SWOT Analysis A Planning and Organizing Tool

Mrktg Mgt - SWOT Analysis

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SWOT AnalysisA Planning and Organizing Tool

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   E  x   t  e  r  n

  a   l   o  r

Helpful Harmful

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Strengths Weakness




Strengths & Weakness are generally Internal factors that are within


Opportunities & Threats are generally external issues that you can’t


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Consider from both the view of the firm

(product) as well as from customers andcompetitors.

Realistic and not modest

One’s strength is another’s weakness

Questions: What are firm’s or product’s advantages over


What does it do well? What makes it stand outfrom your competitors?

Right strategy for the right products.

Superior customer service vs. competitors

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Be truthful so that weaknesses may be

overcome as quickly as possible. Question:

What is done poorly?

What can be improved?

What should be avoided?

Some gaps in range for certain sectors.

Customer service staff need training.

Great Brand Image Products have required accreditations.

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High degree of customer satisfaction.

Good place to work Lower response time with efficient and

effective service.

Dedicated workforce aiming at making a long-term career in the field.

Processes and systems, etc

Management cover insufficient.

Sector growth is constrained by lowunemployment levels and competition for staff 

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Opportunities & Threats

External in Nature

Represent characteristic of:  The research environment

Growth in potential markets

Changes in the competitive, economic,

political/legal, technological, or socio – culturalenvironments

A threat to some is an opportunity to another.

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Is there a product/service area that others havenot yet covered?

Are there emerging trends that fit with yourcompany’s strengths?

 Threats: Are your competitors becoming stronger?

Are there emerging trends that amplify one of your


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Profit margins will be good.

Could extend to overseas broadly. New specialist applications.

Could seek better customer deals.

Fast-track career development opportunitieson an industry-wide basis.

An applied research centre to createopportunities for developing techniques to

provide added-value services.

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Legislation could impact.

Great risk involved Very high competition prevailing in the


Vulnerable to reactive attack by majorcompetitors

Lack of infrastructure in rural areas couldconstrain investment.

High volume/low cost market is intenselycompetitive.

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IVR (Interactive Voice Response)

IVR product: Interactive technology that allows a computer to detect voice and

keypad inputs. Used extensively in telecommunications, but is also being introduced

into automobile systems for hands-free operation.

Current deployment in automobiles revolves around satellitenavigation, audio and mobile phone systems.

In telecommunications, IVR allows customers to access a company’sdatabase via a telephone touchtone keypad or by speech recognition,after which they can service their own enquiries by following theinstructions.

IVR systems can respond with pre-recorded or dynamically generatedaudio to further direct users on how to proceed.

IVR systems can be used to control almost any function where theinterface can be broken down into a series of simple menu choices.

In telecommunications applications, such as customer support lines,IVR systems generally scale well to handle large call volumes.

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Strength (IVR)

 Technological capability: Speed, efficiency,

precision, power, etc. Stage of development relative to competitors:

Patent, prototype.

Characteristics of the lead researcher:

commercialization focus, reputation, othercomplimentary work.


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Weakness (IVR)

 Technological weakness: lack of speed,

efficiency, precision or power. Lead researcher uninterested in


Stage of development or uncertainty with

regard to technological capabilities. Cost

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Opportunity (IVR)

A new, developing or untapped market.

An old market needing technologicaladvances.

a recent technological development that canbe used as a catalyst for others (possibly

through licensing) Change in regulatory environment that

creates demand for new technology.

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 Threat (IVR)

Other ongoing research or commercialization

efforts. A large existing competitor

Market volatility (because we are new marketentrants)

Market access (for suppliers and customers)

A competitor has a new, innovative product orservice

Competitors have superior access to channelsof distribution.

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SWOT Analysis can be very subjective

 Two people rarely come-up with the samefinal version of SWOT. Be realistic; no need to inflate strengths or be

in denial about shortcomings

Distinguish between where your technology istoday and where it could be in the future.

Be specific. Avoid grey areas Always analyze in the context of your

competitive environment. Weaknesses should be looked at in order to

convert them into strengths.

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 Try to match your strength with external

opportunities Threats should be converted into


Strengths and opportunities should be

matched. Keep your SWOT short and simple.

Do not rely on it too much.

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Competitive Swot with ICICI Bank


S – O Strategies Strength: Large Capital Base

Opportunity: Market Expansion

Strategy: Deep Penetration into Rural Market

W – O Strategies Weakness: Workforce Responsiveness

Opportunity: Outsourcing of non – core business Strategy: Outsource Customer Care & other E –


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S – T Strategies Strength: Low operating costs

 Threat: Increased competition from other Pvt. Banks

Strategy: Steps to ensure Loyalty by old customers.

W – T Strategies Weakness: Not equal to International Standards

 Threat: Entry of many Foreign Banks

Strategy: Consider additional benefits.

Competitive Swot with ICICI Bank

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Swot Analysis – Indian Hotel Sector

Strengths India’s rich culture heritage Demand – Supply Gap Government Support


Poor Support Infrastructure Opportunities

Rising Income Open Sky benefits

New Business Opportunities Threats

Event Risk Increasing Competition

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