NCURA Exchange Programs Kathleen Larmett Karin Dyason Beth Seaton Michelle Vazin Denise Wallen

NCURA Exchange Programs Kathleen Larmett Karin Dyason Beth Seaton Michelle Vazin Denise Wallen

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NCURA Exchange Programs

Kathleen LarmettKarin DyasonBeth Seaton

Michelle VazinDenise Wallen

NCURA Exchange Programs -- HistoryKathleen Larmett, NCURA

• 2007 -- First discussed with European Association of Research Managers and Administrators – Warsaw, Poland

• 2008 -- NCURA Membership surveyed and program approved by board – NCURA/EARMA International Research Management Fellowship Program

NCURA Exchange Programs -- History

• 2009 – First EARMA Fellows to U.S.

• 2010 – First NCURA Fellows selectedErica Lawler, Virginia Commonwealth

University Hosted by The Karolinska Institute,

Stockholm, Sweden

NCURA Exchange Programs -- History

2010 – First NCURA Fellows selected

• Don Saha, Carolinas Healthcare System - Hosted by St. George’s University of London

• Beth Seaton, Western Illinois University Hosted by Gulbenkian Institute, Portugal

• Kasia Proszowski, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey – Hosted by Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences

NCURA Exchange Programs -- History

• 2011 – NCURA International Fellowship Program• Increasing collaboration with sister organizations• NCURA Board of Directors approves 5 $2,000

travel awards for 2012 NCURA Fellows

NCURA Exchange Programs -- History

• 2012 – NCURA and South African Research & Innovation Management Association • Begin plans for joint program

NCURA Exchange Programs -- History

• 2013• Exchange programs begin with NCURA and

SARIMA members

NCURA Host Institutions – Past and Present

Brown UniversityCalifornia Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California

University of California - IrvineUniversity of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California

California State University - FresnoCase Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio

University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, ColoradoColorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado

Columbia University

NCURA Host Institutions – Past and PresentIllinois Institute of TechnologyThe Johns Hopkins University

Lehigh University/Lafayette CollegeUniversity of New Mexico

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North CarolinaOhio State University

Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IllinoisUniversity of South Florida

Stanford University, Stanford, CaliforniaUniversity of Texas at San Antonio

Texas Tech UniversityVanderbilt University

University of Washington, Seattle, WashingtonWashington State University, Pullman, Washington

Being a FellowBeth Seaton, Northwestern University

When awarded Beth was the Director of Sponsored Projects at Western Illinois University

A Predominantly Undergraduate Institution

Institutional Backing and NCURA Application

• Initially the fellow and/or fellow’s institution covered the entire cost of the exchange

• Application included letter of support from my Provost

• Awarded and matched up with the Gulbenkian Institute for an early September, 2010 two week visit to Oeiras, Portugal

Logistics of my visit

• Finding lodging• Making travel arrangements• My work space at the IGC• My daily commute• After work time

My kitchen view in Lisbon

My Daily Schedule

• um galão (oong galowng)- ($.50) and • Walk to the train and commute on the train from

Lisbon to Oeiras• um galão ($.35)• IGC – total commute 40 minutes• Day started late and ended late by U.S. standards

What my fellowship involved

• Gave presentations at IGC, IMM, and IBET• Toured IMM and IBET• Participated in staff meetings at IGC, IMM, IBET• At IGC met with the equivalents of the VPR, VP

for research finance, IACUC/animal facility, development/fund raising, PR/outreach, faculty and post docs/laboratory staff

What my fellowship involved

• Saw presentations on EU FP7 and other funding opportunities available to their faculty

• Gave presentations on funding searches and pre-award databases we use in the U.S. to IGC staff

• Worked side-by-side on proposal and budget preparation and financial invoicing

• Met with a high ranking Minister of Education


• The people I met and the beauty of Lisbon• Visiting Sintra on my one weekend off• Understanding that we are all REALLY doing

the same work• Having a perfect institutional match• Great food and wine at great prices

From a Host Institution’s Perspective

Michelle Vazin, Vanderbilt University

Being a Host Institution Get Institutional Approval Provide NCURA with Letter of Intent Wait to be Selected Notified of Selection by a fellow Initial Introduction between you and the fellow

Preparation – Before Fellow ArrivesShare information about your institution with your fellowGet specific information on area of interest from your fellowBroadcast the upcoming fellow visit with all pertinent areas on campusDevelop a timeline for meetings and activities during the on-site visit (both daytime and nighttime events)

Once the Fellow Arrives on Campus Organize a Meet & Greet event to welcome the

fellow to your institution Have a kick-off meeting and share the finalized

schedule with them for their two week visit Arrange for getting them to and from their meetings on campus Arrange and finalize all nighttime events

Preparing for Fellow’s Departure Plan an exit meeting with the fellow Ask for feedback from their perspective on the visit – pros and cons Share with them how things went from your

perspective Lessons learned

Future PlansDenise Wallen, University of New Mexico

Building Upon Our EvaluationReports from Fellows and Host Institutions were received and evaluated by NCURA and

EARMA Evaluation Subcommittees

Report submitted to NCURA Ambassador Corps, forwarded to the NCURA Board of Directors and EARMA Board

Outcomes:Approval to proceed and adopt the Fellowship Program received from

NCURA Board of Directors – 2011NCURA will expand the Fellowship Program to include research

administrators globally

Evaluation RecommendationsProgram Recommendations for consideration:

Identify and pursue additional funding both US and EU supportFurther enhance communication between Host Institution and

incoming FellowAdjust Fellow’s schedules to achieve maximum time for

integrating and reflecting on new knowledgePromote the integration of Fellow experiences into Home

institutionPartner with other sister associations

Where are we in 2013Hosting 2 EARMA Fellows at the University of New Mexico who

are attending NCURA AM55NCURA Fellows visited European institutions, attended EARMA Conference and more are going to host institutions in the Fall

Have expanded scope to include SARIMASARIMA has selected their Fellows who will be visiting US Host

institutionsNCURA Fellows (2) selected to visit South African host institutions

Where are we headingReviewing application guidelines, eligibility criteria and reviewer

assessment forms

Assessing deadlines and determining standardization of an annual deadline

Reimbursement process to fellows to require submission of final reports from fellow and host institutions

Continuing the effort for additional outside funding of the program


A few words about SARIMA

2004 2005 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 20120








Importance of the NCURA/SARIMA exchange programme for Southern Africa

Type of training

Very valuable

Theoretical training workshops 42.8%Practical training exercises (case studies)


Exchange programmes 69.8%Access to mentors/experts 59.5%

Key elements of the SARIMA/NCURA exchange programme

• Implementation of SARIMA’s Capacity Development and Professionalisation Strategy

• Expand international activities and grow R&I management and administration capabilities• Implementation – awareness raising, pilot phase• Call for Host Institutions• Call for Fellows• Exchange visits• Review and lessons learnt

Selection of host institutions - pilot

Selection of Fellows - pilot• Christle de Beer (University of the Free State) – Rush University

Medical Centre, Chicago, Illinois.

• Esther Kritzinger (University of Stellenbosch) – Stanford University, Stanford, California

• Dr Sinah Sekhula (University of Venda) – California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California.

• Amelia Rorwana (Cape Peninsula University of Technology) – University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
