Multiple-Criteria Optimization of a Cold Heading Process using Finite Element Analysis and a Taguchi Approach by Christine EI-Lahham Department of Mechanical Engineering McGill University Montreal, Canada A Thesis submitted to McGill University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Engineering Under the supervision of: Professor J.A. Nemes McGill University © Christine EI-Lahham October, 2003

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Multiple-Criteria Optimization of a Cold Heading Process using Finite Element Analysis and a

Taguchi Approach


Christine EI-Lahham

Department of Mechanical Engineering McGill University Montreal, Canada

A Thesis submitted to McGill University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Master of Engineering

Under the supervision of: Professor J.A. Nemes

McGill University

© Christine EI-Lahham October, 2003

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The current work aims at modeling a three-stage cold heading process of an industrial

boIt, and presents a methodology for the optimization of preform die geometries.

The process is modeled using finite element simulations and potential defects in the

heading process are analyzed using external and internaI crack criteria. The preform

geometries are then optimized with respect to external cracking in the blank and forming

die load. The conventional Taguchi approach is first applied on each criterion separately.

Three optimal solutions are generated. It is found that sorne parameters have conflicting

optimal solutions.

The single criterion approach is therefore extended to multiple-criteria approaches by the

use of overall evaluation criteria within the Taguchi method. Two methodologies are

proposed, namely, the additive utility function method and the TOPSIS decision-making

mode!. It is found that the performances of the two methods are comparable.



Le présent travail vise à modéliser un processus à trois étapes de formage à froid d'un

boulon industriel, et présente une méthodologie permettant d'optimiser la géométrie des

matrices servant à la préforme.

Le processus est modélisé numériquement par la méthode de simulation des éléments

finis. Les défauts potentielles de ce processus de formage sont analysés par des critères

de fissuration internes et externes. La géométrie des matrices servant à la préforme est

alors optimisée en considérant la fissuration externe des boulons ainsi que la charge

externe des matrices. L'approche conventionnelle de Taguchi est d'abord appliquée sur

chaque critère séparément permettant d'obtenir trois solutions optimales. Les résultats

obtenus indiquent que certains paramètres ont des solutions optimales contradictoires.

L'approche d'un seul critère est donc remplacé par des approches à critères multiples en

utilisant 'un critère d'évaluation globale' au sein de la méthode de Taguchi. Deux

méthodologies sont alors proposées, la méthode de fonction utilitaire additive et le

modèle de prise de décision TOPSIS. On constate que les performances de ces deux

méthodes sont comparables.



1 would like to first thank my supervisor, Professor James A. Nemes, for his guidance and


The supporters of this project are also greatly acknowledged: the Natural Sciences and

Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Le Fonds Quebecois de Recherche

sur la Nature et les Technologies (FQRNT) and Ivaco Rolling Mills.

For his advice and invaluable insight for this work, 1 would like to thank my colleague,

Abbas S. Milani.

Finally, 1 thank my family and friends for their love and support.


Table of Contents



A cknowledgements

Table of contents

List of Figures

List of Tables


1.1 Literature Review 1.1.1 Simulation of the cold heading process 1.1.2 Ductile fracture criteria 1.1.3 Optimization techniques for fonning processes Single criterion approach Multiple criteria approach


2.1 Constitutive Equation

2.2 Failure Criteria 2.2.1 External Cracks 2.2.2 InternaI Cracks Initiation of localization Defonnation adiabatic shear band fonnation (DASB) Transfonnation adiabatic shear band fonnation (TASB)

2.3 The Taguchi Approach 2.3.1 Design of Experiments 2.3.2 Producing an optimum solution 2.3.3 The predictive equation and verification of additivity 2.3.4 ANOY A analysis on Taguchi results

2.4 Multiple-Criteria Optimization 2.4.1 The MODM approach The utility function method 2.4.2 The MADM approach Solution method (TOP SIS)









2 2 6 8 8




14 14 16 16 17 19

20 20 21 23 24

25 27 27 29 30


3.1 Description of Simulation

3.2 Assessment of Potential Defects 3.2.1 External Cracking 3.2.2 InternaI Cracking 3.2.3 Analysis of a harder steel

3.3 Summary


4.1 Experiments: the L-9 Orthogonal Array

4.2 Convention al Taguchi Optimization 4.2.1 Factor Plots 4.2.2 Additivity of the method 4.2.3 ANOV A Analysis

4.3 Discussion


5.1 Selected Methods



40 40 41 44 47



55 55 56 57




5.2 Utility Function Methods 62 5.2.1 Weight 5 as an illustrative example 64 5.2.2 Sensitivity to changes in weights and breakdown point 68 5.2.3 Compatibility with single criterion optimization 68 5.2.4 Extent ofparameter level differentiation 69 5.2.5 Pareto frontiers 70

5.3 A new OEC approach within the Taguchi method: TOPSIS 71 5.3.1 The TOPSIS method compared to the additive utility function method 73

5.4 Sensitivity to outlier points 78




List of Figures

FIGURE 1-1: SCHEMATIC OF A FOUR-STATION BOLT-MAKlNG MACHINE ............................. 3

FIGURE 1-2: THREE BASIC RULES FOR UPSET FORGING ....................................................... 4

FIGURE 1-3: ALLOWABLE LIMITS IN UPSETTING ................................................................. 5

FIGURE 1-4: DESIGN PARAMETERS IN COINING STAGES ..................................................... 8

FIGURE 2-1 : TEST SPECIMEN BETWEEN UPPER AND LOWER DIES ...................................... 15



FIGURE 2-4: DEFORMATION ADIABATIC SHEAR BAND CRITERION .................................... 18

FIGURE 2-5: A TRANSFORMATION SHEAR BAND .............................................................. 19

FIGURE 2-6: A REPRESENTATION OF AN MADM DECISION MA TRIX ............................... 34

FIGURE 3-1: THE COMMON BOLT THAT IS MODELED ......................................................... 37

FIGURE 3-2: SCHEMATIC OF A THREE-STAGE COLD HEADING PROCESS ............................. 37

FIGURE 3-3: COLD HEADING SIMULATION STEPS ............................................................... 37


BLANK, DURING UNLOADING STAGES .................................................................................. 38

FIGURE 3-5: SCHEMATIC OF THE FINITE ELEMENT MODEL. ................................................. 38


P ARAMETERS ....................................................................................................................... 39

FIGURE 3-7: EVOLUTION OF PLASTIC STRAIN IN THE BLANK ............................................. 39



THE BLANK .......................................................................................................................... 42


OF LOCALIZATION ............................................................................................................... 43



THE BAND ............................................................................................................................ 43


DEFORMED STATE ................................................................................................................ 44


1038 BLANK ........................................................................................................................ 45


LOCALIZATION .................................................................................................................... 45


THE BAND ............................................................................................................................ 46


BAND .................................................................................................................................. 46

FIGURE 4-1 : SCHEMA TIC OF THE FOUR DESIGN PARAMETERS .......................................... .49




1,4 AND 7 ............................................................................................................................ 53


(A) 1, (B) 4 AND (C) 7 ........................................................................................................ 53


EXTERIOR SURFACE ............................................................................................................. 54

FIGURE 4-7: (A) DIEL LOAD 1 RESPONSE (B) DIE LOAD 2 RESPONSE ................................ 55

FIGURE 4-8: FACTOR-PLOTOFC PARAMETER ................................................................... 59

FIGURE 4-9: FACTOR-PLOTS OF PREFORM DIE LOAD FOR (A) DIE 1 (B) DIE 2 .................... 59


(C) UMULTIPLICATIVE ......................................................................................................... 67


FOR DIE 2 ............................................................................................................................ 71











List of Tables

TABLE 2.1: L-9 ORTHOGONAL ARRA y .............................................................................. 21

TABLE 4.1 : FACTORS AND THEIR LEVEL VARIATIONS ......................................................... 52


TABLE 4.3: AVERAGE RESPONSE FOR EACH PARAMETER LEVEL ........................................ 58



TABLE 4.6: ANOV A FOR RESPONSE C .............................................................................. 60

TABLE 4.7: ANOVA FOR RESPONSE DIE LOAD 1 ............................................................... 60

TABLE 4.8: ANOV A FOR RESPONSE DIE LOAD 2 .............................................................. 60

TABLE 5.1: NORMALIZED RESPONSE VALUES IN L-9 ........................................................... 64


T AGUCHI OPTIMIZATION METHODS ..................................................................................... 64

TABLE 5.3: WEIGHTED NORMALIZED RESPONSE (WEIGHT 5) ............................................. 65

TABLE 5.4: UTILITY FUNCTION VALUES FOR WEIGHT 5 ...................................................... 66


TABLE 5.6: DECISION MATRICES BEFORE NORMALIZATION ................................................ 75


OPTIMIZA TION METHODS ..................................................................................................... 75


(WEIGHT 5) .......................................................................................................................... 75



AN OUTLIER POINT ............................................................................................................... 78


1. Introduction

The cold heading process (CHP) is an important manufacturing technique that is

commonly used to produce fasteners, such as bolts, rivets, and nuts. In this technique,

parts are brought to near net shape without an extemal heat source, using a pre­

determined sequence of blows that result in average strain rates exceeding 100 S-I, and

local rates higher by as much as one or two orders of magnitude.

Even though it is very widely used, the CHP can produce a number of potential defects in

the formed part. These defects, if not causing rejection before going into service, can be

detrimental to a part's life. Tooling costs, which depend on tool wear, are additional

significant cold forging costs (Groenbaek and Birker, 1999).

Recently, therefore, much attention has been given to the design of forming stages. In

particular, the need to produce defect-free parts with minimal die wear has become

extensively linked to the preform geometries. In the past, cold forming design used to

rely on empirical knowledge and the designer's experience. The focus now is on the use

of numerical simulations that can make this process much faster and more efficient.

In this work, finite element simulations are used to model a three-stage co Id heading

process of a common boIt. Different failure criteria are employed to predict internaI and

extemal fracture. Preform geometries, used in the cold heading process, are then

optimized with respect to part failure and forming load using different multiple-criteria

methods. The methodology presented in this work may be useful in the optimization of

various other forming processes.

1.1 Literature Review

1.1.1 Simulation of the co Id heading process

Many researchers have developed numerical models to simulate various parts of forming

operations. Roque and Button (2000) simulated a basic forming process, upsetting, that is

applied in many cold forging sequences. In their work, experiments have been performed

to obtain the stress-strain response, the material flow during the simulated stage, and the

required forming force, aIl to be used as numerical input data.

MacCormack and Monaghan (2002) modeled the forming of a spline shape on the he ad of

a fastener. The process eonsists of three forging blows, termed the 'eoining',

'cheesehead' and final stages. A schematic of a four-station bolt-making machine is

shown in Figure 1-1, which inc1udes the blank eut-off stage. In their simulations, the top

and bottom dies are rigid and the blank is modeled as an elastoplastie material. It is

mentioned that researeh has shown the Coekroft and Latham failure eriterion to be

amongst the best for practieal applications. Therefore, a critical C value is used as a

damage criterion. At the end of each stage, the top die is unloaded and the deformed

blank allowed to relax in order to stabilize residual stresses. The authors state that one of

the fundamental points about modeling this proeess is that the residual stresses within the

workpiece after each station need to be conserved, as they will affect the flow

characteristics of the material due to strain hardening. At the end of the simulations, the

strain, damage and flow patterns in aIl three stages are analyzed.

In this work, it is also mentioned that coining punches are used before the heading station

beeause they enable heading of a length of wire of up to six times the diameter of the

blank material in only two strokes.






Reading Station

Figure 1-1: Schematic of a four-station boit-ma king machine (MacCormack and Monaghan, 2002)1

Naujoks and Fabel (1948) discuss three basic rules goveming die design for upsetting in

one stage, illustrated schematically in Figure 1-2. The rules are described below.

Rule 1: A blank can be upset in one blow with no buckling or flash injuries if the upset

length, 10 , is less than or equal to three times the blank diameter, do.

Rule 2: For a cylindrical die - If 10 is greater than 3do , and the final head diameter dg is

less than 1.5do ' then the completely unsupported length of the blank, I~, should be at

most equal to halfthe upset length, 10.

Rule 3: For a conical (tapered) die - If 10 is greater than 3do , and the final head diameter

dg is less than 1.5do ' then the completely unsupported length of the blank, I~, should be

at most equal to the blank diameter, do.

1 With author's permission


Meyer (1960) provided a relationship between the maximum allowable upset ratio and the

diameter ratio, based on experimental studies, shown in Figure 1-3. This plot provides

certain limits for upsetting. The banded region refers to the set of curves belonging to

ratios, of the preform top diameter to the original blank diameter, varying from 1 to 1.1.

Other ratios are not shown in the plot, however, it is evident from Meyer's results that the

greater the ratio, the lower the limits. It can aiso be noted from Figure 1-3 that the curves

are asymptotic to an upset ratio that is slightly greater than two. Below this upset ratio, a

blank can be headed to any final diameter. This is the free heading region. Going beyond

the banded regions is either infeasible or will produce buckling or other failures.

Gokler et al. (1999) point out that tapered preforms are widely used in multiple-stage

upsetting because they produce well-filled and uniform upsets. This allows greater upset

ratios as compared to cylindrical preforms. They further state that the important design

parameters in taper upsetting, for a given upset ratio (the ratio of unsupported length to

diameter of the initial blank), are the percent reduction in the height of the blank and the

percent increase in the diameter of the head.

Rule 1: 10 ~ 3do

Rule 2: If 10 ~ 3do and dg ~ 1.5do

~l~ ~l;{

Rule 3: If 10 ~ 3do and dg ~ 1.5do

~l~ ~ do

Figure 1-2: Three basic rules for upset forging (adapted from Naujoks and Fabel, 1948)




6 o 'a :g 5

~ ~ 4

~ 3 Il. ::l


Limit of free heading .........,~~~

~ ~

1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2

Dlameter Ratio dg/do

Figure 1-3: Allowable Iimits in upsetting (adapted from Meyer, 1960)

According to Bakhshi-Jooybari et al. (1996), the geometric parameters that are important

for closed-die upsetting are:

a) Corner radius of the deformed workpiece as a product parameter

b) Upset ratio (initial unsupported heightldiameter of the blank) as a preform


c) Final ratio (heightldiameter of the deformed workpiece) as a product parameter

The processing parameters that are important for closed-die upsetting are:

a) Frictional conditions

b) Pre-heat temperature (if any)

c) Type of material

d) Type of machine (strain rate)

Petrescu et al. (2002) have discussed that cold pre-drawing of the rod Improves

forgeability and, also, increases the upsetting fracture limit.


1.1.2 Ductile fracture criteria

Different damage models are used in the literature, to assess and predict cracks in cold

forming processes. These can be categorized in three parts: macromechanical,

micromechanical, and lately mesomechanical approaches.

Behrens et al. (2000) divide macromechanical damage models into strain-independent

and strain-dependant models. The strain-dependant models are usually integral functions

of stress, strain, and sorne material parameters. Thus they take into account the

deformation history. The strain-independent models do not take into aecount history and

are therefore not suitable for large deformations. Maeromechanieal models, however, are

usually developed for specifie materials or forging operations, which may limit their


Micromechanieal damage criteria describe the effect of stresses at the microstruetural

level when fracture or ductile damage occurs (Behrens et aL, 2000). The criteria consider

that a failure process commences by the creation of miero-cavities that grow to form

defects; the coalescence of the defects at the macro-Ievel eventually causes failure of the

material. These criteria are verified experimentally but their implementation into FE

simulations is still eomplex due to numerical instabilities. Additionally, the necessary

material parameters for these models are difficult to identify.

Mesomechanical models are a new approach, and are the subject of a few recent papers.

Brethenoux et al. (1996), as an example, use a mesoscopic model in their simulations.

This model consists of applying a load to an elementary cell. The elementary cell is

composed of a metallic matrix around an inclusion or second phase, modeled as a rigid

surface. The boundary conditions, imposed on the cell, ensure the periodicity conditions.

Numerical simulations of the complete forming process are used to determine the loading

conditions on the cell. The onset of ductile fracture is defined as the point when voids

grow catastrophically in the radial direction. The obtained results show reasonable

agreement with experimental values.


Generally speaking, most researchers still prefer to use the more established

macromechanical approaches. Petrescu et al. (2002) use the well-known Cockroft­

Latham criterion and it is found that experimentallocations of fracture corresponded weIl

with areas of highest circumferential stresses. Janicek et al. (2002) studied the influence

of die geometry on the strength and hardening parameters in an open extrusion followed

by heading. Plastic work, similar to the Cockroft-Latham parameter, is used as a fracture


In the cold heading process, failures can be classified into two types: external and

internaI. To assess external failures, macromechanical ductile damage criteria as

described above are often used. Typically, these can be expressed mathematically as:


Jf(a,e,m)de = C (1. 1)


where f is a function of the stress-strain history, mare material parameters and C is the

critical value reached at the onset of fracture.

Less work has been done in assessing internaI failures. It is generally understood that

internaI failure arises from the initiation and formation of shear bands. The initiation of

shear bands is often taken to be the point at which the stress-strain curve at a localized

point starts to drop. Criteria for the formation of shear bands are still not fully developed.

The work of Batra and Kim (1992), consider that a shear band forms when the effective

stress drops to 90% of its peak value under increasing deformation. Deltort (1994)

considered this value to be 80%. The increase in localized temperature due to excessive

plastic work dissipation may also lead to shear band formation. These types of shear

bands have not been addressed greatly in literature.

Recently, experimental results have suggested the coupling of ductile damage models

with viscoplastic models. These models can be applied for internaI failures. In this

approach, the hydrostatic stress is taken into account. The models postulate that plastic

strain initiates damage, which then propagates by the stress triaxiality.


1.1.3 Optimization techniques for forming processes Single criterion approach

The approach in the optimization of one or a sequence of stage(s) in a forging process

varies significantly between researchers. The optimization process can involve numerous

criteria to be satisfied and experiments to be performed.

Roy et al. (1997) discuss that in multi-stage forming processes, there are various

parameters that may be either continuo us or discrete in nature. Gradient-based

mathematical optimization techniques that consider continuous variables are therefore

inappropriate for discrete parameters. According to Roy et al. (1997), dynamic

programming, a search technique used for mixed variables, suffers from the problem of

dimensionality and can only handle a small number of design parameters.

The above authors implement a micro genetic algorithm scheme to obtain the most

optimal initial bar diameter, number of intermediate steps and shapes, amount of upset

and extrusion per step. A constant friction factor of 0.1 is used. The process is in three

stages: an extrusion step and two coining (upset) steps. The design variables chosen for

the coining stage are shown below in Figure 1-4. If the initial blank diameter is fixed,

then the design variables reduce to the guide length A and the half cone angle~. The

objective function chosen for their study is the maximum damage value in the final

product, defined by the Cockroft and Latham parameter.

Figure 1-4: Design parameters in coining stages (adapted from Roy et al., 1997)


The Taguchi method has also been widely used in manufacturing to arrive at an optimum

solution. Hwang et al. (2001) summarize the Taguchi method as follows: quality

characteristics (target values of the response) are the objective functions to be optimized.

The objective function is defined by a quadratic loss function. The design variables are

control factors, and the tolerances of design and manufacturing processes are noise

factors. Orthogonal arrays are used to reduce a large number of decisions to a small

number of experiments. The matrix experiments are conducted, the experimental results

are analyzed with respect to the defined loss function and the optimum levels for the

control factors are determined.

Hwang et al. (2001) optimize the design of an automobile outside rearview mirror system.

ln their research, the signal-to-noise ratio in the Taguchi method is replaced by an

objective function of the mean and standard deviations of the quality characteristics,

which includes weighting coefficients for the mean and standard deviations. The number

of design variables is reduced by ANOV A, which is essentially a study of the sensitivity

of the objective function to the variables. The additivity condition of the Taguchi method

is also verified. The finite element method is used to evaluate the vibration behavior


Ko et al. (1999) use the Taguchi method to train an artificial neural network (ANN)

model, and finally minimize objective functions relevant to cold heading. The authors

take into consideration two objective functions to be minimized. The first is a damage

parameter, for which they use the criterion suggested by Oh et al. (1979), which differs

from the Cockroft-Latham criterion in that the maximum principle stress is normalized by

the effective stress. The second is the forming load, since properly designed preforming

operations can reduce the load and thus reduce die failure and wear. The design

parameters chosen are guide length and cone angle.

The above authors use an L-9 orthogonal array with two sources of error: friction and

preform die filling. Each error has two levels, aIl experiments are performed and SIN

ratios are generated. This data is then fed into the ANN as train data. The ANN then


produces SIN ratios of several other combinations. Two optimal combinations are

produced, one for each objective. The optimal results from the ANN method are very

close to those produced by the Taguchi search method. The authors do not use a multi­

objective approach to decide on a final optimum solution. Instead, their work

demonstrates the applicability of the developed ANN method and, additionally, the power

of the Taguchi search method to produce similar results to the seemingly more complex

ANN methods. Multiple criteria approach

When more than one response are to be optimized, different design criteria typically

pro duce considerable conflicts in the choice of optimal parameters. The requirement to

address multiple criteria has prompted sorne researchers to extend single optimization

methods, like the conventional Taguchi method. To date, no unified approach for this has

been suggested, but researchers are examining different methods depending on the

particular application.

Tong and Su (1997) use the TOPSIS CL + value as an index to optimize two responses in

a plasma-enhanced chemical vapor-deposition-process experiment, namely, refractive

index and deposition thickness. They use this index in the Taguchi search method to

obtain an optimal solution. A fuzzy number is initially applied to determine the weight

for each response. The authors perform a cri tic al literature review in multiple-response


Kunjur and Krishnamurty (1997) introduced a multi-objective methodology within the

Taguchi method that additionally allows a constrained optimization space. In their work,

a beam design problem is used to illustrate the method. It consists of using ANOV A

results to determine the most significant levels of factors on the objective functions; and

any chosen levels must satisfy the constraints, otherwise they would be rejected. The

final Pareto-optimal solution set depends on the eut-off value that quantifies 'significant',


specified by the designer. This method may be comparable to the weighted multi­

objective approaches such as the additive or multiplicative methods.

lm (1999) applied artificial intelligence (AI) search techniques to replace knowledge-or­

rule-based expert systems, in order to obtain optimal forming sequences for an

axisymmetric pin. In his work, the level of forming 10ad and the effective strain

distributions at each forming stage were subjected for multiple response optimization in

A * and depth-first searches (two AI techniques). The resulting optimized process

sequence is verified numerically and experimentally.

Finally, it can be mentioned that all the above work consider uniform likelihood of

experiments. Otto and Antonsson (1993) extend the Taguchi method by incorporating

different types of uncertainty in the optimization process.


2. Mathematical Background

The mathematical background in this chapter is presented in two main parts. The first

part describes the constitutive equation and the failure criteria proposed for this work. In

the second part, the Taguchi optimization approach is briefly reviewed, followed by a

description of the two multiple-criteria optimization techniques that will be used in

subsequent chapters.

2.1 Constitutive Equation

In the current work, the material is considered to be an elastic-rate-dependant-plastic solid

where the flow stress is given by the empirically based Johnson-Cook expression as



where A is the yield strength in quasi-static conditions, Band C are material constants and

• n is the work-hardening exponent. The effective plastic strain rate is given by & which is

normalized by ;0 , typically taken to be 1 S-I. T is the current temperature due to plastic

deformation, Ta is the reference temperature, and Tmell is typically the solidus temperature

of the metal.

Therefore the Johnson-Cook model considers the flow stress to be a function of strain,

strain rate and temperature. Each of these is incorporated into the formulation as an

independent term, allowing an uncoupled identification of the corresponding constants.

The model assumes that the strength is isotropie and independent of mean stress.


The values of A, B, and n are usually determined by performing quasi-static tension tests

on samples of the material, at room temperature. A can be found directly from the stress­

strain data as it is the yield stress. Band n can then be found by re-writing (2.1) as:

In(O" - A) = InB + n In(l') (2.2)

The plot of In(O" - A) verses In(l') is linear, with slope n and intercept InB.

Altematively, the parameters can be determined directly from (2.1) by a non-linear

regression analysis.

To determine C, high-strain rate experiments have to be performed (such as Hopkinson

bar tests). These tests produce stress versus strain data at high strain rates. By

considering one strain, C can then be determined from (2.1) by substituting the values of

the previously determined A,B and n constants and ca1culating the temperature term as

follows. The constant m has been determined experimentally in the literature and is found

to be equal to 1 for a wide range of metals (Johnson and Cook, 1983). The temperature,

T, at each stage of deformation can be found by assuming that most of the plastic work

done transforms into heat in the deforming material. This can be expressed as:


where p is the mass density, Cv is the specifie heat and fJ is the Taylor-Quinney

constant that equals the fraction of the plastic work converted to heat (usually taken to be



2.2 Failure Criteria

2.2.1 External Cracks

In the CUITent work, the criterion used for external crack fonnation is the well-known

Cockroft and Latham criterion (Cockroft and Latham, 1968), shown to have considerable

versatility in predicting failure over a wide range of conditions.

The criterion states that fracture occurs when the work done by the maximum tensile

stress attains a critical energy density value 'C'. In general, 'C' can be taken to be a

function of strain rate and temperature. In this work, however, it is considered to be a

constant, which is detennined under conditions approximating those encountered during

the co Id heading process. The criterion can be expressed as:


where 0'/ is the maximum tensile principal stress, & p is the equivalent plastic strain, &1

is the equivalent strain at failure, fJ is the time at failure and the superimposed dot

represents ordinary differentiation with respect to time.

The critical Cockroft and Latham parameter C is detennined usmg a drop weight

compression test (DWCT). Typically, in such a test, cylindrical specimens are clamped at

their ends in a pocket die set, shown in Figure 2-1, and compressed. The specimens for

this particular die set have a diameter of 5.21 mm, with aspect ratios varying from 1.0 to

1.6. Experiments are usually conducted using a fixed drop height with varying dropped

mass. The first point at which external edge cracks are visible is the one that is used to

find 'C'. The specimens are examined by a stereomicroscope with a 25x magnification.

A typical cracked specimen is shown in Figure 2-2. A finite element analysis of the


experimental condition is performed to compute the Cockroft and Latham parameter at

the onset of failure. This value is then used as a criterion to assess the potential for edge

cracking in cold-headed parts.

DWCT die set

Figure 2-1: Test specimen between upper and lower dies,

with assembly resting on load cell (Nickoletopoulos, 2000)

Cylindrical speCImen

Figure 2-2: Onset of longitudinal cracking on head surface (Nickoletopoulos, 2000)


2.2.2 InternaI Cracks Initiation of localization

InternaI cracks are often the result of so-called adiabatic shear band formation. This

refers to localized plastic flow that results from large temperature increases leading to

corresponding flow softening. The shear band initiation criterion states that the onset of

localization occurs when an increase in the equivalent plastic strain results in a decrease

in the equivalent stress. This can be expressed as:


If the equivalent stress is a function of equivalent plastic strain, equivalent strain rate, and

temperature, (2.5) may be written as:


From the Johnson-Cook equation (2.1), the following equations can be deduced:





Using (2.7) to (2.9) in (2.6), the following is obtained:


This expression contains a strain hardening term, a strain rate hardening term and a

thermal softening term, sequentially. During deformation, strain and strain rate hardening

may be acted against by thermal softening. According to the aforementioned criterion,

localization will be initiated when thermal softening exceeds the strain and strain rate

hardening in the material. This usually occurs at points of high strains. In the co Id

heading process, the highest strains are in the middle of the head region, which is where

internaI cracks are often found. An example of an internaI crack is shown in Figure 2-3.

Figure 2-3: Internai crack resulting from shear localization Deformation adiabatic shear band formation (DASB)

The initiation of localization may not necessarily lead to the formation of a shear band.

Deformation may have to go much further than the initiation point for a shear band to

appear and grow.


When a shear band does form, however, it is termed a deformation adiabatic shear band

or "DASB", if the temperature rise associated with its formation remains below any

transformation temperatures. This is most likely to occur in low carbon, low alloy steels

with high ductility (Nickoletopoulos, 2000).

As mentioned in Chapter 1, there are no current fully developed criteria for shear band

formation. Different researchers, however, have suggested various possible approaches.

In the current work, the effective stress in the highest strained region is plotted and the

drop in the effective stress is used as a shear band formation criterion. As addressed in

Chapter 1, sorne authors have used 90% of peak value, others 80% (Figure 2-4). In this

work, both values are considered. Ductile damage models that are coupled with

viscoplastic models are not considered here, because they require experimental

determination of material parameters that lie beyond the sc ope of this work.

Equivalent Stress

e* p

90% or 80 % of maximum equivalent stress

Strain at which shear band is expected to form

Equivalent Plastic Strain

Figure 2-4: Deformation adiabatic shear band criterion

18 Transformation adiabatic shear band formation (TASB)

A shear band may also fonn when the temperature rise due to plastic work reaches a

transfonnation temperature and a phase change occurs. In steels, this is usually an

austenitic transfonnation that occurs in a thin band. This band then undergoes rapid

localized cooling (to the surrounding matrix) and, thus, transfonns to martensite, a harder

and much more brittle phase. This could serve as a site for future failure.

Therefore an altemate criterion for defects associated with adiabatic shear bands may be

defined in tenns of the temperature at which the transfonnation takes place. In this work,

the temperature within the high strained region is monitored. Failure is assumed to occur

when the temperature within the band exceeds the first transfonnation temperature of

steel (-723°C). An example of the microstructural features of a fonned transfonnation

shear band is shown in Figure 2-5.

Figure 2-5: A transformation shear band


2.3 The Taguchi Approach

2.3.1 Design of Experiments

In an optimization process, various design factors glve rise to a vast number of

experiments that have to be performed. A powerful statistical tool that allows the

designer to choose and study a set of experiments from which an optimum solution is

produced, is the design-of-experiments (DOE) method.

There are three basic approaches in the DOE. The first is the one-factor-at-a-time

approach (e.g., Fowlkes and Creveling, 1995). In this method, one factor is studied while

aU others remain fixed, and then the second factor is varied and so on. This method is

frequently used but it is time consuming and often impractical in industrial settings. The

second method is the fuU-factorial approach. Here aU possible experimental

combinations of the factor levels are performed. This may lead to an unnecessarily large

number of experiments. For instance, if four factors each with three levels are

considered, the total number of experiments will be 34 or 81. The third DOE technique

that minimizes the number of experiments needed, but aU the while providing sufficient

information for optimization, is the orthogonal array method.

Orthogonal arrays are used in the Taguchi approach. In the orthogonal array method, a

set of experiments is chosen such that the set uniformly spans the experimental space

represented by the full factorial runs. Orthogonal refers to the balance of factors so that

no factor is given more or less weight than another. It also refers to the fact that the

effects of each factor can be mathematicaUy analyzed independently of the other factors.

This is illustrated visuaUy in Table 2.1, and discussed below as an example. The

orthogonal array presented is an L-9 array, with four factors (A,B,C,D) each of which has

three-Ievel variations. There are therefore a total of 9 required experiments.


Table 2.1: L-9 orthogonal array

Exp. # Parameters (factors)

A B C 0

1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 1 2 3 5 2 3 1 6 3 1 2 7 1 3 2 8 2 1 3 9 3 2 1

As can he seen, each level of each factor appears an equal numher of times in the

orthogonal array. For instance, for factor A, each level appears 3 times in the array. This

applies for aH the other factors. As such, no level is given more importance than the


Additionally, for factor A, for instance, each level appears in three experiments (e.g., A­

level 1 appears in experiments 1,2 and 3); in these three experiments aH levels of other

factors appear equaHy (e.g., levels 1,2 and 3 of factor B aH appear once). 80, the effect

of factor B on every level of A is identical. The same balance of factor levels can he

found for any two columns in the array.

It is noted that orthogonality is still preserved when one or more columns are omitted

(sometimes hy suhstituting zeroes in the column). AlI the treatment comhinations (the 9

experiments in this case) still have to he performed however.

2.3.2 Producing an optimum solution

The Taguchi approach uses orthogonal arrays to generate criteria values for a series of

experiments. The method then utilizes these response values to produce an optimal


combination of factor levels, usually foreign to the combinations that already exist in the

orthogonal array. This is performed by the use of so-called "factor plots".

Factor plots are essentially plots of response versus level for each factor in the

optimization search space. The underlying assumption in this approach is that no

significant interactions exist between factors. This means that the effect of an individu al

factor level on the response is assumed to be independent or minimally dependant on the

level of other factors. This could be analogous to saying that the optimum level of one

factor is not linked or conditioned to a level of another factor. This is often called a

factorial search, meaning factors can be mathematically analyzed independently of others,

which is one of the definitions of orthogonality. This then permits the averaging of

responses of one level of a factor to produce one single response for that factor level.

This averaged value is the one that is plotted for each level. If there are four factors each

with three level variations, then there are four factor plots, each having three averaged

data points. Each of these plots is then used separately to obtain the optimum level of that


Generally, one can describe three different optimization scenarios: the-smaller-the-better

type, the-greater-the-better type, or the nominal-the-best type. If a criterion requires the

maximization or minimization of a response, then in each factor plot, the level that

produces the greater or smaller mean response will be chosen. If a criterion requires a

response to approach a particular value, then the level that most closely approaches that

response is chosen.

Finally, it should be added that the same analysis can be performed by taking the non­

repeatability of each response into account. This is termed 'noise' in the Taguchi

approach, and the method defines several signal (response) to noise ratios that can be

used for each of the above optimization scenarios. It is beyond the scope of this work to

describe in detail these ratios. In the upcoming chapters, the Taguchi approach is applied

on the mean responses only. Noise factors could be taken into account in future work.

N evertheless, the general framework in both cases is the same.


2.3.3 The predictive equation and verification of additivity

The experiments in the orthogonal array are only a fraction of the full-factorial

experiments to which the optimal solution belongs. The method allows the user to predict

the response of any combination of factors in the full space. This is done via a so-called

'predictive equation', given in (2.11). The symbol Yexp represents the total average

response of the experiments in the array; and y x , i.e. YA, YB, Ye or YD, refers to the average

response for a level of factor x.


This same equation can also be used to verify the additivity of the method. As can be

seen the predicted response in equation (2.11) is an additive function of the mean array

response and the average factor responses. This is true provided there are no interactions

between factors; if interactions exist, then there would be for instance multiplicative

terms in the equation. So the response of a combination is predicted via this equation,

and then the combination is performed experimentally to determine its actual value. If

the two are close, for example within 10% (Sen and Yang, 1998), then the optimization

can be considered "additive" and the assumption of insignificant interactions between

factors is valid.

If interactions between factors are significant, then the predictive equation will no longer

be additive. Significant disagreement between predicted and verified results is usually

due to this lack of additivity. The solution to interactions in the Taguchi approach is to

always minimize them by considering different approaches for arriving at the same ideal

function (Fowlkes and Creveling, 1995). Finally, it is noted that (2.11) is not only

additive but also linear with respect to the array mean and factor averages. This may not

necessarily have to be the case. The relationship could be nth order as long as there are


no interactive (i.e. multiplicative) terms; however, in that case, the definition of average

should probably be changed.

2.3.4 ANOV A analysis on Taguchi results

It is possible that certain factors in a design can have little or no effect on a particular

response. In that case, these factors should be excluded from the optimization process so

as not to complicate the process unnecessarily. One method of quantitatively assessing

the relative contribution of each factor to overall measured response is the analysis of

variance (ANDY A) method.

In the ANOY A method, the total sum of squares is first computed. This essentially

calculates the variance of each response in the orthogonal array around the mean of the

responses, and then sums aIl these variances. This can be represented by the formulation



where y is the response of a row in the orthogonal array (an experiment), y is the mean

response of the array (or mean response of the experiments) and n is the number of


Following, the individual sum of squares is ca1culated. This is the sum of the variances of

each factor level response around the mean. Therefore, for factor A for instance, the

formulation is as shown below:



where m is the number of experiments in each level of factor A and nA is the number of

levels of factor A. This procedure is repeated for aIl other factors. The percentage

contribution of each factor on the overall response, is then the ratio of the sum of squares

of each factor to the total sum of squares, multiplied by 100.

It can be said therefore that the sum of squares method attempts to numerically quantify

the variation that occurs in the overall experimental mean response due to the effects of

the factors. The greater the effect of a factor, the greater its contribution to the overall


This is often performed within the Taguchi analysis, to determine which factors are the

'controlling' ones, and which factors contribute more to noise. Sometimes, if a factor

does not significantly affect a response, it is taken out of the array and is considered to be

a contributor of noise.

The method is very useful when multiple-criteria are considered. It is noted from the

above discussion that the conventional Taguchi approach addresses single criterion

optimization only. In multiple criteria optimization, potential conflicts between factor

levels may arise. The knowledge of the contribution of each factor to the response aids

considerably in optimizing those parameters or factors in conflict.

2.4 Multiple-Criteria Optimization

GeneraIly, it can be said that when a desirable criterion value can only be produced with

an undesirable value of another (contradiction), or when a change in a criterion value

produces a disproportional change in another (incommensurability), a decision-maker

(DM) may have to make a choice that will result in sorne positive consequences and sorne

negative ones. The aim of multiple-criteria optimization is then to maximize the positive

consequences and minimize the negative ones by arriving at a 'best compromised'



Multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods can be divided into two broad

groups (Sen and Yang, 1998): multiple-attribute decision making (MADM) and multiple

objective decision making (MODM).

A specific approach in the multiple-criteria optimization that applies to both MADM and

MODM methods is the overall evaluation criterion (OEC) approach. The OEC is a

technique in which individual criteria are combined into an overall criterion. This is then

optimized with single objective techniques (this is sometimes called 'scalarization',

Miettinen 1999). This work utilizes OEC techniques in both MC DM groups.

The MADM methods may be described as the selection of the best alternative from

available ones. In the CUITent work, alternatives refer to factor levels. Each alternative

has different attributes. Attributes refer to average criteria values of the factor levels.

These attribut es may be weighted to ensure their comparability, and then the choice is

made amongst the alternatives. More precisely, in this work, the Taguchi approach is

first partly applied by averaging criteria values of each factor level, and then the MADM

search method is utilized. The MADM is applied to each factor, to search for that factor's

best level. In the space of one factor, the alternatives are the levels of that factor. It can

be considered that each alternative has an attribute, and the attribute is a 'vector' of

criteria values. Thus the best alternative is chosen based on the 'performance' of this

vector. Performance is defined by a TOPSIS OEC index, CL +, which will be further

detailed in section 2.4.2 and Chapter 5.

The MO DM methods are used when there is no predefined list of solutions to choose

from but rather certain requirements should be met, which are termed objectives. In this

case, a synthesis of alternatives is performed based on the prioritized objectives.

Specifically, in this work, the MO DM approach is first applied on criteria values of each

experiment, in order to tirst arrive at an OEC index, U, for each experiment. Then the

Taguchi search method is applied on each factor to choose the level of the factor that

minimizes the MODM index. This is further detailed in section 2.4.1 and in Chapter 5.


2.4.1 The MODM approach

The multi-objective optimization approach can be expressed ln general form as

(Chankong and Haimes, 1983):

{optimise F(X) = {j~ (X) ... J; (X) .. .fk (X)}

MODM subject to X E n (2. 14)

where X are optimization variables (factors' levels),Ji is the lh response value, Fis the set

of objective functions, n is the constrained space (e.g., design limitations). The objectives

are sometimes in conflict with one another, meaning an optimum solution of one

objective does not meet the optimum solution of another. The DM should then make a

compromise between the objectives to come up with a best solution. This gives rise to an

infinite number of compromised solutions, usually called Pareto-optimum solutions (Sen

and Yang, 1998). The utility function method

One specifie method in the MODM approach is the utility function method, where the

multiple objectives are scalarized (cumulated) into one criterion by means of a utility

function defined as:

U(F(X)) = U(j; (X) ... J; (X} .. fk (X)) forXEn (2. 15)

where U is the utility function (i.e., an overall objective function). To arrive at a best

compromised solution then, the utility function should be optimized for ail X in n.


The utility function defined for a multiple-criteria problem should represent the

preferences of the decision maker among the criteria. In the simplest form, U can be

defined as a linear additive weighted function as follows:

where mi denote weighting coefficients assigned for each responsea. Weighting

coefficients may be interpreted as the relative importance of criteria for the decision

maker. However, it can be argued that this is not always the case (Roy and Mousseau,

1996). For example, dramatically different weighting vectors (lVl' lV2' ... , mk ) can result in

the same or similar Pareto optimal points, indicating that the interpretation of weights as

pure relative importance is inadequate. This implies that varying the weighting factors

linearly does not necessarily produce an equivalent linear change in the values of the

responses (Miettinen, 1999). Instead, it is suggested that lVj should be interpreted as the

rate at which the decision maker is willing to trade off values of the criteria in the space

of objectives (Hobbs, 1986).

Regardless of the difficulty addressed in predefining proper weights, the weighting

method, by means of perturbing positive weights, can be a powerful tool to generate a set

of optimum solutions. From this, as discussed previously, the decision maker can select

the final solution based on practical requirements of the problem. A systematic way of

perturbing the weights to obtain different Pareto optimal solutions is suggested in

(Chankong and Haimes, 1983).

When the decision maker is not certain about the validity of the linear form of the utility

function in a given problem, it is important to test other forms of functions for that

problem. Clearly, the performance of a utility function can change from one application

a It is sometimes preferred to normalize the original weights by dividing each weight by a constant (e.g., summation ofweights), however this has no effect on the final solution of the optimization problem.


to another. Two other forms of utility functions are based on the infinity norm and a

multiplicative form as follows:

U", = Max {mIC,m2F; ,aJ3F2 }

U Multiplicative = ( ml C + 1) (m2F; + 1) ( m3F2 + 1)

(2. 17)


In this work, the utility functions given in equations (2.16), (2.17), and (2.18) are used

and their performance with respect to the simulated cold heading process is compared.

2.4.2 The MADM approach

The MADM approach can be used in design selection problems where decisions involve

a finite number of alternatives and a set of performance attributes (Sen and Yang 1998).

The design selection can be quantitative or qualitative in nature. For instance, if the

alternatives are judgment-based (probabilistic) statements, the approach is considered to

be qualitative. If the alternatives have attributes with numerical values (deterministic),

the approach is quantitative. Thus the decision involves either choosing the most

competent alternatives or ranking them with regard to the prescribed criteria. In the

current work, the quantitative approach is used. As mentioned previously, the

alternatives are the factor levels. The attributes are the averaged criteria values that are

used to decide on the best alternative, which is the best level of each factor.

Each attribute can be given a weight (prioritized) and the alternatives may consequently

be ranked with respect to the prioritized attributes. In sorne methods, no preference

information (weights) is applicable and the decision reduces to a simple ranking of

alternatives. When weights are used in the MADM approach, sensitivity analyses may be

performed to determine an appropriate weight. In the CUITent work, the latter method is

not performed; instead, several arbitrary weights are considered in order to form different

possible solutions.


A general MADM decision matrix is shown in Figure 2-6; ri) is the value of the i th

alternative (Ai: i =:: 1, ... , m) with respect to the /h attribute (X j : j =:: l, ... , n), and wj


the corresponding weighting factor (Hwang 1997). Most often, in the MADM model, this

decision matrix is the only main requirement to present the input evaluation numerically.

MADM models can also be divided into two other sub-groups: compensatory and non­

compensatory. Compensatory methods allow possible attribute trade-offs or interactions.

Non-compensatory methods do not. For example, if attributes are material properties,

then a certain number of these may be inversely related, e.g., the relationship between

hardness and fracture toughness (Milani et al., 2003). If the decrease in one can be

compensated for by the increase in another, then a compensatory model is appropriate.

Further complications can occur if both qualitative and quantitative attributes are

simultaneously involved in a decision. In such cases, defuzzification of the qualitative

statements (e.g.,"high", "low", etc.) is needed. Solution method (TOPSIS)

In the current work, the TOPSIS MADM method is used. This particular method was

chosen because of its relative simplicity and speed; also, the method has been used in

many practical applications, such as selecting the optimal material for a flywheel (Dong­

Hyun and Ki-Ju, 2000), analyzing a plasma-enhanced chemical vapor-deposition

(PECVD) process experiment (Tong and Su, 1997), and gear material selection (Milani et


The method is based on the concept that the chosen alternative (factor level) should have

the shortest distance from an ideal point and the furthest distance from a negative ideal

point (nadir). Even though the ide al and nadir points are sometimes physically

unattainable, they can be considered as reference points, something to go to or be far



The question though is, would it be better to choose factors that are closest to the best

solution or furthest from the worst solution? It is possible to have a point that is closest to

the best solution, and yet also close to the worst solution. Conversely, it could be furthest

from the worst solution, but not the closest to the best solution. Depending on the

application, an analyst may decide that it is better to be furthest from the worst or closest

to the best (e.g., method of weighted metrics, Miettinen 1999). Often, however, such a

decision is not straightforward. The TOPSIS method provides a third option where both

positive and negative distances are taken into account. For this purpose, a term CL+, an

overall index, is defined (see step 5).

The above solution procedure can be mathematically defined in five steps as follows (Sen

and Yang, 1998).

Step 1: Transfer the decision matrix (Figure 2-6) to the normalized mode:


rij is the value of the i th alternative (factor level) with respect to the /h attribute (criterion),

and nij is the corresponding normalized value. Addionally, m is the number of

alternatives and n is the number of attributes.


Step 2: Weigh the normalized decision matrix:

V - [ ] [ ] diagonal - nij m*n' W} n*n


W j are the assigned weights

Step 3: Define the ideal and negative ideal (nadir) solutions, V/ and Vj-, j= 1,2 ... ,n:

{{~+, ~+, ... , v,;+} = {(~ Vy 1 j EJ),(Mfn Vy U EJ) 1 i = 1,2, ... , m}

1 1

{r;-,~-, ... , v,;-}={(Mfn Vy UEJ),(~ax Vy IjEJ)li=1,2, ... , m} 1 1

Where Vij is a term in the normalized decision matrix above; J is the index set of benefit

attributes and f the index set of co st attributes.

Step 4: Measure the distances, dt and di-, i=I,2, ... ,m, from the ideal and negative ideal



dt = {2)Vu - ~+)2t2 , i = 1,2, ... , m j=l


d,:- = {"(VIj" _V;.-)2}112 . 1 2 L..J ,1 = , , ... , m j=l

Step 5: Determine the relative closeness of alternatives to the ideal solution:

Cl .+ = d j----'---- ; i = 1,2, ... , m 1 d+ d-

i + i

where,O 5 Cft 51.


The closer the ct value is to unit y, the closer the numerator and denominator are, which

signifies a smaller positive distance (this is favorable). On the other hand, the closer this

value is to zero, i.e., the smaller is the numerator, signifies a smaller negative distance

(this is unfavorable). Thus, the ct overall objective index should always be maximized.

Weights (if applicable) 000

Attributes Xl X2 000 Xn


AI r- -'il 'i2 0 0 0 rln


'21 '22 0 0 0 r2n

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0


0 0 0 0


rnt rnû 0 o 0 rmn - -

Figure 2-6: A representation of an MADM decision matrix (Milani et al., 2003)


3. Numerical Analysis

This work illustrates design methodologies for the optimization of preform die geometry

by focusing on the cold heading of an industrial fastener. The fastener is a common boit,

shown in Figure 3-1, manufactured using a three-stage heading process. An undeformed

blank and the three stages of the process are schematically shown in Figure 3-2. Detailed

drawings of the final stage die, as weIl as a sample part from each stage were provided.

These were used to obtain the dimensions of the blank and approximate dimensions of the

first two preform dies. Additional final formed parts were also supplied for experimental

use and analysis.

In this chapter, a numerical simulation of the cold heading process performed on the boIt

in Figure 3-1 is described and potential defects are assessed using various criteria. In

further chapters, the preform dies of stages 1 and 2 are optimized with respect to one of

these criteria and with respect to forming 10ad, by performing similar numerical


3.1 Description of Simulation

The numerical analysis of the three-stage heading process consists of performing a finite

element simulation using AbaquslExplicit v6.3. The simulation is comprised of six

dynamic explicit steps. Each process stage is in two steps: one for loading and another

for unloading.

Typically, a boIt-making station can produce ~ 1 00 boIts/minute, or 1 boIt in 0.6s. Strain

rates in the cold heading process may, on average, be considered to be on the order of

100S-I. Considering an average strain of 1 per forming stage, the estimated time for

loading is therefore lOms. The rest of the 0.6s are transfer time, which is the time

required for the part or die to move to the next station. Thus in the simulations, each

loading step has a time period of 10 ms. Unloading is also assigned a time period of


10ms, although the blank can be considered unloaded as soon as the die loses contact with

it. The rest of the time in the unloading steps can therefore be considered as simulated

transfer time, which allows the part to relax before the next step. The full transfer time is

not included in the simulation in order to save on computational time. During the loading

stages, a constant velocity is applied. Figure 3-3 shows schematically how the steps are

employed in the simulation.

The simulation takes into account non-linear geometry and includes adiabatic heating

effects. Since the loading and unloading steps during the CHP take place on the order of

milliseconds, thermal conduction of the heat generated by plastic deformation is minimal

and it may therefore be assumed that the process is adiabatic. To verify this assumption,

the temperature drop for various steel thicknesses was calculated for a time of 10ms,

using the error function equation below (lncropera, 1996):

T b -=erf(--) To 2&


where T is the current temperature, Ta is the reference temperature, b is the thickness, a is

the coefficient of thermal conductivity and t is the time. The results are shown in Figure

3-4. It can be seen that in an unloading step of 10ms, temperature drop (or heat

conduction) of a localized band up to 3mm, is negligible. For a band of Imm, the

temperature drop can still be considered small (8% drop at the end of the stage). This is

especially important for the second unloading stage, just before the final deformation. In

the second stage, the localization is not expected to be below 1 mm.

Since the deformation is symmetric, an axisymmetric model is considered, the axis of

rotation passing through the center of the blank. The meshing of the blank is performed

using 4-noded continuum elements with reduced integration and hourglass control

(CAX4R). A schematic of the model assembly with the dimensions used and the meshed

blank is shown in Figure 3-5. The top half of the blank, which is the unsupported length

to be upset, is discretized into 1106 elements; the bottom half of the blank which is in


contact with the bottom die and does not undergo extensive deformation is discretized

into 462 elements.

The top and bottom dies are modeled as discrete rigid bodies, and the blank is defined as

a pre-drawn (16%) 1008 steel. It is taken to be an elastic-plastic material, using the

Johnson-Cook equation (given in Chapter 2) to describe the evolution of the flow stress.

Quasi-static tension tests, using a hydraulic tensile test machine, on pre-drawn specimens

were performed. The Johnson-Cook parameters A, B, and n in (2.1) were then found by

curve-fitting the stress-strain data in the plastic zone, as described in Chapter 2. This is

shown in Figure 3-6. The parameter A is the yield stress, which is found to be 490 MPa;

B and n, found from the intercept and slope of the fitted line in Figure 3-6, are 351 MPa

and 0.623, respective1y. The rate parameters C and éo are taken from (Johnson and

Cook, 1983) for a comparable steel to be 0.022 and 1, respectively, and the parameter m

is taken to be 1.00.

The bottom die is encastered as a boundary condition, and the top dies are assigned a

constant velocity such that the top and bottom dies are in complete contact at the end of a

stage. Once a stage is completed, the top die is removed and the part is allowed to relax

to establish residual stresses before the next die is brought down. Although the

deformation is predominately plastic, the use of an elastic-plastic model allows the

simulation to capture this stress state after unloading between stages as well as the final

residual stress state. As the die hits the piece, kinematic contact with fini te sliding is

established. The rigid dies are defined to be the master surfaces, and the contacting blank

edges form the slave surface. A tangential penalty friction formulation is defined with a

coefficient of friction of 0.13, obtained from the experimental work in Nickoletopoulos,

(2000). The evolution of equivalent plastic strain in the blank, obtained from the

simulation, is shown in Figure 3-7. A maximum principal stress and a temperature

contour are shown in Figure 3-8.


Figure 3-1: The common boit that is modeled

Figure 3-2: Schema tic of a three-stage co Id heading process

20 ,------.---------.---.-----..---------.-$tep 61

18 IJiUoad~g

Ê 16 +----t-----t----+-{S

.§. 14 +----+-----+-1: 12 +-------+---~ ~ 10 +------'-­

~ 8 +---­cu Q. 6 U)

Ci 4 1 2 +-~~~~~---J~-~~-~~~--~--~ 1 o -i"""'--~r__--"'"'f_----+---------'~----T-----'1

o 10 20 30

Time (ms)


Figure 3-3: Cold heading simulation steps

50 60


o ::. . .•..••. ~... 1 : -n--b-1mm 1

~ 0.5 t- 1 i~n b=3mm i 0.4 Il L_ 1

0.3 +--~~~~~~~~~

0.2 t---~~-----

1 O;~----------~ol, Time(s) ~

Figure 3-4: Temperature change for two thicknesses within the deformed blank, during unloading stages.

14.6 --:



Figure 3-5: Schema tic of the finite element model (dimensions in mm)




• Experimental


• y = 0.623x + 5.8609

R2 = 0.9852


-5.5 -5 -4.5 -4


'1'11 11111



1-' 4


3 -2.5 « 1 t)

2 -c 1.5


0.5 ---- 0


Figure 3-6: Tensile test curve fitting for determination of Johnson Cook parameters


+4. 612e-01 +4.2Z8e-01 +3.644e-01 +3.'i5ge-Ol +3.075e-01 +2.69te-Ot +2.306e-Ol +1.922e-Ol +1.S37e-01 +1.153e-01 +7. 667e-02 +3.644e-02 +O.OOOe+OO

Stage 1


1 +t .966e+OO +1.621e+OO +1.656e+OO +1.490e+OO

, +1.325e+OO +1.15ge+OO +9.936e-Ol +6.Z63e-01 +6.629e-01 H.974e-Ol +3.320e-Ol +1.666e-01 +1.114e-03

Stage 2


+3.387e-+<l0 +3.1Z7e-+<l0 +2.6156e..oO +2.608e-+<l0

!1% +2.348e..oO "+2. -+<l0

+1. -+<l0 +1. ..00 +1. ..00 +1. ..00 +7. -01 +5. -01 +2. -01 +1. 02

Stage 3

Figure 3-7: Evolution of equivalent plastic strain in the blank


S, Xax. Principal

+5.830e-lOZ +3.35ge-t02 +8.873e-t01 -1.584e-102 -4.055e-t02 -6.527e-t02 -6.99Se-t02 -1. 147e-t03 -1.394e-103 -1. 641e-t03 -1.888e-103 -2.135e-t03 -2.383e-t03 -2.530e-t03 -2.67?e-+03 -3.1Z4e-+03


Region of highest principal


+6.SS0ei02 +6.11Se-+OZ +5. 67ge-+02 +S.2'14ei02 +'1 .80ge-+02 +'I.373e-+02 +3.938e-+OZ +3.S03e-+OZ +3.067e-102 +2.632ei02 +2 • 196e-+02 +1.761e-102 +1.J26eiOZ +8 .901ei01 +'I.551e-+01 +1.974eiOO

Region of highest temperature

Figure 3-8: (a) Maximum principal stress and (b) temperature contours

3.2 Assessment of Potential Defects

Bolts manufactured by this co Id heading technique are sometimes rejected because of

external (visible) defects. Parts that do pass inspections occasionally fail in service

prematurely, often because of internaI defects. It is generally understood, as discussed in

Chapter 2, that external cracks result from large tensile circumferential stresses, and

internaI cracks arise from adiabatic shear bands.

3.2.1 External Cracking

External cracking during the forming of the part can be evaluated by the Cockroft and

Latham parameter, given in (2.4). The evaluation is performed as follows. At the end of

the simulation, elements on the exterior of the head are queried for their principal stress

values. The stress-strain history of the element with the highest principal stress (indicated

in Figure 3-8a) is extracted and the evolution of the C parameter for that element is

computed from (2.4) and plotted from the point of first die contact to the final stage. The

result ofthis computation for the simulation described above is shown in Figure 3-9.

To determine whether the part would be expected to exhibit external cracks or not, a

critical value of the Cockroft and Latham parameter, C, should be used as a threshold


point, usually determined from experiments and simulations of a drop-weight

compression test (DWCT) as described in Chapter 2. Nickoletopoulos (2000) used this

method to obtain the parameter for a series of 1038 steels. Values of 352 MPa and 322

MPa were found for material in the as-rolled and spheroidized conditions, respectively.

Results were consistent using specimens of different aspect ratios. In the current work,

attempts were made to determine this critical value for 1008 steel, by performing a

DWCT on specimens machined from shafts of the industrial part. Even under the most

severe conditions used (28 kg mass, 2 meter drop height, 1.5 aspect ratio), no edge cracks

were observed in the laboratory specimens. Although in the DWCT experiments, a

critical value C could not be obtained, the C parameter under the most severe settings was

computed to be 620 MPa. Figure 3-9 shows that the C parameter during the heading

simulation is below this value. This is consistent with the absence of cracks in the 1008

parts examined in the laboratory.

3.2.2 InternaI Cracking

The approach to assess internaI cracks caused by adiabatic shear band formation is to first

determine the onset of localization. One way to perform this is by the use of (2.10), from

which the strain hardening term, rate hardening term, and thermal softening terms are

plotted at a location within the region of maximum strain, indicated in Figure 3-7. Figure

3-10 shows the results. It can be seen that the sum of the three terms becomes negative at

an approximate equivalent plastic strain of 2.33, which is reached relatively early in the

third stage of deformation.

Localization alone does not necessarily indicate the presence of shear bands or internaI

cracking. Strains might need to increase much further than the initiation point for shear

bands to appear. Research in this field is still ongoing, and there are currently no

universal criteria for the formation of shear bands. However, as mentioned in the

previous chapters, sorne criteria have been used based on the drop in stress in the

localized region of the shear band. Figure 3-11 is a plot of equivalent stress vs.

equivalent plastic strain for a point within the region of highest strain during the third


deformation stage. Stress decreased during the stage due to deformation heating in this

zone, reaching a final value of 760 MPa, which is close to 90% of the maximum stress,

used in one criterion, but considerably above the value of 80% used in another.

A third criterion for internaI cracking is the final temperature reached in the highest

strained zone. If the temperature level reaches that required for phase transformations, it

can be expected that this zone will transform to austenite and due to rapid cooling after

deformation will become martensitic, a much more brittle phase which willlikely crack in

service. Figure 3-8b shows the temperature contours at the end of the third deformation

stage. Based on the obtained results, it can be seen that the final temperature is below the

estimated transformation temperature, and so any shear band that formed would not be

expected to undergo phase transformations.

Figure 3-12a and Figure 3-12b show the mircostructural features of the blank before and

after deformation, respectively. In Figure 3-12a, the steel is in its as-rolled, as-drawn,

state with well-defined equiaxial grains. Figure 3-12b is the resulting microstructure in

the high strain region. The highly deformed grains are clearly visible, however the width

of the zone exceeds 120/-lm, which is not indicative of a well-defined adiabatic shear


650 ... ~ 600 E 550 l! 500

~ 450

E 400 cv -. .c cv 350 .... Q. j :::E 300 'C -- 250 1: cv 200

~ 150 ~ 100 (,) o ()



~ - .J - - - - - - - . CoL from DWCT - - - - - - - - - -1 • 1 1 /' 1 1 /' 1 1 ,/ 1 1 ./ 1 1 L , ,

~ , '/ , ./ .. ~ Stage 1 --. Stage 2 /' : ... Stage 3

r-./ .

• ...-- : 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40

Equivalent Plastic Strain

Figure 3-9: C parameter as a function of strain on the exterior surface of the blank


-ca CL :e -II) II)

! ... en ... c Q)

Cii .~ ~ 0" W

0.25 ~Strain Hardening Terrn , 1 1 1 1 1 ___ Strain Rate Hardening Term

0.2 - Onset of Localization ~ Thermal Softening Terrn

ê 0.15 1 -Sum

~ 0.1

/ ~ ~

80.05 () L f\ ~ / ~ 1

0 C 0

2. ov. 0 2.~ 2. ~ If'

~2. .~ J>.

~-o.O~' 0 o 2. 0;- o ~. 1'-=' 0 3.~1T -;i; ~ 3.1J0 .c ""-./ " 0 "-.., -0.1 -- --0.15



Equivalent Plastic Strain

Figure 3-10: Evolution of hardening and softening terms, indicating onset of localization






1- - - - --~ - - - - - - - - 90% of Maximum Stress -------1--~- - - - - - - - - - - - - -80% of Maximum Stress ------

r 400




0 o 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5

Equivalent Plastic Strain

Figure 3-11: Equivalent stress vs. equivalent strain for an element within the band,

showing stress drop close to 90% of maximum


(a) (b)

Figure 3-12: Microstructure of 1008 steel in (a) as-rolled state (b) highly deformed state

3.2.3 Analysis of a harder steel

The perfonned previous simulation was on a typical cold heading steel (AISI 1008), as

mentioned in section 3.1.

The simulation was repeated with parameters of a higher-carbon steel (AISI 1038), in

order to assess its headability in this particular cold heading process. As mentioned in

section 3.2.1, the critical value of the Cockroft and Latham parameter has been

detennined for this material, from the experimental work of Nickoletopoulos (2000).

It is found that the 1038 steel surpasses its critical C value in the beginning of the third

stage of defonnation. This is shown in Figure 3-13. To assess the likelihood of internaI

cracking, the same criteria as above are applied. It is found that internallocalization

occurs earlier in the 1038 steel (at an equivalent strain of approximately 1.68) than in the

1008 steel. This is shown in Figure 3-14. Additionally, according to the shear band

fonnation criteria, both defonnation and transfonnation adiabatic shear bands are likely to

fonn in this steel at the start of the last stage of defonnation. This is shown in Figure 3-15

and Figure 3-16.


Thus this steel is found to be inadequate for this particular cold heading process. It is

expected that optimizing preform dies with this steel would be difficult, if at aU possible.

Therefore it will not be further considered in the optimization process .






500 _450 cv

Q. 400

~350 0 300



150 100



. . ; .


1 1 ./ 1 1 / 1 1 / 1 1 ./ 1 1 / 1 1 / 1 1 /' Critical C-L for -

~-I------------T~-- 1038 steel -.,.(



~ Stage 1 .. Stage 2 / 1 • / ~

Stage 3

; / ; 1 ./' 1 1 .-/ 1 l' l'

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 .1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6

Equivalent Plastic Strain

Figure 3-13: C parameter as a function of strain on the exterior surface of a 1038 blank

0.25 -<>-Strain Hardenin~ Term --tr- Strain Rate Har ening Term

0.2 -0-Thermal Softening Term too --Sum ~ )(ny

III 0.15 E J'>. LA CI) 0.1 .... ~ V Onset of Localization 0 0.05

~ 0

~ 1-'.11 r\t W. 0 ,., ~ 1 0 1-C ;-u

~~ 1.> , ........ '""""'\

0 16 ~ ~ BA ~~ 1 2 2 ... 1" "Il 1/) ." ... ..... ... 1" ... "'1" ... .. "1"" " C -0.05 "V \Il V' \..: ~ 0 ~ ..., -0.1 -



-0.25 J-

Equivalent Plastic Strain

Figure 3-14: Evolution of hardening and softening terms, indicating onset of localization

for 1038 steel



1000 L ~ ............... ~ 90% of maximum stress ---

'l : : : : ::! : : : : : : l' - ;- 80%-or m~xim-u; ;;r~s; - :

i soo : / ~---

e 1 ~ û) 600 . B .. fS 3 d ç • ë egmnmg 0 tage e.ormatlon oS!

.~ 400 +-----~--------------------------------------­:::J

lE' 1


o 0.5 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5

Equivalent Plastic Strain

Figure 3-15: Equivalent stress vs. equivalent strain for an element within the band,

for 1038 steel




600 6' ~

f 500 :::J ... I! 8. 400 E {!




0 0

Austenitic transformation temperature

0.5 1.5 2 2.5

Equivalent Plastic Strain

3 3.5 4

Figure 3-16: Temperature vs. equivalent strain for an element within the band,

for 1038 steel


3.3 Summary

The cold heading simulation provided the stress state in the blank at each deformation

stage. The information generated from this numerical analysis was used to assess

potential external and internaI failure. The analysis was performed primarily for AISI

1008 steel, of carbon content similar to that used industrially. However, the simulation

was also performed for a harder steel, AISI 1038. The results showed that 1038 steel is

inadequate for this forming process.

Real 1008 parts were also examined and were found to support the numerical results.

From the parts provided, no external cracks were visible; and the simulations indicated

that the Cockroft-Latham critical value was not reached for this material. Sectioned parts

showed evidence of high deformation but no internaI cracks were found; and the

simulations indicated a shear band initiation, but the criteria used for shear band

formation were not closely met. Therefore the results obtained indicate a close

compatibility between the numerical analysis and what was observed in the laboratory.

Even though cracks were not noticed in the particular parts examined, failures of such

similar bolts have been reported in service. Having established a working finite element

model, and usable failure criteria, the objective in the next chapters is then to develop a

methodology to optimize the forming process in order to minimize these failures. Of

course, in any manufacturing process, feasibility in terms of tool life and capacity is an

equal concern to producing high performance parts. In this case therefore, forming load

is also considered in the optimization process.


4. Single Criteria Optimization

In this chapter, the forming process described in Chapter 3 is optimized with respect to

two separate criteria: part failure and forming load. The objective here is to find

independent solutions for the criteria and then to compare their results.

Referring to the design parameters of Bakhshi-Jooybari et al. (1996) addressed in Chapter

1, the corner radius of the deformed blank and the final ratio in the current work are fixed,

since the optimization is for one particular boit shape. Therefore, since the third stage

corresponds to the final shape of the product, it do es not involve design variations. The

only design parameter that is to be optimized is then the upset ratio (ratio of unsupported

length to diameter of the blank) in the first and second stages. Two geometrical

dimensions are therefore varied, independently, on each preform die, and a third

dimension is changed to keep the total volume conserved. Processing parameters are kept

constant and similar to the actual manufacturing process. The coefficient of friction is set

to a value of 0.13 (Nickoletopoulos, 2000). No pre-heat temperature is considered, and

since the material is not significantly dependant on strain-rate, the type of machine as

described by Bakhshi-Jooybari et al. (1996) is not particularly important for this

optimization. Additionally, the material is fixed to a 1008 steel. Therefore, the design

parameters are reduced to four geometrical dimensions on the preform dies, shown in

Figure 4-1.

The number of stages in the current work is kept at three throughout the optimization

process. This is primarily because the actual manufacturing process, as discussed in

Chapter 3, uses three stages to form the boIt. In general, there are many reasons why

several stages are performed in the heading process, versus just one. One reason is to

avoid buckling and flash (the formation of unwanted materiaI). The rules given by

Naujoks and FabeI, described in Chapter 1, are for that purpose, for example. In the

current work, Rule 1 can be applied, since the upset length is less than three times the

blank diameter. In addition, the upset ratio (ratio of the unsupported length - length to be


upset - to the diameter of the undefonned blank) is less than 1.8, so it is below the free

heading limit provided by Meyer et al. (1960). This is shown schematically in Figure 4-2.

In the current work, therefore, the blank can be upset to any final diameter with no danger

of buckling or other failures. Thus, in that sense, the upsetting can be perfonned safely

even in a single stage. Of course, there are other reasons why more than one stage is

employed. The first, which is a conclusion drawn from results obtained below, is that in

three stages for example, it is possible to produce a bolt that is less likely to crack in its

exterior surface during defonnation than in a single stage. The second might be that it is

preferable to apply load in several stages rather than in a single step, for die wear

purposes. A third reason might be the extent of die filling; it may be possible to upset a

blank with a given die, but the die filling may not be adequate which will result in an

undesired final shape. Hence, the number of stages is fixed at three in this work and the

optimization is perfonned with respect to the first two prefonn die geometries only.

l1t+ ,*Die3

: h Il :11 1 2: 1 -!t. Die 2

.. ... a

Die 1 Blank

Bottom Die

Figure 4-1: Schematic of the four design parameters




6 o l! .2 5 o ~ 4 Limit of free heading ~:::-J\i~ __ 13 + ~~~-


·····r······································ 1 ~ Cold heading upset ratio


1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2

Dlameter Ratio dg/do

Figure 4-2: Upsetting is performed in the free heading region

4.1 Experiments: the L-9 Orthogonal Array

The four design parameters, shown in Figure 4-1 namely (a, h, Il' 1), are each assigned

three levels of variations. The dimensions considered in the simulation of Chapter 3

(Figure 3.5) are taken to be the second level of each parameter, and negative and positive

variations are defined to produce levels 1 and 3, respectively. The resulting values are

shown in Table 4.1 (design parameters are termed 'factors'). Manufacturing tolerances

are not considered in this work, therefore the given values can be taken as averages.

From Table 4.1, an L-9 orthogonal array of experiments (FE simulations) is constructed,

as shown in Table 4.2. Each row in the matrix represents an experiment with the given

factor level combinations.

The optimization of the factors is with respect to, firstly, expected failure (defined as the

formation of external or internaI cracks). In Chapter 3, different failure criteria were

utilized to assess potential defects. In this chapter, the sensitivity of the failure criteria to

preform dimensions is examined. By changing the preform dimensions, it is found that

the Cockroft and Latham parameter changes significantly. However, the internaI shear

band criteria do not. The strain hardening, rate hardening and thermal softening terms in


the first criterion, as weIl as stress drop and temperature in the other two criteria are not

found to vary significantly with preform dimensions. Figure 4-3 to Figure 4-5 show the

results obtained for three of the experiments in the L-9 array (namely, experiments 1, 4

and 7). These were chosen randomly for illustration purposes, but the discussion holds

for aIl the experiments. In Figure 4-3, it is evident that the summation curves (sum of

strain hardening, rate hardening and thermal softening) are similar; it can be deduced that

a shear band initiates in earnest at a strain slightly less than 2.5. Figure 4-4 shows nearly

identical stress-strain curves, for an element in the highest strained region, for aIl three

experiments. Figure 4-5 shows the temperature contours obtained in each of the

experiments. The highest attained temperature varies approximately from 620-650°C,

which may be considered not greatly significant. The obtained resuIts may be explained

by the fact that the formulae used in these criteria are not strain path-dependant.

Therefore the criteria for internaI cracks may be considered not significantly sensitive to

the preform dimensions and only the external crack criterion (the Cockroft-Latham

parameter) is utilized in the optimization process.

The optimization is also performed with respect to forming load. The greater the impact

load needed to apply deformation, the greater the eventual wear on the dies. In the

simulations, the dies are modeled as rigid bodies with reference nodes. Reaction loads on

the die 1 and 2 reference nodes are taken to be the die load values to be minimized. It is

noted that load values for the third stage die do not vary significantly, since the final load

depends predominantly on the final shape of the boIt, which is fixed.

Response values, namely the C parameter, die load 1, and die load 2 are obtained for each

row of the L-9 array. These are shown in Table 4.2. Plots of the C parameter and die

load responses versus plastic strain evolution and die displacement, respectively, are

shawn in Figure 4-6 and Figure 4-7.

Note: The C parameter evolution for a single stage simulation is also included in Figure

4-6, in order to see if it would be advantageous, in terms of probability of external


cracking, to use three stages instead of one. It is clear that an improvement to the single

stage C value can be made using three stages.


1 2 3

Table 4.1: Factors and their level variations. Factors

a (degrees) h (mm) 11 (mm) h (mm)

0.8 4.0 7.2

2.5 5.0 7.5

5.5 7.2 9.0

3 4 5

Table 4.2:The L-9 orthogonal arral: and numerical res~onse of ex~eriments.

Exp. # Factors Numerical RespoDse

a h lt h C ~MPa} FI ~kN} Fz ~kN} 1 1 1 1 1 633.47 137.07 413.60 2 1 2 2 2 596.54 157.35 323.69 3 1 3 3 3 555.45 131.38 243.69 4 2 1 2 3 527.22 352.44 252.69 5 2 2 3 1 583.64 293.64 263.38 6 2 3 1 2 528.08 287.30 306.07 7 3 1 3 2 558.45 417.68 306.57 8 3 2 1 3 458.20 404.90 302.87 9 3 3 2 1 534.10 373.36 418.20


0.15 1/)

E .. 0.1 CI) 1-~

0.05 0 0 0

1 0 C

0 1/) 2 c -0.05 ~ 0 ..,



\ ~ .1 .L: ~~ M. 2. SO 2. 70~ ~ 90 3. GO 3. 10 3. 20 3. ~O 3.~1 'r-r~ ~~2.

-..J lFj ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"IJ"'" "" ~ ~ ~.

" ~ o

-0.2 Equivalent Plastic Strain

Figure 4-3: Shear band initiation criterion for experiments 1,4 and 7


1:0 ,..-------------------------------------

1 800 ~----.~~~~~~~--~~ ca 700 +-----~~---------------------------------

~ 600 +-~~~--------------------------------------------­~ 500 ~~----------------------------.. CIl

-Experiment1] ........... Experiment 4

--Experiment 7


2 2.5 3 3.5

Equivalent plastic strain

Figure 4-4: Deformation adiabatic shear band criterion for experiments 1,4 and 7

Tl!H' (Ave. Crit.: 75"',

+5.868e+02 ". +5.337e+02

1 +6.400.+02

,.:: !P~~~~ +3.'be+02 +3.210e+02

- +2. 678e+02 +2.146e+02 +1.615e+02 +l.083e+02 +5.511e+Ol +l.941e+OO

Tl!H' (Av •• Crit.: 15%)

1·· +6 .500e+02 !~:Ug::g~ +4.879e+02 +4.338e+02

-- +3. 798e+02 +3.257e+02 +2.717e+02 +2.176e+02 +1.636e+02 +1.09~::gi !Î:~he+Oà

Tl!H' (Ave. Crit.: 75~)

i-- +6 .200e+02


--. :::tnE8î !~:m::g~ !~:m::g~ +1.SS8e+02 +1.042.+02




Figure 4-5: Transformation adiabatic shear band criterion for experiments (a) 1, (b) 4 and (c) 7


,------r==~===E=X=P=1=========-+-====EX=P=2==========-O-=,==--EE=XX=-Pp==36--==------l---0- Exp4 -~ Exp5

'Exp7 -Exp8 --Exp9 o SingleStage


600 550t---~~------------------------~-~~~

500 ~~~----------

450 +------------------------------~~~ _ 400 +-----------­

~ 350 +--------

~ 300 (.) 250 +~----------__:

200 ~-----------150 ~----------100 +--------------:

5~~~lijiil~--~--~~--~~--~~--~~--~--~-0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60

Equivalent Plastic Strain

Figure 4-6: C parameter as a function of strain for an element on the exterior surface

-o-Exp1 _+_Exp2 _Exp3 _Exp4 -o-Exp5[

-ç,-Exp6 -o-Exp7 -.-Exp8 -Exp9 1




_ 350 z e. 300 "C ni 250 0

..J c 200 0

; u 150 ni CIl

0::: 100



0 1 2 3 4 5

Die1 Displacement (mm)




--Exp1 -)K-Exp2 -.t-Exp3 -o-Exp4 -Exp5

_Exp6 .......ç....-Exp7 -:c-Exp8 -+-Exp9



Z 350 ~

- 300 "C cu

250 0 ...1 c: 200 0 ..

150 CJ cu 11)

0:: 100


0 , 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Die2 Displacement (mm)


Figure 4-7: (a) Dielload 1 response (b) Die load 2 response

4.2 Conventional Taguchi Optimization

4.2.1 Factor Plots

Having obtained three response values for each row of the L-9 matrix, the aim at this

point is to use this data to search through the entire 81-experiment space for the best

combination of factor levels. Using the conventional Taguchi optimization, this can be

performed for each response separately, to obtain three optimal combinations. This is

achieved by the use of the so-called "factor plots".

As discussed in Chapter 2, a single response can be obtained for each level of each factor

by averaging its three responses (each factor level appears three times in the matrix). For

instance, C values of the three experiments that inc1ude a-Ievel 1 are averaged to produce

one value for the response of this level of a. This is repeated for each level and factor,

for C and force responses. The results are shown in Table 4.3. These are then plotted to


produce three factor-plots, as shown in Figure 4-8 and Figure 4-9. It is noted that l, and

h are not included in the analysis for die load 1 because these parameters (belonging to

stage 2 of deformation) have no physical influence on die load 1.

The factor levels that minimize the response values are subsequently chosen to produce

three optimal combinations, one with respect to C, the other two with respect to die loads.

The independent optimums and their simulation (actual) results are shown in Table 4.4.

4.2.2 Additivity of the method

The above method for choosing an optimum solution relies on the assumption that no

interactions exist between factors. Therefore, as discussed in Chapter 2, an additive

equation can be constructed to predict results of any combination, or any of the 81

experiments. The general equation (2.11) can be rewritten as (4.1), for this optimization.

It is used to verify the additivity of the experiments with respect to each criterion (i.e., the

C parameter and preform die loads), or, in other words, the validity of the aforementioned

assumption. A simulation is performed using each of the suggested optimum

combinations in Table 4.4 and this is compared to the results obtained using the

predictive equation. Table 4.5 shows the results.


It is seen that the maximum differences between the actual and predicted values are less

than 8%. Discrepancies can be possibly due to slight interactions between the factors.

They could also be due to a deviation from linearity of the actual predictive model. It

should be noted that although the predictive equation used here is linear, it could in fact

be non-linear but still remain additive with respect to each factor. As mentioned in

Chapter 2, this would not contradict the Taguchi assumption of minimal interactions, as

long as there are no multiplicative terms in the equation. In this case, it can be said that a

relatively reasonable approximation can be made with this linear equation because the

discrepancies are relatively small, i.e. <10%.


4.2.3 ANOV A Analysis

An analysis of variance is perfonned on the average responses of the factor levels, to

detennine the percent contribution of each factor on the criteria. The response values of

each criterion are first averaged for the nine experiments. The total sum of squares, using

(2.12), is then calculated for each criterion. Following, the sum of squares of each factor

is calculated using (2.13). The ratio of the two sum of squares denotes the contribution of

each factor on the value of the criteria. The results of the ANOVA analysis are shown in

Table 4.6 to Table 4.8. It is noted that because II and h are not inc1uded in the ANOV A

analysis of die 1, the array is not saturated. This leaves four degrees of freedom for

experimental error, interactions and other factors. This is denoted as "error" in Table 4.7.

4.3 Discussion

As can be seen in Table 4.6, the factors that contribute the most to the C parameter are a

and h. The prefonn cone angle, a, has the highest contribution. From Figure 4-8, the

larger the cone angle, the smaller the C value, or the less likelihood for edge cracking.

The larger the value of h, the smaller the C value. The parameter h is related to the cut­

off angle of die 2; it indicates that a square-like geometry is more favorable than a

tetrahedral-like geometry with respect to the value of C.

The ANOVA analysis in Table 4.7 shows that the most significant contributor for die

load 1 is also a. From Figure 4-9(a), it is noted that, in contrast to the C parameter,

minimizing the die load requires minimizing a. This is an apparent conflict in the choice

of parameter levels.

Table 4.8 shows that the detennining parameters for die load 2 are h and h. the latter

being the greatest contributor to the load value. Parameter a also seems to significantly

affect die load 2. From Figure 4-9(b), minimizing die load 2 requires maximizing both l,

and h, and maintaining an average value of a.


The need to maximize lz is therefore common to aIl criteria. Parameter Il, even though a

small contributor to the value of C, should be minimized with respect to C. This is

another conflict in the choice of parameter levels.

As a result, the above conflicts caU for the need of a multiple-criteria approach, which is

the topic of the next chapter.

Table 4.3: Average response for each parameter level Average C response for each parameter level (MPaj

Level a h 1. lz

1 595.2 573.0 539.9 583.7

2 546.3 546.1 552.6 561.0

3 516.9 539.2 565.8 513.6

Average die load 1 response for each parameter level (kN)

Level a h h lz

1 142 302

2 311 285

3 399 264

Average die load 2 responsefor each parameter level (kN)

Level a h 1. lz

1 327 324 341 365

2 274 297 332 312

3 343 323 271 266



400 Z ~ 300 CI)

~ 200 ~




~ 560 ::E 0' 540



Ole 1

I~a ---b- h -~-I1 -+- 121

1 2 3 level

Figure 4-8: Factor-plot of C parameter


400 z ~ 350 CI)

~ 300 o u.. 250


I~a -ô-h -+-11 -~-12

o+-------~------~----~. 200+--------r------~------__, 1 2



3 2



Figure 4-9: Factor-plots ofpreform die load for (a) die 1 (b) die 2

Table 4.4: O~timal combinations with res~ect to each factor

Factors Optimal Levels Actual Optimal

a h Il h Response

C 3 3 3 439.5 MPa

Die Load 1 3 131 kN

Die Load 2 2 2 3 3 256kN

Table 4.5: Additivity of the method using the predictive equation C (MPa) Die load 1 (kN) Die load 2 (kN)

Predicted 451.3 122 260

Actual 439.5 131 256

% Difference 2.7 7.1 1.6



Table 4.6: ANOV A for response C

Factors D.O.F. Sum of squares % Contribution

a 2 0.000379 46.9

h 2 0.000077 9.6

1) 2 0.000041 5.0

h 2 0.000310 38.4

Error 0 0 Total 8 0.000807 100

Table 4.7: ANOVA for response die load 1

Factors D.O.F. Sum of squares % Contribution

a 2 0.015652 96.2

h 2 0.000340 2.1



Error (4 ) (0.000272) (1.7)

Total 4 0.01599 98.3

Table 4.8: ANOV A for response die load 2

Factors D.O.F. Sum of squares % Contribution

a 2 0.000966 23.90

h 2 0.000180 4.46 1) 2 0.001070 26.48

h 2 0.001825 45.16 Error 0 0 Total 8 0.004040 100


5. Multiple Criteria Optimization

As illustrated in the previous chapter, the conventional Taguchi method can be used to

optimize preform die geometries with respect to one eriterion. When combinations

optimized for different criteria are contradictory, a multiple criteria approach becomes

necessary. As discussed in Chapter 1, there exists in the literature a range of different

approaches. In this chapter, the multiple-criteria techniques described in Chapter 2 are

applied within the conventional Taguchi method and their performance with respect to

preform die geometry optimization is analyzed.

As mentioned in Chapter 2, the OEC approach is applied in this work, in which individual

criteria are eombined into an overall criterion. This is then optimized with single

objective techniques. The steps to follow when using an OEC in the common Taguchi

method can be described as follows:

(a) Find the best combination oflevels for each criterion separately.

(b) Compare the optimal solutions and verify which factors produce the same optimal

levels for aIl criteria.

(c) If there are contradictions, combine the criteria into one overall index and then

analyze this index (Roy, 2001).

In the CUITent work, aIl approaches to simultaneously minimize the C parameter and the

preform die loads generally follow these three steps. Step (a) was performed in Chapter

4, with the results displayed in Table 4.4. The following verification holds for step (b).

It can be seen from the optimal solutions in Table 4.4 that parameter h shows no conflict

with any of the criteria. Factor h shows slight conflict with respect to the criterion F2.

From the ANOVA analysis in Table 4.8, however, the effect ofthis parameter on die load

2 is not significant «5%). Thus, level 3 for factor h may also be considered optimal for

aIl criteria. The other two factors (a and Il) are in an apparent conflict and the multiple-


criteria solution should arrive at a compromise between them. Thus step (c) becomes


5.1 Selected Methods

The approach for multiple-criteria decision making (MCDM), is divided into two groups,

as discussed in Chapter 2: multiple-objective decision-making (MODM) and multiple­

attribute decision-making (MADM) methods. In the current work, both categories will be

examined. Within the former category, the utility function method is mostly used as an

OEC tool for the Taguchi technique, and it is also employed here. Within the latter

category, the use of the TOPSIS method as another OEC tool is introduced in this work.

Finally, a comparative analysis of the two methods is performed.

Remark: the Taguchi approach in multiple response problems can be understood in both

subgroups. It can be categorized in the MODM or multiple objective optimization

analysis since the final solution (combination of factor levels) is normally none of the

alternatives initially prescribed by orthogonal arrays. On the other hand, it can be

categorized in the MADM analysis since the set of feasible factor levels is discrete,

predetermined and finite. Clearly, ifa full-factorial approach (i.e. the full 81 experiments)

is applied, then the optimization reduces to a pure MADM approach, as the best solution

will be among the generated alternatives.

5.2 Utility Function Methods

In this method, multiple criteria are converted into an overall index by means of a

predefined utility function. This function utilizes weighting coefficients that represent the

decision maker's preferences among the criteria.


In the current work, the equations for the additive, minimax and multiplicative methods

presented in Chapter 2 will be applied. Initially, all response values are norrnalized so as

to obtain values of the same order of magnitude for all criteria. This is typically

perforrned by dividing each response value by the sum of the values in the L-9 orthogonal

array column, as follows:

9 9 9

NCi =CJICi ; N~i =~JI~i; NF2i =F2i /IF2i (5.1) i=1 i=1 i=1

Where the i index (i=1,2 ... 9) refers to each experiment in the L-9 orthogonal arrayand

NXj refers to the ith norrnalized criterion value in that experiment. Applying (5.1) to

Table 4.2, produces the normalization results shown in Table 5.1. Next, the normalized

values are weighted and a utility function is applied to obtain a corresponding overall

index. The following equations are used for each utility function:

Minimax: NUf = Max{CüI (NCi ),Cü2 (NF;i),Cü3 (NF2i )}

Multiplicative: NUf = [ Cül (NCi ) + 1] [ Cü2 (NF;i ) + 1] [ Cü3 (NF2i ) + 1 ]




Where Cü l , Cü2 , Cü3 are the chosen weighting coefficients and NU is the normalized overall

index. The above equations are written for the factor a. The same equations apply for

factor h. For factors Il and h, however, the NF 1 terrns are zero since these factors do not

affect die load 1 in any way (11 and h belong to the second stage of deforrnation and die

load 1 belongs to the first stage of deformation).

Six different weights are utilized in the above utility functions. The optimal results for

each weight are displayed in Table 5.2. Weight 5 is used to illustrate the implementation

of the method, as an example, as follows.


Table 5.1: Normalized response values in L-9

Experiment Normalized Response

Die Die # C

Load 1 Load2

1 0.127 0.054 0.146

2 0.120 0.062 0.114

3 0.112 0.051 0.086

4 0.106 0.138 0.089

5 0.117 0.115 0.093

6 0.106 0.112 0.108

7 0.112 0.163 0.108

8 0.092 0.158 0.107

9 0.107 0.146 0.148

Table 5.2: Weights and optimal solutions for different multi-criteria Taguchi optimization methods.

Method Weight 1 Weight 2 Weight3 Weight 4 Weight 5 Weight 6

(01 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 0.85

O>Z=0>3 0.75 0.5 0.25 0.15 0

Additive 1,3,3,3 1,3,3,3 1,3,3,3 1,3,3,3 2,3,1,3 3,3,1,3

Minimax 1,3,3,3 1,3,3,3 2,3,3,2 3,3,1,3 3,3,1,3 3,3,1,3

Multiplicative 1,2,3,3 1,2,3,3 1,2,3,3 1,3,3,3 2,3,1,3 3,3,1,3

5.2.1 Weight 5 as an illustrative example

The weighted normalized response values for this particular weight (this weight is also

used for comparative purposes in the following section) are shown in Table 5.3. The

results of the overall indices for this weight using (5.2) to (5.4) are shown in Table 5.4.

The multiple criteria values have thus been converted to one criterion and can now be

analyzed using the convention al Taguchi method as in Chapter 4. The table of average


response for each parameter level can be reconstructed for each index. The results for the

additive, minimax and multiplicative methods are shown in Table 5.5. These values are

then used to create the corresponding factor plots for each method, shown in Figure 5-1.

From this figure, the optimum combination for weight 5 using the additive method is

(2,3,1,3); using the minimax method it is (3,3,1,3); using the multiplicative method is


The purpose of the subsequent sections is to choose the most appropriate utility function

for this optimization, based on the performance of each method in different aspects as


Table 5.3: Weighted normalized response (weight 5)

Experiment C Die Load 1 Die Load 2


1 0.108 0.0080 0.0219

2 0.102 0.0092 0.0172

3 0.095 0.0077 0.0129

4 0.090 0.0207 0.0134

5 0.100 0.0172 0.0140

6 0.090 0.0169 0.0162

7 0.095 0.0245 0.0162

8 0.078 0.0238 0.0160

9 0.091 0.0219 0.0222


Table 5.4: Utility function values for weight 5

Experiment Uadditlve Uminimax U multiplicative

# a,h 1., h a, h, 1., h a,h 1., 12

1 0.138 0.130 0.l08 1.142 1.133

2 0.l28 0.119 0.102 1.131 1.121

3 0.116 0.108 0.095 1.118 1.109

4 0.124 0.l03 0.090 1.128 1.105

5 0.131 0.114 0.100 1.134 1.115

6 0.123 0.106 0.090 1.127 1.108

7 0.136 0.112 0.095 1.141 1.113

8 0.118 0.094 0.078 1.122 1.096

9 0.135 0.113 0.091 1.140 1.115

Table 5.5: Average response for each parameter level for weight 5

Additive utility function

Level a h Il h

1 0.1273 0.1328 0.1103 0.1191

2 0.1261 0.l258 0.1120 0.l124

3 0.l299 0.1247 0.1110 0.1019

Minimax utility function

Level a h Il h

1 0.1017 0.0979 0.0922 0.0997

2 0.0933 0.0933 0.0944 0.0959

3 0.0883 0.0921 0.0967 0.0878

Multiplicative utility function

Level a h Il 12

1 1.1301 1.1366 1.1120 1.1210

2 1.1295 1.1290 1.1136 1.1140

3 1.1340 1.1280 1.1124 1.1031


0.140 I-o-a -tr-h -:(-11 -+- 12 1 >< 0.135 CI)

~~ " 0.130 -::: .5 CI) 0.125 ,:: 0.120 .

~~~ :: " 0.115

" C'\I 0.110 ~

0.105 + 0.100

2 3



0.110 ' I-o-a -tr-h -)1(-11 -+- 12 1 >< 0.105 ' CI)


~~ ,5 0.100 >< C'\I 0.095 E '2 0.090 'Ë ~


0.080 1 2 3



I~a -tr-h -)1(-11 -+- 12 1 1.140

~ 1.135 ~ ~1.130 ~tF ~ ~ 1.125 ~ 1.120 + _______ :a 1.115 ~ ~ 1.110)1( ~-)I( E 1.105 ~ ::l 1.100 ~ ___________ --. _____ ---,



level 3

Figure 5-1: Factor plots for weight 5 (a) Uaddltlve, (b) Umlnlmm (c) Umultlpllcatlve


5.2.2 Sensitivity to changes in weights and breakdown point

The first measure of performance is an assessment of how the utility functions respond to

changes in weights. The results in Table 5.2 indicate that the multiplicative method is

more sensitive to changes in weights than the other methods as it produces a total of four

different combinations, whereas the other two functions pro duce a total of three. This

may be an advantage, but it can be said that the difference in the sensitivities of the

methods to weight change is not considerable. Table 5.2 also indicates that the

breakdown point (where the design configuration changes) for the additive method is

around weight 5; for the minimax method it is around weight 3; for the multiplicative

method it is around weight 4. This suggests that the minimax method has the most

balanced sensitivity to changes in weights.

5.2.3 Compatibility with single criterion optimization

A second measure of performance is whether the utility functions, after converting

response values to a single index, retain the preferred levels of non-conflicting parameters

obtained in the single-criterion optimization. This should be valid provided there are no

interactions between factors. If interactions exist, then when combining aIl criteria, the

optimal levels chosen for conflicting factors will potentially affect the performance or

'optimality' of levels chosen for non-conflicting factors. No significant interactions is the

underlying assumption of the Taguchi method, however, and so, if a preferred level of a

non-conflicting parameter is changed, it may be concluded that the method used IS

inappropriate for the particular optimization.

The minimax method, for weight 3, prefers level 2 of parameter h. This is in apparent

contradiction with the single-criterion die load optimization. Therefore, the minimax

method is not preferred, for this application, on the basis of incompatibility with the

single-criteria optimization solutions.


In order to compare the other two methods, weights 1 and 6 are then examined. Surely

the weight 1 combinations should be compatible with the single die load optimizations;

and similarly weight 6 should be compatible with the single C optimization. It is seen

that the additive method produces compatible results. The multiplicative method chooses

level 2 of h for weight 1. This is still compatible (it corresponds to the preferred choice

when optimizing die load 2 alone). However, as discussed before, since h has little effect

on die load 2, the chosen combination can be considered comparable to the (1,3,3,3)

combination preferred by the additive method for weight 1. For weights 2 and 3, the

multiplicative method still prefers level 2 of factor h. On the other hand, the additive

method prefers level 3 for factor h. Since this level improves two out of the total three

criteria (see also Table 4.4), this choice may be more rational.

The additive method is therefore preferred over the multiplicative method from the above

reasoning, and it is also chosen because of its simplicity. AdditionaIly, the additive utility

function decouples the criteria such that they can be evaluated independently (there are no

interaction terms between criteria).

5.2.4 Extent of parameter lev el differentiation

In aIl three utility function forms, often the difference between performances of parameter

levels is very small. For instance, the multiplicative method chooses a (2,3,1,3)

combination for weight 5, i.e. level 2 for parameter 0,. However, level 2 could easily be

replaced by level 1 for 0" as their normalized utility values are within a fraction of a

percent (1.129 versus 1.130, see Table 5.5). This would produce a seemingly equivalent

combination (1,3,1,3). The C and force values for these two combinations are, however,

significantly different (more than 20%). Parameter a has a strong effect on the individual

criteria. It can be said, therefore, that a possible drawback of these utility functions is that

sometimes their differentiation between factor levels is not prominent; whereas based on

the actual response values, the difference between the levels is significant.


In brief, from the above comparisons, the additive function, owing to its simplicity and

compatibility in this case study, is a good candidate for the utility function method.

5.2.5 Pareto frontiers

Having chosen the additive utility function, the problem is now reduced to selecting the

appropriate weighting factors.

The choice of the weighting factor may vary according to the designer's goals, since the

relative importance of the two criteria may not be identical: a slight variation in the C

parameter could cause or prevent the failure of a part whereas a similar variation in load

could be practically insignificant.

To facilitate the interpretation of different weights, one can use the set of optimal

solutions (from the six weights) to form a Pareto frontier as follows. Using the response

values of the six optimum combinations given in Table 5.2, the Pareto frontier for the

additive method can be produced as shown in Figure 5-2, in the feasible objective space

defined by the L-9 array. Three points are visible on the frontiers, instead of six, because

in this case amongst the six combinations, only three produce independent criteria values.

The Pareto frontier shape can be found more exactly by utilizing a much larger number of

weights and by using more levels of factors in the optimization (in Figure 5-2, the points

are connected in an approximate way). Note that if the global objective space in reality is

not convex, the additive weighting method is not able to identify aIl points on the Pareto

frontier (Sen and Yang, 1998). As can be seen, the OEC Taguchi approach was able to

create optimal points above which are feasible solutions that are not optimum (they are

termed "dominated" solutions), and below which are infeasible solutions. Finally, the

designer can decide more easily on the best solution from the Pareto frontier, given the

design goals. For instance, he/she may choose the best solution based on a predefined

load capacity of the dies.




lsso :::Il! 0' SOO

1 1 1. 1 : .


Local Feasible Objective Space


• __ 11 ______ _





l550 :::Il! 0' SOO

100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

Force (kN)


Die 2

Local Feasible Objective Space

1 1 1 :. 1 • •



100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

Force (kN)


Figure 5-2: Pareto frontier between (a) C and F for Die 1, (b) C and F for Die 2

5.3 A new OEC approach within the Taguchi method:


The TOPSIS method is in the class of multiple-attribute decision-making models. It is

based on the concept that the chosen alternative (factor level) should have the shortest

distance from an ide al point and the furthest distance from a negative ideal (nadir) point.

As discussed in Chapter 2, these models are applied to discrete optimization spaces from

which optimum levels of factors are selected with respect to given criteria. They are

therefore applicable within the Taguchi method, considering that the optimization space is

the full-factorial space (81 experiments in the L-9 case). It is noted that the TOPSIS

method assumes that attributes (criteria) take either monotonically increasing or


monotonically decreasing responses (Sen and Yang, 1998), which is valid in the current

case study (see experimental results in Chapter 3).

In the current work, the approach to using this method is to first set up a decision matrix

for each factor. The rows of this matrix are the three levels of the factors and the columns

are the average criteria values. Therefore, before applying TOPSIS, the results are first

averaged for each factor level, using the L-9 orthogonal array. The four decision matrices

obtained are shown in Table 5.6. The levels of each factor are defined as alternatives of

the decision model, whereas the C, FI, and Fz criteria are considered as cost-like

attributes ('cost-like' because minimizing them is better).

Following, the four decision matrices are normalized so that the three criteria are of the

same order of magnitude. The normalization is usually based on the 2-norm, therefore

the following formulas are used:

AIso, the weight of each criterion is multiplied by the corresponding column so that the

decision maker's preferences are accounted for. The normalized and weighted responses

are denoted as Ne, NF 1, and NFz. Next, the ideal and nadir points are chosen from the

options in each column. The distances of each point, for example (C,Fl,Fz)a-l, from the

ideal and nadir points are then ca1culated and the CL + index is computed, based on the

method described in Chapter 2. The formulas used can be re-written specifically for this

optimization case as follows:


2 2 2 }112 d+ = (NC _NCldeal) +(NR _NRldeal) +(NF _NFldeal)

a j a J a laj la 2aJ 2a (5.6)


2 2 2 }112 d- = (NC _NCNadir) +(NR _NRNadir) +(NF _NFNadir) ai ai a lai la 2aj 2a (5.7)



Similarly to section 5.2, the method is re-iterated for each weight with the final optimal

solutions shown in Table 5.7. The results for weight 5 are used as an illustrative example.

Using (5.5), and the decision matrices in Table 5.6, the normalized responses for weight 5

are shown in Table 5.8. The solution mechanism using (5.6) to (5.8), for weight 5 is

illustrated graphically in Figure 5-3 to Figure 5-6. Figure 5-3a shows the normalized

decision matrix points along with the ideal and nadir points, and the distances between

them, for factor a. Figure 5-3b shows the value of the CL + index for each level

(alternative) of factor a. For comparison, the results ofthe additive model are also shown

in the same graph. Similarly, Figure 5-4 to Figure 5-6 illustrate the results for the other

three factors.

As a larger CL + value is preferred, the optimum combination for weight 5 based on the

TOPSIS method is (1,3,1,3). The following is a comparison with the additive method for

this weight.

5.3.1 The TOPSIS method compared to the additive utility

function method

Figure 5-4 to Figure 5-6 show no contradiction for parameters h, II and h, between the

additive and TOPSIS methods. The lowest NU value corresponds to the highest CL +

value. However, for parameter a (Figure 5-3) this is not the case. The TOPSIS method

chooses level 1 for a, the additive method chooses level 2. In examining Figure 5-4

again, it is noticed that leve12 of a is in fact the closest to the ideal point (d+ = 0.055). On

the other hand, it is also the closest to the nadir point (d- = 0.053). TOPSIS then

disregards this level, and chooses the next best one, which is levell ofa (d+ = 0.071, d- =


0.073). The choice of TOPSIS (1,3,1,3) would have been identical to that of the additive

method (2,3,1,3) had it regarded only the distance to the ideal point (CL+ = d+). Note that

the additive method will not necessarily always choose the point that is closest to the

ideal point, since its approach is fundamentally different. To compare more precisely, the

two combinations, (1,3,1,3) and (2,3,1,3), are expressed in terms of their response values

in Table 5.9.

It can be noted from these results that the greatest difference between the two choices is

in the value of FI. It is, in fact, the high value of Flin the additive method combination

that makes this solution closer to the nadir point. On the other hand, its appreciably low

C value makes it closer to the ideal point. The TOPSIS solution then makes a

compromise on C and F2, in order to lower the value of FI significantly. In other words,

while approaching the ideal point levels, the TOPSIS method has not allowed any of the

factor levels to come close to the nadir point. This cannot happen in the utility function

methods, since the decision is based on a single overall criterion (i.e., minimization of the

utility function). In addition, the differentiability between the levels of factors using the

TOPSIS method is seemingly greater, since the decisions are based on two measures (i.e.,

minimization of the distance from the ideal point and maximization of the distance from

the nadir point). This probably becomes more critical as the number of criteria increases.

It can be said, however, that according to the above analysis both the additive and

TOPSIS methods work adequately for this optimization case.


Table 5.6: Decision matrices before normalization (C in MPa ; FI & Flin kN).

a (3x3) II (3x2)

Alternatives Criteria Alternatives Criteria

(Levels) C FI Fl (Levels) C F2

1 595.15 141.94 327.00 1 539.91 340.85 2 546.31 311.13 274.05 2 552.62 331.53

3 516.91 398.65 342.55 3 565.84 271.22

h (3x3) h (3x2) Alternatives Criteria Alternatives Criteria

(Levels) C FI F2 (Levels) C F2

1 573.05 302.40 324.29 1 583.74 365.06 2 546.13 285.30 296.65 2 561.02 312.11

3 539.21 264.01 322.65 3 513.62 266.42

Table 5.7: Weights and optimal solutions for additive and TOPSIS Taguchi optimization methods.

Method Weight 1 Weight 2 Weight3 Weight4 Weight 5 Weight 6

0 0.25 0.5 0.75 0.85 6)1

c.l2=c.l3 0.75 0.5 0.25 0.15 0

Additive 1,3,3,3 1,3,3,3 1,3,3,3 1,3,3,3 2,3,1,3 3,3,1,3 TOPSIS 1,3,3,3 1,3,3,3 1,3,3,3 1,3,3,3 1,3,1,3 3,3,1,3

Table 5.8: Normalized decision matrices and ideal and nadir points (weight 5).

a (3x3) Il (3x2)

Levels NC NFI NF2 Levels NC NF2

1 0.527 0.041 0.090 1 0.478 0.093 2 0.484 0.089 0.075 2 0.490 0.091

3 0.458 0.114 0.094 3 0.501 0.074

Ideal 0.458 0.041 0.075 Ideal 0.478 0.074 Nadir 0.527 0.114 0.094 Nadir 0.501 0.093

h (3x3) l:z (3x2) Levels NC NFI NF2 Levels NC NF2

1 0.508 0.086 0.089 1 0.517 0.100 2 0.484 0.081 0.081 2 0.497 0.086

3 0.478 0.075 0.088 3 0.455 0.073

Ideal 0.478 0.075 0.081 Ideal 0.455 0.073 Nadir 0.508 0.086 0.089 Nadir 0.517 0.100


Ut r\'·~:::::-~ ....... ~..__--_t-----l 0.62



TOPSIS - -11- -Additive 1

0.52.,..-------------,. 0.131



CL+ 0.49



0.46 -

• 0.130


0.128 NU







(b) Figure 5-3: (a) Graphical representation of TOPSIS solution and (b) comparison with the additive

method, for design factor a using weight 5.

U1O---~------I"'" TOPSIS· ... Additive 1

0..101 0.010 r----------~ 0.135

U01 0.8 • '\, o ... ~ 0.6

CL+ o .... 0.130

NU OAM 0.4

OA7G 0.2


OA111-------~-t------------O-~----7--~~ 0.013 ""'1 0.079


0.125 .. .. +-__ ....,.. ___ .,..-_L_-+ 0.120

2 3


(a) (b) Figure 5-4: (a) Graphical representation of TOPSIS solution and (b) comparison with the

additive method, for design factor h using weight 5.


(J Z

U z

0.51 11_3

TCfSIS - •• • Additivel 0.019 Nadir

0.6 0.113 0.50 0.5

0.112 0.4 ... 0.49 0.023 . .. .. • CL+0.3 • 0.111 NJ

11_1 0.2


Ideal 0.019 0.1 0.110

0.47 0 0.109 0.07 D.OB 0.09 0.10 2 3

NF2 11-level

(a) (b)

Figure 5-5: (a) Graphical representation of TOPSIS solution and (b) comparison with the additive method, for design factor Il using weight 5.

0.54 12


TOPSIS • -•• Additiive 1 0.52 0.13 0.50

0.8 0.12 0.4B . -0.46

0.6 .. CL+ • 0.11 NU Ideal 0.4 • 0.44 , ..

0.42 0.2 0.10

0.06 0.07 D.OB 0.09 0.10 0.11 0 0.09

NFz 2 3

(a) 12-level

(b) Figure 5-6: (a) Graphical representation of TOPSIS solution and (b) comparison with the

additive method, for design factor 12 using weight 5.

Table 5.9: Response values of additive and TOPSIS methods for weight 5.


Additive 470 Weighted relative distance Jrom 3.5%

single criteria solutions

TOPSIS 530 Weighted relative distance Jrom 14.9%

single criteria solutions


FI (kN)

291 20.7%

122 0%

F2 (kN)

260 0%

313 3.1%


5.4 Sensitivity to outlier points

In the current work, no particularly unusual results or measurements were obtained from

the finite element simulations. Had this occurred, however, the performance of the

chosen multiple-objective methods namely, the TOPSIS and the additive utility function,

might change.

To evaluate the robustness of the methods with respect to possible outlier points, response

values (C, FI, F2) of experiment #4 in the L-9 orthogonal array (Table 4.2) are therefore

deliberately doubled. The analysis using both methods was repeated with weight 3,

where aIl the criteria are of the same importance.

The optimal combination for the additive method changed from (1,3,3,3) to (1,3,1,3).

The optimal combination for the TOPSIS method changed from (1,3,3,3) to (1,3,1,2).

Using the additive method, the level of only one parameter is affected as compared to the

original optimum solution. In addition, the additive method solution remained

compatible with the single-criterion solutions. The predictive equations were used to

predict the criteria values of these two new combinations, in order to compare the results

more effectively. These are shown in Table 5.10. It is evident, that both methods

produce worse optimum solutions, compared to the original optimum (no outlier

solution). However, the TOPSIS method's combination has increased the C and die load

2 values more than the additive method. This may indicate that the additive method is

relatively more robust than the TOPSIS method, with respect to outlier points in this case


Table 5.10: Criteria values of each method's new optimum combination with an outlier point

Combination No Outlier (1,3,3,3) Additive (1,3,1,3) TOPSIS (1,3,1,2)

C (MPa) 503.2 529.5 576.9

FI (kN) 122.1 122.1 122.1

F2 (kN) 238.9 313.3 359.0


Conclusions and Future Work

6.1 Conclusions and summary

• The co Id heading process (CHP) is an important manufacturing technique that is

commonly used to produce fasteners, such as bolts, rivets, and nuts.

• Even though it is very widely used, the CHP can produce a number of potential

defects in the formed part. Recently, therefore, much attention has been given to

the design of forming stages.

• In the current work, a simulation of a three-stage cold heading process is

performed using Abaqus Explicit v6.3. The model is axisymmetric, adiabatic,

with 4-noded continuum elements. Constant velocities are applied to rigid dies

which deform a solid blank.

• The blank material is considered to be an elastic-rate-dependant-plastic solid with

the flow stress given by the Johnson-Cook equation. The values of the material

constants are determined by performing quasi-static tension tests on samples of

the material. The st~el is of AIS! 1008 grade. A 1038 steel is also considered but

found to be inadequate for this forming process.

• Potential defects are assessed from the results of the simulations. The Cockroft

and Latham parameter is used for external cracks. The shear band initiation

criterion which states that initiation occurs when thermal softening is greater than

strain and rate hardening is used for internaI cracks. For the formation of shear

bands, criteria that consider the stress drop and temperature rise in a localized

band are used.


• A methodology for the optimization of the preform die geometries is introduced.

Two geometrical parameters on each preform die (stages 1 and 2) are given three­

level variations. Four parameters, three-Ievel variations gives rise to a total of 82

experiments to be performed. This is reduced to 9 by the Taguchi L-9 orthogonal


• Three criteria are considered for optimization: the Cockroft and Latham

parameter, die load in stage 1 and die load in stage 2. InternaI shear band criteria

are not inc1uded in the optimization because they are found not to vary

significantly with preform geometry.

• The conventional Taguchi approach is applied on mean values, for each criterion.

Additivity of the method is assessed, and the assumption of no interaction

between factors is found to be valid. The ANOV A method is used to determine

the effect of each factor on each response. Three optimal solutions are generated.

Conflicts are found to exist in the solutions of two parameters.

• The conventional Taguchi approach is extended to multiple-criteria approaches by

the use of overall evaluation criteria methods.

• In the MODM method, the utility function is applied on criteria values of each

experiment, in order to first arrive at an OEC index, U, for each experiment. Then

the Taguchi search method is applied on each factor to choose the level of the

factor that minimizes the MODM index. Additive, minimax and multiplicative

functions are analyzed. Six different weights that represent the designer's

preferences among criteria are applied.

• It is found that the additive method is the most adequate for this optimization.

Criteria values for the optimal combinations are plotted to produce Pareto frontier

points. AU points above this frontier are 'dominated' solutions, or solutions that

can be optimized. AIl points below are infeasible.


• In the MADM method, the Taguchi approach is first partly applied by averaging

criteria values of each factor leve1, and then the MADM TOPSIS search method is

applied to each factor, to search for that factor's best alternative (level). The best

level is then chosen based on the 'performance' ofits criteria vector. Performance

is defined by the TOPSIS OEC index, CL+. The same weights are applied for this


• The TOPSIS and additive methods are compared. The generated optimal

solutions of the two are identical in most cases. The methods differ only when the

ideal solution is also closest to the nadir solution.

• The additive utility function and TOPSIS methods are also compared for their

sensitivities to outlier points. The additive method may potentially be less

sensitive to such points.

6.2 Future work:

~ Manufacturing tolerances could be included in the analysis. Signal to

noise ratios can then be used in the Taguchi approach, instead of mean values.

~ The following may be further studied:

.:. Different die geometries .

• :. The effect of the number of stages on the likelihood of cracking .

• :. The effect ofheterogeneous strain resulting from extrusion on the

blank before heading.


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