MT 311 MT 311 Seminar 6

MT 311 Seminar 6. Copyright © 2010 South-Western Legal Studies in Business, a part of South-Western Cengage Learning. 2 Contract Discharge Conditions

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MT 311MT 311

Seminar 6

Page 2: MT 311 Seminar 6. Copyright © 2010 South-Western Legal Studies in Business, a part of South-Western Cengage Learning. 2 Contract Discharge Conditions

Copyright © 2010 South-Western Legal Studies in Business, a part of South-Western Cengage Learning.


Contract DischargeContract Discharge

• Conditions to Performance:– Condition is a possible future event that may or

may not happen.– Triggers or terminates performance.– Condition Precedent: prior to performance.– Condition Subsequent: follows initial

performance.– Concurrent: occur simultaneously.

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Copyright © 2010 South-Western Legal Studies in Business, a part of South-Western Cengage Learning.


Contract DischargeContract Discharge

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Copyright © 2010 South-Western Legal Studies in Business, a part of South-Western Cengage Learning.


Discharge by Discharge by PerformancePerformance

• Complete vs Substantial Performance.– Complete Performance: perfect

performance under the contract.– Substantial Performance: technically a

minor breach but as long as in good faith, the non-breaching party remains liable to pay.

– Satisfaction Contract: performance is conditioned on reasonable satisfaction.

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Copyright © 2010 South-Western Legal Studies in Business, a part of South-Western Cengage Learning.


Discharge by Discharge by PerformancePerformance

• Material Breach of Contract. – When performance is not substantial.– Innocent party is excused from performance

and has the right to sue for damages.– A minor breach may be cured.

• Anticipatory Repudiation.– One party gives notice of refusal to perform.– Innocent party treats AR as material breach.

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Copyright © 2010 South-Western Legal Studies in Business, a part of South-Western Cengage Learning.


Discharge by AgreementDischarge by Agreement

• Discharge By Mutual Rescission: parties must make another agreement.

• Discharge by Novation: new contract with substitution of a third party for one of the original parties.

• Accord and Satisfaction: settlement to discharge original contract.

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Copyright © 2010 South-Western Legal Studies in Business, a part of South-Western Cengage Learning.


Discharge by Operation Discharge by Operation of Lawof Law

• Contract Alteration.• Statutes of Limitations.• Bankruptcy.• Impossibility of Performance

(Objective).– Party’s incapacitation.– Subject matter is destroyed.– Performance becomes illegal.– Commercially impracticable.

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Copyright © 2010 South-Western Legal Studies in Business, a part of South-Western Cengage Learning.


Discharge by Operation Discharge by Operation of Lawof Law

• Temporary Impossibility. – Suspends performance until the impossibility


• Commercial Impracticability.– Performance may be excused when it

becomes extremely more difficult or expensive than originally contemplated.

– CASE 11.3 Facto v. Pantagis (New Jersey, 2007).

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Copyright © 2010 South-Western Legal Studies in Business, a part of South-Western Cengage Learning.


Types of DamagesTypes of Damages

• Compensatory Damages:– Compensates injured party (Plaintiff).– Plaintiff must prove actual damages

caused by breach. Amount:• Generally: difference between Defendant’s

promised performance and actual.• Sale of Goods: difference between the

contract price and market.• Sale of Land/Construction Contracts.

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Copyright © 2010 South-Western Legal Studies in Business, a part of South-Western Cengage Learning.


Types of DamagesTypes of Damages

• Consequential (Special) Damages– Foreseeable damages that result from breach

of contract.– Caused by other than breach of contract.

• Punitive (Exemplary) Damages.– Deter wrongdoer; set example.

• Nominal Damages.

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Copyright © 2010 South-Western Legal Studies in Business, a part of South-Western Cengage Learning.


Types of DamagesTypes of Damages

• Mitigation of Damages.– Injured party has a legal duty to mitigate


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Copyright © 2010 South-Western Legal Studies in Business, a part of South-Western Cengage Learning.


Types of DamagesTypes of Damages

• Liquidated Damages vs. Penalties.– Liquidated: fixed, certain dollar amount

agreed to by parties, paid in the event of breach. LD’s are enforceable.

– Penalty: designed to penalize a party. Generally not enforceable.

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Copyright © 2010 South-Western Legal Studies in Business, a part of South-Western Cengage Learning.


Equitable RemediesEquitable Remedies

• Rescission: cancel or undo a contract.– Available for fraud, mistake, duress and

failure of consideration.

• Restitution: recapture the benefit conferred on the defendant that has unjustly enriched her. – Parties must return goods, property or money.

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Copyright © 2010 South-Western Legal Studies in Business, a part of South-Western Cengage Learning.


Equitable RemediesEquitable Remedies

• Specific Performance.– Sale of Land. CASE 12.2 Stainbrook v.

Low (Indiana, 2006).

• Reformation: court re-writes the contract to reflect parties’ true intentions.

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Copyright © 2010 South-Western Legal Studies in Business, a part of South-Western Cengage Learning.


• Plaintiff must show:– Benefit was conferred on the other party.

– Party conferring benefit expected to be paid.

– Party seeking recovery did not volunteer.

– Retaining benefit without payment would be unjust enrichment.

Recovery Based on Recovery Based on Quasi ContractQuasi Contract

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Copyright © 2010 South-Western Legal Studies in Business, a part of South-Western Cengage Learning.



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Copyright © 2010 South-Western Legal Studies in Business, a part of South-Western Cengage Learning.


Election of RemediesElection of Remedies

• Nonbreaching party usually has several remedies available.

• Purpose is to prevent double recovery.