MPMC 100 MCQ Set I

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  • 7/24/2019 MPMC 100 MCQ Set I


    Department Electrical and Electronics Engineering

    1. In 8085 name the 16 bit registers?

    a) Stack pointer

    b) Program counter

    c) a & b

    2. Which interrupt has the highest priorit?

    a) I!"#

    b) "#$P

    c) #S"6.5

    %. What are e'e "riggering interrupts?

    a) I!"#&"#$P



    . Wh 8085 processor is cae* an 8 bit processor?

    a) +ecause 8085 processor has 8 bit $,-.

    b) +ecause 8085 processor has 8 bit *ata bus.

    c) a & b.

    5. What is SI?

    a) Seect Interrupt ask

    b) Sorting Interrupt ask

    c) Set Interrupt ask

    6. What *oes microprocessor spee* *epen*s on?

    NPR College of Engineering and Technology, Natham-624 401

    EE 6502 Microprocessors andMicrocontrollers

  • 7/24/2019 MPMC 100 MCQ Set I


    Department Electrical and Electronics Engineering

    a) /ock

    b) ata bus i*th

    c) $**ress bus i*th

    (. /an # be use* as stack?

    a) 3es

    b) !o

    c) sometimes es4 sometimes no

    8. Which processor structure is pipeine*?

    a) a 80 processors

    b) a 85 processors

    c) a 86 processors

    . In 8086 the o'er7o 7ag is set hen

    a) "he sum is more than 16 bits

    b) Signe* numbers go out o7 their range a7ter an arithmetic operation

    c) /arr an* sign 7ags are set

    *) uring subtraction

    10. "he a*'antage o7 memor mappe* I o'er I mappe* I is4

    a) 9aster

    b) an instructions supporting memor mappe* I

    c) #e:uire a bigger a**ress *eco*er

    *) $ the abo'e

    11. +;

  • 7/24/2019 MPMC 100 MCQ Set I


    Department Electrical and Electronics Engineering


  • 7/24/2019 MPMC 100 MCQ Set I


    Department Electrical and Electronics Engineering

    *) tripe

    1(. "he inte 8086 microprocessor is a processor

    a) 8 bit

    b) 16 bit

    c) %2 bit

    *) bit

    18. "he 7ag o7 microprocessor is responsibe to in*icate

    a) the con*ition o7 resut o7 $,- operation

    b) the con*ition o7 memor

    c) the resut o7 a**ition

    * the resut o7 subtraction

    18. In hich "@state *oes the /P- sen*s the a**ress to memor or I an* the $,< signa

    7or *emutipeing

    a) "1.

    b) "2.

    c) "%.

    *) ".

    1. "he register that ma be use* as an operan* register is

    a) $ccumuator

    b) + register

    c) ata register

    *) $ccumuator an* + register

    20. "he registers that contains the status in7ormation is

    a) contro registers

    b) instruction registers

    c) program status or*

    *) a o7 the mentione*

    21. "he ogic re:uire* 7or impementing a program can be epresse* in terms o7

    a) 7ochart

    b) agorithm

    c) 7ochart & agorithm

    NPR College of Engineering and Technology, Natham-624 401

  • 7/24/2019 MPMC 100 MCQ Set I


    Department Electrical and Electronics Engineering

    *) none o7 the mentione*

    22. "he operan*s4 source an* *estination in an instruction cannot be

    a) register4 register

    b) memor ocation4 memor ocation

    c) memor ocation4 register*) imme*iate *ata4 register

    2%. "he instruction that is not possibe among the 7ooing is

    a) > $A4 +A

    b) > $A4 B+AC

    c) > 55;4 +,

    *) > $,4 55;

    2. "he registers that cannot be use* as operan*s 7or arithmetic an* ogica instructions are

    a) genera purpose registers

    b) pointers

    c) in*e registers

    *) segment registers

    25. "he instruction4 > $A4 0005; beongs to the a**ress mo*e

    a) register

    b) *irect

    c) imme*iate

    *) register reati'e

    26. I7 the *ata is present in a register an* it is re7erre* using the particuar register4 then it is

    a) *irect a**ressing mo*e

    b) register a**ressing mo*e

    c) in*ee* a**ressing mo*e

    *) imme*iate a**ressing mo*e

    2(. "he instruction that is use* to trans7er the *ata 7rom source operan* to *estination operan* is

    a) *ata coptrans7er instruction

    b) branch instruction

    c) arithmeticogica instruction

    *) string instruction

    28. "he instructions that in'o'e 'arious string manipuation operations are

    a) branch instructions

    b) 7ag manipuation instructions

    c) shi7t an* rotate instructions

    *) string instructions

    NPR College of Engineering and Technology, Natham-624 401

  • 7/24/2019 MPMC 100 MCQ Set I


    Department Electrical and Electronics Engineering

    2. In P-S; instruction4 a7ter each eecution o7 the instruction4 the stack pointer is

    a) incremente* b 1

    b) *ecremente* b 1

    c) incremente* b 2

    *) *ecremente* b 2

    %0. "he instructions that are use* 7or rea*ing an input port an* riting an output port respecti'e are

    a) >4 A/;D

    b) >4 I!

    c) I!4 >

    *) I!4 -"

    %1 "he instruction that supports a**ition hen carr eists is

    a) $

    b) $/

    c) $ & $/

    *) none o7 the mentione*

    %2. What is the output o7 the 7ooing co*e

    /9 E04 +; E 1(

    #/, +;4 1

    a) /9E04 9E 14 +;E 01100101

    b) /9E14 9E14 +;E01100110

    c) /9E14 9 E04 +;E 01001101

    *) /9E04 9E04 +;E00101100

    %%. In 8086 microprocessor one o7 the 7ooing instructions is eecute* be7ore an

    arithmetic operation

    a) $$

    b) $$

    c) $S

    *) $$

    %. What is the output o7 the 7ooing co*e

    $,E +/4 +;E (2 +/

    NPR College of Engineering and Technology, Natham-624 401

  • 7/24/2019 MPMC 100 MCQ Set I


    Department Electrical and Electronics Engineering

    S-+ $,4 +;


    a) $,E(4 /9E1.

    b) $,E(4 /9E1.

    c) $,E((4 /9E1

    *) none o7 them.

    %5. "he instruction4 FI!/G increases the contents o7 the speci7ie* register or memor ocation b

    a) 2

    b) 0

    c) 1

    *) %

    %6. "he instruction4 /P to compare source an* *estination operan*s it per7orms

    a) a**ition

    b) subtraction

    c) *i'ision

    *) mutipication

    %(. "he epansion o7 $$ is

    a) *ecima a*Hust a7ter a**ition

    b) *ecima a*Hust be7ore a**ition

    c) *ecima a*Hust accumuator

    *) *ecima a*Hust auiiar

    %8. !umber o7 the times the instruction se:uence beo i oop be7ore coming out o7

    oop is > $,4 00h

    $1 I!/ $,

    J!K $1

    a) 00

    b) 01

    c) 255

    *) 256

    %. What i be the contents o7 register $, a7ter the 7ooing has been eecute*

    NPR College of Engineering and Technology, Natham-624 401

  • 7/24/2019 MPMC 100 MCQ Set I


    Department Electrical and Electronics Engineering

    > +,4 8/

    > $,4 (