Ms. Rafter 6th Class Dear Parents and Students, I hope this finds you all safe and well and that you enjoyed our active week last week. For Monday and Tuesday this week, I have put together a variety of activities and tasks you can participate in. Feel free to choose what appeals to you. As always you can get in touch with me via email at [email protected] I would like to take this opportunity to say well done to you all for your wonderful participation in remote learning. I understand it has been a challenging time for us all and the resilience, strength and courage you have shown will stand to you for years to come. I wish you all the very best of good luck, good health and happiness as you begin secondary school in September. In the meantime, enjoy the summer holidays, relax and stay safe. God Bless You Always, Ms. Rafter

Ms. Rafter 6th Class - Mercy Convent Naas

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Page 1: Ms. Rafter 6th Class - Mercy Convent Naas

Ms. Rafter 6th Class Dear Parents and Students, I hope this finds you all safe and well and that you enjoyed our active week last week. For Monday and Tuesday this week, I have put together a variety of activities and tasks you can participate in. Feel free to choose what appeals to you. As always you can get in touch with me via email at [email protected] I would like to take this opportunity to say well done to you all for your wonderful participation in remote learning. I understand it has been a challenging time for us all and the resilience, strength and courage you have shown will stand to you for years to come. I wish you all the very best of good luck, good health and happiness as you begin secondary school in September. In the meantime, enjoy the summer holidays, relax and stay safe. God Bless You Always, Ms. Rafter

Page 2: Ms. Rafter 6th Class - Mercy Convent Naas

Monday 29th June

o Transition to Secondary School; Complete the activities attached in preparation for beginning Secondary School. It would be more effective to complete these with a parent or older sibling so you can chat about the different questions posed. Topics include;

Þ New Subjects Þ School Equipment Þ School Uniform Þ School Rules Þ Secondary School Profile Þ Time Capsule Snapshot Þ School Scenarios Þ My Feelings about Secondary School Þ Managing Homework. o Summer Themed Maths and English Activities;

See attached.

Tuesday 30th June

o Summer Stars Short Story Competition Begin planning and writing an entry to the Summer Stars Short Story competition. See further details attached.

o Virtual School Tour Unfortunately, we did not make it on our tour this year. Here are some links for you to go on your own virtual school tour. I hope you enjoy!


Þ Dublin o Elephants – bit.ly/DublinZooElephants o Penguins – bit.ly/DublinZooPenguins

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o African Savanna – bit.ly/DublinZooAfricanSavanna Þ Edinburgh Zoo – bit.ly/EdinburghZooCams Þ Marwell Zoo (UK) – bit.ly/MarwellZooCams Þ San Diego Zoo – bit.ly/SanDiegoZooCams Þ Houston Zoo – bit.ly/HoustonZooCam

Irish Museums

Þ Trinity College Dublin o The Long Room – bit.ly/TCDTheLongRoom

Þ National Library of Ireland – bit.ly/NationalLibraryIRL Þ National Gallery of Ireland – bit.ly/NationalGalleryIRL Þ National Museum of Ireland

o Natural History – bit.ly/NaturalHistoryIRL o Country Life – bit.ly/CountryLifeMuseum o Archaeology – bit.ly/ArchaeologyMuseumIRL o Decorative Arts and History –

bit.ly/DecorativeArtsHistoryIRL Þ Medieval Museum Treasures of Medieval Waterford –

bit.ly/MedievalWaterford Þ The Pearse Museum – bit.ly/PearseMuseumTour Þ Titanic Experience Cobh – bit.ly/TitanicExperienceCobh

International Museums

Þ The Louvre, Paris – bit.ly/LouvreOnlineTour Þ Anne Frank House, Amsterdam – bit.ly/AFHouseTour Þ The Vatican Museums, Vatican City –

bit.ly/TheVaticanMuseum Þ Pompeii, Naples – bit.ly/VirtualPompeii Þ NASA

o Glen Research Centre – go.nasa.gov/39fbJCk o Langley Research Centre – go.nasa.gov/39faljf

Page 4: Ms. Rafter 6th Class - Mercy Convent Naas

Preparation Activity File

Pupil name:

Soon, I will make a big move along my educational journey when I start secondary school. This will be an exciting time for me, but it could also prove to be a little bit scary or overwhelming.

I am completing this activity book to make myself more prepared for this important change in my life.

Date started: Date completed:

A picture of me now (in sixth class)

Page 5: Ms. Rafter 6th Class - Mercy Convent Naas

New SubjectsTask 1Make a list of the subjects you will be studying in your first year in secondary school below. Write a description of what they will involve. If you’re not sure, use the internet to research this information. Subject Description

Task 2Now write the subjects in your order of your preference, starting with the one you are looking forward to studying most. Subject

Transition to Secondary School

Page 6: Ms. Rafter 6th Class - Mercy Convent Naas

Task 1Match the equipment to the subject you think you might need it for below.

Task 2Now imagine you have the following subjects tomorrow: maths, home economics, wood work, French and art. Write a list of the equipment you’ll need to put into your school bag to be prepared for them.

Bonus taskCan you think of any items you will need every day? Hint: what would you record your homework in?






School Equipment Transition to Secondary School

When you move to secondary school, you will need to bring the equipment you will require with you to your classes. You may need special equipment for certain subjects.

graphite pencils English

scientific calculatormaths

language dictionary


woodworkset square


bag of ingredients

colouring pencils


art folder

home economics


tin whistle music

Page 7: Ms. Rafter 6th Class - Mercy Convent Naas

New School UniformTask 1Study the information you have already gathered about your new school to find out what the new uniform is like, or do some more research if required. Create a detailed and annotated (labeled) drawing of the school’s uniform below.

Task 2Think about the following and complete the sentences as fully as you can. Secondary schools require their students to wear uniforms because:

Primary schools require their pupils to wear a special uniform for P.E. because:

A uniform has many benefits for students and parents, such as:

Uniforms can also have disadvantages, such as:

When uniforms are being created, designers should think about:

In an ideal world, my new school uniform would:

Transition to Secondary School

Page 8: Ms. Rafter 6th Class - Mercy Convent Naas

School Rules Transition to Secondary School

All schools need rules. Your new secondary school will be no different. There are many different rules which apply to various areas of school life.

Task 1What might the rules be for the following areas of school life in your new secondary school?

School uniform:

Break times:


Moving around the corridors:

Classroom behaviour:

School starting time:

School finishing time:

If you have a copy of the school rules for your new secondary school, why not compare these to the ones you’ve written? See if there are any similarities or differences between them.

Task 2Now think about the following and finish the sentences as fully as you can.

All schools need rules because:

When people break the school rules there are usually consequences, such as:

When people break the school rules, it is a good idea for them to:

Page 9: Ms. Rafter 6th Class - Mercy Convent Naas

TaskUse the information you have gathered about your new school already, or use the internet, to complete the following profile for the secondary school you will be attending soon.

School name (English):

School name (Irish):

School motto:


Year established:

Number of pupils:

Gender of pupils:

School principal:

School deputy principal:

Number of teachers:

Number of Special Needs Assistants:

Other staff:



Picture of School:

Secondary School Profile Transition to Secondary School

Page 10: Ms. Rafter 6th Class - Mercy Convent Naas

Time Capsule Snapshots Transition to Secondary School

TaskWrite or draw in each snapshot to record your time in primary school now.

Here’s what I look like in sixth class Here are my closest friends Here’s my favourite subject in sixth class

Here’s something I’m really proud about achieving in primary school

Here’s an example of a performance I took part in during primary school

Here’s my first memory from primary school

Here’s how I would like to remember my time in primary school

Here’s my funniest memory from primary school

Here’s what I usually do during break times

Page 11: Ms. Rafter 6th Class - Mercy Convent Naas

1. You are on your secondday in first year and you cannot find the classroomwhereyourgeographylessonisabouttostart.Whatdoyoudo?

2. Agirlinyourmathsclasshasrecentlystartedbeingveryrudeand aggressive to youwhen the teacher is working with other pupils. Yesterdayshethreatenedtotakeyourhomeworksheet.Sheismaking youverynervousandotherpeople in theclass seemtobe finding whatsheisdoingfunny.Whatshouldyoudo?

3. YoustayeduplatelastnightcompletingyourEnglishessay.Whenitis timetohanditinattheendoftheEnglishclass,yousuddenlyremember thatyouleftitonyourdeskathome.Whatdoyoudo?

4. WhenyouarriveinschoolonTuesdaymorning,youheadstraighttoyour lockertogetyoursciencetextbookforthefirstclass.Suddenly,youreach intoyourpocketandrealiseyourlockerkeyisnotthere.Whatdoyoudo?

School Scenarios Activity1 Transitionto Secondary School


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1. WhenyougethomeonThursdayeveningyoucannotrememberwhat yoursciencehomeworkwasbecauseyoudidn’twriteitdownproperly inyourjournal.Whatdoyoudo?

2. Theboywhositsbesideyouinyourmusicclassasksifyouwilllethim copyyouranswersintheupcomingtest.Whatdoyoudo?

3. Onthewayintoschool,youarechewinggumandforgettoputitinto thebinbeforeyouarrive.Theprincipalspotsyouchewingthegum andconfrontsyou.Whatdoyoudo?

4. Byyourself,thinkofascenariothatcouldoccurinsecondaryschool. Writethescenarioandwhatyouwoulddobelow.

School Scenarios Activity2 Transitionto Secondary School


Page 13: Ms. Rafter 6th Class - Mercy Convent Naas

1. What do you imagine secondary school will be like?

2. When you think about moving to secondary school, what feelings do

you experience? Give reasons your answer.

3. What are you looking forward to the most in secondary school? Ex-

plain your answer.

4. What are you looking forward to the least in secondary school? Ex-

plain your answer.

5. What is your biggest fear about secondary school?

6. What could you do to work on this fear?

7. If you have spoken to someone who attends the secondary school you are going to, what have they told you about it?

8. How do you imagine you will be feeling on your first day in secondary school?

9. What strategies might you use to deal with feeling nervous or stressed

as you begin secondary school?

10. Name one person you would be able to talk to about any concerns

you may have about your move to secondary school.

My Feelings About Secondary School Transition to Secondary School

Answer the following based on your feelings about secondary school as honestly as possible.

Page 14: Ms. Rafter 6th Class - Mercy Convent Naas

Homework Transition to Secondary School

In first year, you will be given more homework than you are used to being given in primary school. Different teachers will set you homework for various subjects and they will tell you when they expect you to hand it in. Being organised and keeping a journal will help you keep on top of your homework.

Task 1Imagine you have been set the following homework tasks on a Monday. Write the items into your journal below so that you will know what to do. Remember: you may have to write the items down quickly at the end of class, so come up with your own method of recording and understanding them.

Monday, 9th September

English: Read Chapter 3 of ‘The Siege’, write summary of chapter and draft outline for debate on ‘smoking’ (Friday)

Maths: Trigonometry questions a to f and write corrections to today’s work in copy

Gaeilge: learn irregular verbs (Aimsir Láithreach) in hardbook copy, learn irregular verbs (Aimsir Láithreach) (test on Wednesday) and comprehension questions on ‘Lá eile’ – 1 to 5 (full sentences)

Art: get 2B and 3B pencils, work on collage for clay project (next Monday)

History: Read ‘The Normans’, draw timeline in copy, find three pieces of additional information online (Wednesday)

Journal: Monday

Task 2Now write the pieces of homework in order of the priority you are going to complete them. Remember to think about which ones you need to do first. Other pieces might be worked on over the course of a few evenings.

Page 15: Ms. Rafter 6th Class - Mercy Convent Naas

Summer Sun

1. Who is the ‘he’ in this poem?

2. What does ‘slip his golden fingers through’ mean?

3. Find and copy a phrase that shows that the sun is comforting.

4. ‘Among the ivy’s inmost nook’

Tick the word that is closest in meaning to ‘nook’?

Summer Sun Robert Louis Stevenson

(from A Child’s Garden of Verses, 1885)

Great is the sun, and wide he goes Through empty heaven with repose; And in the blue and glowing days More thick than rain he showers his rays.

Though closer still the blinds we pull To keep the shady parlour cool, Yet he will find a chink or two To slip his golden fingers through.

The dusty attic spider-clad He, through the keyhole, maketh glad; And through the broken edge of tiles Into the laddered hay-loft smiles.

Meantime his golden face around He bares to all the garden ground, And sheds a warm and glittering look Among the ivy’s inmost nook.

Above the hills, along the blue, Round the bright air with footing true, To please the child, to paint the rose, The gardener of the World, he goes.





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Strawberries This succulent, fragrant fruit is as beautiful as it is flavourful. Traditionally the strawberry

season is quite short with a six-week season from early May until late August. The use of

polytunnels and glass houses has extended the strawberry season. Although strawberries

will be in plentiful supply throughout May the season will reach its peak in June and

July. If good weather continues from July you can expect to see British strawberries

until the end of September.

Strawberries grown on farms in the UK grow on runners from a parent

plant. It’s quicker than growing from a seed. It takes five to six months for

the baby strawberry plants to grow roots of their own and be ready to go

to their own polytunnel.

Polytunnels are like big plastic greenhouses in the shape of a tube. Giant

glass houses are also used. They let in lots of light but they keep the

strawberries protected from the weather and help stop pests and diseases.

Once the strawberries are planted they need to be watered every day. A

special method called irrigation is used to water the soil using special pipes.

The following year the strawberry plants are mature enough to start to

flower. Each flower can become a strawberry, but it needs to be pollinated

by an insect. The insect pollinates the flower by crawling on it to get the

nectar. At the same time it rubs the yellow pollen on to the inside parts of

the flower. This is what makes the fruit start to grow.

Thirty days after being pollinated, the baby strawberries start to form.

To start with they are small and green. As time passes and they get more

water and sunshine the fruits begin to grow and turn red. The polytunnel

stops the birds from eating the young fruits.


ice-cream is the third most favourite

ice-cream in the world at 5%

(after vanilla 29% and chocolate 9%)

(Info from http://www.derinice.com)

Candy Tale, garryknight, pang yu liu, Bods, sigusr0 (@flickr.com) - granted under creative commons licence – attribution

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Is strawberry the favourite flavour of ice-cream in the world?

Explain how you know.

1. Find and copy two reasons why strawberries are good for you.



2. ‘The following year the strawberry plants are mature enough to start to flower.’ Circle the word closest in meaning to ‘mature’ in this sentence.

large old young ripe

Why are all strawberries picked by hand rather than with machinery?

yes no

Strawberries are the best!• Many children say that strawberries are their favourite fruit.

• Strawberries are a great source of vitamin C.

• Strawberries are low in calories.

• There is a museum in Belgium dedicated only to strawberries!

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Colour by CalculationUse the key to colour the summer-themed picture.

Grey: Red: Orange: Yellow: Green: Light Blue: Dark Blue: White:

0 1 − 5 5.1 − 10 10.1 − 15 15.1 − 20 20.1 − 25 25.1 − 30 30.1 − 35

29 + 2.3

22.3 + 10

17.4 +



+ 4


7.3 - 1.8

30 + 2.3

8.3 - 2.7

2.4 - 2.4

14.1 - 14.1

25.7 - 3.8

4.2 + 1.2

35 - 3.2

19.8 + 4.3

28.4 - 9.9


+ 7.


1.6 + 2.3

18.3 - 4.1

7.3 - 3.42.3 + 1.9

29.5 - 1.6

23.1 + 5.4 27.3 - 1.8

28.2 + 0.8

24.3 - 13.113.2 - 1.7

6.4 + 8.5

4.2 + 7.5

31.3 + 2.3

1.2 - 0.61.3 + 4.3


- 0.


5.3 - 0.5

30.3 - 2.6

7.6 - 3.5

1.4 + 11.218.9 - 5.8

24.9 + 3.1

18.2 + 5.7

30.1 - 6.2

9.5 + 9.2

1.3 + 0.4

30.8 - 1.9

20 - 18.3

21.7 - 6.9

22.3 + 9

29.5 - 15.1

27.5 - 1.5

40 - 7.3

36 - 2.5

28.3 + 3.3

29.3 - 8.1

2.3 + 2.3

11.3 + 0.7

28.4 + 0.8

8.3 + 2.3 20.5 + 8.7

18.1 + 3.4

18 - 5.3

1.4 + 10.5

12 + 2.3

24.9 - 10.2

2.3 + 2.3

33.2 - 5.8

17.3 + 5.8

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Butterfly Pattern SymmetryDraw a symmetrical pattern on this butterfly using different regular and irregular polygons.

Which polygons did you use in your symmetrical design?

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