MYP Unit Planner Unit Title Teacher(s) MYP Year Subject and discipline Unit duration (hours) Stage 1: Establishing the purpose of the unit Concepts Key concept: Context statement Related concept(s): Global Context: Student will explore the concept statement through an inquiry into: Concept statement(s) The student will understand that: Statement of inquiry (Focus of the unit) Inquiry questions draft for MYP design pilot

MYP Unit Planner - Mr. D'Arcy, Digital Design

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MYP Unit Planner

Unit Title

Teacher(s) MYP Year

Subject and discipline Unit duration (hours)

Stage 1: Establishing the purpose of the unit

Concepts Key concept:

Context statement

Related concept(s):

Global Context:

Student will explore the concept statement through an inquiry into:

Concept statement(s)

The student will understand that:

Statement of inquiry (Focus of the unit)

Inquiry questions

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Key concept: Consider the unit that you are going to explore and select the most appropriate key concept (see the subject guide for subject-specific key concepts). Related concept(s): Select the related concept(s) through which students will deepen their understanding of the objectives and content of the unit. For definition, refer to MYP from Principles into Practice. Section heading- Curriculum: written Subheading- Key and related concepts
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Write a statement/statements connecting the key and related concepts. To create a simple and straightforward concept statement, combine the key and related concept(s). A concept statement defines an essential understanding of the unit. Examples of concept statements can be found in the subject guide.
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Choose the most appropriate global context for the unit. You will then need to copy the global context strands related to that statement in the appropriate box. From these strands, select the strand that the inquiry will focus on- this is the context statement. For further explanation of Global contexts, refer to MYP from Principles into Practice Section- Curriculum: written Subheading- Global context
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Combine the concept statement and the context statement to generate the statement of inquiry. By combining these two statements, the conceptual understanding is contextualized and provides focus for the unit. At the most basic level, the statement of inquiry will read as “The student will understand that [insert concept statement] through inquiry into [insert context statement].”
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This section is to include the key questions that will frame the inquiry. These open-ended questions should be conceptual, debatable and provocative, and will initiate the students’ inquiry. The inquiry questions should be written by the teacher, however, students can generate additional questions to further explore the statement of inquiry
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Subject objectives

A i ii iii iv v vi vii viii

B i ii iii iv v vi vii viii

C i ii iii iv v vi vii viii

D i ii iii iv v vi vii viii Type of summative assessment task(s)

A B C D Type of task

How do the summative assessment tasks relate back to the Statement of inquiry?

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Select which strands will be addressed in the unit. Refer to the subject guide to identify the strands of each objective.
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Identify each type of summative assessment task and indicate which criteria will be used. Refer to MYP from Principles into Practice Section- Curriculum: Assessed Subheading- Planning assessment
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This section should clearly state how students’ engage with the statement of inquiry and learning objectives. Plan how a students’ performance of understanding relates to the unit’s statement of inquiry and how it allows students to meet the MYP subject objectives.
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Stage 2: Planning for teaching and learning through inquiry


Learning process Approaches to learning

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• What knowledge and/or skills are going to be used to enable the student to respond to the inquiry questions? • How can the knowledge and skills be unpacked to develop the understanding of the key and related concepts within the context for learning? • How will you differentiate the content to support the varied needs of the students? • Which school, local, state or national standards are addressed in this unit?
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This section focuses on how students will acquire the knowledge and practise of the skills required.
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In this section you will identify and elaborate on the ATL skills to be introduced, practised and mastered. Select the organizer and corresponding ATL skill cluster Select the appropriate ATL skill indicator refer to MYP from Principles Into Practice Section- Curriculum: taught Sub heading- the skills framework
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Learning experiences and teaching strategies

Formative assessment

Learning Environment

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How will students know what is expected of them (eg work samples, assessment criteria, scaffolds, interim and varied deadlines)? How are we differentiating teaching and learning for all to address individual student learning needs (eg language of instruction, learning needs, teaching strategies, varying groups, pacing of work)?
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How will we use formative assessment to give students feedback during the unit? How will students know what is expected of them (eg work samples, assessment criteria, scaffolds, interim and varied deadlines)?
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How will our classroom environment, local environment and/or the community be used to facilitate students’ experiences during the unit (eg position of students, stimulating displays, student groupings)? What resources are available to us?
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Stage 3: Reflecting and evaluating

Reflecting and evaluating is important to do prior to, during and after teaching the unit

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Students and teachers • What did we find compelling? Was our disciplinary knowledge/skills challenged in any way? • What inquiries arose during the learning? What, if any extension activities arose? • How did we reflect – both on the unit and on our own learning? • Which attributes of the learner profile were encouraged through this unit? What opportunities were there for student-initiated action? Possible connections • How successful was the collaboration with other teachers within my subject group and from other subject groups? • What interdisciplinary understandings were or could be forged through collaboration with other subjects? Assessment • Were students able to demonstrate their learning? • How did the assessment tasks allow students to demonstrate the learning objectives identified for this unit? • How did I make sure students were invited to achieve at all levels of the criteria descriptors? Data collection • How can you use the data collected to inform future learning?