Sun, Moon and Tide. United States Coast and Geodetic Survey- Times and Heights of High and Low Waters at Fort Point, entrance to San Francisco Bay. Published by official au- thority of the Superintendent. NOTE— The high and low waters occur at the city front (Mission-street wharf) about twenty-five minutes later than at Fort Point; the height of tide Is the same at both places. ~ i FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18. Sun rise3 6:21 Sun sets 5:29 Moon sets 9:43 p. m. Time Time Time Time Date Ft. 1 Ft. Ft. Ft. HW LW HW LW 18 ... 4:16 4.2 8:26 3.2 2:19 4.9 9:36 0.6 19... 5:09 4.2 9:39 3.2 3:16 4.7 10:31 0.6 20 .. 6:01 4.5 11:01 3.2 4:28 4.5 11:30 0.7 21... 6:45 4.8 12:10 2.7 5:49 4.5 L W H W L W H W 22 ... 0:24 0.8 7:26 5.0 1:10 2.1 7:01 4.5 23 ... 1:19 -0-9 8:C4 5.3 2:04 1.5 4 7 24 .. 2:09 .1.0 8:41 ,5^5 2:51 0.8 9:13 4.9 NOTE— In the above exposition of the tides the early morning tides are given in the left hand column and the successive tides of the day In the order of occurrence as to time; the fourth time column gives the last tide of the day, except when there are but three tides as sometimes occurs. The heights given are in'ad- dltlon to the soundings on the United Statej Coast Survey Charts, except when a minus (— ) sign precedes the height, and then the number given Is subtracted from the depth given by the charts. The plane of reference is the mean of th« lower low waters, \u25a0--- ARRIVED. Thursday, October 17. Stmr "Whitesboro, Olsen,. 15 •' hours from Greenwood. . > Slmr Point Arena, Hansen,- 14 hours from Mendocino. Simr Pomona, Shea, '\u25a0 18 hours from Eurpka. \u25a0 Stmr Geo W Elder, Randall, 61% hours from Portland, via Astoria 46# hours. Stmr Grace Dollar, Fosen, 48 hours from San Pedro. : . - < Stmr Gipsy, Iceland, 31 hours from Monterey. Stmr San Juan. Robinson, 21 days 16 hours from Panama, etc. Stmr Santa Rosa, Alexander, 41 hours from San-Diego and way ports. >'•>\u25a0• '\u25a0 Shipping Intelligence. The ship Henry B. j Hyde . sailed Wednesday for New York with a general cargo, including the following merchandise and produce: 479,961 gals wine, 159,990 lbs lead, 11,400 cs and 1170 bbls salmon, 50 cs arms and ammunition. 94 pkgs books, 9 pkgs machinery, 453 cs honey.' 628 bbls asphaltum. 1190 sks mustard seed. 461 cs liquors. 18 cs drugs, j Merchandise for New- York. The Norwegian steamer Kvarven was cleared yesterday for Hongkong with the following: cargo, valued at 581,115: 25,875 bbls flour, 22 pkgs groceries and provisions, 177 cs canned goods. The steamer also carried 3594 bbls flour and some lumber; valued at |3685, which was laden at Portland. ,-f A Cargo for China. The Leyland Bros, will load wheat at Port- land for Europe, 35s; the German steamer Elba, wheat at Tacoma for St. Vincent, for orders and not as previously reported; the Bainbridge. lumber at Blakeley for Callao. 46s; the Ex- pansion lumber at Tacoma for Honolulu; the Elwell. merchandise at this port for Australia, lump sum. .. , \u25a0 _\u25a0 . ;. Matters of Interest to. Mariners and ' •. Shipping .Merchants. OT3WS Or THE OCEAN. Captain Shaub arrived from the East last night and will take command of the ship. Henry Villard. - He was formerly in the brig Lurline and brought the Wallace B. Flint here from the East. The engineers' department of the Sher- man and the time keepers of the Union Iron Works are to play a game of baseball on the park recreation grounds next Sun- day. The cruiser Philadelphia arrived from San Diego yesterday. She will probably sail again Sunday for Panama. Water Front Notes. Zil'.ah May. September 28. 644; Geneva, Sep- tember 24/ 475; Penelope, September 21, 4D0; Otto, September 19, 606; Triumph, September 18, 400; Beatrice, September 21. 145; Sadie Tur- pel, September 21, 137; Victoria. September 30, 2S0; Enterprise, September 22, 260; Alnoka, Sep- tember 22, 33j. The sealers have done fairly well this year. News from the north gives the catch as follows: Uews of the Sealing: Fleet. The Pacific Mall Company's San Juan arrived from Panama and way ports yes- teiday. Her cabin passengers were: D. G. Daris. O. H. Harrison and wife, John Harrison, E. Aniguadla, Eloise Ramirez, Kitty Humphries, Henry Prosoles and Ella Harrison. Besides these she brought up thirty-twoin the steerage. Among the cargo was $100,000 in treasure. San Juan Arrives. Eastern Race Results. NEW YORK. Oct. 17.—Morris Park sum- maries: First race, five and a half furlongs-^Trlbes Hill won. King Pepper second, Highland, third. Time, 1:04^4. Second race, five and a half furlongs—Jo- sepha won, AHbert second. Mint Bed third Time, 1:05. . Third race, the New Rochelle, one mile Louisville won. Decanter second, Paul Clifford third. Time, l:42tf. Fourth race. Westchester, six and a half fur- longs—Lady of the Valley won, Chuctanunda second. Carbuncle third. Time, 1-2L Fifth race, one mile— Ethics won, Dolando second. Knight of the Garter third. Time, 1:42. Sixth race, one mile and an eighth— Sadie S won, Herbert second, St. Finnan third. Time. l:5u^£. \u25a0 ' *• CHICAGO, Oct. 17.—Worth results: iFl^y-n™ 0 *' nve furlon &s-St. Hera won, Mabel _\V inn second, Step Onward third. Time, 1 :04 l-o. Second race, one. mile and a quarter— Sarilla won. Little Elkln second. El Caney third. Time. Third race, six furlonga-McChesney won, Luclen Appleby second. Miracle II third. Time, Iil3 1-5. * S Fourth race. Oakland handicap, seven and a half furlongs— Federal won, W. J. Deboe second, Haviland third. Time, 1:37. Fifth race, five furlongs— Money Mues won Burnle Bunton second. If You Dare third. Sixth race, one mile and seventy yards— Balrd won. Knight Banneret second, Hunswurst third. Time, 1:48 3-5. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 17.-Fair Grounds summary: First race, one mile, selling—Bengal won. An. tolee second, Nekarnis third. Time, 1:43 Second race, five and a half furlongs, selling Tenny Belle won, Ed L second. Judee Pet- tus third. Time, 1:00%. S Third race, six furlongs— Hunter Ralne won Louise Wagner second. Terra Firma third. Time, l^lb'A. Fourth race, seven furlongs, purse— Fltzkanet won, The Bronze Demon second, Survive third Time, 1:29%. ' ' > Fifth race, mile and an elgrhth—Uterp won. Charles D second. Nettle Regent third. Time 1:57. Sixth race, mile and a quarter, selling— Zazel won, George Lee second, Swordsman third Time, 2:12>i. Cresceus Fails in Time Trial. COLUMBUS, Ohio, Oct. 17.— Cresceus went against time at the local driving park this afternoon, but failed, the best he could do be- ing a mile in 2:05^. LEXINGTON, Ky., Oct. , 17.-Summary: 2:10 pace, purse $1000— Council Chimes won thren straight heats in2:15H, 2:15%. 2:15%. Lit- tle Squaw, lone, Don Riley and Gametta. also started. . The West stakes, 2:29 class, trotting-, purse $»00— Leola won three straight heats in 2:21% 2:17»i. 2:16. Lady Patchie. Lady Constantlne, Iva Dee and Crescent also started. 2:1S class, trotting, purse J10O0 (unfinished)— Alice Carr won the first heat in 2:16Vfc. Gal- betor won the second heat in 2:16%. Una Belle won the third heat in 2:1S&. Colonel Cochran. J R H. Neighbor Girl, Marion Wllkes, King 1 Humbert and Dartmoor also started. "\u25a0 Big Excursion to Los Angeles and San Diego. WILL GO BY SPECIAL TRAIN Since the announcement yesterday that an excursion would be {riven by the South- ern Pacific on the 21st for the benefit of the Episcopal delegates the full details of the event have been decided upon. Tickets will be sold to Los Angeles and return for a single fare, $15, and to San Diego and return for $19 50. They will be good for going passage only by way of the Coast Line, but return may be by. either route, and October 31 is the limit. A spe- cial train will be made up at the Third and Townsend street depot to leave at 8:30 o'clock Monday morning, provided .there are enough excursionists to Justify a spe- cial train. Otherwise they will take the regular 9 a. m. train. Stopovers will be permitted on these tickets In either direc- tion. U S stmr PhiladelDhla, Meade. 2 days from San Diejo. Aus stmr Alberta, Bussanlch. . B6 hours from Astoria. Bktn J M Griffith. Arey, 12 days from Port Hadlock; Benlcia direct. Schr Newark, Crangle, 10 hours from Timber Cove. CLEARED. Thursday, October 17. Nor stmr Titania, Esenes. Nanalmo; John Rosenfeld's Sons. " Nor stmr Kvarven, Kanltz, HonzkonR; Cal & Oriental S S Co. Bark Mauna Ala. Smith. Honolulu: JD Spreckels & Bros Co. * SAILKD. Thursday, October 17. Stmr Homer, Donaldson, Eureka. ' . Stmr Corona. Gielow, San Pedro and way ports. Stmr Scotia, "WalviB, Rockuort- Stmr Asuncion, Evans, Tacoma. Stmr Cella, Adler.' . Xor stmr Titania, Egenes. Nanalmo. Bark Mauna Ala, Smith, Honolulu. Bktn Tain O'Shanter. Patterson, Columbia River. SPOKEN. Sept 18, lat 24 S, Ion 41 W-Ger ship Alice, from Hamburg, for Santa Rosalia. Sept 23,' lat 12 N, Ion 25 W—Fr bark "Vendee, from Shields, for Orecon. Oct 9, lat 9 N, Ion 2 W—Fr bark Max, from Glasgow, for San Francisco. MISCELLANEOUS. NOME There Is a rumor afloat that atmr Centennial Js ashore at Teller. Per schr Florence M Smith, at Clayoquot Sound— Sept 2, schr Penelope, with 450 sklris; Sept 19, schr Otto, with 506 skins: schr Tri- umph, with 4C0 skins; Sept 21, schr Beatrice, with 145 skins: schr Sadie Turpel, with 137 skins; Sept 22, schr Enterprise, with 260 skins; schr Alnoka, with 335 skins. Sept 24, schr Vic- toria, with 2S0. skins; schr Geneva, with 475 skins. Sept 28, schr Zillah May, with 664 skins; Sept 20. schr Annie E Paint, with 600 seal skins. TELEGRAPHIC. POINT LOBOS, Oct 17, 10 p m—Weather haiy; wind NW, velocity 12 miles an hour. DOMESTIC PORTS. SAN DIEGO— Sailed Oct 17— Stmr Alcatraz. for San Francisco; schr Mabel Gray, for Eu- reka. CASPAR— Sailed Oct 17— Stmr Gualala, for San Francisco. \u25a0 1 \u25a0 FORT BRAGG—Arrived . Oct 17—Stmr Se- quoia, hence Oct 16. Sailed Oct 17—Stmr National City, for San Francisco. BEATTLE-Arrlved Oct 17-Stmr Robert Dol- lar, hence Oct 12; stmr Czarina, hence Sept 13; stmr St Paul, from Nome. Sailed Oct 17 Stmr Newsboy, for Grays Har- bor; stmr Dolphin, for Skaguay. Arrived Oot 17—Stmr Dlrigo, from Skaguay; •tmr Cottage City, from Skaguay. PORTLAND—Arrived Oct 17—Stmr Intra- velli. from Hongkong; Ger ship Rlckmer Rlck- mers, from Hlosro; stmr Columbia, from San Francisco. NOME—Sailed Oct 6— Stmr Elihu Thomson, for Seattle. VENTURA— Arrived Oct IT— Tuif Rescue*, with barge Santa Paula In tow, hence Oct 15, and- sailed for San Franclsoo. PORT TOWNSEND—Passed in Oot 17— Stmr Dlrlgo, with stmr . Cottage City in tow, for Seattle. PORT LOS ANGELES— Sailed Oct 17-Stmr Alcazar, for San Francisco; schr Allen A, for Eureka. NEAH—Passed out Oct 17— Br shio Eden- ballymore. f rom ' Tacoma, for Queenstown. ASTORIA— Arrived Oct 17— Stmr Columbia, hence Oct 15. Sailed Oct 17 Br stmr Glenturret^xiJr bark East Indian. Fr bark St Donation, for Queens- EUREKA— Arrived Oct 17—Schr Bertha Dol- beer, from Newport; schr Serena Thayer, henc« Oct 10; stmrs Eureka and Signal, hence Oct 18. Sailed Oct 17—Schr H C Wright, for Hono- lulu: stmr North Fork, for San Francisco. QUARTERMASTER HARBOR— Arrived Oct 16—Bark Vldotte, from San Pedro. NEAH BAT— Passed in Oct 17, at 7:30 a m— Stmr San Mateo. hence Oct 14. for Nanalmo. - UNALASKA— Sailed Oct 8— Stmr Valencia. Oct 9 Stmr Roanoke. for Nome. DUTCH HARBOR— In port Oct 6—TJ S stmrs Bear, Thetis and Dan Manning:. TACOMA—Arrived Oct 17—Stmr San Mateo. hence Oct 14, to sail Oct 18 for San Franclsoo. In port loading: Oct 17 Br ship Alexander Black. Br ship llatterhorn, Br ship Eudora. Br ship Ncrma, Br ship Godlva, Ger ship Lis- beth Br ship St Munpro. Dan ship Jupiter, Au« Btmr Borneo, all for United Kingdom; Br stmr Lincolnshire, for United IClnpdom: shlo S D Carleton, for Honolulu; schr Alvena, schr Sa- die, for San Pedro. WHATCOM— In port loading Oct 17—Bktn Benicta. for Callao. PORT BLAKELEY-In port loading Oct 17- Bark Gen Falrchlld, for Sydney: «ehr Solano. for Shani?hol: schr BainbrldBe. for San Fran- cisco; schr Enterprise, for San Francisco; Chll bark Otello. for Valparaiso: schr G W Wat- son, for San Francisco; schr F S Redfleld, for Honolulu; bktn Northwest, for San Pedro; schr Fanny Dutard. for Ventura. BENDER ISLAND— In port loading Oct 17— Schr Forester, for Santa Rosalia. PORT GAMBLE—In port loading Oct 17— Bark Abbey Palmer, for South Africa; schr Alice C^fre. for Honolulu; schr C H Merchant, for San Ttamclsco. . . EASTERN PORTS. \u25ba TJEW YORK— Arrived Oct 17—Br itmr Croy- don, from Guayaquil.. - DELAWARE* BREAKWATER-PaMed- Oct Captain Tilley is charged with a num- ber of offenses, among which drunkenness is not the most reprehensible. The com- plainants are prejudiced, however, it is said, and the chances are the case will never reach a court-martial. D. Evans, Captains Cooper, Glass, Thomas, Merry, Reiter and Har- ringrton, and Captain Myer, United StJtes marine corps. These gentlemen aro to form. the court that will try Captain B. F. Tilley, Naval Governor of Tutslla. The London Missionary Society has brought charges against him and If the naval offi- cers find there is any ground for the com- plaint a court-martial will follow. The battleship Wisconsin with Rear Admiral Casey aboard is now said to be on her way "to Samoa, and the cruiser Philadelphia, which arrived yesterday from the south, will go to Panama, reliev- ing the Iowa, In order that that vessel mas' go to Pago Pago for the investiga- tion. &~j^o HE navy transport Solace will sail II from here to-morrow for Pago j Pago Samoa. Among her passen- II & ers will -be Rear Admiral Robley NAVAL TRANSPORT SOLACE. WHICH IS SCHEDULED TO SAIL TO-MORROW FOR PAGO PAGO WITH THE COURT APPOINTED BY THE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY TO TRY CAPTAIN B. K. TILLY, NAVALGOVER- NOR OF TUTUILA. ON CHARGES OF UNOFFICERLIKE CONDUCT. LOS AXGELJiS, Oct. 17.—Los Angeles won the first game of the series with San Francisco to-day in a driving finish In the eighth inning. San Francisco took the lead at the start and maintained It until the eighth, \u25a0when Whalen went up In the air. A single, a three-bagger, an out, a base on balls and a three-bagger netted four runs for the redlegs. San Francis- co's errors were all costly. The score: LOS ANGELES. AB. R. BH. SB. PO. A. E. Hemphill, 1. f 3 1 1 0 4 0 C Re!tz. 2b S 10 0 3 3 0 Householder, c. f 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 Atherton. r. t 4 1113 0 0 Kihm. lb 2 1 0 1 12 0 0 Hall, s. e 3 0 2 0 0 4 1 C. Reilly, Sb 3 0 0 0 0 6 0 Spies, c 3 0 0 0 4 10 McPaitlin, p ... 3 0 0 0 0 10 Totals 27 5 6 3 »28 14 1 •Krug oct; hit by batted balL SAX FRAXCISCO. AB. R. SH. SB. PO. A. B. Nordyke, c. f 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 Vri'.scra, c 4 0 0 0 8 10 HPc>brand. 1. f 4 0 0 0 10 0 Schwartz, r. f 4 0 10 10 0 Pabst. lb 4 2 10 8 0 0 Krug, 2b 4 1 2 0 J 2 1 fhay. s. s J 1 1 1 0 S 0: J. Reilly, 3b 3 0 10 4 8 1: Whalen. p 3 0 10 0 11 -Totals 32 4 7 1 24 10 3 RC7CS AXD HITS BT DfNTNGS. Los Angeles 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 •— 5 Base hits 0 10 10 0 13 •— 6 San Francisco 0 10 0 10 2 0 0—4 B&se hits 0 10 0 114 0 0—7 SUMMARY. Rune responsible for— McPartlln L Home run Krug. Three-base hits Atherton, House- holder. Two-base hits Hall. J. Reilly. Sacri- fice hits Xordyke, Reltz. Householder. Double playe— Hall to Spies to Reitz; Shay to Krug to Pabst. Struck out—By McPartlln 3. by Wha- len 2. First base on called balls—Off 'UTialen 3. Left on bases— Los Angeles 5. San Francisco 1. Hit by pitched ball—HemphilL Time of tame Two hours and five minutes. Umpire^ Levy. . \ Los Angeles Team "Wins. Runs responsible for— Schmidt 1. McNeeley L Two-base hits—Courtney. Schmidt. Sacrifice hits— Dunleavy. Hotter, Stanley, McLaughlin. First baFe on errors Oakland 1. First base on called balls Oakland 2, Sacramento 3. Left on bases Oakland 7, Sacramento 7. Struck cut- By Schmidt 4. by McXeeley 4. Hit by pitcher- Hamilton, Eagan. Devereaux. Passed ball xianpon. Time of g^rae 1:45. Umpire George Harper. Official scorer—H. S. MeFarlin. SUMMARY. Oakland 1000000000 0—1 Base hits 1201010010 0—6 Sacramento 0000100000 1—2 Base iits. 010110 1000 2—6 Totals 33 2 6 1 33 14 1 ECXS AM) HITS BT INXINGS. Total* 36 1 6 0 32 11 1 SACRAMENTO. AB. R. BH. SB. PO. A. E. Flood, 2b S 0 0 0 6 1 0 Sheehan, Sb 6 11 ft 2 1 0 Stanley, c 4 0 0 0 5 3 0 Courtney, c. f 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 Hotter, r. f 4 0 0 13 0 0 Davis, lb S 0 1 0 14 0 0 ilcLauFhlin, 1. f S 0 0 0 2 0 0 Devereaux, s. e 8 10 0 0 5 1 HcN'eeley, p 3 0 10 14 0 OAKLAND. AB. R. BH. SB. PO. A. E. Mohler. Sb * 1 0 ' 0 2 2 0 Dunleavy, Sb 4 0 0 0 2 0 0 Drennen. c 1 5 0 0 0 3 0 0 Eajfan. lb 3 0 0 0 12 0 0 MoEkiman, 1. t S 0 1 0 2 0 0 Babbitt, 8. s 4 0 1 0 S 3 0 H&miltoa. r. f 3 0 2 0 10 0 Hanson, o 4 0 1 0 S 2 1 Schmidt, p 4 0 10 2 4 0 \ George Harper made his first appear- ance In this city as an umpire yesterday at Recreation "Park. The opposing teams were Oakland and Sacramento. Two close decisions which he gave against the former lost them the game, as Sacramen- to won in the eleventh inning by a score of 2 to L . In the first decision he called Babbitt out in an attempt to steal thiid. The spectators did not ?ee the man from Oak- land tagged out. In the .rinth inning Moskiman, the first man up, lined the ball out to deep right field for what looked like a three-bagger. He made second easily and was called cut for not touching first base. It was a technical potnl at most, as he did not cut the bag- and gained nothing by not touching iu Baobitt struck out and Ham- ilton, a recruit from the amateur ranks, madj a tase hit, which would have scored Mofkiman had lie been called safe. Sacramento scored its first run In the fifth. Devereaux wag hit by the pitcher, went to second on a passed ball, reached third on McNeeley's hit and scored on an- other passed bail. In the ele\"enth Shee- han was safe on first, went to second on Stanley's sacrifice and to third on Court- ney's hit. HoiTer flew to left field and Sheehaii scorml on the throw in. The game was a East one. Each team made but one error. The score: One mile, selling— D. O'Keefe's Lode Star, ch. g., imp. Midlothian-Day Star (Burlin&ame), won; Roulette Wheel (McNichols). second: Fa- vorlto (See), third. Time, 1:41%. Frank Duffy and Sea Spray also ran. Six furlongs, selling— J. L. Rector's Lou Clieveden, ch. m.. imp. Clleveden-Mlsa Lou (See), won; W. J. B. (Jones), second; Enjoy- ment (Hobart), third. Time. 1:16%. ZemZem, El Sobrino and San Augustine also ran. Five and a half furlongs, selling— D. F. Cox's Clarando. b. m., Clarendon-Volante (Tullet). won; Galene (Burlineame), second; Skirmish (Hobart), third. Time, 1:09. Beaumonde, Bill Young. Gold Baron and Bill Bohamson also ran. 2:18'A. 2:16. .2:16U. - Time, 2:22, 2:22, 2:20. Free-for-all trot: S. A. Hooper's Alta Vela, b. s., Elec- tioneer by Piedmont (S. A. Hooper).. Ill Thomas R (C. F. Bunch) 3 2 2 Dan \V (J. Albertson) 2 3 3 Trottinr. 2:16 class: C. F. Bunch's Nora McKinney, b. m.. McKinney by Dexter Prince (C. F. Bunch) 1 11 Ouiboul (I* M. Clark). 2 4 2 Porto Rico (J. Culcello) 8 2 3 Lucy G (J. Albertson) 4 3 i Clarando broke away from the bunch in the five and a half furlong dash and land- ed, with (jalene second. Frank. Duffy, the heavily played favorite in the mile, was never prominent. Burlingame beat the gate four lengths with Lode Star and was never headed. The time was l:41»j., fast for a trotting track. Lou Clieveden cam© in under a wrap with W J B at her saddle girth in the six furlong sprint. To-morrow will be Stockton day and all business houses will close. The finest card of the meeting will be put on, and the biggest crowd of the week Is expected." Summaries: « - ' STOCKTON, Oct. 17.-A redhot favorite was beaten In the free-for-all trot toTday. and the talent received a severe jolting. The wise ones were so anxious to play Thomas R that they were willing to pay almost anything to get a ticket. He brought $10 to $6 for the field before the horses were called. The books made him even money and held out Alta Vela, as he was believed to be a sure thing for the opening heat. After he had won two heats Thomas R tickets , were eagerly sought at $10 to $5 for the field. Alta Vela won the race after two killing drives with the favorite. Lucy G fell in the last heat and threw J. Albertson, who was not in- jured. Nora McKinney had everything her own way in the 2:16 trot and was barred in the betting. Ouiboul was made a favorite and won out. Eleven Innings Required Be- fore Winning Run Is Scored. Olarando, Lode Star and Lou Clieveden First at the Wire. Defeats Thomas R, Hot Favorite, at Stockton Races. Gives Two Close Deci- sions Against the Oaklands. No. Prize. No. Prise. No. Prize. 318 16 '424 40 593 120 601 IS -643 24 661 IS 735 24 :757 16 .773 24 824 ,16 -867 16 '983 24 1107 24 1270.-. 24 1361 16 1651 . SO 1S78 16 1936 16 1999 24 2002... 40 2023....;... 24 2035 40 2236 8000 2M9 16 2365 16 2415 16 2438 16 2457 80 2521..: 40 2534 40 2540... 40 2547 24 2566 24 2572 16 2728 SO 2972 40 3130........ 16 3221 16 3250 IS 3492 2\ 3331 16 3545 16 3712 40 3779 16 3806 IS 3955 18 4C07 16 4183 16 4399 16 4450 40 4531 16 .4557 16 4762 16,4806 16 5053 24 5C60 40 ' 5136 120 5210 24 5304 80 6497 16 5503 16,5529....:... 400 5657 16 8698 16 6753 24 5»43 16 6005 24 ?6018 24 ;6071 24 6082 24 '6121 16-6289 16 6380 24 J6382 16 6501 16 6502 40-6537 24.6604 24 6651 24 > 8663 806748 24 6767 16 :68CO 24 6812 16 6381 40 89S2 16 7044 16 7101 24 7140 16 '7242 16 7247........ 24 T292 120 7309 16 7375 16 7425 24 7431 16 7462 16 7521 24 7828 1000 796S 16 8038 24 8041. 16 8133 16 8*04 16 8223 24 8253 16 8S14 24 8471 16 8562 16 83S2 40 8675 40 8682 16 8698 40 8741 16 S856 24 89*9 40 .9033 16 9093 40 9114 16 -9184 24 9270 16 9331........ 16 9466 24 9510 40 9511........ SO 9525 40 9560 80 9650 16 97C3 16 9784........ 16 9889 40 9939 9973 16 9975 .... 80 10062 16 101C0 16 10178 120 10285 80 10309 24 10380 IS 10512 80 10624.:...:.. 40 10943 16 11142 21 11158 16 11242 16 11298 24 11320 16 11331 40U401 16 11493 40 11499 16 11727 24 117J3 16 11790 40 11S44 16 11S82 40 11890 24 12057 80 12109 40 12148 40 12291 16 12330 16 12371 16 12422 40 12425 24 12553 16 12649 .... 16 12676 80 12742 40 12755 16 12823.... -:>•• 16 13125 24 13262 16 13599 24 1S891 16 13711 IB 13727 16 14105 16 14381 24 14492 16 14615 16 14633 40 14727 ;.. 16 14772 16 14860 21 15007:....... 16 15247.? 16 13380 16 15367........ 16 15564 16 15637 80 15725. 16 15S38 24 1S897 80 15985 24 16141 16 16162 40 16213 16 16249 16 16273 80 16343 2116493 16 16906 24 17009 16 17045 16 17230 24 17252. 16 17279 16 17297 16 17309 80 17314 16 17445 16 17672 4017689 16 17734 40 17758 24 17810 1C 18098 16 18194 24 18371 16 18391 40 1S4S1 40 18J33 24 1S539 24 18550 24 18679 120 18757 16 3S791 18 18821 16 19112 24 19156 120 19291 40 19458 24 19493 16 19321 24 19522... 24 19623.: 24 19720 24 19753 49 19787 16 19813 16119841 15 19911./ 16 19334 46120133 16 20229......... 16 20467 16 2*702./. 24 20794 120 20S31 80 21075 16 21100 16131230 ' 16 21236 .\. 16 21329 16121333 16 21358 24 21512 16I21B12 24|21662 24 21S54 24 21884 16122113 40 22167 24|22197 16 22601 40 22602 16122607 16 22652 400 22781........ 24 22SS6 16123034 40 23176 ...• 80 23312 16123343 16 23393 2000 23460 24I234S1 80 2354ft 24 23623 24 23711 16 1 23717 80 23725 24 23793 16 23S75 16 23913 16 23977 24 240S6 40 24121 24 24177 24 24297 40 24317 16I2H12 '... 40 i 24423 16 24463.. 16J24731 80 24754 16124845 16124946 IS 2G026 24123292 24 25322 24 I 23362 16125496 120|2;311 16 23390 .. 16 25600 40125829 24 25844 16I25335. ....... 40|23S93 16 25914........ ,24 25941........ 16126068 16 26125 24 26130.' 24126176 40 26245 ;... 15 26249........ S0I26303 24 26417 24 25501 2»!2G620 16* 2«719 120 26775 16127123 40 27146 24127207 40127410 24 27530 16127583... 40127642 24 27817 4027923 SO|27935 16 28113 24I2SI28 40 2S133 120 2S171 24I2S183 24 282S4.. 1(5 28293 16128338 24 28363 120 28429 24 23517 24 28393 24 28613 24 28S30 16 28847 18 28890 40 29081 40 29182 IS 29289 16 29304 40 29433 16 29566 24 29610 24 29734 16 29776 40 29870 40 29SS1 29986 24 30021 12O!3OO31 24 30079 40 30257 16130397 24 30488 16130594 16130781 16 30&63 40130987 1613100S 40 31010 24131041 80131265 16 31407 40131597 40 31611 1$ 31737 2431790 So|31S24 J20 31S62 24i32205 24132371 40 32620 16132635 16132763 24 32S48 80132873.. 40132903........ 40 32923 80132986 40133C26 40 33311 24133344 16 33418 21 33588 4033592 24(33617 16 33619 16133632 24133744 16 33748 16 33845 16133878 120 33344 24 34036 16U4085 24 34167 16 34552 16134382 24 34956 16134964 40134972 40 35093 24133096 401353.^6 24 35418 24135433 16I3343S *... 16 85500 40133614 16135702 IP 35S54 24 36036 16136039 24 36042 S0 3611S 80136251 16 36407 40 36361 400136707 80 36916 24137431 24137514 24 37651 24137684 24I376S3 16 37729........ 16137750 40137759 16 377S2 40137841 24|37855 16 37S74 40137932 24137971 16 37979 4088122 24|3S140 24 38142 16138203 16I3S336 24 38440........ 40138439 40138507 24 38938 24 38953....:... 24139049 24 39201 40 39392 16139630 80 39798 I 40 39816 120139970 80 4C057 24 40206 16140213 16 40222 16 402S9 24140324 ' 24 40401 40 4C528 16140661 24 40701 80 40729..: 16 40765 16 40S43 16 4104.1 24 41331.. 24 41535 16 41645 40 4169S 16 41765 80 41781 16 4184S 24 41917 16 419S6 16 42087 18 42231 16 42285 16 42343 24 42373 40 42580 16 4MI9 16 42654 40 42S33 16 43113 16 43160 16 43208 80 43247 40 43456 16 43543 16143861 40 43879 80 43935 24144061 24 44595 .\ 24 44630 40 44799 IS 44S86........ 16 44904........ 16 44935 18 45106 16 45117 16 45183 40 46469 40 43489 40 45326 18 45738 16 45850 .'. 40 45987 16 46127 24 46269 24146271 18 46317 24 46392 16146489 M 46662 40146827 40147003 10 47178 1847288 80I473C3 24 47554 24147360 24147843 24 479S3 24 47S56 40I4796S J4 48118 16 4R219 16148221 80 48441 16 48341 24148553 ]6 4S353 16 48715 16 48744 49 48997 16 49047 16 49097.". 40 '49319 80149358 24 49435 40 494SO 16149490 16I4MS8 49628... 2449663 24149340 18 49862.. 24J49921 16150208 U 5C235 :.. 16150351 16150355 41) 60369 80150425 16150443 18 50476 16130509 24150726 1(1 50737 24150821 .24150884 24 61019 24151185.. 16151405 ;go 51416 16I514S2 24151480 »4 51581..."!.... 40161659 24151716 ig 51823 16151834 I6I0I88O..: 24 51926 80151934 40I5205S ?I B2157 80152235 24I5J139 In 52243 S0152320 16132338 40 52359 16152374 120'5242fi sn 52517 24152540 16152642 w 62831 80I53C36 16IS316O 63292. j 40153431. 18153543.. ir E3603 16153626 1P153920 -iJn 53985 16154053... 16134103 '." 24 54179 16154254 24154291 ie 54308 24154472 16154543 94 K4637 16154701. 16154838 ig 5490fi.... 80154964 40135003.. ' 551S5 Ifil5iil64 16I552S4... v " ir R34C7 16155419 21155422. "* ia R5425... 24135451 24133632.. "'*"" ir 53717... 4013572S 24153837.. """ ir 55903 24I560U 16156061... "*" 5«M0. 1SI5SM3 80156414 . 56616 24136632 24'5663o'.". « E6S32 40156878 16156319 '"'" \l 56SS4 16157116 40137226 91 57532 16157362 16I57SCS ""** 4I 57705 16I57S30.. ...... 1SI37S32..'. Vi 58004./ 16158206 1RI5S41* \\ 58498 40IS8601 80l5S6Ss'.'. \% 58751. 40I587S6 16158924.. in R8967 16153045 40139078 in 59150 120i59174 . 4OI3Q2S3 « 59320 24I59459 16I59468!!' « 59474 16153476 80I534S3 1% 59638 24159696 16139784: Jo 59786 16159969 16160028 i2 .60083 40 601R6 24160184 ]r 6C223 4060334 24160428 « 60710 2460878 1S!6135« \l 61620 24161702 16161764 ,r 61848 1BI61O0S./ 1661944 « 61949 80IB1964 40162C11 \n 62013 40162107 4000162172 ?r 62213 16162334 16162336 Jl S::::::: »:::::::: SSfcEi 62*56 24163000 ;. ' 24163147 \\ 63W8 16163227.. 40163363::::::;: y tPATENT APPLIED FOR.] s Single Number, Class "K,^Drown at Puerto Cortez. Honduras, C. A., Sat- urday,; October 12, 1901. NUMBERS -OF THE— Honduras National Lottery Co. (LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY.) HARPER FAVORS SACRAMENTANS ALTA VELA WINS FREE-FOR-ALL APPROXIMATION PHIZES. ICO numbers from 99,724 to 99,824, inclusive, being 50 numbers on each side of number draw- ing the capital prize of ?30,OCO—840. 1C0 numbers from 21S6 to 22S6. Inclusive, being 50 numbers on each side of the number draw- ins the capital prize of $8000— $24. 100 numbers from 62,057 to 62,157, inclusive, being fifty numbers on each side of the num- ber drawing the capital prize of $4000— $18. TERMINAL. PRIZES. 999 numbers ending with 74. beins the two last figures of the number drawing the capital prize of SC0.O0O-J8. 999 numbers ending with 38, being the two last figures of the number drawing the second capital prize of $31,00— J3. The subscriber having supervised the num- ber drawing, class "K." Honduras National Lottery Company, hereby certifies that th» above are the numbers which were this day ,drawn from the 100.000 placed in the wheel with the prizes corresponding to them. "Witness my hand at Puerto Cortez, Hon- duras, this Saturday, October 12, 1901. (Signed) W. S. CABEL.L, Commissioner. 513, CCO FOR $1— ONE-HALF OF FIRST CAPI- TAL PRIZE. State of Indiana, County of Marion—as. Before me, John S. Tarklngton. a Notary in said county, personally came "William H. Davie and Henry H. Davie, who being by me first duly sworn on their oaths, severally gay that they reside in the town of Southport. Bald county, and are the holders and owners of one-half ticket number eighty-four thousand six hundred and forty-two (S4.642) of the Hon- duras National Lottery Company (Louisiana State Lottery Company), drawing of Saturday, September 14. 1901. class "I," which number drew the first capital prize of $30,000, and said ticket wae paid on presentation. (Signed) "WILLIAM H. DAVIE. HENRY H. DAVIK. Sworn to before me this 23d day of Septem- ber. A. D. 1901. JOHN S. TARKINOTON. Notary Public $7500 FOR BO CENTS— ONE-QUARTER OT. FIRST CAPITAL PRIZE. State of Louisiana, Parish of Orleans— as. Before me, the undersigned authority, per- sonally appeared Braulio Gonzalea of Monterey Ilex., who, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he Is the owner of one-quarter ticket No. 84,612 of the Honduras National Lottery Company (Louisiana State Lottery Company), which said ticket drew the first capital priM of $30,000 in the drawing at Puerto Cortez. Honduras. C. A., Saturday, September 14 laoi. That he has received the total amount of the said ticket and that the said amount of $7500 was paid in full in United States currency on, presentation of the ticket. (Signed) BRAULIO GONZALES. Sworn to and subscribed before me this day. September 19. 1901. GENERES DUFOUR, Notary Public. $3750 FOR 25 CENTS— ONE-EIGHTH OB* FIRST CAPITAL PRIZE. United States of America, State of Louisiana. Parish of Orleans, city of New Orleans— ss Personally before me Edward Rlghtor. a Notary Public in the Parish of Orleans and State of. Louisiana. FTanlc Lee. who. being fiuiy sworn, deposes and says that he lives at 321 Oalvez street, in the city of New Orleans, and that he Is the holder and owner of one-eighth ticket No. 81.642 of the Honduras Lottery Com- pany (Louisiana . State Lottery Company), which number drew the capital prize of $30,000 at the drawing of September 14. at Puerto Cortez. Honduras, and that one-eighth of same thirty-seven hundred and fifty dollars ($375o)j was paid to him on presentation of said ticket. (Signed) FRANK LEK. Sworn to and subscribed before- me this Sep- tember 19. 1901. EDWARD RIGHTOR, Notary Public. \u26664000 FOR $1—ONE-HALF OF SECOND CAP- ITALPRIZE. NEW YORK. "Sept. 23. 1301. I am the bona fide owner of one-half ticket No. 8L2S5 of the Honduras National Lottery Company, drawing held September 14, 1001, tt Puerto Cortez. Honduras; C. A. Said ticket drew second capital prize of $SCOO, and I re- ceived the money in full. (Signed) PASCJUALE GIRALAMO, 361 West Twenty-fourth street. Sworn to before me this 25th day of Septem- ber, 1901. HULBERT PECK Notary Public. New York County. Originals of foregoing affidavits held by presl- rt^nt Honduras National Lottery Company (Louisiana State Lottery Company). No. Prise. INo. "Prize. No. Plil ?R «3G8 24 63463 16 83513 16 6O36 ... 24 63572 24*3585 63626 16 63707 40 guj « 63S65 12S639C2 ltf '5£i? 16 64«5 16 <M498 24i64o51 » 64561 ."II I 21 64804 40J64S31 " Up SSB::::-- 4l :::::::: 65556 16 65788 I*|659a9 Z* 66094 16 66160 16 |«f?|S 21 66356 40 66379 . 16 66482 21 66547 16GP672 16j66S06 " 66832 WM971 Mi 67072 ;* «7217 16167224 67259 2* r?443 16 6746S 40 67533 « 67376 16,67643 16 67673 *> «7775 120 67339 16 6794a 67J62 24 6S037 40 88413 24 68512 M6S515 24 8S547 " 69261 80 63383 16 69417 »» 69425 16 69554 4O !S2£* 69647 16 3*742 18| ™i? 70141 16 70200 16 702S7 J? 7M8O 80 70422 40 70438 M 70473 24 70601 16 70613 24, 70615 24 70613 40 70637 M 70646 80 70721 40 70837 •* 70S67 16 70040 40 71012 « 71045 16 710S3....'.'... 24,1117 *> 71541 16 71583 l\™£ « 71757 24 71354 24 72004 IS 72o£:::i:ii: io?S«: »7mm «> 7J709 24 72778 80 72781 »> 72808 24 73023 24 I3C36 « 73156 16 73430 24 78474 73593 16 73608 4 2|Z3S: 11 73632 24 73649 80|?3774.. ...... 2* 73847 40 7SS61 "j^ffS IS 74042 40 74221 18 74362 49 74404 40 74415 80 74423 80 74429 16 74430 40 74o07 74578 40 74602 40 74658 18 74778.. 80 74786 24 7486o 74939 40 74047 40 749o7 74992 16 7S2S4 16 7o515 80 75590 16 75594 16 756S2 8<> 76003 16 76070 40 76129 24 76238 16 762S9 16 76391 80 76484 16 76504 120 76332 40 76555 40 76686 40 76805 2* 76903 24 77060 24 77001 80 77168 120 77252 40 77346 24 77589 2177917 16 77923 24 77970 16 78010 16 7S096 43 78171 .40 78199. 80 78222 !• 7S367 16 7S567 40 78810 24 78844 16 78955 16 79041 40 79079 80 79086 24 79252 16 79341 16 79401. 40 794S2 16 79723 16 79781 16 79972 21 80125 :. 24 802S7 40 80310 40 80463 24 80532 16 8C544 IS 80803 24 80830 16 80852 80 81020 24 81113 24 81212 24 81333 16 81419 24 81424 40 81483 16S1503 16 Sloll 80 81663 2481734 40 81785 16 81924 16182017 16182023 18 82072 1000S2087 . 24 82091 16 82246 80 82311 16 82442 8*505 ....I 2482644 24182774 16 82S21 .... 16 82897 80182933 80 83195 ........ 16S322S 16 83279 13 83405 .1 16 83432 16 83438 18 83444 16 83453 SO S3539 18 83549 24 83582 16 83395 W 8S675 40S36S2 4OS3696 400 83918 16S3931 a S 112« « 84008 24 84141 80 84285 18 84416 40S4488.W 400 84318 16 84348 16 84629 24 84655 18 84S69 2V84S73 24 8o085 18 85066 16 83176 16 85211 40 83238 I 40 83233 40 85293 16 85473 16 85603 40 8S683 80 85880........ 24 85914 16 86099 24 86213 40 86358 16 8636S 18 86408 16 86491 40 86543 86567 '24 86738 24 86798 24 87042 24 87146 16 87338 18 87405 1687501 16187770 40 87806 16(87843 16 87977 18 88144 16S8255 80 88258........ 24 ?S291 16 88298 40 88303 40 88328 40 8S594 16 8S660 16 S8S94 . 18 8S935 " 24 88997..: 16 S9029 16 89249 24 S9263 24 89393 40 8945S 16183525 18 89334 16S9621 24J89S53 16 90172... 18 90193 16 90372 21, 90381 120190538 80 90626 16 90641 24 90697 SO 91143 40 91259 16 912*5 24191501 40 91629 16 91664 40J91S87 24 92216 40 92294 40 92299 40 92329 80 92368 24:92300 18 92531 80 92613 16192690 24 92770 120 32773 24|92781 16 S2917. ...:... 24 93005 16|93C60 18 9307S 40193109 2103123 K 93143 40193203 24 93231 24 93243 16|93249 80 93305 16 9*406 120 93145 24 93360. 80 93833 40'93343 40 94060 24 94215 24|24292 24194397 94589 40194617 24)94648 18 94669 24 94753 24134706 15 | 94836 80 94944 16I9G024 SO 95036...*..... 80 95137 16|95243 ie 9o n 88 '.. 24 95324 80I354S9 89 95655 24 9J690 24;9573S 18 960-10 40 96121 16!36217 16 96409 -80 98437 16I9R597 4ft 196632 24 96711 24196732 16 ! 9CS55 16|96S92 40|37408 16 197657 24197637 40 97390 40 98110 80 93207 40 98637 24 9S662 13 98734 18 &SS37 SO 9SS42 16I9832S 18I9S950 24 9S9C2 16 98376 24|99037 16 99068 ,'24 99069 80,90101 16 99156 4099169 16199260 99379 24 9*413. + 16)99413 40 99431 24 39603.^ 40iU37i: 16 99774 30000 99775 80199313 24 99841 16 99851 8CI99SS4 24 99966 16 99982 40[ THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18; 1901. As Governor of Tutuila He Is Accused of Many Offenses by London flissionary Society. NAVAL COURT TO TRY CAPTAIN TILLBY WILL SAIL ON SOLACE Steamer Movements. OCEAN STEAMERS. NEW YORK—Sailed Oct 17—Stmr La Bre- tagne, for Havre; stmr Barbarossa, for Bremen. MURORAN- Sailed Oct 17— Stmr Adato., for Portland, Or. LONDON— Sailed Oct 17—Stmr Bendorah. for San Francisco: stmr Manitou. for New York. QUEENSTOWN— Oct 17—Stmr Germanic, New York; «?tmr Noordland, Antwerp. . / ROTTERDAM— Sailed Oct 17— Stmr Potsdam, for New York. MOJI—Sailed Oct 16—Stmr Langbank, for As- toria, Or. 16 Stmr Hawaiian, from New Tork. for San Francisco. FOREIGN PORTS. FRASER RIVER— In port loading Oct 17—Br ship Combermere. for Liverpool; Br ship Red Rock, for Liverpool; Br ship Chas Cotesworth, for Liverpool. NEWCASTLE, Aus—Arrived Oct 17—Br ship Drummuir, from Port Pirle. LIMERICK— Arrived Oct 16—Fr bark Du- pleix, hence May 1. LONDON—Sailed Oct 17— Ger stmr Dender&h, for San Francisco. Arrived Oct 1C— Ger stmr Ammon, hence July 10. COLON—Arrived Oct 15— Stmr AUlanca, from New Tork. Sailed Oct 15—Stmr Finance, for New York. CAPE TOWN-Sailed Oct 13-Br ship Glen- elvan, for Tacoma. MANILA— Arrived Oct 14—Ger stmr Monte- video, from Hamburj. NAGASAKI—Sailed Oot 14^-Br stmr Adato. for Oregon. GTJAYMAS—Arrived Oct 7— Schr Lottie Ben- nett, from Grays Harbor. CHEMAINUS— In port loading Oct 17— Ship St David, for Australia: ship Hawaiian Isles, for Port Pirie. \u25a0 / - ; VANCOUVER—In port loading Oct 17—Ship Benjamin Sewall. for Australia; schr Kallua, for Melbourne; Br bark Battle Abbey, for Mel- bourne. TO ARRIVE. ' Steamer. Prom. | Du>. Bmpire Coos Bay Oct. 18 Australia Tahiti Oct. 18 North Fork.... Humboldt Oct. 18 Noyo.. Hueneme Oct. IS Crescent City.. Crescent City Oct. 18 J. S. Kimball.. Nome via Seattle Oct. 18 "Wellington Comox Oct. 19 Umatllla Pugef Sound Ports Oct. 19 Eureka Humboldt Oct. 19 St. Paul Nome & St Michael... Oct. 20 1-eela.naw New. York via Panama Oct. 20 Santa Ana Seattle Oct. 20 Mandalay Coqullle River Oct. 21 Loa Valparaiso & "Way Pts Oct. 21 Arcata Coos Bay & Pt. Orford Oct 23 Homer Humboldt Oct. 22 Pomona Humboldt Oct. 22 Alliance .-. Portland & Coofl Bay.. Oct. 23 City of Peking China and Japan Oct. 22 Columbia , Portland and Astoria.. Oct. 22 Thyra Portland Oct. 22 Corona Redondo & Way Ports Oct. 22 Mackinaw Tacoma ...........'. Oct. £3 Kanta Rosa San Diego & "Way Pts. Oct. 24 Point Arena... Point Arena Oct. 24 City ofPuebla. Puget Sound Ports.... Oct. «24 Czarina Seattle & Tacoma ....Oct. 24 San Jose Panama & Way Ports Oct. 26 Rameses Hamburg & Way Ports Oct. 28 Rival "Willapa Harbor,. Oct. 26 O. W. Elder.. t Portland & Astoria Oct. 27 TO SAIL. , Steamer. Destination. Sails. | Pier. October 18. San Pedro.... Humboldt 10 am Pier 2 Noyo Humboldt 5 pm Pier 2 Arequlpa Valparaiso & Way. 12 m Pier 10 Walla Walla. Puget Sound Ports 11 am Pier 9 Acapulco..... Panama & "Way.. 12 m PMSS October 11*. Grace Dollar. Grays Harbor 5 pm Pier 2 Empire Coos Bay 12 m Pier IS Rainier Seattle & N. What 6 pm Pier % Pomona Humboldt 1:30 p Pier 9 Point Arena. Point Arena :. 2 pm Pier 2 October SO. Iaqua Humboldt 10 am Pier 2 Santa Roea.. San Diego & Way. 9 am Pier 11 G. W. Elder.. Astoria & Portland 11 am Pier 24 October 21. Eureka Humboldt 12 m] Pier 13 J. S. Kimball Seattle & Tacoma. 5 pm'Pier 2 Argyll N. Y. via Panama 2 pm|Pier 10 North Fork.. Humboldt .. 9 am Pier 2 October J2X Arcata C. Bay & Pt, Orford 10 am Pier U Mandalay.... Coquilla River 5 pm Pier 2 Amer. Maru. China and Japan.. 1 pm PMSS Umatilla Puget Sound Ports 11 am Pier 9 October 24. Corona Redondo & Way.. U am Pier 11 Sonoma Sydney & Way 10 am Pier 7 Australia Tahiti direct 10 am Pier 7 October 25. Columbia Astoria & Portland 11 am Pier 24 Alliance...... Portland & C Bay Pier 3 * PROM SEATTLE. Steamer. From. . | Tram. Farallon. .'...V. Skaguay & Way Ports. Oct. 20 City of Seattle. Skaguay & Way Ports. Oct 22 Chas. Nelson.. Skaguay & "Way Ports. Oct. 23 Humboldt Skag-uay & Way Ports. Oct. 23 Cityof Topeka Skaguay & Way Ports. Oct. 25 Excelsior Cooks Inlet & Way.. Oct. 25 Cottage City,., I Skaguay & Way Ports. Oct 17 8 EXCLUSIVELY IN NEXT SUNDAY'S CALL Look out for the confession of Mrs. Piper— the most start- ling denouement in modern spiritualism. ADVERTISEMENTS. MELROSE COURSIKG~PARK DRAW. Open Stake— 48 Dogs— Sunday, October SO. Ton Eurllck vs. "Wapsee: Prompto vs. Mrs. Flske; Onward vs. Busty H; Veto vs. Lady Ne- wark; T. Q. vb. My Bonnie King; Commander ' vb. Little Fullerton; Lassie Frantz vs. Chal- lenger; Black Friar vs. St. Michael; Prairie Princess vs. Al a Rue; Prairie Maid vs. Our I Climate; Motor vs. King's Borderer; Robin ' Hood vs. Flying Belle; Daylight vs. * Little Lucy; Precita Maid vs. Vagrant; Becky Sharp vs. \u25a0Welcome: Tar o' the Hill vs. Kitty V; Mellow vs. Hawker; Sofala. vs. Sweet Favor- dale; The Fenian vs. Cash; Rosewood vs. Lone Mountain; Courage vs. Toronto; Dorothy M vs. Silent Treasure; Nora Lawrence vs. Querita Vincent; Martha Washington vs. Sprite. §YIM. VIGOR, VITALITY for MEN MORMON BISHOP'S PILLS have been in use over fifty years by the leaders of the Mormon Church and their followers. Positively cure the worst cases in old and young arising from effects of self- abuse, dissipation, excesses or cigarette-smoking. Cure Lost Manhood. Impotency, Lost Power. Xiffht Losses. Insom- nia, Fains In Back. Evil Desires, Lame Back, Nervous Debility, Headache. Unfitness to Mar- ry. Loss of Semen, mm, Varlcocele or Con- stipation. Stop Ner *5 WE vous Twitching of Eyelids. Ejects are p?Z-£=L immediate. Im- part vigor and pote *~*z™ * to every func- tion. Don't get despondent; a cure is at hand Restore small, undeveloped organs. Stimulate the brain and nerve centers; 50c a box; 6 for tt 50 by mail. A written guarantee to cure or monry refunded with 6 boxes. Circulars free. Address BISHOP RHMEDY CO.. 40 Ellis St., S«n Francisco, Cal. GRANT DRUG CO.. 33 and 40 Third st. A visit DR. JORDAN'S great, {ESQSEOBi OF ANATOHYc A C% ion y ami st. bet, earn, s.r.Cjj.i \ Tfg The Largest Anatomical Museuqi inthe £i mk .iH— 1 " World. Weaknesses or Any contracted i 7 <fcg j*5j «s.r? v;p«*i t <%«-l y nroil by the oldest ' / £5&1[& 0R * JORDAN-DISEASES OF MENd \ fwS^B Consultation free and strictly prirate. \ S f, jA4* H Treatment personally or by letter. A Q \ 8 W St H Po * itivt <*»\u25a0« erery case undertaken. \ Q P (I 10 w ri" <°r Book. PMI I.OS OPn Vof A * II 11 >»*RRIAGK. MAILED FREE. Uf X (\ jj. valuable book for mrn) . \ V Da. JKIRDAS A CO.. 1051 Xarfcpt St.. 8. V. f Oirr nni/AI Corner Fourth and CAFE HOyiLss^'as win jaw . 1 1u 5c Overcoats and valises checked free.

NAVALCOURT TRY ALTA VELA WINS HARPER FAVORS FREE-FOR … · 2017. 12. 17. · yesterday for Hongkong with the following: cargo, valued at 581,115: 25,875 bbls flour, 22 pkgs groceries

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  • Sun, Moon and Tide.United States Coast and Geodetic Survey-

    Times and Heights of High and LowWaters at Fort Point, entrance to SanFrancisco Bay. Published by official au-thority of the Superintendent.

    NOTE—The high and low waters occur atthe city front (Mission-street wharf) abouttwenty-five minutes later than at Fort Point;the height of tide Is the same at both places.~

    i FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18.Sun rise3 6:21Sun sets 5:29Moon sets 9:43 p. m.

    Time Time Time TimeDate Ft. 1 Ft. Ft. Ft.

    HW LW HW LW18 ... 4:16 4.2 8:26 3.2 2:19 4.9 9:36 0.619... 5:09 4.2 9:39 3.2 3:16 4.7 10:31 0.620 .. 6:01 4.5 11:01 3.2 4:28 4.5 11:30 0.721... 6:45 4.8 12:10 2.7 5:49 4.5

    L W H W L W H W22... 0:24 0.8 7:26 5.0 1:10 2.1 7:01 4.523... 1:19 -0-9 8:C4 5.3 2:04 1.5 4 724 .. 2:09 .1.0 8:41 ,5^5 2:51 0.8 9:13 4.9

    NOTE—In the above exposition of the tidesthe early morning tides are given in the lefthand column and the successive tides of theday In the order of occurrence as to time; thefourth time column gives the last tide of theday, except when there are but three tides assometimes occurs. The heights given are in'ad-dltlon to the soundings on the United StatejCoast Survey Charts, except when a minus (—)sign precedes the height, and then the numbergiven Is subtracted from the depth given by thecharts. The plane of reference is the mean ofth« lower low waters, \u25a0---

    ARRIVED.Thursday, October 17.

    Stmr "Whitesboro, Olsen,. 15 •' hours fromGreenwood. . >

    Slmr Point Arena, Hansen,- 14 hours fromMendocino.

    Simr Pomona, Shea, '\u25a0 18 hours from Eurpka.\u25a0 Stmr Geo W Elder, Randall, 61% hours from

    Portland, via Astoria 46# hours.Stmr Grace Dollar, Fosen, 48 hours from San

    Pedro. :• • . - <

    Stmr Gipsy, Iceland, 31 hours from Monterey.Stmr San Juan. Robinson, 21 days 16 hours

    from Panama, etc.Stmr Santa Rosa, Alexander, 41 hours from

    San-Diego and way ports. • >'•>\u25a0• '\u25a0 •

    Shipping Intelligence.

    The ship Henry B. jHyde. sailed Wednesdayfor New York with a general cargo, includingthe following merchandise and produce: 479,961gals wine, 159,990 lbs lead, 11,400 cs and 1170bbls salmon, 50 cs arms and ammunition. 94pkgs books, 9 pkgs machinery, 453 cs honey.'628 bbls asphaltum. 1190 sks mustard seed. 461cs liquors. 18 cs drugs, j

    Merchandise for New- York.

    The Norwegian steamer Kvarven was clearedyesterday for Hongkong with the following:cargo, valued at 581,115: 25,875 bbls flour, 22pkgs groceries and provisions, 177 cs cannedgoods. The steamer also carried 3594 bbls flourand some lumber; valued at |3685, which wasladen at Portland. ,-f

    A Cargo for China.

    The Leyland Bros, will load wheat at Port-

    land for Europe, 35s; the German steamer Elba,wheat at Tacoma for St. Vincent, for ordersand not as previously reported; the Bainbridge.lumber at Blakeley for Callao. 46s; the Ex-pansion lumber at Tacoma for Honolulu; theElwell. merchandise at this port for Australia,lump sum. .. , \u25a0 _\u25a0 . ;.

    Matters of Interest to.Mariners and'•. Shipping .Merchants.


    Captain Shaub arrived from the Eastlast night and will take command of theship. Henry Villard.

    -He was formerly in

    the brigLurline and brought the WallaceB. Flint here from the East.

    The engineers' department of the Sher-man and the time keepers of the UnionIronWorks are to play agame of baseballon the park recreation grounds next Sun-day.

    The cruiser Philadelphia arrived fromSan Diego yesterday. She will probablysail again Sunday for Panama.

    Water Front Notes.

    Zil'.ah May. September 28. 644; Geneva, Sep-tember 24/ 475; Penelope, September 21, 4D0;Otto, September 19, 606; Triumph, September18, 400; Beatrice, September 21. 145; Sadie Tur-pel, September 21, 137; Victoria. September 30,2S0; Enterprise, September 22, 260; Alnoka, Sep-tember 22, 33j.

    The sealers have done fairly well thisyear. News from the north gives thecatch as follows:

    Uews of the Sealing: Fleet.

    The Pacific Mall Company's San Juanarrived from Panama and way ports yes-teiday. Her cabin passengers were: D.G. Daris. O. H. Harrison and wife, JohnHarrison, E. Aniguadla, Eloise Ramirez,Kitty Humphries, Henry Prosoles andElla Harrison. Besides these she broughtup thirty-twoin the steerage. Among thecargo was $100,000 in treasure.

    San Juan Arrives.

    Eastern Race Results.NEW YORK. Oct. 17.—Morris Park sum-

    maries:First • race, five and a half furlongs-^TrlbesHill won. King Pepper second, Highland, third.Time, 1:04^4.Second race, five and a half furlongs—Jo-

    sepha won, AHbert second. Mint Bed thirdTime, 1:05. .Third race, the New Rochelle, one mile

    Louisville won. Decanter second, Paul Cliffordthird. Time, l:42tf.

    Fourth race. Westchester, six and a half fur-longs—Lady of the Valley won, Chuctanundasecond. Carbuncle third. Time, 1-2LFifth race, one mile—Ethics won, Dolando

    second. Knightof the Garter third. Time, 1:42.Sixth race, one mile and an eighth—Sadie Swon, Herbert second, St. Finnan third. Time.l:5u^£.


    '*•CHICAGO, Oct. 17.— Worth results:

    iFl^y-n™0*' nve furlon&s-St. Hera won,Mabel _\Vinn second, Step Onward third. Time,1:04 l-o.

    Second race, one.mile and a quarter— Sarillawon. LittleElklnsecond. El Caney third. Time.Third race, six furlonga-McChesney won,

    Luclen Appleby second. Miracle IIthird. Time,Iil31-5. • *S Fourth race. Oakland handicap, seven anda half furlongs— Federal won, W. J. Deboesecond, Haviland third. Time, 1:37.Fifth race, five furlongs—Money Mues wonBurnle Bunton second. If You Dare third.

    Sixth race, one mile and seventy yards— Balrdwon. Knight Banneret second, Hunswurstthird. Time, 1:48 3-5.

    ST. LOUIS. Oct. 17.-Fair Grounds summary:First race, one mile, selling—Bengal won. An.tolee second, Nekarnis third. Time, 1:43Second race, five and a half furlongs, selling—Tenny Belle won, Ed L second. Judee Pet-

    tus third. Time, 1:00%.S

    Third race, six furlongs— Hunter Ralne wonLouise Wagner second. Terra Firma third.Time, l^lb'A.Fourth race, seven furlongs, purse— Fltzkanetwon, The Bronze Demon second, Survive thirdTime, 1:29%.

    ' ' >Fifth race, mile and an elgrhth—Uterp won.Charles D second. Nettle Regent third. Time

    1:57.Sixth race, mile and a quarter, selling—Zazelwon, George Lee second, Swordsman thirdTime, 2:12>i.

    Cresceus Fails in Time Trial.COLUMBUS, Ohio, Oct. 17.—Cresceus went

    against time at the local driving park thisafternoon, but failed, the best he could do be-ing a mile in 2:05^.

    LEXINGTON, Ky., Oct. ,17.-Summary:2:10 pace, purse $1000—Council Chimes won

    thren straight heats in2:15H, 2:15%. 2:15%. Lit-tle Squaw, lone, Don Riley and Gametta. alsostarted. .

    The West stakes, 2:29 class, trotting-, purse$»00— Leola won three straight heats in 2:21%2:17»i. 2:16. Lady Patchie. Lady Constantlne,Iva Dee and Crescent also started. •

    2:1S class, trotting, purse J10O0 (unfinished)—Alice Carr won the first heat in 2:16Vfc. Gal-betor won the second heat in 2:16%. Una Bellewon the third heat in 2:1S&. Colonel Cochran.J R H. Neighbor Girl, Marion Wllkes, King1Humbert and Dartmoor also started. "\u25a0

    Big Excursion to Los Angeles andSan Diego.


    Since the announcement yesterday thatan excursion would be {riven by the South-ern Pacific on the 21st for the benefit ofthe Episcopal delegates the full detailsof the event have been decided upon.

    Tickets willbe sold to Los Angeles andreturn for a single fare, $15, and to SanDiego and return for $19 50. They willbegood for going passage onlyby way of theCoast Line, but return may be by. eitherroute, and October 31 is the limit. A spe-cial train will be made up at the Thirdand Townsend street depot to leave at 8:30o'clock Monday morning, provided .thereare enough excursionists to Justify a spe-cial train. Otherwise they will take theregular 9 a. m. train. Stopovers will bepermitted on these tickets In either direc-tion.

    U S stmr PhiladelDhla, Meade. 2 days fromSan Diejo.

    Aus stmr Alberta, Bussanlch. .B6 hours fromAstoria.

    Bktn J M Griffith. Arey, 12 days from PortHadlock; Benlcia direct.Schr Newark, Crangle, 10 hours from Timber


    Thursday, October 17.Nor stmr Titania, Esenes. Nanalmo; John

    Rosenfeld's Sons. "Nor stmr Kvarven, Kanltz, HonzkonR; Cal

    & Oriental S S Co.Bark Mauna Ala. Smith. Honolulu: J D

    Spreckels & Bros Co.* SAILKD.Thursday, October 17.

    Stmr Homer, Donaldson, Eureka.' .

    Stmr Corona. Gielow, San Pedro and wayports.

    Stmr Scotia, "WalviB, Rockuort-Stmr Asuncion, Evans, Tacoma.Stmr Cella, Adler.' .Xor stmr Titania, Egenes. Nanalmo.Bark Mauna Ala, Smith, Honolulu.Bktn Tain O'Shanter. Patterson, Columbia


    Sept 18, lat 24 S, Ion 41 W-Ger ship Alice,from Hamburg, for Santa Rosalia.

    Sept 23,' lat 12 N, Ion 25 W—Fr bark "Vendee,from Shields, for Orecon.

    Oct 9, lat 9 N, Ion 2 W—Fr bark Max, fromGlasgow, for San Francisco.


    —There Is a rumor afloat that atmr

    Centennial Js ashore at Teller.Per schr Florence M Smith, at Clayoquot

    Sound— Sept 2, schr Penelope, with 450 sklris;Sept 19, schr Otto, with 506 skins: schr Tri-umph, with 4C0 skins; Sept 21, schr Beatrice,with 145 skins: schr Sadie Turpel, with 137skins; Sept 22, schr Enterprise, with 260 skins;schr Alnoka, with 335 skins. Sept 24, schr Vic-toria, with 2S0. skins; schr Geneva, with 475skins. Sept 28, schr Zillah May, with 664 skins;Sept 20. schr Annie E Paint, with 600 sealskins.

    TELEGRAPHIC.POINT LOBOS, Oct 17, 10 p m—Weather

    haiy; wind NW, velocity 12 miles an hour.DOMESTIC PORTS.

    SAN DIEGO— Sailed Oct 17— Stmr Alcatraz.for San Francisco; schr Mabel Gray, for Eu-reka.

    CASPAR— Sailed Oct 17— Stmr Gualala, forSan Francisco. \u25a0 1 \u25a0

    FORT BRAGG—Arrived.Oct 17—Stmr Se-quoia, hence Oct 16.

    Sailed Oct 17—Stmr National City, for SanFrancisco.

    BEATTLE-Arrlved Oct 17-Stmr Robert Dol-lar, hence Oct 12; stmr Czarina, hence Sept13; stmr St Paul, from Nome.

    Sailed Oct 17—

    Stmr Newsboy, for Grays Har-bor; stmr Dolphin, for Skaguay.

    Arrived Oot 17—Stmr Dlrigo, from Skaguay;•tmr Cottage City, from Skaguay.

    PORTLAND—Arrived Oct 17—Stmr Intra-velli. from Hongkong; Ger ship Rlckmer Rlck-mers, from Hlosro; stmr Columbia, from SanFrancisco.

    NOME—Sailed Oct 6— Stmr Elihu Thomson,for Seattle.

    VENTURA—Arrived Oct IT—Tuif Rescue*,with barge Santa Paula In tow, hence Oct 15,and- sailed for San Franclsoo.

    PORT TOWNSEND—Passed in Oot 17—StmrDlrlgo, with stmr . Cottage City in tow, forSeattle.

    PORT LOS ANGELES— Sailed Oct 17-StmrAlcazar, for San Francisco; schr Allen A, forEureka.

    NEAH—Passed out Oct 17—Br shio Eden-ballymore. from

    'Tacoma, for Queenstown.

    ASTORIA— Arrived Oct 17— Stmr Columbia,hence Oct 15.

    Sailed Oct 17—

    Br stmr Glenturret^xiJr barkEast Indian. Fr bark St Donation, for Queens-

    EUREKA— Arrived Oct 17—Schr Bertha Dol-beer, from Newport; schr Serena Thayer, henc«Oct 10; stmrs Eureka and Signal, hence Oct 18.

    Sailed Oct 17—Schr H C Wright, for Hono-lulu: stmr North Fork, for San Francisco.

    QUARTERMASTER HARBOR—Arrived Oct16—Bark Vldotte, from San Pedro.

    NEAH BAT—Passed in Oct 17, at 7:30 a m—Stmr San Mateo. hence Oct 14. for Nanalmo.-

    UNALASKA—Sailed Oct 8—Stmr Valencia.Oct 9

    —Stmr Roanoke. for Nome.

    DUTCH HARBOR—In port Oct 6—TJ S stmrsBear, Thetis and Dan Manning:.

    TACOMA—Arrived Oct 17—Stmr San Mateo.hence Oct 14, to sail Oct 18 for San Franclsoo.In port loading: Oct 17

    —Br ship Alexander

    Black. Br ship llatterhorn, Br ship Eudora. Brship Ncrma, Br ship Godlva, Ger ship Lis-beth Br ship St Munpro. Dan ship Jupiter, Au«Btmr Borneo, all for United Kingdom; Br stmrLincolnshire, for United IClnpdom: shlo S DCarleton, for Honolulu; schr Alvena, schr Sa-die, for San Pedro.

    WHATCOM—In port loading Oct 17—BktnBenicta. for Callao.

    PORT BLAKELEY-Inport loading Oct 17-Bark Gen Falrchlld, for Sydney: «ehr Solano.for Shani?hol: schr BainbrldBe. for San Fran-cisco; schr Enterprise, for San Francisco; Chllbark Otello. for Valparaiso: schr G W Wat-son, for San Francisco; schr F S Redfleld, forHonolulu; bktn Northwest, for San Pedro; schrFanny Dutard. for Ventura.

    BENDER ISLAND—In port loading Oct 17—Schr Forester, for Santa Rosalia.

    PORT GAMBLE—In port loading Oct 17—Bark Abbey Palmer, for South Africa; schrAlice C^fre. for Honolulu; schr C HMerchant,for San Ttamclsco.

    • . • .EASTERN PORTS.

    \u25ba TJEW YORK—Arrived Oct 17—Br itmr Croy-don, from Guayaquil..-


    Captain Tilley is charged with a num-ber of offenses, among which drunkennessis not the most reprehensible. The com-plainants are prejudiced, however, it issaid, and the chances are the case willnever reach a court-martial.

    D. Evans, Captains Cooper,Glass, Thomas, Merry, Reiter and Har-ringrton, and Captain Myer, United StJtesmarine corps. These gentlemen aro toform. the court that will try Captain B. F.Tilley, Naval Governor of Tutslla. TheLondon Missionary Society has broughtcharges against him and Ifthe naval offi-cers find there is any ground for the com-plaint a court-martial will follow.

    The battleship Wisconsin with RearAdmiral Casey aboard is now said to beon her way"to Samoa, and the cruiserPhiladelphia, which arrived yesterdayfrom the south, willgo to Panama, reliev-ing the Iowa, In order that that vesselmas' go to Pago Pago for the investiga-tion.

    &~j^o HE navy transport Solace will sailII from here to-morrow for Pagoj Pago Samoa. Among her passen-II &ers will-be Rear Admiral Robley



    LOS AXGELJiS, Oct. 17.—Los Angeleswon the first game of the series with SanFrancisco to-day ina drivingfinish In theeighth inning. San Francisco took thelead at the start and maintained It untilthe eighth, \u25a0when Whalen went up In theair. A single, a three-bagger, an out, abase on balls and a three-bagger nettedfour runs for the redlegs. San Francis-co's errors were all costly. The score:


    Hemphill, 1. f 3 1 1 0 4 0 CRe!tz. 2b S 10 0 3 3 0Householder, c. f 3 1 1 1 0 0 0Atherton. r. t 4 1113 0 0Kihm. lb 2 1 0 1 12 0 0Hall, s. e 3 0 2 0 0 4 1C. Reilly, Sb 3 0 0 0 0 6 0Spies, c 3 0 0 0 4 10McPaitlin, p ... 3 0 0 0 0 10

    Totals 27 5 6 3 »28 14 1•Krug oct; hit by batted balL


    Nordyke, c. f 3 0 0 0 4 0 0Vri'.scra, c 4 0 0 0 8 10HPc>brand. 1. f 4 0 0 0 10 0Schwartz, r. f 4 0 10 10 0Pabst. lb 4 2 10 8 0 0Krug, 2b 4 1 2 0 J 2 1fhay. s. s J 1 1 1 0 S 0:J. Reilly, 3b 3 0 10 4 8 1:Whalen. p 3 0 10 0 11

    -Totals 32 4 7 1 24 10 3RC7CS AXD HITS BT DfNTNGS.

    Los Angeles 0 0 0 0 0 0 14•—

    5Base hits 0 10 10 0 13 •—6

    San Francisco 0 10 0 10 2 0 0—4B&se hits 0 10 0 114 0 0—7

    SUMMARY.Rune responsible for—McPartlln LHome run—Krug. Three-base hits

    —Atherton, House-

    holder. Two-base hits—

    Hall. J. Reilly. Sacri-fice hits

    —Xordyke, Reltz. Householder. Double

    playe— Hall to Spies to Reitz; Shay to Krug toPabst. Struck out—By McPartlln 3. by Wha-len 2. First base on called balls—Off 'UTialen3. Left on bases— Los Angeles 5. San Francisco1. Hit by pitched ball—HemphilL Time oftame

    —Two hours and five minutes. Umpire^

    —Levy. . \

    Los Angeles Team "Wins.

    Runs responsible for—Schmidt 1. McNeeley LTwo-base hits—Courtney. Schmidt. Sacrificehits—Dunleavy. Hotter, Stanley, McLaughlin.First baFe on errors

    —Oakland 1. First base on

    called balls—

    Oakland 2, Sacramento 3. Left onbases

    —Oakland 7, Sacramento 7. Struck cut-

    By Schmidt 4. by McXeeley 4. Hitby pitcher-Hamilton, Eagan. Devereaux. Passed ball

    —xianpon. Time of g^rae

    —1:45. Umpire


    Harper. Official scorer—H. S. MeFarlin.


    Oakland 1000000000 0—1Base hits 1201010010 0—6

    Sacramento 0000100000 1—2Base iits. 010110 1000 2—6

    Totals 33 2 6 1 33 14 1ECXS AM)HITS BT INXINGS.

    Total* 36 1 6 0 32 11 1SACRAMENTO.

    AB. R. BH.SB. PO. A. E.Flood, 2b S 0 0 0 6 1 0Sheehan, Sb 6 1 1 ft 2 1 0Stanley, c 4 0 0 0 5 3 0Courtney, c. f 3 0 3 0 0 0 0Hotter, r. f 4 0 0 13 0 0Davis, lb S 0 1 0 14 0 0ilcLauFhlin, 1. f S 0 0 0 2 0 0Devereaux, s. e 8 10 0 0 5 1HcN'eeley, p 3 0 10 14 0

    OAKLAND.AB. R. BH. SB. PO. A. E.

    Mohler. Sb * 1 0 ' 0 2 2 0Dunleavy, Sb 4 0 0 0 2 0 0Drennen. c 1 5 0 0 0 3 0 0Eajfan. lb 3 0 0 0 12 0 0MoEkiman, 1. t S 0 1 0 2 0 0Babbitt, 8. s 4 0 1 0 S 3 0H&miltoa. r. f 3 0 2 0 10 0Hanson, o 4 0 1 0 S 2 1Schmidt, p 4 0 10 2 4 0

    \George Harper made his first appear-

    ance In this city as an umpire yesterdayat Recreation "Park. The opposing teamswere Oakland and Sacramento. Two closedecisions which he gave against theformer lost them the game, as Sacramen-to won in the eleventh inning by a scoreof 2 to L .In the first decision he called Babbitt

    out in an attempt to steal thiid. Thespectators did not ?ee the man from Oak-land tagged out.In the .rinth inning Moskiman, the first

    man up, lined the ball out to deep rightfield for what looked like a three-bagger.He made second easily and was calledcut for not touching first base. It wasa technical potnl at most, as he did notcut the bag- and gained nothing by nottouching iu Baobitt struck out and Ham-ilton, a recruit from the amateur ranks,madj a tase hit, which would havescored Mofkiman had lie been called safe.

    Sacramento scored its first run In thefifth. Devereaux wag hit by the pitcher,went to second on a passed ball, reachedthird on McNeeley's hit and scored on an-other passed bail. In the ele\"enth Shee-han was safe on first, went to second onStanley's sacrifice and to third on Court-ney's hit. HoiTer flew to left field andSheehaii scorml on the throw in. Thegame was a East one. Each team madebut one error. The score:

    One mile, selling—D. O'Keefe's Lode Star,ch. g., imp. Midlothian-Day Star (Burlin&ame),won; Roulette Wheel (McNichols). second: Fa-vorlto (See), third. Time, 1:41%. Frank Duffyand Sea Spray also ran.

    Six furlongs, selling—J. L. Rector's LouClieveden, ch. m.. imp. Clleveden-Mlsa Lou(See), won; W. J. B. (Jones), second; Enjoy-ment (Hobart), third. Time. 1:16%. ZemZem,ElSobrino and San Augustine also ran.

    Five and a half furlongs, selling—D. F. Cox'sClarando. b. m., Clarendon-Volante (Tullet).won; Galene (Burlineame), second; Skirmish(Hobart), third. Time, 1:09. Beaumonde, BillYoung. Gold Baron and Bill Bohamson alsoran.

    2:18'A. 2:16. .2:16U.

    -Time, 2:22, 2:22, 2:20.

    Free-for-all trot:S. A. Hooper's Alta Vela, b. s., Elec-

    tioneer by Piedmont (S. A. Hooper).. IllThomas R (C. F. Bunch) 3 2 2Dan \V (J. Albertson) 2 3 3

    Trottinr. 2:16 class:C. F. Bunch's Nora McKinney, b. m..McKinney by Dexter Prince (C. F.

    Bunch) 1 11Ouiboul (I* M. Clark). 2 4 2Porto Rico (J. Culcello) 8 2 3Lucy G (J. Albertson) 4 3 i

    Clarando broke away from the bunch inthe fiveand a half furlong dash and land-ed, with (jalene second. Frank. Duffy,the heavily played favorite in the mile,was never prominent. Burlingame beatthe gate four lengths with Lode Star andwas never headed. The time was l:41»j.,fast for a trotting track. Lou Clievedencam© in under a wrap with W J B at hersaddle girth in the six furlong sprint.

    To-morrow will be Stockton day and allbusiness houses will close. The finestcard of the meeting will be put on, andthe biggest crowd of the week Is expected."Summaries: « - '

    STOCKTON, Oct. 17.-A redhot favoritewas beaten In the free-for-all trot toTday.and the talent received a severe jolting.The wise ones were so anxious to playThomas R that they were willing to payalmost anything to get a ticket. Hebrought $10 to $6 for the field before thehorses were called. The books made himeven money and held out Alta Vela, ashe was believed to be a sure thing for theopening heat. After he had won twoheats Thomas R tickets , were eagerlysought at $10 to $5 for the field. Alta Velawon the race after two killingdrives withthe favorite. Lucy G fell in the last heatand threw J. Albertson, who was not in-jured. Nora McKinney had everythingher own way in the 2:16 trot and wasbarred in the betting. Ouiboul was madea favorite and won out.

    Eleven Innings Required Be-fore Winning Run Is


    Olarando, Lode Star and LouClieveden First at the

    Wire. •

    Defeats Thomas R, HotFavorite, at Stockton

    Races. •

    Gives Two Close Deci-sions Against the


    No. Prize. No. Prise. No. Prize.318 16 '424 40 593 120601 IS -643 24 661 IS735 24 :757 16 .773 24824 ,16 -867 16 '983 24

    1107 24 1270.-. 24 1361 161651 . SO 1S78 16 1936 161999 24 2002... 40 2023....;... 242035 40 2236 8000 2M9 162365 16 2415 16 2438 162457 80 2521..: 40 2534 402540... 40 2547 24 2566 242572 16 2728 SO 2972 403130........ 16 3221 16 3250 IS3492 2\ 3331 16 3545 163712 40 3779 16 3806 IS3955 18 4C07 16 4183 164399 16 4450 40 4531 16

    .4557 16 4762 16,4806 165053 24 5C60 40

    '5136 1205210 24 5304 80 6497 165503 16,5529....:... 400 5657 168698 16 6753 24 5»43 166005 24 ?6018 24 ;6071 246082 24 '6121 16-6289 166380 24 J6382 16 6501 166502 40-6537 24.6604 246651 24 >8663 806748 246767 16 :68CO 24 6812 166381 40 89S2 16 7044 167101 24 7140 16 '7242 167247........ 24 T292 120 7309 167375 16 7425 24 7431 167462 16 7521 24 7828 1000796S 16 8038 24 8041. 168133 16 8*04 16 8223 248253 16 8S14 24 8471 168562 16 83S2 40 8675 408682 16 8698 40 8741 16S856 24 89*9 40 .9033 169093 40 9114 16 -9184 249270 16 9331........ 16 9466 249510 40 9511........ SO 9525 409560 80 9650 16 97C3 169784........ 16 9889 40 9939 1«9973 16 9975 .... 80 10062 16

    101C0 16 10178 120 10285 8010309 24 10380 IS 10512 8010624.:...:.. 40 10943 16 11142 2111158 16 11242 16 11298 2411320 16 11331 40U401 1611493 40 11499 16 11727 24117J3 16 11790 40 11S44 1611S82 40 11890 24 12057 8012109 40 12148 40 12291 1612330 16 12371 16 12422 4012425 24 12553 16 12649 .... 1612676 80 12742 40 12755 1612823....-:>•• 16 13125 24 13262 1613599 24 1S891 16 13711 IB13727 16 14105 16 14381 2414492 16 14615 16 14633 4014727 ;.. 16 14772 16 14860 2115007:....... 16 15247.? 16 13380 1615367........ 16 15564 16 15637 8015725. 16 15S38 24 1S897 8015985 24 16141 16 16162 4016213 16 16249 16 16273 8016343 2116493 16 16906 2417009 16 17045 16 17230 2417252. 16 17279 16 17297 1617309 80 17314 16 17445 1617672 4017689 16 17734 4017758 24 17810 1C 18098 1618194 24 18371 16 18391 401S4S1 40 18J33 24 1S539 2418550 24 18679 120 18757 163S791 18 18821 16 19112 2419156 120 19291 40 19458 2419493 16 19321 24 19522... 2419623.: 24 19720 24 19753 4919787 16 19813 16119841 1519911./ 16 19334 46120133 1620229......... 16 20467 16 2*702./. 2420794 120 20S31 80 21075 1621100 16131230

    '16 21236 .\. 16

    21329 16121333 16 21358 2421512 16I21B12 24|21662 2421S54 24 21884 16122113 4022167 24|22197 16 22601 4022602 16122607 16 22652 40022781........ 24 22SS6 16123034 4023176 ...• 80 23312 16123343 1623393 2000 23460 24I234S1 802354ft 24 23623 24 23711 16 123717 80 23725 24 23793 1623S75 16 23913 16 23977 24240S6 40 24121 24 24177 2424297 40 24317 16I2H12 '... 40 i24423 16 24463.. 16J24731 8024754 16124845 16124946 IS2G026 24123292 24 25322 24 I23362 16125496 120|2;311 1623390 .. 16 25600 40125829 2425844 16I25335........ 40|23S93 1625914........ ,24 25941........ 16126068 1626125 24 26130.' 24126176 4026245 ;... 15 26249........ S0I26303 2426417 24 25501 2»!2G620 16*2«719 120 26775 16127123 4027146 24127207 40127410 2427530 16127583... 40127642 2427817 4027923 SO|27935 1628113 24I2SI28 40 2S133 1202S171 24I2S183 24 282S4.. 1(528293 16128338 24 28363 12028429 24 23517 24 28393 2428613 24 28S30 16 28847 1828890 40 29081 40 29182 IS29289 16 29304 40 29433 1629566 24 29610 24 29734 1629776 40 29870 40 29SS1 2»29986 24 30021 12O!3OO31 2430079 40 30257 16130397 2430488 16130594 16130781 1630&63 40130987 1613100S 4031010 24131041 80131265 1631407 40131597 40 31611 1$31737 2431790 So|31S24 J2031S62 24i32205 24132371 4032620 16132635 16132763 2432S48 80132873.. 40132903........ 4032923 80132986 40133C26 4033311 24133344 16 33418 2133588 4033592 24(33617 1633619 16133632 24133744 1633748 16 33845 16133878 12033344 24 34036 16U4085 2434167 16 34552 16134382 2434956 16134964 40134972 4035093 24133096 401353.^6 2435418 24135433 16I3343S *... 1685500 40133614 16135702 IP35S54 24 36036 16136039 2436042 S0 3611S 80136251 1636407 40 36361 400136707 8036916 24137431 24137514 2437651 24137684 24I376S3 1637729........ 16137750 40137759 16377S2 40137841 24|37855 1637S74 40137932 24137971 1637979 4088122 24|3S140 2438142 16138203 16I3S336 2438440........ 40138439 40138507 2438938 24 38953....:... 24139049 2439201 40 39392 16139630 8039798 I40 39816 120139970 804C057 24 40206 16140213 1640222 16 402S9 24140324


    40401 40 4C528 16140661 2440701 80 40729..: 16 40765 1640S43 16 4104.1 24 41331.. 2441535 16 41645 40 4169S 1641765 80 41781 16 4184S 2441917 16 419S6 16 42087 1842231 16 42285 16 42343 2442373 40 42580 16 4MI9 1642654 40 42S33 16 43113 1643160 16 43208 80 43247 4043456 16 43543 16143861 4043879 80 43935 24144061 2444595 .\ 24 44630 40 44799 IS44S86........ 16 44904........ 16 44935 1845106 16 45117 16 45183 4046469 40 43489 40 45326 1845738 16 45850 .'. 40 45987 1646127 24 46269 24146271 1846317 24 46392 16146489 M46662 40146827 40147003 1047178 1847288 80I473C3 2447554 24147360 24147843 24479S3 24 47S56 40I4796S J448118 16 4R219 16148221 8048441 16 48341 24148553 ]64S353 16 48715 16 48744 4948997 16 49047 16 49097.". 40

    '49319 80149358 24 49435 40494SO 16149490 16I4MS8 1«49628... 2449663 24149340 1849862.. 24J49921 16150208 U5C235 :.. 16150351 16150355 41)60369 80150425 16150443 1850476 16130509 24150726 1(150737 24150821 .24150884 2461019 24151185.. 16151405 ;go51416 16I514S2 24151480 »451581..."!.... 40161659 24151716 ig51823 16151834 I6I0I88O..: 2451926 80151934 40I5205S ?IB2157 80152235 24I5J139 In52243 S0152320 16132338 4052359 16152374 120'5242fi sn52517 24152540 16152642 w62831 80I53C36 16IS316O i«63292. j 40153431. 18153543.. irE3603 16153626 1P153920 -iJn53985 16154053... 16134103 '." 2454179 16154254 24154291 ie54308 24154472 16154543 94K4637 16154701. „ 16154838 ig5490fi.... 80154964 40135003..


    551S5 Ifil5iil64 16I552S4... v"

    irR34C7 16155419 21155422.


    R5425... 24135451 24133632.."'*""

    ir53717... 4013572S 24153837..


    55903 24I560U 16156061..."*"

    !«5«M0. 1SI5SM3 80156414 . „56616 24136632 24'5663o'.". «E6S32 40156878 16156319


    56SS4 16157116 40137226 9157532 16157362 16I57SCS


    57705 16I57S30........ 1SI37S32..'. Vi58004./ 16158206 1RI5S41* \\58498 40IS8601 80l5S6Ss'.'. \%58751. 40I587S6 16158924.. inR8967 16153045 40139078 in59150 120i59174 . 4OI3Q2S3 «59320 24I59459 16I59468!!' «59474 16153476 80I534S3 1%59638 24159696 16139784: Jo59786 16159969 16160028 i2

    .60083 40 601R6 24160184 ]r6C223 4060334 24160428 «60710 2460878 1S!6135« \l61620 24161702 16161764 ,r61848 1BI61O0S./ 1661944 «61949 80IB1964 40162C11 \n62013 40162107 4000162172 ?r62213 16162334 • 16162336 JlS::::::: »:::::::: SSfcEi62*56 24163000 ;.'24163147 \\63W8 16163227.. 40163363::::::;: y


    Single Number, Class "K,^Drown atPuerto Cortez. Honduras, C.A.,Sat-

    urday,; October 12, 1901.


    Honduras National Lottery Co.(LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY.)



    APPROXIMATION PHIZES.ICO numbers from 99,724 to 99,824, inclusive,

    being 50 numbers on each side of number draw-ing the capital prize of ?30,OCO— 840.

    1C0 numbers from 21S6 to 22S6. Inclusive, being50 numbers on each side of the number draw-ins the capital prize of $8000— $24.

    100 numbers from 62,057 to 62,157, inclusive,being fifty numbers on each side of the num-ber drawing the capital prize of $4000— $18.

    TERMINAL.PRIZES.999 numbers ending with 74. beins the two

    last figures of the number drawing the capitalprize of SC0.O0O-J8.

    999 numbers ending with 38, being the twolast figures of the number drawing the secondcapital prize of $31,00—J3.

    The subscriber having supervised the num-ber drawing, class "K." Honduras NationalLottery Company, hereby certifies that th»above are the numbers which were this day,drawn from the 100.000 placed in the wheelwith the prizes corresponding to them.

    "Witness my hand at Puerto Cortez, Hon-duras, this Saturday, October 12, 1901.

    (Signed) W. S. CABEL.L, Commissioner.513, CCO FOR $1—ONE-HALF OF FIRST CAPI-

    TAL PRIZE.State of Indiana, County of Marion—as.

    Before me, John S. Tarklngton. a Notaryin said county, personally came "William H.Davie and Henry H. Davie, who being byme first duly sworn on their oaths, severallygay that they reside inthe town of Southport.Bald county, and are the holders and ownersof one-half ticket number eighty-four thousandsix hundred and forty-two (S4.642) of the Hon-duras National Lottery Company (LouisianaState Lottery Company), drawing of Saturday,September 14. 1901. class "I," which numberdrew the first capital prize of $30,000, and saidticket wae paid on presentation.


    Sworn to before me this 23d day of Septem-ber. A. D. 1901.


    FIRST CAPITAL PRIZE.State of Louisiana, Parish of Orleans— as.

    Before me, the undersigned authority, per-sonally appeared Braulio Gonzalea of MontereyIlex., who, being duly sworn, deposes and saysthat he Is the owner of one-quarter ticketNo. 84,612 of the Honduras National LotteryCompany (Louisiana State Lottery Company),which said ticket drew the first capital priMof $30,000 in the drawing at Puerto Cortez.Honduras. C. A., Saturday, September 14 laoi.That he has received the total amount of thesaid ticket and that the said amount of $7500was paid in full in United States currency on,presentation of the ticket.

    (Signed) BRAULIO GONZALES.Sworn to and subscribed before me this day.

    September 19. 1901.GENERES DUFOUR, Notary Public.


    United States of America, State of Louisiana.Parish of Orleans, city of New Orleans— ss

    Personally before me Edward Rlghtor. aNotary Public in the Parish of Orleans andState of. Louisiana. FTanlc Lee. who. being fiuiysworn, deposes and says that he lives at 321Oalvez street, in the city of New Orleans, andthat he Is the holder and owner of one-eighthticket No. 81.642 of the Honduras Lottery Com-pany (Louisiana . State Lottery Company),which number drew the capital prize of $30,000at the drawing of September 14. at PuertoCortez. Honduras, and that one-eighth of samethirty-seven hundred and fifty dollars ($375o)jwas paid to him on presentation of said ticket.(Signed) FRANK LEK.

    Sworn to and subscribed before- me this Sep-tember 19. 1901.

    EDWARD RIGHTOR, Notary Public.\u26664000 FOR $1—ONE-HALF OF SECOND CAP-

    ITALPRIZE.NEW YORK. "Sept. 23. 1301.

    Iam the bona fide owner of one-half ticketNo. 8L2S5 of the Honduras National LotteryCompany, drawing held September 14, 1001, ttPuerto Cortez. Honduras; C. A. Said ticketdrew second capital prize of $SCOO, and Ire-ceived the money in full.

    (Signed) PASCJUALE GIRALAMO,361 West Twenty-fourth street.

    Sworn to before me this 25th day of Septem-ber, 1901. HULBERT PECKNotary Public. New York County.

    Originals of foregoing affidavits held by presl-rt^nt Honduras National Lottery Company(Louisiana State Lottery Company).

    No. Prise. INo. "Prize. No. Plil?R«3G8 24 63463 16 83513


    6O36 ... 24 63572 24*3585 j«63626 16 63707 40 guj «63S65 12S639C2 ltf'5£i? 1664«5 16 71541 16 71583 l\™£ «71757 24 71354 24 72004 IS72o£:::i:ii: io?S«: »7mm «>7J709 24 72778 80 72781 »>72808 24 73023 24 I3C36 «73156 16 73430 24 78474 1«73593 16 73608 42|Z3S: 1173632 24 73649 80|?3774.. ...... 2*73847 40 7SS61 "j^ffS IS74042 40 74221 18 74362 4974404 40 74415 80 74423 8074429 16 74430 40 74o07 J«74578 40 74602 40 74658 1874778.. 80 74786 24 7486o 8»74939 40 74047 40 749o7 J«74992 16 7S2S4 16 7o515 8075590 16 75594 16 756S2 876003 16 76070 40 76129 2476238 16 762S9 16 76391 8076484 16 76504 120 76332 4076555 40 76686 40 76805 2*76903 24 77060 24 77001 8077168 120 77252 40 77346 2477589 2177917 16 77923 2477970 16 78010 16 7S096 4378171 .40 78199. 80 78222 !•7S367 16 7S567 40 78810 2478844 16 78955 16 79041 4079079 80 79086 24 79252 1679341 16 79401. 40 794S2 1679723 16 79781 16 79972 2180125 :. 24 802S7 40 80310 4080463 24 80532 16 8C544 IS80803 24 80830 16 80852 8081020 24 81113 24 81212 2481333 16 81419 24 81424 4081483 16S1503 16 Sloll 8081663 2481734 40 81785 1681924 16182017 16182023 1882072 1000S2087 . 24 82091 1682246 80 82311 16 82442 1«8*505 ....I 2482644 24182774 1682S21 .... 16 82897 80182933 8083195........ 16S322S 16 83279 1383405 .1 16 83432 16 83438 1883444 16 83453 SO S3539 1883549 24 83582 16 83395 W8S675 40S36S2 4OS3696 40083918 16S3931 aS 112« «84008 24 84141 80 84285 1884416 40S4488.W 400 84318 1684348 16 84629 24 84655 1884S69 2V84S73 24 8o085 1885066 16 83176 16 85211 4083238 I40 83233 40 85293 1685473 16 85603 40 8S683 8085880........ 24 85914 16 86099 2486213 40 86358 16 8636S 1886408 16 86491 40 86543 4»86567 '24 86738 24 86798 2487042 24 87146 16 87338 1887405 1687501 16187770 4087806 16(87843 16 87977 1888144 16S8255 80 88258........ 24?S291 16 88298 40 88303 4088328 40 8S594 16 8S660 16S8S94 . 18 8S935 " 24 88997..: 16S9029 16 89249 24 S9263 2489393 40 8945S 16183525 1889334 16S9621 24J89S53 1690172... 18 90193 16 90372 21,90381 120190538 80 90626 1690641 24 90697 SO 91143 4091259 16 912*5 24191501 4091629 16 91664 40J91S87 2492216 40 92294 40 92299 4092329 80 92368 24:92300 1892531 80 92613 16192690 2492770 120 32773 24|92781 16S2917. ...:... 24 93005 16|93C60 189307S 40193109 2103123 K93143 40193203 24 93231 2493243 16|93249 80 93305 169*406 120 93145 24 93360. 8093833 40'93343 40 94060 2494215 24|24292 24194397 4«94589 40194617 24)94648 1894669 24 94753 24134706 15

    | 94836 80 94944 16I9G024 SO95036...*..... • 80 95137 16|95243 ie9on88 '.. 24 95324 80I354S9 8995655 24 9J690 24;9573S 18960-10 40 96121 16!36217 1696409 -80 98437 16I9R597 4ft

    196632 24 96711 24196732 16!9CS55 16|96S92 40|37408 16197657 24197637 40 97390 40

    98110 80 93207 40 98637 249S662 13 98734 18 &SS37 SO9SS42 16I9832S 18I9S950 249S9C2 16 98376 24|99037 1699068 ,'24 99069 80,90101 1699156 4099169 16199260 2»99379 24 9*413. + 16)99413 4099431 24 39603.^ 40iU37i: 1699774 30000 99775 80199313 2499841 16 99851 8CI99SS4 2499966 16 99982 40[


    As Governor of Tutuila He Is Accused of Many Offensesby London flissionary Society.


    Steamer Movements.

    OCEAN STEAMERS.NEW YORK—Sailed Oct 17—Stmr La Bre-

    tagne, for Havre; stmr Barbarossa, forBremen.

    MURORAN-Sailed Oct 17—Stmr Adato., forPortland, Or.

    LONDON—Sailed Oct 17—Stmr Bendorah. forSan Francisco: stmr Manitou. for New York.

    QUEENSTOWN— Oct 17—Stmr Germanic,New York;«?tmr Noordland, Antwerp. . /

    ROTTERDAM— Sailed Oct 17—Stmr Potsdam,for New York.

    MOJI—Sailed Oct 16—Stmr Langbank, for As-toria, Or.


    Stmr Hawaiian, from New Tork. for SanFrancisco.

    FOREIGN PORTS.FRASER RIVER—Inport loading Oct 17—Brship Combermere. for Liverpool; Br ship Red

    Rock, for Liverpool; Br ship Chas Cotesworth,for Liverpool.

    NEWCASTLE, Aus—Arrived Oct 17—Br shipDrummuir, from Port Pirle.LIMERICK—Arrived Oct 16—Fr bark Du-

    pleix, hence May 1.LONDON—Sailed Oct 17— Ger stmr Dender&h,

    for San Francisco.Arrived Oct 1C—Ger stmr Ammon, hence

    July 10.COLON—Arrived Oct 15—Stmr AUlanca, from

    New Tork.Sailed Oct 15—Stmr Finance, for New York.CAPE TOWN-Sailed Oct 13-Br ship Glen-

    elvan, for Tacoma.MANILA—Arrived Oct 14—Ger stmr Monte-

    video, from Hamburj.NAGASAKI—Sailed Oot 14^-Br stmr Adato.

    for Oregon.GTJAYMAS—Arrived Oct 7— Schr Lottie Ben-

    nett, from Grays Harbor.CHEMAINUS—In port loading Oct 17—Ship

    St David, for Australia: ship Hawaiian Isles,for Port Pirie. \u25a0 / - ;

    VANCOUVER—In port loading Oct 17—ShipBenjamin Sewall. for Australia; schr Kallua,for Melbourne; Br bark Battle Abbey, for Mel-bourne.


    Steamer. Prom. | Du>.Bmpire Coos Bay Oct. 18Australia Tahiti Oct. 18North Fork.... Humboldt Oct. 18Noyo.. Hueneme Oct. ISCrescent City.. Crescent City Oct. 18J. S. Kimball.. Nome via Seattle Oct. 18"Wellington Comox Oct. 19Umatllla Pugef Sound Ports Oct. 19Eureka Humboldt Oct. 19St. Paul Nome & St Michael... Oct. 201-eela.naw New. York via Panama Oct. 20Santa Ana Seattle Oct. 20Mandalay Coqullle River Oct. 21Loa Valparaiso & "Way Pts Oct. 21Arcata Coos Bay & Pt. Orford Oct 23Homer Humboldt Oct. 22Pomona Humboldt Oct. 22Alliance .-. Portland & Coofl Bay.. Oct. 23City of Peking China and Japan Oct. 22Columbia ,Portland and Astoria.. Oct. 22Thyra Portland Oct. 22Corona Redondo & Way Ports Oct. 22Mackinaw Tacoma ...........'. Oct. £3Kanta Rosa San Diego & "Way Pts. Oct. 24Point Arena... Point Arena Oct. 24CityofPuebla. Puget Sound Ports.... Oct. «24Czarina Seattle & Tacoma ....Oct. 24San Jose Panama & Way Ports Oct. 26Rameses Hamburg &Way Ports Oct. 28Rival "Willapa Harbor,. Oct. 26O. W. Elder.. t Portland & Astoria Oct. 27

    TO SAIL. ,Steamer. Destination. Sails. |Pier.

    October 18.San Pedro.... Humboldt 10 am Pier 2Noyo Humboldt 5 pm Pier 2Arequlpa Valparaiso & Way. 12 m Pier 10Walla Walla. Puget Sound Ports 11 am Pier 9Acapulco..... Panama & "Way.. 12 m PMSS

    October 11*.Grace Dollar. Grays Harbor 5 pm Pier 2Empire Coos Bay 12 m Pier ISRainier Seattle & N. What 6 pm Pier %Pomona Humboldt 1:30 p Pier 9Point Arena. Point Arena :. 2 pm Pier 2

    October SO.Iaqua Humboldt 10 am Pier 2Santa Roea.. San Diego & Way. 9 am Pier 11G. W. Elder.. Astoria & Portland 11 am Pier 24

    October 21.Eureka Humboldt 12 m]Pier 13J. S. Kimball Seattle & Tacoma. 5 pm'Pier 2Argyll N. Y. via Panama 2 pm|Pier 10NorthFork.. Humboldt .. 9 am Pier 2

    October J2XArcata C. Bay & Pt,Orford 10 am Pier UMandalay.... Coquilla River 5 pm Pier 2Amer. Maru. China and Japan.. 1pm PMSSUmatilla Puget Sound Ports 11 am Pier 9

    October 24.Corona Redondo & Way.. Uam Pier 11Sonoma Sydney & Way 10 am Pier 7Australia Tahiti direct 10 am Pier 7

    October 25.Columbia Astoria & Portland 11 am Pier 24Alliance...... Portland & C Bay Pier 3*

    PROM SEATTLE.Steamer. From. .| Tram.

    Farallon. .'...V. Skaguay & Way Ports. Oct. • 20City of Seattle. Skaguay & Way Ports. Oct 22Chas. Nelson.. Skaguay & "Way Ports. Oct. 23Humboldt Skag-uay & Way Ports. Oct. 23Cityof Topeka Skaguay & Way Ports. Oct. 25Excelsior Cooks Inlet & Way.. Oct. 25Cottage City,.,ISkaguay & Way Ports. Oct 17



    Look out for the confessionof Mrs. Piper— the most start-ling denouement in modernspiritualism. •



    Open Stake— 48 Dogs—Sunday,October SO.

    •Ton Eurllck vs. "Wapsee: Prompto vs. Mrs.Flske; Onward vs. Busty H;Veto vs. Lady Ne-wark; T. Q. vb. My Bonnie King;Commander


    vb. Little Fullerton; Lassie Frantz vs. Chal-lenger; Black Friar vs. St. Michael; PrairiePrincess vs. Al a Rue; Prairie Maid vs. Our IClimate; Motor vs. King's Borderer; Robin

    'Hood vs. Flying Belle; Daylight vs. *LittleLucy; Precita Maid vs. Vagrant; Becky Sharpvs. \u25a0Welcome: Tar o' the Hill vs. Kitty V;Mellow vs. Hawker; Sofala. vs. Sweet Favor-dale; The Fenian vs. Cash; Rosewood vs. LoneMountain; Courage vs. Toronto; Dorothy M vs.Silent Treasure; Nora Lawrence vs. QueritaVincent; Martha Washington vs. Sprite.


    MORMON BISHOP'S PILLShave been in use over fiftyyears by the leaders of theMormon Church and theirfollowers. Positively cure theworst cases in oldand youngarising from effects of self-abuse, dissipation, excesses orcigarette-smoking. Cure LostManhood. Impotency, LostPower. Xiffht Losses. Insom-

    nia, Fains In Back. Evil Desires, Lame Back,Nervous Debility, Headache. Unfitness to Mar-ry. Loss of Semen, mm, Varlcocele or Con-stipation. Stop Ner *5WE vous Twitching ofEyelids. Ejects are p?Z-£=L immediate. Im-part vigor and pote *~*z™

    *to every func-

    tion. Don't get despondent; a cure is at handRestore small, undeveloped organs. Stimulatethe brain and nerve centers; 50c a box; 6 fortt 50 by mail. A written guarantee to cure ormonry refunded with 6 boxes. Circulars free.Address BISHOP RHMEDY CO.. 40 Ellis St.,S«n Francisco, Cal. GRANT DRUG CO.. 33and 40 Third st.

    A visit DR. JORDAN'S great,

    {ESQSEOBi OF ANATOHYcA C% ionyami st.bet, earn, s.r.Cjj.i\ Tfg The Largest Anatomical Museuqi inthe£i mk .iH— 1" World. Weaknesses or Any contracted i7