THURSDAY May 22, 2014 |0 047 050 4430 | www.mthathaexpress.co.za | mthathaexpress.mobi | [email protected] or [email protected] | Previously known as the Mthatha Fever EDITOR: BETTIE GILIOMEE press MTHATHA 60 000 COPIES WEEKLY Port St Johns | Mthatha | Libode | Ngqeleni | Tsolo | Qumbu | Mount Frere MT3KJA-220514-TE-ebmcil-DRSSA Terms & condition apply WE WILL BEAT ANY WRITTEN QUOTE BEE Compliant 7 Sprigg street Mthatha Tell 047 532 4599 / 081 474 4406 8 Panel Door with Hinges FREE R650.00 Rhinolite 10KG 40KG Rhino Board R99.99 NPC Cement R73.99 Blocks R59.99 R179.99 R5.75 each MT8GWF-220514-TE-ebkmwa-hyper SIMBONGILE MDLEDLE T HE South African National Civic Organ- ization (Sanco) in the Eastern Cape has stressed that they support the nomina- tion of ANC Chairperson, Pumullo Mas- ualle, in the position of the premier in the Eastern Cape amid the saga over R250 000 which was deposited into his private bank account. The money was from the Mandela burial budget. Masualle had revealed that he reversed the transac- tion because it was deposited without his approval. At the time of this transaction and at present, Masu- alle is the MEC of Finance in the province. Sanco Chairperson, Zukile Luyenge, who was ad- dressing the audience during the launch of Sanco’s branch in the Zinkumbi location in Libode, said Sanco in the Eastern Cape regarded the sensational reporting by some media about Masualle’s alleged misuse of tax payers’ money meant for the late statesman, Dr Nelson Mandela’s funeral, as another move by dark forces known for their failure to en- rich themselves through state properties managed by Eastern Cape Development Cooperation (ECDC). “We also call upon the new ANC provincial gov- ernment to reinstate ECDC Chief Executive Officer, Sthembele Mase, and conclude the disciplinary process in order that Mase can clear his name and that of Masualle,” he said. Luyenge said Sanco would fight all forms of cor- rupt activities that seek to grab state property. Meanwhile, Luyenge also disclosed that Sanco would take part in the issue of the Marikana saga and strike in the platinum belt as the families of the affected workers had approached them to inter- vene. Sanco supports Masualle Zukile Luyenge of Sanco told the audience during the launch of Sanco’s branch in the Zinkumbi location in Libode, that Sanco in the Eastern Cape supports the nomination of ANC Chairperson, Pumullo Masualle, as premier of the Eastern Cape. PHOTO: BABALWA NDLANYA

Mthatha express 22 05 2014

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Mthatha express 22 05 2014

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Page 1: Mthatha express 22 05 2014

THURSDAY May 22, 2014 |0 047 050 4430 | www.mthathaexpress.co.za | mthathaexpress.mobi | [email protected] or [email protected] | Previously known as the Mthatha Fever EDITOR: BETTIE GILIOMEE


60 000 COPIES WEEKLY Port St Johns | Mthatha | Libode | Ngqeleni | Tsolo | Qumbu | Mount Frere MT3KJA-220514-TE-ebmcil-DRSSA

Terms & condition applyWE WILL BEAT ANY WRITTEN QUOTE BEE Compliant7 Sprigg street Mthatha Tell 047 532 4599 / 081 474 4406

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THESouthAfricanNational Civic Organ-ization (Sanco) in the Eastern Cape hasstressed that they support the nomina-tion of ANC Chairperson, Pumullo Mas-ualle, in the position of the premier in

theEasternCape amid the saga overR250 000whichwas deposited into his private bank account.

The money was from the Mandela burial budget.Masualle had revealed that he reversed the transac-tion because it was deposited without his approval.At the time of this transaction and at present,Masu-alle is the MEC of Finance in the province.Sanco Chairperson, Zukile Luyenge, who was ad-

dressing the audience during the launch of Sanco’sbranch in the Zinkumbi location in Libode, saidSanco in the Eastern Cape regarded the sensationalreporting by some media about Masualle’s allegedmisuse of tax payers’ money meant for the latestatesman,DrNelsonMandela’s funeral, as anothermove by dark forces known for their failure to en-rich themselves through state properties managedbyEasternCapeDevelopmentCooperation (ECDC).“We also call upon the new ANC provincial gov-

ernment to reinstateECDCChief ExecutiveOfficer,Sthembele Mase, and conclude the disciplinaryprocess in order that Mase can clear his name andthat of Masualle,” he said.Luyenge said Sanco would fight all forms of cor-

rupt activities that seek to grab state property.Meanwhile, Luyenge also disclosed that Sancowould take part in the issue of the Marikana sagaand strike in the platinum belt as the families ofthe affected workers had approached them to inter-vene.

Sanco supportsMasualle

Zukile Luyenge of Sanco told the audience during thelaunch of Sanco’s branch in the Zinkumbi location inLibode, that Sanco in the Eastern Cape supports thenomination of ANC Chairperson, Pumullo Masualle,as premier of the Eastern Cape. PHOTO: BABALWANDLANYA

Page 2: Mthatha express 22 05 2014

2 NewsMay 22, 2014Mthatha Express

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BEKUNGUMGIDI kaSaneti ngelixa kuthekwawa isagadla sotywala sakwa-South Afri-can Breweries (SAB) kumgaqo uN2 phakathikoMthatha noTsolo cebukuhle nendawoeyaziwa ngokuba kukwaLaman ngoLwesibi-ni weveki egqithileyo.

Esi sigadla sithe sawa saxaba endleleni,kanti kuthekwachitheka intaningeyamakey-isi otywala ebesiwathwele nto leyo yenzeabantu bathontelanaukuyakule ndawoyexh-wayelo bethutha obotywala buthe basindabangafi ngelixa sisiwa esi gadla ebesisukakwiphondo laKwaZulu-Natal sisingisekwindawo ibisakwaziwa ngokuba yiTran-skei.Ngelixa kuzanywa ukususa esi sigadla nes-

ithe savala indlela iiyure eziliqela abantu be-bephantsi phezulu bethutha utywala besiyakubufihla kwihlathana elingakudangakuyaphi nendawo le yesehlo. Kanti abanyebebevele bazivulela iindawo zentselo kwalap-ho kufutshane nalapho kuwe khona isigadlakuthi kwakuphela ezo kasi zamabhiya bap-hinde baye kuqokolela amanye.

“Siya celebrater yaye siyabulela kuSABukubaasizisele iKrisimesi phambikwexeshanoko iyakuthi ifika impela-veki sakuba sesi-yihlakulele eyethu indima ekuseleni ngenxayeemfefe zikaSAB,” itshilo enye indoda ibih-leli namanye bebeke amakasi otywala selebeqhubeka kakade nentselo. Othethele iphu-lo likaFika uPhila kwiphondo leMpuma Kol-oni, uMnu Tsepo Machaea uthe esi gadlasithe sawa ngezithuba zentsimbi yesithan-dathu ekuseni nesenze kwavakaleka indleladekwayaphayakwintsimbiyeshumielinam-bini kuba bekusazanywa ukuqokelelwa ezozinto bezithe chithe saka endleleni kwabesekucocwa nendlela. Udize ukuba awukazi-wa unobangela wokuwa kwesi sisigadlakwaye akukho mntu ulimeleyo.

Bekuxheléxhukwanakuwe isigadla sotywala

Bekubhiyozwa kanje emva kokuwa kwesigadlasotywala kuN2 ngoLwesibini.



THERE are still no arrests inthe case involving theMEC’sblue-light convoy last monthin Mount Frere.

Mount Frere police spokes-person, Lieutenant EdithMjoko, said thematter is stillunder investigation and thatno arrests have yet beenmade.The incident occurred last

month in the Mount FrereCentral Business Districtwhen the MEC for Rural De-

velopment and Agrarian Re-form, Zoleka Capa’s convoy,crashedandkilledNomvumeDabula (77).TheMEChas denied the re-

ports that she was presentwhen the crashoccurred. Shesaid she was in Tsolo at afunction and that the vehiclewas returning to fetch her.“No one has been arrested.

The case was forwarded tothe Senior Public Prosecutor(SPP) for a decision onwhether to prosecute,” saidMjoko.Dabula was laid to rest on

May 3 in Mount Frere.

Still no arrests after alleged ‘blue-lights’ crash

A bluelights accident which allegedly claimed a life is still under investigation. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Visit www.mt-hathaex-

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events in yourarea.

Page 3: Mthatha express 22 05 2014

3NewsMay 22, 2014Mthatha Express





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RESIDENTSofMdantsanehave set their hopesonAurriender Belewa (39) who is participatingin a new style E-TV reality show, SA’s KitchenQueens, to do the community proud.

TheshowkickedoffonMother’sDay,May11,and airs on Sunday evenings.In the showshe ismentored by fellowMdant-

sane resident, former boxer, Vuyani “TheBeast” Bungu (47).Six women from six regions share their pas-

sion for catering and cooking, as well as theirlove for their communities, as they tackleweek-ly challenges to stand a chance to win a fullyequipped mobile ca-tering kitchen. Thewinner, who will beannounced in the fi-nal episode, will bevoted for by the par-ticipants and view-ers.Knorroxhaspart-nered with E-TV tolaunch a differentstyle of reality showwhere everyday her-oines are empoweredto better themselvesand their communi-ties.The 11-part reality

series follows thejourney of six ordi-nary women nomi-nated by their com-munities for their ca-tering and cookingskills, as well as theirselflessness in serv-ing and supportingthe people aroundthem.Viavariousweekly

challenges, the wom-en will be equippedwithbusiness andcu-linary skills to betterthemselves whiletransforming their communities. Each of thechallenges is focused on addressing key issuesin these communities. After each completedchallenge thewomenwill be rewardedwith thetools to improve their lives and uplift the com-munities around them.Each week the Kitchen Queens will be pre-

sentedwithchallenges tocompetewith thehelpofmentors and the community. Each challengewill focus on particular skills, such as negotiat-ing, budgeting, and cooking.Former boxer, Vuyani “The Beast” Bungu

(47)willplaymentortoAurriender.Vuyaniwasborn in Mdantsane where he still lives. Thismakes him perfectly situated to assist Aur-riender, as he knows the community well.“I have plenty of contacts in the community

and can assist her with solving problems shemay encounter by putting her in contact withthe right people.”

Having been aworld boxing champion in thesuper bantamweight division in the late 1990s,defending the title thirteen times, Vuyani is anexpert on strategy and winning.Aurriender Belewa is fiercely proud that she

wasbornandeducatedinMdantsanewhereshestill lives.As a young woman she ventured away from

home, spreading her wings as she worked dif-ferent jobsaroundthecountry,aswellasspend-ing a year in London. Missing home, Aur-riender moved back to Mdanstane and settledin theplaceofherbirthwhereherdaughterRu-faro was born in 1999.TodaysheownsThabaAurrieTradingEnter-

prises, a company that supports an NGO thatassists those affectedby HIV and Aids inher community. Assomeone living withHIV, this is a causeclose to her heart.Aurriender’s dreamis to be in a positiontoensure thatanyoneliving with Aids inher community wasprovided with threemeals a day, as nutri-tion is vital for them.Aurriender is best

known for her laughand her energy –which uplifts allthosearoundher.Sheis serving her com-munity and effectingchange through herlove of cooking, andthis nomination willput her one step clos-er to achieving herdreams.“I am very excited

to be a contestant onthe show as it willgive me exposure tothe world. More im-portantly, itwillhonemy skills as an entre-

preneur, allowing me to have a greater impacton the lives of those around me,” she says.The show airs on Sundays on ETV at 18h05..The launch of SA’s Kitchen Queens is part

of the Knorrox’ Sustainability plan to enhancelivelihoods and create employment opportuni-tieswithin local communities. The brand plansto empower 20 000 community caterers by 2020.Knorroxwill equip thesewomenwith businessand culinary skills.“When you give strength to a woman, you

give strength to a community and ultimately anation.Onaverage,onewomaninthe townshipand rural areashas about 7 dependants. In 2014,Knorrox is empowering1,500 community cater-ers, who will in turn create employment for7,500 other women – this project will touch thelives of 54,000 community members in 2014alone,” says Queen Mgobhozi, Knorrox BrandManager.

Local inKitchenQueen reality show

Aurriender Belewa who is participating in anew style E-TV reality show, SA’s KitchenQueens. PHOTO:SUPPLIED

In accordance with theeditorial policy of theMthatha Express, weinvite readers to commenton mistakes in the news-paper and shall correctsignificant errors as soonas possible. Send info tothe Ombudsman ofMedia24’s Local Press,George Claassen, [email protected] or callhim at 0 021 851 3232.Readers can also contactthe SA Press Ombudsmanat 0 011 484 3612/8 ore-mail [email protected].


Page 4: Mthatha express 22 05 2014

4 NewsMay 22, 2014Mthatha Express


EVEN though the African National Congress(ANC) won the national and provincial elec-tions by a great margin, a closer look at theresults in the OR Tambo region reveals thatthe leading party was under fire.

At theNgqwarha voting station inMqandu-

li, the United Democratic Movement (UDM)where the leader, General Bantu Holomisawas born, made its presence felt when theywon, beating their rivals ANC.For Nationals, UDM got 156 votes (53, 06%),

while behind it was the ANC with 115 votes(39,12%) and provincially UDM got 154 votes,102 for ANC and 5 votes for Pan AfricanistCongress. In the third place was the “new kid

on the block”, the Economic Freedom Fight-ers (EFF), with 8 votes (2,72%).The Democratic Alliance had given the

leading party a run for its money in severalvoting stations inNgqeleni and Nyandeni Lo-cal Municipalities. At Lwandile location, aDA stronghold, the ANC got 373 votes whileDA scooped 70 nationally and provinciallyANC scored 362 and 69 for DA. Also at Ngqele-

ni, the UDM managed second place, behindthe ANC, with 157 votes while the ANC wonwith 398 votes. The UDM also did well at Nt-shilini, scoring 103 votes and making it to thesecond place behind the ANC that got 332 onnational results.In Libode, the UDMmanaged to stay in sec-

ond place behind the leading party with EFFand DA taking turns in third place.

Opposingpartiesdowell in elections

Young people sitting in a queue, waiting to cast their votes. PHOTO: SIM MDLEDLE

Mandla Mandela’s mother, Nolusapho, captured by the Express crew after casting her vote atMvezo. PHOTO:SIM MDLEDLE

Page 5: Mthatha express 22 05 2014

5NewsMay 22, 2014Mthatha Express


THE African National Congress in theEastern Cape has joined the World inpleading with Boko Harram to bring back276 Nigerian girls they abducted lastmonth.

“As the ANC in the EC, we are stillshocked bywhat BokoHaramdid inNiger-ia. Abducting innocent little girls is notjust a criminal offence, but a destabiliza-tionof theworld order,” saidOscarMabuy-ane, Provincial Secretary.

He said no individuals or groups in ademocratic state can make demands by

means of force or terror, let alone disre-pecting human rights.

“As the ANC in the Province, we arejoining forces to addourvoice to theworld-wide ‘Bring Our Girls Back’ campaign.They belong with their families,” he said.

“We are sayingAfrica is behind you dur-ing this time.”

An action in the province was organizedto pledge solidaritywithNigerians againstthis terror act.

Mabuyane said it was disturbing to notethat at this stage, in Africa there were stillindividuals or groups who resort to inhu-mane acts to raise their demands to gov-ernments of democracy.

ANCpledges support toNigeria

People the world overis pleading with theabductors to bringback the girls.PHOTO:SUPPLIED.


HAVING voted for a better future and thenhaving to build your own clinic, does not sitwell with the residents of the Siqhungwenilocality in MacLear.

Residents are makingmud bricks to builda clinic for their community, since theywere told that the government would onlyassist those who assist themselves.

A Community member, NonkcumoMaga-zi (45), said thiswasunfair, especially for theelderly people who couldn’t cope with mak-ing the bricks and were forced to hire some-one to do the work on their behalf.

“We went to vote for the government tobetter our lives but we now have to provide

services for ourselves,” said Magazi.She said they had to travel long distances

to visit a clinic and couldn’t rely on the spo-

radic visits of a mobile clinic.“Most of us are on treatment for different

illnesses and we are defaulting due to theunreliable mobile clinic,” said Magazi.

She said she was once chased back homewhile visiting a clinic in Qumbu and wastold to go back home and wait for the mo-bile clinic to come.

Ward 6 Councillor, Nkululeko Mfecane,saidmembers of the community decided tobuild their own clinicwhilewaiting for thegovernment.

“We even identified a site at Upper Sinx-ako, a strategic area for all the locationsaround,” said Mfecane.

Attempts to get a hold of the EasternCape Department of Health’s spokesper-son, Sizwe Kupelo, were fruitless. At thetime of going to print, he hadn’t answeredhis phone or replied to text messages.

Residentsmust build their own clinic

“Most of us are ontreatment for differentillnesses andwe aredefaulting due to theunreliablemobileclinic.”- NONKCUMOMAGAZI

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Page 6: Mthatha express 22 05 2014

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Page 7: Mthatha express 22 05 2014

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Page 8: Mthatha express 22 05 2014

8 NewsMay 22, 2014Mthatha Express


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FORMER Auditor General (AG), TerenceNombembe, has been honoured by the Wal-ter Sisulu University (WSU) with an Honor-ary Doctorate in Accounting Science lastWednesday during the graduation ceremonyat the Mthatha campus.

“I am humbled and thrilled to receive thisconferral of an Honorary Doctorate in Ac-counting Science – an award which ignitesrespect and renewed affection for theWalterSisulu University, an institution of which Iam a proud alumnus. I am pleased that this

event is being held specifically at this placewhich holds precious memories. It is righthere where my career was born. The insti-tute has played a significant role in shapingmy future,” said Nombembe.Hedescribed theuniversity as amajor role

player in developing the skills of youngstersfrom rural Transkei. “Not only is it an hon-our for me to stand here and to be honouredby means of an Honorary Doctorate, butwhat makes this occasion so much more re-markable to me, is that it coincides withSouth Africa’s celebration of 20 years of de-mocracy. Some of you may be wonderingwhat this has to do with today’s graduation.

“Well, Iwould like to bring it to your atten-tion that the effort we all need to exert to-wards transformation and skills develop-ment is a reality.“Catering for a sizeable number of stu-

dents, Walter Sisulu University is clearlyplaying a crucial role in closing up the skillsgap in this country, as well as uplifting thecommunity around it. The University hasundeniably become a beacon for transfor-mation in education in South Africa,” saidNombembe.

Walter Sisulu University honours formerAuditorGeneral

Former Auditor General Terence Nombembebeing honoured. PHOTO:SUPPLIED


THOUGH South Africa is signatory to anumber of international treaties, conversely

child labour in some parts of the countryseems to be silently taking its toll.

Quite a significantnumberof childrengrew

MthathaChildAbuse Resource Centre: Child labour dehumanizes and takes a silent toll


ADISABLEDgraduate,who received a stand-ing ovation from academics, graduands andparents alike when he received his nationaldiploma during the Walter Sisulu Universitygraduation ceremony inButterworthonMon-day, May 12, said his birthday wish was tofind a job.

Bulelani Kobe was born without legs orarms. Since finishing his studies at the Uni-versity last year all his attempts to find a jobhave proved fruitless and his biggest wish forhis upcoming birthday in two months is tofind a good job.“I’ve taken a step in the right direction and

got my diploma. I just ask people out thereto put faith in me and open their doors whenI knock looking for employment. I know Iwillbe an asset to any company that chooses tohire me,” said Kobe.He said despite his disability, he wants to

assure potential employers that he’s able touse a computer and write like any other per-son. Kobe’s journey to this great educationalachievement, has been on a road lined witha myriad of social and academic challengeswhich would have left a lesser man disheart-ened.After finishing his matric in 2005, Kobe’s

efforts to pursue further education were de-layed for four years because of a tertiary sys-tem that “shied away from taking the respon-sibility of educating a personwithout limbs.”“I applied to many tertiary institutions

across the country after high school but alldoors were closed since our institutionsdidn’t have the appropriate facilities, person-nel and infrastructure to offer quality educa-

tion to a person of my disability, and that ofmany others who were disabled,” said Kobe.However, fortunes changed for him as he

was finally accepted at WSU in 2009. Kobe de-scribed his life at WSU as a bitter-sweet expe-rience as the school lacked the necessary in-frastructure and human resources needed tocater for someone of his disabilities. But onthe other hand he met people who were will-ing to helpmake his journey a little bit easier.“The infrastructure at WSU, as with a lot

of other universities in the country, didn’thave the necessary resources to cater for peo-ple with disabilities. This issue needs to be

prioritised at top level so that the disabledcommunity gets the best education withoutany undue hindrances,” he said.Kobe said if people are to learn anything

from his experience, it’s that there’s no sub-stitute for hard work – and nothing super-sedes self-belief. “I wouldn’t be where I amhad I not known the value of my worth.”The spokesperson forWSU,AngelaChurch,

said Kobe’s achievements bear testimony tothe values held by another champion – theUniversity’s almamater, Tat’ uWalter Sisulu.“His readiness to fight against all odds in

pursuit of his dreams speaks volumes of his

character.WSU tips its hat off to him for prov-ing to others that all things are possiblethrough hard work and dedication,” saidChurch.She said the concerns raised by Kobe re-

garding infrastructure and human resourceswere being addressed by the Universitythrough the establishment of the Centre forYouth, Gender and Disability Studies (CY-DG), which, since its launch in 2012 hadplayed a protagonistic role in sensitising theUniversity community about disability is-sues through public awareness programmesand research.

Standingovationbutno job fordisabledgraduate

Bulelani Kobe thedisabled graduateduring his gradua-tion ceremony inButterworth.PHOTO: SUPPLIED

child artists, supervised training, and certaincategories of work.It is arguable that the legacy of apartheid

in South Africa is a causal factor in this re-gard as numerous families have long beenpart of farm dwellings. In the past childrenof farm workers were forbidden to attendschools, and low standard primary schoolswere arranged inside the farms. Childrenwere only allowed to attend farm schools tolearn mostly Afrikaans as a medium of com-munication. After passing from primaryschool, itwas obligatory towork on the farms.However, after 20 years of democracy,

many children are believed to be still lan-guishing in ghastly conditions in areas likeDe Doorn in Western Cape and other parts,despite government interventions.In an effort to curb thehigh rate of illiteracy

among farm childrens, the Department of Ed-ucation in recent years has worked tirelesslyto integrate farm schools back into the sys-tem.The child labourphenomenondoesnot only

encompass hard work on the farms and otherworkplaces, but it also entails the inappropri-ate use of children in our villages like carry-ing of heavy water buckets from the streams.Moreover, many retailers use children ascheap labourers to fulfill their business inter-ests. For instance offloading of trucks carry-ing heavy goods.South Africa is not only one of its kind in

the misuse of children in the work place.Child labour appears to be a global phenome-

non. In developing countries, child labour isstill prevalent. In 2010, sub-Saharan Africahad the highest incidence rates of child la-bour; with several African nations witness-ing over 50 percent of children aged 5–14working.Worldwide agriculture is the largestemployer of child labour. Poverty and lack ofschools are considered as the primary causeof child labour.The incidence of child labour in the world

decreased from 25% to 10% between 1960 and2003, according to the World Bank. Neverthe-less, the total number of child labourers re-mains high, with United Nations Children’sFund, (UNICEF) and International LabourOrganization, (ILO) acknowledging an esti-mated 168 million children aged 5-17 world-wide, who were involved in child labour in2013.In 2012, the Fair Labour Association, a non-

profit workers’ rights organization, found in-stances of child labour used in the productionof cocoa found in Nestlé products, despite ef-forts by the company to discourage the prac-tice. These are the kinds of scenarios thatneed serious attention frommembers of com-munities as they lure children to drop outfromschool and resort toworkat an early age.This habit contributes immensely to the risein number of unskilled labour and has poten-tial to attribute to increased crime levels. Itis always wise for parents to consider age ap-propriate when tasking a child to carry a par-ticular job, and failure to do so will place thelife of the child in jeopardy.

up in extremely ad-verse conditions onwhite owned farms.Child labour re-

fers to the employ-ment of children inany work that de-prives children oftheir childhood,and interferes withtheir ability to at-tend school regular-ly. This affects thegrowth of the child,mentally, physical-ly, socially and ex-posed to dangeroussubstances.This practice is

considered exploit-ative bymany inter-national organiza-tions. Legislationsacross the worldprohibit child la-bour. However,these laws do notconsider all workby children as childlabour; exceptionsinclude work by

Page 9: Mthatha express 22 05 2014

9LifestyleMay 22, 2014Mthatha Express

Youknowdear reader it doesnot godownwellwhen you see an old man whose age is closeto your father ormore proposing love in frontof us as young ones.

In this democratic South Africa we need re-sponsible old men whom we can learn fromthem.We know ukuthi it’s nature to propose love

but ise ingathi the elders can do that in an iso-lated area not in front of abantwana. Uyabevaabantwana abafundisiweyo? What is a storyboys?UGesh boarded a taxi eya eZimbane Valley

last week, so in his seat ebehleli nelinye i-oldlady nomkhulu nje okula age yotat’omdalakaGesh. This old man was so vocal as a resulton that seat he was the one who was crackingthe conversation.Kwamnandi ke oko because akumnandan-

ga ukuhlala kwi-seat ekuthulekileyo. EvenuGesh ended up joining the discourse. Eku-hambeni kwexesha nako umkhulu eyimoshayonke le nto intle kangaka esithi “Ndicelauthando.”Njaningokumkhuluuthiningomntwana lo

nihleli naye xa uthetha ezo zinto? Noko in-

gathi abadala bangathetha ezo zinto bodwakwiindawo zabo kungekho bantwana or elseumntu azame ukuzibamba de abantwanabangabikho.Shame, perhaps the old man failed to hold

back his feelings.Ubungesenokucela ne number na old man,

no I understand ukuthi that system does notwork to you at your age you believe to go di-rect.Uyabona ke iyakwayilento eyenza abant-

wana baphelelwe zizimilo kuba asikho kuqa-la apha kwaba badala.Mara siyithandile ireaction kamama be-

cause she did not entertain the old man.Khawuzame ukuzibamba mkhulu neSoulBothers zitsho nje.

Bayenzani ngoku Inkosi?

Uyazi bafethu kusiphathe kakubiesikubone kwenzekele Inkosi uJJ ngelixaeqhuba ngesinye isandla ebambe ucango ku-ba bekubonakala ukuba -iMerc yakhe itshay-isiwe kolu cango lwakhe.Besekungekho phakathi na ebelizakum-

bambela ucango kunokuba Inkosi iqhube ka-

buhlungu kangaka?Kalokungale ngakithi inkosi ihlala ihamba

nephakathi layo ukuze ikwazi ukulinceda xakubheda ihashe layo.Hoping that next time Mjeyi uyakuhamba

namaphakathi akho akungombono omhleebantwini obakhokelayo lowa besiwubona.Or else try to call a breakdown to tow yourcar away rather than drive in that way be-cause youmight cause another accident espe-cially in a busy town like UTA.Uvile moss. Sho.

They think they own the road

Taxi drivers, can you please understandthat you do not own the road and every driverhas a right to drive on the road even if he/sheis not driving a taxi.But there is a tendency from taxi drivers of

thinking that they are the only people to beon the road.The way they drive, they stop, they speed

etc. It is disgusting to see the behavior of thetaxi drivers on the road.They don’t care they can just stop and they

never mind about the other vehicles and can

even overtake and when they see a passengerthey canmakeadead stop in front of youwith-out any indication.Can someone assist other drivers on the

road before they can cause a tragic accident. It’s worse these people their work is to trans-port people so it need them to change their be-havior to be in UTA.

Kudlalwa ngabantu apha

Yintoni le eyenziwa zezi-politicians yokud-lala ngabantu? Siva ngoku themotherwho re-cently said she wants to change South Africaand fight corruption, now uthi she is takinga back seat and everything is handing it overto the youth. Ngubani lowo?Akunguye na lo mama weAgang South Af-

rica, Mampele Rampele othi ngoku uthathaumhlala phantsi.Uthini ngezihlwele zabantu eziye zamlan-

dela zibeka ithemba kuye. Uyabona le nto ye-politics zii-games nje ezinzima, kuyakuban-conoukuba abantubalandele igossip teamyo-na yenza sure ukuba ufumana iindabaezimnandi time and again uyeke laba basolo-ko beqamba amanga umakusiza ii-elections.

Shouldelderspropose in frontofyoungsters?


THERE is nothing like a hot, steamy plateof food the chase the winter cold and bluesaway.

No-one knows that better that a youngman from Cala, Bulelani Mswelanto, whohas opened a small restaurant in Cala withthe intention of doing just that.Bulelani opened BMRestaurant inMarch

this year. A fruitless search for employmentlead him to decide to work for himself.“My business is doing well even though

I am still new in this business industry. Imake sure that when people come tomy res-taurant they are satisfied,” he said.He said he keeps it simple to suit his cli-

ent’s requirements. In the mornings heserves coffee. Hismeals aremostly ricewithstew, samp and pap.Beef curry and rice

Ingredients(Serves 6 people)

2 ½ cups of riceChopped pieces of beef1 cube of beef stockCurry powder (to taste)2 green, red or yellow peppers (chopped)1 onion¼ cup of cooking oil1 cup of water.

Method. In a pan, fry the peppers and onion to-

gether.. While the ingredients are sizzling, add

your spices andstock cube.

. Stir well, then add your meat.

. Blend the meat with the rest of the con-tents in the pan.. Add full cup of water, then wait for it

to boil. Turn down the heat and simmer forabout 45 to 55minutes until themeat is niceand soft.Serve with rice, veggies and/or salad of

your choice.

[email protected]


Hot foodagainstwinter chills

Chase the cold weather by hot food prepared by Buselani Mswelanto of BM Restaurant in Cala.PHOTO: WWW.ANNASCOOKINGADVENTURE.BLOGSPOT.COM

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Page 10: Mthatha express 22 05 2014

10EntertainmentMay 22, 2014Mthatha Express


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AN Mthatha-born producer, songwriter andsinger is realizing his dream by finding hismusical feet on home soil.

Malizole Fololo (27) from the Ikhwezi Town-ship started his music career when he wasjust nine years old.

“I started writing songs, because I wantedto create something original and entirely myown,” he said.

Finding his musical feet in a place not nec-

enor eight years old, I joinedour localAfricanGospel Church choir,” said Malizole.

He said he later joined Jesus Kids, a highlyrespected group of young singers and it wasthen that this young talent knew he wantedto become a hit maker.

“I knew Iwanted to perform traditionalmu-sic in my vernacular. My culture is very im-portant to me and if there was a way I couldkeep my roots watered, it was all the better,”he said.

Besides having been awriter and recordingwith the likes ofTheo fromMafikizolo,GospelgreatRebeccaMalope,RobbieMalingaandSi-phokazi, he still keeps his feet firmly on theground.

“I remain indebted to my grandparents. Iamgrateful for their guidance and tomymomand aunts for their ongoing support, love andunderstanding for my passion.”

Malizole’s debut solo single, ‘IxeshaLokonwaba (Time to be happy)’ has been get-ting a lot of airplay. His most recent album,‘Iphupha Lam ( My Dream)’ was released lastweek.

He also recently shot a music video in CapeTown.

‘Iphupha Lam’ was recorded at Hit HouseMusic in Gauteng, working with no fewerthan three of his favourite people and superheavyweight producers, RobbieMalinga,Mo-jalefa Thebe and Bheki Nqoko.

“It was a complete bonus and privilege towork with them all; fate played its part andwe were all in the right place at the righttime.” He said the first album, ‘IxeshaLokonwaba’ addresses women and childabuse and thewriterswanted to speakout andgive people in unhappy marriages a voicethey could listen to and follow.

“My words are all entirely honest and mylyrics are a reflection of who I am. Thesetracks have very powerful messages and I amhoping that each song offers listeners some-thing thatwould addvalue to their lives,” con-cluded Malizole.

His album is already available at musicstores country-wide.

Afro-Soul’sMalizolemakes it bigathome

Mthatha-born Malizole Fololo is the next bigthing on the Afro-Soul music scene.



THE birthday party of a well known DJ inMthatha, Phakamani Dweba, aka DJ PK,

ernwood and the Durban Finest (DJ Tiraand Soxy), Kabila, DJ Bongz and manymore will dazzle with their discs. From SOWHAT LOUNGE on Saturday, things willbe happening at Mthatha Health Clubwhere fun lovers will be entertained by theBig Nuz, Naak Musiq, who is known as MJin Generations and the line up will includethe big guns DJs from Mthatha DJ Martinand many more. Among the entertainersare big guns in djying from Mthatha, likeDJ Martin and many more.

The final dayof thebirthday celebrationswill be atNongolozaCarWash,whereTwit-ty, Tulz, Master Jam, Lady T and manymore will be saying goodbye to the guestswho graced PK’s birthday parties.

Speaking to the Express, PK said his

Mthathawill come alive this weekendbirthday party has been growing fromstrength to strength since 2008. He said theevent started in Stilleto after his friendssuggested to plan an event on his birthdayand it grew rapidly. “I am in trouble now!All the artists want to come to celebratemybirthday with me,” said PK. He said thathe sees his birthday as an opportunity tothank the people of Mthatha for their sup-port. In 2012 the party themewas ‘30miles’.Last year it was ‘The journey’ and this yearit is ‘Black & Gold’. He said black is repre-senting the black people, while gold repre-sents opportunities.

“The black people must understand thatafter 20 years of democracy they are freeand the gold is in their hands, so they needto utilize such opportunities,” said PK.

will buzz Mthathatown this comingweekend.

Party animalsfrom all spheres inMthatha and sur-rounds are expect-ed to flock to threedifferent part ven-ues. The big daystarts on Friday atSO WHATLOUNGE in South-

essarily known formakingstars, Malizole’s EasternCape home drove him towork hard to make hismark.

“When I was about sev-


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- Ukukhupha umntu esiseleni noba segwetyiwe- Ukuyekisa umntu utywala nokujola- Ukususa umntu okusokolisayo- Ukuhlukanisa izithandani


Page 11: Mthatha express 22 05 2014

11SportMay 22, 2014Mthatha Express










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THE EASTERN Cape women’s football teamjetted of to Germany last week where theyplayed three games against German opposi-tion teams.

The team played two games against TSVEintracht Immenbeck and another matchagainst Wolfsburg second division team ontheir arrival.

The team is expected to arrive back homevia East London Airport this Saturday, 24May. The team held its training camp in Bun-kers Hill grounds, East London, before leav-ing for Germany last Monday afternoon.

The visit by the Eastern Cape women’s soc-cer team is as a result of the standing twin-ning relationship between the Federal Stateof Lower Saxony in Germany and the EasternCape government dating back to 1995.

Department of sports, recreation, arts andculture spokesman Manzi Vabaza said a jointdeclaration on the twinning was reviewedand signed in Hannover in 2004.

“The joint declaration has an array of stra-tegic focus areas and the inter-regional, inter-national competitions and athletes exchangeprogramme which is a direct initiative to so-cial cohesion,” said Vabaza.

TSV Eitracht Immenbeck FC visited theprovince in March last year and playedagainst selected district teams from Joe Gqa-bi, O.R Tambo, Amathole, Buffalo City,Cacadu, Nelson Mandela Bay and others.

The provincial team was selected duringthe Premier Games tournament held in PortElizabeth in December and later finalised inQueestown earlier this year.

The selected team is composed of playersparticipating in the club development pro-gramme and SAFA provincial league.

The team comprised of 15 players, a coach,manager, referee and SAFA head of delega-tion.

Amanda November from Dimbaza and Si-yamthanda Skeyi of East London were twoplayers from the Buffalo City region thatmade the squad to Germany.

Six players came from the Nelson MandelaBay region. – Mandlenkosi Mxengi

Women’s soccer team off to Germany

The Eastern Cape women’s soccer team shortlybefore leaving for Germany last week.PHOTO:SUPPLIED.

THERE seems to be no stopping Ford. Firstthey designed a brilliant 1.0 litre engine, thathas won numerous awards both nationallyand internationally and which offers a sought-after combination of power and fuel effiency.

Only last week it was announced that theFord Fiesta was the number one selling smallcar in Europe in the first quarter of 2014 with85 639 Fiestas sold – and that after two consec-utive years as Europe’s best-selling small car.

Now they have given this power punchinghatch a Powershift automatic transmissionwith the Fiesta 1.0 EcoBoost PowerShift.

Ford has joined the Fiesta’s amazing 1,0-li-tre EcoBoost engine with its advanced, six-speed, dual-clutch PowerShift automatic gear-box.

The 6-speed automatic transmission can bechanged to manual and sporty mode with thepush of a button on the side of the gear lever.

Some technical talk I found in the market-ing material explains that the PowerShift au-tomatic works with two manual gearboxes op-erating in parallel – each with its own compu-ter-controlled clutch with gears beingchanged quickly by electro-mechanical ma-chines.

One clutch carries the odd-numbered gears(1, 3 and 5) while the other carries the even-numbered gears (2, 4 and 6) and reverse.

The result is good fuel economy and acceler-ation normally associated with manual gear-boxes. Ford claims that it accelerates from ze-ro to 100km/h in 10,8 seconds while the 1,0-li-

tre EcoBoost engine’s average fuelconsumption is claimed to be 4,9 litres to every100km.

InteriorBesides the automatic gearlever, it’s the

same Ford Fiesta on the inside with the wing-like instrument panel for the audio and cli-mate controls. Rear legroom is a bit tight foradults. The boot is, however, a good size forthe whole family and the rear seatbacks canbe folded forwards when you want to carrylonger loads. Unfortunately, the rear seatbaseis fixed, so the seatbacks lie at an angle whenthey’re folded.

FeaturesThe Fiesta 1.0 EcoBoost PowerShift comes

only in the Trend specification which in-cludes some nice features as standard, i.e. cli-mate control, electric windows, airbags, ABSbrakes and Ford’s advanced SYNC sound andcommunication system. SYNC includes Blue-tooth connection, as well as voice command,enabling one to control one’s phone and mu-sic hands-free.

RideThe gearbox shifts fast and smooth and

hardly affects its acceleration. As stated pre-viously, Ford claims it goes from zero to100km/h in 10,8 seconds, which is only 1.4 sec-onds slower than the manual transmission 1.0Ecoboost.

And putting it to test on the open road, I can

confirm Ford’s claims - this automatic gear-box is certainly not like riding a donkey. Itmoves quickly and smoothly through thegears to get the full potential out of the powerengine. Ford has also included a “Sport”mode.

It’s an agile car which feels sturdy on theopen road with good roadholding. It dealt mostimpressively with the speedbumps on mymom’s taxi commute.

All in all the Fiesta 1.0 Ecoboost offers apleasant ride with the advantages of an auto-matic transmission and the ride experience of

a manual. The automatic transmission doesnot dull this lively, award-winning engine atall.In summary:

Ford Fiesta 1,0 EcoBoost PowerShiftPrice: R236 600Power: 74kW@6 000r/minuteTorque: 170Nm@1 400 for 4 500r/minuteFuel consumption: 4,9 litres every 100kmTop speed: 180km/hZero to 100 km/h in 10,8 secondsWarranty: four-year/120 000kmService plan: four-year/60 000km


Powershiftmakes Ford’s Fiestaanautomatic choice

Ford Fiesta Powershift.PHOTO: QUICKPICS

Page 12: Mthatha express 22 05 2014

12SportMay 22, 2014Mthatha Express


The Safest and mostStylish Volvo ever!




THE Eastern Cape under-12 Danone Na-tions Cup provincial finals take place onSaturday 24th May at the Sisa Dukashe Sta-dium in East London.

Among the seven contenders vying for aplace in the national finals of the competi-tion, will be Lukholo Junior SecondarySchool fromMbizana, in the Alfred Nzo Dis-trict.This is the second time that the school is

playing in the tournament and their coach,Zwelethu Mdedelwa, puts their success sofar down to hard work, good preparationand believing in your dreams.The team has played 12 games so far this

season, and won all of them. Some of thosevictorieswere in penalty shootouts, butMd-edelwa says a win is a win and they havegiven the boys some good practice as penal-ties might decide some of the games at theprovincial finals. “The boys are eager anddetermined to win the Eastern Cape titlethis year, but I caution them that the compe-

tition at provincial level is a different storyand we will be up against the best teams inour province,” Mdedelwa said.“Last year was the first time we partici-

pated in the tournament and we managedto get to the provincial finals, but wereknocked out in the final game by Nkumzim-bini JSS, whowent on to represent the East-ern Cape at the national finals. We werehappy as it was our first time, and the boysplayed well.”Lukholo will be fielding a completely new

team this year as there is no-one back fromlast year. “Wehave a good team, butweneedto improve on our passing skills, so that isthe area we have been focusing on duringthe build up to the provincial finals,” Md-edelwa said.The coach said the entire team has been

responsible for them getting this far in thecompetition, but if he were to single out anindividual, it would be the captain and leftback, Siyabonga Zulu. “He is alert andsharp at all times and has the ability to readhis opponents. He has been an integral partof the team. I believe he should go into an

Youngsoccer stars inactionat EC finalsacademy next year to capitalise on his tal-ents and not get lost in the clutter,” Md-edelwa said. The team is training every dayat the moment and they are asking the coachto extend the practices for an hour each day.“This shows their determination and pas-sion and it’s good that they are showing initi-ative but training every day can also becounter-productive so I insist they take a dayoff once a week for recuperation.”The possibility of a trip to Brazil to play

in the Danone Nations Cup World Finals isa huge motivator for the boys, Mdedelwasaid. “But I tell them that getting the ball intothe back of the net is what will get themthere.” The national finals of the competi-tion will take place at Reiger Park on Satur-day, 28 June where the team that will repre-sent South Africa at theWorld Finals in Bra-zil later this year will be determined.The other participating teams are Mnton-

intshi Senior PS (OR Tambo), Hombakazi PS(Nelson Mandela Metro), Sterkspruit Com-bined School (Joe Gqabi), Caley PS (Amath-ole), Usenathi PS (Chris Hani) and Bhongwe-ni PS (Cacadu).