Mouse Tails Rodent Playing Game

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Mouse Tails Rodent Playing Game

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    TAILSTAILSTAILSTAILS Rodent Playing GameRodent Playing GameRodent Playing GameRodent Playing Game

    By David BezioBy David BezioBy David BezioBy David Bezio Illustrated with royalty free clip art

    David Bezio 2013, Creative Commons

    BY-NC-SA Some Rights Reserved

    Wynther Knight (order #7651928)

  • Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse TailsTailsTailsTails



    Mouse Tails is a role playing game designed for 1

    mice master (MM) and any number of mouse

    characters (MC). It is written for a parent who

    wishes to introduce his young children to the

    joys of role playing games. This book assumes

    that the dear reader is already familiar with the

    ins and outs of role playing games. I wont waste

    a lot of time on the what is and how to and

    simply give you the information you need to

    know to play, run, and enjoy Mouse Tails.

    The Mouses Guide contains all the information a

    players needs to know to quickly create their

    mouse character and play the game. The Mice

    Master section has all the information that the

    MM needs to referee and run the game.

    Equipment to PlayEquipment to PlayEquipment to PlayEquipment to Play

    The Mouse Tails book contains all the rules you

    need to play the game; however, you will need a

    few additional items. Each MC and the MM will

    need 1 six sided die (referred to as D6 from now

    on), a pencil, and some note paper. Colored

    pencils or crayons will be nice for MC creation.

    In addition, each MC will need a character sheet

    with which to create and record their character.

    A blank character sheet can be found on the last

    page of the rules

    The Core MechanicThe Core MechanicThe Core MechanicThe Core Mechanic

    Mouse Tails uses a single D6 for all die rolls in

    the game. This game is designed around the

    philosophy that the MC is pro-active. In other

    words the MC is the one rolling the dice to do

    things, or avoid things happening to them.

    When the MC rolls a D6 they will be attempting

    an ability roll. Ability rolls must equal or exceed

    the rank of the ability being tested. Rolling high

    is always good as a roll of 1 is always a failure and

    a roll of 6 is always a success. Its as simple as


    The MM rarely rolls a die other than the

    occasional random roll or to determine any

    damage an NPC has suffered.

    Wynther Knight (order #7651928)

  • Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse TailsTailsTailsTails


    Mouses Guide

    You are a sentient mouse living in our own real

    present day world. A sentient mouse is a mouse

    who thinks with human-like intelligence. Well,

    you think like a human thinks a mouse would

    think anyway. But beyond that, you are still

    simply a normal mouse. Not a cartoon or

    humanoid mouse who wears clothes and drives a

    car, just a real every day little mouse. You can

    use and manipulate items around you to your

    advantage (if you can come up with ways to do

    so) but, you dont carry around a bag of tools and

    you certainly dont wield a sword.

    YouYouYouYour Mouse Characterr Mouse Characterr Mouse Characterr Mouse Character

    If you arent the MM you are going to need to

    create a MC to play the game. Fortunately this is

    as easy as pie and should only take 5 or 10

    minutes. Just follow the steps below.

    Get a Character SheetGet a Character SheetGet a Character SheetGet a Character Sheet

    Before you get started get a copy of the character

    sheet on the last page of the rule book. The

    character sheet has a mouse picture on it that

    you can color. If you like you can make your

    own character sheet and draw your own mouse

    to color.

    Think About Your MCThink About Your MCThink About Your MCThink About Your MC

    Before writing anything down on the character

    sheet take a few moments to think about the type

    of MC you think would be fun to play. What

    personality or physical traits will he portray?

    Will he be abnormally brave or will he be

    cowardly beyond caution? Will he be smart,

    slow, have a sense of humor even in the darkest

    of times? Perhaps he will be withdrawn or self

    absorbed? Is he small, large, fat, or scrawny?

    What color is he, brown, black, grey, spotted, or

    albino? Take these ideas and write a few lines in

    the Description portion of the character sheet.

    For ExampleFor ExampleFor ExampleFor Example

    I have an idea for a mouse named Frit. Frit is

    one of those mice that is reckless, and doesnt

    worry about trouble until it is breathing right

    down his neck. He is crafty and quick, but not

    outstanding in any other way. In fact, he is

    rather small and fragile.

    Name Your MCName Your MCName Your MCName Your MC

    Next you should name your MC. Mice only have

    one name, and its usually short and sweet. One

    syllable names are common, like Fuzz, Bit, Snick,

    Bub, Pec, or Tweek. Still, try to come up with a

    name you like that expresses the personality of

    your mouse, or at least sounds cool to you.

    Wynther Knight (order #7651928)

  • Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse TailsTailsTailsTails


    AbilitiesAbilitiesAbilitiesAbilities Abilities are broad categories that cover all the

    things your MC will do in the game. How good

    or bad you are at these things will affect how

    successful you are when you attempt them, and

    will ultimately affect the entire story.

    Each MC has 5 abilities, they are: Muscle,

    Outwit, Unnoticed, Skitter, and Energy. These

    abilities cover a lot of ground, and while some of

    the abilities names may be a bit of a

    stretchthey spell M.O.U.S.E., and thats cool in

    anyones book!

    Muscle:Muscle:Muscle:Muscle: Muscle covers all fighting and

    physical strength challenges the MC will face.

    Outwit:Outwit:Outwit:Outwit: Outwit covers all thinking,

    alertness, and perception problems the MC is

    confronted with.

    Unnoticed:Unnoticed:Unnoticed:Unnoticed: Unnoticed covers all sneaking,

    hiding, and stealthy things an MC attempts to


    Skitter:Skitter:Skitter:Skitter: Skitter covers all athletic, acrobatic,

    or reaction speed challenges the MC must


    EnerEnerEnerEnergy:gy:gy:gy: Energy is the stamina, health, and

    willpower of the MC.

    Ability RanksAbility RanksAbility RanksAbility Ranks

    You need to assign a rank to each of these

    abilities. The higher the rank (or the lower the

    number), the better and more experienced your

    mouse is in that area.

    There are 5 ranks, each with its own D6 target

    number listed, they are: Pinkie, Fuzzy, Crawler,

    Hopper, and Adult.

    Pinkie (6+):Pinkie (6+):Pinkie (6+):Pinkie (6+): Pinkies are helpless newborn

    mice without any fur. Needless to say, if you

    are pinkie rank in an ability, you arent very

    good at it.

    Fuzzy (5+): Fuzzy (5+): Fuzzy (5+): Fuzzy (5+): Fuzzies are just getting their fur,

    but are still fairly helpless. Youre not as

    pathetic as a Pinkie, but still not very good.

    Crawler (4+): Crawler (4+): Crawler (4+): Crawler (4+): Crawlers are still young, but

    moving around and gaining experience. You

    are learning things but still have a long way to


    Hopper (3+):Hopper (3+):Hopper (3+):Hopper (3+): Hoppers are young mice. They

    have some real experience. Hoppers are

    competent, but not yet great.

    Adult (2+):Adult (2+):Adult (2+):Adult (2+): Adults are fully matured mice

    that have been surviving in the cruel world

    for a while. If you are adult rank in an ability

    you are pretty darn proficient at it.

    Now that you know what the abilities are and

    how they are ranked, you can actually go about

    ranking your own MCs abilities. Assign one rank

    to each of the abilities. You may only use each

    rank one time, so choose your strengths and

    weaknesses wisely to portray the type of MC you

    want to play.

    For ExampleFor ExampleFor ExampleFor Example

    In following our vision of Frit, we assign his

    abilities in the following way:

    Muscle:Muscle:Muscle:Muscle: 6+ Pinkie

    Outwit:Outwit:Outwit:Outwit: 2+ Adult

    Unnoticed:Unnoticed:Unnoticed:Unnoticed: 4+ Crawler

    Skitter:Skitter:Skitter:Skitter: 3+ Hopper

    Energy:Energy:Energy:Energy: 5+ Fuzzy

    Wynther Knight (order #7651928)

  • Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse TailsTailsTailsTails



    Under abilities you will see boxes labeled luck.

    Each and every MC has 5 luck to use per game

    session (which should about 2 hours of real time

    spent playing the game).

    Luck is a mouses single most important resource!

    You can use each of your points of luck to

    automatically succeed at an ability roll (even if

    you already rolled and failed).

    Color Your MouseColor Your MouseColor Your MouseColor Your Mouse

    Finally, the moment you have been waiting for!

    Now that your MC is almost complete you can

    finish the final stepcolor your mouse. Using

    colored pencils or crayons, color the mouse on

    the character sheet to fit the description you

    wrote down.

    Your mouse character is now ready to play.

    Heres mine!


    Luck: Luck: Luck: Luck:

    Doing StuffDoing StuffDoing StuffDoing Stuff

    Most of the time, when role playing, you are

    simply going to tell the MM what your MC is

    doing and he will tell you the results. Sometimes

    things wont happen the way you hoped, and the

    MM will tell you why. Together you will build

    the majority of the story this way without ever

    rolling any dice.

    Sometimes, however, there is a real question as

    to weather a MC can accomplish a task, and what

    failure or success will mean to the story. When

    this is the case you roll a die to determine success

    or failure, and go from there.

    Ability RollsAbility RollsAbility RollsAbility Rolls

    Whenever a MC tries to do something, or tries to

    avoid something happening to him, the MM may

    ask for the player to make an ability roll. The

    MM will choose the ability that is most

    appropriate for the task at hand, and the player

    will roll a D6. If the roll is equal to, or greater,

    than the number indicated by the abilities rank,

    the action is a success. A roll of 1 is always a

    failure while a roll of 6 is always a success. The

    MM will narrate the results and affects of failures

    or successes.

    For ExampleFor ExampleFor ExampleFor Example

    Frit is trapped on the kitchen table by a house

    cat. If Frit can jump from the table to the

    counter by the sink he can chew a hole through

    the screen of the open window and escape. Its a

    long jump and the MM feels that that Frit is

    going to have to make an ability roll to succeed

    since success or failure will have dramatic story

    repercussions. The MM decides the ability that

    this action tests is skitter, so he asks the player to

    make a skitter ability roll. Frits skitter ability is

    ranked at hopper (3+), so he rolls a D6 and must

    get a 3 or better. Frits player rolls the D6 and

    gets a 3, a success! Frit successfully makes the

    dramatic leap from the table to the counter. If

    Frit had failed, he would have plummeted to the

    floor, possibly getting injured, and be forced to

    face one hungry cat.

    Wynther Knight (order #7651928)

  • Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse TailsTailsTailsTails


    Reactive Ability RollsReactive Ability RollsReactive Ability RollsReactive Ability Rolls

    Sometimes the roll the MC will be making will

    be a reaction to something that is happening to

    him, or something an NPC is trying to do to him.

    This is handled the exact same way as any ability


    For ExampleFor ExampleFor ExampleFor Example

    Frit has just gorged himself out of the Cats dish

    and is feeling pretty content. Unfortunately, the

    cat is on his way into the room at the moment

    and sees the mouse there. The MM asks Frit to

    make an outwit ability roll to notice the cat. Frit

    fails the roll so the cat sneaks closer before Frit

    can do anything. Then the cat pounces on poor

    Frit. The MM asks Frit to make a skitter ability

    roll to avoid the pouncing cat. If he makes this

    roll, he doges out of the way at the last instant, if

    not the cat has him and he might possibly be


    Opposed Ability RollsOpposed Ability RollsOpposed Ability RollsOpposed Ability Rolls

    Opposed rolls are called for only when a MC

    wants to do something and that action is directly

    opposed by another MC. In this case, both MC

    make the appropriate ability roll. If one succeeds

    and the other doesnt, the successful mouse wins!

    If both succeed or both fail the roll, then the one

    with the higher ranked ability wins. If both

    abilities are the same it is a tie or stalematefor

    now. The struggle may possibly continue until

    there is a distinct winner.

    For ExampleFor ExampleFor ExampleFor Example

    Frit sees a nice chunk of cheese just sitting there

    and plans to take a bite. He is about to do so

    when his friend Sophie notices what he is doing.

    Sophie has seen a mouse trap before and tries to

    quickly grab Frit. Frit thinks Sophie is trying to

    get the cheese for herself and tries to grab it and

    stuff it in his mouth before she can grab him.

    What Sophie is trying to do is more of an

    attack type action that requires physical

    strength, so she makes a muscle ability roll. Frit

    is doing something that requires quickness, so he

    makes a skitter ability roll. How the story

    proceeds will depend on who wins the roll.

    Getting HurtGetting HurtGetting HurtGetting Hurt

    The most severe consequence of failing an ability

    roll is the possibility of getting hurt (or maybe

    even killed). Whenever you fail a roll that the

    MM determines would cause your MC some sort

    of injury, you must immediately make an energy

    ability roll. If you make the roll you manage to

    shake off any injury. If you fail the roll you are

    hurt, maybe even enough to get killed.

    If a MC fails his energy ability roll to determine

    damage, roll a D6 and consults the Getting Hurt

    Table below to determine what the effects of the

    damage are (this is the one time a MC wants to

    roll low).

    Getting Hurt TableGetting Hurt TableGetting Hurt TableGetting Hurt Table

    D6 RollD6 RollD6 RollD6 Roll ResultResultResultResult

    1-4 Incapacitated

    5-6 Killed

    Wynther Knight (order #7651928)

  • Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse TailsTailsTailsTails


    IncapacitatedIncapacitatedIncapacitatedIncapacitated The MC is hurt badly or unconscious. The

    mouse can not do anything for the rest of the

    scene or encounter except roll around in pain or

    lay unconscious.

    KilledKilledKilledKilled Sadly, the MC is led by the Great White Mouse

    into the Realm of Cheese. The player must

    create a new MC and the MM must think of a

    way to incorporate the new character into the


    For ExampleFor ExampleFor ExampleFor Example

    Lets go back and say Frit wasnt so lucky in that

    leap before. Maybe he rolled a 2 on the D6,

    failing the ability roll and plummeted to the

    ground. The MM determines that the fall to the

    floor is going to cause poor Frit some damage.

    Frit must immediately make an energy ability

    roll. If Frit succeeds at the roll he is a little hurt,

    but shakes it off and can immediately start doing

    other things. If he fails the roll he must roll on

    the Getting Hurt Table. Well say Frit fails the

    energy ability roll and subsequently gets a 3 on

    the Getting Hurt Table indicating he is

    incapacitated. The MM describes the scene, Frit

    falls to the floor with a thud! He is knocked

    unconscious and the cat begins to stalk the

    helpless mouse. You better hope your friend

    Sophie gets here soon!


    Sometimes there is going to be a question as to

    who gets to do something first. This is most

    commonly a factor when there is going to be a

    confrontation, contest, or fight of some sort.

    Most of the time the MM will simply say who

    goes first based on the situation and common

    sense. If it is not easily apparent, the MM and

    each MC should roll a D6. The highest roll goes

    first, working your way down to the lowest roll.

    If there are more than 1 NPC involved in the

    scene, all of the Mice Masters NPCs act on the

    same initiative roll.

    For ExampleFor ExampleFor ExampleFor Example

    Frit dives into the garbage can and falls plop on

    Dung, the rat! Dung is mad and wants to scratch

    at Frit, but Frit wants to run away. Frit and the

    MM roll a D6 for initiative since we dont really

    know who should get to go first. Dung gets a 4

    and Frit gets a 3. Dung gets to go first.


    Most of the opponents of a mouse are much

    larger and tougher than them. A MC spends

    most of his time trying to simply skitter as far

    away as possible from these foes. Still, sometimes

    a mouse has to stand up and fight. Fighting is

    nothing more than a series of skitter and muscle

    ability rolls. Skitter ability rolls to avoid being

    Wynther Knight (order #7651928)

  • Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse TailsTailsTailsTails


    hit, bit, or clawed, and muscle ability rolls to hit,

    bite, or claw your opponent right back!

    Hurting & Getting HurtHurting & Getting HurtHurting & Getting HurtHurting & Getting Hurt in a Fight in a Fight in a Fight in a Fight

    When a MC gets hit, he might get hurt just like

    with any failed ability roll that might cause

    damage (first he makes an energy ability roll,

    then, if applicable, he rolls on the Get Hurt


    If a MC succeeds in attacking an opponent, he

    automatically hurts his opponent and the MM

    must make a roll on their Get Hurt Table. Each

    friend or enemy of a mouse has its own Get Hurt

    Table to roll on when it is hurt by a mouse (this

    is detailed in the Mice Master section of the


    For ExampleFor ExampleFor ExampleFor Example

    Frit has just landed on top of the rat, Dung, in

    the garbage can and they rolled for initiative.

    Dung gets to go first and he takes a bite at Frit.

    Frit rolls his skitter to avoid the bite and

    successfully makes it. Frit is mad at Dung now,

    and when he gets his turn he takes a bite at

    Dung, rolling a muscle ability roll. His roll is a

    success, so he automatically hurts Dung! The

    MM rolls on the Get Hurt Table for rats, getting

    a result of 1. Unfortunately for Frit, Dung is only

    scratched and the fight continues.

    These are all the rules a player of a mouse These are all the rules a player of a mouse These are all the rules a player of a mouse These are all the rules a player of a mouse

    character needs to kncharacter needs to kncharacter needs to kncharacter needs to know. The rest of the Mouseow. The rest of the Mouseow. The rest of the Mouseow. The rest of the Mouse

    Guide is for the Mice Master. Guide is for the Mice Master. Guide is for the Mice Master. Guide is for the Mice Master.

    Mice MasterMice MasterMice MasterMice Master

    Your Job as Mice MasterYour Job as Mice MasterYour Job as Mice MasterYour Job as Mice Master

    The mice master is responsible for controlling

    the flow and action, keeping the game from

    turning into unorganized chaos while remaining

    fair and impartial to all mice.

    The most important aspect of being the MM is

    the ability to tell a good story and present the

    adventure to the players. The MM has to take

    what the players decide to do and narrate how it

    affects the story. This often involves a lot of

    improvisation as players will often do the


    The MM must also take on the roles of all the

    adventures NPCs. This involves being able to

    act differently for each to portray the various

    personalities and motivations they posses and

    being able to react to what the mice characters

    might say or do to them. Getting into the role of

    NPCs during the game session can be one of the

    most enjoyable parts of being a MM. Dont be

    afraid to ham it up. Use different voices, make

    lots of facial expressions, yell, whisper, snarl,

    caw, or meow if that is what the NPC is doing.

    Finally, it is the job of the MM to entertain and

    amaze his players. While the MCs are the stars

    of the show, the referee is the director!

    You are center stage and the players are counting

    on you to make each and every game session fun

    and memorable. Keep the energy level high,

    know the rules, make the NPCs come alive, have

    fun, and above all make sure the players all stay

    involved, excited, and entertained.

    Wynther Knight (order #7651928)

  • Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse TailsTailsTailsTails


    When to Ask for an ARWhen to Ask for an ARWhen to Ask for an ARWhen to Ask for an AR

    A MM should be careful to only call for an

    ability roll when it is important. Calling for one

    every time a mouse tries to do some mundane

    task will not only slow the game, but it will

    become dull for everyone. This will also ruin the

    drama when the players roll the dice for

    something that is really important. Die rolls

    should be called for when the outcome is going

    to have game or story effects or is suitably


    Secret RollsSecret RollsSecret RollsSecret Rolls Occasionally, the MM will roll in secret for a MC.

    There are times when even a failed roll would

    give the player knowledge he wouldnt otherwise

    have. Its sometimes better for the MM to make

    the roll in secret, and only mention it on a

    successful result.

    For ExampleFor ExampleFor ExampleFor Example

    The MM asks Frits player to make an outwit

    ability roll to notice the hunting owl, and the

    player fails, Frit doesnt see anything out of the

    ordinary. But the player now knows that there is

    something that Frit didnt notice.

    Choosing Abilities for ARsChoosing Abilities for ARsChoosing Abilities for ARsChoosing Abilities for ARs

    Besides actually determining when to call for an

    ability roll, the most important job of the MM is

    determining what ability is going to be used for

    said roll.

    Fortunately for you, the choice is almost always

    going to be obvious if you use a little common

    sense. To the right are some example actions

    listed under the ability that you would most

    likely use to resolve them. Use these examples as

    a guideline when playing the game.

    MuscleMuscleMuscleMuscle Fighting with tooth and claw

    Struggling to escape a sticky trap

    Trying to break through some thick


    Attempting to roll an apple

    A tug of war for a choice piece of food

    OutwitOutwitOutwitOutwit Convincing a rat that you belong in his


    Figuring out what a light switch does

    Noticing the Hawk circling in the sky

    Understanding why the human has placed

    those tasty pellets under the sink

    UnnoticedUnnoticedUnnoticedUnnoticed Sneaking past a dog sleeping on a porch

    Pulling a key from a humans jacket pocket

    without then feeling it

    Hiding under a tea cup while a cat looks for


    Quietly chewing through the box the owl

    has imprisoned you in.

    SkitterSkitterSkitterSkitter Avoiding being snatched by a predator

    Dodge out of the way of an attack

    Leaping across the kitchen sink

    Climbing up the TV cord to the

    entertainment center

    Outrun a rat to the small opening in the


    EnergyEnergyEnergyEnergy Surviving after ingesting those tasty pellets

    that you found under the sink

    Holding your breath long enough to get out

    of the cars Tailpipe

    Running all night to get to the field before

    the farmer starts plowing

    Swimming across a river

    Enduring pain and avoiding damage

    Wynther Knight (order #7651928)

  • Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse TailsTailsTailsTails


    Working TogetherWorking TogetherWorking TogetherWorking Together

    Sometimes two or more mice will be able to

    work on a task together to make it easier. If the

    MM decides this is possible he should then

    determine if the task is automatically successful

    with the additional help, or if the MC with the

    highest ranked ability gets a +1 bonus to the D6

    roll for each additional mouse helping with the

    task (remember, a 1 is always a failure as usual).

    Narrating ResultsNarrating ResultsNarrating ResultsNarrating Results

    Rolling dice is fine and dandy, but it only tells

    you if the result is a success or a failure. You, as

    MM, are the primary story teller. It is up to you

    to describe just what happens and how it


    For ExFor ExFor ExFor Exampleampleampleample

    Frit was asked to make an outwit attribute roll to

    notice the hunting owl above. The player has

    rolled successfully. As GM, you could simply

    say, OK, you made it, there is an owl flying

    above but, thats pretty dull.

    With very little extra effort you could (and

    should) say something more like, As you creep

    along the forest floor a shadow falls over you and

    you feel a chill creep up your tail. You look up

    to see a terrifying owl flying above. His eyes are

    scanning the wood with cold precision. You can

    tell hes huntingprobably for you!

    The Random RollThe Random RollThe Random RollThe Random Roll

    At times the MM will be at odds how to proceed

    with a MCs request or action. This answer may

    or may not have story impact. In this case, the

    MM should feel free to fall back on a simple

    mechanic for making decisions. This mechanic is

    simply the random roll. The random roll is

    nothing more than rolling a D6 with a 1-3

    indicating NO and a 4-5 indicating a YES.

    For ExampleFor ExampleFor ExampleFor Example

    Frit is in the refrigerator after gorging on some

    cheese. He knows that he is going to have to

    distract that darn cat to get out of the kitchen

    without a fight. He attempts an outwit AR to see

    if he knows of anything in the fridge that cats

    really like. He makes the roll and knows that

    cats love milk! Is there milk in the refrigerator?

    Thats a good question. The MM decides to make

    a random roll and gets a 4, indicating YES, there

    is a gallon of milk in the refrigerator. Now, can

    Frit succeed at the Muscle attribute roll needed

    to tip it over onto the floor?

    Mouse Tails SessionsMouse Tails SessionsMouse Tails SessionsMouse Tails Sessions

    The Mouse Tails are played in sessions. Each

    session is a story (or part of a story) that is

    designed to be fit into around 2 hour of playing


    Feel free to play game sessions that last longer.

    The standard 2 hour session is designed for a

    parent playing with his childrenand we all

    know how kids can get after sitting still for a

    couple hours!

    Wynther Knight (order #7651928)

  • Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse TailsTailsTailsTails


    Example of PlayExample of PlayExample of PlayExample of Play

    I could blab until my whiskers pop out but, in

    the end, the rules you will have to apply are very

    simple. They do require a bit of common sense,

    consideration, and improvising on the part of the

    MM though. This example of play will go a long

    way to showing how the rules are implemented

    during a game session. You probably wont be

    rolling dice this frequently during actual play,

    but its a good way to show how the game

    mechanics work.

    Dave (the MM), has assembled his wife Noelle

    (playing Sophie, a tough field mouse) and his son

    Bennie (playing Frit). The mice have entered a

    restaurant at night and are feasting on the scraps

    of vegetables left on the table when they are

    confronted by two scruffy looking grey mice.

    Dave:Dave:Dave:Dave: The largest of the grey mice looks

    menacingly at you and squeaks, Hey, thats our


    Noelle:Noelle:Noelle:Noelle: We havent eaten all day, Im not in the

    mood for this. Sophie says, Finders keepers,

    and keeps right on eating.

    BennieBennieBennieBennie:::: I really dont want a fight. Im going to

    say, Hey, theres plenty for everyone, lets be

    friends. We have enough enemies already,

    especially with the cats in the ally on the


    Dave:Dave:Dave:Dave: The grey mice are both as large as you,

    Sophie, so they arent really intimidated but,

    when Frit speaks, you can tell that something is

    bothering them. Bennie, give me an outwit

    ability roll.

    BennieBennieBennieBennie:::: OK (rolls a D6) I got a 3, and my outwit

    is at adult rank (2+), so I make it no problem.

    Dave:Dave:Dave:Dave: Alright, the two mice look at each other

    as if considering something, then thy look back

    at Frit and say, Your right, there is plenty for

    everyone, and more every day. They give

    Sophie a dirty look and starting nibbling at the

    scraps of potatoes.

    Noelle:Noelle:Noelle:Noelle: Hey, wasnt that chipmunk under the

    porch going on and on about how much he loved

    carrots? Im going to dig in the pile and see if

    there is a carrot chunk in here. Maybe if we

    bring it out to him hell have more to tell us

    about why he fears the shed out back.

    Dave:Dave:Dave:Dave: (Dave hasnt really determined exactly

    what vegetables are in the pile. He could simply

    decide on the spot, but he decides to leave it to

    chance and makes a random roll. He gets a 4,

    which indicates YES) Sure, Sophie, there is a half

    a dirty carrot in the pile.

    Noelle:Noelle:Noelle:Noelle: Half! Thats huge! Im going to bring

    him the whole thing, his eyes will bug out.

    Dave:Dave:Dave:Dave: Its bigger than you; Im going to need you

    to make a muscle ability roll to drag it off the


    BennieBennieBennieBennie:::: What if I help?

    Dave:Dave:Dave:Dave: OK, if both of you push it wont be a

    problem. You roll it off the table and it lands

    with a clunk on the floor. The two grey mice

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    jump at the sound and dash off the table and

    through a crack in one of the floor boards.

    (Dave knows the manager has been working on

    bills in the office, and the carrot hitting the floor

    is a loud enough noise to attract his attention.

    The nervous manager will cautiously enter the

    kitchen and, seeing the mice on the table, will

    grab a broom and try to smack them).

    BennieBennieBennieBennie:::: Geez, whats their problem? Lets fill up

    on these vegetables before we roll the carrot

    outside, Sophie.

    Dave:Dave:Dave:Dave: OK, both of you give me an outwit ability

    roll. (Both players roll a D6. Sophie gets a 4

    which is a success but, Bennie rolls a 1, an

    automatic failure). Sophie, suddenly you notice a

    huge human right behind you! His eyes are

    staring evilly at you and his teeth are gritted and

    he has just lifted a broom high in the air! Frit,

    you are looking at the carrot spinning on the

    floor and giggling. Sophie, you have one chance

    to do something.

    BennieBennieBennieBennie:::: Great!

    Noelle:Noelle:Noelle:Noelle: Um, I squeak out a warning to Frit and

    push him out of the way!

    Dave:Dave:Dave:Dave: Well, that was awful nice of you. Frit,

    you hear Sophie yell a warning and she gives you

    a pushunfortunately you are standing on the

    edge of the table! Give me a skitter ability roll.

    BennieBennieBennieBennie:::: Thanks for the rescue Sophie. (Bennie

    rolls a D6 and gets a 2) Arg! I failed, I only got a


    Dave:Dave:Dave:Dave: Sorry Bennie, Frit tumbles off the table

    landing with a plot. Please give me an energy

    ability roll to see if you are hurt.

    BennieBennieBennieBennie:::: (Bennie rolls a D6 and gets a 2) Oh no,

    another 2, its just not my day! I really dont

    want to get hurt right now, so Im going to spend

    a luck point to automatically succeed at the

    energy roll I just took.

    Dave:Dave:Dave:Dave: OK, cross off 1 luck box. Frit hits the

    floor on all fours and ready to go.

    Both of you roll a D6 for initiative so we know

    who gets to go first, then well finish the scene

    (Dave rolls a D6 for the human manager and gets

    a 3. Bennie and Noelle each roll a D6. Frit gets a

    5, and Sophie gets a 2. The initiative order is

    Frit, the human, then Sophie).

    BennieBennieBennieBennie:::: Frit yells, Run for it, and heads for

    that crack the other mice ran into.

    Dave:Dave:Dave:Dave: Since the human is pretty intent on

    Sophie, you can make it to the crack with no

    problem. You look back just in time to see the

    broom coming down! Sophie, give me a skitter

    ability roll to see if you get out of the way.

    Noelle:Noelle:Noelle:Noelle: Ugh, I got a 3. Too bad Im only a pinkie

    when it comes to skittering.

    Dave:Dave:Dave:Dave: Smack! You get squashed by the broom!

    That hurts, give me an energy ability roll to see

    how bad.

    Noelle:Noelle:Noelle:Noelle: (Fortunately Sophie has an energy at

    hopper rank, so she only needs a 3+.

    Unfortunately she rolls a 2) Ouch! I didnt make

    it and Im all out of luck points.

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    Dave:Dave:Dave:Dave: Thats too bad. Give me a roll on the

    Getting Hurt Table please. (Noelle rolls and gets

    a 3, which indicates that she is incapacitated)

    You are really hurt bad. Everything gets blurry

    and then goes dark. Bennie, you see Sophie get

    smacked with the broom and then just lay still

    on the table. The human manager looks satisfied

    as he pokes her a little with the broom handle.

    Then he looks in your direction.

    BennieBennieBennieBennie:::: Im going to get into the crack fast!

    Dave:Dave:Dave:Dave: You try, but the two grey mice are biting

    and pushing you out. Youll have to make a

    skitter ability roll to avoid getting bit, and then a

    muscle ability roll to fight your way in the crack.

    BennieBennieBennieBennie:::: (Rolls the D6 twice) Well, I made the

    skitter roll, so I didnt get bit, but I fail the

    muscle roll.

    Dave:Dave:Dave:Dave: The grey mice push you out and then

    wedge a wad of newspaper into the crack. The

    human is creeping toward you with the broom


    Noelle:Noelle:Noelle:Noelle: Um, Frit, remember your friend Sophie?

    How about a little rescue action?

    Dave:Dave:Dave:Dave: Hey you, youre unconscious! For all Frit

    knows your dead.

    BennieBennieBennieBennie:::: Well, she might still be alive. Im going

    to try and lure the human away and give her

    time to revive and hide. Im going to take off as

    fast as I can, dodging and weaving to avoid the

    broom, and then Im going to try and lose the


    Dave:Dave:Dave:Dave: Alright, first Im going to need a skitter

    ability roll followed by an outwit ability roll and

    then an unnoticed ability roll. Lets see what


    And there you have it. That is just a few minutes

    of play, but you can see how the game mechanics

    work. You can also see how the MM uses the

    results of character actions and die rolls to

    narrate and direct the story.

    Friends & EnemiesFriends & EnemiesFriends & EnemiesFriends & Enemies

    Mice live in their own little world and society

    quit apart from humans most of the time. Being

    so small, they are often unnoticed by humans

    and other animals (especially big ones). Still,

    they are not alone and here we will cover some

    animals that are friendly to mice, and some that

    are predators of mice.

    Bats (Friends)Bats (Friends)Bats (Friends)Bats (Friends) Bats are aloof creatures who often talk in riddles.

    They think they are better than all grounded

    creatures, but arent malicious toward them.

    Birds of Prey (Enemies)Birds of Prey (Enemies)Birds of Prey (Enemies)Birds of Prey (Enemies) Birds of prey eat mice. They usually swoop out

    of nowhere, snatch a mouse, and fly away with

    them. Sometimes they kill and eat them right

    away while sometimes they store them for later.

    They usually only speak one or two words which

    they repeat over and over again.

    Cats (Enemies)Cats (Enemies)Cats (Enemies)Cats (Enemies) Cats are the arch enemies of mice, representing

    the ultimate evil! Cats love chasing, killing, and

    eating mice. They generally stalk their prey,

    then pounce on it or play with it before killing it.

    Cats speak the language of mice, but only so they

    can taunt and torture them, not to discuss the


    Wynther Knight (order #7651928)

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    Chipmunks (Friends)Chipmunks (Friends)Chipmunks (Friends)Chipmunks (Friends) Chipmunks are probably the closest friends of

    mice, often inviting them into their homes and

    helping them when they can. They are fairly sill,

    hyper, and a bit dimwitted.

    Foxes (Enemies)Foxes (Enemies)Foxes (Enemies)Foxes (Enemies) Foxes are savage killers of mice. They are very

    stealthy and snatch, kill, and consume their prey

    with evil relish. With blood on their fur, they

    quickly look for more mice to consume.

    Humans (Enemies)Humans (Enemies)Humans (Enemies)Humans (Enemies) Humans are completely weird and no one is like

    another. Some humans will quickly attack a

    mouse while others will actually appear afraid of

    them. Humans do horde the most food, and they

    leave tons of it just laying around for the taking.

    Humans also live in homes with lots of extra

    living space for mice. As dangerous as humans

    are you can almost always find mice living close


    Rabbits (Friends)Rabbits (Friends)Rabbits (Friends)Rabbits (Friends) Rabbits are friendly toward mice, even though

    they dont actually speak the same language,

    communicating in broken phrases and words.

    On occasion, Rabbits will give mice rides on

    their backs.

    Rats (Enemies)Rats (Enemies)Rats (Enemies)Rats (Enemies) Only slightly less feared than cats are rats! What

    makes rats so terrible is the fact that they are so

    similar to mice in appearance, but so dissimilar in

    the way they act. Rats are cruel and disgusting.

    They kill for pleasure and will eat mice, or even

    other rats. They tend to live together in loveless

    packs that spend as much time bickering and

    fighting as they do spreading disease, and

    hunting mice for food, slaves, or cruel torturous


    Squirrels (Friends)Squirrels (Friends)Squirrels (Friends)Squirrels (Friends) Squirrels are silly, nervous, and unpredictable.

    They are fairly friendly toward mice most of the

    time, but are moody and easily offended.

    Snakes (Enemies)Snakes (Enemies)Snakes (Enemies)Snakes (Enemies) Snakes are living nightmares who swallow mice

    whole! They are charismatic, mysterious, vain,

    and ultimately untrustworthy. They enjoy

    tricking and deceiving mice for their own evil


    Freinds & Enemies GFreinds & Enemies GFreinds & Enemies GFreinds & Enemies Get et et et HHHHurt urt urt urt TTTTablablablableeee

    Each of the allies and enemies of the mice has

    their own Get Hurt Table. The MM will roll on

    the tables whenever one of these NPCs gets hurt.

    Youll note that a mouse rarely kills these larger

    opponents, even when an attack hits its mark.

    Grazed:Grazed:Grazed:Grazed: The opponent is merely scratched

    and suffers no ill effects other than


    Surprised:Surprised:Surprised:Surprised: The opponent is surprised and

    can do nothing the next turn, while the MCs

    can still act to attack again or take some other


    Frightened:Frightened:Frightened:Frightened: The opponent is shocked by the

    attack, and just wants to get away from the

    mouse (although they may come back later).

    Incapacitated:Incapacitated:Incapacitated:Incapacitated: Same as the incapacitated

    result on the MCs Get Hurt Table.

    Killed:Killed:Killed:Killed: Identical to the killed result on the

    MCs Get Hurt Table.

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    Enemies & Friends Getting Hurt TableEnemies & Friends Getting Hurt TableEnemies & Friends Getting Hurt TableEnemies & Friends Getting Hurt Table

    D6 RollD6 RollD6 RollD6 Roll

    1111 2222 3333 4444 5555 6666

    BatBatBatBat G F F K K K

    BirdBirdBirdBird G G S F F I

    CatCatCatCat G G S S F F

    ChipmunkChipmunkChipmunkChipmunk G F I K K K

    FoxFoxFoxFox G G G S F F

    HumanHumanHumanHuman G G G S S F

    MouseMouseMouseMouse G S I I K K

    RabbitRabbitRabbitRabbit G G S F F I

    RatRatRatRat G S F I I K

    SquirrelSquirrelSquirrelSquirrel G G S F I K

    SnakeSnakeSnakeSnake G G S S S I

    GGGG ==== Grazed:Grazed:Grazed:Grazed: The opponent is merely scratched and suffers no ill effects.

    SSSS ==== Surprised:Surprised:Surprised:Surprised: Surprised and can do nothing the next turn.

    FFFF ==== Frightened:Frightened:Frightened:Frightened: Shocked by the attack and just wants to get away.

    IIII ==== Incapacitated:Incapacitated:Incapacitated:Incapacitated: Hurt / unconscious, can do nothing until end of scene.

    KKKK ==== Killed:Killed:Killed:Killed: The opponent suffers a mortal wound and is killed.

    Mouse Character SheetMouse Character SheetMouse Character SheetMouse Character Sheetssss




    MMMMuscle 00000000+ + + +

    OOOOutwit 00000000++++

    UUUUnnoticed 00000000++++

    SSSSkitter 00000000++++

    EEEEnergy 00000000 ++++

    Luck: Luck: Luck: Luck:

    Wynther Knight (order #7651928)