Mrs. Frisby and the rats of NiMh

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Mrs. Frisby and the rats of NiMh

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Page 1: Mrs. Frisby and the rats of NiMh
Page 2: Mrs. Frisby and the rats of NiMh

Mrs.Frisby and the Rats of NIMHHas your electricity, and water bill grown? Have some of your crops gone missing? Has your underwear disappeared? Well this book just might answer those questions. While you are reading this descriptive book expect the un-expected.Mrs. Frisby’s son Timothy is sick and moving day is around the corner. If she moves her family Timothy will die, but if she stays in her home her whole family will die. What should she do? Mrs. Frisby’s husband has died and she is left to take care of all the children by herself. One of the daughters is afraid of everything. There is a mouse named Mr. Ages and he has a relationship with the rats and this is important because he helps them escape from NIMH. Mrs.Frisby has a relationship with the rats the relationship is important because they helped her by doing something to save her family’s life and she helps them by saving there civilization. This book reminds me a lot of two friends because in this book people help each other a lot and two friends help each other a lot too, because that’s what friendship is. Once I borrowed a pencil from my friend on the bus, because I forgot mine. The next week he forgot his and I let him borrow mine. That is kind of like this book.

Page 3: Mrs. Frisby and the rats of NiMh

This book did not change my thinking, but I could not put it down until I finished it, because it has so much suspense and you don’t know what’s going to happen next. I would recommend this book to people that like animals and fantasy books.