Argumentative Essay Topics and Points Outline 1. All secondary and tertiary level students should be offered courses on good money management as part of their formal education. What are your thoughts on this suggestion? You should write at least 350 words. Good Money Management important life skill learn value of money learn importance of budgeting learn importance of investing learn importance of reducing/avoiding debts how to save money, why and how how to earn extra money be less dependent 2. There should be stricter censorship guidelines to monitor the mass media in Malaysia. What is your point of view? You should write at least 350 words. Agree Too much violence, sex and horror Negatively influences young minds-dressing, lifestyle and etc. Increases crime rate Encourages moral decadence/decline More social problems Examples of movies/series/printed media that should be censored Examples of scenes/texts that should be censored Disagree Audience mature enough to decide More parental supervision of children More moral and religious guidance Just rate the movies etc. do not censor Freedom of choice Government can censor but VCDs available on the black market anyway

MUET Argumentative Essay Topics and Points Outline

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Argumentative Essay Topics and Points Outline

1. All secondary and tertiary level students should be offered courses on good money

management as part of their formal education. What are your thoughts on this suggestion?

You should write at least 350 words.

Good Money Management

important life skill

learn value of money

learn importance of budgeting

learn importance of investing

learn importance of reducing/avoiding debts

how to save money, why and how

how to earn extra money

be less dependent

2. There should be stricter censorship guidelines to monitor the mass media in Malaysia. What is

your point of view? You should write at least 350 words.


Too much violence, sex and horror

Negatively influences young minds-dressing, lifestyle and etc.

Increases crime rate

Encourages moral decadence/decline

More social problems

Examples of movies/series/printed media that should be censored

Examples of scenes/texts that should be censored


Audience mature enough to decide

More parental supervision of children

More moral and religious guidance

Just rate the movies etc. do not censor

Freedom of choice

Government can censor but VCDs available on the black market anyway

Page 2: MUET Argumentative Essay Topics and Points Outline

3. What roles do you think a good teacher should play in a student’s life? Give your opinion. You

should write at least 350 words.

A good teacher should be an educator

teach what you are supposed to

be expert in area of specialization

prepare materials well

give, evaluate and discuss assignment

prepare them for examination

be interested and interesting

A good teacher should be a disciplinarian

set good example in profession and life

demonstrate good moral values

watch actions, mannerism and language

be persons some students can look up to/emulate

A good teacher should be a disciplinarian

Must be able to set strict guidelines and stick to them.

Be firm about attendance

Make sure the work is done and do not accept lame excuses

Punish if necessary

Set boundaries on acceptable behavior, language and etc.

A good teacher should be a counselor

Be a friend in need a shoulder to cry on

Provide good advice and counseling

Try to relate to them and their problems

Share your thoughts and allow them to express their opinions

Page 3: MUET Argumentative Essay Topics and Points Outline

4. Water is an important source of livelihood to many people. However, the quality of most

rivers in the country is worsening. What is your view on this? What do you think causes the

worsening quality of rivers and how can the effects be mitigated? You should write at least

350 words.


1. water is an important source of livelihood to many people and it is sad that the quality

of most rivers in the country is worsening.

2. Caused by factors such as growing population, timber logging and dumping or toxic

waste, domestic waste and rubbish directly into the rivers.

3. As a result, the quality of water deteriorates and certain measures need to be taken to

mitigate the effects on the rivers.

Ways to solve the problem:

1.Do not throw rubbish into the rivers and other water sources

Dispose of rubbish responsibly

Tie rubbish up in garbage bags and place them in dustbins

For bigger items, call disposal companies etc.

Minimize waste material that you throw into the sink or down the drain.

Do not throw milk, oil or food waste down the sink-clog pipes

Use organic, bio-degradable scraps and leftovers to make compost heap-use as fertilizers.

Was car on lawn, pour water used to wash rice on plants –don’t hose down the drains.

2. Campaign against irresponsible construction or logging.

Be outspoken about construction and logging that cause mud and silt to clog rivers.

Write to newspapers, join citizens’ group.

3. Conserve Water

Do not waste water

Don’t wash cars often, use watering can not hose for watering plans, etc.

Use shower when bathing, turn off tap, when brushing teeth and soaping dishes etc.

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5. In the last few years, several wars have broken out around the world. Write an article giving

reasons why war is both destructive and harmful. You should write at least 350 words.

(1) Thousands or even millions of people are killed or maimed in wars.

-greatest tragedy thousands and millions ide-children, women, old people too

-many are badly injured, lose limbs, sight, hearing and etc.

-landmines is another problem

-few able-bodied people lefts to rebuild the country

-many die due to disease, starvation, exposure and etc.

(2) Wars destroy buildings, bridges, homes and infrastructure like roads, railway lines and


-wars usually involves massive bombing which cause mass destruction

-everything destroyed-cannot live or conduct business

-hospitals cannot treat the injured

-no schools or universities –and education will be affected

-people cannot travel

(3) War destroys families as members killed or separated from each other

-men-fathers and brothers go off to fight wars

-families lose breadwinners, protectors, father figure

-families suffer lose and pains’

-many lose contact with each other in confusion of war

(4) War destroys the economy as all economic activities are badly affected, halted or completely


-factories and companies destroyed

-agricultural lands destroyed

-money is devalued, cannot trade

-roads, ports, airports are destroyed-cannot conduct business

-no foreign investors will do business

-country cannot recover easily after wars

(5) Psychological trauma caused by war destroys social fabric and undermines moral and religious


-Civil wars causes suspicion and hatred among neighbours

-Destroys sense of unity and fellowship

-People are fighting for survival-will do anything to protect their families and themselves.

-will resort to betrayal, thefts, lies and even murder

-lose all sense of religious and moral values

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6. As we head towards the year 2020, many Malaysians feel that much remains to be done in

order to improve the quality of our life. Do you agree? Give your opinion. You should write at

least 350 words.

In order to achieve a developed-nation status, the quality of life has to be improved.

basic amenities: parts of Malaysia still do not have clean pipe water and electricity,

namely interior of Sabah and Sarawak

housing :not all citizens have modern housing with proper sanitation

low cost government flats-are mostly in state of disrepair

squatter areas still common-overcrowding-poor garbage disposal

lack of recreational areas and facilities-resulting in unhealthy children

Education: still not compulsory

some children are deprived of education-lack of schools in rural areas

some schools are closed because of small number as a result of rural-urban migration-

worsens problems

Quality of education-qualification of teachers are questionable esp. in the teaching of

English and Mathematics

Lack of funds for equipment and running of proper activities

Proportion of population who are university graduates still low

Health: There are still many problems in the health system.

Lack of hospitals and clinics and qualified doctors

Long wait in the government hospitals and for treatment of serious diseases.

Basic health care beyond the reach of many in rural areas

Safety of medicines and drugs used for treatment-the safety of second generation drugs

and medications.

Preventive medication: hepatitis –not free

Transport: There are many remote areas with no proper transport system

In some places people still use primitive and dangerous boats

In Sarawak, some areas are only accessible by very small planes or helicopters-crashes

are common because of terrain

Modern means of transportation-LRT, Monorail, commuter

-only available in cities-very few

In estates and plantations, transports of people and goods are still difficult.

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7. As a possible way to prevent music and movie piracy, it has been proposed that the

government imposed a levy on CD-Rs. However, there are some sectors of the public that

disagree with this proposal saying it is unfair on consumers. Give your opinion. You should

write at least 350 words.

Unfair to consumer

Legitimate users shouldn’t have to bear the extra cost just because certain people are

using CDrs to infring on copyright.

CDrs are used for more than making copies of musics Cds; they are also used for computer

back-ups and other forms of data storage.

Software developers use for Cd-rs extensively to backup and store their work

The entire ICT industry uses CDRs this way.

Upcoming bands that need to record their demo tracks onto Cdrs

Members of academia use CD burners for legitimate purposes

8. ‘Academic qualifications determine a successful career’. Give your opinion. You should write

at least 350 words.


Current situation-many graduates are unemployed. Give possible reasons.

Experience sometimes count more than qualification. (Give reasons)

Education is important but many have gone without education to become successful.

Many success stories particularly from the past e.g Loh Boon Siew, Lim Goh Tong and

even Zainal Abidin

Could also depend on talent and personality-if have the right aptitude for a particular

job, will succeed regardless of qualifications

Many success stories indicate a desire and determination to succeed. On the contrary,

many educated people end up unemployed because too proud to start low.

Opportunities also play important role. Right timing-right conditions.

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9. The public should be encouraged to use public transportation more. Give your opinion. You

should write at least 350 words.


(1) It is a safer way to commute than using motorcycles and cars

Statistics indicate more accidents involving private vehicles

Many injuries and fatalities especially during festive seasons-all police efforts not very


Less cars on road, less chance of accidents

Travel by bus, commuter trains, LRT, monorail and etc.

(2) Using public transportation is less stressful and more convenient

Know public transportation schedule

Don’t have to feel stressed in traffic jams-can read, nap and relax-not driving

Can get some works done, study, talk on mobile phone

Don’t have to look around for parking space, coins and etc.

(3) More economical than using your own private transport

Don’t have to buy motorcycle or cars

Don’t have to pay loans, road tax, petrol, parking bills and tolls.

Bus, commuter, train, LRT tickets are reasonably priced-also insurance repairs

and all.

(4) Help save the environment

Mass transportation system, not one or two people to a vehicle

Save energy/petrol

Trains or cable cars do not cause the same energy waste as smaller private


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10. Many people describe Malaysia as having first world facilities but a third world attitude. Give

your opinion on this statement. You should write at least 350 words.



This is common perception among the people now.

Word class facilities refer to facilities, infrastructures and services provided by

the government or the private sectors.

Include roads, highways, recreational parks, national parks, schools,

telecommunication system, hospitals, clinics, kindergartens, places of worships,

library, museum, community centres, public toilets and etc.

Third world attitude refers to negative attitudes such as carelessness,

ungratefulness, recklessness, abuse, vandalism and etc. that are often associated

with the habits of people in poor developing countries.


Adults and children do not generally obey rules.

Littering at cinemas, shopping malls, on LRT, monorails

Improper use of or dirtying of toilets

Embarrassing behaviors such as talking loudly on mobile phone

Not queuing up for buses and taxis

Rushing for food during open houses

Taking and wasting too much food during buffet

Motorists do not obey traffic rules

Jumping red lights

Jumping queue

Parking illegally

Changing lanes without indicating

Road rage/illegal racing

Adults and children tend to misuse certain facilities

Public parks are vandalized and left in dirty condition

Rubbish are thrown inconsiderately in river at recreational areas

Government vehicles are used for works non-official works

Public phones and bus stations are vandalized


Restate your opinion/thesis statement.

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11. It has been said that universities should not be degree mills but centers of knowledge

dissemination and creativity. Give your opinion on how universities can improve the quality of

their education. You should write at least 350 words.


Of late a lot of negative reporting about the quality of local graduates

Whether or not the comments are true, it is necessary to constantly improve quality of


Content (Ways)

(1) Lecturers

High qualification

Internationally recognized and competitive

More dedicated

(2) Curriculum

International recognition

Academic as well as non-academic emphasis

Include soft skills, such as communications and interpersonal skills

Relevant extracurricular programmes, including sports.

(3) Management and Administration

Better administration of academic and non-academic affairs

Better management of staff and student welfare

(4) Facilities

State of the art computers

Advanced laboratories

Virtual and book libraries

Lecture halls, classrooms


(5) Students


Excellent time management

Good critical thinking skills

Good English language skills

Third language skills


When there is a marked improvement in the quality of education provided by local universities, the

quality of their graduates will improve.

They will then be able to compete with graduates from foreign universities for jobs either in Malaysia or


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12. The mass media plays a great role in shaping people’s ideas. Do you agree or disagree with this?


INTRODUCTION > Choose one from the following stands<

1. Mass media do have great influence in shaping people’s ideas.

2. Mass media do not have much influence in shaping people’s ideas

3. Mass media do influence us to a certain extent.



Mass media shape our idea/perception of





World issues

Social issues




use the following points:

People have independent minds

People have strong will and curiosity

People have their own opinions

People are very questioning and skeptical

People can choose what to believe in

Mass media can’t influence people 100%


-It depends on the people, their way of thinking, level of maturity and intellect.

Page 11: MUET Argumentative Essay Topics and Points Outline

13. Advertisement: Information or manipulation?


Advertisement : ways/means by which products, services , persons or entities are promoted to the

public in order to gain support, increase volumes of sales or increase consumption.

Examples: Milo, Nescafe, Maxis, Digi, Proton, Toyota advertisement and etc.

Information: refers to things that can help us to know about something or someone at the most

neutral level.

Manipulation: to use something or someone using any means to achieve desired effects on them.

STAND :Information and manipulation are like hands and gloves, they go together. Information can

be used to manipulate and manipulation can also be used to inform.

CONTENT: How Advertisement Inform and Manipulate


Through advertisement we may know about the existence or invention of new products in

the market.

We also get to discover the availability of certain services.

Help us to compare and choose the best products or services.


Advertisements are targeted at the target audience for a specific range of products or services.

Interesting and colorful visuals, audio and video are used to bombard the target audience with

lasting perception of these products.

This leave a lasting impression on the people’s minds causing them to want to have the products

or use the services even though they didn’t really need it initially.

Increases spending and consumption-make people buy more.

Causes creadit-cards debts .


Advertisments generally increase consumption of products and services causing people to part with

their money easily.

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