Mystery Triangles What is with triangles.. [why triangles… Triangles are form of energy to nature, it represents the flowing energy between man an GOD. We are gods and goddess, we came from GOD, which is life and creation . And such entwined into a chain like triangle form. Trinity form the three beings which has the formula of . God = son = holy spirit. God + son =holy spirit

Mystery Triangles What is with triangles..[why triangles… Triangles are form of energy to nature, it represents the flowing energy between man an GOD

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Mystery Triangles

What is with triangles..[why triangles…

Triangles are form of energy to nature, it represents the flowing energy between man an GOD.

We are gods and goddess, we came from GOD, which is life and creation . And such entwined into a chain like triangle form. Trinity form the three beings which has the formula of . God = son = holy spirit. God + son =holy spirit





Am to relate this three topics to the existence of triangles ,its origin and the various people that used it as symbol, belief and so on..

Triangles are known to form the palms of lines in life; the palmists indicates it to breath of views. Triangle originated from the word ‘’Triangulum’’[threesome].

Trinity believes it’s creation, Egyptians say its mound of creation which leads to transition after life,


In the bible we are told that God made man in his

Own image[ref, Gen 1:27] Christianity, as well as Many other ancient teachings are founded on theThe revelation of GOD, as being a holy trinity‘’three-in-one’’ which means FATHER, the word [son]And holy spirit and these three are one[ref 1 john5:7]Since we are all made in God’s image. Then wouldn’t It make sense that we too are three-fold beings….Sacred geometry claims that ‘’for it is written that Foundation of all things is the three’’..[Manley p hall;The secret teaching of All Ages]Theologians and ancient philosophers like Pythagoras


Origin of trinity

Equilateral triangles as a symbol representing the aspects of divinity in god [and man]. This divine trinity is located in man at the center point of the body, at the base spine, which in eastern philosophy its known as ‘’root chakra’’. The Father,[of the trinity] is the masculine principle that signifies the one mind. Because the father is the origin of all thoughts in the universe, which is often described as ‘’Germinal Reason’’.[bringing life and creation]. The holy spirit ,is always referred to as ‘’the third person of Christian trinity’ ’which helps us in our weakness and intercedes for us . ‘’The son’’ which is the progeny [manifestation of God]. Symbol of trinity are plentiful and found throughout Christian church history ,which are also designed to represent the Christian doctrines that God manifested himself in three different ways. References of these three personages are found through out the ‘’NEW TESTAMENTS''. This was not until the NICENE CREED was composed in 325CE… in which HOLY TRINITY was established. Shortly afterwards symbols representing the holy trinity began to emerge.

EQUILATERAL TRIANGLE; One of the earliest symbols of the trinity. Was an upward pointing triangle that has sides of equal length and angles of equal side. The equality of the three parts of the triangle represents both the unity and the distinctness of the three persons of the trinity.

THREE CIRCLES; this is another representation of trinity, consists of three circles woven together. Each circle are of equal size, indicating persons of the trinity are equal. The circles themselves attest to eternal nature of the Trinity.

NICENE CREED is the definitive statement of the Christian belief known as ‘’TRINITARIANISM’’[Trinity].

Trinity related meanings..


Added to or interwoven with an equilateral triangle to emphasize

The internal nature of HOLY TRINITY.

SIX-POINTED STAR; this is formed by two equilateral triangles in which one points upwards and one points directly down, together they create six-pointed star that symbolizes act of creation. The historians also said it was modelled after the shield of David in the OLD TESTAMENT.

THE TRIQUETRA; is one of the best known symbols of the trinity and considered by many as the most beautiful, giving the appearance of the arcs. It expresses the equality of the three persons and indivisibility of the TRINITY.

SHEILD OF THE TRINITY; Has many variations in which the traditional version talks about three circles connected by three bars to forming a downwards-pointing triangle. In this version all words are written in Latin.

THE SHAMROCK; the shamrock, was known as symbol of Trinity, which was based on the legend of the missionary St. Patrick. Almost all churches and members of the Protestant Catholic, and orthodox traditions accept the NICENE CREED as DOGMA[an established, accepted opinion that does not require or have evidence in order to be effective

Many people where also known for their famous trinity tattoos, meaning one thing or the other, and the motion behind their using them.


THE EGYPTIAN PYRAMIDSWhy Egyptians used triangles as shape of pyramids.The pyramids are known as the seven wonders of the world and its three Millennia now. These pyramids are mainly to protect the body of their ancestors' 'the King and Queen. The pyramid of Egypt is 230m in width and 147 in height. In which the king chambers are different from the Queen chambers. The Egyptologists have developed many theories on why pyramids are in triangular form; they represented the beginning of time a hill called ‘’BEN BEN ‘’.The topmost allows Pharaoh's spirit to climb the sky


The base of pyramid can be trilateral, quadrilateral or any polygon shape.. Meaning that a pyramid has four outer triangular surfaces including the base. The Egyptians choose triangle as the shape of pyramid because they believed the topmost point of the pyramid [shape as triangle] would launch the dead persons spirit up to the gods. Then its sloping sides gave it a balance, and the sides represented the descending rays of the sun ,which pleases the sun god ‘Horus’. If pyramids are built in other shapes, they may probably collapse ,because the structure was built in a format that exacts energy at the centre, which other forms cannot work in regards to pyramids.

Egyptian pyramids have long been a source of mystery and its shaped as triangle as representative of mound creation. Which enables transition to the afterlife as easy as possible. Pyramids represent command structure of the illuminati society. You can also see 13 th step pyramid found on the US dollar bill which represents the 13 family of the society.


Illuminati was derived from a Latin word called ‘’illuminatur’’ which means enlightened. Illuminati first started in 1776 when it has noting to do with symbols and secret societies, which was original common symbol of ‘’FREEMANSORY’’ is a fraternal organisation that traces its origin to stonemasons who are the authorities and men in power. The pyramid and the all seeing eye is the representation of power and structure they utilise.

The pyramid with the eye is called ‘’the eye of providence, which is common amongst the freemasons. The triangle is also based on the Egyptian pyramids, symbol of the apotheosis’’

.Usually on top is the eye of providence. You will also notice it with the celebrities, people in control of power showing it as their pledegery.


My view…

Toby Ziegler did a painting a ‘’grand course. Which he laid emphasis on the natural environment and the defiling of the leaves. Another one was that of the designated for nature ,ie. Damaging or ruining and degrading for leisure..

I can only make out something of my own from it.. which is unity and bringing nature back to life. Our creator is life, life is colourful and beautiful.

Behaviours ,culture and human relationships.