take tilaee a wide difference of opinion engi- - forthc! iraturai h,nfr . it is no trurvin t.htVm;fv : . .... .i . - ; 'T.' t? siouuy it , the' fontatioa older it to great task. Judging States and territories fact, in gcii 1 seerl' wnadent country is difficult to where meriaue crxflgca at great that marks boundary c cost, should it. be. found necessary, natural interests this nation; and: I SReak thus doiibtftlllvtecausft T nj-- u :c ..-- t. , .. . . ii is iouna, it uus.rner De navigateu immediately rubbed While steamers, in a years; 0Uth Platte 'remain w I give, proof navigability, that would satisfy skeptical. I give : During last spring, V. . fully equal superior wealth numbers, power ether vi ulu itrniorv. wnen beccm-- ? a part of Kansas, v. pc;l;ii::. leund a c." toil, bloodshed, and alargs cz- - ' pense money,- suiTerir.j. t'Js we r.3 part. ' They wiU'alk li- on's share everything, ard "per- force yield. seems ' phm to nu, ia that described in jumping cf frying-pa- n into T:?, should to mend i:.. Wi:h friends north cthe v:o havo. :;a and us stick theci'to'ths a few'mochs, aPit of life, uk for a before have had time to bring forth offspring loves. few wordi ia relation to comincr dam, curb our in the am for laid all the a not be apt, apt, give ago, fivo y, wci. than ? anal tvn we W But, ia about fifteen miles.; ti-- - iLwc saw, au xuuay ma uaius of the riv-- r. r,., uuuuie teaias. uuu r, . 'of Le way il? Is nct Territory, times b cast", aves tie .uuuuu r ni,, be in can of send nnp in be all anu .mey can well of. herp. hut fnr JU LIUUli. fear Properly iust nnnnrpn nave ham get- - of Dec. in annals R. the town lands give do go oy aiieuu suuiu 'Land ARE hy A vent just teeu xieuiaah.a. vmy, are IvOCk . Utoe . west roTt . dis- - team a:-':- " get ' ' uiiici, ujiiui nvai, iiitriii. Uier'4, was a TU- - and do not feel- - andno- - is to be body there. are one zens that side the sturey extent, ia to keep' us of the to start early ia the our own exert for "of the will UP for tts begt own nlArti PAvrtn the jUBh no new to for a One to da. W. country. It is true that caus- - government, and no to be safe to say lines of that this there but even ia that population cf twen- - these. may some ty and proper additional, even to.- - and best point to the the the even in the his- - In point, of the gold Now, th.1'3 the that. an the ges, be new in we the of to At the the race for by up- - to it party, article the or can safe . l.''. .u.l Ill 1, nrsi oniy aooui ioriy.01 eitner against ten tne mat snuu were that las has thus had an cf di- - in this of feel cided, all will die vay in it seems in that relates wel- - will .be' of his me he to who had giv- - Lis the scoa In 'their this the of his wre about it. cut the two five feet we that we from the ceas- - me, to live in ed your Orders in " cut over A has not the of Will select taxes, of Kansas thus same, have piats states same. Being will Was either n.emana his re nana. This the of the of of too well tne in the the to are It and jn the Land far up. by twelve The auuu country, tjm; turn siiuuj wtich stuuv and ti.e Heads ifemf the our V7. cf which States works its are his his lar ly 40 In' no falL out all and the the we was in accuuiiax A. the nave" :.v -- fptv r1nv mem Now, to to the be! all all the trees see. the the the the let over men not in that is not of set if not all the ar-- can in for the to pay expenses years 'as to You is to the of ral boundary True, were is my so but it more natural the our the runs the the do we by the Uni- - of now but the right for our- - the the or to do for us; the of the Arkansas, in the and the right the in the to or the in our of the the the or the nm that we find we the in or the Pe- - were too for the the in the the in the of the the in of you say, it now exists Kansas -- Nebraska, is oh in one the it be found." same You one the for' the In this tho .Territory in fact you are at At it. is, like the has the an the is but the the not British and is but that the has cross- - nay, far why iwice ior me past ose he the cold fa States. This the Carier has made but few case has our the can see is, and the is are so you mat will the not be by any for is the en some it should he rzze c wma tne soutn. who the As the the and is hoi is, of soon among As ccc, .:vi mam- - was in cf the tain be no In 1Ui" aave 1 zm over the it tell can ce no the line is the ver ;nt. uuue aucn aiiuc ever may iCu iuat wm by be out. we numerous lew and of the nrP. u'p can. of its the most but one the more tlinn if not in and to the portion we Tcey are in' by of cf and In nave iLi in we, must It be stati cut th? the discover mistake' loo iate car old had our cur let by not now weded we one of our cur ana evci uavc "seeu aro uere. will are je- - fnr ago the To are our our up cur will be in est and ia in, were the in one sooa en care ad- - is be be our one the' up this irom 0TS ia will are L. G. JEFFERS. Belle vtrr, N. November COth, T. ) 559. : R. W. Fckxas: We have just had a Democratic victo- ry in this county of which every Demo- crat in Nebraska should be proud.- - You know that -- the enemies of Popular Sov ereignty, and the right of the people to regulate their own affairs, have always claimed Sarpy county as their own. Well, the question has just been settled, and the Black Republicans feel like they had 'let a bird go." They hang their heads and curse their fates. They were -- so sanguine of success, that' they bet largely on the-resu- lt, in the way of boots, cloth ing, &.C., and the result is that thebare- - ooted Democracy are wearing boots at the. expense of the Republicans. The election vas for Sheriff. "And, although our majority wa small, it is worth every thing for prestige, asthe wavering, whc3Q name i3 legion, will now flock to our stan- dard. Eat what a triumph wa will' have in the Territory, when the battle, becomes general If they cannot succeed ia their favorite 'strongholds, what can they ex pect when the voice comes" up from the strong Democratic counties' ail ever the Territory? One general rejoicing will be ours, frcm the L'eau qui Court to the Nemaha. General Thayer and Jim Stewart were on hand to help the enemy, but their ef forts were alike unavailing. They left the party for the plunder, and they be- gin to feel, no doubt, that they have "got ther foot ia it." All we have to do is tq be true to our colors. Nebraska is tho child of Democratic policy, and we have no fears that she will ever turn icgrate and sting the boscm that warmed it into life. Let other counties follow the ex- ample of Sarpy, and fight all political parties on principle, and we have nothing to fear. A DEMOCRAT. Dlstarliaacc Acs 23 tliD C: A mus3 occurred a few days among the Omaha Indians at Black Several were killed and ethers wcur.1: J. Tecamseh Fcntenelb is said to have been killed, and a half-bree- d named Neal severely wounded Lcuis Ncal,v;e presume, cf Aspinwal!;

Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville NE) 1858-12-23 [p ].m r..... V I-i i i J a ', try v 3 'fL i.jry IW'-- M-,. T3Jf a i, tJBMr- DEVOTED TO AHT, " SCIENCE, AGRICULTUEE,! COMMENCE; NEWS,

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    T3Jf i, tJBMr-'fL i.jry IW'-- M-,. a



    R. XI.


    eyr(Vr:. - of iU:n sn


    EcMuifs Bailing,

    " -- ;." 12 3,00" " " tMtefarnieiatfl.SOper i


    w insertion, $1,0nWb Ujir!owJ insertion, -

    IItr.niCarJiof ixlinci oriess,acyearfyaeCjlami jcar,


    bV.fC Uumn, utli,

    .'.I. l

    three ni r.

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    - f rurth "


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    three ra44 foU'-t-

    .1 V.

    ir r I'1 xitl f,,r " in a 1 rapf) 50)



    ANDHeal relate Ajrcnt,

    ." dhown villi:, n. t.KEFEUENCES.

    ' IIon.Wm.Jcsui., .Montrose, Ta,. .iLJK.Uen'l.v, " " "

    Jt.lin Ca .Miller, Chicago, III.V.' in. K. McAllister,ChArlc i . I'owler, "It. W. Forna.',lirywnTiUe,S'.T.

    F. Ie, " 44







    fn (



    .B. LIATHISU,Cabinet & Wagon-IIake- r

    Itiin Street. bet. Sixth and Seventli,IIUOlV.WiLil, X. T.Alllfin.iof ciuiiietwurk neatly executed.

    wains' plows, etc., promptly d.ne.


    House,' Sign, & Ornamental Painter,GLAZIER, fc.

    imcmsvilli:, x. t,rdr can he left at t'.ip Cit Sure. 2

    OT.&B.B. THOMPSONKeal Estate cc General reletting Agents

    Accnts forlowa Ins. Co., Cskaloosa,ALL bullae' entrukte"! to our csre w ill niw-- t with

    V"U!t attention and warrantt-Icrre--- ti Tapers irepar-lo- ruing io pre-em- :t, Declaratory fctate-'uH-- bu

    uuce out, t'c, etc. .tSOrSre on Tirtt trtet, north of I. T. Wbyte & Co..3

    BKFEKUENCES:S. V. llrimcsEl --Governor LtT. L- - Pri'.p d- ilissourlAut;Q A do i'.o

    , i. 5. Ea, re &. Co., Glenwood, Iowa' G. D'.ui,t7 Council BiUfl'i, Iowa

    . April S, v2n4!-l- y

    joqs. r. Kivvrr.. cuab. f. hollvKINNEY & HOLLY.


    will pra'-iic- e in the Courts .r this Territory.aitd criminal huMnes. aiiende! to throushout -

    wte?B ivwa ud iliwuri. Will attend thetur Brvwuville. vJr,23-Cr- a

    . E. S. DUNDY,. ATT 0 JIN E AT LAW,

    : ARCIltlt, KICHAKDSON CO. X. T..WILL pra tne in the nvcral Courts of the 2d Judicial

    Th.trio, ad yfi,i to alt matter connected with theTr.fi.;n. wm. M-- as, ;Eq., of Nel City,.u asit mpin the cf iniportaut buiis.

    ycpt. 10, .:-n-- tt

    C: V7. WHEELER,Architect and Builder.


    aia Street, one doer &bove Cp.rgons Bank.llliUWXVJLl.1-- : T. .

    qonntti and Tmnmingi always on hand.' ' A. D. IIIRII,'"Attorney at Law,l.ab(l AfTrat and Xotarj" I'nlilic.

    Archer t Richardson Co., .V. T..TTi'.lprarTiein the Coo lit of Nebraska, Assistedy HardiB'and Heunttt, Nebraska City.

    FEN HER FERGUS0JI,Attorney ' and .Counsellor


    Slacksmithfitted Strept. between Main NcLraka,B1XAYN VILLE, N. T. '

    i:i. W, 3IOORE,General Steamboat Ajreht,"


    $ coyiyntsioy mciichaxt,' NEBRASKA CITY. 2Z.T.Vrii ,,,(, vu t-- t ,,uilu,ri iiti jirompt returns made.Hrun;isr,ultltilin pjvou tjrecelviuK, Storing and For--ar.- Lfafik.i;d. irf.?ht :v.A jrodu-- e.

    j., ., Cillceoat rie Lievee..Jrci.n;f jr, ti,0 with tearncy note!.v . . . .K?er to t! e ilerchants uf Tselirm.ka 1'itv:

    .e.SSu-hae- l &;Luitf Ufif.d, KmueyikCo"

    April 231

    Larper h. Scaler St. Louis;Joseph iiclutyreBarcklay, Uiukiek Co "

    v2-ll- -Iy

    T. E. HAYCOOK.. Attorney u. u ijdY7

    A S

    HEAL ESTATE AGEIIlcunt Ycrnon, Kenslia Co.,

    IJllCU.la!i'Ut,,'i'n''a'l1 to practice of lawandcol-.ur.r.at'V"- ,:?? '. fawnoe.L,rr ....... ....... 4V(4l . Aimiwruu , foristaui Uwlrra. Pr?-m-p-Uou carefully prepared.HEfEil 1 o

    ElWt.i'UtiMuouih.X. T..! f. r'"'u''t- - i"fb!akaciiy.S T" " i.i''i.ari9.f Vr


    'n, J.IT:)..l:a Cijv, J,':u.p.. iiC, Ik Wevue. 5T






    Lesn rH.ka




    isai.keiR. Council liluif. Iowarce .iii Co"jit, Fort Uesmoines. Iowa.t- v.ier 1- -








    D. I-- . ' 'c-- r


    3: r.23!y




    tic-- of. aid North

    w, & Co.,' ill. Il lhh,

    . - Cr.:;- -.' i WoA. Uraa.'ora,

    lib, Esu.,

    o. P. HEWZTT. J

    C AT T- i. W ill k

    n Cuurts Ke-rasi- a,

    St. Lctiis, Mo.

    Do '

    - DoNebraska City, N. T.

    13KiniiCT ii. Ilyllcy, Net raa City.Ocf-vc- Sweet Jv. Co., doJ. SicTlinff !. jrtou ' doJlfun-- J!onutt, SroxruvllloR. I'm n js uo"

    Erornvilte, N. T. Ni v. 13. I9'".

    . i'io:::i: -- .Bool: Bindery,

    COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA.Empire Block, Xo. 3.

    WILLIAI.I r. I1ITER,VouU inform the iuMic tliat he ha3 opened a first

    cl jis B.k Bindery, and is now prcparido lo all kinusof Boi k Binding old or new, tx.iir.d or n! uponthe fcnortest pubtible nutic, aud the must reasouobleterms.

    Order received for all kinds cf Blank work.July I, lSiS-ly- .

    Aratclimakor & Goldsmith,A. GYS,

    ROCK PORT, MO.PEGS leave tu inform the public tbat Le "has located

    intbeaUve uauaed town aud offers for 6alc a choicesto-- of

    CLOCKS, WJTCIIES,. JEWELRY,and other articles usually keiit ia such establishments atprices which caunot be complaincJ of. J3cing an exper-ienced watchmaker he natters himself that in repairingwatches, clocks and jewelry he can give perfect satiKia;tion. "





    19 6ru.

    LOUIS WALDTER, . .louse, Sis;n; and Ornamental Painter,



    Takestbis method of informing the pnblic that hehasremoved Lis paint shop from Nemaha City to this placeHe thinks himself qualified to undertake any work per--aininp to hi linecf business, and. respectful .yiniie

    the public to give him call.Please leave orders at the "Acveruser" orace.

    Nov. 19, 1S57. E21-- tf


    LOT AND LAND AGENT,Arclicr, Rlcliardson County, N. T.


    Forwardiim & Commis c

    MERCHANTS,.No. 78, North Levee, St. Louis, Mo.Orders Groceries and Manufactured Articles accu

    rately filled at lowest possible rates. Consignment forsale and respcctutiy souciiea. cmpiueuisof all kinds will be faithfully attended te.

    Beterrences :Messrs. OH Rea fc. Co St. Louis

    McCnib SiCoGilbert, Miles fc. Stannard do

    non. W H Buftington, Auditor State of MissouriJ Q Harmon, Esq. Cairo City, 111.liessrsMolony, llro's &.Co' New Orleans, LouisianaJ D Jackson, Esq., do doMessrs Kinkle, Guild &. Co, Cincinnati, O.

    F HainniarCo doBraudell & Crawford Louisville, Ky.WiKKlruffii. Huntington, Mobile, Ala.

    n. BUiiaasr Ksq.r - - - - --- BcaxUitowu, lil- -Mayl?, laS , 45-3-m . , .


    BLANK E00K MANUFACTURER,Southeast cr. 2nd and Locust St's.

    ST. LOUIS, MO.All kinds of Blank Books, made of the best paper, ruledto any pattern, and sewed iu the new improved patentnKxle.LIBRARIES, PERIODICALS, MUSIC. &c,hound in anv stvle. and at the shortest noticfi.

    Having been awarded the Premium at the last Me-chanic's Fair, he feels condident in insuring satisfactionto all who may give him a call.



    July.22d.lS5S. .. ....... iyv-3-



    LiACIHuE SHOP &.T0UKDRY,liallrcad Car, IIIocU Puuip, Bolt

    Corner of lilain &Biddle St.,ST. LOUIS, MO.

    Contractors outfits constantly cn hand, such as

    Rotary Pump Cars, Sideer End Cars.Wheelbarrows, Scrapers, Single and

    Horse Power Derricks, &c.Blacksmithing .f all kinds, Bridge and Truss Bolts of

    any length. Workmanship warranted of best quality.


    HARQSUQj KIME0UGH & CO.MaMuutclurirtaud WlolemU Dealer in,


    HATS, CAPS & STRAW GOODS,Ho 40 Main street, bet. OJivo and me,

    ST. LOUIS, MO.Particular attention paid to manufacturing our

    finest Mole lia's.


    SEWING MACHINESj. w. McDonald & co.,

    No. 79, Fourth street, St. Louis, Mo.Are taking the n!ai:e t all other machines to

    Families, Dress-xlaker- s.AND

    .JJlThey are the Simi-lest- , SpeeJLest, Chcapes and most

    lurable Macbires eaasixiit.Agents Yi'anted In Every Town In

    tlQ West.

    MILLER & EOISAUEIN,Im;xirtersof French andGerman


    Sliect, gI;y-L- 5 zZit, and rioor Glass,IS, Second St., St. Louis, lo.

    ilauuacturers cf Ornamental Looking-Gias- s 1'rames.Stained Glass in all its Various Branches,

    for Churches, Public and Privater ; . - Buildings.

    Ornamental Work for Steamboats. '


    OLIVER BENNETT & CO.,licnufacturerf and YriialesaleDealrfin.


    ST. LOUIS, MO.

    PRY iinnp.-Q- t? 01n f

    JOHN H. MAUN 5 CO.;.: BR0V,'XV1LLE;X. T.

    DEALET.S IS"" : of which is abundant. their craft, happening;It 'f!'M We now most snowed un- - they.

    A.i--JiiIt!liI-- der. arrived here on" the' of in the creeks are' met with the" turbid waters of the J!issouri,

    Fine Ilnir and Tooth Brushes, .




    Beaver-dam- s


    I , v. v

    TnllH fir firpGW storms elephant" in cut into float them to the: feeling,' which you say I tweenLO.UCwGliO A w;. vlcH5 the Mountains. were extremely for- -' Proper place, sink a from these two portions can"

    Tj.... f; ' tunate getting to our. present tea to twelve; inches 'through, will beat true, 'tis pity that 'tis trueiUlultiaul toil

    Physicians' Prescriptions anl Family Eccipouu.v.u.i, vviuyouuucu. ... I . . . .V 1. C I t , i . .

    orders correctly answered. Every article dance of and other timber. ui tutu or we separate as to political inranted pcnuine. and of the best quality.

    rf AGEJfTS for all leading Patent Medicineofjhe day,HEW GROCERY


    J::.H.1I&BMNXT THE

    Old Stand of M. F. GLAEK,BROWN VILLE, N. T.,

    found a full of Family ter ; Trainand ilackrel Sugar, i -

    Cjfree.Candies,Xut3,WineCrackersanICheese( in IS aiSOand mes. Sardines, Cigars ana uy6tcrs ana i ,

    Peaches. Prunes. Blackberries aud VTnortle- - I Here.berries, and all articles usually kept in a GroceryStorc..whichhe will sell cash or produce as cheap asthechcapasu you give rue a share of your continuedpatronage.

    Brownuille, July 15th, 1S5S. ' v3n3



    Land Warrants bought and sold.' Pre-empti- on paperscarefully and correctly prepared.

    OFFICE on Alain in Brown andBenneit's Bank-ing 'House.

    REFESEXCES ' ' ;

    Hon. Fenner Ferguson, Bellevue,-3.ebrask-" R. V. Furnas Brownville,- -" Brown "B - -

    Kinney &. llolley Nebraska CityHon. James Craig, - ' St. Joseph ilo.Nave, McCordfs. Co. "Clark &.

    July 8, lS53-v3n2-- Ty . , . .


    Till write deeds of every kind and contrasts every:.tse. with warranted lesal

    Oihce, in the Banking House of Lushbaugb & Carson.REFER TO

    Hon.-Joh- A. Bingham, Ohio.w K Carter, tieveiana,

    " RPSpaldiug, - "'" B F Lei ter, Canton," SLahni, : ." Wm R Sapp. Mt. Vernn,

    SPChae, Columbus, . ..Thos. Manstield,. 'Jas. Crlg, St.'Joseph, Mo. ' .

    Brownville, Oct. 22d, 2nl7-l- y




    at the ratestn eommision.-Septombe- r

    23. lSr-S- .

    All kinds of produce bought or sold


    41- -

    " """

    ' V J






    &.c.i showing aii inlectto where

    with theoldest in all

    reliable who veryto


    ConncilBluffs,Iowa. ) NebrastaCityNT)CASS ADY, TEST, RIDEN CO.,

    (Successors Riden v )


    made by wliich we willHAYING accurate copies of all thein portion of Nebraska, we

    aro prepared to off:r our services to the" s of Territory."

    In Declaratory Statements of Inten-tion to Pre-emp- t. Securing

    Iiocfltine: Warrants- -AND ENTERING LAND

    iiiantis an Kinas always onREFERENCES.

    Hon. A.Eradftrd. Nebraska Gi!yS. F. NuciolLs,Mt gjrs. k West,PeterA.Kelkr.ThomasJune 23,1856.






    uuiana. i., resigned hisone live best in the


    Civ. Eng., Snr.






    they claimsGovernment, attend

    the Land

    One firm beingfor many earsconnecied with the

    States im-provements) we mate

    5.c, any partthe best can

    Town kinds&c.,) our


    fron the PlainsSouth or River,

    " October IS08.;

    drive' of

    praps,' yt


    O.Mnhpr hns fop'spvpral av every crossing, lne inrrinuity or wne they did notlowinT "gale from" the South- - .singular industrious serious damage, giving them, and

    west snowino- - incesantlv - a curiosity 10 me uninmaiea. muir.euects a aucking. .j .i . I manner trp- - rnt. 1nvn. As tTiolltlVK I1UL 1)1 IllliSt: ..... . . -

    havhot "seen7the given lengths, existsand:then' of country. T

    '. in Quarters, say,-'ti- s ;



    we have. . the : a suffic- - I will this be

    for of and will not. , ,1 t-- -

    willows "UItt xuiuur r

    Louis, Ulissouri





    superior water, oldest mountaineer. When

    cattle, having placed,

    is rather a drawback' after wiien a11 iiarjds repair terests, weremarkable time success and take of having then communityso near our destination. morningthe is faster than ever',

    yet in the valley, has only reacheddepth of fifteen inches. '

    behind us, of whichquite number, necessarily experi

    suffering menanimals, they deprived of the she!

    be (3 weeDJOy. "27,". travellingBacon, Teas, .

    Liquors Company Willi US, .delayed near










    Pre-emp-tioi- i3.





    tPPtar just.vAi:.tnncp .

    rnnttniiP opportunity

    compelled here

    this season

    ions.ihiR'sfnrm rpncli Nnrth


    on to




    at re


    asan it

    aii war- - It lue


    us to asas no



    to it 0f toto not



    A' .v...'m of


    " 0U1U iorto as cf10 go ;.inf

    k--thf fnr

    am to as nowe toever

    at the .our men willXT.-- :

    of hp. ud cfacc Congress, Territorial

    nnn Ipft',, cooenn we' in'

    are yet us.This of having visited,

    sufferingof. the near the'

    is of

    property or

    counties, party, ' cabinfeast from


    Address . . .Territory.




    The roadON well


    . Untilm W



    .,.- -




    oonnection Lawgiversio ' 't, .a

    I -




    conuecteJ agencies nenabled prosecute against

    or businessGeneral cfrice-wit- dispatch

    satisfaction customers.a practical Survey-

    orSurveys engaged

    ar prepared Surveys

    er.gagcd Draftsman Territory,drawings

    perfect satisfaction. . .

    October .

    Fork Bear; 16,"


    t -

    ; 19ih. aIada a miles

    .over to-da- y, .Sec., may fouracross Email- - streams, I and

    and animals. ' : - -

    We The that:

    We 13iha snar. which

    a this and little enlyThr-- e quite suirnt -

    c The r (littoi fctior-i- 1 localK " . . i ' J.



    grass, and8 abun- - ient amount logs brush rathe


    r... . wiy snouia





    upon a must live each otherand thus far, and a load clay upon ever;" and



    much both among and

    Wherocan supply rocerieaCod-Fish- ,




    to to of"



    t0 eruaas as

    j J.r

    ofdestination.- -

    the' "'.



    A. eachv t





    above their


    : that


    that we--' would




    taus, when andwith mason, shall then en't. there


    thevJ J 1 . . - - , ' J'

    . this na-ma- de'-:

    ;. j A t : .. . iceiiugs,. .x I w. t 1. ll . r j " '. i i . . , no ft .

    roads, and south.pcopIe and now.; i : . .i

    ' ' - 1 T . 1 J . i ? f ' ' a e v"We hope yet reach 0Uben P1018 a maha and spring and summer,

    a ... I f a - - .st, - .WhenSnnnin wppL--. -

    say', mailwill remain .

    winter. Our Cattle winter verypasses. . l .

    should year:nrnvis.' " r I i, o

    Rhntild Plntfp.



    I T Iinjure

    , j , enworth Trains behind.t ' . anon, 'should succeedo I



    stormfew. after, .scene

    Donon party














    ty.-fiv- e

    'made sericua





    Slh, ,'"-"-

    "' '"-






    1 muchextent

    ugumg iravei, have

    City, others,

    this, unable




    lilUlls. hnnipsihere



    . liiuHLSexhibit just rn.or.of the South'

    Platte? miners there,certain local panies State.

    prcper. They Union,land .The pray- -

    lied Fourwinter::immensp. five hundred nioneers.- .

    amonjr men. curbed, askingtmrtv trains


    remindsyears the

    Siera Neva- -


    milesabout only




    ting this

    they goldthere

    this,these everyserve

    this"stock build

    great theyextraneous ought,

    make city as will itimportant Land twelve

    Office, &.C.,

    causes to asunited But sand the.

    ; andof world, your of no- - secured these advanta- - fields. if without

    of Dark Ages, will tice favoring. of may in few outstripped four yean,. havethis South Platte Kansas. close of in forty thousand, surely

    souls when that 'ou invite ; opinions of forseen alone would be to say four years mere,r . .' .1! l l. '. f .t r 1 '..1 . ' I " .1 . C l li . .t 1 1 Vsnowea dui tnose ior or me : point spring ancau vl we aaa tnousana ana lowawhom "All traces measure. Although, cue, whose home others. ' And when de- - one

    could discover houses a shallow waters, local jealousies a. ; year. So to--lapidated hair,' and bones of deep interest all to her every sucker proud " that we will ready come intothose been by "their fare, yet that have never every' Puke, of St. Louis, Union fully cs ascompanions.

    " houses proposition "to which and every shallow-pat- e well,they a with re-- shall see, what

    .Yours, shall

    ' ; vv hen snow suits, is entitled. ' Pardon if, there- - Now, Friend to beingit had reached the depth .of fore, make hasty my into cf

    merchandise solicited, and promptly filled, forty feet, and which But free, free,"top, when party had to ascend and

    the trees, where saw the stumps,forty feet in ,person who experienced

    pangs starvation,' has no. idea ofSURVEYOR &, PUI1LIC, J of the mind, which is.jlo

    lands, investigate titles, pay &c, Under influence de-cith- eror Kebraska ; buy, sell, and enter sometiieui,

    lands on. commission; buy lirium while Suffering. On reliefsell and will always ou handcorrect '

    townships, sub- - j this one theyentry, and desired will furnish parties liv- -j .' ,the found one man nreparinr a the

    tho settler county .cases be able full and information. Of MohS. Donon, 10th

    A. L.Coate, Brownvme or .. -- ;city, Nebraska 6m-42-- v2 give up human flesh and again















    sort to food. isto below brute ,a horse or an willwith all attending horrors, sideof. one of its own it willtouch food the carcass

    not anticipate any suffering inconsequence scarcity of provisions,our employers are aware orfrequency of those storms moun

    this year, us

    Land Warrants and ofENTERED TIME, supplied. is certainly a great

    Particular attention to Buying Selling 0'versjgnt the War Department, reon Also. to niakine Collections 1and forwarding remittancesto anypartof theUnion'. I taming the freight was

    a Miaii Ici

    Lumpkin,vl-n- 4









    so advanced that trains ran the risk of"being frozen

    On Sandy and Green river, wethe remains of three trainsMormons, about

    JOHN PARKER & CO., staationof wagon distinctlyi'ua, v. j. markea, tne 01 iron lying on

    JOHN' A. PACKER, late the Lsnd Office, the ground.j. ociccIn of






    Oct. 18th.an Business connded to ai.d es CT-- tt ' ;it

    c:- -

    peciaiiy ucui, caaicihe hat laa'tehimseinuorout'iiirtcjuaintcd twenty degrees zero.

    br practice for rears. tne refers to "of and e.--s Antelope, sheep, otner game are deAi.,rpatio scending to Valley among which

    ' sportsmen areliaving rare fum TheyE.


    the track of -- Grizley,'L. VAN WYCK. occasionally cross aArent- - hut this formidable mountaineer, cl

    IJARVK1T, &

    General .Land AgentsOity.

    in Cityare to

    United to any hexand to the

    of theiror the


    to ofin of the having

    in the executeI!ap Piats, and cf aii

    to the


    toVllIitJS,f-'l- i



    numbering.eighty-thre- e







    aSTnSSr.rUja- -

    rather and prefer roomto

    The first sheep killed created quite asensation. animal, notger a common size freqent

    support a pair horn3pounds. . descending athey light their horns: turnand start again with thereceiving perceptible frcm the

    : four constructed raft a! seven- -"Weather moderate.1 Ft.'Laranaio, put

    fiva over rocks, and provisions, aboard,' tred as tho case be bymost trying-t- o in thirty days,

    men landed, safe, inare now a road on accident occurred

    are gloriously reurJedinto



    perfect animal,

    andv" in will

    We. the'


    Butshelter our is









    togetherclothing-- ,



    make-up- ?,


    swim is rancorous' feelings, Union, pres- -on precission or. very years







    nosi-i- y



    ( those feelings a greater inhabitants, exclusive Icdi- -Now." this Tcrrifnrv. r.f .KaJrr,

    V. 1 J J"uay enough' certainly. reality, been the worst financially,nLX "tt..aiciiui as wiicn nany cmmigra- -rifes6uth he'twPPn tion cmY r,,i. j --"n,n t, .....

    the butelephant, norlhr- - j- -goou again,

    r'nriPT"vthe Valley, a 11 jealous making



    t.KID1Y OSnowiag rapidly. :I we


    rir nf


    through winter, place-- ".1 WAREKA.

    Annexation. .' Plattsmouth, 1S5S.'

    by separatingbe




    juiuwiiwuc, iaiiamuuiu, i a'igain tnousanas KWxcmincr. m nnri.l

    tui-i- i vjj. uj. uunicuiaic kj;,as much PlatTe,

    ing, found deni- - nearlythousand ,

    a feelings nea'rlywide

    awake interests; promise'.Nebraskadestruction enerjrjes point, have"rronft

    !ma not not.well suffering wt


    nothinfr Fuknas:


    contribute largely granted. I thinkrailroads, day

    Surveyor General's territory, ainfluenced thousand, perhaps many' thou-exlent,- by

    there Nebraska, near-is-a.li- mittheir' influence a reap advantages

    history Advertiser Dec.oth Itory compare article, annexation a months inducement,with privations sufferings greatness, causes increased

    uncontrolable. Time.' .ilnteTestea. sixty

    recovered.' time addition about hundrodI is land a thousand

    condition,devoured I I Chicago; enough,

    building. thoughtfrom subject, fraught such mighty shall hoping continue

    surface. f "Furnas, Nebraska.falling, I arguments mitted -- 'rrreat' sisterhood

    became" encrusted text, remarks follow.'. States';" breathing




    of feachinfTing in






    ox starvation,



    Bought shortLAND


    Thermometer below

    oToT-eslx-R- ,






    thoughthan marino,



    greatest agilityinjury


    interests I




    and.com- -




    Offices, months,




    seriously, have you article &c., there . really a good dealforth nearly, quite, highfalutin about it ? don't you,. think it

    guments that adduced favor of would just as well Unde Samuelmeasure? 1 a few longer.

    say, "The Platte river a natu- - aspire honor paying themline." it made selves? I do, and it opinion that

    ; is any a boundary great majority of fellow-citizen- sthan Connecticut, which through will come to same conclusion. AndMassachusetts 'and Connecticut; or what gain coming intoMerimac' 'running through a corner on , of doingMassachusetts ; or mountains which selves what

    'General Government

    divide eastern from western Virginia; ought right beingState of Arkansas ; taxed largely finally, of

    Hudson State of New York; electing Representative Congress;Roanoke, North Carolina ; or and constables, justices peace;

    Illinois, Illinois; or Wabash &c., upon most approved principles?in Indiana; Colorado ia Texas, or I afraid would that

    Teneessee Tennessee ; ravins dear whistle.dee in South Carolina ; or Tombigby,

    west, or Tennessee,north of Alabama; or Mississippi,in Louisiana or Missouri Mis-souri ? -





    cs ;










    iAgain, 4vThe line, asbetween and

    really only imaginary paperpassing from to ether cannot

    Tho reason would holdsay, "Full half season, good annexing Kansas to Missouri, or

    Platte is utterly impassable." t0 Indian almostfault. present every State in Union just such

    Missouri, sometimes impassable, an imaginary line.' Such imaginarywhen ice running rcry strong, line divides United States from'in ordinary seasons it is so "utterly Western Possessions, justimpassable," mail a3 good, a better reasoneu regiuany, a weeic, Possessions should annexed toseason, and, to .present snap, United reason may

    failures prevaiHn sometime or ether:less than been made in eastern Ionly objection at presentmails, at present time there a they awful cold, couldn't rai-- egoeanaiunu nrwge across ii, Bat when slave trade

    carried away "fresh," rc.c?ened, philanthropists who'time, unless a fresh lherein?3gea may discover a

    . . . . robu3t darkies, could itacdto practieabihty of bridging climate, then there no tellin- -

    Platte, there as a matter course, annexation mi-- ht take tilaeea wide difference of opinion engi- - forthc! iraturai h,nfr.

    it is no trurvin t.htVm;fv: . .... .i . - ;'T.' t? siouuy it , the' fontatioa olderit to great task. Judging States and territories fact, in gcii1 seerl' wnadent country is difficult to where

    meriaue crxflgca at great that marks boundary ccost, should it. be. found necessary, natural interests this nation; and:I SReak thus doiibtftlllvtecausft T nj-- u :c ..-- t. , ... . ii is iouna, it

    uus.rner De navigateu immediately rubbed Whilesteamers, in a years; 0Uth Platte 'remain w

    I give, proof navigability, thatwould satisfy skeptical. Igive : During last spring,

    V. .

    fully equal superior wealthnumbers, power ethervi ulu itrniorv. wnen beccm-- ? a

    part of Kansas, v. pc;l;ii::.leund a c."

    toil, bloodshed, and alargs cz- - 'pense money,- suiTerir.j. t'Jswe r.3 part. ' They wiU'alk li-on's share everything, ard "per-force yield. seems ' phm to nu,

    ia thatdescribed in jumping cf frying-pa- ninto T:?, should

    to mend i:.. Wi:hfriends north cthe v:o havo.

    :;a andus stick theci'to'ths

    a few'mochs, aPitof life, uk for a

    before have had time to bring forthoffspring loves.few wordi ia relation to comincr

    dam, curb our in the am forlaid all the a not be apt, apt, give ago, fivo

    y, wci.

    than ? anal tvnwe W But, ia

    about fifteen miles.; ti-- -iLwc saw, auxuuay ma uaius of the riv-- r. r,.,

    uuuuie teaias. uuu r, .'of Leway il? Is nct Territory, times b cast",

    aves tie .uuuuu r ni,,


    can of sendnnpin

    be allanu .meycan well

    of.herp. hut fnrJU LIUUli.


    Properlyiustnnnnrpn nave

    ham get--


    in annals R.















    xieuiaah.a. vmy, areIvOCk . Utoe . west roTt.

    dis- -team a:-':- "




    uiiici, ujiiui nvai, iiitriii. Uier'4, was a TU- -and do not feel- - andno--

    is to be body there. are onezens that side the sturey

    extent, iato keep' us of the to start early ia the

    our own exert for "ofthe will UP for tts begt own

    nlArti PAvrtnthe jUBh no new to for a



    da. W.

    country. It is true that caus- - government, and noto be safe to say

    lines of that this therebut even ia that population cf twen- -

    these. may some ty andproper additional,even to.-- and best point to the

    the the even in the his- - In point, of the gold Now, th.1'3the that. an the ges, be new in we

    the of to At the the race for by up- - to itparty, article the or can safe

    . l.''. .u.l Ill 1,nrsi oniy aooui ioriy.01 eitner against ten tne mat snuuwere that las has thus had an cf

    di- - in this of feel cided, all will die vay in it seemsin that relates wel- - will .be' of his me he to

    who had giv- - Lis the scoaIn 'their this the of his wre about it.

    cut the two five feet we that wefrom the ceas- - me, to live ined your

    Orders in"


    A has not theof

    Will select taxes, ofKansas

    thussame, have


    states same.Being will

    Waseither n.emana

    his re





    oftoo well tne

    in thethe to

    are Itand jn







    country, tjm;turn siiuuj

    wtichstuuv and

    ti.e Heads ifemfthe







    are hishis


    ly 40In'




    and the thewe was




    thenave" :.v

    -- fptv r1nv


    to to






    trees see.the

    thethe the




    not in that is not ofset if not all the ar--

    can in forthe to pay expenses years 'as to

    You is to the ofral boundary True, were is myso but it more natural the our

    the runs thethe do we by the Uni- -

    of now but the right for our- -the the

    or to do for us; the ofthe Arkansas, in the and the right

    the in the toor the in our ofthe the the

    or the nm that we find wethe in or the Pe- - were too for the

    thein the the in the

    of thethe in


    you say, it nowexists Kansas -- Nebraska, is

    oh inone the it be

    found." sameYou one the for'

    the In this tho .Territory in factyou are at At it. is, like the hasthe an

    the is but the thenot British and is

    but that the has cross- - nay, far whyiwice ior me past ose he

    the cold fa States. Thisthe Carier has made but few case

    has our the can see is,and the is are so you

    mat will thenot be by any for is the ensome it should he rzze cwma tne soutn. who the

    As the the and is hoiis, of soon

    among Asccc,

    .:vi mam- - was in cf thetain be no In1Ui" aave 1 zm over the it tell

    can ce no the line is thever

    ;nt. uuue aucn aiiuc ever mayiCu iuat wm by be out. wenumerous lew and of the nrP. u'p

    can. of itsthe most

    but one the

    more tlinn

    if not inand to the portion


    Tcey are in' by

    ofcf and In

    nave iLiin we,

    must Itbe stati

    cut th?the discover

    mistake' loo iate caroldhad our cur

    let bynot now


    one of ourcur







    je- - fnr





    cur willbe




    were the in one

    sooaen care

    ad- -


    be be





    irom 0TS



    L. G. JEFFERS.

    Bellevtrr, N.November COth,

    T. )559. :

    R. W. Fckxas:We have just had a Democratic victo-

    ry in this county of which every Demo-crat in Nebraska should be proud.- - Youknow that -- the enemies of Popular Sovereignty, and the right of the people toregulate their own affairs, have alwaysclaimed Sarpy county as their own. Well,the question has just been settled, andthe Black Republicans feel like they had'let a bird go." They hang their heads

    and curse their fates. They were -- sosanguine of success, that' they bet largelyon the-resu- lt, in the way of boots, clothing, &.C., and the result is that thebare- -ooted Democracy are wearing boots at

    the. expense of the Republicans. Theelection vas for Sheriff. "And, althoughour majority wa small, it is worth everything for prestige, asthe wavering, whc3Qname i3 legion, will now flock to our stan-dard. Eat what a triumph wa will' havein the Territory, when the battle, becomesgeneral If they cannot succeed ia theirfavorite 'strongholds, what can they expect when the voice comes" up from thestrong Democratic counties' ail ever theTerritory? One general rejoicing will beours, frcm the L'eau qui Court to theNemaha.

    General Thayer and Jim Stewart wereon hand to help the enemy, but their efforts were alike unavailing. They leftthe party for the plunder, and they be-gin to feel, no doubt, that they have "gotther foot ia it." All we have to do is tqbe true to our colors. Nebraska is thochild of Democratic policy, and we haveno fears that she will ever turn icgrateand sting the boscm that warmed it intolife. Let other counties follow the ex-ample of Sarpy, and fight all politicalparties on principle, and we have nothingto fear. A DEMOCRAT.

    Dlstarliaacc Acs 23 tliD C:A mus3 occurred a few days

    among the Omaha Indians at BlackSeveral were killed and ethers wcur.1: J.Tecamseh Fcntenelb is said to havebeen killed, and a half-bree- d namedNeal severely wounded Lcuis Ncal,v;epresume, cf Aspinwal!;