MSc STME Readings 2013-2014

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  • 8/13/2019 MSc STME Readings 2013-2014



    Department of Politics and International Studies

    Sc!A course


    #$ PPOH %##

    Term &


    Prof*Lale+ ,+alili-for Prof* C+arles Tripp.

    Room 210email [email protected]

    Sc!A course


  • 8/13/2019 MSc STME Readings 2013-2014



    /Half unit course0

    #$ PPOH %##


    Course Description

    This course provides an analysis of the major political developments in thenature and form of the state in the contemporary Middle East. t !illintroduce students to the main theoretical de"ates relevant to theunderstandin# of the state as a distinctive or#anisation of po!er and !ille$amine the utility and appropriateness of these perspectives !hen analysin#the politics of a variety of states in the Middle East. t !ill% therefore% e$aminethe implications for state structures and institutions of the distinctivehistories% social formations and political conflicts that shape state politics in

    the Middle East.

    The course is tau#ht throu#h a # +our 1ee2l3 lecture to t+e 1+ole class /4ednesda3s56(#% am05 follo1ed 73 a # +our 1ee2l3 seminar for smaller 8roups &on the onda3and Tuesda3 of the !eek follo!in# the lecture' in !hich !e shall address the themesoutlined "elo!. The lecture !ill e$amine the major analytical theme and the seminar!ill "e devoted to the discussion of that theme in the li#ht of a specific case study% the(uestion for !hich is #iven at the top of the !eekly readin#s on the attached readin#list. )tudents !ill "e asked to make presentations in order to initiate de"ate and !ill "ee$pected to take an active part in the discussions. *or further information on preparin#for seminars% please consult the +olitical )tudies +, hand"ook.

    Course aims and o79ecti:es

    The aim of this course is to provide students takin# M)c de#rees in +oliticsand the M- in ear and Middle Eastern )tudies /+olitics majors !ith anunderstandin# of the major political processes and structures shapin#

    political developments in the contemporary Middle East. )tudents !ho takethe course !ill "e e$pected to develop advanced analytical skills of relevance

    "oth to an unders tandin# of comple$ political situations and to a criticalen#a#ement !ith the discipline. n addition to developin# their skills ofcritical analysis% students !ho complete the course !ill "e a"le to

    demonstrate a clear understandin# of the political dynamics of most of themajor states in the Middle East.

    Course Re;uirements

    Essa3s< )tudents !ill "e e$pected to su"mit one essay for this halfunit% on a topic!hich you !ill determine% in consultation !ith me. The specific date for thesu"mission of the essay is

    April &%#)Essays should "e around 3000 !ords each /a"out 1 pa#es% dou"lespaced typin#.5here necessary% they should "e footnoted% !ith full references cited. - "i"lio#raphy

    of !orks consulted should "e attached. This is #ood practice and !ill #ive me an ideaof #aps in your readin#.


  • 8/13/2019 MSc STME Readings 2013-2014


    6ou !ill "e e$pected to su"mit your essay on Turnitin via 78E and you haveuntil &' )ocial )ciences *aculty ;ffice in room R201 and complete the ?8ate)u"mission *orm% attachin# any evidence you may have a"out the miti#atin#circumstances.Pla8iarism

    )tudents are reminded that all !ork su"mitted as part of the re(uirement forany assessment must "e e$pressed in their o!n !ords and incorporate theiro!n ideas and jud#ements. +la#iarism that is% the presentation of another

    personAs thou#hts or !ords as thou#h they !ere the students o!n B must "eavoided.Cirect (uotations from the pu"lished or unpu"lished !ork of others mustal!ays "e clearly identified as such "y "ein# placed inside (uotation marks%and a full reference to their source must "e provided in proper form. - seriesof short (uotations from several different sources% if not clearly identified assuch% constitutes pla#iarism just as much as does a sin#le unackno!led#edlon# (uotation from a sin#le source. f students summarise another personsideas and jud#ements% they must refer to that person in their te$t as thesource of the ideas and jud#ements% and include the !ork referred to in their

    "i"lio#raphy. 5here students dra! on their o!n previous !ritten !ork%!hether su"mitted as course!ork for their current de#ree% or for a previousde#ree or (ualification% this must "e clearly stated. )tudents should consultme if they are in any dou"t a"out !hat is permissi"le.t is important to complete the essay since it !ill count for D0 of your total marks forthis halfunit. The !ritten e$am in May counts for the remainin# 40

    Lecture!Seminar Pro8ramme

  • 8/13/2019 MSc STME Readings 2013-2014


    #* T+e State in t+e iddle East

    G idea of the territorial nation stateG diverse local state ?traditionsG colonial9 ma nda te state practices and le#aciesG ideas of despotic and infrastructural po!er

    &* Pu7lic institutions and t+e =s+ado1 state>

    G state in society and pro"lems of analytical separationG understandin#s of private and pu"licG functional separation "et!een pu"lic administration and associationalforms of po!erG net!orks !ithin state institutions

    '* State class and militar3 esta7lis+ments

    G understandin# office and the reproduction of privile#e

    G educational revolutions and career opportunitiesG military officers and civilian counterpartsG order and administrative ethos authoritarian visions

    )* T+e de:elopmental state and its forms

    G a political economy focused on state capitalismG state parties and corporatismG ideas and forms of the pu"lic !elfare function of the state B and its

    pro"lemsG economic li"eralisation and its effects on state institutions% as !ell as onsociety

    $* T+e rentier state and its implications

    G #enealo#y of the rentier stateG forms of rentierism B oil revenue "ased and other!iseG political implications for relations "et!een #overnment and peopleG neopatrimonialism and its utility% practically and analytically

    * Reading Week

    ?* D3nastic rule< 2in8s5 amirs and presidents

    G state principles and the personalisation of po!erG le#itimation of monarchical rule and the or#anisation of po!erG reassurance and elite #uaranteesG vulnera"ilities B systemic and personal

    @* State po1er and accounta7ilit3

    G institutions and transparencyG mechanisms of accounta"ilityG popular movements for democratic chan#eG e$ecutive po!er and the tendency to!ards e$clusivity

    * Nationalism as state reli8ion


  • 8/13/2019 MSc STME Readings 2013-2014


    G territorial nationalism as ultimate rationale of the stateG state as manufacturer of political field% ima#inative and other!iseG emer#ence and si#nificance of state"ased nationalismsG reli#ion and the secular lo#ic of the stateG state reli#ion and the displacement of authority

    6* State and Re:olution

    G understandin# revolution as processG revolution as ?mirror of the stateG violent chan#e and the lo#ic of revolutionG coups dHtat% revolution from a"ove% popular uprisin#G state po!er and transformative projects

    #%* 4ar and t+e State

    G !armakin# and statemakin#

    G territoriality% soverei#nty and resistanceG discipline and or#anisation administration and !ar economyG community and national o"li#ationG civil !ar% secession and rejection


  • 8/13/2019 MSc STME Readings 2013-2014



    The lecture pro#ramme !ith the accompanyin# seminar (uestions and the readin#s arelisted in the follo!in# pa#es. Each seminar !ill "e devoted to the discussion of a

    particular theme !hich the lecture !ill have introduced. Essential /I and "ack#round/J readin#s for each topic are indicated. Readin#s marked in 7old are reproduced inthe Course Stud3 Pac2/availa"le at the );-) "ookshop% 7runei ,allery

    The readin#s #iven "elo! are not comprehensive% merely a startin# point and a #eneralindication of availa"le !ork. +a#e num"ers are rarely specified even in the essentialreadin#s since it is important that students ac(uaint themselves thorou#hly !ith theliterature in all its aspects% usin# their o!n jud#ment to select those parts of a "ook!hich are of relevance to the topic at hand. Every effort has "een made to ensure thatthe readin#s are availa"le in the 8i"rary% "ut if "ooks have #one missin# please let the

    8i"rary kno! as soon as possi"le. )tudents are encoura#ed to read !idely and to usetheir o!n initiative in findin# materials. 8ondon has some of the "est li"rary resourcesin the !orld. +lease use the opportunity of livin# in 8ondon to make use of theseresources. n the search for "ooks the follo!in# !e"site is invalua"le in trackin# do!nfurther copies of "ooks that may have "een taken out of );-) 8i"rary


    "ook in the many li"raries open to you in 8ondon.


    have cited some periodical articles in the readin# list. evertheless% the periodicalliterature is !ide ran#in#% often illustratin# particular themes in a concise and useful!ay !hich may "e of particular relevance in !ritin# essays. t is important that youfamiliarise yourself as soon as possi"le !ith the relevant periodicals and the ran#e ofsu"jects !hich they cover. The follo!in# periodicals !ill "e particularly usefulAra7 Studies ournal

    Ara7 Studies uarterl3

    ritis+ ournal of iddle Eastern Studies -***E*S*.

    International ournal of iddle East Studies -I***E*S*.

    iddle East ournal -*E**.

    iddle East Reports -formerl3 *E*R*I*P* Reports.

    iddle Eastern Studies -*E*S*.

    -ll of these are availa"le on )T;R up to a"out 200N. More recent volumes areavaila"le% #enerally throu#h E7)=; and on the open shelves in the 8i"rary.

    Electronic resources

    The internet contains a ran#e of resources !hich may "e useful in the preparation ofessays and presentations. -n e$cellent place to start is the );-) 8i"rary homepa#e!hich contains a list of links to relevant information on the !e".*or Middle East politics% the follo!in# sites are useful and interestin#http9 9 !Ffp.ariOona.edu9 mesassoc9 &ME)- homepa#e'

    http99!!!.al"a!a"a.com9 &-l"a!a"a Middle East #ate!ay'http99!!!.mideasti.or#9 &Middle East nstitute'

  • 8/13/2019 MSc STME Readings 2013-2014


    http99!!!.-)sraelstudies.or#9ais.htm &-ssociation for srael studies'http99!!!.jadaliyya.com9http99!!!.merip.or#9 &MER+'http99menic.ute$as.edu9menic.html &=entre for ME )tudies% Kniv of Te$as at -ustin'http99!!!.ahram.or#.e#9!eekly9 &-l-hram 5eekly'

    http99ne!s.""!orld9middlePeast9 &77= 5orld )ervice'

    Introductor3 and 7ac28round readin8s

    I -yu"i% . ;verstatin# the -ra" )tate &1QQ3'I 7ill% . > R. )prin#"or# +olitics in the Middle East &2000'J 7romley% ). Rethinkin# Middle East +olitics &1QQ4'J =haudhry% L.-. The +rice of 5ealth &1QQN'I Eickelman% C. > Muslim +olitics &1QQD'

    . +iscatoriI ,elvin% . The Modern Middle East a history &2003'J ,ilsenan% M. Reco#nisin# slam &2000'J ,uaOOone% 8. /ed The slamist Cilemma &1QQ3'J +olitics in the Makin# of the Middle East&2004'

    I Richards% -.> . 5ater"ury The +olitical Economy of the Middle East &200'

    J Ruthven% M. slam in the 5orld &2000'J 6app% M. The ear East since the *irst 5orld 5ar a history to 1QQ3

    &1QQD'I Su"aida% ). slam% the +eople and the )tate &1QQF'

  • 8/13/2019 MSc STME Readings 2013-2014


    Lecture #< T+e State in t+e iddle East

    Seminar uestion+. 7irn"aum The sociolo#y of the state /1QF

    I =ammack% +. et al. Third 5orld +olitics - =omparative ntroduction &1QQF'J Evans% +.7. et al./eds 7rin#in# the state "ack in /1Q3J

  • 8/13/2019 MSc STME Readings 2013-2014


    Hinne7usc+5 R* Aut+oritarian Po1er and State Formation in aGt+ist S3ria

    /#66%0 pp #$?(#6?


  • 8/13/2019 MSc STME Readings 2013-2014


    Lecture &* Pu7lic institutions and t+e =s+ado1 state>

    Seminar ;uestion< 'ow would you e($lain the resilience of the )shadow state in %ra+! 'ow

    useful do you find it as a category in thinking aout $ower in other states of the Middle East!


    I =lapham% =. Third 5orld +olitics &1QQ2'I Eisenstadt% ).. Traditional +atrimonialism and Modern eopat rimonialism


    J Eisenstadt% )..> 8emarchand% R. /eds +olitical =lientelism% +atrona#e and Cevelopment &1Q1'

    I 8e##% L.R. +atrons% =lients and +oliticians &1QN3'J Mi#dal% . )tron# )ocieties and 5eak )tates &1Q' i8dal5 * State in Societ3 /&%%#0 pp &'#(&?)

    J e!"ury% =. +atrons% =lients and Empire chieftaincy and over rule in-sia% -frica and the +acific &200F'


    Alla1i5 A*A* T+e Occupation of Ira; /&%%@0 pp ')('?6

    I 7aram% -. ?eoTri"alism in ra( )addam

  • 8/13/2019 MSc STME Readings 2013-2014


    I ,ellner% E.> 5ater"ury% . /eds +atrons and =lients in Mediterranean )ocieties &1QNN'

    J ,in#eras% R. ?n the hunt for the U)ultans of )mackV dope% #an#sters andthe construction of the Turkish Ceep )tate%Middle East

    &ournalD39F /)ummer 2011 pp 42D441

    I E. *. Leyman ?Cou"le*aced )tate +olitical +atrona#e and the

    =onsolidation of Cemocracy in Turkey%Middle Eastern Studies% ol. F4% o. 4 /;ct.% 1QQ%pp. 23Q2NN

    I ohnson% M. =lass and =lient in 7eirut the )unni Muslim =ommunityand the 8e"anese )tate 1401Q3 &1QD'

    I ohnson% M. -ll

  • 8/13/2019 MSc STME Readings 2013-2014


    Lecture '< State class and militar3 esta7lis+ments

    Seminar uestion< %n what ways, if at all, has the role of the military in Turkish $olitics

    differed from the role $layed y military officers in Ara states of the Middle East!


    Clap+am5 C* "

    B* P+ilip -eds. T+e Political Dilemmas of ilitar3 Re8imes /#6$0 pp #(&$

    I Cjilas% M. The e! =lass &1Q3N' pp 4NN2J ano!itO% M. Military nstitutions and =oercion in the Cevelopin#

    ations &1QNN'J Meisel% .

  • 8/13/2019 MSc STME Readings 2013-2014


    J -tinay% -.,. The Myth of the Military ation &2004'I -ydinli% E. ?- +aradi#matic )hift for the Turkish ,enerals and an

    End to the =oup Era in Turkey% Middle East &ournal%ol. DF% o. 4 /-utumn% 200Q pp 313QD

    J 7irand% M. -. )hirts of )teel &1QQ1'

    J 7irand% M.-. The ,enerals =oup in Turkey B 1Q0 &1QN'I =iOre% Z ?Cemytholo#iOin# the ational )ecurity =oncept

    The =ase of Turkey%Middle East &ournal% ol. 3N%o. 2 /)prin#% 200F% pp. 21F22Q

    Hale5 4* Tur2is+ Politics and t+e ilitar3 /#66)0 pp '%'(''?

    I Evin% -. /eds )tate% Cemocracy > the Military in Turkey in the 1Q0s

    &1Q'I enkins% ,. =onte$t and =ircumstance the Turkish Military and +olitics


    I enkins% ,. ?)ym"ol and )hado! +lay militaryC+ relations20024% in

  • 8/13/2019 MSc STME Readings 2013-2014


    Lecture )< T+e de:elopmental state and its forms

    Seminar ;uestion

    M. +. +osusney /eds 5omen and #lo"aliOation in the -ra" Middle East #ender%economy% and society &2002'

    I ElMahdi% R. >+. Marfleet E#ypt B the moment of chan#e &200Q'

    J *a!Oy% ). > -. ,alal /eds +artners for development ne! roles for #overnments and

    the private sector in the Middle East and orth -frica &1QQQ' Ha2imian5 H*

    " M*os+a:er -eds. T+e State and Blo7al C+an8e /&%%#0 pp #(&)@

    J 5 in ,ienle5 E* -ed. Contemporar3

    S3ria /#66)0 pp 6@(##'


  • 8/13/2019 MSc STME Readings 2013-2014


    J E. Murphy Economic and +olitical 8i"eralisation in the Middle East

    &1QQF'J ;sman% T. E#ypt on the 7rink &2010' Pert+es5 * T+e Political Econom3 of S3ria under Assad /#66$0

    pp &$%(&@#

    I +erthes% . /ed -ra" Elites ne#otiatin# the politics of chan#e &2004'J +iro% T.. The +olitical Economy of Market Reform in ordan &1QQ'J Richards% -. > 5ater"ury% . - +olitical Economy of the Middle East &1QQD'J )alem% +. 7itter 8e#acy ideolo#y and politics in the -ra" !orld &1QQ4'I 5ater"ury% . The E#ypt of asser and )adat &1QF'J Sou"ir% 6.

  • 8/13/2019 MSc STME Readings 2013-2014


    Lecture $< T+e rentier state and its implications

    Seminar ;uestion< 'ow useful analytically is the conce$t of the )rentier state in seeking to

    e($lain state.society relations in the oil $roducing states!


    e7la1i5 H* "

    B* Luciani -eds. T+e Rentier State /#6@0 pp $(6

    Luciani5 B*5 Allocation :s* Production States< A T+eoretical

    Frame1or25 in Luciani5 B*-ed.5 T+e Ara7 State

    London /#66%0 pp ?$()

    J ;meje% L. /ed E$tractive economies and conflicts in the #lo"al )outh multire#ional perspectives on rentier politics &200'

    Middle East

    J -"ir% M. )audi -ra"ia #overnment% society and the ,ulf crisis &1QQF' C+ampion5 D* T+e ParadoJical ,in8dom< Saudi Ara7ia and t+e

    momentum of reform /&%%'0 pp @(#&%

    J =haudhry% L.-. ?Economic li"eraliOation and the linea#es of the rentier state ra( and )audi -ra"ia compared% in). E. "rahim /eds -ra" society class% #ender% po!er% anddevelopment &1QQN'

    J =rystal% . ;il and +olitics in the ,ulf B Lu!ait and Yatar &1QQ3'I ,ause% ,. ;il monarchies domestic and security challen#es

    in the -ra" ,ulf states&1QQ4' pp 42NN


  • 8/13/2019 MSc STME Readings 2013-2014


    Lecture ?< D3nastic rule< 2in8s5 amirs and presidents

    Seminar ;uestion< %s there any useful analytical distinction to e made etween monarchical

    and $residential regimes in many of the Ara states!


    roo2er5 P* Non(Democratic Re8imes /#660 pp #&6(#$'

    C+e+a7i5 H* "

    *L*LinK -eds. Sultanistic Re8imes /#660 pp '(&$

    J Tullock% ,. -utocracy &1QN'

    Middle East

    I -l-s!any% -. ;n the )tate of E#ypt !hat caused the revolution&2011' ?+art 1 The +residency and the )uccession

    pp 1D4

    I 7aram% -. ?The Rulin# +olitical Elite in 7aWthi ra(% 1QD1QDThe =han#in# *eatures of a =ollective +rofile%

    %nternational &ournal of Middle East Studies% ol. 21%o. 4 /ov.% 1QQ% pp. 44N4QF

    J 7illin#sley% -. +olitical succession in the -ra" 5orld constitutions% familyloyalties and slam /2010

    I *arouk)lu#lett% M. > )lu#lett% +. ra( since 1Q3 &2001'I

  • 8/13/2019 MSc STME Readings 2013-2014


    Lecture @< State po1er and accounta7ilit3

    Seminar ;uestion 8. +lattner /eds The ,lo"al Resur#ence of Cemocracy &1QQF' Diamond5 L* -ed. Political Culture and Democrac3 in De:elopin8 Countries

    /#66'0 #('?

    J Moran% M. /eds Cemocracy and Cemocrat isa tion &1QQ4'

    Middle East

    I -lnajjar% ,. ?The =hallen#es *acin# Lu!aiti Cemocracy%Middle East &ournal% ol. 34% o. 2 /)prin#% 2000% pp. 24223

    J 7eilin% E. ?The Ro"ustness of -uthoritarianism in the Middle East%#om$arative "olitics% ol. FD% o. 2 /an.% 2004 pp. 1FQ13N

    r3nen5 R*5 * ,oran3

    " P* No7le Political Li7eraliKation and DemocratiKation in t+e Ara7

    4orld & :ols /#66$(#660 ol # pp '(&@

    I =arapico% ). =ivil )ociety in 6emen &1QQ'I =arapico% ). ?*orei#n -id for +romotin# Cemocracy in the

    -ra" 5orld%Middle East &ournal% ol. 3D% o. F/)ummer% 2002% pp. FNQFQ3

    =enter for the )tudy of slam and CemocracyTunisias and Egy$ts Revolutions and Transitions to

    0emocracy% &12th-nnual =onference -pril 2011%=onference Report' !!!.csidonline.or#9annualconference912annualconference

    J =ook% ). -. ?The 7i# =hill democracy promotion in the -ra"

    Middle East% &Revie! essay' Middle East &ournalDF92 /)prin# 200Q pp F13F2NJ Cekmejian% R. ?The 8i"eral mpulse in )audi -ra"ia%

    Middle East &ournal% ol. 3N% o. F /)ummer% 200F%pp. 40041F

    I Ciamond% 8. ?5hy are there no -ra" democracies%&ournal of0emocracy2191 /an 2010 pp QF104http99iisd".stanford.edu9pu"s922DD98arryPCiamondP-ra"PCemocracyParticle.pdf

    I El,ho"ashy% M. ?Knsettlin# the -uthorities =onstitutional Reformin E#ypt% Middle East Re$ort% o. 22D /)prin#%200F% pp. 2F4

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    I *iliu% +. The -ra" Revolution B ten lessons from thedemocratic uprisin# &2011'


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    four -ra" countries% #om$arative "olitics F49F /-pr.2002 pp FFNF34

    I olpi% *. ?*ramin# civility in the Middle East alternative perspectiveson the state and civil society% Third World uarterlyF293/2011 pp 2N4F

    J Saki% M. =ivil )ociety and Cemocratisation in E#ypt 1Q11QQ4 &1QQ3'


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    Lecture < Nationalism as state reli8ion

    Seminar ;uestion )hapira% -. /eds Sionism and Reli#ion &1QQ'I -vineri% ). The Makin# of Modern Sionism &1Q1'J 7enRafael% E.

    > )haron% ). Ethnicity% Reli#ion and =lass in sraeli )ociety &1QQ1'J =ohen% M. Sion and )tate nation% class and the shapin# of srael &1QN'J =ohen% -.

    > )usser% 7. srael and the +olitics of e!ish dentity &2000'J =ohen% -.> 7. )usser ?e!s and ;thers none!ish e!s in srael% %srael

    Affairs1391 /200Q pp 32D3I =ohen-lma#or% R. ?=ultural +luralism and the sraeli ation7uildin#

    deolo#y%%nternational &ournal of Middle East Studies,ol. 2N%o. 4 /ov.% 1QQ3% pp. 4D144

    J Evans% M. ?E$acer"atin# social cleava#es the medias role in sraelsreli#ious secular conflict%Middle East &ournal D392 /)prin#2011 pp 2F3231


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    S+afir5 B* " * Peled ein8 Israeli t+e d3namics of multiple citiKens+ip /&%%&0

    pp #('?

    J )and% ). The invention of the e!ish people &200Q'J )havit% 6. The ne!

  • 8/13/2019 MSc STME Readings 2013-2014


    Lecture 6< State and Re:olution

    Seminar ;uestionL. 7. -nderson *oucault and the ranian Revolution #ender and the

    seductions of slamism &2003' Ar9omand5 S*A* T+e Tur7an for t+e Cro1n /#660 pp #%'(#''

    J 7akhash% ). The Rei#n of the -yatollahs &1Q3'I 7ashiriyeh%

  • 8/13/2019 MSc STME Readings 2013-2014


    Lecture #%< 4ar and t+e State

    Seminar ;uestion< To what e(tent have the wars etween states in the Middle East reflected

    the nature of those states! What have een the ma/or effects of war on their $olitical structures!


    I 5 in P* * E:ans5 D* Ruesc+me3er5 T*

    S2ocpol -eds. rin8in8 t+e state 7ac2 in5 /#6$0

    pp #?6(#6#

    J 5altO% L.5. Man% the state and !ar a theoretical analysis&2001'

    Middle East arnett5 *N* Confrontin8 t+e costs of 1ar< militar3 po1er5

    state5 and societ3 in E83pt and Israel /#66&0 pp

    #6($%5 &))(&?#

    I 7en Cor% ,. )tate and conflict in the Middle East emer#ence of thepostcolonial state &1QF'

    J 7er"ero#lu% 7. Turmoil in the Middle East imperialism% !ar% andpolitical insta"ility &1QQQ'

    I =hu"in% ). > =. Tripp ran and ra( at !ar &1Q'J Efrati% . ?+roductive or Reproductive The Roles of ra(i

    5omen dur in# the ra(ran 5ar%Middle EasternStudies% ol. F3% o. 2 /-pr.% 1QQQ% pp. 2N44J *arouk)lu#lett% M. et al ?ot Yuite -rma#eddon mpact of the 5ar on

    ra(%MER%" Re$orts% o. 123912D /ul. )ep.%1Q4% pp. 22F0

    J *a!n% R. > R.

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    %nternational &ournal of Middle East Studies% ol. 2Q%o. F /-u#.% 1QQN% pp. F2FF40


    C. 5interford Economic causes and conse(uences of defense e$pendituresin the Middle East and )outh -sia &1QQ3'

    J Moore% +. ?,uilty 7ystanders% Middle East Re$ort6The ranra( 5arF0 6ears 8ater /5inter 2010

    I )ch!arO% R. 5ar and state "uildin# in the Middle East &2011'J )mith% +. 5hy !ar the cultural lo#ic of ra(% the ,ulf 5ar% and

    )ueO&2003'J Thomas% 7. The dark side of Sionism sraels (uest for security throu#h

    dominance &200Q'I Tilly% =. ?5ar and )tate +o!er%

    Middle East Re$ort% o. 1N1 /ul. -u#.% 1QQ1% pp. F40
