M.sc TYC Zoology

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  • 7/30/2019 M.sc TYC Zoology



    PANJAB UNIVERSITY CHANDIGARH- 160 014 (INDIA)(Estted. under the Panjab Univerasity Act VII of 1947-enacted by the Govt. of India)






    ZOOLOGY1st & 2nd YEAR( Semester System)

    EXAMINATIONS 2012-2013


  • 7/30/2019 M.sc TYC Zoology





    EXAMINATIONS OF 2012-2013.



    Paper - I : Structure and Functions of Invertebrates - I 80Practical based on Paper - I 20

    Paper - II : Lower Chordates. Comparative Anatomy 80

    of Vertebrates -IPractical based on Paper-II 20

    Paper III : Animal Physiology 80

    Practical based on Paper III 20

    Paper IV : Ecology and Animal Behaviour 80Practical based on Paper IV 20

    Paper V : Biostatistics and Computer Application 80

    Practical based on Paper V 20


    Paper VI : Structure and Functions of Invertebrates - II 80

    Practical based on Paper - VI 20

    Paper VII : Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates -II 80Practical based on Paper-VII 20

    Paper VIII : Biosystematics and Evolution 80

    Practical based on Paper-VIII 20

    Paper IX : Endocrinology and Neural Physiology 80Practical based on Paper IX 20

    Paper X : Immunology 80Practical based on Paper X 20

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    Paper XI : Developmental Biology -I 80

    Practical based on paper XI 20

    Paper XII : Biochemistry, 80Practical based on Paper XII 20

    Paper XIII : Cell and Molecular Biology 80

    Practical based on Paper-XIII 20

    Paper XIV : Instrumentation and Methodology 80Practical based on Paper XIV 20

    Paper XV : Advances in Entomology 80

    Practical based on Paper XV 20


    Paper XVI : Developmental Biology -II 80

    Practical based on paper XVI 20

    Paper XVII : Advances in Parasitology 80Practical based on Paper XVII 20

    Paper XVIII : Advances in Fish and Fisheries 80

    Practical based on Paper XVIII 20

    Paper XIX : Environmental Biology & Wild life 80Practical based on Paper XIX 20

    Paper XX : Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics 80

    Practical based on Paper-XX 20

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    Theory hours per week : 4 hours Total Marks : 100Theory : 80

    Practical hours per week : 3 hours Internal Assessment: 15Annual Theory Exam.: 65

    Practical : 20Internal Assessment 05

    Final Practical : 15

    Objectives of the Course :

    To acquaint the students with the classification and general organization of

    invertebrates. To make the students know about the habitat, habits, morphology andeconomic importance of various types of invertebrates.


    1. Phylum Protozoa : General organisation of Protozoa with special reference to

    feeding, locomotory organelles and locomotion, reproduction, parasitism andpathogenic protozoans.

    2. Phylum Porifera : General organisation of phylum Porifera with specialreference to canal system, skeleton and development.

    3. Phylum Coelenterata : General organisation of phylum Coelenterata with

    special reference to polymorphism, corals and coral reefs, development andalternation of generation.


    4. Phylum Platyhelminthes : General organisation of phylum Platyhelmintheswith special reference to body wall, digestive system, excretory system and

    reproductive system. Development and life cycles of Fasciola, Schistosoma,Taenia and Echinococcus.

    5. Phylum Aschelminthes : General organisation of phylum Aschelminthes. Life

    cycle ofAscaris lumbricoides, Wuchereria bancrofti, Dracunculus medinensis.

    Note : Nine questions to be set. First question of 15 marks, covering the whole syllabuswill be compulsory and will consist of 10 short answer questions of 1 marks

    each. For the remaining 8 questions, 4 to be set from each Unit I and II and 2 tobe attempted from each Unit. Each question from Units I and II will carry 12


    Practicals Based on Theory Paper - IClassification upto orders and study of the specimens mentioned against each phylum

    with ecological note.

    1. Protozoa.

    a. Permanent stained preparation from the culture ofAmoeba, EuglenaParamecium and Vorticella.

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    b. Prepared slides of Amoeba, Trypanosoma, Euglena ,Noctiluca,Eimeria, Monocystis, Paramecium (binary fission), Paramecium

    (conjugation), Opalina, Vorticella, Balantidium, Nyctotherus,Radiolarian oozes and Foraminiferan oozes.

    2. Porifera

    a. Specimens : Sycon, Grantia,Spongilla, Euplectella, Hyalonema, Euspongia.b. Prepared slides : Spicules, gemmules, Sycon (T.S and L.S).

    c. Preparation of permanent slides : gemmules and spicules.

    3. Coelenterataa. Specimens: Porpita, Velella, Physalia, Aurelia, Metridium, Alcyonium,

    Tubipora, Zoanthus, Madrepora, Favia, Fungia, Gorgonia and


    b. Prepared slides : Hydra (W.M.), T.S. through regions of testis andovary, Obelia (colony, medusa and polyp), Sertularia, Plumularia,

    Tubularia Bougainvillea, Aurelia, Pennaria.

    c. Preparation of permanent slides :Hydra, Obelia, Sertularia and Plumularia.

    4. Platyhelminthesa. Specimens : Planaria, Dugesia, Fasciola, Taenia, and Echinococcus.

    b. Slides : Fasciola (miracidium, sporocyst, redia and cercaria), scolex andproglottids ofTaenia (Mature and gravid L.S. & T.S.).

    c. Stained preparation of : Amphistome, proglottid of a cestode.

    5. Aschelminthes

    a. Specimens :Ascaris (Male and female)b. Slides :Ascaris (T.S. of male and female gravid).

    Books Recommended

    1. Invertebrates Vols. I, II, III, IV & V by L.H. Hyman, Mcgraw Hill, New York

    (1940- 51)2. Text book of Zoology by Marshall and Williams (1962).

    3. Invertebrates Structure and function by E.J.W. Barrington. EnglishLanguage Book Society & Nelson (1969).

    4. Protozoology by Kudo, R.R., Books and Periodicals Corp.(India) New Delhi

    (1986).5. Introduction to Animal Parasitology by J.D. Smyth. Hodder & Stoughton, London


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    Time : 3 HoursTheory hours per week : 4 hours Total Marks : 100

    Theory : 80Practical hours per week : 3 hours Internal Assessment: 15

    Annual Theory Exam.: 65Practical : 20

    Internal Assessment 05Final Practical : 15

    Objectives of the Course :

    To enable the students know about structure and functions of protochordates.To draw a comparative account of anatomy of vertebrates and hence to understand the

    evolution of different systems in vertebrates.

    UNIT - I

    Introduction to chordates. Organisation and affinities ofHerdmania andAmphioxus.

    Comparative account of following systems of the vertebrates with evolutionary trends

    from Pisces to Mammals.

    Integumentary system : Integument and its derivatives.Skeletal system : Chondrocranium, Spianchnocranium, Dermatocranium, Jaw


    UNIT-IIDigestive system : Alimentary canal and associated glands.

    ( Types of teeth,dental formulae and functions, Types ofstomach, small and large intestines, Glands : Salivary, gastric,

    Pancreas and liver).Circulatory system : Evolution of heart & aortic arches.

    Note : Nine questions to be set. First question of 15 marks, covering the whole syllabus

    will be compulsory and will consist of 10 short answer questions of 1 markseach. For the remaining 8 questions, 4 to be set from each Unit I and II and 2 to

    be attempted from each Unit. Each question from Units I and II will carry 12marks.

    Practicals based on theory paper II

    1. Classification upto orders, excepting pisces and Aves,where classification upto

    subclasses is required, Habits, Habitats, external characters and economicimportance (if any) of the following animals:

    Chondrichthyes : Zygaena, Pristis, Narcine, Trygon, Rhinobatus, Chimaera.Actinopterygii : Polypterus, Acipenser, Lepidosteus, Muraena, Mystus, Catla.

    Hippocampus, Syngnathus, Exocoetus, Anabas, Diodon, Tetradon,

    Echeneis and Solea.

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    Dipneusti (Dipnoi) : Protopterus (Lung fish)Amphibia : Uraeotyphlus, Necturus, Amphiuma, Ambystoma and its Axolotl

    larva. Triton, Salamandra, Hyla, Rhacophorus.

    Reptilia : Hemidactylus, Calotes, Draco, Varanus, Phrynosoma,Chamaeleon.

    Typhlops, Python, Eryx, Ptyas, Bungarus, Naja, Hydrus, Vipera,Crocodilus. Gavialis, Chelone and Testudo.

    2. Examine and dissect the following animals :

    Labeo : Digestive and reproductive systems, Circulatory system : heart,afferent and efferent branchial arteries, Nervous system :

    cranial nerves and internal ear.

    3. Study of the skeleton ofLabeo,Rana and Varanus.4. Study of histology of different organs of frog.

    Books Recommended

    1. A Text Book of Zoology, Vol.II Vertebrates by A.J. Marshall, MacMillan & Co.Ltd., New York (1972).

    2. Anatomy of Chordates by C.K. Weichert, McGraw Hill Book Co. Inc. London(1958).

    3. Biology of Vertebrates by H.E. Walter and L.P. Sayles, McMillan Co. NewYork (1949).

    4. Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates by G.C. Kent, Torpen Co.Ltd., Tokyo(1954).

    5. Anatomy of Comparative Vertebrates. Hyman, Libbie Heneietta Satish secial pub.House 2004.


    Theory hours per week : 4 hours Total Marks : 100Theory : 80

    Practical hours per week : 3 hours Internal Assessment: 15Annual Theory Exam.: 65

    Practical : 20

    Internal Assessment : 05Final Practical : 15

    Objectives of the Course :

    To enable the students to know about all the physiological processes going on in

    animal/human body.To make the students understand the functions of hormones and their mode of action at

    molecular level.

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    UNIT INutrition: Chemistry, metabolic role and sources of vitamins & deficiency diseases

    due to them. Biological significance and regulation of minerals and deficiencydiseases due to them. Physiology of digestion.

    Circulation : Chemistry of blood components and their functional significance;

    origin, formation, molecular regulation and maturation of RBCs and WBCs;biochemistry of haemoglobin and myoglobin; biochemical interconversions during

    blood coagulation and homeostasis. Cardiac cycle and its regulatory mechanisms.Cardiac output and the factors that affect cardiac output, micro circulation, blood

    pressure, factors influencing blood pressure and its regulation.

    Respiration : Concept of respiration, mechanism of breathing; biochemistry ofrespiratory exchange; Transport of respiratory gases; Regulatory mechanisms (humoral

    and neural) of respiration. Respiratory acidosis, alkalosis and regulation of pH.


    Excretion : Concept of excretion and nitrogenous wastes; functional anatomy of renalunit; biophysical and chemical mechanisms of ultrafiltration, reabsorption andsecretion, transport mechanisms, urine formation & regulatory control of sugar, urea,


    K+, and H

    +; Role of kidneys in regulation of acid-base balance and

    osmoregulation, counter current mechanism.

    Physiology of Muscles : Types of muscles and their components; Molecular

    organization of myosin, role of heavy and light meromyosin, molecular organization ofactin; interaction of actin and myosin, AT Pase activity of myosin, power-stroke, ATP

    binding and hydrolysis; Role of troponin and tropomyosin and Ca++

    in regulation ofmuscle contraction. Contraction of smooth muscles, role of phosphorylation, Ca


    kinases; Role of actin and myosin in eukaryotic cells (microtubles and microfilaments).

    Stress Physiology Physiological adaptations in response to high, low ambienttemperature, physiological adaptation at high altitude and in deep sea environment.

    Note : Nine questions to be set. First question of 15 marks, covering the whole syllabuswill be compulsory and will consist of 10 short answer questions of 1 marks

    each. For the remaining 8 questions, 4 to be set from each Unit I and II and 2 tobe attempted from each Unit. Each question from Units I and II will carry 12


    Practicals based on theory paper III

    1. To demonstrate that the optimum activity of salivary amylase is pH dependent.2. Estimation of Haemoglobin.3. Determination of TLC, DLC & RBC.4. Determination of bleeding and clotting time.5. Determination of blood groups.6. Measurement of blood pressure.7. Estimation of ESR.8. To study the effect of exercise on cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

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    9. To estimate the glucose level in blood of mammal, Prothrombin test,Haematocrit.

    10. To study the effect of insulin on blood glucose level of mammal.BOOKS RECOMMENDED

    1. Guyton, A.X., Text Book of Medical Physiology, 7th edition, SaundersCompany (1986).

    2. Best, J.P., Best and Taylors Physiological basis of medical practice, 11 th ed.William and Wilkins (1985).

    3. Hoar, W.S., General and Comparative Physiology, Adaptation andEnvironment, 3

    rded. Cambridge University, Press (1985).

    4. Vander, A.J., Sherman, J.H. and Luciana, D.S., Human Physiology, McGrawHill Publ. Co. (1990).

    5. Gillian Pocock and Christopher D. Richards. Human Physiology. The Basis ofMedicine Oxford University Press (2001).


    Time : 3 HoursTheory hours per week : 4 hours Total Marks : 100

    Theory : 80Practical hours per week : 3 hours Internal Assessment: 15

    Annual Theory Exam.: 65Practical : 20

    Internal Assessment 05Final Practical : 15

    Objectives of the Course :

    To acquaint the students with the habitat and interactions of diverse animal groups with

    their environment.To acquaint the students with characteristic behavioural aspects of animal life.


    1. Introduction : Definition, subdivision & scope of ecology.2. Abiotic Factors : Temperature, light and soil as ecological factors.3. Principles of limiting factors : Liebigs law of minimum, Shelfords law of

    tolerance and the combined concept of limiting factors.4. Ecosystem : Definition, components,food chain & food web, energy flow

    through ecosystem, ecological pyramids, Major ecosystems of the world.

    5. Biogeochemical Cycles : Definition, different types of gaseous and sedimentarybiogeochemical cycles.

    6. Population : Characteristics, ecological niche7. Biotic community : Characteristics of biotic community, ecological niche.8. Ecological succession : Definition, types of succession, xerarch & Hydrarch

    concept of climax community, theories of succession.

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    9. Ecological Adaptations : Desert, aerial, fussorial and aquatic adaptations inanimals.


    1. Feeding2. Learning, reasoning, instinctive and motivative behaviour.3. Social and sexual behavior of animals4. Circadian rhythms5. Mimicry and Protective colouration Definition, types of mimicry with


    6. Migration of fishes and birds.7. Parental care8. Intra and interspecific relationships.

    Note : Nine questions to be set. First question of 15 marks, covering the whole syllabuswill be compulsory and will consist of 10 short answer questions of 1 marks

    each. For the remaining 8 questions, 4 to be set from each Unit I and II and 2 to

    be attempted from each Unit. Each question from Units I and II will carry 12marks.

    Practicals based on theory paper IV

    1. To study the phototactic behaviour of an insect.2. To study the geotactic behaviour of an insect.

    3. To study nesting behaviour in birds.4. To study the soil fauna.

    5. To determine the pH of the soil.6. To determine the moisture content of soil

    7. To determine the salinity of the soil.8. To study desert adaptations in animals.

    9. To study aquatic adaptations in animals.10. To study aerial adaptations in animals.

    11. To study inter specific relationships.12. To study the biotic components of an ecosystem.

    Books recommended

    1. Fundamentals of Ecology by E.P. Odum, Saunders College Publishing,Philadelphia, 1971.

    2. Natural Resources Conservation : An Ecological Approach by O.S. Qwen, Mac

    Millan Publ. Co. N.T., 1994.3. Ecology by Kreb J. Charles, Harper & Row Publ. New York, 1982.4. Principles of Animal Behaviourby Dugatkin, Lee A, W.W. Norton, New York, 2004.

    5. Animal Behaviour (Ethology) by V.K. Ahggarwal, 2010.6. Handbook of Ethological Methods by Lehner, Phillip N, 2

    nded. Cambridge

    University Press, Cambridge, 1996.

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    Theory hours per week : 4 hours Total Marks : 100Theory : 80

    Practical hours per week : 3 hours Internal Assessment: 15Annual Theory Exam.: 65

    Practical : 20Internal Assessment 05

    Final Practical : 15

    Objectives of the Course

    To acquaint the students of basic statistics applicable in biological studies.

    To make the students computer literate to be able to use the vast store of knowledge on the

    internet and to be able to use computers for studies.

    UNIT-I (Biostatistics)

    1. Principles and practice of statistical methods in biological research samples andpopulations.

    2. Basic statistics, average statistics of dispersion.

    3. Coefficient of variation, standard error, confidence limit.4. Probability distribution, binomial, Poisson and normal.

    5. Tests of statistical significance.6. Simple correlation of regression, analysis of variance.

    UNIT-II (Computer Applications)

    1. General awareness of Computer Hardware i.e., CPU and other peripheral devices.2. Introduction to MS Office software, covering word processing, spread sheet &

    presentation software.3. Introduction to internet and its applications.4. Introduction to programming in C & its functions.5. FORTRAN; Preparation of programme.Note : Nine questions to be set. First question of 15 marks, covering the whole syllabus

    will be compulsory and will consist of 10 short answer questions of 1 markseach. For the remaining 8 questions, 4 to be set from each Unit I and II and 2 to

    be attempted from each Unit. Each question from Units I and II will carry 12marks.

    Practical based on theory paper V1. Calculation of dispersion2. Calculation of measures of central tendency3. Fitting of Binomial distribution4. Fitting of Poisson distribution5. Tests of statistical significance6. Write programme to demonstrate conditional statements using C language.7. To perform mail merge.8. Use of Excel and Power point.9. Use of E-mail and internet.

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    Books Recommended

    1. Daniel, W.W. 1983. Biostatistics : A Foundation for analysis in the HealthSciences. John Wiley and Sons, New York.

    2. Dunn, O.J. and V.A. Clark. 2001. Basic Statistics : A primer for BiomedicalScience. John Wilety and Sons, New York.

    3. Goon, A.M., M.K. Gupta and B. Dasgupta. 1983. Fundamentals of Statistics.Vol.I.

    4. Hunt, R. and J. Shelly. Computer and Common Sense. Prentice Hall (1975).5. Kanetker, Y. Let us C B.P.B. Publication (2011).

    6. Rajaraman, V. Computer Programming in FORTRAN. IV. Prentice Hall (1974).7. Rajaraman, V. and T. Radhakrishanan. An Introduction to Digital Computers.

    Prentice Hall (1978).8. Sinha P.K. and Priti Sinha Computer Fundamentals. 3

    rdEd. B.P.B. Publication


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    Theory hours per week : 4 hours Total Marks : 100Theory : 80

    Practical hours per week : 3 hours Internal Assessment: 15Annual Theory Exam.: 65

    Practical : 20Internal Assessment 05

    Final Practical : 15

    Objectives of the Course :

    To acquaint the students with the classification and general organization of

    invertebrates. To make the students know about the habitat, habits, morphology andeconomic importance of various types of invertebrates including minor phyla.

    UNIT-I1. Phylum Annelida : General organisation of phylum Annelida with special

    reference to segmentation, digestive, excretory and reproductive systems.

    2. Phylum Arthrpoda : General organisation of Arthrpoda. Larval forms of

    crustaceans. Modifications of mouth parts, wings and legs of insects. Socialorganisation of insects (Termites, honey bee and ants).

    UNIT-II3. Phylum Mollusca : General organisation of Mollusca with special reference to

    feeding, respiration and shell diversity, podium or foot in Mollusca, torsion and

    detorsion in Gastropoda.

    4. Phylum Echinodermata : General organisation of Echinodermata, Comparativeaccount of water vascular system, haemal and perihaemal systems, Larval

    forms in Echinodermata.

    5. Minor Phyla : Concept and significance. Organisation and general characters ofdifferent minor phyla.

    Note : Nine questions to be set. First question of 15 marks, covering the whole syllabuswill be compulsory and will consist of 10 short answer questions of 1 marks

    each. For the remaining 8 questions, 4 to be set from each Unit I and II and 2 tobe attempted from each Unit. Each question from Units I and II will carry 12


    Practicals Based on Theory Paper - VI

    1. Annelidaa. Dissections : Earthworm (digestive, nervous and reproductive systems).

    b. Specimens :Nereis,Heteronereis, Polynoe, Tubifex, Eunice, Aphrodite,Chaetopterus, Arenicola, Pontobdella, Amphitrite and Hirudinaria.

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    c. Prepared slides : Earthworm (T.S. typhlosolar region, setae,

    pharyngeal nephridium, septal nephridium, integumentary nephridium).Nereis (Parapodium),Leech (T.S.through different regions).

    d. Permanent preparations : Setae and nephirdia of earthworm,parpodium ofNereis.

    2. Arthropoda

    a. Dissections : Palaemon (appendages,digestive, nervous and reproductivesystems).

    b. Specimens : Peripatus, Lepisma, Cockroach, Grasshopper, Prayingmantis, Earwig, Dragonfly, Termite (queen and other castes), Ant,

    Butterfly, Moth, Beetles, Wasp, Honeybee,Crab, Prawn,Lepas,Balanus,Apus, Limulus, Scorpion, Spider, Millepede and Centipede.

    c. Prepared slides : Body louse, Bed-bug, Rat flea, Cypris, Cyclops,Daphnia, trachea of insects, gill and statocyst of Prawn.

    d. Preparation of permanent mounts : Trachea of insect, mouthparts of

    Cockroach, Mosquito, Honeybee, Housefly and butterfly, statocyst ofPrawn.

    3. Mollusca

    a. Dissections : Anodonta (digestive and nervous systems).b. Specimens :Anodonta, Mytilus, Pholas, Pecten, Haliotis, Aplysia, Doris,

    Limax, Pila, Sepia,Octopus, Nautilus, Chiton and Dentalium.c. Prepared Slides : Glochidium larva, radula of Pila, gill lamina of


    d. Preparation of Permanent mounts : Radula of Pila.

    4. Echinodermata

    a. Demonstration of anatomy ofAsterias from a dissected specimen.b. Specimens :Asterias, Echinus, Cucumaria, Antedon, Ophiothrix.c. Prepared slides : T.S. arm of Starfish, tube feet, larval forms of


    Note : Candidates will be required to submit duly signed note books of practical record.


    1. Invertebrates Vols.I, II, III, IV & V by L.H. Hyman, Mcgraw Hill, New York(1940- 51)

    2. Text book of Zoology by Marshall and Williams (1962).3. Invertebrates Structure and function by E.J.W. Barrington. English

    Language Book Society & Nelson (1969).4. Imm's Text Book of Entomology by Richards and Davies. Methuen & Co. Ltd. New

    York:EP Dutton & Co. Inc.(1983).5. Principles of Insect Morphology by R.E. Snodgrass. Mcgraw Hill, New York (1935).

    6. The Insects : Structure and Function by R.F. Chapman.English Language BookSoc. & Hodder and Sloughton, G. Britain (1978).

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    Time : 3 HoursTheory hours per week : 4 hours Total Marks : 100

    Theory : 80Practical hours per week : 3 hours Internal Assessment: 15

    Annual Theory Exam.: 65Practical : 20

    Internal Assessment 05Final Practical : 15

    Objectives of the Course :

    To draw a comparative account of anatomy of vertebrates and hence to understand theevolution of different systems in vertebrates.

    UNIT-IComparative account of the following systems of the vertebrates with evolutionary trends

    found pisces to mammals :Respiratory system : Respiratory organs.

    Types of respiratory mechanisms (gills, lungs, skin and

    accessory respiratory organs).Urinogenital system : Succession of kidney (archinephros, pronephros,

    mesonephros, and metanephros), osmoregulation, evolutionof gonads and urinogenital ducts.

    UNIT-IINervous system : Comparative account and evolution of brain, spinal cord and

    cranial nerves.

    Sense organs : Chemoreceptors, photoreceptors and mechanoreceptors.

    Note : Nine questions to be set. First question of 15 marks, covering the whole syllabus

    will be compulsory and will consist of 10 short answer questions of 1 markseach. For the remaining 8 questions, 4 to be set from each Unit I and II and 2 to

    be attempted from each Unit. Each question from Units I and II will carry 12marks.

    Practicals based on theory paper VII

    Aves : Casuarius, Ardea, Anas, Milvus, Pavo, Eudynamis, Tyto andAlcedo.

    Mammalia : Ornithorhynchus, Echidna, Didelphis, Macropus, Loris, Macaca,Manis, Hystrix, Funambulus, Panthera, Canis, Herpestes, Capra,


    To study the skeleton of Gallus, Oryctolagus.

    Examine and dissect the following animals :Chick : Digestive, arterial, venous and urinogenital systems.

    White rat : Digestive, arterial, venous and urinogenital systems.

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    Study of the histology of different organs of frog and rat/rabbit through permanent stained


    Study of poison apparatus in snakes through charts.

    Books Recommended

    1. A Text Book of Zoology, Vol.II Vertebrates by A.J. Marshall, MacMillan & Co.Ltd., New York (1972).

    2. Anatomy of Chordates by C.K. Weichert, McGraw Hill Book Co. Inc. London(1958).3. Biology of Vertebrates by H.E. Walter and L.P. Sayles, McMillan Co. New York (1949).

    4. Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates by G.C. Kent, Torpen Co.Ltd., Tokyo (1954).5. Anatomy of Comparative Vertebrates. Hyman, L. H. Satish Serial Pub. House,2004.


    Theory hours per week : 4 hours Total Marks : 100Theory : 80

    Practical hours per week : 3 hours Internal Assessmen : 15Annual Theory Exam.: 65

    Practical : 20Internal Assessment 05

    Final Practical : 15

    Objectives of the Course :

    To enable the students to identify, classify and name the organisms according tointernational code of Zoological nomenclature.

    To acquaint the students with different type of keys. To make the students

    understand the concept of speciation, origin of life and evolution.

    UNIT-I1. Definitions and perspectives of systematics, classification and taxonomy,

    goals and importance of taxonomy.

    2. Procedures of taxonomy -identification, classification, nomenclature, phena,taxa, category.

    3. Key and its significance.

    4. Higher taxa and Linnean hierarchy5. Qualitative and quantitative methods of analysis of variations

    6. History and theories of classification7. International code of Zoological nomenclature-principles, objectives and rules

    for nomenclature, type system and priority for different taxa.8. Population structure of species

    9. Polytypic species, race, variety, cline, subspecies, semispecies, super species.

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    10. Speciation.11. Species concepts - Typological species concept, nominalistic species concept,

    biological species concept, evolutionary species concept.12. Difficulties in applying biological species concept.

    UNIT- II

    1. Mutation theory of evolution : mutations, variations and selection; modern conceptand interpretation of evolution and future of evolutionary process.

    2. Interrelationship among different phyla of Invertebrates and their evolutionarysignificance.

    3. Origin of vertebrates; Pisces, Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves and Mammalia.4. Ancestory of man, horse, camel and elephant.

    Note : Nine questions to be set. First question of 15 marks, covering the whole syllabus

    will be compulsory and will consist of 10 short answer questions of 1 markseach. For the remaining 8 questions, 4 to be set from each Unit I and II and 2 to

    be attempted from each Unit. Each question from Units I and II will carry 12


    Practicals based on theory paper VIII

    1. Use of key to identify the fishes of the region, representing different families.2. Methods of describing common insects representing different orders, with

    particular reference to the recording of taxonomic characters.3. Study of ancestory of man, horse, camel and elephant through charts/models.4. Visit to a fossil park/Geology and Anthropology museums.5. Study of origin of invertebrate and vertebrate groups through charts.

    Books Recommended

    1. Genetics and the origin of species by T. Dobzhansky, Columbia University Press (1951).2. Principles of Systematic Zoology by E. Mayr, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co.

    Ltd., New Delhi (1976).

    3. Taxonomy by R.E. Blackwelder, John Wiley & Sons, New York (1967).4. Organic Evolution by Lull, MacMillan Co., New York (1947).

    5. Time, life and man by R.A. Stirton, John Wiley and Sons, New York (1959).6. Evolution of the Vertebrates by E.H. Colbert, Willy Eastern Ltd., New Delhi (1969).

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    Theory hours per week : 4 hours Total Marks : 100Theory : 80

    Practical hours per week : 3 hours Internal Assessment: 15Annual Theory Exam.: 65

    Practical : 20Internal Assessment 05

    Final Practical : 15

    Objectives of the Course :

    To make the students understand the functions of hormones and their mode of action at

    molecular level.

    UNIT- IEndocrinology : Chemical nature of hormones, steroid hormones, amino acid derived

    hormones, catecholamines and peptide hormones.

    Mechanism of hormone action, steroid hormone-receptor interactions and signaltransduction.Autocrine, paracrine and telocrine regulation of hormones.

    Hormonal imbalance.Pineal-hypothalmo-hypophyseal-gonadal axis.

    Hormonal elaborations of pancreas, adrenals, thyroid, parathyroid and their role inregulation of carbohydrate, lipid, protein, calcium and phosphorus metabolism.

    Hormones of gastro-intestinal tract.Prostaglandins, their synthesis and biological functions.

    Endocrine control of spermatogenesis and Oogenesis in vertebrates.Endocrine control of folliculogenesis in mammals.

    UNIT-IINervous system and sense organs : Neuron as the basic unit of nerve physiology;

    Methyl-accepting chemotoxis proteins and chemotactic signals of the plasmamembrane; Na

    +and K

    +permeability and action potentials, structure of Na

    +and K


    channels. Neurotransmitters : Molecular mechanism of acetylcholine, catecholamine,

    serotinin -amino butyric and glycine neurotransmitters, acetylcholine receptor

    channels and their inhibitors; Retinal rod cell excitation and molecular biology ofvisual cycle, colour vision. Power of accommodation, myopia, hypermetropia,

    astigmatism, cataract, glaucoma. Mechanisms of auditory and olfactory responses.Gustatory receptors.

    Note : Nine questions to be set. First question of 15 marks, covering the whole syllabus

    will be compulsory and will consist of 10 short answer questions of 1 markseach. For the remaining 8 questions, 4 to be set from each Unit I and II and 2 to

    be attempted from each Unit. Each question from Units I and II will carry 12marks.

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    Practicals based on theory paper IX

    1. To identify the stage of oestrous cycle.2. To locate the endocrine glands in rat.3. To study the histology of endocrine glands.4. To study the corrective measures for myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism, cataract.5.

    To study the structure of eye, ear and different types of neurons throughcharts/models.


    1. Turner, C.D. and Bagnars, W.B., General Endocrinology, Saunders Company(1976).

    2. Highnam, K.C. and Hill, L., Comparative Endocrinology of Invertebrates, EnwaralArnold Ltd., London (1981).

    3. Golds Worthy, G.J. Robinson, J. and Mordue, W., Endocrinology, John Wiley andSons, New York (1981).

    4. Tombes, A.S., An Introduction to Invertebrates Endocrinology, Academic Press,New York (1970).5. Bentley, P.J., Comparative Vertebrate Endocrinology, Cambridge Univ. Press(1998).

    6. Mac E. Hadley. Endocrinology. 4th edition, Prentice Hall (1996).

    PAPER X : IMMUNOLOGYTime : 3 Hours

    Theory hours per week : 4 hours Total Marks : 100Theory : 80

    Practical hours per week : 3 hours Internal Assessment: 15Annual Theory Exam.: 65

    Practical : 20Internal Assessment 05

    Final Practical : 15

    Objectives of the Course :

    To acquaint the students with the defense mechanisms of animals/human bodies,


    1. Organs and cells of the immune system and their functions : primary andsecondary lymphoid organs, lymphocytes, mononuclear cells and granulocytic

    cells.2. Antigens : Factors affecting immunogenicity, B and T cell epitopes, haptens and

    adjuvants.3. Immunoglobulins :Basic and fine structure of Immunoglobulins, biological

    activities of different classes of Immunoglobulins.4. Cellular and Humoral immune response -Role of T and B lymphocytes,

    Primary and secondary immune response.

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    UNIT-II5. Major Histocompatibility Complex : MHC molecules and genes,regulation of

    MHC expression, its relation to immune responsiveness and disease susceptibility.6. Complement System : Complement activation, regulation and biological

    effects mediated by complement components.7. Antigen Antibody Interactions: Precipitation & agglutination reactions,

    radioimmunoassay, ELISA, Immuno fluorescence, Western blotting,Immunoprecipitation and flow cytometry.

    Note : Nine questions to be set. First question of 15 marks, covering the whole syllabus

    will be compulsory and will consist of 10 short answer questions of 1 markseach. For the remaining 8 questions, 4 to be set from each Unit I and II and 2 to

    be attempted from each Unit. Each question from Units I and II will carry 12marks.

    Practicals based on theory paper X

    1. To study the agglutination reaction by typing of human blood into A,B, AB, O

    and Rh factor.2. To study the different types of white cells in a stained blood film of a normal

    individual and compare with that of a diseased individual (allergy, parasitic

    infection etc.).3. To study the sections of different lymphoid organs thymus, spleen, lymph node,

    intestine etc. from prepared slides.4. To isolate and check the purity of leukocytes from blood of mice using


    Books recommended

    1. Kuby Immunology ( VI edition) by T.J. Kindt, R.A. Golds by and B.A. Osbome,W.H. Freeman Publishers (2007).

    2. Essential Immunology by Roitt, I.M, Mosby, Harcourt Publishers (2001).3. Immunology : A short course by E. Benjamini, R. Coico and G. Sunshine,

    Wiley Liss Publishers (2000).5. Fundamental Immunology by W.E. Paul, Lippincott Raven Publishers (1998).

    6. Immunology An Introduction by I.R.T. Zard, Thomson Publishers (1998).7. Jameway, Charles. A Immnunbiology 6

    thed. Luttmann, Werner & others

    Immunology U.S.A., Academic Press ( 2006 ).

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    Theory hours per week : 4 hours Total Marks : 100Theory : 80

    Practical hours per week : 3 hours Internal Assessment: 15Annual Theory Exam.: 65

    Practical : 20Internal Assessment : 05

    Final Practical : 15

    Objectives of the Course :

    To make the students understand the pattern of development at molecular level.

    To draw a correlation between evolution of animals and changes in environment.To acquaint the students with the latest concept of Haemopoetic stem cells and gene


    UNIT - I1. Gametogenesis in animals.2. Molecular events during fertilization.

    3. Cleavage pattern & fate maps. Cell differentiation & differential gene activity.4. Induction, competance, cell-cell interaction, primary embryonic induction.


    1. Molecular basis of differentiation, trans differentiation & dedifferentiation.2. Differentiation of erythrocytes, ovalbumin.

    3. Determination of fate of cells with example of tunicates,Drosophila, amphibians, C.elegans (nematode).

    4. Regeneration5. P-granules in nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans.

    Note : Nine questions to be set. First question of 15 marks, covering the whole syllabus

    will be compulsory and will consist of 10 short answer questions of 1 markseach. For the remaining 8 questions, 4 to be set from each Unit I and II and 2 to

    be attempted from each Unit. Each question from Units I and II will carry 12marks.

    Practicals based on theory paper XI1. To study the different stages of development in frog and chick.

    2. To study the spermatogenesis of rat and grasshopper from smears of testis.3. Types of eggs from the ovaries of different animals.

    Books recommended1. An Introduction to Embryology by B.I. Balinsky, Saunders, Philadelphia (1981).

    2. Major Problems in Developmental Biology by H. Urspaung, Academic Press, New York, (1972)3. The Control of Gene Expression in Animal Development by J.B. Gurdon, Harvard

    University, Press, Oxford (1974).4. Gene activity in Early Development by Davdson, E.H. Academic Press, London (1977).

    5. Development Biology by Scott .F. Gilbert, Sinauer Associators Inc. Publishers 8th

    edition (2006).

    6. Development Biology (Vol.II) by Browder, L.W, Saunders (1984).

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    Theory hours per week : 4 hours Total Marks : 100Theory : 80

    Practical hours per week : 3 hours Internal Assessment: 15Annual Theory Exam.: 65

    Practical : 20Internal Assessment : 05

    Final Practical : 15

    Objectives of the Course :

    To enable the students know about structure and functions of various metabolites in animal

    body. To acquaint the students with various instruments and methodological techniquesenable them to persue scientific research in future.


    Carbohydrates : General structure, chemical properties & classification. Homo and

    heteropolysaccharides. Bacterial polysaccharides. Mucopolysaccharides. Biologicalfunctions of polysaccharides.Glycolysis, TCA cycle, phosphogluconate pathway & glycogenolysis.

    Bioenergetics of Carbohydrate matabolism.Lipids : General structure and chemical properties of simple lipids. Structure and function

    of phospholipids. Biological functions & structure of cholesterol and steroid hormones.Oxidation of fatty acids; biosynthesis of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.


    Proteins : Amino acids and their properties, Protein structure and shape. Nucleic acidsand protein interaction. Conjugated proteins : Lipoproteins, glycoproteins, nucleo proteins.

    Biosynthesis of purines and pyrimidines.Enzymes : Enzyme kinetics, mode of action of enzyme and biochemical role of

    coenzymes and isoenzymes, effect of enzyme concentration, effect of substrateconcentration and pH on enzyme activity, allosteric enzymes, feed back inhibition,

    covalent modifications, irreversible and reversible. Ribozyme and Abzyme.Electron transport chain : Mechanism of oxidative phosphorylation (Mitochondrial),

    inhibitors of electron transport chain Intibitors and uncouplers of mitochondrial oxidativephosphorylation.

    Note : Nine questions to be set. First question of 15 marks, covering the whole syllabus

    will be compulsory and will consist of 10 short answer questions of 1 markseach. For the remaining 8 questions, 4 to be set from each Unit I and II and 2 to

    be attempted from each Unit. Each question from Units I and II will carry 12marks.

    Practicals based on theory paper XII1. Estimation of alkaline and acid phosphatases in the liver fraction of rat.

    2. Quantitative estimation of glycogen, cholesterol protein in rat tissue.3. Qualitative estimation of carbohydrates, lipids and protein in rat tissue.

    4. To separate a sample of amino acids with the help of paper chromatography,TLC and electrophoresis.

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    BOOKS RECOMMENDED:1. Beckatt, A.H. and Stenlake, J.B., Practical Biochemistry, the Athlone Press,

    London (1988).2. Freefelder, D, Practical Biochemistry : Application to Biochemistry and

    Molecular Biology, W.H.Freeman, (1982).3. Wilson, Keith and Walker, John, Practical Biochemistry : Principles and

    techniques, 5th Edition Edited, Cambridge University Press (2000).4. Kuby, Janis, Immunology, W.H. Freeman and Company (2000).

    5. Alberts, Bruce and others Molecular Biology of the Cell. ( 2002 )6. Lewin, Benjamin and others Cells Canada Jonas and Bartle ( 2007 ).

    7. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry & Bartle. Nelson & Cox. 4th

    edition. W HFreeman and Company, New York.

    8. Eric E. Conn, Paul K. Stumf and others. Outlines of Biochemistry 5/E. John Wileyand Sons. (1995).

    9. Jeremy M. Berg, John L. Tymoczko and lubert Stryer. Biochemistry. 5th

    editionW.H. Freeman and Company, New York (2006).

    10. Donald Voet and J.G. Voet, Biochemistry, 3rd

    edition. John Wiley and Sons



    Theory hours per week : 4 hours Total Marks : 100Theory : 80

    Practical hours per week : 3 hours Internal Assessment: 15Annual Theory Exam.: 65

    Practical : 20Internal Assessment : 05

    Final Practical : 15Objectives of the Course :

    To acquaint the students with various techniques to study histology and histochemistry ofvarious animal tissues and to know about fixation and staining techniques. To enable the

    students understand the molecular basis of cell-cell signalling, cell division and transportof ions across cell membranes.

    To clarify the concept of population genetics to the students through Hardy-weinberg law.

    UNIT- I

    1. Fixation and staining techniques : Non -chemical and chemical fixatives,

    chemistry of staining of acidic and basic dyes.2. Structure and functions of cell and its organelles (Nucleus, plasma membrane,

    mitochondria, Golgi bodies, endoplasmic reticulumn, ribosomes and lysosomes).

    3. Plasma membrane : Structure and organisation of membranes, Glycoconjugatesand proteins in membrane system,ion transport, Na+/K+ATPase, model

    membranes, liposomes. Protein sorting, secretory and endocytotic path way.

    UNIT- II1. Cell-Cell signalling : Cell surface receptors, Second messenger system, MAP

    kinase pathways, Signalling from plasma membrane to nucleus.

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    2. Cytoskeletal elements : Microtubules and microfilaments.3. Cell division : Cell Cycle, Molecular basis of cell division,mitotic apparatus,

    modification and abnormalities of cell division, chromosome movement(forces of cell division).

    Note : Nine questions to be set. First question of 15 marks, covering the whole syllabus

    will be compulsory and will consist of 10 short answer questions of 1 markseach. For the remaining 8 questions, 4 to be set from each Unit I and II and 2 to

    be attempted from each Unit. Each question from Units I and II will carry 12marks.

    Practicals based on theory paper XIII

    1. Preparation of permanent histological slides of testis and ovaries of insects/mice/rat.

    2. Basis of reaction and demonstration of the sites of proteins, nucleic acids, lipids& carbohydrates in ovaries of insects/rat/mice.

    3. Study of stages of mitosis from permanent slides from animal and plant materials.

    Books recommended

    1. Cell Biology and Molecular Biology by D.Robertis, EDP & DE Robertis E.M.F,8

    thed., Saunders & Co. Philadelphia (1995).

    2. Cell Biology by C.B. Powar, 3rd ed., Himalaya Pub., Bombay (1984).3. Advances in Cell and Molecular Biology by Dupraw, E.J., eds. Academic Press,

    New York & London (1971).4. Cell Biology. Pollard, Thomas, D.S.Earnshan, William C. Saunders. USA. (2002).

    5. The Cell : A Molecular Approach by Cooper GM & H 5th

    edition (2009).6. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 5

    thedition by Alberts, John Raff. Roberts & Walter

    (2008).7. Cell and Molecular Biology : Concepts and Experiments 5th edition by Gerald

    Karp. John Wiley and Saunders.


    Time : 3 HoursTheory hours per week : 4 hours Total Marks : 100

    Theory : 80Practical hours per week : 3 hours Internal Assessment: 15

    Annual Theory Exam.: 65Practical : 20

    Internal Assessment : 05Final Practical : 15

    Objectives of the Course :

    To acquaint the students with various instruments and methodological techniques enablethem to pursue scientific research in future.

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    UNIT-IMicroscopy : Principle, structural parts and applications of compound microscope, phase

    contrast microscope, fluorescence microscope, interference microscope, polarizationmicroscope, dark field microscope, transmission electron microscope and scanning

    electron microscope.

    Cell fractionation method : Principle of centrifugation and ultracentrifugation, differenttypes of ultracentrifugations (in brief) and their applications, structural parts of an

    analytical ultracentrifuge, ultracentrifugation and buoyant density.

    Spectrophotometry : Principle and structural parts of a colorimeter and a

    spectrophotometer and their applications.

    Chromatography : Principles of chromatography, paper chromatography, thin layerchromatography, gas chromatography, gel permeation chromatography, ion exchange

    chromatography, high pressure liquid chromatography, affinity chromatography.


    Electrophoresis : Principles of electrophoresis, (Brief introduction to paperelectrophoresis, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, disc gel electrophoresis,) SDS-PAGE,agarose gel electrophoresis, isoelectric focussing, applications of electrophoresis, Phage

    DNA, detection of plasmids, separation of DNA molecules, Southern transfer, Northerntransfer and Western transfer.

    Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and its application.

    Tissue culture techniques : Monolayer suspension, leucocyte cultures, factors affecting

    cell growth in vitro.

    Radioisotopes : Principles and applications of tracer techniques in biology, radiationdosimetry, radioactive isotopes and half life of isotopes, liquid scintillation counter,

    principles and applications of autoradiography and cerenekov radiation.

    Note : Nine questions to be set. First question of 15 marks, covering the whole syllabuswill be compulsory and will consist of 10 short answer questions of 1 marks

    each. For the remaining 8 questions, 4 to be set from each Unit I and II and 2 tobe attempted from each Unit. Each question from Units I and II will carry 12


    Practicals based on theory paper XIV1. To study the parts of the compound microscope and phase-contrast microscope

    and their maintenance.2. To study the living material under the phase contrast microscope.

    3. Finding out the diameter, area and circumference with the help of stagemicrometer and oculometer.

    4. To sketch the diagram of any tissue with the help of camera lucida and to drawits magnification line.

    5. Separation of subcellular fractions from the liver of rat and estimation of anymarker enzyme of mitochondria/golgi bodies/plasma membrane/endoplasmic

    reticulum.6. Demonstration of section cutting and mounting of sections on the grid for SEM

    and TEM. Demonstration of SEM & TEM in the CIL lab., P.U., Chandigarh.

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    7. Demonstration of working of gamma counter, ultracentrifuge, X-raydiffraction apparatus, Deptt. of Zoology, P.U., Chandigarh.

    8. Study of DNA amount in the developing stages of spermatogenesis withthe help of microdensitometer, Deptt. of Zoology, P.U., Chandigarh.

    9. Demonstration of the working of PCR, Thermal Cyclar and apparatus of Southernblotting, Deptt. of Zoology, P.U., Chandigarh.

    10. To find out pH with a pH meter and to weigh on with electrical balance.11. A short term in vitro culture of a parasite.


    1. Bacq, Z.M. and Alexender, P, Fundamentals of Radiography, Pergamon Press,London (1989).

    2. Benett, A.H. and Usterbere, H, Phase Microscopy: Principle and applications,John Wiley and Sons, London (1951).

    3. Dawes, C.J.,Techniques for Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopy,Ladd Rew. Ind.,Inc.,Publishers (1981).

    4. Freshrey, R.I. and Allen, R, Culture of Animal Cell : A manual of basic

    techniques, Lis Inc., New York. (1983).5. Watt, J.M., The Principles and Practice of Electron Microscopy, Watt (1985).6. Michael G, Flow Cytometry : A Practical Approach, 3

    rdEdition Edited Michael

    G. Ormerod Oxford University Press (2000).7. In-vitro Cultivation of Animal Cells. BIOTOL, Elsevier (2004).


    Theory hours per week : 4 hours Total Marks : 100Theory : 80

    Practical hours per week : 3 hours Internal Assessment: 15Annual Theory Exam.: 65

    Practical : 20Internal Assessment : 05

    Final Practical : 15

    Objectives of the Course :

    To make the students aware of various pests of food crops and food products and various

    insect control methods.To educate the students about economic importance and techniques of Apiculture and


    UNIT-I1. Salient features with suitable examples of the insect orders - Thysanura,

    Odonata, Isoptera, Orthoptera, Hemiptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera,

    Hymenoptera and Diptera.2. Strucure and function of the following systems in insects :

    a. Digestive Systemb. Respiratory System

    c. Nervous Systemd. Reproductive System

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    3. Post embryonic development and types of metamorphosis in insects. Structuralmodifications in the larvae & pupae.

    4. Parthenogenesis in insects.5. Effect of temperature and photopteriod on the lives of insects, details of onset,

    termination and significance of diapause.

    UNIT-II1. Systematic position, habits, nature of damage and outlines of the life cycles

    of following pests of crops, vegetables & fruits.2. Plant host-insect interaction. Insect-pest management of useful insects : Silkworm,

    honeybee, Lac insect.

    A. CROPSCotton :

    (i) Pectinophora gossypiella (Pink boll worm)(ii) Bemisia tabaci (Cotton white fly)

    (iii Dysdercus cingulatus (Red cotton bug)

    Sugarcane(i) Pyrilla perpusilla (Sugarcane leaf hopper)

    (ii) Scirpophaga nivella (Sugarcane top borer)

    Paddy(i) Hieroglyphus banian (Rice grass hopper)

    (ii) Leptocorisa varicornis (Gundhi bug)

    Wheat(i) Tanymecus indicus (Ghujhia weevil)

    (ii) Sesamia inferens (Wheat stem borer)

    B. VEGETABLES(i) Dacus cucurbitae (Pumpkin fruit fly)

    (ii) Raphidopalpa foveicollis (Red pumkin beetle)

    C. FRUITS(i) Drosicha mangifera (Mango mealy bug)

    (ii) Diaphorina citri (Citrus psylla)

    3. Pests of stored food products with particular reference to their systematicposition, habits, nature of damage caused by them along with the outlines of their

    life cycles :(i) Callosobruchus maculatus (Pulse beetle)

    (ii) Sitophilus oryzae (Rice weevil)(iii) Tribolium castaneum (Rust red floor beetle)

    (iv) Sitotroga cerealella (Angoumois grain moth).

    4. Insect control :

    (a) Chemical control : Categories of pesticides, important examples, theirapplication and mode of action; Insect repellents and attractants.

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    (b) Biological Control : Principles, History, use of parasites, predators andpathogens.

    (c) Integrated Pest Management (IPM).

    5. Principle and practices of Apiculture.

    Note : Nine questions to be set. First question of 15 marks, covering the whole syllabus

    will be compulsory and will consist of 10 short answer questions of 1 markseach. For the remaining 8 questions, 4 to be set from each Unit I and II and 2 to

    be attempted from each Unit. Each question from Units I and II will carry 12marks.

    Practicals based on theory paper XV

    1. Collection and their identification upto family level of atleast three differentspecies from the pterygote orders prescribed in theory.

    2. Identification marks and taxonomic status of insect pests of crops vegetables, fruitsand stored products.

    3. Dissection of suitable insects for the study of following systems :

    a. Digestive Systemb. Nervous Systemc. Reproductive System

    4. Systematic position upto family and ecology of the following medical andveterinary pests :

    a. Anopheles b. Culex c. Aedes D. Blow fly e. Bot fly f. Horse flyg. Flesh fly.

    5. Introduction to apiculture practices and handling of Beehives.6. Permanent stained preparation of male and female external genitalia.

    7. Study of different types of larvae and pupae with the help of preserved material.

    Books recommended

    1. General Entomology, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi,Calcutta, Bombay by M.S. Mani,1990.

    2. The Insects, Structure & Function, English Language Book Society Hodder andSloughton, G. Britain by R.F. Chapman,1978.

    3. Imms Text Book of Entomology Methuen & Co. Ltd. New York: EP. Dutton & Co.INC. by Richards & Davies, 10

    thedition ( 1997).

    4. Honey bees and their management in India, ICAR Publications by R.C. Mishra,1995.5. Agricultural Pests of India and South East Asia by A.S. Attwal, Kalyani

    Publishers, New Delhi, 1991.6. Insects and Mites of Crops in India by MRGK. Nair, ICAR, N.Delhi, 1975.

    7. Economic and Applied Entomology by Kumar and Nigam, Emkay Publications,Delhi, 2000.

    8. Destructive and Useful Insects by Metcalf and Metcalf, McGraw Hill Publications,New York, 1951.

    9. Integrated Pest Management by David Dent, Chapman & Hall, London, New York,Madras, 1995.

    10. Insect Pheromones and their use in Pest Management by House Sevens and Jones,Chapman Hall,London, New York,Madras, 1998.

    11. Beekeepy for Profile and Pleasure. Addison Webb. Agrobios, 2004.12. Textbook of Applied Entomology. P. Srivastava. Vol.1. Kalyani Publishers, 2005.

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    Theory hours per week : 4 hours Total Marks : 100Theory : 80

    Practical hours per week : 3 hours Internal Assessment: 15Annual Theory Exam : 65

    Practical : 20Internal Assessment : 05

    Final Practical : 15

    Objectives of the Course :

    To draw a correlation between evolution of animals and changes in environment.

    To acquaint the students with the latest concept of Haemopoetic stem cells and genetherapy.

    UNIT I

    1. Role of endoderm in mesodermal specificity, mesodermal inducers.Instructive and permissive interactions, epitheliomesenchymal interactions, neural

    induction, secondary induction, chemical nature of evocators.2. Teratogenesis critical period dose, classes of cytotoxic teratogens, human



    1. Totipotency & nuclear transfer experiment.

    2. Gene regulation in development. Maternal & zygotic control during initiation ofdevelopment.

    3. Cell surface adhesion, inter cellular adhesion, adhesive molecules - cadherins.

    4. Environmental evolution and animal development: Environmental cues andeffects, Malformations and disruptions, Changing evolution throughdevelopment modularity, Developmental constraints, Creating new cell types -

    basic evolutionary mystery.5. Hemopoetic stem cells : Stem cell disorders,Blood cells formation, Bone marrow

    transplants, Gene therapy.

    Note : Nine questions to be set. First question of 15 marks, covering the whole syllabuswill be compulsory and will consist of 10 short answer questions of 1 marks

    each. For the remaining 8 questions, 4 to be set from each Unit I and II and 2 tobe attempted from each Unit. Each question from Units I and II will carry 12


    Practicals based on theory paper XVI1. To prepare the permanent stained slides of developing stages from fertilized egg

    of hen.2. To study different larvae in invertebrates from permanent slides.

    3. To prepare the permanent slides of larvae of invertebrates (Redia,Cercaria, Arthropod larvae, Glochidium larva).

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    Books Recommended

    1. An Introduction to Embryology by B.I. Balinsky, Saunders, Philadelphia (1981).2. Major Problems in Developmental Biology by H. Urspaung, Academic Press, New

    York, (1972).3. The Control of Gene Expression in Animal Development by J.B. Gurdon, Harvard

    University, Press, Oxford (1974)..4. Gene activity in Early Development by Davdson, E.H. Academic Press, London

    (1977).5. Development Biology by Scott .F. Gilbert, Sinauer Associators Inc. Publishers 8


    edition (2006).6. Development Biology (Vol.II) by Browder, L.W, Saunders (1984).


    Theory hours per week : 4 hours Total Marks : 100

    Theory : 80Practical hours per week : 3 hours Internal Assessment 15

    Annual Theory Exam: 65

    Practical : 20Internal Assessment : 05

    Final Practical 15

    Objectives of the Course :

    To introduce the students to various pathogens causing diseases and the reactions of the

    body against them.


    1. Introduction to Parasitology

    2. Parasite Host Specificity : Kinds of parasite host specificity, specificityfactors related to infection and growth.

    3. Molecular, Celluclar and Physiological basis of Host Parasite Relationship : inProtozoans, trematode, cestode and nematode parasites.


    1. Immunity to Parasites : Brief account of immunity to malaria, leishmaniasis,

    trypanosomiasis, schistosomiasis and ascariasis.

    2. Vectors - Brief account of various insect vectors of human parasitic infections.3. Parasite Transmission : Introduction, mechanism, circardian rhythm.

    Note : Nine questions to be set. First question of 15 marks, covering the whole syllabuswill be compulsory and will consist of 10 short answer questions of 1 marks

    each. For the remaining 8 questions, 4 to be set from each Unit I and II and 2 tobe attempted from each Unit. Each question from Units I and II will carry 12


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    Practicals based on theory paper XVII1. To study the protozoans and helminth parasites infecting common frog, toad and

    common household insects.2. To study the helminth parasites infecting gut of the sheep and goat.

    3. To study the parasites from blood smears - Leishmania, Plasmodium andTrypanosoma.

    4. To study the vectors of different parasitic infections (Mosquito, ticks, sandfly etc.).

    Books Recommended1. Parasitology : The Biology of Animal Parasites V edition by E.R. Noble and

    G.A. Noble, Lea & Febiger Philadelphia, 1982.2. Physiology of Parasites by L.H. Chapell, Blackie, Glosgow, London, (1979).

    3. Immunology of Infection by Kaufmann, Academic Press (1999).4. An Introduction to Animal Parasitology by Smyth, J.D., Hodder & Stoughton,

    London (1976).


    Theory hours per week : 4 hours Total Marks : 100

    Theory : 80Practical hours per week : 3 hours Internal Assessment: 15

    Annual Theory Exam.: 65Practical : 20

    Internal Assessment : 05Final Practical : 15

    Objectives of the Course :

    To acquaint the students with aquatic animal life and its economic importance.

    UNIT-I1. Introduction : History and scope of Fishery Science in India.

    2. Water as an environment : Physico-chemical characteristics - Temperature,Dissolved oxygen, carbondioxide, pH, Nitrogen, Phosphorous.

    3. Aquatic ecosystem : Components, food chain & food web, flow of energy througha aquatic ecosystem.

    4. Ecological classification of aquatic organisms other than fishes.5. Characteristics of lotic environment : Abiotic & biotic factors in a stream/river.

    6. Productivity : Concept of productivity, estimation of primary productivity by

    different methods, classification of water bodies on the basis of productivity.7. Role of limnology in the management of a fish pond.8. Various types of body forms in fishes.


    1. Fish Farming : Composite fish culture of Indian and exotic fishes in India.2. Induced breeding : History, technique and advantages of induced breeding in

    fishes. Use of synthetic chemicals for induced breeding.3. Study of Local fishing gears.

    4. Fish diseases : Fungal, bacterial, protozoan, worm and crustacean diseases of fishes.

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    5. Preservation, transportation and marketing of fishes.6. Electric organs.

    7. Bioluminiscence

    Note : Nine questions to be set. First question of 15 marks, covering the whole syllabuswill be compulsory and will consist of 10 short answer questions of 1 marks

    each. For the remaining 8 questions, 4 to be set from each Unit I and II and 2 tobe attempted from each Unit. Each question from Units I and II will carry 12


    Practicals based on theory paper XVIII

    1. To estimate the dissolved oxygen in water.2. To estimate the pH of water.

    3. To estimate the phosphate of water.4. To determine the BOD of water.

    5. To study the benthic organisms.6. To study the different types of fishing gears.

    7. To study the Indian culturable fishes.

    8. To study the Exotic culturable fishes.

    Books Recommended

    1. Fish and Fisheries of India by V.G. Jhingran, Hindustan Publ. House, N.Delhi,1991.2. Aquaculture Production FAO Fisheries Circular No.815 by Rev.FAO Rome,1991.

    3. Aquaculture in Asia by M.M. Joseph, Asian Fisheries Soc., Mangalore, 1990.4. Inland Fisheries of India Vol.I & II by P.K. Talwar and A.G. Jhingran, Oxford &

    IBH, N.Delhi, 1991.5. Freshwater Fishery Biology by K.F. Lagler, WmC. Brown Co. Publ.

    Dubuque,IOWA, 1969.6. Methods for Assessment of Fish Production in Freshwaters, IBH Handbook

    No.3, Blackwell Scientificv Publ., Oxford, 1970.7. Fundamentals of Ecology by E.P. Odum, W.B.Saunders Co.Philadelphia, 1971.

    8. Limnology by P.S. Welch McGraw Hill Book Co., New York, 1952.9. Limnology by R.G. Watzel, R.G., W.B. Saunders Co Philadelphia, 1983.

    10. The Biology of Polluted Waters by H.B.N. Hynes,Liverpul Univ. press, Liverpul, 1978.11. Fundamentals of Limnology by F. Ruttner, Univ.Press Toronto, 1975.

    12. Fishes : An Introduction to Ichthyology by P.B. Moyle and J.C. Cedh. PrenticeHall Inc. Jersey USA, 1986.

    13. Fishery Development by S.C.Agarwal and M.S. Johal. Narendra PublishingHouse, Delhi, 2004.

    14. History of Fishes by J.Norman revised by P.H. Greenwood. Ernst Brown, London 1999.

    15. Biology of fishes by Kyle H.M. Biotech. Books, Delhi, 2007.16. Freshwater Ecology : Concepts and environmental applications. Dodds, Walter K.

    Academic Press. USA., 2002.

    17. Introduction to General and applied entomology. 2nd

    revised edition. Awasthi V.B.Scientific Publications, Jodhpur, 2007.

    18. The Biology of fishes. New Introduction by Dr. Vijay Dev Singh. M. Hary. Kyle.Biotech. Bpooks, 2007.

    19. Fish Management and Aquatic Environment. Arvind Kumar and Pushplata Dukey.Daya Publishing House, 2006.

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    Theory hours per week : 4 hours Total Marks : 100Theory : 80

    Practical hours per week : 3 hours Internal Assessment: 15Annual Theory Exam.: 65

    Practical : 20Internal Assessment : 05

    Final Practical : 15

    Objectives of the Course :

    To educate the students about the basic environmental phenomena like pollution,

    ecosystem, biogeochemical cycles, etc.To educate the students about the importance of wild life conservation.


    1. Environmental Pollution : Causes impact and control measures of air, water

    and noise pollution, management of wastes, Environment Protection Act 1986.2. Natural resources : Natural resources and their conservation.3. Energy resources : Study of renewable and non-renewable energy resources.

    Non conventional energy resources.4. Environmental education : Goals, objectives, and methods of teaching of

    environmental education.5. Ecosystem Dynamics and Management :Stability and complexity of ecosystems.

    Speciation and extinctions, environmental impact assessment, sustainabledevelopment.

    UNIT-II1. Zoogeography : Zoogeographical regions and their fauna.

    2. Wildlife of India : Different types with references to animals, causes ofdepletion, significance and conservation of wildlife.

    3. Sanctuaries and National Parks : Location and Important fauna of thesanctuaries and national parks of India.

    4. Wildlife Projects : Tiger Project, Crocodile Breeding Project, Hangulproject, Gir lion Sanctuary project.

    Note : Nine questions to be set. First question of 15 marks, covering the whole syllabus

    will be compulsory and will consist of 10 short answer questions of 1 markseach. For the remaining 8 questions, 4 to be set from each Unit I and II and 2 to

    be attempted from each Unit. Each question from Units I and II will carry 12


    Practicals based on theory paper XIX

    1. To study the distribution of animals through zoogeographical maps.2. A visit to a zoological park to study different wild animals and make a report.

    3. To estimate the alkalinity of water.4. To estimate the chlorides of water.

    5. To estimate the nitrates of water.6. To study the different types of phytoplankton.

    7. To study the different types of zooplankton.

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    Books recommended

    1. Environment Pollution by H.M. Dix, John Wiley Pub. N.Y.,1984.2. Environmental Studies by D.B. Botkin and E.A. Keller, Merill Publ. Co.Toronto,

    London, 1987.3. Wildlife in India by Saharia, V.B. Natraj Publ. Deharadun (U.P.).

    4. Wildlife Biology by Raymond F Dasmann, Wiley Eastern Ltd.,New Delhi, 1982.


    Time : 3 HoursTheory hours per week : 4 hours Total Marks : 100

    Theory : 80Practical hours per week : 3 hours Internal Assessment: 15

    Annual Theory Exam.: 65Practical : 20

    Internal Assessment : 05

    Final Practical : 15Objectives of the Course :To acquaint the students with various techniques to study histology and histochemistry of

    various animal tissues and to know about fixation and staining techniques. To enable thestudents understand the molecular basis of cell-cell signalling, cell division and transport

    of ions across cell membranes.

    To clarify the concept of population of genetics to the students through Hardy-weinberg law.


    1. Chromosome structure and function : Law of DNA constancy and C. value

    paradox. Specialized chromosomes (Salivary gland and Lampbrush chromosomes).

    2. Molecular mutation : Molecular basis of mutation, physical and chemicalmutagens, radiation mutagenesis, site directed mutagenesis, target theory.

    3. Regulation of gene function : Operon hypothesis;Pro and eukaryotic

    operons;Induction and repression;Complex gene clusters.4. Hardy Weinberg Law and Calculation of gene frequencies.


    1. Linkage and Genetic maps.2. Dosage compensation.3. Properties of Genetic code, mutations in genetic code, Wobbles hypothesis.4. Fine structure of gene, Eukaryotic genome organization (structure of chromatin,

    coding and non-coding sequences, and satellite DNA); DNA damage and repair,DNA replication, amplification and rearrangements.

    5. Organization of transcriptional units; Mechanism of transcription of prokaryotesand eukaryotes; RNA processing (capping, polyadenylation, splicing, introns andexons); Ribonucleoproteins, structure of mRNA.

    6. Protein Synthesis.7. Principles and methods of genetic engineering and Gene targeting; Applications in

    agriculture, health and industry.

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    Note : Nine questions to be set. First question of 15 marks, covering the whole syllabuswill be compulsory and will consist of 10 short answer questions of 1 marks

    each. For the remaining 8 questions, 4 to be set from each Unit I and II and 2 tobe attempted from each Unit. Each question from Units I and II will carry 12


    Practicals based on theory paper XX1. Preparation of chromosomes from onion root tip and grasshoper for mitosis and

    meiosis by squash method.2. Temporary squash preperation of salivary gland chromosomes for the study of

    polytene chromosomes of larvae of Chironomus/Drosophila.3. Study and preparation of metaphase karyotypes from photographs and permanent

    slides ofDrosophila, grasshopper and man/rat.4. Study of sex-chromatin Bar body from human buccal mucosa.

    5. Demonstration of monohybrid and dihybrid cross with the help of beads.6. Study of genetic disorders with the help of photographs.

    Books recommended1. Genetics U. Goodenough, IIIrd ed., Saunders College Pub., Philadelphia, (1984).2. Cytogenetics - The Chromosome in Division, Inheritance and Evolution by C.P. Swanson,

    T. Merz and W.J. Young , IInd ed., Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi (1982).3. Principles of Genetics by E.J. Gardner and D.P. Shustad, 7th ed., John Wiley, New

    York (1984).4. Genetics - A survey of the Principles of Heredity by A.M. Winchestor, 3rd ed.,

    Oxford and IBH Pub., Calcutta (1972).5. Genetics: A text book for University students by P.K. Gupta, 3rd ed., Rastogi Pub.,

    Meerut (1996).6. Cytology, Genetics and Molecular Biology by P.K. Gupta, Rastogi Pub., Meerut (1991).

    7. Genetics by Strickberger, Monroe W., 3rd ed., Macmillan Pub., New York,(1985).8. Eukaryotic Chromosomes by Bostock, C.J. & Sumner, A.T., Amsterdam North

    Holland (1978).9. Principles of Genetics by Sinnott, E.W. & Dunn, L.C., 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, New

    York (1939).10. Science of Genetics by Hexter, William and Yost, Henry T., Prentice Hall of India,

    New Delhi (1977).11. Handbook of Molecular Cytology by Lima-De-Faria, A.ed. North Holland Publishing

    Company, Amsterdam, London( 1969).12. Principles of Genetics 2

    ndedition. Snustad and Simmons. Joh Wiley & Sons. (2002 )

    13. Genetics. A Molecular Approach. T.A. Brown 3rd

    edition BIOS Scientific Publishers (2004).14. Genetics. A Molecular Approach. Peter A. Russell. 2

    nded., Pearson. Benjamin Cummiy

