Natural Language Processing Budditha Hettige Department of Computer Engineering

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Natural Language Processing

Budditha Hettige

Department of Computer Engineering

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Machine Translation

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• What is Machine Translation?

• History

• Approaches

• Existing Machine translation systems

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Machine Translation

• Computer software that translates text or

speech from one natural language to another

• Sub field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the

area of Computer Science

• is a way of converting “the meaning” of one

language into others through a software


• Machine Translation gives a potential

solution for language barrier

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Pipeline of MT

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Machine Translation Pyramid

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Machine Translation


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• In 1948, “dictionary look-up system” at “Birkbeck College, London”

• 1948, Booth and Richens introduce a dictionary lookup procedure to handle machine translation

• The first machine translation conference was held in 1952 at the MIT

• A word-for-word machine translation system for Russian text into English was introduced by the Perry at MIT in 1952

• In 1958, the first practical MT system (Russian text into English) was implemented by the IBM to US Airforce under the direction of “Gilbet King”

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• After 1970, “SYSTRAN” implemented a new

Russian-English MT system

• In 1980, computer-aided translations were the

most successful approach for MT, especially for

Japanese- English

• After 1980 Corpus- based machine translation

approach is introduced

• Neural machine translation was first introduced by

Google in 2016

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Approaches to MT

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Interlingua Approach

• Language-independent meaning representation for

the source language to target language translation

• Easier to add a new language

• Meaning representation of the source language is


• If source language is more complex, then

generation will be too difficult

• Requires all the levels of language analysis– Morphological

– Syntactical

– Semantical

– Pragmatic

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Flow of the interlingua MT

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Interlingua Systems

• UNITRAN (Translate among English, Spanish, and


• ICENT - A Chinese-English MT system

• English to Arabic machine translation

• English-Hindi interlingua-based machine

translation system

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• Uses human interaction for the pre editing, post

editing and/or intermediate editing stages

• Uses human support for the semantic handling

in the machine translation

• Humans and machines co-operate is more

success than others

• Systems

– Anusaaraka

– ManTra

– MaTra

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• considered as a semi-automated machine

translation system

• Much popular for low resource languages

• Human interaction for the “pre-editing”,

“post-editing” and/or “intermediate editing”


• CAT tools

– OmegaT

– Anglabharthi

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Dictionary-based MT

• One of the early approaches to machine translation

• Systems give attention to word level

• Systems should be capable of handling morphology

• Is based on word-by-word (word level) translations

• Approach is more accurate on languages that are closely related

• Performance of the dictionary-based translation can be enhanced by introducing the source language morphological analyser and target language morphological generator

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Dictionary based MT

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Rule-based MT

• Classical approach for MT

• Based on linguistic information about the source and target languages

• Uses a set of language specific rules to provide grammatically correct translations

• RBMT system contains– Source language morphological analyzer

– Source language parser

– Source to target translator

– Target language composer

– Target language morphological generator

– Lexicon dictionaries

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Architecture of the RBMT

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• Apertium

• Toshiba

• BEES (English to Sinhala)

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Statistical Approach

• Most studied MT approach

• Generates translations using statistical

methods through the bilingual text resources

• Systems

– Moses

– Babel Fish

– Bing Translator

– Google Translator

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Activity on Statistical MT

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Neural Machine Translation

• A successful approach to machine


• Uses machine learning concepts

• Language models

– recurrent neural language model

– feed-forward neural language model

– long short-term memory models

– deep models

– neural translation models

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Neural Machine Translation

• Google’s Neural Machine Translation

• TensorFlow’s Neural Machine Translation

• Sequence-to-sequence model

• Encoder-decoder architecture

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Issues in Machine Translation

• Word and Sentence Segmentation

• Word Conjugation

• Tense Detection

• Multi-word Expression

• Out of Vocabulary

• Translating Idiomatic Phrases

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Machine Translation


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Anusaaraka System

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• Makes text in one Indian

language accessible to another

Indian language

• System uses Paninian

Grammar model to its language


• Developed to translate Punjabi,

Bengali, Telugu, Kannada and

Marathi languages into Hindi

• English-Hindi Anusaaraka

translates English text into Hindi

• URL: http://anusaaraka.iiit.ac.in

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• Rule-based Machine Translation system

• Apertium engine follows a shallow transfer approach

• consists of the eight pipelined modules– de-formatter,

– A morphological analyzer,

– A parts-of-speech tagger

– A lexical transfer module,

– A structural transfer module

– A morphological generator

– A post-generator, and

– A re-formatter

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Yahoo Bable fish

• Uses Statistical


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Google Translator

• Statistical

approach and

Neural Machine


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• Statistical

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Bing Translator

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• Answer the following questions

a) Briefly describe the pipeline of the machine translation.

b) Briefly describe Rule-based approach for machine translation

c) Explain how dictionary based machine translation can be improved through the source language morphological analysis.

d) By consider Rule-based machine translation approach, briefly explain the source language understanding steps on the following English sentence.

"The good boy reads a new book."

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