BIBLICAL STEWARDSHIP Building a Christ-centered philosophy My Family Stewardship Plan

My Family Stewardship Plan - Focus on the Family...BIBLICAL STEWARDSHIP Building a Christ-centered philosophy My Family Stewardship Plan. Focus on the Family ... The Steward’s Life

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Page 1: My Family Stewardship Plan - Focus on the Family...BIBLICAL STEWARDSHIP Building a Christ-centered philosophy My Family Stewardship Plan. Focus on the Family ... The Steward’s Life


Building a Christ-centered philosophy

My Family Stewardship Plan

Page 2: My Family Stewardship Plan - Focus on the Family...BIBLICAL STEWARDSHIP Building a Christ-centered philosophy My Family Stewardship Plan. Focus on the Family ... The Steward’s Life

Focus on the Fami ly has been b lessed by count less suppor ters , but we know mak ing a s tewardsh ip dec is ion is not a lways a c lear path.

We hope the following will help you craft your biblical philosophy for thoughtful and joyful stewardship.


Page 3: My Family Stewardship Plan - Focus on the Family...BIBLICAL STEWARDSHIP Building a Christ-centered philosophy My Family Stewardship Plan. Focus on the Family ... The Steward’s Life

What we believe about God informs how we steward all He has entrusted to us over our lifetime. It informs how we teach and train our children; how we give, save and spend.

Our culture tells us that the measure of success is having more! Our biblical history, however, cautions us greatly against making ‘more’ our life’s priority. Scripture records much about God’s ownership of all things and our role as manager.1 Jesus, Himself, tells us rather pointedly that no one can serve two masters. We cannot serve both God and money.2 He encourages us to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and then all we need will be added. Fear melts in the confidence that God is master of everything, including our finances.

The Steward’s Life is more than a tithe or giving to charity. Stewardship proclaims the truth that God owns everything and we are appointed as His managers. This means that ultimately every financial decision is a spiritual decision.

In the Parable of the Talents, Jesus tells us of a master who gives three servants different amounts of money to watch over while he is away.3 When the master returns after his long absence, each servant gives an account for what had been given. The two servants who worked to increase the master’s holdings received praise. The servant who did nothing to increase his master’s holdings was severely reprimanded and told to depart from the master’s presence. Fear, indecision and misunderstanding the heart of the master caused the third servant to misuse the resources entrusted to him.

Like the servants, our thoughts and motivations drive the way we manage God’s resources. What we think determines what we do. Therefore, should we take time to consider our money beliefs and hold them in the light of Scripture? What if we pressed the pause button? What if we took time to examine our habits and then designed our Family Stewardship Plan with intentionality to ‘seek first God’s Kingdom’?

While most Christians would agree that stewardship is an important part of the Christian life, what does that really mean? And, how should the concept of stewardship apply to our daily lives?

Your Plan helps you discover and carry out God’s purposes for managing the resources He has entrusted to you. It affords you the opportunity to consider the beliefs and motivations for acquiring, saving, spending and giving wealth. Your Plan allows you to:

� Acknowledge and declare God’s ownership over all things;

� Identify and strengthen your convictions concerning the use of wealth;

� Provide an accountability measure for your ongoing financial decision making;

� Educate your professional advisors regarding your eternal perspective; and

� Share with your future heirs your beliefs regarding the source and purpose for your family’s wealth.

While each family is unique in its relational dynamics, you may wish for your family members to work through this booklet individually before discussing it together as a couple or as a family.

Embracing your steward’s role is an opportunity to center your life with the joy-filled freedom and blessing that comes with placing it all back into His hands.

The Family Stewardship Plan


Page 4: My Family Stewardship Plan - Focus on the Family...BIBLICAL STEWARDSHIP Building a Christ-centered philosophy My Family Stewardship Plan. Focus on the Family ... The Steward’s Life

Section I

Acqui r ing Weal th




Leviticus 25:23 Proverbs 18:10-11

Deuteronomy 8:10-18 Proverbs 23:4-5

Psalm 24:1 Ecclesiastes 5:10-14

Proverbs 10:22 Matthew 6:25-34

Haggai 2:8 1 Timothy 6:6-10


Building wealth in and of itself is not a bad thing. John Wesley (1703-1791), Englishevangelist and founder of Methodism, believed that despite its potential for misuse, money can be used for good. “In the hands of [God’s] children, it is food for the hungry, drink for the thirsty, raiment for the naked.”4 However, Wesley was also a firm believer that wealth should be acquired for the purpose of providing for the reasonable and necessary

care of oneself and one’s family and that any surplus should be used to care for the needs of others.

To better understand your beliefs concerning the acquisition of wealth, take a moment and think through the following questions. You may find it helpful to journal your thoughts for later discussion with your family members.

“Money never stays with me. It would burn me if it did. I throw it out of my hands as soon as possible lest it should find its way into my heart.”

— John Wesley, english evangelist & founder of MethodisM


Page 5: My Family Stewardship Plan - Focus on the Family...BIBLICAL STEWARDSHIP Building a Christ-centered philosophy My Family Stewardship Plan. Focus on the Family ... The Steward’s Life

1. To what factors do you attribute the source of your wealth?

2. What writings, individuals and/or experiences have had the most influence in shaping your thinking about money and its acquisition and use?

3. How much time, emotion, mental energy and dreams of the future involve your pursuit of increasing your financial holdings?

4. What motivates you to acquire wealth?

5. What purposes do you see in continuing to acquire more wealth?

6. How do these purposes give testimony to Christ’s lordship over your life?

7. How much wealth will be enough to accomplish these purposes?

Based upon your reflections on the previous scriptures and questions, complete the following statements.

My core beliefs concerning the source and purpose of our family’s wealth acquisition are:

My objectives for continued wealth acquisition are:

My commitments, as God’s steward, with respect to continued wealth acquisition are:

“Riches enlarge rather than satisfy appetites.” – Thomas Fuller, English clergyman and writer“Riches enlarge rather

than satisfy appetites.”

—thoMas fuller, english clergyMan and Writer


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Imagine for a moment that you are alive at the very end of the Civil War. You are living in the South, but your home is really in the North. While in the South you have accumulated a good amount of Confederate currency. Suppose you also know for a fact that the North is going to win the war and that the end could come at any time. What will you do with all of your Confederate money?

If you were smart, there is only one answer to that question. You would cash in your Confederate currency for U.S. currency – the only money that will have value once the war is over. You would only keep enough Confederate currency to meet your basic needs for that short period until the war was over and the money would be worthless.

The believer has inside knowledge of an eventual major change in the worldwide social and economic situation.

The currency of this world—its money, possessions, fashions, and whims—will be worthless at our death or Christ’s return, both of which are imminent. This knowledge should radically affect our investment strategy. For us to accumulate vast earthly treasures in the face of the inevitable future is equivalent to stockpiling Confederate money despite our awareness of its eventual worthlessness. To do so is to betray a basic ignorance of or unbelief in the Scriptures.

Kingdom currency, backed by the eternal treasure, is the only medium of exchange recognized by the Son of God, whose government will last forever. The currency of His kingdom is our present faithful service and sacrificial use of our resources for Him. The payoff in eternity will be “a sure foundation,” consisting of treasures beyond our wildest dreams.5

Section II

Sav ing and Preserv ing Weal thHow does a Kingdom-minded steward take an eternal perspective in their investment decision-making? Martin Luther (1483-1546), reformer and theologian, captured the importance of this when he said, “I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all. But whatever I have placed in God’s hands, that I still possess.”

To illustrate this, consider the following excerpt from Randy Alcorn’s book Money, Possessions and Eternity.

Identifying and surrendering to God’s plan for your wealth preservation is a critical component of your Family Stewardship Philosophy. A clear vision in this area can help protect you from falling prey to the subtle trap of putting your hope and security in your wealth, rather than in your Heavenly Father.


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1. What do you think are the fundamental differences between the purposes for wealth preservation you read about in the Genesis 41 passage as compared to the Luke 12 passage?

2. Have you set a goal as to what amount or percentage of your wealth you will preserve? If so, what is that goal?

3. How do you balance your goals and purposes for wealth preservation with your faith and reliance upon God’s providence?

4. What scriptures or principles guide you in determining how you are to preserve your wealth?

5. Why have you preserved some of your wealth?


Genesis 41:46-53 Luke 12:13-21

Matthew 6:19-24 1 Timothy 6:17-19


My core beliefs concerning the purpose of our family’s wealth preservation are:

My objectives for ongoing wealth preservation are:

Based upon your reflections on the above scriptures and questions, complete the following statements.

My commitments, as God’s steward, with respect to continued wealth preservation are:


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Section III

Using Weal th W ise lyThe steward’s heart directs the use of all resources; time, talent and money. What we consider to be our treasure draws our hearts for an investment of time, energy and resources.

Reverend Billy Graham once said, “Give me five minutes with a person’s checkbook, and I will tell you where their heart is.” What does your checkbook, personal financial statement and tax returns say about how you are using your wealth?


Matthew 25:14-30 Galatians 6:7-10

Matthew 25:31-46 Philippians 4:14-17

Romans 14:12 1 Timothy 5:8

1 Corinthians 16:1-2


1. Why do you believe God has given you the standard of living you currently maintain?

2. Does your current spending and standard of living help you or hinder you from heeding God’s calling in your life?

3. Do you feel spending your wealth brings with it responsibilities?

4. What is your perspective on tithing?

5. Concerning charitable giving, what compels you to give?

“The world asks, ‘What does a man own?’ Christ asks, ‘How does he use it?’”

—andreW Murray, south african evangelist


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My core beliefs concerning how our family is called to utilize our wealth are:

My objectives for utilizing our family wealth are:

My commitments, as God’s steward, with respect to utilizing our wealth are:

Based upon your reflections on the above scriptures and questions, complete the following statements.

6. To what extent is your charitable giving each year driven by your income tax status?

7. Have you developed a list of criteria or a mission statement that guides your charitable giving? If yes, please delineate.

8. What are your passions and priorities in charitable giving?

9. Ideally, what type of family involvement in the gift making process would seem to be the most fulfilling for your family?


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Section IV

Weal th Trans i t ion


Proverbs 13:22

Proverbs 20:21

1 Timothy 5:8


Whether during lifetime or at death, every person will eventually transition all of their assets to the next steward. The key question is whether the next steward is ready, able and willing to carry out their God-entrusted stewardship role. Have you prayerfully

sought God’s plan concerning whom the next stewards should be when you pass on to eternal glory some day? Are you confident they are ready to carry out God’s plan for their lives and these resources?

1. Given the typical three options for estate distribution—heirs, charity and taxes—what do you believe is the current allocation of your estate in percentages?

2. Consider the amount you will owe in estate taxes when you die. Do you feel the government will be an effective steward of the tax dollars you may owe? Why or why not?

3. What type of inheritance do you want to provide your heirs?

4. What do you want an inheritance from you to help your heirs to accomplish?

5. Are your heirs prepared to preserve, grow and utilize wealth responsibly in their role as the Lord’s next steward?

“Like all aspects of discipleship, being a good steward takes a life of faith and repentance, love and obedience.”

—JaMie Munson, author


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My core beliefs concerning the godly transition of our family wealth are:

My objectives for transitioning our family wealth are:

My commitments, as God’s steward, with respect to transitioning our wealth are:

Based upon your reflections on the above scriptures and questions, complete the following statements.

6. Imagine your heir receiving a check today for the amount they are likely to inherit from you some day. How would this impact their lives?

7. Have you talked with your heirs about your inheritance planning decisions? Why or why not?

8. Should all your heirs share equally or are there different capacities that require an unseen distribution? What are these capacities?

9. How much risk is there of family conflict concerning the handling of estate assets among your heirs?

10. Have you considered including charitable giving as part of your estate distribution? Why or why not?

11. Have you considered the benefit of involving your family members today in the charitable giving now to better prepare them for their future role as your successor steward? Why or why not?


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� Fields of Gold by Andy Stanley

� Never Enough? by Ron Blue

� Secrets of the Generous Life by Gordon MacDonald

� Splitting Heirs by Ron Blue

� The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn

� Money, Possessions and Eternity by Randy Alcorn

� Whose Money is it, Anyway? by John MacArthur

� Money: God or Gift? by Jamie Munson

Conclus ionMay the designing of your Family Stewardship Philosophy bring you ever closer to fulfilling the Lord’s calling upon your life. As with the faithful stewards in the Parable of the Talents, it is our prayer that you will one day hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share in your master’s happiness!”6

For additional reading, we recommend:

Exerts used by permission from "Designing a Family Stewardship Philosophy" from The National Christian Foundation.

Questions? We’d love to talk.

(800) 782-8227 [email protected] FocusPlannedGiving.com

Focus on the Family is a global Christian ministry dedicated to helping families thrive in Christ. We provide help and resources for couples to build healthy marriages that reflect God’s design, and for parents to raise their children according to morals and values grounded in biblical principles.

Disclaimer: We inform you that any federal tax information contained in this communication (including attachments) is not intended and cannot be used or relied upon to avoid IRS imposed penalties or to promote, market or advise any other person(s) of such information. The information provided in this booklet is not intended as specific legal advice. State laws vary and are subject to change. We strongly recommend you consult your attorney when considering any legal or tax matter.

1 Leviticus 25:23; Deuteronomy 8:18; Psalm 24:1; Haggai 2:8; Matthew 6:19-24; Matthew 25:14-30; Romans 11:36a; Romans 14:10-12; 1 Corinthians 4:2; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

2 Matthew 6:243 Matthew 25:14-30 4 What Wesley Practiced and Preached About Money by Charles White. Found at

http://www.missionfrontiers.org/issue/article/what-wesley-practiced-and-preached-about-money 5 Money, Possessions and Eternity by Randy Alcorn, pages 128-1296 Matthew 25:21


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If you and your family feel called to consider Focus on the Family in your stewardship planning, would you let us

know? We would love to help guide you in the process and express our deep appreciation of your confidence in the

mission of Focus on the Family.

© 2018 Focus on the Family

(800) [email protected]
