My name is I am in Class The name of my school is My English teacher is My address is Date

My name is The name of my school is My English teacher is ... · My address is Date . 2 Module 1 1 ... 1 People speak English and French here. 7 million French speakers. ... They

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Page 1: My name is The name of my school is My English teacher is ... · My address is Date . 2 Module 1 1 ... 1 People speak English and French here. 7 million French speakers. ... They

My name is

I am in Class

The name of my school is

My English teacher is

My address is


Page 2: My name is The name of my school is My English teacher is ... · My address is Date . 2 Module 1 1 ... 1 People speak English and French here. 7 million French speakers. ... They

2 Module 1


EP 1 1 There is/There are

Complete the sentences with There’s or There are. Then match the sentences with the places in the box. Dopolni povedi s There’s ali There are. Poveži jih s kraji iz okvirja.

Australia London the USA San Francisco New York Canada

1 People speak English and French here. 7 million French speakers.

2 a big park called Central Park.

3 This is a very big country in the south Pacific. only 20 million people.

4 a famous bridge here, called the Golden Gate Bridge.

5 50 states. My favourite is California.

6 a big clock called Big Ben.

2 can/can’tComplete the sentences. Use can or can’t with the verbs in the box.Dopolni povedi. Uporabi can ali can’t in glagole iz okvirja.

walk swim spell fly jump speak

CanadaThere are



1 Martin


2 The tourist


3 Amy


two metres.

4 Emma

on her


5 Tom


6 In her dream, Kelly


3 Word work Odd one out

Which word is the odd one out?Poišči vsiljivca.

1 phone tree large city2 swim sport run fly3 bats aeroplanes tarantulas balloons 4 eyes spiders wings knees5 cup coffee juice tea6 cheetah owl lion penguin

can’t swim

Page 3: My name is The name of my school is My English teacher is ... · My address is Date . 2 Module 1 1 ... 1 People speak English and French here. 7 million French speakers. ... They

3Unit 1

4 have gotComplete the sentences. Use have/haven’t got or has (’s)/ hasn’t got with the words in the box. / Dopolni povedi. Uporabi

have/haven’t got ali has (‘s)/hasn’t got

in besede iz okvirja.

a CD player a ticket a cold a lot of homework a racket

5 Sam and Ella can watch television

this evening because they


1 I can’t play tennis because I


2 Susan can’t go to the concert

because she


3 Jill and Ann can listen to music in

bed because they

in their room.

4 Steve can’t go to school because

he .

5 Reading AfriCat

Read the text about the AfriCat Centre. Are sentences 1–8 true or false?Preberi besedilo o Centru AfriCat. Ali so povedi 1–8 pravilne (true) ali napačne (false)?

haven’t got a racket


1 Namibia is a country in southwest Africa.

2 In danger means ‘dangerous’.

3 The people at AfriCat want to save Namibia’s cheetahs, leopards and lions.

4 The people at AfriCat want to kill farm animals.

5 Namibia’s big cats are a problem because they kill farmers.

6 The big cats aren’t good for tourism.

7 The people at AfriCat meet a lot of Namibia’s schoolchildren.

8 ‘How can the big cats and Namibia’s farmers live together?’ This is a difficult question.

6 Extension Your room

In your notebook write a description of your room. Use There’s/There are and I’ve/We’ve got or I/We haven’t got. Write at least four sentences. V zvezek napiši opis svoje sobe. Uporabi There’s/There are in

I’ve/We’ve got ali I/We haven’t got. Napiši vsaj štiri povedi.

My room is quite small. There’s a ... I share the room with my brother. We’ve got ….


A frica’s ‘big cats’ (cheetahs,leopards and lions) are in danger.The AfriCat Centre wants to help

them. The centre is in Namibia in southwest Africa. There’s a hospital for the animals, and there’s an education centre too.

In Namibia the big cats are a problem because they sometimes kill farm animals. The farmers often try to catch them or kill them.

A lot of tourists go to Namibia because they wantto see the big cats. Tourismis important for this part of Africa. This is another reason why AfriCat wants to protect the wild animals there.

Schoolchildren from all over Namibia visit theAfriCat Centre. They meet the cheetahs, leopards and lions and they learn about the importance of helping Africa’s wildlife. They tryto find an answer to the question ‘How can the bigcats and Namibia’s farmerslive together?’

messages 2 DZ notranje_popravki.indd 2messages 2 DZ notranje_popravki.indd 2 21. 11. 13 14:5021. 11. 13 14:50

Page 4: My name is The name of my school is My English teacher is ... · My address is Date . 2 Module 1 1 ... 1 People speak English and French here. 7 million French speakers. ... They

4 Module 1


2 1 Key vocabulary Expressing opinions

Read the sentences and then give your opinion.Use I agree/I don’t agree and I think/I don’t think. Preberi povedi in napiši svoje mnenje. Uporabi I agree/I don’t agree

in I think/I don’t think.

1 Matt doesn’t think mobile phones are necessary.

2 Ben thinks maths is boring.

3 Sadie doesn’t think history is interesting.

4 Lisa thinks Manchester United is the best team in Europe.

5 Joe doesn’t think computer games are very interesting.

6 Jack thinks mushrooms are delicious.

2 Vocabulary revision Adjectives Complete the crossword with adjectives. / Dopolni križanko s pridevniki.

3 Listening For and against

Listen to Paul and Anna talking about the new sports centre in their town. Circle the right answer: a, b or c. Poslušaj pogovor med Paulom in Anno. Govorita o

novem športnem centru v svojem kraju. Obkroži

pravilen odgovor: a, b ali c.

1 Paul doesn’t think the sports centre is a expensive. b very good. c new.

2 Anna and Paul a agree. b have got the same opinion. c don’t agree.

3 Paul doesn’t like a the swimming pool. b basketball. c tennis.

4 Paul thinks the town needs a a skate park. b a skateboard. c a sports centre.

5 How many ball games do Paul and Anna talk about?

a Four. b Five. c Two.

I don’t agree. I think they’re very useful. or I agree. I don’t think they’re necessary.

Across 5 It’s very sunny. The sky’s blue. It’s a day. (9 letters)6 The opposite of serious. (5)7 This word means ‘really good’ and it also begins with g. (5)

Down1 Everyone likes Sadie. They always say, ‘Sadie’s .’ (4) 2 This word means ‘very bad’. (5)3 This word describes James Bond films. (8)4 This word means ‘really fantastic’. (9)5 The opposite of interesting. (6)

2 3 4






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5 Extension Giving your opinion

Write your opinion about at least three things/people. You can write about the things/people in the box or you can choose others. Napiši svoje mnenje o vsaj treh stvareh/osebah. Lahko pišeš o stvareh/osebah iz okvirja ali pa izbereš druge.

the food in the school canteen the Harry Potter films computer games geography Real Madrid rap music

I don’t think the Harry Potter films are very good.

5Unit 1

4 Object pronouns: him/her/it/themWrite sentences. Use the words in the box + him, her, it or them. Napiši povedi. Uporabi besede iz okvirja + him, her, it ali them.

I like (x 2) Can I speak to I can’t find I never wear I don’t like

What do you think of my new trainers?

You can have this T-shirt.

This is Ms Dynamite.

I’ve got a message for

Mr Grant.

What do you think of the pizza?

Where are my glasses?

I can’t find them.

25a, 25b, 25c, 25d

1 2 3

4 5 6

Page 6: My name is The name of my school is My English teacher is ... · My address is Date . 2 Module 1 1 ... 1 People speak English and French here. 7 million French speakers. ... They

6 Module 1


3 1 Key vocabulary Interests and activities

What are their interests? Match the people with the words in the box. / Kaj jih zanima? Poveži ljudi

z besedami iz okvirja.

computer games swimming meeting friendshorror films using the Internet going shoppingathletics going out

1 2

2 like/enjoy/hate + -ingMake sentences. / Tvori povedi.

1 what / Ben / like / do?

2 Matt / enjoy / read / astronomy magazines.

3 Sadie / not like / watch / football on TV.

4 Joe / hate / get up / on Monday morning.

5 Kate / like / live in Bristol?

3 Personal questionsComplete the questions. / Dopolni vprašanja.

1 You want to know where someone lives.


2 You want to know someone’s mobile number.

your mobile number?

3 You want to know if someone can speak Italian.

you Italian?

4 You want to know what sort of food someone likes.

you like?

5 You want to know if someone has got any brothers.


6 You want to know what someone’s favourite

subjects are.

your favourite subjects?

4 Extension Can I ask you some questions?

Write at least three more personal questions. Napiši vsaj še tri osebna vprašanja.

What’s your favourite sport?Do you like swimming?

meeting friends

3 4

5 6

7 8


What does Ben like doing?

Where do you

It’s great. They’ve got a new 50-metre pool at the sports centre.

I see Jack and Helen every Saturday. We sit in a café and talk.

What are the shops like here?

It’s called Megatron. Do you want to play it?

I can run 100 metres in 12.5 seconds.

I hate staying at home in the evening.

I’ve got a website now. It’s www.tomsharp.co.uk.

I’ve got Voices in the night on video. It’s really scary. I love it!

Page 7: My name is The name of my school is My English teacher is ... · My address is Date . 2 Module 1 1 ... 1 People speak English and French here. 7 million French speakers. ... They

1 Find the animals in the wordsquare then match them to the descriptions. / Poišči živali v besednem

kvadratu in jih poveži z opisi.

1 It can be big or small. It hasn't got legs. It lives in rivers

and seas. It can swim.

2 It lives on the ground. It hasn't got legs. It eats insects or

small animals. It can be dangerous.

3 It's big and heavy. It lives in Africa and Asia. It's grey.

It’s got big ears.

4 It can run very fast. It's got very powerful legs. You can

ride it.

5 It’s yellow and it’s got brown spots. It's got a long neck

and long legs.

6 It’s a bird. It’s got big eyes. It can see at night.

It eats mice.

3 Read the text about Tom. Then read the sentences and write T (true), F (false) or ? (the answer isn’t in the text). / Preberi besedilo o Tomu. Nato preberi trditve in

napiši T (true = pravilno), F (false = napačno) ali ? (odgovora ni

v besedilu).

Tom's twelve. He lives in a fl at in Leeds with his parents and his sister. His dad's a teacher and his mum's a nurse. His favourite subjects are maths and PE. He can run very fast. He's good at football and basketball, but he can't play tennis. His favourite food is pasta. He loves spaghetti. He likes reading in bed at night. He's got a mobile and he sends text messages to his friends every day. His friends go bowling every weekend but he never goes with them because he hates bowling. He often goes to the cinema with his sister on Saturday.

1 Tom's thirteen years old.

2 He lives in Leeds with his

parents and his sister.

3 He can't run fast.

4 His dad likes football.

5 Tom eats spaghetti every day.

6 He reads in bed at night.

7 He likes going bowling.

Nivojski pouk


2 Complete the sentences. Circle: a, b or c. Dopolni povedi. Obkroži a, b ali c.

1 you swim?

a Have b Is c Can

2 I like TV.

a watch b watching c watches

3 There about 7 million people in London.

a is b are c has

4 I like music.

a don't b 'm not c isn't

5 A snake walk.

a can b can't c isn't

6 Tom got a brother and a sister.

a has b have c is


4 Complete the text with the words in the box. Dopolni besedilo z besedami iz okvirja.

great are got don't wear plays like reading likes

There 1 25 students in our class.

Our teacher’s name is Mrs Robinson.

She’s 2 . She’s tall and she’s 3 glasses. We 4 a school

uniform. It’s green and yellow. I 5 science

and English but my friend Loren 6 music

and art. She 7 the piano. My friend Robert

loves PE. He plays volleyball for a local club. We all

enjoy 8 magazines but we 9

like maths very much.











7Nivojski pouk − Unit 1

Page 8: My name is The name of my school is My English teacher is ... · My address is Date . 2 Module 1 1 ... 1 People speak English and French here. 7 million French speakers. ... They

5 Complete the table about you. Tell your friend. Then listen and write your friend’s information. / Dopolni

preglednico zase. Pripoveduj prijatelju/prijateljici o stvareh iz

preglednice. Nato ga/jo poslušaj in preglednico dopolni še zanj/-o.

you your friend


telephone number



favourite school subjects

abilities (can)

6 The sentences describe animals. Complete the names. Spodnje povedi opisujejo živali. Dopolni njihova imena.

1 It’s yellow and has got black spots. It can run very fast.

It lives in Africa and Asia. It eats meat.


2 It’s small and black. It’s got eight legs with red knees.

It eats insects.


3 It lives in a cave. It's got wings. It finds food at night.

It can’t see very well.


4 It lives in the sea. It can swim very fast. It’s very

intelligent. It lives in groups.


5 It’s big and black. It lives in the forest. It can climb trees.

It lives in groups.


6 It’s a bird. It’s black and white. It can’t fly but it can

swim. It lives in the Antarctic.


7 It lives in the sea. It’s got eight long arms.




Washington is the capital of the USA.

7 Read the text about Tom in Exercise 3 on page 7 in the Workbook. Then look for a mistake in each sentence. Underline the mistake and correct it.

Preberi besedilo o Tomu v 3. nalogi na 7. strani v delovnem zvezku.

Poišči napako v vsaki povedi. Podčrtaj jo in popravi.

1 Tom lives in a flat in London.

2 His dad isn't a teacher.

3 Tom can’t run very fast.

4 His favourite food is pizza.

5 He reads books in bed in the morning.

6 He sends emails to his friends every day.

7 His parents go bowling every weekend.

8 He often goes bowling with his friends.

8 Put the words in the right order and make sentences. Postavi besede v pravilen vrstni red in napiši povedi.

1 the / of / Washington / capital / is / USA / the

2 seven / people / there / in / million / London / are

3 like / don't / very / I / spiders / much

4 don’t / the / I / cheese / in / eat / morning

5 your / sport / favourite / what / ’s ?


6 our / you / teacher / what / think / do / new / of ?


7 tonight / you / homework / have / any / got ?


I live in Kranj. I’ve got a sister.My favourite school subjects are science and maths. I can swim.

8 Module 1 − Nivojski pouk

Page 9: My name is The name of my school is My English teacher is ... · My address is Date . 2 Module 1 1 ... 1 People speak English and French here. 7 million French speakers. ... They

9 Complete the text with the words in the box. There’s one extra word. / Dopolni besedilo z besedami

iz okvirja. Ena beseda je odveč.

hate great like got think singing wear reading likes don’t plays trains are is

There 1 25 students in our class: fifteen

boys and ten girls. Our teacher’s name is Mrs Robinson.

She’s 2 . She’s tall and she’s 3 glasses. We 4 a school

uniform. It’s green and yellow. I 5 science

and English but my friend Loren 6 music

and art. She 7 the piano. She also likes 8 . She sings in our school band.

I 9 they’re fantastic. My friend Robert

plays volleyball for a local club. He 10

every day after school. He 11 very good.

We all enjoy 12 magazines but we 13 like maths very much.


10 Look at page 13 in the Student's Book. Write at least five questions about Tiffany. Can your friend answer them? Then answer your friend’s questions. Oglej si 13. stran v učbeniku. Napiši vsaj pet vprašanj o

Tiffany. Ali zna sošolec/sošolka odgovoriti nanje? Nato

odgovori na njegova/njena vprašanja.

A: Where does Tiffany live?

B: She lives in New York.

11 Read the descriptions of animals and complete the crossword. / Preberi opise živali in reši križanko.

Across2 It’s a big animal. It lives in Africa. It’s got a very

long neck and long, thin legs. (7)

4 It’s black or brown. It likes bananas. It’s very

intelligent. It can understand sign language. (10)

5 It lives in the sea. It’s got lots of teeth. It’s big

and dangerous. (5)

6 It’s a large animal. It’s black or brown. It eats fish.

It can be dangerous. (4)

7 It’s a bird. It’s got big eyes. It can see in the dark.

It lives in the forest. (3)

Down1 It’s black and white. It lives under the ground.

You can only see it at night. (6)

3 It’s a large spider. It lives in Mexico. It eats

insects. (9)

4 It’s yellow with black spots. It can run very fast.

It lives in Africa and Asia. (7)

9Nivojski pouk − Unit 1

G I R A F F E2







Page 10: My name is The name of my school is My English teacher is ... · My address is Date . 2 Module 1 1 ... 1 People speak English and French here. 7 million French speakers. ... They

12 Read the text about Tom in Exercise 3 on page 7 in the Workbook. Answer the questions. Preberi besedilo o Tomu v 3. nalogi na 7. strani v delovnem zvezku in odgovori na vprašanja.

1 How old is Tom?

2 Where does he live?

3 Can he run fast?

4 Which sports is he good at?

13 Make questions for the answers. Napiši vprašanja danim odgovorom.

1 I live in Portsmouth.

2 No, I haven't got any brothers or sisters.

3 Yes, I do. I like cats, dogs and rabbits.

4 My favourite sport is tennis.

5 Yes, I can. I play tennis every day.

6 I think Rafael Nadal is great.

14 Work with a friend. Choose four words from the box and give your opinion. Delo v paru. Iz okvirja izberi štiri stvari in povej svoje mnenje.

maths football horror films cartoons spiders tennis science

A: I think maths is interesting. B: I don’t agree. I don’t like maths very much.

15 Choose at least one city and write about it. Use the information from the box. Izberi vsaj eno mesto in napiši nekaj o njem. Uporabi dane iztočnice.

New York Central Park/trees, Broadway, 8 million people, noisy, big, dangerous, good restaurants

Mexico City 13 million people, dangerous/night, nice food, good music, busy

London 7 million people, interesting museums, red buses, the Tube, the Queen/Buckingham Palace

Ljubljana 300,000 people, the Ljubljanica river, university, Ljubljana Castle, Tivoli Park

New York is a big city. There’s a park called ...

He's twelve.

Where do you live?

5 Has he got a mobile?

6 What’s his favourite food?

7 Does he like reading?

8 Is there anything he doesn’t like?

10 Module 1 − Nivojski pouk

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11Unit 1

At the end of Unit 1, I can:Na koncu 1. poglavja znam:

Easy Not bad Difficult

● give my opinion / izraziti svoje mnenje

I think it’s . I don’t think it’s . What do you think of ? I like (it/him/her/them).

● agree and disagree / se strinjati ali nasprotovati

I agree. / I don’t . I agree you.● talk about things I like and don’t like govoriti o stvareh, ki jih imam rad/-a, in tistih, ki jih ne maram

I like . I don’t like .

● give details about myself / povedati podatke o sebi

My address is . I’ve got . I can . My favourite subject at school is .

● ask about people’s interests / vprašati, kaj ljudi zanima

Do you like ? Can you ? What’s your favourite ? What sort of do you like?


Unit 1 was

interesting quite interesting not very interesting

Interests and activities

computer gamesgoing out



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12 Module 1


EP 1 1 Present simple: He lives …

Complete the sentences. Use the right form of the verbs in the box. / Dopolni povedi s pravilno obliko glagolov iz okvirja.

live have got play fly go snow

1a, 1c

3 Dan to school

on a skidoo.

6 He to Anchorage every week.

2 Present simple: negative Complete the text about Dan and his family. Use don’t or doesn’t with the verbs. Dopolni besedilo o Danu in njegovi družini. Uporabi don’t ali doesn’t in glagole v oklepajih.


lives1 Dan in Alaska. 2 It a lot in Alaska.

4 At weekends he basketball.

5 His dad a small plane.

doesn’t enjoyDan 1 (enjoy) the winter in Alaska. He 2 (like) the short days and the

long nights. It 3 (snow) every day, but it’s always very cold. The summer is different. It’s

never really dark, so Dan and his brother 4 (go) to bed before twelve o’clock at night.

Their parents 5 (care) because the boys are on holiday. In the summer Dan

6 (go) to school for three months!

Page 13: My name is The name of my school is My English teacher is ... · My address is Date . 2 Module 1 1 ... 1 People speak English and French here. 7 million French speakers. ... They

These people work at a research station in the Antarctic. Here are the languages they speak.

English Spanish French Arabic Italian

Marie ✔ ✘ ✔ ✔ ✘Luís ✔ ✔ ✘ ✘ ✔Adriana ✔ ✘ ✔ ✘ ✔Jamal ✔ ✘ ✔ ✔ ✘

13Unit 2

3 Reading Antarctica

Read the text about Antarctica. Then read the sentences and write T (true), F (false) or ? (the answer isn’t in the text). / Preberi besedilo o Antarktiki. Nato preberi povedi in jih označi

s T (true = pravilno), F (false = napačno) ali ? (podatka ni v besedilu).


T o the south of South America, there’s a cold and empty

continent: Antarctica. There aren’t any roads or towns, but there are several research stations. About 4,000 scientists from all over the world work there for short periods. No one lives in Antarctica all the time — only millions of penguins!

The weather is always cold and windy. In June (Antarctica’s winter) the temperature at the Vostock Research Station is –60°C, and it’s dark all the time. In January (Antarctica’s summer) the temperature is about –18°C, and it’s light all the time.

Antarctica has got mountains, volcanoes and fantastic wildlife.

1 Antarctica is in South America.

2 There are roads between the

research stations.

3 Scientists study the penguins

in Antarctica.

4 It never rains in Antarctica, but it

snows a lot.

5 When it’s winter in Europe, it’s

summer in Antarctica.

6 People at the research stations

don’t work in June, because

it’s –60°C.

7 It’s completely dark at night

in the Antarctic summer.

8 The Antarctic is wild and beautiful,

but tourists don’t want to go there.

4 Present simple: questions and short answersComplete the questions and write the short answers. Dopolni vprašanja in napiši kratke odgovore.

1 Luís speak English?

2 Adriana speak Spanish?

3 Luís and Adriana speak Arabic?

4 Jamal speak Spanish and Italian?

5 Marie speak Arabic?

6 they all speak English?

7 What about you? you speak English?

5 Extension In the evening

What do you and your friends or family do in the evening? Write at least four sentences. / Kaj počneš s prijatelji ali z

družino ob večerih? Napiši vsaj štiri povedi.

Carlos and I play cards. My dad does the crossword in the newspaper.


Yes, he does.

Every year thousands of tourists visit the continent. Some people are worried. They don’t want a lot of tourists in this wild and beautiful place.


Page 14: My name is The name of my school is My English teacher is ... · My address is Date . 2 Module 1 1 ... 1 People speak English and French here. 7 million French speakers. ... They

14 Module 1

b Write complete sentences about Megan. / Napiši cele povedi o Megan.








I never go swimming.

She often sends text messages.


2 1 Key grammar Frequency adverbs

a Put the frequency adverbs in the right order. Start with the opposite of never. Uredi prislove pogostosti v pravilen vrstni red. Začni z nasprotjem od never.

sometimes never often always usually

1 2 3 4 5

b Complete the sentences with frequency adverbs. / Dopolni povedi s prislovi pogostosti.

1 I wear jeans at school.

2 I go out on Saturday evening.

3 Susie plays computer games.

2 Frequency adverbs: word orderPut the words in the right order and make sentences. / Uredi besede v pravilen vrstni red in napiši povedi.

1 never / go / I / swimming

2 music / often / to / listen / I

3 tidy / sister / my / often / room / her / doesn’t

4 always / she / baseball / a / does / cap / wear ?

5 parents / my / always / about / worry / me

6 hungry / my / is / brother / always

7 usually / breakfast / you / what / have / for / do ?

8 friends / pessimistic / usually / my / aren’t

3 Listening Megan and her mobile

a Listen to Megan. How often does she do each activity? Put a tick (✔) in the right box.

Poslušaj Megan. Kako pogosto počne vsako dejavnost? Vpiši kljukico v pravilen okvirček.

always often usually sometimes never

1 She sends text messages. ✔

2 She talks to Emma before she goes to bed.

3 She uses the computer for her homework.

4 She writes two or three emails a day.

5 She plays computer games.

4 I argue with my friends.

5 Dave uses a mobile phone.



Page 15: My name is The name of my school is My English teacher is ... · My address is Date . 2 Module 1 1 ... 1 People speak English and French here. 7 million French speakers. ... They

4 Key vocabularyExpressions of frequency Complete the questions. Then write the answers. Use the words in the box. / Dopolni vprašanja. Nato

nanje odgovori z besedami iz okvirja.

once day

twice a week

three times year

1 ROSIE: I see my grandparents every Sunday.

A: often does Rosie see her grandparents?


2 KATE: I wash my hair on Sunday, Wednesday and Friday.

A: often does Kate wash her hair?


3 SIMON: We go on holiday in February and in August.

A: do Simon and his family

go on holiday?


4 CHARLIE: I have a shower when I get up and before I go to bed.

A: Charlie have a shower?


5 SARAH: I stay with my cousin every summer.


stay with her cousin?


1 Tom / once a week 2 Nick / every day

3 Kirsty / not often

5 Luke and Fiona / after school

6 Alex and John / on Saturday


Tom goes swimmingonce a week.

4 Ruth / twice a week

5 Word work Sport

Make sentences. Use the words in the box. Tvori povedi. Uporabi besede iz okvirja.

HowOnce a week.

6 Extension How often?

Write sentences about a very energetic person. Use always, every day, three times a week, etc. Napiši povedi o nekom, ki počne zelo veliko stvari. Uporabi always, every day, three times a week itd.

Fabio runs to work every day. He usually goes to the gym four times a week.

go swimming rollerblading running bowling

play basketball volleyball

Unit 2 15

Page 16: My name is The name of my school is My English teacher is ... · My address is Date . 2 Module 1 1 ... 1 People speak English and French here. 7 million French speakers. ... They

Noel Goodey, Diana Goodey and David Bolton

Messages 2Delovni zvezek za pouk angleščine v 7. razredu osnovne šole

Uredila: Petra BizjakDirektor produkcije: Klemen Fedran

Izdala in založila: Založba Rokus Klett, d. o. o.Za založbo: Maruša Kmet

Oblikovanje in prelom: David Guček Tisk: Grafostil, d. o. o.2. izdaja: 1. ponatisNaklada: 5.000 izvodov

Ljubljana, 2015

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MESSAGES 2 DZ 2015 notranjost 102-112.indd 11 24/03/15 09:24