presents Trends S/S 2017 by Roberto Corbelli #worldismoving


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Trends S/S 2017 by Roberto Corbelli


The world keeps moving forward and we cannot stop it, but we can understand it and lay some keystones that will make contemporary classics of us.Attention to personal care, through the use of materials and fabrics that make well-being a primary objective, hence the recovery of natural materials combined with nanotechnology and ceramides or silver-ion shell to protect and / or preserve from allergies.Connect sartorial products with internal microchips to tablets and smartphones, talking labels, integrated loading systems or wireless connections.The web will reduce the distance between manufacturers and consumers, and will change the way companies and consumers communicate with each other.Customization and niche concepts will develop, making artisan products all the more appreciated.Hence the strong success of events like Coachella, which has encoded a real life style, beyond just clothing.Travel will always be easier and less expensive, in our search for emotions that will put us in touch us with our past, our history and culture.This will lead to a new post-ethnic taste for contemporary clothes. Comfortable clothes that allow you to move easily without sacrificing their preciousness.Awareness towards sustainability and eco-friendliness is increasing, and products thatrespect these values are increasingly in demand and become a genuine way of life.These are just some of the new consumer trends, especially with the Millennials, who are already looked upon as the prototype of new luxury-market consumers.We must look ahead and prepare in time for the I-Generation (Generation Z or Post-Millennials) that will make socializing and sharing a real lifestyle.The new consumer will always be experienced and well-informed, competent and aware, socially active and connected with the world.They will seek for more craftsmanship, quality of work, types of materials, green culture, innovation and research.This is what consumers will be looking for in the future; a future that is now just around the corner and will pose challenges that we must be prepared to win.


History and culture going back thousands of years to Campania’s roots, transforming each piece into a work of art that strikes a unique and inimitable balance between modern and ancient art. Classic shapes are reinterpreted with modern elegance, the colors of the ancient Roman villas of Pompeii and Herculaneum are blended with the colors of Neapolitan classicism.

The sea and the islands, the beach, the mountains, the spectacular nature that knows how to mix the heat of the Campi Flegrei and of fiery volcanoes with the freshness of the sea of Capri and Ischia. A world hovering between blue sea and rocky beaches, encompassing the colors of coral and sand. Seaside flavors blend with the delicacies of the Campania products bringing together sea and land, in a role play between the continuous movement of the waves and the immutable serene firmness of the Faraglioni. A marriage between the desire for adventure and the security of landing.

A land in the middle of the Mediterranean, known by basin populations since ancient times, frequented for centuries by Arabs and Normans. This has created a mix of cultures that includes Arab flavors and Norman buildings, a unique ethnic mix in the world. A melting pot of cultures and races that gave birth to shapes, flavors and colors combining tradition and modernity, where the skillful artisan weds old working abilities with modern materials, where the colors of Africa embrace Central European forms.

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